16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1913. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous, KKt'IA'KD young lady will assist with any or: of nleusant work In exchange for l-ward and room. Engaged part of day. Jiarsnau 47"V. GTRL attending trade school wishes to as sist with housework fur board, room and remuneration. -11, box 292. F. o.. Glad stone, or. i COMPETENT stenographer. .experienced. wiM work small safari. AK. 11, orego nian. WANT E D Piano playing in moving-picture Know, city or out t town. Also for dan-lng. Marshall .".:..". lOl'N'i lady uants position in private boarding-house or general housework. Phone Marshall 2771. YOUNG woman with business ability wishes position in grocery store. Five .years' ex perience. Phono Tabor 7:;?. YOUNG woman, thoroughly experienced, de sires position as telephone- operator or ashler. Main 7001. A 1517. EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning, laundry or cooking. 20c per hour. Tabor ;4:;. TOL'NG Austrian -woman- 30, wants day work Fridav or Saturday; references. Main 7f51. A HIT. CA PA BEE woman wants position a3 cook in boa rdlng-house ; $25 munih. Main 7051, A jr.lT. EXPERIENCED young lady, work by day or hour, washing, cleaning. Eaat outfit. WOMAN" wants work, by hour or day. Call Marshall 745. MARRIED lady will work for housekeeping rooms. Marshall 2074. room 4. EXCHANGE operator desires position, 4 years' expTlenc. Marsh alt M04. WOt;i4u lik- some day work at 25c per hour. Marshall UM. Apartment 4. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Tabor 4 .VS. COLORED woman w ants work. 61 N. 0th. Broadway 5501. COMPETENT woman wants day or hour work. Main 52O0. DAY work wanted this forenoon and Friday all day. Main 434't. EXP. laundress wants to take laundry home. waf-n carefully. Marshall til 3 7. li KLIABLE. experienced young lady w 1th references wants day work1. C 3987. WANTED TO RENT. House, WANTED Nov. 1, small modern f urn ished house within walking distance: no chil dren: bf-st of references. Address BD 172, Urpyonian. Apart men tn. 4-ROOM heated flat or apartment, near Courthouse or Lincoln High. AO 191, Ore sonian. FOK KENT. Furnished Rooms. THE CARLTON HOTEL offers comfortable furnished, well-ventllat-rd and heated outside rooms at $5 a week; $ a week with bath; first class, popular priced rtstaurant in connection; service and accommodations equal to any down town hotel at a much less figure. CARLTON HOTEL. 14th and, Washington. ROOM 3 AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms in all parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week, double, with individual beds; or $2.50 to 4.50 per week single. HOTEL BLACKSTONB. Corner 11th and, Stark. S3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat; telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam Vt ill. Desirable dewnetairs location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates $1 per day, $4 per 'eek. With pri i'e bath $1.5u per uay, $5.50 per week. HOTEL BRISTOL, l'JTH AND STARK. Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private baths, individual .elcphone. electric lights, steam heat: singh: rooms $2 per week and up, with bath $3.50 and up; thoroughly respectable; entrance on 12th. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 2072 -209 4th at. Rooms with private baths, $1 per day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. HOTEL CONRADINE. 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tion; respectable and strictly modern, fire proof building, elevator and large lobby. Rooms a per week and up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 632 i Washington st. ; fireproof; Ideal location; steam In at. running hot and cold water, phones, bat hi. all outside, clean, quivt rooms; $2.5u week up; 50c day up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10 th. central location. REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; we?K ly, 52.50 up; neat rooms, running water, fiee phone and baths, steam heat. HOTEL FORD, 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room ; rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath, $15 up. HOl'EL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Roims $10 month. $20 up witn riate bath ; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. ETIl ELTON" HOTELi 305V, 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all room;; s per week anu up. oiarsnau -7o. fr IS only three blocks from the "Land Products Show" to the Hotel Vernon, at 103 12th st.. where you can get a better room tor less. MiW LY furniBhed, sttam-hec'ed single room, bath and telephone. $9 per month. Belknap Apartments, 1ST 17th, near Yam. hi IK KEW brick, 0-room, high-clas. most com plete in Portland; 21st and Overton; must be seen. Main SO or 3104. LA Kit Alt EE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm, clean. In walking distance; $1.70 week and up. '.'27 V Larrabec. ' HOTEL LIND. For comfort and convenience; modern snd clean; 50c up. 44 8d st., Broadway 4SS. HOTEL CORDOVA. 200 11th St. Strictly ntodt rn , private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 0472. A 47S3. HOTEL NOURIS, 533'a Alder. Modern out sido rooms. $2 per week up. MAXWCLL Hall. 207 14th ; strictly modern; use of parlor: real home; $2 up. M. 1153. & TANDISH HOTEL. 64S4 Wash. st7S team -heated outride rooms. $2 per wk up. FurnUhed Rooms in Private Family. LA RGE. clean front room ; electric light, heat, hot water, strictly private family, convenient to business center; 40 Ella st. Phone Main flO'JO. 1)WER floor, three rooms, strictly jnodt-rn home. furnished complete, piano, light and hear, llnlladay Addition; walkfng dis tance. Phone E. 4401. ATTRACTIVE room fr one or two young men ; modern conveniences. reasonable, i I twe In, on West Side. Main 0720. 203 i:;th t. SlCKLY furnivhed rooms, modern, conveni ences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near TCth. KOU RENT Large. well-furnished front room, modern conveniences, walking dls tance. 4 4it w. T'atk. Nit ELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. U'VKLY r- om. refined family. Nob Till:; home comforts; references. Main 3741. lUVINOTOX Beautiful room. new home; 1 1 1 blocks to l or B car. near club. K. 41'.. NICE larice steam-heated room, St. Francis Apt. References!. Main 7!5. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan ; on carllne, 10 minutes from business center: price In accord with general business conditions. TRd and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 12 S3, A 602S. ALEXANDRA COURT. &3 ELLA ST. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Fultes. Single rooms. Excellent table. A B211. Main 4611. kN 1 OK ER BOOKER A PTS.. TOth and Har rison : one 3-rortm apt., corner, private balcony and phone. Splendid location. 27..V. Ma'n 1320. ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur nish board and room for $22.50 a month and up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone 3143. LARGE, airy room for two or three per sons; walking distance; splendid board; $". each. The Manitou. 