16 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1015. situations wanted fe-Haie. Uoavkeert. .EXPERIENCED housekeeper, good, cook, wants position in private home In or out of town, where she can take her 6-yr,-old boy; $15 month ; rferecoei. 411 Com mercial block. Main v l 1, A lal. TOUNG responsible woman want situation, widower's family, housekeeper. AC 103, Oregonian. VANTING place as housekeeper or cook by young lady. AO loiJ. Oregonian. WAXTEU- Position as housekefDer by wid ower. Inquire room G57 3d st. . WOMAN wants general hot rt cook; city references. housework. good Mar- month. Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good, experienced cook, desires posiiiun in lumber or logging ramp or big ranch. Address L. M. B., 4J Van Buren st-, Corvallis. Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housework on farm where she can take her 13-yr.-old boy; both experienced ; boy good milker. Al references. Main 7001, A 1517. SINNERS, weddings, partite and luncheons cooked for and served; references. Tabor 817. RELIABLE, capable woman wants day work 25c an hour; Al references. Main 7051, A 1517. SCHOOL girl, 1 years, wants place to work for room and board; Alberta district; ref erences. Main 7051, A 3517. HIGH SCHOOL, girl wants place In private home; work for board or possibly pay part. AR 162. Oregonian. HOUSE and window cleaner wants work, , hour, day, steady; reierences. yell wood - WOMAN wants work by tho hour; house cleaning, washing, ironing. .Phone East 405. . 7 EXPERIENCED second girl would like to have place in private family. Woodlawn 2S 20, . BXPEKIENCBD Swedish girl wants second ! work or general housework. Call 314 Al bermarlr terrace. Phone Marshall lofrl. EXP ERIENCEIj woman Phone Muin 5613 wants housework. LACE curtains hand laundered, called for and delivered. Phon C 1S19. WOMAN wants day work or chambermaid. Margnall QttS. ' LADY wants housework for Saturday. Phone Woodlawn 1262, WOMAN wants work by hour or day. Call Marshall 745. PRACTICAL young woman, good character, wants steady employment. 100O E. 6th. WAM'fcl) TO RENT. Houses. AN unfurnished 3 or 6-room bungalow want ed by a. family of two adults; permanent; must be modern and up to date. W lol. Ore g onian. COUPLE want furnished flat or bungalow In or near Irving ton, $15 to $20. Phone East 255G. 6 OR 6- UOOM furnished house, bungalow or cottage. R lOTt, Oregonian. Rooms. t'OUPLB desires 3 or 4 unfurnished nice rooms in flat or cottage ; rent not over 10. A 160. Oregonlai.. FOB RENT. Furnished Booms. MOST BEAUTIFUL HOTEL IN PORTLAND Special terms for permanent guests at the HOTEL CARLTON, 14th and Washington Sts. Absolutely fireproof. Every room out side. Prices $5 per week, with private bath $6. LOOK them all over and you will admit that HOTEL VERNON is different. Con tentment rules here because of perfect service, cheerful rooms and homellkeness everywhere. Choice rooms for permanent or transient. There's a piano in the par lor. 103 12th st.. near Washington. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms Lu all parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week, double, with Individual beds; or $2.5o to $4.50 per week single. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 11th and. Stark. $3 week and up; levator, hot and cold water, steam heat; telephone connection in each room; no extra charg-e for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL BRISTOL 12TH AND STARK. Large, cjeau, comfortable rooms, private baths, individual telephone, electric lights, steam heat; single rooms $2 per week ana up, with bath s.3o and up. Thoroughly respectable. Entrance on 12th. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill. Desirable dcwnstalrs location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates $1 per day. $4 per -eek. With pri vate hath 31.50 per day. $5.50 per week. HOTEL RO W LAND AND ANN EX. 207 H -209 4th st. Rooms with private baths, $1 pur day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. HOTEL. CON R A DINE, 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tion; reasonable and strictly modern, fire proof building, elevator and large lobby. Rooms C-3 per week and up. " HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. ' 524 Washington St.; fireproof; ideal location; steam heat, running hot and cold water, phones, baths, all outride, clean, quiet rooms; $2.50 week up; 5oc day up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th- -Central location. REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; week ly, $2.50 up ; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths, steam heat. HOTEL. FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel ; hot and cold water and fn one in every room; rooms without bath, 10 up; with bath, $15 up. BoTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms $10 month, $20 up with ftrlvate bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe ii connection. I'hone East 323. ETH ELTON HOTEL. 1U5L.J 12TH ST. Modern; spivlal reductions on all room-. $2 per week and up. Marshall 2700. NEW brick, 6-rnom, htgh-rlaae, most com plete in Portland; 21st and Overton; must he seen. Main SO or 3104. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm, clean, in talking distance; $L75 week end up. ?27s Larrubee. HOTEL LIND. For comfort and convenience; modern and clean; 50c up. 44 3d St.. Broadway 48S. HOTEL CORDOVA. 26 11th st. Strictly modtrn , private baths en suite; rooms $3 - up. Main 0472, A 4783. HOTEL NOKItlS. &33 Alder. Modern out side rooms. $2 per week up. I MAXWELL ITa.ll. 207 14th ; strictly modern; 1 uso of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 1153. - STAND I SH HOTEL. 548 HWash. st Steam heated ouuide rcmi. $2 per week up. , Furnished Rooms In Private Family. LARGE, clean front room, electric lights, heat, not water, strictly private family ; convenient to business center. 40 Ella St. Phone Main 6090. NEATLY furnished rooms, plenty hoi hot water. furnished heat, electric lights, thr nree win dow . bath, phone. $2.50 w eck. 123 N. 23d st. FURN I S HE D room, with or wl thout board, within walking distance : on two car lines; freh.ol teacher or OffU-e girl pre ferred. 3 r 5 Williams ave. phone E. 4055. AN exceptionally nice, newly furnished bay window room, south exposure, in the De cendorf apts.. 2tS 16th. Tel. Marshall 23lo or Inquiry of manager. TWO nicely furnished rooms, walking dis tance, gintlemtn preferred. Main 7101. 3?5 Victoria. BRIGHT, airy basement sleeping rooms; furnace heat; $1.50 per week. Main 5785. 