13 ttte BrcmjrnfQ oregoxiait. wkdm-sbat. October 6 1915. BEES RALLY HI 9TH, SCORE 4 AND WIN Stumpf's Boot Comes After Coveleskie Weakens and .Beavers Are Drubbed. PORTLAND ERRORS GLARING Cellar Champions Pile Vp 7-to-4 Lead Only to Toss It Away and Lose, 8-7 Ward Is Star of Day AVlth Bat. Pacific Coast League Standdne-s. W. L. Pel W. I Fc. Fran 107S1 .5BU;Vemon 01 j .480 . Angeles. 101 SS .:::: Oakland ..S4 lui .431 Bait Lake. 4 Si; .5:::;, Portland . .70 100 .49 Yesterday's Results. -At Salt Lake Salt Lake 8. Portland 7. At sati Francisco Vernon 4. San Fran cisco u. At los Angeles Xo game, Oakland, failed to arrive. 1915 Pennant Dope. Kan Francisco has a lead of 64 games. Salt Lake is 1' fames behind second place. Portland holds the cellar position 2514 games behind the Seals. There are but l'J more games on the Beaver schedule. SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 5. (Special.) Coveleskie and Stumpf conspired to toss away a great big Portland lea-J and let the Bees make four runs In the last half of the ninth inning, there by giving Salt Lake a victory in the opening same of the series, 8 to 7. Gilligan started on the mound for th. Bees, but he didn't show anything, and after allowing four runs in five in nings yielded to Peterson, the recruit from the Northwestern League, who, although hit hard, managed to get til rough. Beaver Bat Hard. The batting of the Beavers was re sponsible for Portland's big lead. 1 to 4. at the start of Salt Lake's rally. Ward's single in the third, the first of his four hits, became a run on hits by Speas and Bates. In the fourth Carlsch's single and Ward's double, -with Coveleskie's sacrifice fly, gave the Beavers another, and in the fifth Der rick was beaned and stole and came in with Bates when Bates homed over the left field fence. Right there Peter son went in to replace Gilligan. He al lowed seven hits in the four final in nings. In the sixth the Beavers sent two more men home on a hit by Ward, Coveleskie's walk, a passed ball and tineas' single. The final Portland tally came in the ninth on Stumpf's double and Fisher's single. Bee Rally I psets Beavera. The Bees started on Coveleskie In the fifth on Orr's hit, a walk, an infield out and a passed ball. In the sixth the Bees made three on Quintan's hit. Derrick's and Bates' errors, and sin gles by Brief. Ryan and Orr. Cove leskie then tightened until the ninth. The Bee rally was brilliant. Zacher, pinch hitting, had fanned, when Han nah doubled, and Reuther, also pinch hitting, scoring him. Doubles by Quinlan and Shinn then sent in two more, tying the score, and Cove leskie was yanked, Hig g going in. Higg fanned Brief, and then Stumpf booted Ryan's grounder, Shinn tearing home with the winning run. Score: Portland Salt Lake U II O A TC B H O A E 0 o 0 It Quinlan. m. o 2 4 Oil i Oil 0 UShlnn.r 3 1 2 0 2 0 00 Brier.l n 3 10 1 I) 1 2 llliyan.l S 1 1 00 . :i .I .1 llfiedeon.2. . 4 1 3 6 0 1 O O n:( irr.s 4 2 1 2 II inn o !Hallinan.3. 1 O O 10 I 1 8 nKretnn,3.. 1 O 1 10 4 3 BI Haniiflh.p.. 4 ! li o II 0 2 OHjiiiican.p. 1 0 0 ( u v. reit.rsnnn.p. 2 O O O v K.acnerT... 1 V u 110 . . llieutherfi. . 1 1 0 Ou TMals. .37 1426 13 41 Two out when winning run scored. THattnl for .Breton in ninth T! Hatted for Peterson in ninth. Portland 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 7 t H''s , ...0 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 214 Salt Lake '.0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 8 illts 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 2 4 13 nuns. uerricK. Hates. sriimnf p3Hai., Cnvelcskie 2. Quinlan 2. Slitnn 2! t'rr. Hannah. Iteuther. Twn-K. T.ober.m . . lerrick.l . Speas.t . . . Itates.3. . . stumpf. 2. Kisher.r. . lavts.r. . . 'arfsch,c. Ward s. . . "v"sk'e.p H'b'th'm.p 0 0 0 "Ward Jiyan lilts. Ba n, Ward, stumpf 2. Hannah. Quin lan, Miinn. llnme run. Hates. Sacrifice hit. Sp.ua. Sacrifice fly. Coveleskie. stolen iju'"' H,;rr,'.rk 7' J'Obor, Hj.nnah. Bases on halls, off coveleskie 1. off GilllKan 1 off ... oiiuck out. nv Cove esU by lligglnbotham '1. by Oilligan 2 by Peter "'.'i1 ,'.' ,s-ven "uns. 13 hits and 37 at bat ofr Coveleskie in s 1-3 innings, out in ninth one on: 1 run. no hits and 2 at hat off II lnningnotha m In nno-rhir.i . 