TTTE SfORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY. AUGUST 30. 1915. 8 HomeJournalPatterns for October REGATTA TO SEE PASTORRAPSTEAGE and "Good Dressing" Fashion Magazine Now In With the Humidity Every Day Last Wk. NEPTUNE'S METHOD AT ANY PRICE' IOEA i : ffvv . 4tmrriTmis5:ii rmmtm ! ! "IT NEVER 3 CRABS" Olds, Wortman & King "THE DAYLIGHT STORE' God Is Declared to Call to Arms Against Aggressor and Wrongdoer. "STOP CRIME" DEMANDED Pr. V. II. Van Allra Sprak at Pro Caibrdral .falnl Motrmeol to Ilarm. and fray America Has to Yrofrt Innocent. uh wllh nra,.t..- m.4 Dr. Wlll- to lUrman Van Alien, of Botoi, ho dlivr4 tha rmon at tL momma. AM dtdn 1. Without minrinc word ) con 4n.R-J lhot "who prat about pac at tnr prt. vhtn thr I no par. It tronjrlr dtnounr4 lb p-oWcy of Ufktrprln!" and dtrmanl. II1 brnl4 mnr of tha prnt p-ae ' Mltfta ft ntlmnlUm.- And. In ! aMtt!n. d-Url that th mwklh ' 4o tM of tPto tboortsi hod rottn " lhm 'from Tohioi'i rrrtnit and sot from tbo word of Cod.-" tr. Vn Alt-n uM-t waj- Tb rood yrnriu and bo dducd from tbo taraM an lnirprttoti and 11 appU ation to affairs of tod jr. Urlw4TvMM la C b4i Lo ibr notabbor tbTotf. Do rt b riujiiir.' void Ir. Van Alltn. -of nil in anti-Otrtflan word thai 'rant dvtd none t o ant I .. rt tiaa a rutTo.' Hut." ha addod. tf tho niahbor I a hiahwar robbor who I tcin up tnnortnl and eom wilttlna ail aorta of inhuman aft, nhnll fold our band and bow our faoad and 11 htm fo snpurUhd? "la thta a?titud. th.- poaro-at-any-art-- CnrttianT No! Tho mok Ma of noo-raaitanco ran bo carried loo tr. Ik t our dutjr to raaont that form of tachtn. -If tho ool tUavarttan had roma alona a littl arlt-r whan Ih robbor wr tharo at I a. bin tho trarolar. dnrK you think b would haa dono hi bt to dfnd tb victim. ro If ho had to do to by torto? Auriwlt RMb(ff AdvocoCad. lt I all ry wall to look aftar th irtima of rrtm-. but It la much mora iniM to tp tha man who ara com anltttn tho art off Intolaranr. "Wo on without rt!tinir avll V, 9 rav er.m.nal anpunkbad. think trvtf it thrttton-lk to bo maok and ubm .... and look with tolaranca on thtr bo.t twhvnr. Tolrranco mtfr aBrtaalv' I diUko moat that word lolaran'a. Thra l a tlm whan rantla and prutvo lovo tr our athbor fall and w bairo to tvo tha natchbor tha kind of lovo that t jrood for htm. In thmm dar of talk of nora-raaiatanra. wo nhould know that .o4 want ua to Tuo aaatnt avtl and not lat tho h.A'b way robbara 90 oa baattna" up tha ftn Bocvnr. main-- aVIIovod Xrod. 1t l not truo Amvrtcaniira which would havo ua arclart any opportunity to prwrvo tho alorlooa Inharttanco of our fathers aaint aaaraaaion on tho art of thoao who ara prparad." "It la our duty to bo oa our ffuard. W hoold not do away wath our armlra and navtaa. Wo miaht Inj a ik Inaonlty do away with our pot lea and ochar protartion." tr. Van Allan I roctof of tha Cborch of tho Advant. Ho ton. Ha la a well known writr and lerturar. a wrll aa a laador In ralialou work. Mo la tha, aruat of Iihop umnar for a faw day a Tho biaaop. lon II. M. Ramaay and Kav. Alfrad Lockwood. of Stpokan. aa atatad In tho aarvtcaa yatarday and tho choir npocial musical (ac tio Da. Srmon Thoufhts From Portland Churches. e .w y a lOOd Man inriroi m v niw 'H: tlj- waa lb subject of Ir. T W. 1-an.e sermon yasterday la Co t.nary Methc-dl.t Cburcb. I' assestlonsi n4 lrm were liber ally .prinkled tbrouchoat the dls- ourse. A few of theee follow: our mUrakes are) often our best teacher,' "It ta no sin to fall. If jroa havo done tour b..t lo succeed. In the heart of every hardship Is a blesetna:. In tho boenro of every Indranc la a help. tnd tho blesetni and tho help." -Th. beMI remedy for mall faith I anor. faith." -The best way to triumph orer the difficulties of life la lo set more abundant life." ' tv not bo miserable with your re ltcton. let enoaah to