406 W. Park. ONE nicely furnished front room with bath $10 per month. Sheffield Apts., apt. 22. Main 6213. FINE sleeping porch with larg-a front room. v for 1 or 2 gentlemen; hot and cold water. Sol WPark. Marshall 4216. ; LARGE room with sleeping porch in beautl f ful home; also show er bath. 055 Everett. .LARGE room for 1 or 2 young men; modern conveniences. Main rt726. 263 13th st. $l.r.O WEEK Little sleeping-room, good lol cation. 12th st. Unfurnished Rooms. CHEAPEST rooms, finest location, fifth and fourth f;oors Goodnouvh bldg." formerly lodging-h'use. now entirely renovated; fr rent as unfurnished housekeeping and living-rooms. Steam heat, elevator serv ice and free light. See engineer in base ment. Fifth ani Yamhill sts. Rooms With Btord. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American p:cn; on carline, 10 minutes from business center; price in accord wl'h eenercl business conditions. C3d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. i . . ALEXANDRA COURT. ?.3 ELLA STREET. ) An American Pian Residence Hotel. uites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 411. j THE MANITOU. 261 ISTH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur rlsh board ana room for $22. 0 a month and up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone SL4A. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14 th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel ; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 02S3, A 0028. Rooms With Board in Private Family. WEST SIDE. Nob Hill district, near Wash ington st.. In attractive modern home, to a club of C young men, rooms with the best of good thing's to eat and drink. Very, very reasonable. Main 3643. BEAL'TIFX'U large room, newly furnished ; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds. 2 dressers, every convenience, good board, 15 minutes walk to poetoffice. Main 631. 501 Harrison, near 14th. NOB HIL.L. aiking distance. 2 nicely fur nished front rooms, suitable for 1 or 2; strictly modern. The best of home cook ing, use of piano and ail home privileges. Phone Marshal 5365. IRVINGTON. near Broadway carline; excel lent board, bath ai.d heat, home privileges, suitable for two, reasonable rate. Phone East 5C9tJ. IRVINGTON Room and board; man and wife or lady boarder preferred; references. Phone E. 2729. ROOMS and board in private family, one or two gentleman, home privileges, walking distance. 128 N. 18th st. Main 1539. LARGE front room, running water, individ ual beds, excellent board ; two gentlemen; reasonable; central. 21 West Park. WANTED Young man to work for board and room and go to school. 501 Harri son. Main 0381. FT RN I SHED front rooms, with or without board, or will serve meals alone. 0S1 Glisan. CHILDREN to board; mother's care; rea sonable; best of references, AR 164, Ore gon ian. EXCEPTIONALLY nice rooms, furnace heat, bath, phone, with or without board. 214 llth and Salmon. NICE furnished rooms with or withoutboard, home comforts, in private family; walk ing d i stance. Call Marshall 3019. WANTED 2 or 3 children to care for in my home; good references. Sellwood 237L ROOM and board,332 10th. Main 6979. Home comforts and modern Walking distance. FOR business girN or students, $4 week up. ' Anna Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders st. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board, $5 up. Main 6381. 5Ul Harrison, near 14th. WANT to room and board girls; good home, walking distance. 547 E. Taylor. ROOMS, with beard, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. Furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSE THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean, .safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM, BILLIARD AND CAKDROOMS, LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEEL DON ANNEX. loth and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL, F;flh and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank store; good surroundings, strictly modern. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. DAY WEEK MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 188 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or silver. Reason able. Walkinn distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17th Street, Near YamhilL New. completely furnished 2 and 3-room apartments $12.50 to $22.50 per month, including lights, steam heat, phone, Jan itor service, etc; easy walking distance. THE AVALON. Furnished, or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; neareet tho Union Depot of East Side apartments. 285 cor ner Clackamas and Rose sts. East 3172. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2, Z and 4-room suites, nest .location in city; reasonable. 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2-room apts., $18 to $25, including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room with steam dryor. Garage convenient. Main 1377, A 4152. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-room fur. apts., $10 mo. up. Hot and cold water, he-at, light and bath furnished. One week's rent free with first month's rent In ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 444U. WESTFAL, 410 5th St., elegantly furn. and unfurn. 3 and 4-room apts.. automatia elevator, easy walking distance, most rea sonable rent; day, week or month; $.0 to J30. Main 2079. THE DEZENDORF, 20S 10th St.. Near Taylor. S-room furnished apts., walking distance, fine view, all outsiue rooms, everything first-class; reference. Mar. 2324. DELAHUNT CO., 28th and Sandy Blvd. 3-room apartments. completely fur nished, tile bath, hardwood floors, white enamel; swell. $:'0. I'hone East 3300. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th New. modern ; steam heat, private baths, laundry, completely furnished 2 and tf room apts.. 1U miu. from business center, save carfare; ra:es modt-rate; references. madTson PARKAPTS Park st.. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in; by -week or month. THE PALACE APARTMENTS, East sTth and Market; 4 rooms, furnished, or un furnished, with private phone, bath, elec tricity, heat. THE EVERETT. fi44 Evcrutt. bet. 20th and Ella sts. ; furnished 3-room apts.; with or without sleeping porch; modern. " BARO N A PAR TMEXTS, - 1 4th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, first class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. CLAYPOOL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms; light, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; $u to $25.00. Main 8757. THE LOIS. 704 HOYT. Very large, modern. 