li THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1913. 13 This directory Is for the Information or the public, to give aa far as possl fcle the different lines of business which the average person mar find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found her will be gladly furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A 095. House 40. ABSTRACTS AN U TITI-ES. fiiuufl SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 7 JU. of Com. ALIOBUIO.N PLEATING. K. IjTJitHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 00 Pittwck bloclt. Broadway luau. licalins, liemstUtliin., buttons covered Saltern Nov.Uy Co.. b3H oth. -B'way 2tw. ASHAVKitH ANU ANALVBTS. Ho.MA.NA AiSAV uiTiacii, i.i-i'rt Uold, silver and platinum bought. ATTOltNEVS-AT-I-AW. li. Y. FKLbMA.', UMt Chamber of Com. Consultation tree. CAXCfcK. LOWELL M. JONES. M. D. practice limited exclusively to cancers. 312 Morgan bldg. CARPET WEAVERS. IOHTHWEoT KLG CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag ruga. l&S E. 8th. Both phones. tELLlLUlU Ut'f'fONH, BAlHt. TliJi lllWl.N-HoL'SON COilPANY, EST Washington st. Main 312 and A 125. CHittopomsTa. William. Est. He and William, Jr., Ieveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. I'arlors u2 Gerllnger bids., southwest 2d and Alder. Phone Main 13U1. CHIROPODY, and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Ofllce Kliedtier bldg. Main 873. C'HIKOPKACTIC PHYSICIANS. Lit. McMAilON, sixth year, chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments, 910; worth C0; save the difference. 121 4th St. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAlJia of any description collected on per centage anywhere; highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, m Henry bids. Phone Marshall 4S0. NKIH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Kstabllshfed 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 8544 Oth St.. bet. Stark and Oak; ap'l rates. 4 pri vate lessons $2, morning, afternon, even ing, all lateat dances guaranteed; class Thurs, Sat, evenings. 7-8 :3u. Bdwy. 21B. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily: class Tiits, Frl. eve., 8 to 10. 109 -d at., bet. "Wash, and Stark. Main 3200. Lessons -oc HUL.KEY BLDU., 2d and Morrison lo les sons $5: classea Mon., Fri. eve. Mar. 8L. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. rfstmeiit by specialist; glasses fitted, or. K. P. Casaaday. 017 Dekuiu bid.. 3d & Wn. INSURANCE. JEROME B. STEIN BACH, sen'l Insurance, fir, automobile. 610 Corbctt bid. Mn. tit 16. MtSKN(.t;B SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Fliune Main 03. A -103. MUSICAL. Lmll i'hielhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk 207 Flledner blig. A 41 SO. Marshall 1B29. 1'IANO lessons. L'! 14lh at. Arrangements for prsoticr. Plume Main 3su:;. WHOLESALE AND AUTO AND bt'(s(iY TOPS. rt'BnriLLE biugy top co., 209 2d st, BA(iGA(iK ( HKCKtD AX HOME. SpHSBstge Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis BKEAD BAKKRY. Ttoal Bakery tk. Conf. Inc.. llth and Everett BRKWEKS AND BOXTLtiW. HENRY WEJNHARD, 10 th and liurnside. DKY OOOO.H. NOTIONS, ltKMSULNGa. Jf'LEtSCHNEK, MAYKH CO., 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL ISLPU4. Ftubbs Electrical Co.. tlth and Vine sts. .KA1X MKtHAMH. fibers Bros. Milling Co. Front and Marshall. II. M. HOUSE K. Board of Trade bldg. G ROC Kits. WAPHAMS CO., 07-70 Fourth at. 1IAXS AND CAPS. " TIT ANlt AUSEli HAT CO., Front st. HIDES, WOOL. CAbCAHA, JiAKJ-. K All M BROS.. 101 Front at. MKS'S AM) WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 5th at. REAL ESTATE. For Sate -House PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. All ii, w and frtssli, .0 minutes' ride on Portland Heights car from Postoffice, 0 blocks from Washington bu Perfectly mod ern boj&e, four Bletpin.;-rooma and enam eled and tiled bath In upper atory; on dfi'Tui larga living-room with largest cut atone fireplace in city, taking i-foot iog; utiiuual dining-room with beautiful view, and fireplace; dram of kitchen, all white enamel and tiled floor, 3 built-in flreiess cookers, hcodod cas range and all Uutcn kitchen conveniences; mttld'a room, bath and toilef heating plant, laundry, wine closet, etc., la lower story and large stor age baaeinent below; solid oak stairs, great I'irch and sleeping porch. This la one of tho most unuiua: placua In Portland. Am Jeaving city, will sell for SB000. liberal terms to right parties. Phone or address V F. Scott, owner, Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will be made for your Inspection. BIG BARGAIN. 9r)ni. strictly modern, prac tically new liuitic in bust part of Piedmont; this place lias every con venience; fin hetitliiK phmt, hard wood floors, all buiit-ln effects, .'Ox 100-f i. lot, -fine lawn, etc.; mort fcatre So ih)0, which runs for lon tune, lake us an offer anything within reason will bo accepted. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. (J round Fluor. Henry bldg. 1 OWN a new, modern 5-room bungalow witn larjte basement, handsome built-in bunet. living-room and dining-room pan eled fet with piatio finish select lum ber; both ronums decorated with plate mirrors; in fact this is on of the mosl up-tu-dute bungalows that lia been built in thia city for yearn; everything s there for convuiiiencd and enjoyment; 1 com pleted this In August and it is "as neat as a pin." "Will -ell on easy terms and take boi.ia personal property as tirdt pay ment. Se me for particulars at M2 Piatt building. corner Park and Washington Mreeta. i'OK SALE That new house in Irvlngton on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and KIK'kltat. East front, wide street, fine trees, large Ilvlng-room, 14x25, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room ciowuMtaira. three bedrooms ard Inclosed sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel finish, tile mantel, hardwood floors. Car tain eonditloue make U possible to offer this place at a very low price. Ad drees lor rurticulars BF 04. Oregonian. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FL'KNIfiH THE WONEV. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESl- DKNtE -OK ANYTHING; PLANS FKEh ; "U E ARB RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW- TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SiEK OCR WORK; WILL. GIVE BONDS. L. kU BAILEY A: CO., CONTRACTING AKCHl T E CTS. 3-4 AblNG TON BLDG. uPl'tmTVNlTY KNOCKING HARD. Smtill payment down a?il your monthly Ttit money will buy beautiful new B-roora bunnalow with sleeping porch, near par1, in Latireihurst ; prl. e only :isu0; better i-3 this if you want beautiful, roomy, modern home. J. w. CKOtiSi-ts Y. Maii 1 Sunday call Main S7;S. Auto service. HAWTHORN E HiM'SE, I'OM i'LETELY VTRNISHEP. roms. bat h and toi let. pas, electric lieht;. good garuue; honi loeated on 4jih i. Tile house 1 completely furnished, r.irty to move into, price ;iu0, from $:.00 1 $.tX cash, balance terms. No trade. SrnlTh-W.igoner Co.. StocVc Exchange. LAL'REUIL'UST HOMES. Before bulns, be ur to look at our lUt of exquisite homes Just completed in l.aureihurst. the addition of beautiful hemes, from $-o00 up. on rent-like terms. LAURELHt'RST CO.. 270 Stark at. Main i;.03, Alol5. 