make you en thusiastic and eftl. lent You'll like It hotter " "Mom folk, take their rella-lort as a eh lid take, a cold bath hates to et In and Is Had when It I over." -W o- think that r.llcion Is only sentiment Well, so U Irreiltlon. The rueetion. therefore, ta which sentiment I. worth mo-t and will be moat help- fl to the world e a e tr. J J ftaub. pa. tor of the ftunnr-i'D-rr.nii.n.1 Church. srke -undy niaht on "Mhort or. Stature. I one on rwi.rmin.iton " Ills text was from lik. l - "Hecaue. ho was tittle of stature he rtlmed Into a STCa nor. tree to see htm." ' :.'n little of stature. Zacchaeus made sirtuo of and climbed Into a sycamore tree." he said. "He wa.. not one of the thou.ands who spend their time d r-lnc their oppor tunitie. and ctrcumt.n'ee. Tho same clear-heade-1 buetne ability aa4 Inten. personality which mad. him the chief amona publicans l vel In hla que.t on moral and spiritual line It I. an Intensely cratifyln etcbt to se. a man keep the -me Rait ta hla reiictou. life which character ise, hi. pursuit of bu.lne... And It paid. The reception of fhrt.t which rot. owed chand th. life of Zacchaeus .r time and eternity ... tvy w C. Kantner. re'ently railed to the paatorato of Pilrtn Concreatlon al r.orch, supplied the putpit of the f irst Oiun-h ye.terday. At the mora ine servhe he spoke on The Pa.sior. foe tiod." lie said: "When any feelin masters the soul wo call It a passion, as the paaioa for for art. for travel ta the outcrv of the soul of man we often hae what may ho called tho petoej for Ood. "ft'it the pas. ton doe not ronftr. It self to any ae. In fact It aeema a quality of human nature, show me Its kinship with tho dl.ine. Its desire for tno truer vtsloa. Ita loocloe for cer tainty. "There la m dlvlno anawer to thla pout cry. hU passion for tiod. It Is found la th reallne of Ood to men. in th pereom and teachlnc of Jesus art.t aa tho croe ot Calvary, and la th XaUowsftip with Ood. our tavlour." VOL t nownti otwriuL It Haaar Onaa." Mawday. Aaa. 3a, isix i0AJ4 COl.l JN, Editor. aitloa to EDITORIAL dotes about Lieut. Oaa af Doc Moore's freeds who was bera dortas tba recent coaveatiua of tba oetropatna itTt aa intvrvlew In which ba went aa ta elate tbat tha cbaira of tna modern day ara all wrung sad are a menace to balth and ere tadlrectty iejin ibetr tea taouaeada every day. And for several days wa banned chairs a wa wvnld a pMtiitatt. auneuah wo ultl matvir decided that It would bo tfttr to die ait tins doaa than tending up. and rvvumed nan inc our hvaitb and toapplneaa on our midst, ccalra anr more. Tna principal object to oa ad vanced by tna dc were that the chair, aa now constructed, caaeve one 10 ailde forward ana cramp hi ;. thereby llmtt Ir.c i:ie atr supply and preparing; tae various or cans of the body o be a p:eaai banting ground for Uad;y germa of ail descrip tion. lie drrloed the kind of chair that should be built one o here yeur hip boa will hook ir you ria l aiida aad which wiil have a pad that will keep your ptna from caving back and aatd It would Insure the health ad hsppln of all humanity na chairs a era built along tbM llnva Tha Crawfish adltor. bawerer. after carful prmo t. rgret to oar the public that the dt fens sot covered the case fully sad thai there is till something e'ee that must ba dona to tba chslr bfre homsa happlne and haltb will ba fully safe gusrd'd. Komeone has soft a develop aa ofn- chair that you caa all la during the hot aasa aith reas onaMe aaaursSKS that your paats won't tl-k lo tha varnuh. t nttl ihis la daae. tha g"al of bumsa happtneaa wilt ba still unsttaind and the drsdly rhalr will rentine to r-ap its snnuai toil of wrorhed ltve and rulnd nr-vee. aad wa belee that wa and ws wtil do with quit dlsplsvlng them. It. . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. It la la needed. George fthpbrd beraa a cro- vde last ik. la n)oia tha I. A officers st Ft. Ittevens from drinking nats la tha aueeass f the Ksler. and ftergeant Harms informed as that, even If Georve Hid weeeed la stopping It. the Katr would probably till be abla to worry aong nramehow Hob R I neon, the w. k. and pop. fnwl of the air. dropped la the alher evening to Inform oa that h eMi tern plates sisc to tno baw-yarda snow, wbera ba will bo at the very sources of supprv. Hill Torso, tha w. k. boeea ner. who used lo do printing for ws in Kusene. shook hands with we oa the street here the at her da and fathered from hla radiant optlmtm that the bac ra nrlft l at III good. Mrs. H T. Voorhorst ts bOrft from Hating at tha Congress of Jnurna'tsta and A a' h ore In "aa Frani-teco and has reopened hee stenographic offlceu gt Ths new ari, tn a mad effort to recoup hr shattered resources, so she telle ws. tM riatvanl dropped la tha other eventns? wearing a new net. which snparently helped bins ffort temporarllv bis con vtctioa that this world Is all a boftT game. Pare Roth, tha wlsard of memory, was a pleasant caller 'Mother of Domestic Science' Urges Business in Home. LECTURE SET FOR TODAY Aatltnr Sax Manie,m'nt of Iloue rtrqnlr- Same PrlrKHplc as Any Other Kntprprl.-e Law Are Dcflaml Inadrqoate. -System and method are th thine that tah th druJeery out of bouae keeplne - That l the esaence of what on draw from a conversation with Sarah Tyson Rorer. th "mother" of domestic aclenc in this country. Mr, itorer is in . land, and thla afternoon win a lecture In the new auditorium of the Meier Frank store. t k many other thing that vt.- i., has to say about the auc- ceasful and unsucceastul manaaemen. of the household, and everythlna; h savs carrylne the weisht of year of experience, l valuable to the house The ame business method that are applied by women who are aucceasful . lines of endeavor should be applied in the management oi a hold. tadaraa Methoda Aiteratra. rt.. trouble with tho women of this country that a soon a mc, -- th dally work tnat economic tiona have forced them to enter, and let to their home, all the system that hey have empinyeo at tne unir the shop la left hehina ana tneir oe.-w.-rk become drudecry. -The house should Be tne ousmee. enterprise of the woman, ana receive the same amount of detailed In terest as the business that her husband encased In. fcvery on or that the woman poeaeesea souuiu . " Into the manipulation of her house. For the women to make their home their buslnes house I easy and po- .i,t. -W hav no cooklnr In th Vnlted states In f.ermany they have real food law. Kvery loaf of bread that la made by the baker Is made by a man who baa had to serr at leat four year of an apprenticeship. In America any on can make a loaf of bread." Kltrhew V.aseWwey Teeed- urt. Korer aald that th kitchen should b arranced that when an ar ticle I used It would be returned to a definite place. Mr. Korer had chare of one of th drat two domestic aclenc school In the fnltetd State. One of them ", at Itoston and the other at Philadelphia. he helped establish the school of do mestic science of the Atlantic Coast, and for IT year was th associate editor of th Ladles Horn Journal. Since leavlne her home la the early part of June she ha delivered on lec ture a day. excluding Sundays and Sat urday. Sh I th author of II book on domestic aclenc and thraptiMc of diet. -I am solar to lecture at th Meier a BJ. BORER HERE PORTLAND. CREO.. MULT. CO ALU 0. tha otbr day and raaalad oa a lib avrml lntratln aoec dotrfl about hi latrllactual ln rant daunhtar. bot aacapau. with m low. brutal laub. Jui aa wo Thentrie Xatca. illtt Saaman, tba w. k. the atric maanata, baa ratnrned from tha Cast and Inform ua that th Paker ta to open moo wbllna ouraeir inio po- "Within tba Law rwplr allb a faw anec n(&r(1 M a wIm idea. our