Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Organizations at Capital Make
Elaborate Arrangements
for Entertainment.
!Ylde Range of National and State
Questions Are to Be Taken ITp
or Consideration by Feder
ated Oregon Bodies.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 24. fSoeclal.)
Hundreds of delegates from all portions
or the state will arrive in Salem tomor
row to attend the annual convention of
the State Federation of Oregon Wom
en's Clubs. The convention will con
tinue four days, sessions being held in
the Hall of Representatives at the Cap
itol. Prominent leaders In club work
In Oregon and persons from other states
are listed to take part in the pro
K ram me. Addresses on National and
state issues in which the rights of
women are involved, and discussion of
means of betterment for prisons, and a
study of child problems will be features
of the convention.
Committees from the Salem Woman's
Club, assisted by the Salem Commercial
Club, have made elaborate preparations
for entertainent of the visiting dele
gates, who will be guests tomorrow
night at a reception at the Statehouse.
Music to Be 'Feature.
Prior to the reception Mrs. Sarah A.
Evans, president of the State Federa
tion, will call the convention to order.
II. O. White, Mayor, will welcome the
women in behalf of the city, while W.
M. Hamilton, president of the Salem
Commercial Club, will exfend greetings
from the club. Mrs. F. A. Elliott, presi
dent of the Salem Woman's Club, will
also welcome the federation represent
atives, while Mrs. Nellie Briggs, presi
dent of the Woman's Civic Improve
ment Club, of Ashland, will respond for
the State Federation.. Vocal and instru
mental music will be furnished by
Salem musicians.
One of the interesting features of the
programme will be the address" to be
given Tuesday night by Joseph P.
layers, of Philadelphia, president of the
American Prison Association and ex
ecutive National secretary for the care
of the feeble-minded. Mr. Byers will
Fpeak on "The Duty of the State to Its
Delinquent and Defective." Preceding
Mr. Byers lecture there will be a mu
sical entertainment under auspices of
the Monday Musical Club, of Portland.
Governor Will Speak.
Tuesday morning will be devoted to
routine convention work, reports of of
ficers, standing committees, etc. In the
afternoon, besides the usual musical
features, Mrs. Evans, president, will
give an address, and Governor Withy
combe will speak on the "Flax Indus
try of Oregon." Miss Cornelia Marvin,
State Librarian, will speak on "Book
With the present Nation-wide agita
tion for preparedness for war prominent
in the minds of all, the discussion Tues
day by Miss Grace De Graff, of the
question "Shall We Have Military
Training in Our Schools?" promises to
prove of absorbing interest. Miss De
Graff also will tell of-the-recent peace
conference at The Hague.
Interests of the child and educational
subjects will be before the convention
Wednesday morning, and in the after
noon fashions, property rights of
women, land grants and waterways
will be discussed by different speakers.
The evening session will be devoted to
the hearing of reports, combined with
a musical programme. The final day
for the convention will witness election
of officers for the ensuing year, selec
tion of a meeting place and other final
business matters of the federation.
Disposition to Be Made of Money on
Hand Vp to Federation.
"Every cent collected by the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs for anti
tuberculosis work will be used for that
purpose and for that alone." This was
ttie statement made yesterday by Mrs.
Harah A. Evans, president of the feder
ation, discussing the business that will
come up before the club convention,
whlfh will open tonight in Salem.
What disposition will be made by
the clubs of the sum they have on
hand for anti-tuberculosis work is to
be decided on probably at the Wednes
day afternoon session. The women's
clubs had charge of the sale of Red
Cross seals throughout the state for
several years and the Visiting Nurse
Association sold the seals in Portland.
Last year the clubs took over the city
work also.
They had about $1SOO already in the
treasury to which they added nearly
$f000 in 1914. Various amounts have
been expended whenever a plea for
help has been presented to the federa
tion, and there is now on hand $4700 to
be expended on anti-tuberculosis work.
