Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1915, Image 1

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VOL,. LV.-XO. 17,141
Results Next Tuesday
Closely Watched.
Four Governors to Be Chosen,
Four Members of Congress.
Politicians Believe Prevailing Trend
of Sentiment Will Appear if
One Party Appears Gen
crally Successful.
Massachusetts State officers,
woman suffrage.
Maryland State officers. Leg
islature, constitutional amend
ments. '
Kentucky State ticket, lower
house of Legislature, half of
State Senate.
New York New Constitution,
woman suffrage: three members
of Congress, assembly, 11 Su
preme Court judges, District At
torney of New Tork City.
Pennsylvania Woman suffrage
local municipal campaigns.
Ohio Phohibitlon. state ques
tions, local mayoralty campaign.
New Jersey Lower house of
Legislature, six State Senators.
Mississippi Democratic ratifi
cation of state ticket chosen in
There will be state-wide elections in
eight states tomorrow in this "off
year." These elections will be watched
closely by National politicians, that
Rome deduction may be made as to
sentiment regarding National politics.
It is admitted generally that no sin
gle state will furnish such a guide,
since in each of the eight states local
affairs occupy a predominant posi
tion in the center of the state. Never
theless, the politicians believe that the
prevailing trend may be determined if
una party appears to be generally suc
cessful. Bight States Will Ballot.
The states that will ballot are Massa
chusetts, Maryland, Kentucky, New
York. Ohio. Pennsylvania. New Jersev
and Mississippi. These are named in
order of their political importance, so
far as this Fall's elections are con
cerned. In four of these states, namely,
Massachusetts, Maryland. Kentucky
and Mississippi. Governors will be
chosen; in six states. New Tork. Massa
chusetts. Maryland. New Jersey. Ken
tucky and Mississippi, Legisl atures are
to be elected, either entirely or partly,
and In five states. New Tork. Massa
chusetts. Maryland. Pennsylvania and
Ohio, important constitutional issues
aro to be determined.
Three to Vote on Suffrage.
Three states will vote on woman
suffrage, these being New Tork. Mas
sachusetts and Pennsylvania, while
one, Ohio, will vote on state-wide pro
hibition. Four members of the lower house of
congress arc to be chosen to fill
vacancies, three are in New York and
one in Pennsylvania. These Congres
sional elections will furnish the best
test of National sentiment,
Issue for Governor Seemingly Be
tween Walsh and McCall.
BOSTON. Oct. 30. (Special.) One of
the most exciting political campaigns
in the history of the Old Bay state is
Just closing. Although a complete set
of state officers is to be chosen, inter
est is centered largely in the fight for
Governor. The candidates are Gov
ernor David L. Walsh. Democrat, who
aspires to a third term; Samuel w.
McCall. Republican; Nelson B Clark"
Progressive: William Shaw. Prohibi
tion: Walter S. Hutchins. Socialist
and Peter ORourke. Socialist-Labor '
Although all of the first four named
profess confidence in their success it
is generally agreed that the fight lies
between Governor Walsh and Mr. Mc
Call. It is admittedly close, and the
majority either way will probably not
exceed 13.000. From ih. ..
is normally a. Republican common
wealth and that the leaders of ' the
.Progressive party during the last three
,,,.uy nanes s. Bird, ror
mer Progressive ranriHnA ---
- -- . . uuremor,
ure supporting Mr. McCall. his chances
ui.Kiiiesi. aitnough Governor
Walsh's personal popularity and excel
lent record in office make him decided
ly formidable.
The German-American vote, num
bering, it is said, ahnut im
puzzle. There was a state meeting last
caitea to indorse a candidate
but all leading candidates shied away
from such an indorsement, fearing its
enect upon other voters. As a result
i-u.ivenuon railed to make an in
dorsement, but denounced President
Wilsons Administration. As National
ruimca is somewhat of an Issue, many
(Concluded a Page 2, Column J.i
Delaware Fowl Weighing 3 1-2
Pounds AVrests Title From Ore
gon Pen of Five Lays 1211.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31. (Special.
