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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1915. LAND IS LISTED FOR DELINQUENCY SALE City Treasurer Prepares to Advertise Property to Be Disposed of Next Month. MANY PARCELS ON HAND Holding Scattered Throughout Port land Will Bo Put on Market for Amounts Still Due on Im provement Installments. Preparatory to advertising a vast amount of city property lor sale next month because of delinquency In pay ment of installments and Interest on street and sewer liens. City Treasurer Adams yesterday made public the list of property and the names of the own ers involved in the coming; sale. All of the property will be advertised at once and will be sold for the amount of the delinquency. Following; Is a list of the parcels of land involved, with the amounts of the delinquent installments and Interest: Csruthers Addition Block 149. lots 7 and 8. Mr. B. A. OwtM Adair. 12.72 Install ment, $694 interest. North Irvlngton Addi tion Block 8. H. E. McKenney, S3.S3 Install ment, 25 cents interest; Hlbernla 8avings Bank, i75 Installment, 35 cents interest. West Piedmont Addition Block 3. lot 1, Ial.y D. Whitfield, 37.63 Installment, $22.90 Interest; block 10. lot 17, same addition, A. C. Morrison. 2.52 Installment, 17.0 In terest. Albma Addition Block 2. lot .10. Mrs. A. L. Brlner, (36.15 installment, $13.6.1 interest. Williams avenue Block 11, lot HI, George H. Jahnson, 6.78 Installment. 46 cents interest: Albina Homestead Block Peter and Mary Uowllng. S7.0- install ment, 48 cents Interest. Caruthers to thers Addition Block lOrt. lot W'!ll?m M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, J08.2 In stallment and 128.57 Interest; lot 6. same addition and same owners, S192S install ment and S128.67 Interest: parcel of land near Larrabee and Holladay avenues. Fran cis Clarno. $122.15 installment. $22.33 in terest. Cedar Hill Lots 33, 34, 35. K6. 37 and 3S. Alma D. Katz. $1352.82 Installment, $53.02 Interest; lots 37 and 38, Alma IX Kats. $54.80 installment, $32.74 interest. Albina -Block 14. C. I. Scotflns, $16.10 in stallment. $8.30 Interest. Bucknian-B Block 8. lot 6. 8. I. Ouiss. JuH.SS Installment. $J.1 Interest. Willamette Heights Block 3. lots 17 18 19, 20. E. Kuhnhausen. $72.90 in stallmtnt. $47.95 Interest. Carter's -Block 72 Robert Warrack. $18.54 Installment. 4.8J Interest- Lane's Block 275, lots 7 and 8. W W McBride, $102.60 Installment, $124.90 interest. East Portland Block 60 Louise H Boise. $118.S8 installment. $20.02 Inter est. Couch Addition Block 252 lots ,1 and 4. Mrs. Elsie P. Heely, $17 Installment. 2 58 interest. Central Albina Addition Block 1 , o Rnht. J. UDton. $45 install ment la si Interest. Central Albina Block II. lot 15. L. D. Knight. $30.17 Installment. $15.88 Interest; block 14, lot P C lvf, $5.08 Installment, 78 cents ln- nck 11, terent; block lot 13. Wm. Kllllngsworth, $.13.61' installment. $24.84 interest: block 2. lot 10. Wm Killlnssworth. fc1,j"'ar" ment, $24.84 Interest; lot 11, wm. Kllllngs- worth. $SR.61 Installment S24.84 interest. . . . . . . , c a in.,niimiit r. Oft inter est- block V. "came owner. $10.00 Install ment, $2 OT Interest. Subdivision in froeo V.Vui.. ni.b a Hnr Tonslng. $10.44 Installment. $2.15 Interest. Railroad Shops Block 8. Haul. Solomon $35.73 In stallment, $9.45 Interest. Meetly Highland tini a intR IS and 18. A. K. r legel. flJ.HO .--.-ii t n- interest: block 2. lots 0, 8 and 7. 'same owner. $18.90 Installment. $11.88 interest. Bungalow Glade Block i. i. ik t. Hltelns. 