7 hits and IS at bat off Oilligan in 4 1-3 innings, out in fifth, none on: 3 runs 7 hits and It. at bat off Peterson in 4 2-3 innings i.'e'XL rk"!,,,ry V 1'i'terson: charge defeat to Cove.eskle. Left on bnses. Portland 10 Salt Lake t.. Passed ball, Carisch. Wild Y;h".s' J 0,.frso" -l, Flr,,t on errors. ?v".Ifk- ,r"n'b,e p,avs- Coveleskie to arJ to Derrick: Coveleskie to Ward. Hit !. CI".r Vfrrlc? y "iliigan. Time, 2:04. empires. Held and Brashear. TIGERS OIVE SEALS SETBACK Koy Hilt Fans Nine und Holds San IVancisoo Scoreless. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 5. Vernon won today's game with San Francisco 4 to 0. HUt. the Tiger pitcher, was largely responsible for the shutout of the Seals, of whom he fanned nine The San Francisco fielding was poor. The Seals marie three errors in one in ning and let in two of the Tigers' four runs. Score: Vernon Ttader.3 . .. iUayless.l.. Kane.m . .. Wlllioit.r.. Purtell.J.. Hisberg.l.. larger.. ,. rpencer.c . Wltt.p I B H 4 0 B II OA E'Kltz'rald.r. 410 It (I Sohaller.l.- a n 1 1 0 Hoide.m... 4 0 4 3 0 0 Downs.2... 4 2 1 3 0 0 Schmidt. c. 4 12 2 11 Corhan.s. .305 7 0 0 Meloati.l. . 3 2-11 2 5 (' ' J ones, 3. 10 0 9 10 Steen.p .3 1 0 0 3 0 Leard.3 2 0 0 I Block.... 0 0 0 O A E 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 4 2 1 0 0 0 Francisco Totals. 31 6 27 14 4 B.ock ran for Downs in ninth. Vernon 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 Hlt . 1 0 1 2 0 02 2 19 Ean 1-ranctsco 00000000 0 0 Hlt 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 ,.K1ni Purt''. Berger 2. Spencer. Stolen F,VSLT, l hit. Bayless. Sac rifice hit Hlsberg. Base on balls, off Hitt S steen 1. struck out. by Hitt 9. steen 3 liouble plays. Berger to Purje'.I to Risberg: toorh.Tn U-"oan. Runs responsV ble for. Stee 2. Left on bases. Vernon 5. ?-anJ'r'lncisc 7- Tlm. Umpires Uulhrle and Phyle. ItEVritOP HAS HEPPXEK BOUT "Wrestler Says He Will Stay in Port land Until O'Connell Meets Him. Charles Rentrop. the wrestler -who is still hurling challenges at Eddie O'l onnell, was matched yesterday for a tussle in Heppner with Kennedy a ISO-pounder. The match is a handicap affair. Rentrop aereeine- to thn. t nedy twice in an hour. Rentrop will . be outweighed about 20 pounds, j "I Intend to stay in Portland until I I get a return match with O'Connell " 1 Rentrop said yesterday. "If I can't beat ' him I will quit the game." ALBAXY TEAM EXPECTS DEFEAT ' Eleven Light and Lacks Practice for Opening Game With Willameltc. ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 5. (Special.) . In preparation for the game with Wil ! Jamette University at Salem next Sat. ' day Coach Ed Bailey is daily working his squad of Albany College men at top speed. Next Saturday will be the opening of the season for the Pres byterians and they are making every effort to make up for the lack of pre season games and scrimmages. . "The team is light this year, and will average about 155," said Bailey yester day. 'The line is weak and we have had only four scrimmages this year, and the loss of Toles at tackle has hurt us a lot. I expect Willamette to beat us, but we will give them a hard game." . French is doing the punting for the orange and black team and is show ing up well. Hunter at center is a tower of strength on the line. It is probable the folowing men will be used: Center, Hunter; guards, Daw son, Jensen and Michelson; tackles, Martin and Parker; ends. Springer, McKee. Fairfax; quarter, Glldow; halves. Glower. Jenkins, Stewart, Shortridge; fullback, French. BROWN'S WTX CITY SERIES GA3LK St. Louis Cardinals Drop First of Fall Contests, Three to Two, ST. LOUIS. Oct. 5. The St. Louis Americans defeated thei St. Louis Na tionals in the opening game of the Fall series today, 3 to 2. Scorv R. H.E.I R.H. E. American ..3 8 2National 2 8 1 Batteries Weilman and Agnew Doak and Snyder. PHILADELPHIA HAS SHARE OF HONORS But, It's the First Time the " Phillies Have Been Able to Steal Bunting. DAVE BANCROFT LAUDED y PUTNEY IS VICTOR WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN BV FAST 3-YEAR-OLD TROTTER. William Fails to Set Xfir Mark (or Pacing to Wagon Governor Mason Outlasts Peter Bllllken. LEXINGTON', Ky.. Oct. 5. Mary Putney, owned by Chauncey H. Sears, of Fall River, Mass., won the $14,000 Kentucky