Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    tttt: mousing onEGoxiAy. Tuesday, august -31. iois.
cu ku iB 2,1M- ?
.ni. J";
Vela T'.:'H. A
..a ; a
. . w..tma Bjxiima A mm
neata. acsrl bn4 aa4 aulsi.e.
I FTawy asc-
1 io. I.
r. x.
. . . . J-.rt ,rr. Si J-
r. v.
asserts wlt ta faUwta areata
at w smar mirt. la s-care taw
Ml arat ar OT"
eaalaa. cit rats wctaa
Bail era aajee IB a4aaea:
a w - - r J1
b.7 .. p-
PinM . roFumn-TM brtc
sa .Bui. in. forw.r """ '"'r
... F.tA.D.4 A..m.ot for IB. .
itt b- d.imau.ra e-Pt.mbrr . I
Pr,.m.nt cC IaI J"
mpr..m.nt rurv. from lilABKtt.
jn.,.. . B..,w-r.l
ic.. .f Ju r.. - so d.
ki. ..... l mAtlllA . -
recently came lo lornano
ass. Aria He la survived by bis widow
and in. foilowlna children: C?.""'".
T:.. Valentin. J and Adam J. Fik. of
Portland. J.v Flke. of
Wa.; r..mam C. M. and VuMr.r''
'ae. af 1'tio.nis. Aria: Mrs. Mab.1 E.
ltck.on. f Hartford. Conn.
rt arvras roa Naaor Kic-T -Fo r
Bitur. enouI to l ul B hous. Babl
labtv for a mother and Iw sob Is
aouiSI by the Associated Charities. Th.
wamaa and her l-o sona. who were
Baabl. to work. w.r. Bnaily
Kted from lh. furm.hed rooms they
were occipyln aad ar. deslllul.. The
Axlate4 Charities ba succeeded IB
Bnd,n a ou. for them. fre. for
lima, but tt. family will aol b. ab
I, ,... la until Hai kind of simple
f.jraaur. sufficient lo meet Iheir Im
anediAt. B'eda tas b obtained.
Utatb Msstbb to nr. State
Ma.t.r C. Jp. will b. th mam
speak. r at lh. picnic lo b held today
at rystal Lake Park In Milwaukl. His
aJdr.a- will b civen this afternoon at
j ovlo-'k. In connection with wis
ther ese'rci.M. The aSatr la Biv.n by
th. Mtla-aaki Grans, in place of th.
annual Uir which will be omitted this
year Al noon a ba.k.l dlnn.r will be
sarv.d. aft.r which there will be
a.m.. and other mercl.... All crances
and other interested will b welcome
to attend.
Foaas-rcaa Abb F.aTBTAt!t. A
party r It Foresters of America
vi.ite.1 yesterdAy In Portland on their
war I en Francisco to attend the
.,,o-.m. convention of lh. order. They
,,.. rrom Boetoa with lh. Frank
,....,. , Mr under lh dire'tion
at .11. J Home. A commute, from
tn lo.-al lodaea of Koretsers met Ihem
at the M'tltnoman ttotei yeaiemay ana
n. oav was devoted lo slhtseeln
trine lh. city. Th vlsitinc parly
left f ir I'an Fran-lo last nlht.
umnort Lct Ta Cobiso.
The Minnesota '" staff of Ihe
Hrcih.rh I ef American eomen will
l(p..r at the Woodmen's Hall on the
.,. of Kenterober l. The team Is
ri. k.4 from th. pioneer Homestead No
that haa a membership of H
This desre. staff will be In Portland
a its v lo n Francisco. Classes
In Portland and lalera will b laltlatao
by th. vlitlna team. W. A. Bullock
l ihe state manecr of th fraternal
' bi n.ret Ttce AaTnix FttP
Arti'-le of incorporAtlon wrra filed In
County Clera Coffey s office yesterday
hy the lm.rt-sn I'oncrete I'll Corn
par hi-h he lul stock to the
par vsl-i. of t:t-x. A. sv M. hols. A.