The Oregon branch of the National
Society for the Prevention of Tubercu
losis was organized recently and the
local work along those lines is no
longer In the hands of the clubs. As
they worked hard for the money and
are perfectly willing to expend it on the
work for which it is intended many of
the women will probably favor keeping
the fund and continuing to do relief
work with it instead of turning it
over to the newly organized branch of
the National Society.
According to the statement of Mrs.
Evens, the clubs are willing to co
operate with the National organization
by giving freely of the money when
ever a deserving case is brought to
their attention.- On Friday Sadie Orr
Dunbar, -secretary of the National
branch, advised Mrs. Evans of a needy
woman in the last stages of consump
tion, and Mrs. Evans immediately or
dered a nurse and comforts and care
for the patient fur a month or as long
as needed .
Mrs. Dunbar, who is chairman of the
committee of public health, said that
the clubs had not refused to give help,
but it was lier opinion that It had
not been generally known that they had
this sum, and therefore cases had not
been brought to their attention.
( "on'intiel I'rom First Ppf
been d if f Icu 1 1 to f imire out that such
would be Germany'- plan and move.
He added:
I cannot understand why there
should ho such astonishment in Lon
don and Paris over the turn affairs
have taken in the Bulkans.
"Will the clearing of a direct road
from Berlin to Constantinople mean
an attack upon Suez and Egypt?" I
"I'm not in the confidence of the
general staff, but it is conceivable
that some such move is planneu
against England's 'Heel of Achilles,'
as some people here call Egypt."
Turning to me. Harden then asked:
"What do you think of Grey?"
"I have never agreed with the views
held in Germany that he is an arch
fiend rind the Mephistopheles of this
war," I replied.
"Neither do I," declared Harden, I
do not know him personally, but I have
taiKed with, numerous diplomats, both
German and others, who do know him
well, and they have always character
ized him to me as a man of high ideals
and peace-loving nature. I would con
sider Grey's retirement as the worst
possible blow to any hopes for peace
within the next six months. If Grey
resigns, 1 believe it will be less because
he may be considered .responsible for
the failure of England s foreign policy,
especially in the Balkans, than because,
being a man of sense and reason, he
does not want to participate in the
policy of those who are attacking him.
and bringing pressure on him.
I am inclined to think that he sees the
utter uselessness of letting Europe
bleed itself to death, as it is doing."
"What do you consider as being in
the way of peace?
"That England, having failed to de
feat Germany in the field, wants to
drag on the war interminably in the
hope of exhausting or wearing down
Maximilian Harden, Noted Ger
man Kditor, Who Say, Britian'a.
Attitude la Delaying: Peace In
Germany economically, financially and
industrially, to a point where she would
be willing to make more reasonable
Harden was of the opinion that neo
pie of every country involved men who
fight and bleed and die, women and
children who, at home, work and suf
fer are praying for peace.
Co-Ed. Care for Children Who Have
Been Sent to Portland for Badly
Needed Operations.
Oct. 24. (Special.) The university Y.
W. C. A. has obtained $1000 worth of
employment for girls who are earning
their way through school. Most of
this employment consists of work for
room and board and odd jobs such as
sewing, washing dishes, cleaning, dust
ing. Ironing, taking care of children
nnd light office work. The pay aver
ages about 25 cents an hour.
"The Y. W. C. A. employment bureau
has been able to get work for every
girl who has applied," said' Mary Gil
lies. whO'has charge of the universitv
Y. W. C. A. "No one has been turned
away. The association is on the cam
pus to be of service to the girls. One
of the most tangible means is through
employment, thus enabling girls to re
ceive an education which otherwise
they could not have. From year to
year we hope to do this work on a
larger scale."
The social service department is do
ing some work among the criDoled chil
dren of Eugene. From time to time
small children are being sent to Port-
and for operations. So far these have
been highly successful, according ito
miss Jennie Muggins, head of this de
partment. Upon the return of the child
some member of the social service
committee spends a few hours each
day teaching It to walk.