201 13th s:. THE MANITOP, 2Jt 13TH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. R4KtntWith Boa rd In Private Family" inVINV.TON Room and board "in private family : lady or gentleman ; references. East "71 y. S3.". 1 1 TH Att ract i ve a-ge oorn. with ex cellent board. West Sice. Main .l'S5. FOK business rirl or students. $4 week up. "Anna Lewis" Hall. 5 IP Klandera at. I.ARr.F. front room f 2 or 3 gentlemen. $;...". rr week, with board. Marshall 2t. H E AUTTFU I j large rooms wit h- board.$" up. Main 63S1. 601 Harrison, near 14th FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. MODERN' ROOMS, HOME COOKING. Close in. rates $5, S5.5o, S3 and $7 week; special rates for 3 or 4 in family; run ning hot and cold water in rooms; plenty t of heat, beautiful reception hall, free phone and piano. 30 North 17th st., just off Washington. ROOM and board for one or two persons in refined, attractively furnished, hotnez like place . steam heat, plenty of hoi water, befit of board, all home privileges; good location on West Side; $5 and $0 per week, phone Marshall i4:;s BEAUTIFUL, large room, newly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds, i: dressers, every convenience, good board, 13 minutes walk to postoffice. Main fi3i1. .Vl Harrison, near 14th NOB HILL, walking distance, 2 nicely lur nished front rooms, suitable for 1 or 2; strictly modern. The best of home cook ing, use of piano and li home privileges. Phone :A arshall G363. CLOSE-IN, well-furnished, large, light, airy room for 2, with best of home cook-in-;, prepared by one who has had do megtic science training. Main 4341. LARGE front room; running water, individ ual beds, excellent board; two gentlemen,; reasonable; central. 201W. Park. NICE furnished rooms, w ith or without board, home comforts, in private family; walking distance. Calf Marshall 30 ly. TWO front rooms $2.50 week ; gaa range, free electricity, phone, bath ; also a large room, $1.50 a week. 92 4th st. EXCELLENT room and board for 2 working people in new home ; ev-ry t n ing modern; furnace heat; $17.50 each. Wdln. 2038. 1 ROOM for young man or lady, exclusive family boarding-house, excellent service. 300 iuth. corner Montgomery. NICE furnLshed rooms with or without board, home comforts, in private family; walking distance. Call Marshall 301S. ROOM2, with beard, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. ROOM, board, private home, 2 gentlemen; sleeping porch. u7ti Ladd avt. East 2333. FINE h. k. and sleeping room; walkingdis" tance; reasonable. Main 6502. 221 loth st. Furnished Apartment. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSS THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular, w ell known and of the highest ' standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features; BALLROOM, BILLIARD AND CAitDROOS, LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEEL DON ANNEX. 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier Sc. Frank store; good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. DAY WEEK, MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or silver. Reason able. Walkino distance. ' VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof gardea in connection. Walking distance. References. THE AVALON. Furnished, or unfurnished 8-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and hath, sleeping porch; nearest ttw Union Depot of East Eilde apartments. 285 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. GLEN' COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Jlandsjmely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room suites; best locatiou in city; reasonable. 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2 -room apis,, ls to J25, including pri vate phone.- hath, Ughis and steam heat. Laundry room with jsleam dryr. Garage convenient. Main 1277. A 4152. WESTFAL, 410,5th st. Elegantly furnlslisd and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apts. ; auto matic elevator, easy walking distance, most reasonable rent, day. week or month i 20 to 130. Main 2u70. MELCLIFFE COURT, EAST 11TH AND ALDER, 2 and 3 -room furnished and un furnished apt. ; modern service; very rea sonable rates; 3-min. car service; i in in, from town. DELAHUNT COURT, 2Sth and Sandy Blvd. 3 -room apartments. completely f ur- nished. tle bath, hardwood iloors, white "enamel; swell. $50. Phone East :y.;v0. WASHINGTON GRAND 1 and 3-room fur. apts., $10 mo. up. Hot and cold water, heat, light and bath furnished. One weeK's rent free wit first month's rent in ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 4440. THE DEZENDORF. 2Ut4 10th St.. Near Taylor. 6-room furnished apts., walking distance, fine view, all outside rooms, everything first-class; rctereuce. Mar. 2324. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New. modern ; steam neat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 rooin apts., lu nun. lrom business center, Bave carfare; ra:es moderate; references. MADISON PARK APTS., f am st., at Madison. Modern -j., a and 4-room lurnLshed apart ments. close In; by week, or month. ION I ANCOURT, ISth andCouch73 and 4 roora apartments. All modern conven iences; walking distance. Rents $22.50 to $32.50. Main 1102. ROSELYN APARTMENTS. 2-room modern, clean and comfortable. Very low rates, llo N. 21st st. Marsh.au 4141 and 4140. THE EVERETT. 04 4 Evorett. bet. 20 th and Ella sts.; fucnished 3-room apts. ; with or without sleeping porch; modern. BARON APARTMENTS, 14 th and Columbia. 3 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms: ligit, pleasant and well fur nished; walkiug distance; $t to S25.O0. Main 8757. WAGONER A PA RTM ENTS. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. S4U 6 large rooms, furnished. bath, phone, heat, walking distance. Adults. HISLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw thorne, 2 and 3-room apts.. private baths and phone; also single rooms; well fur nished: $12.5l up. Piione East 882. Til E CHELTEN HAM Utautiful furnisiied 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; low est rate in city. Corner N. l'.'th and Northrup.- FUll RENT Nicely furnished 2-room apart ment, strictly modern, rent $21. Chapman Apts., :;5. Chapman st. HARR1MAN APTS.. 164 24th St. N. 1 large 3-room apt., furnished, equivalent to 4 rooms; references. H E R M E N I A . 4 00 Hall St., corner 10th, one basement apt.. $13 and one front 2-room G R A N D-O A K T wo and th ree-room apart ments; prices right, strictly modern. Cor. Grand av-e.. East Oak. East 3302. N 1 C ELY f urn ished 2 a nd 3-room apart ments, steam heat, electric lights, etc; rates $11 to $1S. 334 5th st. NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment, $12.50 per month, including lights, phone, janitor service, etc. ir?7 17th, near Yamhill. ELM W OOD Apts.. loth and Hal I Lobby, so ci hall, modern 3-room furnished and unfurnished apt J., reasonable. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. . Greatly reduced rates. Pbone E. 2tt8. HAMMERSLEY COURT." 25012TH ST. By the day, week or month; modern, close to 1. O.. reasonable; ref. Marshall 2052. FAIRMOL'NT APTS.. 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments $20 up; close in. Main 2286. BANNER. 