2, 3 and 4-room apts.. all outside rooms, large porches, $5 to $45 ; reierences. Mar. 2011. HISLOP HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw thorne, and 3-room apts.. private baths and phone; also single rooms; well f ur nishod; $12.50 up. Phone East 882. HERMENIA, 400 Hall st corner 10th, one basement apt.. $18 and one front 2-room apt. ELM WOOD Apts., 10th and Hall Lobby, so- al hall. oaern .-room furnished, and unfurnished apts, reasonable. GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart ments; prices right, strictly modern. Cor. Grand av-e.. East Oak. East 3302. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 2US. HAMMERSI.EY COURT. 250 12TH ST. By the day. week or month; modern, close to P. O.. reasonable; ref. Marshall 20S2. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett 'two rooms, newiy mrmsnea; hardwood f loors, walking distance ;J22. 50. Main 1245. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 2S6ilTH. Modern furnished two-room apartments KO up; close in. Main 22S6. BANNER. 4SJ Clay St.. 2 rooms. furnfThTi" $8 to $16. including heat and light; walk ing Qisianco. juarsnau -o. . TH EA R CAD I A. 7 0 6 E v erett. near 22d st Modern, clean, safe; refined ; two and inrcc rooma. u up , single rooms. B J ELL AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Love joy Ctioirest 3 and 4-room furnished and unrurmsneo. apts. ; rates tne lowest. ELMWOOD .APTS., 10TH AND HALL." 3-room furnished apts., with piano, to sup id i or o IUWUUI8, reason a Die rent. FOR RENT. Grace Apartment. 24th and Northrup 4 room furnished apartment. Marshall 107J THE MVNCET. 30u Clay, between 10th and . rant; a rrom ou Kitcnenette. CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2 rms. $14.60up;lightand heat: 328 Mill st. NEW furnished apartments; concrete block $10 and $12. 1144 1 Union ave. x. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12TH First-class in every respect; attractive rates. THE ALAMO. 404 Market st. Nioely f ur- nisnec o-r"om apts.. ie up. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy : 2 and 3-room front apartments. Kent $20 to f to. Unfurnihed Apartments. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup. amidst Portland's select residences; six outside rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; modern service; reierences. Main 40os, THE AMERICAN. 2lst and Johnson. 3, 4. b rooms, reasonapie. jaar. a ago. KEARNEY APT. 5 rooms, light and airy, cheap. Apply Manager, 62 Kearney. BOOoEVELT. 670 Kearney st. Five rooms. $.3 ana 3c; attractively arracgeo. FOB RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. FuKbHAM A PART MEN To. - 17u Ford at., at Washington, The most elegant and boat ilnisbedl S, and 5-room apartments In the city, Fin ished In oak and mahogany, hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, tiled baths and every modern convenience. --room and bath, $3u.0O up. -4 -room and bath, $27. 50 up. 5-roora and bath, $42.50 up. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 136 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location, unsur passed, view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRE TLA COURT, on Lucretia St.. IW) feet north of 23d and Washington : most oeautlf ully located, high-class apartments, -2- and & rooms; all large outside rooms; 2 apartments newly furnished, pric-s reasonable; references re quired; see them before locating, ajer, Marshall 1513. TUB WICK-ERSHAM, 18TH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful & and tf-room apartments; mil outside rooms: loeal location; see these before locating for the Winter; prices rea sonable. 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St. Moat modern and fashionable apartment-house in Portland; absolutely fire proof. Three to "-room unfurnisned, apart ments. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hoyt. 3-and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive residence district, near schoois and shopping district; splendid car service. BUEXA VISTA 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-house on. Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance ; references. M 101, H 1052. SHEFFIELD APTS., 270 Broadway St." 1 4-room apt., 1st floor, $30 ; 1 3-room apt., 2d floor front, 2 wall beds. 2 clothes ciosets. Main 2506. CHAPMAN Apartments, 355 Chapman St., corner Mill; 2-room apartments, strictly modern, all built-in conveniences, walking distance; furnished or unfurnished. ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and East Stark Brick bldg., strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apts., all outside rooms, private phones. janitor service, reasonable rent; refs. IRVINGTON 5 rooms and sleeping porch; convenient and comfortable; janitor serv ice. One vacancy only; $45. 401) East 16th st. North, near Hancock. 6-ROOM unfurnished apartment; all outside rooms; iar( land Apts. rooms; large porch and back porch; Mary. tione Main &251. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. 5 rooms, large porch, everything modern. 475 Schuyler. East 547, C 1668. STEVENS APT. 6 large outside rooms, front, back and sleeping porches, beat, not water and phone. 701 Northrup. near 24th. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ref. H AR R I MAN APTS.T1 64 2 4 th st. N. llarge S-room apt., furnished.' equivalent to 4 rooms; references. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Now is the time to secure high-grade permanent apartments; references. Mar. 3753. MAYO APARTMENTS. 5032 Union ave. N., near Broadway, new, strictly modern 3-room apts.. reasonable. 7&U IRVING, 6 sunny .outside rooms, two sleeping porches. Refs. Marshall 175S. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders-- Large, light 5, 6 Tins., reus. M. 7510, A26T0. Furnlfehed or LUfarnitJied Apartments. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-atory brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt., $15. Phone Mar- MORGAN, F LIEDNER & BOYCE. 8id-b.i jaorgan $iug. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes ana prices, uur tree auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 20 15. ' ' HAN"OVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St., Near Washington. Under New Management, Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; trora $17.50 per month up. S"TELWYN APARTMENTS, VERY HIGH CLASS, elegantly . furnished apartments; linen and silver, sleeping porches, white enameled woolwork; very modern; refer ences required. lo St. Clair st. cor. Wash. .Marshall 2830. TRINTY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. CLATPOOLE APARTMENTS, corner 11th ana Clay z rooms, lurmsned, $2u; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close in, eplen did, weU-lvgpt building. THE WOODMA.SEE. furnished and unfur nished apartments; i rivate oat lis. Ju i. ISth st. WESTONIA APTS. New 2 and 3 rooms. furnished and unfurnished. 