THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1915. 13 AMTSBSIEX. THEATER M:iin 2. A 5360 BruadMHf and Mornfa Hom of Portland'. K.0"u BaKfr fl'". Tonight. All week. Mats. W-d.. f-at. "THE MISI.E.n"G I-AnV " riffer.nt from the re, startling n. Lt r.rt from two years' success In th East. First time In the We1- Evenings, -'5c. : and loce. 7.".c All llam. and M"n. rlphts. a!l atats xr-pt box) :5c Next week l"h- Vi-IL.w Tirl.- BAOADWAY AT YAMHILL The Onlr Higrh-Class Vaudeville Circuit A Matinee Telephone Daily Tangle 10c-2oc 7 Other Night Show Bis Acts 10c-25c-50c ATIKIE EAST 230 Tim IIABERIIASHERV." with Harrlnir- tou Kynoli. I.m-ile Palmer and a laiae vompunv or ew iirU prettifHt sjtria. U IJTIIKU llll. ALTS li Boxen, l-lrvt Kow lEalrony Scuta Reserved by phone Main 4(3(i, A 2-'3tt. BASEBALL RKf-RUATIOX PARK . Corner Yaiifchn anil Twenty-fourth Sts. VENICE ; vs. PORTLAND RKPTHM RI-.R 14. J."i. JH, 17. IS, It). Cam ex Resin Weekdays at .1 X. M.j MlhillOH. l:.tU I. M. Hepprvfd box seats for sale at Riche's ipar Stand. Sixth and Washington Sts. Ladies' Oays Wednesday und Friday. Pope-McMillan Concert Ballroom Tufudiiy 1 s 1 .00, -venlns: at S..'50. 7 Tif mitl not. AUCTION SALES TODAY. Ford A uctlon, 2 LI 1st. Carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. Furniture, At Wilton's Auction House, at 10 A. M., furniture. Uiist st. At B.'.kor'a Auction House, 1G0-1GS rark st. yinno, furniture, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 074 BEL31UNT ST. rboura .East 1423, B 2515. Open Day and A is t. Report all cases of cruelty to tbls of fice Lethal chamber for email animals. Horse ambulance tor sick, or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring? a pet may communicate with ua. NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans Residences, Flats, Apartment-Houses, Office Build ings Stores, u to 7 per cent. YV have definite facilities for making; these loans promptly, in small or larye amounts. Wilfred Shore & Co. 0o-20U NortnweMtcra Bank Building. Telephone Marshall 1438. For Sale moih;h MS k -ROOM 1 1 0 L S I I. ITnt-waU-r heat, hardwood, both floors. Northwest part of city, convenient both hopital. Particularly suitable loca tion for PHYSICIAN'S HOME. PRICE AU TI5HMS. Main X.'tin. livening. Main r.li4T. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property at curient rates. Attractive repayment iriv uejjes. Loans tiuickly closed. Call 6Cf) LARGR LOANS ON gc. A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17.21W Northnrstrra Hauk UuIldlnB. atarahall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OX IMTKOVED Ol SINEW PROPEKT1F.S liesidence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EYVTNG 207-S. !NorlB..l.rn Bnalt Bldg. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oor Ovvu Mouey at Current Kates. HtMtll'AL AND COKPOKATiON LJNOi I-A KM AND CITY LOANS. BO Fourth) St.. Hoard of Trade Rldi?- 903 SfiltM.L B'HIOINsJ On City htv'I ,irrr? T'rc-pcrt lr- "ri Any Amount aw Current ivAies HARTS AH-THOIilPSON, Banker Corner Fourth and Stark troops. KKAL ES I A IE DKAIabKs. Bl N i J A LOW l'LAN BOOK. 10c. PLANS, $3. A. H. Fabr. Architect, ;0O AinswuiLh ave. Phone YYoodlaAii -'.4. FA LM EK-JONES CO.. H. I llcox bldg. FENEt'H'T BROS.. 30 Haw; 4U4-405-4Ud orne ave. lit A I. I-;STATE. For Sale Luts. LARGE. brau:-.ttil view lioniesite .n Hie West S'd. 15 minutes car rule. 3-cent fsre: ti-.f- bet in l'r;lau.l for $;t.Vi: SKt down. $: a month. M. E. Lee, 5o3 Corbett bide. $:. HCA'S fire View lot " il" Rose City Park dist r ct. S. W . corner; good in esiment ; nuM sell; leaing :t'. Phono owner. Main 1 ",'t. or Ttibor 2 LAND CLOAKING. Py cont ract ; new niei hods, low rates. For estimates app:y to philbroaU Brotii ers, Hotol Lenox.. Portland. LET US SI PPT. V YOU 1 ,OT AND BUILD HOMK ON EASY TERMS. The Oreuon Homo BmUiers. Ul lu North western Bank b!d. frr-.T'arr - af I - 1 V. LA ST leTH ST.. . h-ic, $.ivo Lata rcquii-d. Jot. 5500. hi AC 0. Ore If value, iouiaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota, FOR SALE Full half acre at Lenta. e00 west half lot 3. block 3, Cadwell'a Addi tions; discount for all cash; no trade; aub mit offers; full commission to agents. Ad dress owner. 2115 West 29th Place. Los Angelea,CaL GOO EQUITY In fine corner lot for $300. AM h'j. Oregonian. .BEAUTIFUL. HOME. Owner has placed In our hands for sale his handsome Irvington home; the house Is worth tm.OUU. but he will sell It for SIK.oOu. The house Is strictly modern and really a fine home, well arranged, best piutnblng, shower rooms. In addition to 2 baths, 4 lavatories. 4 toilets, 2 fire places, double electrical system, one for lighting' and one for cooking and heating by electricity; underground entrance, biff grounds, plenty of shrubbery, flowers and native trees. One corner on one of 1 rvlngton's widest and best streets and where there are plenty of Other good homes. Terms If you want them or would take some trade. We have the photographs of the interior and exterior at our office. S. D. VINCENT & CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BIG SACRIFICE. MODERN HOMK, $;J350; TERMS. Rose City Park, 425 E. 46th st. X.. 4 block south Sandy road, east frontage, 5 rooms and bath, built-in buffet, 'bookcase, beamed ceiling, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutcn kitchen, cement basement. Tiffany lights, garage, beautiful lawn and roses. On account of business must leave city, so price includes new Vulcan gad range and Ruud water heater, inlaid lin oleum in kitchen, lawn mower, hose, wood and coal. Phone owner. Tabor 249S or Mam 12 1. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOMEt we will. FURNISH THo Money, tcild apaktmunts, Rssi- DK.NCJ3 OR ANYTHING; PLANS FRdE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L- R, BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, 324 A B IN G TON BLDG. 1324 GRAND AVE. N. $2150 BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. ."