Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Leaders Welcome Opportunity
to Put Nation's Arsenals
on War Footing.
.Baron Kato Expresses Opinion That
Germany Has Passed Zenith In
War and Henceforth Will
' Decline in Strength.
TOKIO. Sept. 25. (Correspondence of
th Associated Press.) Munitions not
men for Russia that is the great need
of the entente allies today, eay Japa
nese officials. The authorities hare
repeatedly denied reports that Russia
has asked for troops and that Japan
"will send troops. They are concen
trating: their efforts' on the big: prob
lem of increasing the output of muni
tions for Russia,
The decision to enlarge groxernment
arsenals and even establish special
factories pleases the military circles
of Japan, who see in this an oppor
tunity not only to help Russia and
hasten the end of the war. but to
create the means of increasing" their
own permanent production. 'It signi
fies military expansion without the
necessity of a home campaign.
Military Leaders Pleased.
Now that arsenals are to be placed
on a war footing the enlargements
will remain for future use, and thus
the actual expansion of military equip
ment will have been effected without
p ttracting the noticfe of the public
This is a cause of great satisfaction to
the military interests. It Is understood
that regular payments for the cost of
the increased production will bo made
in London in cash, thus augmenting
the gold reserve held by the Japanese
"There is not a moment's hesitation,"
says the Japan Times, voicing the sen
timents of the Japanese press, "in
making a prompt response to this de
mand for help from Russia. It is the
voice of a friend iu need."
Sending of Troops Impracticable. i
Referring to the impracticability of
sending troops the newspaper said:
"We know full well that our friends,
our allies, will not ask or expect this
country to take the bread from the
mouths of our children, to leave the!
home unprotected or make future re-;
covery for this country impossible.
These are the only limits we set to
the share we are prepared to take in;
the great struggle in which our friends;
are involved." j
Great interest is attached here to
references to the European war just
made by Baron Takaaki Kato. ex-Foreign
Minister, in a series of political
Addresses, because Baron Kato directed
the. foreign policies of Japan during the
first year of the war. After voicing
Japan's desire to help the allies with
increased ammunition, the ex-Minister
intimated his belief that Japan's physi
cal capacity was insufficient to meet
the needs of Russia still Japan would
do alt she could.
Allies' Victory Predicted,
Turning to the wax itself Baron Kato
expressed the opinion that, although
Germany has been prepared to a degree
of perfection beyond the anticipation
of the allies, her real strength has
passed its zenith and henceforth will
begin to decay.
The statesman had something to say
f France and Great Britain and un
doubtedly voiced the prevailing senti
ment among Japanese. "France." he
declared, "has brought her potential
power into play at last, but Britain has
not yet roused her dormant power to
action. Though many noblemen in
JCngland have rallied around the col
ors, some of the populace apparently
do not take much interest in the life
and death struggle in which the na
tion has been plunged."
This state of things, the Baron ob
served, was in sharp contrast to con
ditions in Japan, where the people in
general have played the main and de
cisive part in two great wars. He be
lie ved the present war to be one of ex
haustion and expressed his unwaver
ing conviction that the allies would
l-'ormer Canadian Iremier and 3
Former .Ministers to Stand Trial.
WINNIPEG. Oct. S. Sir Rodmond
Tioblin. late premier, and three other
former cabinet ministers Dr. W. H.
Montague, J. H. Howden and G. P.
I'oldwcll wore committed today for
trial by Magistrate MaoDonald on
charRes of conspiracy to defraud the
province in connection with the erec
tion of tho Parliament buildings.
Ir. Montague was Minister of Public
Works. Mr. Howden Attorney-General
nil Mr. ColJwell Minister of Educa
tion. Since the original charge was
made other charges have been pre
ferred againrt the accused men that
of destruction of public documents
gainst Sir Rodmond Roblir. and Mr.
t'oldwell and of perjury against Mr.
Ifowdcn. '
Thomas Kelly, a contractor who did
work on th Parliament building;, is
held in Chieasro awaiting extradition
vroceedlnss. Ban for the four de
fendants was fixed at $50,000, one-half
to be personal security.