4S9 Clay St., 2 rooms, furnished. $8 to $16. including heat and light; walk ing distance. Marshal! 2074. FOR RENT. Grace A part r lent. 24 th and Northrup; 4 room furnished apartment. Marshall 1070. B J ELL AND APARTMENTS. 10th and Love Joy Choicest 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apts.; rates lowest. Main 1807. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10 an d $12. 1114 Union ave. N. Wd 1. 512. CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy ; 2 and 3-room-front apartments. Rent $20 to $30. CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2 rms. $14.50 up; light and heat. 32S Mill at. " THE" ALAMO. 414 Market st. Nicely fur nished 3-room apts. : $16 up. AR D M A YT E 1 1 RA C E." 39 5 12 T H First -class In every respect ; attractive ratea Vnf ii to ished Apartments. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Now is the time to secure high-grade permanent apartments; references. Mar. 5758. MAYO APARTMENTS. 5nS Union ave. N near Broadway, new, strictly modern 3-room apts.. reasonable. KEARNEY API. 3 rooms, light and airy, cheap. Apply Manager, 673 Kearney. ROOoEVELT. 670 Kearney st. Five rooms. $25 and $30: attract! v--Jy arranged. 760 IRVING, 6 sunny outside rooms, two sleeping porches. Refs. Marshall 175S. THEMARLBOROUGhT sTstT and" Flandens l.arge. light 5. 6 rms., reas. M.7516. A2676. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3, 4, o rooms, reasonable. Mar, 3260, FOB REM. Unfurnished Apartments. FOR RENT One of Portland's best equipped, moet modern and elegantly ap pointed unfurnished apaxtments ; build ing absolutely fireproof; finest plumbing, shower bath, kitchen and inlaid linoleum; beat enameled refrigerator, gas stove, vault for your valuables, modern Indirect lighting- system; one outside apartment; rent $u7.5u per month including heat and water; Janitor, telephone and garbage service. Call Main s& or Main 3194. FORD HAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st., at Washington. The most elegant and best I mis tied 3. - and 5-rooni apartments in the city. Fin ished In oak and mahogany, hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, uled bath and every modern convenience. 8-room and bath. $30.00 up. 4 - room and bath. $27. 50 up. 5- room and bath. -4J.5Q up. K1NGEEURY APARTMENTS, 1S6 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location, unsur passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRETIA COURT, on Lucretia st.. 1U0 feet north of 23d and Washington; most beautifully located, high-class apartments, 2 and $ rooms; ail large outside rooms; 2 apartment newly f uriiished, prices, reasonable; references re quired ; see them before locating. Man agar, Marshall 1513. PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison sts., furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4 room apartments in four-story brick. Everything modern; situated in the most convenient apartment-house district in tho city and directly oo the PaVk block. 353 Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3070 BOWMAN' APARTMENTS Corner 17th and Tillamook sts.; nandsome corner apart ment, four larco rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, tile bath, electric fire place, private front porch, steam heat, janitor service, $50 per month. Broadway 3"2. Home A 1251. THE WICKERSHAM, 18TH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and 0-room apartments; all outside rooms; ideal location; see tbe before locating for the Winter; prices rea sonable. 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St- ' Most modern and fashionable a part men t-house in Portland ; absolutely tire proof. Three to 7 -room unfurnished apart ments. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hoyt. 3 and 4-roorn Unfurnished Apta $22.30 to $37.30. Exclusive residence district, near schools and shopping district; splendid car service. DELAHUNT COURT, 28 th ana Sandy Blvd. Three-room apartments, completely fur nished, tile bath, hardwood floors, white enamel; swell, $b0. Phone East "300. SHEFFIELD APTS.; 270 Broadway SL 1 4-room apt., 1st floor, $30; 1 3-room apt.. 2d floor front, 2 wall beds, 2 clothes closets. Main 2506. ROSliXFELD A PTS., 14th and East Stark Brick bldg.. strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apts.. all outside rooms, private phones, janitor service, reasonable rent; refs. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup, amidst Portland's select residences; six outside rooms, veranda, hard wood floors; modern service; references. Main 4O08. FOR RENT 2-room, strictly modern apart ments, hot water heat, all modern con veniences: rent only $17. Chapman Apts., 355 Chapman st. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. 5 rooms, large porch, everything modern. 475Schuyler. East 54 7, C 1668. STEVENS APT. 6 large outside rooms, front, back and sleeping porches, heat, not water and phone. 7U1 .Northrup. near 24th. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ref. Furnished or Lufurniahed Apartments. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and uufurnlshed apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms. fouttory brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt., $15.. Phone Mar shall MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE, S13-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at jour servioo in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 20 15. HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King it., Near Washington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building; prlvata balconies and phones; 3 and 3-room apart ments, f urnisl ed or unt uruishea; trora 1''-i'0 Per month u p. STELWYN APARTMENTS, VERY HIGH CLASS, elegar.tly turn ished apartments; linen anu silver, sleeping porcnes, white enameled woodwork; very modern; refer ences reuulred. 100 tot, Clair st,, cur. Wash. Marshall 2h3U. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 2D AND GL1 SAN. Largest. most homelike, high-clasa apartments in city; furnished and unf ur nisned; sleeping porch; walking distance. MARSHALL 31 SI. WELLINGTON APTS.. 10th and Everett; very central, large, light rooms, corner building, 3 r. furnished. $22.50; 2 r. fur nished, $20; 4 r. unturmshed, $17.50. Main 1245. I? U EN A VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartmcnt-h juse on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance; references. M 1001, 1 1052. C EC E LIA APTST 22d and G 1 fsa rT-C or fTer building, all outside apts., private bal conies, direct phone service. one 3-room, S20.5U furnished ; one 3-room, S22.50, un turmshed. TRINTY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. CLAY POOLE APARTMENTS, corner ltth ana Clay -2 rooms, furnished, $20; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close in, splen did. well-kept building.j THE WOUDMANShE, furnished and unfur nished apartmer-us; private baths. 10i -N. 18th Bt. WESTON 1. .APTS. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and vnfurnished. 008 Glisan. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front coraer rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E. 2U07. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 W" ash., opp. 22d. Main 7131. 4 AND ".-ROOM apts., witU sleeping"-pore heal 185 E. 13th near Yamhill st. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 3 and 3 rooms; reasonable, modern service. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st. 3 and rooms; high-class- references. Main 2U5S. LA MB ROOK East 7th and Yamhill, clean, comfortable, desirable, l. 2 and 3 rooms. " Flats. 0 ROOMS, well lighted, fireplace, hot-water coil in furnace; close in; janitor and scav enger service free. Rent ?25. Key at news stand. 10th and Washington sts. Phone Marshall 3540. PRETTY corner flat, unsurpassed location. accessible to business and churches, light, ' clean, strictly modern, 15 days' free rent, open for inspection. Owner, 00 N. 19th. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 7S2 Glisan St., hardwood floors, nearly new. good condi tion, tine neighborhood, fi rep ace and fur- nece; per montn. un aiain zuio. FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs; furnace, newly tinted and painted; 1087 Hawthorne ave. Phone Wallace Drug Co., B 2527 or Tabor 773. 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT for rent: furnace, fireplace, yard, large light rooms; 7R2 Johnson. Phone Main 10S0 and Main 7820. 6 OR 8-room upper, new 1 -tinted flat cheap. Near In. Call 275 14th, Also 3-1 oom base ment flat. SWELL modern 7-room flat; furnace and fireplace; $25. 446 Park st. Tabor 7S3 or East 1431. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable locauon. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. MODERN flat, lO rooms, Jackson St., close in : ncnt reduced from $45 to $30. Main 4172. 0-ROOM UPPER FLAT for rent; furnace, fireplace, ard. large light rooms; 72 Johnson. Phone Main 10M and Main 72). 0-ROOM modern flat, close in. on Johnson Ft. Call 1 loo N. W. Bank bldg. Main S37. 7-ROOM modern upper flat, splendid light. West Side. Reasonable. Main S705. MODERN 6 and 7-room flat, close In. In quire 1S9 16th st. 4-ROO" flat, every convenience, lowest rent, near 23d, Washington. Main S9SS, A 2676. 7 AND 9-room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th and Mil'.. 43- Mill. Main 4ul3. 739 ?s Overton . choice location, modern, sun ny" upper flat, attic, porches. Main 7584. NEWLY tinted 6-room flat, with or without garage. 230, N. ISth. MODERN 5-room flat. 5 th near Jackson. West Side. 10 min. walk. East 2377. 6-ROOM lower fiat, modern. l&S Lownsdale st Inquire 175 10-th st. S. MODERN 5-room flat, all conveniences. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. FOR RENT 426 6th. or 6-rooin flat. Inquire Furnished Flats. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat, 8 East 12 1 h N. Marshall 787. A 71$L FOR RENT. "furnished Flats. OWNER'S beautiful modern flat for the Winter. Ail large, light rooms, $35. Nice ly furnished. piano, furnace, fireplace References. 333 Broadway. Marshall 1 i7 2. JACKSON BUNGALOW, 3, 4 and 5-room apartments, all furnished, modern, walk in distance. Good heat. 454 11th st. 2-3-ROOM FLATS, furnished or unfur nished: sleeping porch, light, phone, fuel; from $10 up. 36Q Chapman st.. cor. MilL FINELY furnished six-room lower flat. o Kearney sLreet,; all conveniences; rent moderate. Phone Main l.tiu. Housekeeping Rooms THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $8 mo-ath up; clean place. Phone A 4560. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. THE ELMS, 191 14th st. 1 and $ rooms, clean, bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up. OILMAN HOTEL, lat and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. $1.50 week up. 4bl EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apta, Reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family." TWO large outside rooms, furnished com plete for housekeeping, hot and cold water in rooms, free us ot telephone and bath, for only $S per month. 5s.- Commercial si., in Albina. Phone Woodlawn 1120. TWO nice large front rooms for house- Ketping; walking distance, with phone, light, bath and wood. 253 Chapman. Mar shall 393. $1 TO $2.50 week, furnished H. K. rooma gas. free heat, bath, laundry. Phone East t03. 2C3 Stanton. U car. ONE or more room suites, everything fur nished except cooking gas and silver. 087 near i sr.. FURNISHED 11. K. apartments. $6. $9 per LARGE housekeeping room, with kitchen ette. Neat. 402 Clay -ROOM front suite. Tree phone, $0 month. 350 14th. $10 MONTH, 2 rooms, hot and cold water, bath.w-ood. laundry free. 13 N. 9th st. FURNISHED rooms $1.50 wevk up; single housekeeping rooms. 1S9 West Park. ONE and 2 very large front H. K. rooms. flrM floor. 429 Main. TWO nicely furnished h. k close in; free light, phone and bath; 9 E. 7th St. MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, 8th Floor, New Building. Complete and reliaoie iist of vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city. Make use of this service when you ueslre. This does not obligate you In any manner to this store. You will fled us ready and willing at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of privats property are invited to Use their unoc cupied apartments, flats and houses at Meier & Frank's Free Rental Bureau. BUNGALOW, 4-room and bath, $.50. Bungalow. 5-room and bath, $9. Bungalow, 6-room and bath. $11. Buugalow, 7-room and bath, $11. All modern, nearly new. cabinet kitch ens, basements, etc.; restricted district. UMBDE.NSTOCK &. LARSON CO.. Broadway 1658. $06 Oak Street. Sunday apply 253 E. 70th North. BARGAINS. 6-room house. East Uih and Morrison, o. 10-room house. Grand ave. and Oregon. 10-room house, 321 Montgomery, near 6 th, $35. Phone Main 344. 4-UOOM house for rent at $6 a month; mod ern conveniences, pleasant location, close to Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric; Bull Run water, electric liehts. teleDhones. 5c carfare. See Ned Burke on the ground or call for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg. -iw.u wiugc, moaem, i i luaiiu, iresn ly tinted, good condition; cheap rent. 6-room house, modern, 912 Cleveland; freshly tinted and repaired; good car service; low rent for good tenant. Call owner. Main or A 2131. 6-ROOM modern house, jut papered and painted, gas range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary wushtub. Kent reasonable. Bjelland's Grocery. Main 167, A 1807. A FINE, modern home, well located, having several beautiful and exclusive built-in features; large fireplace, oak floors, fine fixtures and furnace, to good permanent tenant at low rent. R 183 Oregonlan. -ROOM house, modern, furnace, Dutch kitchen, etc.. $15 per mo.; also 5-room house $7.50 per mo. ; 4-room house $5 per mo. See M rs. Marsh, 72 J Chamber of Commerce. Main 51 29. FOR RENT lu-room house; a good place for a boMtdicg house; all newly painted inside and outside; reasonable rent. l-io t.orbett st. Inquire Brown Bros., tailors, 244 Alder st. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow In Laurel hurst for rent to responsible party. Also will sell furniture If desired. 