12.84 Installment, 83 r.nii 'interest. North lrvington Block 8, lot 2 H. E McKenney, $9.32 Installment, $1.29 Interest. M. Fatton's Aoniiion i hlna Block St. lots 1 8 and 4, Robert Briggs, of Ashland, axe at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Prince, of Dundee, are at the Portland. John R. Howe, of Colfax, is regis tered at the Eaton. . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd, of Spokane. are at the Norto. la. E. B. Mason and family, of Medford, are at the Cornelius. Leonard Nelson, of Waplnita, is regis tered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs-. R. C. Loucks. of Ooodln, are at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. John Sundberg, of May- ger, are at the Perkins. Preston Warwick, of Goldendale. is registered at the Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Andrew, of Neha- lem, are at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Kellogg, of Ho- quiam, are at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lavin, of Gorham, N. H., are at the Nortonia. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Smith, of North Yakima, are at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. R Dale, of Sheridan, are registered at the Eaton. . Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Arthur, of Selo, are registered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brlgham, of Eu gene, are registered at the Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Freeman, of Seat tle, are registered at the Portland. CHICAGO. Oct. 28. (Special.) From Portland today registered at the Con gress were J. H. Vogt ana Mrs. a. a. Parker; from Astoria, at the La Salle, was F. C Harley. PRINSVILX.E. Or., Oct. 82. (Special.) -Donald J. Ross and Miss Gertrude Strickler, of Held, Or., were married at the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. C. O. Newham officiating. FORD RECORD STANDS EMPRESS DRAWS GREAT CROWD TO WATCH ASSEMBLING FEAT. Ttohlnson. $9t.f5 nstallment. $7-9B interest. Sullivan's Block 40. lots 1 and 2. L. A. Mc . io... ... in.i,!tm,nt 1117.92 interest. Albina Block A. lot n ... iit il tiatn mnf 84.31 interest. all of 'lot li near Skldmore street, James Brooks, $8.8? installment. 78 cents Interest; block 1 lots 2 and 1. same district, Oeo. w " Bates Co' 51.8h installment. $31.84 interest: block i Geo. W. Bates ft Co.. $r.3.56 Installment, VS2. 72 Interest; block -1. lots 1 and 2. Oeo. W. Antes Co.. installment. $?-J 8 Interest Maegly High- l.nH BlorK lOTtl 1. nu " - - Kleael. $71.17 Installment. $43,110 Interest; same block lots 16. 17 ana J-s r-zra a .?;;, . a a k installment s? nr. interest block 2 lots 19 and 20. Kara A. Miller. $13.18 Installment $2.82 Interest Hlf hl.nd Place BiorU a. lot 12. B. J. Halght. $22.41 in stallment. $13.88 Interest: block 5, lots o. r. T and earns owner. $8B 8.1 Installment, r.n 07 Interest. Central Albina Block v, lot 1. William M. Kllllngsworth. $29.18 In- 1.1. .J . til TK IntoreK,: block 4. lots 1 and 2. H. A.' Swart $54 27 Installment. 1....8.1 ttollnrfntt Pari Beconfl Ad dition Block IS. lots 6 and T, Mercantile Trust Investment Company, $lo.t.7 in stallment. $!I8.2R Interest "ich lltlon u n.-u- .til. lots n ana i, emm? ui floode $41841 installmer.t. $30.89 interest. t,..--.Tiinv T lots 1 and 2. F. T. Crom well $229 20 Installment. $124 44 interest. ntk 1 lot 1S. T H. Vauirhan. 1ir.n installment. $10.45 Intrrest. Kast rortlsnd Block 102. lot 5. Morran-Atchley Furniture Co., tl..B2.24 installment. $102S.7J Interest. Holladays Block 102 lots 1 and " c P Ma-Inn's, $159 40 Installment, 47.0 Interest. Msegly Hllthland Block 2. lots 7. 8 r.- block 8. lots 15 and 18. A. V. Flcnel. jil!!!t Installment. $9S.rt7 interest Albina Homestead Block 14 lot 14. E. fi Minjr and R. C, Shipley, $21.94 installment, $i..54 Interest Mely Hlahland Block 18. lots 5 and 0. " Anna Tarker. $32. sr. Installment, 1 "T Intere.