(Continued From First Fare.
v enizelos. - the Kins replied - that the
Premier was contradicting himself, for
when the allied powers asked Greece
to assist Serbia at the time of the
Austrian attack, Venizelos made a
promise of such assistance conditional
upon, the armed co-operation of Rou-
mania and the benevolent neutrality of
These conditions not having been
pledged, the King pointed out, he re
fused to join Serbia at a time when
the Austrian forces arrayed against
her did not exceed 1S0.000, and Bul
garia was not hostile.
"But today," added the King-, "the
Austro-Germans are a half million, to
whom must be added 300,000 Bul
garians, and the retreat of the Russians
prevents the Roumanians from doing
anything for Serbia."
r '
Violation of Greece's Neutrality
Compared With Belgium's Case.
BERLIN, Oct. 8. by wireless to Tuck
erton, N. J. "The German government
has lodged a protest in Athens against
the landing of troops on Greek terri
tory by the entente powers," says the
Overseas News Agency. "The reply of
Greece has not been received."
Berlin newspapers, discussing the
ultimatum to Bulgaria and the viola
tion of Greece's neutrality, point out
that the entente powers concerned in
these actions are the same nations
which advanced as their reason for en
tering the war their purpose to light
for freedom, justice and the protection
of the independence of small nations.
Yet these same powers demand from
Bulgaria action incompatible with the
sovereign rights of an independent
state. Thus they show their real mo
tives, abandoning all principles as Soon
as their own Interests makethls neces
sary. In tftis connection the newspapers
recall the British agitation against
Germany for the invasion of Belgium.
This case, however, was altogether dif
ferent from that of Greece. Germany's
very existence was then endangered,
while violation of Greek neutrality
merely means for Great Britain and
France advancement of their egoist in
terests. The purpose of this breach
of international law is to encourage
Serbia to sacrifice herself on the altar
of the Interests of the entente powers
in order that she may obstruct the way
of the Germans and Austro-Hnngar-ians
to Constantinople after the failure
of the Dardanelles action.
Woman Says She Promised Dr. K. E.
Ferguson She Would Join Him
If He Ended Hla Life.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 8. (Specla.1.)
To carry out her part of a suicide
pact which she' said she had entered
into with Dr. E. K. Ferguson, wl o
killed himself Wednesday. Mrs. M. F.
Shaw today took a dose of strychnin:.
It is said that she was engaged to be
married to Dr. Ferguson on his obtain
ing: a divorce from Dr. Belle Ferguson,
whom' he remarried late last- Fall.
News of Mrs. Shaw's attempt to take
her own life broke in on the arrange
ments of the local Oddfellows' and The
Dalles Elks lodges, members of which
were assembling to attend th funeral
of Dr. Ferguson, and caused great ex
citement. Drs. J. F. Watt and J. M. Waugh suc
ceeded in saving the life of Mrs. Shaw,
who is the widow of the late Dr. M.
F. Shaw,, an .early . physician of this
While hysterical today Mrs. Shaw
said that -she had promised Dr. Fergu
son that she would join him if. he com
mitted suicide. It is said that the two
were' engaged to be married at Lhe time
that Dr. Ferguson became reconciled to
his former wife.
Many persons from The Dalles were
here for the funeral of Dr. Ferguson.
Dr. D. V. Poling conducted the services,
and State Senator Butler, of The Dalles,
delivered an 'eulogy. Songs were sung
by Rev. Mr. Poling and Mrs. Carlton
The body was taken to Portland for
Request Comes Prom Dr. Pierce, of
State Board of Comtrol Dr. Mar
cellus Charges Polities.
The row between State Health Offi
cer Roberg and City Health Officer
Marcellus. which came up over charges
maae oy Dr. Koberg that Dr. Marcellus
had failed to exercise proper precau
tions in handling the case of Dominico
Pinelli. a leper, assumed new propor
tions yesterday when Mayor Albee and
each member of the City Commission
received letters from Dr. E. A. Pierce.
a member of the State Board, asking
that the case be investigated. The
Mayor said yesterday that, -while he
has heard the ins and outs of the case.
ne win mane rurtner inquiry.
