Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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A CHARMING Informal bridge party
was the diversion of yesterday
afternoon given by Mrs. J. Wesley
Ladd to honor" Mrs. Frank. Fey (Eliza
beth Freeman), who has recently re
turned from San Francisco Guests
were asked for five tables of the game,
and card honors fell to Mrs. C. Edward
Grelle, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell, Mrs.
Gay Lombard, Mrs. Bert Ball and Miss
Hirsch. An artistic arrangement of
.lovely Ophelia roses decked the rooms
and were also used on the tea table,
which was presided over by Mrs. Wells
Gilbert and Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols.
Complimentary to Miss Louise Rams
dell, whose wedding will be an event of
Friday night Mrs. D. E. Bowman pre
eided at a charming luncheon yester
day, followed by cards. The table was
artistically adorned with a huge bowl
of chrysanthemums, yellow being the
keynote of the color scheme, which also
will be the predominating tone in the
bridal arrangements. Dainty Colonial
corsage bouquets marked covers for
Miss Ramsdell. Misses Ada Otten, Nor
ma Redman, Janet Hoi ie, Ethel Gil
ford, of Chicago, all of whom will be
bridesmaids at the wedding; Miss
Grace Kern, Miss Edna Mott. Mrs. J. A.
Mott. Mrs. Thomas M. Ramsdell. Mrs.
Frank P. Tlbbets. Mrs. Nelson Walker
MrB. Welrose R. Kaser and the hostess.
Miss Norma Redman won the prise for
high score.
Today, at the Ramsdell. about 20 old
friends of Mrs. Ramsdell, who were I
present at her wedding in Milwaukee,
ner former home, will be guests of the
bride-elect at luncheon.
Mrs. John Player, of Chicago, and
Miss Ethel Gifford. also of Chicago, a
cousin of Miss Louise Ramsdell, ar
rived Wednesday to attend the wedding
of the latter to" R. J. Himmelwright on
Friday evening.
Mr. Himmelwright will arrive in
Portland on Monday from New York,
and the young people will be extensive
ly feted.
The popularity of the dinner-dances
et Waverley Country Club on Saturday
evenings is responsible for the contin
uance of these affairs during the Fall.
The committee has agreed to have a
Fall series of these functions, and to
night's affair promises to be quite gay.
Many of the young belles and beaux
who devote Saturday afternoons to
playing golf remain out for the din
ner, and the informality of the events
particularly appeal to the men who
have been on the links all day.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bain, Jr., have
Just returned from San Francisco and
have taken an apartment at the Nor
tonia. A baby daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos S. Benson
on October 5.
Mrs. William I Powell's card party
yesterday for Miss Nell Bayly was a de
lightful affair. About 20 of the young
matrons and maids played In the game
of "hearts" and attractive prizes were
awarded the high scorers. The rooms
were prettily decked with Cecil Bruaer
roses and Enchantress carnations, sim
ilar blossoms also adorning the tables
from which the refreshments were
In addition to the honor guests, there
were Mrs. Ralph Robinson, Mrs. Clifton
Davis. Miss Alice Gram. Miss Neva
Eonnewell, Mrs. J. H. Cudlipp, Mrs. Har
old Watson, Miss Dorothea Wagner,
Miss Ruth Plummer, Misses Mildred
Bnd Ella Camp, Mrs. Stewart J. Moore,
Miss Angie Owen, Miss Beulah Hayes,
Miss Marjorie Cameron, Mrs. Harold
Rayner and Miss Gladys Slgel.
Today Miss Neva Bonnewell will entertain-
for the much-feted bride-to-be.
Mrs. R. M. Tuttle will entertain the
Wellesley Alumnae Club this afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at her home.
The John Kollock residence on Coun
cil Crest Drive has been leased to Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Babcock. Mr. Babcock
has been in Vancouver, B. C. for the
past four years practicing architecture
and interior decorating, but on account
of the war depression in Canada, has
come to Portland to make his home
and has gone into business with Miss
M. Elinor Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Babcock visited Port
land last January, stopping at the Mal
lory Hotel.
