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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
22 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1915. RICH VALLEY TO BE SEEN ON EXCURSION Special Train to Carry Party ; on Willamette Valjey South :. ern From Portland. NEW TOWNS ON. ROUTE Business Men Tomorrow Are to Be come Acquainted With People Along Iiine and - Tours for ; Visitors Are Arranged. Portland business men will have an opportunity tomorrow to become ac quainted with one of their own much neKlected environs. -- This latter phrase is descriptive the rich, productive territory served by the newly constructed Willamette Val ley Southern Railway, which will have its formal opening tomorrow. A special train will carry a large party of Portland excursionists over the new line, stopping at the "more im portant places for an opportunity to exchange greetings with the people along the way. The train will leave the Alder and First-street depot of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company at 9 o'clock, and will arrive, on the re turn trip, at 6 o'clock. Special rates of $1.50 for the round trip have been' secured and tickets should be pro curred today at the Chamber of Com merce. . The new railroad was constructed from Oregon City to Mount Angel, and runs east of the lines of the Southern Pacific. From terminal to terminal the new line is 32 miles, the actual dis tance between Portland and Mount Angel being 45 miles. The road uses the tracks of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company between Ore gon City and Portland. The line cost approximately $1, 000.000. the larger portion of the etock being held by the farmers of the Molalla country. Oregon City will be the first stop of tVie special train after leaving Port land. Thero a delegation, headed by Judge Grant B. Dimmick, president of the company, will board the train. Leaving Oregon City, the road mounta over a trestle constructed high above the tracks of the Southern Pacific Com pany and winds round to the top of the hill. Thence it travels out to Beavor Creek and down that- stream to the station of Beaver Creek to Mulino and to Liberal. At Molalla visitors will have half an hour to walk up into the town. At Mount Angel the Commercial Club will provide lunch, and automobiles will carry visitors to the monastery. Reservations have already been made for the excursion by the following: F 15. Brown, A .T. Klnicsley, Mr. and Mrs. TV E. Arlett, r. C. Burntragcr, Eugene A. rltm. Ti. M. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas J. Sldwell. A. B. Graham, F. S. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford. Joseph M. Healy. R. M. Irvine. P. E. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. r. A. Wolfgang. J. c. Vioyer. Albers Bros. Milling Company, Roy "Edwards. James, Kern & Abbott, K. C "Ward, w. J. Gotthards. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Burtchaell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. GTlpper, T. IT. Pago. C C. Chapman. J. A. Currey, TVlIllam Gotthard. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wer Irln. W. P. Strandborg. A. C. McMicken. J. T.. Van Sjoy. Mark Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Gorg T. Wlllett, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Iewls, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Millar. Mr. and. Mrs. S. W. Herrman. H. C. Huntington, Joseph L. Gould. M. K. Smead. Marshall N. Dana. A. C. Reese, Horace Thomas. Edgar B. Piper, John V. Carroll. George M. Trowbridge. O. C. I.elter. Paul Chamberlln. W. C. Tunks, E. Ik Morarity. John Gill, F. R. McBride, W. J. Prenrtergnst. - All G. E. jjMectric AeeH lances 26-33V3 Off! This 1915 model Gen eral Electric Iron. Full nickel plated re g u larly ,$3.75; now S2.95. 