Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Worth Portland Residents Ob
ject to City Commission.
Resolutions Adopted at Meeting in
Old Conch School Charge Ex- j
travagance "Older Present
System of Administration.
People living- In the vicinity of the
old Couch School at Seventeenth and
Lovejoy streets expressed disapproval
of the present eystem of conducting
the municipal government at a meeting-
held Thursday night.
A group of them pot together in the
echoolhouse and listened to George S.
Shepherd explain a proposed represen
tative form of charter with the party
politics left out, and adopted resolu
tions indorsing the plan.
S. H. Gruber presided. E. Pender
acted as secretary. A lively discussion
was indulged in by a dozen or more
of those in attendance.
After adopting the resolutions the
meeting arranged for the appointment
of a committee to promote the senti
ment of a new form of government in
other parts of the city. Another meet
ing will be held next week, at which
this committee will be appointed.
Other Office Elective
Mr. Shepherd was the principal
speaker. He explained that his pro
posed system provides for a Uayor with
a salary of $4000 a year and 11 Council
men, representing the various wards,
with salaries at $1000 a year each. The
councihnen will not be required to give
all their time to municipal affairs. The
Alayor will.
The City Treasurer, Municipal Judge,
Auditor and City Attorney are to be
elected by the people. No party desig
nation shall appear on the ballot.
Others speakers heartily indorsed the
idea of continuing the city government
free from party politics.
Mr. Shepherd emphasized the In
creased cost of the present system con
trasted with the old form of govern
ment. A number of speakers were favorable
to a city manager plan, as proposed by
S. Benson.
Extravagance Is Charged.
Following Mr. Shepherd's speech the
following resolutions were passed?
Whereas, Our' city government appears to
be unable to carry on the administration of
Its affairs without creating: new and useless
offices, raisin? salaries and running our city
Into debt, thereby placing an almost un
bearable taxation on the Industrious ana
frugal; and Just so long as our commission
lorra of government is tolerated, just so long
will the burdens of taxation increase and fall
on thoB who are least able to pay, and who
are striving to meet the ever-exacting de
mand of municipal expenses In upholding
this form of government in its wasteful and
extravagant method and operation of pub
lic affairs. We believe in the fundamental
principles of a representative government; a
government of, by and for the people, and
are opposed to a duplication of Mayors and
other officials without head or monumental
methods; therefore, be It
Resolved, That we are opposed to the
prefiont high and exorbitant system and of
ficial recruiting methods employed and now
prevailing and forming the major part of
our present city' administration; and be it
Resolved, That we favor a representative
Instead of a commission form of government,
with a city charter guarding against this
wasteful and extravagant use of the peo
ples money, and to that end and purpose
we appeal to all good citizens as well as
taxpayers, for an Immediate change of our
present city government and administration.
Scrgennt AYcnzcI, Accused of Short
age, l'o uiul Poisoned.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. Louis H.
Wenzcl, sergeant. United States Marine
Corps, for whom the police were
eearching on account of an alleged
shortage at the Mare Island Navy-yard,
In the post exchange cash, of which
Wenzel was custodian, was found in
a hotel here last night, dead from poi
son. He died, the authorities say, prob
ably on Wednesday night.
Wenzel disappeared from the JJavy
yard a few days ago. After his de
parture a shortage of about 500 is
said to have been discovered in his ac
counts. A reward of $50 was offered
for his capture.
Crop or 23,000 Pounds, Xervly
Picked, Destroyed at Santa Rosa.
SANTA ROSA, Cal., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) The hop kiln, several adjoining
buildings and about 25,000 pounds of
recently picked hops, on the ranch of
Mrs. L. L. Woodward, at Mount Olivet,
eight miles from here on the Russian
River, were destroyed by fire about 9
o'clock last night.