I. M lo-t J"-! F. D Kln are the
norpor. The t"baT-le II Archerd
lmplm.nt Compans. with III. worth
ef ptoch. wa in'-orporated by CTiarles
It Arvher.1 Ida k Archerd and Mabel
K. a.m.a.
t.iaaf UM New Woaa The
trhnt.-l rom ef th. C.ntral library
Us. Jit ad-led lo Its shelves an t
rM.nt work on the conservation of
water .t e-raca. It la by Profeor
)rf reus, of ltarmr I'nlver
sitv This la said ! ta ba-t bk
n Ihe ubt'l of lh u and dve!op
meet af our water resources that bas
set appeafe!.
ntrawt ;a.i T FssitarT Al
the la.t mMthf ef CoTtimbta ranee,
at tha Ha l ea.t of the .ridv nver It
was d Md to pa-e aa etMMt at th
reitnff f.r al tire.nam which will be
b.t'i repi'mbr I 1 1 t'ommtttee were
aociinte.l ta aaembl. Ihe esMbil from
in. t aeiweew is. n-r
I Bar Unsa "
I .waa. or W. A. .
jxn. w Cast sV l
Miami BrtB state!
Tinta A" -- L. W. CH
t owrt- or -tra. t
i tm. J. M. nr. 1 J
lit! u- -
-r. or '-5: J
r.r.. O. DV"Jr
i x raw. - t
Mnr wk raaa IU
; t ta"ii:
Tw. or IVtSr
I .wr.or ..J-
.lit lni.rm.Dl la Moon! -oll
I. .. it. ... T ln bb4
ant the ea.t county boundary limits j ,,rJ. ;.....m csllons of water
La.t year Columbia -on W"M ta tns lnlo ,h. p,p.;in.. in 14
Fain at ti"o Bar-rsirarB . The. Bourfc f Cny . usirc much lees than
lecal fair al iir4. la Ihe "andy Val- ,, j,,iy. but the surplus y-trdy
l.v will k. B!d jiaptember B,1"T;.., belns ted to fill th reservoirs.
Iha supr. ee of the U.r Commercial , wBlirn) ..r. lowered last week by rea-
ClTb, It Is planner to n l me nan in
rht.h t-e fair will re n.i.l wtta in.
products ef the surroundings. A spe
cial ssVMt wilt ee made ef corn
Fob Rot West i4e. sis-room ftaia.
pea seichhri.d. near new Couch
hoel: fireplace, furnace, with hot
vjter eo.l. everj rotventetwa. Th.
pric. I. rcit. M Ihem today T!J4
ant Tii Karnev. near d si Adv
Wvcvs CtrB to Ptc-arc. The Wom
en's New ThoisM Club will hold a
picnic la Terunsula Park a Wednes
day. In caa. ef rain provision wtll be
snad. for Ihe entertainment ef these
who attend.
tr Toe Wivt a ntca, for
nt.n.4 apt. look for ad under Marrl
snea Apt.. Pr D M. Rami Adv.
r pm-r-nioT bas returned. Medi
cal blic Adv.
Dw. DatToa. glasses. Kwetland bldg
F Pub CXBA B4. BO IS. Oreroalaa.
pouni Hi irr Timra" Th. pollc.
w.r. workmi Ibm iht In an rffort lo
l.ara lh. Id'nwtr of t man who
nt.r4 lh offlf. of In. I"i"dmont Ful
Companr. J Wllllajti. ar.nufc -t.raar
momtn about 7:1. o'clock and
iartd a nra In an .fTort to burn down
lb. pl.c. I-alrolman R. Cran. who
liiM.lll!'4 th. ca. reported that th.
man nfld th. dB In th. offlc. and
look B lot f papara bfora tartin
lh Brr. V. T. Groat, proprl.tor of th.
pla. arrived In lima lo put out th.
Br. bfor It bad don. much daznac
() ru Viarr. At tha mt
ln of Al Kadrr T.mvla. h.ld Katurdajr.
plana w.ra mad. for a ltt lo th.
Don. of Gor. W. Jtapl.ton. pot.iv
tata of Al Kao.r T.mpla at Gr.ahara.
Tha committ. In chara. haa mad.
prorllon for .ntartalnm.nt. 1 ha Arab
i'atrol aa writ aa th. Shrine Band, will
participate. Th. attalr la to b. confined
to hrinr and famlllea. Th.
commit t In chara. la E. T.