-room, brand-new bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet and all buiit ins ; full attic and cement basement; 60x luo lot. block to car; terms. Woodlawn or Vancouver cars to Hol man St., then 1 block east to 1324 Grand avo. N. Piedmont districts Owner, Seliwood 75. WONDERFUL LA UK EI, HURST OPPOR TUNITY. Hard times and need of ready cash gives you this chance to buy a classy mod ern six-room bungalow, near Laurelhurst 1 arK, at a tremcnuous sac ri rice, on ver easy terms. Here's your chance to net a home with a future. Auto service. F. M. -Kushong, Main 1003, A 1515. LAURELHURST. Six-room bungalow with sleeping-porch and garage, on high view lot. House un finished, owner short of money, title clear. Will take $185 to complete and make place worth $3000. Will sell for $375o, on very easy terms, taken at once. Phone Tabor 11271. THE PRICE TELLS. New. nifty home near nark, in Laurel hurst; 6 rooms and sleeping-porch; fire place, hardwood floors, beautiful build-in cf fv'ts. and price onlv $3s5o. Small pay ment down, balance like rent. Better see this bfauty. Auto service. J. W. Cross- ley. i!lu'-i Stark st. Main 1003, A 1515. LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying b sure to look at our ju-t 01 brand new, exquisite Homes in lai l;ELIIURST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from 25u0 up. Laurel hurst Co.. 2TU Stark St.. or at tract of fice in Laurelhurst. E. 3'Jth and Gllsan sts. GET OREGON HOME JBUILDERS PLAN BOOK OF BUNGALOWS AND J-RTORY HOMES. SPECIAL PRICE OF 50- WHILE THEY LAST. ALSO LEARN OUR TERMS OF BUILDING AND FINANCING HOMES. The Oregon Home Builders, laaoNortn western Bank bldg. FINE home in one of the best sections f Irving ton for rent, the northwest corner or East lJth and Weidler streets, onlv block from the canine; house repainted inside and made like new ; cheap rent; get Key next noor. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW New, modern, 5-room bungalow, 50x120- 11. mi. j nis price includes all street Ira provements paid. $100 cash and 5 per month, including interest. Phone owner alter t p. M., TaDor 5Mo. LA t KELHURST S T R I C T L Y MODERN HOM E. IN BEST SECTION : 8 ROOMS: YOUR CHANCE TO GET ONE OF THE BEST AT LESS THAN COST. NO COM MISSION. Tabor at4. MuDERN o-room cottage, with all built-in conveniences; fireplace, good basement and choice location; $1500; will give terms to suit to reliable party. See owner at ui: Piatt Dldg. 3-ROOM modern, ust finished bungalow, on fine corner; Just the place to buy to day and move in tomorrow. 557 E. 4iuh St., 2 bi. north ot RC car. Open lor In gpecalon. Owner lives next door. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive bungalow; in ttrior finished in select hardw ood, hard wood floors throughout, best and most sightly location in Luurellmrst ; Oregon st.. near od. Owner. Phone Wdln. 2151. WHY pay rent when you can buy a TJ 1 00m cottage, beautiful view lot, for $7u0. S75 cash. $10 a month. 0 per cent Inter est ? Best value in Portland. M. E. Lee, 5"5 Corbett bldg. N E W 4 -room house; modern throughout ; located on sightly lot. which 1 will sell lor $120t, on easy terms. See owner. 512 Piatt bldg. 7-llOOM modern house, fine shrubbery, cor ner lot, high, yet sheltered in prettiest part of Rose City Park. See owner, 555 E. 4Sth st. N. 2 bl. N. of RC line. l'LANS FREE. WILL FINANCE AND BUILD HOME ON YOUR VACANT LOT WITH SUPERVIS ING ARCH 1TECT. CURTIS, 2C7'4 OAK ST. MUST lea re c ity. will sacrifice my 7-room iiume in Irvington for cash, or will sell on easy te.-nis tor quick sale. AC 07, Ore gonian. $3000 NEW 3-room modern bungalow, six blocks from Woodlawn School; terms If dot? i red. Tagger t, 410 Chamber of Com me rc e. A NICE little S-room house, corner lot, Ir vington Park addition, only !iOu; $2. cash. $1 month. Ow ner. Phone C 1275. FOR SALE New, modern, 1 -story bunga low in Irvington; complete in every tio tail; price $4500. Phone E. 4345. ATTRACTIVE home in Irvington district for sale on easy terms. B. M. Lombard, 250 tfe od st. Main 5002. WAVEttLEIGH HTS., modern, clasv bun galow, bargain. 874 E. Kelly St., near 28th St. Phone Sellwood 529. No agents. NEW. modern homes for sale or rent, in irvluston and Laurelhurst. East 2 12. CLASSY new, modern. 5-room bungalow very cheap . cash or term s. T a b or 14 0 4 . Suburban Home Property. FINEST 21-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland on Section Lin road, good buiUl ings. Bull Run water. 6 acres all kinds lruits and berrie. fine Jawn, shrubbery, etc. Stil all or part. Kaste Bros., bis Henry bldg. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soU, good water, close to carllne: easy terms ; will build to suit purchaser. Phon-i Marshall ;5S5 or Sellwood 4IS. JOHN GIBSON, OWNEK. For Sale -Acreage. CHICKEN FRUIT, t; A ft DEN RANCHES Nt-ar Portland. Gresham district; near electric station; $75 to 2-0 per acre; easy terms; i-est son, iree v. ooa. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M" FAR LAN D REALTY CO., 3th Veon Bldg., Portland, Or. QUARTER ACRES in sightly locality on hard-surfaced Capital Highway, with Bull Run water, electric liifhts and telephone, f c cn r f a re Tor 000 and terms of $10 per month ; I have a num her of these tracts which I desire to sell. If Inter eted. Bee Trustee at i 12 Piatt bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY; 15 acres near Oruneo; best black loam toil, all cultivated: $223 per acre; will di vide and give puy terms if desired. See M r. Handy , owner, 203 Slock Excnauge bldg. Marshail 2U5. 4,l ACRES, unim proved, on Low er Nchalem itir. gcion aairy or larm linn, w watered: will Fell part or all. $0 per acre. ."- E. Madiscn st. 4 S AC R ES on Ores on City car'ine. neai Courtney Station, good house, barn, run iiiiijt water and fruit tres; eay terms. Ad-.ress Emil Tuchoike. Sumner, Iowa. BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract, 5-cent fare; make offer. Bax 120, Lents P. O. Fcr Sale Farm. FOR SALE 04O acres. Southern Alberta, improved farm, on transcontinental Uigh wav. near R. R. and elevators; have rural plione; might consider trade. T. S. Martin, owner, fcox 37. Tabt-r. Alborta. 173-AC r r itoek ranch, house, barn, fruit, herrw-fi, some stock, on K. R.. river. "" on countv road; family troubles, cause sac rifice " $1 Soo; terms. It. W. Bell, 2U6 Ore gonial, bldg. ANYONE wanting to buy a farm will do well to see me. I have several good Im proved farms for sale at snap prices for cash ana terms. J. O. ELKOD. 613 Corbett bldg. BEST SO acres in Lincoln County; improved. 1 miles from Toledo; will sell all or part with terms. Write owner, care lender, Toledo, Or. FOR SALE Cowl. is County stump lands. $ 10 per acre up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp, 430 Plttock elock. Portland. FOR SALE Sis-acre farm, near gooa school ; ell and running w atcr. Adores IL McQueen, Pomeroy, Wash. REAL ESTATE. fcVor Sale Farms. FOR SALE Stock ranch, 3SO0 acres, and un limited tree range; complete outfit. 2 good houses, four barns full of hay, 100 head ran ye cattle. 