TTTE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX. TITtTHSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. 9 C1TYNEWS IN BRIEF OHEGOMAN TELEPHONES. Managing Editor. ....Mam 7070. A City Editor Main T07O. A. 603 Sunday Editor . ..iain 7uT0, A tJ0i3 Advertising Department.. .Mala 7070. A 600s City circulation Main 7070, A 6t5 Composing-room . . . .. . .Main 7070. A 6095 J'rintlns-room Main 7070. A 6035 Superintendent Building . .Main 7070. A 604) 5 AMCSEMENT9. HEILTCi THEATER (Broaawar and Taylor streets) Motion pictures, "The Birth of a .Nation." BAKER THEATER (Sixth and Morrison streets) Tonight. "The Tapping at the Door' auspicea of Ben Franklin Club. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK Varied amuse ments, concert band and Taudevllle. I A NT AGES fAlder at Broadway) Vaude ville. Performances 2:0. 7:30 and U:30 P. M. EMPItESS (Broadway and Stark) Vaude ville. Performances 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15 P. M. T ! OKECOXIAN AX KESOBTS. Subscribe with the following agents at your Summer resort, to secure tne 1 most prompt delivery of The Ore T gonian. City rates. Subscription by 4 mall are payable In advance: J Bar View K. T. Jack sen I Bay City. Or E. p. Marcher J Bay Ocean W. S. Johnaoa Brighton. Or W. A. Kowe Carson, Wash Carl B. Health t ...Mineral Springs Hotel J Columbia Beach Mrs. E. Burkneaa Ecola. Or W. Crone t Garibaldi C. EUU . . x a A oearoari, w -" . i I.onr Beach J. H- 6traohai 7 t Ike Iftle Frank Miller , Manhattan Frank Miller ; Manzanlta E. J. KardeU e Megl. Or Ixiula Cohen Kancotta. Wash J. - Brown i t Newport. Or O. F. Herron ! Ocean Park I. K. Beecney t Ocean Lake Park O. L. Comstock I f Bockaway Beach 1 rank MUler I fealtalr - Frank Miller ! Seaside. Or Clark Stratton Peaview. Wash. . .Constable Putnam t Tain Hocks Frank HlUer t Tillamook, Or.'. J. B- Ima I wheeler. Or R. ll- Cady I WUboit Springs, i F. W. McLaren s. ee.s ... ...... Market Space Is Taxed. The com mittee in charge of the Alblna public market on Knott street, between Wil liams and Rodnfey avenues, finds the space on this street lully occupied by the producers and taxed at times so ihii hnth airle.o of the street are used. The market booths were built along the north Bide o Knott street, anoui iv in number, all of which have been taken. There was some talk of enlarging the market to provide for more producers. but It was decided not to do so this year. Those who come who have no booths take their own chances, but they usually have no trouble. The Albina public market has contmuea to grow until everything found in the Yamhill market 13 found In the Albina market. The producers come from Clarke Coun ty. Washington, and r.ext year when th Interstate brtdse is finished the Alblna Business Men's Club hopes, to open the market ev.ery lay lnsteaa on Wednesday and Saturday, and secure more space somewhere. Fair at Estacada. Opens September J The Kast Clackamas County fair w ill open at Estacada on September 8, and continue for three days. Opening dav Wednesday, will be juvenile day. 1. "i Harrington, of Oregon Agricul tural College, will lecture on poultry. There will be a eugenic contest and codklnK demonstration. Thursday will be community day. with talks on hogs and hog raising, cooking demonstration and awarding community prize. Friday will be old settlers' day. C. E. Smith, of the O.-W. R. & N., will deliver an address and there will be cooking demonstrations and awarding of pre miums. A butter contest will be held for two and one-half days to determine the best cow In that distirct. Prises will be awarded for farm products, for home products and for juvenile ex hibits. More Time Given Cashier Sextet. Federal Judge Bean has granted Frank Menefee. president; Oscar A. Campbell, vice-president and director; F. M. Le Monn. ex-sales manager; O. E. Gernert, ex-assistant sales manager, and B. F. Bomvewell and H. M. Todd, ex-salesmen of the United States Cashier Company, until November l to file bills of excep tions. Judge Bean has already given the defendants until