With a record of 314 eggs in 363
days. Lady Eglantine, a White Leg
horn pullet, today became the cham
pion egg-layer of the world.
The little hen, weighing three and
a half pounds, completed her year egg
laying competition at Delaware Col
lege, Newark. Del., and beat the pre
vious record of 301 eggs by 13.
The pen of five birds of which she
was a member also broke the Ameri
can pen record with 1211 eggs. The
average barnyard fowl produces only
70 -eggs in a year.
The previous world's record, for a
year's laying was held by Lady Mac
Duff, an Oregon Agricultural College
hen, which last year completed a score
of 301 eggs in 365 days. Another Ore
gon Agricultural College hen has just
completed a year's record of 300 eggs.
Turks Report Troopship of Allies
Was Set on Fire.
CONSTANTINOPLE, via London, Oct.
31. A shell from a Turkish gun struck
one of the transports of the entente
allies of the Gallipoli peninsula and
apparently set the vessel on fire, ac
cording to the Turkish official state
ment issued by the War Office today.
The statement says:
"There has been increased activity
by the enemy artillery in shipping
points on the Dardanelles front. Some
enemy vessels participated in the fir
ing. "Near Anafarta our artillery hit the
forepart of a transport, which with
drew, enveloped in dense smoke.
"There have been minor events near
Art Warika and Seddul Bahr."
Chinese Revolutionists, German
Spies, Socialists Suspected.
TOKIO. Oct. 31. There have been
many arrests recently for thefts of
explosives from magazines, the thiev
ery being variously attributed by the
press to Chinese revolutionists and
German spies, while even the rumors
that it was the work of a secret Social
ist association has been circulated.
Threatening letters have been received
by the household department and mem
bers of the Cabinet and menacing pos
ters have appeared in the parks.
In view of the coronation season, the
authorities are adopting extraordinary
protective measures.
Pact With Allies Precludes Contin
uation of War Over Tsing-Tau.
TOKIO, Oct. 31. Japan's adherence
to the agreement among the great
powers of the entente not to conclude
a "separate peace is regarded here as
strengthening the future of the nation.
Incidentally, it has removed any fear
that a German refusal to cede Tsing-
Tau would keep Japan in a state of
war after peace had been restored
Japan expects to take part in the
discussion of both European and Ori
ental questions. Premier Okuma has
informed members of Parliament.
Decrease of 37,000 in 1914 Shown
in Great Britain
LONDON". Oct. 31. The report of the
prison commission shows that in 1914
sentences were imposed on 114,283 per.
sons in the United Kingdom, a de
crease from the previous year of more
than 37.00J.
The change is ascribed mainly to en
listments, with the restriction of the
sale of liquor and the great demand
for labor as contributory reasons.
Heavy Rain Causes Suspension
Railway on Isthmus.
PANAMA. Oct. 31. A small slide on
the Panama railroad north of Pedro
.Miguel today forced a suspension of
railway traffic. A heavy rain caused
the movement, which occurred near the
continental divide, in what is know
as the Isthmian slide area.
The damage done was not great, and
It is believed that the road will be in
operation within 24 hours.
Recovery From Fall From Horse In
France Is Slow.
LONDON. Oct. 81. King Oeorge. who
was injured ty a fall from his horse
last Thursday, is suffering less pain
but is still, weak. Today's official bul
letin read:
"The King makes slow progress. The
pain is diminishing, but is Majesty is
still weak. Pulse and temperature are
Morgan Continnes to Improve.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31. J. P. Morgan s
conaition was considered so satisfs.
tory today that no bulletins were Is-
oy anenair.g physicians. Mem
f his family said that the flnan-
rauy irom the onemtinn re
formed last Friday was encouraging.
PORTT.ivn rT-cmr-v . ,
No Arrests Made But
Evidence Is Taken.
Photographs Taken of Shops Spite of Law.
Autoists Wlio Bought Vesterday to
Be Called as Witnesses When
Complaints Are Filed It De
cision Upholds Statute.
The ancient and honorable Sunday
blue law of Oregon, enacted snrr...
where back in the early '60s. and kept
uenueny in cold storage until now.
when one set of grocers has dug it
forth to make another set of grocers
close up shop, was not Invoked in
Portland yesterday.