" 'This is only another means by
which the women of the university are
being trained for larger service when
their college days are over." said Miss
Pleasant Home Woman Tictlm of
Prolonged Illness.
GRESHAM. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
Mrs. W. E. Markell, wife of a business
man of Pleasant Home, died today
after an illness of more than a. year.
The family has lived at Pleasant Home
lor 23 years.
Mrs. Markell was born in Ontario,
Can., June 27, 1866, and moved to Ore
gon in 1893. She is survived by her
husband, five sisters and two broth
ers, all at Pleasant Home. Funeral
services will be held tomorrow at the
Pleasant Home Methodist Church.
Jadge George Poland.
24. (Special.) George Koland.
judge of Circuit Court of Oregon
for Klamath County, was strick
en with apoplexy this afternoon
while driving a party of friends
about the city in his automobile,
and died immediately.
Judge Noland was about 50
years old and was appointed last
December to nil the unexpired
term of Henry Benson, elected
in November to Oregon Supreme'
Court. He leaves a, widow re
siding here.
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Liquor May Be Linked With
Public Utilities to Aid in
Political Trade.
Dry s IMgrure on Winning 95 Conn
ties if County Option Wins and
on Carrying All bnt Three
of Downstate Cities.
CHICAGO. Oct. 24. (Specal.)
"Home rule versus county ODtion" may
form the lines of the wet and dry fight
in the next Illinois Legislature. Such
is the opinion of the dry leaders, who
are already mapping out a campaign to
fit that theory.
They figure that the clamping down
of the Sunday lid in Chicago by Mayor
xnompson will impel the wets to seek
a repeal of the Sunday closing act by
linking it with the general proposition
of home rule and by embodying local
control of public utilities and of sa
loons in the same bill. -
Much Iogro!lng Expected.
Legislative leaders point out that a
situation may develop somewhat sim
ilar to that in 1907. in which the Chi
cago charter and the township option
bill were linked. They look for more
trading and logrolling than ever.
They discern two chief trading prop
ositions. The "down-state" drys might
support home rule on public utilities
in return for support on county op
tion; wets from all parts of the state
might line up for home rule on condi
tion that it embrace control of dram
shops as well as saloons. If the com
bination should not prove strong
enough to control, it is figured that
the wets might get support from Chi
cago drys on the argument that home
rule is the great thing, whether sa
loon control is included or not.
17 Cities Would Be Affected.
Chicago will not be the only city af
fected. As the drys view the situa
tion, the issue will extend to all cities
of 20,000 population and over. Of these
there are 17 on the basis of the 1910
census. Seven are dry, and 10 are wet.
They are: Chicago, wet; Peoria, wet:
East St. Louis, wet: Springfield, wet;
Rockford, dry; Qulncy, wet: Joliei,
wet; Decatur, dry; Aurora, wet; Dan
ville, 'Iry; Elgin, dry; Bloomington,
dry; Eva.i3ton, dry; Icock Island, wet;
Moline, -vet; Galesburg, dry; Belleville,
If county option passes, the drys fig
ure that 95 counties would be in the
entirely , dry column at the next elec
tion. At present 54 counties are with
out a saloon. They also estimate that
of the 17 cities above 20,000 population,
all the down-state cities would be made
dry by county option except Peoria,
East St. Lcuis and Belleville.
A home-rule bill covering the liquor
question and applying to cities of 20
000 would exempt the 17 cities from
county option.
Governor Believed Likely to Xante
Lawyer in Private Practice to
Avoid Further Change.
OLYMPIA. -Wash.. Oct. 2-t iSn.
claL) Indorsements of four Superior
Court judges for advancement to the
Supreme bench to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Judge Herman
D. Crow are, in the hands of Governor
Lister. These candidates are Judges
John R. Mitchell, of Thurston County;
Guy C. Alston, Snohomish; Walter M.
French, Kitsap, and E. B. Preble,
Yakima. The movements in behalf of
Judges Mitchell and Preble are par
ticularly important.
