Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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With Speed of 40 Miles for
One Lap Oregon .Wolf Is
Defeated Again.
Three Entries in Free-for-All Heat
Oet Off- Together, but Winner
fchows Her Superiority lYom
Start Ball Is Given.
ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 3. (Special.)
The speedboat Oregon Kid. owned by
Wilber Smith and driven by him and
Herman Zapf, will probably hold the
Pacific Coast International champion
chip for another year. That was prac
tocally decided this morning when she
beat the Oregon Wolf in the second
heat of the free-for-all contest, and,
barring an accident which would pre
vent her finishing the third heat to
morrow, cinched the championship.
The Kid now holds 10 points, while
the Wolf, her only dangerous an
tagonist, has but six, a decided ad
vantage at this tstage of the game.
The weather conditions today were
perfect for racing and the water was
even smoother than yesterday, every
thing being: ideal for some record
breaking, and this -unquestionably
would have occurred had the Kid been
crowded to the limit. As it was she
ran one lap at the rate of 40 miles
an hour, just seven-tenths of a mile
below the record on the local course,
-a record that was made by the Kid in
Vogler Boy Still I nder Water.
Hard luck which befell two of the
racers yesterday interfered materially
with today's contests. The Vogler Boy
is still at the bottom of the river and
the Red Nose, which was badly pound
ed and severely strained in yesterday's
races, was not in good shape and was
scarcely able to finish the heat in the
16-foot class.
The Lawana also developed a streak
of hard luck. She won the heat in the
16-foot class and entered the free-for-all,
but was forced to drop out before
completing the first lap.
The first race of the morning was
the second heat of the race for 16-foot-ers,
three times around the- short
course, or nine miles. The only entries
"were the Lawana and Red Nose. They
got off together, but the former soon
swung into the lead and crossed the
line at the end of the first lap 32 sec
onds ahead of her rival. On the second
lap the Lawana spurted, running at
the rate of 30.9 miles an hour, and
gained nearly half a lap on the Red
Nose. She kept this lead to the end,
finishing in 18 minutes and 16 sec
onds, with the Red Nose 3 minutes and
seconds in the rear. The Lawana's
average speed for the nine miles was
29.6 miles an hour, Just equal to the
best lap made yesterday by the Vogler
Boy when it won the first heat.
Cannery Entries Dlnqnalifled.
The handicap cannery tender race in
which there were four entries was won
by the Altoona. with the Inde
pendence second. The S. Schmidt & Co.
and the- Globe, which finished first,
were disuualif ied for beating their try
cut speed more than 3 per cent.
There were but three entries in the
second heat of the free-for-all race
and but two of them finished. The
starters were the Oregon Wolf. Oregon
Kid and the Lawana, and the distance
was 20 miles, or four times around the
five-mile course. The start was one
of the prettiest ever seen on the local
course and there was scarcely six
Inches difference in the bows of the
racers when they crossed the line and
sped away for the upper buoy. The
Kid, however, was apparently out for
blood and she fairly Jumped out of the
water as she plunged ahead in a ter
rific spurt that sent a sheet of foam
and spray high into the air. With the
first quarter of a mile she obtained a
good lead, but she held to her knit
ting and finished the first lap in 7:30,
or at the rate of exactly 40 miles an
hour, the best time made thus far this
Wolf Haw Knglne Tronlile.
The Wolf did not make so good a
showing, as her engines were not be
having properly, and much of the time
only six of her nine cylinders were ex
ploding. At the end of the first lap
the Kid slowed down and lost a mile an
hour on each successive lap until the
last one. when she dropped to slightly
more than a 32-mile rate. At the close
the Wolf was more than half a lap
behind, while the lawana had dropped
out before making one run around the
course. The Oregon Kid's time for the
20 miles was S2-.T2; or at the rate of
37 miles an hour, much slower than
yesterday. The time for Oregon Wolf
was 38:48, or at a rate of 26:75 miles
an hour.
In the sailing cruiser race this after
noon there were three entries, the
Wauna. Halycon and Columbian, all
members of the Oregon Yacht Club.
The Halycon came in first, but was dis
qualified for crowding the Wauna out
of the course and the latter was given
the race.
