TTTT? Hrm?VTVfl nurrnVTlV Trrcn I T- nnrnnnn OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY SJ4 BKLMUSl ST. Choaea Cut 1423. If Open Du Ailsat, Report all cases ot cruelty to tfcia ol Xlce. JLetbal chamber tor small anlmala, Uorsa ambulance tor aick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone oeairmic a pet may communicate wlu ua. NK1V TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS n improvea city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quiculy cloabi Call today. i" BrIN RSS PROPERTIEI 7 A. H. BIRRELL CO. C17-21B Nortaneatera liaak UulldJax. Maj.hi.ll. -tilt. A alia. MORTGAGE LOANS S..!?,P"0yKn t-alNEJ3 PKOPrHTIM "esloence Loans e and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plentv of Money. ROBERTSON & EW1NG a07-w Wortaweatera Bans: Bids. S45.0Q0 Tfl m4NAR nnn ' w IX VTVWis1 . LOANS $45,000 $25,000 $20,000 $10,000 Otacr Amounts to Please Borrowers. ' GEO. H. THOMAS, gt Oalt Kt.. lloom 2 Alnsworth Bldg. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. . Ottr Ow iHour at current KatM. UCMUPAL AND COKPOWTIOH bJJ1 BO Fourth St.. Board of Trade B Id it." VRy ijf A ji9p2 SPAUS EWIBM6 ijiy Amount at Current Hates HAETMAff-THOlTMnw Corner Fourth and tar It Streets Phone Your Want Ada to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070. A 6095 REAL EST AT K DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-405-405 n licox oiqg. ASSOCUTKD'I.NVEST. CO.. 621 YKON. BENEDICT BROS.. $30 Uawthorne ave. REAL ESTATK. tor Sale Lota $(l,0 $20 nowx, $10 a month buys a half acre, Wct Side, ideal for a. home, where ou can raise all your vegetables, email fruit, chickens, etc., which is the greater purt of your living, M. E. Lee. 505 Cur bctt bldg. ONE I.OT for salo v ry cheap. Must Boll tills week. Call 4'JUi Powell Valley road. Ta hor 615s. $4 00 CHOICE now City Park lot; ilto" st.. near Klickitat. Sell wood 75. tor Sale Houmn. HATTHORNR BUNGALOW. $-050 Neve, attractive 0-room bungalow. Tlard "ood floors, full basement; modern in very rctr--l. Only 2 short blocks to the car line on E 4Sth. L L. KAU.NOPP, owner Mar. "'.T t. Main 0457 OWNER E AST MUST SELL TtO.SE CITY BUNG A LOW, 6 nice large rooms, to sides halls and large attic; ar tistic fireplace, line fixture?, furnace, flue finish, extra well built; -tightly lot, nice lawn. W II. Ross. 212 Mohawk bids. Mar OUR ROSK CITY HOME. erv attrautivt; nice rooms, large at tic, tiro place, furnace, best finish full basement, gas range. linoleum, s'ightlv int. nice liiu n : a m in Fur unH ... nr thia ha u t 1 1 ii I hmiu "V i t i. ....... fco. Franklin M.. Lenvpr. roTrtrad.- " . -r 1 1 a d L. rw XI yJlCS. Before buyins b sure to look at our l!t of brand new, exquisite homes In LAU RLLhUKST, the addition of beautiful Jinmea. ranginK from 92&u0 up. Laurel hurst Co., 270 i Stark st., or at tract of fice in I.aurelhurst, E. SSth and Glisaa sts A N' IRVIi'.Tn' sj'a r-p i trice" Tf you want a f in, xrndorn, irvlnjtton riome and Mr bargain, eoP Rt once; must eeAl ; eight rooms, hard wood floors, slweplnc porch, beamed ceil ins, two bath room?, flrplacrs. furnaoe, ru-.. war price. rjnboiF, 7V3 Chamber of Coninierce. ft- ROOM modern home, built-in conveni ences, cood fireplace, Kood basement, close to good carline and located on a sightly lot; which 1 built In th month of Au gust and which I will sell on terms like tpiu to responsible purties. Call for par-Hi-ulara at ."! 2 Flatt bldg. TOH SALE: 1000, worth $2200; modern fc-rooni cottage, surrounded by 3 50 va rieties of roses, small garage in basement: s?trJC8VlnE Clty UUa lo1- s5 7-ROOM house, lot 80x100. fino lawn and fruit trec-i. bath and toilets, full base ment, near Arista school, 1 from Mi frroTt carline; wilt trade, or sell on terms Owner. Tabor aaas. (; WP'-fST PIDB, modern, 3-room bungalow. No. ''s r rout i. v uuon car to Pendleton St.; beautiful view; price Jlrtr.fl. only S.'-o eaph. io per mo. Go loik. ee Frank L. Metuir.-. 414 Arlington bldg. Main lotiS. tOlt SALK Modern S-room residenco with highly Improved quarter block, most dt- irabl section. Holladay's Addition, 403 Hassslo. corner R. 30th. Price and favor able terms will be made on inquiry to p C. Bates. ."01 Icon bldg. IF YOU would like to commence the. build Ins; of a new homo on your lot and have It fully financed, come In and talk it over. CURTIS, 2G7 'z OAK. wCTl WAI.E Six-room rnoderrt house, 40 ' K. 52nd at. N., Rose City Park, at a sacri fice price, on monthly payments of S-'it; cheaper than rent. John 8. Pea! I, Kail way Kxchange. Tel. Main 6130 SAC R I FIC E 2 f u 1 1 lots. modeTri 7-rooro noua hot water heat, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, full cement basement: value WOO; 4000. hair cash, will buy! Mr. A11n. aoi Board of Trade. A 4i27. LOOK 4-room modern, house, all complete full lot, hard surface street, ail paid, onl 1t0; $2fti down, diamonds or security, balance $tO per month. Seo J. II Naah, "Jo Chamber of Commerce. Main t-lt nrN ,FRKE. WILL FINANCE. AND B r Ll HOME ON YOUR VA CANT LOT WITH ari'KRVlSlNCr R CH1TRCT. CI KTIS, i7 U OAK ST OSK CITY PARK. Xeantlful 6-room house, comer lot. a bargain. Oo see this; southeast corner 43th and Sandy road; or phone Tabor ."i4S3. fe M A IL house and niZ Tot with bearing fruit trees, closa to good carline. Premises In good condition. Price $70O Terms like rent Owner, M2 Piatt bldg 4100 DOWN. $10 a momn bins' a three-room cottage on West Side beautiful lot; this ts a bargain. M. U. Lee. 60S Cor bett bldg. I TOO F.Q U ITT for 200 In modern B-room bungalow. 50x100 lot. Inquire 4420 k 4th. W W car to 4Mb ave. WEST FIDE! flat- Prrce $300, easy terms. Virourd worth the mone. Owner. 404 co lumbla st. 6-ROOM modern house, with fireplace and built-in conveniences, for $1000, see own er at 512 P?att bldg. CLASSY new S-room modern Kn-.i $16.30. Owner. Tabor 1404. Casa or FOR SALE New. modern 1 -story bunga low In Irvlngton; complete In every d. tal; price I45O0. Phone li 4545. COZY 3-room house $475. $175 cashTbaU ance $10 month, 6 per cent Interest. In Vtfsngate. BF 60. Oregonlan. JfEW 6-room modern lti-tory bungalow fine view. Call Anstrom, Main 8000. COTTAGH house, plastered, fruit walk cloao to park, car and city. $950. Main S27&. LAURELHURST home, modem, s rooms: I1AW oqulty; sale or trade. Tabor 53o0v ilflM i - . : . REAL E3TATK. j TO EXCHANGE BEAT, ESTATE. T FOB SALE. I WWTED MIRTEI UX'fOCSl I HFIP Wlvrrn -, , . For sleHou " " , A TLP-WILLAM,U1, a. HELP WANTED FKMAtK. MTI ATIONSJVAXTED FEMALE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP All new and fresh. 