Mrs. Woodward valued the kiln and
other buildings at 15000 and the hops
at about $3000. The fire started In a
storeroom where the baling cloths for
the hops were kept. tne of the ranch
employes attempted to enter the room
when the fire was discovered, but was
forced to run for his life, so quickiy
cid the flames spread.
Spokane Conference Chooses Five
Columbia District Officers.
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 3 The five
districts In the Columbia" River Metho
dist Episcopal laymen's conference
elected vice-presidents to serve in" the
association for the coming year at the
cession today. Those chosen were:
Spokane district, Mrs. 1. M. Hada
baugh; Coeur 'd Alene district, R. L.
Rrainard; The Palles district, B. S.
Snyder; Walla Walla district. A. R.
Reeves; Wenatchee district, Fred Kemp.
lieport Is Admiral von Pohl Will
Succeed Minister of Marine.
LONDON. Sept. 3. An Amsterdam
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
Company says it is reported that Ad
miral von Tirpitz. the German Minis
ter if Marine, will resign and will ba
succeeded by Admiral von Pohl, now
chief of the Admiralty staff and com1
mander of the German battle Meet.
Present Flight World Champion Is
an. Indiana Bird.
(Harper's Magazine.)
The present world champion is Bul
let D-1872, owned ty O. W. Anderson,
of Fort Wayne. Indiana The bird was
fcttcked Iu 1909. When four and a half
months of age. training was begun.
She was taken first two. then five,
eight, fifteen, twenty-five, forty, and
then seventy-five miles away and al
lowed to return. (This training was
distributed, of course, over several
weeks.) She was then entered in the
one-hundred and two-hundred-mile
races. In 1910 she was again given the
above preliminary training races, and
allowed to compete in the two-hundred,
three-hundred, four-hundred and five-hundred-mile
races. In 1911 and 1912
she waa given the same amount of
training. In 1913, after the prelimin
ary mgnts, she won the two-hundred,
and the five-hundred-mile races, flying
the five-hundred-mile race in about
eleven hours. Shortly after this flight
the bird was sent to Abiline, Texas, one
thousand and ten miles (air line meas
ure) from. Fort Wayne. The bird was
liberated at 4:30 A. M.,' July 11, 1913.
and homed at 4 P. M., July 12, the
flying time being one day, eleven hours,
thirty minutes and six seconds. In
this same race a bird belonging to
Mr. John Schilling homed at 11:30 A.
M. the following day (July 13), and a
third bild, belonging to F. Nahrwald,
a half-hour later. All of the above
races were flown under the rules of
the American Racing Pigeon Union.
The best previous record for one thou
sand miles was made by a pigeon be
longing to H. Beech, of Fort Wayne,
in 1912, the time being two days, nine
hours and some odd minutes. And
this record lowered the time made In
1910 by a bird belonging to L. Gebfert,
of the same city, this time being three
days, eleven hours and some odd min
utes. Such -records will probably
never be beaten except by happy com
binations of strong favorable wind and
clear, warm weather.
Contest Scheduled for 10 Konnds Is to
Be Staged at Aberdeen l Boxers
Train at Rose City Club.
"Jockey" Bennett, Portland bantam
weight, left Thursday for Aberdeen,
Wash., where he will meet Tex Vernon
over the 10-round route Labor Day.
Bennett has been at Pendleton for sev
eral weeks, his last bout there having
oeen a zo-round a raw with Billy Mas-
"I have met Vernon twice before
said Bennett last nierht. "We boxed
four and six-round draws before Ver
non went East. Unless he has improved
lot in the Bast I don't think he can
beat me."
Vernon has agreed to make 122
pounds for Bennett, who will weigh in
around 116.
Bennett says that plans for a match
at Pendleton during the Roundup be
tween Danny O'Brien, of Portland, and
Chet Nef f e, of Seattle, have fallen
Boxers are now working- out in the
afternoons at the Rose City Athletic
Club, across the Morrison bridge. Five
local mitt-wielders were hard at it ves-
Lterday, taking the kinks out of their
anatomies ror coming fistic endeavors
this Winter,
Valley Trambitas. the welterweitrht.
boxed four rounds with Silent Hexter,
a 130-pounder. Hexter is deaf and
dumb, but this does not seem to handi
cap him in his ring endeavors. He is
just starting the boxing game and
shows up well.