The Queen's and Admiral's ball, the
main social feature of the Regatta, was
held tonight.
Portland AYill Send Excursion to
Attend Astoria Regatta.
Portland is expected to make it al
most unanimous in the matter of at
tendance at the Astoria Regatta today
in the excursion under the auspices of
the Portland Chamber of Commerce.
The excursion train will . leave at
S:30 this morning, and the excursion
is open to all who desire to attend.
The lound-trip rate is 3 through to
Oearhart. with stopover privileges at
Astoria and time over until Monday.
The crowd will be met at the depot
In Astoria by a committee of busi
ness 7iien and will be escorted to the
Weinhard-Astoria Hotel, where a big
luncheon is to be held. Members of
the committee for the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce for the excursion are
announced as follows: W. R. Prud
homme, O. J. Kraemer, A. A. Ausplund.
A. L Barbur. Kdgar S. Piper S. C.
lalton. W. A. Williams. J. W. 'p. Mc
l'all and H. J. Blaesing.
Several Hundred People to He Em
ployed Invlude Many Indians.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) Hoppicking is now in full blast
in the yards near Chehalis. In the
tiarbe yard here 100 pickers are em
ployed. At Ceres 150 pickers will be
gin work Monday, in the Chamberlain
Yesterday the picking began in the
Klaber yards. This company has one
yard adjoining Chehalis, and at Kla
hcr. 12 miles southeast of here, has
the largest yard in Washington. It
will employv 500 pickers, among;' them
being many Indians from the Grays
Harbor country. When the crew which
is picking in the Long yard at Ceres
completes its work they will pick the
hops in the Ray yard.
Programme is Thrill From Start to
Finish and Attendance Imrge.
TOPPENISH, "Wash., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) The paid attendance at the
Roundup, beginning . yesterday, waa
slightly larger than last year and .the
programme given was one continuous
thrill from start to finish. Mabton's
band furnished the music. Following:
were the winners :
Quarter-mile dash "Won by Big Dick,
owned by Smith.
Half-mile Indian dash Won by Crescent,
owned by Alex McCoy.
Half-mile white race Won. by Sixteen,
owned by Calhoun.
Squaw race Won by Louise Winnier.
Five-eighths-mile race Won by Hynella.
owned by'Leslte Crawford.
Three-fourths-mile nice Won by Leo H.,
owned by PowelL
One-mile dash Won by Billy McCoy. 9
Cowboy relay race Won by Jeeste George's
Indian relay race Won by Schyster't
string1, Jessie George rider.
Cowgirls relay race Won by Ollva Os
borne, The Roundup continues two more
City Will Greet Pendleton Delega
tion When It Ueachcs Fair.
BAKER. Or.. Sept. 3. (Special.)
Baker will preet the Pendleton Round
up boosters with a vim when they ar
rive next Thursday to attend the Baker
County Fair. The visitors will be met
at the depot that morning by a dele
gation, headed by T. G. Montgomery, a
former Pendleton resident, in buckaroo
costume. Automobiles will escort the
visitors through the city and into the
surrounding country.
At tlie fair in the afternoon a sec
tion of reserved Beats will accommo
date the guests and some novel stunts
are being arranged in the programme
for their benefit. A banquet will be
given by Baker business men in their
honor at the Geiser Grand in the even
ing. The committee in charge of the
reception is composed of 13. G. Dedrick,
George Mclntyre and P. P. Correil.
Lewlston Will Be Host to Method
ists for 1916 Conference.
SPOKANE, Sept. 3. The Laymen's
Association in session here with the
Columbia conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church today elected dele
gates to the General Conference at
Saratoga. N. Y., in May next year. The
delegates are:
D. H. Cox, Walla Walla; L. R. Hor
ton, Snokane; Floyd L. Daggett, Clym
pia; B. F. Krumler, North Yakima.
Rev. B. E. Koontz, superintendent of
the Coeur d'Alene district, was the first
delegate elected by the Columbia River
Conference to the General Conference
at Saratoga next year.
Rev. Robert Brumley, superintendent
of the Wenatchee district of the con
ference, was elected second delegate.
Lewiston, Idaho, was selected as the
meeting place of the next conference.
