Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    the aroRxrvG oregoxian. Saturday, September' 4, 1913.
O' - . . , o
N event of interest tomorrow
will be a reception at which Mr.
and. Mrs. Lazard Coblentz will
entertain tomorrow In their home,
141 Twenty - second street North.
They will be at home in honor
of their daughter. Miss Helene
Coblentz, whose engagement to
Maure Alexander was announced
on Wednesday at an elaborate tea
siven by Miss Rae Goldsmith, of
Flanders street. Miss Coblentz Is
on attractive and popular girl. She
is a graduate of the Portland Higb
chool and Is a member of the Tuala
tin Golf Club. Mr. Alexander is a
business man who has resided here for
several years. He is the son of Mrs.
Leah Alexander, of Philadelphia.
On Wednesday, again, Mr. and Mrs.
Coblentz will receive at the same
hours in compliment to Miss Coblentz
and her nance. Mr. and Mrs. Coblentz
have many relatives and friends here
and In San Francisco, who are show
ering the young couple with good
A pretty bride of the week was Miss
Gertrude Nelson, whose marriage to
Itoy Stanley, a prominent stockman of
Medford. was solemnized on Wednes
day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Manley, 663 Williams avenue. The Rev.
C. Li. Hamilton officiated. The bride
was beautiful In her robe" of white
crepe de chine, with filmy veil and
orange blossoms. She carried a shower
of white roses and sweet peas. Miss
Salome Emlson sang "O, Promise Me."
Miss Wilma Rinehart played Mendels
sohn's wedding march. Sharing hon
ors with the bride were the little at
tendants, Bert Tonsey, aged 7, and Nan
Crary, aged 6, who scattered rose pet
als in the pathway of the bride. The
rooms were decorated artistically with
dogwood and greenery from the hill
side. The ceremony was performed be
nftath a bower of white blossoms.
A wedding supper was served after
the ceremony. Mrs. R. M. Burley cut
the ices and Mrs. Albert Jackson pre
. sided at the punchbowl. Assisting
about the rooms were Miss Frances
Tonsey, Miss Georgia Donahue and Miss
June Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley left on a motor
trip. They will reside in Medford.
Among those present were Mrs. F.
T. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Man
ley, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rinehart. Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Turner, Mrs. Juliet Gus
tafson, Mrs. Anna Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
K. C. Gortler. Sam Gortler, Carl Gort
ler, Mrs. C. A. Young, Sarah B. Ton
Fey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank New, Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. William
AUston. Mrs. O. E. Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Crary, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Jackson, Helen M. Root, Lois F.
New, Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Croddy, Mary
c;. Packwood, Zilpha Harper, T. C. Bo
zarth, Georgio Donahue. June ' Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McFarling, Annie
K. Root, Salome Emison, Bert Tonsey,
Nan Crary, Wilms Rinehart, Frances
Tonsey. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Conn, Man
ley J, Hunperfurd, Emily M. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Burley, Maud Bur
Icy and Ned H. Manley.
Mrs. Jennie Kemp, state president of
the W. C. T. J is in Seattle assisting
in the final arrangement for the Na
tional convention to be held October 9
to 14. She is accompanied by her
daughter. Miss Harriet Kemp, of Pasa
dena. They will return Monday.
Miss Kllzabeth. Hoben
from California.
has returned
Honoring' Mrs. Pearlo Nelson Wade.
cf Chicago, the members of the local
chapter of the Phi 1M Phi Sorority
Wednesday pave a lunrheon at the
Hotel Portland. Mrs. Wade is presl
len.t of the (frand chapter in Chicago
und is vlmtinjr the various chapters on
a Western tour en route to the exposi
Thope prepent were Mrs. Pearle Nel
ion Wade, Mrs. Ralph B. Rector and
the Mioses Katherlno Krdner. Lucile
Hood, Mary McConnell, Kllen Jackson,
Leone Morse, Marion Laurence, Inez
Itnridell, Marie Thatcher.
Tonight Amo Dosch will be honored
at a dinner at the University Club. A
laro attendance of representative
men will be present to welcome him.
Next iatur,day there will be a recep
t.on at Villa Kichenhof, the home of
Colonel and Mrs. Henry K. Iosch.
parents of Arno Dosch. who. with their
dauphters, Mrs. Marguerite Dosch
Jojpel yn and Miss Camllle Dosch. will
entertain between the hours of 3 and
7 o'clock. The festivity will be a
parden party, Mrs. Arno Dosch (El-
Kie Sperry) was unable to come to
Portland on acccount of a recent ill
ness. ihe Is with her mother, Mrs.