Mrs. J. Q. R. Daniels has returned to
her home on Portland Heights after
passing a month in California. John
Quincy Daniels, Jr., who accompanied
his mother south, is attending school
In the East.
Mrs. A. W. Person gave an informal
tea Thursday for Mrs. E. H. Bell. Dur
ing the afternoon Mrs. Bell gave an
entertaining talk on the Fletcher music
method, which she illustrated with ap
paratus and piano numbers.
Mrs. J. F. Batchelder, of Hood River,
Tvas the house guest of Dr. and Mrs. J.
A. B. Sinclair tor the wedding of Miss
Rixey to Lieutenant Gibson, which was
performed Thursday evening at their
home. v
Rev. and Mrs. Oswald W. Taylor
entertained the members of Grace
Memorial parish last night at a re
ception at their home in Alameda
Park. It was attended by several
hundred parishioners.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hull are
lieing felicitated upon the arrival of
a son, Tuesday morning.
By a D oyd. v
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Photos by C. Elmore Grove.
proposing a standardized evening dress, sprinkled generously throughout the
l-'ajthiuuM and the War.
IT seems rather far fetched to connect
the question of dress in any serious
way with the war. Yet as one of the
fcy-products of the conflict now raging
we may find the matter of how we shall
clothe ourselves in the future affected
to quite a remarkable degree.
Ephemeral fashions we shall have in
Plenty from the war. We will proba
bly be decked tvlth military braid and
buttons. We shall wear headgear that
Smacks of Tommy Atkins and the land
f Tarn o" Shanter. Our coats will proba
bly have the lines of military jackets
r the fascinating swing of military
rloaks. Our skirts will be kilted,
l-'rom head to foot we will in a dainty
iciiiinine way ue military.
But these changes are neither per.
judical, nor important. z these were
mil in the matter of dress that the war
Js likely to bring in, the subject would
not be worth considering. But there Is
possibility that something of far
srreater consequences will come out of
the war. In a word, there is the talk
now of a standardised dress.
In London a movement to bring this
wuuui is uireaay on loot. Those back
r it say tnat the terriflc financial ex
penaiture going on means that for
j ears to come the strictest economv
will be necessary for everyone. And the
nrst point at which to begin this econ
omy, suy the promoters of the move
jnent, is dress.
So they are tackling the problem to
see If something cannot be done to re
duce the cost of fashionable dressing.
As a step toward this end they arc
Men, they say, have a standard for so
cial wear, why not women? They are
also urging the adoption of some stan
dard form of headwear. And again they
draw attention to the fact that man's
headwear is standardized.
If a reduction in the cost and labor
of keeping up with fashion would re
sult from the war, surely it would be
a thing to give thanks for. It would
be a difficult thing to bring about, for
women in these matters are whimsical
and self-indulgent. But the iron hand
of necesssity is being laid upon them
and they may yield to this when noth
ing else would compel acquiescence.
And though this may seem an incon
sequential thing to evolve from the
chaos now reigning, it will If occom-
pllshed have a tremendous effect on
life as the years go by. It will free
woman from much that now shackles
her; from much that takes her earn
ings, her time, her energy. It will lib
erate her for endeavor in more worth
while directions.
By Edith KntcktHolmes.
naming the three elements nec
essary for the promotion of per
sonality, Mrs. Kate Upson Clark, of
Brooklyn, who spoke before the Port
land Woman's Club yesterday, said:
The first is health. The Lord never
made us to be invalids. The corset.
the dotted veil and the high-heeled
shoe are foolish. Women of the West
should set the fashions. The West
ern women have such good sense.
Don't lose it. Cultivate individuality
by yourselves. Imitation is death to
The second requisite named by Mrs.
Clark was an education and thw third
religion. 'I don't care what your re
ligion is, but you must have spiritual
force," she said.
Sincerity and courage were urged by
the speaker as attributes to be cul
tivated -constantly.