Others in training at the club are
Tom Clark, the 125-pounder from Seat
tle; Abe Gordon, local 105-pounder, and
Joe Benjamin, ex-star performer in the
115-pound class, of
letic Club.
the Spokane Ath-
Patrolman Ilazen Carried to Hos
pital AVhen Star Lost.
For the Becond time since he en-
teredthe Police Bureau four months
ago, M. fc. Ilazen, a patrolman, was
suspended Thursday night by order of
Police Chief Clark. Ilazen fainted and
was carried to the Emergency Hospital
wnen captain lnsKeep informed hiin of
his discharge.
The captain says the action was
due to a number of petty charges which
have been filed against the officer.
Chief among these was a report that
Ilazen had been entering stores on his
beat and helping himself to eatables,
with the knowledge but without the
consent of the owners.
Ilazen was suspended last June for
sleeping while on duty, but was rein
stated by the Civil Service Board be
cause he had lost sleep during extra
Seattle Convention Learns of Sew
Drinks of Fruit Jnices.
SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 3. At the
closing banquet tonight tp the mem
bers of the American Chemical Society,
announcement was made of the selec
tion by the society's council of Urbana.
111., as the place for meeting next year.
A feature of the addresses at the
banquet tonight was the manufacture
of new non-alcoholic beverages from
fruit juices, and point was given to
the addresses by the presentation to
guests of bottles of new beverages pre
pared by chemists.
After another day's sight-seeing here
the members expect to go to Portland,
Or., to be the guests of the Oregon di
vision of the society at a luncheon and
excursion up the Columbia River.
Court Says War Department, Xot
Xavy, Should Try Case,
PHILADELPHIA, Bept. 3- The con
tention of Tonkin S. Davis, a marine,
that he should have been tried by the
War Department instead ol a Naval
court-martial for slashing- a comrade
with, a knife white serving in Vera
Crua under General Funston, was sus
tained in an opinion banded down here
today by Judge Dickinson in the United
States District Court.
Different views on the question have
been expressed by Secretary Daniels
of the Xavy, Secretary of War Garri
son. Judge-Advocate-General of the
Army, and the Attorney-General's of
fice. Judge Dickinson's ruling is Baid
to be the first judicial decision ever
handed down on the subject.
Nevada, Now Nearly Completed, to
Have Trials October 18.
QUINCY. Mass., Sept. 3. Arrange
ments for the official trials next month
of the Dattleship Nevada, now nearly
completed at the Fore River Shipbuild
ing Corporation yards here, was an
nouncc-d today. The Nevada will go
into drydock at Brooklyn on October
11. The trials will begin on the Penob
scot course on October 18.
The Nevada is of 27,500 tons displace
ment and carries 10 14-inch, 20 five
inch rifles and four 21-inch submerged
torpedo tubes. She Is similar to the
New York in armament, although 500
tons larger.
0.-W. R. & M. Force Takes
' Ride on Steamship Beaver.
More than 900, Including Officers
and First Woman Ticket Agent,
on Excursion to St. Helens.
Newspaper Is "Published.
Music of bagpipes of Scotland en
livened the O.-W. R. & N. Employes'
Club river party on board the steamship
Beaver Thursday night. With a happy
assemblage of 99S persons on board
the boat left the Alnsworth dock at
:4o o ciock, going as far as St. Helens
and returning about midnight.
A potent factor in the success of the
affair was the O.-W. R. & N. Employes'
band which, under the direction of S.
E. Westover, gave a concert, first in
front of the company's general office
in Portland, then at the Ainsworth
dock and all during the trip. J. D.