A. B. Oottachalk. Rob.rt Lulke. C B.
Turlar and G. r". Honey.
No SrrciAL raooBABi Abkaobd.
To all an opportunity to attend
th lnpction of th. Columbia Hub
mmy Labor day. the North i'ortland
Commercial Club haa decided to omit
any .pec la I prorramma at Tenlnaula
fark. aa contemplated. K. M- Orth,
prealdent of th. club, advlea all who
can. to bo out on the Columbia High
way, but If not they can spend th. day
at Teninaula Park, where a prosramme
will b carried out.
GcoacB Vaiu Rbttbxbd. Charred
with forery In tbla city Geor. Varil
laa waa arrested In Seattle and waa
brourht back to Portland for trial by
City Wtectli. Ian Kelleher laat night.
Varillaa. who is it years of ace. la
charred with harlnc forced a check for
IIS drawn on th. Hibernla Marine
Hank. Th check Is said to ha been
sicned "A. White- and Indorsed with
the nam of -U. C. Miler " Th. warrant
waa sworn out by M. Nellsen.
dcrreui Mcctiho TnstMHT. A meet
Inc In th. Interests of National Equal
ufrrae will b. held tonlcht at th. Li
brary. Mrs. M. U T. Hidden will prasld.
and will read a letter from Pr. Anna
Shaw. Tb Methods and Viatua of the
Two National uffraft Societies" will
b. th. aubject. Juds. Catena haa been
askad lo apeak.
irns or Itaowxijco Bi nico. Fu
neral aerrlc.s of O. Lubeck.
th It-year-old boy who waa drowned
last Friday at Camaa. Wash., w.r.
conducted yesterday from W. H. Hamil
ton's chap.1. tut and Kast
Ulisaa str.eta, and th. Interment waa
mad In Rose City Cemetery. II was
tha son of Mrs. Julia Thorp.
Pkilo llounmii BaBAK Aa. While
on a flshinc trip, by auto, with a party
of friends Saturday afternoon. County
Commlseioner I'hllo Hoibrook sustained
a fracture of his rich! arm on crank
Inc th machine after th car had
stalled. The sparker waa advanced so
that th crank kicked back.
Hrauc Taii! S'Moot to Or. A
Btbl tramlnc school will be opened
beeinnlnr September T In Calvary
Baptist Chorcb. bast Ktchth and Grant
itretta litudenta may enroll on Fri
day, for crancelists will be
held on Fridays. All oum men are
Invited to Jeln.
Fa UK xr - Tumn Mebtixo frr.
Wichita Parsnt-Teacber Association
will hold the llrsl meetlnc of th. asa
son at lh. school Friday. September I.
at S:: o'clock.
PKi aia CasuTAToBT or Mt-sic will
resume leachlrc font. 1. Student re
quested to reserve their lesson periods.
mi 1JSI. Adv.
one tak inri:no vT:r it is
or i.Ksr:it 1'
M ell- mined Issbs I'erfaraa la Way
llalrrtala, Ulrl tsaea Trick aa Cyrte
aad All Aria Arc 0d.
Charlie's ther and so la Mary Pick
ford and a bevy of other famous mod.
star, who are winners at Pantacea this
week. A number of motion picture peo.
pi who ar clecerlr Imitated are the
eer popular -Fatty" Arbuckla. -Little
Mary" Plchford. Maurice Costello. Ford
Merlins and Blanch fa eel. who Im
personator la a summer and extremely
with s chorus of eisht ruta little
danclnc. slnclnc maidens and a clever
maa.-betlev camera man. they have
on. of the season's most unlqu.
sketches. With Maude ArmBeld In th
Armstrong company are li unusually
cood-looklnr people with winning Per
sonalities. one of th prettiest canine arts that
has been sren In many a season Is that
of Karl Km my and his II Inicentoua
white huMilf. These perfectly trained
entertainlnc llltl .loss are th -hit" of
the afternoon, with th crown-upa aa
well a. the kiddie, to whom they are
extremely f.aclnallnc. lor r-aturday
Manaser Johnson has arransed a P'-
rial entertainment fr the rhlldren with
three adorable puppy pt-.
tIU felblnL th. skillful "Venus on
Wheel.." balances and rides her bicycle
most cleverly.