The subject of the day was "Can
Personality Be Cultivated?" and in
answer to this Mrs. Clark said: "If
you want anything, if you feel that in
your character and general makeup
you lack some element, pray for it,
work for it, strive constantly for it
and I feel sure you will get it"
Personality, she said, is far above
good looks. "I've known men to fall
in love with very plain girls who had
personality," she said.
To the mothers of boys and girls
of college age she gave this advice:
"Educate your young people out here.
xoey can learn just aa well in the
West as in the East. And I know
what I'm talking about, because I had
three sons graduated from Yale."
Delightful wit and humor were
speaker s address and at the close of
the programme phe was honored at
an informal reception.
Yesterday was the first social meet
ing of the club for the season. It was
an open meeting and Mrs. B. J. Frankel,
the president, announced that all the
women present who were not members
were invited to join. The club had
let down its bar of exclusiveness. Any
woman was welcome.
At the opening of tjie session, Mrs.
Russell Dorr, chairmaff of the music
committee, gave the plans of the com
mittee. It will be their aim to give
a few minutes of the time allotted to
music to an analysis of the work to be
presented and some comments on the
composer. The music will be made an
educational and inspiring feature.
Hartridge Whipp gave four English
and three German songs. Mrs. Whipp
accompanied him.
Mrs. G. B. McLeod presided as social
chairman for the first time and was as
sisted in receiving by Mrs. J. C. Hare.
Mrs. Milton Wurzweiler, Mrs. O W
Olson and a few others. The decora-
were in Autumn foliage
The Hawthorne Parent-Teacher Cir
cle will hold its annual rally day meet
Toom 20' awthorne School
Wednesday, at 2:30 P. M.. with the
follow:ng programme: Short business
meeting, reports of committees, talk
by Professor E. J. Hadley on '"What
the Co-operation of Parents and
Teachers Can Do for Our School "
V.? M- LePPr on "What the
fc.ast Side Business Men's Club is do
ing for our school." Inspection of the
Juvenile Home work done by the
children of the school to be followed by
a reception by the February 16 gradu
ating class under the direction of Miss
Hamilton, Miss Gray, Miss Billings and
the committee from the Circle. Re
freshments will be served.
The Shakespeare department of the
Portland Woman's Club will meet on
Tuesday at 2 o'clock in Women of
Woodcraft Hall.
All members of "Back-to-the-Home
committees are urged to attend the
meeting to be held in the Library
tonight in room G. The time set is
7:45 o'clock, sharp.
Mount Scott Mental Culture Club
has issued an attractive little vear
book that is a credit to the organiza
tion. Mrs. John J. Handsaker is president.
Dinner-dance at Waverley 1
Country Club.
Card party for Miss Nell Bayly
this afternoon with Miss Neva
Bonnewell as hostess. t
Meeting St. Gerard Society at I
home of Mrs. W. S. Ridgely this I
afternoon. .4
Professional Woman's League i
luncheon. Hotel Mallory, 1 o'clock,
Mrs. Kate Upson Clark, honored t
guest. J
Committees from all Parent-
Teacher circles. Library, tonight
7:45 o'clock, "back-to-the-home"
meeting. 4
Oregon Students Begin Sending In
Contest Compositions.
The Portland Ad Club is alreadv
hearing from students of the public
scnoois and universities of the state
in connection with Its prize offer for
the best three songs on the subject of
loganberry juice.
Although the first announcement of
the contest was made only last Sun
day, three or four songs have alreadv
arrived. The prizes are 125 for the
best song. 75 for the next best, and
150 for the third best. Contestants
have until the night of October 31 to
turn in their verses.
George E. Waggoner, chairman of
the Ad Club committee which offers
the prizes In connection with a state
wide campaign to advertise the logan
berry industry through the country,
has sent data on the contest to all
newspapers in the state. Contestants
should send their verses to Portland
Ad Club, Multnomah Hotel. Portland.
"' I '''
It! 5-l
it i i
II "1
Which do you prefer the work of the master, the
originator or a copy, the work of an imitator? In which
lies your protection?