60S Glisan. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front corner rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E- -00T. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 1 134. 4 AND 5-ROOM apts., with sleeping porches. 185 E. l;th. near Yamhill st. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 2 and 3 rooms ; reasonable, moaern service. KIN G -DA VI H APTS., 54 King st. 3 and i rooms; high-class; reierences. Main u. LA MB ROOK East 7th and Yamhill, clean. comfortable, desirable. 1. 2 ana 3 rooms. Flats. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 782 Glisan St., hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nace; $18 per month. Call Main 2015. FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs; furnace, newly tinted, and painted 1087 Hawthorne ave. Phone Wal lace Drug Co.. B 2527 or Tabor 773. 0 OR 8-roo:n upper, newly-tinted flat cheap. Near in. Gal. 73 14 m. Also ii-room base ment Hat. SWELL modern 7 -room flat ; furnace and Tabor 763 or f i replace; $25. 4 46 Park st. East 1431. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to scnooi ana canine; aesiraoie location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. PLEASANT five-room lower flat, $38 East Main. Phone East 48b. MODERN 6 and 7 -room flat, close In. In quire 1S9 loth 8L 4-ROOM flat, every convenience, lowest rent. near 23d, Washington. Main 8988. A 3676. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73 Hoyt at. In quire 130 6th st. Phone Main oz.s. 1 AND 9 -room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th and Mill. 43" Mtii. Mam -uij. 5 and 6-room l:at, corner Williams ave. and Cherry, cheap. J2Q vV heeler st. MODERN 5-room flat, 5 th near Jackson. West Side, 10 mm. walk. East ii:ut. 6-ROOM lower flat, modern. 188 Lownsdale it- inquire 175 IQth at. p. IF YOU want a seven-room upper flat. West Side, reasonable, phone labor 474. Furnished Flats. FOUR furnished rooms. upstairs. $10 a month, with batn, gas ana eiectric 4u Mailers ave. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnish 2d flat, 8 East 12th N. Marshall 7'Ji. A 131. FOH RENT 0-room furnished flat. Market ft. $15. Inquire Flat A. Housekeeping Rooms. THE HEAVER. 12th and Marshall. lur- nlshed for housekeeping ; gas range, eiec trie lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $g mmth up; clean place. Phone A 4500. THE ELMS, 191 14th st. 2 and 3 rooms. clean, bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up. G1LM AN HOTEL, 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. $l.&o week up. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. treasonable. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge bid.. 3d. cor. Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family-. 3.00 A WEEK 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, outsiae porcn, o minutes on goou canine. i anor THREE f urnUhed housekeeping rooms. steam heat, modem. 34 East letn. cor. Main. SMALL H. K. room. $2 a week, free htat, gas and phone. 614 aim st. Fine h. k. and sleeping-room, walking dls tance, reasonable. Main 6302. 221 13th st. FRONT H. K. suites, gas, phone, bath. electricity Tree. 4-i s airmn, near nth. FOR RENT Front room, with kitchenette. private entrance. 54V Market st. FOR RENT 4 furnished rooms. 493 Nehalem awe. housekeeping TWO nicely furnished H. KL. close In. free ngnt, pnone ana oatn. s to. un st. PLEASANT room and use of kitchen for 1 or 2 ladles, no jonnson. $S TWO furnished H. 1C. rooms, phone. bath, electrlciiy, Ool E. Morrison st. HOUSEKEEPING room 4-2 Clav et, with kitchenette. 2-ROOM front suite, free phone. $0 month. 3M 14 th, S FURN, or unfurn. H. K- rooms, hot water, heati reasonable, ' 7$1 Kearney st. 7 ;30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads for proper class! fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading- "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOB BENT. Housekeeping Booms in Private Family. TWO well-furnished, well-lighted housekeep ing rooms, largo closet, second floor front; choice Nob Hill residence district; no other housekeeping rucnia on premises; 12 minutes' walk to .Broadway; including ilght. heat, gas for cooking, bath, tele phone, uec of laundry; all tor $20 a mo. 04 Flanders. Main 7813. THREE desirable furnished rooms; 555 Yamhill. Main 4415. adults. EAST or West Side, 1, 2, 3-room front suites furnished complete; cheap; nice location; near school ; overlooking river; also large basement apartment, clean, comfortable, for honest working people ; walking dis tance. Sellwood llu9 or Main 3t72. Houses. BARGAINS. 6-room house. East Uth and Morrison, $ia 10-room house. Grand ave. and Oregon, $25. 10-room house. 321 Montgomery, near Oih, $35. Phone Main 344. FOR RENT Neat, clean, modern home, li rooms, East Side, walking distance; fine neighborhood; very reasonable rent to de sirable tenants. Garage with house if . wanted. Betur look at this. Gei- set tled before Winter. 30 and 34 East 22d iu Call 747 E. Burnside st. PIEDMONT Kic. . modern bungalow, 5 lars rooms, furnace. Near Jefferson Hijh School end branch library. Par tially furnished if desire 1270 Haight ave. Phone Woodlawn 3533. WE have a few very desirable houses to snt, both furnished and unfurnished, in good locations; coma in and see us. F. N. Clark & Company. 2d floor Title t T rus t bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house in Irvington, close in. gas range and water heater; full basement, bath and toilet; nice yard and fruit ire; rent $17.50. H. A. Dryer, 610 Lewis bldg. Call Main 2081. 0-ROOM modern house. Just papered and painted, gas range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary wasntub. tent reasonable. Bjelland's Grocery. Main 1807. A 1S07. MODERN li-ioom house, 3 bedrooms, bath, full basement, 3 lots. Address Geo. A. Carsley, 4703 42d ave. S. K. I'hone Sell wood 1624. Take notice. 42d ave., not st. DESIRABLE houses and flats in all parts Uly' STOUT INVESTMENT CO.. Mam 5120. PORT. HEIGHTS 8 rms., modern, furnace and fJreplace. four bedrooms, newly paint ed and tinted; rent $25; key next door. Main 5794. Evenings East 4294. $20 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, laun dry. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fur nace, every ronvenlenr-f; near Reed College,- Eastmoreland. Phone Main 7005, 6-ROOM cottage, bath, gas, electricity, laun dry tubs, cement basement; yard. 350 Ivy st. East 4473. WE HAVE several good renting propositions Tho Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank blag. HO A MONTH Half of double house at 12S3 Corbett st. Take Fulton car, get off at sweeny st. Key next floor. HOUSES, bungalows and flats, $15 to $75. Renting Dept., 200 Stark et. HARTMAN & THOMPSON HOT water furnace, small yard, neat 7-room house. 