18 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1915. FOK REM. Furnished Koom 2IURR Y. please, if you intend to live with us this tali and Winter. Less than a dozen rooms remain unfilled. It Is the home likeness of this hotel, the piano in , the parlor, the i'lowcrs and music by day ; and the peace and quiet by night that , bring- vs many permanent guests. We can accommodate a few more. HOT EL. VEB.NON. 103 12th st., near Washington. HOTEL BRISTOL 12TH AND i-TAKK. Li rge, clean, comfortable rooms, pri- ua baths, individual telephone, electric . lig.ua, steam heat, single rooms $2 per , w eeK a no. up, with ba th $3.5u and up. Thoroughly respectable, tutrunce on 12th street. HOTEL. BLACKSTU.NK, " t ' Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; ; elevator, but and cold water; steam heat, . telephone connection in each room; no extra chais for two in a room; room and bat 1 $1 nay ; transient solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, be l ween Morrison and Yam- liill. Desirable downtown location. Ka , spec table and strictly modern. Room rats l per day, $4 per week. With pri me bath $1.5u per day, $j.5d per week. HOTtlli BUCKINGHAM, 652 y Washington st. ; fireproof; ideal location; steam heat, running not and cold water, phones, baths, ail outside, clean, quiet rooms; $2.00 week up; 5uc any up. HOTEL CONKADINE, 30th St. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building. elevator and large lobby. Kooms f.i per week and up. H UT i J ROW LA N D A X 1 J A N S K X. 207V-200fc 4th st. Rooms with private baths $1 per day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. HOTEL FORD, "?35 Washington. Family hotel; hut and cold water anJ phone In every room; rooms without bath. $10 up: with bath, $15 up. HOTEL CORDOVA, 2ot 11th st. Strictlv modern; private raths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 1)472. A 473. Furnished Roonit in Private Family. ItENT by day or week, reasonable, 1 large room, well furnished, large windows and double bed; home place; opposite Public Library. Main 9370. 1SI 11th St. j'OR RENT Room with fireplace, sleeping porch, beautifully furnished modern borne; references wanted. Woodlawn Mil. VELL-AHKANGKD eiteplng-roorn for two gentlemen ; free phone, bath and heat; walking distance; $15. 32S Mill. 2i2 12 TH lJur!ors, single room ; heat, bot water; walking distance. Main 0SS7. LOV ELV front room, refined family. Home comforts. References. Main 3740. MCATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, phone, $1,50 per weeh. 42a 6th st. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful homo; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett. LARGE elegantly-furnished room; private bath, rent reasonable. 374 Park st. H'RMSHED room for East S 1 1. or 3 men. Tel. 'TWO very desirable bedrooms, modern homo, S ; breakfast optional. Tabor 2S45. I'l'RMSHED ROOMS Clean, newly tlnterl, warm, close in. 144 u Broadway South. Koo in s With Hoard. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel. American plan; on carline, 10 minutes from business center; price in accord with general business conditions. 23d and Koyt sts. Marshall 831. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main JJ2S3, A 602S. A L EX A XDR A CO U RT. "" 53 ELLA STREET. An American plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A t2 11 . Main 4011. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 203 Sixth St., has fine table board, modern rooms, sua parlor, a real home: reasonable rates. ROBERTA. Room and board, $5.50 and up; all con veniences and homo cooking. 141 Lowns dale, cor. Alder. THE MANITOU, 211 13TH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Hood board. Reasonable THE STKYKER. 554 CUL'CH Rooms Willi board, single or en suite; reasonable. Koonif With Board in Private Family. A SMALL private boarding-house for younf business men and women; quiet, refined, homelike. beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms; excellent bome-cooked meals, rates $e to $6.50 per week. 5tti "A 667 ',s Glisan st. Marshall 2 4 38. IF YOU care to live in a home-like place, closj in. with new bedding, airy, pleasant room and the best of wholusamc foods prepared by ono who knows bow, ca.i Main 4341. liEAL'Tl FUL. large room, newly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds 2 dressers, every convenience, good board. 15 minutes' walk to post off lee. Maln C3sl. 501 Harrison, near 14th. BEA L'TIFULLY furnished room in a very pretty home, refined private family, steam heat, hot and cold water in room, use of piano and home privileges; close Jn; references. Phone East 6422. XA I N'TILY furnished rooms with excellent board, in newly furnished homo; use of piano; reasonable; 302';. Park st., oppo- sito Lincoln High. Marshall boO. EXCELLENT table board and n-e a t room for t wo gentlemen ; full privileges of a cumf urta ble- home ; reasonable price 22 East 10th t. South. V EST SIDE, 52 Lucretia. near "Washing ton, large, well furnished front room, at tract iv modern home, all conveniences, breakfast and dinner if desired. 6i LUCRETIA ST. Front corner room; home cooking:; use of piano and all home privileges. Mar shall 53 tt 5 . Y O U X G couple moving into their new, modern home Oct. lO will board and room 2 people; furnaco heat. Wood lawn 3 6 '9 LARGE. attractive front water; home cooking; 1 very reasonable; tent ral. room, running rr 2 gentlemen; ::1 W. Park. BOOM and board. private family. 230 HUh. .Marshall 53U5. Fl KST -CLASS room and board In private home. 1 Oii N. 21st. Main 4220. Fol'l buiiucss girls or students. $4 week up 'Anna L-'wir" Hall, 510 Flanders st. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board $5 up. Main 63S1. 501 Harrison, near 14th. ROOMS with board, walking distance mod ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. S3 ...... v nit.T luuuia, wan board; West Side. Main 7265. WANTED 2 or 3 children to care for In my home; good references. Sell wood 2371. NICELY furnished room, private family witti or without board. 427 3d St. HuOM and hoard Clay. Marshall beautiful home. 4' ITHNISHED ROOM, with board or with out : issu. IJth st. Main Ol'hS. ROOM pfrd in private family. Q 2229. Furnished Apartments. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett bet. 2Utli and Ella sts ; furnished 3-room apts.; with or without sieeping-porch ; modern. N ICE LY turiiished 2 and 3 -room apts. steHtn heat, electric liii is. etc.; rate SI to $1S. 334 5th bt. CLEAN, comfortably furnished 1 and 2-rm apts.. $1 4.50 up. Including hot and Cold water; glit d heat. 3- S Mill st. FOR R E X T 3 - mo in bea u t i f u ll v furnished apartment, including grand piano. Royal Arms Apartments. Marshall 5011. S-ROOM u pan men t, all outside rooms'- pri vate bath. Pacific phone; $15 up Taoor 6t't5 li 1035. THE CH ULTENI1 AM Beautiful "furnished 2, 3 and 4 -room apartments, lowest rate in city. Corner N. Huh and Northrup. 