10 NOT plan or build a home without first ci'nsultliiitr this organization. We will sub mi KketchfS of proposed home and cost estimates. Will build on your lot or f ur ti ish vou one. The Orecon Home Build rrs, lSoO N. W. Bank bldg. Horarst eads. SAM Is w!:ng lo give you .cre of good wheat land close to railroad. For further Information. ca.I at 31 Olisan St. Suburban Home lTopertj. $,;.ti $v DOW N, $5 a month, buys a quarter-acre tract on the West Side. 15 min utes car rile. 5-cent fare. On a larse pi ' of ground like this you can raise all j "up vegetables. - berrlew, chicken.", etc., wihch is the greater part of your living. M. i:. Lee. 5i5 t'orbett bid it. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good sotL good water, close to earllne; ay terms: will build to suit purchaser. I boat Marshall or Sell wood. 470, JOHN GLUSON, OWNER, OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. Why pay big; prices for glasses I can fit your eyes with Ilrat-quality leases in a gold-filled frame, as low as l.oU, lenses duDllcated at a big saving satisfaction guaranteed. C. W. Good man, ontjmetrlst. XOW Morrison. Main -n. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. c. WRI'jHT 22 yeaie' pracuce U. 12. aad foreign patents. tiOl Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. Main 31aa. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln. MP. Printing and linotyping, looVs Front at. cor. stark. Main or A 1418. R (, KIGa ANI rLUI'F BUGS. Near ruga from old ingrain, Brussels. Smyrna, Axmlnster carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention. bead for booklet, WESTERN FLUFF RUO CO, 54-06 Union ave. N. Phone E. 651a. B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES Wilcox bldg. CO, H. P.. 404-405-408 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO., 21 TEOS. BENEDICT BROS., 930 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" Household Gjoda specialists. Storage. Packing, Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER ic STORAGE CO.. d ana riaa sm. crwwwj otjw. ipju. OREGON TRANSFER CO.; 474 Gllsan at., comer 13th. Telephone Main SI or A 11QJ. We own and operate two large claaa "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Joweat insurance rates In city. MOVING, PACKING. SHIPPING, STORAGE. Reduced freight fates to all points, MANNING Warehouse 6s Tranaier Co., Main 703. 9th and Hoyt A 2214. MADISO.V-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison. General ulurchandlae and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS Prepared for hats. 6U5 Shetland bldg. FINS MOUNTS. F, J. Brexee, only one in City. 21U LDIUIDDU l. mo., i ..o. WOOD. FIRST-CLASS seasoned fir, $4.50; distant delivery. $4.70. National Fuel Co., E. 2d and Oregon. East 2Q41. GREEN and dry slabwood. Llot-ltwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 6720, A 3899. DRY blockwood. dry slabwood, bark. Mult- nomah Fuel Co.. M. 5540. A 2116. FOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE ORE jON BOX MFG. CO.. MAIN 6863, A 55. 1VIANUFACTURERS MII.riNKR.Y- BRADPHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th ate. A' AUNTS AM) ELBK1CAT1NU OLL8. W. P. FULLtK fc Co., 1-th and Uavia. PAINTS. OIL AN U OLASS. RASMUSiSEN-&. CO., 2d and laylor atreota. HPE, lllE E11T1NOS AN1 VALVL6. M. 1 KLINE. 4-tt Front at. 1'LV.MUINO AND (STEAM bLl'-fLLES. M. L. KLINE, Front U 1'RINTEKd AM) FUBLiSUiCRS. F. "W. BALTBB & CO., 1st and Oak at. PROOCCE COMMISSION MERClLVNTtt. EVKRDING & FAHKfciLL, 14U Front. ROJfE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. HAKETV RAZOR HONlNCi. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., 1S9 4th. SASH, DOORS AND GLA&S. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Uavia. S RAP K I' RUE It AND METALS. J. LEVE, 186 Columbia at. Main 518. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL t'A FEH CO., 230 2d at. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home Property. 4i ACRES. WITH HOUSE. ON NEW HARD-SURFACED ROAD. About 5 miles from city. 0-room house: line large porch. Good well. A acres in ben its of all kinds; young orchard. One block to electric station. Will sell cheap and give terms. AE 114, Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. 3 ACRES. J250. $10 down and Jfi a month buys 5 acres logged -ott lana net ween fort land and Cemralia, on main line of 3 railroads, 1 Vj mike-a from town of 800 population. Saw mills, shintrle mills and other industries. Some of these tracts are partially cleared and have a spring or running stream on. Many tracts of oifferent size to choose from. Good soil, lits well, fine location. ixineci 1 1 Lie. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. Ul 8 Railway Exchange. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 18'; acres. mile south of Whltford. on Oregon Electric; fine location, on auto road; an new Dunuings. norses, cows, chickens, all farm implements, feed enougn for Winter. Price $SU00. half cash, bal ance to suit. Chris Richardson, Beaverton. Route 1, QUARTER acres on hard-surfaced boule vard; Bull Kun water, all improvements paid for; close to Multnomah station, on the Oretton, Electric; terms $10 a month; price $6,0i: this Is tine value for the money. See the local agent at Multnomah or call for particulars at 512 Piatt build ing. IDEAL SUBURBAN HO.M ESITES. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well de veloped community ; 30 minutes out. wltii 10 big red steel trains daily each ' way through it. Buy now at our low prices and easy payments. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. CHR KEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, Gresham district ; near electric station; $75 to $u0 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M'FAKLAND REALTY CO, 300 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. A HALF-ACRE SNAP. Just outside city; water and sidewalks; a few dollars will locate you and halt family expenses will be made; others are dotni It, so can you ; terms easy. BF li2. Oregonian. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 1 5 acres near Orenco ; best black loam oil. all cultivated; $225 per acre; will di vide and give easy terms If desired. See Mr. Handy, owner. 201 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 265. BUY NOW BIG SACRIFICE. acre on 5c car, all cult., plenty small fruit. 15 fruit trees, cement walks and curb, only $1050. See me. Epton. 432 Chamber of Commerce. $300 ACRE tracts at Metager station; near church, school and store; SO minutes out on Or. Elec Inq. 11 Lumber Ex. b I d g. BEAUTIFUL 2 -acre tract. 