Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Affection Shines in Faces of
Many Thousands Who Go
to See Inventor.
Human Touch Removes Conception
of Wizard as Mere Dynamo; Log
gers of Pacific Coast. Have
Noteworthy Gathering.
Ban Francisco, Oct. 22. A day of glo
rious golden sunlight slipped in be
tween the fogs to honor Edison yester
day. It was as if the sun caught the
rumor that the electric lights of San
Francisco, the bay cities and the ex
position were to shine forth in all their
possible radiance in. the great man's
honor, and just made up its mind to
do its biggest and best to show the
wizard a thing or two about illumina
tions. Close to 100,000 people filled the
grounds for the rare privilege of look
ing on this man for it was advertised
that he would not speak and in the
evening 20,000 came where the average
evening attendance is 5000. Never has
such an audience turned out for any
celebrity before and never has there
been such intense enthusiasm. Never
before at the exposition has such af
fection shone In so many faces.
Mr. Edison Is Frond.
Mr. Kdlson looks perfectly well, calm
and placid. He sat quietly by, was at
tentive, but from his expression, hlch
changed only once throughout the
hour's speeches, I imagine he did not
hear a word that was said. Mrs. Ed
ison's expressive. sensitive face
showed her pleasure in adulation of
her husband. She would look from the
speaker to him every now and then
with a prideful, mothering sort of af
fection that made one glad that he
had that kind of a wife. When Presi
dent Moore presented him with the
medal, he smiled pleasantly and
bowed to the audience, but without a
word turned and placed it in Mrs. Ed
ison's hands.
Some one has said: "There must
always be a woman at whose feet man
may lay his trophies; else why the
trophies?" If we have formerly
-thought of this man as merely a human
dynamo, a finely adjusted machine, this
one pretty human domestic picture for
ever removes that conception.
Eulogists Happy In Phrases.
John A. Britton, chairman of the
day. in his introduction spoke of Mr.
Edison as "the man of the century,"
who stands on a plane by himself with
no companion in the world of i n
ventors. President Moore was inspired
with many happy phrases in eulogy:
"We are but acolytes swinging the in
cense and the lights in honor of this
great man." He went on to say that
Edison stood for love of men, comfort
fur human beings, advancement, prog
ress, patriotism and humani tariem in
the fullest sense of the word.'
Samuel Insull, the lifelong friend
and for 40 years close associate of Mr.
Edison, made the main speech of the
"So profound was his belief in the
ultimate outcome of his own work that
he not only gave of his brains, ability,
time and energy, but risked every
penny of his own fortune," said Mr.
Insull. "You can't all be Edisons, but
you can exercise the same spirit. He
never sounds the retreat, always the
advance. He doesn't know what it
means to be discouraged; he goes on
until he achieves success, and he does
it with a modesty and simplicity that
endears him to every one."
Loggers Celebrate Day.
Yesterday was also Pacific Logging
day, celebrated in the Hoo Hoo build
ing. The loggers lunched in the Ore
gon building. The evening before the
loggers were banqueted at the Com
mercial Club, when F. C. Knapp, of the
Peninsula Lumber Company of Port
land, represented Oregon in an able
speech. E. T. Allen, of Portland, of
the Forestry Department. was in
charge of one day's session and man
aged a lively discussion of matters di
rectly in his department. J. J. Dono
van, of Belllngham, is president of the
conference, and George M. Cornwall,
of Portland, was secretary.
Mr. Cornwall has been actively try
ing to create the profession of logging
engineer as a distinct profession. The
main discussion, however, was led by
Mr. Langullle, of the J. D. Lacy Com
pany, of Portland. He made a fine
address on the necessity of organiza
tion of all lumbering interests, the
manufacturer, logger, seller, timber
man, etc., where now little or no co
operation exists.
Government Agent Delivers Deeds
for Chelialis Reservation Land.
CENTRA LI A. Wash.. Oct. 24. (Spe
ctal.) For the purpose of arranging it
so that some of the Indians may dis
pose of their land, T. B. Wilson. Indian
agent of Taeoma, has been at the Che
halls reservation near Oakville for the
past week. Frank Pete was given per
mission to sell his 105-acre ranch south
of the town. The agent during his visit
delivered Government deeds for sev
eral tracts of land purchased from In
dians several years ago.