510 Market, near 14th, $22.50. Main 4510. TWO strictly modern houses of 6 and 12 rooms, in Irvington and Alameda. 607 McKay bldg. NICE 7-room house, corner of East 20th and Davis; large porch. S. E. exposure, rent reasonable. Phone Main 1063. FOR RENT Seven-room house, three extra rooms in basement; rent $-U. oi Mont gomery, near 16th at. GOOD house and 3 acres. 2 in fruit. 1H miles east Lents, $10 month. .No chil dren. - Cal; SOS v illiams ave. ATTRACTIVE 6 and 5 -room house, $16 and $14, near car; good location. 7 SO Will- lams ave woodlawn 420. $13 6-ROOM modern, larg lawn. 86 Union ave. N. chick house. ,r .'.-ROOM modern cottase. 308 Stephens st., corner Union ave., o blorks Hawthorne bridge,. $10. Broadway 637. tt-ROOM house, $13 Inquire 47 Clay. 405 Clay. Main MODERN 6-room flat, all conveniences. 215H East 16th. corner Salmon. East 6640. 6-ROOM cottage, near Portland Heights; pretty place. Phone Main 5309. NEW. modern. 5-r. bungalow, butlt-lns. location. 6S3 E. 67th N. C 2440. S-ROOM modern house, 4 12 Lovejoy, near 22d. inquire lao otn sx. main 078. HOT water furnace, small yard; neat 7-room home; walking distance, fi'j.o. Main 4oio. MODERN 6-room house in good condition bell voou olo. HOUSE No. 90 North 16ih; 8 rooms, furnace; rent moderate. Key next door, owner. 7-ROOM house, 743 Irving St., near 23d; rent reasonable. Main btz. Furnished Houses. NEW fine home; 8 rooms and sleeping baiconv: eiesrantiy lumianea witn roanoc- any furniture; piano, hot water heat, gar age, fine lawn ; will rent only to adults and for not less than six months; privilege of one year; references required. 1117 Mai lory ave. Main 1063. C 2805. IRVINGTON slx-reom, modern home, sil verware, linen ana piano. 744 JiacKamas, cor. 22d. Call to see It or phone Main 2007. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow, mod ern, east Mt. ranor, is t n. e-. 1 am hill. cor. 80th. Mt. Tabor Altamead car COMPLETE modern o-room house to re sponsible people. Call at house, l.M?0 E. Morrison St., near 55th st. Mt. Tabor car. MODERN 7-room house, furnished complete, wood in basement, at cost. B7 E. 4th st. Phone T. 2M. - BEAUTIFULLY furnished S-room house, modern. reasonable. Phone East 35S, C 20,15. MY 5-room modern bungalow, furnished about Nov, L for term of months. Rose Citv Park. B 161. Oregonian. 9-ROOM modern, well-furnished, reasonable to responsible people. 03 Northrup st - mornings. WILL RENT my home completely furnished, in irvington. to responsmie people, ret' sonaoie. rnone tust sioa. 555 TAYLOR, near 17th. beautifully fur nlshed 5-room flat, piano; rent $20; also 4-room fiat,-piano.rent$s3.60. WELL-FURNISHED 7-room . house, piano 810 Clackamas street. Phone East 17 04. Key at 812 wmbco. $23.50. $10.50 S-ROOM house, well furnished, WW cstr, out 11 av. t&u-u uiiii uv. a. r. xr uou Main 7005. FURNISH ED 5-room house, modern gas, electricity, rent reasonable, 5404 60th st. Southeast, - 6-ROOM modern furnished house, furnace, fireplace, lawn, piano; room a, v ash lngton bldg. Pho nsM arsnall 42 6 1. s.25 SEVEN roema. furnished comnlete. bedrooms, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4070. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room house, 5 ; nlshed; $25 per month. Tabor 4286. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room modern cot tage $12 montniy. reiepnone Main 3543 EVERETT Six rooms i aas. electricity. urnaee, walking distance. Phone East ft. FOR RENT. TWO .stores, each 25x04. Nos. 543 and 545 First st. Owner, 3-4 Worcester bldg. Offices! PRIVATE office with reception room, $12.50 month: also furnished office, $10; elegant suite, reasonable. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill sts. vVELL-FURNIPHED private office, also desk room. $o ana $. 23 Chamber ot com merce. OFFICES $10 up: furnished offices and desk room; iree pnone; very reasonaoie; ron land's busiest corner. 803 S wetland bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE WIRE WITH SOME MONEY. The automobile business is in its In fancy in the Northwest good roads will make this business the best in this part of the country during the next 10 years. 1 have the Northwest agency for the most sensational pleasure car and most popular truck. Need a branch manager with some money and brains. Apply quickly. 317 Railway Exchange bldg. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a few men of good character to get steady working positions in strictly moaern man ufacturing business where you receive your rightful share of all you produce and salaries automatically increased from time to time; a small secured investment is re quired. See us at once. 418 Lumber Kxchange bldg.. Second and Stark sts. PICTURE THEATER Three hundred opera chairs. Simplex and Edison machines, mer cury arc rectifier, choke coil rilpsolver, plush curtains, stage 0x25, excellent fix tures and decorations; town 6O0O. one otter theater; cost over $3100 Sell for $ljp.Areal bargain. AP 17 7, Oregonian PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, best located and arranged studio in The Dalles; ground floor; successfully established; low rent. If you have an outfit, get in on the Fall ana nouaay ousinessi ior rent rov, l. Write C. L. Condon. Condon bldg.. The Dalles. Or., for particulars. CAUTION, buyers; Before closing deal for so-called interest in estaui:snea real estate nusiness, get ia vice of Portland Realtv Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Secy. 810 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THE! best tar in Fresno. beautifully equipped, clearing between $1200 and $150O a month. Long lease, cheap rent, prominent corner. Settling Walcoxt es tate. Levy Bros., 1033 Fresno st.. Fresno, Cal. WANT partner to purchase half interest in a paying automoniie supply ousmess ; a good salesman or bookkeeper preferred; line location; books open to inspection. AG 158, Oregonian. FOR SALE A snap for man and wife, on account or 111 neaitn mutt sen my casn grocery, dry goods, notions and toys, befil cash bv.siness on the Last Side. , -kJ 174, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in auto garage and repair business; duties tena or t ice, sell supplies, etc.; owner will guarantee at least $Rtu month: $HOO required, which is secured. Call 24S Stark st. A GOOD general dry goods business In a town of about 6w inhabitants, with a good, big steady payroll and good farming community ; about $5000 cash required. Address aV 220. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lease and furnishings of 70- room transient hotel, very Dst paying country hotel In the state, long lease, cheap rent $30OO, or will consider clear Improved property. W 1 74, oregonian. GROCERY stort , good district, no compe tition, it nice living-rooms, rent iu. m invoice about $5ou : price $325. Inquire room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. GEN'L MDSE. STORE for sale in rich sec tion of Willamette Valley; $.Moo will handle; about $1 4.00O cash business last year; good chance for rustler; reason for selling. AV 105, oregonian. FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best confectionery, news 'and fruit stands in Oregon, for cash only. Reason for selling. I am going East. Write tor particulars. Box 116, Hillsboro, Or. PARTNER WANTEDWOpportunity for good live salesman to secure interest in eiau llshed merchandise brokerage business; mall capital necessary. References re qulred. AR 105. Oregonian. A RARE OPPORTUNITY Jewelry and nov- eltv business for sale; best location 01 tnis citv; sure .'vlng for energetic man; owner retire from L.usim ss Y 63. Oregonian. MINING men, take notice! Galena lead, sil ver, copper propci ties tor saie. ANDREW COOLIN, Coolln. Bonnar County, Idaho. PARTNER wanted In cash business to meet customers, siiow stores, etc.. email in vestment and references necessary. Par ticulars 24S Stark st. A NEW, up-to-date millinery store, splendid location, cneaii f i-'w iu naiiunj, good reason for the sacrifice. AEl7u, Oregonian FOR SALE Half interest In foundry and machine snop; aomg a gooa ousmees. r ee-ney-Bremer Co., Inc., J. F-eeney, Tilla mook. Or. FOR SALE Paying cash grocery stock, all new and Clean ; nave otner ou sin ess r no. must sell this week. For particulars call B 2501. WE manufacture lmperlm Wonder Paint and make a specialty of patching and painting roofs. We guarantee li to 5 ears. Jackson & Hill. Tabor 447. CASH STORE; have opening for energetic man; pays $150 month; money required will be fully secured. Call room 329 Mor gan bld GROCERY, delicatessen. West Side, Invoice over $1500 ; responsible people. $950; $350 cash, balance $-5 month; no agents. Main 13S2. WANTED A steady man to work In a cash business as. partner; requires $325 and owner will guarantee you $75 month at sart Call room 329 Morgan bldg. GROCERY snap in fine location, doing $30 dailv; price $o50; owners disagree snd must sell. Call H17 Railway Exchange. THE finest moving-picture theater in the suburbs of Portland for rent. See owner, Jacob Kober, 60 X. 3d st. FOR SALE cash, $2'mi Owner. r7- Confectionery, groceries, $103 on payments. $25 per month. . Union ave. N. PARTNER wanted for a profitable business; nay salary 9i. mni. n oesines snare 01 profits. Call room 39 Morgan bldg. ONLY tailor shop in booming town of UU0 ; 'price $15u. M- Matson, owner, McCleary, Wash. HALF interest In nice, clean business, small Investment, Room 815 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. FOR S4LE The only barber shop In Houl ton, Oregon. For particulars apply Lew. ls- Stonger Barbers' .Supply..Co. ro R. SALE- -Filling station end aute repair I location and cheap rent; bar- ii.ri- mod location and chean gain, E. Kiuney. lUoO Corbett st, c-CHATB shop in Gold Hill. Or.j electric lights, citv water; price $150 cash. Box 122. Gold Hill, Or. CIGAR stand for salei cheap rent, street. 148 1st IF YOU want a bargain in picture theater, in or out of town, write AP 170, Oregonian. RES TaTr ANT and bakery. If looking for a good business call at 111 N. 3rd st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I WANT to meet party or parties desiring an active interest in high-class manufac turing business of great merit and future possibilities; only plant of the kind on the C oast; requires investment of few thou sand dollars; men of good character and ability only solicited ; Investments fully secured. J ltfO. Oregonlan, GA RAGE, doing large repair, storage and ac cessory business; have opening for active office man. Small Investment required. Call 317 Railway Exchange. BUSlNKfrS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED Investment with services In reputabls business; state business, amount required, nature of services ana salary. AH I7t. Oregonian. WANTED Merchandise stock for highly improved farm near Portland ; also have city property and some cash. Owners only. AC lt5, Oregonian. WANTED Dry goods stock for cash; might consider come ah.ies; price must be right. AB 107. oreptonlan. A SMALL caoa grocery w .th living rooms, wii: pay rasti for the right kind of place. D. S. Cole. 002 Yamhill st. WANTED Good location In a small town for a general store; give full particulars. Address AV 249 Oregonian. BOO MUX G-HOUbES. LADY at O. A. C. wishes to sell her boarding-house; has 8 rooms and large sleep ing porch. Unable to do work. Furniture, linens, etc.. $$5o cash. Rent $25 per mo. P 173. Oregonian. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apurtment-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected, Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 50S- N. W. Bans. bldg.. 0th and Morrison. LOST AND FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found in the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, and owners thereof may c.aim same at tne r irst ana Aiaer-streei Station; Marshall 5100, A 6131 : Oct. 21 One can, 1 washboard. 8 um brellas. 2i baskets, 1 pan, 1 pair gloves. 2 purses. 4 packages. 2 boxes, 1 key. 1 glovf, l grip, 1 cuff button, 1 string beads, 1 brooch. LOST An umbrella with horn handle, deco rated In silver. Of great intrinsic value to the owner. Was probably left at Old Peo ple's Home. E. 33d and Sandy blvd. Party who took by mistake will greatly oblige by communicating with owner. Liberal re ward. Call 512 Piatt bldg. LOST Scotch collie; male, tan and white; long pointed nose; when last seen wore nickel -plate J collar. Reward for lnfor- mation. 336 E. ISth N. Phone East 6331. LOST Friday. n telephone booth in Im perial Hotel, umbrella. Return to J. G. Mack & Co.. 68 3th st.. and receive suit aoie reward. No questions asked. LOST Thursday afternoon, from Alberta Jitney, small black purse containing a gold Hampton watch and some silver. Reward. Woodlawn 1U&3. 