VOL.. L.V NO. 17,119. PORTLAND. OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER C, 1913.- Pit ICE FIVE CENTS. KING OF GREECE AND PREMIER DISAGREE Resignation of Minis ter Is Reported. ROYAL APPROVAL KOT GIVEN French Troops Landing Said to Number 70,000 Wen. NATIONAL TREASURY LOW Funds Are Sufficient Only for 3IontIi on War Footing and Fu ture Financial Operations . May Depend on Allies. PARIS. Oct. 6. An Athens dispatch to the Havas Agency says: "Premier Venizelos has resigned, the King having informed him that he was unable to support the policy of his ministry." ATHENS. Out. 3. via Paris. Oct. 6. Delayed in transmission.) The French troops landing from transports t Salonika. Greece, consist of 70,000 men. They will proceed along the G uevijrheli-Uskup railroad to guard the line. ATHENS. Thursday. Sept. 30. via Home and Paris, Oct. 5. (Delayed in transmission.) Greece is able to put 1 So, 000 men. fully equipped, in the field. Although the mobilization, which Includes men up to 43 years of Se. probably will call for 300,000 troops, tllutse over the ISO. 000 cannot be armed. Finances Depend on Allies. It is said the government has suffi cient funds to continue on a war foot ing for one month. The problem, there fore, is the obtaining of money from the Triple Entente powers. The mobilization will be completed Sunday night (October 3). The sign ing of the mobilization order created general relief here. It was considered xn extraordinary triumph for Premier Venizelos. who is known to have had ft long struggle with King Conatantine before the monarch would yield to the. T'remier's wishes. Crowds gathered before the foreign office and newspaper bulletin boards this afternoon while M. Venizelos was In conference with the king, the people showing an ugly temper when rumors of a resignation of the cabinet were circulated. Army Ignorant of Purpose. A curious and disconcerting feature of the Greek mobilization is the ignor ance of the mobilized men as to their destination or the purpose for which were called to the colors. The newspapers which usually In dulge in the freest expression of opin ion are generally silent respecting the fate of the Serbian-Greek treaty of alliance, which the King all along has maintained was abrogated by the Serb ians owing to their concessions to Bulgaria, and the effectiveness of which today is the key to the future action of Greece. A story generally current in. Athens nd widely accepted as illustrating the situation is that Premier Venizelos at 1 his conference with King Constantino pleaded that the Serbian alliance must be observed, if for no other reason than a means of defense against Bulgaria. Premier Retorts to Kins. 1 A close friend of King Constantino Is authority for the statement that the King, in reply, exhibited a telegram from the German Emperor saying that Greece would not be attacked by Bul garia if she remained neutral and that the Premier said: "Does your majesty consider the word of the man whose troops invaded Belgium sufficient protection for Greece?" NOTICE GIVEN BY ROIJLIXIA Bulgaria Twice Informed Mobiliza tion Is Unfriendly Act. PARIS, Oct. 5. "Premier Bratiano. of Roumanla, already has twice in ftirm.Ml Bulgaria that the latter's mob ilisation is regarded by the Bucharest govei ninent as an unfriendly act," says the Matin. The newspaper adds: "Roumanla. from a military point of view, is ready for any eventuality, thanks to the blunder on the part of Austria-Hungary, which a month ago, closed the frontier, which .save lioumania the required pretext for concentrating troops. Roumanla thus is safe from all surprise attacks." LANDING IN GRK.F.CE IS CITED German Paper Recalls Indignation of Allies Roa id ins Belgium. LONDON. Oct. 6. The Tageblatt. of Berlin, is quoted by Reuter's corre spondent at Amsterdam as recalling the indignation expressed by the en tente powers at the violation of Bel gium's neutrality by Germany. Discussing the report that the allies are sending troops to the assistance of Serbia across Greek territory, the Tageblatt says the . entente powers have seized the first opportunity of ignoring the rights of smaller nations, notwithstanding their previous pre tense of protecting them. Invitations to Hangings Stopped. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 5. No more invitations are to be issued for hangings at the two California State Penitentiaries, according to the ruling cf the Board of Prison Directors. FLEEING ELOPERS VAINLY TRY TO WED ROSEBURG SHERIFF THINKS PAIR PROCEEDING SOUTH. EMort "Being Made to Apprehend Man, 2G, and Girl, 15, Who Started Flight Recently. ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 5. (Special.) Edwin. Johnson, aged 26. and Ruth Thompson, aged 15, who Sunday eloped from Blodgett, 15 miles west of Cor vallis. arrived in Roseburg Monday and appliea for a marriage license at the office of the County Clerk. They were accompanied to the clerk's office by Miss Agnes Grinstead, at whose home they were entertained during their stay in Roseburg. " On account of the inability of the couple to obtain a satisfactory witness who was acquainted with Miss Thomp son, the marriage license was refused by the County Clerk. Miss Grinstead was acquainted with Mr. Johnson, whom she met in Benton County. Sheriff Quine believes the couple left here last night for Grants Pass or Jacksonville. He today notified' the Sheriff of Benton County, and an effort is being made to apprehend them. BLIND ACTRESS ENRICHED Clara Morris, "Woman of Sorrow," to Get Income on $50,000. NEW YORK, Oct. 5. (Special.) Clara Morris, the actress, best known in the last few years as a woman of sorrow, has at length found a rift in the clouds through which has come a ray of sunshine. . Blind, aged and widowed, a bit of good fortune has come to her that will keep her safe for the rest of her days from poverty to relieve which friends have often rallied to her aid. The income f rom . $50,000 has been bequeathed to her by Samuel W. Har riott, brother of her late husband, the accounting of whose estate was filed today. C0RVALLIS WATER IS LOW Use Confined to Drinking and Fire Purposes Until Reservoir Fills. CORVALLIS, Or., Oct. 5. tSpecial.) Corvallis is in grave danger tonight should a fire occur. The city water supply is exceedingly low. About noon today the superintendent, observing the water gauge, discovered that the pressure had decreased from 80 to less than 40 pounds. He immediately or dered use of water for all purposes ex cept fire and drinking stopped. " At the Intake, 15 miles west of Corvallis on Mary's ' Peak, workmen discovered that two of the gates had been opened and water was turned back into the creek. It will require between one and two days to fill the reservoir. VESSELS TO GO OLD ROUTE American-Hawaiian Fleet Held in Canal Zone Ordered to Sail. SAX f RAN CI SCO, Oct. 5. Seven steamers of the American -Hawaiia n line, held at Balboa and Cristobal, Panama, by slides in the Canal, which may not be cleared away for a month, were ordered today to proceed by way of Magellan Straits. The Arizonan, lowan and Nevadan were bound here from New York and were held at Cristobal. Four others, the Oh loan, Alaskan, and Montanan, from here for New York, and the Ken tuckian from the Hawaiian Islands, were, held 0it Balboa. BRITISH UNIONS DENOUNCED Sirs. Iank hurst Sajs Opposition to Women Workers Is Treason. LONDON. Oct. 5. .Irs. Emmaline Pankhurst, at a woman's social and political union meeting in London, to day openly denounced as traitors rep resentatives of organized labor who, she said, were opposing the employ ment of women in the present crisis. "I asked the government to set up factories to train women in 'munition works," she said. "Mr. Lloyd George was willing, the women were willing, but this training of women was opposed by organized skilled workers. This is nothing short of treachery." CHAWfP CLARK AIDS POSSE Speaker Joins Sheriffs Force to Prevent Lynching. BOWLING GREEN. Mo., Oct. 6. Speaker Clark and his son were in a posse that met and dispersed a mob of 20 men that attempted to lynch Har rison Rose, a negro, early today. The mob attacked the jail, broke the outer doors and was pounding with sledge hammers on the inner door when the Sheriff appeared with the posse. The mob was quickly dispersed. Rose is under indictment for the murder of a farmer. JAPANESE EXECUTE REBEL Five of lrraosa Chiefs Aides Share Same Fate; Others in Prison. TAIN AX. Formosa, Sept. 10. Cor respondence of the Associated Press.) Rah-Chun, ringleader of the recent na tive insurrection against Japanese au thority, and seven of his associates have been executed for sedition and revolt- Followers to the number of 125 have been septenccd to from nine