1915 Utility Grill Demonstration dailv at 2:30 Sixth Floor. "Watch the steak broiled." This ?4 Grill now S2.40. Free to Ladies Refreshments during the demonstration. Today's special BUTTER AND NUT CAKE TMe ftiuu.rry Stone- Of Portland 50 Grand Opera Records by Qarolina W85c The wonderful artist who is enthralling- Portland au diences this week with her wonderful voice. Were $2.00 PERFECT reproductions. A remarkable opportunity to se cure most intimate souvenirs of this great singer in some of her favorite selections. Just 50 at '4' Basement Balcony. Goods Sold Here Exclusively Ostermoor Mattresses. Eundhar Wilton Rugs. Colonial Drapery Goods. Fulton Go-Carts. Warner and Redfern Corsets. ' American Lady Corsets. Madame Lyra Corsets. Eppo Petticoats. Max M. Schwartz' New York Suits. Perrin's Gloves for Women. -Don't you find it wonderfully convenient and pleasant to shop in this big new store? With the vast facilities for showing merchandise, one can see almost at a glance what is wanted. . ; . ; It's a temptation to spend hours in the store these days, when we see so much beau tiiul,. New. Winter goods everywhere at .remarkably low prices. Think what an enormous outlet for merchandise this store is and what it means v?0 y to a manufacturer to have our alliance. No wonder prices ARE low! MUt pr$-&o Goods Sold Here Exclusively J. & T. Cousins Shoes. "Sampeck" Suits for Boys. John S. Brown Linens. Athena Underwear. 1 "Silk Maid" Hosiery. ! 'Indestructo' and Hartman Trunks. Holeproof Hosiery (only store that exchanges them at the counter). South Bend Malleable Ranges. Mark Cross Leather Goods. Tfee 1341st Friday Surprise-Stirring and Timely Bargains Surprise Sale advertisements at Meier & Frank's are an honor roll of bargains! From over the store, only offerings oi an unusual sort pass muster tor Friday. Scan the headlines you'll find much of special interest! " . now Sweaters $4 95 Wanted Styles From $7.50 o $12.75 Just the thing for skating-rink 'wear! All-wool sweaters, both heavy and light. Gray, white, old rose and blue. Some with caps to match. No exchanges. No credits. . Third fl, eth St. W265c, Excellent $1.50 Grades Fine voiles, batistes and dainty allovers. Some plain, others with polkadots. ' Collars that can be worn high or low. 200 crisp, new models that always sell at $1.50-. Friday Surprise at 65c. Fawth ji-ioor. Central. J-jandkerchiefs Qq 1 The Kind You Pay 20c and 25c for 800 dozen pure linen and fine embroidered hand kerchiefs. With wide hems, narrow hems or rolled edges. Broken lines of hand-embroidered initials. White and colored. Both linen and linen iawn. Friday at 10c each, or $1 a dozen. Main Fi..sth St. vj TT "eckwear Qq Regularly 35c, 50c and 65c 1800 pieces; just received from New York! House samples vestees, collar and cuff sets, collars, guimpes, high and low-neck styles. Organdies, voiles, laces arid pique. White and white with touches of color. Special Friday 2 for 35c, or, each 19c. Ready-tO'W ear Hair Bows, 15c riain taffetas, satins and Dresden effects.' Ribbons regularly 25c, 35c and 50c yard. All in made-up bows. Mala Floor. Fifth Street C orsets 95c Selling Regularly for $2.00 A sample line of high-grade corsets we cannot men tion the name here. About 10 dozen in the lot scarcely two alike. Mainly small sizes from 18 to 21. Silk batiste, coutils and brocades. Positively no phone orders, none exchanged, none C. O. D. Third floor. Sixth Street. 350 HikCta SHtt $24.50 A special purchase of some two hundred suits brings this un usual offering of suits at this time. To com plete the sizes and styles, we have taken the balance out of our regular stock. Box and, Russian Blouse Coats Pleated and Flar ing Skirts. These are among the nobbiest suits we have seen during the whole season. Braid, Fur and Velvet Trimmings Predominate Two models as illustrated. Dozens of others equally smart and attractive. The materials are broadcloths, serges, whipcords, gabardine and poplins the suitings most favored at the moment. Every desirable style is to be found, some with a deep vel vet collar, others with a narrow fur outline and many are braid bound. Be sure to see these unusual Suits Friday at $24.50. Fourth Floor, Fifth Street. year The Riggest Clove lale of the will be in progress till store closing time Saturday ! Thousands of pairs of the finest genuine French kid are included at prices which prevailed before the war. For instance $1 women's kid gloves, 75c. $2 and $2.25 Dent's gloves, $1.43. $1.25 kid gloves, 93c: $3.50 Perrin's long gloves, $2.85. $1.50 to $2 Ireland's Mocha gloves at $1.25. $1.50 to $1.75 Perrin's short gloves, $1.18. $2.50 16-button white kid gloves, $1.75. Main Floor, Fifth street Jmbrella gale priday Ready for the rainy sea son ! 