1HE ARCADIA, 7Ml Everett, near 22d St. Modern, clean, safe. refined. two and three rooms. $20 up. single rooms. FAIRMOL'XT APTS.. 2G 1 1TH Mociern furnished two-room apartments $20 up; close in. Main U2ti. li A N N E li. A PT S. Furnished 2-roorn suites; modern, steam heat, $2.50 to $4 uer UJEIXAND APARTMENTS, liith and Lo e joy Choicest 3 and 4 -room turnishea h..".. ruies tut; ivhmi, URANDESTA East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly redured rates Pnon E 2nS HAMMEKSLEY COURT. 250 12th : . the oay. wtek or month; modern. "cl I'. O. ; reasonable; iff Marshall 205: By lose to "NEW Hart Automat. e elevator. phones. light, steam, gas, linen, ho: water. $.50 to o e-h. jmi i, on .nor.. -tti floor. 2- ROOM apis., elegantly furnished, fnee ;ights ana prion-. a.King distance. Aico Apts., o oucn. CAM A R. 70 Lovejoy 3-rooTn front apL Also 3-rm. basement. $16. Marshall 2l17. NEW furnished apartments; concrete block. ? i n aim i . n- i mon ave. J . ARDMAV TERRACE. 3t5 12TH First-ciaas In every respect; attractive rates. $J5 3 ROOMS, nicely furnished, sleeping porch; 427 Rodney ave.. walking distance. Woodmansee. furnished apartments; vita baths; $10 to J .'J. 109 N, 18th, ROOMS AT Y. M. C A. List of rooms in ail parts of city, also in the Association fireproof building, with a no tver baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per wee a, double, with Individual beus; or $2.5u lu $4.5Q per week single. FOB KENT. Furniohed Apartments. APARTMENTS 1 A HULaE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM, BILLIARD AND CAKDROOMS, LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL, Flftb and Columbia Sts. Fire minutes' walk to Meier & Frank store, good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, ad outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASua'ABLE. DAY WISEK MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everything modern. Special rates to those having linen or silver. Reason able. Walking distance VILLA ST. CLARA. 12tb a-nd Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Rocf garden in connection. , Walking distance. References. HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St., Near Washington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; from 17.5o per month up. ALTA APARTMENTS. E. 2iTH AND ASH ST. Furnished three rooms and bath, $15 and $16. All outside rooms; water fur nished. All new furnishing and new building. L. R. BAILEY CO., Mar. 046. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely furnished 2, 3 and 4-room suites; best location in city; reasonable. THE AVALON. Furnished or unturnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 285 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-room fur. apts., $io mo. up. Hot and cold water, heat, light and bath furnished. One week s rent free with first month's rent in ad vance. Grand ave. and E. Wash. E. 444U. BONNIE BRAE. Upper apartment, 3 rooms, bath and dressing-room, new and completely fur nished, heat and phone; Irving ton us trict. 11th and Hancock. East 117U4. 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2 -room apts. $18 to $25, Including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room with steam dryer. Oarage WKSTFAL. 41U Sth St., elegantly fura. and unf urn. 3 and 4-room apts.. autoraruo elevator, easy walking distance, most rea sonable rent; day, week or month; 420 to $30. Main 207 1. BARON APARTMENTS. 14tn and Columbia. 2 and S-room apartments, furnfsned. first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337. BOZANTA APARTMENTS $20 month up, modern 3 and 4-room apartments, completely furnished. 1S9 N. 2 3d, co r. Kearney. Marshall 214 5 . CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms, liuht. pleasant and well fur nished . w, alking distance; $20 to 25.00. Main S757. MADISON PARK APTS., Park st., at Madlion. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart- "iciua, ciuse in, uj eei or mo inn. HISLOP HALL, cor. East 6th and Haw thorne. 2 and 3-room apts., private baths and phone; also single rooms, well fur nished; $12. 50 up. Phone East SS2. SHEFFIELD APTS. 270 Broadway South; one 3-room apt., $20; one 4-room apt, ail outside rooms, tine view of city and Mount Hood, 30. Main 2500, A 314'J. WELLINGTON ANNEX. 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnisned; hardwood floors, walking distance; $22. 5u. Main 1246. Unfurnished Apartments. BRAND NEW TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. COR. 1STH AND COUCH STS. Nob Hill district, one block from Wash ington st. J usl completed and ready for occupancy Sept. 1. A modern 5-story, fire proof brick bcilding, of class and refine ment, desirably located; ample closet space, hardwood floors, tile bathrooms, shower baths, electric ranges. Hoosier kltcnen cabinets, balconies, private phones, latest lighting fixtures. For reservations apply on premises. References required. Prices moderate. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford St.. at Washington. The most elegant and best finished 3. 4 and 3-room apartments in the city. Fin ished in oak and mahoga ny. hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, tiled hatha and every modern convenience. 3 room and bath, $30.00 up. 4 room and bath, $27.50 up. 5 room and bath. $42, 0O up. KINCLBL'RY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. - Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location. unsur passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRETIA COURT, on LucreLia st , 1U0 leet north of 23d and Washington, most beautifully located, high-clas apartments, 2 and 5 rooms, all large outside rooms, 2 apartments newly furnished; prices reasonable; references required. See them bttore locating. Man ager. Marshall 1513. THE IRVING. Modern 4 and 5-room unfurnished apart menuj. al! outside rooms, 8t-am heat, phone, bath each apartment, am pie closet room, veranda. naif block to carline, stores Just around the corner; references required. Pnono Marshall 2748. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt. 8 and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive res. deuce district, near schools and shopDing district, splendid car service. THE WICKER SHAM, 3STH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and 6-rooni apartments; all outside rooms; ideal location; see these before locating for the Winter; prices rea sonable. 7U5 DAVIS ST. Head of King St, Most nioueru and tashiouable apartment-house iu Portland, absolutely lire proof. Three to 7-room nnfumisnea apart ments. ALTA APARMENTS. ' " rooms and baths, concrete bldg., E. 2!th and Ash. $12.5(. $15 If furnished, New bids., good light. See L. R ft . l ! V I . A NirirtnM ttlH-- VI.,.- UJil BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Nortiirup, amidst Portland's select rejjidencts; six outsit' 3 rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; mouern service; reterer.ces. Main 4005. ROSENFELD APTS., 34tli and East Stark Brick O.dg., strictly modern; 3 and 4-roo rtpts., all ouLside rooms, private phones. j a in i or i t;;iui au:e rem ; reis. BURN' A VISTA. 12th and Harrison On large 5-room apartment. 2 bedrooms, on j-ronm aiartment ; an outside rooms; beautiful location. Main 1001. MOD Eli N apartments, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porches. Facing Peninsuia I 'ark. One block from car. Inquire 150 Ains worth ave. IONIAN COURT. 