-t Woodward's Rnbdlvided Riv erside Homestead I-ot 1 block 2. r. I. Bar nard $aa.r installment. $4 99 Interest. Kast I'ortiand Block 104. Joserb and Frank Weber $:t.M'6 Installment. $10 47 Interest: same district. A. W. Lambert. 833.88 Install ment $9 95 interest. Buncalow Glade Block 1. lot in. M. T,. Hianins. $8.23 In stallment $1 .48 Interest Southern Portland Block Is M. MeXtilty, $5.8! Installment, 3 in ntere'"t- same district, Ellen McNulty, $11 "S Instsllmcnt. $5.95 Interest: same dis trict. Fl.en McXtlltr. $11 .29 Installment. .-. 97. Interest: block 1. lots 2. 27 and S4. M A. and I.lllle C. Visiters, $18.66 install ment. $4.25 lntrest. PERSON ALJVIENTION. J. N. Hill, of Seattle, is at the Slult nomah. H. H. Furman, of Astoria, is at the Oresron. V. E. Kelly, of Seattle, is at the Seward. G. Phillips, of The Dalles, Is at the Oregon. A. B. Chaney, of Spokane, is at the Cai lton. S. .O. Jayne. of Spokane, is at the Seward. J. G. Smith, of Corvallls, Is at the Perkins. Albert Dunbar, of Astoria, is at the Imperial. F. W". Vaille. of Seattle, is at the Portland. Mrs. J. H. Albert, of Salem, Is at the Imperial. H. W. Holmes, of Salem is at the Imperial. 'J. H. Seaton, of Seattle, Is at the Cornelius. W. A. Prae. of Walla Walla, is at the Multnomah. O. P. M. Goss. of Seattle, is at the Multnomah. J. C. Porteet, of Colfax, Wash., is at the Oregon. A. C Goodard. of The Dalles, is at the Carlton. W. Estes, of Baker, is registered at the Carlton. W. H. Wilson, of The Dalles, is at the Perkins. E. K. Hlrscll, of Hood River, is at the Imperial. R.' T. Daniel. Of Tulsa, Okla is at the Cornelius. J. D. Caldwell, of Butte, is registered at the Nortonia. A. F. Ropp, of Eugene, is registered at the Nortonia. Mr. and lira. C A. Park, of Salem, are at the Seward. Mrs. J. J. McXair and Mrs, E. fx Mishap Spoils Time for Putting: Car Together Performance Will Be Repeated at Theater. All previous records for big houses on Thursday night were broken at the Empress Theater this week, when hundreds tried to gain admission at the second show. The big theater was packed to the doors and many were in line waiting to gain admission, while about 400 were turned away. f It was "Ford night, and a Ford car was assembled on the stage. Six men from the Ford company took . part in the assembling of the car. They were working against time and were trying to break the record, which was 11 minutes and 35 seconds. The men worked fast and the audienoe was held in Intense excitement all through the operation. Every part necessary to build the car from the putting of the first spring on the frame to the plac- nc of the wheels on the axles, and all operations were accomplished in 10 minutes, but there was a mishap that delayed the starting of the car. In the great rush to smash all pre vious records in assembling a car one of the men broke the' starting fuse in placing it on the car. It looked quite discouraging to the men for a few moments, but the obstacle was over come by the presence ot mind or the. foreman, who immediately thought of dismantling one from their service car, which was standing a few feet oft the stage, and rushed back with it to the new car, placed It, jumped in and drove off the stage. The lights were then turned out in the theater and on glared the power ful lamps of the little Ford in the eyes of the audience, which showed that the car had been completely as sembled. Including the delayed time it took exactly 14 minutes f and 10 seconds. The assembling has caused so much interest that Manager T. R. Conlon and the Ford Motor Company have ar ranged to assemble another car