Peter Heck, of the Chehalis tribe,
was unanimously re-elected bishop at
the Shaker Convention Just closed on
the reservation. Indians were In at
tendance from reservations in Wash
ington, Oregon and British Columbia.
French Manufacturers Ask for Plan
to Recover Machines. .
PARIS, Oct. 3. Manufacturers whose
works have been stripped of machines
by the Germans propose that an offi-t-iol
commission make an inventory of
the machines that have disappeared as
Kiun as may be possible. It is pointed
out by manufacturers that the payment
of an indemnity for the machines will
not be sufficient, since many months,
in ome caes years, will be required to
replace the machinery. Consequently
the French manufacturers will demand
th return of the mtchinej themselves.
These machines they assert, were
not all taken because they were needed
in Germany, but in order to paralyze
the industries of Northern France after
the eventual declaration of peace.
There is more cold In the I'nited States
than in any other country In the world. The
latest Treasury figures show that on August
'-' there was S-.nuti.aptt.SO In cold cash anu
I'Ullion. This Is probahly mora than any
other tw 'oiintn'i pnwivs loriiy. Kncland
lias. It U jStimaieu. Ssvo,u4.(XKI.
Noble Woman Here to Breathe
Spirit of Freedom.
Husband Is rPophet of New Ori
ental Religion and She Has Bro
ken Caste Customs in Mar
riages of Children,
lead land show sc bx lead, 3 col cut
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. When Mme.
Assad Ullah, a Persian noblewoman.
pieaaing ror the life of her brother,
threw, herself on the mercy of the srov-
ernment and lifted the shackling veil.
sne startled Persian women into their
revolt for freedom. Now that woman,
on a protracted visit to America, pays
the . American women the highest
tribute that can come from a woman
of one nation to those of another.
"I have come to you in America," she
said, "to breathe in your spirit of free
dom, so that it may become part of
me, to be diffused among my country
women when I return."
Mme. Ullah is the wife . of Mizra
Hassad Ullah, the famous peace advo
cate and prophet of the Oriental re
ligion, Bahia, which is slowly spreading
throughout the Occidental world. He
has come to this country to found col
leges for the teaching of this religion,
which, it is said, is a "combination of
the good parts of all religions."
Mme. Ullah allowed her son, educat
ed in America, to marry an American
woman, and she was the first woman
to allow her daughter to marry a for
eigner. Her daughter is the wife of
Professor Sydney Sprague. an Ameri
can. Both of these were drastic steps
in caste-bound Persia, but it is for
that reason that she favored these mar
riages and dares to encourage the
growth of the custom.
Continued From First Page)
Guard la various contests since its
Fairy Palaces Take Form.
In the apparent confusion of yester
day half a hundred fairy palaces were
taking rapid form to receive their dis
plays of manufactured products, rang
ing all the way from raspberry Jelly to
rugs and conduit pipe.
In a model dairy barn in one end of
the great hall a young sculptor was
rapidly putting the last touches on a
life-size statue of a cow, built entirely
out of butter. The sculptor shivered
as he worked, for he was inside a glass
cold storage case, in which the cow is
to be kept throughout the 18 days of the
show. But in spite of the cold, he kept
cheerfully at work, slamming double
handfuls of butter on bossy's frame
and gradually moulding her into the
form of a presentable cow.
Bricklayers were finishing fireplaces.
on which coal and briquet samples are
to burn during the show, and, with a
great uproar of riveting, workmen
were completing a house of corrugated
Iron pipe Just opposite a booth which
Is to be devoted to exploiting the
glories of ham and sausages.
'Dry" Bar Arranged.
As one goes from the manufacturers'
hall into the Land Products hall the
first thing that greets the eye is the
1916 soft drink, "no smoking" bar. all
set up and ready for business. While
the bar is the exact counterpart of
the brass-railed bar of the good old
days, there is a "no smoking" sign
at one end and the list of drinks ad
vertised offers nothing more serious
than cider or loganberry juice.
Members of the W. C. T. U. have ex
pressed great Interest in the 1916 bar
and the introduction it offers for peo
pie of Portland to the real merits of
Oregon soft-drink products. They have
announced to Manager Bateham that
they will boost for the bar with all
their might, and that they will come
over in person and set their feet on
the brass rail and contribute to the
earnings of the establishment.
