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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
r foil - THE MOBSDG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER S8. 1915. . .. 17 If . - - . --1,1 T - V FOR BrT FARMS. f OK BALK. 1 . , , r H I .., . .... "1 ! ' ' ! : jPBiiiligttiifal Tkls directory Is for the Information or the public, to give as far as possl ble the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ABSTHACTS AXD TITI.KH. l'liOMPT SERVICE at rsuaiiable prices. Pacific Titis & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACOOKDIQ.N fLAIii Q. A.- faTjiPHAK, berustilching, scalloping-, ac cord, aide pleat, buttoua covered; mail orders. QQ Plttuck blocs. Broadway lu!. ,'Ka.iing, hamstilcbio-. buttona covered Eastern' Novelty Co.. tsSH sttu B'way SOW. ASSAJfEKS AND ANALYSTS. HONTAKA ASSAY OFFICE, 12 iid. Gold, bilver and plauoma boymht. ATTOBNKVS-AT-.LAW. 11. V. FHEEliMAK, U30 Chamber ot Com. f onaultatlua ire. LOWELL. . M. JONES. 4L L. Practice limited exclusively to cancera. S12 Morgan bldg. CARPET WEAVERS. tiORTaWGbT LG CO. Kugslrom old car pels, rag run. ISa E. 8th. Both phone. CfcLLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 8Si Washington st Main 312 -and A 1254. CHIKOroDISTS. Villlain. Estelle and William, Jr., Ucveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlora 3U2 Qerlinger bids, southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra. M. Hill. Office FUedner bldg. Main 8473. CMIROPKACTIC PHYSICIANS. XR. McMAHON. aixth year, chronic- caaea taking time. 21 treatments. X15; worth 60; save the difference. 121 4th at COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere: highest claaa refer aucaa. Th Harden Mercantile Agency. Vl Henry bldg. phone Marshall 480. KKTH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Established 19O0. DAN I NO. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85 5th , at., bet. Stark and Oak; ap'l rates. 4. pri vate Jeaaona $2, morning, afternon. even ing, all lateat dances guaranteed; claaa Ttturs., Sau evenings, 7-8:30. Bdr. 31S0. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons dally; claaa Tuea., Frl eve., 8 to 10. 109 id at., bet. Wash, and Stark. Main S20S. Lessons lit MULKEY BLLli.. 2d and Morrison lo les aons S3; classes Mon, Fri. eve. Mar. 318. EYE. EAH. NOSK AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. 5rT F. F. Cassaday. 517 Dekuin bid.. 3d & Wn. INSURANCE. JEROME B. STEIN BACH, gen'l insurance; fire, automobile. 615 Corbett bid. Mn. a718. MESSENOER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 58. A T153. MtSlCAL. Emtl Thlelhorn. violin, teacher, pupil Savclk. 27 FUedner blue. A 41tt0. Marshall 1629. riANO lessons. 2U3 14th at. Arrangements for practice. Phone Main 3S9. WHOLESALE AND ASBESTOS HOOKING MATERIALS, lnqulrt. about AHbesto Rubber Roofing and Asbe8l Cement. Rate & Co.. Dekum bldg. ALIO and ui;i;i:v tops PUBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2d at. BA(; ACE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage Omnibus Transfer, park Dsvia BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery ik. Coin. Inc., nth and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEiNHARD. loth and Lurnsid. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I UltNISHlNUd. FLEISCHNEit. MAYER & CO., 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SCPPUEd. Stubba CIet.-trical Co., 6th and Pina ata. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co. Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade bldg. GROCERS. WADHAilS & CO., 67-7u Fourth at. HATS AMD CAPS. THANHAPSEII HAT CO., 63-53 Front at. HIDES. WOOL, CAMCARA SAiUL KAHN BROS.. 191 Front at. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. TOLUMBIA Neckwuar Mfg. Co.. S3 5th at. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. All nw and fresh, 6 inlnutua' rid on Portland Heights car from Poatoffice, 6 blocka from Washlugion su Perfuctly mod ern houie, four slouplng-rooina and enam eled and tiled bath In upper atory; won cterful larga iiviug-room with largeat cut- tons fireplace In city, taking o-ioot iog; unusual dlning-l-CHiiu with beautiful view, and iireplace; Ureain of kitchen, all white enamel and tiled floor, 3 built-in flre.eas cookvrs, -hcodtd gas range and all Dutcu kitchen conveniences; mald'a room, bath nd toilet. h.atl;g plant, laundry, wine closets, etc., iu lower atory and large etor. age basement below; aolid oak staira. great porch and sleeping porch. Xhbt la one ot the most unusua: places In Portland. Am leaving city, will aell for ouoo, liberal u-rma to rli,-ut parties. Phone or address W Ji. Scott. . owner. Carlton llutel. city, and ai-Tangwinenla will be xuado lor our inspection. X OWN a new. modern 5-room bungalow witn large basement, handsome built-in buttet. living-room and dining-room pan eled 5 fet with piano nnish select lum ber; both roooms decorated with plate mirrors; la fact this is one of the most bungalows that has been built in this city for years; everything is there for convenience and enjoyment; I com pleted this in August una It is "as neat s a pin." Will ell on easy terms and tak aoiae personul property as first pay ment. for particulars at 512 Piatt building. ding, coiner 1'ark and Washington eta. ' si reeu NEW and modern 12-room residence situ ated In the heart of IrviiiKtou. The rooms and hall ure all large and spacious and finished in mahogany, oak aim white enamel. This is without doubt one of the finest residence propeiti.1 In Portland and will bear the closest si-rutlny of the most critical. Inspection of premises, price and terms only to those m-tually inter. esten 111 tne purchase of a first-class Al moaern nonir. Al' isi, oresionian. FOR ALE--That new nous in Irvington on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and Kllckltt. East front, wide straet. fine treea. large living-room, 14x25, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, three bedrooms ard inclosed slefping porch upstairs. White enamel linlsli. twu mantel, hardwood floors. Car turn condttlona make it poealbla to offer this place at a very low price. Address tor particulars tsi 04. uregoman. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TL'KN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WK W1L.L FL'KN IfiJH THJfi MONEY, BUILD Al'AKTMKNTS. RESA- XJ r. .n e K Jti A.NYThlXO; afjUA.S SfH&A: AVE ARB RliSPONislBLE. WK KNO HOW; TALK WITH OVU CLIBNTS; &&bl wuhk.: will i; r'.i.viiS i. w ifAILEy & CO., CONTRACT-IN A It C Hi UFruHT'vM i" V KN'OCRINll HARD. Small payment down and your monthly rrnt money wili buy beautiful new tf-room bun sa low with sleeping porch, near par, in Laurelhurst; price only bettor mi, u you want be&muul, roomy inoacrn nomc, j. v . citossirJ V, maui lot's. wnaay ran Main :,7oS. A-ito service. 