5-cent fare; mtKa offer. Box 120. Lents p. O. For etale Farms. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. EASTERN OREGON. 273 acres, all hog--fenced, good build ings. IOO acres in grain, should' produce 3000 bushels next harvest ; good orchard, 7 springs; $25 per acre; also SO acres tim ber with house and barn, miles up the mountain, used for Summer pasture. This at $10 per acre. $7675. Easy terms. 1 miles from county seat and high school. T. J. SEl'FEKT, 61 Title Trust Bldg. SOUTHERN LANDS are low in price, but high in productive value; make 2 to 4 crops a year and give largest profits in grain, vegetables, fruits. livestock and dairying; unsurpassed climate, good mar kets; Southern progress Is on the South ern Railway; publications on request. H V. Richards. Commissioner. room 274 southern Railway. Washington. D. C 160-ACRE well Improved wheat farm for sale cheap 1 U miles east of La Crosse; the price is only $00 per acre. Martin Gran n us. La Crosse. Wash. RENT or pell section dry wheat farm, 3 miles trom transportation. orop or terms. P. O. box 00 3. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Cowlitx County stump lands, $10 per acre up: good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp, 430 Plttock block. Portland. 40 ACRES ICwtr Columbia. .om cleared, trout stream ; $300. 107 1st., studio. $7 TO $25 per acre near Vancouver. :ome easy cleared, good terms. .4-2 First. $10 PER acre. 4S0 acres, if. 3 ready to plow, balance grazing. 422 S First st. MAN TED RE A L ESTATE. WANTED Houseboat, furnished or unfur nished, for cash. Must U reasonable. Mar shall 4014. WANTED -Small income business property, part cash, part trade. AO 190, Oregonian. sv,. W ANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have people who will trade property la LBi.iornit, ciiy or country, ior urtgon or Washington. We can sell or trade your property. Writa Geo. W. Austin. 1424 Broadway. Oakland. CaL, dept. L IF you have a real bargain in the way of m toe m irvmgton A wouia oe giaa co en tertain It, AO 1"5, Oregonian. 6-F.OOM house, two lots. Alberta district. xouuu. want 25 to 40 acres. jt.ptoa, i Chamber of Commerce, FOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE My 3 years lease on 60 acres or good land witn gooa ouiiamgs; one year's rent already paid; S good cow, 3 fresh; a new cream separator; 5000 kaie plants, hogs, chickens, wood and apples and some hay for $oi0. Address H, R., m Stayton, Or.. Route No. 2. - STOP. LOOK, LISTEN. Will rent ld-A. farm for 3 yra. on eaay terms; look this up at once; all stock and Implements for sale cheap. Owner must leave. AH 183, Oregonian. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres oouum tana, close to city; osra ano. imiii dwelling-house. Inquire J. H. Middleton. 424 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALF, TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 M' KAY BLDQ- FARMS WANTED. 30O TO 500 acrea within 25 miles of Port land, no waste land or rock wanted; price not to exceed 110O per acre; will put in 20,000 cash, balance at 6 per cent; client will be here Thursday. What have you? E. F. GILBERT, 112 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. IF TOU JUST THINK YOU WANT A FARM, PASS THESE, as we do noc care to bother with you. but if you know what you want we bav-3 the following: ttO acres all in cultivation. 10 miles out, fully equipped and stocked; 9-room house, other buildings, cows, horse, hogs, hay, grain, etc.; price $12,000; went clear city property to $2500, 7 per cent mortgage for balance. 1 acres. 20 mfles out on S. P. Electric ana facinc Hignway; all in cultivation; 7 -room house, running water, cows. pig), chickens and Implements; want clear city noma; mignt consider good equity in lrv Ington in a 5 to 0-room house. U50-acre stock farm: 'J-room house. ! barns, cattle, fine team, ttu goats. 14 sheep. -5 hogs, chickens, ducks, geese silo, all farm machinery, gasoline wood aw, urag saw. oiacKamitn snop, separator, buggy, hack, wagon, farm truck, all new and first class; large outrange; 140 acrs now under plow; price $25,00v, free of In cumbrance; wilt take good bungalow up to 95000 or income up to tlO.Ooo; some cash, balance time. See the owner of this at our office Monday. WEST COAST 1NV q Ablngton Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. Third street corner iiOxloO feet; some Improvements; at a v-ery low price; owner will exchange for valley farm or scattered properties. Near Washington street. lOOxlOO-ft. corner; one, of Portland's finest apartment-houses; equity of f 65,000 lor aliy farm or city properties. Client with properties to amount of $13. 750; Incumbrance but $2400; for flat build ing or close-in acreage. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. BRAND new 5-room modern bungalow, in Hawthorne ave. district. 13Stf Grant St., near E. 5'tli st; lot 48x100. $2150 ONLY $2150. Easy payment down, then $25 per month. Including interest; oak floors, fireplace, concrete basement, wihdow shades, etc.; phone for appointment-and we will take you out. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO., 23 4 I.aKway Ex. Bldg. (Owner). Main 2-2. $1000 CASH, $100 good mortgage paper, $8000 conservative equity in income busi ness and apsi tmcnt property on promi nent East Side street, to exchange for a going stock ranch. Prefer low-prir.ed land with outrange. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. GOOD double flat building on good corner and small unincumbered cottage, both bringing good rental, to exchange for acreage and will assume or add cash on extra good proposition. SAMUEL DOAK 122 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. $20,000 high-class Phoenix residence and Income property for Portland property. Will take $5000 to $8000 residence property; mortgage on bal ance. Terms to suit. Earl S. Curtis, P. O Box 712, Phoenix, Ariz. W IIAT O N EARTH HAVE YOU to trade for- the best a-re tract - around Portland? City water, 300 feet iu street car, cheap at $1650; clear of incumbrance. Have you a home to trade, grocery store or improved acreage? Am willing to t sume. Owner. AK lis. Oregonian. DON'T miss-the best HiO acres In Colorado, 1 mile ' from town; rich soil, Irrigated. Price $500ti. Will sell or trade for Port land property, .without incumbrance. Mrs. A. Lust, owner, 4505 42d ave. S. E. WW car. No agents. YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively in exchanges. We can- trade your property; no junk wanted. AYERS & SMITH. Main 72G6 501 Northwest Bldg. BUNGALOW Modern, .nicely furnished; take vacant lot. acre or rooming-house first payment; balance like rent. AG 1S3, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, doinjr good business, wortn $.'