That is to say, no arrests were made
for violating the Sunday law, though
small grocery stores, confectionery
snops, sooa fountains. bootblack
stands, gasoline-fiiling stations, bil
lin-r h.ll. I 1 : ,, . .. .
- hub aiieys. Dam nouses
and cigar stores, not to mention news
papers, streetcar lines and - railroads.
all of which fall within the purview
of the strait-laced old law, kept open
just aoout as usual.
Only Few Lines Exempt.
The railways and streetcar lines
might be able to squeeze out of it un
der the "necessity" clause of the stat
ute. But the only lines of business ex
empted by the law are - restaurants,
drug stores, bakeries, butcher shops,
livery stables and theaters.
While arrests were stayed yesterday
because of the temporary injunction in
effect pending Circuit Judge Ganten
bein's decision next Saturday a3 to the
constitutionality of the law, on the ap
peal of state Senator Dan . Kellaher,
arrested last Sunday for keeping his
grocery store oien. some half dozen
men employed by the Retail Grocer.
Association, were busy gathering evi
dence against grocers.
itoDen t. Duncan, secretary of the
association, said complaints would be
sworn out on this evidence against the
oiienamg grocers after Judge Ganten-
Dein s decision.
Cameras Used to Get Evidence.
His Investigators used novel means of
obtaining their evidence. Instead of
going into the stores and buying gro
ceries, they took cameras with them
and made photographs of the grocery
stores iney round open for business.
And that wasn't all. Shocking sur
prises are ahead for folks in autos who
stopped to buy at some of these gro
ceries yesterday, for the men on watch
took down the license numbers of the
"We shall look up the
owners of
(Concluded on Page 5, Column 1.)
aft05r N$; ( (Didn't N
I f . NlV vvOOl I i I 111 III I
, ' -""'"i. itJ ljiufctt l, 1915. l'RICE FIVF rrT
I i .
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
a.ffreet; minimum. &4 deo-raca.
TODAY'S Fair; winds mostly westerly.
Terrible price paid by French in treat of
fensive. Pace S.
Enver Bey says Turks may press attack on
Eypt. Pace S.
German drive in Champagne region checked.
Page 3.
ma arrives before Aiu.
Pueta, deflea
United States. , Pas . 1.
Eljcht states
to hold
lections tomorrow.
Page 1.
American note to Britain emohatic in tone.
Page 2.
Army experts regard Wilson's defense plans
Hornet I:.
Germans In Chicago drop hyphens and or-
auizo r a Americans. rag z.
Blanche Walsh dead. Page 2.
Leghorn pullet lays .114 eggs la year.
Pag 1.
Abraham's name Is written large in football
nnals. Page 10.
Aggie's victory In Michigan should open eyes
of East to Western football. Page 10.
AHworth. Oregon Aggie fullback. Is only
member of team inlured Pun in.
Defeat of five big teams in East in one day
unusual, rage lo.
Berkeley clings to hope despite accounts of
Washington's prowess. Page 11.
Pacific Northwest.
Creditors of Washington-Oregon corporation
i.w o prutecieo. rage o.
Schooner Annie Larsen Is picked up In dls-
. uy xninia.yer mngold. Page 5.
Farmer bound and robbed by emplove, who
la captured after spectacular getaway.
Page 1.
Superintendent 'Mlnto announces attitude to.
penitentiary inmates. Page 8.
Finance and Industry.
Portland banks asked to make returns of
aggregate business. Page 9.
State banker objects to rulings of Federal
caci v! system, rage .
Commercial and Marine.
Port Manager WrlBht backs claim of i000
aaiving oarKentine Judith. Page 11.
Portland and Vicinity.
Orpheum bill commended. Page 7.
Central Christian Church closes doors after
noming nnai services. Page 14.
"Under Cover" is mystifying play at Baker.
Page 7.
No arrests are made for violation of Sun
day closing law but evidence Is gather
PageBllnat 6rocers who la" to close.
Jitney driver bound and robbed by three
passengers. Page 14.