50 milch cows, loo head hogs, stallion, brood mares, coita. work horses, saddle horses, saddles, harness, imple ments, blacksmith shop. etc.. R. R. depot, creamery and store on place; good school, perfect rllmate; good fishing and shooting; price $100, uou for quick sale; would take $25,000 cash and consider unincumbered income property for part balance. Address AV 126. Oregonian. FOR SALE 20 acres of prunes, 5 and 0 years old; lovely home, barn and imple ments; rock roads, seven miles from Van couver, Fruit Valley road; small amount of money will swing deal: good school, store and church, grain in barn to winter 3 head stock, also 2 acres kale. By owner, Mrs. Tom Window. Telephone Tabor 2S, Portland. Or. FOR SALE 60 acres near Esttcada, partly cleared, fenced and in crop, some or chard, house, barn and ot her buildings, some cattle, horses, hogs and chickens; a good place cheap. Address W. G. Howell, 1210 Ycort bldg. " fio-ACRE FARM, $7000. 14 miles of city limits, tirst-class im provements, trout stream; mortgage $1200, tire, 2 0 years. Will accept smali amount city Income property and. cash. IL W. Cary, Electric bldg. 40 ACRES, half in cultivation, crop, stock ana equipment, only fi'JtuO; worth $4ou; $yi0 cash, balance terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. j.5i PER ACRE Klickitat County, one third down; good terms. Ed LessarU, 422 lat st. " U20 ACRES. 10 mile from Vancouver, Wash., per acre, one-tin ru casn, gooa son. 422 1st st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 04 ACRES. 0 miles from good railroad, 25 in cultivation. 1 acres timoer, Daiance very easily cleared, new Si-room house, fair barn, springs, very best of soil; price ?35U0. 7 arrf-B in Castle Rock. Wash.. Pll in cultivation, one acre be a ring orchard, t room house, rents T0, 7-room house and land rents for $15; would consider good residence property in Portland; price 940. Hotel. 17 rooms, on the Cowlitz River, also dock and -. arehouse. T0-ft. gasoline launch, Ifl-ft. skiff, charges ItUc per ton on ireicht. One steamer navs 2.i ner monui A good investment ; will take house and lot. or .rood auto as nart oayment. bal ance $15 per month, no interest. Price $2500. G. S. Smith it Co.. 4i2 Chamber 01 ommerce. I HAVE a client who wants a house in Irvinaton of about seven rooms. He has a larjje house with splendid surroundings and valupd at $2tJ,00v. He would like to dispose of his home and take the smaller on as part payment. My client's home is a high-class place ana among gooa nomes. S.' R. NORTON, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CiTCJ?. 01 twf vacant lots from either Irvine ton or Rose city. Will pay cash for bar gain. AG 30, Oregonian. HOUSE, flats or stores wanted to $500U; will exchange my lots for it. Main lltitt. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. Will turn over leasehold throe years yet t-o run of one of the finest farms on tho Upper Willamette River, above ore gon City, to party satisfactory to owner (who i particular about careful upkeep more tnan revenue , uerman preierreu, devoted to dairying, hoss. grain, po tatoes, also orchard if wanted : rental $5U0 per year; about SO0 required tit art. Y 75, Oregonian. TO RENT for clearing brush and stumps. '60 acres, Beaverlon. Owner, Sellwood 1 i."4. AND 5-acre tract. Improved; close in on electric line. Owner, iui N. w. naaK uia FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. T 1 M B ER LA N OS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. McC H AC K EN. iiU-l M'tvAY RLDa 2,000, ih-0 PINE claim on John Day River, Grant County. $K00; need money; ir.Uiit sell, r 1 a, oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WANTED To hear direct from owner of good unimproved farm land for sale. West ern Washington 01 urea on. it. 1-1 s 11 111 111 Lam out, Wash., box 12. WANT farm in Southern Washington . Orefton for Seattle property. J. J. Traver, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. INCOME PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE. West Side, splendid location. 3 -story buildin?. well - rented, 60xlOO-f L. lot ; price for this property $55,O0U; there is a mort gage on this property, but ania can be arranged satisractoriiy on rig 11 1 kiihi 01 a deal; owner will exchange for well lo caLed clear houses or any good city prop erty. We have a large number of very fine income properties for exchange from $10, oou up. Signed statements as to the receipts and disbursements of properties submitted by this firm. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. 320-ACRE dairy or stock ranch, flneiy im proved, clear, for Portland income. i2U acres cheap land for house and lot. uU-acre duiry ranch, equippeu ana stockou, for city property. fit) acres, unincumoered. only $2500, for a suburban bungalow or clear lots. Several Eastern Oregon ranches for city. VANDUYN &. WALTON, 615 Cham. Coin. IF YOI7 want a home and have good paper or chattels to turn in as first payment, i can make you a fine proposition ; I own a numoer of good vacant houses that are new and desiiable, which I wish to sell or trade. Sec me for particulars at 012 Piatt bldg. 1 WANT a 0 or 7-room niouern huufce tu nice district, not too rar out. aim not to exceed $30uo In price, tor 1 5-acre, 5-year-old orchard in the Willamette Val lev, on railroad, adjoining good town, value $45U0; will pay cash difference, call ot Oil a Beck blug. YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. WE DID $200,000 ' worth of business last month. We cau trade your property; no junk wanted. A Y RES & SMITH. Main 720C. 31 Northwest Building. 22- AC RE fruit and poultry ranch. '3 mile OI town, w it n cnui cues au 11 tg 11 c uum , will sell or trade; consider grocery store In small town or smaM acreage cioee in. well Unproved. Price i3000. Jas. Harinan. Myrtle Cre-k, Or. 152 A. TIMOTHY and grain land to trade for picture tneater in gooci town; give iuu description and lowest pric first letter. Box IS, route 1. Lancaster, Wash. -j i -ACRE stock or dairy riu h in Tilla mook; price $70U0, for acreage close in. all or part trade, easy terms on balance. Call East f,2S2. WILLAMETTE' SO. substantiril Improve ments, $6(M)0: want jesid-nee. Owner, Chauncey Barney. Oregon City. sjO On EQUITY in most desirable $S0O view lot in Portland Heights for anything rea sonable. A B &7. Oregonian. AM leaving city. Will aacririee a $50on home: $4ioo cash, or $45no, 5oo cash, bal ance terms. Phone Tabor :ts;i7. SA I-E or trade, 1-3 Interest in valuable Sum mer resort; easy terms or trade lor city propert ". AO &3, Oregonian. WILL trade unincumbered farm near Cal garv. Canada, for Portland property. East 13 si. OWNER will trade equity In good iinpr-.veu East Side property for motor car. AM ob. Oregonian. GOOD ranch team f"i- 51 0O. w eight 2M0 lbs. : a little pavement .sore, no better workers in Portland. 