6 minutes' riae on Portland Heights car from Postofflce, U blocks from Washington su Perfectly mod ern house, four tUeping-rooms and enam eled and' tiled bath In upper story; won derful larre dining-room with largest cut etonL fireplace in city, taking o-foot lg; unusual dining-room with beautiful view, and fireplact;; dream of kitchen, all white enamel and tiled floor, 3 built-in flrelesa cookers hoodrt gas range and all Lutch kitchen, conveniences; maid's room, bath and toliet. heating plant, laundry, wine closets, etc., in lower story and large stor age basement below; solid oak stairs, great porch and sleeping porch. This is one of the moeit unusual places in Portland. -Am leaving city, will sell for $JO00, liberal terms :o right partita Phone or address W. F. Scott, owner, Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will be made for your inspection. FOR SALE That new house In Irvington, on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat. East front, wide street, fine trees, large living-room 14x25, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, 3 bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel fin J su, ti le mantel, hardwood f loora Cer tain conditions make It possible to offer this place at a very low price. Address for particulars. BF 54, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK. An artistic bungalow. Music room, large living room, 14x0; French doors, plate glass; living room, Dutch kitchen, break fast room, two large bed rooms, and room for sun room; large front porch- Location K 51st, Ihk block to the car line. Price $3250, Including furnace, shades and fix tures, street assessments all paid but S40. J. L. KAKNOPP. Mar. 5574. Main, 457 LISTEN TO THIS. Brand new, beautiful Laurelhurst bun galow; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, 1 blk. to Laurelhurst Park; hardwood floors t hroug hout ; fireplace and f urnaoe, plas tered basement, built-in buffet with bev eled mirror; other built-in effects; white enamel and ivory finish, tiled bath. Price only 3S00 ,on very easy terms. Auto serv. Ice. J. w. Crossley, 270 Stark su Main 1.Q3 or A 1510. ROSE CITY PARK. NEW 6EVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. 3150 Full basement, hardwood floore. f Ire Ilace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, two large sleeping rooms on the first floor and two on the second, good attic; located on K. a&th, between Thompson and Tillamook sts. J. L. KARNOPP, owner. Mar. 2,-,74. Main 9457 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. At last here's something different In a new 5 -room bungalow a typical Cali fornia bungalow located in a choice sec tion of Laurelhurst. Finest sleeping room in city on second story, with sepa rate plumbing. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Call today or during week. Owner. 223 Floral ave. phone Tabor 5843. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WR WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE Oa ANYTHING. PLANS FREE, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLINTS; faEB OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY Sc CO., CONTRACTING ARC HI. TECTS, 324 A BINGTON BLDG. LAURELHURST HOME. Full 2-story house, located within one block of LAURELHURST PARK, ready to select wall paper and electric fixtures. This place should sell for $.'.M)0 on this market, but it's yours this week for $4500, on terms. This is a real bargain and is strictly up-to-date. Real buyers only, call Tabor 2271. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Called East and must dispose of nearly modern 5-room bungalow, full lot. Ml. Tabor carline, 2 blocks to grammar school. Suburban Home Property. Good soil, good water, close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 416. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. For Sale Acreage. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. Gresham. district; near electric station; $75 to $J00 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 509 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. la acrns near Orenco; best black loam soil, all cultivated; $225 per acre; wil di vide and give easy terms If desired See Mr. Handy, owner, i05 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. $700 ON TERMS buys u-room house and cre, uiocks 01 carune and bandy road, now hard -surfaced; city c nveniences. Frank L. McGuire. 41i Arlington bldg. Main 1008. BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract, 5 -cent fare; make offer. Box 120, Lents P. O. Homesteads. WANTED -"0 homesteaders at once who mean business; needs 110 irrigation. S. S. Mohler. V'Ht Arnold st., Portland. For Sale Farms, FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Sealed btda will be received by the Ad justment Bureau ot the Portland Associa tion of credit Men, COO Commercial block. Portland, Or., up to Monday, October 18, at 12 o'clock noon, for the following prop erty: An equity of redemption for the farm known as the Brownsdale farm, situated between Aurora and PrahU in Clackamas County, Oregon. Said farm consists of 66 H acres, about 83 acres of which are under cultivation, 23 acres rich upland, and about 10 acres of the best beaverdam land; the land is described by metes and bounds and the description may be seen at our office. The mortgage claim against the land at this time Is approximately $7200. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Each bid must be accompanied by ca&h or cer tified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the old. DAIRY RANCH FOR SA I.E. 7."rt-acre ranch, well adapted and lo cated for dairying. 20 miles from railroad and near small thrifty Eastern Oregon to w.i, with larjxe local market; splendid opportunity for experienced dairyman with sufficient means; price. $?;o,000. terms. For piii tlculars address owner. At) 10, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE ISO acres derdert land. In cultivation, fair improvements, plnty wa ter and .'.-year lease on l0-acre school land joining; in miles from Roosevelt. Klickitat Co., Wash., on county road and R F. D., at $17 per at-rc, ' down, long time at t per cent on bal. W. W. Shields, Lamont, Wash. FARM" FOR SALE OR. RENT 116 acres. 96 cleared ; 2 miles to Forest f trove ; very best of soil, running stream, good well and water, house and barn, hor.?s, cows, pigs; $100 per acre. 90 E. 19th st. East S9. 64 ACRES, good house, barn, etc.; finest of soil, high state of cultivation, good road, jK-ar city; big bargain. O. W. Bryan, io Chamber of Commerce. WELL developed farm of 11 acres, near Vancouver, Wash. ; for quick sale. $3500; good terms. By owner. J. A. Fay. 3010 West 7Cd, Seattle. FOR SALE Cowlits County stump lands, $10 per acre up; good coll, weil watered. J. K. Sharp, 430 Pittock block. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE, WANTED A or ti-room bun gal w In first-class condition : must be modern, on full sire lot; have spot cash customer waiting; nothing but bargain considered. No phone information ; Hawt borne dis trict or Rose City Park preferred. G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Chamber of Com merce. W rJ have a 1 lient with $2000 cash who wishes to buy property which will give him a net income better than a first mortgage. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 55 Fourth St. HOUSE, flats or stores wanted to $5000; will exchange my lots for it. Main 1165. WANTED Comer lot on Williams ave or Union ave. F 133, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT ltM acres near Vancouver, on Pacific Highway; steamboat landings and ttwee railroads within two miles; graded and high school one mile; about 30 acres rich bottom and upland, under hih cul tivation, balance fine pasture, good for 30 cattle; modern buildings, good fencea No stock Included. $;.50. Cash 5275. bal ance In labor if desired. Arov Kellogg. 6403 021 at. S. E.. Lents. Or. Tabor 127'J. FOR BALE TIM BER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. MCCRACKEN. 304 M KAY BLDG. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. IF you want to rent your ranch write me. I have a steady call from parties wanting to rent. WHITE, 220 Couch at- Port land. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. OWNER will exchange a good equity In a splendid business corner for clear prop erty. X 111, Oregonlan. STOCK and fixtures; the Quality Notion Store, nl of Woodstock carline. What have you to value $1600? 6-ROOM house, excellent condition, unin- vuinuviou, tor lot in riawinorne or &un nyside uo to $1300. S 118, Oregonlan. NEW piano In exchange for clear eity lots;, price, a- au, orcgonian. losjat! ONE of the mose beautiful place in the whole ot Douglas County, where thousands of dollars have been spent in bringing to pass tiie dreams of a wealthy atty.. 4o acres in bearing commercial orchard; bal ance used for neral farming. To nice houses, not and cold water; good barn. There Is nothing lacking in the way of improvenemts. Near good town. AH fresh and clear. Will -exchange Xr Income city prop- " erty. on cash basis only. Price $17,500. Sec J. A. COBB, 503 Dekum bldg. WILL trade 20 acres improved, close to Brownaville. for stock of gen. mcse. op groceries, in some good town; price $4KH; might r-'Jt in some stock oa dea L. Write The Brownsville Realty Co., Brownsville. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE 203-acre improved dairy tncij, x 2 irom uastie kock. vvasn.j good buildings; meadow; fully equippea with Implements and stock; will consider unincumbered property. Owner. H 111. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM cottage on paved streets. My price i -j-i-y-u. v 111 cane r ora. tsuiCK or nup w firBt payment up to $700. This property is renting lor $12 per month. L lltt. Ore gon! an. YE-S. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively In exchangee. We can trade your property; no junk wanted. AYERS A SMITH. Main 7266. 501 Northwest Bids. WANT, direct from owner, large body of land, preferably improved, m exenange lor valuable Inside improved property. R, F. Bryan, 503 Cham, of Com. MY $2500 Interest In two-story, modern. six-room nouse on two lots in restnciea district for unincumbered clear land near Portlan d. N 115. Ore gonlan. GOOD horn 2, Medford. Or, for Wil lame tie or Washington property. A V 192, Ore gonlan. HORSES to exchange for house and lot or iota uau jo.1 h,. r'tne Monday, or pnone C 1037. Mr. Barnes. OWNER will trade equity In good Improved jast biae property xor motor car. jlm. i, Oregonian. EXCHANGE Irrigated alfalfa stock ranch. Excellent outranee. f 1 17. Orironian. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange, li. A. -Miller. Worcester bldg. Main TIOj. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Lessons in English conversation in exenange ior uerman or music, w 1 Oresonlan. HAVE jewelry or work for groceries or luei. iseuwooa joco. FOR BALE. Honw, Vehicle is Harness, Etc. HARES TEAM BROWN MARES, full sis ters, weight 3290 pounds, are true to pull. 6 and 7 years old and suitable for any purpose where heavy team is needed; st heavy sewed trace harness, all at low special price. MARES TEAM MATCHED BLACKS, 2600 lbs.; here is fin team, low, blocky, hoavy-boned mares with the best of feet and legs; kind, sound and gentle; both have had colts and have been bred again and show to be safely in foal to one of the best stallions on the Coast, which is In this stable and can be seen ; set new sewed trace harness, collars, complete, at low price $265. COLTS TEAM 4-YEAR-OLDS. 2700 lbs., as fine team young draft horses as stands In Portland today; they are sound, fast walkers and truo to pull and have size enough to do any work; are very gentle in or out of table; set of heavy harness; all at cne price of $285. MARES Team matched, biff. 2800-lb. mares; good workers, suns pullers and suitable for farm work and breeding; set harness, all at low price $190; ask for tlag and Dolly. CALL 129 X. 11TH ST. TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. SPAN of black mares, weighing 2500 lbs.. 4 and years old. heavy bone ana oiocay build, free of blemishes and true to work. $225. Roan horse and sorrel .mare. 8 years, weighing 2800 lbs: good workers and free of blemishes. $1U0. Roan gelding, 9 years old. weighing 1150 lbs.; very gentle to work any place, $uu. At 2f)5 Davis st. $50 BUYS- 2100-lb. team and heavy har ness; both good workers and absolutelv sound; have r;turn'd from camping trio and have no further use for same. Call room 3 Heiler bldg.. Grand ave. and Ha w thorn e. Real bargain. BARGAIN in a few good workhorses and mares; pair 2i;00-lb. horses $ 140; pair 200)-ib. mares $75. One 1150 -lb. mare $l5. One 1150-lb. horse $3o.. 22S N. J4th. TWO horses, spring wagon, single buggy, 2 Harnesses, ror saie or traae. u. irosien. route 6, Vancouver, Wash. PERFECT maTchedteam of grays. 12 0 0 lbs. , 513 and 6 years; have no work for them; niust sell. Coll C :t2.2. $45 FOR 1150-pound sorrel mare, good tin ver, oounie ana eincie. aire, lauunc, S10 E. 5th St.. near Clay. CAPITAL STABLES, 2S7 Front st. Jut re- 1100 to 1500. H. Glerman, Prop. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. Tabor 403. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlaw n 20. Portland Lend-ering Co. ONE horse and wagon by day. $1.25. J- Co' hen. 54fl Front st. Main 220S. Main P." Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. will close out; $425 Vose & Sons Upright $145 cash $:t50 Arion Upright, oak $125 cash sr.Oti Bradford Upright, oak t 15 cash X450 Chitkcring & Sons $ ." cash (too Bradbury piano $ 35 cash Irt5 Packard Organ $ 25 cash $".0 Autoplarto Player $205 cash TO FIRST CALLER 10 4th, nftar Wash. 75c monthly will store your piano. YOt7CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW. $ 25.00 disc talking machine $ 5.00 $ ;;5.00 dine talking machine $14.00 $ 7.V0O disc talking machine $25.00 $150.00 disc talkirg machine $95.00 $1 or more cash. 5"!c or more monthly. SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. ACCOUNT going ovt of business In Port land and leading the cty, will sell one of the ft nest player planus and about W0 lmr-lc rois at sat rlfice. Can be had for cfssh or installments. Call 111 K. 2Sth st. North. CITY LOT WANTED, clear, in exchange for new piano; when answering quote low est price and location. BO, 08. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. cheap. Mahogany upright Haxelton piano in perfect condition. E 1 40. Oregonian. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2H years. Fee display advertisement or S-h wan Piano Co.. 111 4th at. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Call 111 4th gt, Di.MD piano, ry sweet tone, for $05. 5tt Market St.. flat A. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED Himalayan and Flemish Giant rabbits for cale; young stock; very tame: bt pets for children. Phone or call after 4 P. M. Main 3723, or 515 Chap man st., Portland Heights. DAY w ork wanted Tuesday and Wednes day; good laundress. Main 4M4!. Furniture Tor Sale. FO It SALE at a bargain, three-piece heavy Grand Rapids Circassian bedroom suite. Colonial style, npw and perfect condition. Address K 130, oregonlan. Automobiles. SPKClAr, SALE 011 standard makes of Ford Ures, $7.75 each, BENJ. E, BOONE A CO.. 51- Alder St. G A RAGES erected complete. $20 up; ready cut or portable house, $1 25 up. TAKE DOWN MFG. C. M Water St., near Harrison. Main 11S7. FORD Looks like new; fullyvgquipped with self-starter, $425. 14th and Burnslde sts. Ma'n 6922. Call for Mr. Finch. 1014 FORD racing tar: fine condition; 250. Room 202, 2S7 s Washington st. Main R044. BRAND NEW STUDEBAKER 5-pasonger at a big sacrifice. 14th, and Burnslde sts. Main 6922. Call for Mr. Finch. GARAGE for rent at 13th and Jefferson, water and electric lights, rent per month. Phone Main 4:;0.1 or A 4Ss. SEASON mod family touring car. electric lights and starter, demountable rims, good tires; big bargain, w North BroadwaJ. TWO taxtcah bodies, painted, good condi tion. Will fit Fords, price $65. X 142. Ore- STUDEBAKER "SO." 4-pass.. ;; new tires, self-starter. Al cr ndition. Some terma to reliable party. AK 131, Oregonlan. 7-PASSENGER auto, good as new, $400. t-rms. Owner home Sunday. Take Wood lawn car. 1426 Morton st. BARGAIN 5-passen ger, six-cylinder tour ing car. electrio lights and starter, good tlre: some buy. 37 North Broad way ROADSTER, best buy In the city; can be seen at 14th and Burnslde sts. Main $923. 3-TON truck, only used short time, for sale cheap, w 134. Oregonlan. MAXWELL ROADSTER, good running or der. 490 Burnslde su Main 6922. 1914 FORD; bargta at $275. 202 S. 34tn st. USED AUTO SNAP. TERMS GIVEN. CADILLAC. 5-p-SK, 30 h. p.. $375. MITCHELL, 6-paS.. 6-cyL, 4 h. p.. $650. MICHIGAN, i-paas., 33 h. p.. eleewlc lights. $5o0. OVERLAND roadster. 0 fc. p., $250. MITCHELL. 5-paesr., 1915 model elec tric starter and lights; liberal dtscount- COMMERCB DELIVERY, lioo lbs. ca pacity, $i,5f. Several others to select from. ' MITCHELL. LEWIS A ST A VER CO.. Ea-t First and East Morrison. Phones; East 7272, H 1216. GOOD, serviceable used cars are row priced so low that there is no excuse for , you not owning a high-grade car. Our reo2nt new car sales have brought into us a number of high-grade cars at prices that will astonish you. See these cars; CHALMERS. STEARNS-KNIGHT. j SCHACT. . OLDS MOBILE. WINTONS- Bring in your email cars and we will make a trade. THE WINTOX COMPANY. 23d and Washington Sta. Main 4244. 1S15 FORD Bought In June. Run only 3700 miles, in perfect condition. Electric bead and tall lights. 2 new extra tires, tire carrier, and as good as new in every re spect. For $450. Call for Mr. Flke, Mar- snan 4U--. BO LE-DA YTON " GASOLINE AND OIL STORAGE SYSTEMS Wholesale and retail. Prices will Justify your investigation. 1004 Wilcox bldg., Portland. Phone Marshall 2344. WILL exchange for 1915 Ford and small amount cash my light Six, S-passcnger, room for 2 extra seats. Westinghouse lighting and starter; 1914 model ; cost $1130 and in A-l condition. AF 140, Ore gonian. ' 1015 ROADSTER Lozier; owner left car with us to sell st a very low figure; this ear Is the same as new and cost originally $2250. For demonstration, phone Broad way S87. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $300 to.$75$. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebakei Bldg.. Comer Chapman aud Alder. NEW and used Ford cars, sold on easy terms. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. Hillsboro, Or. 514 Alder st., Portland. 1014 MASTER SIX CHALMERS Roomy. 5 passenger; run only 4ovO miles; fully equipped. Including spare tire mounted; car In excellent condition ; best buy In city. Phone Broadway Ss7. 1014 REO0-passenger, electric lights and starter, good tires; have run car but very little; will sell cheap. Phone Broadway 8S7. BUNGALOW GARAGE, between 22d and 23d, on Halsey sc. Irvington; have one more fine private stall for rent. Phone East 801 or call C91 Clackamas st. POPE Foredoor, light, roomy. S-passenger, electric lights, new tires; car in fine on ditton; make good rent car; bargain. Phone Broadway SS7. WANTED Ford auto; must be in good con dition. Phone Tabor 1 llitJ. BUIC1C runabout. good condition. Price right, mil. Sell. 2323. Mr. Reynolds. A 1014 BL'ICK. roadster for sale. Marshall 6975. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Good auto for 2 lots on corner, on Alameda Drive, Rose City Park; one block to Hose city cur. beautiful location for a home; 2 large lots, street improve ments all In; private ' party answer, give phone and ndtfrcss. N l.'Iti. Oregonian. WANT best second-hand car, roadster or touring, that $250 or less will buy. W hat have you? Do not write unless offer gen uine bargain "a chance in a thousand" proposition. AE 134, Oregonlan. FORD, BUICK OR HUP. up to $700, on 0 room cottage paved streets. Price $2200. House now rented for $12 per month. L 120, Oregonlan. WANTED Truck; propose to haul rock on 4 miles of country road. Starting at crusher and haul each way, 00 yards dally, bin 25 yards. AE 133, Oregonlan. TRADE $5CO clear city lot as nay men t on gool 3 or 7-passcnger auto: will consider r oru. 4-f i.umuer ixen. mag. HAVE new Menominee -lun truck. Want Ford 5-passenger car in good condition. Address D 1 IS, Oregonian. FURNITURE 6-room house; mobile. Y 117, Oregon i a n. trade for auto- TWO good beach lots at Salt Air to trade ror motor car. uregontan. WANTED Ford or Reo, flrsl-eiass condi tion, for good furniture. E 1375. WANTED Ford for cash. Phone Tabor 54S3. Automobile for Hire. MAIN 1077, A 1077. Am. Auto Touring bervict i.iii nour up. special arrange ments, shopping, calling tripe; xone rales. 