September 20 to file motions for a new trial. All were convicted of conspiracy to use the United States mails in furtherance of a fraudulent stock selling ECheme. rioNEBR or 1852 Passes. A. T. rray, .a pioneer resident of Oregon, who had lived Itt Portland for four years, died at his home at 1602 Kast Pavis street. Tuesday. Mr. Dray was born In Trumbel County, Ohio, in 1833 and moved to Oregon in 1852. He is survived by his widow, two daughters and Ave sons. The children are: Mrs. J. I Ijysons. of Snohomish; Mrs. 11. B Abllng."of Portland: J. J. rray, of Port land: R. II. Dray, U K. Dray and W. W. Dray, all of Tacoma. and C. T. Dray, of Kalama, Wash. BoxriBB Bax Raised. Bonfires are once more In order. Upon recommenda tion of Fire Chief Dowel!, Mayor Albee yesterday raised the ban on the fires and Instructed the fire bureau to issue permits. The action came as a result of the rains. Issuance of fire permits was Flopped about two weeks ago be cause of the extremely Ory weather and the danger of spread of fires. Lighting of bonfires without a permit is unlawful. IOI.l.AR DAT SALES TO START. Sell ing of pennants to arouse interest in "dollar day" wtll commence, today, and will be continued for several days this week. "Dollar day" is to be Thursday, September 23. The 12 yoting women who are to handle the selling of the "dollar day" pennants will assemble at the Chamber of Commerce this morw lng. where automobiles will be ready to take them on their selling trip about the city. Woodmen to Have Rnrsorr. Web foot Camp. Woodmen of the World, will hold its monthly roundup or social Fri day rtieht. This will be known as r ord night and the Ford Band and all the employes will be present. As' this Is Peach week the refreshment part of tne programme will consist of iced peaches served in various styles. There will be special features of interest. SrKN'crn Mill kr Speaks. Spencer Miller. Jr., Ph. D.. in political science from Columbia Lniversity, New York City, spoke to the members of the Con gressional Union for Woman's Suffrage at luncheon yesterday in the college room of the Haielwood. Mr. Miller was connected with the Industrial Relations Commission in session in Washington. Rev. L. K. Grimes Ri:nRss. Rev. I K. tJrimes, pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Orimes returned yesterday from .Manlanlta. where they spent the greater portion of their vacation. Dr. Grimes has taken up his pastoral duties again, and will he in the pulpit as usual next Mmflay morning. F.ast Side Ci.ub Meets Tonight. The East Side Business Men's Club w ill hold its regular meeting tonight at the clubrooms. 15.! Grand avenue. At this meeting the members will discuss the programme of activtics for the Fall and Winter. Two Caucht bt Marshals. Frank Berry. Deputy United States Marshal, returned to Portland yesterday from Klamath Falls, bringing with "him A. R. Rider and William Feu. charged with selling liquor to Indians. School Books bought, sold and ex changed. 170 6th, opp. PoslofCice, Adv. Another Crime Laid to Johnson. Burglaries traced to A- E. Johnson, who was arrested by Detectives Hyde and Vaughn Tuesday, totalled six yesterday when an investigation revealed his responsibility for the rifling of the Portland Heights home of Sol Hart, at 111 North Twenty-second street, last Friday. At this time a watch valued at $100, a suit of clothes and some jewelry were taken. All has been re covered. In all the burglaries attributed to Johnson, aged 19, whose wife, aged 21, reviled the police Tuesday night for the arrest, a door panel was cut through to gain entrance to the house robbed. Box's Outfit Is Puzzle. The police are endeavoring to locate the owner of a boy's outfit that was found on Hayden's Island Monday morning. From underwear to cap. shoes and knicker bockers, it was a complete outfit and the police cannot account for its pres ence on the. beach unless the possessor was drowned. None of the boys miss ing in Portland, according to police reports, wore clothes resembling those found. A pair of red and brown checked