IS TITK 310RXIXG OREGOMAN, . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1915. 1 3 V situations wanted female. EDUCATED, refined teacher wants care ol on or two children ; w ill tutor; $12 to $15 month: A-l l'.fcrencen. Main Toil, A 1517. COM PET KN 7 iiouse work. colored girl Main 3:145. hunts general WAMtD TO RENT. UOUMS. WANTED Very responsible party wants to lease a large, modem house in good resi dence district. West Side only. Would consider buying f location and prW s'llTd. K 14:;, uregonlan. WANTED To lease unfurnished modem houB'- of S or 9 rooms; sleeping-porch and garage preferred; state rent. N 137, Oro Sonian HAVK several good tenants for bungalows and houses. (Jail rental dept.. 269 Stark, near 4th. HARTMAN & THOMPSON "WANTED Small modern house or bunga low, in Irving ton. near Broadway cariine. AlMin fc-4-'7. W'AXTED Weil furnished house of 6 or 8 rooms ; modern ; in ust be reasonable. AR 130. Oregonian. 4-ROOM flat, furnished. 15 minutes fro in M asonlr Temple. A 1 , 1 44. Oregon! an. Rooms LADY wants light H. K. room, heated, quiet place; close in.K 137, Oregonian. " Rooms With Board. WANTED. Board and room in private fam ily who don't use mesrt nr lard, by vege tarian. Kenyon. Main 0051. Business Places. WANTED To rent barn or warehouse for storing equipment. Broadway 1769. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. UlRHY, please, if you intend to live with us this Fall and Winter. Less than a dozen rooms remain unfilled. It is the home likeness of this hotel, the ptano In the parlor, the flowers and music by day and the peace and quiet by night that bring many permanent guests. We can accommodate a few more. HOTEL. VERNON. 103 12th st., near Washington. HOTEL, BRISTOL 12TH AND STARK. Lurge, clean, comfortable rooms, prl-a-e baths, individual telephone, electric lights, steam beat ; single rooms $2 per week and up, with bath $3.00 and up. Thoroughly respectable Entrance on 12th streot. HOTEL. ELACKSTONE, Corner 11th and Stark, (3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold, water; steam heat, telephone connection In each room; no extra rhaiso for two in a room; room and bafi SI day: transient solicited. HOTEL. ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam bill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable ' and strictly modern. Room rats $1 per day. $4 per week. With prl vate bath $1.50 per day. $5.50 per week. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms In ail parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower barns, at $1.50 to $-.75 per week, rioublo. with Individual beds; or $2.50 to $4.50 per week single. HOTEL OCKLEtf, Morrison st.. at 10th Central location ; REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; week ly, $2.."0 up; neat rooms, running water, freo phono and baths; steam heat. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 u Washington st. ; fireproof ; ideal location; steam hoat. running hot and cold water, phones, baths, all outside, clean, quiet rooms; $2.50 week up; 6'c day up. H O T E L CON R AD I N E. 10th st. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation: respectable and strictly modern: fireproof building. elevator and large lobby. Rooms $3 per week and up. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX Cu 7 V -209 4th st. Rooms with private bathe $1 per day; special ratos to perma r nt gues: select now for Winter; plenty tf steam heat and hot water. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington. Family hotel ; hot and coM water and phone in every room; rooms without bath, $10 up. with bath, $15 up. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand avc. audE. Bel mont Rooms $10 mouth, $20 up with private bath; large, pleaeant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East 323. HOTEL BUSHMARK, 17th and Wash. Com pletely furnished, modern, 2-room apart ments, private bath, free telephone, heat, light and gas; $3 per week. ETHELTON HOTEL, 1056 32TH ST. Modern, special reductions on all rooms; $J per week and up. Marshall 2700. "NEW brick, tl-rooni, high-class, most com plete in Portland; 2lst and Uverlon; must i.e seen. Main SO or S1U4. XTX R R A B E E HOTEL Modern. quietwarm, clean, tn walking distance, $1.70 week and up. 227 ' Lurrabee. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2G9 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472, A 47S3. HOTEL NORK1S. 533i Alder. Modern out side rooms. $2 per week up. MAXWELL Hall. 207 14th ; strictly modern; use of parlor : real home, $2 up. M. 1103. 6T A NOISI 1 OTE l754s W ash. st. S te a m lieated outride rooms $2 pT week up. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. WELL-ARRANGED slet ping-room for two gentlemen: free phone, bath and heat; waiking distance:' $12. 32S Mill. FOR RENT Room with fireplace, sleeping porch, beautifully furnished modern home; references wanted. Woodiawn Mil. 475 MO It 71 1 SON Large, single, newly ren ovated, ail conveniences, reasonable; also Housekeeping. KLEICPING porch. large room connecting, suitable 2 gentlemen; modern. 5K0 Salmon, opposite Multnomah Club. Main "21 7'.. FURNISHED rooms, clean, newly tinted, warm, c1oe In, 244 1 Broadway South. DESIRABLE front room reasonable. 123 E. 19th. cor. Alder. East 3124. LARGE, well furnished attic room, modern, reasonable. 404 Clay St. FRONT suite or single room, modern, good 'ocuiion. Marshal! 4753. 745 Hoyt. J2 12TH Parlors, single rooms: heat, hot water; walking distance. Main iS LOVELY front room, refined faintly. Home comforts. References. Mam 3i49. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett, FURNISHED room for 2 or '3 men. TeL K:wt. tlSll KENT, day or week, largo room, double oppos'te Public Library. Main 93 . 0. bed. FOR S.V LiC Uoomir.g-Iiouso. full, $2 lmU 10iv. Mar- M'ltMSHKD rooms $1.50 per week up; nice housekeeping rooms also. 1S9 West Park. STEAM-HKATED ROOM in modern apt7; pniall. suitable for gentleman. Mar. 2536. "NEATLY, furnishfd bedroom; walking di stance, pnone, ,l..tu por weeic. 425 Oth I'nfnrnfshed Rooms. "WO large rooms; private entrance, s running water, nil conveniences?. Mar. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carline, 10 minutes from business center ; price in accord with frcttral business conditions. 23-1 and L'ojt sts. Marshall SM. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. .n excellont residential hotel ; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main f-'SS. A 662$. ALEXANDRA COURT, ;.3 ELLA STREF.T. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A SJ11. Main 4S1 1. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Wh (tehalt, 253 Sixth st., has fine table beard, modern rooms, sun parlor, a real home ; reasonable rates. ROBERTA. Room and board, $5.50 and up; all con veniences and home cooking. 141 Lowns JaK cor. Alder. ARE just opening the dining-room and fur nish board and room for $22. 5o a month snd ip at the Rain um" Hotel. Phone 3143. THE MAMTOIT. L'tll 13TH ST. Vnder former managament. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. THE STR Y K ER, 554 COUCH Rooms with board, simile or en suite; reasonable. . Rooms A it h Uoard in Pri v at e Family. ATTRACTIVE outside room, with excel lent board. Every modern convenience walking distance. Main 7720. ToUR business girls or students. $4 week up. "Anna L wis" Hall. 51 o Flanders st. liKAt'TIFt'L large rooms, with board, up. Main rt"l. 501 Harrison, near 11th. HOOMS with hoard, walking distance, m ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. &:i5 11TH Attractive, large rooms. iourd ; West Side. Main 72L".. WANTED 2 or 3 children my home; good ref ernces. to care for in Scllwood 2371. FURNISHED R OO M . with h oa rd out: 1 12th si. Main OUSS. NICE room and board, homo priviWges. rea sonable: walking distance. East 129. ROOM with board, for two: rates'reasonable ' use of p'.ar.o if desired. Phone K. 59j. FIRST-CLASS 'room and board in private nomf. i5 . -ist. Main . $lo- H ANDSOM ELY furnLhed front room. 4;H 10th st. Main 32W. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in refined private family; modern, steam heat, run ning wattr in room, large parlors and use of piano; very pretty home; excellent table; man and wife preferred; reier--.iioe. East 6422. IF YOU care to live iu a home-like place, close In. with new bedding, airy, pleasant rooms and the best of whole same foods prepared by one who knows how. ca.i Main 4341. BEAUTIFUL, larga room, newly furnished: hot and cold water, attain heat, twin beds. 2 dressers, every convenience, good board, Li minutes walk to postoffice. Main 3M. .'.01 Harrison, near 34th. LARGE, attractive room, suitable for 2, modern, home cooking, walking distance, 2 blocks to car; very reasonaole. 81 Fre mont. 66 LUOHETIA ST. Front corner room: home cooking; use of ptano and all borne Privileges. Marshall 5360. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, excellent board in modern home, reasonable. Mar shall 102&. ONE. two and three furnished H. K. rooms, clean, modern, close in, reasonable. 3b t College st. A 3AS. LARG3, attractive, front room; runnlns water, home cooking; 1 or 2 gentlemen; very reasonable; central. 2R1 W. Park. EXCELLENT meals daintily served at rea sonable prices. 3t2a Hark, opposite Lin coln High. Marshall 650. ROOM loth. and board, private Marshall 5305. family, 230 h ROOM and board, 3.J2 10th. Main Ci7l. noma comforts and modern. Walking distance. Furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and. service. New features: BALLROOM. BILLIARD AND CAItDROOMS, LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, 10th and Salmon Sts. THECKOMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank store, good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. KATES REASONABLE. DAY WEEK MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMBNTS. 186 Vista ave., nrar 23d and ' Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or silver. Reason able. Walking distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. J -tii and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE ALT A MONT. Fifth and College. Clean. ' cozy, threo and four-room fur nished apartments; rents reasonable. Alro bachelor apartments. Heat, water, phone and Janitor service Included. - HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St., Near Washington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building: private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; irom 51 1 .on per month up. ALT A APARTMENTS. E. 29TH AND ASH ST. Furnished three rooms and bath, $15 ana ah ouisiae rooms; water fur nished. AIL new furnishing and new building. L. R. BAILEY CO., Mar. 64ft. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Cor. Park and Tavlor. Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room suites; nest j ovation in city; reasonable. THE AVALON. Furnished, or unfurnished 3-room anart tnents; linen, silverware, private phone and Imth, d?eplng porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S. cor uer Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-room fur. ants.. Slo mo. uu. Hot and cold water. Jie-at, light and bath furnished. One week's rent tree with first month's rent in ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 4441. 4TH AND LINCOLNVAPTS. .-room apis., $18 to 25, Including pri vate phone, bath. Iik lits and steam huat. La unary room with steam dryer. Garage convenient. iiain Uii. a !.. WESTFAL, 410 5th St., elegantly furn. and unfurn. 3 and 4-room apts., automatic eievator, easy walking distance, most rea sonable rent; day, week or month.; $20 to $Su. Main 2U7U. BARON APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished, firit- claas; reasonable rates. Main iidt. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms: light, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; $20 to $25.0O. Main b757. HISLO? HALL. cor. East 6th and Haw thorne, 2 and 3-room apts., private baths and phone; also single rooms; well f ur- nisneu; up. mone t.ast aej. MADISON PARK APTS., Park st.. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in; by week or month. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett bet. 20 ih and Ella sts. furnished 3-room apts. ; with or without sieepiug-porch; modern. SHEFFIELD APTS. 270 Broadway South one 3-room apt.. $20; one 4-room apt., all outside rooms, tine view of city a Mount Hood, 530. Main 250O. A 3141. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished; hardwood floors, walking distance; $22.50. Main 124&. NICELY furnished 2 and 3-room ants. - steam heat, electric lights, etc; rate $12 to as tn st. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate in city. corner jx. jam ana ortnrup. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 2SS 11TH Modern furnished two-room apartments. $2u up; close in. juain zzso. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12Lh St. By the cay. week or month; modern, close to P. O.; reasonable; rel. Marshall 20o2. NEW Hart Automatic elevator, phones, lights. Bteam, gas, linen, hot water, $2.50 to $0 week. luVs 2d, on Mor.. 4th floor. THE ARCADIA, OG Everett, near 22d t. Modern, clean, safe, refined; two and three looms, $20 up; single rooms. BANNER APTS. Furnished 2-room suites; modern. steam heat; 2.5o to $4 per week. 4S0 Clay St.. 14th and Clay. BJELLAND APARTMENTS, -40th and Love- joy Choicest 3 ana 4-room furnished apts, rates the lowest. GRANDESTA East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phono E. 20S. ARDMAY TERRACE. 3f5 12TH First-class a every respect; atiractiue rates. THE Woodmansee, furnished apartments; private baths; $10 to $20. lott N. lsth. CAM A R. 704 Lovejoy 3-room front apt. Also ;;-rm. basement. $lb. Marshall 2S17. NEW furnished apartments; concrete block. xiu ana 9 j ::. ii44 '.i union ave. a. CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2 rma. $14.50 up; lisht and heat. 328 Mill SL ARLINE APTS., 220 N. 1' th. Main 215. reasonable. and ..-room apartments. Unfurnished Apartments. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. 4 and 5-room unfurnished. Main 2086. 