Attendance at the show throughout
its entire run is expected to be far
greater than it was even at the great
show of last year. Returning tourists
from San Francisco are expected to
add an important portion to the daily
attendance, and every measure has been
taken to advertise th eshow at tb
Oregon building in San Francisco and
interest - people who are routed home
through Portland in stopping over for
a few days to visit it.
Extensive Publicity Gtvea.
Returns on the press notices that
have been, sent out indicate that the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show has received more publicity in
the papers and magazines of the North
west than any other attraction of its
kind that has ever been held. More
than 1000 columns of space have been
given it in the newspapers of Oregon
and n ashington' alone.
This strong interest that has been
displayed by the press of the Northwest
nas been largely responsible for the
notable co-operation of the counties of
Oregon. Twenty-three counties have-
come in with exhibits, representing the
Dest from the state fair or from county
fairs that they have held.
All of these facts are e-pected to
increase the attendance anc. the man
agement is looking for some record
figures in gate admissions within the
first few days of the show.
(Continued From First Page
very eyes of the authorities only th
utmost severity can bring relief and
the government violates the most ele
mental duty toward the army -and its
safety that does not adopt the strictest
measures. These duties in war are
greater than any other.
All those convicted were fully
cognizant of the significance of their
actions. The court went into just this
point with particular care and acquit
ted several co-defendants only because
it believed doubt existed regarding the
cognizance of the punishableness of
their actions. Those convicted knew
what they were doing. Countless pub
lie proclamations had declared that
support of enemy armies . would be
treated with. the severest penalty, even
that the lives of traitors would be sac
rificed. High Motive la Conceded.
"I admit certainly that the motive of
those convicted was not unnoble and
that they acted out of love for the
fatherland. But in war time one must
be ready to seal one's love for the
fatherland with one's blood, whether
one opposes the enemy in battle or
whether one commits acts in its inter
est which justly carry with them the
death penalty. Among our Russian
prisoners are several girls who fought
against us in soldier's uniforms. Should
one such have fallen no one would ac
cuse us of treating women cruelly. So
why now that another woman has met
the death , which she risked quite as
thlnkingly as her battle comrades?
"There are moments in the lives of
peoples when consideration for the in
dividual Is a crime against tne whole,
moments that make severity, yes. hard
ness, a duty for those entrusted with
the safety of their own countrvmen
Once and for always the activity of
our enemies had to be stopped and sen
tence has been carried out to frighten
those who might presume on their sex
to partake in enterprises punishable
with death.
. Door of Evil Activities Guarded.
"Should one recognize these pre
sumptions it would mean to open the
ooor ror ine evil activities of women.
who often are handier and more clever
in these things than the craftiest man
"He who bears the resnonsibilitv
however, may not, cannot do that. Un
mindful of the world's verdiemt. he
must travel the hard road of duty. That
despite these facts, leniency toward
others who were convicted and who,
according to recognized law, have for
feited their lives, is being considered.
is proof of how earnestly we are trying
to reconcile the feelings of humanity
witn tne commands oi rigid duty.
"If others ares hown mercy it. will
be at the cost of our army, for it is to
be feared that new attempts will be
made to injure us if it is believed pos
sible to escape without punishment or
with the risk of only a light sentence.
Only ptly for the guilty can lead to
amelioration, not admission that the
executed sentence was too severe for
this, hard aa it may sound, was abso
lutely necessary and could not appear
otherwise to an independent judge.
ExeratloB Regularly Condmcted.
"The weakness of our enemy's argn
ment is proved by the- fact that they
do not attempt to combat the Justice
or tne sentence. ou ry o influence pub
lic opinion agalns us by false reports
or ine execution, it Is asserted that
the soldiers assigned to the execution
first refused to shoot and finally fired
so faultily that the officers had to kill
the accused with a revolver.
"No word of this is true. I have the
official report of the execution, in
which it is established that it took
place entirely In accordance with es
tablished regulations, and the death
occurred Immediately after tbe firs
salvo, as the physicians present attest.
Australia Has Record Crop.
MELBOURNE. Australia, Oct. t.