to 1 years' imprisonment. There are guo awaiting iriai in connection with the revolt. CHICAGO LID BREAKS VOW, CHARGE WETS Mayor's Alleged Pre election Word Cited. LIQUOR MEN 60 TQ GOVERNOR Special Session of Legislature to Be Requested. CITY REFERENDUM WANTED City Executive's Order Closing Sa loons on Sunday Said to Have Followed Move to Indict Him. Amusements May End, Too. CHICAGO, Oct. 5. Saloonkeepers liquor dealers and brewers. Incensed over Mayor Thompson's order closing Chicago saloons on Sunday, will ask Governor Dunne to call a special ses sion of the Legislature to amend the dram shop law so as to permit large cities of the state to determine by a referendum vote whether their saloons are to remain closed on Sundays, ac cording to Anton J. Cermack. chairman of the executive committee of the Unit ed Societies, a liquor men's organiza tion. Mayor Thompson based his order on a state statute which prohibits saloons from keeping open on Sunday, ind which provides a penalty of $200 for violation. Allt-ged ' Pledge Made Public Cermack said a petition containing 300,0(0 names would be presented to the Governor in support of the request of the salocnmen. Mr. Cermak tonight gave out a type written pledge which he said was given voluntarily by the Mayor before elec tion. The pledge purporting to bear Mr. Thompson's signatur-i recited that the signer "will oppose all laws known as 'blue laws' and that he especially de clares that he is opposed to a closed Sunday, believing that the state law referring to Sunday closing is obsolete and should not be enforced by the city administration; and that he is opposed to all ordinances tending to curtail the citizens of Chicago in the enjoyment of their liberties on the weekly day of rest. fpeclal l'rrjnlta Favored. Further clauses read that the signer favors special bar permits until 3 A. M to reputable societies giving entertain ments; that as Mayor he will use his veto power to prevent enactment of ordinances aiming at abridgement of personal liberty or intended to repeal existing liberal ordinancesihat he wil oppose the extension of prohibition ter ritory in the city limits "unless de manded by a majority of residents in a district in which at least two-thirds of the building lots are improved with dwelling houses"; that he is unalter ably opposed to having the anti-saloon "oncliidod on I'ajjc 3. Column 1.) 1 1 1 ! ! I INDEX OF TODAFS NEWS Th Weather. TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, degrees; minimum, 44 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly winds. War. Germany disavows sinking of Arabic, will pay idemnity. Page 1. Gains by allies regarded as unimportant in proportion tq prodigious effort made. Page i Premier of Greece said to have resigned. Page 1. Greece may keep faith with Serbia, Page 2. National. United States at war for purposes of great Xaval maneuvers. Page 1. Administration attitude on tariff unchanged. Page 14. Congress may be asked to build navy on oasis or 49 iirsi-ciaas battiesnipa. fago x. Domestic. Chicago Jiquor men plan fVght against Sun day closing. Page 3. Sports. Pacific Coast League results: Salt Lake S, -t'ortland 7; v emon 4, San Franrtsco O; Oakland-Los Angeles game postponed. Page 12. Philadelphia has had her share of world's aeries excitement. Page 12. Jefferson to clash with academy today in interscholastic season opener. age 12. Pacific Northwest. L. R. Stinson commits suicide at home near baiom. Page 1. Pendleton jury convicts Lee Dale of homi cide in 20 minute. Page 6. Roseburg elopers vainly try to wed. Page 1. Commercial and Marine. Four hundred cars of wheat bought lor shipment Fast. Page 17. Buying by Wall-street ' speculators advances wheat at Chicago. Page 17. War shares slump on heavy selling. Page 17. Hind. Rolph & Co. demand damages for ac cident to puako. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. O. B. CuIdweH named sunerlntendent of Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany. Page 6. Oregon temperance women's reception to Eastern delegates is arranged. Page 13. Washing ton -street realty deal made in fig ure near $85,000 mark. Page tf. J. A. Fouilhoux says auditorium can be start- eu in December. Page 7. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 17. Fire-prevention study is begun in schools. Page 1 L Registrations heavy at city night schools. Page il More women nan ted to make bandages for wounded. Page 6. ROCKEFELLER PLAN LIKED Colorado Minors Voting Ten to One in I'avor or Acceptance. DENVER. Out. 5. Miners employed by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company are voting at the rate of 10 to 1 in favor of the Rockefeller industrial pla.n. With returns from eight camps reported, the vote today stood 1192 for the plan and 106 against it. It was expected that the last polls would be taken Wednesday. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., started late today for Wyoming to complete his inspection of Colorado Fuel & Iron min ing properties. He will visit the Sun rise mine, an Iron ore property in Platte county, near the Wyoming-Ne braska line, tomorrow. ASIA MINOR PORT SHELLED Berlin Keport Says Allies Vessels Destroyed Hospital. BERLIN, Oct. 5. (By wireless to Sayville. N. Y.) "Reports received from Adalia say that two torpedo-boats, one of which was French, have shelled that city." says the Overseas News Agency. "The municipal hospital, which flew the Red Cross flag, was destroyed and one of the inmates killed." Adalia Is a seaport of Asia Minor on the Gulf of Adalia witli a population of about 50,000. probably three-fourths of whom are Mohammedans and the remainder Greeks. THE BULGARIAN STANDS ON THE BURNING DECK. L SHIITAKES OWN LIFE AT HOE Overwork, Resulting in Breakdown, Cause. MIND DECLARED UNBALANCED Son Hears Shot and Finds Parent Dead by Bedside. 12-GAUGE SHOTGUN USED Office of Grand Keeper of Kecords and Seal or Knights or Pythias In Oregon Held 1 8 Years and Acquaintance Slate-Wide. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 5. (Special.) L. R. Stinson. for 18 years grand keeper of records and seal of the Knights of Pythias for Oregon, committed suicide late today at his farm In Polk County, just across the Willamette River trorr. Salem. He shot himself through th? heart with a 12-gauge shotgun. Over work, resulting in nervous prostration about a month ago, is said by mem bers of the family and friends to have affected Mr. Stinson's mind. They de clare he was not mentally responsible for his act. He was 53 years old. The suicide took place shortly after 5 o'clock tonight in Mr. Stinson"s bed room at his home. A son. Logan fcStin son. and hie mother, Mrs. A. L. stinson, were in the house at the time of the shooting Hearing a shot they rushed into the bedroom, where they found Mr. Stinson lying at the side of the bed. The shotgun he had used lay at his side. Death was instantaneous. o Indueat to He Held. According to Logan Stinson. hij father had seated himself on the bed. placed the muzzle of the shotgun to his breast and pulled the trigger. The authorities were at once notified, and Mr. Stinson's body was brought to Salem. No inquest v.-ill be held. Mr. Stin3on was a native of Oregon, having been born in Albany January 3, 1S6U. When a year old his parents moved'lo Salem, where he had resided since. He was a printer by trade, and prior to his election as keeper of rec ords and seal for the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias, conducted a printing shop here. When the late Frank W. Benson was Secretary of State (1907-1911) Mr. Stinson was ex pert printer with the state printing department. I'ralrrnal UIHee Held 1H lean. For IS successive years Mr. Stinson was unanimously elected grand - keeper of records and seal for the Knights of Pythias. He was regarded by members of the rand - lodge as one of its most efficient officers, and through the nature of his work had a wide acquaintance throughout the state. He was a mem ber of Central Lodge No. 18. Knights of Pythias, this city. Besides his 'mother and son, Logan ('onchi1eri on pace 1'olumn I!.) Tuesdays War Moves RUSSIA'S ultimatum to Bulgaria ex pired -at 4 o'clock yesterday, but up to a late hour last night, so far as known in London, no answer had been received and none was expected. It is taken for granted that King Ferdinand and his ministers are defi nitely committed to the Germanic al lies, and. in return for European ter ritory to be ceded after the war, has undertaken to assist actively in the operations against Serbia, thus hop ing to open the way for the Austro German army, the objective of which is the Sea of Marmora. The entente . powers, in this belief, have landed or are landing, a force at Saloniki, which will take