Incoming steamers bring heavy loads. Page
Mother ana Brolbcr Menaced
Leaking Gas.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. (Special.)
The lives of Mrs. 6. W. BollineT.rnother
of Mrs. Norman Gait, fiancee of Presi
dent Wilson. and of her son, J.
Randolph Boiling, were menaced early
today by leaking insecticide gas in the
apartment-house in which they live.
ahes uiuiae noDerts, aged 23, a
tenant of the building, was asphyxiated
and other occupants were made ill by
tne gas Detore Its presence was dis
covered by the Coroner, who had been
summoned as soon as it was learned
that Miss Roberts was dead. The Coro
ner ordered that all occupants of the
apartment-house be aroused.
Vancouver, B. C, Steamer lor Ta
coina Lost In Gulf of Georgia.
VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct. 31. Sever
men are believed to have lost their
lives last night when the steamer Le
ona, owned by the Vancouver-Portland
Cement Company, foundered in the
Gulf of Georgia.
Jhe Leona was bound from Howe
Sound for Tacoma with 1100 tons of
copper ore for the smelter there.
Ontario Prisoner Sav
He Is HughWMV"'
Gunman Pays Leisurely Visit
to Baker.
Victim of Holdup Frees Self and
GiTes Alarm Desperado Taken
From Train and Confesses.
Part of Ixot Is Found.
BAKER. Or.. Oct. 31. (Special.)
Tying his employer hand and foot after
robbing Jiim of $160 and compelling
him to saddle a horse, riding by horse
and auto 20 miles to Baker, spending
nearly three hours in this city, then
riding 90 miles to Ontario, where he
was captured and soon afterward con
fessed, was the 10-hour Sunday experi
ence today of a man who boasted he
was Hugh Whitney, the Idaho des
perado. "I'm Hugh Whitney," la Boast.
The man was hired 10 days ago by
C. B. Adams, a McEwen bachelor
farmer, and had worked for him
quietly until thiB morning. After
wasning the dishes at 8' o'clock he
went to the barn, where Adams was
working, poked a revolver into Adams'
face and said: "Saddle that horse. 1
am Hugh Whitney, and I want to get
out oi Here."
tiuuipnea, ana tne man
niarcnea mm to the house, where he
tied Adams- hands behind him, then
put him on the bed and tied his feet.
Then the man took $160 and rode 10
miles to Auburn, where he hired Alva
Gardner, son of a rancher, tn hri.w.
him 10 miles to Baker in an automo
bile. They arrived here at 11 o'clock, the
man alighting at Stoddard Bros." lum
ber mill at the edge of the city, and
sending the youth back home. The
robber then leisurely ate dinner at the
busy Columbia restaurant, and boarded
O.-W. R. & N. passenger train No. 6
at 1:45 o'clock. As he bought no ticket
Jt is believed he went blind baggage.
Victim Sawa Self Free.
Left Alone. Adams finally rolled off
of the bed. worked himself to an- old
saw in the room, got it between his
legs and cut the rope binding his feet.
He then walked two miles with hands
tied to a ranch house, where his
hands were freed and his story re
layed at 4 o'clock to Deputy Sheriff
George Herbert here, who immediately
sent word all along the railroad.
- At 6 o'clock tonight word was re
ceived by Mr. Herbert from Chief of
Police Daniel Kerfort, of Ontarla. that
the desperado had been taken from the
Sunday's War Moves
THE Serbian fortress of Pirot. de
scribed as the key to Nish. is In
the hands of the Bulgarians, while the
Austro-Germans. advancing from the
north. - endeavoring to form a ring
aro' suyevatz, where the Serbian
V is situated. Thus, besides en-
ering both the Serbian war capital
na ins town where the Serbian muni
tions are manufactured, the central
powers. With Bulgaria, are narrowing
the gap through which the Serbian
army in tho Northeast must escape.
simultaneously the Austrians are at
tacking Montenegro, to remove, if pos
sible, the danger of having an enemy
army on their flank. Little has been
said about the fighting between the
Austrians and Montenegrins along the
Drina River, but apparently it is of a
most sanguinary character, as it took
the Austrians with far superior equip
ment more than a week to force, a
crossing of the river at one point alone
mat south of Vishegrad.
