Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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See Announcement of Annual Doll
Show in Sunday Papers.
FREE Dressmaking Lecture by Mme.
Coates, 2:30 Today in Music Hall.
Consult Our Expert Optometrist No
Charge Unless Glasses Are Needed.
Trie Quality Stoue or Portland
i , k- .
I - J
Try Our New
gakery junch
Ninth floor. Toothsome,
nourishing, freshly baked
dainties from our own ovens.
Squibbs Genuine Russian
Vineral Qil
Heavy quality. An advance
$1.00 Pint.
shipment rushed to us by express.
The only store in Portland to re
ceive a shipment since the Russian
government shut off importations.
first Kloor, sixth Street.
3000 ,N2,
guster grown
All boys and girls like Buster
Brown Umbrellas better than any
other kind, because they're the
right size, the right height and
have pretty handles.
All mothers like them because
they wear so well. Tige says:
That it will
and all his young friends agree.
Come in and see the big life-size
models of Buster and Tige.
PEEE A Buster Brown Balloon
with every purchase today of a
Buste Brown Umbrella. Prices,
50c, 75c and $1.00.
First floor. Fifth Street.
Is 0 H
Qoods gtore
there will be three unusual special
offerings in switches. All made of
the finest cut hair.
$3.49 for a 22-in. French wavy
switch, made on short stem. Reg
ularly $7.50.
$5.98 for a 26-inch German
wavy gray switch. On three sep
arate stems. Regularly $7.50. .
$1.67 for a German wavy
switch, 24 inches. On three sep
arate stems. Regularly $3.
Th Quality tc or ronuun
Down and
Per Month
(No Interest No Extras)
With Columbia Individ
ual Record Ejector $85
Fully cabineted, strikingly hand
some, the "Leader" in design and
in style follows the upright type
regarded by many as the standard
of high-grade "talking machines."
Cabinet: Mahograny or quartered
oak in golden, fumed or Early
Knglish finishes, or satin walnut.
Meanarementai 42 Inches hish, 19
ino.hes wide and 21 inches deep.
lotor-eontrol Speed regulator
operated on graduated dial com
bined with start and gtop device.
Reeord Capaeitys Record racks to
hold 7.1 records. With Columbia
Individual Record Ejector, 49 rec
ords. Hear the latest Columbia .
Records today in our new
soundproof parlors
Basement Balcony.
Tut Quality SToe Portlvhd
A Prince Couldn't J$vy MB Style in is Clothes
"5th Ave
than you will find in the M. & F. Fall and Winter
suits and overcoats at popular prices.
. Our immense clothes stocks consist of the BEST
from such makers as Rogers-Peet, Hickey-Freeman
Co., Adler-Rochester and Alfred Decker & Cohn "So
ciety Brand." -Next
week is "Dress-Up Week" in Portland Satur
day we call particular attention to
A Great Selection of Smartest
-New Suits and Overcoats at
npHE Men's Hat Store is mighty convenient just a step. inside
- the Morrison Street entrance. Here you will find ALL the
best makes, in styles that stand out from the ordinary "rank and
file." ,
;The newest thingin a stiff hat is the taper crown. Knox
.Bon 33 ; Knox "Roxford," $4; Knox.'-'De Luxe," $5, and up
.to 20. Stetson derbies, $4 and $5. Mallory Cravenetted derbies,
Alpine, with mushroom brim, bound or welt edge, is the reign
ing style m a soft hat this Fall. M. & F. Special, $2; Mallory, $3.50;
THE Manhattan Shirt
tore of portland
An assortment of these famous shirts, the like of which you
will find nowhere else in town! The patterns are exclusive with
us, too.
Pick out two or three new Manhattans today. A few new
shirtsmake a man feel better and look better. ,
$1.50, $2, $2.50, up to the Manhattans de luxe at $5.
The Underwear Sale
Saturday is the last day. And there will only be. about
enough of these union suits to last the day out.
Fine worsted union suits of $3, $3.50 and $4 grades, $1.89
Fine cotton union suits of $1.50 and $2 grades $1.09. .
5000 New Ties at 25c
Made from the short ends of higher priced silks. Hundreds of
new patterns and colorings. Astonishingly good neckwear to
day at 25c. Main Floor. Morri.oa Street.
See yourself in some of them before our big mirrors !
IN STYLE everything that's new; one-button, two
button, three-button sacks, with narrow, long-rolling
lapels. Also conservative three-button sacks . and
IN FABRICS the latest weaves and colorings;
tweeds, cassimeres, homespuns, worsteds and serges;
stripes, checks and overplaids in the Autumn shades
of brown and gray.
IN TAILORING that shows the master touch of
America's greatest designers, and workmanship that
is nothing short of absolute PERFECTION.