TWA fjFZZ'7t
From an ordinary inspection you might think both were
the same. But you soon realize that the similarity is all in
form nothing in substance.
Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is the original ground chocolate, supreme
in quanty Decause it is maae ngnt tne right proportions of the finest
cocoa and pure sugar so blended as to please the most exacting taste.
The trade mark and label protect you against an inferior article. Be
sure to order from your grocer
k V;
pjj Ground Oiclate tm
In 14 lb., 1 lb. and 3 lb. hermetically sealed cans. MM
H Mi I There's a double economy in buying the 3 lb. can.
! Since 1852 SAN FRANCISCO Mr
101 Bar" Will Dispense Drinks That
Will Be Popular In Oreson When
the State Goes Dry.
"Joyous Pavilion."
This is the latest feature to be added
to the second annual Manufacturers'
and Land Products Show.
In the Davis-street annex of the
Armory will be assembled the conces
sionaires and it is there will be found
many attractions not scheduled on the
daily programme.
The exposition management has de
cided to permit concessions and con
cessions are wanted, and for the next
few days the Industries and manufac
turers' bureau at the Chamber of Com
merce would like to hear from anyone
with an attractive, selling privilege or
features suitable for concession row.
In the exposition will be the "1916
Bar." another feature of this year's
show. Fixtures from one of the saloons
in the business district, recently closed,
will be moved to the- Armory and all
drinks to be featured next year, when
Oregon, will be a dry state, will be
served over the bar.
Temporary buildings to take care of
exhibits for the coming exposition
are rapidly nearing completion and
Eleventh street from Couch to Davis
and on Davis to Tenth street is th
scene of great activity. The Eleventh
street structure is 260x73 feet, with an
extension. 190 feet, in length on Davis
City AV1II Make Move In Plan for
Eliminating Grade Crossings.
Final preliminaries leading up to the
commencement of actual proceedings
ior tne elimination of the O.-w. R. & N.
grade crossings from the head of Sulli-
vans Gulch to the city limits will be
completed next week when the city
rormaiiy will take over Barr road west
of Eighty-second street, from the
This will be followed by the filing of
the plans and specifications for the
project, involving an expenditure of
aoout 3750,000.
RoGcburg Gives Teacliers Reception.
ROSEBURG, Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.)
Jenning's Saturday Specials
, Offer Unusual Value for You
Today's Opportunity Is Indeed Worth While Brown WTiite Lined
Guernsey Earthenware
RegTilar Price $2.25
Superior to the best French and English ware
with each Set.
No Telephone Orders None C O. D. No Deliveries
Basement Salesroom
A Cook Book Free
Henry. Jenning & Sons
The Food Drink For All Age Highly Nutrition and Convenient
fucn miiK witn malted grain extract,in powder form dissolves
1 i?terTS?01? hesi!thf ul than tea or coffee. Used in training
athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids;
and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digestion.
fon"HORUOXS-at Hotels, Restaurants. Fountain.
TXZ-rSS1 w iU A'80 keep it at home. A lunch in a minute.
In Lunch Tablet form, lo, ready to eat. Convenient nutrition
Musical numbers, addresses and many
other entertainment features marked
the reception held at the Methodist
Church here Wednesday night in honor
of the non-resident schoolteachers in
attendance at the Institute. More than
250 teachers were present at the re
ception. Including several members of
the faculties of the University of Ore
gon and Oregon Agricultural College.
Texas hns Tr3.oo mules.
Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition
' San Francisco, 1915
Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition
San Diego, 1915
For Flavor and Quality
maker's Cocoa
Is Just Right
It has the delicious taste and
natural color of high-grade
cocoa beans; it is skilfully
prepared by a perfect me
chanical process; without the
use of chemicals, flavoring or
artificial coloring matter. It
is pure and wholesome, con
forming to all the National
and State Pure Food Laws.
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts
Better Be Sure
Than Lucky
To know that every Cake or
Biscuit you make with
is going to raise is surely better
than an occasional lucky bake
Grocers Sell Crescent Baking