999 E. lOth N. WILL lady who took umbrella by mistake at Mrs. Stoner's lecture. Lincoln High, Friday, return same to 757 .Morgan bldg and get her own? LOST Ladles' wrist watch, on 5th, bet. College and Al ler, initials in case, C. M. A. Phone Main 775( for reward. LOST Near Westover Terrace, Llewellyn setter, white with gray markings, plain strap collar. Reward. Main 350. LOST Purse containing $5. on 23d St., or Jitney. Finder may have half. Mary O'Hara, 751 Glisan st. LOST Wednesday . evening. small beaver neck piece between 27 and 2S on Halsey. East 5142.- LOST or stolen, fox terrier oup; reward It returned to 675 Rodney 'ave., corner of Fargo. LOST Large white Spitz dog. answers to name of Fiddle. Reward. Call East 3324. 4irt E. 18th st. N. ' LOST White bull terrier pup. Reward returned. F. S. Cook. 618 Main. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Suttles Lake Irrigation District, at their offices In Lam bert's store building, near Grandview Postoffice, Jefferson County, Oregon, up and until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday, the 22d day of November, 1915, for the sale of th bonds of said irriga tion district to the amount of Six Hun dred Thousand Dollars $60O,0OO. which bonds were authorized issued by vote of said district on the 2d day of October, 1915. No bonds will be sold for le than 9u per cent of the face value thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CHENOWETH, President. C. I. HENLINE, Secretary. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1115, for a stock of merchandise consisting of clothing, men's furnishings, shoes, hats, -tc. of the approximate value of $'J?5u. fixtures $1S3; stock of Leader. Astoria, Oregon. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany eacn Lid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The stock can be inspected and the inventory seen by applying at my of fice. ML K K A Y o WHBA i, Attorney, 6r. 'Dated Oct. t, iHio. Astoria, Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SEALED BIDS. Tho undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon October 23, 1015, at 1108-11 Northwestern Bank building, Port land, Oregon, for the certain stock of dia monds. Jewelry. silverware, watches, clocks, novelties, etc., of the approximate Inventory valuation of $7175, and movaoie store fixtures of the Inventory value of $1181. 25, all being situated at 343 S Wash, lngton.street, in the City of Portland. Ore. gou. Separate bids will be received on the itock and fixtures. . A certified check for ten- (10) per cent of the amount bid must accompany tne offer, to be forfeited in case bidder re fuses to complete purchase if bid accepted. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The stock can be inspected on the premises upon application and copies of the Inventory can be examined on the premises and at the office of the under signed. M. L. MAYERS. Humboldt Bank Bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. H. S. M'CUTCHAN, Attorney, llOS-il North west eru Bank Bldg,, Portland. Or. A SPECIAL meeting of the members of the Heaver state Aiercnanis nuiuai ire u surance Ass'n will be held In Its office, CIS Worcester building. Portland, Oregon, November 3, at 8:0O P. M-. for the purpose of electing directors and amending by law BEAVER STATE MERCHANTS MUTUAL FIRE INStilAM-Ji AabUUlAliO., BY J. C. MANN, Pres. MAX SALEN having disposed of his whole bits in ess at N. E. corner of Yamhill and 4th bis all oersons havintr claims against said Max Salen are hereby required to present same to Bernsten & Cohen, 83b Chamber of Commerce, within five days from the date hereof. Portland. Or., Oct. 23, 1015. BARGES tor rent. 400 tons capacity. Main 1110. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE1 Two $lloO notes, due in three years; secured by mortgages on two new houses In Portland, and also by con tract of sale on one house; 7 per cent in terest, payable semi-annually. Absolutely glit-edge. John S. Beall, 532 Railway Ex change, phone Main Q13Q. WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND at MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. II. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson at Swing. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, nutes. contracts, ratgs. purchased. Lewis & Co, 4 Lewis bldg. Money to lipaii on Real Bstate. IF YOU HAVE good residence or income property we cap find you a loan from pri vate sources. Reasonable interest. The Oregon Home Builders. 133o N.-W. Bank building $10Vo,OOo AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farms or city property; fire Insurance. M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerllnger bldg. 67o TO 87 on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. H. Blossom. 1125 Northwestern Bk. bldg. 5 TO 87 on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. H. Biossom, 1125 Northwestern Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for non-residents. Coe A. McKenna st CoM 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz. 810 Spalding. Main 6AS4. $2oo. $35u. JoOO, $90O, $1200, $1SOO. Fred W. German Co., 73- Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO., 80O OAK ST. $50o UP, T and S per cent, no commission, no delay. Ward, 4"T Spalding bldg. $7:;tK OR LESS, Improved farm or city prop erty E 16, Oregonian. LOOK NOW H. L. ilurton hss money loan. i:B7Vi Oak st. Muln 1743. MONEY loaned, city and farm lands. 835 Chamber of Commerce, MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. SMK AT 7 per cent; $400 at S per cent on Improved real estate, AL IPX Oregonian. $5tm0 OR. any . part, 7 per . cent, improved . property. J vo3. Oregonlaiu ' . FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. PORTLAND TRUST 4k SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGS LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST A SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison Sts- MONEY LOANED, lm pro red business property, thk to per cent. Improved residence property $ to 7 per cent. Improved farm property, 7 to 8 per csnt. WH1TMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock Block. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repayment privilegs, A. 1L. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411s. WILL finance and build your home on ar t'irms, on either your lot or w. wiu supplv lot. InsVuiate our plan and find why Uie best people are coming to us. The Oregon Home Builder. 1330 N. W. Bank, building. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE KOH BUILDING PURPOSES; EKY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TKUsI CO. 2i-2 STEVENS DLDO. GOOD lupij of money to loan on Ira proved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cn Farm loans 7 and 8 per cent. MALL & VON BOKSTEU lo4 2d St.. near stark. TO LOAN $40U.ihh) OR LESS. FARK1NGTON, 80 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE BLTH.K $000, $1000 and upwards on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay ; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalalng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUN . OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and YamhilL A. HONEYMAN MORTGAGE CO, OLR OWN FUNDS. 