knickerbockers, a black and white checked Summer cap, white shirt with no collar and canvas top shoas are in the outfit. At, Kaders to Celebrate. IfoBles of AI Kader Temple of the Mystic Shrine will make merry at the home of Poten tate G. W. Stapleton tomorrow night, with the band and patrol and with great manifestation of festivity. The decision to make the visit to Mr. Stapleton's home near Gresham was made at a meeting last Saturday. Mr. Stapleton being steered out of the meeting while the Shriners jovially passed the motion to invite themselves to be his sruests. Members of the com mittee in charge of the event are: E. T. Rehfleld, A. B. Gottschalk, C. B. Turlay, Robert Lutke and G. F. Honey. Street System Proposed. Simplification of the house numbering system in Portland is proposed in a new street sign system worked out by Municipal Traffic Engineer Kirkpatrick. He proposes to include on each inter section street sign figures showing the house numbers within the block beyond the sign. If the numbers, for example, run from 60 to 100 within a certain block the sign will bear the figures ou-iuu Deiow the name of the street By this system it is said people can more easily find houses by the street number. Moonlight Excursion Arranged. Employes of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. will go on their annual moonlight ex cursion tonight on board the steamer Beaver. They will leave the Ainsworth dock at 7:45 and travel down the Wil lamette into the Columbia River. Music and refreshments will be provided on board and other forms of entertain ment will be arranged when the party gets under way. It is aimed to be back at the dock at 11:30. All employes of the company, their families and their friends have been invited to join in the party. Ex-Portland Man Ranks High. Out of 353 men who passed a recent civil service examination in. Los An geles for positions in the Fire Depart ment, L. T. Kane, and ex-Portland fire man, passed next to highest, according to information received yesterday by Fire Chief Dowell. Mr. Kane served in engine company No. 17 for several years. There were 479 applicants. The highest man got a rating of 93.4 per cfnt while Mr. Kane got 93.2 per cent. Transportation for Pupils Aim. A delegation from the Base Line Im provement Club, of Ventura Park, on the Base Line road, will attend a meet ing of the county school boundary board at the Courthouse tomorrow to ask that provision be made to provide transportation of school children to the Russellville schoolhouse. The board recently declined to form a separate school district for Ventura Park. Orion P. Fisher Receiver. i-Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday appointed Orion P. Fisher, a public receiver for the bankrupt Portland Plating & Auto Painting Company. The assets of the company are said to be $3509 and the liabilities about Special for Satl-rdat. riur t--.,is. 4-cent bulk coffee, 25 cents; onlv four pounds to a person. Martin Marks Coffee Co., 252 Third st. Adv. Patton Home Meeting; Set The regular monthly business meeting of the Patton Home Association will be held at the Home Friday at 10:30. dr. Selling, Selling bldg., returned. -Adv. FELICE LM TO FAMOUS YOUNG SOPIIAXO WILl AP PEAR WITH PAVIOWA, Grand Opera Dehut In America to Open at -Chlcaeo in Early Part of October. Especially interesting in Portland Is the announcement by Max Rabinoff that Miss Felice Lyne has been en gaged as one of the stars for the grand opera organization that he will pre sent in conjunction with the Tavlowa Ballet this season. Mlsa Lyne is the youngest opera star to sing her way around the world and she is now half way around the second time. Except as a guest of the Boston Grand Opera Company, she has been heard only a few times in America. Last March Miss Lyne was a Portland visitor at the home of Dr. and Airs. F. E. Moore, whose niece she WOMVV PIOVKKR OK PORT LAND PASSES AWA1. t r-- t s i ' - : t - ' t x 1 t t . . ! tx 4 - 4 Announcement: We Jtake pleasure in announcing that owing to the decided increase in our business, we have been compelled to enlarge our offices and are now occupying the entire second floor of the Stevens v Building, corner of West Park and Washington Streets. Here we shall continue to be at the service of our policyholders arid the general public in the same manner which has previously earned for us the title "The Company of Satisfied Policyholders"" Columbia Life & Trust Co. Former Address 916 Spalding Building Present Address 202 Stevens Building M r. Heddn Rankin. Mrs. Hedda Rankin. 