13th and Jefferson. THE IRVING. Modern 4 arid 5-room unfurnished apart ments, all outside rooms, steam heat, phone, bath each apartment, ample closet room, veranda, hail" block to carline ; stores jusL around the corner; references required. Phone Marshall 274S. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt. 3 and 4-room Unf urnished Apts. N S2J..-.0 to $37.50. Exclusive residence district, near schools and shopping district; splendid car service. THE WICKERSHAM. ISTH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautlfnl 3 and t-room apartments: all outside rooms; Ideal location; see these beiore locating for the Winter; prices Tea sonHble. 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St. Most modern and fashionable a part -mem-house in Portland ; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7-room unfurnished apart ments. LIGHT rooms, bath. 2 closets, gas range, water heater, phone, water, private base ment and tubs. 551 E. Yamhill. East 1710. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Now is th time to secure high-grade p-rmanent apartments; references. Mar. E 53, ROSE FRIEND, corner E roadway and'.TVf ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-das service. prU ate phone:- ref. ROOSEVELT. ti70 Kearney t. 5 rooms. 25 lind $30 attractively arranged. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson, rooms, reasonable. Mar. R3'i0. CONVENIENT steam-heated 5S7 E. Main. apartment at FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments, BRAND NEW TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. COR, JSTH AND COUCH STS Nob Hill district, one block from Wash ington st. J ust completed and ready for occupancy Sept- L A modern 5-story, firt proof brick betiding, of class and refine ment, desiraLiy located; ample closet space; hardwood floors, tile bathrooms, shower baths, electric ranges. hoosier kitcnen cabinets, balconies, private pa ones, latest lighting fixtures. For reservations apply ou premises. References required. Prices moderate. FURDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford St.. at Washington. The most, elegant and best nmshed 3. 4 and o-rooin apartments in the city. Fin ished in oak ana mahogany, hardwood ti'Kirs, elegant piumbing, tiled baths and very mofltro convenience. - 3 room and bath. io.00 up. 4 room ana bath, $27. 5o up. ft room and bath. $42.50 up. KlNCuBCRl' APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, finj location, unsur passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCBETIA COURT, on Lucretia St., HK feet north or 23d and Washington; most beautifully located, high-class apartments, 2 and u rooms; all large outside rooms;' 2 apartments newly furnished; prices reasonable; references re quired; see them before locating. Man ager, Marshall 1513. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Nortnrup. amidst Portland's select residences; six outsl'.e rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; modern service; references. Main 4008. " ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and East Stark Brick bidg., strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apts., all outside rooms private phones, janitor service, reasonable rent; refs. MODERN apartments, 4 rooms, bath, and sleeping porches. Facing Peninsula Park, One block from car. 1 o quire 1 56 Ains worth ave. IONIAN COURT. 1STH AND COUCH. 3 and 4-room apartments, unfurnished, all modern conveniences, walking distance, rents reasonable. Main 1192. STEVENS APT.. 6 large outside rooms, front and back; private porches and sleeping porch, heat, hot water and phone. yi Nor thru p. near 24th. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, Jarge, light o, 0-room, reasonable. Dletz, Main 7516. A 2676. Fuminhed or Unfurnished Apartments. MuKGAN, FLIKDNER & BOYCE. 13-S21 Morgan Bidg. Furnished and unturuisheu apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving r urnisncu ana uuiurnisitt n apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator. Disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt., $1. Phone Mar shall 2061. STKLWYN APARTMENTS. VERY HIGH i. LASS, elegantly furnished apartments, linen and silver, sleeping porches, while enameled woodwork ;' very modern; refer ence required. 106 St. Clair St., cor. Wash, Marshall 2Q30. THE DEZENDOilF, 208 16th Si.. Near Taylor. 4 and 5 rooms, furn. and unfurn. apts., walking distance, fine view, all outside roomf, everything first-class; reteren-es. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk og distance: references. M. lOwl, M 152. """" TRLNITY PLACE APARTMENTS THE HOUSE OF TONE. 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE M ' RSH.VLL 1101. SH EFFIELD Apartments, 270 Broadway 6 nlocKti to business center; nest location in Portland; furnished and unfurnished; all rates reduced. Main 25U6. A 3149. CLAYPOOLE APARTMENTS, corner 11th and Clay 2 rooms, furnished, $20; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close In, splen did, well-kept building. CLARK ETON Furnisl.ed and unfurnished apartments, all outride rooms, new nod niodoi n East 5721. ttOO E Ankeny, near E. 26th t. RO CITY PARK. 3-room apartment, pinug-porcii, bath, heut, light, water. phone. $'J; private garuge. ' Tabor 504O. FL:RNlSltED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 V-t Killings orth ave. ; low rent, close to cars. Phone Woodla-wa 1007. WESTONIA APTS. New 3 furnished and unfurnished and 3 rooms, 00 b Glisan. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful Iron rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E 2to' KING-DAVIS APTS., rooms ; high -class; 54 King st. 3 and 4 references. Main 2058. LAMB ROOK. East 7th and Yamhill, clean, comfortable, desirable 1, 2 and 3 rooms. 4 AND 5-ROOM apts., with sleeping porches, 105 E. 15th, near Yamhill st. MEREDITH 3 and 4-roora apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. REX ARMS 13th and E. Morrison. 2 and U rooms; reasonable: modern service. Flats. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. Nice 4-room flat; sleeping-porch, front porch, heat and hot water, gas rane, wall bed, newly tinted, clean ; only $25. 303 E. 21st., at Hawthorne. 6-ROOM lower and 5-room upper, all con veniences. Private. Excellent residence location. 260 E. 25th, near Hawthorne. East 1443. 3-ROOM LOWER FLAT 7&2 Glisau St.; hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nace; $20 per month. Call Main 2ul5. $22.50 West Side 6-room lower flat, near new Couch School; fireplace, furnace with hot water coil ; every convenience. See It today. 725 Kearney st., near 22d. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodiawn 202. BEAUTIFULLY located 5-room flat, with sleeping-porch. Reduced rent. 21st and Hawthorne. East 2417. COSY, modern 4 rooms uid bath, corner flat, walking distance; Dixon and Benton. Phone C 2021. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near A ins worth School, new fiat. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. $30. Mar. 4073. 6-ROOM FLAT West Side, close In; thor oughly modern. Main 937. 