TIT12 MORNING ftttTcMlfWY A "V TTTTTHcn t t ornTtfirtiTiTi r -anas . - ZtJ i . t ... r 7 (I PORTLAND.BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLKATINO. K. STEniAX, hemsiltrhins. scalloping, ac corj., side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. ao:i Plttock Mock. Broadway 10(W. ABSTRACTS AM) TITLES. ITiO.1IJT SKItVICK at reasonable prices. Pacific Tltlo & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACCORDION Platlnic. hf mstlti-tilnK. nicotinic, braiding. Kastt-rn Novelty t;o.. Sr, .., ."ith. B'wayJOOO. ACCOCNTAN" (KRTinBn. O. RIUOl'T, Marshall I'SCo, 26ti ltli St. Moderate rates ASSAVERS AND ANAI.VSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OKFICE, 142 U 2d. Gold, sllv-r nnd platinum boupht. AT TOKNKVS-AT-LAtt. J. S. XEIJION, LAWYER, HIS t'lTTOCK BT..K. CONSULTATION FREE. BD'Y 3173. "CAKI'KT WEAVERS. FL.Vh f RUGS RAG RITGS. New runs from old Inpraln. BrusseH, Smyrna, Axminster carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing; country orders prompt attention; BPnil for booklet. West ern Fluff Kni; Co., 54-rn; Union ave. North. Phone Eaat B 1475. Js'OHTH WEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car. pets, rap rugs. ls E. 8th. Both phones. , Cif.LLMAHD BUTTONS. B-VDCiES. THE IR-n-IX-IiODSOX COMPANY, Washington St. Main S12 and A 12.14. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle. and William. Jr., Devony. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. I'arlors GcrlinEer bid., southwest corner 2d and Alder. I'hone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner lildg. Main 3173. . CHI ROPRAC TIC PHYSICIANS. TJR. M' MA HON. sixth year. Chronic cases taking time, Ut treatments, $13. 11 4th st. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere; highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Airency, 4IB Henry hide. Phone Marshall 4S0. jETH &. CO., "Worcester dI1k. Main 17!. No collection, no charge. Established 1900. DETECTIVE AOENC1ES. PI.NKEKTON & CO.. U.K. DETECTIVE AGCY Established Over Ml Years. WIENTIFIf DETEtTlVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on Indi viduals anywhere; consultations free. Suite 1)4 Plttock block. I'hune Broadway G73. DANCING. WAX:hester Danclnir Academy, S3 H uth st., bet. mark and Oak; sp'l Summer rates 5 private lessons. morning, afternoon, evening, nil latent dances guaranteed. Class Thurj., Sat. evenings. 7-S:W. Children's clasees Sat.. 2 to :;. 'J?c. Broadway 2100. HEATHS SCHOOL Lessons tiaflv; class Friday evening. Auditorium Hall, 20SM. Id St.. near Taylor. Main ;1SL'2. llL'LKEY BLDG., 2d and Morrison 10 les aons. classes Mon.. Frl. eve. Mars. 31:1. EVE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist: glasses fitted. Or V. V. Cassaday, r.17 Dekum bldg.. 3d ft Wn. OLASS AND iI.AZIN;. TIM-MS. CHESS & CO., 1S4 .1 st. Main 202.!, A 2"2Ti. Wind shields and auto lights. WHOLESALE AND ALTO AND BIOGY TOPS. PURBUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2n(1 2d st. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery &. Conf.. Inc.. 11 th and Everett BI'5" EI':S ANU bottlers: HENmjVEINHARD,Jinrt and Burnslde. D"T.J1,OWDS" TIONS, FL'RN fsif INGs7 FI.EISCH NE R.M AVER . & CO.. 207 Ash st. c. tLKCTRIC'AX SUPPLIES: i-tnbbs Klectrical Co.. ctli and Pine Sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. AJrrs.?ro,sMillin8 Co., .Front and Marshall. M. HOUSE RBoard of Trade Bldg. WADHAMS & COYFourth at. . . HATS AND CArs. THANHAUSER HAT CO..34-3Sjr KAH1',iil;r'XvoP,I-v'A!iCARA- BARK. K A H N FtftOS., 101 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at J,c.rJ,e." rat?8- attractive repayment fnAay ' i'oans lultWy closed. Call r-1 BI SINKSS I'llOPKHlIES O C0 A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-31U Marshall m, A 411S. Jn- MORTGAGE LOANS lJ,"0"- Plent ot Money. ROBERTSON & EYVING 8Q7-8 Nortovrf.ern Bank: Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 5, 6, 7 OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO. Mock K-xclianse Building-. Third B.nd . nmani sireetN. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. C?fc'lAif Pd"co"rVTT?onKS-p j rage Idjr. REAL ESTATE DKALERS. Bungalow plan book. ioc. plans si H- Faber. Architect. 360 Ainsworth ave! Phone Wood lawn 2U4. PALMER-JONES CO.. Wilcox bldg. H. P 404-403-406 BENEDICT BROS.. B30 Hawt;.orneaTe: Associated Investment Co.. 621 Yeon bldg. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. S.f.Atr,FuU, half aor t Lenta. 600 ,'w" half lot 3. block 8, Cadwe:; s Addl-J.'P- .,diacount for all cash; no trade; sub mit offers; full commission to agents. Ad. irr,V!,-w?.e";' 2115 We 29t" Flace. Loi il?' Blr,1,1V,fu, .Vlr"r homesite on the west Side. 13 minutes' car ride. 5-cent fare; the best value In Portland for S33I. Co'rbeTbld a m0nlh- -M" K- Lee' 5W LAND CLEARING. Bf new methods, low ram For estimates apply to Phllbrook Brotn- ers. Hotel Lenox. Portland. BIG 80x120 West SlTe. fine view. ''0 mlnuteV car ride. 300. 23 cash. $3 per month. Si Northwestern Bank bldg. IRVING TON Choice lot. 16th near Knott $600 be.ow value. 703 Lewi, bldg U E5J 10T1 ST- ?h'ce lot. $800, halfSlTe". $.00 am required. AC 68, Oregonlan. ' For Sale Houses! MODERN t-room bungalow, hardwood floors, firepluce, furnace, cement baie ment. $31.30. 1Q07 Schuyler st. Tabor !(ii!. A NICE little 3-room house, corner lot Ir vlngton Park addition, only 'J0o; ' -o cash. $10 month. Owner. Phone C 1275. 8-ROOM house, beautiful view, on an ini- awau, lor ,.o; iuo aown, sio a month. -!. r., Lee. corbett h dir. FOR SALE New. modern, lVs-story bunga low In irvlngton; complete in every ds- tall: price $4500. Phone E. 454S. ATTRACTIVE home In Irvlngton district ?,i:"'li5 on .'a,y terroa. B. M. Lombard. 230H 3d su Main S092. 10c FOR a book of 25 complete bungalow plana. Address J. B. Moore. 1020 North weatern Bank bldg. iEW, modern homes for sale or rent. In Irrington and Laurelhurst. East a4a CLASSY new. modern. S-room bungalow iws cheap, cash or terms. Tabor 1404, INSCRANCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, sent Insurance; fire, marine, auto. ,",;;ti and ,:s Cham, of Com. MESSENGER SERVICE.. HAST Y MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. phone Main 5:1. A 215:1. MOD HI. & SPECIALTY MACHINE WORKS. AKMSTP.ONG M KG. CO., No. 4 Second st. Phone Broadway 67il. Headquarters for specielty machine -work, design perfect ing, experimental work, model making and manufacturing. Ml SICAL. Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher pupil Sevlr-k. 2Q7 Fliedner bids. A 4 1 tin, Marshall 1 62I. PIANO STUDIO, 209 14th St. Terms. f a month. Phone Main :1S93. OITOM ETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first-qualitv lenses in a gold-filled flame, as low as $1.30: lenses diiDllcated at a biir saving, satisfaction guaranteed. C. W. Good man, optometrist, 2'i'J Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. Wright 22 years' practice U. S. and foreign patents. f)0l Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 84S. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. lOOVa Front St., cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. - REPAIRING. WE repair most anything; stoves, plumbing, furniture, bicvcles, etc. Portland Stove & Gen'i Repair Co., 342 1st st. M. E735. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO AND FROM ALL POINTS On household goods, pianos, autos. etc. Through carload service, guaranteed handling. Get our rates before shipping anywhere. "We can save you monev nnd annoyance. PACIFIC COAST FORWARDING CO., 201 WILCOX BLDG. Phones, Marshall 2467, Marshall 1639. ALWAYS -PICK THE BEST" Household t-rooda Specialists, Ktorage, Packing, Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine Sta. Broadway 5iG. A HlOrt. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th. Telephone Main 8! or A li6l. "We own and operate two large class A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates iu city. MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING, STORAGE rveuiicea xreignt rates to an points. MANNING Warehouse & Transfer Co.. Main 703. Uth and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 1811 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7tifl. FIRST-CLASS seasoned fir. $4.50; distant uetivery s-i.i;. National r uel Co., E. lid and Oregon. East 2041. GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan ama fuel Co. Main 3720. A 3S9D. MANUFACTURERS Mn"S ANn WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 5th st. MILLINERY. BR A PSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. PAINTS AND 1.1-RRiril-tvn nttd W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis. TAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE. PIPE KITTIMIS n liFiI-u M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLCMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-80 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. w- BALTE3 & CO.. 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS EVERD1NG A FARRE1.L. 140 Front. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. PortlandCordage Co.. 14th and Xorthrup, SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale HousesT" THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH TH i???' F 'JIIjU APARTMENTSRES DKNCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE JJJ L,ARBi. RESPONSIBLE: WE KNOW S,U-LK WITH OUR CLIKNT3; SEE bVtJ0'11-1- GIVE BONDS. U it fECIS 34 ABIKGTON BLDO. .-,. ':!24 GRAND AVE. N. I21..0 BEST BUV IN PORTLAND. ..-room, brand-new bungalow, hard wood foors. fireplace, buffet and all bullt- iVu,: . vf u!c and m" basement; 5ox 100 lot. block to car: terms Woodlawn or Vancouver cars to Hol man st.. then 1 block east to JJ24 Grand ave. N. (i'iedmont district.). Owner. Sellwood 76. WONDERFUL LAURELHURST OPPOR- Hard tiraes and need of ready cash gives you this chance to buy a classy mf," t'Vu'"V,room. bu"salow. near Laurelhurst park, at a tremendous sacrifice, on ve- easy terms. Here's your chance to get a home with a future. Auto service. F M. Blishong. Main 15o;l. A 1313 LAURELHURST. nm bunealow with sleeping-porch and garage, on nigh view lot. House n Sr, ' ''ed owner short of money, title clear. "Will take $1S., to complete and make place worth S3ono. will sell for $373-1 on very easy terms, taken at once. Phone THE PRICE TELLS. New. nifty home near park, in Laurel -burst; 0 rooms and sleeping-porch: fire place, hardwood floors, beautiful build-in effects and price only $as.vi. Small pav ment down, balance like rent. Better see this beauty. Auto service. J. w. Cr(i 1V. 2701 stark st. Main 133. A 1515 LIST OP DESIRABLE- t-invtc-c Betore buying be sure to look at our list of brand new. exquisite homes in LAU RELHURST. the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $2500 up. Laurel hurst Co., 270 'i stark st.. or at tract of lice In Laurelhurst- E. 8th and Gllsan sts ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOWS 41)8 41ST ST. N.. $2tlO CASH NEW VERY SWELL EASY TERMS. Large, airy rooms, sleeping porch livinr room 14x26. fireplace, Inlaid parquet oak floors, tlegant beveled plate buffet and bookcases. Phone owner. Tabor 1000. iz 1 1 ) fj .MO-Mi-J. Close-In Heights home. Sell at great sacrifice or lease. . Large grounds and house, could easily be converted into two family houses. six rooms each. Tako Ma"8 -Ti'-Tp1, proPert"-'- 028 Corbett bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $20f0. New. modern. 3-room bungalow. 50x121 ft. lot. This price Includes all street Im provements paid. $loo cash and $23 per nr Including- interest. Phone owner 00X121-FOOT. fruit, berries, garden. Jcrsev cow, chicken runs and barn, big 4-room bungalow, not quite completed, snap to party with cash; sickness. Call 703 North western Bank bldg r,i!.vv 4-room house; modern throughout -located on sightly lot. which I will sell t?,r .?14.'! on easy terms. See owner. 012 Piatt bldg. PLANS FREE. WILL FINANCE AND BUILD HOME ON YOUR y.A9AIfT, LOT WITH SUPERVIS ING ARCHITECT , CURTIS. 2B7V-, OAK ST. $1000 MODERN 5-room bungalow, big at tic. house furnished complete, near sta tion on Mt. Scott car. close in, $3oo cash AE t). Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL HOME, central. clo To owiooio. umiuiH ana care. Will sell cheap or take little trade. ,133 E. Burnslde st. riu t.-room oungalow, fine view, hOxlM) h.t. $11 on. $u; cash. $13 pLr month. 700 Northwestern Bank b'dg Suburban Home Property. FINEST 21-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland on Section Line road, good build ings. Bull Run water. 8 acres all kinds fruits and berries, fine lawn, shrubbery etc. Sell all or part. Kaste Bros.. 1 Henry bldg. GIBSON HALF ACRES! Good soil, good water, close to carllne easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phon? Marshall !3S5 or Sellwood 478 JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For Sale Acreage. 5 A., close In on O.-W. R. & N between Barr and Sandy roads, fine aoil, -water at 22 feet; 2 A. In cultivation, $1600, terms Owner, Tabor 6372. ". 41 ACRES on Oregon City carllne, near Courtney Station, good house, barn run ning water and fruit trees; easy terms. omi xucuoiae. oumner, lows. 40 ACRES, near Kelso, Wash.; some cleared running water; $300. Marshall 25B5. ' BEAUTIFUL J-aere tract. 