77. mother of Captain Oliver P. Rankin, and a pioneer Portland resident, died Rt her home, 425 Larrabee street, Tuesday night, after a lingering illness. ' she and her husband. John Rankin. cam to the United States from Sweden and moved to Portland 44 years ago. Her husband fas a seafaring man and served on the Great Eastern, the Oreflamme, John L. Stephens. Victoria Cross, the Columbia and Oregon, retiring in 1906. Mrs. Rankin is survived by an only son. Captain Rankin, of the steamer Rose City, and two daughters, Mrs. Anna Hannen and Miss Ellen Rankin, of this city. - USTi select a' large; ligkt; well appointed rpom if or "your; home at ; Hotel Ndrtonia with every convenience with courteous service . with individual attention all these mean comfort. The source of .much pleasure appetizing meals, willing service, cheerful at . mospheredur dining room is-;restful. You'll, en Joy a meal a . day 's stay - - a month's so journ --a iear even. The thing that appeals moderate prices. -, " Iltfi off Washington 124t at Washington ' Portland Awarded G-oid Medoi Ban Fraaciaco Exposition tV.a highe honor oc Imported Olive OH. HOTEL ST. PAUL Fourth and Alder. M. E. Foler Prop. ALIj MODERN CONVENIENCES. Ratra ft Da and ITp. Social Halei to Pcrman-nii. Take Any Tept Car, 0?t Off at Alder. Is. She passed a year with them In Oregon eight years ago, when she was still a. little grirl. Most interesting is the story of Miss Lyne debut into the circle of fame, for in one nigrht. four years aero, in the London Opera-House, she became famous in her initial appearance with Hammerstein's company. Since thn she has been one of the youngest of American singers to win recognition abroad and has added numerous suc cesses to her first appearance. Her near appearance with the Rab inoff company will be her first op portunity to appear in her native coun try in the large repertoire gained abroad- The engagement of Miss Lyne in Rabinoff's company means that the famous coloratura soprano will b heard in all the principal cities of America and most probably in Port land. In the early part of October she will make her debut with the Boston Grand Opera Company and the Pav Iowa Ballet Russe at the Auditorium In Chicago. BRIDGE ENGINEER IS DUE Senior Member of Klrm in Charge or Construction Coming Sept. 13. John I-yle Harrington, senior member of the engineering firm of Harrington, Howard & Ash, which is overseeing the construction of the interstate bridge, will arrive in Portland September 13, accordi nc to a telegram received yes terday by Rufns C Holman." chairman of the Interstate Bridge Commission. Mr. Harrington left Kansas City yes terday. On his visit to Portland he will inspect the work done on the bridge and v-'-l confer with the members of the ;ion regarding the prog ress bus far. Frank Cortelyou, resi.. ..iieer, is the local represen- tativt .-u Kansas City firm in charge of the construction of the bridge. EXPLOSION JNJURES CHILD Clielvalis Boy Finds Dynamite Cap and Loses Three Kingers. CHEHALIS. 'Wash.. Sept. 1. (Spe cial.) Leonard Hendricksen. son of Chris Hendricksen, toyed with an un used dynamite cap, which he found while playing; with some children. As a result the lad is minus three fingers, and also is suffering from a. severe gash in his eide. Ma-s Meeting of Taxpayers. Mass meeting of taxpayers tonight, September 2, in the Couch School, Sev enteenth and Kearney.