1100 N. W. Kante mag. MODERN 7-room fiat. 446 Park st. ; fire place and furnace ; $2o. M. B. Grenfelu Marshall 510O or E 4041. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 7.; Hoyt st. lu quire 130 6th ;t. Phoni? Mala 6278. MODERN 4 and 6 rooms, near City Park; reasonaoie. Jiain o..;. A e. $25 6-ROOM upper flat, fireplace, furnace, yard; 20th and Marshall. Main 3564. MODERN G and 7-room flat, close quir.- 18 16th st. SIX loveiy rooms, every modern conven ience; garage. 7i2 Kearney. Main 340. 7 AND 0-room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th. ana Mill. 4-to miil. .Main uij. 4-ROOM Ea&t 51 L, unfurnlahed, 311 Cherry st. private bath. G OR S-ROOM upper flat. Inquire 273 14th. FurniNhrd Flats. FINE four-room furnished flat. flrit floor; good neighborhood, two carlines and best jitney service in city; gas. bath, ni yard. 772 E. Taylor. East 5260; only $16, including water. FOR RENT A six-room upper flat, fur nished with all modern conveniences, gar age and water free; rent $18 per month. 1 S2 'i Gibbs. Take S car north or call Main 1511. FOR R ENT Large. 5-room flat, first No children. Phone light, well-f urnlshed floor, private house. E. 1327. 464 Flint at. FOR RENT 6-room furnished top flat. 306 .Market st. $ itt per montn. witn water. Apply Flat A. ELEGANTLY furnished. $20. steam heat. water, pnone. iw . z.u. marsnait MODERN 3-room flat, disappearing bed, sleeping porch, reasonable. Woodiawn 167 NEW. modern. 4 rooms, porch. y block from car. walking distance. oOs Market 4-ROOM modern, very convenient, private bath. 3S3 Ross, 2 blks. Bdwy. bridge, $16- NEAT, modern 4-room furnished flat, one unfurnished, reasonable. Woodiawn 24S2. -ROOM modern flat, 'close, in. low -ent. Main 4172. West Side; Housekeeping Rooms. NICE suite.s of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 KiUings- orth avc. cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodiawn 1907. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, week up : easy walking distance. Apts., 92 1 Grand avc East 6539 $1 ner Barber FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge bidg., 3d, cor. Morrison. THE ELMS. 191 14th st. 3 and Z rooms. clean, bath. pnone, itgnts. neat, i ud. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable GILMAN HOTELTlst and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap, $1.50 week up. 2 AND 3 rooms, lihL heat. bath. $10 to SI per month. 1 1 Grand ave. N. 1 LARGE front H. K. room, first floor, conveniences alt furnished. 45 Clay. LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close m. 1j Ho, uregonian. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 3 2th and Marshal. fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, batu, launury free; $3mouh upj clean place. Phone A 4560. Housekeeping Rooms In Pri vat Family. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite. steam heat, pi. one. electricity. . ot and cold waur In all rooms, walking dlsurnca. 3TO FURNISHED dining. sitting-room. with bedroom and kitchenette. 227 Chapman st. Marshall 315. f Clean 3-room front suite, free phone, $12 per month. 350 14th. THREE strictly mode mh oTTse keeping rooms. hot waterheat, $16. 781 Kearney. LARGE, clean H. K. apartments! beauti ful grounds, reasonable. 3S7 First su FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, atea. hea;. good location, cheap. S76 Yamhill. TWO nice rooms, kitchenette, fireplace, cheap, close in. 120 13th, near Wash. THREE ROOMS andk!tchenette, on Park, first floor. Marshall 455S. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping " rooms, with heat and electricity. 104 East ISth. IK V t NOT ON 3 or 4 furnished - or unfur nihed H. K. roomsr phone East 4 SOS. ONE largo housekeeping room, kitchenette, reasonable. 402 Clay. ONE iargc housekeeping room; kitchenette: reasonable. 4t0 Clay. CHEAP Neat housekeeping rooms. 1SS J 4th. Hous 4 rooms and bath, $ 6.00 4 rooms and bath, S.00 " rooms and bath, D.oo 0 rooms and bath, 3 2.00 7 rooms and bath, 12.t 7 rooms and bath, 20.(w All modern, nicely painted, tinted, cab inet kitchens, basements, etc; iu restrict ed districts. UMBDENSTOOK 4b LARSON CO., Broadway 165S. 3o6 Oak St- FOlt RENT OR SALE 5-room cottage, modern, heated by radiators, 00xioo lot. cherries, pears, apples, all kinds small fruit. View Mt. Hood. 12 minutes' ride to postoffice; West Side; 213 Miles s., Ful ton park. Owner leaving for East at once. $20 a month. Phone residence. Marshall 6143. Office, Broadway 267. SANITARIUM FOR RENT OR SALE. EAST SIDE. 15-room modern house, quiet, refined lo cation, every convenience, beautiful grounds, double garage, fine view; have doctors who will support proposi tin ; low rent, or will ell easy terms. Mrs.Parks, Clay pool Annex. Main i:;0 BKAUTIFU1. OLMSTED PARK HOME FOR RENT. Six rooms, sleeping porch and bath: every convenience built in; Just com pleted; hard wo 3d floors, white enamel fin ish. Corner 2ith mid Bryce ave The Ore gon Home Builde-.s, 13th floor N. W. Bank bidg. $20 2-room modern. 5.19 E. 47th st. N., Rose City. $-0 6-room, modern. Laurel hurst. $22.50 1 0-room, modern, 2-famiIy house, - 3 lots, Woodstock carlin. Call Mr. Wemmer. Main 4S1. IF YOU wish to rent a liuuseTflat or apart ment. eit ner furnished or unfurnished, ask us about our listings. Wo can suit you. M ALONE O. UCTCHINS CO.. Main 7592. SOS Spalding bidg. LAUP.ELHLRST home. almost new. dx rooms and "leepln porch. y0 Multnomah, near E 33d. 3 at one-. Th Oregon 3 3th floor X. w. Bank Home Builders, bidg. HAVE DECIDED to rent the bungalows In Alberta, finisned this Spring, r-nd to a desirable tenant, without children, will ask only $15. Owner, 1020 Yeon bidg. NEW, 4-room bungalow. with fireplace. breakfast alcove, cnnn.-rtfrt - ntni run fleshly tinted; one block from Hawthorne." 3i am $9 5-ROOM house, wai er paid, new, paint- eu ana paperea. uatti. not water, gas, fruit trees, 100x100, fenced, 2 blocks from car. 4231 53d ave. S. E. Marshall 3181 HAVE a very desirable house, lrin?toii, niedium size; quarter-sawed oak floors, beautifully built in; would rent $30 to dc sirable tenant. AG 142, Oregontan. -KOOM cottase. large attic, nearly acre ground, plenty fruit, fine garden and chicken place, $10 per mo. 1375 E. Irvlna. Montavi car to E. 40th, 2 blocks north. oTRlL I L Y modern 6-room duplex house. cheerful, excellent condition, deeping purcn. garage, u. ii (in, cor. am hill. ROOM modern house. 554 High st., Port- lanu his.: newly pa m ted and decorated; all modern conveniences; key next door; ignc aiain o.s, evenings m. S-ROOM modern house, 495 Montgomery su: o-room modern cottage, 60 Front st. ; 4-room cottages, cor. Chester and Hood sts. Phono Main 779 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M 6-ROOM HOUSE Two acres land, fruit trees and berries. Jersey cow. chickens. IMi miles from city limits. 5c fare; will rent furnished cheap. J. K. Cole, 66 6tlu ONLY $5 for 4-room plastered houae and barn. Lents district. See this today. 