6-o.nt fare: malts offer. Box 120. Lenta P. O. almMM I ""I tMai lS. I FOR A ITT I . . I For Sale Acreage, CHICKEN FP.UIT. GARDEN lUSrHt? Near Portland, Gmliam district; near electric station; $75 to 12"0 per acre: easy . . ma, ul-bi null, ire. vrooa. farms for sale, all sizes. FBNK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO.. ovj zeon jaiog.. Portland. Or. obALTIU'L one-acre tract for sale by owner, located on the Powell Valley road B miles east of Portland city limits and inside city limits of Gresham; lias orna mental and young fruit trees, also clump - native jir trees; gooa soil ana line view. Write E. 45. Ksrdell. Manzanlla. Or. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY; 35 acres near Orenco; best black loaru oil. all cultivated: $223 per acre: will di vide and give eat-y terms if desired, fiseo Mr. Handy, owner. 1:03 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. TWO city acres for sale cheap. Tabor 3S7U. For Sale Farms' FOR SALE B4II acres. Southern Alberta. improved rarm. ou transcontinental high way, near R. R. and elevators; have rural phone; might consider trade T. S. Martin owner, box 37, Tabe-r. Alberta. ANIONS wanting to buy a farm will do wen to aee me. i nave several good im proved farm for sale at snap prices for cash ana terms. J. O. ELROD. 613 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain, a first-crlass fiirm of 100 acres, well stocked, near Damascus, Clackamas County, or would exchange for a smaller place near Portland. Address Farmer. AE 97, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cowlitz County stump lands. $10 per acre up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp. 420 Plttock block. Portland. FOR SALE 316-acre farm, near good school; well and running water. Addres H. McQueen. Pomeroy. Wash. $a.3u PER ACRE Klickitat County, one third down; good terms. Ed Lessard, 422 1st at. , n 520-ACRE Yamhill farm. One of the best at $03 acre. Easy terms. Marshall 5130. or 52 Corbett bldg. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT IRVINGTON HOME. "Will take vour mortcaire an. I irlve von for your equity, the finest kind of acre age, close to Portland, on carllne, and free from incumbrance: prefer house be tween $SU0O and $10,000. Lueddemann company. Chamber of Commerce. ilODEKX country home, close to carllne must accept high-class piece resldenct property as part payment; will assume tate particulars, price and location. AK NS, Oregonlan. r "WANT a house about $3000: have $300 cash. -v nuM uuiiiuiei uiiii urcnaru at urilev, Mosier district; will assume to $650. Sefl- WOOq JVutl. WANT small amount of clear property as part payment on S0O acres level, choice wheat laud, mostly cultivated, at $12.30 acre. Mrahnll r,ir,n nr r.M ',.wV.t . ' -wmcw wmB. HAVE unincumbered property. Income bear ing, in Oregon town, to exchange foi Portland residence. AB US. Oregonlan. IF your dwelling Is rented, will pay spot vvBi, iui ii ii. juur price is ngni. At. S3. Oregonlan. WANT a house from $2000 to $2730. $300 auu '.i acre in city limits or Portland, Tabor 3372, WANT small house in good district for casti. aj ir. uregonian. iiOUSL. flats or stores wanted to $300: ui exenauge my lots lor It. Main null have cash for bargain, r, or 7-room modern house, good district. XX 200, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. wm Turn over leasehold (three years jvl iu run ot one or tne tinest larms on th Upper Willamette River, above Ore gon City, to party satisfactory to owner (who is particular about careful upkeep Aiiuia man revenue;, uermaa preferred, devoted to dairying, hogs, grain, po tatoes, also orchard If wanted; rental $500 per yar; about $80U required to start. Y 73, Oregonian. " FOR RENT Local dairy in city limits; this Is a lirst-class dairy with the best of cows ana equipment, raising green feed year around; am selling $700 worth of milk per month now; will lease place for a terra oi years, ana will sell the dairy, valuation $3000, $13i.O cash, balance easy terms. rone but thoroughly experienced man neeu appiy y. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Stock Implements and lease on S acres, improved property. $3 73 cash. Main 2S01. 2 AND 5-acre tract. Improved: close In on electric line. Owner, 1-J01 N. W. Bank bid;;. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. j. Mccracken, m iav nr. do. 320 ACRES yellow pine at $10 per acre. Big bargain. AD 64, Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED, QUICK LV. SOME LARGH WHEAT FARMS In East, ern Oregon or Washington, the latter pre ferred, in exchange tor Portland Incoim from $30. ooo to $20(i, 0fO; submit your propositions, owner or broker, with full details to Jos. C. Gibson, 30U Gerlingcr bldg., Portland. Or. $2iK.o To $:il'0o CASH to owner for farm with running water ne-ir railroad and county road; at least 4l acres tillable In one piece; Willamette or lower Columbia preferred. E 24. Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain, a first-class farm of 10U acres, well stocked, near Damascus, Clackamas County, or would exchange for a smaller place near Portland. Address Farmer, AE 07, - Oregonlan. WANTED To hear direct from owner of good unimproved farm laud for sale. West ern Washington or Oregon. R. Llghthlll, Lamont, Wash., box 1-. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED 30O to 300 cords of wood to cut. H. Bruce. Clackamas, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. I HAVE fine S-room house, close In on East Side, to trade, for equally desirable prop erty: no flats, Et-artments nor heavily mortgaged property desired: this house cost $;?500 and Is in finest condition, with every modern convenience asid blghly fin ished; two lots, worth $(MMt; will 'trade clear or lake, back reasonable mortgage or advance some cash; describe your prop erty briefly and pethapri we can get to gether. AG oregonian. 320-ACRE dairy or stock ranch, finely im proved, clear, for Portland income. S20 acres cheap land for house and lot. 50-acre dairy ranch. equipped and stocked, for city property. 30 acres, unincumbered, only $25eo. for a suburban bungalow or clear lots. Several Eastern Oregon ranches for city. VANDUYN fe WALTON, 615 C ham. Com. YES. BUSINESS IS GOOD. WE DID $200,000 worth of business last month. We can trade your property; no junk wanted. AYRES ft: SMITH. Main 7280. 501 Northwest Building. TO EXCHANGE for Income property or farm. 4J.0Qu.000 feet timber. 320 acres. t Douglas County Oregon, and $1500 equity 22 acre river bottom farm. Lane County. j.iiicoi n si., v h 1 1 a wans, vtaBn. WILL exchange $1700 equity in modern ('.-room bungalow; all street Imps, paid: for clear acreage or lots. Phone Tabor 4:150. WILL TRADE ;:o teres or land, free from incumbrance, for a first-class automobile. Fee Otto Olson, Mulino, Or. WANT large ranch direct from owner; have good clear income property. R. F. Bryan, 30? Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Clear Improved Portland prop erty for lxo acres prime land near Port land; a bargain. Address 3ol Henry bldg. WILLAMETTE SO. substantial Improve ments, $6000: want residence Owner. Chauncey Barney. Oregon City. AM leaving city. Will sacrifice a $3000 home; $4000 cash, or $4500. $500 cash, bal ance terms. Phone Tabor 3so7. ' SALE or trade, 1-3 Interest in valuable Sum mer resort: easy terms or trade for city property. AO S3, Oregonlan. WILL trade unincumbered farm near Cal gary, Canada, for Portland property. East 1351. OWNER will trade equity In good Improved East Side property for motor car. AM 60. Oregonlan. CITY LOT for a timber claim. AD 04, Ore gonian. EQUITY In 2 suburban lots in exchange lor good oak furniture. L 04. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TWO Portland lots to trade for from 10 to 15-H. P. donkey engine. AF 82, Orego nian. STEREOPTICON Darlot lens, art- light. ) wiring, etc.. sheet. Exchange for type- I run . ronirr, ct. neienn. WANT to exchange dentistry for Winches ter pump ahotgun. gauge 12. Apply 45 Is Morrison. Alta Dentists. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness. Etc. WAGONS and horses py day, $1.257 irCohan. 881 Water st. Main 2208. Main BOMS. )EAD horses and animals hauled away frsa. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering- Co. PASTURE for stock: near Portland. Main 1410. SPRING wagon for sale cheap. Tabor SB78. Horses, Vehicles, Huroesa, Etc MARES Team mares, 26.10 lbs., are fast, prompt walkers, true pullers and have no tricks or vices In or out of stable; both have had colts, making them proven brood mares; set good heavy sewed trace harness, all at low price of $225. Draft team. 2t00 lbs., have just re turned from Summer's hard work and are grain fed and hardy, ready for anv work; set heavy harness, at one price of $10o. Dapple gray mare. J10Q lbs., 0 years old. works single or doulbe and ride. (io. Big brown horse, 1400 lbB., good worker, $o. Black mare. 14UO lbs.. $S3. Black liorso. 14oo lbs., ?03. One sorrel mare at $o. Bay mare at $SO. Team, 24oo lbs., mares, fat and handsome, safe for anyone iu nanuic; win work single. . double or ride; set good harness, ail at low price of $100 Call Union Transfer Co.. 11th at Hoyt st. V E are installing auto truck in place oi .two wagon horses, which 1 will sell at a very reasonable figure. One coal black, blocky built, heavy bone chunk, weigh ing about 133o lbs., ft years old. I he other a gray, neighing about 1 1110 lbs. These horses are gentle and safe for any one to drive. Call L. Mayer & Co.. 14b Jd St. or Model Stables. 5th and Davis. AUCTION SALE at 1 P. M. on September 13, at E and Ferry sts.. Eugene. Or. Horses muls. weighing Irom lOno to 130O Sth and geJ from 5 to S years. CHARLES TAYLO R. PAIR transfer horses, sorrel and black 7 and & years old. that weigh 2450 lbs. You could not beat this team for ranch and all purpose team. Price only $173. 228 N Uth st. HORSES TO EXCHANGE lor cows or steers. rite or call Desk E GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. S0; E. Oregon St.. Corner Third St. ' TEAM HORSES for sale at a sacrifice; uoui i.x.t 10s. eacn; color gray; young and sound as a dollar. Pee team at MULTNOMAH STABLES. loth St.. Near Jetferson. WANTED Yearlings. steers and milch cows; we nave some good farm horses, single or teams, to exchange. AG 04, Oregonlan. PAIR sorrel mares, weight 20OO lbs , good harness, nearly new light farm wagon, box and seat, $140. 228 X. 14th st. BLACK HORSE, weight 1200. safe for anv lady or old person, with harness and light wagonorbuggy, $70. 22S X. 14th st. PAIR horses that weigh 2i'.30. not sore-or lame, good, true, free workers, for $140 22S N. 1 Sth st. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free Call day or night. Tabor 4203. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 400 Chlckertng piano ... ..4 85 cash $ 4O0 Bradbury piano ( ao cash $ S75 Chase Bros.' upright $ uu casn I rr5 Eeland upright $135 cash $ ei;A Autopiano player piano... $200 casn $1100 Steinway parlor grand. . .S.VJ3 casn TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th St. 73c monthly stores your piano here. 1CDAY $1 UPWARDS WILL SECURE $23 Disc Talking Machine for $7 30 $50 Disc Talking Machine for $1750 $iso machine with $30 cabinet for $46 00 $l.iu Machine with $:0 cabinet for $103 00 10 records Included with each Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth SL ACCOUNT going out of business In Portland and leaving the city, will sell one of the finest player planus and nearly luo music rolls at sacrifice; can be had on pay ments or might make trade for something yielding Income. Call 111 E. 28th at. N FREE use of piano or player piano for hi years; see display advertisement or can at Schwan piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $S5 CASH buys $400 Schomackcr. gold stringed upright tomorrow. Security fctor nge Co., 100 4th st. AM crowded for room, will exchange new baby grand piano for upright piano; some money. AJ S4. Oregonlan. $1 CASH, 50c weekly buys new talking ma chine. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. $li5 PHONOGRAPH for $25. including 15 records. 546 Broadway, near Lincom. Logs, Birds, ret Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS LADD1X KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. ' Furniture fur Sale. MISH FURNITURE "cO 184 First- Street. 41-pound, Rosebur. all-wool, OHxXO white blankets, silk, trimmings, regular $7.50 pair, our price. $4.50 pair. H IiMflllE of 10-room house for sale cheap: arranced for housekeeping; cor ner lot. walking distance. See manager llanthorne Apartments for particulars at 231 12th St. Livestock. HOUSES TO EXCHANGE for cows or SLUM-. Write or call Desk E GERLlNGEIt MOTOR CAR CO.. 30"i E. Oregon St., Come.- Third St. TEAM HORiEj lor sale at a sacrifice; weight alout 1.'175 ibs. each; color gray; young and sound as a dollar. Sec team at MULTNOMAH STABLES. loth S. Near Jefferson. WANTED Yearlings. steers and milch ecus; we have some good farm horses, single or teams, to exchange. AG 64. Oregonlan. 400 PUREBRED Duroc-Jersey pigs, of all ages, for sale cheap, for feeders or breed ers. C. W. Altman. Dundee. Or. IF YOU have good beef cattle fur a steers, cows or veal, call East 2!0. FRESH dairy cows; terms. Bruce. Union stok Yards. I'hone Woodlawn 240O. FOUR choice frosh cow Front St. A. P. Ayers. t U. S. Barn. Aul omobilr IF VOL' want bargains in late model used cars, we can supply your demand; 2-4-5 and 1-passenger touring cars COLES. PEOS. CHALMERS. STEARNS. Includ ing other good makes; prices range from $U0 up. Liberal terms given. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch. Phona Broadway 6S7. A 49511. 1014 OVERLAND The biggest buy la the city for $0o0; car In perfect mechanical condition: unless you reailv want a good value. don't answer this adv.; electric lighting and start ing, body In fine shape; car has never peer used tor anytlilng except private use: you deal dire t w ith owner; no trades considered. AK 82. Oregonlan. 9 $100. Two-cylinder Maxwell runabout: will deliver in perfect running order; a bar gain, W. G. HARTM ANN. 844 East 3d North. 115 LOZIBR roadster, run only 2 weeks, was taken In on a Cole 8. Will- sell for loss than factory cost. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway nnd Couch. Both phones. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS Lare stock. Prices $;;00 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. FORECCOR 1012 passenger Apperson Jsck rahblt 111 fine running condition, fully equipped. Including 3 spare tires. For quick sale $450. termB. Call Mr. Hemphill, phone Broadway fc7. NEW and used Ford cara sold on easy terms. BENJ. E. BOONE &. CO, Hillsboro, Or. 514 Alder St.. Portland. 1915 REO 4 5-passengcr, run only a few miles. Party bought a Reo . A chance to buy a car at a price that will suit your pocketbook. Terms. Call Mr. Hemp'lilll, phone Broadway b7. STUDEBAKER, 5-passenger car, Al condi tlon In evoiy way, guaranteed: no trades. Terms to responsible party. A J 82, Ore gonian. NEW modern house in Woodlawn district; I want good auto as part payment, bal ance easy, like rent. Brong Co., Inc.. 267 & Oak st. GARAGES erected complete. $3o up; ready cut or portable house, $125 up TAKE DOWN MFG. CO., M Water St.. near Harrison. Main 1167. FORD FORD FORD 5-passenger, almpat new, fully equipped, best buy ill city, for quick sale. Call Mr. Hemphill, phone Broadway 87. FoRDS Two 5-passenger. '14 and '15 mod - els; 1 Ford roadster. "14, model. 14th and Burnslde. Main 0f22. STEVENS-DURYEA, 0-cyl.. 7-pass. First class all through. Big snap. Must sell, $4oo. Information call Main 54KS. FOR SALE or trade for roadster, 7-pass 4H-H. P. 1913 model. E. M Kellogg Ore gon City, Or. ;EO V. roomy 5-passengr. touring, flrst-clara running order. Will demon strate anywhere. $430. Woodlawn 3566 CADILLAC. 1014. 4-pass., new seat covers, new tires, first-class mechanical con dition. Phone A 74K4. BRAND new. 1015 Reo. run 500 miles. For sale or trade. Excellent bargain. AO U3. Oregonian. 5-PASS. Stoddard, newly painted, tires good, car In good condition: a fine family car. 429 Belmont. Halladay Garage. E. 4878. 6-4R PIERCE-ARROW 7-pass. Perfect or der. Need money. Sell for $350. Informa tion call Main 5468. 1913 OVERLAND roadster, new paint, all In fine condition: take diamond or motor , cycle part 367 Stark st. 1913 MICHIGAN In good cond!t!on7or$300 cash. Phone Main 7276. FORD touring good shape. and runabouts, $250 up. In Reynolds, Sellwood 2323. 6-PASS. White good condition, $175 cash Tydeman. Main 7S75. FORD 1013, Al condition, $2S5. Tabor 6175. Automobiles, BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE DEALER. OVERLAND. 1B13. electric starter. 3-pass ?nger. seat covers, extra tire, complete equipment .....$47. OVERLAND. 5-passenger. light and econjmica!. tip-top shape 300 BRAND NEW 11U5 $1200 Overland, complete, guaranteed for 1 year.... 925 LIGHT DELIVERY MAXWELL, a Classy and sturdv outfit 275 MAXWELL RUNABOUT, top. glass front, speedometer, etc. Fine con dition throughout 130 TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. J. W. LKAV1TT & CO.. Cor. Broadway and Davis. CHALMERS. STEAHNS-K NIGHT OI.DSMOB1LE SfHACHT MAN WELL WIN TONS PRICES RANGING FROM $3011 U P. COME IN TODAY". THE CAR YOU WANT MAY BE GONE TOMORROW LIBERAL TERMS. THE WINTON CO.. 2"D AND WASHINGTON STS. HUDSON. 1113. electric starter and Hudson four, lights. $0UO. OVERLAND. 1015. five-pass.; price low. CARTERCAR. 4-pass. good condition. $3C0. Also others. COVEY MOTORCAR CO. Main 6244. 1915 5-PASSENGER MAXWELL. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS. STARTER. HORN. ETC.; A RARE BARGAIN AT 1313 5-PASSENGEIt FOItlJ; A BAR GAIN AT $295. MAIN S775. ACME AUTO CO.. 531 ALDER. . MAIN S773. Automobile Wanted. 10 ACRES with buildings, partly improved, near Vancouver. Wash., for 2-ton truck, P.eo preferred, for cordwood hauling. b42 E. Pino st. WANTED Light touring car. Must be cheap lor cash. Call Marshall 2703 after P. M. WANTED To trade motorcycle and player piano for good automobile: roadster pre f erred; will pay some cash. Broadway 2415. LIST your second-hand cars with us foc quick sale; have several good prospects. 403 Alder St. Mar. !7if. HAVE cash for light roadster In good con dition. 413 Alder St. Mar. lt7B. TWO good beach lota at Salt Air to trade for motor car. AM 37. Oregonlan. WANTED Ford 5-pr.ssengor. $125 cash, any model. AO 74, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 7-passenger car for Jitney service. Phone Marshall 1021. WANT late model Ford, good order; have cash. r S3. Oregonian. COUPE BODY", 2 or 3 passenger; give de scrlptlon and price. AK S3. Oregonlan. Auto Tires and Acccrssorie SPECIAL SALE on standard makes of Ford tires, $7.75 each. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO, 514 Alder St. Automobiles lor ttire. MAIN 1077. A 1077. Am. Auto TourlrTg Service. $1.50 per hour up. Special ar rangements, shopping, calling; trips; gone ra tes. FRANKLIN ALL-DA Y TRIPS At railroad rates. Camera. Wdl. 25!9. FORD auto for hire, $1.25 per hour. Phone Broadway 3844. FOR H.IRE, reasonable, new 7-pass. Hud- ton car. 4areiul driver. Main 537S. -PASSENGER car for hire. Ladies' teas a specialty. Broadway 1231. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $J and up; ti months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pauy. 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our illus iratid folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, st. TYPE W R ITERS, ail makes. $10 to $U5 1 he Northwest Typewriter Co.. 1:02 Stark st. Main 5528. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. p. P.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR RENT 16 Drag Scrapers. rt Wheel Scrapers. 30 Fresno Scrapers. 2 Road Plows. 1 Austin Road Grader. A lot shovels, picks, wheelbarrows, etc. Railway Equipment Co.. 70 First St. MILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and po-ket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. '1 n Brunswick-Ba Ike-Col lender Co.. 46-48 5lh. OFFICE furniture - for sale; roll-top oak desks, chairs, bxl2 rugs, typewriter desk, typewriter, check protector, small safe, etc. Inquire 214 Lewis bldg. RING W I Til 3S m ANION DS SET i N PLATINUM. MUST SACRIFICE. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. AM S2. OREGONIAN. CASH-REGISTERS." largo stock on handTwe save you 40 to 00 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Ci,a Register Exchange. o ... Wahinton st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-band, sale or rent. 52 up. Sewing Machine u.m porlutil, l'JO od sL. uear Talor. Main Q431. A SD26. WE BUY. sell, traae. rent or repair eiec irlo mutors. 41k1r Electric Works. . Bu:-nside st. Bioudway or A 5074. TODD protectograph. model 1 1, excellent condition, for sale cllt.ap. AN 12, Ore gonian. HOCllFELD'S Camera Exchange, 85 lid al. Camera, kodaks and lenses bought, sola and exchsngeu. Ave sell the lea cameras. FINE com l at remarkably low price. 32M Lumber Exchange uid., 2a and Stark sts. DIAMOND hous paints, strictly pure; made, in Oregon; per gallon. $1.75. Portland Paint Co.. 23Q Front su Marshall loo, FOR SALE lOo ottera chairs, good condi tion. ,"oc each. Woodlawn i:;o;. PLl'MKINi; sui piles at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 7;U. SPORTSMEN" wanted for duck shooting re serve. close in. Apply 107 North od st. L'-E llas.;ctl3 Nali-. t, 11,-rbs I or rheuma usm. 60 tablets for 25c. All druggists. WANTED M1SCELI.AN EOl'S. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHES We pay the highest cash price for ladles and gents' caototf clothing, bicycles and ever thing In merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pav for It. GLOBE STORE. 2S5 First. Ma ln20--.ru Main 20S0. SECOND-HAND CLOTIiTngT BUYER. J MEYERS. THE TAILOR PAYS YOU MORE FOR YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSHALL 121. WE CALL PROMPT LY RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER. i23 MADISON ST. TEL. MARSHALL 1229. GEVURTZ buys ycur furniture, highest prices paid. GEVURTZ will sell you furniture it lowest prices. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 207 1st. Phone .Marshall 537. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anj thing in tne hardware line, call the Levin Hardware sc Furniture Co.. 221 Front. Phone A 7174. Main 0072. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 1st. Main 56. 184 1st. Call us up and gel our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dls poslng of same. WANTED A second-hand Gordon Joh press, 10x18 Inches: must be In good running or der; give lowest price. Address AE 80, Or;'goiilan. WANTED, to buy several good second-hand shotguns, pump or double-barrel, clienp for cash AF Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND garden drill. state make, condition and price. A. L Y'enzer, Gate way, Or. """" STANDARD FI'KNl T UR EC6. Main 4773. 1S2 1st St. Main 4773. Fays best price for your furniture, etc. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PH ONE MAIN 3332. A 307. WANT $10,000 used furniture: pay good prices; starting new store. - Sellwood 1082. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. 204 1st St. Main 4027. WANTED 3 National cash registers at once; will pay cash. 243 Washington St. F. A. SENr"ET. assayer; ores bought. 510 N. W. Lldg., 327k: Washington. WANT small peanut roaster and warmer. A. E. We 1 Is. Rid goflcld. Wash. CABINET-MAKERS' benches wanted. 418 Lumber Exchange bldg. I WILL store a piano for the use of it; good care. Phone Tabor 6414. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 331"A Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class upholsterer. Apply F. A. Taylor Co.. 11th and Alder. WANTED Experienced solicitor, Laurel hurst Cleaners. 1260 Belmont. WANTED Experienced salesman to inter view merchants. Y 00, Crogonian. COOK for short orders and pastry"! state salary expected. Box 105. Hood River. Or. BOY with wheel: steady work, food pay. Apply 410 Alder. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Y. M. C. A, Yojng men seeking employment in'com merrial. clerical or technical lines are in vited tj consult ttin employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members, a speclsl membership Is Issued, costing $0 per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' full privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment 13 not se cured. CAN give immediately position several un married mun with some sales ability, posi tively not over 24. Large manufacturer will start young men $10 per week salary, with board and railroad fare paid, sell ing food product to housewives. Unusual opportunity foi advancement. Salesman ship tauKht while working; must furnish record, previous employers and exact age. Only live wires need npplv. Not a com mlssion pioMsltion.A K lit;. Oregonlan. NAVY'S PURPOSE IS TO MAKE every en listed man a success in life. The greater his success, the better the Navy. Naval service is full of opportunities. Many dif ferent trades required aboard ship. Navy trade schools teach them. Pay graded ac cording to skill. Investigate. Navy Eo cruiltng Station, Morgan bldg. WA N'T ED Office boy for big Insurance company. Good opportunity lor advance ment tnd permanent Msitlon for bright, energetic boy. Make application iu own handwriting, giving full particulars, age, schoultug, experience, lather's name aua business, W Wi. oregonlan. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes. Expert train ing in repairing, arlvlng and machice work, including forge, lathe, siiaper. arai press. etc. Time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office. Y. M. C. A. b,u. to Inspect our shops and methods. I NEED few more men at once to travel: permanent work, good pay, experience un necessary, farmers preferred; must be single, neatly dressed, over 21 and able to leave town at once. Mr. Dufek, Hotel Lennox. Call after 8:30. MIDDLE - AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock: cash weekly; part expensea provided. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppmilsh. Wash. TWO more men. steady position with ad vertising crew; experience not required; har.i work, but good pay; must have re.it appearance, references and single. Call nfter I'l A. M., Mr. Daw-son, Carlton Hotel. MALE stenographer for law office In LastT ern Oregon; prefer young lawyer and one with knowledge t.f bookkeeping; pusltlon permanent. Daniel Boyd. Enterprise, or. MECHANICAL dri-f tsman wanted -"must-Invest M250, which is secured and pays 12 per cent dividends and salary of $100 per month. Call 317 Railway Exchanne. WORKING UPHOLSTERER who can re pair, polish and ury clear high-class ho tel furniture, by the day. state wages and experience. AF 81, Oregonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; position guaran teed; paid while learning. 