37X11 ST. BUNUALOW. o-room modorn bun paly vr with flr-rla'-w. book oases, bulYet. ate. Dutch kitchen; located on 37th, near blvd.; faces e.3i; 101 tuxn'u; was once aoid Xor 3U0U. r.oy i r rn H. J. U KARXOI'P. Jty. Kxch- Bldg. tnbtlrban Home Pi-oprrtj. GItJSON tlALK ACRES. Good soil, good nattir, cloo to carllna; eaay trmi; ill build to suit purcnaaar. J'hope Marshall ir.?o or SeUwood . JOHN ClBrfUN, OWNER. Yor Sal Arreage. UiU KKX, FKCIT. GAKDEN RANCHES. Nrar Portland, Gresharu district; nar tUctric ataiion; $75 to 9-(H per acre; aaj tcrinft; bt soil, free wood. Farms for sale, alt viiea. J'RANK MKAKLA.VD REALTY CO.. sou Teon Bldg.. Portland. Or.. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE TOtT BUT. Id acr nar Orenco; but black loam oil, all cultivated; $225 par acre; will dl MQ9 and ft-lv easy terms if tealred. See Mr. Jiandy. owner. ul fitucU Kxchanau b:d Marhall 265. I'OFt fcJALK An acre at Matter, 23 minutes from town, 10 minutes wa.k from depot; fine locution ; excellent bricked well ; ubundatioc of water; terms. Particulars from AP 'S3. OreRonlan. OWNER will sell acre tract on 9-cnt fare; ." minut out, cHvs to station, water and liht; price only 9400; (10 per mouth. Y 1 1.. On?ronin. COO ACRE tracts at Metzger station; near church, school and store ; 30 minuts out -n Or. Klec, Inq. gll Lumber Ei. bldg. i tfc A c T IFt'L 2-acri tract. 5-cent fare; offer. Box 12K X-enta p. O. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAXS. Why pay big price for glasses if I van fit your yes with first-quality lenses In a golQ-f Hied frame, as low as Sl-50, .... jIln(n9r.H a r a. bli sav ing, satisfaction guaranteed, c. w. uoto n, optometrist, 20 Morrison. Main a 14. man. FATENT ATTORNEYS. lc. c. WRIGHT 2a' practice U. & and foreign patent. 601 JDeKum bldg. I'H'K. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and onice near 24tn and torn ata. m-ain oio PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gaiitenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 V, Front iu, cor. btarH. Main or A 141S. RAG HCfaa AND HfffKCGH. New russ from old ingrain. Brussels. Km vrna a irtr.1 n.t f furnetH- csroet clean ing, r.rir t m resizing:, country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. WESTERN FLWF HUQ CO, 61-58 Union ave. N. Phone E. 6516. B 1475, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAUIER- JONES Wilcox bidg. CO. L P.. 404-405-408 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 IEON. BENEDICT BHO. 0 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS "PICE. IHi BEST'" Housenold Goods Specialists. Storage, Packing, Snip ping ana Moving, norse or auio vans. Special freight rates to all polnta C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. Zd and Pine eta. Broadway 336, A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 1169. We own and operate two large claaa "A" warehouaea and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance ratea in city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING. STORAGE. Iteaucea ireigni rates to ait points, MANNING Warehouse iSi Wrangler Co.. Main 703. 9th and Hoyt A 2214 MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office lav Madison. General -acrcnanaise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 769L TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS Prepared for hats. 605 Swetlsnd bldg. FINE MOUNTS. F J. Brezea, only on in city. 249 coiumpia 'at. ja. 1M43. FIRST-CLASS aeasoned fir. S4.S0; distant delivery, (4.75. National Fual Co.. E. 2a ana Oregon. ji;aeL oi. GREEN and dry alabwood, blockoood. pan. a ma Fuel Co. Main 5720, A . 3899. DRY blockwood, dry alabwood. bark. Mult nomah Fuel Co.. M. 5540. A 2116. FOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE OKEJON BOX MFO. CO.. MAIN 6863. A SS96. MAN UFACTURERS MILLINERY. BRA PSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th ata. JPAiNTS AND LIBRICAT1N4J OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Dala. PAUiTS, OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN A CO., 2d and Taylor streeta PIPE. I'll-K FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-88 Front at. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L- KLINE. 64-88 Front St. ' PRINTERS AND PL BLISHJ-:RS. F. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and Oak ata PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVERDINQ & FARRELL, 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Cot. 14th and Northrop. ... SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., 1S9V4 4th. . SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. w. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davia. t -r iStSAK,,R.,BJ1KR AJiu MKTALS. J. LLVE. 186 Columbia at. Main 6198. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WAUL PAPER CO.. 230 2d at. ' REAL ESTATE.- for Sale Acreage. Q2TEi? ,.ac-rM on hard.surfaced boule vard; Bull -tun water, all Improvement paid for; close to Wtnoina" Nation, on in Oregon Electric; terms S10 a month, price $000; this is tine value "for the Si."?,?,- ,Suo iwl asent at Multnomah or call for particulars at 513 Piatt buiid- N ICE LITTLE COUNTRY IIOmET 3 acres, 30 mile from Portland; 1 acre cleared; good spring; small house com pletely furnished; uandy place tor few cows and hogs: Vnilo IronI station; pjfee 0O; easy wrms. I.UhiDUEMAX.V COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. far paleFarms. F.",-.iA''E 80 acre". 8 miles S. E. from Ashland Or.; ten acres in apples, i acres in peaches, 10 sores good grain or hay L 1?J. o111"": in brush and timber, good buildings, good well water, healthy place to live; une mile from good school; too old to run it. For particulars address K. F. D. No. 1. box 102. Ashland, Or . FINE foothill ranch, 240 acres, Jackson hog . aoou ouildlngs, 91) 500, 1S00 cash. Hoi. acres cultivated si brok;21dPanama bldg! 640 ACRES loirc-ert-nff . .. j . about good tillable land, balance open pasture- we 1 watered; withm 22-mile ra- iliu ot t-ortland; 5 miles from boatlandini; and station price b-'o0. on exceollnnult..- Com terms- ; u' w- "'l'1". s"9 Cham, of .. . " " J t ieurea, rest easily chared; live stream, fine for stock, wortii r A., but mu sell for $00 per acre ck sale. Terms. . AH . 186. uregu- lor qui. man uw-.vic. wu improvea wheat farm for bale cheap 1 miles east of La Crosse; the price is only so per acre. Martin Urannus 1 tusrse, a n . RIJXT,,or eil lj eHion dry wheat farm, 3 miles from transportation, 4. cron u terms, p. o. box L'O03, Portland. Or OR SALE: Cowlits County tump lands. T10ipeLftcre Zooa oli- weI waterei J. R. Sharp. 430 Plttock block. PortJanrt 40 ACRES lower Columbia, -some cleared, trout stream; $500. 167 1st., studio. M ANTED REAL ESTATE. "WILL pav cash for a -well-built bungalow home, 5 or 6 rooms; must be strictly mod ern and in good residence district- stata lowest spot cash price, lot and block and number, and full particulars for A "--w.icea. answer xoaay. T Oregonian. 