412 Stock Exchange bidg. MODERN 5-room house, 731 Tlbbetts St.. near 21st st. Rent $13. with water. In quire 077 East 21st st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near Ainsworth school, new flat. 6 rooms and sleepins porch. nardwood floors. $30. Mar. 407a. 8-ItOOM houte, 37 Eit 47th St.. near Stark. acre of land, hardwood floors. Key first house-north. MODERN 3. 4 and 5-room houses, ranging from $6 to $12 per month. Full particu lars at 512 Piatt bidg. NEARLY new 6-room house, 4 lots, garden and lawn, 2 blocks cars; gas, electricity Tabor 1C09. HOUSES, bungalows and flats, $15 to $73. renting uepi.. siarK st. HARTMAN & THOMPSON 6-ROOM strictly modern house, furnace. sleeping porch; $15. Phone Woodiawn JLS 7. 5-ROOM cottage, bath, gas. electricity, gas mm w oou b oves connecieu ; on littt St., near Hall; $15 per month. Phone A 4882. WEST SIDE 7 rooms and garage, corner. nice and cozy. J0. Marshall 205. A 4144, 202 Stock Exchange. HOUSE and barn for rent in Evlyn Park. further information. Tabor 2779. MODERN 5-room bungalow. 683 E. 67tb N. ; 24 4 u. 'OR RENT Strictly modern 6-roora house in Rose City Park. Tabor 42S5. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy. near :2d.Inqulre 130 6th st. Main 6278. EAST SIDE rental office; houses, flats. apartments, stores. 3S0 E. Ankeny. E. 1U17. 697 EVERETT Six rooms, gas. electrlcitv. furnace, walking distance. Phone East S. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern. good condl-s lion, near car, cneap, io. Manor 4524. 12 ROOMS. 2 blocks west of Postoffice; Judt renovated. Marshall 4 4 40. FOR RENT- -5-room cottage, modern, f ur 55 Mason st. uace, etc. : $18 MODERN 8-room house, cor. E. 1st and naisey. iii ist. room o. WEST SiDE. 6 rooms, modern. No. A Yorlr at., 23d st. car. Main 1068. CLEAN, modern 0-room cottage, large yard, ClOBe !'- 0 V vy Bl. C. 44 I o. GOOD 7-room house. 588 1st st.; 8 rooms. 00 1st st. aeiiwood J640. NICE 5-room cottage, yard and flowers. 341 snerman st. Aiaiu bi. 6-ROOM house, ' 410 Salmon st.; Inquire Broadway 02. East 21o3. 6-ROOM modern house; 621 Lovejoy. Phone Main 1837. A 1807. 6-ROOM house. walking distance. school and car; cheap. Tabor 4818. $25 S-ROOM house, pas range. West Side, iOL nut. jYiuronuii ov i i . $13 PER MONTH- -Cottage : also f la Phone East 2675. rent; r-rLst ttae. WEST SIDE, modern, 6-room cottage, 5Sl Washington; walking distance. Mar. 34S3. G-KOOM cottage, 13 North 17th. near Gli- ?an. Kent moacrate. Key ss .x. loth. 8-RUOM modem house, walking distance. Apply i aoor zus. or jaain i3o Furnished Houses. 557 TAYLOR, comer Chapman Beautifully furnished to-room apartment; piano; rent $.io; also 4-room furnished apartment piano; rent $25. Phone Marshall 236. BUNGALOW Completely furnished; reason able to right party; 1448 Hawthorne, Tabor 2388. 6-ROOM nicely furnished modern hou open from 1 to 5 o'clock P. M- 407 Roa lawn ave.. near Union. FURNISHED house, piano, etc.; rent $0 yer mount, mciuaiug leiepnone, wa ler. llgnu r.pion, jss tnamoer ol commerce. MODERN 5-room furnished house w; piaio, close In: adults. i E. 17th st. N. FINE, modern bungalow home; adults only. m t. l aoor, S3. m ar. 400. , 6-ROOM furnished house with furnace; fine location. r. st. DESIRABLE 7-room furnished house, reason able; good iocatlon. 186 E. 13th and Yamhill $10 MODERN 3-room house. -Phone Main Sfi. room GOL BEAUTIFUL modern cottaga and 1 unfur nished. Owner. Main 6076. A 4361. NEWLY furnished 5-room bungalow. Roue City Park, reasonable. Phone Tabor 4.HK. ELEGANT Irving ton home, completely" fur ntshed. Phone C 2035, East 35. FURNISHED My home of 5 rooms, nio location, adults only. 29 E. 18th at North. 7-ROOM furnished house in walking dis tance. Pbone East 5336. FOR KENT. Furnfehed Uonset C-ROOM house. 4 furnished: will rent fur nished or 2 months' free rent if you buy furniture : 1 block car. Cheap rent. fo: 5'Mh ave. mornings, or phone Marshall 12y. B U N G A LO W flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, yard, finely furnished. X rooms rented, adults, reasonable, water, etc & i, Washington st., cor. 28th. FOR Winter, handsome steam-heated cor Bowman Apartments. 17ta and Tilla mook: $75 per month. Phone Broadway 3026 ROSE CITY PARK, lovely modern house. 7 rooms and garage, woll furnished, one block carline. Call Broadway $609. $ 25 H AWTHORN E AVE., completely Furl uisnea modern -room housu; furnace. Tabor 4670. ONLY $12.50 for 6-room furnished house on i-.ast 3d and Division, Inquire 500 East 53d st. HOM E of 9 rooms to rent furnished. West tide; references. 70 3 Nortnrup st. morn ings. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow. 15 minutes out. west siae, $ii. Mala 3741. io wAifcK, telephone included. 5 suuny rooms. yard, partly furnished. East 3055. Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE, cheap, five-room flat, completely furnished. 207 Clay st. TWO stores, each 25x94. Not. S43 and 643 First st. Owner. 324 Worcester bidg. STORES OF ALL SIZES. Bargains. Goddard, 002 Couch bidg. Offices! PRIVATE office with reception-room $12.50 per month; also furnished office. $io month. Stock Exchange bidg. Main 3055. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; free phone ; very reasonable ; Port land's busiest corner. 303 S wet land bids. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room. $6 and $L 723 Cnambcr of Com merce. Halls. CONVENIENTLY located. East Side, good dance floor and appointments; splendid for small dancing clubs and pasties; rent reasonable. Inquire at sagamore Club, 3Sli E. Morrison sL, near Grand ave., after 12 noon. HALLS for rent. Apply 111 2d eL TO LEASE. ALL or part of Marshall-Wells warehouse, corner 4th, Pine and 5th sts. : over 10C. uttu square feet; sprinkler system, st-eam tieat, eiectric elevators; Portland's largest vaca n t wa re h o use. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., Exclusive Agents, Rothchlld Bidg., Washington SL Main 3644. A 2953. Bt'MXESS OITOKll'MTlES. BIG CONFECTIONERY, PART TRADE. Will take clear lot up to $ 1 OOO and $l"Oo cash for confectionery worth $2.v; cn of best intersection cornern in city; lileei fixtures and big stock ; doing big cash business; special reasons prompt unusual sacrifice. Details t2d Yeon bid . RARE OPPORTUNITY to get hold of well-paying grocery store lu excellent t ommunlty for part cash and part trade; will take $600 cash and good lot or light automobile in good con dition; act quick. Sec Jacob Haas, 3QS Gerlinger bidg. CAUTION, BUYERS! Before closing for so-called Interest fn established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec'ty. Kli Chamber of Commerce Bidg. LET 'ER BUCK. STATE fights and copies of tht Pendle ton Round-up moving pictures of 115 for sale or lease. Call at 305 Lumber Ex change bidg. Best Round-up plctuies ever taken. CONFECTIONERY aud waiting-room, lunch goods and sundries; invoice; terms to suit. CIGAR STORE, good location, good traac, compelled to leave city; invoice stock. Phone CoL 24. Inquire 103 N. Jcr rey st. WANTED. PARTNER. Reliable man who can furnish $7 OOO capital can secure half interest iu splen did stock ranch; ouaincas worth f 40,000 if you act quicK. Cail w. M. Johnsou, tW Union ave. East 4441. WANTEDA