1213 E. Flanders. PORT. HEIGHTS 8 rms.. modern, furnacs and fireplace,, four bedrooms, newly paint ed and tinted ; rent $25; key next door. Main 5704. Evenings East 4294. $20 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, laun dry, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fur nace, every convenience ; near Reed Col lege, Eastmoreland. . Phone Main 7063. MODERN' 7-room house; owner will arrange so can be occupied by two families; cheap to rirht party. 145 E. 27th st. Phone East 130K S-ROOM house, modern convenience, on cor ner lot 65x100, with garage. 741 East Broadway; S40. Whitmer-Kelly Co.. 711 Pittock block. -ROOM strictly modern house, $2250. No. 1181 Haight ave., cor. J ess up; one block to Killings worth ave. car. 326 Board of Trade. Vain 7452. r-ROOM house, 39th and Tillamook, $20 un furnished or $25 furnished. Phone Tabor 1 132. SEVEN rooms and garage, hot-water heat, tile bath, unusually fine for a rental house; will lease. Main 037. BEAUTIFUL bungalow. 6 rooms and bath; furnace, fireplace, with or without garage. 823 Kerby st. Main 0259. 8 ROOMS, clean, walking distance, good lo cation, near school. West Side. $16. East 4237. $16 MODERN 6-room house, in good con dition. Call OOo E. 15th N. or pbone Woodlawn 197. RENT East 12th st. house, all modern con veniences: , walkiifcg distance. Apply 304 Morgan bldg. 549 6TH. 8 rooms, $25 (water); 1043 E. Alder. $10; 91 N. 15th, $18. Drakes. 911 Selling. Main 3392. MODERN 6-room house, 29th and E. Burn side, good condition, reasonable. Scllwood 515. FINE 8-room house, with garage, fireplace, sun porch, hardwood floors and furnace. $40. Phone Mar. 5344. 7-ROOM .louse, 2 blocks from St. Johns ear: furnace and sleeping porch. $20. Phonq Mar. o.;4 HOT water furnace, small yard, neat 7-room house. 510 Market, near 14th. $22.60. Main 4510. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, aear 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. $7.5t x acre. 6-room house, new. modern. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. $50 lO ROOMS, one of the nicest homes in Irving! on. Smith -Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex. $14 6-ROOM HOUSE; first-class condition. Inquire 925 E. Stark St. 9-ROOM house, 310 10th St., rent $22.50; arranged for housekeeping suites. 7-ROOM clean house. 268 14th st7near Jef fexson. Main 3870. 7-ROOM house, 488 10th, near high school. Inquire 468 Park st. A 2S37. 697 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity, furnace, walking distance. Phone East 8. 329 K. 57TII. near Hawthorne 7 rooms, sleeping porches, garage. East 8. 5-ROOM cottage. 3:Sit Oth; rent $30; easy walking distance to business center. A SNAP, only $10, a fine new modern bun galow. K 1S5. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE cottage. 3 rooms. 341 Sherman st. Walking distance. Main 867. FOR RENT 8-room house, newlv reflnlshed M clay st.. near 16th. Tel. Main 6628. Furnished Houses. $10.50 3-ROOM house, well furnished, WW car. 50th ave, and 3Sth st- S. E. Phone Main 7063. LAURELHURST 3-room strictly modern bungalow, piano, 1 blocks from Rose city car. Manor iiiu. mornings. FOR RENT $40: nlce'y furnished houre. 8 rooms. Willamette. Heights, piano, furnare. two fireplaces, ran mornings. Mar. 4S70. IRVINVON Part of furnished house. 5 rooms, on carline; entire ground floor, in cluding heat. $30; adults. East 43S4. S-ROOM house, partly furnished. $25: suit able for two apartments. B 176, Orego- nian. FURNISHED BUNGALOW and garage; 470 1-.. 44tn .N. ; rent ajv. r none iast 644. 6-ROOM upper corntr flat, furnished. 570 E. salmon. 4-ROOM bungalor.-, furnished, Mt. Scott car Phone Sellwood 2S3. 5-ROOM cottage, near Portland Heights; pretty place. Phone Main 5S09. NICE 7-room bungalow, furnished $10, or FOR RENT. -Furnished Houses. MOST attractive, elegantly furnished eight rooms, basement, garage, lawn and flowers, everything complete, line furnace; lease six months or more to responsible parties, $45 per month. 481 Tillamook, cor. 9th. Phone East 6595 or call Reed-Frencn Piano Mfg. Co.. loth and iStark sts. LARGE, modern bouse, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, all kinds conveniences, in good district; $30. Wood- Jaw n 1096 . 6-ROOM HOUSE in Irvlngtoo; piano, silver ware snd linen; 744 Clackamas, cor. 22d. Call from 1 to 4:30 or pnone Main 269. $14 4-ROOM furnished house, bath, eh-c- tric light, gas water included. Mar. 3w9. Stores. FIRST-CLASS location for meat market in new brick building $15 per month, at 41st and Division sts.; also large room 40x40 on corner, good for hardware, furniture, feed, wood and coal store. See J. H. Nash, 7i!3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. THREE-STORY and basement store. 40xSo. Front su; will arrange to suit tenant; good lease. 424 Chamber of Commerc. GOOD store on Third st.. corner or Inside; will change front to suit. J. H. Middle ton. 424 Chamber of Commerce. TWO stores, each 25xlr4, Kos. 543 and 54a First st. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. Offices. DANDY private office, connected with plendidly-f urnlshed suite; very large re ception room, both telephones; reasonable rent to desirable party. Call 528-531 Mor gan bldg. t PRIVATE off see with reception room. $12. 50 month also furnished office. $10; elegant suite, reasonable. Stock Exchange. $d a n d Ya mhi 1 1 sts. . WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room. $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES $10 up; furnLshed offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 S wet land bldg. Warehouses. WANTED, to rent, storage pacc In fire proof warehouse on trackage. Give price per 100 sq. ft. AM 1S4, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. GOOD duck pond, close in, plenty of birds; with cabin. AH 174. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BRIGHT young man wanted to lean, and act as private secretary to big corporation manager; small salary to start with, big future for advancement; preference will be given the one who can invest $25(o and upward; money fully secured. Reply ing give ag. experience. If any. amount of money, references. A J 1 82, Oregonian. I WANT to meet party or parties deslrine an active interest in high-class manufac turing business of great merit and future possibilities; only plant of the kind on thj coast; requires investment of few thou sand dollars; men of good character and ability onlv solicited ; investments fully secured. J 16. Oregonlan. A SPLENDID opportunity for a weekly newspaper to receive a genuine support in a live country town of 5O00 people; and in the entire county, if independent and will puDlish facts exposing grafters. No subsidy, but support. Address A V 264, Oregonian. $2000 WILL buy a w ell-stoked grocery which is making $1500 a year; the price includes fixtures and good will. We will prove to you that this is a real money maker by letting you run the store a week before buying. J OH N" P. WESTON CO.. 6 3 o Northwestern Bank bldg. caution, buyers; Before closing deal fur so -catted interest in established real estate du sin ess. get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL, Secy. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLEAN stock of 'merchandise, located on the olecinc line close to Portland; will Invoice about $DOO0; must have $500 cash, balance on terms; doing a fine business; will stand strict investigation. Call Mar shall 56S5 after 6 P. M. A GOOD general dry goods business In a town of about 60O inhabitants, with a good, big steady payroll and good farming community; about $5000 cash required. Address A V 220, Orcgonia'i. GROCERY STORE, good district, no com petition, 3 living-rooms, rent $10, in voice about $50o; price $325. Inquire room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. DOCTOR OR NURSE. 1 5-room ideal house and location for sanitarium ;- quiet, refined. reasonable; have doctors to support it. Mrs. Parks, Clay pool Annex. Main 1329. OLD established business wants a reliable partner to keep plain accounts, check goods, etc.; good pay. $1000 required, which will be secured. Call room 329 Mor gan bldg. PARTNER wanted for an old-established office businees. Will be some outside work and owner will guarantee you $115 month. Requires small investment. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. WELL-ESTABLISHED grocery in grow Ing community, iu mitos rrom i'oriiana; gooa, clean stock, new, modern building, small rent; will sell at inventory, as owner has other business. U05 Northwest bldg. WANTED Steady man to work In cash business as partner. Requires $300 and owner will guarantee you $73 month at start. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. MUST sell butcher shop, slaughter-house, in good town, eastern urcgon; price rignt; have ohe- businefs; might trade. Address A V 20. OregDnian. A NEW. up-to-date millinery store, splendid . location, cheap rent; $130 will' handle; ennd rtiflKnn for the sacrifice. A K 170. Oregonian. GOOD-PAYING saloon, established 13 years; o-year lease: rent to. ai. a. iicAiicn. Stocktonia Bar. opp. Santa Fe Depoi, Stockton, Cal. BILLIARD and POOL parlors in good West Side district; Bell cigars, etc. ; la clear ing $150 per month; requires $1500. Casn or terms. Call 317 Railway Ex.' GA RAG fully equipped : will take in good man as partner ana teacn you the busi ness; iequirei $750: now clearing about $300 per month. Call C 17 Railwa y Ex. TH EATER excellently equipped : will seat 2 SO people ; this house is making good money; price $2500, cash or terms. Call 317 Railway Ex. GROCERY, delicatessen. West Side. Involoe over $1500; responsible people. $950; $350 cash, balance $25 month; no agents. Main 93S2. RESTAURANT For sale cheap if taken soon; good busi ness, cheap rent: soli in ease of leaving cit.v Information. 129 Broadway. . TH IS is an opportunity for right party. I win sacrifice a good paying pool hall in heart of city. Located in popular office building. L 1 M. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted in established cash busi ness; owner will guarantee: buyer $100 from start; only $400 required. Call 24i!i Stark st- CHANCE for reliable man as partner in a big paying garage and accessory business; this requires moderate investment, which is secured. Call 24Si Stark t. CONFECTIONERY and light groceries; transfer point; electric line ; good stock, fixtures, etc; price Is right. Call 248,i Stark st. FOR SALE Half interest In foundry and machine shop; doing a good business. Fee-ney-Bremer Co., Inc., J. F-eeney. Tilla mook. Or. MINING men. take notice! Galena lead, sli ver, copper properties for sale. ANDREW COOLI.V, Coolin. Bonnar County, Idaho. WANT TO SELL interest in auto supply business with or without service; will take $3000 to T-5000. AO 172, Oregonian. WANTED Financial partner to develop radical idea iu aeroplane construction. A L 1S2, Oregonian. ' PARTNER for established office business. The man more essential than money. El more Co.. 431 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP if taken at once. Restaurant doing gocd business. Price $60. For particulars call 247 Couch. HALF INTEREST in nice clean business, small .n vestment, money secured. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg... 2d and Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE, 13 rooms, ail housekeep ing; gooc location; $luv wilt handle it. Investigate. Call 247' Couch. TAMALE factory doing good business., which is increasing, $50 takes it. See my agent. 247 'fe Couch. FOR SALE By owner, wholesale liquor house, centrally located. Address 107 K. th. Los Angelea. F. B. Hartman. - NEAT groeerv In fine location; a snap for cash if taken at once, owners. Apply 880 Milwaukie. PARTNER in cigar business: $100 re quired: have fixtures, some stock. AF 383, Oregonian. SOI -ID GROCERY The rales are $75 day. all cash, and no delivery. Best bargain this day. Ca 1 1 room 329 M organ bldg. WANT to sell Interest in good paying room ing-house; lady preferred ; to manage same. $3'u requireo. tu ij, oregonian. CA FET ER I A wants partner. Take in $90 day. Room Morgan niag. GROCERY and market combined for rale at invoice. x litf. oregonian. SALOON and residence for sale. For par ticulars, soar ;s3 i x i .. ua n vi 1 1 e, ja i . REST AIR A NT and bakery. If looking for a gooa Dusiness can i in i. st. $115 BUY S .-.-chair barber shop: sell on ac count of poor health. AM 12. Oregonlan. OFFICE business on paying basis f o r sale, . -$100, 0acr. At- -l4i iJregoniajL, BUSINESS orPORTl'MTIKS. FOR SALE Up-to-date fully equipped soda water bottling works, in one ot the best tow ns in Northern California. Chico and suburbs has a population of oer 18,000 and is grow lug rapid iy. .Besides this we have a good, large outside territory. Our plant baa a capacity of 2lH) bottles daily. This is a snap for the right oariy. The reason for selling we bave other business Interest that we have to attend to. For foil particulars address the owuers. P. o. box 7 85. Chico. Butte Co.. CaL CONFECTIONERY and ice cream parlor, cigars, new stand, etc. ; the cleanesi. up-to-date store on the best transfer corner In the city, doing fine business; a good plaoe for man and wife, with living rooms; cost me $5600; I am going into other business and if sold in two weeks wilt take $4600; $5500 cash, time on bai.; look me up If you want best inoiK y-maker in Portland; never offered for sale before: will stay with buyer until business is thoroughly learned. II 1S5, Oregonian. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a few men of good character to get steady working positions In strictly modern man ufacturing business where you receive v your rightful share of all you produce and salaries automatically increased from time to time; a small secured iu vestment is re q u i red. See us at ouce. 418 Lu mber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark sta. PARTNER with $150 to $200 for good work, ingman's hotel. Phone A 5810, 3 rings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT A BUSINESS. Grocery, rooming or apartment-house; will give in exchange S 1-3 acres, highly improved place, on carline. BITTER. LOWE Ac DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. IMMEDIATE employment" in established business; can Invest $50u0 or more within short period; bank references. K 1&2, Ore gonian. I HAVE a Ford delivery car or roadster and $hO0 in an Overlook lot to trade for a grocery, confectionery or cigar store, b 184, Oregonlan. - ROOMING-HOUSES. WILL SACRIFICE Well established strictly modern 16-room rooming and boarding-house on the West Side, close in. for $o0 cash; cost to fur nish, $UO0O; act quick. Owner ill. Call at 20 7 Board of Trade bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-A pa rime in-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 50S-U N. V. Bank bldg., oth and Morrison. 