futurity for 3-year-old trot ters, the feature of the grand circuit programme today, in straight heats and broke the world's record for 3-year-old fillies by going the second mile in 2:0514. At that the San Francisco Mendocitia filly was not fully extended. Hum Fast and Colorado Range finished second and third respectively in each heat. William, World's champion pacer, driven by his owner, C. K. G. Billings, failed to lower his mark of 1:59 V to wagon, making the mile inl:59. "His fractional time was :29, 1:00, 1:3114, l:59i. Mr. Billings will make another effort Friday. In the first heat of the 2:13 trot Gov ernor Mason, on the pole, managed to stall off the challenge of Peter Billiken In the stretch. In the second Governor Mason got away in front again but Peter Billiken overhauled him at the head of the stretch. Governor Mason dropping to fifth place. The third was easy for Peter Billiken, who led practically all the way. In the fourth Governor Mason came back strong with Audrey Grey second and Peter Billiken in fourth place. The fifth was easy for Governor Mason, Peter Billiken again finishing fourth. In the 2:04 pace Cox laid back with Earl, Jr., allowing R. H. Brett and Single G. to lead well into the stretch, when he shook up Earl. Jr.. who in a hard drive beat R. H. Brett by half a length. The pace was fairly fast, the quarter being reached in :31, the half in 1:00. the three-quarters in 1:31 and the mile in 2:01. Earl, Jr.. repeated in the second, taking command at the head of the stretch and holding his lead in spite of a burst of speed by Single G. at the finish. Grady was fined 100 for pulling out at the upper turn and allowing Single G. to come through on the pole. Savoy ran two heats of the 2:20 pace when it went over until tomorrow. Summary: 2:13 trot, three in five, purse $1000 Governor Mason, -b. h., by Colonel Mason (re Ryder) . .1 6 10 1 1 Peter Billiken, ch. h. (Valen tine) 2 114 4 Abux Taleb. br. g. (Loomls)..3 2 2 lO 3 Also started: Audrey Orey, Strafford. Jack K., Alice McGregor, Rose D.. Minnie Burns, I-ottie Simmons, Ben Oregor. Time. 2:08U. 2:0SV. 2:10, 2:10m. 2:J2'4. 2:H pace, two in three, purse $1000 Earl Jr.. g. h.. by The Earl (Cox) 1 1 Single G.. b. h. (Bosnell) :i 2 R. H. Brett, b. g. (Grady) 2 Also started: Uttle Prince, Savde Dens more. Fred Russell, Lelia Patchen. Time. 2:01. 2:03. The Kentucky Futurity. 3-year-old trot, two In three, stake $14,000 Mary Putney, b. f., by San Francisco (M-jMaiion) l j Humfast, h. f. (Murphy) 2 2 Colorado Ran. b. c (McDonald 3 3 Also started: Bacelll, Native Spirit De Roche, Onward, Forbes and Petress Burton. Time. 2:0Si.;, 2:0o-i. 2:'JO class, pacing, three in five. $1000 (unfinished ) Savoy, br. g.. by Charley Hoyt (Van Valkenburg) l i Peter Worthy, b. h. (Murphy) 2 3 oiteltrsePM;nfthreOCUSHDLi; ETAOIN LLa Prstolite. blk. m. (Geers) 4 2 Silver Brush, gr. g. (Stout) 3 4 Time, 2:10, 2:11!4. ST11EXTS GET WEEK'S IEAVE Seattle Collegians Plan to Take (fiOO on Excursion to Game at Berkeley. SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 5. The pres ence of a large delegation of Univer sity of Washington students at the Washington-California football game at Berkeley, November 6, was assured today when the faculty of the Uni versity of Washington gave official approval to the proposed excursion. The faculty voted to grant a week's leave of absence to any student desiring to make the trip. Student leaders immediately began arranging for the excursion and hope to take at least 150 men and 50 women students on the trip. A special rate of $16 for the round trip has been made by a steamship company, providing 100 students go on the excursion. Aberdeen to Play The Dalles. ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 5. (Spe cial.) The football elevens of the Ab erdeen and The Dalles, Or., high schools will meet here on Tuesday, November 2, according to arrangements Just com pleted by Coach Don Hawley. The Dalles team plays Hoquiam on the preceding Saturday and by offering a guarantee of $160 for a Tuesday game. The Dalles team agrees to stay over on Grays Harbor for three days. Baseball Statistics Standlocs of the Teams. National League. W. L. Pet. w L. Pct. Philadel.. SS 63 .5S3Pittsbure. . 73 SO 477 Boston SS 6S .544 St. Louis... 