Dr. Marcellus avers that the attack
of Dr. Roberg is an aftermath of the
light several months ago between can
didates for the position of State Health
Officer. Dr. Marcellus and Dr. Roberg
Dotn were Detore the Board as- candi
dates, and it is said considerable bit
terness resulted from the contest.
"It is politics," said Dr. Marcellus
yesterday. "The leper case was han
dled with the greatest care and there
could be no criticism. I personally
supervised the handling of the case,
making frequent visits to the deten
tion tent, near Kelly Butte, and seeing
that my orders for safeguards were
carried out. If there was anything
wrong it was aone without my knowl
edge and while I was attending to my
otner auues.
matters ia the Caucasus and the Brit
ish to push along to Bagdad.
Greek Monurcli Says letter 'Country
Vailed Ally in 1914.
PARIS. Oct. 8. What purports to be
details ofirthe historic Interview be
tween King Constantine and Elutherios
Venizelos, which resulted in the latter's
resignation as Prime Minister of Greece,
are printed in the Greek journal
After agreeing to mobilization as a
precaution involving no change of
policy, the King asked the Premier
what was the object of the concentra
tion of such a strong army on the
Macedonian frontier. M. Venizelos an
swered that the object was twofold
lirst. to defend tho country, and. second
to go to the al of Serbia in case she
were attacked by Bulgaria.
Tho King then remarked that he
agreed with Venizelos, so far as de
fending the country was concerned, but
could not see that Greece was called
npon to help Serbia. The Premier re
called the obligations Imposed upon
Greece by her treaty of alliance, trot
Constantine retorted that when Greece
rtsked Serbia's aid against Turkey in
May. 1914, it was refused.
To further arguments on the part of
Award Made Water Company and
Right to Sue Given.
OREGON CITT. Or.. Oct. 8. (Spe
cial.) A decision that is practically a
victory for Theodore and B. F. Fisch.
owners or tne Miiwaukie Water Com
pany, was made today by Circuit Judge
L'ampDeu in their sutt against Milwau
kie for an injunction to restrain the
city from completing the municipal
plant until the claims of the water
company have been settled.
The plaintiffs now hold an injunc
tion restraining the city from turning
jsuii itun water, tne new supply. Into
the mains, except for the Milwauki
school. Under the decree the injunc
tion will be permanently dissolved
when the city pays St500 to the water
company. However, the court allows
the plaintiff to sue the city for dam
Tne automobile has created such a de
mand for upholstery leather that good
leather- la very expensive. The cheaper
Kraaea. maae o spumns a niae several
times, are unsatisfactory-. Artificial leather
of rood wearing quality and g-ood appearand
la being- manufactured tn Increasingly large
quantities for in many ca&ea consumers
specuy it instead 01 real leatner.
Monster Battle Planes, Carry
ing Three-Inch Cannon, Are
Ready for Action."
Movements of Large Squadrons Soon
to Begin, In Effort to Cut
German Communications
In Rear of Lines.
PARIS. -Oct. 8. An aerial army is
no longer a dream of romance. Such
an army, formed in division and
squadrons. with battle aeroplanes,
cruisers, scouts and torpedo planes, all
armored heavily and carrying three-
inch cannon and rapid fire guns. Is a
reality. It has been made possible
through the remarkable development
of military aviation In France.
The French government today per
mitted the first InsDection of Itm new
fleet of aeroplanes. Opportunity was
given to. inspect the largo and small
types ot the new battle planes, and
watch them as they were maneuvering
high in the air, firing round after
round from their three-inch rifles,
while they soared, looped and darted
The Minister cf War. Alexander
Millerand, assigned two military ex
perts of the staff of the aviation ser
vice to a point where the new fleet
01 Dattle cratt had been assembled
and later to the aviation school at B ,
where 100 military aviators were learn
ing to navigate the new war craft.