100, tiAPRTMENTHOI;SE WANTED Hignry improved farm near Portland In good district; price $30,u0u; clear; will trade for apartment-house up to $45 000 !-EDpEMANN COMPANY. '3 chamber of Commerce. S , f ipop.1 wno will trade property in Caiifornia, city or country, for Oregon or Washington We can sell or trade your property. Writ Geo. W. Austin, 1434 Broadway Oakland. Cat, dept. L STORE and flat building, $10,000 clear In cumbrance all rented. Want improved or Kpton. -J32 Chamber of Commerce. ......,, v . a iraKt; Wm uoiuniDia Hlghwav CLE a R city nrorertv for -.r-..,-.. . stocked. equlj Pf'd, splendid biiUdlncs good town Willamette Valley. Owner, 00 McKay bldg. - , ' DESIRAP.CE home wanted for close-In acre 3 part in cultivation. Owner AG 1ST Orejrorian". . . WANTED Bungalow, nearly neT Haw thorne district, west of 40th. A sacrifice AG 1SS, Oregonian. CLKAR lots or acreage for rood equity in modem house. Ueaumont. Bargain. Owner 5'7 McKay hlrig. WANTED Small income business prooartv a-ri"i!-Dr?Jraa.AO 190, regonian. WANT 10-arre tract near Portland, not over $1500. V 1S6V Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOP. RENT 5-rootn house, 3 acres, well equipped poultry ranch; 6r March and April White Lerhorn pullets for sale In quire Springwaier Poultry Yards, w'ichl ta Sts., tatneads ear. GOOD farm. $7 acres, about 60 in cult.. 7- room nouse. good barn, plenty of water Price $20u per year; terms. S. E. Wooster. Katacada, - FOR KENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres bottom land, close to city; bans and small dwelling-house. Inquire J. H, Middle ton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE My X years lease on CO acres or cooa lana wita good buildings; one year'a rent already paid; good com, 3 fresh; & new cream separator; 50OO kaie plants, hogs, chickens, wood and apples and some hay for SO0. Address H. R.. Stayton, Or., Route No. X. FOB SAXB TEttBEB LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. , C. J. M'CHACKEX, JFARM9 WANTED. 300 TO 500 acres within 23 miles of Port land, no waste land or rock wanted; price not to exceed SlOO per acre;-will put in $20,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent; client TfcUl be -here Thursdav. - What have you; E. F. GILBERT, -112 Washington st., Vancouver, "Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. REAL, BARGAINS FOR EXCHANGE AND SALE. " 317 acnes 1 mile from Corvallis; HIGH GRADE; includes 00O personal; price $52,000; terms and up to. $ 18, QUO in CO Oil nronrtv 8 acres on eleotrtc railroad, all in cult! vation; up t,o 60ft0 in clear property and terms. 19 acres mile Corvallis; improved; a , IS acres, 10 bearing prunes; improved; bargain for S3S00. 105 acres improved, including stork and implements, $4500; terms or $2000 in Kuoa property. 333 acres weil improved close to market a real snap at $19,000; on easy terms. MORGAN t WALKER, ; Corvallis, Or. 40-ACKE FARM FOR PORTLAND HOME. PRICE SUsjOf. Located out ilrom Woodland, "Wash., on Lewis River. 7 acres under cult. bn L stump land and pasture, good soil and lies it, tr.ii lencea, gooa u-room nouse, naru- wooa zioors, barn, other outbldgs., spring wjatt-r, mi. 10 scnooi. JSxcn. ror ort iand homt. same value. Must be unlii cumbered. Seo S. Hewer. 209 Stark. HART MAN & THOMPSON . 0 ALRE3, unincumbered, splendid soil, all in cultivation, fair buildings, wood water. on good road. Hi sight of Portland, and vuiy per acre. . Will accept part trade in pood clear vny property, "with terms to suit on bal ance. Located in a high-class district and a reai, genuine bargain. SAMUEf. TOA K 1102 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 1 ' WAVE gilt-edge property that Invoices u.uuu; my equity, SSo.oOO; will sell for ash or trade, and allow you to make few thousand clear on deal ; am going East ; S'1!1 consider any price- for quick sale. " uo you got, casn or traae ; in vestigate. You'll have to liurry, BC 1S9, Oregonian. HIGHLY improved acres, fronting: on elec tric line, ulose tn afatinn T nilltsn ftnt- fenced, all under cultivation, good bldgs. Price S4ft40- TraA fnr plans hmu ami r lul- or nouse and acre within 5c fare. John Marie la; Oak st. FOR SALE or exchange, $20,000 high-elass Phoenix residence and Income property for Portland property. Will take $3000 to residence property; mortgage on Bal ance. Terms to suit. Earl g Curtis. P. O Box 712. Phoenix, Arts. DON'T miss the best 10 acres in' Colorado, 1 mile from town: rinli mail rrliotr1 Price $3000. Wili aell or trade for Port- iana property, without lncumorance. Mrs. A. Lust, owner, 4o0o 42d ave. S. E. WW car, jn o agents. $12,000 EQUITY in my 900-acre wheat farm for trade for improved farm or Income property, clear 040 acres Summer fallow baLinca stubt 1; water, fair bldgs., near market. Box 131, Irby, Wash. Price $io wr r 9i- re. NUi every one can wn a quarter block on Washington street, but if you have $12,000 worth of clear property you can have th you bu?i: nearby fraction; sn; good Du R, F. Bryan, ness location .une iuiure. Com. oOW Cham, of UNINCUMBERED $2500 home to -exchange for well located acreage of about same value, improved or unimproved. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bids;. YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively in phHr We can trade your property; no junk wanted. AlJiKb & fcMlTH. Main 7266 301 Northwest Bldar. $02,.r00 WORTH of choice close-in property, mtg. $l,"; want Coast range stock ranch; vill assume. O. W. Bryan, 503 Cham, of Com. EQUITY In 5-room up-to-the-minute bun galow to exchange for 10-acre tract near Portland. Elmer S. Shank, 301 Railway Exchtnge. Main 2113,- Tabor 4411. WE have $20,000 worth of eilt-edira ial estate, part income, practically unincum bered .to exchange for good apartmeut house. J. H. Dietg, 9J2 Chamber of Com. BUNGALOW Modern, nicely furnished: iive ownt lot, acre or rooming-house first payment; balance like renL AG 183 Oregonian. FINE Southern Oregon income Drooert' unincumbered. What have you in ex change? Phone East 5140 or B 1275, WILL trade $2000 equity. Rose City Park iiu.iics iwi iuw or acreage. rrice 54000. AH 185. Oregonian. T WANTED Acre or two, close in, as part payment, on new Piedmont bungalow, val uo $2850. Phone Sellwood 75. HILUSBORO acreage and some cash for nouse to f.$ooo; house, lot, chickens, $1100 for acre. Oft Mohawk bldg. WILL exchange lots and some cash to party iurnisniiiR material alio: putting up ti-room bungalow. AL 183. Oregonian. WILL trade, or sell my equity in a O-room CtOgE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. R, iiiiier. aoo v cruecier Diag. juain 71U0. CLEAR pronerty to $25,000 for apartments; win as3uine. pee yeianunt. i-none hi. ;ew piano in exchange for clear city lots; state location, price, AP $0. Oregonian. TO EX CHANGE M1SC KLLAN LOfS. PROMINENT piano toacher, exchange with dentist, L-arber, grocer, butcher. R 182, Oregon la 11. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle, Harncbs. Etc. SPAN of black mares. 8 ai.d U years old. souna ana iree ut blemishes, btocky built and very closely mated, weighing 25 00 lbs. guaranteed to be true to work; $200. Span of niatcnd bay geldings, 6 and 7 year old, weighing 2200 lbs.; sound and true; $150. Bay celdlng. 8 years old, weighing 3200 lbs.; Mounti and true; $60, t Model stable 5th aud Davis. FUR SALE CHEAP, team of bay geldings, b and 0 years old; 2S0o-lb. gooseneck wag on, harness and cavors contpleie, t your own price. Phone K. L. Fraley, Marshall 4021. MARE, 1300 lbs., good worker. $45; nice - gelding, works anywhere, lOoO lbs. $40 gelding. 90O lbs.. $20; small mare, $15" East Market -anc Grand ave. $35 TAKFS small mar', spring wagon, liar ness Heller buiiaing. Grand and Haw thorne. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. ONE horse and wagon by day," $1.2S.J. ciiw hen, 546 Front st. Main 220S. Main C995. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. lbi any or u 1 u 1. iiaor 4 2U. S.OLNG, tested cow; can use good horse or top Duigy zs L ismniii. Pianos, Organs and Mnsical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out: $425 Vose & Sons upri&ht $143 cash $35o Arion upright, oak . ... ..$125 casa $300 Bradford upright, oak $ 95 casa $450 Cuickering & Sons.. $ 63 casa $400 Bradbury piano .......,...$ 85 cash $165 Packard organ ,.........,.$ 23 cash $850 Autoplano Player ......... $265 casn 4U nnai LAuthKS io 4th, near Was a. 75o monthly will store your piano. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW $23.00 disc talking machine. .....$ 6.00 $ 35.00 diso talking machine. ...... .$14 00 8 75.00 diso talking machine. ...... .$23 00 cisc taiaing macnine $5.uo $1 or more cash, 50o or more monthly. SCHWA N Pi A NO CO.. Ill 4th St. c j. k organ in nanasomeiy ornamented Diaca wsinut case. Kien tones. Cost $125 . good cs new, $40. Mlsh Furniture Co.. 1& First t. CITY LOT WANTED, clear. In exchange for new piano; when answering quote low. et price and location. BC 68. Oregonian. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2W years. See display and advertisement ji Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. call 111 4th St. PIANO for rent cheap, pood condition.- In qulrg Arline Apta.. 220 a7- 17th st. Dogs. Birds. PeTstocsu GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. LADDIX KENNELS, EST AC AD A. OR. Furniture for Baits. FINE, solid oak dining table and 6 new solid oak dining chairs to match. Regular price $23. Only one set. special, $17.5o. Miah Furniture Co.. 1S4 First st. STORE clocks, strike hours end h, hours. -Sh.w day of month. Soissons clock. New. guaranteed. Recular $7.50. while they last. $-i.S0. Mlsh Furniture Co.. 1S4 First. HOUSEKEEPING outfit, . complete or by piece, one dresser, $10; one heating stoe, $8: one bedspring and mattress, $14, etc 301 EL llih at. Automobile i XKbtHv. 1 SCULTY SALESMEN v " - ' ' USED CARS FOR SALE. CASE "40," 1012, foredoor. 5-pass.. 5 almost new casings, 3 extra, new inner tubes, full equipment of tools; this car is ready to go on stage run or jitney; reasonable terms . to responsible parties. CHALMERS, 38-IL P., foredoor. 5-pass.. electric lights, self-starter, extra casings; r the best xaxniiy. car in the city for tne money. Model 10 BUICK, 5-pass.. good tires, en gine all overhauled 30 days ago. $2uO, terms on lif. . CHALMERS 30, 1011, 5 -passer) ger. new tires, repainted, good top. ready :to go on jitney run without repairs. Terms oa one-half to responsible parties. CASE. C6-H.P. speed car 1012 model, will xnako Al roadster or delivery car. This w ill gc at a ba.rga.ln for a quick sale. Call and study out the body you have in mind and we will xnako a price on the car rebuilt to order. 1914 STUDEBAKER ' . 5-passenger, electric li-bts and self-star ting. Run. less than C00O miles. 191$ OLDSMOBILE, electric lights and' self-starting, same as a new car. AUTO EXCHANGE. . 493 Alder. ;. Marshall 197. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL. TERMd G1VEX. MITCHELL 3 pass., -cyL. 48-H. P., self starter $700 MITCHELL 7 -pans., 6-cyl., SO-H p., self starting, el ec trio lights, nearly new; take your old car as part pay ment. MICHIGAN 3-pass.. 33-H. P.. electric lirhts $500 8TODDARD 5-pass.. 40-H. P $000 HAVERS 5-pass., 6-cyl., 48-H. P.... $650 COMMERCE DELIVERY 1500 lbs. capacity; brand new .....$650 MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO,' .East Morrison and East First Sts Phones, East 7272. B 1216. GOOD, serviceable used cars ar unw rr(rsA so low that there is no excuse for you not owning a high-grade car. Our recent new car sales have brought in to us a number of high-grade cars at iul win as ton is a you. . See these cars: CHALMERS STEARNS-JvNIGHT. 8CHACHT. OLDSMOBILE WINTON3 Bring in your small car and we will n. o. iraoe. THE WINTON COMPANY. -3d and Washington. Main 4244. BARGAINS FOR LAND SHOW "WEEK Cadillac, 3013, 6-pass. :. ............. .$330 Cadillac, 1912, 5-pass., elec starter. . .$600 eaauiac. 1014. 5-pass ,.$10OO s.:au Vinton Six. foredoor model .....$050 Everitt Six. fine shape, trade real estate. Chalmers -30," new tires, UgJit car. .$350 eicvuiuft. iaeai winter cars, bargains. COVEY MOTOR CAR' CO.. Main: 6244. FOTtDS. FORDS. FORDS. " FORDS 1915 Ford. 5-paes.,' $895. 1913 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped, elec tris lights and Bosch mflirntn SAK 1914 Ford, fi-pass., practically new, $350. 1914 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped. Presto tank, speedometer and Klaxon horn, $350. xerm n ueeirea ana a. years free serv ice on all adjustment. FAANCI3 MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. Limited, Ford Agent. - r; Kast 13th and Hawthorne Ave. .BUICK, BUICK. BUICK. BUICK. 1914 Buick 25, 6 -pass., cannot be told from brand new ; electric lights and Biari'sr, aemountaoie rims and extra tire; original cost $UO0; our price $585. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 1199. Eaat ISth and Hawthorne Ave. NEW 1915 FORD RUNABOUT BODIES $2.V TOURING BODIES. $75, including cur tains, cushions and top; all' styles, of rutu urnvri y Doaies. BEN J. S. BOONB & C6 514 Alder St., Portland. Or. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CO., Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. USED CAR BARGAINS. Largest Stock. Prices Right. Liberal Terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COM P A ATV Broaaway Sa7. A 4959. Broadway and Couch. 