- All interested in an economical form of city govern ment invited. Adv. CARD OF THAXK8. We wish to thank, the friends who were so kind during- the sickness and death of our father; also for the many beautiful flowers. C. I- COLBl'RN. O. R. COUBL'RX. MR. AND MRS. S. P. ANDERSON Adv. ANJ i"AAllL.i The Portland Ad Club Invites You to Participate in Highway Inspection Day MONDAY, SEPT. 6 Tickets on Sale at the following places: Doivn Town Headquarters N. yv. Bank Bldgr., 333 Morri son Street. Information Conn ter Portland Chamber of Com merce. Information Counter Meier & Frank Department Store. Information Connter Roberta Brothers Department Store. Information Counter- Llpman - Wolfe Department Store. Information Counter- Olds. Wortman & partment Store. Ticket Office O.-W. R. & K. R. R., 3d Washington. Information Conster Woodard, Clarke & Co. Lennon's Lennon'8. Kins De- and Big Day of Games, Lunch, Music Bring the Family and Come ROUND TRIP FARES Children, 5 to 12, 35c; Adults, 65c Fall Season Greeting From the Store of Quality After a' Summer of pleasure at the Beach, etc., this Store offers bo many pleasant changes in the Culinary Department, that it is wfth pleasure that we extend to the HOUSEWIFE OF PORTLAND a cordial invitation to do her daily ordering; here. L. MAYER & CO. , "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat 148 Third Street ' A 4432, Main 9432 TWO BIG SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Crystal White Soap, $i.OO per box. You save 20 Bars on regular retail selling price. Hunt's Hawaiian Pineapple, in 2z cans. SOt a tin, $2.00 per dozen. A saving of 2 cans on every dozen. NEW QUALITY GOODS THAT ARE NOW LISTED IN OUR STOCK : Loose-Wiles Sunshine Biscuits, all kinds. Kingan's Own Hams. Muller's Egg Noodles, Macaroni, Spaghetti, etc American Biscuit Co.'s Vanilla and Lemon Snaps in round tins. Powdered Bath Bricks in 10c packages. New New York Pure Maple Sap. New Holland Milker Herrings. New York Old Snappy Cheddar Cheese. PICKLING SEASON IS HERE We offer: Pickling Spices, Vinegar, Brandies, Pure Aromatic Spices, ground or whole. Preserved Ginger, Jars, Crocks, Tops for all kinds of jars. PROMPT SERVICE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE -A JOINT ACCOUNT Is a splendid convenience for hus band and wife, or for any two mem bers of a family. Either may draw checks and in case of the death of one the sur vivor may use the account without the expense and delay of having an administrator appointed. Call at this bank regarding; such an account. s The United States National Bank Third and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. Capital and Surplus - - - - $2,0t)0,000.00 $3 .00 Over Labor Day. at the Ocean Enjoy Most Scenic Ride in Oregon Spend Saturday, Sunday, Monday' on the delightful Tillamook County Beaches Last Trip Seashore Special Last trip of the Seashore Special will be from Portland Sunday, Sept. 5th, from Tillamook beaches Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6th. City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth st. Cor. Oak. PhJnes Broadway 2760, A-6704. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland MA NEW AND BETTER METHOD FOR MARKETING FRUITS" The Fruit Auction System Means Larger Returns to the Grower., Arthur Geary, Representing the FEDERATED AUCTIONS of ten important cities of the United States, will lecture in PORTLAND Y. M. C. A. AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 88 P. M. FREE PUBLIC INVITED. Educational. THE POSITION IS LOOKING FOR YOU You do not have to hunt for a position when you have the training a. few months In our college will give you. The position will come to you. Among- our thousands of graduates during the" last 2S years are hundreds of leadinsr business men of the Pacific Northwest who come to us for their trained office help, enabling us to place you in a nosition WHICH wii i MEAN MONEY. POSITION. POWER. OPPOHTI itv in , ... VJli We are enrolling second-generation students, the sons and daug'hters-TS men and women who attended HOIMES' BlsIKSS COLLEGE 25 and more I years Ana n you iwiew mc nupcuur advantages we are equinoed to give you, you would enroll at once. SINCE 1887 we have trained men and women