There is a growing belief, however,
that the new jurist will be selectori bv
the Governor from private practice, to
avoid the necessity of also filling a
vacancy on the Superior bench. P. M.
Troy, of Olympia, is regarded by many
as the probable appointee. He is a
laiive wasningtonian. who has prac
ticed law here for 22 years and. though
prominent in public affairs, never has
held office.
Frank Reeves, of Wenatchee. former
president of the State Bar Association
and Warren W. Tolman. of Spokane,
also are mentioned prominently, but it
s consiaerea proDaoie that the ap
pointment will go to Western Wash
Funeral Carried Out as Arranged by
Jurist Jnst Before Death.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 24. (Special.)
Funeral services arranged bv Juries
Herman D. Crow, of the Supreme Court,
before his death Friday were held over
the dead jurist's body . this afternoon
prior to interment in the local Masonic
Chief Justice George E. Morris nro-
nounced an eloquent eulogy of his
predecessor as Chief Justice. The' Rev.
R. H. Edmonds, of the Congregationai
Church, had charge of the services, held
from the Crow residence, and the fol
lowing, selected, by Judge Crow, acted
as pallbearers: Chief Justice Morris
Judge O. G. Ellis, J. C Sherman, the
Jurist's secretary while Chief Justice;
James A. Williams, of Spokane, Judge
Crow's former law partner, and P. M.
Troy, attorney, and C. J. Lord, banker,
of Olympia Governor Lister and the
remaining .supreme Court judges were
honorary pallbearers.
Almonds and Pecans Also Give Good
Returns at Hood River.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 24. (Spe
cial.) That English walnuts can be
successfully grown in Hood River has
been demonstrated by F. L. Breed, a
local pharmacist. Mr. Breed harvested
several bushels of nuts from a tree on
bis lawn this week. The kernels are
fuller than those of nuts shipped here
from California.
A number of the valley orchardists
have almond and pecan trees planted
around their homes, and many of these
are now bearing well-filled fruit.
Work of Bureau Directed at Individ
uals, Says Mrs. Baldwin.
more than .we pray in generalities,"
said Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, head of the
Women's Municipal Protective Bureau,
in her address yesterday at the vesper
services of the Young Women's Chris
tian Association.
Mrs. Baldwin told of the Individual
work done with the girls who come
under the bureau's charge. The his
tory of the department from its begin
ning was interestingly told to a large
audience. Mrs. Baldwin said 6000 girls
have been helped.
"The girl of today has a harder time
than did the girl of yesterday. There
are more temptations," said Mrs. Bald
win. Of definite prayer she said: "I believe
in praying for just exactly what you
want. Don't pray in generalities."
The donation of $500 to the work be
fore it became a part of the nolice de.
partment, was spoken of by Mrs. Bald
win as an example of an answer to
direct prayer for money with which
to carry on the work.
Miss Frances Gill played violin solos
and a social hour followed the service.
Several girls, who are strangers in the
city, were welcomed by the social com
Portland I Declared Similarly Situ
ated-to Osaka Way to Highest
. Efficiency la Soujjrht.
O. Yamashita, editor of the Illus
trated News, known in Japan as the
Eiri-Shimbun. of Osaka, left for the
North last night where he will sail
for his home in Japan after having
passed four months in the study of
municipal problems in most of the
large cities of the United States
Mr. Yamashita Saturday was the
guest or the city officials and the de
tails of the working of a commission
plan of government and the adminis
tration of its different departments
were explained to him.
Mr. Yamashita said that the Cltv
of Osaka had appropriated $30,000
for municipal improvements and al
though the work had been going
on ior in years, tnere did not seem to
be the maximum amount of efficiency
He explained that he would write
articles for his paper during the com
ing year that will pertain to what he
has observed in this country. The
next year he said that he would, after
extensive ctudy, write articles on dif
ferent forms of municipr.1 government
and publish those also in his paper.