;orpe Sperry, in California. Little
Betty Dosch is here with her father
us a gruest'at the Henry E. Dosch res
Mr. and Mrs. Hartridpe G. Whipp
rave returned from a delightful va
cation passed in Denver. They were
extensively entertained by many in
teresting: friends, who showered them
with social honors. They appeared at
several recitals and. at private path
erinps. Mr. Whipp formerly resided
in Denver and was socially popular
Miss Dorothy Collins will leave soon
for Wellesley College. She has been
visitinsr her mother. Mrs. Georse Col
lins, for the Summer.
Mrs. C. K. Holliday returned Friday
evening: from. an extended trip to New
I'ork and other Eastern cities.
Miss Florence McMillan, of New
York, is an interesting visitor who ar
rived in the city this week, and she
will be the gruest of Mrs. Katherine
Ward Pope at the Latourette home in
Oregon City until after their joint con
cert at th Hotel Multnomah ballroom
on the evening of September 14. Miss
McMillan, who has spent the Summer
in San Diego, Los Angeles, Berkeley,
Oakland and San Francisco, will go di
rectly East from Portland. While here
aha will be delightfully entertained,
and a number of affairs are being
planned in her honor.
Miss Leone Cass Baer has returned
from a visit with relatives in Billings,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langerman and
family have returned from a delight
ful visit In San Francisco. They were
guests of Ignatz Steinhart.
Mr. and -Mrs. Benjamin Blumauer,
who have been a month in California I
visiting the expositions at San Diego
and San Francisco, are at home again.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Garretson are
teing felicitated upon the arrival of
a son, born September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wheeler. Miss
Marguerite and Joe Wheeler will leave
today for Astoria to attend the re
fratta. They will go to Oearhart later
to pass a week at the hotel.
In honor of the recent nuptials of
J.Iiss Bertha Matin and Harry Herzog
a. party was given Thursday by Mrs.
.Anna. Michael at her Ains worth-avenue
home. Several vocal numbers were
Fiven by Miss Henrietta Hurwitt, of
Brooklyn, N. Y.t while Harry Herzog
jd Mua u$ie Michael played violin
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and piano solos,
Dancing was also a
Dqmeshc Science
By Lilian Tingle.
HAVE to thank Mrs. O. K. -(Hawaiian
Ty.) for the following recipe.
sent. I think, in reply to a request from
a correspondent received Eome time
German Potato Pancakes six raw
grated - potatoes, 3 eggs, a pinch of
baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 table
spoon flour, a little milk. Peel large
potatoes and soak several hours in
cold water; grate, drain and for every
pint allow 2 eggs, about 1 tablespoon
flour and i teaspoon salt, a little pep
per. Beat eggs well and mix with rest
of ingredients. Drop by .opotnfuls on
a hot, buttered spider, in small cakes.
Turn and brown on both sides. Serve
with apple sauce. MRS. O. K.
Eagle Cliff. Wash., Aup. 23. Can you
Bive any advice in regard to the tutti
frutti recipe Incited? Contents of jar
earned to be keeping nicely until after
peaches were added! A heavy mould formed
and the liquid seemed to bubble. Hav e
removed peaches and would lika to know
if fruit and liquid are boiled, then more
fruit added. If It would be all ripht. Will
you please publish In The Oreoninn at
earliest period? Also return slip. Thank
you for your help. G.
Tutti frutti preserves (requested.) Into a
larpe iar put one quart of the best alcohol
or French brandy, and two larse cup of
mi par. Hull a guart of nice strawberries
and pick them over carefully, rejecting1 any
oft or imperfect one this, rule applies to
every variety -of fruit that may be used.
Do not whsIi the berries unless It is abso
lutely newssary, In which case put them In
a colander and hold them under running
water, or souse the colander up and down
In a deep pan filled with water until the
grit or sand has been entirely washed out,
th-en drain and let the berries dry before
putting- them Into the jar. Wash and wipe
dry two oranges and two lemons, slice them
rather thin, without peeling, remove all
seeds and add the sliced fruit to the berries,
with two cups of sugar. As oth?r small fruits
ripen, add them, -a cup or a pint at a time,
always with a cup of sugar or according to
the acidity of the fruit. Put in plums,
cherries, currants, and so on, and when
peaches are ripe put in a dozen, pared,
stoned and sliced. Almost any fruit may be
used except bananas, which are too soft, as
are California pears by the time they have
reached us in the Kast; firm, ripe pears
may be used, however. Blackberries and
biueberries I do not use. as they color the
sauce too much. If you are more fond of
one kind of fruit than another, use a greater
nrooortlon of that kind, but put In some of
all. You will need to add no more alcohol,!
but sugar is to D put in witn every aaoi
tion nf fruit. Keep the lar well covered.