Two clever personalities. Maude Ryan
and Charles Innes. appear In the "Bank
Hreaktnc" act. one of sonjj and funny
Jokes. Miss Ityan adds to their spicy
act with an array of atunnlnc. brlahtly
colored cowns that are fairly dazzling.
Comedy dlalocue and some funny soncs
make a happy act.
Btreaa Iteperisd t aaaaally Law Be
raw r Meet see we. bat Baa
ply Kxreede Dessaad.
Th. City r-ounti teaterday viewed
Bull Bun River at the headworka at
Its low Summer stsce Th Commis
sioner, and Water Bureau officials
made th. trip to th. Intake by automo
bile aad devoted an hour to Inspecting
ronditlona. Commissioner Daly, who
advocated th. trip, .aid lh purpose
wa to show th. Council th. river at
this .eaaln. It hating been seen by the
Council at ctr:r ..aeons.
It is reported that be-ausa of licht
snow In th. Bull Kun watershed th.
unusually low this tiummer.
in pipelin. supply betnar cut off
with the plpe'lnea operatlna at th
rale of t:.uOO..)oo sallons yesterday, the
reservoir suirly was aucmented. and
there still was a considerable overflow
at the hradworka The Council In
spected the sit ef th. proposed dam
across Bu'l Bun Canyon. wMcb bas
been sussested a a means of In. reaa
UB th "bead' at th pipelines and also
a. a means of stores at th head
works. The Council returned at 1 o'clock yes
Men! Why pay th. big profit of
ground-floor clothers? I se'l the latest
In ready-l"-war clothes and ssva you
H to IIS; suits lor IM TS. t:S suit
for t T. Jimmy Dunn. .l-l-17 Or
f oalaa bid ; elevator to 14 floor. Adv.
Chamber Urges Passage of
Ordinance Voters Approved.
Lone Cliampion or Five-Cent Auto
DecUre Such Action Would Be
Death Blow to Their Business.
Debate on Question Held.
n r orlrinsl Jitney ordi
nance by the Council, as recommended
by the vote of the people In June, la ad
vised by th Portland Chamber of Com
merce. aa a result of a debate at the
luncheon of th Memoere- Council yea
terday. ,
The resolution offered before the
M.mhers' Council demanded that: The
Members' Council request th director
of th Chamber of Commerce to Indorse
the ordinance reculatlns; the Jitneys as
it was affirmed br vote of the people
on June 7. IBIS, and request Its paa
sac By the City Council, as necessary
to the safety of me puonc
In the debate of the question on the
floor, tha Jitney bad only one champion.
iw, th. n.rson of C. D. CMlson. who In-
slated that the ordinance In that form
would put the Jltnef men out oi dusi
nes If paused.
H. P. Cottln. of the Department of
Public Safety. C. J. Franklin, and C. F.
Wrlcht were prominent among the de
fenders of the ordinance.
When the matter waa broucht to a
final vote, the voice of the Members'
Council waa practically unanimous.
there being only one vote cast acainsi
A guest of honor and special speaker
t tha luncheon was Georce William
Coleman, es-presldent of the Ad Clubs
of America, now president of the Com
mon Council of Boston,
Mr. Oleman spoke on the new spirit
of civic responsibility that Is being
developed In commercial organisations
throucnout th. 1'nll.d States, declar
Inc that ther la everywhere a ten
dency on the part of business men and
business org-anlaatlona to co-operate
more closely with th covernment of
city, state and Nation and t tlve more
of their service to the bei.trmeni oi
civic organisation-
Seeale Attrartlaaa Declared enfold
AImbt Baate aad Flahla aad
llaatlaK tiaad.
That B movement haa been started
for th. construction of a road to Steam
boat Lake In the vicinity of Mount
Adams, Is th. Information contained In
a letter received here from A. E. Weber,
of Timber Valley, Wash. The pro
posed road, which would be about 20
mllea Ions;, would start at Peterson
Prairie, pass Ihrouch Death Horae
Meadow, past the Indian racetrack and
then to Steamboat Lake.