The Australian wheat crop will be far
beyond any yield which the common
wealth baa ever known. Appeals to
farmers last Spring to demonstrate
their patriotism by increased acreage
resulted in unusually extensive wheat
sowing and it is now estimated that
the commonwealth's wheat yield this
season will approximate or exceed
ISO.wOO.OliO bushels. -
ake Winter Kings surrender
Old enemies of mankind, like
King Winter and King Coal,
with their troublesome broods
that have made war on house
wives for many centuries, are
fast surrendering to modern
scientific methods. Due to the
proved, wonderful merits of
ideal heating, we are enjoying
larger sales than ever before,
despite general business con
ditions and lessened building
operations. We deliver gen
uine comfort and a big-paying
investment in every outfit of
season. Automatically controlled to offset any
weather. No more fuel burned than needed to exactly heat rooms to the desired temperature
no fuel waste. In the burning of coal certain rich, volatile gases will yield a great
volume of heat if not allowed to pass off unconsumed because of lack of mixing
with the proper amount of air.
The fire surfaces' and flues in IDEAL, Boilers are so arranged that they bring in the exact amount
333BT...1 tl 3
A No. 4121 IDEAL Boiler and 420 . ft. of 38
In. AMERICAN Radiators, casting the owner
$1 90 were used to heat this cottage. At this
price the Boodscan be bought of any reputable
competent Fitter. This did not include costs
of labor, pipe, valves, freight, etc, which vary
according to climatic and other conditions.
You can wonderfully reduce house-labor and highly increase home health and cleanliness by use of ARCO
WAND Vacuum Cleaner sits in basement or side room ; works through an iron pipe running to all floors ;
carries all dirt, dust, insects and their eggs, etc., to sealed bucket in machine; cleans carpets, furnishings,
walla, ceilings, clothing. Ask also for catalog (free). Inquiry puts you under no obligation to buy.
Sold by all dealers.
No exclusive agents.
Public Showroom. M Chkacp. Kew York. Boston, Providence. Philadelphia. WaaMncton. Baltimore, Buffalo, Rochester. Pittsborsh. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Detroit. Atlanta. Birmlnaham.
ew Orleans, Indianapolis. Milwaukee. Des Moines, Omaha. Minneapolis, St- Paul. St. Louis. Kansas Citr. Dcorrr. Seattle. Portland. Spokane. San Francisco.
Worcester, Los Angeles. Toronto, Brantford, (Ont.). I.ondon, Paris. Brussels, Berlin, Ct-tTx Milan, Vienna.
Christian Endeavor Convention
Hears Rev. Dan A. Poling.
Reluctance to Adopt New Methods
in Private Life and Government
Service, Preparedness for War,
Missionary Work Discussed.
'The Grip That Holds" was the topic
of the address yesterday afternoon at
the rally of the State Christian En
deavor Convention in the Sunnyslde
Congregational Church, by Rev. Dan A.
Poling, acting president of the World's
Union. He was introduced to the mass
meeting by Herbert Goode as the Nestor
of the World's Christian Endeavor
movement for temperance and the
spread of the Christian religion. Rev.
Mr. Poling declared that the Portland
Union had gained a great reputation
for doing things under the leadership
of progressive young men.
" 'The Grip That Holds' is my sub
ject here today, suggested to my mtnd
by a small straggling tree that pre
vented me from sliding over a preci
pice while at the headwaters of the
Hood River. It was the grip of that
little tree that saved my life. We are
largely governed by tradition.
Grip of Tradition Dlacaaaed.
"Fashion holds the women in their
grip. Certain lines hold the business
man in a rut and It Is hard to get out
of that rut. New methods are diffi
cult to adopt. The United States has
been in the grip of tradition, and only
recently the Government gave evidence
of breaking away by a movement to
adopt tbe budget system.
"Europe has been in the grip of the
tradition that great armies make for
peace, and yet that continent is in the
throes of the greatest war ever known.
And in this country there is a move
ment to develop an army of 1.000.000
men on the same principle, the same
tradition that preparedness makes for
"The church is bound by tradition.
That fine young man is in the grip of
the cigarette habit. Many are in the
grip of the tobacco habit. Many good
men smoke, but they would do so much
better if they would break the habit.
Soclet7a Aehlerreanesita Prnlaed.
Rev. Mr. Poling pointed to the Chris
tian Endeavor Society as one of the
great factors for leading the world
into new paths. He said it Is grounded
upon the foundation of truth and faith.
