3 age of Worthy THE MORNING OREGOXIA SATTTRDAT. OCTOBER 23. 1915. Saturday Sales jfe .e. 5 r i. rUY 1 Mandarin Effects n f fie iVettf Chin Chin Pins 25c to $1 Each Just when the fashion for these attractive little pins is at its height, roe. are especially glad to offer a netv shipment which we were fortunate in eceiving. . There are plain shell and amber effects, exquisite Chinese colorings, and gold in laid and enamel effects, in the newest shapes and patterns. Mandarin Casque Combs and Mandarin Barrettes SOc to $1.00 A very new assortment of the popular Mandarin combs and bar rettes which are now so much in de mand. Beautiful designs in Chinese effect, with inlaid gold and dainty Oriental colorings. First Floor New Vestees Very Special 59c Astonishingly little, for vestees are worn with practically every Fall dress. Embroidered organdy vestees, with dainty edges in scal loped and bordered effects. Pleated back and' flare shaped collars. Oriental lace vestees,. with the new high collar to be worn with tailored suits. ' - 75c Neckwear 48c Large pleated collars of fine organdy, and embroidered col lar and cuff sets in the roll and flare style. First Floor Veilings Regular SOc to 85c yard ' 39c Each New veilings veilings in the latest style meshes plain hairline filets and hexagon, with dotted, woven and bordered -effects. In brown, navy, black and-white. First Floor New Importation of Washable Kid Gloves Vallier Gloves $2.00 Of first quality kid. in white with plain or contrasting stitching. Bacmo Gloves $1.50 One-clasp style, in pearl, chev- erette and oak shades. First Floor Popular Music Hits 2 for 25c My Pretty Firefly You'll Never Know That Old Town of Mine - Goodby, Virginia Just a Song at Twilight A Girl from Dixie in the Days of 1 860 Omar Khayyam When It's Peach Picking Time in Delaware Put Me to Sleep With an Old-Fashioned Melody There's a Little Warm Affection in the Corner of My Heart My Little Girl Jane. Messan'me Floor Hallowe'en Novelties It is not Hallowe'en without the pumpkin face and the candles. All the oddities and novelties for Hal lowe'en are here. Noise Makers 5c to 10c Blow-Outs 5c to 10c Pumpkins 5c to 35c Jack Lanterns 5c to 35c Comic Figures 3c to 25c Black Cats 5c to 25c Full line of Dennison's goods, napkins, plates, crepe papers, hats, lunch cloths and sets, all in Hal lowe'en designs and colorings. Place cards, score cards and invitations in appro priate effects for Hallowe'en week. First Floor Free Classes for Children in Art Needlework Saturday from 9 to 12 Fifth Floor Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 6S91 cJ MercKmi.' of J Merit Only" Mail and Tfcone Orders Filled by Exoert Sto-ooera 20fa Discount on All Picture Framing Sixth Floor. A Special Shipment Just Arrived of New Ostrich Neck Ruffs Special $3.95, $5.95, $6.95 We wish to particularly direct your attention to the superior quality ot ostrich used in the making f .1 rr .L I I 1 .L L- 1 3t or mese runs, mc rienness ana lcngin ui mc uucs. In black, white and combinations of black and e.ft . 1 . - 1 re . 'iL t 1- i wniie. usincn runs vie wuh iurs in popular iavor. First Floor Fox Fur Sets $3.48 For Children Beautiful fur sets for children of fine white Iceland fox. Each set consists of a shaped collarette lined with satin and finished at each end with white silk tassel. Pillow shape muff with white satin lining. Third Floor Boys ! Here Today ! $8.50, $10, $12.50 arid $15 Suits at $5.95 Blue Serge Suits Included These suits have ail been taken from our regular stock- every suit is all-wool and perfect fitting, tailored in the best possible manner and contains the necessary powers of resistance. In the new Norfolk models single or double-breasted coats, box, knife or inverted pleats, patch or plain flap pockets, loose or stitched belts. Of blue serge, homespuns, tweeds, shepherd plaids in worsted or velour. The pants are lined throughout and made with taped seams. All sizes from 6 to 1 7 years. ' - The Very Best $6.00 Ail-Wool Suits $4.95 And Every Suit With an Extra Pair of Pants No better suits made to sell at $6.00 the best sort of suits for school wear made of all-wool materials in all the new Fall models and patterns. In brown, gray, tan and blue mixtures. The pants are full lined and have taped seams. " - Boys' $6 New Overcoats $4.95 One Styltt as Illustrated. These coats show the new modified Balmacaan and man tailored box styles. Made with convertible collars plain or belted back and full lined. In smart mixtures, over plaids, diagonals, and blue cheviot. , In all sizes from 2J2 to 9 years. Boys' New Raincoats $3.95 Made of splendid quality rubberized cloth in heavy or medium weight, are positively rainproof in slip-on style with raglan or set-in sleeves in tan J&ool surface coats in gray and tan mixtures. Some with hat to match. 