steady man to work in a llgt manufacturing business as partner; pay Kooa, wages oesiaes snare or tne Drorits : experience is not necessary and only $40u is requirea. Laiiroom J2U Morgan oiag. WANTED Good, reliable party to buy one- third interest In typcwi iter exchange lu city. Salary $130 month and profits. Will require $3o00. Northwest Typewriter Co., 202 Stark. DON'T miss this opportunity: A man or woman with capital to invest, $2U0O or more, in a Koou-nayma: aepurtmer.t store. located In the best suburb lu Portland. AE UN, Oregonlan. OLD established business wants a partner to tend office, check goods, etc; ovnr will guarantee good pay; this requires $lm0 which will be secured. Call room .120 Morgan bidg. RESTAURANT. Mr. Restaurant Man. if you are looking for a location and a irood business, makinz good money and have $1500 cash, adorers x us, urcgonian. GEN'L MDSE STOKE for sale In rich sec tion of Willamette Valley ; S50t0 will handle; about $14,000 cash business last year; good chance for rustler; reason tor selling. AV IQo, Oregon Ian. PARTNER wanted to help In the automo- Due ousmess; experience is not necessary and a very small Investment is required. can make large profits with eneigetio partner. jau room morgan Diag. BEST moving picture house in city will take ;n partner; S400 cash and balance out business. If you are not satisfied at end of 00 days will buy you out. Particulars at 317 Railway Exch. WANTED A steady, honest man to work In a store as partner; requires $300 and owner Cail room d2U Morgan blag. BUSY general repair shop, well eaulnned fine location, away from competition : ?'; no rent to pay; snap tor nanuy man Lumoer Lxcnange. GARAGE and repair shop; old established place :s one red lor sale; fireproof build ing 60.X10U; good storing capacity; low rent; ;ong lease. Call 31 Railway Exch v HY work for wages, when $.0 and your services can secure nan interest in safe business paying $10 day. Cail 248 Vs Mars sc. WELL established express and transfer line. doing big everyday business: fully equippea ror general transier work; bar gain at $700. 311 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY and confectionery; good location, nice slock and fixtures; owner compelled to leave; price $600. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. $l!ro BEST confectionery and grocery store: one ot tne nest corners in portianu includes stock and fixtures; doing fine ousineas. w. j. uavis. an. corbett biag. WANTED Young man in safe office busi ness; some outside work: if satisfied with St. j montn and. can invest SoOO, call 248 niarji ml. CLASSY. PAYING RESTAURANT. Fine equipment and doine the business Al Broadway location : 5.10, part cash, laices 11. 1 u'j. 01 yeon mag. WELL-ESTABLISHED Jewelry and novelty business for sale in best location of this city; sure living for energetic man; owner retires zrom Dusiness. x 6 a, oregonlan WE manufacture Imperial Wonder Pant ana maKe a specialty or oatchinc and painting roofs. We guarantee 3 to & years. jacKson 4t run. 1 aoor 4 j. DELICATESSEN, lunch ; busy transfe; point: nicely equipped with steam tabic oou oic 1 anges, etc. ; s:.o buys It; we worthdouble! 310 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY Close to school; fine block ana rixtures: rent $i-. with liyln rooms. Call 315 Lumber Exchange. POOL HA LL Center of city; have se tables and making money ; $1200 will handle. Particulars, ;:il J tail way Exch. CORNER cash grocery for sale cheap; cash sales $25 day and can be increased. Call room .1. .Morgan Diag. GROCERY STORE for sale; this is a man If you want a good-paying place: the priea is rigni. v Biitouaj, .10 -j oiaric st. DENTAL office, modern, established eigh years; retiring; terms. 54 Rex avenue. fc.ut 974. physicians wants location; 7 years' x perience ; registered in Oregon ; do not want to ouy anything. A v izz. Oregonlan. POOL ROOM, cigar store, doing good busi ncss. small amount cash, balance trade. v i3s, jregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale, 2 chairs and bath. No competition. S. C. Knighton, Houlton, ureson. RESTAURANT for $20O; proprietor ill; home cooKing: rent n ooaiawn i.7. $45u HANDLE poolhall and barbershop. A. Wood, Myrtle Creek, Or. W. EAST EIDE. equipped photo studio, ground fk-or. rent $15. M 142, Orcgonian. SHOESH1NE stand for rent, good location. S0N 6th. a bargain. Ill N. BtttrXESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT grocery store; have first mortgage $1000 and e'ear house and lot $150ft. B. F. Kelly. 723 Chamber of Commerce. PRACTICAL printer, with complete outfit. wants location to start weekly paper. BD 12, Orcgonian. BrlNElf4 Ori'OKTl'NlTlES WANTED. HIGHLY productive, improved, all in ol faifa, irrigated Idaho ranc) and Boi Im-rrx-vtd property; wart tock of general merct.sndise. O. W'. isran, 5W Cham, oi Com IF you have $10iK or more to invest. wSth out services, we csn secure our invest mcnt and guarantee prorliable returns: business under supervision of stata goy srnment AK 1SS, Oregonian. WANT GROCERY OR ROOM-ING-HOUSE for 8 1-S acres h'shly improved. 12 miles from Portland, on carline. HITTER. LOWE &. DE FOREST, 205-2Q7 Board of Tiads Bidg. j WANT paylug rommg house or grocery I store. 313 Stock Exchange bidg.. 3d and Yamhill. PRIVATE party will finance article- of merit and demand. Box 713, Taconia, Wash. -ROOMIMt-HOi'tES. SEE THESE FIRST. 31 apartments, two and three rootns. automatic elevator, - disappearing beds, modern In every respect and plenty of good furniture: a snap at S2250. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS HOTEL. 60 room, corner brick, business dis trict; rent $200 and in excellent condi tion; is clearing good money and has never been in trouble; price $3000 14 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. Rent $:;0; house Is full und has good income; owner must raise money and will sacrifice; requires $25o in cash. W-ROOM PICKUP. Rent $25; furnace heat, well furnished and rooms all rented for housekeeping; price $350; only $100 down. E. K. BROWN. 291 i Morrison, Corner 5th, Room 3. i ROOMS Good turniture. electric lights, furnace heat, fine West Slue location ; a fine home and money-maker; will sacri fice, price $250 for all. INQUIRE SS 10TH. NEAR STARK. r ROOMS, West Side. beautifully niched and modern ; income $336; $00. $.io cash required. RITTER, LOWE & DEFOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bidg. fur rent MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hot el-Apart men t-House Ag-enL Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 30S-3 N. W. Bank bidg.. 6th and Morrison. 40 ROOMS, all housekeeplnK. easy to handle. ury iignt expense uocated Close in. sooO nannies it. RITTER. LOWE & TE FOREST. Jt5-2Q7 Board of Trade Bidg. LEAVING city, sacrifice best-f urniched 11 . city: runnlnjr water lu rooms. rooms 1 13 14 h. cor. Washington. FOR ALF 12 rooms .Including piano, $21?0 Main 45T0. fair income. IXMT AND 1"01'ND. OLLOW ING articles were found on the cars of tne Portland Railway, Light & lower company, and owners thereof ma v claim same at the First and Aider-street hi ion. Aiarsnall &100, A 6131 : tcT. 5 1 piece of hose. 1 raincoat. 