own. Hy Ererdlnc, tha R. R. Smith. tha pop. the Gun Club, was representative of oc Daniels in f aoodwin at told oa tna omr o7 last wk.. but ha ahowed up cor tba appointment at tha build Ing formerly occupied by tha Empress, at Yamhill and Broad way, and befors ba discovered bis error. Goodwin was almost convinced thai, ha was going to save the price of a ticket. Mar. Con Ion. of Tha Empress. Informed us last wk. that he bad been put on tha eorreepondenca list of Loula Michel, tba w. k. litterateur and orator, and wa Itentty gave him tho rip and sign of tba fraternity and tola him that ao were wa. The Crawfish takes pleasure In announcing that Ted Lansing, who Is Jsck Johnson's rig h test bower In Pantages, has ceased to look more than faintly. Ilk Onion Jonea. We never before saw It grow so fast after It had bitn shaved. that plans bad been completed whereby ba could ba mobhlsea to full war strength on short aoil-a If necessary. He took the propjottlon much more calmly tbaa ws would bars dona In bis position. J no. Logan returned from Saa Francisco tba otber day in tlm lo hear the boys teliing about tha Jokes they pulled on him at the bar convention when ba wasn't ensra to rally to bis de fense. oeveral of the boys have not yet been mada rear-admirals for tbe regatta in Astoria, tie pi. aad Hex Lamp ma a ssys tbat ba wonders If wo sre being saved for a mora horrible doom. Gene Brook loss, who has been for some time a student of tha problems of the High Cost of Living, waa married last wk.. snd will continue his stadias with renewed seat. Doc alarceilus and tbs health denartment caught LUOO.uoO files last ulu. and mads a tssts ful window decoration out of thni in a window between Broadway and Washington. Doe eavs they have no food value Wild Ante Subdued. Ws were a guest of Shsa K rants, ths plutocratic financial and political editor of our esc contempt -The Oregonlan. In a pleasant roundup with his wlla and unbroken automobile, which h araufred last wk. and Is try- don't know what ha hem aftsr bs has l to break In In Vtnnnd.un. Will Taft was still bars last Moa. Ha la from Yals. The car ran amuck aarly In the game and tried to bit tha red lantern off of Meier a franks woodpile. bat 8 had spurred It In the neck and so- x p. id trc loaded end of the quirt and sojn brought It Into submis sion. It Is ths wildest automobile we havg aver seen, but Shsd ears be will conquer It If H N. A. Perry, formerly prea of tha ststs grocers assn.. who Is a constant render of Ths Crsw flst. waa oblissd to rellnqalsh a dollar to A. J. Klngsley a short time ago. when tba latter over hauled blm oa the road between Los Angeies and San Diego. perry had been so constant a reader that he had failed to note ths rhsnao in msnsgement of The Crawfish last Jan.. ana he bet A. J. thst ws were not the ettltor. but that Rex Lamp man was. A. J. told as this Incident with considerable) relish and ws ex pect thst soma day ba msy show 1 the dollar. takes him all Summer. , which seems likely. nr Editor. Th Crwf1h: r.u.d In to bur you drink, but too w.r. out. LLOTU. (W. r pr.rd to off.r tars, and aub.t.ntlal reward for Information aa to tb. Id.ntltr and aharvabouta of th. party who toft tht. letter on our typo writer. Editor. ) The? Pter M. Vacation Days Are litre. y af awa. -TU 1 1 I 1 A Frank store tomorrow on what ought to be don In the home, and I want all the women to hear what I have to say," concluded Mr. Rorer. DEITY OF CHRIST THEME Dr. Parsons, of Eugene, Speaker at Central Christian Church. Th Deity of Jeus Christ In the Light of Reason" was the subject of th sermon yesterday morning at the Central Christian Church. East Pine and East Thirteenth streets, by Rev. William Parsons, of Eugene. The objections to the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ were analysed and answered by