Farrell. president of the company, gave
the Employes' Club the use of the
boat and the crew.
Dancers Use All Declts.
On every deck there were dancers
and music In the social hall splendid
vocal and Instrumental solos, mingled
with conversation and merriment, made
evident the festival spirit. The popu
lar piper, whose bagpipes were one of
the most happy features of the party,
was J. H. MacDonald in full costume.
Blllio Southerland entertained the
guests with the "sword dance" and a
number of interesting Scotch dances.
Refreshments were served in the dining-room
by the regular Beaver force.
Candy booths for the club benefit were
maintained by W. M. Abel and the fol
lowing 15 young women, who were
stationed in purple and white draped
stalls: The Misses Lena Krieerer. Mil
dred Worden, Esther De Groat, Bessie
Kitchie, Laun Hall, Mollle Repp, Helen
Keller. Bessie Sawyer. Lilah Clarke.
Gladys Genmell, Mary Dahl, Cencil
Murphy, Mrs. A. .Kinard and Mrs. JT.
Many Notables Aboard. .
One of the most enthusiastic excur
sionists on board was Miss Estelle Mac
Cauley, the first woman ticket agent
of the United States. Other notable per
sons present were w. 13. wells, agent
of the San Francisco & Portland Steam
ship Company; H. M. Watkins, presi
dent of the O.-W. K. & N. Employes'
Club; A. C. Jackson, advertising man
ager ard Mrs. Jackson; John Scott
Mills, ec'.itor of the Pacific Semaphore,
and Mrs. Mills; Mr. and Mrs. F. T.
Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Me
Math, General Passenger Agent Will
iam MeMurray and daughter, Agnes,
and S. E. Westover.
A special edition of the Ocean Wire
less News was gotten out for the ex
cursion. The first suggestion was.
"Now that we are all here, let's make
this a night of nights and a time of
times," and every excursionist adopted
the slogan. They took possession of the
entire steamer. Captain E. W. Mason
and Purser H. Eddlngs thought they
were in charge, but before the boat pro
ceeded Deyond the city limits they
found out they were mistaken. The
passengers owned the boat. Every of
ficer of that boat placed himself at the
disposal of the club members and their
friends. -
resides i-resiaent J. u. a arreii, a gen
eral committee Is responsible for the
success of the excursion. Members of
the committee are: General chairman,
George W. McMath; W. D. Wells, Cur.
tis G. Sutherland. Harold West, S. E,
Westover, W. M. Abel and F. T. Greg
ory. Additional to these were all the
committeemen of the Employes' Club,
who assisted the heads.
The return was made by moonlight,
with the music of the band, song and
dance still continuing.
Dollar for Blank: Book and
Safe Investments.
a Pen
Saturday Evening: Post,
The Department of Agriculture puts
the value of the chief necessaries of
life consumed by an average farm fam
ily each year at a little under $600; but
over $400 worth of these necessaries is
contributed by the farm itself, leaving
only $X74 worth to be purchased by the
That suggests one difficulty with the
average farm bookkeeping:: It consists
of only a cash account. A good many
farmers- can tell, with approximate
accuracy, how much money they re
ceived and paid out during a year. The
number that have even an approximate
notion of the value of articles con
sumed on the farm is much smaller. "1
got so much for my hogs," a farmer
may tell you; but if you ask what he
might have got for the feed they con
sumed he answers: "Oh, I raised that
myself.' '
And there are still many more farm
ers who have no clear notion as to how
much caeh they received and disbursed.
They know only howmuch they have
left at the end of the year. In farming,
as much as in banking and railroading,
good bookkeeping is the foundation of
real economy and efficiency. Stuffing
$8 worth of corn into a pigskin and
selling it for $7.50 is certainly not
A great amount of money is lost
yearly in milch cows simply because
the owners do not know what each
quart of cream they sell hai actually
cost them. A proper but very simple
set of books would show at once which
cows yielded a profit and which were
merely perambulatory corncribs.