1 music case. 2 lunch boxes, 1 hand grip. ii . enoes, 1 pKg. music. Z books. 4 pack ages. 2 gloves, 1 key, 2 auto license tags. 1 wldier's cap. 1 ax and handle. 1 child's hat. 1 bottle. 1 comb. 1 btvastptn. 1 en velope. 1 knife, 1 pkg. boiled ham. 1 shovel. 1 bucket. 1 suitcss. 1 order book LOST Sterling silver purse, containing $15 and Canadun dime, in Oft 1 drugstore Wednesday afternoon about 5 o'clock. Re ward. East 1461. LOST Gold monogram 1 D. I. W.L Kindt v return to S25 Chamber of Commerce and receive rewarn. FOUND Mulley Jersey ow. Adams Broth ers. olumula Slough, near 42d. Phone Wood I w n 3s75. LOST Friday. Oct. 1. Front and Madison sts.. fore-end L. C. " Smith hotgun ; re ward. Stanley Baker, Y. M. C. A. LOST An old-fashioned war nln with 7 blue stones in It. Call Main S159 or 5443. HPKC1A LN OTIC Et Pronottals Invited. I WILL receive scaled bids at my oiTfice. 40 Morgan bidg.. for a stock of merchan dise, located at Bandon. Coos County, or. consisting of the following lines of mer chandise: Drygdods. $44G7.77; laces and embroideries. S.Viti.p.v, ;oWs misses-, chil dren's knit goods and unerwear, $715. 15; ladles', miss s", ehildren's hosiery, ."h0.M ; stationery. $59 .44 ; fancy goods and n ifons. $1S73.73; ladles' gloves, t3i.7i; ribbons, $26S.S2; toy. $19S.14; ladies mus lin underwear, shirt waists aud corsets. $427.07 ; millinery 334.fc6: ladies' gowns, dresses, coats and sultM. $6S4.70, or total inventory valuation of $11,2S0.22, together with fixtures of $1420.17, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, October 11, 1915. Inven tory may be seen at my office and prop erty can be Inspected at Bandon. "Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per oont of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bidd. Dated, Portland, Or., September 25. 1915. R. L. SABIN. RESTAURANT AND LUNCHROOM COM PLETE I will receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan bidg., for a complete equipped restaurant and lunchroom, in ventory valuation $isyi.09. located at S3 Grand ave.. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, Oct. 11. 1015. Terms cash. Certified check or cash de posit ot lo per cent of amount offered mist accompany each bid. Right is re served to reject any and all bids. In ventory may be seen at my office and outfit may be Inspected on application. Dat-id Portland. Oregon. Oct. 4, 1015. It. U SABIN. BIDS WANTED. Bids will be received by the undersigned tip to noon, October IS. for the entire stock and fixtures of the Rose City Coal & Sup ply Company, bankrupt. Inventory may be examined at 6ol Fcnton bidg. and the property may be exumlned at 45th and Haisey sts., Portland. L. VAN BERBER. Trustee. Row City Coal & Supply Co.. bankrupt. MicclIaiieou. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Joseph Kehoe Estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrix of the es tate of Joseph Kehoe. deceased, has filed her final account in said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and that the Judge of said court has appointed Monday, the 11th day of October. 1915, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. aa the time for hearing objection to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. All heirs, creaitors or other persons in terested in said estate are hereby required to file their objections to said final ac- -count in said court and cause on or be fore the said time appointed for hearing the same. Dated at Portland. Or., tbls 8th day of September. 1915. JOSEPHINE KEHOE. Administratrix of the estate of Joseph Kehoe. deceased. H. ,B. Adams. Attorney for Administratrix. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE Contract mortgage deed, $7500. drawing 6 per cent, on 03 acres finest soil, well Improved. Farm sold for $12,uoO. Address box 1. Junction City, Or. WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., SO 4th st.. Board of Trade Bidg. FIRST aud second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Notle. Lumbermen' bidg. WE buy note, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson Ac Ewing. 207-8 N. W. Bank bidg. MORTGAGE loans; notes, contracts, lntga. purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bidg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. WANTED Loan of $4K or $500 on n to ut tie cottage at 421-1 fiSth ave. S. E. tike W. W. car. get off at 5Sth ave. and go to above address: will pay 8 per cent. Hargrove & Sons, 122 N. 6th at. Phone Broadway 4.tyi. MONEY' to loan on close-in residence and income property; consult our financial department if you need money. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bidg. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for non-residents. Coe A. McKenna & Co., 727 Chamber of commerce Diag. FIELDS & HOXETMAN MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1025-102W YEON BLDG. 5Ve to Sr- n city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. H. Blossom, II 25 Northwestern Bk. bidg. SEE us today for loans on improved city propertv, 6 to H per cent: $200 aud up. tVIhirs-Murtort Co., 25 Yeon bidg. PLENTY of money to loan on Improved city property t t ana s per cent. 1. J. reiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WE WILL finance your home and construct it 'or vou "n easy-term bat&. The Oregon Home " Builder. 1330 N. W. Bank bidg. $200. $330. $600, $000. S1200. 1S00. Fred W. Germnn Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. PER CENT money to loan on "Portland Improved R. E. E. 401, evenings E. 1322. LOOK NOW loan. 257 S H. L. Murtnn has money to OaK st. Main $L"ttO OR LESS Improved property; private party, small expense. R 1 1;. oregnnian. $10,000 Sums to suit. Oregonlan. MON E Y loaned, city and t hamber of Commerce. farm land. Bo ijp 7 and 8 per cent, no commission, del'av. Ward. 47 Spalding bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, LOUIS SALOMON 6 AND 7 PER CENT. & CO.. 30o OAK ST. $3300 OR any part. 7 per cent, improved property. X P-""- Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. FlXAtIAU Maney to Loan on Brl FMate. PORTLAND TRUST 4i SAVING 3 BANK. MOU'GAGE LOAN'S. I' s;rvice. HeasocaMe tereuk. K'KTL. ND TRUST A: SAWNGS, LANK, ixth and Morrison Sts, MONEY LOANED. Improvao, business property, ft to 1 per cent. Improved reside sea i-roperty. 6 ta T per ciul Improved farm property, 7 to 8 per oent, WHITMAN-KELLY CO., 711 lit toe a Block. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ite, promptly closed Attractive repjment priviiegs. A. H. BIRKELL CO.. S17 Nortuweatttio Bank Bidg, Marshall 4114. A 411. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR l-UILL'INi; I IMPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS ; NO COM MISMO.N&: COLUMBIA LIFE 4c TRUST CO. 202 STEVENS BLDG. Money TO Loan at 5 to 7 Pt.r cent; I'ortland business aud reslucnc proper t ; farm KiaiiM it 7 to h per cent. MALL A VON iiOKSTEL lot 2d St.. near Stark. TO LOAN $400,000 OR LESS. FAUltlNGTON, SO 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $500, $1000 and upwards on Improved reat estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bidg. $100,000 AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farms or city property; fire insurance. MKENZIE& CO.. 513 Gerlinger bidg. mortgage loans in " any amountT oregon 1nv. i mortgage co., inc.. Stock Exchange bidg., 3d and Yamhill. $2iu.uju TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 314 313 Falling bidg. xiuou UP to $5000 to loan on real estate. Tabor 2520. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY' Any amount. 6 1 1 i . Sei t , :t Ki S pa Ui i 11 g. Money to Loan Chattel and JSalarle. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores in the city; a loan department i conducted in connection with same, making business STKU'TLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no sir a designating loan bukirirtB displayed in 1 rent of our store : all merchamllse pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due; we arc licensed and have been establ'stvtd since 110; no connection wuh any other loan establishment In tins city. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 3 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TOD AT, at leul rates, on DiHtuonds, Autos. Pianos, Furnit urc. Livestock or M otorcycK. Pay back at 95 per month or more. Interest 3 per cent. office absolutely' private. Portland loan co.. licensed. 3;:i 1 Dokum hldg., 3d and Washing too. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. VflMCK SERVICE. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL YOU CAN WEEKLY OI REPAY US IN SMALL i MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STATE SECURITY LICENSED. CO., 30 FAILING BLDG MONEY" AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OK INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Instruments. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladles. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed). S.'O Lumber Ex. Bidg.. 2d and Stark sts. M.ONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry at legal rates; all articles heid one year; ec-tabMshed since lSb. Dan Marx. 74 3d. Imius wanted. WANTED $1500. cnt; security, residence, new provtnu'iits all 3 ears; a 111 pay 7 por 6-room Rose Cit y Park and modern; stteet ira in. Di rec t . Ta hor 234 . WANTiSD $:t2O0 PRIVATE MONEY, 7 PEU CENT FIRST f A KS, GOOD IwiSK, AT ONCE. NO AGENTS. 301 PANAMA BLDG. $20vu OT J residence In Ros: City Talk. Va- ue $.uov, 1 ver c?nt interest, .no agents. V Jo 3, Orfgonian. WANTED A loan of $3000 on Irvington home, from principals only. AX 100, Orc g tya 1 an. WANT $1000, 7 per cent, free and clear Interest in 15 acrns adjoining Gladstone, value $4000. D 140, Oregon 1 n. $10) WANTED by owner on uew Rose City runt resiuenoe; gooa value; no oroaers. AR 129, Oregonian. WANTED $2000 first mortgage, improved city property; no agents, t-. v.. auay, io. 7, Chan. Com. bidg. Main 32S. WANTED $2100, S'i . on S1O.O00 farm, IS miles from Portland : prefer to deal wit h private party. AP 133. Oregonlan. OWNER wants $2000 on new Alameda Park home; all improvements in and paiu for; no commission. AK 14N, Oregoniau. WANT $10t0, 7 per cent, on 2 exceptionally large lots In Tualatin View Park, Port- land Heights. F 135. Oregonlan. WANTED Loan of $500 on business prop erty. Inquiry Mar. 4443. No agents. $l50u at 7 per cent private party. Prentiss, 17 Board of Trade bidg. $250 NOTE, count 2Q';c. eal estate security; will dit 1 142, Oregonian. WANT $'O0 loan on h0O Park district- Main 106S. lot. Rose City PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST P1UCES, 50-inch wavy switch. 3 sep $LS3 24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep Lfu All-round transformation ........... 1.45 Han dressing, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, 05c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekura bidg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. ORIENTAL massage, cura for rheumatism, lumbago and nervousness; perfect health and circulation; bath; volcano, mounia.n flower or luipbur, good for all sorts of diseases and suffering from old bruises. G. I. Ehara. 22 North Third su, cor. Burnslde, Portland. Or. Phone A 3Sa4. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human h:ir goods, switches from 5c up; halrtiressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings made up to or der. 147 Broadway, nr Morrison. Main 54 s. BERN AP.R M ACFA DP EN graduate con ducts only H E ALTH ATORIUM in Pacific Northwest using famous MacFadden sys tem NATl KE-CI KK. Dr. MucMKkle. S07-S Dekura bidg. Main 3598. LOUISE NS rZEL trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; tub baths, iua sage and electric blankets: Lady aabit ant 256 11th at, Marshall 5033. EVERY woman has a right to be welL. I want to tell them how thousands of women have cured themselves. Alt 127, Oregonlan. PARTY" who took w atch and chain from apt. 5 at "051? Jefferson st.. la teen wear ing it tonight; if returned will say nothing about It, ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for iunibiis'o, nervousness and ments. Main 8359. rheumatism, scaip treai- MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, baa her t m pie open dally. 375 Taylor si. UNFORTUNATE girls. Mother's and profes sional care given. Very coufidentiaL A I 128, Oregonian. SP I RITUALISM Rev. May A. Price; CIrct Tu-.'Sday 2, Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; reao- tngs di-ily. 603 5th st. Marshall 3000. UNFORTUNATE girls, maternitycases, pri vate homes. babies adopted, confidential Pox 1113. Tacoma, Wash. UMBRELLAS, all coiors aud styles; largft stok; re-covering; new handles put on. Meredith's 32Q Washington st. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and mes&eus electric blanket treatment; hours 1J A. M., S p. M. 2OHV3 3d st., rooms 2 and 3. ROZENA TAYLOR. D. A- T. Therapeutic, magnetic massage. 16 11th. Marshall h2. MANICURING .td electric treatment. Ethel Burke. 19 Lafayette bidg. CHIROPRACTIC, licensed: painless adjust ments pleading; 31 treatments $15. 1-1 4th. LESSONS In phrenoloey and card readings. 235 Cth st. 1'hone Main 754. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY. painless chiropodist. Room 307, 68 Grand avc. East 47S5. MOLES, superfluous haii i'inoved. Mrs. SU D. Hill, 42 Fliedner hldg. Main ".473. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Tablet. 5C4 P-avis st. Phone Royal ToniO Main 23K WILL R. Come home If possible, or write. giving address, at once, MADAM K MUNZF.LLA. I11M rit:tir in palm istry aud card reading. 422 - Morrison. MENTAL therapeutics. dmcl'Si healing, na turopath system, ii-'t Jncknon. Main l'"7. USE i'assclt's Natlv 50 tablets for 25e UTt for rheumatism. All druggists. FUft SHOP ming. o. -N orders, remodeling, trim . Swetland bidg. SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental acientlst. 613 Tourny bidg. and spiritual Main 6S5. GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face m? aage. 3c 707 Kothchiid, 267 H VVasa L