The strength of the alcohol is taken up by
the different varieties or rruti, Drmging out
the flavor, and next Winter the whole mix
ture forms a rich, eplcy sauoe to serve with
meats, cakes, bread and butter. Ices, or In
any way desired. It is the same, I am sure,
as ttm asked for under the name of "rum
sauce." Many may object to the use of
brandy or alcohol, th object of which is
to keep the uncooked fruit from spoiling,
but the proportion is not nearly eo great as
In & single can of peaches or other fruit
which has fermented, yet which we think
nothing of serving on our table. F. D. C.
St. Albans, t
The sreneral method in the above
recipe is quite correct, but for a largre
quantity of fruit more alcohol miRht
be needed. Stirring: "is also advisable
every time new fruit goes in. Tou see
the proportion of fruit to alcohol piven
above is quite indefinite, and probably
by the time you came to put in the
peaches the alcohol (intended as a pre
servative) was too diluted to prevent
moulding. Did you put in the usual
amount of sugar with the peaches?
While I cannot say for oertain whether
it will save yours. I do know that boil-
inp the contents of a tutti frutti jar
will check fermentation and the result
is usually quite good, though not quite
the same in flavor as the unboiled pre
serve. Boilinjr tends to drive off the
alcohol, so more will be needed if you
want to put in more fruit arter boiling-.
Personally, however, I should
simply boll up tne preserve ana seat it
in jars without more ado. l ou can
if you like aM a few fresh sliced
peaches or other fruits and sugar (if
the preserve "tastes all right after
scalding), boiling until the peaches are
tender. Tutti frutti is a delicious and
easv preserve, and a cooked variety
can be made without any alcohol at ail.
the Young Matron as she poured her
friend a cup of tea.
The Clubwoman looked her bewilder
ment. "Her spirit and body ' she be
gan, puzzled.
The Young Matron laughed. "Perhaps
I had beter put it that she lacks the
sense of appropriateness, I have no
ticed what you mean and I have
thought about it, too, for I like Mrs.
"So do I." agreed the Clubwoman
warmly. "She is just one of the kind
est and best-hearted women I know."
The Young Matron nodded an in
dorsement, "Exactly." All of our set
like her and thatis the reason I think
we hate to see her falling down in her
little efforts to be amusing. We hate
to see the glances the strangers who
may happen to be present interchange.
But It seems to me she doesn't as I said,
make her body and her spir,it fit; or in
other wcrds, she hasn't the sense of
appropriateness. She is large, we all
have to tidmit,"'
"Almost elephantine," sighed the
"And she wears tight, shiny dresses
that emphasize her outline. And the
other day when she got up in that little
crowd at the Bentley's and tried to do
a jig, she was ridiculous."
The Clubwoman nodded. "That was
what I was thinking about."
"May Irwin might pull a thing like
that off successfully, but Mrs. Ridgway
never could," went on the Young Ma
tron. "And that is why I say she lacks
the sense of appropriateness. She has
a body that requires sedateness and
seriousness of manner, and she has the
spirit of a frolicsome child. It's too
bad. When one wants to caper and
gambol and carry on as if she were 11,
it is sad to have an avoirdupois bor
dering on 200. But if one has this
weight and the figure that goes with
it, one ought to act accordingly. I saw
her husband look at her with a very
disapproving eye when she was doing
that stunt the other night. I think he
was quite mortified." j
"I felt rather mortified myself," ad
mitted the Clubwoman. "I like her so
much I hated to see her making a sight
of herself."
"So did I." agreed the Young Matron.
"But she is always doing it. She never
tells the right stories, or she tells them
at the. wrong time. She doesn't even
dress In a way that would put her at
her best. Her clothes are too tight and
shiny And too bright colored. It seems
to me her sense of appropriateness is
not well developed."
Perhaps some of the Test of us who
are failing In certain things we wish
to accomplish may be failing because
we -lack this sense of apropriate
ness. We may be square pegs in round
holes without realizing it. We may be
saying things or doing thTngs which
do not fit the time or occasion though
right In themselves. Our spirit"" may
not fit our body. But if we can't change
our body, perhaps we -can bring about:
greater harmony in our manner of ex-I
pressing the spirit that is speaking
forth tnrough it.