The Anglo-French troocs are firm'.v
establishing themselves along the
southern end of the Nish railway, and.
crossing Into Bulgaria, have occupied
the hills surrounding etrumitsa. al
though the capture of that town, which
" Deel reported, is not officially con
firmed. The allied fleets, too. have again
bombarded the Bulgarian towns on the
Aegean Sea. While these efforts take
some strain off heavily-tried Serbia,
there is no reliable information as to
the movements of the greater forced
which, it is hoped, will save her. Re
ports , continue to circulate, chiefly
from German sources, of a Russian
army which is to march across Rou
mania to the rescue. But of the Brit
ish and French reinforcements, no
news has been received. It is possible
that in addition to direct assistance
the. allies will try indirect means,
whereby the Austro-Germans may be
prevented from sending reinforcements
to Serbia.
Italy, on her part, has already un
dertaken this by a general offensive,
and there is talk of another offensive
on the western front. The Germans
seem to have anticipated this, for on
Saturday night they launched a gen
eral attack in Champagne over a front
of about five miles in an effort to re
cover ground which the French re
cently took from them. They succeed
ed in recapturing the Butte de Tahure,
but. according to the French account,
they were repulsed elsewhere, suffer
ing extremelv henw insa.B j . .t
g extremely heavy losses, an ii.
north of Le Mesnil they actually lost
one of their own trenches.
There has also been some fighting in
Tlnnl,. Ik. .
.-ommg or Winter, there
, more activity on the Russian
front True, there has been a lull ln
-.0..w.,s , v,our,and. where the
apparently have failed to tak
or vinsk or to improve to any
marked degree their position. It is
are preparing for another
drive It ,
...,. uu luiae soon, as snow
is already falling and the movement
arunery is becoming more
c - me vrermans are en
gaged in a counter offensive and have
.cuveiea some territory which Gen
.ivanon took irom them. Further
south, in Galicia, the Russian. h.
turned to the offensive and. according
. cuui, nave maae unsuccessful at
tempts to cross the Stripa,
The Turks report increased activity
of the allied artillery and warships in
. n - vai uaiieileS.
November 1, 1814,
Turks numbering 700,000 massed on
borders ready for action.
Allies' ultimatum ignored by Turkey
New battle is begun in Russian
President Expected to Spend Honey,
moon Aboard Mayflower.
NORFOLK. Vs.. Oct. 31. (Special.)
Splc and span in a new coat of paint,
her machinery completely overhauled,
her saloon and staterooms renovated
and new furniture installed, the yacht
Mayflower, on which President Wil
son is expected to spend part of his
honeymoon, after his marriage to Mrs.
Gait, left this port last night for
The Mayflower spent more than two
weeks here. She was expected to
leave in rive days when she first ar
rived, but tne time was extended in
order to permit the installation of fur
niture, which was shipped -here from
New Tork.
A new piano, it is said,
in the saloon.
was placed
Dntcli and American Steamers Arc
Taken Into Halifax.
HALIFAX, N. s.. Oct. 31. The Dutch
steamer Hamborn, from New York, and
the steamer Hocking, from New Tork
for Norfolk, were brought into port
here today by prize crews from a Brit
ish warship.
I The Hocking was formerly the Dan-
Tish steamer Gronland. but was recently
1J American registry and was
flying the American flag when over
hauled by the warships.
Phoenix Postmaster Sets Himself
Afire at OH Lamp.
PHOENIX, Arix.. Cct. 31. Postmas
ter Wood was burned to death tonight
in a fire which destroyed his country
home, seven miles north of here. Wood,
against whom postoffice inspectors re
cently filed charges relative to his per
sosal conduct, was examining papers
near a coal oil lamp.
A tenant in the building said he
heard Wood cry out and rushed into
the room to find the postmaster
wrapped in flames. It was impossible
to rescue, him.
Attack on Americans Is
General Says He Will Fight
United States, if Necessary.
American Troopers Disposed Along
Boundary, Ready to Act if Bul
lets Fly to Northern Side.
Battle Impending.