Our Famous Oregon Cassimere
Pants New Grays and Browns, $3
. Third Floor. Fifth street.
,-.t& 4 Map'
orttii Srana GIlnlhtB
"The Row," $25
"Poole," $25
Jet Js the page!
Fashion this Fall puts jet jewelry in the highest favor.
The finest Italian jet has almost disappeared from the market
since the war. We have a large stock of the genuine Italian jet
chains in graduated or uniform-size beads. These exceptional
prices today
$1.50 at 950 $4.50 at $2.75
$2.50 at $1.65 $5.00-Sat $3.95
$3.50 at $2.15 $7.50 at $4.95
$3.7o at $2.35 Main Floor. Sixth Street
Mail Orders
filled from this and all our advertisements if
received within three days "of date of publication.
Telephone us where quantities are limited or you.
are in a hurry.
Should you come in person, ask any floorman
to call personal shopper, who will give you every
assistance and conduct you to as many of the
seventy-five departments as you choose. There
is no charge for this service.
Saturday Js pjosiery )a
Our new Fall hosiery lines are complete all sizes, styles and
Saturday will see twelve big special values for women and
children but we've only room for a few of them here!
85c for Silk Hose 50c for Silk Lisle Hose
regularly $1. White and
black, medium weight, with
silk lisle tops and double soles.
25c for Fiber Silk
hose, regularly 35c. Misses'
sizes 54 to 8 in light me
dium weight. Seamless lisle
feet, soft lxl invisible rib legs.
Black only.
Exceptionally well made,
with double soles, high spliced
heels and garter tops. Medium
weights. Regularly 65c. .
Children's Hose, 15c
"Dick and Dot" brand boys'
heavy lxl rib black hose. The
kind that wears like iron. All
sizes. Two pairs 250.
Main Kloor, sixth Street'
N 2 Folding A utgraP"ic
Brownie, (jjg
It has the Brownie simplicity of opera
tion, with the new autographic feature,
heretofore found only in the higher
priced folding kodaks.
Takes pictures 2 by 3Y. Loads in
daylight with kodak - autographic cart
ridge of six exposures. Covered with fine
imitation leather, well made and finished.
The price is only $6.
Specials for Saturday ;
5c Eastman M. Q. developing tubes, 8
for 25c.
' 1-pound package Eastman Acid Fixing
l Kloor. SlxtlTstreet . Powder, 190.
f 20.00
Children's Qayl
Saturday is Children's Day!
It is their own particular time
for having their wants at
tended to!
Scores of pretty new things
for the tiny folk from 1 to 6
and for those up to 16 in our
big Children's Section on the
Second Floor. Bring the girls
in Saturday!
Coats at $15.00
Several models one is il
lustrated. A plain tailored
English tweed in black and
white or blue and white. With
side pockets and pocket flap.
Another coat at $15 is of
soft zibilene very light in
weight. Very youthful in
line with long pleats front and
back. Coats from S6.50 to SSrt
. ' The Fad for Plaid Silk
has found no prettier expression than in the Junior Dresses!
; One model at $10.75 is all silk, made on Russian lines.
Another at $20 is of plaid silk, combined with blue serge. Little touches of
embroidery brighten the smock.
Pleated from throat to hem, another 1 ittle crepe de chine at $20 is very youth
ful and attractive. . -.
Serge Dresses, $8.95
One little frock" is developed in blue serge with daintily embroidered batite
collar and red buttons.
Another at the same price is of black and white check, trimmed with red
soutache braid and red buttons. . , . . -
Little Folks' Hats
at such a variety of prices and in so many styles," we cannot begin to describe
them. Some are dress models with dain ty little flowers and touches of fur
Others are quite plain tailored. Priced from $1.39 to $12.
Second Floor, Sixth Street.
Such Pretty Junior Suits
F2m$17-J $3912
Never have the styles been more delightfully
youthful and never have we had a greater -variety
at such a range of prices! All materials and mod
els are represented.
A Box Coat
yoked in front, with a black fur collar, makes an
African brown suit at $17.50 unusually good-looking.
- The Braid Binding
used throughout on a blue suit of exceptionally
good serge makes a tailored model at $22.50 very
attractive: -
Beaver Fur
used as an outline for the collar of allies' shade
on a brown gabardine suit adds a note of distinc
tion to the whole. This is shown for. $27.50.
Green Broadcloth
with beaver fur used around the collar, the front
and bottom of the swinging box coat of a dress suit,
is quite smart. ItIs priced at $39.50.
Other suits $19.50, $21.50, $29.50, $37.50
Fourth Floor, Fifth Street.