Dr. Parsons, who pointed out that millions reco-tnised Christ as God-man, the great thinkers, he said. belnr In this class, as no mere man could hav held hi place in the hearts and minds of th human race. VOCAI.IT. STYLED A -THE AMKHICAN IIKM TV," SINfiSJ AT THE ENI'HEi. i ' Dorothy lleake. Dorothy llenke, a vocalist who Is generally styled aa "Th American Beauty" by music critic of the East and Middle West, arrived In Portland yester day mornlnit to fill a week's en casement at the Empress with tho la Salle Opera Company, of which she ta a leading- member. She began, her eneacement yes terday. Miss Henke has a con tralto voice of great rang. In a recent review of her concert in Chicago. Glen Dillard Gunn, mu sic critic of the Chicago Tribune, said: "Dorothy Henke. contral to, has earned for herself, and Justly, the tile of A m-e r I c a n Beauty. and. added to this, she is the possessor of a beautiful voice of remarkable rang, which she use to good adrantag at all times." - " : " -. ' i- r - . ; I -. -' . ' 'i ' "o 't S: I I ' - ,Jh-.i --ai-r-.J J NO. 17 RABBITYILLE NEWS. It Is r homo red. butt tls only a fslnt rhumor, that our band leader Is going down To Sailem to tsks lessons on reading music notes, as bs now plays by ear only. Rhumor has not sold weather be Is going to a teacher in the asylum or the pen, but he would feel at home In eather place, s e s 0UT deaf and dum barber met with a slight accident tha other day. Ha was shaving a heepherder when his rayxor slipped and ampltated tne a4sed sheepherder's off ear. When the fits was Over both or em was so battered that we aent 'em to the hospittle down to The Dalles. I xot a letter from a chap In MInnesoty asking me about the environments of Rabbltvllle. We alnt ot none as to yet. but If this feller or ennybody else wants to install a good, up-to-the-minute system of environments for our fsre cltty we will meet him H wy- Annother feller In Missouri rights and asks If Ole Man Bunco Is a honest msn. He shure Is. He haa been arrested l hers and tryed be4 ower Justice , of ths r'ece for steeling sheep. I gates, chickens, pigs snd menny j other little things and big things ; but has bin acqwitted ewery time. There is not a thing standing on ths books igm Bnnco. On the other hand the 'squire owes Bunco most years board, ess xhe preacrlptlon : clerk of th city drug store has 1 bin taking too menny of his : own perscrlptlons snd Is now j lsyed up with a aggravated case which pop. pre, of tn ffueax tha Empress time for tha of the jams. - - - Addison Bennett, spec. cor. A Rorulah Rejotner. I Sondhelm. one of the mad. mad of the Press Club. In forms us of a merry wheeae he pulled on the Ethiopian crumb "ti:.r In th diner en route for 8s n Francisco. The waiter. It seems, asKed Mm If he preferred Enrll.h ot French mustard with his meat. "I am strictly neutral." Loul. re nod. hlmaelf to hare sain promptly, which h. regarded a a rare jeat at tha time. Oar Weekly Sermon rite. Tha Rer. Corinthians I. Bett. In his aermon yesterday, said, tn part, as follows: -Consider the fowls of the air that's how the Wrlnht brothers itot their Idea and now look what they did." FIFTY WEEKS AGO TO DAY. Tlaln waa still needed. Dsn P. Smyths wss In from T-n end admitted that there would be aomethlnr doln In that metropolis tna Inst. Mlaa Lilian Tlnitlo retorned from the East tooklns; ery well considering that sha hd none of her own cooklnit during tha time sha waa away. Kx-f.ov. T. T. Geer harrerted hlji onlpns and beans In Rose City Park and stored them In the basement oyer the coal bin, which waa still empty. Dr. J. A. Van Brakle waa In from Oreaon City and aald that he had been removed araln. Walt Toose. Jr., who Is a Re publican both by heredity nnd environment, waa In from Dallas. Polk County. Ey Johnson, a.slst. TJ. S. Dlst. Atty.. wss spending his yaeatlon In Tacoma where he had a airL Art Flnley aald he wouldn't be In Europe for anything. Doc Williamson returned from f,onrion snd said that there waa considerable Interest in tna war In that city. SEA TRADE SOUGHT Great Northern Pacific Com pany Wants New Traffic. HAWAIIAN RUN PROPOSED Preparations Being Made to Find Business for Biff Liners When Exposition Is Orer Pouble Route May Be Served. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. (Special.) In order that th company may be assured plenty of freight from Hono lulu to this port when It commences operation of one or both of Its big turblners to Hawaii, before the first oi the vear. Cal Stone, traffic manager of the Great Northern Pacific Steam ship Company. Is en route to Hawaii. He left today for Vancouver and will sail from the British Columbia port on the Union liner Makura for Honolulu within a few day. With the letup of exposition travel In another two months, it is believed by shipping men that it will be im possible to keep two ouch mammoth liners as the Great Northern nd North ern Pacific on th run between San Francisco and the Columbia River. At the present time th two new vessels are carrying an average of (00 pas sengers each trip, bound both north and south. It ha been believed for some time by officers of tho company that the aervice between the California coast and Honolulu, aa announced several weeks ago, making the run each way in four and one-half days, would be a great incentive to travel, both to and from Hawaii. Freight, however. Is a prime factor In such an off-shore serv ice, and It Is to learn the possibilities of freight offerings that Traffic Man ager Stone ia now on his way to Hono lulu. While plan for the Hawaiian serf Ice are embryonic at present, it Is con templated to run one of the two liners between FlaveU San Francisco and San Pedro and the other between San Fran cisco. San Pedro. Honolulu and back to San Francisco. Such a service would reach thousands of tourists In Southern California. It Is asserted, and would increase travel to Hawaii to an appreciable extent. Alex Swaneon, of West Concord, N. H.. a granite-cutter, possesses two peculiar char acteristics. His bands work in unison that Is. a movement of on Involuntarily causes th other hand to perform tha same func tion, and while h has an abundance of hair on hla head b has never had a rasor on his face. CASTOR I A For Infant aad Children. Tty Kind Yea Hare Alwajs Bougbt 11S. New Order Is to Be Sprung on Prospective Members at Astoria This Week. AERIAL RAID TO BE MADE Demonstration of Bomb-Dropping; Is Feature, in Addition to Speed Boat Events, Balls and Part Taken by War Vessels. J. Fred Larson, cargo striker, and Rube Foster, bold sailors of tbe billowy brine, are to spring a new order on the world at the Astoria regatta Thursday. It is to be called the "Order of iMep- tune." and the Idea batched in the brains of the three sturdy old salts last week. Saturday they met and made out a ritual, based on the history of Neptune as given In the encyclopedia, and prepared drawings for costumes. Then they drew up the on au-em- bracing regulation of the order: That the recipient of the honor belonging to the Order of Neptune must bo in As toria on one of the three days of the regatta. "For the benent ot tnose tniana waterways sailors who may not know all about this old man of the sea, please say that Mr. Foster and I have made the discovery that Neptune was brother of Zeus and lord of the sea," said J. Fred Larson. "He was a wild old boy, and stirred up lots of trouble for us sailors in times past. Ritual Demanda Similar Feat. "Neptune used to run around with a three-tined pitchfork in his hand, and one of his big stunts was to strike a rock with the thing, and Immediately a spring of fresh water would gush forth. "The