1 STH AND COUcH. 3 and 4-room apaitmeiits, unfurnished, all modern conveniences, walking distanc-, i ents reasonable. Main 1 1H2. STEVENS APT.. 6 iarge outside rooms, front ana back; private porches and sleeping porch, heat, hot water and phone. 701 Northrup. near 24th. ROSH1 FRIEND-, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unf unisned apartments; f irst-claso service, private phone; ref. LIGHT rooms, bath, 2 closets, gaa range, witter heater, phone, water, private base ment and tubs. 551 E. Yamhill. East 171u. KEELER APIS.. 14tb and Cla sts. Now is tne time jo secure high-grade permanent apartments, references. Mar. 553. FOR RENT i-room modern apartments, beautiful view, all modern, buiit-in con veniences; rent $-0. iioi Chapman el THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, iigbt 5 6-r., reas. M. "516, A 2676. ROOSEVELT, 670 Kearney st. 5 rooms, $25 and S30. attractively arranged. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson. 3, 4. 5 rooms, reasonable. Mar. S360. CONVENIENT steam-heated apartment at 5S7 E. Main. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHoNE MARSHALL 1101. WESTONIA APTS. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. 666 Glisan. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front corner rooms, 2 rooms furnished. E. -iOt'7. 4 AND 5-ROOM npts., with sleeping porches. l."i E. 15th. near Yamhill st. KING-DAVIS AVIS., 54 King si. .1 and 4 rooms; rich-class; references. Main 205S. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 2Ni. Main 71 ".4. REN ARMS 13th and E. Moaison. 2 aud 3 rooms; reasonable; modern service. i LA M BROOK East 7th and Yamhill, clean, 4 comfortable, aesirable L 2 and A rooms. FOR KENT. Furnished or Vn furnished Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNSR & BOYCS. 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sixes and prices. Our free auto mobile at ycur servicu iu violin any of our apartments. Main 2015. A. 201a. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing leaks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt.. $15. Phone Mar shall 2961. HIGHLAND COURT APTS., 22D AND GDISAN. Largest, most homelike, high-class apts. in city, furnished and unfurnished; sleeping-porches; walking distance. Marshall 324-j or Marshall sisi. STELW YN APARTMENTS. VERY HIGH CLASS, elegantiy furnisned apartments, linen and silver, sleeping porches, white enameled wooo work ; verv moaern ; refer ence required. 166 St. Clair st., cor. Wash, Marshall 2&30. HAN THORN APARTMENTS. 251 lth st. 3-room apartments; all out side rooms, with balcony, modern in every respect; service the best; walking dis tance. Furniture absolutely new. THE UEZENDORP, 208 16th SL. Near Taylor. 4 and 5 rooms, furn. and unf urn, apts., walking distance, fine view, ail outside rooms, everything first-class; references. BUENA VISTA, 12th and H arr iso n. Finest apartment-house on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, waia lng distance; references. M. luai. M. 1052. C LA Y POO L E APARTMENTS, corner 1 1th and Clay 2 rooms. furnisned. $20: 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.00; close in, splen- uia. weu-KepL uunuinp, (i-ROOM unfurnished apafement. all out side rooms, large front and back porches; also 4-room furnished apartment. Ail out side rooms Nob Hill district. Main &251. CLARKETON Furnished and unfurnished apartments, ail outside rooms, new and modern. East 5721. feGO K . Ankeny. near E. 26th St. SHEFFIELD Apartments. 27u Broadway 0 blocl.s to business center; best location tn Portland; furnished and unfurnished; all rates reduced. Main 2506, A 314'J. FURNISHED suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms "at 244 k Killingsworth ave. ; low rent, close to care. Phone Woodlawn 1907. Flats. C-ROOM lower and 5-room upper, all con veniences. Prive te. Excellent residence location. 2UI E. 25 th. near Hawthorne, East 1443. NICE 'arge flat, good for roomers, close in; furnace, trays, electricity, two porches, two baths, modern, attractive rent. Phone Main 4172. 6-KOOM LOWER FLAT 782 V31isan st.; hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi tion, fine neighborhooa, fireplace aritt fur nace; $20 per month. Call Main 2015. $22.50 '"'est Side 6-room lower flat, near new Ccuch School; fireplace. furnace with hot water coll; every convenience. See It today. 725 Kearney st.. near 2-d. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, clos to school and carline; desirable location. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. COSY, modern 4 rooms and bat It, corner fiat, walking distance; Dixon and Benton Phone C 2021. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, near Alnsworth School, new fiat, 6 rooms and sleep in g porch. hardwood floors. $30. Mar. 4073. MODERN 7-room Hat. 440 Park place and furnace; $-J5. M. B. Marshall 5100 or E 4041. St.; fire Grenfell. NoB HILL, strictly modern lower corner flat, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, gas range. 254 North 25th. G-ROOM flat, newly tinted, with or without garage; reasonable. 230 N. lsth st MODERN 6 and 7-room flat, close In. in quire IS'J 16th st. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 7.1 Hoyt st. In- quire j;tu uth st. Phone Main 627S. MODERN 4 and 6 looms, near City Park; reasonable. Main 3533, A 2"'j70. SIX lovely rooms, every modern couven ience; garage. 772 Kearney. Main 3749. AND i-room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th and Mill. 430 Mill. Main 4ul3. $25 C-ROOM upper flat, fireplace, furnace, yari; 2oth and Marshall. Main 3504. ELEGANT 6-rjom flat, rent reasonable. 50 E. Salmon. Gas range furnished. MODERN -i-room upper flat, linoleum, gas ran ye. water heater, furnace. Sellwood 515. Furnished Flatr. FINE four-room furnished flat, first floor; good neighborhood, two caiiines and best jitn-ty service in city; gas. bath, nice yard 772 E. Taylor. East 52t0; only $lti, including water. DESIRABLE, modern, 4-room lower; well furnished. comfortable, clean, private veranaa. sieepmg-porcn. view, walking dis tance; $22.50. 4W4 Hall. FOR Winter, handsome steam-heatedi cor ner. Bowman Apartments, 17th and Tina- mo ik ; $ 7 u per month. Phone Broadway r;o2o. 4 -ROOM furnished flat, complete, with pi ano. East 1230. Reasonable. MODERN . 3-room flat, disappearing bed, sleeping porch, reasonable. "Woodlawn 107. $is FURNISHED flat complete. phone East 1230. NEW, modern. 4 rooms, porch, block from car. walking distance. 569 Market. CLEAN, well furnished 5-room, West Side, walking distance; ref. Woodlawn 352S. ELEGANTLY furnished. $20, ft earn heat, water, phone. 1st N. 23d. Marshall 2045. Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall f ur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $8 month up; clean place. Phone A 4560 $1 TO $2.50 week, clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; gas. free heat. laundr. bath, yard. East 6u3i 406 Vancouver. 2u3 Stanton. "U" car. NICE suites of 1-2-3 and ,4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 hit Killlngs worth aveH cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn Hu7. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms. $ t per week up; easy waiking distance. Barber Apts., 12V4 Grand ave. East 6539. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg.. rfd, cor. Morrison. THE ELMS" 101 14th st. 2 and 5 rooms, clean, bath, phone, lights, heat. $14 up. 401 E AST MORRISON F urmshed one a n a two-room housekeeping apts Reasuiiaoie. OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap, SI. 50 week Up. 2 AND 3 rooms, lifcbt, heat, bath, $10" to $1$ per month. 14 Grand ave. N. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $15. ENTIRE upper furnished flat of 3 large rooms and bath in refined modern home, f ino lawn. 431 3d st. $0 Two .'argc, clean, completely furnisned It. k. rooms; storeroom, sink, phone; child taken. 7M3 E. Yamhill, near 23d. 474 E. Waph., corner Uth. 2 well -furnished rooms; reg. kitchen; walking distance; adults. TWO and 3 h. k. rooms, modern. clo?e in; reasonable, garage. 387 College st. A 35Si.. Main -417. TWO connectlns front rooms, in gooa home; best t-lose-in resilience district on East Sib'. East 7"32. 2-ROOM housekeeping suites, nleJy fur nished . hot w ater m rooms; $s to $12 per month. 32S Clay s t . i-ROOM housekeeping suite, second floor, enst front, close tn. See manager Han thorn Apartments, 251 12th at. CLEAN. S-room front suite, free phone7$12 per month. 350 14th. FRONT H K. room and kitchenette; single II. K. loom, furnace heat. 20S 13th. THREE strictly mocern housekeeping -ooms, hot-water heat. $16 781 Kearney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10 per mom n ; waiKing distance, main oiua. ONE iarc- housekeeping room, kitchenette, reasonable. 402 Vs Clay. TH REE rooms and kitclK-nette. on Park, first floor. Marshall 455S. MODERN 3. 4 and 5-room houses, ranging from $6 to $12 per month. Full particu lars at 512 Piatt bldg. FINE modern bungalow on East 41st st . near Rose City Park carline; rent rea sonable. Phone Tabor 3uS2. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Love joy. near 22 d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 027S. EAST SIDE renta. office; houses. flats. apartments, stores. 3i6 E. Ankeny. E. 1017. 6-ROOM house. walking distance. near school and car cheap. Tabor 4S1S 697 EVERETT Six rooms, gas, electricity fumac. walking distance. Phone East &! 5ROOM bungalow, modern, good condi tion, netr car, cheap. $15 Tabor 4524. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, modern.- f uT- nace. etc. j . n ao 1 1 gi. MODERN 6-room cottage. Inquire 54 Lincoln st Grant t LAUKELHURST. classy bungalow, garage. $35. 1074 Sandy blvd. Tabor 5u:4. SIX-ROOM bouse, XZ2S East Taylor t $10 per month; near school. East 5i. $T MODERN S-room house, cor. E. IsVand Halsey. 241 "Vfe 1st. rom 5. W EST PiUE, 6 rooms, modern. No. al YorV st., 23d st. car. Main lt6S. &-KOUM modern houa.-, walking distance. Apply Tabor 2JS4 or Main 1357. rUB BJO'T. House. ROOMS 411 Uth St. 5 rooms. 413 11th st $16. $1- $22.50. 6 rooms. 4o3 llth st rooms, otii irvms su. $25. p rooms, 4fl Alder st., $12,50. 7 rooms, 557 Madison st, $20. 5 rooms, i! 12 Front st., $5. S rooms. 3-".:t 12th St., $20. rooms, 6"'2f Upshur St., $15. 5 rooms, 211 Gibbs St.. $10. 0 rooms. 173 Meade St.. $15. rooms, hi Clinton St.. $1. 6 rooms, fc;7 Clinton st., $15. 5 rooms, 3S7 East fth st., $8 6 rooms, ;6s E. Washington st., $1S. 8 rooms, 20 E. llth st. N., $25. 8 rooms, 6S6 East Ankeny St.. 20. 7 rooms, 3U4 E. 1st North, $20. 7 rooms. 13 E. 3d st. N-, $20 S rooms, l4 Cherry st., $20. FLATS FOR RENT. 5 rooms, 425 s 6th st., sis. 5 rooms, 3t4-z 4th st., $15. 5 rooms, 200 12th St.. $16. 5 rooms, 3js 3d st., $24. 5 rooms, 5ol Columbia St., $13. 5 rooms, 241 Grant st., $16. " 5 rooms. 243 Grant St., $16. 5 roomc, 1S2 Arthur St.. $S. 7 rooms, 102 13th st., 525. 5 rooms, SbOti Market st., $16.50. C rooms, 4iS Hancock st $21. 5 rooms, 470i Hancock St., $18.50. 6 rooms, C52 fi. Salmon St., $16. 6 rooms. 5;s E. Salmon st.. $16. C rooms. 24Si E. 14th St., $12.50. 5 rooms, 546 E. 7th st. North, $20. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. 6 rooms, 540 Washington st-, $35. 6 rooms, 551 Washington St., $35. PARR IS H. WATKINS &. CO., 306 2d St. IF YOU wlih to rent a house, flat or apart ment, either furnished or unf urnuned, ask us about our listings. W caa suit you. M ALONE O. HUTCHINS CO.. Main 7592. 8u6 Spalding bldg. 25 ROOMS, dining-room, seats 70, French range In kitchen, also 10 rooms next door. Cor. 13th and Yamhill. Call U to 12 and 2 to S-ROOM modern house. 554 High St.. Port land Hts. ; newly painted and decorated ; ail modeiyi conveniences; key next door; ront $301Maln &794. evenings E. 4294. MODERN 6 -room house, furnace, electricity, gas, two fireplaces, walking distance; East Side; also 2 bouses on Williams ave. and Clackamas st. inquire 304 Morgan bldg. $20 7-ROOM modern house, two fireplaces, laundry, gas, electric lights, sleeping porch, improved street. Phone M. 7065. East moreland. near Reed College. S-ROOM modern house, 495 Montgomery St.; 5-room modern cottages, 609 Front St.: 4-room cottages, cor. Chester and Hood sts. Phone Main 778 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. PIEDMONT 6-room cottage, bath, furnace, partly furnished; near Jefferson High School. USD Mallory avenue, cor. Killings worth. I HAVE a very desirable house, Irving ton, medium size; quarter-sawed oak floors, beautifully built in; would rent $30 to de sirable tenant. AG 142, Oregonlan. i-ROOM .cottas?, large attic, nearly acre ground, plenty fruit, fine garden and chicken place, $10 per mo. 1375 E. Irving. Montavflia car to E. 40th, 3 blocks north. HAVE DECIDED to rent the bungalows in Alberta, finished this Spring, and to a desirable tenant, without children, will ask only $15. Owner, 1020 Yeon bldg. WEST SIDE, modern S-room house, sleep ing" porch, fireplace, - hardwood floors, built-in conveniences. 2Gti North 26th. NEARLY na w 3-room house. 4 lots, garden and lawn. 2 blocks cars; gas, electricity. Tabor 1609. HOUSES, bungalows and fiats, 15 to $75. iienting Dept., 260 btrk St. 1IARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR RENT 7-room modern house. full basement, gas stove, heater, garage. 388 E. 13th N. Key at 304 E. 13th N. FOR RENT 7-room house, large attic, full uasement; cor. Last l.ttli and Main sts., Hawthorne Park. Phone East 4061. S-ROOM, strictly sleeping porch; IS 7. modern house, furnace, $15. Phone Woodlawn THAT PRETTY 5-room bungalow. 145 Staf lord. Is for rent now at only $15. Call for key at 1020 Yeon bldg. Mr. Vanschbacb ONLY $5 for 4-room plastered bouse and barn. Lents district. See this today. 412 Stock Exchange bldg:. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6-room house chup to a go d tenant. 63U E. Madison. Tie ir xuin. 5-ROOM cottage, bath. gas. electricity, gas and wood stoves connected ; on 13 th st., near Hall; $15 per month. Phone A 4S8. FOR KENT Mouern 7-room house, good -location on East Side, near school and car line. Phone Tabor 1000. PORTL A N I HE IG HT S near Al nsworth School, new flat. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, nardwood floors. $30. Mar. 4073. CLEAN, modern 6-room cottage, large yard, doss in. 350 Ivy st. E. 4475. GOOD 7-room house. 5SS 1st iL; 6 rooms. VJy 1st st. Sellwood 1640. NICE 5-room cottage, yard and flowers. 341 Sherman st. Main Sti7. UP-TO-DATE j-rnom cottage, por.-n: near sandy blvd. Seliwc 8-ROOM house. 4lO Salmo Inquire Mroadway !2, East 21. .3. 6-ROOM modern house: Main 1 VJ7. A lb07. 621 Love joy. Phone 1 S-KOU.M h juso, ; as range. Nob liill. Marshall H7. West Side, MoDERN, clean 6-room house. 5411 E. 17th. W-R car. Rent $12. NEW, modern, 6-room flat, worth $20. Wnl rent sll. 26th and Alberta. MODERN Inquire 7-UOOM bouse, 268 14tu st., near Jefferson. Main 3S70. 12 ROOMS, 2 blocks west of Postofflce; Just renovated. Marshall 4440. Furnished House. 57 TAYLOR, corner Chapman Beautifully furnished 6-room apartment; piano; rent $35; also 4-room furnished apartment; piano; rent $25. Phone Marshall 236. BUNGALOW flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, ard, finely furnished, 2 rooms rented, adults, reasonable, ater, etc $67 E. Washington et., cor. 2Stb. A 5-ROOM furnished house. $13 a month, block from St. Johns carline. 244 Port land boulevard. $ 2 5 HAWTHORNE AVE., nished modern 7-room Tabor 4670. completely fur bouse; furnace. litVINGTON, s-room furnished house; hot water heat, garage, piano, fireplace; every thing coir.pkte, $15. Main .6 SO Monday. MODERN finely furnished home. 5 rooms and sl;eplnK porch. Very select neigh borhood. 1 block to car, $35. Main 373S. SNAP Well-furnished 7-room house, sleep ing porch, garage, nice yard, furnace; Nob Hill. Phone Ma'n h320. ONLY $12 50 for 6-room furnished house on East 33d and Division. Inquire 5u0 East 33d st. BUNGALOW Completely furnished: reason able to right party ; 144's Hawthorne. Tabor 23SS. 6-ROOM nicely furnished modern houa-s; open from 1 to 5 o'clock P. M. 467 Rose law p. a ve.. near Union. ONLY' $ln for 4-room furnished bungalow; paved street, near Overlook. 207 Panama bldg. MODERN 7-room house, lus E. 18th st.. walking distance, $25. Furnace, fireplace. piano. FURNISHED 4-room bungalow, near S. P. f-hopH. rent $17. 50; water paid; telephone Marshnll 3155. HOME of 9. rooms to rent furnished. West Side; references. 703 Northrup st. morn ings. LARGE, strictly modern. 6-room house, every convenience, completely furnished. 6S6East Washington. FOR RENT 5-room furnished cottage, piano, fireplace, modern. $22. 1356 E. -ar-rison st. COMPLETELY" and elegantly furnished bouse. West Side. Nob Hill. Marshall coi7. FINE, modern bungalow home; Mt. Tabor, $35. Mar. 406. -dults only. 5-ROOM furnished or unfurnished modern bungalow. Hawthorne dlst. Tabor 6023. $123 ROOMS, large yard, electricity. Main 3672 3u0 Yeoubj?g; PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room and 2 room and bath. Marshall 4f7. Main 09!. WILL rent my home to couple who board owner. 32S Park. COMPLETELY furniehed modern 6-room house, 43 Halseyst.Phone Tabor 205. 6-ROOM furnished house with furnace; fine location. 531 E. 35th st. MODERN house, four rooms and bath, family; no dog. 4"'t p;th st. -ROOM moiern house. $20. Stark or 26 E. 31st st. Inquire 125 E. DESIRABLE 7-room furnished houre. reason able: good location. 1M E. 13th and Yamhti $12.5 ' 272 MILL ST., house 4 rooms, good condition, plainly rurnisnea. BEAUTIFUL modern cottage and 1 unfur nished. Owner, Main 606, A 436L COMPLETELY furnished 9-room bouse, close in. West bide. Main Bitttt. -ROOM . modern furnished house. 5H3 E; Morri!-on, cor. 13th. 5-ROiM modern house, with bath, rent rea suTmble. 1'lione . 2Xa, FOK RENT. Furnished House. BEAUTIFUL 5-room cottage, all furnished, 'only $20. Hawthorne district; also two 6 room furnished flat on Grand ave., $lo and $18 each; one 5-room cottage un furnished $10. See J. H. Nash, 723 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 512'J. NICELY f u? nished b-room. reduced rent, near llolladay school, walking distance, corner, furnace, fireplace. Phone East 35ii C 2035. FOR Winter, handsome steam-heated cor oer, Bowman Apartments. 17th and Tllla m ook ; $75 per month. Pbone Broadway 3026. Store. TWO stores, each 25x94, No. 543 and 543 First st. Owner. 324 Worcester bidg. office. ONE suite, 3 rooms, all outside, very de sirable; also several good single offices. Electric bldf. Inquire room 822. Pbone Marshall 5100. PRIVATE office with reception -room $13. ad p-r month; also furnished office. $L month, stock Exchange bidg. Main S0S&. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; free pbone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetlsnd biog. FOR RENT Desk room with phone and stenographic services in prominent -rouna-floor office. A E iu5, Oregonlan. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room $6 and $7. -3 Chamber of Co tu rn :rce ilMll. CONVENIENTLY located. East Side, good dance floor and appointments; splendid for small dancing clubs and partlee; rent reasonable. Inquire at Sagamore Club, Solfi E. Morrison sU. near Grand ave., after 12 noon. HALLS for rent. Apply 111 2d st. TO LEASE. ALL or part of Marshall-Wells warehouse, corner 4th. Pine and 5th sts.; over 100. UOO square feet; sprinkler system, steam heat, electric elevators; Portland's larg est vacant warehouse. STANLEY S THOMPSON CO Exclusive Agents. Rotbcblld Bids; . 287 Washington St. Main 3S44. A 2952. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FINEST jewelry and optical business in Central Washington for sale; beat town on G. N., in great wheat country; stors established 14 years; lixtures and stock clean and .no oead stock; business this year will be about $6000, invoice $2800 to $35i0; will sell for cash now or after Jan 1 at Invoice; might consider good road ster as part payment. If you are a live wire, write box 432, Odessa. Wash. I HAVE a good going grocery business, good location ; will begin to close out stock within two or three days; will reduce stock to suit prospective buyer and sell fixtures reasonable; this is an excellent opportunity to get Into a going business with small caplttal. Owner, Main 2fc95. PENDLETON 1915 ROUNDUP much greater than ever; exclusive Roundup moving pic tures: copies for state rights will make you big money; act quick; name your state; prices reasonable. M. M, Pullman, W iilard Hotel, 150- park st. CAUTION. BUYERS! Befoie closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL, Secty. 