4-5-7-PASS. cars, $1.5o up; zone rates; com petent drivers. A 6701. Main 6185. 1015FORD for hire.' $1 per hour."-East 4755 Livestock. 41)0 PURE-BRED Duroc-Jers.y pigs, ot all ages, for sale cheap, for feeders or breed ei s. C. W. Altm an. D u ndee. Or. FOR SALE 20 head of 1 and 2 year old lieiTerH, high grade Jerseys. N 113. Ore gonlan. FOK S V-E Registered Holstciti Frctslan bull, fine Individual. Call at U. S. bam, 4S Front F-t, IF YOU have good beef cattle for sale, steers, cows or veal, call East 290. 20o" H ElFFERH and dairy cows; terms. Bruce, Union Suck Yards. 13 WHITE LEGHORN chickens 1 iear old. Call Columbia 352. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for 5 and up. 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington T pe writer Com pany. 86 Broadway, Portland. Or. vWE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALETYPE WRITER CO $21 Wash. SU TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $J0 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark su Main 552S. N EW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, t. D 231 Stark st. Main 140 7. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE cheap, new pontoon, 12x34x2 feet deep. O. P. Graham, foot Lowell st. .Machinery. FOR SALE t 22-Inch drill press. $150; 1 small power circle saw, $35. 500 Alder St. Main 73 S3. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drop heads. $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Slegcl. two stores, 3S3 Al der st. and 242 Aider st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 40-4S 5th. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand; we save you 40 to 60 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, ol ri Washington su SEWING MACHINES, new and second-band, sale or r-ant. $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium, 190 3d (-. near Taylor. Main 931, A 2626. CHANCES for 2 hunters to take interest In ftrto duck shooting reserve on island. P 110. Oregoniun. CIGAR fixtures. One solid oak wall case. 1 circle lilt top floorcase for sale, cheap. 315 Lumber Exchange. Main 34i;i. FOR SALE New Remington automatic shot gun. Apply Mr. Schcbel. 202 Stock Ex change bldg. FULL-LENGTH mirror, leather rocker, other first-el. ies furniture. 5040 41st ave. South east. Mount Scott car to Anabel. FOR SALE 1 safe. $30; 1 cash regls'er. $25; 1 Underwood typewriter, $25. 5o5 Aider et. Mil in 73HG. t WILL sell equity of $2i.5 In $400 piano for $30. or will take second-hand car. Cail Sell wood 7lO for particulars. HOCHFELD'SCamera Exchange 832d"st Cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sold, and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras DIAMOND house paints, sirlctly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon. $1.75. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front su Marshall 100. HULL-TOP desk, good condition, cheap. 315 Lumber Ex. bldg. M. 431. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davie Co.. 212 3d su Main 797. FOR SALE Gas range, hot water heater snd couch, cheap. Phone Tabor 354a. WINCHESTER pump rerating shotgun, good as new, $1-1. East 1'5. CALL DUCKS $15 do. Chas. UalL Warren ton. Cr., route 1, box 68. 2 YARDS yellow silk cheap. 1077 Mary land ave. KODAKERS 45 prizes, 60c to $10 valuei Edwards. Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE, showcases, office furniture, house hold goods, stpvea Main 4495. 128 First. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all descriptlona Main $09. Kline's, 208 First. OWL FURNITURE CO. pay best prlc for your turn: luxe. 04 1st st. Mala 437; SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. Honest deal. We pay the highest prices for la tiies' and meaS clothing, suofis. etc. Try ua. Call Broadway 93. .'1 Front su I BUT OLD GOLD. 0!d Jewelry a Specialty. Oes bough U Asaer. F. A 6ennetu 510 Northwest Blag. 3J7Vfc Washington SU WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. W pay the highest price -Tor ladies and gents" cast-off clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise. Call us up. We need It and will pay for iu GLOBE STORii. :&5 First. Main 20f0. Main 2CS0. WIS CALL PROMPTLY. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. J. MEYERS. THE TAILOR PAT 3 YOU MORE FOR VOLR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES, JUST CALL MARSHALL 3229. WE CALL PROMPT LY. RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER. 228 MADISON ST. TEL. MARSHALL 1229. GEVURTZ FUKN4TURE STORE, 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshall 5S7. We buy your second-hand furniture, stoves ond other household goods. Highest prices paid. M1SH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 -U Main 5768. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of sa.oe. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware as Furniture Co., 2-1 Fronu Phone A 7174. Vain 9072. WANT several electric motors, 3 to lo-H. P. A C. at once No dealers. W 137, Ore gonian. STANDARD FURNITURE CO.. Maitn 4773. 1S2 1st su Main 4773. Pays tist prices for your furniture, etc WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN S3I2. A 2507. WE lint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work. Charles O'Mara. E. 823. WANTED National cash register. Mala 606. $51 H Washington st. WANTED Moving picture machine; aiso cpera chairs, etc. Main 4495. 12S FlrsU ONE Airedale terrier, fullbred. Call Co lumbia 352. STRICTLY American dealers in used furnl ture; square deal our motto. Sell. 1 6-. BUY or rent dozen kindergarten chairs. Reasonable. Marshall 6120. Room 222. WANTED All kinds of records and phono graoha Main 411' 5. 12S 1st sL HELP WANTED MALE. FEV SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Gang trlmmerman $3.50 Gang edgcrmao 4.O0 Band rt sawyer (.horizontal) 4.00 Two boom men 2.50 Lath bolterman 2.73 Lath shaver 2.0 Planer feeder 2.25 PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 2i:2 and 224 Couch, street, cor 1st. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A Young men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department t free to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is issued, costing $5 per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' full privilege and a refund of the membership fee If fcatifeiaciory employment la not. cured. ' CLEAN-CUT YOUNG AMERICANS COM POSE AM ERIC AN NAVY; enlist and you'll find yourself In good company; healthy, interesting work. sufficient spurts, steady advancement in pay and rating ; opportunities to learn trade and nrenarn for life's career: Investigate now; visit Navy Recruiting station, Morgan mil id in g. Y M r. JL. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL "Day and night classes- expert training In repairing, anving ana macom- including forge, lathe, sbaper, dnupresa etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Edu cational Office Y. M. C. A bldg., to In spect our shops and methods. Competent chauffeurs and mechanics supplied. MIDDLE - AGED and elderly men make money selling our hsray, guaranieeo. om mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co., 1 oppcnisn, w aan. WE have an t-penlng in wholesale line for a roung man who Is quick and accurate ana writes a good hand. He must begin at the bottom and not be afraid of hard WOrK. JVM litO. urcn)i!ian. . t"pniAUII f IVCTRItrTIOS" Oregon's oldest, best equipped and mot practical school. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 Hawthorne Ave. VAN TED Reliable party for LmatiUa CAiintr resident of Hermlston or Stanheld preferred, to sell our coffees, teas. etc.. to the consumer. Address il. U. T. Co.. Walla Walla, Vv aslu SINGLE voung man. over 21. to travel mr v.rtralt Company. Experience n neccsaarv. Must bo able to leave town today. Mr. Gi.ham. 1 to 12. Carlton Hotel. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert Instructor to leacn you me ur unr irau In b weeks; tools tree; position guaran teed, paid while learning. 232 2d. nr. Main. x- -n -i - v- -1 at a xr r iaaW sftr niir Interests In For: land: salary starting $12 weekly; no J canvassing. frontier jaig. ir KalK N. T. ALLivBOOlED MEN qualify for firemen, brakenien. $12t monthly. Railway, care Oregonian. AN Y live agent ran make g-od money, pleasant, profitable work selling automo bile necessity. 14 N. Broadway. MARRIED man to manage apt. house and do jani'or work. Must be experienced ana have reference. AD 13, Oregonlan. WANTED -Boy or young man for grocery. Stato age. references and salary expected. Y i:;7. Oregonlan. WANTED Black-face singing and dancing com d tan, change for week, for med. show. B. Leslie. Council. Ida- SEVERAL high-grade solicitors; must be energetic Hnd reliable. 518 Co mm on -walth bldg. ' MEN 1 S or over wishing Government Jobs, 70 month, should apply immediately lor information. AV 11. Oregonlan. MAN to v-nll on offices, factories, etc; fast seller; $0 weekly; get territory today. Gams. 1325 Broadway. Spokane. Wash. MOLEU Barber College wa.ns men to learn the traae; tuition reduced; paid while learning; send for catalogue. 4B N. Second. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com roisslonpaid.Sarouystudlo, Royal bldg. PHOTOGRAPH agents, our holiday offer a winner. Daguerre Studio. Pittock blk. WANTED Good window-trimmer and ad vert 1 si n g man. Klin-'s. CorvaHis. Oregon. BOY wanted with wheel. Kleist A Co., iU5 N 2nd. FIRST-CLASS eoatmaker. Kay BarKhurat, Cth and Stark. SASH and door planer man. Acme Pianino; Mill. fc4l Macadam t. WANTED Solicitor, good proposition. Ap ply 445 Gllgan st. GOOD all-around tailor wanted, John Manx, Tabor 4500. Help Wanted Agfnt. WHY sell Inferior? Our Hospital policy costs no more. :jol Board of Trade bldg. Help Wanted Salesmen. WHY not Increase your Income? . Anyone can sell it : pleasanu profitable automo bile necessity. 14 N. Broadway. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GOOD, swift sewer who understands dress making. 6111 7 2d S. E., Tremont Station; M t. Scott oar. WANTED Girl for general housework, where there are childien. C. S. preferred. Fast C32. RES PON SI BLE girl or woman for general housework and help with children. Tabor 4353. HI NSD ALE'S Com mere Is I School, r02 Or pheum bldg. ( Empress f. Individual In struct'ns, positions when capable. M. 1542, WANTED Experienced body lroncrs. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co., 21st and Sano y road. GIRL for general house a ork. . Apply felt Tillamook, before 2 o'clock. FIRST-CLASS helper on men's coats. AE 135. Oregonian EX PER IE X C ED girl for light housework and couking: vrages $20. Sellwood 75. LEAKN beauty culture, bummer rate. So5 Colum?j!a hldg Graduate Paris. Berlin WANTED A Rtrl for tslloring r op; little experience. Call 105 N. 14th St. MISS M A TT INGLY'S SCHOOL Shortha..u. Typewriting. $5 mo. 2rt 14th. Pa. M. VHX MuLER Barber College wants ladies to '.earn the trade; special rate. 43 N. Second. YOUNG woman to assist with housework and baby. ii month. 632H Marshall. LADIES to demonstrate resldeTual wor to $3 day Is made. 505 Columbia bl dg. OI RL for general housework, strecu 128 N. iath WANTED girl for general hi use work. Call Ref- Marshall oizv. arter . GIRL to assist with light housework, erence-i required. Call Marshall 16S. WAI TRESS wanted, small town, 25c fare. Apply 2 SO Burnslde st. LIVE'lady solicitor. Call 1102 E7"lth t."JC. GIRL Xor geuerai housework. Call East 1715. WANTED A first-class cook fr pub.te tea- ri'in, mho mu -xperiencei saiad aud sanu wlch maker; references rcQulr.d. AC 136. Oregonian. WOMEN lis Government clertts, $70 month: ronianu examinations coming; samp'e questions free. Franklin Institute. dvpU 7':i-G. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Schoolgirl or woman to stay with babv, and light housework, after noons and ovenngs. No objection color. Phone A 17SS. GOOD business opening to trained, w ell- ruuLai-u Dullness woman, rait in person Wednesday and ask to see Mrs. Plowman, 92 Northwestern Bank bldg. EXPERIEXt'FD woman canvasser for well known woman's magazine; salary and commission. Address, giving phone num ber. V 1.1. Oregonian. W ANVEu Itefired, capable, woman for responsible- position. Mavi Company, 423 Pittock block. 3s3 Washing ton. WANTED A housekeeper at ouce; party will give description of self. Address i-iarry .YlciormicK. Lexington, Or. Box 73 PRIVATE lessons stenography; complete course in & moatra. $ j. AG 140. Orego nlan. WANTED Competent cook ; no one Inex perienced need apply. Phone Sell wood 2376 mornings. MIDDLE-AGED woman, ranch; other help. Howes Agency, room 3a, 270 Vi ashingi ton. ELDERLY woman to keep house for 13- je;-oiu Doy r ai'oui . weeaa. uuv em ployed might do. Tabor 45b5. WANTED Woman to stay nights with aged lady for room and board. Phone Ta bor 2 402. EXPERIENCED helper on coats; one able to msice nuitonnoies. ie . .man cne, 4U5 Washington st. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework; 3 -room flat; no washing. 7S3 Kearney. WANTED A eirl for general housework Apply SSI 10th sL HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FALL term begins now. Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning; tuition reduced; expert Instruc tors. Oregon Barber College. -3 Madison. 14 E LP V ANTE D M I SC E 1. 1-A N EO V 8. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car Tiers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more cieri; act at once, .Tactile State School. McKay bldg., city. WANTED 2 more people for California hav 7 -pass. car. low re tea. R 136, ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Book keepe re and Clerk a. EXPERT bookkeeper and stenographer; Voung man. wide experience, desires posi tion where good work Is appreciated; ex cellent Donman. Salarv start no oblect. Will go anywhere. Best references. AH i:t. oregonian. 1-3 MONTH'S salary for Information lead ing to ix-nnautut clerical position. .Last 1 1 4 a. room L'i. BOOKKEEPER, stenos rapner. nine years' experience, best of references; work in or out ot city. W 1 It. Oregonlan. M lcellaneoti. YOUNG man, 21, single, wishes position driving and repairing with prUato famli or garage; have 5 years experience with leading automobiles; can repair any car; have worked In the leading factories and garages lu ueiroit, Alien. x lit. orego 11 tan. MACHINIST-OPERATOR, young man. wants situation on weekly or small; set galley an hour; can help on floor. What can you pay; Aiirea veny, neppnur, Orego-i. WOULD like pObitlon that If suited would be steady ; have 14 years' experience In wholesale and retail business and am handy with tools. Can take part pay la trle. X 1 40. oregouian. CHAUFFEUR. 23 years old. wants oosilion driving Jlti.ey on commission; can make .iH per mo. witn goou -passenger car. Phone Sellwood 15!Ki. MR. HOT ELM A N. if you need a good cook mid baker, whose wife will work ns helper, waitress or chambermaid, call Marshall 142 or write 1 Oregonian WANTED Post Lion as private chauffeur. reliable young married man. 10 years' ex perience; reterenccs. l'hone steo. AL leas. YOL'XO Juo&neao who sias learned English many years in Japan, deslrvs position as scnooiboy tn private lamiiy. iu. luramaio, 327 EveretL Tit A V ELI N(i man, married, wide a-qua int ance. will accept position hotel clerk. Port' land or elsewhere. Excellent references. J 139. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by sinale young man to drive automobile and do general minor repairs. Will also rare law n. Excellent references given. 5Tl LA UXOR Y MAN, 20 years experience, 15 as foreman or manager, is open lor any Kind of position : wi'.l consider investment in laundry business. A v m, oregonian. JAPANESE, honest, competent c-ok. wants place, private family. A 15&J. Main 3f.93. WILL e'-liHiu;e Spanish lessors for room and hoard in private Ia.mily. Ar ! Oregon la 11. RESPECTABLE young man wishes to work for- board and room, private family pre f erred. W 1 40. Oregonian. YOUNG man, JO, licensed chauffeur, wants work driving or repairing, garage pre ferred. S 1. tn st. RAKER and natrv cook wants work. A. Kleiner, 421 Burn side sU Phoue Broadway 1 J3 1 . EXPERIENCED, reliable boy desires P"l tton delivering; lias wheel. Main. 051. A 1517. SITUATION wauled by good Japanese cook In hotel or restaurant. K. Roy, 2ttS Everett SL CANDY MAKER liettl. position any where. Hcst of reterenccs. au ho, ore gonlan. JAPANESE cook wishes position cafeteri or delicatessen store; have good expert a.nn 1 -.O I - ITrnnt m t T 1(Biinlta JAPANESE married man wishes posit lor hotel porter or .lamior. m any piace. goo MI DOLE-AGED man, position as janitor or porter, some experience as manager. scrt J roxcl. asroauway AUTO REPAIR MAN. shop e vperlenre two vw wants position to ream move tnor- ouglily. Y 1"fL Orcgonia n. YOUNG man wants work in kitch-n, hotel or reataurant ; references. AG 14 1, oro gonian. WANTED Work lu drug store by student or pharmacv sen 001. w 11 n pirerirwe ; u give best of' references. It 13. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED, reliable man desires car per.ter work; reasonable rates; Al rcfjr ences. Main 7051. A LY17. EXPERIENCED, reliable man wants janltoP work or care ot au invaiia. jmuju A 1517. . CAPABLE, reliable man desires odd jobs of any Kina. cutting wooa, uouscc leaning, etc. Main A 1 1 t EYPKRtFATED. reliable man desire rain lug. papering and lialsomlnlng; reasonable rates; reierences. ,viam iuhi, .-v FOUR boys want work delivering ; fa ni Hies dependent on tnem. Jiain .wi. Aim. CARPENTER wants work ; terms very rca sonable. East 5:174. Campbell. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling ch-eap by contract. Pnone eiiwooq . . TINTING. $1.50 per room up; painting, cheap Estimates furniFnea. Ai hi. oregonian. YOUNG Japanese schto!boy wants position. F. HasMmoto, Z-i t.verett St. JAPANESE Free Employment Bureau. A 1670. Jap Assn. of Or.. 218 Henry bldg FIRST-CLASS chef wants position; best of references, ti lrg, Crcgontan. KALSO.M I NING. painting, plaster patching reasonaoie. pnone ttooaiawn;'i3J. YOUNG MAN attending trade school wtuld work for bo am ana roo m. Marshall 4.m9, COLORE n man and wlf. wisn Jan! work. Phono Woodlawn 4150. MTl'ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and StenographerH. WANTED Stenograph t: position. expert en 'red In fl!:n and automobile especially Call M In 71)10 after 5, or address Y 15, Oreonlnn. YOUNG- LADY stenographer, competent and experienced, permanent position. Aiarsuaii .j. VOUX'tf lady des;r office work ; rood typis;; no experieuc. xil? ij, urego man. STITNOGRAPHER. experienced billing and clerical worn, must nave position, ad 13J, oregonian. F.VPrRT Btenoeranher desires noaif ion reasonable salary. Miss Schwartz, Mar shall 0040. COMPETENT, experienced yftung lady nographer dsairea position; Dest refer er.ces. fcenwood imjz CAPABLE and experienced stenographe. wnnci to man. a 1 1 fcas t rt4. DrefiiaS'skervt. EXPERIENCED dressmaker doalres empIo meat, $2.50 per day. Tabor 269. KAH ION ABLE dressmaking. reAsonaMe, Sol 2ucnanan bldg Main nomo or uav. 9513, DP.ESoMAKlN;, tai(.-riiig and aiteration. .o day. Satisiaci lau guaranteed ; ex terienced. Tabor I4irt. DUFK1FLD SISTERS, ladles' tailoring and T- " 'V . 1U- itx Arms Apartments. 4 A. D H ESsm A K E R, makes over, home or day : $250. Tabor 471. DRESSMAKING Work g uara u teed. Prices easoiiabie Main 7;. 92. WANTED Rv ilay. experienced dre.araaker. Phone Marshall 1 1145. - .-k bv DRESSMAKER, makeovers: home or di ; $2.5Q. Tabor 4S71. lKhSMAKlX(.j and remodeling by day. Airs. Koot. T.ibor 4:tt2 MAKE-OVER SHOP. 202 Flledacr bldg; gowns. jsuits. coats. Mar. 32U1. FJRST-i'FaAss dressmaker wilt 'make en"- t.