Mr Weber aays that the evp-:naa of
the construction of the road would not
be heavy, sine the trades are licht
and there would not be any bltf fills or
expensive bridses. He say that it
would open up some splendid scenic
country and would make accessible ex
cellent flshlnsr streams and lakes.
-Steamboat Lake." he says, "Is B fine
sheet of water, well-stocked with trout
and haa an attractive location for a
.Summer hoteL There la also good
huntln? in the vicinity, the timber be
ing full of besr. cougar and deer In ad
dition to small came. Steamboat Lake
is about 14 miles north by east of
Mount Adams."
Of the country through which the
road would pasa he says:
'Every Aua-ust you may see hundreds
of persona pli-klruc hiicklcberriea. The
Indians pick them and dry them by the
fire for market Th time In not far
off when the whole district will be de
voted to dalrylnar. aa the Wintera are
not cold up there."
Mr. Weber says that the county will
Improve the road from Trout Lake to
Peterson Prairie.
J motor c,ub. , , m.t.
assistance." he
I would like to see every (rood road
Federal Agent Will Visit
JUvcr District Today.
Walter Fischer, special agent of the
rtenartment of Commerce of the bureau
of foreign and domestic commerce of
the Cnlted rUates. Is In the Northwest
Investigating conditions of fruit pro
duction and was a visitor at the Cham
ber of Commerce here yesterday.
Mr. Fischer haa been appointed to
visit South America and study methods
for development of a market for
American fruit In those countries, and
bla present trip is to obtain Information
on the production In various section.
He will visit the Hood Biver dlstrtct to
day. In about a month ha win com
Dlete his Investigations in the North
west and will leave for South America.
Water feuperlntrndent Kaiser and
Parly Complete Hound Trip.
Water Superintendent Kaiser re
turned yesterday from an automobile
tour from Portland to San Francisco
snd return. He was absent It days.
13 of which were taken In driving to
and from the Kxposltlon city.
Mr. Kaiser was accompanied by his
wife, two daughters, aon and Ben
Oreenshaw and his wife. Among other
thlnss of which Mr. Kaiser now boasts
Is Ihe fact that he reached San Fran
cisco with Bull Run water still in the
radiator of hi machine and got back
to l'or;land with Portland air still in
cne of the tires.
letter I'rflng Kxhlbits Are Being
Sent to rroapertlte Knlranls.
Th management o'f the Manufac
turers Land Producta Show has
begun sn active campaign for the sell
ing of space for the coming exposition.
A J. Klngsley. president of the exhibi
tion" Is sending out circular letters. Al
ready a larg. number of applications
for space have been received.
rians for the use of the Armory and
the special buildings to b. erected will
be ready this week. The arrangement
of tha Armory and temporary etructure
ain afford wider aisles and a better
display of products of the field, forest
i and factory.
The Portland Ad Club
Invites You to Participate in
Highway Inspection Day
Tickets on Safe at
Down To era Headquarter---. .
N. W. Bank
mug., e.
son Street.
laforasatlOB Cuaerv
Portland Chamber of
Isfsrmstlos Counter
.Meier & Frank Department
aforaaatloa Counter
Kubena Brothers Department
Big Day of Games, Lunch, Music
Bring the FamUy and Come
Deasanstrat!. la Prove SageaUoaa
Hade, aad Aadlenee la Advlaed
AgaJa.t Maahed Potatoes.
One thoussnd women attended the
lecture riven yesterday in Meier &
Frank'a new auditorium by Mrs. Sarah
Tyson Rorer. famoua writer and au
thority on cooking-. Nearly all of the
women took notes as Mrs. Borer sug
gested new ideas to them.
Practical suggestions for good house
keeping and bita of sparkling wit and
humor were acattered throughout the
talk. The speaker demonstrated as she
went. In 3i minutes she made at least a dozen different dishes, most of
them being from the one basic recipe-J
Mrs. Korer told the assemblage how to
make nut Dreau, umtu uc-u
roll, cannelon. corn apoon bread and
scones. The recipe for scones follows:
Mix two cups of flour, two teaspoons
baking oowder. one-halt teaspoon salt.
one tablespoon melted butter; beat one
egg without separating, aaa . one cup
milk: stir this Into the flour mixture;
drop by spoonfuls into a greased bak
ing pan and bake in a quicK oven.