1012 CADILLAC 5-pass., new" Lires.newtop", " i nun. w i ii iraoe i or un incumbered Portland real estate of even value. W. Hildebrandt, 14th and Davis. Main 1130. FOKD car in first-clasS condition, fully equipped with ahock absorbers, Presto lights, etc.; Tili-inch wheels front and rear. Uacd -lor private use only. Phone East fl2. OVERHAND touring ear, 1015 model, runs ana kiokb iih -new, a siZOO car1 for $050. See Mr. Miller, Sludebaker bldg., Chap man and Alder sts. Main 0402 GARAGES erected complete. $30 up; ready TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., S48 Water st.. near Harrison. Main 1167. C. C. LANDY, specialising on Garforda Willis utility trucks and Studebakers; King st. Garage, King st.. at Washington. Main 3412. ILAFSV roadster, newly painted, 4 new tires, perfect mechanical condition. A bar gain for any cne wanting a govd car. Lents Garage. YOU WANT one of the cars that Is being ""' v.u 1-ss.s tfiaiB foi. i and Stark sts. Good alues. Se ihetn today. " 2-PASSENCER roadster for sale cheep. This cur it not j un.. At is in gooa running or -dtr. as good s new. A bargain. Mar shall 5714, room 31. AiwfjrvB iHMier o roaaiter, run less than 7000 miles, best buy in city; can be sen at 400 Burnslde. Main 6122. Call Mr. r men. y COLE fore-door, 5-passenger, 30 H. P. elec tric iigbte, etc.; completely overhauled and i-Biitiuiuru, auap igr quica; saie. tall Mr. naei, aitiiri iai. CHALMERS 30 It. P., model K, in fine con- aition; rooooy ireaa tires; car fully quilUjru , lo x-liana W oouiawn PUBLIC auto salesroom.- No commission charged. P-ring In your car. We wju sell It. 331 Couch st. Auto Exchange". -I WILL pay ca3h for used Fords. . FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE or exchange for email car A 1014 model Winton Six. first-class condi tion. Bargain. Apply at 300 E. utn st S. $150 DOWN. $35 per month. 5-pass. over" land, bargain. $350. 412 San. Rafael, Phone East 3249. WILL - pay rash for used Ford cars. BEN J E BOONE & CO.. 514 Aide r S t reet. WILI sacrifice ray 1300-pound 4o" II p Bulck truck for best offer. Sellwood .1530. 5-PASS. money. auto, $100.. Tires alone worth the T deman. Main 7375. FORD 1914 In fine condition, very cheap 400 Burnside. Mam 0922. Call Mr. Finch. 1810 BUICK 40. in good shape, nonskld tires all. around, ut a low price. 31 N. lHth st. 1U12 Bl-ICK roadster, electric lights, good condition. $32.". 505 Alder. ONE 5-passenger Chalmers, Al shape, fully equipped, $275. 331 Couch st. 1914 FORD deliver:-, good condition; cxtrai price $330. Y 100, Oregonian. BEfsT washing and polishing In city for $1: garage. King at. at Washington. Main 8412. SEVERAL good, high -class cars for sale very cheap. 49QBurnside. Main 6922. Finch. FOR SALE, cheap. 1500 truck In good run ning order. Call Marshall 294, A 4956. Automobiles Wan tea. CLEAR Laurelhurst and other lots and good equity in new home, to trade for 3 ta 3 ton auto truck. Address AV 25 L Oregon : nian. YOUR used car will sell, more quickly it will sell for a. higher price at the Used . Car Market. No commission charged Place it today at West Park and Stark sts CASH buyer from San Francisco for used tars will be at King-street Garage for next few days. King street, at Washington. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call Main 6022. 400 Burnslde. Mr. FinchT HAVE Eome pood clear acreage and lots for 5-pass. csr. Must be in good running order. J. IT. Diets, fS2 Chamber of Com Automobiles for Hire. 4-6-7-PASS cars and limousine, $1.30 up sone ratea A 6781, Main 6185. 1015 7-PASSENG ER Main 816. auto. $d per hour. LATE model 7-passenrrer1 car for hire, yon able price. Main SS16. Motorrycles. TWIN Merkel engine, tank and fitting, cheap. Phone Arnold. Broadway 483. : Pool try. GOING to move and will sell my thoroutrti- i' 1 x X a uj l vii, Livestock. FRESH, full-blood Jersey cow, gives extra rich, creamy milk. Sellwood 1093. FROM 1 to -100 dairy cows, terms. .Bruce, i;uiou ctucixjtarue, i j.ai4 uregonlaa, EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALis. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO.. 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main 6705. A 3331. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; $ months for $5 and up; 6 months rent applied en pur chase, price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. 86 Broadway. Portland Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus . trated folder. Retail department WHOLB- SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 331' Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 362 Stars st Main 5523. NEW. rebuilt, rates, p. D., second-hand rentals at 331 Stark st. Main 1407. cut Miscellaneous. WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National cash tcgisiers. .asy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 352-S54, cor. tH. Broadway 1816. A 181. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drop beads. $5 and up: box tops. $2 and- up. 6. S. Siegel. two stores. 3S3 Al- oer bi.. ana Aiaer st. $50 0 WORTH elegant home furnishings. great sacrifice; genuine Navajo rugs, cut & unv.---ui-, tuiius, pictures, etc. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, sale or rent, $3 up. teewlng Machine Em porium, ISO Sd U near Taylor. Main 9a L A 3626. - ROLL-TOP oak typewriter desk, 12 chairs. brass railings, oak letter trays, transfer cases, index Doxes, o typewriter tables, cheap. Thursday only. 244 Stark st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns; cameras, kodaks and lenses oougnt, sola and exchanged. Hochfela1 Camera Excnanpe, S5 3d st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand rsj-am and pocket billiard tables and bowlnig alleys and accessories; easy payments. The urungwiuK-naiKe-coiienuer 00., 4Q-48 5th FOR SALE Precision model lathes, 5x12 treaoie, cnucKs complete, s,Q. Mr. Henry, 4SS N. 24 th st. Mar. 2227. T.'I FTTBTP uriTOD G ..1. . expert repairing. Walker Electric Works! 4 1 4 tfurnsine st. uroaa way or a O074. l-Abii KEUlbTLKa, slightly used;, our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 551 Washington bL Main 606, A 3606. MINK, ermine, sable, fox and martin skins irom isortnern AiasKa. rapptira prices. Main 346. 201 McKay bldg. r UK bALb nan eare. good as new; cost .. $265; will sacrifice, as leaving city. Phone DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure: made in Oregon; per gallon, $L75. Portland raiot rroni sr Juarsnail 10O. ELEC MOTORS . FOR RENT FOR SALE. n. xu. DAvia e lu., 103 E. Water st. E ast 3146. B 233ft. FERTILISER; well rotted cow manure for saie. we aeuver. ynone iaast 286L 10 ROLL-TOP. 3 flat-top, 2 chairs, 2 filing cabinets. T. W. desks, lo vi rant st. BEARING size apple trees, 50c each. eu nursery, lacoma, wasn. FOR SALE Lady's ast radian fur coat, large size, aimost new. rnooe .bast iisi FOR SALE Bicycle, in good condition, $10. Phone Tabor 1228. $20 BUYS diamond necklace lavalliere. ,5-u LumDer .xcnangc, 2d and Stark. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay the highest price for ladles' - and gents' caat-off clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us i p. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE SXORE, 55 First. Main 2uso. Main 2080. W3 CALL PROMPTLY. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. J. MElEltS, THE TAIL OK, PAYS YOU MORE ICR YuUR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSHALL llT-'U. WE CALL PROMPT LY. RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER, 221) MADISON ST., TEL. MARSHALL 122J. THE GEVURT7. FURNITURE CO.. 1S5-187 First St. Will buy good used furniture, ruga ranges aad household goods; phone for an appoinunuui with our buyer. Marshall 59SL GEVURTZ Vii R N IT U R E STORE, 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshal GS7. We buy your second-hand furniture, etoves and other household goo da Highest Prices Paid. SECOND-HIND CLOTHING BUYERS. Honest deal. We pay the highest prices for laot-es' and men's clothing, shoes, etc Try us. Call Broadway 32. 251 Front st. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware St Furniture Co., 221 Fronu Phone A 7174. laln 8072. MISH- FURNITURE CO.. M 1st. Main 768. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods Uafqre dis posing of same. I BUY OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. Ores bought Asaayer. F. A. Stnnett. MO Northwest Blug., 327 Washington st. WA NT ED Cast -off raincoat and umbrella by widow who has been slcK. AJ to, Oresonlun. WI LL pay cash or goods for einply Maurtne Jars r turned remainder of week to 20 3 Koyai oiug. WANTED- To buy scond-hand Victrola and records. Phone Broadway .2, A 2200 T. J. Hunley. RESPONSIBLE company would like to rent Ford with delivery body by month. Tabor 420.. WANTED At once, 30 II. P.. 220-v, 3-phase motor. st ate 1 uu particulars. si iui, Ore'sjoniau. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 332. A2&8T. MUST have second-hand furniture. East 6417; any quantity at once. W. M. Calef, 548 Williams ave. STANDARD FURNITURE CO Main 4773. -182 1st st. Main 4773. Pays best price for your furniture, etc WANTED ALL KINDS OF MKRCHAN 1 ) I s R shu weaves, office furniture, house hold goods, stoves. Maln 128 First, WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work, cnariea u -Mara, .cast 22. WANTED Ducks: will pay than market price. AV 257, r. little better uregoniaii. SCALES portable or dormant ; state sixc, prive and location. AE 112. Oregonian.. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price tor your furniture. su4 iat.taain 4t27. WANTED National cash register. 6U6. 351 H Washington st. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture' of alj WANTED -All kinds of records and phono graphs. Main 4415. 128 Lat st. WANTED Second-hand Townsend Creamery. adding machine. WA NTED Transit and level, bid?. Main 32S2. 3u2 Spalding STRICTLY American dealers in used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1682. HELP WANTED MALE. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teaca you tne barber trade lu 8 weeks; tools xree; position guaran teed, paid while learning. 232 2d. nr. Main. EXPERT automobile repair man, alsa cap-J able ox Going an jcuius macnine worK ill contract shop. P. 11. Erader, Havre, Mon tana WE HAVE opening for fl rat-class clothing salesman; must na aoie to uress wmaows; steady position. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store 3d and Morrison. MEN with tools for Winter's job. Call foot cf Montgomery st. . Old Multuomah Fuel Yard. WANTED At once, thorough experienced wiudowdressr; none other need apply; reference. W 187, Oregonian. WANT .pianist for picture show and dam-e orciiestra. muL ue guuu, .aauress xv. JL. Redifer. Heppner, Or. WANTED Capable man and wife as 3an- iter. Call at ni2 lioyal bidg lo to 11 A.. M. today only. " WE pay highest cash prices for men's sec- ono-nana suits anu . evercoaia. pnone B roadway 1660 and we will caiL, YOUNG man to work la real estate office: can make good wages, $50 required, call 1147 Couch St. ; - WANTED Man to learn auto repairing and driving; we teach oy practical experi ence. Auto Exchange. 331 Couch st. YOUNG mau fr clerk, residential hotel; salary small; work easy; good permanent j piace for the Winter. H 179. Oregonian. COMPETENT door patches wanted; steauy work and good wages. Apply to Henry McCleary Timber Co.. McCleary. Wash, YOUNG mau to work In grocery who owns roadster. A 182. Oregonian. . W A NT . 10 flume carpenters. 30 cents per hour. 4 months' work. 28 N. 2d. LEDGER clerk; must be rapid, oregonian: t a BD 185 WANT man to work -few hours daily restaurant for board. 101 6th.. GOOD coataiaker wanted. 7-7 TaurmaoT SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED, High-grade specialty salesmen make bis; income setting our money-making ma chines to merchants; commission averages $10O each sale; our men average X to 10 sales a month; we want high-class men. commission only; exclusive nearby terri tory; nationally advertised machine made by a, responsible manufacturing firm. Write fully, ail communication confi dentiaL Box AV 267. Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT V. M. C A. Young m.n seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are lu vlied to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is issued, costing per annum, giving the service of the de- . part merit, for a year two months -fuii privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment is not se cured. Y. M C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; expert training In repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, latne. shaper. drtllpress, etc; time' unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational Office, Y. M, C. A. bldg.. to in spect our shops and methods. Competent chauffeurs and mechanics supplied. BRIGHT i-oung man a anted to learn and act as private secretary to big corporation manager; small salary to start with, big future for advancement; preference will be given the one who can invest $-500 and upward; money fully secured. Replying give age. experience. If any, amount of money, references. A J 182. Oregonian. OPENING f tr first-class thoroughly expe rienced bookkeeper. Young mau who can also do some stenographic work will be given preference; reterencea required. Brownavin Woolen Mill btore, 3d and Stsrk sts. ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamuntal anu fruit trees; complete outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision ' provided. Ornamental & Fruit Nursery Co. Box 217C, Wapato. Wash. LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon Woolen Mills, Oregon City, Or. Sl'PT. CF CONSTRUCTION Good opening Tor clean-cut man, under 30. Must pro vide bond of $10O0 and give references ' for latt 5 years. For appointment addsess BC 1S3. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cast weekly: part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical schooL Day and ntirht classes. C45 HAWTHORNE AVE. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com ir Us Ion paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED A- salesman for Portland and vicinity, for estaolished line of food products; should have salesmanship school training; must have experience; one be tween 28 and 40 years of age and familiar wnn demonstration work preterrea. lie piles omit time necessary details -of age. experience, training and previous places or employment win not be consiiacrea. au dress BF 163, Oregonian. BIG money for agents; start a watch club in your town; $25 a week and up; par ticulars free. Continental Sales Co., box AGENT You can make from -$8 to $10 per day. special holiday offer. Van Dyck piuaio, wasmngion st. Help WantedSalesmen. GOLDEN opportunity for wideawake salesmen. We want several exceptional men of high character and education to har.dle specialty of exceptional merit; larse territory, cash market and no com petition ; give age and state -lly your experience and qualifications. H 174, Ore gonian. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy coats no more. 301 ijoard 01 Trade blag. HELP WANTED FL.'XALE. EXPERIENCED girl for gerie'al housework, small family, washing sent out. Desirable position, wages $o5 per month. Must be Kood cook. State age, references required. Do not answer unless experienced. Ad dress BC 1S2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED r.ove saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced In glove department; permanent employment, good salary ; applications from out-of-town in-vlted.- Lenuon's. CAPABLE, willing girl for general house work, good, comfortable room, light work, fine place lor energetic person; none other i.eed apply. Call between 10 and 12 to day. 024 East Broadway. WOMEN- Government clerks, $70 month, Portland examination coming. List posi tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 H, Rochester. N. Y. A NEAT. experienced maid for general housework and cooking; city references - required; $30 per month. Tel. East $116 between 9-12 o'clock this morning. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. tavi Lompauy. 4 Pittock block, 385 Washington. LAIW as partner in music, storo; $500 or upwards, secured. References given and required. AB 180. Oregonian. Sanitary Beauty parlors ' Cellege for ladies only; make yourself independent with good trade. -iiiO-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wash. EX PERI ENCED dressmaker wants lady as partner, one with customers arm good references. AN 184. Oregonian. NEAT-APPEARING woman to assist me in my business. Apply a2 . FUedner bldg luin ana v usningion . NICE room and board for ladies or girls, mi a rnone vvoouia wu 4jj. 15th and Si'ratoga sis. Take Woodlawn car. WANTED A lady chocolate dipper for out-of-town work. Apply at Imperial Hotel, asK ior Kersy. WANTED Competent nurse: references re quired. Call mornings. 229 Cornell road. near iovejoy st, WANTED A good cook, small family, good wages: reference. 20 West Park, corner Commbia, HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 502 Or p heum bldg. (Emprenah Individual In atructions; positions when capable. M. 1542, WANTED An arprentice girl, dressmaking. NEAT younjr lady for secretary; p-d paj (04 Ellis ave Pellwrod car. NICE hom-i In exchange for asslstanco with nousfwora. s-cnuyier st- WOMAN to assist with housework for room anq Doara. j 3ru. - , . MISS MATTIXGLrs SCHOOL Shortha.. i.vpcwnniiB. eo mo. jir J-ttn. Mar. UHO-I. WANTED Experienced woman for Kneral nouseworK, in country. K ISO, Oregonian. WAITRESS wanted at 42' N. 3d fit LEA RN beauty culture. Summer rate. 50o Columbia bldg. Graduate Paris, Berlin. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOLER . BARBER COLLEGE wants men ana women to learn tne trade; tuition re ciuced; paid -while learning; diplomas Is sued to graountes. colleges; 1:2 years in business. . Write for catalogue A. 46 N. id street. FALL term begins now; men and women t learn the barber trade in 8 weeks 1 dos! tiona guaranteed, tools free, paid while lora. urrgon caroer uouege, maoison. YOUNG IADY or young man for cigar store, .ippiy peisonany. ,i Aiaer Bt. COMPLETE course stenography, night and day clauses. M. 8593. 60 days. M 413 SEE Octavius. Lyric Theater. Sunday. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED Men to try examinations for Government Jofca $70 month. Common L education sufficient. Apply Immediately. av :..., oreponian. RAILWAY mall clerks, p. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more cierits; act at once. Pacific State School. McKay bldg.. city. SOL1CITOPS- -No money required. Liberal 302 H Morrison st. proposltlon. SITUATIONS WANTED HALE. Bookkeepers smd Clerks. STRONG, able-bodied young man, 21 years or age, has nign scnooi and business col. education and experience as stenographer and office assist-, wants position. Salary no consideration. Sellwood 2500. WANTED Position along commercial, cleri cal or mechanical lines, by an energetic and ambitious young man. willing to com mence with small salary. Call Woodlawn 1515. YOUNG MA N C good appearance would like position as day or nignt clerk in ho tel, or janitor; good references. Address J. Fauier, Che top a block, ISth and Flan ders. " YOUNG man w ith good education and ex perience wants oirice joo. wouia like some outside work. Am a bustler. Main or AG jSP. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted, young man, S years- office experience in manufacturing iae; familiar with cost spstem, prices, etc, AH 181. Oresronian. LISTEN I am 25, neat appearance and clean habits; am experienced clothing and shoe clerk: prefer permanent position. AH IS5;. Oregonian. YOUNG MAX of initiative, courage and analytical power oejtiros opportunity to make good with reliable firm. References. Gregg, stenographer. AM 1S1, Oregonlaa. OLNG M.lN, 2-. desires nusition as hook- kerper or st ei.og rapher, 6 years experi- ence. AM 13. Orsonian. ENERGETIC, honest salesman. snts . IKisitlon with an. opportunitj- of ouiok promotion. Salary no object. Tabor '3018. M iscella o eons. WANTED, by elderly man. position, as book ' keeper, timekeeper. tallyniun or vard boss, many years' experience tn lumler -business- salary no object, but must have work; best of references. F 16. Orego rian. RESPONSIBLE couple wants position on r,rrsir;uiii a couoiry place, man poultry expert, able to transfer your pl? into a paying modern puultrv plant. Wtfe good manager anu cook. Norwegian. No chll- dren. Answer N 181, Oregonian. BOY 18 years old, attending school, want situation to work for room and board. Not particular what kind of work. D IS:, Oregonian. rj YOUNG man would like a position where he can work for room and board; roust have work; am willing to work in' or out of city. A E 185. Oregonian. FIREMAN, used to. all kinds of fuel, wants position, hotel, apartment-house or any where in city. Address Geo. Anderson, 448 TayIor st. Marshall 160S. MAN and wife wishes position, hotel or boarding-house ; man experienced cook. Best references. Marshall 121U. Call 21 Clay st. WANT cord wood- contract to cut 500 or moro cords. Have own outfit. BC lo, Oregonian. ALLAROUND butcher wants work in coun try; 20 years' experience; references. AG 175, Oregonian. YOUNG man. good education, ill start in at small salary if chance to advance. Al references. ED 1S3, Oregonian. ? 