72 81 471 Brooklyn. SO 70 .53:1. Cincinnati . 71 S3 ."461 Chicago... 73 SO .477New York. . 68 81 .456 American Leajrae. Boston 99 49 .669 New York. . 6S SI 456 Uetrolt... 100 54 .649 St. Louis. . . 63 91 .407 Chicago... 93 60 .60S Cleveland.. 57 93 375 Viasu'ston. S4 86 .560 Philadel . .. 41109 .273 Inter Learne Series. ETAOIX5HRDLU St Louia Americana St Louis Americans ..i o l 000 St. Louis Nationals o 1 iooo Where the Teams Play Today. Pacific Coast League Portland at Salt Lake. ernon at San Francisco, Oakland at Los Angelea. How the Series Stand. Pacific Coast League Vernon 1 game. San Francisco no gau-e, salt Lake 1 game, Port land no game. Heaver Batting Averages. A h II A i-l Fartho'y 2 1 ,5wi TVard . . . Pusher. . .. 4o lS:t .31:7 Derrick. . South rtU luo 32 .320 Xoves Bates. ... .".so 174 Mov Evans. .. Stumpf. . 7tiu 2im; .294 Krause. . Sueas.... 552 160 .2!0 Lush.... Carisch.. 2sS SO .2 i 1 Higg. . . Lober 5-' 143 .271 Coveleakie Davis. . 878 - VS .254,blalUer Ab. H. Av. 126 32 .154 629 157 .251 4 1 .150 79 17 .24ti 111 27.243 10O 22 .2U 12S 20 .156 82 11 .134 -62-- ..LL3 Hugh rullerton Gives ei-Eeaver All Credit but He Could Xot Have Won Pennant Without Alex ander and Vice Versa. ET ROSCOE FAWCETT. Philadelphia has had more than its share of world's series excitement in the past decade, but the ' com ing struggle between the Phillies and the Boston Americans will be the first in history that the National League has relied upon a Philadelphia repre sentative to uphold its dignity and honor. For 40 years the National League has beai plugging along and 34 of tnose years round the Phillies hard at it trying to annex a bunting. Yet it remained for Pat Moran in the year u to ieaa tne rniiiie fans out of the "slough of despond." Philadelphia finished second in 1S87, 1901 and 1913. but her grand average in the 34 years has been 4 19-34, or at the head of the second division. Chi cago leads as the National League pennant hog with 10; Boston is second with nine and New York third with seven. Little wonder then that Quakertown fans went -wild with joy one week ago when the Phillies captured the cham pionship at Boston on a one-hit game by Alexander the Great. The complete record of the Phila delphia Nationals follows: 1884 6 189C 18S5 3 18H7 1SS.' 4 1901 1890 3 . 1902 4 1905 4 3 1906 4 8 1907 3 10 1908 4 6 1909 3 3 3910 4 3 1011 4 2 1912 ....5 7 1913 ....2 T 1914 6 8 1915 1 Portland fans will take an unusual personal interest in this world's se ries. This is chiefly so because young Dave Bancroft, of the Portland teams of 1912, 1913 and 1914, is shortstop on the Phillies and because of the pres ence of Carl Mays and of Vean Gregg, former Portland pitchers, on the Bos ton club. Local fandom, too, will watch the work of Alexander with more than passive concern. Alexander is con sidered generally to be the keystone of the entire series. Without this great pitcher Philadelphia would never have won the National pennant and it will depend in great measure upon his performances in the coming series as to the final outcome. On the tour of the - National and American League all-star teams on the Pacific Coast last Fall Alexander pitched for the National in Portland against "Portland Bill" James. Alex ander won the game and, while James is exceedingly popular here, none could but admit that Alexander towered above him as a slabbist. We have at hand, through the courtesy of Chester G. Murphv, a comparison of Dave Bancroft and of his Boston rival. Shortstop Scott, from the pen of Hugh Fullerton. the Chi cago dopester. He says: Beyond doubt. Bancroft will bo a greater player than Scotl. Bancroft, a "busher" practically, won the pennant for Phila delphia. To him, even more than to G. Cleveland Alexander, belongs the credit for the victory. of course, neither could have won wit.iout the other, but Bancroft ' made ' that Infield, transformed it from an un certain and ragged defensive proposition a. hard-flelding. clean-working machine. Cutting down to figures. Bancroft can out hit Scott about 30 points against all kinds of pitching: he is speedier on the bases and clever at getting the Jump on the pitchers. In the field the men figure very closelv togetner. Scott not being quite the equal of his rival in going