Mr. Yamashita found the situation
of Fortland similar to that of Osaka.
He declared that New York, Philadel
phia and Portland were similarly situ
ated to Osaka and he has made a par
ticular study of the transportation
especially water facilities of these
three cities.
The paper of which Mr. Yamashita
is the editor is the fifth largest in
Osaka, and at that has a circulation
of approximately 80,000.
Mr. Yamashita will sail for the Ori
ent October 27 from Tacoma.
Portland Delegation to Be Heard on
Experlcncea Under System Abont
to Be Tried Out.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 24 (Spe
cial.) Three luncheons will be held
at Hotel St. Elmo on Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday of this week by
the new Chamber of Commerce, of this
city. Paul E. Poindexter. who is in
charge of the reorganization, has had
committees send invitations to 180
representative citizens of the city, in
viting 60 for each day. On Friday
night a sret-together dinner will be
held at the same hotel. Mr. Poindex
ter plans to have 100 present at this
dinner and to have the Portland
Chamber of Commerce represented by
George L. Baker, A. L. Mills and
Charles F. Berg, who have been ap
pointed as a committee by their club
to speak.
It is understood Mr. Poindexter will
outline his plan to those at each lunch
eon, and essay to get them to promise
to give a certain amount of their time
for membership committee work. At a
meeting of the business men held last
week, Mr. Poindexter outlined his plans
in a general way.
The committee on reorganization
from the present Commercial Club in
cludes: W. J. Kinney, chairman: Don
ald Monaster, C. C. Turlay, John H.
Elwell and Charles W. Davis, who have
obtained the services of Mr. Poindexter
to reorganize the Vancouver Cham
ber of Commerce. Mr. Poindexter says
it will take him from a month to six
weeks to accomplish this task, and that
some one must be procured by the or
ganization to carry on the task.
Industrial School Inmates Say They
' Are Glad to Be Back.
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
Jennie Andrews, 14, and Evelyn Fos
ter, 17, who escaped from the Girls'
State Industrial School yesterday, were
taken into custody today by Mrs. E. M.
Hopkins, matron of the institution.
after she had traced them five miles
south of Salem. The girls, who passed
the night sleeping in a barn, were mak
ing their way south on the Jefferson
road when caught. Both girls declared
that they were glad to be back In the
The report that the fugitives had
been seen with two men at Brooks
yesterday was found erroneous, and
today Matron Hopkins started south
ward in her automobile, overtaking the
Eugene Branch of Collegiate Alum
nae to Contribute.
ETTGENE. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
Another gift of $500 by trie women of
Eugene to the fund for the erection of
a woman's building on the University
of Oregon campus was announced yes
terday by the Eugene branch of the
National Association of Collegiate
Alumnae. The money, voted, at a
luncheon held yesterday, will be raised
entirely among a small group of 26
women, all of them college graduates.
Mrs. Vincent Cook, of Portland,
counsellor of the branch of the Fort
land association, was a guest at yes
terday's luncheon. It was she who
broached the subject of a contribution
to this fund.
Dayton School Is to He Rebuilt.
DATTON, Wash., Oct. 24. (Special.)
The Directors of School District No.
3 have decided to erect a new building
on the site of the primary school that
burned last month when the teachers
and pupils were burning weeds In sin
attempt to clean up the grounds. The
new building will be si.nilar In lines to
the old one, but will have that addition
of f'lll basement, a heating plant and
moatrn plumbing.
With steamy, dusty housework, or stuffy,
tiresome office work or any other toil?
Just reach for your package of WRIGLEVS
and take a fresh start!
It will soothe and cool your mouth and
throat, quench your thirst, steady your
stomach and nerves, help your appetite
and digestion.
It is pleasant, beneficial and economical
an ever-ready friend to thirsty, tired,
nervous people.
Two delicious, long-lasting flavors. Every package
Write Win. Wrigley Jr
Prominent New Yorker Will
Visit Temple Beth Israel.