1023-1U20 YEON BLDG. $J-jo.OOO TO LOAN in sums to ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. oli Failing bldg. luil ; build Beck, i.14- $10to UP to $5000 to loan on real estate Tabor 2530. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. , IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jew elry stores In the city; loan department Is conducted In connection witn same, making business STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no aiu designating loan business displayed in trout of our store; all merchanuise pledged is held for period ot 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due; we are licensed and have been established since ISSi; no connection with any other loan establishment lu tnis city. A, & M. DEL.OVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, WLUCK SERVICE. BUSINESS afklCILX CONFIDENTIAL. YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STATE SECURITY LICENSED. CO.. SOS FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. at legal rates, on Dlamonus. A utos, pianos. Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at 4. 5 per month or more. Interest a per cent. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN Co., LICENSED, S311 Dekum bl Jg., 3d and Wasningtcn. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL KALE OF INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Instruments. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladies. ELBV COMPANY (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. MONEY to loan ou diamonds and Jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; csatbllshcd since 1 SS. Dan Mark. 74 3d. Loans W anteU. FOR SALE $800 first mortgage with in stallment note; excellent paper drawing 8 per, cent interest; will sacrltice; abso lutely must have cash ; 25 p r cent dis count for quick action. Owner. H lOV. Oregonian. WANTED Loan $16,000 on farm value over SCO. Quo; assessed over 30,u0u; first-class loan In every respect ; w ould like terms S, 3 and years; principals only. T 175, Oregonian. WANTED from private parties, $5000 loan : three years, at t per cent on fortiana reai estate worth over three times that amount. Financial Dept., The Oregon Home Builders. $4oOO, 3-5 YEARS, 7 per cent semi-annual, 25x100, 2-etory brick business block, am ple security, prompt payments. Box B, Grants Pays. Or. WANT $500 OB good automobile contract; your money secured by note at legal rate of interest and share of profits. A 10, Oregonian. WANT 75, $li'..., lvo and $20uO at a per cent. All good residence loans. Curtis, -17,,a Oak. W A X T $lo00 one year, S per cent, private party ; no bonus; abundant security. BD 161, Oregonian. LOAN of $tV00 from private party; chattel mortgage and note with good man on note. V 16i, oregonian. WANTED To borrow $200 for one year to improve my place ; have good security. Address A 167, Oregonian. $6000 SECURITY'-for $050 for 40 days. $SK bonus. O lrtu, Oregonian. PERSONA L. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch, 3 sep $LS3 24-lnch wavy switch, 3 sep 1.0O All-around transformation 1.45 Hairdressliig, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle; switch nude of combings, 05c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum. bldg.. od and Washington. Marshall 1702. ORIENTAL massage, cure for rheumatism, lumbago and nervousness; perfect health and circulation, bath, volcano, mountain tlower or sulphur, good lor all sorts of diseases and sutiering from old bruises. G L Khars, 22 V North Third st., cor. Burnslae, Portland, or. phone A 2S54. FEB VET A HAN E BUT, leading wig and toupe makers- finest stock human hair goods, switches from 85c up; hairdreasliLg. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings ma tie up to or der. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 54e. LOUISE NETZKL, trained nurae and mas seuse, gives treatments lor rheumatism. lumbaa-o. neura.fSis, ---. sage and electric blankets; ant. 256 11th st. Marehail bun'dayi. lady assist 5u3. opeo BERN ARR MACFADDHN graduate con- UUCtS OUiy HA invii-Ji tu x '" Northwest using fatuous Macraaaen s- Dr. MacMlckl tem 807-8 Dekum bldg. Main 3398. SCALP treatments, iaciai massage, man icure, snanipoo. clw. , combings, your home. 3u7 Northwest bldg. Main 6 loo. WHEREABOUTS, dead or alive, wanted by daughter of C. L Fnsuie. Mrs, L. L. Evans. Tacoma, w asu. MRS. STEVr-Nfr. - V w u I - 1 -.n.l rvrtvan t Vina h I SSTSS1 oKn dail?."- 375- Taylor " ELECTRIC VI BR ATO tor lumbago. nervousness and ments. Main 8350. rheuniatibm. scalp treat- SPi RITUALISM Rev. May A. Price; Circle Tuesday 2- Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. : read ings daily OV- 5th St. Marshall 3160. madame" FONEDaI teacher1 of palmistry. LLouVs lo A. M. to 8 P. M. Office. 380 Yamhill St., cor. 10th. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M., 6 P. M. 2083 3d st., rooms 2 and 3 jTs-c"P-SO promptly relieves headache, nu ra'.sM and ia grippe. For oaks by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. t L'MbKELLAS. all colors and styles; large3t block: re-covering; new handles put on. Meredith's, 320 Washington st. bOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual scientist ; question nights Sun, and Wed., 8 o'clock. 613 Tourny bldg. Main Gstf. ROZENA TAYLOR, D. A. T. Thereapeutic, magnetic massage. Room 310 Ruyal Annex. (10 vDUATE masseuse; treatment Caily and Sun d ays. 1701 2d st.. -4th floor, apt. i. DIU ETHEL A. SACRY. painless chiropodist. Room 307. H3 Grand ave. East 4785. MADAME MUNZELLA. instructor in peim iatry snd card reading. 422 Morrison. MOL.ES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 420 FHedner bldg. Main 3473. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND, Roal Tonic Tablet. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2303. MAY" IRWIN, electric treatment, room 213, 350 Va Morrison street. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 2;;5 Cth st. Phone Main 754S. FUR SHOP New orders, remodeling, trim ming. 603 Swetland bldg r.f vti.wm ES Manicure, shampoo, face mas- 1 sags. 85c, 707 Rothchlld. 287 Wash, st. MANICURING and electrical treatment. Mr garet Johnson. 19 Lafayette bldg. HAVE YOU SEEN OCTAVIUB? MEDICAL. USE l'aj5cLi's Native Herbs fo: rheuo-atisxa. bO tablets XQC 23c All ruElt