1780 "India" Umbrellas reduced for a big . Friday Surprise. $3.50 Umbrellas $2.75 $5.00 Umbrellas $3.98 $6.00 Umbrellas $4.98 Both black and colored umbrellas all waterproof and in fast colors. No telephone orders, none C. O. D. v Main Floor, Fifth Street Shadow L2SS 69c Regular $1.00 and $1.50 quality ' Beautiful silk shadow allovers. Cream and white. Pretty for waists. Friday Surprise at 69c a yard. 65c and 75c Laces, 39c Yard Cotton shadow laces. 25 inches wide. Special Friday at 39c yard. 25c to 40c Laces, 19c Yard Linen Barman laces in white and cream, 2 to 4 inches wide. ...... Friday special at 19c. Main Floor. Fifth street $1 for $1.50 and $2 Dress Goods Beautiful all-wool dress goods, 54 inches wide. Plain colors and Roman stripes just the thing for your skating skirt, or one to replace the tight skirt of last year's suit. Beautiful colorings and combinations. Excellent $1.50 and $2.00 qualities at $1 a yard. Second Floor, Fifth Street. October Baby Days and Weighing Contest An event that has brought scores of mothers to the Baby Shop this week. Six prizes for babies up to one year. Bring the little one in today. This is the time to supply needs in infants' wear. Lowered prices this week throughout the department. Second Floor, Sixth Street. 100 Pairs Mgn g Pants Today $2JJ Priced in Our Stocks at $3.00 A surplus of odd pants that will go quickly, at this price. Taken right out of our regular $3 stocks to sell today only at $2.15. All Sizes, 30 to 50 Striped worsted, plain and fancy cheviots in light and dark fancy gray mixtures. All are con servative cut. For Everyday Wear Style, workmanship and finish make them suited to business and office wear. They will withstand the hardest kind of service. Third Floor, Fifth Street. Huckaback Towels 8c Huckaback face towels; heavy, firm weave; 16x33-inch; red or plain white border, hemmed ends. For home, hotel or rooming-house use. Dozen, 90c. Second Floor, Fifth Street. Boys 'Ruff neck Sweaters 89c Just right for school and out door wear, sports' wear, etc. Medium-weight sweaters. All ruff neck style. Oxford color. Sizes 26 to 34. Special, 89c. First Floor. Fifth Street. wmM Ml NHL1 SS 49c Warm, fleecy flannelette, medium weight, cut full length. . Exceptionally well made, with military collar, plain and silk frog trimmed. A big surprise for Friday limited quantity only at 49. Ialn Floor. Morrison Street. I -U 1 "yiola" Union guits ggc The Regular $1.00 Kind Fleece-lined cotton suits high . neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Sizes 8 and 9 only. Friday, two for $1.10, or, each, 59c. 50c Women's Swiss-Ribbed Vests and Pants, Friday Two for 55c, or, Each, 28c. Main Floor. Central. primmed flats $3 75 Regularly Selling From $5 to $7.50 Smart velvet hats' trimmed in fur, flowers, ostrich and feather novelties. Large sailors, small toques, turbans and tricornesj Special Friday at $3.75. $2.00 Velvet Shapes, $125 - A special lot for Friday only. Black and a few as sorted colors in all the smartest shapes. Special Friday -Fonrth Floor, Sixth Street. at $1.25. ' ffimonos 98c Regular $1.50 to $2.50 Qualities Cotton crepe and flannelette kimonos. Some made with elastic waistline. Others in loose flowing style. Big FridayNSurprise Special at 98c. $2.50 Muslin Underwear, $1.98 Envelope chemise or corset cover and drawer combi nations. Daintily lace trimmed. Friday Surprise, $1.98. Third Floor, Sixth Street. Tnameled fettles 59c Here's a splendid Friday Surprise! 400 pieces of fine blue and white enamel ware. 2-quart rice boilers, 2-quart coffee pots, 414 -quart tea kettles and 1 2-quart dish pans. Only one of each kind to a customer. Big special Friday at 59c each. Baaement Axminster and Velvet Rugs $1.39 27x54-inch. Good selection of patterns and colors. Special today only at this price. Come early ! 36x72 Axminster and Velvet Rugs, special $1.95 36x72 Axminster Rugs specially priced at $2.65 36x72 Axminster Rugs best grade in all new wanted patterns, special , . . .$335 Seventh Floor, Firth Street. The- Quality" Stoke of- Portland rVtK, 3ixJth"Morrl30tv Alder Sta. $225 Children's 3-piece Sweater Suits $1.75 All One -Pair Lots Curtains Reduced Only one pair of a kind accumulated from two months' selling. About 100 pairs. Some are soiled. Curtains regularly $125-$1.75, today, pair 69c Curtains regularly $2.50-$3.75, today, pair $1.45 Curtains regularly $4.50-$5.00 a wonderful Friday Surprise today' at, pair $235 Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. l Gillette Razor Blades package of 12 for 75c T