toward third base or in comins forward and cutting across in front of seeoni base; but he plays the deep field perfectly and is steady and brilliant in short pliy especially with the Infield drawn close. He handles a ground ball cleanly and gets it away to the bases quickly, but in that he is not the peer of Bancroft, who shoots from almost any position. The players declare that Bancroft In this respect, is almost the eoual of Dool'an. who was considered the greatest of all players at that style of defensive work. Bancroft is faster in double plays, but there is one thing I want you to observe in comparing these two fellows. Watch Scott whn h passes the ball to Barry and see the dif- icr.icw in tne manner in which he handles It from what he did last year. Then watch Bancroft and Nlehoff make the same play., This play is. I think, executed better by Evers and Maranvlllo thnn kv - They slip the ball to each other with a scoop motion, merely pitching it toward the bag while the other is sprinting to meet the hail and trying to reach the bag in po sition to make the throw to first quickly. The danger of an error thnt will min a double play is minimized and the danger of oii going isr enougn to make the er ror more serious is eliminated. Besides that, the ball is at the base, easy to handle, and the ether player can move freely and with, out fear, which lets him cover more ground im Dim rearn tne oase in time. Bancroft still has a hnhlr j.rt.ctntlv hurried, of snapping the ball to Nlehoff with a quick wrist motion when the plav must be made in a hurry It comes fast to the base, doubles the danger of a muff, and if the muff does happen or the throw is bad. the ball goes on and the runners advance another base. They seem evenly matched at the wait ing game, and on the bases all the advan tage is with Bancroft, so that with the ex ception of the little Inside points of the game, a little more finish on his combina tion playing, and a few minor details of play, Bancroft outfigures his Red Sox rival. St. Mary's College, of Oakland. Cal., will be well represented in the series. Three members of the Boston club. Hooper. Lewis and Leonard, and one of the Phillies, Eddie Burns, are from St. Mary's. Harry Krause. of the Portland Club, is also from St. Mary's, being tne first of the quintet to butt into the big ring and the first to par ticipate in the spoils of a world's se ries. So great was the success of the au tomatic world's series board shown at the Heilig Theater last year that W. T. Pangle has decided to unpack the board again. It will be in shape for the first game of the series and every morning at 10 o'clock thereafter. Every pitched ball, every foul, every fielding and batting play Is shown on the board. RATX DISAPPOINTS PHILLIFJS Finish of Schedule Delayed and Chance for Secret Practice Flits. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5. Disap pointment was general in the camp of the Phillies, the new National League champions, today because rain caused a postponement of a double-header with the Brooklyn team. It had been hoped that the regular season here would be completed today, and that tne two days intervening before the world series on Friday could be de voted to, secret practice in preparation for the big game. Prospects for finishing their schedule tomorrow were anything but brilliant tonight and the weather forecaster held out little hope for a clear day to morrow. If rain . again interferes It was officially stated that the games will be called off in order to give Moran'a men at least one day of rest before clashing with the Boston Amer icans for premier baseball honors. Manager Moran held a secret confer ence with his men during the .after noon and it was said that he imparted to them whatever knowledge he gained of the Red Sox in viewing their play at New York yesterday. It has been his custom all through the season to confer frequently with his players in secret, believing, he says, that to ac quaint them with certain points about opposing players and teams' tactics goes a long way toward winning games. Applicants for tickets to the games to be played in this city will not know until Thursday whether they are fortu nate enough to secure the coveted seats. . The management of the club