on Tuesday night and again on Friday night of next week. It is the intention of the Ford crew to try and accomplish the operation in eight minutes in their next attempt. DAN KELLAHER TO FIGHT One of Four Grocers Accused of Vio lation Will Plead Own Case. Dan Ketlaher, East Side grocer, will be his own attorney, he said yesterday, when his trial on a charge of keeping his place of business open on Sunday comes up before District Judge Dayton next Tuesday. Mr. Kellaher entered a plea of not guilty and declared that he would fight to the last. John Eastman, proprietor of a gro cery at East Sixth and Burnslde. simi larly accused, pleaded not guilty and will go to trial next FridayJ He has an attorney. Ben A. Bellamy and Fred Mason were not ready to plead and Deputy District Attorney Mowry told them to take all the time they wanted within reason. 1. D. SWANK STILL IN JAIL Judge McGinn Refuses Pauper's Oath to Man Charged With Fraud. "The community is Just that much better off." Judge McGinn yesterday told the attorney for J. D. Swank, a real estate man held in the County Jail on an execution against the Body in default of payment of a fraud judg ment of $525 held against him by Mrs. L. E. Hecklnger, when the attorney in sisted that his client already had been in jail 12 days and should be allowed to take the pauper's oath. The judge refused the petition for Swank's release, because it had been brought out in supplementary pro ceedings that he had transferred con siderable property to his wife, both di rectly anl in a roundabout way. Sirs. Cohen's Funeral Tomorrow. Mrs. Rose Cohen, an old-time resident of Astoria, died at San Francisco last Tuesday after a brief illness. Mrs. Cohen and her late husband, J. Cohen, lived at Astoria for more than a Quarter of a century. Mrs. Cohen is survived by a daughter, granddaughter, two sons and three sisters. The funeral will be from Holman'e undertaking parlors, to morrow at 10:80. 18 POUNDS OF BLOOD is the average quantity in a healthy adult, but it is the quality of the blood that determines our strength to resist sickness. With weak blood we find cold hands and chilly feet; in children an aversion to study, and in adults rheumatic tendencies. In changing seasons get abundant fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion after meals, because Scott's Emulsion is a rich blood-food that will increase both quantity and quality of the blood while it warms the body and helps carry off the impurities. When multitudes of people are to day taking Scott's Emulsion to avert winter sickness, and are giving it to their chil l en, it is careless to neglect its .enefita. Look out for substitutes. Bcott ft Bowne. Blooancld, N. J. U-M Olds, Wortman Sc King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Saturday We Will Devote the Center Circle on the Main Floor to a Special Showing of the Latest Hallowe'en Novelties Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, 2nd Floor Trunks and Bags, 4th Floor Ice Skates and Shoes on the 4th Floor Candy Day SATURDAY 1000 lbs. Delicious, Wholesome Candies on Sale at the Bargain Circle at Special Reduced Prices. Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A G231 J Free Classes in Knitting and Crocheting: with Fleisher's Yarns will begin next Monday. Buy Your Yarns Now and Have Them Wound. Wax Paper 6 Rolls 15c On Sale at Stationery Counter. Main Floor Satarday Only. Halloween Baskets XSe Don. Email sizes for nuta and candy usual selling price SOc dosen. . Shown in orange and black. Styled with handles. 