.75; will trade for diamond or player piano; party leaving city. BF 104, Ore gonian. TWO acres at Albany to trade for home in Portland; not over $1000; will pay dif ference; owners only. AN 1S2, Orego nlan. ZOO ACRES near Rainier. Oregon and Co lumbia Highway, fine stream, school au Joining, -for Portland property. Dubois, "SJ Ch amber o f Com merce. FINE Southern Oregon income property, unincumbered. What have you in ex change? Phone East 5140 or B 1273. FARM S, with ptock. or acreage for Port land property. DUBOIS, 723 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $2500, mortgage $1400: equity $1 IOO. to trade for horses or cattle. C, G. Hulse. 32 Pittock blk. WANTED Acre or two. close In, as part payment 011 new Piedmont bungalow, val ue $2350. Phone Sellwood 75. WILL exchange lots and some cash to party furnishing material and putting up u-room bungalow. AL 1S3. Oregonian. BY" OWNER. 100 acres, DO in cultivation, for smaller place. Main 9130. WILL trade or sell my equity in a 5-room bungalow. Tabor :.7. 160 ACRES timber land. Wash., for busi ness or acreage. Main 547a. CLOtK-IN acreage, sala or exchange. R. A. Miller. 333 Worcester bldg. Main 7105. CLEAR property to $25,000 for apartments; will assume. Sec Delahunt. Phone E. 1275. NEW piano in exchange for clear city lots; state location, price. AP SO. Oregonian. TO EXC HANGE MISCELLANEOUS. PROMINENT piano teacher, exchan6ew-ith dentist, barber, grocer, butcher. R 1S2, Oregonian. FOB SALE. Jlorsen, Vehicle, Harness. Etc. SPAN of black mares, S and 1 years old, sound and free of blemishes, blocky buiit and very closely mated, weighing 25U0 ibt. ; guaranteed to Oe true to work; $2ou. .Span of matched bay geldings, tf and 7 years old, weighing -200 lb., sound and true; $130. Bay gelding. S years old, weighing 12CHJ lbs.; sound and true; $00, at Model stable, 5th and Davie. SORREL mare, 7 years old. sound as a jell, fat and sleek; safe for any old person in or out of the stable, at a low price ot $GO; light single farm wagon, buggy ana harness cheap. -28 N. 14th. FOR SALE CHEAP, team of bay geldings, S and i years old; 2SOO-lb. gooseneck wag on, harness and covers complete, at your own price. Phone E. L. Fraley, Marshall 4u2-. MARE. ISoo lbs., good worker, $45; nice gelding, works anywhere. 1000 lbs., $40; gelding. 900 lbe.. $20; small mare, $15. S5 East Market and Grand ave. $35 TAKES small mare, spring wagon, har ness Heller building. Grand and Haw thorne. PAIR fat. sourd, true horses. 3-inch farm w agon, heavy breeching harness, all for $105. 22S N. 14th. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. ONE horse and wagon by day,' $1.25. J. Co hen, S40 Front 'L Main 2208. Main 6995. DEAD horses and cattle taken away frea. Call day or night. Tabor 420$. YOl'NG, tested cow; can use good horse or top buggy 1l2i East Yamhill. Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW. $25.00 disc talking machine. ......$ 5.0O $ 35.0O diao talking machine $14 00 S 75.00 disc talking machine. ...... .$25. 00 $150.00 disc talking machine... $5.00 $1 or more cash, 50c or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. WILL pay cash for your old upright or nunre Diano Call 111 4th rt PIANO for rent cheap, good condition. In quire Arllne Apt-.. .229 N 17th st. TOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and MupicaJlntrumenta. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out: $425 Vose & Sons upright. ... .$145 cash 35U Arion upright, oak $125 casa $300 Bradford upright, oak: $ 5 casa $460 Checkering Ot Sons. .$ 65 caaa $400 Bradbury piano 35 caao $105 Packard organ ...........$ -5 cash $b5o Autopiano player ..$205 casn TO FIRST CALLEKi ll)9 4th, near Waso, 75o monthly will store your piano. CITY LOT WANTED, clear. In exchange for new piano; when answering quote low ast price and location. BC tiS. -Oregonian. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2 years. See display and aaverunuat Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St. Por. Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SALS Two fine White Leghorn and six R. I.. Red cockerels, 75c each, phone Woodlawn J GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. LADD1X KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. FINE male Scotch collie lor sale, $10. 704 ieaissippi. Furniture jor Saie. HOUSEKEEPING outfit, complete or by piece, one dresser, $lu; one heating stove, $3; one bedspring and mattress, $14, etc. 3ul E. llih st. A atomoblles. USED CARS FOR SALE. CASE 40." 1912, foredoor. 5 -pass.. 5 almost new casings, 3 extra new Inner tubes, full equipment of tools; this car so icauj uu Bias" i un ut jiLiivj reasonable terms to responsible parties? CHALMERS. 36-H. P.. foredoor. 5 -pass., electric lights, self-starter, extra casings; the best xamily car in the city for tne money. Model 10 BUICK. 5-pass., good tires, en gine all overhauled 30 days ago, $2oO, terms on half. CHALMERS 30, 39U. 6-passenger, new tires, repainted, good top, ready to go on Jitney run witliout repairs. Terms on one-half to responsible parties. CASE, 30-H.P. speed car, 1012 model, will mako Al roadster or delivery car. win fi'i 111 a, Duisttia iui c 14 un i sale. Call and study out the body you the car rebuilt to order. 1014 STUDE BAKER , 5-paasenger. electric lights and self-starting. Run leas than 3000 miles. 1015 OLDSMOBILE. electric lights and sc.x-siar-ing, same as a new car. AUTO EXCHANGE. 403 Alder. Marshall 1070. BARGAINS FOR THTS WEEK. CADILLAC. 1913, 4t-pass., in exception ally fine condition. $850. CADILLAC. 112. 5-pass., complete equipment, electric starter, etc., $000. . WINTON SIX, foredoor model. In good condition, o.)U. EVER ITT SIX, overhauled and repaint ed: .rood value at $500. CARTERCAR, a light, yet strong and serviceable car for $250. CHALMERS ".to." new tires; a speedy ana powerxui ngnt car, 3.o. " AAl'CH LANG ELECTRIC, a beauti ful car. ideal for Winter use. $SOO. WOODS ELECTRIC, in good condition, only $275. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6214. USED AUTO FN" APS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL 5 pass.. 6-cyI.. 4S-iI. P.. self starter $700 jii i uiL T-pass.. (s-cyi.. du-ti. r., self starting, electric lights, nearly new; take your old car as part pay ment. MICHIGAN 5-nass.. 33-H. P.. electric lights 4 $500 STODDARD 3-pass.. 40-H. P $6:'0 HAVERS 5-pass., tt-cyl., 4S-H. P $650 LUM.! j KL'JS UftUVEKI 15UU IDS. capacity; brand new $650 MITCHELL, LEWIS A: STA VER CO., East Morrison and East First Sts hones. East 7272, B 1216. 6-PASS. 1912 Reo, Al shape; a good-looking and better running car; $350; $200 down. 7-pass.. 6-cy Under Thomas; paint good as new; guarantee It in good running or der; $500; $250 down. 2-pass., roadster, good salesman's car; good condition ; $250; $125 down. We also have a good delivery car we will sell cheap. Look at It and make us an oner. BROADWAY GARAG-EJ, East 24th and Broadway. NEW 1015 FORD RUNABOUT BODIES. t23 TOURING BODIES. $75, including cur tains, cushions and top; all styles ot r oru aenvery uouipi. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO., 514 Alder at., Portland, Or. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CO., Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. FORD car in first-class condition, fullv equipped with shock absorbers, -Presto lights, etc.; 3 t -inch wheels front a nd rear. Used for private use only. Phone &Kt 1 1 z. OVERLAND touring car, 1915 model, runs ana iooks iiko new. a cur tor $t?5U. See Mr. Miller, Stud f baker bldg., Chap man and Alder sts. Main 1402. CHALMERS Master 6 roadster, run less than iOOO milrs. best ouy in city: can be see nt 4fo Burnslde. Main 0022. Call Mr. Fincn, GARAGES erected complete. $30 up; ready cut or pori a 010 nouses, sizo. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., S48 Water st.. near Harrison. Main 1167. C. C. LANDY. specializing on Oarfords. Willis utility trucks and StudebakAr- King st. Garage. King at., at Washington. YOU WANT one of the cars that Is being shown at the Used Car Market, West Park and Stark sts. Good alucs. See them today. 2-PASSENCER roadster for pale cheap. This car is not junK. 11 is in goou runnine ol der, as sood as new. A bargain. Mar- n n :i M in 1-, room .. 1014 CHALMERS, 6-rylJnder. tooiny 5-paas. run only a few miles; looks same as nw latest equipment, new tires. Make me an offer. Broadway 1. CADILLAC fore-door, 5-pass.. new tires, fully quipped; will sell for $375. Phone Broadway 8S7. STEARNS. 1013. fore-door, 5-pass., electric lights and starter. Best buy in city Phone Broadway S87 LATE mode! 5-passenger Rulck, electric lighted, self-starter; bargain for cash. 53u Alder. Main 1720. I WILL pay cash for used Fords. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 12th and Hawthorne ave. WILL take best offer before Friday for my Reo fburlng car; get busy and bid. Woodlawn 3566. FOR SALE or exchange for smalt ca A 1014 model Wlnton Six. first-class condi tion. Bargain. Apply at 309 E. nth Ft. S. $150 DOWN. $35 per month. 5-pass. Over land, bargain. $350. 412 San Rafael. Phone East 3249. WILL pay cash for used Ford cars. BEN J, E BOONE A CO., Bi4 Alder Street. FORD touring car, $200. 5S 2d st. Main 0214. 5-PASS. auto, $100. Tires alone worth the money. Tydeman, Main 7575. 1012 BUICK roadster, electric lights, good condition. 325. 505 Alder. BEST washing and polishing in city for $1; garage. King st. at Washington. Main 3412. FORD 1014 in fine condition, very cheap 40 Burnside. Main bl22. Call Mr. Finch. SEVERAL good, high-class cars for sale very cheap. 4i0 Burnslde. Main 6922. Finch. FOR SALE, cheap, 1500 truck in good run. ninsr order. Call Marshall 2S04, A 4156. Automobiles Was tea. CLEAR Laurelhurst and other lot and good equity la new home, to trade for 3 to 5 ton auto truck. Address A V 25L Orego nian. YOUR used car will sell more quickly; it will sell for a higher price at the Used Car Market. No com mission charged. Place it today at West Park end Stark ets. HAVE party who will pay cash for 1913 or later model reo. Call Mr. Hemphill. Phone Broadway SS7. CASH buyer from San Francisco for used cars wl:l be at King-street Garage tor next few days. King street, at Washington. TO TRADE for auto, light car or late model Ford, house and lot, close in. AO 1S2, Oregonian. . WANT to. rent Ford or lijrht car with driver $" per day; private work. BF 167, Orego nian. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call Main 6122. 400 Burnside. Mr. Finch. WANT good auto for $1300 equity in fi-room house. Phone A. M., Tabor 12. Livestock. FROM 1 to 10O dairy cows, terms. Bruce, Union Stockyards. L 1S3, Oregonian. lAunchrs and Boats. 20-FOOT launch, S-horsepower enpine, boat house and tank, tools. For sale cheap. Can Woodlawn 71 after 3 P. AL. FOR SALE. A atomoblles for Hire. 4-0-7-PASS cars and limousine, $L50 up; one rates. A Oil, .Main oIJnj. 1915 7-PASSENGEU auto, $3 ner hour. Main S'Jlti. Motorcycles. 1914 2-SPEED, 7-H. P. Thor, good as new. milu tali extras; price Aiuer at. Main b775- TWIN Merkel engine, tank and fittings. cneap. rnone Arnold, Broadway 45. Machinery. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALH. CUAAsT STEEL o MACHINERY CO., 1505 Yeoa Blog. Mam 6705, A 333. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 na up; mon mar rent: apptiea an pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all mattes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The ortnwesi typewriter co.. -t btars st. Main 552S. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, r. p., 231 Stark at. Main 14X7. Miscellaneous. $50O WORTH elegant home furnishings great sacrifice; genuine .Navajo rugs; fine cut glass articles; bricabrac, pictures, curios; $35 chafing dish, etc. These arti cles would adorn finest Portland home. Marshall 5S56, mornings. WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of secona-nand, ana rebuilt .National cash registers. Easy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 352-354 Burnslde, cor. 6th. Broadway 1S16, A 1816. FOR SALE cheap, dark brown street suit. fize o, dox coat, plain sKirt, trimmea black fur. the very latest, only worn twice. 123 N. 23d st. SEWING MACHINES! 200 alightly used sewing macninea. an, win be closed out. Drop heads. $5 and up; box tops. $2 and up. S. 8. Siegel. two stores. 33 Al der st., and 242 Aider st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand. saie or rent. - up. sewing jaacbine Em porium, 190 3d sL. near Taylor. Main 943 L A 3tJ6. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns: cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's camera n..cnange, ad st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and howlnlir alleys and accessories; easy payments. The j-ru nswicK-jjai Ke-Co l lender Co., 40-48 0th ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trada or r-nt expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, ij urnsie su oroaawiy or a Ob 4. cash registers. slightly used ; our prices are lower, casn itegister Exchange, 351 Washington at. Main 606, A 3606. MINK, ermine, sable, fox and martin skins irom wortoem AiasKa. 1 rapper, prices. FOR SALE Hail sate, good as new: no-t $266; will sacrifice, as leaving city. Phone 1 aoor oopj. DIAMOND" house paints, strictly pure; made In Oregon; per gallon, $1.75. Portland t-amt to., AA't rront at. aiarsnaii 100. ELEC. MOTORS FOR RENT. FOR SALE. 10$ E. Water st. East 2146. B 2330 FERTILISER; well rotted cow manure Cor feaie. e deliver. pnone fc.ast 2S61. BEARING size npple tres. 50c each, ell Nursery, Tacoma. Wash. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. btara-javis io.. ziz ou st. Juam 797. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We Day the hisrhest nrlce for ladies' and gents cast-off clothing, bicycles and ev.Ty tiling in mercnanaise. au us . p. We netd It and will pay for it. GLOBE 6IORE, 2l5 First, Main 2UM. .. Main 20SO. WT CALL PROMPTLY. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. J. MEYERS. THE TAILOR. PAYS YOU MORE FOR YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSHALL llT-'O. AVE CALL PROMPT LY. RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER. 220 -MADISON ST., TEL. MARSHALL 1221. THE GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185-187 First St. Will buy good used furniture, rugs, ranges and household goods; phone for an appointment with our buyer. Marshall 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshal 587. We buy your second-hand furniture, stoves and other household goods. Highest Prices Paid. SECOND-H AND CLOTHING BUYERS. Honest deal. We pay the highest prices for ladles' and men's clothing, shoes, etc. Try us. Call Broadway 2932. 251 Front st. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware St Furniture Co., HZI Front- Phono A .174. Main 9072. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 134 1st. Main 57bS. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimaie on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of earn. I BUY OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. Ores bought Assay er. F. A. Sen net t. r 510 Northwest Blag., 327 Washington at. RESPONSIBLE company would like to rent Ford with delivery body by month. Tabor 42.J. WANTED At once. 50 H. P., 220-v, 3-phase . motor. Siate full particulars. M 157, Orejjonlan. WILL PAY CASH FOR FECOND-HAXD HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 332. A2567. MUST have second-hand furniture. Last 6417; any quantity at once, W. H. Caief, Sib Williams ave. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Main 4773. 182 1st st. slain 4773. Pays best prices for your furniture, etc WANTED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE, showcases, office furniture, house hold goods, stoveg. Main 4405. 128 FiraL SCALES wanted Portable or dormant. State size price aud location. A is. ? 112, Ore gonian. FLAT or roll top desk with chair. Marshall , 470, after 3:.lj. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4527. WANTED National cash register. Main 6u6. 351 Washington st. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all descrlp-ions. Main 300. Kllne'a. 208 First. WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work. Charles O'Mara, E. 323. WANTED All kinda of records and phono graphs. Main 4405. 128 l&t st. STRICTLY American dealers in used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1682. 10 ROLL-TOP. 3 flat-top. 2 T. W. desks, 13 chairs, 2 filing cabinets. 91 Park st. HELP WANTED MALE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical school. Dav and night classes. 443 HAWTHORNE AVE. NOTICE. We can at all times furnish competent automobile drivers and repairmen. Em plovment dept. Pacific Auto School, 266 11th st. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to teacn you tne earner traae in H weeks; tools free ; position guaran teed, paid while learning. 233 2d, nr. Maiu. W, HAVE opening for first-class clothing salesman; must l able to dress windows; steady posit ior.. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Sd and Morrison. WANT pianist for picture show and dance orchestra; must be good. Address R. A. Redifer. Hep; ner. Or. ' FREE inst ruction this week. Call 10 A. M.. Pacific Auto School. 266 11th SL W'rite for booklet. WE paw highest cash prices for men's second-hand su i ts and overcoats. Phone Broadway 1666 and we will calL WANTED High-class specialty salesman to call on merchant, city; A-l proposition. Address AF 182. Oregonian. WANTED Man to learn auto repairing and driving; we teach by practical experi ence. Auto Exchange. 331 Couch st. ABLiS-BODIED MEN qualify for firemen, brakemen, $121 monthly. Railway, care Oreonian. - COMPETENT door patche.s wanted; steady work and good wages Apply to Henry McCleary Timber Co.. McCleary. Wash. EXPERIENCED special edition ad solicitors: "Xmas number, religious paper. 207 Stock Exchange. . FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS wanted; none other need apply ; references. Polmet Manufacturing- Co.. 304 Oak st.' WXN'TED An experienced man vaudeville act. Main 8251. WANTED Young man to learn barber trade ,31 Mississippi ave. W NTED First-class bushelman. Apply Politz." WaPliir.Fton. at Sixth. TAILOR WANTED Experienced on men's coata. 6"'3 Buchanan building. GOOD stenographer and ail-around office man. Al- 1ST. Oregonian. YOUNG man to work in procery who owns roadster. A 1S2. Oregonian. HELP W&.NTED MALE. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED. High-grade specialty salesmen make bis Income selling our money-making ma chines to merchants; commission averages $100 ach sale; our men average 3 to 10 sales a month ; we want high-class men. commission only; exclusive nearby terri tory ; nationally advertised machine made by a responsible manufacturing firm. U l-ltsa 1.1 Ivf all n,,lnl,.tian IMinfi. 9 dential. Box' AV 267, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C A, 1 oung men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical Unas axe in vited, to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department free to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is Issued, costing $ per annum, giving the service ot the de partment for a year two months fuil privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment is not se cured. WANTED Touufi, reliable man that is a goon salesman, to ouy tiaif interest in es tablished tailoring business in live velley two of 2500: not much capital require!: as I am too busy with the manufacturing end, cannot give the selling end proper , attention; need a man to help me buiid up a good business for us both ; here is an opportunity for the right man. Write and state experience and references. Ad dress AV 2S6, Oregonian. Y M. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; expert training m repairing, driving and machine work, including lorge. lathe, s ha per, drlllpress, etc; time unlimited. Secure pss at Edu cational Office. Y. M. C A, bldg.. to in spect our shops and methods. Competent 1-nu.uneum U -l "'O' n sm i sut'K'" v BRIGHT vouni man wanted to learn and manager: small salary to start with, big riitiira fnr alVHnpmtnt preference will give age. experience, 11 any, amount vi money, references. AJ 12. oregonian. LEARN auto trde in most practical school on Coast. Course Includes everything worth knowing about auto business. No time limit; Special exposition rates. Many - positions secured. Board and room while learning. Catalogue free. National School of Engineering, Los Angeles. Est. 1006. OPENING fcr first-ciasfi thoroughly expe rien!ii bookkeeDer. Young man who can also do some stenographic work will oe given preference; reterences required. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. 