an nounced tonight that notices will be sent out by mail Wednesday night to those to whom tickets have been al lotted, stating how they can be ob tained. Thousands, however, are doomed to disappointment because the applica tions exceed the seating capacity of the park ten-fold or more. In order to minimize the chance of the tickets fall ing into the hands of speculators, it was announced the applicants will have to be identified before receiving their allotment. Mayor Blankenburg today accepted an Invitation to attend the second game of the Beries on Saturday. Three seats in the private box of W. F. Baker, pres ident of the club, were placed at his disposal. This box adjoins the one to be occupied by President Wilson, who also will be present at Saturday's game. The Mayor received an invita tion today from Mayor Curley. of Bos ton, to come there on Tuesday and "see the obsequies" in the fourth game of the series, which, the Boston executive said, would be the last. The Philadelphia baseball writer to day selected Chandler R. Richter, of Dporang ine. to De one .or the official scorers of the series. BOSTON PARK TO HOLD 45,000 Abont 5 00 0 Persons to Be Allowed to Stand In Available Spots. BOSTON, Oct. 6. The world series games to be played in this city next Monday and Tuesday probably will be witnessed by 45,000 persons. President Joseph J. Lannin, of the Boston Amer icans, announced tonight. Careful checking up of the capacity of Braves Field, he said, had shown that this number could be cared for without in convenience. About 5000 persons will be allowed to stand in the rear of the grand stand or behind the fence to be erected in right field. JEFFS AND ACADEMY WILL CLASH TODAY Interscholastic Gridiron Fans Expect to Get Line on Teams in Opening Fray. BOTH SQUADS IN SHAPE E BIRDS PLENTIFUL STATE WARDEN SHOEMAKER SAYS SHOOTIXG IS ESPECIALLY GOOD. Liberated Pheasants Believed e Have Thriven. Leadlas to Large Number to Be Found In Valley. Unusually good shooting by pheasant and duck hunters was reported to Carl Shoemaker, state game warden, yester day from various sections of Western Oregon invaded during the week by shooters. Pheasants seem more plenti ful this year than in former seasons, a fact that Mr. Shoemaker attributes largely to the liberation of 4000 pheas ants this year by the state. The normal increase in these birds would be 20.000, he said, and from Mar ion. Linn. Polk and Benton counties particularly reports of many birds and good hunting seem to bear out the be lief that the liberated birds have thriven amazingly. "Last week 1 saw thousands of pheas ants in the TTmpqua Valley," said Mr. Shoemaker. "It was the day before the season opened and they were so tame they would hardly get out of the way of the automobile. We are getting re ports from all sections that the shoot ing is exceptionally good, with plenty of birds." POTjICKIIAVE ICE HOCKEY TEAM Practice to Start as Soon as Rink Opens Abont October 1 5. Twenty-five candidates for the Po lice Bureau ice hockey team responded last night at the meeting held in the Police Station. Patrolman M. D. Wells was elected manager of the sextet, and Detective W. H. Royle was elected captain of the squad. The first practice will be held Im mediately after the opening of the Portland Hippodrome for the 1915 ice skating season. Directors of the ice rink plan on having the ice frozen and ready for skaters around October IS. Manager Wells and Captain Royle are going to arrange for several games with lome local amateur teams. Efforts wi llbe made to play the Seattle. Dash., police department. CHICK ACTREY JOIXS SEVLS Hard-HItting Minneapolis First Baseman Signs Contract. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 5. (Special.) San Francisco will have a new first baseman in the lineup when the club goes against the Tigers tomorrow aft ernoon. Chick Autrey, who finished the season with Minneapolis in the American Association, but "Who had a non-reserve contract, has signed with the locals and wjll play first instead of Meloan. Autrey has been In the city for sev eral days since the Minneapolis club closed its year's work and Wolverton came to terms with him this afternoon. The newcomer batted .291 with the Minneapolis club and. according to Wolverton, he is full of life and ginger a fighting player. Coast League Leaders CLAUDE WILLIAMS, the diminutive Salt Lake slabster, in whose honor a day was set apart recently, is now topping the Coast League pitchers. Up until the beginning of the present se ries the Salt Laker had won 27 and lost 12 games. "Spider" Baum, who held premier honors until now, has won 27 and lost 13 games. The records of the leaders in the various departments, not including games of the present series, follow: Pitchers Williams, Salt Lake, won 27. lost 12. .631' ; Smltn. San Francisco, won It, lost 8, -.080: Baum, San Francisco, won 2.. lost 13, .675; Beer, Oakland, won 8, lost 4. .GG7. Hitters Hellmann, San Francisco. .365: V olter. Los Angeles, ,3o0; Ness. Oakland. .340; Brief, Salt Lake, .S41; Johnston. Oak land. Run makers Maggert. Los Angeles. 136: Johnston. Oakland, 12S; Schaller. San Fran cisco. 127; Shinn, Salt Lake, 118; Gedeon. Salt Lake. 116; Ryan, Salt Lake. 114; Fitz gerald, San Francisco, 112; Bodle, San Francisco, 101; Orr, Salt Lake, 94; Ness. Oakland, 94. Base stealers Johnston. Oakland. 73; Schaller, San Francisco, 61; Maggert, Los Angeles, 4S: Fitzgerald, San Francisco. 45: Shinn. salt Lake. 42; Bodle. San Francisco. 3.: McMulIen, Los Angeles, 32; Corhan. San Francisco, 32; Jones, San Francisco, 30; EHUs, Los Angeles, 30. Home-run hltters Schaller, San Fran cisco, 20; Gedeon, Salt Lake, 17: Bodle. San Francisco, 17. Three-base, hitters Wolter, Los Angeles. 16: Maggert. Los Angeles, 14; Koerner, Los Angeles-Oakland, 11. Twj-base hitters Gedeon, Salt Lake SS Bodle. San Francisco. 46: Ryan. Salt Lake. 44: Johnston. Oakland. 43; Orr. Salt Lake. 42 Sac-ifice hitters McMulIen. Los Angeles. 41: Purtell. Vernon, 38; Mldd'.eton. Oak land. 8: Terry. Los Angeles, 3; Orr. salt L&kq. 35. "Wolfer, Star of Last Year, Is Shifted to Backfleld for High School. Paul Cndllpp Again Is in Coach Enrlbart'a Idneup. By EARL R. GOODWIN". Today is the day! Enthusiasm is at its highest now for the opening of the 1915 football season of the Portland Interscholastic League, wnicn win De staged this afternoon on Multnomah Field between the Jef ferson High School and the Portland Academy. Both teams reported in great shape last night, and each is eager for Referee Francis to start the match at 3 o'clock. Nothing except light workouts, fea turing signal practice and open plays, were on the boards for last night. In the lineup announced by Coach Homer Jamison for his Jefferson High School eleven, eight of the players were among the 1914 regulars, and the same num ber of letter men are gracing the Port land Academy roster, according to Coach "Spec" HurlburL Wolfer Switched to Backfleld. Last season the high schoolers ad ministered a 23-to-0 walloping to the private school representatives, due mainly to the efforts of "Ike" Wolter. "Ike" scored all the points for the Jef ferson High School on forward passes, goal kicks and a safety when he threw the opposing halfback across his own goal line. Now Wolfer has been switched to the backfleld to help Steve Wilcox and Captain Moe Sax advance the ball from that position. Ward Irvine, considered to be one of the headiest quarterbacks in the league for seasons past, is not out with the Jefferson High School this year. His place is being ably tilled by Willeford. Paul Cudlipp. who played quarter back for Portland Academy last year, is a halfback now. and Captain Blllie Lewis has been taken from am end to quarterback. "Buck" Hicks, the Acad emy fullback, is going great guns, and If he appears in the league games like he did in the two practice games it will take a great deal to keep him off the 1915 all-star team of the league. Play May Sot Start Before 3ilB. The contest today has been called for 3 o'clock; but because the Jefferson High students have to come so far to Multnomah Field it may not open until 3:15 o'clock. The various coaches and players of the "other teams of the Port land Interscholastic League will be on hand to give both teams the "dou ble O." Grover Francis, of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, will be the referee, and Herbert J. Campbell, of the same institution, will be the um pire. Both were officially appointed to their duties at a meeting of the league directors