A dollar invested in a blank book
and a pen would be the best invest
ment many farmers could make.
Former Seaman in Xavjr, Despond-
cnt. Takes Own Life.
Gilbert Chase, . formerly a seaman
in the United States Navy, committed
suicide at 10:30 o'clock Thursday night
by shooting himself through the head in
hus room at 61 North Third street. The
man lived over Stipe Brothers' gro
cery store, where he had been em
ployed two years.
Chase was about 60 years old. He
told his friends he helped build the rail
road across the Isthmus of Panama, In
pioneer days. The suicide ia attributed
to despondency.
An Official Explains the Organiza
tion Has Xo Military Purpose.
New Tork Times.
Colon H. Livingstone, vice-president
of the ' American National Bank of
Washington, came to New Tork the
other day to confer -with other offi
cials of the Boy Scouts of America.
"A thing which surprises and dis
tresses all of us," said Mr. Livingstone,
is that so many persons do not under
stand that there are two organizations
bearing the scout name Boy Scouts of
America and tie United States Boy
couta. This would not be serious If
tne two organizations were not so dif
Cerent in character, methods and pur
pose. The chief difference is that the
United States Boy Scouts are avowedly
military. The Drs are equipped with
?uns and drilled In armories in regular
military lashlon, whereas the Boy
Scouts of America do not have militarv
drill and do not carry arms as part of
meir equipment.
"The men on our National council and
its various boards and committees are
agreed that it is not only dangerous to
place firearms in the hands of boys
12 to 15 years, but it defeats the pur
pose which evidently is in the minds of
those who did it.
"We in the Boy Scouts of America
open to the boy the whole world of
wholesome interest; the out-of-doors,
trees, plants, birds, animals, the winds
and stars, tides and fogs and all that is
beautiful and significant in nature and
Important to man and to commerce. In
terpreting those fascinating things in
ici-ius which ooys can understand, we
fix nis Interest upon all things that are
good and noble. We do not preach to
the boy, but by illustration, example
and his own personal experience re
veal to him that he can have just as
much fun doing 'good turns' to persons
or animals and helping good causes as
he can in mere mischief-making."
And the Soldiers Ordain What
Shall Be.
Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution.
Though a strange oversight, no pro
vision for regimental bands seems to
have been made for ,the new army
Kitchener is recruiting for England.
Himself the embodiment of silence and
lack of emotion, what the British troops
might suffer through the absence of
musical accessories does not seem to
have occurred to him, although it ap
pears his long military experience
would have taught him the value of
music in war.
The oversight is to be remedied, it is
reported, largely by nublic subscriDtion.
Full bands are to be provided in some4
instances. 5ut the more frequent ar
rangement is to be simply for a fife and
drum corps. Anyone who has listened
to the stirring melody thrown out by
this combination does not need any
elaboration to know the part it may
play in the fighting.
It is curious how the taste of the av
erage soldier runs, when it comes to
the music which ia to supply him In
spiration by which to fight, and, per
haps, die. In the Spanish-American war
none of the more or less stately "Na
tional hymns was in vogue. Instead,
that rollicking bit of "rag," "There'll Be
a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight,"
furnished the "pepper" for most of the
fights of consequence. In the British
Boer war they used to hum, while ram
ming down cannon ball, "Here's Another
Lump of Sugar for the Bird" or "A Lit
tle Bit Off the Top." It is said that in
Jhe Far Eastern war the Russians did
some of their best fighting to the tune
of a nondescript ballad, the substance
of which was a constant reiteration of
"Ivan's in the Garden Picking Cab
bages." What the Japs chose we do not
know, but we may well imagine that
when they went into battle it was to
the lilt of some saucy tune rather than
a dignified national "anthem." The
"Tipperary" of the present war Is, of
course, familiar to every one.
Your Boy's Vacation.'
Minneapolis Journal.