Walkout at William P. Massey Yards
First Reported This Year.
QUINABY, Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
The first strike noted in a hopyard
this year occurred Wednesday at the
William P. 'Massey yards, when 100
hoppickers walked out, after having
been given credit for 79 pounds of hops
instead of the usual 80 pounds, the
manager stating that the drenching
rain through which they had worked
had made the hops that much heavier.
General dissatisfaction prevails at
the rate of payment, which is 80 cents
a hundred, as supplies of all kinds are
high around the yards. No hops were
picked Wednesday afternoon and the
crew has been ordered from the shacks,
to make room for new pickers from
Roundup Attire Begins xt Week,
Davis Crew Beginning Sept. 14.
PENDLETON, Or., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) With more than a score of con
tracts already signed for the decora
tion of private and public buildings, the
work of transforming Pendleton into
its resplendent roundup attire will be
gin next week. R. H. Davis, represent
ing the Seattle Decorating Company,
which did considerable work in deck
ing out Pendleton's first roundup, and
which decorated many of the buildings
at the Panama-Pacific and San Diego
expositions this year, will start a crew
at work op September 14.
Other decorators will begin at about
the same time.
The Pendleton Hotel is planning elab
orate decorations, which will include
the treatment of every room.
Reef in Vicinity of Pittsburg Land
in? Declared Better Than Ever.
LEWISTON, Idaho. Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) "We are goir.g to ship out the
finest beef cattle this year that have
ever been taken out of the country."
declared W. K. Stockdale, of Pittsburg
Landing, on Snake River, about SO
miles above Lewiston, who was in the
city from his stock ranch recently.
"I know several parties in this sec
tion who have beef cattle now. so fat
thit it is difficult to gret them over
the range. The range this year has
been almost perfect. The prass could
not well be better, and crops of alfalfa
and beardless barley are fine."
August Passes AYitliout Frost.
PR1XEVILLE. Or., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) Oldtimers and weather prophets
who have been complaining of chilling
frosts in the Summer time are at a
loss to compare the present Summer's
wonderful weather with 20 and 30
years agro, because for the first time
in many years the month of August
has passed without any sign of a frost.
Farmers are preparing for a third cut
of alfalfa and the wood and coal men
are unable to talk fuel to any one. The
hot weather of the past three months
has made wonderful growths for the
Lay raisers and gardens.
Girl Whips Man Who Follows Her.
CENTRAL! A. "Wash., Sept, 3- (Spe
cial.) An impersonator of Charley
Chaplin at a local theater came to grief
last night at the hands of Miss Myrtle
Bamer, sister of Oeorge Earner, clerk
of the local school district. The im
personator followed M iss Barner up
Tower avenue, whereupon the latter
turned and laid him low with a blow
to the jaw.
Bowdoinharii, Me., reports catching
bnnlesa shad. It ha been named "the Bur-bank.
School Begins
September 7
'"THEY'RE trooping in
-V by scores for these new
suits for the "first day of school"
Here at this store are the largest, new
est stocks- here are the fairest prices
here is ample room for all to be served.
This week I offer
every new Fall $6
Norfolk Suit, ages
6 to 18 years, at
one special price. .
Each suit is full-lined throughout, with
- an extra pair of knickers, free. Unde
niably the best school suits at the price
" that you can buy.
Saturday Special Boys
Regular 50c School
Blouses 35ct 3 for $1.00
The Second Floor Elevator
Morrison at Fourth
Round-trip Excursion Fare
still in effect, daily to
Sept. 30, to Minneapolis,
St. Paul, Duluth, Superior,
Winnipeg, Sioux City,
Omaha, Kansas City.
Stopovers permitted en route, and return limit October 31.
Like reductions from regular round-trip fares are in effect to
points in Middle Western and the Eastern States and Eastern
Summer Excursion Fares
Via the
"Great Big Baked Potato" Route
Northern Pacific Railway
Two 72-Hour Trains
Daily from Portland to Chicago, each with Observation Car,
Coaches, Standard and Tourist Sleeping , Cars, Dining Cars.
One Daily to St. Louis
Via St. Joseph and Kansas City.