T Junior -Jats
Especially attractive are some of the little
dress models, trimmed in fur and little French
flowers. One exactly as sketched. $5-$13.
Little Crushers
in Balmacaan style of different colored tweeds
at $1 and $1.25.
Corduroys for school in black, blue and brown
."!... lams of velvet and plush at 950.
Fourth Floor, Sixth Street.
Th& Cualit Store of portlawd
riftl, SixUv Ttorrisoiy Alder fits.
Single and Double
Early Tulips
Extra large bulbs that give
beauty of form and brilliancy
if color. By blending contrast-v
ing colors a most startling ef
fect may be obtained. The col
ors are white, red and yellow;
pink, yellow and red.
Price, dozen, 2O0; each, 2
Fine Named Varieties
Early Tulips
A 11 large selected bulbs
"Artus," deep scarlet, early,
very fine, dozen, 25.
"Chrysolora," clear yellow,
very large, dozen, 25.
"Pottebakker," pure white,
very fine, dozen, 25.
"Yellow Prince," fine, pure
yellow, dozen, 25.
"Rose Gris de Sin," fine, del
icate rose, dozen, 250. -"La
Reine," white, tinged
with rose, dozen, 250.
"Prince of Austria," deep
orange, dozen, 250.
"Thomas Moore," extra f ine,v
dozen," 250.
"Gloria Solis," deep red and
yellow, dozen, 250. '
"Couronne d'Or," fine double
yellow, dozen,' 5O0.
"Rubra . Maxina,"- crimson
scarlet, dozen, 250.
"Murillo," magnificent blush
white, dozen, 250.
Single or Double
for bedding or forcing.
colors are red, rose, pink,
pure white, dark blue, light
blue, blush white, yellow, pur
ple all extra large bulbs. Per
doz. 5O0; each, 50.
Vane's Jinen ablets
All sizes, ruled and plain,
10c Linen t-nvelopes to match
above, package 80.
25c Bicycle and Narrow Bridge
Playing Cards 190.
5c Dozen "500" Score Cards, 3
dozen for 100.
50c Elite Check Stationery, in
the newest shape envelopes,
special, box 390.
Crane's 15c quality.
50c Highland, Linen Corre
spondence Cards, white with
gold and silver edge, also
new tints, box 440.
25c Children's Stationery with
fancy pictures, box 190.
15c Dennison's plain white
napkins, 100 for 1O0.
5c Rolls Wax Paper, 3 for lOe
First Floor, Sixth Street.
Hw They J)o Wear!
qpvvo-pant guits CJ
Most of the advertising we get on
these five dollar suits is the word-of-mouth
from enthusiastic mothers!
Good-looking Norfolk styles in a
great variety of patterns and fabrics.
Two pairs of full-lined knickerbockers
; with every suit. All sizes, 6 to 18 years.
Satisfy yourself by comparing them with
Huits at higher prices. Then youH see
what supreme value they are at f 5.
Boys' Overcoats, $5
Light and heavy-weight overcoats in a
wide range of fabrics and coloring. Ages
2 to 12 years..
New "Sampeck" Suits and Overcoats
More arrivals this week. Every garment reflects that dis
tinction which puts "Sampeck" in a class by itself. $7.50 to
$16.50. Third Floor. Fifth Street.
The War Did Not Delay Our Annual
S2f 50,000 HsHasJ Bslte
The news will be welcomed by thousands of Portland women
who depend on this sale each year for their hyacinths, tulips,
narcissus, daffodils, etc.
The 50,000 extra large, sturdy bulbs that we offer today have
just come through direct from Hillegon, Holland. Early plant
ing for both bedding and forcing is advisable.
Named Varieties
Extra Fine Hyacinths
specially selected bulbs; very
large and fine. Dozen 750. :
"Gertrude" fine rosy pink.
"L'Innocence" early , pure
"Roi des Beiges" early
bright red.
"Grand Maitre" deep por
celain blue.
"Baron von Tuyll" splendid
"King of the Blues" deep
glossy blue extra fine.
. "Queen of the Blues"
azure blue.
"Lord Balfour" deep red.
"King of the Yellows"
deep golden yellow.
Roman Hyacinths
Dozen 60c
Single Narcissus or
extra selected bulbs.
"Empress," bi-color, rich yel
low trumpet, deep primrose
perianth, per dozen, 250.
"Princeps," sulphur trumpet,
white perianth, per dozen,
Double "Von Sion," double
yellow, trumpet, yellow per
ianth, dozen, 250.
Giant Crocus, in white, yel
low, blue and mixed, per dozen
Sweet-scented Jonquils, sin
gle, per dozen, 100; double,
dozen, 200.
fine for planting in pots or
boxes and forcing. Bloom early
and freely.