1G-YEAR-OLD boy wants work on a farm; can milk. Main ToOl, A 1517. 411 Com mercial Block. EXPERIENCED salesman, responsible, . wants specialty or regular line. AB le, Oregonian. YOUNG man. 20 years, experienced chauf feur (Oregon licensed), desires work; Al references. Main 7051. A 3517. MAN and wife (Norwegian), both experi enced in farm work, want a place for the Winter; can xnl.k. Main 7051. A 151T. YOUNG married man, sober. Industrious, wants work. References furnished, first class teamster. A R 1M, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR and first-class man for pri vate place, Al references. AM 188. Ore gon tan. Al PIANIST, sight reader, can handle mavies or vaudeville. Plays rags or elas tics. Tabor 3018. PRACTICAL camp, ranch and marine cook wants ope nine E. JJ. Clarke, Couch Hotel Couch st. FIREMAN, competent, used to all kinds of fuel, wants position. Answer to, or phone Main 4409, or P 176. Oregonian. DRUGGIST apprentices wants position; two years' experience in a modern pharmacy. Apply A 182, Oregonian. ' AUTO rep-iirmaa an-1, driver wants work; A-l reference; will cc nside- anything; reasonable price. 5 163, Oregcnian. BY young married man, steady work any kind. First-class teamster. References furnished. State wages. S 1S4. Oregonjar.. EXPERIENCED groceryman with a Ford delivery car would like a position. Kefs. A E 1S3, Oregonian. WANTED Position by two men as wood cutters and clearing land, Geo. Hedrech. box 2, Lenta, Or. EXPERIENCED photographer wishes to have a position in studio as a retoucher or printer. BD lf2, Oregonian. RELIABLE Japanese wishes to have a po- sition of any kind, BC 1S1, Oregonian. MAN and wife want work, any kind. No children. Col. ?43. HIGH school boy will work for board and room. AF 1SL Oregonian. YOUNG Swedish -man wishes any kind of liff'it work. AE 184, Oregonian. BRICK o-- stone work, any kind, anywhere. II. M.. 410 E. 81st st YOUNG married couple want work on ranch for Winter. Y 1ST. Oresoniau. CHINESE schoolboy wishes any kind work after achooL BP 175. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, married, well educated, am bitious. IU do anything. Woodln. 2565. CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. Sell. 1359 JAPANESE boy wants work in family. Route No. 1. box A, Hillsdale, Or. Reliable man wants pos'n as stockkoeper r salesman, auto co. AM 173, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by two wood cutters. Address AG 12, Oregonian. -JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1070. Jap. Assn. of Or. 218 Henry bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographe COM PETENT stenographer. experienced, will work small salary. AK 181, Orego nian. ; ; COMPETENT stenographer desires position; experienced iu general office work; mod erate salary. Main 7051. A 1517. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; reasonable; home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 0513. . . DRESSM AKEfl of long experience would like work in family, 9 Per uay. i-iiene Main 8320. CAPABLE, reliable woman wants dressmak ing. $1.50 a day and carfare; references. Main "051. A 1517- MADAME SUMMERS, tailoring and dr making. Main 7271. Marshall 5230. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Tabor 2;!51. FIRST-CLASS tailoring and dressmaking done in homes, phone Main 350. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring, by day. Main .-.60H. DRESSMAKING, lady tailoring by the day, $2.30; expei ien ed. Tabor 483. MAKEOVER SHOP 202 Fliedner bids. Suits, gowns to order or modeled. Mar. 5201. Nurses. TRAINED nurse receives into her quiet, comfortable home a few maternity pa tients; terms to suit patients; city doctors' reLerences. Tabor 2687. 1234 E. Morrl soii gt. Ciili-DT: EN'S nurse, German, with good rejriices. for mornlnns, afternoons anil evenings. Marshall lwi2. INVALIDS and confinement esses taken In physician's private home; best care; terms reasonable; close In. Phone East 5Q23. RT A IN ED r.uise w i ll take maternity or other cases; $12 week. BD 184. Oregonian. T R A I N ED NURSE lanes Juvalids or chil dren to board; reasonable. Sellwood 2454. . Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPING for gentleman with chil dren or lady employed, by competent lady; city or country. Phone East 4132 or call 12 East 7'.h st. COMPETENT middle-aged woman wants po sition as working housekeeper for widower or old couple In or out of town; Al refer eji ces. AT a I n 7 053 . A 1 51 T. REFINED, respectablu woman of 50 wants light housekeeping In widower's home; good cook, first-class housekeeper. AG IS. Crei;anian. RE FIN FD capable woman desires house keeper's posit '.on in motherless family. Mrs M. Knapp. 207 E. 20th st. N. IOUNG lady wishes position as housekeep er for bachelor or widower without chil dren. AB 1 ST., Oregonian. RE LI A BLI3 lady, 35, wants housekeeping in small family: wages $18. Reference! I'xrhangf d. AG 1 Oregonian. LADY will keen house lor gentleman. Room 17. Main 2751. WANTING place housekeeper or cook by young la dy. AO 150, Oregonian, ttamestlca. COMPETENT young woman, good cook and laundress, wants a place to work where she can take her 7-mon t hs-old baby; $14 ' per month. Main 7051. A 1517. CAPABIiE. reliable middle-aged woman de sires cooking and Kitcnen work in private boa rdjn at -house ; C20 per month; references. Main 7"51. A 1517. YOUNO woman, experienced cook, desired position in boarding-house or small hotel; references. Main 7'51. A 1517. EXPERIENCED German girl wants general nouse worn and cook 111 g. rnone Alarsnau 2m. POSITION V" by firat-ciasa cook, best reierence, jiain on;. GIRI wants light housework for good home ana smaii' wages. Aisrsnaii o3i9. EXPERIENCED girl wants general houee- wora. rnpne 1 aoor 4v. Mlsceilaneoua YOUNG woman with business ability wishes position in grocery rstore. ive yearsr ex perience. Phcne Tabor 7:iS. WANTED, by nurse.-worlt at once. Consider light notifreworK. Ker. labor 2v2i. EXPERIENCED laundress and bousecleaner wants worn oy cay. uroanway 4217. MARRIED lady will work for housekeeping GOOD housed nr.or wants work by the day Woodlawn HOI. .ACE curtains don: 11 years' experience Tabor 5933. Mrs. Soott. COMPETENT laundress wants work Tliur. an'i r i). jidcicuvuo, tYooaiawn lbL;, 1 ; r y o,