810 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LET 'ER BUCK. STATE rights and copies of the Pendle ton Round-up moving- pictures of 1915 for sale or lease. Call at 305 Lumber Ex change Bldg. Best Round-up pictures ever taken. FOR SALE By owner, old-established gen eral merchandise store; did $3o.bOu busi ness 1014; value $12.0UU, clean stock; cheap rent; would consider unincumbered Port land property; give particulars. A V l&U Oregonian, IISjO ONE of the best grocery, confection ary, with poolroom in connection, on om of most prominent corners on East Side; doing nice business; price includes stock and fine fixtures. W. J. Davie, 50o Corbet t bldg. AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a steady partner to help him; experience is not necessary because he agrees to teach you the business; good pay and very small investment is required. Call room 329 Mor gan bldg. SOLID BUSINESS. Owner wants a partner he can depend on to tend office, check goods, etc. Pay good salary besides share of profits. Requires small investment, fully secured. Call Room 320 Morgan bldg. RESTAURANT. Mr. Restaurant Man. If you are looking for a location and a good business, making gootl money and have $1500 cash, aduress Y 139, Oregonian. GEN L MDSE STOKE for sale in rich i tion of Wiilamette Valley; $50iK) handle; about $14,000 cash business year; good chance for rustler; reason selling. AV li5, Oregonian. for MOVIES One of the best suburban theaters in city; will seat 2su people. Price for quick sale $2100. Particulars 317, Railway Exchange. CASH GROCERY in fine residence location, all cash trade, no delivery ; cheap rent, with living rooms; price $i50. Call 31o Lumber Exchange. GKOOEit Y on good paved road and carline, about 10 nttles from Portland; good clean sto?k, good business small rent. . .rect from iv ner. No agents. L 137, Oregonlan PARTNER wanted for old established bakery business ; cash sale stH) a ay most of tne year; profits large; requires $lu00: fully secured. Call room 3.a Morgan bldg. - WELL-ESTABLISHED Jewelry and novelty business iot uale In best location of tnis city; sure living for energetic man; owner retires from business. Y 63, Oregonlan. WANTED A steady, honest man to work in a store as partner. Requires $300, and owner will guarantee you $75 to $!OU month. Call Room 329 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE BY ESTATE Established doc tors tf:ce and practice in desirable town; price reasonable. C N. Johnston. Junc tion City, Or. GROCERY and confectionery, fine location ; 1 large livins: room, good stock ana rix tures; fine for man and wife; will invoice about $350. Call 315 Lumber Excb. RESTAURANT One half Interest for sale to good man; owner busy cooking ana Wants partner to handle cash, etc. Partic ulars 317 Railway Exhange. MEDIUM size restaurant, fine location, cheap rent, price it you want to Duy or sell anv kind of business see us. 313 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. WE manufacture Imperial Wonder Paint and make a specialty of patching ana painting roofs. We guarantee 3 to 5 years. Jackson A Hl'l. Tabor 447. IF can Invest $500 with services you can secure half interest in a good business paying from $3 to $5 day. Call 2489 Stark. CONFECTIONERY and grocery; low rent for location, price M-.: receipts snout io pf r day. Call 317 Railway Exchange. SM ALL restaurant and trade. lunch counter. K 118. Ore lo money-maker; no nian. SAFE cash grocery ; has nice clean st ock, day; not too many fixtures; trade $2. price Is right. Cali 248 Stark St. GARAGE. B'it location In city: one-half In terest for sale; iion win nanaie. i tears $250 per month. tall 31 Railway Exch. FOR SALTS $250 cash, cigar stand, cigars, tobacco. 1M 1st st., corner Yamhill. Portland. Or. POOLROOM, cigar store, doing good busi ness, small amount cash, balance trad-a. V 1 St:, Oregonian. WANTED Man w ith $150 Interested In auto specialties; man oraers. see me after 2 at nil Ankeny st. PA RTNER wanted in established office business: dutiM to iook alter rentals, etc.; don't take much money. Call 2iSV Stark. EXCHANGE stock and fixtures of the Quality Notion Store, end Woodstock car line, for clear real estate $1500 value. DENTAL office, modern, established eight vears: retiring; terms. 547 Rex avenue, E aa 1 17 4. R E S TAU RANT, well equipped, doing good business, for rent or sa.e; out of city. Addreas Mr. Murphy, Perkina Hotel. 3-CHA1R barber shop for sale cheap. 29 14 6th st- NEWLY fitted up lunchroom, quick sale. 70 Broadway. cheap for LADY, gentleman, paying position. $400 t quired. Investigute. E 134. Oregonian. $450 HANDLE pooihall and barbershop. A. Wood. Myrtle Creek. Or. RESTAURANT for sale; Sd st. a bargain, ill N. RESTAURANT 3d st. for sale; a bargain. Ill N. SALE Com p tome ut adding machine w . A bargain. Main 200$. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIKS WANTED. IF you hve $1000 or more to Invest, with out services, we can secure your Invest ment and guarantee profitable returns: business under supervision of state gov rrnment AK 135. Oregonian. WILL invest In Rood, going concern, with working- interest; beat commercial experi ence and references. AM 134. Oregonlan. WANT paying; meat market, city or coun try. Owners only. X 144, Oregonlan. PRIVATE party will ffrance article of merit and demand. Box 71 a, Tacoma. Wash. ROOMINti-HOl'SEH, 12 ROOMS, furniture, seven apartments; bargain for cash. 22$ 13th st. ROOMlG-HOrSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected, Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 8P9-a N. W. Bank bldg.. tit tV and Momnon ONLY $'.25 buSs furniture t rent only $12 per month, tance, conveniences. Owner, -room house, wa'king dis 515 Jonnson. LOST AXD FOUND. FOLLOWING prtlcles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light Powar Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: i Oct. 2 16 umbrellas, pkr. oatmeal, s' lunen boxes. 1 roll, 4 suitcases 1 box. 1 sack. 1 steel bar. 1 sack of seed. 2 pairs gloves,. 2 books, 1 magnif vine glass. 2 purses. 1 valise, 2 grips, 1 basket. 1 bdl. papers, i fountain peu, 7 pkgs. 1 rain coat. 1 pin. Oct. 3 7 umbrellas. 1 dog muxile. 1 basket and contents, 2 prs. gloves, l r-i! of music. 3 packages, l cap. 2 suitcases. 2 books. 1 baby cart. 1 pack sack. 1 pack. et pictures. 1 basket. SILVER mesh purse, inscribed L. M. G.. May 31. '15. containing bunch of ke s and sum of morey. Finder keep money end return purse and keys. AH 137. orego nlan. LOST In Jitney, coming from Union ave. and Broadway to 3d, Wash. st.. sat. night, late, a diamond and pearl platinum neck lace in a patent leather coin pure; lib eral reward. Call East 4S22. LOST Gold pin with either C. S. Smith or Catherine S. Smith on it. Reward Ta bor 3813. . WILL party who found gold-handled um brella at Peoples Theater Saturaav night please return to box office ? Reward LOST In diamond Advise 2 Oregon Grille, Saturday nljsht. i rinc tied on string jf baloon. i Kngsfcury Apts. LOST Monogram fob. Initials S, V. p., in or rear Orpheum Theater. Call Tabor 21U7. Reward. LOST Gold cuff English 'M." National Bank. link engraved with o'd Return to Lumbermen's Reward. LOST Brlndle Boston terrier, white blaze between eyes. 2-inch tall. Reward Phone Main 4172. LOST Package on 4 3d ave. S. E. addressed Mrs. Hughes. Phone Sellwood 1941. Re ward. LOST On Mississippi car line or on Rus sell st.. Sundav afternoon. Sterna Gamma Pi. Reward. Phone East 4314. STRAYED Airedale puppy, female. 3 months old. answers to name Folly. Re turn to $-0 E. 16th South. Reward. LOST Umbrella in W o d lawn 1676. Williams ave. Jitney. LOST Sunburst brooch, one center dia mond and pearl rays. Main 2497. STRAYED Brown bull pup. from 701 Ever ett neighborhood. Call Main 4705. LOS T Got d nec kl a ce. d own town ; reward. Phone Sellwood 2456. LOST Black bulldog, one blind eye, collar; reward. Sharp, East 3079. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. IN the District Court cf the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of W. T. Binkley A Co.. bankrupt. Re quest for bids: i wilt receive seaied bids at the office of A, M. Cannon, referee in bankruptcy, 830 Northwestern Bank building, Portland, Oregon, lor the to. lowiug i roperty formerly belonging to the above named bankrupt, situated in the store formerly occupied by sid banttrupt. at Woodburn Oregon, up to and includ ing 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, October 5, 1015; Stock of goods, wares and merchandise consisting of dry goods, notions, ladies goods, shoes, etc., of the inventoried value of $a53S.46. Fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of $079.65 Certified check for lu per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the pproval ot tae court. Inventory of the property may be seen at the otiice o( A. M. Cannon, referee, and at Woodburn, Oregon, at Uie latter of which places the property way be in- s pec ted. H. F. BL'SHpNG. Trustee. I WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan bldg., for a stock of merchan dise, located at Bandon. Coos County Or consisting of the following lines oi mer chandise: Dry goods, $44o7.T7 ; laces and embroideries, $55u.U5; Ladies', misses', chil dren's knit goods and underwear. $765.15; ladies', mbjses'. children's hosiery. ooutl; stationery. $5'.i4.4'', fancy gooda and no tious, S1S73.75, ladies' gloves. S633.74: ribbons. S26NS2; toys, $18.14. ladies mus lin underwear, shirt waista and corsets. $427.07, millinery. $334. S6. lauies gowns. artssea, coats ana suits, $664. 7u. or total in ventory valuation ot $11.2bu.22, lovtl:er with fixtures of $1420.17. up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday October 11, 1015. Inven tory may be seen at my office and prop erty can be Inspected at Bandon. Terms cash. Certified check for lu per cent of amount ottered must accompany each old. Right is reserved to reject any and ail bias. Dated. Portland. Or September 23. 1915. R. L. SABIN. SEALED proposals will be received at the office oi i of the undersisned, 4U Courthouse, 4 P. M. Thursday. October 7, 1015. until for concrete work for Glencoe, Rose City Park and Portsmouth schools. Bids will be opened in room iu4 Courthouse at same time. Deposit of $2 Is required for plans and specifications, which may be ob tained at the office of F. A. Naramore, bupt. of Properties, StVi Courthouse. Certified caeck for 16 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. 14. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated October 1. 1U15. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ItOOM COM PLETE f will receive sealed bids at my office, 710 Morgan bide, for a complete equipped restaurant and lunch room. In ventory val uat ion $1 "J1 .0. located at S3 Grand ave.. pnrtland. Orejion. up to 1' o'clock noon of Monday. Oct. II, 1015. Terms cash. Certified check or cash !, -posit, of lo per cent of amount offered mast accompany each bid. Right is re served to rejert any and all bids. In ventory may be seen n t my office a nd outfit may be Inspected on application. Datod Portland, Oregon, Oct. 4. V.M 5. It. 1 SARIN. PROPOSALS FOR- CEMENT U. S. Engi neer Office, Second District. Portland. Or. Sealed proposals for cement will be re ceived hero until i 1 A. M. Oct. 7. 1!H5. and then opened. Further Information on application. MUcellaneoue. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Southern District of New York. In the matter of J. C. WILSON and B. A. WIL BRAND. individually and a ro-partners doing business as J. C. WILSON COM PANY. Bankrupts. Upon the petition for Frank J. Kolinsky. Trustee in Bankruptcy of J. C. Wilson and B. A. Wllbraiid. individually and as co partners doing business as J. C. Wilson & Company, dulv verified th. lHth day ot September, 1015. and the verified list 01 creditors and claimant attached to salu petition, upon the orders of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, of January jitn, lit 15. April 27th. 1015, and June 2:;rd. 1013. upon all the other proceedings haa herein, and upon motion of Harold Rem ington. Esq.. attorney for said petitioner, it is Ordered that all claimants to the cer tain fund, stock, bonds and other secur ities, now. In pursuance of aaid order t the United States District Court of June 23rd. l'H.1. on deposit with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York City, in the Joint names of Frank J. Solinsky. as Trustee in Bankruptcy, aforesaid. ana Harris. Wlnthrop & Company, and to the bankrupts' Interest in and to the cer tain stock exchange eat In the New York Stock Exchange, heretofore by sr id order of the United States District Court of April 27th. 1115. ordered sold, be and thev hereby are required to present tneir claims before me, as Special master and Referee In Bankruptcy, in A ncillary Pro ceedings herein, at my office. No. 71 Broadway, in the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. Southern District ot New York, on or before the first day of November. 1015. and there proof to make of their respective claims in and to the said fund, stocks, bonds and other secur ities and said Stock Exchange Seat, nr. in accordance Uh said order of the United States District Court of June 23rd, ll15. be forever debarred from asserting the same; and it is further Ordered that notice of this order be forthwith mallei to each and all of said claimants to as aforesaid listed in the trustee's petition herein, and that Hk notice thereof be published once a we-k for four 4)' successive weeks before said 1st day of November. 1 015. in the New York Times, In the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Recorder and the Port land Oregonian. Dated New York. September 21ft. 1915. STANLEY W. DEXTER. Fpeelal Master and Referee in Bankruptcy. FIN AN C 1 A L. WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th gt Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and recond mortgages, also sellers interest tn t-on tracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Kub. ertaon a Ewlng. 207-ts N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. urchaeed. Lewis A Cc 4 Lewis b 1 dg . Money to Loan on Real Estate. FIELDS HONETMAN MORTGAGE CO OUR OWN FUNDS V 1025-1 21 YEON BLD-Q. $200. $350. $600."$000. $1200. flftOV. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of omnierce. LOOK. NOW H. L Murton baa money to loan. c7tt Oak gt. Main 1743, FINANCIAL. Money tu Loan on Keel Estate. PORTLAND TRUST SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable terras. PORTLAND TRUST A SAVINGS BANK. stxtn ana aurnsoa sts. MONEY LOANED. Improved bu&iuesa property. to 6 per cent. Improved residence property. 6 to 1 per cent. Improved farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WHITMAN-KELLY CO, 1 1 Pit toe k Block. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repa ment privileges, A. H BIRKELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Rldg. , Marshall 4114. A 411S, SdONEY. TO LOAN OX IMPROVED REAL ESTATE JOR BCILDINO PURPOSES; VSRT FLETXl BLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIKE & TRUST CO, 2i-2 STEVEN'S BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN at 5 V to 7 per cent; Portland business aud residence property; taxui loans at 7 to & per cent. MALL A VON BoliSTEL 104 2d St- near Stark- TO LOAN $OO.tH' oil LESS, FARUINGTON. Si 4TH FT.. BOARD OF TRAPS BLDG. $3"oO OR part to loan, land improved R, E. Kast 13.2. i per cent, on Port East 4'jL Sundays. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for ron-residents, Coe A. McKenna Co.. 727 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE loans. $scoo at per cent; King. 314 $lu.w will divide. Fred C. i-pali! mgr. $5ot, $luoo and upward on Improved real estate ; favorable terms, no delay: no brokerage, John Bain.507 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO- INO. Stock E xchacge bldg- 3d and Yamhill. $2UO.OOO TO LOAN lu sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. VY. G. Beck. 314 315 Failing bldg. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property. 0 to S per cent; $200 and up. Ceilars-Murton Co.. S25 Yeon bldg. 5l To S'i on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. K. H. Blosaom. 1125 Northwestern Bank bid. I HAVE $M0, which 1 wiil loan on real estate secuiuy. If you want that amount please call at my office. 512 Piatt bldg. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY Any amount, 6 to S per cent. W. H Seltx. 310 Spauldlng. Main 65S4. MONEY TO LOAN" 1NANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co, 424 Cham, of Com, $1000 UP to $5uuo to loan on real eutate. Tabor 2520. MONEY loaned, city and Chamber ot Commerce. farm lands, 635 $5oo UP. 7 atd 6 per cent, no commission, no delay. Ward. 4U7 Spaldin g bldg. $5out TO loan at 7 per cent for three years. Apply to Goodsell Bros.. WOl Lewis big. MORTGAGE LOANS, LOUIS SALOMON 6 AND 7 PER CENT. & CO., SOW OAK ST. $o00 OR any property. X part, 7 per ceut, improved 53, oregonian. Sumsto suit. Money tu Lonn- C 75. Oregonlan. Chattels and Sulariei IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one ot the tmest retail Jew elry stores in the city; a loan department is conducted in connection with same, making buoiness STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no sign designating loan business displayed in iront of our store; all merchandise pledged is held for period of 12 mouths, who tlier or not interest is paid wiien uue; we are licensed and have been established siuce lii'J ; no connection with any other loau establishment In this city. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. at legal rates, on Dlamoima, Autos, Pianos, Furniture, Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at 5 per mouth or more. Interest 3 per cent. office absolutely private. Portland loan co licensed, 331 1 Dekum bldg 3d and Washing ton. "salary LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, QUICK t ERVICE. BUSINESS bTKlTLl CONFIDENTIAL. you can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. STATE SECURITY LICENSED. CO.. 3uS FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL KATE OF INTEREST. Diamonds. Jewelry. Musical instruments. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department tor La.diea. ELUY COMPANY t Licenced . 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2a and Stark sts. MoNKY to loan oti diamonds and Jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; established since Lsss. Dan Marx, 74 3d. Loam an tea. MODERN home iu tine location in Alblna. on w htch 1 desire a loau of $1500. Will py b per cent interest. Full particulars will be given ut 512 i'latt bldg. W A NT E T $ 1 2 " h t at s per cent on 3 acres, nlu" S36uu; wanted $.;'5u at 7 per cut on farm worth lio.t-oo Fuchs, 4-U Chamber of ommrce. WANTED A loan of home, lrom principals goniau. $3000 ouly. on lrvinaioa XX loo. Orc- W A N T E D Ke'.delic !'wr;;. A 1 ;o at s p.r cent. 3 years, eing eret.d in Rose City m. phone Marshall 34 u. 'A1.K $22tt firft mortgage, S per en new home. Alameda Park. W 131, on tan. WANT Park $-') loan nistrict. Mn lot. Rose City 1m;. ANTED BC U t. ut for 5 year, farm security. -oninn. MON BY at 7 and 87 on property. 51 Henry bldg. Improved city PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 30-liicb wavy switch, 3 sep $1.8.1 24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep J. no All-round transformation 1.45 H a ird resting, shampoo, face massage, hair bobuin, muniiurins. 25c Hair re moved by electric netdi-, switch made of combings. U5c. We buy your combings, fcnitury Parlors, 4u-412 Dkum blag.. iii and Washing Kin. Marshall IT02. ORIENTAL masssite. euro for rheumatiam. lumbago and nei vousness ; perfect heaitu and circulation; bath; volcano, mountain flower or su.phur, Kood for all sorts of diseases and suffering from old bruises. ; I. Ehaia. L':1! North Third st,, cor. Burnslde, Portland. Or. Phone A 2N5. FEB VET & HaNEBL'T. leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock human h:-ir goods, switches from S5c up. hairdressi:ig. manicuring, face and sculp treatment. combluis made up to or d'T. 117 Broad wav, r Morrison. MainS-iS. LOL" 1SE N E l'KU trained nurse, and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ft'-.; tub baths, mas suite and electric blankets: I. tidy assist ant. 250 1 1th st. Marshall 33. BERN ARR M ACFADDE N graduate con ducts only II EALTH ATOR I CM in pactfto North est using famous MacFadden sys tem NATURE-CURE. Dr. MacMickle. tH'7-8 Dekum bid? Main 351'S. MENTAL therapeutics, drugless healing, nauiropath s stem. 353 Jackson. Maiu NORWEGIAN tratnea nurse and masaeust. electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A M.. j P. M. 2u V3 3d St.. rooms 2 and 3. ELECT RIC lumbago, merits. Mi VIBRATOR for nervousness and tin 059. umat isni. s"e Ip treat- SPI Rl rt'ALISM Rev. May A. Price; Circle Tusdav 2. Wed. and Sun. 8 I. M.: reau lnfis di-ilj. O03 5t st. Marshall 3UGU. UNFORTUNATE girls, maiernity cases, pri vate homes, babies adopted, confidential. Box 1115. Taenia, Wash. UMBRELLAS, all coiors and styles; largest s. ott ; re-covering : uev hand les put ou. M jredlth's 320 Washington st. MOLE-"-, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M D. ID 11. 41" PUedner b 1 d g. Main 34 7 3. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonic Tablet. 54 Davij st. Phono Main 23'. Kt. W1LL R. Come h giving address. 1 me If possible, or write, l once. GRADUATE masseuse Sundays. 170'3 2d treatment daily and t.. 4:h floor., apt, Tjd-; iassett's Native Herts for rheumatism, 50 table ts for 2 5c. All drug g 1 p ts ROZENA TAYLOR. D. A. T. Therapeuttcs. magpeticmassjge. 167 llth. Ma ran all H82. MANICURING and electric treatment. Ethel Burke, l'.i Lafayette bldg. CHIROPRACTIC, licensed; palnlesa adjust ments pleasing; 31 treatments $15. lul 4th LESSoNS in phrenology and card readings. 235 lth st. Phone Main 7548. HoUSECLKANERS. window washers, flo polishers: half prlco. Wood. awn 27J. UK. E TH SL A. SACRY, painlens chiropodist. Room K07. 68 Grand ave. East 4755. EL K SHu! nunc ' New orders, remodeling, trim 03 we timid bldg. SOPHIA B. SKIP. ment I and spiritual vrieiitist. 13 Tourny bldg. Main iESTLfc-.VN Miiiiieure. ham poo, fce ma w;, w 707 P.uthchild, 2J7 i Wash 1 n 3.