233 2d. nr. Main. WANTED Office boy by large wholesale f-.rm. Reply in own handwriting, stating age, education, experience and salary ex pected. AE 73, Oregonlan. $30 AND up weekly, at home, no canvassing, no experience; I tell you how; everything furr.itehed; dwn't worry about capital. Boyd II. Brown. Dopt. G S91. Omaha, Neb ADVERTISING man wanted; must invest $1500. Is fully secured: pays 1 per cent dividemia and salary t.f $125 per month. Call 317 Railway Exchange. TWO DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL 206 11th and Jefferson Sts. WANTED Maid for general housework. Must be experienced and good cook. Ref ereuccs required. Q34 Irving st. -V" car. WANTED First-class salesman for an A-t line of gloves, strictly commission basis; no advance. E. W. Simmons Glove Co.. 5th and Flanders. WANTED Experiencea single man as part ner in an established dairy ranch. $000 for half Interest. AF 83, Oregonian. OFFICE BOY", good chance for advance ment. Give phone nuuiDer. AB 18, Ore gonian. CLIFFORD'S Junior Orchestra can use cor net, ilute- and 'cello players. 40 13th st Marshall 8W7. STEADY MAN, some experience janitor work, $50 investment required. 3S7 Y'am hill, room 1. WANTED At once. 2 nien to learn automo bile repairing and driving. Call at Haw thorne Garuu,e, 445 Hawtnorne ave. WANTED Good aalesman to sell tombs in new mausoleum. Portland Mausoleum Co.. 012 Spauldins bldg. HIGH-GRADE salesmen for aluminum tireless cooker; recent invention. 518 I'um mon w eul 1 11. WANTED -m acli 1 nea Stark. Experienced knitter on hand Nollan Knitting Co., 1262 E. WANTED Registered prescription druggist for large downtown drug store; good posi tlon for the right man. AO M, oregonian. ONE motorcycle bov and 2 boys, wheels, after school at 15 N. 12th. Main lsus A 24 64. MOI.ER Barber College wants men to iern the trade: tuition reduced: paid wbiie learning, send for catalogue. 4S N. Second. WANTED Artificial teeth of ail descrip tions, gold, silver bought. AF 73. Oro goman. ODDFELLOWS Jmi Rcbokahs to solicit busl ne?s ad; from members. 20T Stock Ex. PARTNER with some money: about $ 1 0" monllily income t-nt h. Marshall 25115. PHOTOGRA I'll agente, salary paid. ncw otter, li-sw studio. Daguerre, Plttock block. WANTED l'art with good team to itau. cord wood. Pn.-ine WooOIhwii 207-. WANTED Mason. Call Hid N W. Hl-ls Help Wanlrti Agent. AGENTS wanted; active. Industrious, mid-d.e-aged mn preferred; steady employ ment, liberal commleslona. Address OREGON NURSERY CO.. Orenco. Or. II ELI" WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN as Government clerks. $70 month, Portland examinations coming; sample qticstiot.s free. Franklin Institute. .pl. 71 .'.-G. Rochester. N. Y. COMPETENT r-liable young lady for mail inir. filing mil general office work; ex perienced preferred. Address Y 85, Ore tconian. PK GRESS1VE Business College: all mod em business courses. Including Spanish. French and German: register today mid save $5; positions filled. JOI N. WV. B. bldg. SEVEN girls between 18 and 25 years to . learn comptometer adding and calculation machine, special Fa.l terms. 320 Morgau bide. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Ytavi Company, 423 I'ittock block. 383 Washington. EXPERIENCED skirt hands Tor alteration room. The Barti'Olomew Co., 4oo Wasa lngton. EXl'ERl ENced Sw iss girl for cooking and general housework; $.10 a month. Phone Main 2553 WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper. . Russell Xz Glibcn Co.. E. 24th and Hol la, lav av.v HIGH SCHOOL GIRT, to assist with work for room and board. 3 blocks Jefferson High. Wood. 2s::ri. WANTED Artificial teeth of all descrip tions, old gold, sliver bought. AF 73, Ore gonian COMPETENT woman for gcnv-ral housework where there are children; no laundry. Apply 1067 E. Bumside, afternoon. WANTED Woman, foreign preferred, for housework and some help with baby; state age and phone. AE 05. Oregonian. WANTED Partner ln well-equipped phn tOKrnph studio; experience not necessary. Tabor 4000. HINSDALE'S Commercial School. 502 Or pheum bldg. (Empress bldg.); Individual Instructions; positions when capable. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: must have reference. 4.36 E. 17th St. N. MOLER Barber College wants ladles to learn the trade; special rates. 48 N. Second. MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. $5 mo. 26'.l 14th. Ph. M. 38U3 WANTED A good cook for family of four; goo.l wages. Phone Milw-aukie 53J. FIVE alrls to learn beauty culture. 414 Dekum bids. Sanitary Parlors. LEARN beauty culture. Summer rate. 505 Columbia bldg. Graduate Paris. Berlin. EXPERIENCED girl for downstairs work and cooking. 401 Has.-alo. cor. E. Sth N. SCHOOL girl wanted, small wages. '505 E. 48th X. WANTED A girl f - German or Polish. general housework. 747 Corbett. WANTED Girl iiiht housework, fair College, corner 5th. Apply WANTED Two experienced Call 201 Stark st.- waitresaes. GIRL for cooking and general housework. Apply 771 Everett. WAITRESS. $25; family help. $15 to $30. Howes Agency. 35, 270H Washington. WANTED Young girl to assist with sec ond work and care of child. 733 Hoyt st. COMPETENT girl to assist second work and care of two children. 81:5 Lovejoy. A GIRL for general housework. 1704 E. Yamhill. EXPERIENCED girl for housework. 307 1 1th. apt. C. A GIRL for general housework. Call 668 Milwaukle st. EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply at Tbl Hill, 711 Washington. If E I .PW ANTED FEM A LE. ANrkD salesladies. The 4lh St. Eept. f-tore. 104-loti 4th st.. wants salesladies for 'he foilotting departments: Drv goods, ready-to-wear, corsets, un derwear and hosieiy, glomes, notions, rio bons. etc. Only those having thorough experience need apply. Good opportunities for ad vancement for good sa.esladleg now em ployed or unemployed. Applications wt.l be received In pt run o;m. Apply be tween the hours of ti to 12 A. M. No api-Ik ations w ill be taken by tele phone. Apply at ofl.ee to . J. i.H ITT. LADIES in. ike $25 and up weeki : simple home work. wry fascir.at in k : 110 can vassing, no experience; 1 tell you l-.ow; everything furnished ; don't worrv al-oi:t capital. F.oyd II. Brown, dept. "H S31. Omaha. Neb. YOUNG GIRL to assist in housework and care of 3-year-old child, modeiato wages, guod home, s Mi, Oregoni.-.n. TWO young ladies of plcaiing personality, with some business experi-r.ee. ee-s 2'J tu 25. to travel for old rcliaMo firm; ail work direct with business li,-ues. Call 2 to f. Board of Trade bigg.. 4ih and oak. WANTED Jefferson High School g.rl Ti assist with hcuicwork; .' adults and child In family: t: blocks from sciion.; room an-l board and $ a month. Phone Woodlawn 25'".4. WANTED 5 women to prepare fruit for canning. Oregon Packing Co.. East sth and Belmont- A GIRL to assist in kitchen at TH West Talk. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. OREGON Baroer College wants men and women to learn tne barber trade in weeks: tools free; paid while learning, earn from $13 to $25 week; new course lor Summer; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. WANTEln Y'oung men or women to t:;ke orders for a large portrait house. Onoi wages. Apply A. M.. room 0. C. N. Katz niitn. s E. 41th North. Portland. 4 if. HELP WANTED MISCELI.ANEOI S. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. O clerks, car Tiers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many moi-e clerks; act at once. Pacitio Stale School. McKay bldg., city. HUSBAND and wife, colored, want po.-.-.-tions as janitor and i'i'.aml'rr:iijj.l : coun try hotel preferred; experiencea. F. C. R.. Vancouver. YVas-h. WANTED Names of men 18 or over wish ing Government Job. $05 month; no puii necessary. AV 350. oreconlan. 3 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HookkeeperH and I Irrks. liOOKK KKPEK am! ftenoprai'licr. Your. man of wide e.)erienco. just urrive,i here. u-'irea cliunce tu make gooil ; sa ary no object to start; Lest refer'-nc. s. Will kj anywhere. A P 67, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. POSITION ttnt.'d by younc man experi enced in steam eninoerinK. riving. r pairinf:, selling and demons: ra i inr aut mobiles; neat appearing, asartssivc; will Ins to do ar.y th in. Wood n w n Z-9. MK. HOT ELM AN: T-o you nv-d u Rood, American cook, xvlio undorstaiuls hukiiiK and meat cu it Inn ? W ii'c work as he! per. How ell, ill Evtrctt st. Marshall 1 COUNTRY' HKINTtSKS Want p..tiiU.n as either manager or foreman of a ummtry print shop or vuid If ae; ears in the business; first-ciass references. Ad dress box 374. Kelso, Vash. EXl-'KRIKNCKI-J new sp:.per mn wants i locate permanently with f'd tiatly or weekly; am not a printt-r: can take fisl charge editorial, m1v. and suhscriptioii end; let's talk it over. A: C.O. oregonian. MIDDLK-AGKU, sober. Industrious mar ried man wants position us expert ab stract or record and title, searcher; leC ereiicef. Alt I'.'i. Orei;"niaii. JANITOR wants pOMtl.tn; huiidy with tool and pHinihrush; p-od on repairs; single; tirv references. i'.ione .Mala JuJ. Jot 1 .orsunp. JAPAXKSK wants a position aw janitor: has cxiicrifiico; or cookint? in private faintly; had b-st references. Phone Marshall o'J74. 'ti4 l- W'jiPhtn rtnn st. MACHINE .HOrS Am younw man, sober and steady, witli experience n benrn la the. fclia per and an 11 pn-sa w oi k. Can jou use me? V VS. Ore otiiin. YOl'XG man ied man, pood w orkt-r. must have work Will do most anything. Phona Sellwood 0 4o. CHAITFKT'U YcuiiK man need work. Can do repmriuc a 'so. tf'Jlo Laitnti. U7 hi. lta St.. iiurnjdde N. SOBKK. reliable. middie-nfr-'d Al farm hand wanu steady plncc. Hest jf rtlui enccs. AO 71. ( .tr-firon ian . KXPKUT automobile niechniib and driver; niunt have position, iiest re f ore m en. Cha.-t. Franklin. Y. M. ,". A. POSl TI ON by omsr man, married, ilruiiii; delivery or onto truck, or in carafe; f pertenccd; best of rft-rences. Tnhw 4 4 7-V MAN. wife, wish positions, man cook. witi to assist. Hotel or camp. .Sober, reliable. AO 71. Oregi'iiian. HMT.IdENi'm farmer. tunrrlea; wants rar of ranch for wata or shares. Hans Niel5en. Li.awrton. Ur. EXI'KRIKNOKh w omm want position as manager of b ot roon mc or apt. house; bst of if ff rviics, Marshall UO 1 h 1 1 -a row iid cn rp"n ler want ork at $J."' per cl . in or out city. AF ti., Oie Konian. KI.DKRI.V man. niIkm- a -id rr:;nli, wants situation. Address iJ. II t i ? puvs e' I M., c . i v. K .1EI L V man, i,ft and can. har d v around nous and parri. n. wants Job. city or country. W w. Oreomaa. rOSlTION dr ;tik delivery uio. trx : ji a c. Eurivncul; rck rnu ia. Wood law :i 1 -.",. i or in Phona WANTKH By young man with v x p e r i e n c and uest of flrn a.f. position as grocer's clerk. Address A V U'7. oregonian. SIX il-E yminjs man. pof'l milker. boM habits, reliable, wants steady position. AF 71 t reomr.. WTMOW elf a'lir.j hour or job. Ro. li. ISoadway .l.-AKOI'M) paiaz" mai rnce. AK s i. "re'nian. JAl'AN'ESK boy want position h-Mise work '.'.i fam iiy. A F ,v HUNTPT .In pan e schoolboy fitinn. AH 7, Oi -"iitan. ikir; a ". d .irci'!iin. A FILIPINO boy. good experience, wants po sition janitor or bus boy. Mam WE tint rooms for $2.."0 ; do ood painting work. CharK-s O'Mata. E. H'J3. JAPANESE Kr-e lmpIo mnt Fureau. A 1 iJ7f'. Jap. Asn. of ore.. Jl s Henry bid . CA KPENTE K fo? em n wants w ork, day or comiatt. liwood IP.."-;. PAPKRHA N'll NO 2ic a holtPalntinsand tintiim chtnpiy done. Tabor ti-jj;;. JAPANESE MAN i n prt h t e fa in H y o4it ion as ooo 7, OrJEon ia n. KAI.SOMINIX. pri mt In planter patching. rasonabl. Woodlaw n -4". Kl LI PINO HOY. - peri diced, wants job !n hot. I. run lo nnv kind work. Main S'o. S IT t" A T 1 0 S S W A N T r-U Kt.MALK. Bookkeepers and i-tennpraphers. STENOGRAPHER, snrr.d years' experience, w lilies position. Kefei ences. AO 7 J. ore gotiiH n. YCH'Xtf lad v stenoirapher with 4 ar ex perience wishes position; relcrence-.. Phone Ea s t 47::?. STENO, with all-around office experien, jtlso some knowleape of book kee pins, d: nijvs position. AD US. Oreoniayi. WANTKD Iiy beginner In stenography, po sition in lawyer's office; salary r.u object. A iv S-"., Orejroniau. CAPABLE girl wishes clerical work; fcool penman. Mar. 3-"hL EX PE Rl ENt ' El f-tenogra pher. own ma chine, wishes work. Main 4-'.4. D re ok t a w p r . FI RST-CLASS tailoress and dressmaker, day or hom. home preferred. Mrs. R. U. Summers. M arshi 1 1 l;h. Main 7271 . EXPEK1EXC E D dressmaker for children s plain and fancy drese?, $L.0 per day. -45 Eiist Rroadway. Phone East t FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by dav or piece"; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 13s0. I TEACH improved dressmaking. For infor niation. Woo. lawn -j77. TliAlXED nurse wishes Invalids or chil dren to board. Al references, reasonable. Sellwood -J4.".4 PRACTICAL, nurse, best city references; t'hristian Science homo preferred. I'hone Tabor1017. N1TRSE MAID, dlFenagM. thorouchly ex' perienced. references. Phone Main 2-td. apartment 4. Housekeeper. NEAT. mlddle-nsred lioupekeper desires ork in wi(iowor"(i or bachelor's home, Oood plain, economical cook. AL 15. Ore- ROM mn . lOrNTr woman would lik position a lioiw kfpor or ln boardin c-house. Call IS? West T'ark or phone Main 3-07. WOMAN of firt desires position as lioiuo keeper In widower's home. Wortlawn PU. Domefties. TWO experienced girls ant housewark, cuokins. Maia 3510, S A, Al. to 13, ,