"It is trained and equipped for that
purpose." he declared. "It inspires
yowng men and develops Christian effi
ciency. The colleges are Inviting
fielde for ' the Christian ' Endeavor
BOLLERS fashioned heating. No rekindling the fire all
of air required for completely burning these rich heating gases as fast
as freed from the coal and smokelessly. There can be no
"undigested" coal. Every known improvement and many exclusive
features make IDEAL. Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators the most
efficient and economical in the world, yet our enormous sales enables
us to put the price within reach of all no more than asked for inferior
product. Accept no substitute. Best investment you ever made!
Whether you have the heating of a school, church, store, office, shop, public building, flat, farm
or city house or cottage, don't delay investigating this dividend-paying, permanent investment
of IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators with their marked fuel savings, absence of repairs,
health and fire protection, cleanliness and great durability. Defeat the tyrants of old-fashioned
heating by asking, phoning or writing for free book: " Ideal Heating " full of money-saving
heating facts you ought to know. Send NOW. Puts you under no obligation to buy.
great labor-saver stationary Vacuum Cleaner,
worker. Its influence has extended
throughout the world. It has gone
into the trenches of war-stricken Eu
rope and carried the torch of faith to
the ends of the earth."
The speaker pointed out the oppor
tunities of the Christian Endeavor or
ganization, and declared all its depart
ments are equally important and urged
that all committee work be made
equally important. He concluded his
address by saying that the grip that
holas is the grip of Jesus Christ, the
grip of the Christian religion.
Rally to Be Held Tonight.
Today Is the Important day of the
convention. At 10:12 o'clock there will
be a special business session for dele
gates outside of Portlai.d. State Presi
dent Feike will be in charge. At 1:30
to 3:30 o'clock the delegates will see
Portland, followed by a special session
under the leadership of Rev. D. A. Pol
ing and Field Secretary H. I. Rottman.
The missionary banquet will be held
from 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock tonight at the
Sunnsyside Congregational Church.
Wamrih I
fhe degree)
Oil Heater
. 100
. 90
. 80
-I 70
. -TO i V Of;
Standard Oil Company
cv r tiro $iZ& . r 1 boilepJ, , j 1
Ideal heating bars out the
Don't put it off another winter but join at once the
great army of housekeepers that we have freed
forever from the old. tyrants of drafty, uneven
heatiner. the endless dirt and drude'erv of old-
when Rev. Mr. Poling will tell about
the "Great Campaign for Millions."
This will be followed by the semi
annual rally of the Portland union,
when sliver cups will be awarded.
"Christian Endeavor History and
Principles" Is the subject of Rev. Mr.
Poling's address at this rally, which
will close the convention.
Two-Year-Old Pace Ilecord Broken.
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 24. The
world's 2-year-old pacing record for a
half mile track was broken here yes
terday by Baron Durham, who made
the mile in 2:16. The former record,
held by Online for 10 years, was 2:17)4.
Gale Along Coast Heavy.
ASTORIA, Or., Oct- 24. (Special.)
While the wind is not strong locally,
a heavy gale is reported along the
coast - and today the wind at North
Head attained a rate of 68 miles an
Smokeless and
odorless. Deal
ers everywhere
For best results
lue Pearl Oil
tyrants of cold I
IDEAL Boilers hava
large fuel pots in which
the air and ooal gasea
thoroughly mix as in a
modern gas or oil man
tic or burner, thus ex
tracting every bit of
the heat from the fuel.
Kasier to run than a
at Si?o
Write Department P-13
Yeon Building
Testifies She Was Restored
to Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Lackawanna, N. Y. "After my first
child was born I felt very miserable and
could not stand on
my feet. My sister-
in-law wished me to
try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and my
nerves became firm,
appetite good, step
elastic, and .1 lo3t
that weak, tired
feeling. That was
six years ago and I
have had three fine
healthy children since. For female trou
bles I always take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it works like
a charm. 1 do all my own work. "Mrs.
A. F. Kkeamer, 1574 Electric Avenue.
Lackawanna, N. Y.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation, ulceration,tumors,irregulari ties,
periodic pains, backache, bearing-down
feeling, flatulency.indigestion, dizziness,
or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan
dard remedy for female ills.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidences
A Social. Fraternal, .Beneficial So
ciety for men and women. Four
plana of insurance based upon ade
quate rates, and backed by a iur.
plus of nearly one million dollars.
20 lodges in Portland. Over 11.00
member In Oregon. Let as toll
you about it. Phone Main 1220
a Ssfpresae Seeref ry,
B:f Beck Bide PsrllasA Or.