What is your boy doing this Summer
vacation? Has he something to do each
day these three months as definite and
educational as he had during the pre
ceding nine school months? If not, why
not? Does he need three months of
undirected, aimless rest? If he is a
healthy boy, he does not. Indeed, such
a vacation may be demoralizing.
No healthy boy needs to lie about and
rest, till he must devise new entertain
ment to vary the monotony of rest.
This is but preparation for habitual
idleness. The boy's unfitness for work
at graduation is not to any great extent
the fault of the school. It is the fault
of his father, who was too busy with
business to save his son; to lay out
daily programmes and watch them
done; to direct, to counsel, to command.
Bringing up a boy costs time and
thought and vitality. But it pays. For
what shall it profit a man, if he gain
the whole world and lose his own son?
Or what shall a man give in exchange
for his son?
Objects to Word "Employe."
London Globe.
"Are these people servants?" inquired
Mr. Mead at West London recently of
an applicant for summonses under the
national insurance act.
The Applicant "Well"
Mr. Mead "I do not like the new
word 'employe,' which has been im
ported into the English language.
Some people think it is a French word.
I do not like it. It is a bastard word
and I llfce the English word 'servant'
very much better. I am a servant and
I am not ashamed of it. Tou are a
servant, ate you not?"
The Applicant "Well, I am a civil
Mr. Mead "That is a new kind of
Washington Star.
"I can remember when we could get
an idea of how an election was agoing
by taking a straw vote."
"We never depend on straw votes out
our way. The only chance of learning
which way the election was going was
to discover which side had the most f2
zj i ii ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 !i 1 1 1 ! i ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; e 1 1 a ; i i 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 r j
They're Here!
For every man and his particular taste
and size. The justly famous '
-"iii-iTiurarn,iull COMPANY iWWi
The new Fall styles in large assortment ana array, reflecting the newest met
ropolitan fashion features acceptable to well-dressed men. Come and look
them over.
' -
$20, $25, $30 and $3S
Box-back and form-fitting models; plain, mixed and striped effects of the
various substantial fabrics that stand up well.
Bristol Knox
gj. Ask to see our specially made and featured Soft Hats
Hat B. & P. $17.50 Suit a big vaUe. S5 00
$3.00 . New Fall
Buffum & Pendleton 2L
andSttff Mmrison Sfreet Opposite Postoff ice 1 Darh Cray
Double Trading Stamps for Saturday
75o Bisurated
Magnesia C7n
now at O I o
75c J a d E7
Salts 01 C
60c Bene-07
tol for. . . 0 ( b
60c Lily Milk
Magnesia QQ a
now at . OOu
1 WlnePQ.
Cardul. . .03b
II Dan-ll,
derine. . .
tl Parker's
Hair 7C
Tonic I DC
Main Floor.
SOe pound Pebble Candy I Q
looks like pebbles I 3u
40c pound Nuthouse Salt- t)Mn
ed Peanuts, special Zu
6c Bars Milk Chocolates, three
different kinds Nestle s. I Of,
Peters' and Caller's, all for I Ub
11.00 Italian Vermouth at I 3C
$1.25 Guckenheimer, 00 n
bonded, special at 00b
11.50 Dewar's Scotch! 07
on sale at 5 I 0l
1 1.00 Baltimore Hunter 07r
on sale at Of b
11.35 Burke's Old Town
Cin. special at....
lets, wide or narrow, ruledlfl
or plain special, three for lUb
be Ink, Be P
per bottle.. b Holdpr.
No. 647 Cash Lead Pencil,
per dozen.
00 rencm, two cn
We Deliver
Lamps and
Cbarae Aio
See Oor
F I.. Moreland Particularly Good and
All Handle Parta Well Author
Called On for Speech.