upon itself the duty of protecting the main rail way line through Serbia and Greece and give what assistance it can to the Balkan allies, should they be attacked by Bulgaria. This infringement of Greek neutrality has brought forth a formal protest from the Greek govern ment, but in the words of one corre spondent, "it is being winked at" by the great majority of the people of Greece. The Opposition in the Greek chamber also has made protest against the pol icy of Premier Venizelos which, it is said, is forcing Greece Into an unneces sary war. The Chamber yesterday passed a vote of confidence In the Premier, but Paris has received news that the Premier today resigned on being informed by the King that the latter could not give assent to his war policy. The next move devolves upon Bul garia, and as soon as she moves, the Anglo-French troops which are being mobilized will be put in motion, while the fleets in the Black Sea and the Aegean will assume the appointed roles. Meanwnile. Russia, whose armies for five months have been retiring, has begun on energetic offensive along a wide front from Rita to ntthi.i r Vilna. and. according tn itnntruui reports, has already mt -hk slderable success. This, however, is denied by Berlin, which says that all the Russian attacks have been repulsed. On the western front, the big guns have again undertaken the task of at tempting to level the German entrench ments, presumably in preparation for a continuation of the attacks which proved successful in Artois and Cham pagne. In some sectors there has been infantry fighting, in which a trench or a few yards of a trench, changes hands, this being particularly the case in the areas where the allies have made their ana wnere trie Germans are try ing to win back the lost ground. The British fleet, too. is almost con gruously oomoarding the German posi tions on the coast of Belgium. October . mil. Battle is violent north of river Oise. German balloons direct deadly fire on Antwerp. ' British battleship Triumph helps In bombardment of Tsing-Tau. Liquor to stand greatest part of 100.000.000 United states emergency revenue. PASTOR ON PAROLE BOARD Rev. O. II. Holmes, Forest irovc. Named by Governor ror Place. SALEM, Or., Oct. i. (Special.) Gov. ernor Withyconibc today appointed Rev. o. H. Holmes, or Forest Grove, a member of the parole board. Hev. Mr. Holmes is a Congregational minister. He came to Oregon from Iowa, where he was lor three sessions a member of the State Legislature. During his legislative services he was chairman of the penitentiary com mittee and is the author of the Iowa indeterminate sentence law. He Is said to have had considerable: experience in matters .relating to prisons. John F. Logan, of Portland, is the other appointee, the other member be ing named by law. MRS. DUNIWAY NO BETTER Physician Reports Little Change in I Condition of Patient. Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway. who un derwent an operation at the Good Samaritan Hospital several weeks ago, was reported to be still very low last niht. However, no appreciable change for the worse yesterday could be de tected. Dr. J. C. Zan, who has charge or the case, said last night that an examina- tion of his patient would be made to- oay. ii tne lntectlon continues to spread another operation will be per formed if Mrs. Duniway is thought strong enough to withstand it. GULF SUFFERERS HELPED Federal Health Service to Lend Tents and Other Equipment. WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. In response to a message from Governor Hall, of Louisiana, asking for assistance in tak ing care of the homeless. Acting Sec retary Newton, of the Treasury, today authorized public health service offi cials to lend tents and other equipment to Gulf Coast hurricane sufferers. Governor Hall telegraphed that S0O0 or 6000 persons were homeless and des titute. GERMAN STEAMER SHELLED Berlin Xe Agency Declares Sub marine Gave No Warning. BERLIN, Oct. 5. (By wireless to Sayville.) "The German steamer Svi onia was shelled in the Baltic Sea by a British submarine without previous warning." the Overseas News Agency declares today.' "The submarine.'' adds the news agency, "first flew the German flag aud then the British." 