Today Mrs. Borer will talk on
"Meats." giving special attention to
demonstration of uses of the cheaper
cuts. All her talka and auggestions are
,f a practical nature. She expiaina the
chemical properties of baking powder
and other ingredients, and in a plain,
simple way gives advice on what to
feed the family.
she took b rap at mashed potatoes
yesterday, saying: "I have been keep
ing house lor more man m years, auu
never use mashed potatoes. You can
get them In the almshouse ana ine
Jell." Mrs. Borer has light brown hair.
irood complexion ana aoesn i ii
more than 40.
D. H. Smyth, of Burns, is at the Im
R. Lowen. of Nome, Alaska, is at tne
C. D. Lasel, of Pendleton, is at the
J. E. Hinton, of Shanlko, is at the
. P. II. Herrole, of Ilwaco, Is at the
B. K. Smith, of Roseburg, Is at the
C. J. Thomas, of Woodburn, Is at the
Mrs. Kd Burke, of Baker, is at the
Portland. '
B. H. Hubbe, of Medford. Is at the
T. G. Ksson, of The Dalles, is at the
G. T. Markeson, of Boise, is at the
J. H. Garrett, of Hillsboro. is at the
Alfred Schaefer. of Kennewlck, is at
the Oregon.
Jam. Black, of San Jose. Cal., is at
the Nortonia.
E. N. Bartholomew, of Newberg, Is at
the Cornelius.
Charles D. Whlteaiue, of CorvalUa. is
at the Imperial.
P. S. Cyr. of Newberg, is registered
at the Cornelius.
J. G. Hawkins, of North Yakima, Is
at the Multnoman.
W. C. Brooks, of Washington, D. C.
is at the Portland.
Harry Doblm. of Vancouver. B. C,
is at the Nortonia.
V. M. Feterson. of Eugene, is regis
tered at the Terklns.
A. K. Goldman, of Seattle, is regis-
-.4 a t tha Or.fOD.
Oswald Cnristensen. of Frestoo. Ida
i. at tha Seward.
O P M. Jsmison left yesterday for a
Mortgage Loans
We will loan on down
town business property,
residences and apartment
houses in any amount from
$1000 to $300,000 at from
5 to 7 per cent. Prompt
attention given.
Wilfred Shore
& company
203-206 Northwestern Bank
Thone Marshall 1438.
the following places:
Information Counter
Lipman - Wolfe Department
Iaformatioa Counter
Olds. Wortmau & Kins De
partment Store.
Ticket Of flee
O.-W. R. & N. R. R.. 3d and
Information Counter
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
trip to San Francisco. He will return
about August .
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Atkins, of Che
halls, are at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moody, of Sha
niko. are at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Innes, of Ta
coma, are at the Nortonia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hartman. of De
troit, are at the Nortonia.
H. W MaynarT is registered at the
Perkins from Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hampton, of
Marshfield, are at the InperiaL
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Williams, of
White Salmon, are at the Seward.
sir. snd Mrs. H. K. Jargren. of Hills
boro. Kan., are at the Cornelius.
Edgar F. Jackson. John Wilson and
Chester Sorenson left by the steamer
Northern Pacillc for San Francisco to
visit the exposition. They expect to be
away about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Dunning", of Port
land, motored to Oroville, Cal- last
week-end and were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. N. B. Crane of that city. They
are making a tour of the Coast In their
machine their third trip oi tno an.u.
Mlsg Constance Taylor, daughter of
H c Taylor, 785 Irving street.
..,.'iiiriti on for appendicitis at St.
Vincent's Hospital yesterday, and her
condition is favorable. She is a gradu
ate of St. Helen's Hall and is a stu
dent at the 1'niversity of Oregon.
You College
Chaps, clever
can hardly de
fine the new
Fall creations
Politz has for
you. A wondrous
display of snappy,
distinctive styles
each one a Po
litz masterpiece.
You can't imagine
what will be worn
at college this year
until you see Po
litz the style
creator for young
men who seek in
dividuality .