By Mrs F.A."Walker.
By Barb-kra E oyd.
The Sense of the Appropriate.
"I ridver can make out," observed the
Clubwoman, "why Mrs. Ridgway never
seems to make a hit when she is out
in company. All her little efforts to be
pleasant or to amuse those she is with
seem to fall flat. Other people will lo
the same things and be pronounced
clever." v "
. "Do you not think it is because her
spirit and body do not fit?" responded
Jim Crow's Black Coat.
R. PETER CROW lived at the top
of a tall poplar tree and every
morning he. would get up before dawn
and start singing. Now, -as everybody
knows, crows can't sing pretty songs
like most other birds can, but only a
"caw-caw" song, which is very harsh
and dismal. ,
But Mr. Peter Crow thought he had
a beautiful voice and always sang
every morning. Now he happened to
be quite an old crow and had been
singing ever since he was a very wee
little crowlet. So all the other birds
which lived near the poplar had be
come accustomed to hear Mr, Peter
Crow sing every morning. Of course,
none of them like it, but he was big
ger than any of them, and so they
were afraid to tell him what an ugly
voice he had.
Now, it happened that very close to
Mr. Peter Crow lived an old gray owl.
Of course, owls stay out at night and
sleep in the daytime. But one night
old Mr. Owl found such ,a nice little
rat that he stayed too long, and when
he started home it was almost day.
So just as he started to go to sleep
Mr. Peter Crow woke up and began to
"Hi! there." called Mr. Owl, "I can't
get to sleep with you making that
"Then stay awake. called back Mr.
Peter Crow, who knew he was "bigger
than the birds and who thought It was
one of them talking.
"Indeed!" said Mr. Owl, getting very
"When Mr. Peter Crow heard this he
got mad, too, and called back:
"Who are yon to stop my morning
"I'm Mr. William Owl, that's who 1
am!" roared the owl, who was terribly
mad now. 4 '
Mr. Peter Crow did not answer this,
as he knew the owl was lota bigger
than he was. But the owl was too
mad to let the matter drop, so he flew
to the poplar tree and right up to Mr.
Peter Crow, who waa beginning to
There sat Mr. Peter Crow, who was
very white,' as all crows were in those
days, and very much scared.
"I'll teach you to keep me awakeH
roared old Mr. Owl, and as he spoke he
grabbed Mr. Peter Crow in his claws
and "flew away with him.
"Oh! I won't sing any- more; honest
I Won't," said Mr. Peter Crow, who was
very much afraid. m
But Mr. Owl would not answer, but
just kept on flying and flying. Finally
he came to a big forest, which was
very dark and gloomy. He flew right
into this and up to a great old oak
tree with a hollow trunk. Into this
hole Mr. Owl thrust Peter Crow, and
before he could get out the owl had
stopped the hole up with some moss.
And so there poor Peter Crow was
a prisoner in a trBe trunk, which was
so dark that he couldn't see at all.
Peter Crow was very unhappy, but he
kept on singing in the hopes of making
someone hear who would let him out.
After what seemed a very long time
to Peter Crow, a woodpecker came
along and heard him singing and be
gan to peck away the moss. After much
work, the moss was pulled away so
Peter could crawl out, but he was very'
weak and couldn't see at all wtxen he
was suddenly in the light. When he
was strong enough to fly and the light
did not hurt his eyes, he thanked the
woodpecker and flew to his poplar
And the next morning he got up very
early and started to sing. But it was
even a more dismal song than usual,
and as Mr. Owl had gone home early
the night before he was fast asleep and
did not hear Peter Crow.
Peter Crow was just beginning to
feel pretty Well when he heard a little
lark laugh. Then the other birds be
gan to laugh. Peter Crow couldn't
understand it. Then he happened, to
look down and saw himself. He was
jet black. The hollow in the tree had
been so dark that he had turned black
from being in it. Poor Peter Crow was
so upset that he stopped singing and
hung his head.
From that time on, Peter Crow's song
got more and more dismal, and instead
of singing as he used to, he nearly al
ways went around and just kept on
saying "caw, caw," all the time. And
that is What the crows do nearly all
the time to this very day.
(Copyright. 1915, by the McClure News
paper Syndicate, New York City.
religious observance: to begin
on -wednesday night.
Hebrew Festival Celebrate . Year 5670
In Accordance "With Old Tra
ditional Customs.