Open Until September 15
Go in at Gardiner, the Northern and Original Entrance,
' and See It All.
Sleeping-Car Berths,
255 Morrison Street
Phones: Main 244, A 1244
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A.
Portland, Or.
F-4 Men Rushed to Engine
Room of Submarine.
Members of Naval Board of Inquiry,
However, Decline to Discuss
Nature of Accident Which
Resulted in Deaths.
HONOLULU. Sept. 3. Ten more
bodies were found today in the hull
of the United States submarine F-4,
crowded in the engine-room, when a
hole was cut through the steel plates
to effect an entrance. One body was
identified as that of Ivan L. Mahan,
machinist's mate, of Lima, O. '
Members of the naval board of in
quiry declined to discuss the question
of whether the finding of so many
bodies in the compartment indicated
the nature of the accident which caused
the vessel to sink in Honolulu Bay in
March, with 22 officers and men on
It was suggested by some of those
working on- the submarine that an ex
plosion elsewhere in the vessel caused
the men to seek refuge in the engine
room. So far 13 bodies have been taken
from the hold of the submarine. Others,
many in a fragmentary state and bad
ly decomposed, have been located cov
ered with wreckage of the interior.
All Are In reconcilable to Pretentions
of Bulgaria, Which Is Thought
Delmrlns Day- of Action.
ROM -3, via Paris, Sept. 3. Revision
of the treaty of Bucharest has been
agreed to explicitly by Serbia, Kou-
mania and Greece, according" to reports
received here, but it is said these coun
tries are not wiUing to satisfy entirely
Bulgaria's desire for territorial com
pensation for participating' in the war.
Bulgaria s pretensions apparently
are irreconcilable with what her neigh
bors are willing to grant and the im
pression is gaining ground that she is
prolonging the negotiations with the
aim of postponing the day when she
must reach a decision.
The treaty of Bucharest which ended
the Balkan conflict following the vic
tory over Turkey was signed August
10. 1913, between Bulgaria and Kou
bania, Greece and Montenegro.
By the treaty the Roumanian
Bulgarian frontier starts from the
Danube above Turtukai and ends on
the Black Sea south of Ekrane. The
Ser bo-Bulgarian frontier starts from
the Patarica Mountain, continues along
the old Turco-Bulgarian frontier and
the water shed between the Varda and
the Eturma and ends at the mountain
of Belashictza. The Greek-Bulgarian
frontier starts on the crest of the
Belashictaa ranee and ends at the
month of the River Nestor, on the
Aegean Sea.
Argument Over Road Right of Way
Leads to Blows in Commission.
TACOMA. Wash., Sept. S. (Special.)
After heated arguments over whether
the county should pay the Mashell
Paint Company damages of $U5 for
risrht of way over a strip of property
in the line of the proposed Eatonville
road. Chairman Slayden, of the Board
of County Commissioners, ex-member of
the State legislature today struck At
torney A. H. Denman on the right eye,
drawing blood.
Attorney Denman's risht eye was cut
and his spectacles broken. Both men
were grabbed and held by the other
Commissioners and spectators after the
flrst swift clash. Denman says he will
prosecute Slayden in Police Court.
Wife AVho Kan for County Clerk
Wants to Quit Senatorial Aspirant.
BAKER, Or., Sept. 3. (Special.)
Two candidates for state and county
offices at the last election are to run
In separate harness if the suit for di
vorce by Mrs. Mayme Mayville is
granted. She says that soon after the
election A. N. Mayville, after living
with her since their marriage in 190S,
left her and has not returned.
Mrs. Mayville was candidate on the
Socialist ticket for Couuty Clerk and
her husband ran on the same ticket for
State Senatorshlp. Mrs. Mayville says
they acquired together a 320-acre ranch
near Durkeo and, there being no chil
dren, she wants a half interest in the
ranch. 1
Raymond Cotincilmen Resign.
RAYMOND, Wash.. Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) A change in the personnel of
the Raymond City Council took place
last night, when Ernest Leber re
signed to accept the appointment of
superintendent of waterworks, a posi
tion created by the purchase of the
water system by the city. Mr. Lober
has been superintendent for the Ray
mond Water Company for a number
of years. His place on the Council was
filled by the appointment of George L.