90-ROOM apartment-house in first-class lo cation. West Side, and modern ; price $4500; cheap rent ; terms reasonable, RITTER, LOWS & DEFOREST, 2Pr-2t7 Board of Trade Bldg. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, close in, cheap rent; good furniture, including piano; ail for $275; terms. Main 4570. bPKCLvL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Suttles Lake Irrigation District, at their offices in Lam bert's store building, near Grandview Postoffice, Jefferson itoanty, Oregon, up and until the hour of lu o'clock A. M. of Monday, the 22d day of November. 1915. for the sale of th bonds of said irriga tion district to the amount of Six Hun dred Thousand Dollars 4$60O.uOO. which bonds were authorized issued by vote of said district on the 2d day of October. 115. No bonds will be sold for less than 9o per cent of the face value thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CHENOW ET 11, President C L HENLINE. Secretary. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office up to 12 o'clock coon of Wednesday. Oct. 2. 1915. for a stock of merchandise consisting of clothing, men's furnishings, shoes, ha-s. ttc, of the approximate value of $275u, fixtures $185; stock of Leader, Astoria, Oregon. Certified check for 10 per cent of th amount offered must accompany eacn tld. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The stock can be inspected and the inntory seen by applying at my oi flce. MURRAY C WHEAT. Attorney. Dated Oct. 21, 1015. Astoria, Or. Miscellaneous. COUNTY" WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Mu'it nomah County warrants, classes "G" and H." the same having been drawn upon the road fund and that were presented and indorsed "Not paia for want of fundi.. from October 5, 1915, to October 21, 1915, both dates inclusive, will, if properly indorsed, be paid on pre sentation at the office of the County Treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Oregon, October 23, 1915. JOMN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. A SPECIAL meeting of the members of '.he Beaver State Merchants' . Mutual Fire In surance Ass'n will be held In Its office, 618 Worcester building, Portia id. Oregon, November 3, at 8:u0 P. M., for the purpose of electing directors and amending by- BEAVER STATE MERCHANTS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, BY J. C MANN, ."res. MAX SALEN having disposed of his whoTe business at N. E. corner of Yamhill and 4th sts.. all persons having claims against said Max Salen are hereby reouired to present same to Bernsten & Cohen, 30 Chamber of Commerce, within five days from the date hereoL Portland, Or., Oct. 23, 1913. BARGES tor reat. 400 tons capacity. Mala HIO. LOST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light Ac Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the J? irst and Aider-street sta tion. Marshall 51O0, A 6131: OctoUar 25. 1915 1 rake handle. 1 clock, 3 iron bolts. 6 umbrellas. 1 basket and z tin pans, l nag or pears, l purse, 1 book, ' 1 can of oil, 3 packages, 2 prs. gloves. LOST Llewellyn setter, n Ith brass collar marked F. T. Boysen, Milwaukee, Oregon. Five dollars reward for return or location of dog. Telephone Red 62, B 3341. STRAYED or stolen; one light-colored Jer sey cow. ear tag in lowtr jart or leu ear; No. 4; W. R. McKay, Donald, Or. Re war. 1. LOST Pointer bitch, white with black ticks on body, answering to the name of Cal. phone Main 659U. Reward. LOST A half-Persian kitten, dark gray. Reward for leturn of same. Phone 2909. LOST Tuesday im-rring, lady's hunting case gold watch witn pea a too. itewara. i-none Marshall 5496. LOST One large nugget buckle pin. Re ward. Return to 699 Union ave. N. LOST Enameled four-laf clover pin. Re ward. Phone Tal.cr :;900. LAJriT Bunch of keys between Francis ave. an l Belmont. Reward, i u. Front, FINANCIAL. WE BUY mortgage bunds and notes. WESTERN" BOND Ac MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, also sellers Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson Sc. Ewing, 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis Sc Co, 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 1 MAKE loans from $200 to $500 on real estate secuiity. Submit your property to me at 313 Piatt building. $200 $350 $500 $ 1 300 $2000 On Real Estate. BOID REALTY CO.. Lewis Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com, $5000 OR any part. 7 per cent. Improved property. X 953. Oregonlan. $100o UP to $5000 to loan on real estate. Tabor 2520. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. II. UAitui.Mi. oi-i -HAJl. Ut COM. $1200 TO LOAN on real estate. Call $12 Piatt buMdlng for particulars. $50 TO LOAN on real estate. Call for par ti c u 1 a rs fct512P!atabuildln g . $730O OR LESS. Improved farm or city prop erty. E lOtf, Oregonian. ' LOOlv NOW H. L. Murton has money to loan. 267 H Qa gt- Main 1743. 200 TO $5000 ON FARMS. J. C, CORBIN CO.. 1 Lewis Bldg. Money to Loan on I teal Ktttate. $500. S 1000 and upwards on improved real estate; favorable terms: no dela; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY" TO LOAN Properties handled for non-residents. Coe A. McKenna & Co. 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $100,000 TO loan at 6, 7 and S per cent, from $500 up. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property. to s per cent; s.oo and. up Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on cit and farm prop erty, r. ruens, . nam, oi om. $TuOO-$12t0 AT 8 per cent on real cslaTe, AK 12. Oregonian. MONEY Any amount. 6 to S p-r cent. W, H. Seitx. 310 Spalding. Main 6584. $2oO, $350. JOOO. $00. $120u. $lv0. Frad W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans direct to owners with su- pervitins architect Curtis. 267& Oak st. V1NANCUL Money to Loan km Real Estate. PORTLAND TRUST ft SAVINGS BANK MORTGAGE LOANS. r-mpt rvc- Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST Jc SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison Sts. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property, ft to per cent. Improved residence property to 4 per eent. Improved farm property. 7 to $ oer cinU W H1TMER-KELLT CO 711 Pittock Block. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly close 4 Attractive repa mei;t privilegs. A. H. BlRRELL CO., 217 Nortawesiern Lank Bids. , Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOU BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 202 STEVENS 3LDO. STATE school money to loan on Improved "rms in .MUiinon.an founty, ft pr cent interest. Applications should be made ax office of Arthur lAingiuh attornev State La n d Boa r d . 