It was an appreciative audience and
one which got not only something to
enjoy, but to think about as well,
which gathered to witness the produc
tion of W. A. Wilkins' three-act com
edy, "Tapping at the Door," at the
Baker Theater Thursday night. The
play was ut on by printers, members of
the Ben Franklin Club, and was well
Of all the characters Moses, the
Devil, played by F. L. Moreland, made
the most decided hit with the crowd.
His comical acts and remarks were
good as was also his song, "What's
the Use to Worry When You're
Tho character of Mr. Watson, a sales
man, and Mr. Brown, the proprietor of
a printing establishment, were the two
heavy parts and were well handled by
C. J. Van Blaricom and J. J. Price.
. The play revealed in a realistic man
ner some of the inner workings of a
printing establishment and also gave
some good lessons in correct business
When the curtain had dropped on the
last act the crowd called for a talk
from Mr. Wilkins, the author.
Following is the cast of the play:
Mr. Watson, a salesman. ,C. J. Van Blaricom
Mr. Brown, a plodder..
...J. J. Price
Mr. Hines. tho knocker J,
B. Adam
Mr. Hartman, a purchasing agent
Joseph R. Gerber
Mr. Wilson, a succsssful business man..
Frank K. Fitzgerald
Moiei, the devil F. r,. Moreland
Mr. sands, an old-school salesman
W. A. Wilkini
Mr. Kelly, an advertising; man
Elmer Claypoole
Mr. Skinner, an Eastern salesman
W. L. Rlckmaa
Mr. Sweeney, a purchasing- agent. 1 J. firant
Mr. Schmidt, a congenial German
Carl F. Schwarzbeck
Mr. Flynn, a familiar character
Byron J. Beattie
Mr. St. Johns, the sheriff Mr. Gerber
Foreman composing roora..W. Lee Hickman
Constable , A. T. Gerber
Llnotspe boy Albion Gerber
The pressman R. s. Plaisted
Mrs. Brown, wife of the plodder. Ocean Jolly
Miss Wilcox, tho new woman. Helen Jeselson
Stenographer Gertrude Getty
Bookkeeper R. 1. Mundell
How Kcstaurant Owner Convinces
Complaining Customer.
Columbus (O.) Dispatch.
It happened in a downtown restau
raut. A well-dressed as he always
must be to make a good story young
man ordered a steak. The waitress,
rather tretty which qualification she
must possess In writing a story of this
kind filled the order and the young
man started in to devour the feast
which had been set before him.
The young man had no sooner started
in on the steak than he discovered that
he had a kick coming, and as the rea.l
taurant proprietor passed he Btopped
him by saying, "I can't eat this steak.
Kntirely too tough. I wish you would
f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i m 1 1 ; 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 , 1 1 1 1
benjamin (Jflrrccf (Birth
htxnt hv A from RruiAuiu.ujArL-ii,..
Bring this coupon
and g e t 20 extra
"S. & H." Trading
Stamps on your
first tl cash pur
chase and double
stamen nn hfllnnrA
of purchase. Good on first
S floors Saturday, Sept. 3.
1.00 Matting; Shopping CC-
Cases, special- at 03b
Three 20-inch Rattan Steel
I rame. leather straps and han
dle, fancy lined; regu-0 7C
lar $t.7S, special at . wOil 3
Two 24-inch Matting Suit
Cases, regular 1 2.00. (1 Mr
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One 20-Inch Sealion Traveling
Bag. Mark Cross make, hand-eewed-in
frame; regu-tQ QC
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One 17-inch Tan Cowhide
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anrd all the little thinir about
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Enamel, rtaekntrel
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-HOME A 6171
man -- muscle 10 a week
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man -1- muscle, skill and education. 39 a week
Day Schools
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Boys' School
General English School
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Check the school or subject in which you are interested and send to '
Y. M. C. A., Taylor and Sixth Streets
Free Catalogue Will Be Sent
see that I get better meats when I
come in here."
"Too bad! That steak looks all ripht.
But let me get you another, and the
aforesaid proprietor took the steak, the
silverware which had been served with
it and departed. He soon returned
with a steak which looked exactly like
the first one. The young- man picked
up his knife and started at his second
order. "Fine! he said, as his knife
cut it apart without the least effort.
The- customer was pleased beyond
words, and that he enjoyed the eteak
was evident, for he left only the plate.
As the reporter passed out he met
the proprietor again, and this is what
he said:
"That steak was all right, but the
girl made a mistake in not giving- him
a sharper knife. All I did was to put
the same steak on another plate and
bring- him a sharp knife. You have no
idea what a difference a sharp knife
makes with a steak from a beef of
questionable age."
Your "Fanny Bone."
Milwaukee Journaf.
"When you bump your -nose or chin
you bump the flesh and bone and not a
nerve, consequently you feel a sensa
tion or pain just where the blow was
struck. If you strike the point of your
elbow it will be just the same; it's only
when you strike that little hollow be
tween the big central bone of the elbow
and the little inside bone that the tick
ing, tingling sensation is felt. In the
little hollow you strike one of the large
trunk nerves which springs between
the vertebrae at the base of the neck
and runs through the arm to the wrist.
In the hollow of the elbow the nerve
lies over a bone. When you strike that
spot you feel a tingling sensation
which isn't exactly funny, but because
it tickles the bone is called the "funny
Some men," said Uncle Eben, "put
deir lives kickin' at uothin'. Dar's
dis much to be said foil de mule. If he's
interested enough to kick, he's wlllin'
to go to de trouble of takin' aim."
ITwo-iear Uuarantee.)
$2.60 Fountain Syringe! Q
on sale at Ol itj
$2.00 Fountain Syringe P I QQ
on sale at. VlitS
J2.50 Hot-Water Bottle P I CQ
on sale at w I tJ3
2.00 Hot-Water Bottle! OQ
ou sale at 01 aw
(One-Year Guarantee.)
1.25 F o u n t a in Syringe QTn
now at. gib
1.25 Hot-Water Bottle QQn
now at 00b
tl.75 Hot-Water Bottle I flQ
on sale at. ,vlU0
t-i Hot Water! QQ Main
Bottle at V I ifcO Floor.
10c Epsom 7p
Salts. . . . I b
10c Sodium
2ScPerox- 7
ide for., .lib
Sic B a y I On
Rum at.. lOb
25c Sweet I On
Oil at.. . . I 3b
25cCastor I Qn
Oil at.... 10b
Mnlp Floor
ate for. .
10c Senna 7 p
Leaves.. . . . ' b
10c Borax 7 n
for lb
10c Cake Jergens' Soap (four
cakes in box, assorted) Elder
flower, Buttermilk, Oat-IQn
meal and Glycerine I Mb
25c Packer's Tar Soap onlCn
sale at I wu
60c Hind's Honey and Al- OCn
mond Cream 03b
60c VinoliQQn 60c SynolQQn
Cream u3g Soap 0 3b
25c Sanltol Tooth Paste 17
now at. lib
Free 0&K.
STAMPS with all Ice
cream or soda pur
chases In our Tea
Rooro or at the Soda
Fountain from S P.
M. until wo close at 9
Unit Courses
Architect Drafting
Hoys' School
Business Law
Mechanical Draft
ing Penmanship
Public Speakias
Civil Service
Surveying1 ana
Show Card Writing
Efficiency be hoot
English forForelgri
English Grammar
and Reading
Freehand Drawinrx
v ocai music
Wireless Telegra
phy Geometry
Between Portland and
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav
igation Co. Steamers leave Ash
Street Dock, Saturday, 1 and 10 P. M.
Return from Megler,. Sunday, 9 P.
Monday, 3:30 and 9 P. M affording
two full days on the beach.
City Ticket Office
Washington at Third
Broadway 4500, A 6121
Goiters, Tumors
and Rheumatism. Latest and
methods. No Operations, no fcjedicine.