22 N. 11th. "antl-LB. PAIR horses, sound, young and true. Mr 51"- 22 N. 14lh. pon-LR. SORREL worker, for $5i. mare, singlo 22 N. 14th. or double EQUITY 11 for good 2 suburban ak furniture. lot In exchange L 01. Oregonian. CLE A R acreage or city property for stock groceries or mdse. 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE. Hore, Vehicle. Itarne.. Etc. WE are installing auto truck In plrtc of t wo wa gc.n horses, which I will set I at a very reasonable tisure. One coal black, blacky built, heavy bone chunk, weigh ing about 1350 lb?.. S years old.. The other a gray, weighing about lion jhs. These horses are gentle and s-ife for any one to dri. CmM Jj. Mayer ft Co.. 1 4S 3d st. or Model Stables. 5th and Davis. FOR SA LE I team of hea y draft horses w eighin 30OO lb. ; 1 cheap farm hwrs-j we-ghin?: 13oo ibs.; 1 delivery horse welching 1m'0 lb-. 22 vHuaeeii st. ' 4 GOOD horses cheap; must sell; hftv pur chased auto truck. St. Johns ice Co.. Co lumbia 84. WAGONS and hrse.i t.v day. $1.25. I. Cohen, 3l Water st. Main 20j. Main 00U3. DEAD horses and animals hauled awav free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering co. PASTURE, for stock near Portland. Main 1410. . TWO he"y horses, harness and new wagon for sale. 75 W. Skid mo re. MUST sell my fine team matched wagon and harness. 2.;tt Arthur tn. bays GOOD family mare, buggy, harness, your -own price. 1024 Eest '.ainhi.l. WANTED 1200 to loo-lb. delivery horse Phone Main 1S90. 203 Taylor st. FOR SALE. Horea. Vehicles, Harness, Etc, WE have tboui 10 head of horses that we have - been using during the Summer work, which wo will sell at reasonable 1 prices. Following are some of the horses: Bay mare. Iudu lbs., 7 years old, sound, K.o. Bay mare, 120O lbs., good worker, single or double, sound. $5.1. Blue roan. 4-year-old colt, weighing 1 4w lbs. ; well broken, heavy bone and biockv built, i:.V Bay horse. S years old, sound and true, weighing 145m hs.. $J0. MODEL STABLES. 5th and Tavis. 15 HORSES Drivers and" work stock. 900 to I4UU lbs.; have been replaced by autos; must be fold. Lyons Stables, Union ave. and E. Salmon. FOR SALE CHEAP, one team young, we li ma tched horses, weighing 260t lbs. Own er leaving the rity. 26 Russell st. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or night. labor iJU.i. Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORACE CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 4t!0 cmckenng piano $ 33 cash $ 4-0 Bradbury piano j SO cash $ 375 Chase Bros.' upright t0 cash $ 225 Lelanrt upright $135 cash $ 850 Autopiano player piano. . .$200 casn $llu0 S;einway parlor grand. . .$55 casn TO FIRST CALLER AT 109 4th St. 75c monthly stores your piano here. TODAY $1 UPWARDS WILL SECURE $25 Disc Talking Machine for. .... $7.50 5U Disc Talking Machine for $17.50 $80 machine with $:tO cabinet for $46.00 $150 Machine with $:0 cabinet for $103.00 10 records Included .with each, fcchwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth St. ACCOUNT going out of business in Portland and leaving the city, will sell one of the finest player pianos and nearly 100 music rolls at sacrifice; can be had on pay ments or might make trade for something y i e 1 d 1 n g income. Call 1 11 E. 2Sth st. N . FREE use of piano or player piano- for Vfc vears; see cispiay aavertisenient or ca.u at Schwan Piano Co.. 111 4th st. Ssr. CASH buys $40n Schomacker. trold- stringeu. uiiriui lomoi io. security is tor- age Co., JU 4111 SJ. $1 CASH, C0c weekly buys new talking ma- cnine. srcuw.ta riauo v.0., 111 ruurm si. Dogs, Bird!, IVt Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS,, LA DDIX KENNELS, ESTACADA, OK. FOR SALE Boston Terrier puppies; greed. o75 Holladay ave. pedi- Livestock. 400 PUREBRED Duroc-Jersey Dies, of all ages, for sale cheap, lor feeders or breed ers, c w. Aitman, jjunaee, ur. IF T OU have gooa beef cattle for sal steers, cows or veal, call East 230. FRESH dairy cows; terms. Bruce. Union Sto-k Yard f. Phone Woodlawn 240O, Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. ' TERMS GIVEN. CADTLLAf-, 5-pass., electric starter and lights, $075. STODDARD, S-pass., 40 H. P., $373. 6-cyl.. A-l co MITCHELL, dition, $050. 5-pass. OVERLAND roadster, 2-paas., $230. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER, East First and East Morrison Sts. East 7272. B 1210. HALM ERS. STEA UNh-K N 1GHT OLDHMO KILE SCH ACH T MAXWELL WINTONS PRICES RANGING FROM 5o0 UP. COM E 1 N TO D A Y. THE CAR YOU WANT MAY UK CONE TOMORROW. LIBERAL TERMS. THE WINTON CO., 2:lD ANIJ WASHINGTON STS. IF YOU want bargains in late model used cars, we can supply your demand; 2-4-5 and ?-uasencer lourir.K cars COLES. REOS. CHALMERS. STEARNS. Includ ing other good makes;' prices range from $JU0 up. Liberal terms given. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch. Phone Broadway S67, A 4951. HUDSON, Hudson four, 101 o, electric lights, Stioo. OVERLAND. 1013, f i ve-pais. ; price low. CARTtRCAR. 4 -pass, good condition, $.100. Also others. starter and COVEY MOTORCAR CO. Main 6244. 1U15 HUDSON, 0-40 horsepower, best buy in town ; terms given. P.UICiv roadster 40-horsepower, ' like new. CH A L ME RS ht nil-class roadster. Must sell within 2 days. Several ot her makes -of roadster. I4tli and Burnside. Main QO'22. A 2:141. Used curs bought for cash. REAL SACRIFICE. You should seriously consider this 7 passcnirer. u-cytinder, 54-h. p. Hudson for S'.i'nf cah:-eoat me $24oo year ao; per 'fect condition, phone Tabor 0002, or AN 4Sf OrPgonlsn. $100. Two-cylinder Maxwell . runabout; deliver In perfect running order; a gain. W. G. HARTMANN, 344 East 3d North. will bar- BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Larc stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. NEW mid used Ford cars sold on easy terms. BENJ. E. BOONE A CO, Hillsboro, Or. . 014 Aid er St., Port land. GARAGES erected complete, $30 up; ready cut or portable house, $125 up. TAKE DOWN MrG. CO., MR Water St.. near Harrison. Main 1167. FORD, $250: Ford. $2i.(i; Regal, $325; Mitch ell. i:!5u; Wiuton, $:150. 503 Alder st. Mam SPECIAL Cadill.u body ; a beaut ifu quick s;-le, $475. with special torpedo car with good tires; for 505 Alder at. Main 738. BRAND new. 101 5 Reo. run 5o0 miles. For Excellent bargain. AO U3. Falc or trade. Oregonian. 