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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAV- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1015. 10 This dlretni-ir 1- - . . mlln m ,1i"ert 'f" of JurniVh. A?y nrormatlon which ca furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A ABSTRACTS AND TITLKS.' 1KUMPT SEHVIOB at reasonable priced faclfle Tula iru.t COj 7 cll- of com. ACCORDION FUtATINU. S x' h.insUlchlng, scalloping-, ac cord, aid pleat, buttons covered; mall raers. gntf jnttuek blocK. Broadway 1U93. l-lt;aiing, heuisiitchiEs;, buttons covered tHtm Novelty Co., SSi ath. B'wiy 20'-K. ASSAVKKM AND ANALYSTS. IU.N l A.N A ASSAY 0"lf'iCK. ad UolU. silver and platinum bought. ATTOKXE1S-AT-WW. 'j- NEl'SON, I-AWYElt. MIS P1TIOCK BUK. CONsn.TATlON KRBIC. BD'Y SlVo. H. Y. 1'KEEDMAX, Mil Chamber of Com. onsultatin free. CARPET WEAVERS. ftuiUHWEsT KtG CO. Kut from old car pets, rag rim, 13s E. Sth. Both phones. mi.n.uiu mri-oxs, BAii(,t-s. THK IKWiX-HODSON' COMPANY. T Washington at. Main H13 and A 1251. . CMlttOl'OIHNTB. William. Eatelle and William, Jr., Deveny. tlie only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Cierllntfer bids'., southwest, corner 1A and Airier. Phone Main 1301. C'1I1K01J0!Y and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Flledner bids. Main 347:1. CHIKOPKACTU; PHYSICIANS. lJ- McMAHON. sixth year, chronic cases IskiiiaT time. SI treatments, $15; worth 1""; save the difference. 121 4th at. COl-I.Kt TION AliKNCV. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere; highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, -t.H nenry piug. tjnono Marshall sSu M-:th . CO., "Worcester bldg. Main 1700. No collection, no charge. Established 11H)0. DANCING. MANTHKSTER Dancinu Academy. 83i 5th at., bet. Stark and Oak: sp'l rates. 4 pri vate lessons $2, mornlnir. afternon. even In, all latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs.. SaL evenlngB, T-8:30. Bdivy. 2160. UKATH-a iCHOOL- lessons dally; class Tow., Fri. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 2d at., h-t. T'ssh, and Stark. Main ;i2nri. T.essons ."c. ilCIKliV BI.DO., 2d and Morrison 10 lea sens art classes Men., Fri. eve. Mar. S!3. V.W.. KAB, NOSK AND THROAT. treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Dr. V. V. f asaaday. M7 Dekum bid., 8d & Wn. INSURANCE. J K ROM re B. STE1NBAC1I. Ren'l Insurance; fire. automobile. ftlS Corbett hid. Mn. (1716. DAVID II. PUNNE, gen'l Insurance, fire, marine, autn. fl.ia and 538 Cham, of Com. MoOrJL & SPECIALTY MACHINB WORKS. AHMSTRONO MFG. CO., No. 4 Second St. Phone Broadway 6f7. Headquartera for specialty machine work, design perfecting, experimental work, model making and manufacturing. MKMSKNGKR 8KRV1CE. HASTY MESSKNOER CO. Motorcycles and bicycle. Phono Main .VI. A 215::. WHOLESALE AND AUTO AM BUGGY TOPS. MILUXKBY. DT'BRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 1:08 2d st. BP.APSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta. BA(.;.K lit! KKI AT HOME. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. BKKAD BAKtHY. PAINTS, OIL AND OLASsT rteval Bakary Conf. J:.u., 1UU and Everett RASMUSSEN fe CO.. Sti and Taylor etreeta. IfKNRY V Kl.NH ARD, loth and Burnaide. 1" KLINE. S4b Front at. DH .OOIM, NOTIONS, J-l'KNISIUba, jf. L. KLINE. Sl-8i Front St. Kl.EtSCHXKR, MAYER & CO.. iluT Ash at. PRINT KltS AND FUBLISHKR8. liLKUTUIUAL RtTPMKH. F. W. BALTES St. CO.. 1st and Oak sts. ftubba Klenrirai Co., 6th and Pine ats. m)l);( K ;MMlSSlOX MERf HANTS.' GILPIN MERCHANTS. EVBRPINq & FAKRELL, 140 Front. Albers Broa Mllliji Co Front and Marshaji. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. M: " U b ' Poard..of lrade bUlg- Portland cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. ...a..- . iKOK-,S:j, SAFETY RAZOR HONINi. " tTADHAMg & CO.. -i. Fourth St. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. 3 89 'A 4th. HATS AND CAPS. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. THANH ATTF E It HAT CO.. a:t-5S Front St. W. P. IfLER &. CO.. Jtta and David, - II1DF.S, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. SCRAP KI-BKER AND MKTALS. KAHN BROS. UU Front st. J. LEVB. 380 Columbia st. Main 51R8. MEN'S AND WOM KN'S N KC K W K A R . WALL PAPER. fOl.UMPlA Nerkwrar Mfg. Co.. 83 6th at. MORGAN WAMi PAPER CO.. 2S0 2d st. CLASSIFIED AD RATES, : KBW TODA- Daily and Sunday. Per line. One lime Same ad two conH-utive tlniea 2c tHine ad three consecutive 1 lines 3o Jame ad itx or aeea rouHevutive tlmeit 5 Ho The ahove rat en apply to advertisements under w Today" and all other classifi es, .mis exeept tbe following: Sltnatlona Wanted Male. Situatitina Wanted Female. l-or Kent. Itotmi Private Fam.He. Hoard and Kuonis Private I-ant Mien. IliKitvekeeping Koonit Private Fanillle. Rate en the above claiiflcatfou la 7 cents m line eMeli nrrtlon. On 'charge" advertisement a charges will he hawed nn the number of lines appearing in the paper regardles of the number of words In each line. Minimum charge, two linett. The Oregon inn will aceept rlaaalfied ad vert lament over the telephone, provldeil the advert icr la a ultcriber to either phonw. No pric-r will be nuuted over the ithfuiv. but bill will be rendered the f ollow nt day.. Whether Hubeuent mdvertlae mrnta nlll be accepted over the phone de liends upon the prompt nrn. of payment vt telephone advertleiitentt. Situation Wanted and Personal ailvertisenieiits will not be ac cepted over the telephone. Orders for one InMerlinn only will be teepted for Furnl 1ire ftr sale 'Juiuen Opportunltie1." 'Roning-llolreM and "Wanted to Rent." AlvertinieotH to receive proper eln-Hl-fieailnn mut be In The Oregon la a of f U-e before 9 o'clock at night, except Saturday. 4'loHioc hmir fur The Sunday Oregon Inn will be ::.0 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be opm until 10 o'clock P. M., aa uhiisI. and all aria received too late for proper cllftratlon will he run under tho beading Toe Kate te fiaaMfy." Telephun Main .070. A 600fl. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS ! nipitovKD ntsii)KcE pRorisn- tlea Kesidenco Loans 8 and 7 Per Cent, according to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWING SOT- Nortbneatera Bank Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS on business properties and close-in resi dences. Lowest current rat es. Property Handled Mor non-resiientH, rentH collected, taxes f'alil, repairs looked alter, grouud eases and scales negotiated. COE A. McKENNA & CO. 727 (hnmlvfr ef Commerce Bid ft. COE A. McKENNA & CO, 737 Chamber of Commerce Bldgh Mortgage Loans on bualneaa properties and cloae-ln raal dencea. Property Handled for Bon-realdenta. rents collected, taxes Pid, repairs loolxed s,( Lcr, u To una leaea and salon negotiated. Western Bond Sr Mortgage Co. Our Owe at cerrest Hate. UrM( IPsL 4D COHPOHATIOS BOMIi, 1ARM A.VD CITY LOADS, tQ hearth at.. Board at Trade Bide. COME TO HEADQUARTERS FOR yoitr MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN E- CKUMAN i-ORVLAND.OOE. On dry and farm TVenertiee In JkJiW Amount at Current states 10aTHAir-fTOlcrsoH. ftaass Coxnag fourth sad Stxk sHxeeta. 