25c a dosen. No deliver ies except with other purchases Double Stamps WILL BE GIVEN SATURDAY With Cash Purchases in Shoe Depi Main Floor Women's Fall Coats $15 to $20 "if Second Floor Not every woman cares to pay $35 or ?40 for her new Coat and it was with these in mind that we have assembled this attractive showing; of new models at popular prices. The styles, the fabrics, the tailoring are first class and there are mod els to suit every fancy. New flare styles, some fur-trimmed, others with belts, deep cuffs and chin-chin collars. Splendid as sortment of tweeds, homespuns, cheviots, serges, etc. All sizes for women and misses. Prices range $15, $16.50, $18.50, $20 Women's New Winter Suits At $19.75 Second Floor One model shown at this spe cial price is of wool poplin with flare coat in box effect, military front, chin collar of Marten fur, belted waistline. Skirt in two piece model with plaits on either side. Other Suits of broadcloth and serges in wanted colors. All sizes in this j?TO 7 EL group. Special this sale P New Fancy Waists $3.89 Second Floor Many charming styles are to be seen in this special line of new Waists. Long sleeves, high or low-neck models of plain and embroidered crepe de' chine, figured chiffons, Georgette crepes, fine laces, etc.; also attractive styles in beautiful soft taf- CJO OQ fetas. Light or dark colors. Special for this sale at only PO5Jti' Women's 75c Neckwear At 25c Main Floor At this low price for Sat urday only! Dainty Collars and Cuffs in white and ecru neat baby Irish effect in open lacey patterns which can be used for so many different pur poses; 69c and 75c Neckwear 0? on sale Saturday at onlyJt ONE TABLE of Novelty Neckwear discontinued lines of one or two pieces of a kind to be disposed of at HALF PRICE AND LESS SEE THESE. Real IRISH LACES About V2 Price Main Floor Edges, Insertions and Medallions in various sizes and widths odd lines to be closed out at once. Very desirable for fine undergar ments1. Some less others at Price. 75c Lace Wais tings At 48c Yard Main Floor 36-inch Waistings of fine thread shadow All-overs in neat small patterns. These are 'shown in white and ecru. Usual selling price jQf 75c Saturday at, the yardO Genuine Beaver Otter and Hudson Rt Fur Trimming in 1 to 3-inch widths. Priced at, yard, $2.95 and up. Men's $3.50 Union Suits t A t $2.49 Men's Store, Main Floor Men's high grade Union Suits with the famous "Cooper" closed crotch. These are the same grade garments which were on sale last Monday. Natural and blue wool mixtures in sizes CO iCk 34 to 60. $3.50 Suits pd-lZ7 $2 Underwear $1.19 Slain Floor Men's heavy Winter weight Underwear shirts and draw ers in wool mixtures with warm fleece lining. Underwear such as usually sells at $2 en sale Sat urday, the garment at $1.19 Men's $1 Flannelette Pajamas at 89c Men's Flannelette Goums at 59c Main Floor- Men's Pajamas of good quality flannelette shown in neat pink or blue-stripe patterns, and cut in generous sizes. QQi Usual $1 grade today tCiW Main Floor Buy Night Gowns to last the Winter through at the special low price.' Full-cut styles in pink or blue stripes. gTQf Nicely trimmed. Special OiC v-r -v v m a-o, 22 a- a- J avsv !- Jf ur JLr jl 1 a Trimmed- Hats Worth to $12.75 $4.95 On Sale in the Millinery Salons, Second Floor See Morrison-St. Window STRIKINGLY BEAUTIFUL HATS most of them from the deft hands of our own experts pnnioo rvf Vt o fa urriioVi lurm-ilr! call ar turn rv thron times the price we have put upon them for this event. .Becoming models in the large sailors trimmed with ostrich plumes, flowers and other novelties. Medium sailors with the new back-roll or soft-brim effects. Also a number of very new and smart models in "email, close-fitting turbans and tricorns. All are made Of good quality velvets, plushes and felts mostly in