Frunt Is Half Mile Wide. '
The aviation field is a vast enclos
ure. A monster battle plane loomed
up 30 feet high,- with & number of
planes stretching 130 feet across.
rarther back was ranged the fleet of
battle cruisers and scout pianes..- They
were formed like a. battalion. 20 planes
in a row across the front, and ten
deep. Their huge wings made a front a
half mile wide.
The battle plane and all the cruisers
were armed heavily. Bach carried both
the three-inch cannon and the rapid
firing gun.
The huge battle plane was the chief
center of attention. The engineer who
constracted It explained the details.
The officers said this was the first
actual realization of the battle plane,
other aerial drcadnaughts having
proved impractical. The monster ac
tually flies, carrying a crew of 12
men and two cannon, which throw
three-Vnch eteel projectiles. Three
trial flights have been made, demon
strating that it has the steadiness of
an ordinary biplane. The huge craft
Is now ready for the battle line.
Cruiser Aeroplanes' Are Tested
The armored cruiser .aeroplanes were
then brought out and put through tests
high in the air. They are small bi
planes of high power. Each is armed
with a cannon, and is capable of ris
ing almost from the ground at a
speed of 90 miles an hour. Captain
r rantz and Operators Monoeil and
Mallard, made successive Jflights in
cruisers rising from the ground at an
antrla- of 60 degrees. -.
The steady roar of the three-inch
rifles continued as the cruisers circled
far above. Mallard was the most
daring operator. He fired the big
gun while plunging from side to side
and dronntnsr ranldlv. imltfttlne- tli
maneuvers carried out while engaging
an enemy.'
A large number of these battle cruis
ers are now ready. Several . of thorn
recently carried out a night bombard
ment far back of the German line. In
the Champagne engagement these
cruisers hit a German balloon, which
exploded in a mass of flames.
Movements Soon to Be Begun.
The battle planes and cruisers are
soon to begin movements in large
squadrons, both defensive and of
fensive. Thej- are to attack the Ger
man lines of communication, particu
larly the railway junctions, with the
object of cutting off supplies and
preading demoralization in the rear
of the Germans.
Each squadron will consist of nine
aeroplanes of All types, including one
battle plane, two battle cruisers and
six scout planes. The complement for
a squadron will be upwards of 50 of
ficers and men, for the operation of
the aeroplanes and their transporta
tion on lorries, drawn by automobiles,
with which each squadron will be
corsage bouquet o? red roses. Over
her gown she had an elaborate opera
cloak of red and black.
Shopping Scheduled for Today.
The guests at the dinner party in
cluded the President and Mrs. Gait.
Mrs. Boiling, Miss Bones, Secretary
Tumulty, Dr. Grayson, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Auchincloss. the latter the
daughter of Colonel House. Mrs. House
was hostess.
Definite plans have hot been made
for the party tomorrow morning, but
it is probable they ma do some shop
ping before leaving for Philadelphia.
Those expecting the President to buy
an engagement ring for Mrs. Gait to
day were disappointed, but he may do
so tomorrow.
At the baseball game the President
and those with him will occupy a box
in the center of the grandstand, and
the President will throw out the first
ball. The President has paid for his
baseball tickets himself. . He was in
tensely interested when told that Phil
adelphia had won the first game of the
series, having followed the pennant
races in both leagues closely.
No definite information was obtain
able today as to the date for the wedding.
(Continued From FTrM Pag-).
and pushed forward for a chance to
see the " future Mrs. Wilson. She
beamed on the crowd, and the Presi
dent looked at her and smiled.
Couple Recognised Everywhere.
"They are applauding you," he said.
Along streets. where everybody
seemed to recognize the couple in the
automobile, the Presidential party was
driven to the hotel, where Mrs. Gait,
Mrs. Boiling and Er. Grayson spent
the night. The President was then
driven to Colonel House's apartment,
on East Fifty-third street
After a brief interval, the President
and Dr. Grayson rode in the car and
they were easily recognized. The
President called at Mrs. Gait's hotel
for her. As the party left the hotel
they' were held up a few minutes by
a large corps of photographers. The
President and Mrs. Gait sat smilingly,
side by side, as their pictures were
For the dinner and theater party
afterward Mrs. Gait wore a low-cut
gown of black, relieved by a large
ana cgypaanugnOcstnttieVMd
P -- --J pT
Court of Appeals Holds Heat Who Acted
Under "Grandfather Clause" Must
Go to Penitentiary,
DENVER, Oct. 8. Election officials
who conspired to deprive negroes of
the right pt suffrage through the en
forcement of the "grandfather clause"
of the Oklahoma state constitution are
liable to conviction and imprisonment,
according to a decision of the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals, an
nounced here today. The grandfather
clause was declared unconstitutional
by the Supreme Court of the United
States on June 21, 1915.
