Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Mrs. Mohr Declares Negroes
Who Killed Husband Hope
to Mitigate Crime.
Thyslcian Compelled Her to "Wit
ness His Attentions to Others,
Is Assertion, Made s She
Arranges His Funeral.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept. 3- The
defense of Mrs. Elizabeth Tiffany
Blair Mohr to the charge that during
a fit of Jealousy she plotted the death
of her husband will be that both Dr.
C. Frankiin Mohr and herself were
victims of a conspiracy, according to
beliefs expressed here tonight.
In an interview today, which was
terminated when she lost her com
posure for the first time since her
arrest, she declared her belief that
the three negroes who now accuse her
had planned to wayl-iy Dr. Mohr and
rob him. She holds tiiat when they
broke down under the grilling of the
police, they hoped to mitigate their
punishment by representing that they
had been incited by her on the promise
of a reward.
The body of Dr. Mohr today was
placed in a receiving tomb at Swan
Folnt Cemetery, after brief ceremon
ials in the presence of several rela
tives and neighbors. Mrs. Mohr and
her two children. Charles Franklin,
Jr., and Virginia Blair, were present
t the services at the Mohr home in
Klmwood and accompanied the body
to the cemetery.
Married Life Vn happy.
Mrs. Mohr had attempted a formal
Interview, but it was soon interrupted
with sobs and ended in an outburst of
It was learned that she had told the
police that her life with Mohr had been
most unhappy; that he taunted her and
made her witness his attentions to
other women. It was "in one of my
jealous moods." that she wrote the
letter threatening Miss Emily G.
Burger, she said.
According to the officers she also
Admitted that she had talked with the
doctor's chauffeur, George W. Heal is,
and C. Victor Brown, who was for
merly employed as a hostler by the
physician, but said that she had sought
from them "to find out what the doctor
was doing.'
Brown and Healis, with Henry Spell
man, were alleged accomplices of Mrs.
Mohr, who was involved by their con
fessions. AVldow ArraugeR Funeral.
Although accused of having incited
the murder of her husband. Dr. C.
Franklin Mohr, one of the wealthiest
physicians in the state, Mrs. Mohr, re
leased on bonds of $10,000, had full
charge of the funeral today of her
husband, from whom she had been
separated for several months.
Only intimate friends of the family
were asked to attend the services.
A large detail of police was sent to
guard the Mohr home and hold in
check inquisitive spectators.
Arthur -dishing, Mrs. Mohr's attor
ney, said today that he would begin a
teareh for the doctor's will as soon as
the funeral was over. He could not
estimate the value of Dr. Mohr's estate,
but friends of the physician, who knew
the extent of his practice, said that the
property would be worth $ 500,000.
973,000,000 Order I'laced In America (or
War Supplies nnd More to Be
Olven to Factories Later.
NEW YORK. Aug. SO. Under the di
rection of Charles M. Schwab, presi
dent of the Bethlehem Steel Corpora
tion, American war plants are to put
the government of China on a basis of
military and naval preparedness.
Mr. Schwab has become the chief
confidential adviser of the Chinese
government on the vast manufaetuing
end of its programme, this result be
ins: largely an outgrowth of the con
fidential relations established by the
American steel man with leading
Chinese officials in the $30,000,000 am
munition deal with the former Chinese
dynasty by the Bethlehem Steel Cor
poration a few years ago.
As an initial step, 100 submarines
will be built at a cost of $75,000,000,
tho greatest single order for subma
rines recorded since the underwater
craft was invented.
The order for submarines will be fol
lowed by contracts for heavy field ar
tillery, high explosive shells, torpe
does, rifles and other arms and am
munition, with' the construction of
battleships and cruisers as one of the
more distant possibilities.
The netcortations for submarines have
reached such an advanced stage that
only minor details remain to be worked
The submarines will be the largest
ever turned out from American yards.
They w ill include vessels of a type ex
ceeding in size and cruising range any
of the submarines turned out in Ger
many 01' which this country yet has
learned. They will be of a type particu
larly fitted for raids on seacoast towns,
fti that they will be as formidable for
attack as for defense.
L'nliko the orders for Fubmarines
placed on this side of the Atlantic by
the allies, the construction will be done
entirely in the United States and none
of it in Canuda, as ques
tion of violation of neutrality is in
volved. Tile order will be placed by the
Chinese government through Mr.
Schwab with the Klectric Boat Com
pany. This order combined with the
demand by the allies for submarine
work in this country has resulted In
plans by Mr. Schwab whereby the
the United States will have the largest
submarine manufacturing plants in the
world, barring neither the submarine
departments of the Krupps ir Oermany
nor that of the Schneider works at
Creusot, France.
Covcrnor Saves Confederate Veteran
JACKSON". Miss.. Sept. 3. Governor
Brewer has commuted to life imprison
ment the death sentence imposed on
J. A. Tabor, a Confederate veteran of
more than TO years of age, who was
to have been executed September 6 for
the murder of his daughter-in-law. The
Governor declined, however, to inter
fere In the case of S. !. Johnson, a con
victed murderer, who is sentenced to
hang Monday next. Johnson will be
the first white man executed in Mis
sissippi in more than 10 years.
Today We Announce the Opening
Our New Hair Goods Store
Second Floor
The opening of this new' Hair Goods Shop will be a
revelation to the women of Portland. It is an exceptional
shop because everything is new because nothing but the
best grades of hair are offered. Whether it be a high-priced
or a low-priced article, it is the best that can be found at the
price, because our attendant is an experienced hair goods
woman and will satisfactorily advise and help you in the
proper selection of your hair needs.
To fittingly introduce this new Hair Goods Store we
are offering
Four Introductory Sales
$7.50 Human Hair Switches for $4.48
These beautiful wavy switches are made of 30-inch hair, three
separate strand style, and shown in natural shades.
$8.00 French Hair Switches $5.48
These switches are made of 26-inch, best quality French
refined hair. Guaranteed wavy and in all natural shades. Mounted on
three separate strands.
$1.75 German Transformations $1.15
$5.00 French Transformations $3.98
AH-around-the-head styles and in all natural hair shades.
Second floor
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
"Merchandise of c Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000
Home Phone A6691
Oregon Visitors Enjoy Trans
planted Oriental Pageant.
Oregon People Take Sightseeing
Trip on Zone and Xiglit Fire
works Display Is Declared .
Wonderful Exhibition.
Grounds.' Sept. 1. (Special.) A Jap
anese parade is the most Joyous thing
on earth to watch. Yesterday was
Japan day and last nisht everyone
was on the Marina watching extra
wonderful fireworks in their honor,
and the night parade. Thousands of
Japanese, men, women and children,
all carrying big. bulgingr-cheeked lan
terns, came swinging along in the
wake of their chief dignitaries who
also walked and carried lanterns the
happiest, most unformed, go-as-you-please
crowd you ever saw.
There -was something weird about
it. Xo one in step, no line of march,
no order or symmetry. Just masses of
people in little groups and big groups,
and everywhere the big; round lan
terns bobbing merrily. They chatted
and visited as they strolled along and
the lights played on their sharp little
faces and searchlights picked the mov
ing groups out along the Marina and
the music played on quite indepen
dently. Their daylight parade of carriages
and automobiles, all festive in cherry
blossoms and gay parasols, was the
longest and best we have had in many
a day. The crowd at the exposition
ran way up to the record-breaking
mark. Clear nights now are giving
the fireworks and searchlights their
innings and the crowds stay to see the
last rocket.
Many Oresronlana Present.
Many Oregonians were out in groups
and parties, later enjoying the Zone.
From the entrance of the Zone to the
extreme gates it was one solid mass
of people. The grand reception and
ball in ex-President Taft's honor, in
the California building, took several
hundred, but this was not a pin prick
in the throng. E. R. Lake, secretary
of the American Pomological Society,
of Washington, D. C, but formerly of
Oregon; H. L. Holgate, in the Reclama
tion Service at Washington, also for
merly of Oregon; Clyde Phillips, of
the Oregon Agricultural College fac
ulty, and E. C. Roberts, of Linn Coun
ty, a well-known fruitman and a
member of the Willamette Valley As
siation, after an afternoon in the Ore
gon building, where they were de
lighted with everything, made a lively
Zone party.
President Campbell, of Oregon Uni
versity, says that people who knew
nothing of Oregon before this exposi
tion are now heard daily talking rap
turously of the state. He considers
the Oregon exhibit down here the
greatest piece of effective advertising
he ever saw. C. D. Wheelwright is an
other enthusiast over the benefit to
the stale of the present demonstra
tion. Dr. Kliot. of the Unitarian Church,
from Portland, spent a good deal of
time enjoying the Oregon building. Dr.
Eliot has attended the Untarian con
gress. He says it was a most suc
cessful session in every way.
State Given Flrnt Place.
George W. PetMgrew, most worthy
grand pa.tron, Order of the Eastern
Star, from Sioux Falls, who is a great
traveler, gives Oregon first place at
the exposition.
Two young visitors highly appre
ciated in the Oregon building were
Knid and Edith Cook, of Gold Hill.
They a,re twins, five months old and
weigh 20 pounds each. A finer pair of
babies would be hard to find or a
more attractive Oregon exhibit.
Soudan grass from Klamath County
is an interesting new exhibit to agri
culturists, as this is the first time this
remarkable forage grass from Africa
has been exhibited in America. It was
introduced into Oregon by Congress
man IN. J. Sinnott, of The Dalles, and
this is the first year's yield. The crop
is 10 tons from one cutting, thus far
surpassing alfalfa and timothy, and
the leaves are tender. That exhibited
in the Klamath booth is 10 feet tall.
Tillamook cheese.' is now a daily
demonstration in the building and it
is popular. Oregon is becoming fa
mous as the source of good food.
Klamath motion pictures will be a
feature of the "movie" theater by the
middle of the month.
Governor Withycombe has appointed
J. A. Lackey, of the Eastern Oregon
section, delegate to the International
Dry Farming Congress in Denver, but
iir. ijacnej is iuo ousy attending to
the needs of his part of the state to
accept the honor. He is doing fine
work down here for Eastern Oregon.
I'rnoR) Ivnnlnn Are Comlaff.
Charles J. Schnabel. of Portland, who
is president of the Pennsylvania Club
there, is a visitor now. Governor Brum
baugh, of Pennsylvania, who has been
much honored the past few days by the
Exposition, has with him 100 prominent
Pennsylvanians, and all of them are
going to Portland, through the activ
ities of Mr. Schnabel.
A much-appreciated gift of the week
to the Oregon Art Room is a guestbook
from Allan Eaton, of Sugene. It is a
handsomely decorated volume, of Ore
gon wood pulp paper, bound in Oregon
sheepskin and illuminated with gold
lettering. It is not an open register,
pnly those being asked to leave their
names who are particularly interested
in the room. Already represented in it
are names from nearly every state and
many foreign countries. '
Six Companies' Attorney Says That
f5 00,000 Already I Set Aside for
Pnrchase of Vessels.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 3 Announce
ment that $5,000,000 has been subscribed
and $500,000 already set aside subject
to instant call toward the financing of
a new Chinese-American Trans-Pacific
Steamship Company, was mada here to
day on authority of John L. McNab, at
torney for the Chinese Six Companies.
Since the arrival here of Dr. Wel
lington Koo, China's first Minister to
Mexico, who stated, on reaching this
port, that contracts for the financing
of the line had been signed, those in
terested here have been working quiet
ly but rapidly toward putting the big
project into actual operation.
The Chinese, McNab says, expect to
begin with vessels adapted to the pe
culiar conditions of their Oriental
trade that is, they will have limited
cabin facilities and great steerage and
freight capacity.
Later, according to Attorney McNab,
the Chinese hope to have several first
class vessels equipped to handle the
best tourist travel in the world. If
the Chinese cannot purchase their ships
they will have them built.
Slayer or Man Who Threatened
Husband Is Acquitted.
UKIAH. Cal.. Sept. ,3. A verdict of
not guilty was returned today ty a
jury in the Superior Court in the trial
of Mrs. Nellie Means for the murder of
Clarence Tracy, May 27. The jury was
out 17 hours. ,
Millard Means, husband of Mrs.
Means, was acquitted of the same
charge July 3. Mrs. Means testified that
she shot Tracy when he advanced
toward her husband with a revolver,
after threatening to shoot him. Tracy
was killed when he resented Means'
search for his hogs on the Tracy homestead.
Multnomah Falls and Return
Dalles-Columbia Line, Steamer State of Washington, From
Taylor-Street Dock, 8 A. M.
Main 613, A 7712
Boy Scouts
of America
Uniforms will arrive
very shortly. Fourth Floor
Mail 'and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
c Tlerchandisecfc
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A 66S1
Jewish New Year
Engraved and steel die
stamped in a wonderful new
Prices lc to 25c.
Mezzanine Floor
Here You May Choose to Better Advantage
School Apparel for the Children
Girls' Newest: Dresses and Coal's
New $4 Corduroy and Serge Dresses
Very Special $2.95
In Sixes for Girls 6 to 14 Years
Just the thing for school wear. Four different styles at this price, of
corduroy with regulation waist and panel front, white pique collar and
long sleeves; also style with wide belt, pleated skirt, and another with
plaid silk collar and pipings. Serge dresses in regulation waist, pleated
skirt style, loose belt, large round collar, fancy plaid silk trimmings.
Colors are brown, navy and green ; also some navy serge sailor dresses.
. 1 Fourth Floor
Two New Styles in Girls' $6 Dresses
Special Friday $4.95
iizes from 6 to 14 years. Made of fine, soft serge, in coatee effect.
with high waist. One model with lingerie collar and cuffs, and vest of
fancy silk. The other with Roman stripe silk collar, cuffs and belt.
Both models have pleated skirts and come in navy blue, cadet and green.
Fourth Floor
$3.95 for These New $5.00 Dresses
For Girls From 6 to 14 Years'
The serge dresses have loose-pleated skirts, yokes of plaid silk, fin
ished with silk braid and buttons. Collars of silk to match, or white
pique cuffs and collar. These excellent school dresses come in navy
and .brown.
The dresses of challie are in light blue, pink and brown figures, made
to fasten down the back, deep yoke effect, V neck, with lingerie collar,
long sleeves, turn-back cuffs, full skirts and wide silk sash at waist.
. ' Fourth Floor
These New Fall Coats at $3.95
Would Sell at $6.50 at Any Other Time
For Girls From 8 to 14 Years
Made of heavy coatings, in fancy "gray mixtures, in a new straight
style, with wide belt, turn-down collar, two pockets. Collar and belt
of black corduroy. These coats are in a weight that can be worn now
and all through the Winter.
Fourth Floor
ARE PRICED FROM $5.00, $6.95 TO $8.95
Of fancy coatings, zibeline, velvet corduroy, in any number of new
styles, trimmed with velvet collars, cuffs and belts. Models for both
school and dress wear. Fourth Floor
Girls Must" Have New School HaVs
New Floppy-Brim Velvet
Hats, Special $1.95
Both young women and children are wearing
them. Fashioned of fine silk velvet, with stitched
brims and plain and colored underfacings. Simply
trimmed with grosgrain ribbon in style as illustrated.
Colors are black, navy, red, green and delft.
-Third Floor
Boys' and Girls' Hosiery and Underwear
Pony Stockings of Silk Lisle, fashioned, double heel,
toe and extra spliced at the knee. Three pairs $1.00
Silk Fiber Stockings, in fine rib style, seamless foot, fash
ioned in knitting, reinforced 35 C
School Wear Brand, proven the best for service. In medium.
and heavy weight, fine or double rib. Every pair with triple knee.
All sizes ' 25c
Vests and Pantalettes of fine ribbed, medium-weight ' cotton.
vests all styles, low neck, sleeveless, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, high
neck, long sleeves. Pantalettes in ankle length. Sizes 1 to 1 6 years.'
Prices 35c to 50c.
Light-Weight, Fleece-Lined Vests and Pantalettes, high
neck, long-sleeve vests, . knee and ankle length pantalettes. Sizes 1 to
1 6 years. Prices, 30 to 50c.
Light-Weight, Fleece-Lined Union Suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length. Made with gusset. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Special,
from 50c up.
White Cotton Union Suits, for Misses and Children,
medium weight, tailor made. High neck, long or short sleeves, Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. Sizes from 2 to 14 years. Special
from 55c up. ; First Floor
NewThingsYour Boj Will Need
Our Boys' New Fall School Suits
At $4.95
Are Equal to Any $6.00 Suit Made
Every Suit Comes With Two Pairs
of Full Lined and Taped Pants
All-Wool Suits that were made especially for hard school
wear. No better wearing nor better looking suits can be
found anywhere. All new Fall models and patterns in
tweeds, diagonals, cassimeres and mixtures, in the popular
Norfolk styles, with stitched and three-piece belts.
Sizes 6 to 17 years. Fourth Floor
Boys' New Hats in Greatest Variety
Specially Priced From 50c to $4
Entirely new styles the Tom Tarn, Scotch Bonnet, Tommy
Tucker and new Rah-Rah shapes. In tan, gray and brown
mixtures,' also blue serge and cheviots, and navy, black and brown
velvet and plush. All sizes for boys from 6 to 14 years.
Fourth Floor
New Blouses in Colors Boys Like, 50c
Stripes just like father wears, plain and fancy combinations, in
snappy colorings, as well as blue chambray and black sateen blouses.
Fourth Floor
Fall Apparel for Young Women
The Latest Fashions in
Youthful Tailored Suits
Priced From $18.50 Up to $35
One Model in Style as Illustrated
Suits designed on simple lines, specially
graceful and becoming, not only for misses,
but for small women also.
Materials are mostly whipcords, broad
cloth, gabardine, fancy cheviot, serges and
Colors include navy blue, African brown,
black, greens and fancy checks.
In style we can hardly describe them
there are so many different good-looking suits,
featuring the very latest fur trimmings, as well
as man with velvet and braid adornment.
Girls going away to school should make their selec
tions now, while the collection is complete.
ANew 45-Inch Model Coat for Misses
Extra Special $9.95
A remarkable coat at a remarkable price. Made of fancy coating
mixtures, in a new flare-back belted style, with set-in sleeves, .turn
back cuffs, convertible collar, fancy pockets and cloth button trim
ming. Oxford, gray, brown and blue, in plaids, checks and mixtures,
are shown in this particular new Fall coat. Fourth Floor
Fall Coats That Are the Newest
Priced From $5.95, $10.50 to $25.00
In these coats you may select from plain colors, fancy mixtures,
checks and plaids galore, in just about every style there is. Belted
all-around models, back belted, and straight flaring coats, trimmed
with velvets, plush, self material, featuring the stand-up collar styles.
All sizes for misses and small'women. ' Fourth Floor
Handkerchiefs or Boys and Girls
Six Kerchiefs for 25c '
Fine, sheer lawn, V-inch hems, colored embroidery initial
in block letter. In blue, pink and lilac Assorted colors,
' six to box.
Special, 5c Each
The new linen-weave kerchiefs, sheer quality, J-inch
hems. Also sheer lawn, with embroidered comers in dainty
Boys' Size Kerchiefs at 7c
Plain white lawn, with J-inch hems. First Floor