3-PASS. Stoddard, newly painted, tires good, car in jrood cond i : ion ; a fine family car. 4 20 Belmont. llaliaday Garage. E. 48 7.S. SEVERAL second-hand automobiles; .real bargains at $ 1 50 arid $175; at Y. M. C. A. Auto School. E. loth and Mill sts. C A Dl LL.-V . 1011, 4 -pass., extra equipment, new fcect covers, guod tires, everything in Al condition, $1175. Tel Main 3000. 3-TON truck, nearly new, cheap for cash. AF 07. Oregonian. 1913 MICHIGAN in good condition, for 9300 ra?h. Phone Main 727ti. 1'un DS 1 ?1 1PM. good c: tte. Ford Motor Co. mulition. Mat cllwood 2323. FOR SAL E Uelmont. -1014 Ford touring car. Aul 01110b lies Wanted. 1913 OVERLAND road at er. new paint, fine condition; take diamond or 1 all In motor- tyoe part Jt, Stark st. TWO good beach lots at Salt Air to trade for motor car. AM 37, Oregonian. WANTED Any t d d ?me. Address I. C 4-c iinder, . Box lOWJ, 4-cycle en tity. W A NT K D Ford w ith light delivery body. Rose City Ci carters', 2tii and Sanely. WANTED -Fori! 5-pnsecnger, $123 cash, any model. AO 74, Oregoniitn. WILL gne or o r !i er Z nch and -paiss car. ; acres clear for Ford East 131. Motor. clcs. TWIN INDIAN, good condition, good tires, looks sooci. Hargnfn. Marshall 030. Auto Tlret and Aecce-rories. SPECIAL SALE on standard makes of Foid tired, $7.75 each. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. Mi Alder St. SLIGHTLY used tires irom $3 to $10 each, vulcanized 25c tire, repairing. 207 Madison. Automobiles for Mire. F R A X K Lt N A L L- D A Y lauroad rates. Camera. TRIPS Wdl. 2f9f. FORD auto for h Proad ay :::44, ire. $1.15 per hour. Phone Furniture for bale. 37;. LIVING-ROOM. hall. d 111 in-room. btdroom f urn i t '.1 re for en I-? ; good stuff ; cost $100". Phone Tabor 22 In. BAROAIN Furniture of a nine-room bun galow for fale. 747 E. Ilth St. Sell. 2274. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months for $3 ana up; t montns rent appuea on pur v ".ase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. SO Broadway, Portland. Or. WE save vou frcm 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated ?..!f!er. Retail department WHOLE SALE T Y PEW R 1 T ER CO.. 321 Wash. EC. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $05. Tne Northwest Typewriter Co., 202 Stark at. Main 55.. N EW. reSui t. rates, p. eco'-.d-band renra's at cut 231 Stark st. ilala 1407. FOR SAI.E. M lace Han eo us. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and po.-ket billiard tables and bowling llevs and accessories; easy payments. 1h Brunwick-Ba:ke-Col lender Co.. 46-4 S 5th, rjNO WITH DIAMONDS SET I N PLATINUM. MUST SACRIFICE. NO REASON A BLE OFFER REFUSED. AM :.2. OREGONIAN. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand; we save you 40 to 00 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Clash, Register Exchange, -ia W ajs h i n a.ton st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, sa:e or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machin Em porium, I!'" od St., near Tailor. Mam 4;1. A StJ26. WE BUY, sell, trade, rent or repair elec tric motors. Walker Electric Works, 41 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5H74. TODD piotectogiaph, model H, excellent condition, for sale cheap. AN Ore gonian. HOCIIFELD'S Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Camera, kodaks and lenses bought, soia and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras. FIN E cornet at remai kably low price. 820 Lumber Exchange bidg., 2d and StarK sts. FIRST-CLASS oak roll-top desk and chair Tor saie at a oargain. inquire .1-1 lcwik bldg. CHANCE for two sportsmen to take interest in fine duck shooting season on island, au 9i, Oregonian. FOR SALE Hall safe. 3x24. practically new; cost sen lor 1. v. jl. Auto School, E. 10Lh and Mill sts. DIAMOND hous paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per it a 1. on, rornaau Paint Co., 2oU Front st, Marshall 100. PLUMBING supplies st wholesale prices. Stark-Davis co., 12 au st. iiain ADDING machine, cheap for .cash. R. Yoke, J iau Jortn western mnk PiQg. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. Sf, tablets for 25c. All druggists. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SFOOND - HAND CLOTHES We pay the highest cash price for ladies' and gents' caatotf clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise. Call ua up. We need it and will pay for It. GLOBE STORE, 25 First. Main 2060. slain 20 SO. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER, I MEYERS. THE TAILOR. PAYS YOU MORE FOR YOUR OLD CLOTH ES AND SHOES. JUST CALL MARSHALL 1229. WE CALL PROMPT LY RELIABLE CLOTHING BUYER. 223 MADISON ST. TEL. MARSHALL 1229. II TT". V I'RTZ buys your furniture; highest prices paid. GlEVLKTi wilt sell you furniture i.t lowest prices. GBVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 20T 1st. Phone Marshal; 537. vein a. thrtT-fiiiKhtv reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, can tne ievin n uruware x Furniture Co., 1'21 Front, phone A 7174. Main OuT 2. M T H FURNITURE CO.. 1R4 1st Main 57CS. 184 1st. Call us up and get our estimate on your furniture ana nousvnoia goous oeiuro uia- posing of fame. I NEED some case files; If you have any thliia- in titis line that you wish to dis - pose of kindly communicate with me at Main i-ts. SECOND-HAND garden drill, statu make. condition and price. A. L. lenzcr. Gate way, Or. ia 'STANDARD FURX1TUIIE CO., . Vain 4"7o- 1 S2 1st St. Main 4773. Pays best price for your furniture, etc 1 WANT furniture for sleeping rooms; will pny spot cash if quality and price aro right. AM f-4, Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2307. WANT $10,000 ueed furniiure; pay good prices; starting nsw store. Sellwood H8 C SH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 DeKum bidg. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price f or your rurnuure. iat bi. -! WANTED 3 National cash registers a o n ce; will pay cash. 243 Washln g to n st. tv ANTED Fairbanks or Howe scale, ca pacity 500. 1000. Ensign, Gold Hill, Or. V A SENNET. SFsayi-r; ores bought. 510 N. W. bldg., 327 Vs Washington. WNT small peanut roaster and warmer. A. K. Wells. Ridgefield, Wash. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 331 Washington st. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN I se'l p.'.nts without tacking on the profit for high rent. Priced at $2.50, $3. 