1 6 years. These coats color. Also Sizes 4 to Boys' $3 Bath Robes $2.49, Special Made of a medium weight blanket in style as illustrated. In a variety of good-looking patterns. All sizes for boys from 2 to 1 6 years. Any Boy's Oliver Suit in Our Stock Now Half Price Made of all-wool and washable materials", of blue and white serge, shep-. herd plaids, pique, linen, galatea and kindergarten cloth. Sizes 2 to 9 years. Boys' Washable Corduroy Suits Special $3.65 In sizes for boys 3 to 8 years. Made in the new Billy Boy style, with wide patent leather belt and silk tie. . Fourth Floor 3P Everything for Girls From 6 to 20 Years Suits for Misses and Small Women Priced at $15.00, $17.50, $22.50, $25.00 to $40.00. Shown in all the very newest models of serges, whipcords, gabardines, broadcloth and fancy mixtures. with the new high military or low turn-down collars and some convertible collars. Straight, half or full belted styles." Trimmed with fur, velvet, braid or self materials. Coats for the Sma1! Women or Misses Of fancy mixtures and plain fabrics in loose, full or half belted models, in plaids, checks and heavy coatings. Coats for all occasions. Priced at $5.95, $6.95, $8.95, $10.50 to $22.50. New Flannel and Serge Middies . In navy blue or red regulation style, some with yokes, laced fronts, trimmed with white braid and em blems. In sizes 6 to 20 and 42 bust measure. Priced at $2.49, $2.75 and $3.50. Dresses for Misses and Small Women ' Of silk and velvet or serge and messaline combinations, charmeuse and taffeta in all the very newest and most attractive styles. Priced at $12.95, $15.00, $16.50 to $32.50 Children's Hats to $1.75 for 98c In several new styles. Tailored and dress effects. Of corduroy, in navy, green, brown, black, Copen hagen and white. Sizes 2 to 6 years. $4.00 Children's Dresses $2.95 Of corduroy or alI-w8ol serges in navy blue and brown. In several different styles, showing panel or fancy fronts, also sailor collars. Trimmings of plaid silks, pipings, bandings, braids and buttons. In sizes from 6 t6 1 4 years. $5.00 Challie Dresses $3.95 In dainty colored figured patterns. In sizes 6 to 14 years. Waist made with yoke finished with hem stitching and dainty lingerie collars, long sleeves, turn-back cuffs, full skirts with deep tucks. Wide silk sash. Children's Sweaters to. $4.00 for $1.98 All-wool sweaters made with ruff neck, sailor collar, V neck and turn-down collar styles, heavy weave. Long sleeves with tight cuff finish. Two pockets. All in plain Coats Special $4.45 Sixes 2 to 6 Years Of plain brown zibeline or black corduroys. In box style with close-fitting turn-down velvet collars and in double breasted style with turn-down collars which fit close to the neck. Knit Scarf Sets $1.15 and $1.69 Made of fine Angora wool scarfs with deep fringed ends and caps in envelope style fin ished with tassels. Fourth Floor. Velvet Coats Special $5.45 uzes Z to o years. In green, brown and black. Full belted style, double breasted. Trimmed with self-covered buttons ; turn down collar and turn-back cuffs. Gym Bloomers $2.50 Made of fine serge in'navy blue and black. Deep yoke, buttoned on each side, elastic at knee. Sizes 6 to 20 years. We Expect You Today Sure Ouercoafs $20, $25, $30 ingle or double breasted styles. Smart knitted coats in heather mixtures. Subdued col orings in fine weaves. Every coat with an individual cut, and tailored as well as made-to-order coats. Golf Suits Golf Coats and Knickers Correct Link Apparel Golf Suits $15.00. Golf Coats $3.45 to $10. Golf Knickers $6.00. Golf Vests $2.45. Golf Hose $15 to $20 At Cost Joy in Doing Is Half of Doing It Well Today we look for a record-making shirt selling day. Why not? We are offering men the best ready-made shirt in America at cost. A shirt with an international reputation, made of the best materials in the latest styles and per fect in fit. No man who appreciates economy can conscientiously refuse to avail himself of this event. It is merely calculation of how much he can save. The more shirts he buys the greater the saving. Consequently it is simple logic to buy a year's supply now, at the beginning of the season, with a full stock from