48-BATTLESHIP BASIS PROPOSED Daniels Is "Inclined to Favor" Plan. POLICY TO BE CONTINUOUS Proportion of Other Vessels to Be Worked Out Later. MUCH AMMUNITION NEEDED Value of Large Keserves Strikinfly Illustrated by War In Europe. Xaval Advisory Board to Organize Today. WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. Congress probably will be asked to approve in December a continuing building policy ror the Navy, having for its object maintenance of the Navy on the basis of at least 4S first-class battleships. The proportion of superbattle cruisers, scouts. destroyers, submarines and auxiliaries would ue worked out from this figure. Secretary Daniels said today that the proposal to recommend to Con gress the establishment of this policy had been discussed by him both with President Wilson and with Chairman Padgett of the House naval affairs committee. Urflnl'.e Drrlalon Delayed. While he explained that no definite decision had been reached, the Secre tary Indicated that he was inclined to, favor such a plan. The Navy General Board for many years has computed its construction estimates on a basis simi lar to that suggested, but the proposal to write the plan into an appropriation bill as a definite and continuing build ing policy never has received the ap proval of any Secretary of the Navy. Secretary Daniels declared that if the policy received the approval of the pcopie lie had little doubt that Con gresses to come would follow it tn principle, so that the yearly expendi ture on the Navy could be computed in advance with a considerable degree of accuracy. Ammunition ReMcrvm Neerannry. Congress will be asked also to make more liberal provision in reserves of ammunition than ever before has been thought necessary. Secretary Daniels said the necessity of huge reserves of ammunition had been the most strik ing lesson drawn from the European war. The amount to be sought for this purpose was not disclosed. Thomas A, Edison, chairman of the Naval Advisory Board, arrived in Washington tonight to preside over the first meeting of the board here' tomorrow. The other 22 members are all expected to be present. At a brief session the board w-ill plan for future meetings, for divisions of labor among its members and for conferences with many experts. Then the members will go to the White House to be received by President Wil son and will visit the Naval proving grounds at Indian Head to see testa of the newest 14-inch Navy gun. The first problem for the civilian board will be that of developing satis factory gasoline or oil engines for aeroplanes and submarines. The problem of defense against tor pedo attack probably ranks second in importance. .MONROE DOCTRINU ON TRIAL Minister From Panama Says Amer ica Is Facinj Test. WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. Eusebia A. Morales, the Minister from Panama, speaking here today at a conference on National defense, being conducted under the auspices of the Navy League. Q the National Rifle Association and the Council of National Defense, declared all the American republics were watch ing the preparedness of the United States because, he said, upon it 'depends the defense of the Monroe Doctrine. The declaration of the United States that the American continent cannot be the object of conquest or foreign ag gression, he said, now faces threat ening realities. "Suppose," said Dr. Morales, "that England and France are vanquished during this war? What will be the fate of their colonies in America? Will the American continent look with in difference on the occupation by Ger many of French and British Guinea, of British Honduras and the islands which enclose the Caribbean Sea? . "The answer appears to be obvious." Dr. Morales said that the Monroe Doctrine faced "threatening realities." and that because of it the National defense of the United States was inti-: mately bound up with the whole of the American continent. "In the face of the present situation." he continued, "it would be wise not tc persist In the illusion of security In which we have lived, but to create for the deTcnse of the continent and the harmonious development of the Ameri can nations an organization which In itself would command respect. "In this organization there falls upon the United States the preponder ant role, not only because it Is the most powerful country of the conti nent, but because It has voluntarily constituted itself the champion of the other American nations." A country .K war with the United Column 'J ii