DOUGLAS. Ariz Oct- 31. General
Francisco Villa began moving his
troops into position tonight for an at
tack on Agua Prieta, Sonora, opposite
here, regardless, he personally de
clared, of any consequences or effects
from the United States.
"If necessary. I will fight the United
States Army assembled along the bor
der." he declared, after hearing today
for tho first time that the American
Government had given permission for
Carranza to transport troops front
Laredo and Eagle Pass, Texas, to re
inforce the garrison at Agua Prieta.
Garrison Further Strengthened.
Four of these troop trains arrived to
night, bringing the total fighting men
of the garrison, commanded by General
P. Elias Calles, to approximately 6000
Villa himself was with his cavalry,
forming a flank guard, which passed
along the border today. It was on this
march that he learned that Carranza
reinforcements had been transported
over American territory and launched
a verbal attack on the United States,
which he declared would turn into a
physical attack, if necessary
"Agua Prieta will be mine," he as
serted, "Americans or no Americans."
American Army Defied.
Villa was almost In sight of the
Mexican town at the time.' Pointing
his finger toward it, he added:
"There is food and rest for our men.
We may have to fight the whole Amer
ican army if necessary, but no matter,
it will be ours."
"When?" he was asked.
"I know," was the reply.
Suddenly Villa asked again if it
were true that the United States Gov
ernment had permitted General Car
ranza to transport reinforcements over
American territory. Then continuing,
he said:
"This is the way the United States
repays me for the treatment and pro
tection I have given foreigners in
Mexico. Hereafter I don't give a damn
what happens to foreigners in Mexico
or in my territory.
Villa "Through With Vnltcd States."
"I am through with the United States,
I can fight my battles; let them fight
"I can whip Carranza and his entire
army. It is asking a great deal to
whip the United States also, but I sup
pose I can do that, too."
Villa asserted that his entire plan of
campaign had been mapped out. At
that time the General was with a
small bodyguard three miles east of
Nigger Head, a black butte just below
the border, and almost within range of
the three-inch guns of the Agua Prieta
garrison. Photographs were taken of
some in his party, but Villa himself
declined to pose.
"No more of my pictures for the
United States," he explained, smilingly.
W"ate Supply Exhausted.
Part ot the flank guard approached
and asked aoout water. They were
told that there was water at the Gal.
lardo ranch.
"Oh," replied a Mexican officer "we
have drunk all the water there."'
This officer also said that a de
tachment of 3000 men, last seen de
ploying on the desert "four miles east"
of Agua Prieta, was almost entirely
without water.
The Agua Prieta garrison became ac
tive immediately after the first of the
Villa advance guard was reported in
sight. Bugles sounded and the men
were pent to the trenches and to the
fort, which is on the southeast salient
The women and children camp fol
lowers assembled by hundreds at the
border opposite the United States custom-house,
while Mexican officers
sought permission for them to cross
to the United States, which was re
fused. Herusees to lie Interned.
Ignited States customs officials de
clared that the refugees and camp fol
lowers would not be allowed to cross
until firing actually began. Then, it
was said, they would be interned, un
der guard, until it was safe to take
them back to Agua Prieta.
Most of the Calles troops remained
in their trenches tonlprht. , SearchliKhts
played on the brush-covered mesa over
whtch the Villa forces must advance to
the attack.
General Calles sent to Douglas to
day nearly 2000 head of horses, includ
ing those brought from Laredo and
Kagle Pass, thus revealing; that he has
no intention of going out to attack
Villa, but would await an attack on
the garrison.
Brigadier-General Thomas F. Davis,
commanding the 6000 American troopn
on duty here, ordered his officers in
charge of the trenches facing the Mex
ican side to maintain the utmost
vigilance tonight. General Davis said
he had received no word from Villa.
"I do not want to talk to anv of
them." he said.
force Katlmated at 10.000 Men.
Villa, according to reliable estimates.
" - " l' " " ' - ne nimselt
he has 18.000 men. The battle
t "..-" i
-!T. sssss. a...
" . ' " ": . ---'-,,,s.aaas.aaaa. 4
f ; 1
Concluded on Page 3, Column