black, although the most wanted colors are to be seen in the assortment; 200 Hats Qfi QEZ models worth up to $12.75 and even more-Saturday P'" Shop Early and Get First Choice ' Great Sale -of Girls' -Coats $4,98 JPlk- m i Grades Worth to $15.00 for Second Floor Extra special offering for Saturday in the Children's Wear Department. Girls' School Coats in serviceable models for Winter various Btyles-"-some with belts, others in loose effects. All colors. Only one or two of a kind. C J 'OQ Ages S to 14. Coats worth to $15.00 at ip" Black Plush Coats At $9.85 Second Floor Smart new Winter Coats for girls 6 to 14 years of age. Attractive new models, with or without beltsi Made of best-grade plushes. On sale for CJQ CCf Saturday at low pricePOf Girls9 New Winter Suits $12.98 to $26.50 Second Floor Especially designed for girls of inter mediate ages 14 to 15 years. Strictly hand-tailored throughout. Shown in popular mixtures, also serges. GIRLS' PARTY DRESSES Exquisite New Models Just Keceived. Special Showing of Girls' Woolen Dresses in All the New Styles. 5ExtraTrading Stamps Free 5 FREE STAMPS (in addition to regular stamps) will be given today with cash or charge purchases of each pound of Golden ' West, M. J. B. or Dependable Coffees. Ask for Coupons at Demonstration Booths in the Grocery Department, on the Fourth Floor, or at the Stamp Booth on the Main Floor. YELLOW BAN Condensed Milk, dozen, 80; the ease, $3.15 Machine Sliced Boiled Ham on special Bale today, pound, 35 Golden West Coffee, the pound, S5 ; 3 lbs.. 95?; S lbs., $l.oO Martin's N. Y. Cheese, lb. 25; Log Cabin Syrup, gal. $1,25 Boys' $6.5Q Suits $4.85 Sizes 6 to 18 Years Main Floor Fancy tweeds, homespuns and cheviots in beautiful patterns and serviceable colors for school wear grays, browns, over plaids and pin stripes. Coats tailored in the smart Norfolk effects with stitched belt, patch pockets and plaits. Pants full-lined with taped and re-enforced seams. Sizes 5 O 6 to 18. Splendid $6.50 Suits at pedt.Ji9 Boys Winter Overcoats $5 to S20 Main Floor Choose the boy's Over coat here, where every wanted style and fabric fs shown in great variety of rich new colorings. Lined or partly lined. Ages for boys 2 to 18. Prices $5 up to $20. Buy Halloween Novelties Now SPECIAL DISPLAY at the Center Circle on the Main Floor. Lan terns, Ghosts, Cats, Skulls, Masks, Fancy Baskets, etc. Also won derful assortment of Favors, Cut-outs, Seals, Garlands, Festoons, Score Cards, Invitations, etc., etc. Round Cake Boxes at 49c Dept. Third Floor Round Cake Boxes, like this illustration, on Sale at special prices. White enameled, gilt decorations. lO't-inch Cake Boxes priced special at only 49? HVi'inch Cake Boxes priced special at only 59? 12 -inch Cake Boxes priced special at only 69 g Special Sale Andirons and Fire Sets 3d Floor Third Floor Extra special offer ings for this week in Fire Sets, Screens, Spark Guards, Andirons. $ 6.65 Black Andirons at 9 4.53 $ 7.63 Black Andirons at $ 6.12 $ 8.00 Black Andirons at $ 6.39 S 8.75 Black Andirons at $ 6.99 S12.50 Black Andirons at $ 9.98 $15.00 Brass Andirons at $12.00 $10.00 Brass Andirons at $ 8.50 Toilet Needs and Drugs Drug Department, First Floor Profit by these special offerings: 5 bars Ivory Soap, 1 bar of "f Q Lurline Soap, today only, at-CF" Limit, six cakes to a customer, and no deliveries except with other pur chases made in the Drug Department. 15c 4711 White Rose Soap now 42? 25c M. A. B. Mouth Wash now 12? 15c Williams' Talcum Powder at lO? 15c bottle of Petro Jelly at only 8? 10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio at 6? SOc Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream priced special for today at only 33? 