ritual will provide that every wearer of the emblem shall be able to produce a drink of fresh water just like Neptune did. "The Chamber of Commerce will go to Astoria as a body Saturday at re duced rates, and everybody can go on the same train for the same price." Admiral A. M. Wilson and his, staff will leave for Astoria on a special train Wednesday, and on Thursday the big programme of events will begin Astoria is making preparations to have the largest and best regatta, ever held there. The boats entered include some of the fastest speeders of the Pacific Coast, and the course will be in plain sight of the stands on shore. Aerial Raid to Be Demonstrated. An event of interest will be the dem onstration by aeroplane experts of the methods by which bombs are dropped on cities. Three balls are to be given in the new municipal dock at Astoria, while in addition to the water races there will be land races. An illuminated water pageant is scheduled for Friday night. Among the speedboats entered are the Wastrel and Lawauna. of Seattle; the Oregon Kid and Doc Yak, of Rainier, and the Bear Cat, Vogler Boy II and Oregon Wolff, of Portland. Representative Slnnott was yesterday advised that tbe crulsera Albany ana North Dakota had been ordered to As toria for the entire regatta. APPLE TREE IS FREAKISH Ripe Fruit and Blossoms Hang to - Limbs at Same Time. HOOD RIVER. Or- Aug. 29. (Spe cial.) A freak of nature, a full-grown apple tree bearing ripening fruit and profuse clusters of blossoms, is now attracting attention in the orchard of William Foss on the tast side. Through the Summer the foliage of the tree turned yellow and seemed to be dying. Since the blossoms began to come out, however, the leaves have taken on a greener hue, and the pinK blooms and red-flushed fruit among the rich green of the leaves make pleasing picture. Steel Plant to Reopen. GRANITE CITY, 111., Aug. 29 The American Steel Foundry, which has been closed since November 1, 1914, will reopen, and re-employ 1000 men, Sep tember 6 next. It was announced here last night. Just previous to the shut down a year ago 2500 men were em ployed at the foundry. Trading; Stamps to Go. CORVALLIS, Or., Aug. 29. (Special.) Local merchants who have been giv- information for Mountain, River and Beach Resort; Chamber of Commerce or pnoi formation will gladly be given. v TTa Oak the Camer t aland ( th acat) livery torn ot entertain ment and accommodation tor toor lata. Orchaatrali and band concert, prima donna and musical comedy company vry afternoon and niat tr. th opn-alr theater. Ferform anca fre. Admission to pax 1 cents. Kaached by i press special Oak train (far t cents), fro First and Alder: or by launch .ant), (rnm MorrUon-trt Br ids. Parka Washington Park, head ot Washington a tree, with small two and aviary. Tak any car west on Washington street excepting Bls teenth; far cents. Cole bra tad statu. -Comma of th Whit Man. also -Sacajaw." Excellent vlsar af tb -city. RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dally to Mount Hood resort a A at. Round trip IS; Gov. Camp " Special rate for waek-and and elimo Ina parties. Information, reaervatlon and tickets at MIMH, Mala a-.A UU. Or Irvlnston Uaraca, East 18a. afety at AU Ttatea Mt. Hood Auto Line call and delivers to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood reaorta. Round trip. Govern ment Camp, $J.60. PI.. Mat SSTU er A Z3S1. jufo&HSON BRO& Brief Mention of Today's Important Sales Main Floor WOMEN'S LOW SHOES Colonials, Pumps and Oxfords in patent, mat kid, vel vet, suede, etc. Some with cloth toppings. Lines selling hereto fore at $4.00 and J T QQ J5.00. Special, pair J'-- -'0 Main Floor BOX STATION ERY 24 sheets and 24 envelopes in newest cut. Free stamping of any initial in gold or colors. Regular 50c Stationery O Q offered today at, box'' Main Floor SCHOOL HOSE for boys and girls. Medium weight, fast black, with double heel and toe. Regular O CZf 25c Hose, five pairs for'-'' Main Floor TABLE DAMASK Famous "Richardson" make. Full 2 yards wide and standard $1.75 grade. Spe- J A O cial at, the yard P-L-0 Third Floor ART SCREENS with" substantial oak frames, filled with burlap, in green or brown. Regular JJO OQ $3.75 grade, now pJ ai CP Main Floor UNION SUITS for women. Low-neck style, with wide knee, lace-trimmed. Reg ular 65c quality. Two5.Tf- garments for 7 ."