Clothes of Culture
Street, at Sixth
California Hotels
European Plan $ J-50 and Upward
Auto Bas Meats Trains Ok Steamers
Phone Ybnr Want Ads to
. Main 7910. 4 6095,
B r . . T'- '
f x
Lovely new 7-room Semi-Japanese Bungalow, located on high
sightly corner lot 75x121 feet in Bungalow Block in LAUREL
HURST, northeast corner E. 41st and Ash streets, for $5900, on
very easy terms.
This delightful home lies within one block of beautiful
LAURELHURST PARK and enjoys a most wonderful unob
structed view. Has hardwood floors throughout, living and
dining-rooms in Old Ivory, balance of rooms in white enamel.
Tile bath, elaborate electric fixtures and plumbing, excellent
furnace. Bevel plate glass windows on first floor. Finest sleep
ing room in the city with separate plumbing fixtures. Garage in
' basement. Lawn in. ,
This is a bargain at $5900. You couldn't duplicate this home
at any other time for less than $7500.
We also have some smaller five-room California bungalows
from $2500 up, which we can sell you on rent-like terms. May
we not tell you HOW? ,-,
Phone for auto, 270 Stark street. Main 1503, A lol5.
Sales Agent for
What You Want
When You Want It!
Wednesday, September 1, 1915
Why not spend your evenings so tha't when the opportunity comes
you are ready to grasp it?
Call on our Mr. Walker and plan your Winter's work, or check tha
6ubject you wish to study and mail. We will send full information.
Pitman Shorthand
Gregg Shorthand
Letter Writing
Special classes in Advanced Typewriting preparing for the GOLD
Enroll Wednesday, September 1, for Day and Evening School.
4th and Yamhill Sts.
San Jose, Calitornia
Accredited to State University.
Courses: Collegiate, High School,
location. San Jose. "The City of
Schools." in the beautttul S a d t al
Clara Vallev, far-famed for its de
lightful and equable climate. For
prospectus, address ,.
Belmont School
(For Boys)
21 milea a oath af San Francisco
We nun we strsto our txTt
OKXurntful parents wish. Our irsdiuuej enter.
SrSSmmendation. taitltutionj that admit on
StiOcate and on elimination paire 84 of
Inrtttute ot Technology and ;
mlsalon requirement, are mortwrero. Sena tor
beautifully Illustrated catalogue, which srres
Sot OTlya my rood idea ot the spir. t and pur
ine. Toi the schooTbut ot it. equipment and Its
ESictl school home. Nothlne. however, cau
W. t. BIOSK Bead Master, Boa M . Belmont. Cat
n r
Portland Art
Day. Evening and Saturday Classes.
Drawing, Painting, Composition.
Designs and Crafts.
Seveatfc fear Bezlaa October 4, 18 IS.
atoacam of Art, Fifth and Taylor Sts.
8f :
You can do better
on Third Street
For Less!
Dictation (any system)
Rapid Calculation
Portland, Oregon.
St. Mary's Academy and College
Conducted tor Girls by tha SISTERS OF IK.
LEGE .COURSES Commercial airP"
Science and Elocution Dep s.. MLSIC Flano.
I- vinlln. Violincsllo. Harp. Harmony.
ARTwater Color. OU Palntlna. China
pSiting. Desls-nln,: History of irt Bj
dent and Day Students. Address j Slstsr Su
perior. St. Mary's Academy. Portland. Or.
71 Everett Street
Corner Twenty-second
Elementary School for
Boys and Girls
En"lish. Mathematics. Music Man
ual Arts. Gardening-. French and
German. .
Third Tear Opens Tuesday, Septem
ber 14. Telephone Main 399.
St. Helens Hall
Boardins and Day School for Girls
Academic. Elementary and Monteaaorl
rru nrtv.spventh year begins faeptem
?erl50thty Apply Sister Superior. Phot
Main 2539.
Mount Taraalpais Military Academy
The most .thoroughly "rg.nd and om-
I'SSy stortaTary. inxantry. MoUm
wDeTartmen edn.d '"1
h vx' ss.
Plication. Address Mi-J Harter. Palo Alto. Cal.
Acoredited to Colleiree Jbast ana mw "r""""-r
ISSurDenertraeme. Bend for IllMtrmted caaJosiie
rtlncipal: Mary L Lockey. A. B.
. fi3mm if -ttfrrWiinri siTir-