Former Portland Pastor to Pass
Two Days Here During Tour of
Pacific Coast; Extensive En
tertainment Proposed.
To make plans for the organization
of a. large Zionist society in Portland.
Rabbi Stephen S. "Wise, of" the Free
Synagogue of New Tork City, and for
merly the rabbi of the Temple Beth
Israel of Portland, will spend two days
in this city while on his Pacific Coast
tour in the interests of the Zionist
Dr. Wise has been in New Tork since
he left Portland in 1906. He founded
there the Free Synagogue and has been
its pastor since its foundation. He is
known as one of the biggest men In
public affairs in the city of New Tork.
Rabbi Wise will be extensively en
tertained during his brief visit here,
the first visit that he has made Port
land since he left here almost 10 years
Otto Wise, a brother of Stephen S.
Wise, and Rabbi Martin Meyer, both of
The form of influenza popularly called
grip lasts but a short time, is seldom
fatal but causes suffering and misery
out of all proportion to Its Importance.
The reason is this. When the acute
stage of the grip is passed there often
remains a neurasthenia that- persists
for months if not properly corrected.
The patient Is moody. In poor spirits,
suffers lack of appetite and vigor and
feels Indisposed to work or even to en
joy life. Warmth and quiet alone give
comfort and these not for long at a
time. Sleep is restless and dots not
refresh the nerves which are always at
high tension.
The best wny to correct this after
effect of the' grip is to build ui the
blood and . there is no better hlood
builder than Dr. Williams" Pink Pills.
As soon as the revitalized tlood
courses through the system you are
aware of its soothing influence. Grad
ually the color returns to the pale
cheeks, appetite and digestion impiove
and you are on the road to health.
The free book "Building Up the
Blood" contains a chapter on the after
effects of the grip. Send now for a
copy to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, N. Y. You can get lr.
Williams' Pink Pills at the neartrt
drugstore or by mail on receipt -tf
price, so cents per box; six boxes
-wrapped and sealed ag v st
Co., 1220 Kener Bid., Chicago, for
book, in colors, for the kiddies.
San Francisco, will have charge of the
arrangements of Dr. Wise on his Pa
cific Coast tour.
Dr. N. Mosessohn, editor of the Jew
ish Tribune, of this city, and a member
of the National executive committee of
the Zionist Federation of America, is
making extensive plans for the enter
tainment of Dr. Wise. No definite
committee on arrangements has been
named as yet, but it is probable that
the following local Jewish persons will
serve as members of such a committee:
Sig Sichel. A. Feldenheimer, Dr. Jonah
B. Wise, Dr. N. Mosessohn. D. Solis
Cohen. Ben Selling, Joseph Simon,
Adolphe Wolfe, A. Loewengart and
David N. Mosessohn. AH those men
tioned as possible members of the ar
rangements committee have received
letters from Dr. Wise apprising them
of his intended visit.
Dr. Wise is making a tour of the
country in the endeavor to raise funds
for and for interesting thsoe of his
race in the Zionist movement of Pales
tine. He will be in Portland the 27th
and the 28th of November and will
likely occupy the pulpit of the Temple
Beth Israel on Friday night, Novem
ber 28.
Dr. Wipe Is a native of Budapest, but
obgb Brothers
Touring and Roadster
On Exhibition at the Land Show
Washington at 21st
all impurity.
came to America at the age of 15 and
entered the College of the City of New
York. He was graduated from that
institution four years later, entered
Columbia University and received both
A. B. and Ph. D. degrees from that
school. He then occupied the pulpit
of the Congregation of Madison Ave
nue Synagogue In New York from 1893
until 1900.
From that year until 1906 he was the
pastor of the Temple Beth Israel of
this city, and went from here to his
present work In New York. While in
Oregon he was noted for his charitable
interests and was always associated
with organizations for -social uplift.
: For Infants and Children.
Thj Kind You Have Always BacgM
Boars the
Signature of
Portland, Oregon
"Wrigler's Motier Goose" S
521 v