Raymond. W. T. Stapleton also re
signed from the Council, and his place
was taken by Henry Schloss.
Fire Scares Rryad Audience.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) Considerable excitement was
created at an entertainment staged in
Dryad by Rev. John Tonkins, a blind
evangelist of Kalama, when a 14-year-old
boy, who was operating a stereopti
con, allowed a resistance coil to heat
up and catch fire. The audience went
out through the windows and doors,
but fortunately the building did not
catch fire and no damage was done
except to the machine.
Skin diseases
quickly yield to
If you have eczema, ringworm
or other itching-, burning, un
sightly skin-eruption, try Resinol
Ointment and Resinol Soap and
see how quickly the itching stops
and the trouble disappears, even
in a severe, stubborn case. Res
inol Ointment is also an excellent
household remedy for pimples,
dandruff, sores, bums, wounds,
chafings, and for a score of other
uses where a soothing, healing
application is needed.
Resinol contains' nothing of a harsh or
injurious nsturs arvi can be used freely even
on the most irritated surface. Every drupg-ist
sails Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap.
Conference With Party Leaders) In East
Expected to Mean Washing
ton Executive Will Run.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 3. (Special.)
Governor Lister will return to Olym
pia tomorrow from his three weeks'
trip to California and the East, his re
turn being dated some days earlier
than was anticipated. Politicians ex
pect that the executive will shortly let
jus own political plans become known.
During Mr. Lister's absence,- several
Republicans have announced their Gub
ernatorial candidacies, and this fact, it
is believed here, may induce the exec
utive to break his silence on the ques
tion of his candidacy for re-election.
Several months ago. Governor Lister,
in denying a report that he would
seek the Democratic nomination for
United States Senator, stated he would
either be a candidate for re-election
or would retire to private life.
Report that on his way to Boston, to
attend the Governors' conference. Gov
ernor Lister stopped at Washington,
D. c, and other points, to consult Na
tional leaders of his party, has led to
the belief that the executive will an
nounce his candidacy for re-election
shortly after his return home. Offi
cials of the Democratic state adminis
tration have for some months been
working upon the theory that their
chief would be a candidate to succeed
himself, though no one pretends to have
had any word direct from the Gover-
The Portland Ad Club
Invites You to Participate in
Highway Inspection Day
Tickets on Sale at the following places:
Down Town Headquarter
N. W. Bank Bldj?.. 333 Morri
son Street.
Information Counter
Portland Chamber
. merce.
Information Counter
Meier & Frank.
Information Counter
Roberts Brothers Department
of Corn-
Information Counter
Lipmaa - Wolfe Department
Information Counter
Olds, Wort man & King- De
partment Store.
Ticket Office
O.-W. R. & N. R. R.. 3d and
Information Counter
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Big Day of Games, Lunch, Music
Bring the Family and Come
ROUND TRIP FARES Children, 5 to 12, 33c; Adults, 65c
nor, Mr. Lister being notoriously close
mouthed, even with his political inti-matesi
$221 Paid in Bounties.
A communication was yesterday re
ceived from W. O. Hadley, of The
Dalles, at the headquarters of the
state game warden in the Pittock
blork to the effect that during thp
month of August 71 coyotes and four
bob cats had been killed in Wasco
County. Bounties p::id amounted to
$213 on the coyotes and $3 on the bob
The State Game and Firt Commis
sion hopes that killing of the preda
tory animals will continue in the state
to prevent the spread of rabies among
the coyotes.
-mm, iiiiS
The Canal of Speech
New York City to the Palace of Liberal Arts, Panama-Pacific Inter
national Exposition
When visiting the Exposition you are cordially invited to hear the
human voice traveling; over the Transcontinental Telephone Line from
New York. Over this canal of speech, 3400 miles long;, voices are
broug;ht from the Atlantic Coast to visitors comfortably seated in our
theater. '
See the motion pictures illustrating the Progress of Telephony
an intensely interesting story.
Demonstration Daily (except Sunday)
11:00 A. M., 1:30 P. M., 2:30 P. M., 3:30 P. M.4:30 P. M.
Admission Free