(, each ar -f Fourth Floor Today's special offering in our Model Grocery: LUCCA OIL, regular $1 O ETg size bottle. Special at O HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE, No. 2 tins; regular 20c Cfg grade. Special, 3 cans J' EXTRA SIFTED PEAS, select stock. Priced very spe cial today, 3 cans for Vt "'By the Beautiful Sea Is the Feature Costume Song This ween at Ye Oregon Grille "No Cooler Restaurant in Portland" Miss Anuta Osgood "THE VITAIj And Girls Sing It. Realistically X11U unm tho versatile entertainer, and cctfi i F. the charmln g dancer, Dine in' an atmosphere where' "Every evening, from 5:30 to carte at all hours. V? Oreaon Grille t- nui.uin. Mumr. lien in seaine dwh ing trading stamps have about decided to discontinue tne pracum tmci tember 1. They contend tnat, as mo Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland. le xnem ecu ' c' "A",:"s.u j rr Ronrh Utanwun Oregoman, Portland. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY A scenlo drive of rare boanty. built along tha aouth ahor of th Columbia River, a distance of mora than 40 mile from Portland. A series of remarkable waterfall, rugged peak and deep canyon ara among th attraction. PewlBsal Parse sunken Carders A city park and well worth a trip, Tak St- Johna or Kenton car. TROLLEY TRIPS FOR TOURISTS PORTLAND AND VICINITY Ask the Man at First and Alder Marshall 5100. A 6131 PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. Baby Week All Infants' Needs At Reduced Prices Second Floor Everything the baby needs can be purchased here during this sale at unusually low prices. Buy now and save. SLIPS and DRESSES, slightly soiled, ages to 4 years old, on sale at less than regular cost of making. OUTING GOWNS, 39i-59 ZIMMERLI Shirts, Bands, 49 DOUBLE BLANKETS at 89t Odd lines INFANTS' SHOES on special sale at, pair, 19 Reuben's Shirts At 98c Second Floor Extra special offering of the famous "Reu ben" Silk-and-Wool Shirts for babies. Sizes 1, 2, 3QQ- and 4. Special today tke 5i I r -lilo SPARK.1 Rendered It Makes a Decided continue to aeneni. " entertainment and an excep- C special dinner for ,1. A la """ " . .-v - trading stamp was intended to be legis lated out of use, they should live up to the intentions of the law. t ourists MOTJKT HOOD RESORTS. .Welek'a, Rhododendron aad Tat, aera ax located or. th aouth sld of th mountain. Automobll from Portland to either resort, round trip, each 15. Oregonlan on sal at these resort. CId Can laa 1 a delightful r , treat. 000 feat abov aea level, oa a haltered spur of th very mountaia ttaelf. and la located Just at u tipper dg of th timber Ua Tbe trip to tne Inn usually Is mad by ra'J to Hood River and thenc by tag. Th round-trip rate. Includ ing all traveling expenses, la SU.) Service begin July 1 and continues to September Is. aUectrto car line to Berlns. mUes; automobile to Welch', Rho dodendron and Tawney-. round trip from Portland, Sam aa abov with horse stag all th way, s-7i. Estacada, Casadera, Bull aos car lear First and Alder every four houra dally and Sunday, every hour aa far aa Qreaham. Good point for basket picnic. SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on the Pacif lo Coast in th heart of the Olympic Mountains, open for the season. b'ot full Information address Th Manager, Sol Dae. Wash. t - II T i