The appeals court's decision was
handed down ' in the case of Frank
Guinn and J. J. Beal, election officials
in Kingfisher County. Oklahoma, in the
election of November 8. 1910. The de
fendants were convicted In the United
States District Court for the Western
district of Oklahoma and sentenced to
the Federal penitentiary. It was in
their case that the question as to th
constitutionality of the grandfather
clause was certified by the Supremo
oi tne umanoma Federal Court.
Besides the unconstitutionality of the
grandfather clause, the court finds
other evidence of conspiracy. The de
cision cites evidence offereH t- th
to show that several negroes eligible
to vote under the grandfather clause
were uarrea irom Voting.
irigfr School Pupils Parade Ornate
Styles in Hosiery.
BAKER. Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.)
Faces were forgotten at the Baker
High School today for the shoe tops
were so loudly conspicuous - In cele
brating "Loud Box Day" that they com
manded all attention. Leading the de
mand for interest were the stockings
of a demurs miss who wore fairly
high shoes with the stockings -rolled
down. New York style. Red sox under
neath prevented any undue exposure,
Owen eKown, 'captain of the foot
bail team, wore pictures oT his girl
friends on his sox. Others wore sox
green On one side and red on the other.
Portland 'ext Sleeting Place, Mrs!
Baldwin Made Secretary.
OAKLAND, Cal.. Oct. 8. Social work
ers of the Pacific Slope, who met here
as individuals, formed a permanent or
ganization today to be known as the
Conference of Social Workers of the
Western States and selected Portland.
Or., as their place of meeting next year.
F. C. Nelles, superintendent of the
Whittier (Cal.) State School for Boys,
was elected president. Other officers
were elected as follows: Dr. Susan J.
Fenton. Oakland, first rice-president:
Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Portland. Or.,
secretary; Mrs. John L. Covington.
Seattle, Wash., treasurer.
Canada Detains Bulgarians.
OTTAWA. Ont, Oct. 8 No Bulgar-
iasn will be allowed to leave Canada
during the remainder of the war, ac
cording to an announcement made here
today. This order was made as a pre
caution to prevent any Bulgarians that
may be in the Dominion from enlisting
against the allies.
Bay Ocean .Post master Named.
ington. D. C, Oct. 8. David C Baker
today wa appointed Postmaster at
Bay Ocean, vice Walter L. Johnson, re-
"Dress Up Week-Octoberllto ie-'Dress Up, Uncle Sam Can Aflord It
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
' 9:00 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P. M.
On Saturdays
6:00 P. M.
Home Phone
A 2112 .
Special Underpricing of Two Leading Lines
CMldren'1 Hosiery
That your Hosiery Needs can best be supplied at this store is evi
dent by the following underpriced offerings. See if you can equal
these values elsewhere.
Fine Cotton Hose for
Children, 25c Grade
200 dozen pairs children's madium heavy
lisle-ini6h Cotton Hose that are both dur
able and 'well appearing. They come in all
sizes from 6 to 10, and in regular -
Jk vsw
25c quality. This sale.
Outsize Stockings for
Women, 35c Grade
A special sale of women's fine, full-fashioned
Cotton Stockings, with elastic rib
top, all sizes, in correct Winter weight.