11 AVE YOU filBN OCT A VICST a s . . . ch tha tvartra iroa may find ocea- nnot ba found her will ba gladly 609S, Housa 40. MCSICAU WANTBlJ Mon pupils (or the piano, 2 Galium- lesson a weak, 75e. ir you haven't a piano of your own, will give 2 leaaona ltl 1 practice a weak on ray plana for. 9 1. Itfrx. Hronsou. phona Marshall 3535. iiti ttth at. Cmll Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil iovuK. M FUcdner blcg. A iiao. Maranall m9. ENROLL now for good piano Instruction. Phono Tabor 61S. C. 8, MitoheiL OPTOIKTRIS'rs AND OPTICIANS. Why pay big price for glasses? I can fit your yes with tirat-quality 1 e n a e in a gola-f Uled frame, as low as l.ou, lenses duulicated at a big SAvln-. fcatlsfaetion guaranteed. C. W. Gooa man, optjmetrist, 2ua Morrison. Main PATENT ATTOIINKYS. R. C, WRIGHT 22 yeara- practice u. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. riPE. POBTLASU WOOD Plpa CO. Factory and office near 24th end York ats. Main 318U. PRINTING. lvKYSTONK PKESS. J, E. Gantenbeln. Mgr., Printing and linotyping. 100 14 Front sr.. cor. stark. Main or A 1413. RAORlCa AND n.l'FFBUCS. ."w ruga from old Ingrain. Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. WESTERN rLL'KF RUG CO., 54-34 l.'nlon ave. N. Phone E. C.MU. B 1475. lUSAL 1SSTATB DKAIJCH8. PAI.MEH.JOXE5 CO, H. P.. 404-403-406 Wilcox bldg. ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 TEOK. HEXEUICT I5RQ8.. 030 Hawthorne ave. 8TOKAGK AND TltANSrKK. ALWAYS "PICK THE? BEST" Household Goods Specialists, Storage, packing. Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. scUl frei;lit rates to all points, c. O. PICK TKANSFER STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 500, A 188. OR BOON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St., 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 1163. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Loweat insurance rates in city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING, STORAGE. Reduced frelcht fates to all points, MANNING Warehouse & Transfer Co., Main 703. th nd Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office ISO Madison. General Merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 76ul. TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS prepared for hats. 603 Swetland bldg. FINIS MOUNTS. P- J.. Braise, only ope in elty. 240 Columbia at. M. 7943. WOOD. FIRST-CLASS seasoned fir, 4.50; distant delivery, J4.75. National Fuel Co.. 15. 2d and Oregon. East 2041. GREEN end dry slabwood, blockwood, Pan ama Fuel Co. slain 5120, A 3y. DRY blockwood, dry elabwood, bark. Mult nomah Fuel Co.. M. 5340. A 2116. 1VIANUFA CTURERS MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at rntp. A 1 1 ru nflua An.un.Anf prlviieaea, Jboano quickly closed. Call ! toaay. 6 Ot. LARGH1 LOASS OS Ciotr. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Norlhweatern Bank Boll ding. Marshall 4114, A 411S. V ANT K U FI RM ITU R! AND UKASE Of strictly modern' apartments or rooms in exenange ror acreage and mortgraeTe-vettured notes. FISHKR fc II Alt ftlXGTON, 413 Stock EKchanse. REAL EST AT ft. Far Bale -Lota. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Phone me and I will assist you with eur plan or will furnish you drawings frae. Will secure building money for you at 7 per cent. Have some excellent lots In best restricted district for sale at low figures on easy terms, with secund, mort rae privlge to responsible party. I-luitd now, while prices s, r en bedrock. F. E. Clements. Tabor 2-71. A 15 1 0. MOHTOAfiR WANTED. Goad first or second mortgage for de sirable Laurel hurst lot. clear ef In cumbrances, lot a ted near Laurelhurst Park. Tabor 5846. LA ROE, beautiful view liomesite for only $:ot; $io down. So a month ; city water, eio.; only 15 minutes' car ride, Weat idj. M. E. Lcc. 503 Cerbptt b 1 d g . PORTLAND HK1UHTH Large lot, fine trees, beautiful view; will build to suit, on ea-v payments. Marsh ail aa7. brooKa. A 3-69. CHOICE lot. Council Crest Park, practically a gift; everything paid; $1100. East Jia. W. H. Hardnifcn, -Uou ROSE CITY PARK. OPEN THIS AFTERNOON. One of the finest finished bungalows In Rose C!ty; every rm. a sun rm. I .urge and beautiful plate-glasa windows. Every rm. finisned In enamel, and a kitchen that will picas ycu. If you can't come this after noon, phone for an appointment. Tabor ftaa, Location 4 'Mi E. oiat st, N, about biK. south of car line. LAURELHURST HOMES. Before buying, be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes just completed in Laurelhurst. the addition of beautiful homes, from $'J."00 up, on rent-like teems. LA UK EL HURST CO-. S7wi stark at. Main lava, A 315- I will sell this they cao not seli theirs; 5-room bungalow, modern up to ye-Hterday; easy terms; Hawthorne district; come to look at It. Elmer Shank, ."01 Railway tvichang. Main SI 13. Tabor 44 11. FOR SALE 'Modern l-room residence vih highly improved quarter block, most de sirable auction Hcl'.atiay's Addition. 4)3 Haalo. corner E. loth- Price and favor able terms will ba made on inquiry to P. C. Bates. 801 Yeon bldg. WILL rell for cash a new $.1000 3 -room bungalow for $j:-0; furnace, fireplace, oak floors. Hawthorne car. near new Franklin High. AM 170, Oregonlan. $."0 BUYS a neat 5-room plastered bunga low on the West Side; only l minutes' rine. oc rare : eeautirui view. M. E r05 Cor bett b 1 d g Lee. E I.Ki A NT four-room iouaetKa. com pletely furnished and modern la every way; will sacrifice at a bargain. Phone Main 24?. 6-ItOOM modern home, 15 minutes from down town, i 67u ; terms. No agenta. Owner, SOS Commonwealth. NOTHING down, eaah price 30 per month, modern 5-room house. Hawthorne district. D 1 4 SO. A FLAT. S small houses, singly or ai! to gether; good Income prepertv; must have money. Call owner, X abor 10M. MODERN bouse. Sunnyside, corner 66 2-Ja ino Tabor 1338. fea...:iy DO yea want a dandy new four-rom cot tage 7 Save commission. Weodlawa 407 1 REAL Eh TAT K. for Sale -Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 8NAP All new .viid fresh, minutes' ride on Portland HeishtJ car from Postoffice, b blocks from Washington mu Perfectly mod ern hojft, four sleeping-room and enam eled and Uleu bath In upper story; won derful lance dining-room with largest cut tone fireplace in city, taking -foot iog; unusual dinins-rcora with beautiful view, and fireplace; droam of kitchen, all white enamel and tiled floor, 3 built-in flreiess cookers, hooded sas range and all Dutch kitchen conveniences, maid's room, bath and toilet, h -rating plant, laundry, wine closets, etc.. In lower story and large stor age basement below; solid oak stairs, great porch and sleeping porcli. This is one of the most unubua: places In Portland. Am leaving city, will sell for HSUOO, , liberal terms to right parties. Phone or address W. p. Scott, owner. Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will be made for your Inspection. THEHE NEVER WAS A TIME when a dollar will go so far as now In acquiring your own borne. 1 have a beautiful 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, located in most exclusive part of 3-aurelhurut near the Park; hardwood floors, fireplace, tiled bath, exquisitely finished in ivory enamel, built-in buffet and other built-in effects, plastered base ment, etc Price only SSOO. What's the use renting when you can buy your own beautiful home with that very rent money you are now wasting? phone and I'll call ' with uuto and show you. J. W, Cross ley. Main 1",03, A FOR SALE That new bouse in Irvington on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat, East front, wide street, fine trees, largt living-room, 14x25. dtning - room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, three bedrooms ard inclosed sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel finish, tile mantel, hardwood floors. Cer tain conditions make It possible to offer this place at a very low price. Address for particnlars BF 54. Oregon tan. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREii; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OCR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. K. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 31M ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 23O0 $75 CASH, 50 MONTH. XVz biks. north Sandy blvd. Fine garage. Five rooms, reception hall, oak floors, fireplace. S-ft. buffet, attic, screens, fix. tuixjs. shaflea. Phone owner. Tabor Ji00. IF YOU would like to commence the build lng of a new home on your lot and nave It fully financed, come In -nd talk it over. - CURTI9. 27& OAK. Bubarban Home Property. $700 20 DOWN, $10 a month buya a half acre on the West Side; only 13 minutes ride, 5c fare; on a large piece of ground llko this you can raise small fruit, vegeta bles, chickens, etc., which U the greater part of your living; this is one way of solving the high cost of Jiving. M. E. Lee. o05 Corbett bldg. 0 1ft SON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good w a ter, elose to carllne ; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1SH5 or Sell wood 7tf. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For Bale Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. in car roruanu, uresnam ajstrici; near electric station; $75 to X2u0 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sixes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 30U Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. la acre near Orencq ; beat black loam aoil, all cultivated; S22 per acre; will di vide and give easy terms if desired, 8ee Mr. Handy, owner, 201 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 285. BEAUTIFUL 2-ucre tract. G-cent fare; maki oner, iztux iu, ieni s i. j. JUST outalde. Improved acna tract home at a sacrifice; term a. AD 151. Oregonlan. Uoaaeateada, UNCLE SAM la vllllng to give you 320 acres good wheat land. If you want it. Call a,t 312 Glisan st. TEN acres, near Wlilametta Valley railroad town location, S5t). BD J By, Oregon tan. For Sale Fanni. FOTt SALE 40 area overlooking town of Bend, Or., 14 miles from center of town, contains about 15U.O0O feet of marketable timber. Will be valuable property in near future, as there is under construction saw mill employing SOO men. Price J5O0; S1U00 cash balance un terms of 8 per cent Interest. Will take team of marea 1600 lbs or over, or Holsteln cattle as part payment. Write Box Sod. Three Forks. Mont. SO ACRES, 8 or 10 acrea creek bottom, in cultivation; buildings, county road, school, 5 miles R. R. ; small payment, balance long time; 10 per cent discount for all cash. Owner, box 97, Castle Rock, Wash. 640 ACRES. 100 alfalfa, running water, free range, horses and cattle, machinery; will sell all for $22 per acre. Address box'IJi, Kindail. Moo Laua. ONE last chance to buy a wheat ranch; one whole section all aowu to wheat; bored well, large barn. M. Fy.xmaurice, ondon. Oregon. FOR SALE Cow lita County stump lands, 110 pr acre up; good soil, well watered. T. n. Sharp, Pittock block. Portland. R. i. R. pullet for sale. 400 E. tiOth St. Hawthorne car. FOB SALE TLMBEK LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. Mi?UACKEN, a!04 M'WAT BLDG. WAX TED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy. on rent terms. 5 ur -room modern bntiraltiw with two or more large lots. What have you? Outlying district preferred; no children; full ii, tor mat ion in first letter. Address C L Oregonlan. Vr E have people who will trade property iu California, city or country, for Oregon or Washington, we can sell or trade your property. Writes Geo. W. Aust.. 14-4 Broadway. Oakland, CaL, dept. 1. OR l-room house In Irvlngton. Laurelhurst or other choico residence section, for which I will pay cash; must be bargain; snd full particulars by mall to Sl Piatt bldg. WANTED To buy cultivated farm on Co lumbia Highway, 10 or '20 acrea. Must be bargain. V 3 71, Oregonlan. WANT city Income property for Equipped big stock ranch. EI) loO. Oregonlan. FOK RENT FARMS. WILL lease for a period of a or 0 years one of the finest farms on the Upper Wil lametto JUver, near wilsonvitie. Farm ad. inirubly adapted for dairying, raising o hogs, grain, etc. Extensive orchard with it if desireo. Ktasponaible Urm:in faintly preferred. Renter must be prepared to buy from $.'o0 to SlutK) worth of stock and equipment on terms If necessary. Owner desires careful upkeep more then revenue. Give references. Address i 170, Oregonian. 10'j ACR Eb, 10 miles from Portland, !V acres plow land, balance pasture, lota of outrange for stock, all fenced and cross fenced, running water through place; large house and barn ; other outbuildings. House furnished-; 35 head of cattle, 3 horses. 30O chickens, tools. Implements and feed for stock, $la0O cash takes It. f EN acres, nice little plaoe, very good bouse, other outbuildings, rent cheap, desirable tenant. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 7.1 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED 5 aerea on electric earllae or aell on easy terms. lSOl N. W. Bank bldg. - Main 6976. FOR RENT 30-acre farm, 17 in cultiva tion. For particulars write L. N. Leacb, R. 6, Oregon City, Or. WANTED TO RENT FA RM S. I HAVE several ellbnts wishing to rent ranches. Write me what you have; 1 can find you a rood reliable renter. White. Couch at.. Portland, Or. WANTED Te rent 100 or 00-acre farm for dairy. Charlie Paggenetoa. route 1. Betverton. boa 72 F. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES good land In Marion County; will take lots, bouses or auto as first paymenCAK 3:76. Oregonlan. FOR pALu Hich-grade piano, "or will' trade for diamond or car, anything. What have you? X 171, Oregon i a n. I MUST let go my equity in .1 good Leurel rturst lot What have you? X 161, Ore- gonian. I WANT good country store. $"0r0 up; have city and farm property. R. G. Ho far, 114 Union ave. N. IMPROVED farms and acreage to exchange for Portland property, tiout Investment Co., 7-3 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. R. A. Miller. 333 Worcester bldg. Main 7103. NEW piano In exchange for clear elty lets: etate location, pries. AP 30. Oregonlan. CLEAR ii.come property to trade for clcc-n acrfaer. AIMna ave. CLEAR property o $'25,000 for apartments; will assume. See Deiahunt. Phone E. 1275. $18,00075 and 160 acres. Linn County, for Neb., Dakota. AB 17. Oregonian. 2 ACRES fruit and berries, buildings; :;t00: clear lots to $1ft00, bat, mtg. r.ell. 143. EQV1TY 5 aers timber for lot; mortgage $L:. AJ 1T4, OregoaiaD,- TQ EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. INCOME PROPERTIES A SPECIALTY. West Side, louxiIOO-foot corner with seven rented houses and three hotel bldga. Will exchange for acreage or farm, close in. 40 acres, mile east f Gresham. lies fine and right on electric line; will ex change for city property. Six 6-roora apartments and beautiful residence on 100-foot corner; best location West Side, rental $;;s0 per month : will take clear property; prefer city to $0,0OU, balance time; price $45,000. Apartments, best in the city, income over ItfOO per month; ground 75x100; beautiful location. Wast Side, and all tent ants under lease for 1 year; will consider clear ctv property to $50,0oo, balance time; price $Sr0.OO0. J. G. WEIST. 812 Tcon . bldg. See me today.' Phone Main 163. $15,000 EQUITY In a $40,000 farm of 300 acrea, 2oo in cultivation, balance pasture; good buildings, good roads, R. R. station on place, 3H miles from good town in W tUametie Valley, 30 cows, 30 bead of young stock. SO hogs, horses, etc.; fully equipped. Soma cash, balance trade for farm in Eastern or Southeastern, states. Address AV 218. Oregonlan. "Vf"ANT Portland home in trade for farm. An Ideal, income-producing, highly im- f roved suburban farm of IS acres, bear ng fruits, pear good Willamette Valley town, now offered at reduced price for Portland residential property up to $7000. This place guarantees a living. "Write Peterson & Bkotheim. Eugene, Or. STOCK RANCH in Eastern Oregon wanted for Valley farm. We offer in exchange one of the finest farms in the Willam ette Valley, ideal location, good soils and buildings. Pull details will be submitted upon receiving particulars concerning your offerings. Write Peterson Sktheim Lompany, cugene, Ur. 320 ACRES of fin bunch grass land, most all surrounding lands under cultivation, price $20 per acre, clear of mtg. Will consider residence or flat tn Portland to $So0O. I will also agree to loan $1500 on the 320 acres. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. WILL exchange a fine, modern residence In choicest part of Richmond district, with lot and half covered with roses, trees and shrubbery; clear of incum brance, for choice improved acreage far ther out; suited for poultry raising. 6 174, Oregonlan. COTTAGE 1 nice, lareo rooms, lot 80x 100. 7 -room mod em hnuio. nnsrtrr block, fruit and shade treea. Mortgage j eaauuv. ran,, v- AVII .il RC IOr gOOQ age or ranch. Owners only. AN 171, Ore gonlan. IRVINGTON FLATS. $4000 equity in fine, modern duplex building toexchange for Irvlngton, Ala meda Park or LaureUiurst lota. Owner, East 535. S-ROOM bungalow worth about $3500, with mertgago of $1800. Will trade for Im proved or unimproved farm. What have you. AP 17ft. Oregonlan. LOTS tor SOO to 1000 acrea oheap, old burn lands la Tillamook County : must be ac cessible and clear of Incumbrance. S, 140. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for farm or acreage, hack, livery and boarding stables; good business: also 2 lots. SO acrea. Call at 124 North litn. $14,000 CLEAR Portland- property for good stocked and equipped ranch ; will asaume som-s uniucumbrance. Owners apply The Brong Co., Inc., 2074 Oak. 10 ACRES. 6 miles from Vancouver, on elec tric, all in cult.; part onion land; $1800, terms; may consider part In trade. AR 161, Onegonian. WILL trade equity In 7 acres on Oregon Elwctric at St, Louis station, for auto or piano or lot. Pell wood 712. ACREAGE 2000 pears $4000; make propo sition separately or together. L 172, Ore gonian. BUS I NESS property In the heart of Port land to exchange for farm, land, M. E. Lee, COS Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Ilarneas. Etc. TEAM of mares, 140O lbs. each, harness and wood wagon. Just off work; sell sep arate, luqulre at ?30H Hawthorne ave., cor. Grand ave.. upstairs, for man that has the team. JUST movtjd in town, have no barn, must sell at once, pair black horses, well niatched. with almost new harness, 30 U &ast ith street. FOR SALE Bay pony, speedy, sound and gentle; ideal pony for children. Fred Lockley,65 Eaat 68th st. Phone D 1257. LIGHT single outfit, complete, $45. ircller Apartments, cor. Grand and Hawthorne avenues. TEAM good mares, 2600 lbs., cheap. 793 E. 11th st. North. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 2o. Portland Rendering Co. ONE horse and wagon by day. $1.25. J.Co" hen, 546 Front at. Main 220S. Main 6995. WANTED Small horse to keep during tne Winter; light work. Tabor 1229. DEAD horsts and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 420S. NICE large, sound S-yeur-old mare chtan. 6S12 butli avts. S. E. Tabor 2i53. PiuooH, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out: $425 Voae St. Sons upright $145 cash $350 Arion upright, oak $125 cash $:;oo Bradford upright, oak $ 90 caU $450 CUIukering Ac Sons S 65 cash $400 Bradbury piano 35 cash $lt5 Packard organ $ J5 cah $b50 Autoplauo Player $265 cah TO FIRST CALLEIiS 109 4th, n;ar Waah. 75c monthly will store your piano. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW. $2.1.00 disc talking machine 6.00 $ 35.00 disc talking machine )4 uo $ 75.00 disc talking machine 25.00 $150.00 disc talking machine.,, 95.00 $1 or more cash, 5uc or more monthly. . SCHWAN P1AXQ CO.. Ill 4th St. H KiH-CrRA Dli piuno. Must sell, as I am leaving for the East. No reasonable offer refused. N 17l. Oregonian. CITT LOT WANTED, clear, in exchange for new piano; when answering quote low ect price and location. BC 08, Oregonian. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2 years. tfe display and advertisement ol aj' II awl I 1 1 17 V. W. . 1 IX VIII at. WI LL pay caaa for your old upright or square piano. Call 111 4th st. L'i'Hir.llT piauo. beautiful rosewood case. Bargain., 2So Jefferson, cor. 4th. FOR SALE .Fischer plano, $Mlf sold"at once. Ieaving city. W 17:i, Oregonian. Doga, Blrds,r,et Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS, LA DDI X KENNELS, EST AC AD A, OR. Furniture for iMtle $75 BERK EY & GAY library table, elegant buf fot, combination desk and bookcase. Price reasonable; excellent condition. Ta bu r221 8. HOUSE furniture and restaurant furniture. 146 Beech st., Mississippi ave. car. Automobiles. YOU will find the automobile you want at the Used Car Market. You can by a good car at a lnwer price because there are no commissions charged either buyer or seller. See them today. West Park and Stark nts. READ THIS. 1S13 5-pass car with electrio lights and starter; Al mechanical condition; looks like osw; run S0O0 miles. 633 Alder. BARGAINS TN USED AUTOS. Large Stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CO.. Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. 1914 Chalmers G-cylinder. roomy 5-pass., run only a few mllea: looks same as new; lat est equipment, new tires. Make me an offer. Phone Broadway 8S7. OARAGES erected complete. $30 up; ready cut or portable houses, $125. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO".. BB Water st., near Harrison. Main 1167. STEARNS 1912 fore-door 5-pasa.. electric lights and starter. Demountable rims fully equipped. Best buy in city Phone Broad way &37. CADILLAC, late model, t -cylinder, used very little, at a bargain. BEX J. E. BOONE A CO. 314 Alder Street. C. C. LANDY, specialising on Garfords, "iwn uuiiu hw'.ivb nu MuaeoaKcn; King at. Garage. King st-, at Washington. Mam 3 412. CADILLAC fore-door 5-pass., new tires, fully equipp 2d, Just bean overhauled and re painted Will sell for $375. Phone Broad way SS7. WILL t,acnf!ce my Hud don touring car to day for $2SX; must have money. Chetopa cpt.. No. 504. Main 0138, 1 WILL pay cash for ued Fords. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Reo two-ton truck and fine body; priee $S50; terms to right party. A J 17 2. Oregonian. BET washing and polirhlng In city for $1' garage. King et. at Washington. Main S412. 2K-H- P. ROADSTER fine shape, $2uu, terras. 1 55 Webstt r, L car. SEVERAL good, high-elaas cars for sale very cheap. 4i0 Buroeide. Main 622. Finch SPECIAL rebui.t roaditer in fine coqdltlon. Snap. Phone A 4959. FORD for ale at bargain. Call St 10th at. Ak for Morris. FOR SALE 5-pass. Ford, good order. Call Main 107. 5-PASS. Ford In first-class condition. X 189, Oregonian. von SALS. Automobiles. BARGAINS Cadillac. 1912, very completely equipped "with electric starter and lights. Silver town cord tires, power tire pump and other extra i. Best I2 In Portlaud, $650. Overland, llo, 5-pasa,, In fine shape. Cost $1200. Price $350. Also a 3013 Cad Iliac. $S50. Winton Six, $350. 1914 Cad Iliac, $900. Chalmers "3o," Cartercar, $250. Everitt Six, $5CO. Raucb Lang Electric Woods electric and others. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. MAIN C244, -PASS. 1913 Reo. Al shape: a good-looking and better running car; 3S0; ?S0 down. 7-pass., 6-cy Under Thomas; paint good as new; guarantee it la good running or der; $500; S2SO down. 3-pass., roadster, good salesman's ear; good condition; 6250; (12L. down. Wo also have a good delivery car we will sell cheap. Look at it and make us an offer. BROADWAY GARAGE. East 24thand Broadway. oP ASS. Studebaker, first-class condition ; will give demonstration. A snap for cash. Price 5250. Call after 1 p. JU-, Oo Pittock blk. A GOOD 2-pasrenxer car for sale cheap; Gray Gable Apartment-bouse, room UL 10th. and Jefferson sts. Aotoraobllea Wanted. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. Ton will get more money for your used car; you will sell it more quickly by placing It at the used car market. West Park and Stark sts. No commissions charged. WANTED 5-ton truck with dump body, at once; must be. bargain, but no Junk. A ltiS. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 7-passenger, late model; trade for property. Muller Hotel, 25 N. 6 th L Broadway 2320. IF YOU want tc sell that Main 6122. 40 Burnslde. Mr. Finch. "WANTED Best five-passenger Ford 200 epot cash will buy. M 158. Oregonian. Automobiles for Hire. MAIN 3077, A 1077. Am. Auto Touring Service, si. 50 hour up. Special arrange ments. shipping, calling trips; zone rates. Poultry. P.ULLETS tor sale. i4 East 7th South. Livestock. AUCTION BALE. 10 mllea northeast of Vancouver.. Wash.. Tuesday, Oct 20. 10 o'clock sharp. S registered Shorthorn cattle as follows: 1 2-year-old bull, 1 14-monthg bulls, 3 bull calves, $ .cows all fresh, 1 reg. Jersey bull, grade Jersey cows, 4 fresh with caflves by side: 3 yearling Jersey heifers; entire herd tuberculin tested. 48 head of hogs, 30 of them registered Chester White; 4 head of work horses; farming implements and household goods. J AS. P. TAYLOR. OWNER. 415 E. 16TH NORTH. PORTLAND. OR. W?" 8. WOOD, VAKCOUVER, WASH., AUCTIONEER. EXCELLENT fresh' 4-gaL family cotT"$50. 4 weeks heifer calf, $j. U. S. Barn, Front st. GOING TO GRAYS HARBOR? Automobile, leaves 8 A. M. Thursday. Fare $5. Phone Tabor 5593 for reservation. FROM one to 100 fresh dairy cows, terms. Bruce, Union Stockyards. YOUNG Jersey cow. fresh In few days; also two Duroc pigs, phone Oak Grove 52J. Machinery. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALSS. COAST STEEL dc MACHINERY CO.. 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main 0705. A 3339. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $$ and up; months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway, Portland, Or WE save you from 50 to-"75 per cert on all makes of typewriters; send for cur illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE- SALBjryPEWRITER CO.. 331Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS." all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 263 Stark st. Main 5523. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. p., 231 Htark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. WK BLY. sell and exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National cash registers. Easy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 3t2-3o4 Burnslde, cor. sth. Broadway 116, A 1S16. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, alt makee, will be closed out. Drop heads, $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. s. s. sleFrel, two stores, ZSZ Al der at., and 243 Ald-er st. BILLIARD Combination billiard and pool, complete, new Ptyle, new cloth, aet pool balls, set billiard balls, cues, cue rack, ball rack, set up In your home for $100. Cost $310. AK 136, Oregonian. SAFE for aale or trade, 28x13 Inches in side measurement; Herring, Hall & Mai vin mak' ; for smaller safe and cash. Phone Broadway 1 233. JAPANESE Oriolo and Water Dome cunary bird for sale or trade for I book of green trading nampi. Phono East 3374, Qti Grand ave. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium, ISO 8d St., near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3626. ELEGANT four-room houseboat, com pletely furnished and modern in every way; will sacrifice at a bargain. Phone - Main 2460. A SNAlT " 6 H. P. tractor wood saw and chopper. W. s. Hahn, aMountaindale, Or. Phone North Plains 10 F 21. $50 BUYS my beautiful ring, pearl and sapphire sea in platinum and diamond. AC 172, Oregonlan. REMINGTON auto-loading shotgun ulth leather raw. Practically new. in fine con. ditlon. Bargain. AR 173. Oregonlan. FOR HAM: OR TRADE Ring set with" "3 diamonds and 3 pearla. Will sell for $50. Priced at $110. AO 102. Oregonian. CHILD'S white fur (Coney) coat, i S year, slightly-soiled ; cost $25; w;itl sell for fire. A R 163. Oregonlan. 3JLECTRICMOTORsr"for or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A 5674. CASH REGISTERS, aTTgb t "F used 1 our prices aro lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351i Washington st. Main 606, A 30VW. $23 BUYS BEAUTIFUL DIAMONDNEClT I.ACE LA V A LLI ERE. 82o LUMBER EX CHANGE. HP AND STARK.. DIAMOND houae paints, strlctlv pure: made In Oregon; per gallon, $1.75. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front st. Marshall 109 ELEC. MOTORS FOR RENT. FOR SALE. B. B. DAVIS & CO.. 103 E. -Water at. East 3146. B 2330. FOR SALE A gasoline woodsaw TH.P $5 tor quick sale. Woodlawn 327. TWO pairs ef hip rubber boots almost naw, 3 0. 3S7 E. Couch St., apt. 2IS. WILL SACRIFICE MY DIAMOND RINGC 167. OREGON IAN. HAND-COLORED highway photographs and other ecLnery. Edwards, b wetland bldg. ROTTED COW AND HORSE MANLKi. PHONE EAST 1094. FERTILISER: well retted cow manura for tsale. We deliver. Phone Eaat 2361. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. W.VNTED MIS CELL AN EOF. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware Furniture Co,,. 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9072. MISH FURNITURE CO.. Ill 1st, Main 5768. 184 1st, Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of same. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns; cameras, kodHks and lensea bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera. Exchange. S- 3d at. I BUY OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. Ore bought Assayer. F. A. SannetL 510 Northwest Bldg., 327 Washington st. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 832. A2567. WANTED Used wood range, good con dition. AV 254, Oregonlan, or call at 414 Knott et. ilUST have second-hand furniture. East 6417: any quantity at once. W. H. Caief, MV Williams ave. STANDARD FURNITURE CO Main 4773. 182 1st st. Mam 4773, Pays beat prices for your furniture, etc WANTED Good tent, 14 or 36x24 feet"; must be in good condition and cheap. BD 16;;. Oregonlan, WANTED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE, showcases, off ire furniture, bouse hoi d goous. st oves. Main 49 5. 128 First. WANTED National cash re g Is ter. Mala 6U6, S51 H Washington m HIGH BST prices paid for furniture of alt deycrtp .ions. Main 309. Kline's. 208 First. WANTED All kinds of records and phono graphs Main 4495. 128 1st L WANTED Second-hand Edison dlse talk ing machine. Address A V 231, Oregonian. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays bast price for your furniture. 304 IsL Main 4427. WE tint rooms for $3.50; do good painting work. Charles O'Mara, E. 323. STRICTLY American dealers In used furni ture; square deal our molts. Sell 1SL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We pay tht, highest price for ladies' and gents cast-off clothing, bicycles ana everything In merchandise. Call us p. We need It snd will pay for it, GLOBE STORE, First. Main 100. Main 20 SO. WT1 CALL PROMPTLY. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING KUISR. J. MEYERS. THE TAILOR. PAYS YOU MORE FOK YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSH ALL .1220. WE CALL PROMPT LY. RELIABLE COTHING BUYER. 220 MADISON ST. TEL. MARSHALL 1229. THE GEVURTZ FURNITUKE CO., 135-187 First St, Will buy good usad furniture, rugs, ranges and household goods; phone for an appointment with our buyer. Marshall .HI. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 307 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshal 587. We buy your seoond-hand furniture, stoves end other household goods. Highest Prices Paid. 6EOOND-H4.ND CLOTHING? BUYERS, Honest deal. We pay the highest prices for ladles' and men's clothing, shoes, etc. Try us. Call Broadway 3932. 251 Front st. WE buy all kinds of second-kaad trunks and suitcases. Main 90 73 and A 7174. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A, Young men seeking employment la com mercial, clerical or technical lines are to vlted to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all mom be r. To non-members, a special membership is Issued, costing $ per annum, giving the service of the de partment tor a yar two months' full privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment Is not se cured. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; expert training In repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational Office. Y. M. C. A. bldg., to In spect our shops and methods. Competent chauffeurs and meehanica supplied. GOOD position for successful office man; must be thoroughly posted in modern methods of bookkeeping; must be able to assume rsspousibilitlua; give In handwrit ing your experience in detail, with whom employed, in what capacity ; state age. give telephone number and salary ex pected. C 16J. Oregonian. ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental anu fruit trees; complete outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision Srovlded. Ornamental JL Fruit Nursery Co. ox 21 7C, Wapaio. Wash. LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City, Or. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit slock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington .Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED- Live boy from each school. One week's work after school. Answer at once. Give phono number, grade and school; own handwriting. R 164, Orego nian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical achouL Day and night classes. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. WANTED Single man 25 to 0. to collect; must have bicycle; $2-50 a day to start; quirk advancement to one who can get results. Apply 406 Oregon. an bldg., from 2:30 to 3:30 today. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert ! 11st rue tor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks: tools free; position guaran teed, paid while learning. 22- 2d, n r.M a in. YOUNG man with experience and references for delivering for general merchandise store; $1 per day, board and lodging. Phone A 5.90. - LANDSCAPE foreman to park tract near Portland; experience ; references; wages expected, to A 166, Oregonlan. COMPETENT door patches wanted; steady work and good wa.ta. Apply to Henry McCleary Timber Co.. MeCleary, Wash. SOLICITORS wanted, salary and commis sion, sales good. Mr. U. W. Thoma?. 1361 Gay st. St. Johns car to Portland blvd. LADIES and man's tailor wanted; good man could come right to work. W. Brear, 774 Willamette, Eugene, Or. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid, barony Studio, Royal bldg. WANTED First-class ladles' tailors. Apply 22 Globe bldg., 4l Wash. at. BARBER wanted to rent furnished 1-chair shop. 9f3' Albina ave. DRIVER Ford car, con. mission. Chamber Commerce, 0. A. M. Apply 426 FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted. Wright's Sample Shoe Shop, 4th and Aider at. GOOD tailor wanted at 715 'Hawthorne ave. Ueln TVanteoV Agents, BIO money for agents; start a watch club in your town; $2.1 a week and up; par ticulars free. Continental Sales Co., box 944. Astoria. Or. AGENT You can make from $8 to $10 per day; special holiday offer. Van Dyck Studio. 404 Washington st. Help Wanted Male (.men. WANTED By $500,000 corporation, repre sentative for Portland and surrounding territory, to sell high-grade advertising novelties and signs; appropriate for every buslnene; live man can easily make $1500 t. $3009 a 5ar; exclusive territory; to proper man personal interview will ba granted- Bastiau Bros. Co., Rochester. N 1. DISTRICT crew manager for Portland and vicinity. Excellent proposition for a liv wiru; reason now on. First reply with best references considered. IIISHORN RAINCOAT CO.. 9214 Rosalind ave.. Cleveland, O. W A N T E D H a lesninn with knowledge of farm raarh., to handle stump-boriui; ma chine. References required. 60S Corbett bldtr. Main 1M 96. WE want a few reliable salesmen who can do business; will give unusually liberal . commissions; references required. AH 146, Oregonian. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED glove saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced In glov department ; permanent employment, good salary; out of town. Applications invited. Lennon's. GOOD, reliable girl for cooking. German or Swiss-German preferred, who wishes to learn all about cooking; personal refer ences required ; none other need apply; call mornings. 653 Johnson st. WANTED Uy msn with son 14, woman as housekeeper on ranch; one who could in vest some moae) in same. AC 173. Ore- gonlan. ; WOMEN Government clerks. $70 '" month. Portland examinations coming. List posi tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 H. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, 5 in family, out of city. Call at 5ul Broadway bldg., Broadway and Morrison, Friday during noon hour. WANTED Respectable person for Ugh; housework and care for convalescent, - and carrare home nights. 270 E. 16th. H. A. car. WANT ED Competent German or Scandl n avian girl for general housework; one who likes children. 1028 Raleigh at. Main 3284. WANTED -Niht students to learn Maurlne Buauty Culture, will help finance you .n business. 21.: Royal bldg. WANTED Stenographer: permanent em pioment: $9 per week. Address BD 164, Oregonian. WANTED Refined, capable w oinan for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 423 Pittock blork. Washington. YOUNG woman or girl to assist dressmaker; a '.so one for beauty culture. 307 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington ats. WANTED Lady to wur. (n boarding-houe fnr he and husband's board and room. 121 U Russell. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted to assist chil dren with school work, for room and board. Phono Main 4769. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladies only; make yourself Independent with good trad?. 4VQ-41J Dekum bjdg.. 5d and Wash. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, Boa Or pheum bldg. EmpreFst. Individual, in structions; positions when capable. M. 1 542. LADY agents, good pay, easy seller. Call write 1102 E. that. North. PRACTICAL young woman, good character, wants steady employment. 1690 E. 6th. GIRL for general housework, $15 a month Call A 4570. WOMAN to work In hotel for husband, room and board. M N. 21st st. GIRL wanted to work in coffee house. 33 N. 4th st. MISS M ATTINGL Y"S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. $0 mo. 369 14th. Ph. M. 3S93. GIRL to aiis'.ver telephone end do light work. S25 and board. 7n5 Htyt. STENOGRAPHER. B. K.. dictaphone oper ator, wanted. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Working girl to share house keeping apartment. Call B. 3444. WANTED Teachers for mission school. Ap- p.y secono st. it7 p. M. LEA RN beant v culture. Summer rate. " C05 1 Columbia bldg. Graduate Paris, Berlin.. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE- MOLE R BARBER COLLEGE wants mas and women to learn the trade: tuition re duced ; paid while learning, diplomas is sued to graduates. :;j colleges; 22 years in business. Write for catalogue A. 4 N 2d street. MEN AND WOMEX PHOTO AGENTS. None but flrst-clas need apply. DAV1ES STUDIO. BROADWAY AND STARK. PIANO PLAY KH, man or woman, who can real and fake. Prefer one who can double stHiie, This is a medicine show. State salary first letter, pay your own, K. Leslie, pasep. Wash. FALL term begirrs now: men and women to leam the barber trade in 8 weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools tree, paid while learning: tuition redaced: expert instruc tors. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. AMATEURS Ambitions, for practical dra matic experience. Stage rehearsals. Next performance In a few days. W 168, Oie- gonlan. WANTED Man and wife for Janitor work. People who are not afraid to work and kcei things clean. BC 163, Oregonian. COMPLETE course stenograph CO 'days, night and day classes. M. 35H5. M.. 4137. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government jobs. $70 month. Common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. AV 223, Oregonian. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. darks, car riers, exam, soou, parcel pest demands many more cirrls; act at once. PaclLo State School. McKay bldg.. city. HAVE YOU SEEN OCT A VI US 7 SITUATION 8 WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MAN, age 21. bookkeeper, commercial pen nian, typewriter, pipefitter, experienced Janitor, must, have work to pay for edu cation: boat rcicrencea. AD 171, Orego nian. STOREKEEPER and clerk desires position; will go out of town; experienced with con tractors supplies, etc. Marshall 532, or 502 Columbia. EXPERIENCED accountant wants small sets books, day or evening. W 176, Oie- gonian. WANTED By reliable married man, posi tion as bookkeeper, other indoor work. AO ltti. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. AN experienced farmer with A-l ( references iw ants farm work on shares or can take management of big farm; wlfo snd eight . children. Main o51, A 1517. 411 Com- merclal block DENTIST, graduate of college in Japan, want a position in dentist's office. Don't expect big salary. 605 Union ave. N. s. Ohta. A-l RELIABLE and competent man tor pri vate place; chauffeur and housework; ex cellent recommendations from promlaaat people. L 173, Oregoniaru STRONG, willing worker. Best referencae. Good hand w iter; speaks, writes fluent ly French, German, English; take anything. Room 505 Y. M. C. A.. Portland. YOL'NO Swiss wsnts farm or work of any kind; can do most anything. Need work badly AH 371, Oregonlan, or room 505 Y. M. C A. - . MAN. wife an boy 14, all thoroughly expe rienced on farm, want work near g4 school: dairy preferred; A-l references. Main 7051. A 1517. 411 Commercial block. HONEST and reliable young man desiree position on farm; good hatid with horses; am a good milker. Jack Q. Glubricht, 246 First st, FIREMAN with 7 years' experience and firat-clats references, desires a steady po sition : also understand building heating. AP 16t. Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY man wants position as atockkeeper or salesman w tth automobile c o m pa n y. AM 173. Ortg onian. EXPERIENCED colored man wants Job as Janitor or porter or any kind of work ia or out of town. Call East 1864. Oacsr. YOUNG man. 20, licensed chauffeur, wants work driving or repairing; garago pro- ferrtjd. S F. 6th St. W A NT U D By dental .student, work for room and board, or cither, phone Atohe son. North pacific - College. BOY 19 ipeks any kind of work snd smsll" pay. Address So N. 6th st. Stetioa Nick olas. FIRST-CLA:iS cand malter, all-around man; references; wnnts poaitlon at once. AO 165. Oregonlan '- CAN save you money on painting and kal eominiiig; get our estimate. X IBS, Orego nlan. FIRST-CLASS carpenter, all-around me chanic, wants work at $2,50 day. In or out Portland. 11 170, oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wanti A-1 references. Main 70." janitor work k: MARRIED CHAUFFEUR: can do own re pair i !j MuM have work. Tub or '-' ARCHITECTURAL draftsman dtsirs po sltlon. city or country. AO 3 68. Oregonlan. MY auto and services, any kind work, whole or part time. AK 360. Oregonian. PAINTING, carpenter worU. remodeliOif. cheap "by contraef. Phone Sollwoed 87. SOBER, honest young man needa restaurant work; small wages. AP !--. Qrgontan. JAPANESE wants any kind of work from f to 4 P. M. A 50S2. JAPNESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1070. Jap. Aftcn. of Or. 218 Henry bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE.,- COM PETE NT, experienced Stenographer de sires permanent position. Working know i fdge bookkeeping. Marshall 'jn.'.t.. BOOKKEEPER, caehier, or any kind of po sition of trust and responsibility ; 10 years experience. Miss Brown. Main !,. B K -STENOGRAPHER wants office wont 'any kind. a!l or part day. Wood la wn 1-3. IF vou want a No. 1 stenographer, phone Main "MI. permanent or puhnttuto. presamaaors. A YOUNG Austrian woman wants plain sew ing; $1 a day and car fare; neat seam stress. Main 7"M, A 1517. ' irASHTONABLF. -dressmaking reaaonaoif. home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Maiu 9513. ' . .hie. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will maka su KHgemoris by day. Main 7051. PRACTICAL nurse wants work, kind, wlll lr?g energetic; Institutional work pre frred. 16!u E. 0th st. HAVE comfortable plafe where old p?P' ran feel at come; r.lce yard. Last Xt 55 E. 2Hth st. RELIABLE, practical nurse desires position; chronic or maternity cases; reasonable fee, A-l reference. Main 7Q51, A 3517. INVALIDS and confinement cases taken iu Physician's private home; best care; terms re a sonable; close In. Phone Last 50-. TRAINED NURSE wishes Invalids or hJ'- dren to poaru . rumoiiaan-. - INVALIDS and maternity cases taken; best care ; ierns m ' Houaekce -era. CAPB1'E, rellabl.:, middle-aged woman de sires position as housekeeper for club of oung men or bachelors; A-l reference. Main 7051. A 1517. WANTING place as housekeeper or cook " by young lady. AO 159. Oregonlan. Doraeatlca. G1U1 waiits a place to do general house work und cooking; wages from $20 to $50. Call Tabor. S4n;;. LADY will care for children by the hour. Tabor .'.'Cfl. ll c c II a n co u s. EXI'ERIENCED houseVteeper. good cook, wants a place In or out of town where she can take her 6-year-old boy; $lf month. Main 7051, A 1517. 411 Commercial blk. EXPERIENCED lady would llko care of children morning, afternoon or evening or by tho day. Mrs. Fryer. Main 6&o5. WANT general work bv experienced colored woman in small private family. Broadway S50t. DINNERS, weddings, parties and luncheons cooked for and served; references. Tabor 317. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants work In or small hotel; A-l ref erences . $2 5 Ma 1 n 7 051 A 1517. EXPERIENCED, reliable day worker dtsirea work: A-l references. Main 7051. A 15ll. WANT day work, good Ironer. Preferences. East 66 i 1. THOROUGH LY experienced woman wants work by the hour. Phone Main 4663. COMPETENT Liundreas wis. tea work Fri. and Sat. Ref. Woodlawn 1611. LADY with considerable hoipuul experience desires care of Invalid. Phona Est 434.".. WOMAN warns day work or chauiberroaid - Marshall 9. HOt'R, day work, Fri., Sal., Sun. Main 72o. R 00m 7. WIDOW wants to take laundry at hornet washed eerefully. Marshall 6137. EXPERIENCED chairmaifl wants i'Oal tinr. In hotel. Phone Main 20:.. WOMAN wants work by hour or day. Call Marshall 745. m PRACTICAL young woman, good character, wants steady employment. 1090 E. tttU.