3d and Stark siS- ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental and fruit trees; complete, outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision Srovldcd. ornamental & Fruit Nursery Co. iox 217C, Wapato, Wash. LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon Woolen Mills, Oregon City. Or. City MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, W ash. WW. UAVT! nr. s.r.enlnv in our of fico for three wideawake canvassers; to the right pay big returns. S:30 to 10:00. 41 Mohawk piug. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg. Ilelfi. Wanted Agents., W NTED A salesman for Portland and vicinity, for established line ot food products; should have salesmanship school traininir! n ust have exDerlencc: one be tween 28 and 40 years of age and familiar with demonstration work preferred. Re plies omitting necessary details of ane, experience, training and previous places of employment will not ne cousiiaereu. u dress BF 163, Oregonian. BIG money for a -rents; start a watch club in your town; $25 a week and up; par ticulars free. Continental Sales Co.. box 44. Astoria. Or. AGENT You can mako from $3 to $10 per day. special holiday offer. Van Dyck btuaio, -u wasnmgiun u Help Wanted salesmen. GOLDEN opportunity for wideawake uiBUnfn Vt want several exceptional men of high character and education to handle specialty 01 -xcepwonai uie,rn uk-tru it nrv. rash market and no com petition; give ago and state iJy your experienco aau quaiiiivanuua. gonlan. ' WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 3Ut ioara ot iruo oiu. HELP WANTED FEMALE. wYP!.'MiKy("rn irl for general housework. Hmall famllv. washing sent out. Desirable position, wages $33 per month. Must be gooa coos, mho br 1 1 ;1U". , Do not answer unless experiences. dress BC 1S2. oregonian EXPERIENCED .r.ove saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced in giovo department; permanent employment, good ... 1.. . inn,'!iii,.ii from out-of-town in- CAPABLE, willing girl for general house worn. rwu. v - -- fine place for energetic person; none other -,1 Cull between 10 and 12 to- . ..... " IT" TJ t-naHioa v WOMEN Government clerks, $70 montn, Portland examinations coming. List posi tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 1 1. rtocnester. ix. 1. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. live in lamny, '"u ui 1 wages $20. Call 501 Broadway building, Wednesday, between 12 anol o'clock. tt- a vTvr.i(ofird. caDabie woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 4-3 Pittock block. 385 Washington. San LRitary Beaut v Parlors Cellege for ladles only; make yourself independent with good trade. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. v a vTF.iwr.iniDBtent nurse; references re quired. Call mornings. 229 Cornell road. near Lovejoy st. C PK of one or two children, nice home, big jard, off the car track. Very reason- shie. ran w ouu:awn ,.j'-m. WsVTKn a eood cook, small family, good wages; reference, 205 West Park, corner Columbia. WANTED Girl for cookinjr and general nouseworK, eecuoa s " wyu - xcitcy near nith. WANTED Middle-aged woman to do light housekeeping. oil at .u . v. eiuier i. from N until i o ciock. TVTfc'i t.lilKN'T refined lady for zener, housework and care of children in suiail homo Phone woodlawn o.4i. NEAT-APPEARING woman to assist me In my business. Appiy tu- j ueuner uiug, 16 Washington at, WOMAN experienced in houoc-to-houce work to solicit customers for reliable 'dairy. K 17t. Oregonian. - ELDERLY woman to assist with housework for room a to. Doaro. jvuaress 100, ore- gonian'S (Commercial School. 502 Of' phsum bldg. Empress). Individual in structions; positions when rapable. M. 1542. mm. fnr central housework and plain cook ing or to assist at same. 546 Schuyler st. GIRL wanted for general housework. Weldler, East 5115. STENOGRAPHER. B. K., dictaphone oper ator. wanted. 3ul N. W. Bank bldg. LEARN beauty culture. Summer rate. 505 Columbia biug. orauuate .fans, uenrn. YOlTNG woman assist with housework and baby. $10 month, tirj1-. Marshall. MI?S MATTING LT'S SCHOOL Shorthand Typ-writirg. $5 mo. 200 14th. Ph. M. 3S93 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOLER BARBS R COLLEGE wants men and women to Je-arn tne traae: tuition ro ducBd: Dald while learnlns; diplomas Is sued to graduntea. :t2 college: 22 eaia in business. write ior catalogue jl. 9 v 2d street. FALL term begins now; men and women to losrn the barber trade In 8 weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning ; tuition reaucpo . expert m-t rue tors. Oregon Barber College. 2;t3 Madison, YOUNG IADY" or young man for ciga store. A ppiy per-onaiiy. Aiaer st. COMPLETE course stenography, 00 days, night and day classes. M. 3505. M. 4137. MAN or lady wanted ; good pay. 704 Ellis ave.; seiiwooa car. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government joca. .u inontn. common education sufficient. Apply immediately. AV 22:J. Oregonian, RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O. clerka, car rlers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacifie State School. McKay bldg.. city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. SITUATION wanted, young man, 8 years office experience in manufacturing line; familiar with cost spstem, prices, etc. AH " lbl, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN of initiative, courage and analytical power desires opportunity to make good with reliable firm. References. , Gregg, stenographer. AM 1S1, Oregonian. YOUNG M.vN, 25. desires position aa book keeper or stenographer, 0 years experi ence. AM 1V. Oregonian. YOUNG man, speaks three languages po sition as hotel clerk or anything. E. P. Stankovlch. 130. Russell at., city. TNERGETIC. hoiitrst salesman. 25. wants position with an opportunity of quirk Xtromotion, Salary no c inject. Tabor 3314. be given the one who can invest $-5t0 and mu-a - mnriAV fllllv .-! rl KeOlVlntT SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers snd Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, cashier and general of fice mau. experienced and can give good references; am young man. single, of good habits and am capable ot assum ing responsibility: want permanent posi tion with responsible, firm; have had some experience In se-Ulng. Y 115. Oregonian. ' W ANTED Position along commercial, cleri cal or mechanical lines, by an energetic and ambitious young man, willing to com mence with smalt salary. Call Woodlawn YOUNG MAN of good appearance would like position as day or night clerk in ho tel, or janitor: good references. Address Lv Fauier, Chetopa block, ISth and Flan ders. Miscellaneous. BY RELIABLE man, SI years of age. po sition as clerk or salesman in city or out. IO years experience as clerk, buyer uui manager In general merchandise, whol -sale and retail experience in Implements and vehicles. Phone Tabor 0349 or AJ lal. Oregonian. WANTED, by elderly man, position as book- -.veper, tiineaeeper, tallyman or yaro. boss, many years' experience la lumber business; salary no object, but must have work; best of references. F lbS, Orego nian. RESPONSIBLE: couple wants position on. gentleman s country place, man poultry expert, able to transfer your place luto a paying modem poultry plant. Wifa good manager and cook. Norwegian. No chil dren. Answer N lSl, Oregonian. FIREMAN, used to all kinds of fuel, wants position, notei. apartment-nouse or any- where in city. Address Geo. Anderson, 44$ Taylor st. Marshall leos MAN and wife wishes position, hotel or boarding-nouse; man experienced coo a. Best references. Marshall 1.10, Call .51 Clay at. YOUNG man of 27 would like farm work. dairing. mill work or driving team; ex perienced, capable and sober. 