They come only in outsizes. A O O
stocking of 35c quality. This sale mOC
Men's Outing- Flannel' Gowns
Of Extra Fine Quality and Finish. All Sizes in Military Style. A rr
Standard $1.00 Line on Sale at : fUC
The most particular men will be well pleased with the quality and finish of these fine Outing Flannel
Gowns. They come in good length and width and in styles with military collar, colored braid trim
ming, gooa ourxons in lact, uiey are extra well finished throughout. A standard $1.00 line,
priced for this sale at
Men's Jersey Ribbed. Union Suits
Well-Fitting Garments in Winter Styles and Weight. All Sizes in
Cream White. Best $1.50 Grade on Sale at :
In order to induce early season buyine. we have underorieed one of our learlinc linos nf mn' l,tn
Jersey-Ribbed Cotton Union Suits in a most attractive manner. They come in Winter and Fall weight
styles, with closed crotch. All sizes, in cream white. Perfect-fitting Union Suits of stand- tf 1 if
ard ?l-60 quality. This sale at: & 1 . 1 D
Make Your Selection Here, Today, at This
Sale of Women's and.
Misses' New Fall Coats
Included Are Full Sweep, Belted Effects and Other
Fashionable Styles in Values to $12.50 at
A few weeks ago we took quick advantage of a special trade event and pur
chased diis fine lot of Women's and Misses' Coats at a splendid price concession.
They have just arrived and go on sale today for the first time. Included are
many of the most popular Fall and Win ter styles full sweep, belted effects,
etc., in plaids and tho new plain colors. AU sizes and all finely tailored 'ttfl AtZ
and finished." Regular values up to $12.50. Your choice this sale at -PO.'tO
Children's Coats and Dresses on Sale Saturday
Thoughtful parents will not fail to profit by this sale of Children's Fall Coats
and Dresses, for we have underpriced several lines in a most attractive manner.
The dresses are shown in serges and corduroy, in neat styles, in sizes 6 to 14 -years,
and the coats come in velvet cords and mixtures, in sizes 2 to tfJO O C
6 years. Regular values to $3.98, on sale today at 4sjO
Yuan Shi Kai Expected to Be
Made Emperor of China.
Plan or Military licaders to Precip
itate Creadon of Monarchy by
Force Discovered Vote or
. Masses Is TJrjred.
LONDON", Oct. 8. A great military
review planned in Pekin In celebration
of the anniversary of the formation of
the Chinese Republic is said by tho
Pckins correspondent of tho Evening
Standard to have been abandoned In
consequence of the discovery that mili
tary leaders Intended forcibly to crown
President Yuan Shi Kai as Emperor.
The correspondent adds that the mon
archial movement is developing- rapidly
and that the belief is growing that the
President will be proclaimed Emperor
on New Tear's day.
PEKIN, Oct. 8. China's State Coun
cil, acting in the capacity of a legis
lature, forwarded today to President
Yuan Shi Kai for promulgation the
bills authorizing the chief executive
to call a people's convention for the
purpose of settling the form of gov
ernment it is to have in the future.
The members of the Council, in a
message, accompanied the bill and rec
ommended that every opportunity bo
given to secure the real opinions of the
masses on the question whether China
is to nave a monarchial or republican
form of government.
President Yuan Shi Kai had pre
viously taken the ground that the is
sue should be decided at a national
convention to be held November 10, and
the councillors said they were con
vinced the people's wishes should be
considered and the convocation of the
convention at an earlier date was
Woman Sentenced to Dcatb.
Cl-INTON. B. C. Oct. S. Mrs. Eliza
beth Coward was convicted last night
of the murder of her husband. James
Coward, last month. She was sen
tenced to be hanged December 23 at
The Drama of
Business and Society
Violet Mersereau and William Garwood fea
tured in Director Jack Harvey's splendid drama
of society and the business "world.
The Screaming Farce, Hank, the Tank, in "A Bathhouse Tragedy."
The Great Educational Picture, "The Life of a Frog."
Brickley, America's Greatest Football Star, Showing in Detail College Football as It Is
Played at the Big Universities.
rhe Big 6-Part Super
Your Last Chance to See
Charlie Chaplin
' --r?J3t-gffTssiii i r J
In His Latest Comedy
Two Reels
Theda Bara
f ' :
I 1 J
Ad Club Quartet