25c Massattla Talcum Powder at 1 1 ? 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste at only 20? $1.50 Heddin's Toilet Water now 98? 15c Exposition Toilet Paper, 1500 sheets to the roll, the dozen, $1.00 29c Absorbent Cotton now at 18? 50e Bay Rum, 16-ounce bottle, at 35? 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder on sale, 15? 50c Liquid Tar Soap on sale at 37? Household Rubber Gloves at only 35? ' SOc Guaranteed Scissors, special 25? $1.50 Hot Water Bags and Syringes on special sale now at only $1.00 15c Tooth Brushes, all styles, at lO? Hand Scrub Brushes, assorted, 25? 10c Soap, large assortment of odds and ends, on sale today at only 5? $1.00 Rubber-Cushion Hair Brushes, with double bristles, on sale at 50? Hot Water Bottles now at $1 and $2 16-ounce bottle Witch Hazel at 21? 35c Fletcher's Castoria at only 23? 50c California Syrup of Figs at 35? 26c bottle Castor Oil, special, at 18? Pebeco Tooth Paste on sale at 39? 25c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum Powder on special sale at only 13? 50c Listerine, medium size, only 33? $1.00 Bocabella Castile Soap at 65? 25a Euthymol Tooth Paste now 17? 25c Powdered Boric Acid, 1 lb., 19? $1.00 Prune Bitters, large bottle, 69? 50c Glycothymoline on sale at 39? 50c Lolita Beautifier, the jar, 37? 25c Sanitol Cold Cream at only 16? ' 50c Dr. Berry's Freckle Ointment 39? 75c Townley's Iron and Sarsaparilla on special sale today at only 49? Demonstrations of Borden's Milk A delightful beverage invigorating and healthful good for old or young! Try a glass at the demonstration booth in the Drug Department. 50c Sise Borden's Milk Now for 40? $1.00 Sise Borden's Milk now at 80? $3.98 Hospital Size, Now at $2.98 Sale Chiffons and Crepes Grades Worth to $1.5Q Now 69c Yard Grades Worth to $6.75 at $3.5Q Yard Main Floor Beautiful high-grade novelties in Brocaded Chiffons, Embroidered Georgette Crepes and Silk Chiffons with light or dark grounds. These are very exclusive materials used only for the finest gowns, waists, dresses. By all means take advantage of this sale. LOT 1 Grades worth I LOT 2 Grades worth I LOT 3 Grades worth to $1.50 now at 69? I to $3.00 now at $1.75 I to $6.75 now at $3.50 65c VEILING in black, magpie, white and colors, the yard at 25? CHIFFON VEILS White and colors worth to $2.50, special $1.25 Women's $5 Shoes $3.85 Men's 34.QQ Shoes for $2.95 Double Stamps With Cash Pur chases Ut Shoe Department Today. Main Floor Women's Shoes in a wonderful assortment of the new styles lace , and button effects in patent, dull calf, gunmetal, etc Kid or craven et ted cloth toppings; all style heels and toes. Standard $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes on CO &Z sale today at, pair 0OJ Mens $4 Shoes $2.95 Main Floor Men's heavy boarded calf Shoes for work. These are shown in black, tan. fl iy Q EZ Wide last. $4 Shoes JJWeiii3 BOYS' "LOGGER" BOOTS Sizes 9 to 13'2 $3.50 grade, pair $2.98 BOYS "LOGGER" BOOTS Sizes 1 to 6 $4.00 grade at, pair $3.48 Just In Women's New English Shoes With White Rubber Soles, $4 ll vm Basement Underprice Store Women's and Misses' $25 Fall Coats Jlqj a q-P On Sale Saturday Only At This Low Price Basement Exactly 110 Coats in the as sortment. All are new, up-to-date mod els for Winter wear. Nearly all are sample garments which means superior tailoring and perfect fit. .The materials are baby lamb, plushes, zibelines, cordu roys and novelty mixtures. Black prin cipally, but there are Coats in the lot in practically all the wanted shades. Belted and loose-back models, with the latest collars and cuffs. Lined with excellent grade satins. Worth J "J O 7 C? up to $25.00. TODAY P XOe