-nnn-nis py pay. Main 7651. N utm. MIDDiaS-AGLD woman, reliable. expert- r"vl' nuiTe. wwnes to give kind care to inwJIid alck or elderly. Reasonable. Tabor PRACTICAL nurse with hospital experience would like care of invalid, elderly pron or couple. U 1S2. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nurse wishes more engag m en ts. Telep h one Woodlawn 4232. CAPABLE, practical nurse, city or country, references. Phone Columbia 245. UNDERGRADUATE doflres nursing, ma- if.nuy caafB, reasonahie. phone East 4501. PRIVATE home, sleeping porch, trained TRAINED NURSE wishes inval'da or ch 11- m ooara; reasonaoie. r-elrwood 24-4. llouwekeepcra. WANTED, situation by widow, middle-aged. vncuinorancr; ho use Keeper In or OUt of cit ; cook for men: take care of old people. No trlflers need answer. Call Albion Hotel. Marshall 4643. room 20. XKAT German widow. AO s;.-hi.aic.Tifti. stein, wlshea to keep house for widower, gOJd homo more than wages. AB 137. Ore gonian. l LADY with a little boy wishes housekeep ing for an elderly gentleman who la kind and good-natured; best reference. Gresham M. N.. box a::. or cai 149. "OU NO WOMAN with son, P. good houe keooer; $12 to $15 month, rltv or country, but city preferred. Address A. M. Gates. n'uiaaie. 4f-. Pen. L'el. AfAUUE OirUtiaa young woman want Housekeeping position, adults. Apply 175 1:1. t (iun jtiairt 01 , WANTED Situation. ua hoiuckctoer on ranch by woman -with 8-year-old child. .....t- i... n rorr, i.m o-ttn ave. r.. NEAT, unincumbered widow, experienced ..vunvc-ic-i. ii.uun reiiociaoio wiaow era home. East 3402!. WANTED Position by refined and educated auy to aeep nouse and care xor alderly couple. Main 1713. UNINCUMBERED woman wants light nou-ework. Marshall 3046. Domestic. EXPERIENCED, reliable womsn deslfea cnamoerw-ork or waiting; on table. Malu EXCELLENT cook w ants position in Insri 'rtl:.oa or ?rUi home; $30 month. Main tOol, A 1517. EXPEIilENCED aitross wirhes place In EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house- itk. cast zzzz. RL wants work n family a second girl. tdd. l",r N. lth st. Main tfK54. COOK on general housework by Scandlnav- 1 i airi. .Main r4ll. GIRL wishes to assist in housaork or do eonu wor::. woodlawn 4M. SITUAT1.N wanted bv lady, general house- w uric or cooKiiig. 1'tion l abor 2005. GOOD Swedish cook wants place; wage $33 " jiviitr iioor YOUNG lady wants general housework In small family of adults. East 540O. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE girl wishes position with '"-"cr 1 r oa vanceme-nt, where ih will be ..ble to learn refined. Independent pro. fessiou while drawing small la.ary. Office. niuHic. art. salesmanship. No canvassing. N 135. Oregonlan. LADY, highly accouipll5hcd. scientific cook, compelled to seek employment, wants re sponsible position in first-class family Tabor 494;;. CA PA BLE and experienced hotel house keeier wishes position in large, first-cias hotel ; 7 years in present position ; ex cellcnt city ref?rocea. s IS 1. Oregonlan. lt-YEAR-OLD schoolgirl i3hes towork for room and board. In walking distance of -Thompson School, phoue Sellwood 2136, aik ror M i s. t-'. oti. EXI'LRI ENi'EO w omr.n wants dav work nd help at dinners. Woodlawn 1572, C Mi4. TWO needy women want day work or clean ing curtains: both have dependent chll dren. Main 7051. A 1517. EXPERIENCED cms n wants cater;ng, parties, teas, dinners, also other work. E. 982. LACE curtains liat.d-la undered, 2ic up; ailed for; ref, sei iwood Irt!"-. LA D v Mints v ork by day or hour. Tho Tabor 4S5. EX 1' Kill EN 'En waitress w ishrs work in city. Main Sc3t. LACE lur-.aln hand laundered. Phone C Woman vsa-us ork by the dav. Woodlawn 14 14. GOOD laundry woik. washing. Ironing, hiuw clcanlng. 10 Stark, room 11. Main 283. GERMAN woman wants work by day" r hour. a1l evenings. Main 50 40. El'UNOyii'Al, woman wants cooking in 'o in p. Sell wood 2- o2. WASHING and liourccleanlns. $i.50 day, carfare. Tibor 202S. evenings. MOTION PICTURE pianKt deircs position. Miss Gilbert, phone Main ::02. 736 lloxl. EX PER I EN' 'ED laundress want" work bv day or take home; references. Tabor 3727. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman desires dar work; Al rofrcnes. Main 7"51. A 1 ." 1 7. FINNISH girl wants housework. Phone "Wood lawn 2 S 2 . COMPETENT ri:ndrcs w Ishes w ork Tues dsy snd Thursday. 'all Woodlavn 3611. DI NNERS. w eddin g parties planned, pre pared, served; hst ref. Sellwood 160t. UANTKI) TO RENT. Ho urn VJ'ANTED To rent a 5-mom bungalow on Kant Side, neae K I) 1 ingsworth or Williams ave.. fa mil v of t tiree ; no children. AQ U re s B F I! . Ore am:aii. WANTED To lease unfurnished modern house of fi or ft rooms; sleeping-porch and gaiage preferred; state rent. N 17, ore gonian. HAVE several goo goad tennt.ts for bungalow s CaW rental dept., 26U Stark. ana nouses, near 4th. HARTMAV THOMPSON ITRNISHF-I) hute wanted. 4 or 5 room;.. In Fulton district. II. J, Kreinbuum. Wood lawn 3S3. Apartments. WIL). rent furnished apartment with sleep ing porch if possible, from owner leav ing town f'r Winter. Three adults. Best car-". Reference. AD L:7. t regon tn n. Rooms. M I DDLI.-AGED couple desires to rent suite Nov. 1 for Indefinite time in mod ern house or bungalow; reierences. M 1 :'2, Oregonian. 2 Oil 4 unfurnished H. K. rooms, walking distance; must be reasonable. A 331. Ore gonian. Kooma With Board. WANTED Good home for young boy 15, years old ; good reliable parties required. T IS. Oregonian. Yol'NG MAN attending trade school would wor: for board and room. Marshall 40. FOR RENT. Furnished R uom s. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison su. at lOt'n Central location; REDUCED RATES. 3oc per day up; week ly. $2.5 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths; steam heat. HOTEL EDWARDS Orand ave. and E. Bel. ninnt Rooms $10 month. $20 up with private Chth, large pleasant lobby. cal in connectlo-. r tione East 323 LARRaBER HOTEL Modern comforts, QuieH, residential, warm, clean, walking distance, transients, low rata. 22 7 b Larra- bee at. ETH ELTON HOTEL. 305H J2TH ST. Mo4era; special reductions on all rooms; 82 per and up. Marshall 27W0. ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur nlsh board snd room for $22.50 a month. snd up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone 3143. 12 ROOMR furnished complete; 7 rooms reited for $03. Walking distance. Marshall 3 fil L HOTEL NORP.IS, 5334 Alder. Modern out slde rooms $2 per week up. MAX W E LL Hall. 207 14th; strictly modern; ue of parlor: real home. $2 up M t. STA N DISH HuT;:i &4SH Wash. SU Stean hcat.rl tfinf alilam mftm X? 'risvi- sir n n