held last week. The hcadlinesman will be selected by the two contending coaches on the field this afternoon. Whether or not a field judge will be necessary will be deter mined when Coach Jamison and Coach "Spec" Hurlburt meet today. Following are the lineups: Portland Acad. Jefferson High. Simmons Hamaker . Fuller Bell Fraley Glatt F.i Shea . Capt. Lewis Cudlipp . . . Prhoenberg Hicks C . . R a i. . . R T L. .. . .R R L. .. . .1. O R... . . L T R . . . . .L B R. . . Q . R H L. .. . .L ! R. .. F Killdiiff . . . Emery . Gielilsch Hlxon . . Kellogg . . . Curry .. Maurice Willeford Capt. Sax . .. Wolfer . . . Wilcox 3 CAUGHT IX GAME Jj.t XET x Two of Tliose Arrested Xear Gaston Are Fined $2 5 Each. GASTON, Or.. Oct. 5. (Special.) Three arrests for infringements-of the game law, have been made in this vicinity since Friday by Game Warden George Russell, of Gaston. Thor Gron beck, of Forest Grove, was arrested for shooting without a license. He pleaded guilty at Hillsboro and was fined 25. Another man near Thatcher, whose name is withheld, had no license and it cost him $25. Gaston B. Nasholm was caught kill ing the little blue or California quail. A few years ago the game commission released 12 pairs of California quail and 80 pairs of Hungarian partridge on several farms in this section. They have been increasing rapidly and the authorities are keeping a close watch on them. Militia Stages Card for Merchants. CENTRA LI A, Wash., Oct. 5. (Spe cial.) Tomorrow night the members of the Commercial Club will be enter tained in an unique fashion by Com pany M at the Armory. Following a programme of boxing and music, mess call will be sounded by the buglers and each guest will receive a mess outfit, refreshments being served in true Army style. a Gordon hats $300 no good hat salesman will try to beat the Gordon with an inferior quality. Some salesmen do, though. Will you be hoodwinked ? tidqdw aceats far On Hum Kata, m Ok MATT "6 A 2S6 WASUlttSICK SIELU 1 B Awarded Medal of Honor at the iV sTi Panama-Pacific "ExDosition mw m m. vultivar el Tabaco es el niodo que tiene la Madre Naturaleza de compensar actos menos bondadosos" """Growing tobacco is Mother ISarareVI way of making np for acts less kind."J It is time that I smoke another Van Dyck. I lift him carefully from my cigar case he is too fine a fellow to throw loose in the coat pocket, I light carefully. I smoke deliber ately ; there is quite a pause between my puffs. I am not one of your walk ing chimneys I smoke Van Dy ck ! Ah, that rich Havana leaf how often I look into its cool white smoke and see again my old home ! It is the siesta of midday. The air is heavy with complete fragrance. I rest in the blue shadow of my living room, smoking slowly. The splattering tinkle of water sings in my ears from the fountain in our courtyard. So I say to myself that Mother Nature is not after alL the jade she sometimes ' seems. Does 6he not give us many tobaccos for the beginners in smoking? Does she not give the precious Havana tobacco in Van Dyck cigars to those of us who are more fastidious about our cigars ? After but one Van Dyck I thank her from my heart my little troubles have vanished up in smoke ! W ! I l a Havana all Havana Spanish made Two for a quarter -and up M. A. Cunst & Co., Inc., Distributors M HI u r a t9 92Zl SO zired" said ?zp- otuooer leecs said she. jbo jm hvn. mak archq? Tben yom need ttt t otter Orthopedic Heel wtch Hea that extra mpport where needed. Especially valuable to policemen, rw torraea, condariora, Boor walker and all who an oa their feet a great deal. 75c attached at your rlaali r r Bent postpaid npoa re ceipt of 50c and ootkoe ui your heei. CUSHION RUBBER HEELS There's a treat in store for jrou the moment you have Cat's Paw Heels attached to your shoes. Give your step the safe, buoyant lightness of the trained athlete. The Foster Friction Plug prevents lipping on wet sidewalks and icy surfaces makes the heck wear longer, too. No hole to track mud and dirt. They CM DO more thaa the ordinary kind! and the are em In ted .11 dl Get a pas today. THE FOSTER RUBBER CO. 10S Federal Street. Boston. Maaa. Mm arilniiiet FOeUea flaa walca yenem WE FIT THESE HEELS At Both Our Repair Factories ARMISHAW BROS SHOE CO. 367 Stark St. 128 Broadway I