00 and $3.50. Jimmy Dunn. 315-10-17 Ore gonian bldg. Elevator to 3d floor. $30 AND UP weekly, at home, no canvassing, no experience. I tell you how. Every thing furnished. Don't worry about cap ital. Boyd 11. Brown, Dept. D 01, omaha, N e b. J1IDDLU - AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly: part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co., Top pun ish. Wash. THREE young men. steady position with advertising crew; experience not required: h lrd work but good pay; must have neat appearance, references and single. Call after If. Mr. Dausun, Carlton Hotel. MALE stenographer for law office In East ern Oregon; prefer young lawyer and one with knowledge cf bookkeeping; position permanent. Daniel Boyd. Enterprise. Or- PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free; posl'ion guaran teed; paid while learning. 232 2d, nr. Main. W ANTE D A machinist experienced in 2 and 4-cvcie marine engine. to buy my shop; les than $1000 takes it; owner goes East. W 81, Oregonian. i WANTED Expert auto mechanic, must have pa:ing proposition of its kind. AB 77. Ore gonian. . WANTED First-class porter and shoe shiner for Aberdeen. Wash. For partic ulars apply to Eew is-stenger ai uers Supply Co. (nfiPiTni? adv. or magazine exu. pre ferred: something new. Mr. Grey. Main 7135. WANTED Two good single barbers. 05 per cent; stead v work to the right men. 1. L Terrlll, 107 Lyon st.. Ail-any, Or. STEADY man as partner for shop; small investment ; wages $-'; experience not no'-e.-sary. 1 2 Stvk Lschnnge. i xrnri First-class bookkeeper; state married, age und past experience in fulL AO 1 2, oregjiian . WANTED Good salesman to sell tombs in new mausoleum. Portland Mausoleum Co.. 012 Spauiding bldg. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto mobile repairing and d riving. Call Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. V' A NT ED Registered prescripHon druggist for large downtown drug store; good posi tion for the right man. AO 91. Oregonian. WANTED Boy to work on farm for noma siid clothes. One not attending school preferred, phone 20.). Milwaukic. ONE motorcycle boy aftir school at 15 A 24f.4. and N. l: 2 buys, wheels. Mh. Main JMJfc, nilNTER WANTED Country office. All around wwk. Steady Job. Will pay $12 to cond man. Address AV 137. Qregnnian. A D VERT IS I NO solicitors; special edition : hnndrcd-dollar-week men. none others need a p i I . 2 2 '.' Lm 1 1 bcr Exc hang MOLER-Barber College wants men to learn the trade: tuition reduced ; paid while learning: tend for catalogue. AS N. Second WE are helping men to get jobs in eve line of work. Sec us at once for what you want, r 1 Panama bldg. AfLE-BOPIED MEN to qualify for fire men, bra k em en. $100-$l2u monitily. Rail way Association, care of Oregonian. 1 NEED a few- more working men to work with me; good wages for the right men. 1H2 Stock Exchange bldg. 3d andjamhill. W A NTED Artificial teeth of all descrip tions, gold, silver bought. AF 73, Ore gonian. . SASH and door man wanted. Co.. L'tit h and N ico'ai sts. Kautz Mfg. biX CHANG E Nice beaoii lot for garden ing. X SO, Oregonian. YOUNG man to work in hat factory. Apply at once. Royal Hat Work?. 231 1st. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg. COOK for short mlary expected. or-i rs nd pastry: stale 105, Hood River. Or. ;OY to wardi dishes for board. X SI, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED liquor bottler. Liquor Co.. 40 X. 'th Ft. MAN to work for rooni and board at 404 Madison ru. cor. HUh. BOY w ith wheel ; steady work, good pay. Apply 4 10 Alder. BARHFR wanted, steady job. street. ?o3 Morrison BOY to assist poster inou,uter: good chance lor ndvanc ement. ;''. oak st. W ANTE D Man to sell r,ra n ges and lemons to grocery dealers. 100 Front tt. SALESMAN who can qua iif y art icies of merit; field unlimited. AC 70, Oregonian. PKESSER buehcimaa wanted. 3b 1 Zd st. HELP WANTED MALE. LARGE AUTOMOBlk!' concern starting as sembling plant in T'ortland wauta several gof.d men to invest in the business. The following Is a list of men required: Mechanical draftsman, salary of $100 per month; investment $1250. Foreman, salary 100 per month; Invest ment JloH. Two mechanics, salary of $100 per month; investment $M?t. Five helpers, salary of $63 per month; In v est me n t $ 5 W. One advertising mm, sa'ary of $123 per month; Investment $150o. Investment on uhove fully secured and pays good dividends. Particulars at ill 7 Railway Excha n ge. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Y. M. C. A. Tojng men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the rmplovment secre tary. The serv ice of this department free to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is Issued, costing $5 per annum, giving the service of tha de partment for a year two months' full privilege and a refund of the membership fee it satisfactory employment is not ae- cureu. ARE you skilled In any trade? If nt. your chance of getting a steady job it small. Navy offers you opportunities to learn one of many trades useful in both civil and military life, and will advance you as you deserve. Apply Navy Recruiting Station, Morgan bldg. WANTED Office hoy for big insurance company. Good opportunity for advance ment and permanent position for bright, energetic, boy. Make application in uwn handwriting, giving full particulars, age. schooling, experience, father's name and business. W lS, Oregon titn. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes. Expert train ing in repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, ha per. drlil-pre-sd, etc. Time unlimited. Secure ass at Educational Office, Y. M. C. A, blag, to inspect our shops and methods. TWO DAYS FREE TRIAL. PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE V SCHOOL. 200 11th and Jefferson Sts. BOY with wheel, steady position. Inquire 3 :S Morrison st. PHOTOGRAPH agents, salary paid, new offer, new studio. Daguerre, Plttock block. Help Wanted Agents, AGENTS wanted; active. Industrious, mid dle-aged m"n preferred; steady employ ment; liberal commissions. Address OR EG ON NURS ER Y CO.. Ore n c o. O r. I HAVE an article anyone can sell, every man needs it; large profit, si- fetocK ex change bldg. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED Sideline salesmen. This is a country town line, ofTers big inducements for workers. Recently reduced. Pocket samples. Devon Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED 3 salesmen to travel In Middle West selling a good machine as side line; a money-raakor. Y 98, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BUSINESS woman wishes to share expenses in re mine- small arjart mont or bouse wltu another business woman or one who -wishe. to stav home and look after my young daughter after school ; rent shared accordingly; West Side. AE 06, Oregonaan. LADIES make $25 and up weekly. Simple home work, very fascinating. No ran vMssinir. no exnerience, I tell you how Ew ryt hing furnished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd iS. crown, JJept. is ewi, Omaha.. Neb. WANTED Youns lady assistant bookkeep er do Dostinif. Must be experienced, with knowledge t-f adding machine. State ex perience and give references. Address AO Oregoninn. w'OMF.v n Government clerks. $70 montn. Portland -examinations coming; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 71.3-G. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Good cook. Ken era i house work small familv. srood waste. S St. Helen's Court. Portland Heigh ls. Phone Main S02S. PROGRESSIVE Business College; all mod ern business courses, including Spanish. French and German; register today and save $3; positions filled. 301 N. w. ri. bldg SEVEN girls between IS and 25 years to learn comptometer adding and calculating machine. Special Fall terms. 320 Moi gau bidg. WANTED Immediately, responsible woman, general housework, six-roomed flat, children. 26 4 Stout St., end Jefferson car line. HOTEL located in the business district, will give free desk space to public stenograpner and notary public in exchange for small amount worK a any. Ab a. oregonian RELIABLE WOMAN to take up pleasant, profitable work in Portland ana all tne cities m Oregon, can or aaaress e. any der. Care Hotel Ockiey, Portland. Or. GIRL for general housework in family of adults; city references required. Phone Marshall 2404 or apply 778 Notthrup. WANTED Good strong girl for general housework. No objection to foreigner, Wages si'O. East ovti. WANTED Experienced nursery governess 01 nursemaiu, one speaking uermin .pre ferred. tS North 2ist. w a 'TED Refined, capable woman for re f-oonsible position. lavi company, Plttock block. 3S3 Washington. WANTED Girl for housework. Call after 7 P. M. Tuesday, 432 Prescott, cor. th, Alberta car. HOTEL cook. 533 2 wai tresses, out. $ FecoQd girl, $3; ranch cook, $25 : kitchen helper, $l.i. Hansen s, .i4.u Washington, WANTED 5 women to prepare fruit for canning. Oregon Packing Co., Last 8th and Belmont. WANTED Artificial teeth of all descrip tions, old gold, silver bought. AF 73, Ore gonian W ANTED Woman, foreign preferred, for housework and some help with baby; mate age and phone. AE 05, Oregonian. SCHOOLGIRL to assist with housework; may also have music lessons. Phone Mii wauLitj Si W. WOMAN living near 11th and Harrison, for two hours' housework, mornings. Phone today. Marshall 503S. LADIES, you can earn $1.50 to $3 per day demonstrating our goods. 505 Columbia bldg. FAITHFUL, intelligent girl, family of 2 and babv, lovely home, small wages. Norton, 91G Yeon bldgj HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 302 Or pheum bldg. (Empress bldg.); Individual instructions; positions when capable. BEDROOM and kitchen to woman employed, alone; in exchange for slight services morning and evening. Call Main S17S. THOROUGHLY experienced in alteration of coats and skirts. None oth-r need apply. C. E. Holliday Co., 355 Alder. WANTED- Girl for general housework on farm, near Scappoos-. Call Sunday be tween 3 and P. M. 214 Hall st. VA NT ED Housekeeper by widower. Givt particulars in first letter. AC 07, Ore- w avtkd Two w aitresses. $35: one wait r S3. $25 room and board: others. Pacific Employment Co.. 22Q Couch st.. corner 1 Ht YOlINti s;rl to assist with housework; good home ; cull th is morning, apt. 1. Grace Apts., cor. 24th and Northrup. AN experienced general housework girl ; no w as 1 1 in t: small family ; good w ages, can East 5bd2. . EXPERIENCED girl wanted to take care of children and assist in housework. Call Marshall 39-.J. GIRL lth. wanted for boarding-house. 340 MaishaM 3 4 4". M A NIC!" 1:1 ST wanted for Yeon bldg. bar ber shop. Mceond floor. MOLER Barber College wants ladies to learn the trade; special rates. u 11. oci-uiiu. TH IS ad with 23c gives you facia i and scalp treatment. 5Q.j Columbia bidg. WANTED A woman for general housew ork In small faml . A K 7. oregonian. WOMA N to lake . a; apart itients. AN 01 i of few rooms Oregonian. for GIRL wanted for general housework; ref erences. Wo N. lt". W NT El Working housekeeper. Polish or Austrian preferred. !i7 Maryland MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL ShorthaiMl Tvpew ritlr.g, $5 mo. 200 34th. Ph. M. SaXl Typewriting, EXPERIENCED gir for housework : refer 3'7 11th. apt. C. . -i it pood home. WANTED filrl for general housework; Tabor 25S6. WANTED Lending lady, small road show dramatic. Phone Woodlawn 40l. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cookiiir. j A STUDENT to give services jn return for good home and sma!lwages.Tabor 377 SCHOOL girl to work fur room, board. East 3414. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. 414 EXPERIENCED lady prescer. Call at Ward r r. h e . 3 s S E. Broadw a y . "iirl for light housework: fair Mrs. J. Levy. 294 College, cor. LE RN beam v culture. Summer rate 5uo Coiumhia bldg. Graduate Paris. Berlin. GIRL for cooking and general housework. Call afternoon. 774 Everett. GIRL wanted for general housework. East 11th North. HELP AVANTEIt MALE OR FEMALE. ODDFELLOWS and Eebt-kah to solicit busi ness sua Irom members. 2ol Stock Ex. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALF. W A NT ED" First and second cook, German or Sww preferred, second must be good, ort pastry; reference required. Steady em ployment; wases $I to $10. Answer b t legram or It-tter. Ben L-eciouj, Silver Griil. La Grande. Or. 1 OREGON Barber College ants men and. women to Ram the barber trade tn S weeks: tools free: paid while learning, earn from $1S to $2. week; new course tor Summer; tuition reduced. 23 Madison. PLATEN preffeeder. Watson Printing Co.. 3d and Yamhill. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, RAILWAY mail clerks, p. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State School. McKay bldg., city. WANTED Names of men IS or oer wish lng Government Job, $63 month; no pull necessary. AV S5e. Oregon lan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. DRAFTSMAN, levelman and bookkeeper. S years experience, would like position with, con tractor, excavation, rock ami ft-wer work, etc., superintendence. G. W. Peacher, Y. M. C. A. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Yours man of wide experience, just arrived here, desires chance to make good: salary no object to start; best rvfert-ncca. Will go anywhere. AP 07. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper w ants posi tion ; will consider half-dav employment. Call H O Phone Marshall ."S2 2. MUcellaneoUH. EXPERIENCED newspaper man wants :o locate permanently wit h good da il or weekly. Am not a printer, but can tako full charge editorial, advertising and sub scription end. Let's talk it over. AC 60. OreKonian. MR. HOTELM AN: Do jon need a good American cook, who understands baking and meat cutting ? W ife will work helper. Howell, 311 Everett st. Marshall 1-4 2. COUNTRY PRINTERS Want position as either manager or foreman of a country print shop or wonld lease; 33 years iri the business; first-class references. Ad. -dress box 374. Kelso, Wash. EXPERIENCED and well rerom mended middle-acred mn of good address, like to find position aa .1 an it or or porter or work of some kind. Trv me. Address P. Fisher. 210 Uj First St.. Portland, or. MACHINE SHOPS Am young man, sober and steady, with experience on bencti lathe, shaper and drill press work. Cau you use me? Y 7. Oregonian. WANTED By married man, no children. ranch to take charge of, large or smai 1 . thoroughly experienced; reference. Add. E. W. S.. Lents. Or., R. 1. CHINESE boy wishes position an house- worker or cooking In family and have time to go to school; In or out of city. H2iH Couch st. A 4175. HONEST, sober, elderly man. clean and re liable, wants place 10 woric ior ooaru am. room, good choreinan or kitchen helper, a falrlv good cook. Address It 07. Oregonian. CAPABLE young man desires position around warehouse, assist shipping cictk, put up orders, etc.; good at figures; refer ences. Main 7051, A 1317. YOUNG married man. good worker, must have work, wm aj most anything, rnone Sellwood 343. EXPERIENCED farmer, age 34. married; wants care ot ranch for wages or snares. Hans Nielsen, Bcb verton. Or. ELDERLY man. neat and clean, handy around house and garden, wants Job, city or country. W 09. Oregonian. AMERICA N house and w indow cleaner, wants work, hour, day, contract. Marshall 040 BOY attending Trade School w is lies plat e to work for room and board. Call Main 6504 after J A. M. POSITION driving delivery auto, truck or in garage. Kxpericnccd; references. l'hon Woodlawn 1 2 O 5 . RELIABLE man desires work putting wood, housecleanlng, or any odd jobs; an hour; references. Main 7o51. A 1 MAN and wife wish position a camp or mill work preferred. Y gonian. cooks; 7, Ore- BU 1LDING.. repairing, pa luting; you name the price; reUablu work. Phone bell wood 1005. . WANTED By young man with xperietic and best of reference, position as grocer's clerk. Address AV lo7. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED crude oil fireman and pump man needs work at reasonable wages. Call Wilson, Main 1025. AMERICAN JANITOR wants steady position or part of time ; references. Marshall 00 40. DRIVER, married, sober, steady, private or business ear; no objection to uniform. Maltbv. 601 Missouri ave. Woodlawn 142. A FILIPINO boy, good experience, wants po sition Janitor or bus boy. Main 8G0. WE tint rooms for $2.50: do good painting work. Charles O'Mara, E. 323 JAPANESE schoolboy wants any kind of easy July. E S3. Oregonian. JAPANESE Free Bern ploy me nt Bureau. A 1070. Jap. Assn. of Ore.. 21S Henry bldg. MAN wants position, janitor. any kind work, tinting, houseclcanln g. Maln04'.t2. GAS ENGINE repair man and chauffeur wants position. AP tip. Oregonian. CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or coiitiact. Sellwood 1350. SITUATIONS WANTrJ) FEMALE. Boo U keeper, ami Stenograpiiera. EXPERIENCED typist, biiler. cashier. w ishes position to worK up; to. reier ences. AN s2 Orcronian. CAPABLE bookkeeper and stenographer tC. S. . desires position. live jcars e. pe ri en c e. Y' 70, Oregonian. Tre miit. er. FASHIONABLE d ressmaking reasonable; home or day. 3ol Buchanan bidtf. Main U313. DRESSMAKER would like few more engage ments, home or out. Main 334. A 3053. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking by day or piece; reasonable. Phone heinvooa IoVj. WORK EXPERT seamstress, alterations. saleswoman. - AO .0. oregonian. PLAIN SEWING neatly done by the day, $1. A E T., oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes invalids or chil dren to board. Al references, reasonable. Sellwood 2454 EXPERIENCED nurse wishes to care for infant, invalid or elderly people. I'nuna East K703. LADY near BChool will board child, no other children; references exchanged. Wood lawn 1 2 '. ) 3 . FOR a good practical confinement nurse, phone Lan 051. Mrs. Marsh. H o uek ee pe r h. WANTED By a widow, past middle-age, housekeeping for mall adult family or a widower; best of references exchanged. Phono Tabor 4003., RESPECT A BLE young woman and tsoii 9 ; general good housekeeper ; good home more than big wases; city or country. AD "o, oregonian. WANTED Position as 1 1 . K. by refined, capable widow with small foii ; object, home more than money. AB 7fi. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED woman w ants position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. -!: wood 422. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as cook or housekeeper, tow 11 or countrj ; good references. Phone Tabor 153k. REF IN ED young lady wants posit ion as housekeeper and caro children. Woodlawn 2 2 Jo. NEAT, capable woman desires position as managing housekeeper of a partmen t -Iiuf-j or janitreeiC position. Mam 7"51 . A 151 i". A COMP ETEN Tc h lid's nurso wishes posi tion in prlate family. 3S2 E. lt st. North. SITUATION as h of ability. A ! m keeper by young widow Oregonian. PRACTI'JA L. reliable aged or Invalid p :E" I)oineittie. SWEDISH gi:l wants general housework or second girl. $30 month. AD 73. Orega niatu , WANTED Good home, board, room, small wages; middle-aged lady. AC 6, Orego niau. EXPERIENCED girl wanted, general hOuse "work and cooking. Main 0054. NORWROTAN girl. firt-dass cook, wlfiirs p-wirion: cooking only. Phono 2N'i5. Mibceilanevu. LADY' with fii-fft-elas reference must ha w ork take care of spa rtment-tioUt-e or Marshall 32oo. apt. A. wants day work. Pnonc Tabor 3 1 0CN LADY wants work by hour or day. Good w orker. Call East bOl. EXPERIENCED leundress wishes to taKi work home. Call Tabor 403. EXPERIENCED laundress, fancy work, by day or .ake home: reference-. Tabor 3727. EXPERIENCED girl wants lh one Sellwood 422. second worii. RELIABLE Japanese 8' in private family. A hoolgirl wants place 150JI, Main 300ft. YOU NO Japanese lad v wants nice family housework. V S. Oregonian. LACE curtains hand-laundered. IS 19. Phone C