for business success. Clip out the coupon and mail at once to HOLMES BLSIESS COLLEGK. ''The School That Gets You a Good Position," Portland, Oregon. H OLMES' BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Washington Streets. Portland, Orrson. nFORMATIOV COITOX. Send full information concern ing your Shorthand Bookkeeping Com- bine Civil Serv ice Course, Day Night Classes, to , Name Address. COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME San Jose, California Accredited to State University. Courses: Collegiate, High School, Commercial NOTRE DAME CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Location San Jose, "The City of Schools," in the beautiful Santa Clara Valley, far-famed for Its de lightful and equaffle climate. For prospectus, address MSTK.R SITERIOB. Belmont School (For Boys) 21 miles south of San Francisco W tbmr ttmt w to owr boy wh ttwnrtfui preuta wlh. Our Trad ov ton entfr. on rfcommendsvUoo. institutions thmt admit on eertlflcot and on examination fet pace ot par cataiotrue) to Hnrrmrd. Tb Masaarbcsetta lnntltut of TechnologT- and H'al. wboo sd mission reqnlrf raent r roofttK-Terr. 8rnd for baautlfally Illustrated catalotn, which riT Dot only a vry trood Idea of the spirit and rur poM of the cbooi, but of it equipment and ita attracrtWa school hom. Nothlnsr. howerer, caa qniM tax (so piaoe 01 a visit to tne school 'w. Z. R&ID, Head Master, Box M. Belmont, CU. Jkuhaavka f tTksals-ia.uJ sT I : - wsuiroriEM '"Jy WomaiysCoOegtoauiePaKdncCosst. tetnnoe and rrarirssKM reouaemcno coumieat to Umwmfa or Caltfomm. Mandand Departnczxa, Fun jxuunr a Horns Imnnmrt nA m Gymnasium and Playrrouod Sutxy viakxk Spec owe fc beattb of stndczn. Cbriitsn MA. For csLsiocue addrest Brg wrar. Mills ColJcft: . O. SCHOOL OF THE Portland Art Association Day. Evening and Saturday Classes. sUrawlntc, Painting, Composition, Design and Crafts. Scvcath Year Berlu October 4, 1915. Museum of Art fifth aad Taylor St. St. Helens Hall BoardinsT and Day School for Girls. Academic, Elemestsrj ssd Moatcaaorl klBdrrcsrtes Oepartraemt. The forty-seventh year begin Septem ber loth. Apply Sister Superior. Phone Main 2b33. St Mary's Academy and College HOLY NAMES OF JKSUS AND HAST COMPLETE URAL. E. ACADEMIC and COL LEQB COURSES Commercial. Oomastte Science and Elocution Dep's.. MUSIC Piano. Vole. Violin. Vlolincello, Harp, Harmony. ART Water Color. Oil Palntln. China Falntlne, Ue!nln. History of Art. Resi dent and Day student. Address Sister Su perlor. St. Mary's Academy. Portland. Or ML SIC EDL'CATIOV SCHOOL 715 Everett Street Corner Twenty-second Elementary School for Bays and tiirls Ensliah. Mathematics. Music, Man ual Arts. Gardening-. French and German. Third Year Opens Tuesday. Septem ber 14. Telephone Main 333. I MM A CULA TA A CA DEM Y DAY SC1IOOI FOR CUtLs. Arsdemlfl count offer"! for entnnr in course and university. Commercial ennrfto condutl. with acsdmlc work, hv fffiritnl Instructor. Marir nlvn pial attention bv accomplished artist. All crtirB embody th- effort (n develop refinement mrt vent lenefl In th younu iriri. Only Catholic hleh school on eunt nid. irt." Stanton st. Supervised by Dominican Hfter. Act reUittMi to Colleges, liummiir and Primary crade. Fourteenth year. CataVopue upon ap plication. Address Miss Harlter. Palo Alto. CmL California Hotels EBBBBeESBBEdBj T T 1 I T i u HOTEL TURPIN 17 POWELL, ST. AT MARKET iN THE HEART OF THE CITY European Plan $?50 and Upward EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT SAN FRANCISCO 11! ritcc m Auto Bar Meets Trains C& Steamers BHEX SAN FRANCISCO MOTELS ABE FILU STOP AT Oakland's UATCT Kcel,8nt Meals Refined Family till I rAj Perfect Eer-.lci KEY ROUTE INN OAKLAND, CAUFORKIA Key Route direct to Exponltlon Entrance Rate: l to With Meals $2.50 to Weekly $6 to 12. Witb MesOa LS to t m FRANCISCO. GEABI AX lijwn Bellevue Hotel 10 minutes to Exposition without trans fer. Built of concrete and steel, Frivata bath to every room. First-claas In yt detail. Rates from $2 up. H. W. WTXJLft, Manager. (Member of Official Exposi tiua Hotel Bureau.)