11 164, Oregonian. ELDERLY man would 1ik a Job doln; chores, such as washing msnes or any "kind of light work, small wages. L 132. Oregonian. YOUNG man. familiar with farm lands and farm work, desires connection wun estate office fvr office and outside, work. AN 181. Oregonian. MAN and wife (no children), experienced. want Janitor work; Al reference. Alain 7051. A 1517. EXPERIENCED gardener wants work; will ing to do any Kind 01 worn; ax re.vr ences. Main 7t51, A 1617. DAY" laborer with large family must find work; willing to do anytmng; reterences. Main 7051. A 1517. CAPABLE man, 50, desires chore on a farm or in city; can diiik; iu mum 11 , refer ences. Main 70i, A l&it. MIDDLE-AGED man, experienced on fsrm (oan milK. aestres oy wor. vi - by tne year; reterences. aiam n'i. ALLAROUND butcher wants work in coun try; 20 years" experience; reterence. 175, Oregonian. Al PIANIST, sight render, can handle movies or vauaovuie, rmys rags or c.a sie?. Tabor 3 ft 18. PRACTICAL camp, ranch and marine cook wants opening t. x. tiir-c, .uui.u xu4. Couch st. AUTO repairman n-l driver wants work; A-l rofercn.-e; will Cfrside- anything; reasonable price. S 16:.. Ore-cnian. STRONG boy. 19. wants any kind of work; can drive ora ; engineer; januwi . oei j 1 A pt. Ma in 6-'5 4. BY vuung married man. Pteady work any klrid First-class teamster. References furnished. State wages. S 184. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery man with a F""J1 delivery car would like a position. Rets. AE 1S3, Oregonian. WANTED Position by two men as woe,(- CUllerS HMU LI-aiM'b Ur,-r 1,nti. Or. MAN and w ifo want w ork, any kind. No children. CQl. 2-43. HIGH school b-y v. IU work for board and rwu. r 1 --r- BRICK or stone work, any kind, anywhere. II. M.. 410 E. Slat st . JANITOR desire position ; good local ref .kssb Ta i Oreeonlan. room. .a r : i . w - CHINESE schooibov wishes any kind work i. Ai i Rn i7r. Oreronian. auer 'wi. ' " Yors'G MAN, married, well educated, am X., .i- ,.-tt Hrt onvtiiinr. Woodln. 56o. CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. Sell. 1359 JAPANESE boy wants work in family, v: t hnT a Hillsdale. Or. Reliable man wants poa n as stockkeeper or salesman, auto co. AM 173, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted py ' " www- I 4 r' is" rirpconlan. JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A J iT t. n nt Or. 218 Henry bldg. SITU ATION3 WANTED FEMA-E. Bookkeepers -and Btcnogr aphers. rnfPF.TKXT young stenographer -3 position, three years' dices. Sellvood 3W2. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po sition, phone East 774. Drens makers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants lady as "partner one with customers and gooa references. AN 34. Oregonian. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; reasonable; home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Mam 0513. - - MADAME SUMMERS, tailoring and dress making. Main 7271. Marshall 52.0. DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring by the day; J..u; experieneeu. ibw ji EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Tabor 2:;5L MAKEOVER shop. 202 Flledner. '"?' to order or remodeled. Marshall RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by day; w ortt guaianteeu. FI RT-CLASS tailoring and dressmaking done in homes, phone Main 350. Nurses, TRAINED nurse receives into her quiet, comfortable home a few maternity pa tients' terms to suit patients; city doctors' reterences. Tabor 2 lis 7. 1234 E. Morri- OII St. . INVALIDS and confinement cases taken In physician's private home; best care; terms reasonable ; close in. Phone East o023. NURSING wanted, any kind, long experience. Pneumonia a specialty. Call Marshall 3V8. TRAINED NURSE ishex invalids or chll. dren to board; reasonable, toellwood -434. TRAINED nurse will take maternity or other cases; $12 week. AE 17ti. Oregonian. 11 ouse Keepers. YOUNG woman. -7, capable and reliable, desires position as housekeeper in city or country or housework: no objection to children: $15 month; references exchanged. Main 7051. A 1517. - REFINED capable woman, thoroughly ex perienced desires position as housekeeper, apartment or private; references. Tabor 6003. WANTED Position as housekeeper for one or two men bv intelligent woman of ability with desire for city environment. salary. Direct AV 265. Oregonian. AN unincumbered widow would like posi "tirn as housekf-eper in city or country. Would consider small wages. Phone Mar. f2. 107 11th st. Ask for Mrs. Regea. HOUSEKEEPING for gentleman with chil dren or lady employed, by competent lady; city or country. Phone East 4732 or call 12 East 7th st. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper to elderly gentleman of re finement. References exchanged, Marshall 47. . RELIABLE girl wishes position in home with some privilege; goou c-urv, u -.--.-ins: references. Marshall 3248. ADY desires situation, housekeeper w id-owei-s or bachelor's home. D 1308. WANTED Position as housekeeper by wid ower. 1 nq u I ra room 6. 67 3d at, STRONG gJirl wants general housework. Call Woodlawn 670. A ; Y w ill keep house for gentleman. Room 17. Main 2751. WANTING place as houekeeper or cook by young lady. AO 15i. Oregonian. Domestic. GERMAN girl. 1. English speaking, desires to assist -with housework and care of chil dren' 515 month; references. Main 7051. A 1517. COMPETENT Scandinavian cook wants po sition, p-ivato family; references. AB 17!. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED and competent cook de sires position, private family; reference. AN IS". Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work or housework where she can go home nights Main 7051. A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, wants work in small family; $0 month. Main 7051. A 1517 FIRST-CLASS cook; city references; private FIRST-CLASS cook; city references. Call from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Main 2451. ' POSITION wanted by first-class cook, best reference. Main 304ft. Miscellaneous. LDY wants work bv hour or day, good worker. Call Eabt SGI. EX PEP! E T-CED caterer parties, dinners, luncheons. East 282. evenings.