The Jewish New Year religious cele
bration will begin next Wednesday
night. September 8. between 6 and 7
o'clock. The new .year 5676 in the
Jewish faith will be observed in the
temples and synagogues throughout
the world. The sacred forms of wor
ship, so much in contrast with the con
ventional New Year celebration of other
calendars, will be observed.
Time by the Jewish way of calcula
tion is almost 4000 years, older than
that reckoned by the Gregorian cal
endar, 1915 A. D. being by their com
putation 5676. The new year begins
with the new moon," and by date- Sep
tember 9 is the first day of the year,
but It carries the appellation of Tisri 1.
The religious observance begins with
an elaborate ceremony Thursday morn
ing, and the services combine some
vestiges of antique ritual with expres
sions of human experiences and feel
ings. The Jewish New Tear festival Is the
oldest of all festivals celebrated in the
civilized world. But its antiquity is not
more unique than its significance is.
The secular or conventional New Year,
January 1, when men rejoice in what
they have done or achieved, ie also a
time for sordid Inventories. The Jewish
New Year, September 9 this year, is a
time for serious thought on the mean
ing of life. Jt evokes pious contempla
tion of the difficulties of life and the
inevasible problems as to right and
wrong. Its appeal is not that prac
tical life should be pursued' to' "get
more," but thfft the value of life might
more genuinely be appreciated in its
aspects of truth and morality.
The Jewish New Year, by a tradition,
is set wisely at the beginning of the
Autumn, when men enter upon their
enterprises and obligations with zest.
The faith reasons that is the time of
year when men need a right interpre
tation and an accurate measure Of life.
The services of the day are set ac
cordingly, and the rituals carried out
are most impressive.
Temples Beth Israel, Ahavai Sholom
and the other houses of worship have
arranged fitting observances of the
season. The festival lasts from
Wednesday night to Friday night.
Domestic Science. Teacher Arrives.
GRESHAM, Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
Miss Hazel Carton, instructor of the
domestic science department of the
Union High School, came from Corvallis
u-1"-t'Ti iiiistiri m m
HZL- fi ll - -
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We do our own work in our own photographic studio.
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Our work is GUARANTEED If you are not entirely satisfied, we
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the first of the week, and for the pres
ent is stayintr at the home or AlayoT
Stapleton. while forming plans for her
work at the high school. At a meeting
of the directors of the Greshatn Gram
mar School yesterday it was decided
to open the grade school September 6.
It will be entirely separate from the
high school.
United Brethren Minister Will Be
Buried Today
Rev. Ira K. Meese, a minister of the
United Brethren denomination, died
yesterday at his home, 3543 East Seven
tieth street. In the South East Side. Mr.
Meese was taken to the Portland Sani
tarium for an operation several weeks
ago, but it was decided useless to
Rev. Mr. Meese was 50 years of age.
He. had been in Oregon for about six
years, and served as pastor of Philo
math College for two years. He then
took a pastorate in Washington for a
time, then went to Tillamook, and later
came to Portland. A widow and four
children survive him. The funeral will
be conducted from the United Brethren
Church. East Sixty-seventh street, in
the South East Side, today at 3 P. M.
Douglas Keeps School Supervisors.
ROSE BURG, Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
By a vote of 210 to 190, the directors
of tho school districts of Douglas
County today decided to continue the
school supervision system which has
been in effect here for the past two
years. The supervisors will be elected
at a meeting of the Douglas County
Educational Board here next week.
Don't Miss Jennings Special
Pl.Ul7 T . r v ALUMINUM - . 'I pi.Ui7
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Aluminum Seamless Oval Roaster
Housewives, here's your chance to prepare for the coming Win-
ter, wjjen roasts are so much in vogue. Today we offer a .
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A Regular $3.25 Value, Saturday Only
No Phone Orders, None C. O. P., . 1 fl
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Henry Jenning & Sons
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00 Over Labor Day
Vfesza?' at the Ocean .
Enjoy Most Scenic Ride in Oregon
Spend Saturday, Sunday, Monday
on the delightful
Tillamook County Beaches
Last Trip Seashore Special
Last trip of the Seashore Special
will be from Portland Sunday,
Sept. 5th, from Tillamook beaches
Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6th.
Week-End Excursion Trains
Portland to Tillamook Saturdays,
Tillamook to Portland Sundays
will be run during September
between Portland and Tillamook
on schedule of present trains
143 and 144.
City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth st-, Cor. Oak. Phones
Broadway 2760. A-6704.
John SI. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland