Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 04, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Grodno Captured by Germans
After Terrific Battle in
Streets of City.
Kaiser's Army Xow Only 4 0 Miles
om Important Seaport, North
ernmost Point of Third
Lino ' of Defenses.
YXINDON. Sept. 3. Grodno, the last
fortress to hold out In the Russian sec
ond line of defense, has been captured
by the Germans under Field Marshal
von Hindenburg after a terrific battle
that was continued through the streets
of the city, which has a population of
4 0.000.
Further advances by the army in the
extreme north are reported also, the
Germans having reached a point only
40 miles from Riga.
Riga is the northern extremiy of the
Russian third line of defense, and a
desperate defense is likely to be made
by the Czar's forces to prevent the Ger-
mans capturing this important seaport.
RoHtian Loaae. Heavy.
Regarding other operations In the
east the German War Office announce
ment says:
"Field Marshal von Hindenburg's
array conquered Grodno after rapidly
forcing a passage of the Kiemen and
fighting the Russians in the streets
of the city. The Germans reached the
Kiemen between the Augustowo Canal
and the Swislocz-Lennewarden line.
German cavalry advanced to the north
ward and west of Vilna. The Russians
tried to oppose our advance, but failed.
Buffering extraordinarily large losses.
Southeast of Merecz the Russians were
thrown back. General von Gallwitz1
troops broke the resistance of the en
emy on the Alekszyce-Swislocz roaoj.
"More than 3000 Russians, as well as
one cannon and 18 machine guns,
were- captured.
"The army of Prince Leopold of Ba
varia is still engaged in battle north of
"The army of Field Marshal von
Mackensen, pursuing the Russians,
reached the Jasiolda River, near Sil
nek and Berezea, and also in the dis
trict of Antopol, east of Kobrin. Aus-tro-Hungarian
troops are advancing to
the east and south of Boloto and Bubo
woje. Austrian to Leave Poland.
"In the southeastern theater of war
General Botmer's army is advancing
and is fighting in the Sereth district."
The German and Austrian armies on
the eastern front are about to part
company, according to a dispatch to
the Kxchange Telegraph Company from
Amsterdam. This quotes a message
from Vienna announcing that Field
Marshal Archduke Frederick, commander-in-chief
of the Austrian armies, to
day bid official farewell to Field Mar
shal von Mackensen, the German com
mander, at Brest-Litovsk, as hence
forth the armies of the two- tbmman:
ders were to cease co-opreating.
The message says It is believed the
Austrian armies that have been -operating
in Poland shortly will be re
moved In the direction of Serbia.
91an Is Missed After Attorney-General
Gives Opinion That Probers Can
Enforce Answers to Queries.
PKXVER, Sept. 3. Mljltia officers
designated by Adjutant-General Chase
tonight began a search for C. D. El
liott, ex-Adjutant-General of West Vir
ginia, now a secret agent employed by
the United Mine Workers of America.
Elliott is wanted as a witness before
the military court of inquiry investi
gating charges against certain militia
f leers.
Early in the investigation he was
summoned as a witness and refused to
answer questions regarding his alleged
activities in seeking evidence against
militia and state officers and Colorado
mine operators. Fortified with an opin
ion by Attorney-General Farrar to the
effect that it had power to force wit
nesses to testify, the court today is
sued a attachment for Elliott's arrest.
At this afternoon's session the court
heard the testimony of C M. McCutch
eon, an ex-militia private, who is one
of the sponsors for charges of finan
cial Irregularities against Major
George Lee. Other witnesses who testi
fied were Captain W. W. Strickland,
Captain Ralph Horn. Lieutenant S. H."
Cliff. Sergeant Guy Smith and Sergeant
R. B. Hair-.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho Schools
and 1 loads Benefit.
ington. Sept. 3. The Forestry Service
has allotted 35 per cent of the forest
reserve receipts for the past fiscal year
to several states for schools and roads,
25 per cent going direct to the coun
ties in-which the receipts were collected
for schools and roads and 10 per cent
to be spent bv the Forestry Service in
building roads in reserves that con
tributed to the fund. Under this allot
ment $49,675 goes to Oreson for schools
vnd roads, $37.44a to Washington ana
175 651 to Idaho.
In addition the Forestry Service will
spend Jl 9.870 for road building in Ore
gon reserves. J14.978 In Wasnington re
serves and $30,260 In IdAho.
(Continued From First Page.)
a short distance down the banks of a
canal, I was ordered to one side. By
this time several other members of
the gang had Joined the first-comers.
"Smith called out. 'Good-bye, Dodd,
if 1 don't see you asaln.' Then he and
Donaldson were led off into the brush
They were soon lost to my view, but I
heard rifle shots. Evidently Donald
son tried to run, for his body was
found 80 feet from Smith's.
"That I did not meet Donaldson's
and Smith's fate, I believe, was due
tS the fact that the Mexican with the
appearance of an officer told his com
panions I had once loaned him $10.
Then myiown Mexicans interceded, say
ing 1 was a German.
American Troops Rescue
"Finally we took up the march again
through the brush. About 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon the advance guard
began firing. Our guards ran forward
to Join them. Two of my Mexican
workmen and myself ran back through '
the brush.
"Not a shot was fired at us. We
soon met a company of United States
infantry and were safe."
Quick retribution apparently is being
meted out to the band which early yes
terday burned a trestle north of
Brownsville and tortured and murdered
two Americans.
At Fort Brown, It was said today In
fantry and cavalry would remain In
the field until the bandits are cap
tured or killed.
River Is Patrolled.
The body of Earl Donaldson will be
sent to his former home in Montgomery,
Mo., for burial. Smith's body will be
buried at San Benito.
Spread out in a close cordon which
left no foot of the International
boundary unpatrolled, the border guards
were ready to shoot on sight if the 15
remaining members of the band made
an effort to ford the swollen Rio Grande
to Mexico and safety.
In addition to the soldiers, there
were hundreds of citizens headed by
Texas Rangers, who pursue the trail of
the Mexicans to avenge the thefts of
cattle, burned barns, terrified women
and the deaths of half a dozen United
States citizens.
The tactics of the Mexicans yesterday
led Army officers to believe that this
band has been responsible for -much of
the outlawry of the past several weeks
in the border counties. First burning
a railroad trestle, the bandits yester
day proceeded to make away with a
number of ranchers' horses, burned an
irrigation pump station and an auto
mobile 12 miles north of here, and
capped the day with the murder of the
Orozco Funeral Is Held.
EL. PASO, Tex.. Sept. 3. The funerals
of General Pascual Orozco and four
companions, killed in Texas last week,
were held here today. The bodies, on
a float, passed through streets lined
with thousands of Mexicans, with
heads bared and each carrying bou
quets. Permission to bury Orozco in
Mexico was declined by Orozco's
Running of Special' Electric Train
Is Promised River Service
Schedule Is Arranged.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial.) The Lionel R. Webster ferry
boat, used in Portland at the Alblna
crossing, has been chartered for the
week of the Columbia River Inter
state Fair, and will be brought here
ready for operation at 8 o'clock the
Monday morning o! the show. This
ferryboat will be an additional one
to the City of Vancouver, and has the
same carrying capacity, about 20 auto
mobiles. As many as 23 machines have
been carried on the Vancouver ferry
boat when a few of them were small
These two ferrie3 will keep ud a 15
and 20-minute service between Hay
den Island and Vancouver all during
Fair week, and it is believed will be
able to handle the traffic nicely.
rne Portland Kaiiway. Light & Pow
er Company will run a number of spe
cial trains beginning Sunday. The
Sunday trains will handle the big
crowds to Columbia Beach, and crowds
desiring to see Fair exhibits being put
into nape.
Vancouver Wild West Procession to
Advertise Fair Here.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sent. 3. (Spe
cial.) The Irwin Brothers' Wild West
Show, which will be held in connec
tion with the Columbia River Inter
state Fair this year, will arrive late
tonight from Caldwell, Idaho, and will
be ready to go to Portland early to
morrow to parade.
There will be at least, two bands to
attract attention, and a number of
business and professional men of this
city will join the. parade with their
automobiles, which will be decorated
wth banners, advertising the fact that
the Fair and Wild West Stampede will
be held here from September 9 to 11,
The fairgrounds are all ready for
the reception of the exhibits and live
With Skull Fractured. Police Ilea a
Pursues Assailants.
HTNGMAN. Mass.. Sept. 3. With his
skull fractured andP his nose broken by
blows from a hammer, Chief of Police
Washington James today shot and
killed one prisoner and assisted in cap
turing1 another after the prisoners had
severely beaten him and locked him in
a cell in an attempt to-escape.
Two streetcar employes saw the pris
oners leave the jail and released the
chief, who started in pursuit. Ke over
took the men a half-mile from the Jail,
and in a revolver duel shot and killed
James Harmon. Wallace Williams,
alias Walter Welsh, the other prisoner,
made a dash, but was captured a few
minutes later.
Festival at Vancouver Will Open
on September 9.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Sept. 3. Spe
cial.) Construction of the Festival
Center for the Vancouver Dahlia Car
nival, September 9, 10 and 11, is about
completed and potted dahlias and
decorations will be placed tomorrow
and Monday. The center Is on Fifth
street between Main and Washing-ton.
The Columbia River Interstate Fair
will not open the three nights of the
carnival, but the merchants h lve con
sented to close their stores threa af
ternoons during the week that all i.,ay
go to the Fair.
There will be a parade each morn
ing of the dahlia carnival.
Strike at Deferist, X. V., Is Marked
by Disorders.
WATERTOWN, N. T.. Sept. 3. Appli
cation has been made to Governor
Whitman by officials of the St. Regis
Paper Company to call out the local
militia for duty at the St, Regis paper
mill at Deferist. Rioting- took place
at the mill last night, shots being- fired
through windows of the mills.
Telephone wires were cut and several
men were pummeled by the strikers.
Highway to Coast Xow Marked.
KANSAS CITT. Ma. Sept. 3. The
National Old Trails Highway from
Washington to San Francisco, has been
marked from Kansas City west to the
Pacific Coast, it was reported by mem
bers of the Automobile Club of South
ern California, who have passed the
Summer on the trail. -
More Than 1200 on Vessel
Reported Sunk Off Dar
danelles, Soldiers.
German Xewspaper Says Englisli
Shipping Loss During AVar Is
4 J -2 Per Cent of Total Ton
age Another XJ-Boat Scores.
BERLIN, Sept. 3. Fifteen hundred
and fifty men, 1250 of whom were Brit
ish soldiers and the others members of
the crew, were lost on a British trans
port which has been sunk by a mine
off the entrance to the Dardanelles,
according to the Oversees News Agency,
which quotes a Sofia dispatch.
The announcement says the Sofia
correspondent asserts that 600 bodies
have been recovered.
The British transport Royal Edward
was sunk August, 11 in the Aegean Sea
by a German submarine, according to
an announcement made August 17 by
the London admiralty. Six hundred of
the 1570 troops and crew were saved.
It is not certain whether the two an
nouncements refer to the same trans
port, as the Sofia dispatch does not
give the date of the sinking.
The Cologne Gazette publishes sta
tistics showing that the losses to Brit
ish shipping during the war at the
minimum amount to 4H per cent of
the whole tonnage, says the Overseas
News Agency. Of vessels above 100
tons, an average of one in 20 in the
British merchant fleet has been lost.
William T. Lewis, Often in Port
land Harbor, Is Sunk.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3. The Brit
ish bark William T. Lewis, owned by
Hind, Rolph & Co., of San Francisco,
was sunk today off Queenstown by a
submarine, according to a message re
ceived here by the marine department
of the Chamber of Commerce. She
sailed from Everett. Wash., March 29.
for Sheerness, England, with a cargo
of lumber.
James Rolph. Jr., Mayr of San
Francisco, is a member of Hind, Rolph
& Co.
The message received here by the
owners said the crew of 29 men and
Captain F. E. Manning, were taken
aboard the Danish ship Australia. No
lives were lost, it was reported later.
William T. Lewis Foundered.
The William T. Lewis was formerly
the Robert Duncan, and was bought by
Hind, Rolph & Co., five years ago.
She was a steel four-masted bark. 280
feet long with a gross tonnage of
She carried about two million feet
of lumber valued at about J15.000. The
vessel was valued at about $45,000.
Another vessel, the four-masted bark
Drummuir, owned by Hind, Rolph &
Co., was reported sunk by the Ger
man cruiser Leipzig" off the East Coast
of South America. December 21, 1914.
The William T. Lewis has taken on
cargo in Portland harbor several times
during the last few years.
QUEENSTOWN, "Sept. 3. The Brit
ish bark William T. Lewis is reported
to be a derelict- The members of her
crew are said to be aboard a steamer
which rescued them.
STBMAKLVB sixks steamer.
Jtoumania, Under BrltlsH Flag, Is
Lost, but Crew Saved.
LONDON, Sept 3. The British
steamer Roumanie has been sunk
presumably by a submarine. The crew
has been landed safely.
The Roumanie was a vessel of 1638
tons. She sailed from Blyth July 13
for Archangel, where she arrived July
25. No records are available of her
movements since that date.
New Will Filed by Woman Who As
erta She's Offspring of Former
Oil Operator In So tit I.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sep. 8. A new
will, alleged to have been made by
the late John M. Keith, formerly an
oil operator at Bakersfield, seven
days before his death here April 27,
1914, was filed today In the Superior
Court. By its terms Mrs. Louise Thom
son, of Los Angeles, who recently an
nounced she was the lost daughter of
Keith, was bequeathed the entire es
tate, appraised at $631,000, except $5,
"to anyone claiming any interest in
my estate."
The will was filed by attorneys for
Mrs. Thomson. Dr. Sarah J. Tedford,
of Los Angeles, was named as execu
trix without bonds or restrictions.
Mrs. Tedford Is a sister-in-law of Mrs.
Under the terms of a will previously
filed for probate, Mrs. Frank W. Wake
field, formerly Mrs. Edith Sprcckels,
was left $50,000, as also was J. J.
Mack, named as executor of the wilL
Mrs. Thomson, through her attor
neys, recently offered objection to dis
tribution of the estate and alleged
that she was the daughter of Keith.
She said she and her father were sep
arated when shipwrecked on the Alas
ka coast 30 years ago, and that she
lived for 15 years In an Eskimo vil
lage and learned that her father was
alive only through newspaper notices
of his death.
Objection to distribution of tne es
tate also was file-l by the regents of
the University of California upon the
allegation that Keith pledged $150,
000 to the university, of which he paid
but $500C and made no provision for
payment of the rest In his will.
(Continued From First Page.)
banks would, be represented in con
ference with New Tork. either by
delegates or by correspondence. The
situation then would be placed before
them and they would be asked to con
tribute their share to insure uninter
rupted continuance of America's export
Whether Great Britain could furnish
sufficient American securities at pres
ent to serve as collateral for this big
loan was another question considered.
It was thought that should she not be
able to raise this sum, Canadian and
South American securities Government
bonds and yen hlgh-claas railway
bondswould be thought sufficiently
stable to serve as collateral for a part
of the loan.
This raised a Question: Would the
Controller of the Currency sanction
loans by National banks on the bonds
of South American governments; and
to go further, would such loans be
sanctioned where high-grade South
American railway bonds were offered
as collateral? -
No Market Is Here Now.
There is at present no market tiia
for these issues: and it was pointed!
om mat under present conditions they
wouio. nave to De sold in London,
should the banks find it necessary to
sell them. The opinion that official
sanction might be withheld on loans
of this character seemed to prevail.
aii inis. nowever, was surmise.
Today's recoveries in rates was at
tributed by leading bankers chiefly to
a normal return to real value from
fictitious low prices resulting from
speculation. Once steady, the exchange
market today showed few changes.
Closing quotations on sterling were
4.674 ; on francs, 5.95: on reichsmarks
ouz, ana on lires, 6.46.
leading Financial Interests Plan
Remedies for Differences.
LONDON, Sept. 3. Large American
financial houses in London, such as
Morgan, Grenfell & Co.. the Farmers"
Loan & Trust Company of New York,
and the Equitable Trust Company of
e lork. were highly gratified at
today's upward bound in exchange,
which they construed as indicating
that the recent decline had reached the
bottom point and tnat conditions now
were; likely to improve.
The consensus of opinion was that
the suddenness of the fall and the re
covery clearly showed the drop was
the result of speculation rather than
of any deep-seated evil in financial
It developed today that daily ses
sions have been held of late by repre
sentatives of leading financial inter
ests with a view to formulating reme
dies for exchange differences, but these
were discontinued on the sailing of the
British commissioners for New York,
as future remedies are largely com
mitted to their care.
The manager of the Equitable Trust
Company pointed out today that the
recent heavy decline in rates was large
ly on paper, as people had stopped do
ing business and virtually no sales had
occurred during the depression.
While expressing hope for a steady
improvement, he said he considered it
premature to assert that thiB was now
assured, as no one was able to tell in
advance, . ;
The managers of the Farmers' 'Loan
& Trust Company said that one of the
main contributing causes of today's
recovery in rates was that people out
side the speculating class had con
cluded to defer payments until the sit
uation had improved and this caused
such a falling of business at low rates
that they moved upward to a level
which would attract business. He and
the other best informed authorities ex
pressed the belief that the worst of
the depression had passed and that
conditions would improve steadily. All
said they look forward.' hopefully to
the arrival of the French and British
commissioners in New York -within a
few days, as- likely to produce an ad
justment of rates and the whole of the
financial intercourse between Europe
and America.
Itotoert B. Tappan Victim of Attack
by Befriended "Baron."
OAKLAND, Cal., -Sept. S. Robert B.
Tappan, ex-Police Judge of Alameda,
was seriously wounded today on a
crowded Oakland street by "Baron" Al
fred Baroteau. a reputed French noble
man of Alameda, Baroteau -crept up
behind the jurist, slashing his throat
with a razor.
He fled after the attack. Tappan,
who has only one arm, was unable to
defend himself. lie was hurried to the
Emergency Hospital, where it was an
nounced he has a chance for life.
Tappan declares he knows no reason
for the attack. Tappan says that he
has befriended Baroteau for years, even
to the extent of taking- him into his
own household. He said he believed
that the man might be demented.
Baroteau was arrested an hour after
the assault in West Alameda.
Roosevelt Compared With Girl Who
Noticed She Was Best in School.
BERKELEY, Cal.. Sept. 3. William
Howard Taft, ex-President of the
United States, In the third and last
of his lectures on "The Presidency"
delivered today at the Greek Theater,
University of California, caused much
merriment by giving- Colonel Roose
velt's interpretation of the Presidential
"Mr. Roosevelt," said the speaker,
"divides the Presidents Into two divi
sions; one headed by Lincoln. He puts
me under Buchanan.
"Which reminds me," he continued,
"of a story of a friend of mine whose
little girl came to him and said that
she was the best scholar in school.
"Her father asked her when the
teacher had told her so.
" 'Oh, nobody told me.' she replied,
I just noticed it myself. "
American Mlinlster Hep oris on Re
salt of Turkish .Rule in. Persia.
NEW TORK, Sept. 3. At least 1000
Christians were killed and about 4000
others died of disease In Urumiah, Per
sia during' the five months of Turkish
occupation, according to a letter re
ceived by J. L. Caldwell, American Min
ister at Teheran, from Ir. William A.
Shedd, of Urumiah, and made public
here today by the Presbyterian Board
of Foreipn Missions.
pr. Shedd said his figures were based
on' careful investigation and record,
there having been 3600 Christian
burials alone in the city of Urumiah
and the American College compound.
Sacramento Kanch Warehouse Tire
Believed Incendiary.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Sept. 8. (Spe
cial.) A fire uf unknown origin, but
the circumstances of which point to
incendiarism, last night destroyed a
galvanized iron warehouse and Its con
tents of 1200 bales of hops on the E.
Clement Horst ranch, east of the city.
A total damage of about $36,000 was
The fire started in the center of the
warehouse at 8:4 5 o'clock. The doors
of the building were closed at the time,
and a half dozen guards were on watch
around the ranch.
French Official Commits Suicide.
PARTS. Sept. S. One of the govern
ment cfficals involved in army frauds
in connection with the purchase of mu
nitions committed suicide yesterday to
avoid arrest. Warrants for other per
sons in complicity with technical agents
of the army and navy have been is
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 50S0
Supply Your Needs at This Sale Today, as Our Store
Will Be Closed All Day Monday, Sept. 6th Labor Day
( Wh
Will v
Special Sale of Women's
Stylish New Fall Coats
Manuf acturers' Samples in Attractive New Mod- C Q yf
els; Values to $20, Priced for This Sale at pO.t0
The most particular and critical women will be more than pleased with this show
ing and sale of new Fall Coats. It is a fortunate underpriced purchase, consist
ing of some 90 garments in the latest and best styles. They come in fine wool
mixtures, cravenette, serges, etc., in sizes f.4 to 42, and in the most fashionable
shades grays, greens, browns, etc. Coats that were made ta sell TQ ,4C
regularly up to $20.00 go on sale Saturday at. . . ....pO xO
Child's School Dresses, Serges and Corduroy
Popular New Models Moderately Priced at $2.50
Just received and placed on sale
Corduroy Dresses. All sizes from
well made and trimmed in an
Darius; Deeds Are Executed, One Land
Ins Behind Lines of German Array
and Rescuing Comrades
PARIS. Sept. 3. The French Min
is tery of Marine gave out today a
note outlining the operations of the
aerial squadron since the opening of
"Th marine aviation service has
made continual progress, showing
marked development from day to day,"
the note says. "It has operated not
only in France but Egypt, where it
assisted in the defense of the Suez
Canal; on the Syrian coast, where it
aided the blockade operations, and In
the Adriatic, taking active part in
actions in the Gulf of Triest.
"In the north of France our aero
planes keep watch over the ' shores
and sea. Their particular objective
has been the destruction of the enemy's
submarines; also bombardment of the
enemy's commissary bases at Bruges,
Zeebrugge and Ostend, and apprehen
sion or destruction of Zeppelins.
"Last week, notwithstanding heavy
artillery fire and the glare of rockets,
our aviators dropped during the night
more than 1000 9-miIimeter bombs on
German naval bases along the Belgian
f coast, besides taking an effective part
in me Dumoarument on iuontnuisi
Forest on August 15. The machines
returned, although several of them
were damaged severely.
"In Egypt and Syria and at Venice
our hydro-aeroplanes have shown
great activity. Engagements occurred
recently with Austrian hydro-aeroplanes,
which were put to flight. One
Greatest ,
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
A Tremendous Saving at This Sale of
Dainty Well -Made
Under muslins
An extraordinary cleanup
of broken lines of Skirts,
Gowns, Combination Suits
and Envelope Chemise.
Regular $1.00 and $1.25
garments, your choice
Women who miss this great sale of Undermuslins will miss an
opportunity to secure a full season's supply of fine, high-grade
garments at little cost. It is a final cleanup of broken lines and
surplus lots of Skirts, Gowns, Combination Suits, Drawers and
Chemise, of crepe, nainsook or cambric, with trimmings of fine
laces, embroideries and ribbons. Dozens and dozens of styles
and all sizes in the assortment. Garments regularly
sold at $1.00 and $1.25 on sale while they last at
Great Showing and
for the first time the most popular
6 to 14 years, in navy, wine, brown,
attractive manner. Lnmatchable values
of them was- pursued as far as Pola
by a French machine."
Adjutant Bertin. of the French avia
tion corps, has been cited In the orders
of the day. and awarded the Legion
of Honor for flying behind the Ger
man lines and bringing back in safety
Adjutant Boyer, who was compelled to
set fire to his machine as the result of
an accident.
Both aviators were engaged in recon
noitering expeditions in the same di
rection. Bertin's landing point was
about four miles beyond that of Boyer.
On returning after executing his mis
sion, Bertin saw Beyer's machine in
flames. He landed in face of a heavy
fire, picked up his comrade and flew
back to the French lines with a frag
ment of a shell in his thigh. The aero
plane was struck In 98 places by bul
lets and pieces of shell.
Indianapolis Saloonman - Freed
Without Sentence, as Wife Is III.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Sept. 3. Ernest
Roeder, a saloonkeeper and one of the
more than 100 men indicted along with
Thomas Taggart and Mayor Joseph E2.
Bell, charged with conspiring to com-
A Powerful
Photo-Play With
a Splendid Cast
at the
Griffith's $500,000 Masterpiece,
Founded on "The Clansman.
Accompanied by Augmented
Prices, 25c, SOct IIoK Scats T3c
rrlevii. SOc, 7 ."Vol Box Seat 1.(K.
Store Closes
Daily at
5 :30 P. M.
On Saturdays
6 :00 P. M.
Home Phone
A 2112
styles in Children's Serge and
etc. All extra
mit felonies in the primary and elec
tion of 1914, pleaded guilty before Spe
cial Judge W. B. Kichhorn here today.
Boeder, whose wife is ill, was re
leased on his own recognizance without
being sentenced.
Roeder is the eighth man to plead
guilty to the conspiracy charge. The
trial of Mayor Bell, the first of the in
dicted men to be tried, is set to begin
next Monday.
Kef u gees on American Cruiser.
PARIS, Sept. 3. A dispatch to the
Matin from Canea, Crete, filed yester
day ears: "'The United States cruiser
Des Moines arrived with 634 refugees,
mostly French, from Jaffa, Palestine."
That Dandy Comedy
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