which to make a selection. $1.50 Manhattan Shirts . . $1.15 $2.00 Manhattan Shirts . . $1.38 $2.50 Manhattan Shirts . . $1.88 $3.00 Manhattan Shirts . . $2.25 $3.50 Manhattan Shirts . $4.00 Manhattan Shirts . $5.00 Manhattan Shirts . $10.00 Manhattan Shirts ! . $2.65 . $2.35 . $3.85 . $6.45 First floor SY W The Puritan The Latest Inspiration in the Millinery World Smart Creations $4.95 What kind of a hat does' one usually find for $4.95? Surely not the most fashionable modes of the ' day. you mav sav. But here is where V Upman-Wolfe store has a gratifying ij j surprise for the woman who knows the ly' very latest styles. "The Puritan" shapes, featured by Vogue and other fashion authorities, are here, in richest of materials, with brims that are softly shirred, or plainly tailored. Designed and made to our special order, these clever models are trimmed with touches of fur, a bright bit of silver or gold ribbon, an artistic adaptation of ribbon or buckle. "The Puritan" is so generally becoming to most every type of face that it will be no task to select the style "just suited to you." These hats are so new and so smart that you cannot fail to be charmed with them. Third Floor From the Girls' Millinery Store, 3d Fl. So.', Shirred Velvet Hats for Girls Fur bands, and box pleatings of ribbon, trim these youthful models, with their full crowns and pretty QC shirred brims. AH the colors that girls like, Saturday. . PfciI7CJ Hats of Velvet, or Satin and Velvet Charming models for children. They are trimmed with small bunches of gay flowers, with ribbons or tfJO QC fur many styles POI7iJ Dress Hats for the Girls and Children Our cases are full of the prettiest hats that can be worn for every day, or for dress. Of velvet, plush and velour. Ribbon trimmed, flower trimmed, fur trimmed in variety unsurpassed. Specially priced from $4.50 to $6.95 If You Need a Corset Buy Today $3.00 Heavy Coutil Corsets Low bust, incurving waist, reinforced abdomen, silk finished bones, wide elastic across the back. Sizes a r r 20 to 30 IJJ.yO $2.50 Coutil Nadia Corsets Low bust, long hips and back, without boning over hips. Lace trimmed. Three pairs supporters attached. t i rr Sizes 19 to 26... ,itl.by Fourth Floor Choose From Twelve New $1.50 Styles Handbags at 98c They are wonderful bags, of real leather in fine long and pebble grain, in the very latest shapes. Some are plain, others pleated, and still others gathered on metal -or leather covered frames. Dresden silk linings, and fittings of mirror and coin purse, complete these bags. Four styles in these 98c bags illustrated. Black and White Belts 25c Of patent leather trimmed with white kid in checks, stripes and diagonal designs. All sixes to 36. First Floor Last Day of the Great Drug and Toilet Goods Sale Toilet Paper Sale 10c rolls Ideal Crepe Paper 5c 10c Flat Package, 1000 sheets, 4 for 25c 12c roll Tissue, 1000 sheets, 3 for 25c 18c roll Tissue, 1500 sheets, 14c, or 6 for 80c 25c roll Tissue, extra quality, 19c 50c Toilet Paper Holder, 29c 6 Cakes Ivory Soap 18c No phone orders accepted. De livered only when other purchases are made at the toilet goods section. 25c Sheffield's Tooth Paste 15c 35c Tooth Brushes 23c 25c Wool Powder Puffs 17c 50c Bromo Seltzer 31c $2.25 Combination Syringe $1.79 SOc Sal Hepatica 33c Household Drug Needs Special 7c each Regular 1 Oc size Sulphur, Powdered Borxx, Cascara, Flaxseed, Epsom Salts. Bay Rum, Soda Bicarbonate, Essence Pepper mint. Camphorated Oil. Castor Oil, Boric Acid, Sassafras Bark. Special 17c each Regular 25c size Bay Rum, Violet Ammonia, Aro matic Cascara, Ext. Vanilla, Ext. Lemon, Spt. Camphor, Denatured Alcohol, Witch Hazel, Castor Oil. RUBBER GOODS fl Fountain Syringe.. . . .79c $1.25 Fountain Syrinjge. .98c $1.25 Hot Water Battle, No. 3 size 98c 12.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.49 25c Hard Rubber Catheters 15c 50c and 75c Rectal Tubes, assorted sizes 39c 75c Rubber Sponge, both xize 53 c 25c to 40c Rubber Balls . 15c 10c Baby Rattles 7c 50c Rubber Gloves 29c 25c Baby Syringe. .... ,19c DRUGS 50c Lav oris 33c $1 Listerine .61c 50c Hamlin Wizard Oil. .33c 50c Murine . .29c 50c Danderine Hair Tonic . 33c 75c Beef, Iron and Wine 59c SOc Canthrox 33c 50c French Olive Oil. 33c 35c Hospital Cotton .... 23c 35c Sanitary Napkin .... 29c 12c Toilet Paper rolls, 3, 25c TOILET REQUISITES 25c Lyons Tooth Powder 14c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c SOc Java Rice Powder. . .33c 75c Massatta Talcum. . .12c First Floor