05 M c K i v hid p., Portland. vOuD up;iy of money to loan on im proved Pcrtlond reaity at t to per cu& t arm loar.s I and 8 per cent. MALL &. VON BOR.STEL. 104 2d St.. near stark. DO you need money? We will loan on rest, dence or business property. Reasonable inurest. The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N". W. Bank Olag. AND S per ceut. private money to loan, city and tarm lands. J. J. Cohalin, 635 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $400,000 OR LESS, FARK1NGTON, gO 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE BLTOw MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. at MORTGAGE CO.. 1NC wv. ntnaugB uiut-, ou ana x n ul. FIELDS & HONEYMAN MORTGAGE COL 1025-1Q29 YEON BLDG. $2oo.oO0 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, vl 315 Failing bldg. $1000.000 AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farms or city property; fire insurance. M'KENZIE A- CO.. 513 Gerlinger bldg. To 8', on cit and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. K. H. Blossom. 1 1 25 Northw estern Bk. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 3Ht OAK ST. $50t UP. 7 and per cent, no com;ni&ion no delay. Ward. 4o7 Spaldin? bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS " ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jew elry stores iu the city; loan department Ik conducted in connection w ith. same, making ousmess S TRICTLY CONFIDEN TLY L ; absolutely no sign designating loan business display ed in front of our store; all merchandise pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due; we are licensed and have been established since lSS'.t; no connection with any oLhsr loau establishment in tms city. A. &. M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 32t Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET if TODAY. at legal ratea on Diamond. Autos, Pianos, Furniture, Uvukiuck or Motoroclea Psy back at 5 per month or mors. Interest 3 per cent. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN tu.. LICENSED," 3 11 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washin g toa. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES,-" QUICK SERVICE. BUSINESS bTRlCTLV. CONFIDENTIAL TOO CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENT. STATS SECURITY CO LlC JC NSKD. $08 FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RAiE OF INTEREST. Diamonds. Jewelry. Musical instruments. All Pledged Held one Year. ei araio Department for Ladies, E LB Y COM PAN Y (.Licensed. 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and stark sts. MONEY to loan on diamonus and jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one ear; esatblishe d since 18&8. Dan Mark. 74 3d. LOWEST rates on furniture and household goods. Geo. Harvey. East 1172. Loans an tea. WE HAVE private parties who desire loans of $5oo, $.'OOU anu Jfio.OOO at 7 per cent interest, on properties worth three times Mie loans. l-'inaneial Dept. The Oregon Home Bulid;rs, 133m N. W. Bank bldg. WILL pay S per cent for small loans in multiples of Io0 or of $50o. Interest semi annual i, guaranteed by first mortgages 'on farms. J. U. liartog, 20! Stark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON. WANT TO BORROW $300. I wniit $300 lor one year. Will pay 7 per cent and offer a choice (400o Portland Heights lot as security. No commission. AUaresa BC 14, Oregonlan. CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLIGA TlONS First-class security 7 and 8. OREGON 1NV. Ac ilUuTUAGii Co., INC toiocK Exch. Bldii.. d and Yamhill Sts. Marsnall 2O0. A t 1 4. I HAVE a second mortgage of $2600 on which has been paid $2ooo; win make lib eral discount on $buu. Aii 111, Ore- gonlan. $iioo MORTGAGE, 7-room house, 4 lots, good sceurii y. Will ;i ve good d iscount. See me at once. F.pton, 4,"- Chamber of Com. $2100 uN MY new home in Laurelhurst; val uation $4500, per cent ; no commission. K Oregonian. . . WANTED $30 OO on J 500 income property. 8 per cent, no brokerage. R ISO. Orego nian. WANT ?20uo at 7 per cent on $0"00 Portland security. Y. H. Ross, 1 lOO N. W. Bank bldg. PERSONAL. HAlRwGOODfc., LOWET PRICES. 30-luch wavy switch, 3 aep ..$1.83 24-lncn wavy switch, 3 Sep 1.0O All-around transformation 1.4 iiaii uressi tig. shuinpou. face massage, hatr uobbing. manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle-; s itch made C coinbtiigs, u5c Wo buy jour combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-4 1 -J Dekum. bldg., d and Washington. Marshall 1io2. OKI ENTAL massage, cure for rheumatism, lumbago and nervousness; perfect health and circulation, bath; volcano, mountain ilower or sulphur, good for all sorts oC diseases and sutiering from old bruises. G. I. Khura. 22 '.a North Third St., cor. burnslu., Portland, or. Phone' A 2S34. FEB VET &. - H ANEBUT, leading wig und toupo makers; finest stock human hair goooa. switches from b5o up; nairdi essir.g. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made up to or. der. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main Qjn, LOUISE NiSTZEL, trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumougo, neuralgia, etc., tub batns, mes sage and electric blankets; lady assistant. "50 11th st. Marshall 5Q3'. Open Sundays. WHEREABOUTS, dead or alive, wanted by daughter of C L. Frisbie. Mrs. L. L. Ekus, Tacoma, Wash. MRS. STEVENS, 24 J cars Portland's re nowned palmLst and clairvoyant, has her temple open aaiiy. 375 Taylor st. LADY has enough dark Alaska mink skins for sc t. Neus money ; ill sell cheap. Phone Main Co02. toPl RITUALISM Rev. May A. price; Circle Tuesday 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M.; read ings daily Wil 5th st. Marshall 3U60. MADAME FONEDA, teacher of palmistry. Hours 10 A. M. to b P. M. Office. 395 Yamhill St., cor. loth. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M., b P. M. 208 Vj 3d st.. rooms 2 and 3. AS-CAP-SO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For Mb by Portland HoteiPharmacy. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest tiock ; re-covering ; new hand les put on. Meredith's. 329 Washington st. 19l." 7-PASSENGER auto, $2 per hour. Main S'.tlO HuZENA TAYLOR, D. A. T. Thareapeutio, magnetic massage. Room $10 Royal Annex. FRANt.ES DE MAYO, scalp specialist. 3.0 'i Morrison si. Office 202. DR LTUEL A. SACRY. palnle&s chiropodist. Kooin 07. OS Gtand ave. East 4785. M D A M E MUNZELLA, instructor in palm istry and card reading. 422 H Morrison. USE lassett's Nativo Herbs fo. rneuu.atisrn. 50 tablets for SSc. All Jruggtsts MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. hU j. Hill. 42 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND, Royal Toni T a blet. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2393. MAY" IRWIN, electric treatment, room 213, S.-,n i Morrison street. CALL Main 359 for electric treatments: red son able. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 2;:r Oth st. Phone Main 7548. FUR biiOP New orders, remodeling, trim in ing, 6Q5 Swetland bldg. MANICURING and electrical treatment, Mer garet Johnson. Itt Lafayette bldg. GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, free mas. sage, 35c. 707 Rothchild. 287 Vi W ash. sL jTadXmK NONA, teacher of palmistry and cards. 3S7 Yamhill st.