TITE MORNING OREGONIAN TITURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. DIGNITARIES AND KIDDIES, AS THE CAMERA SAW THEM AT THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC PICNIC RATE RiSE LIKELY 10 PROVIDE RELIEF 2Z2 DIAMOND : COAL BRIQUETS More Heat to the Pound Than Any Other Fuel, and LAST LONGER Express Companies Expect Increase Will Overcome Loss in Revenues. . .-.'Aa-i -i ' Ja vrfa. "-" - . . -.. W piZr-- ta ," Vvil a CONCERNS FACE DEFICIT Cooimllon of Two Stair-. Make . t BlreT- Ion od Allow Chirf lo )lct Par cel I" Competition. HMjr.M. ft. Aal U.i Special V T. In.-r.as. of i 3 P'T '"": pr... rate, upon f.'k TMo ). than round. .Sli-ped Or, so ed Washington, which . . .l.mM IS. tt l will grv. tha eiprt" ompnl'i . j --i t . Iftfruttt bu.ln-'. ' T orr wr lu-d br th Public .rK CommlMioM of lh to states, aft.r I- d.motatrat.l th - tar lea wr r!lC at lo. e-l-r isued bv If Interstate rnmmr fommlnwi permitting an Iners in rat of H it com on Inl.f.utt shipment will k"1" "T'" t.. KMWb'r 1. TM. ord-r was Issued after lb upro ripiM ! proved to th 'iroiHion tnat th ret operat ing drrit of alt of them t"T ll Tn. .MiniMisni of lk lo elites cauW en analysis to b mU- of one v - tn aal OI " . . u . I o r d f rTT1 I I or : n arrj -' - - - Intrastate point. Tb following table wer md hific trio combined busi ness of rprr':l trs com pany It k nty for ono Iv and th fetal Mrnnnl and rharg under - - a rate with Pr- eentig cf Increased rn appUIn to th ' at bolno of th two states: ,., , mn4!-1. jotl: .,'--" ,4-f. JM. r..p.iJ enre '' ft --... s:'i pr. en'. lO'l-i-. - h. '-'Sf .- ,n.r.... rtl". r".-"' nr... al.l. Mat -...... i tf th iliipffl'nii wiMn 1 oord n) n4r to follolo tumbr woro unt to prrr post tompotltloo: XnnT !Pml T1. yfwgaJ m- $t.. lr PhT word, 7: Per r.m of th. ondr wro moilMo br parrel pot at hor T 1 pr trrl of proro"! pr.. rtarm or. If hlpp4 br porcl ot. a vin of pr rnt could b fr'tl or tho propood pf aw tffxrta r)-a,a. Tho prnpoi ri will mako no rdmo to h pront rhr on mr than.tt wihlr pounda or mora, nor will lhrr bo mny rhanft In trio prnt crm mrwji 1 1 rata on park a rf anr na or wlhL Virtually ail of lncraa Bra on parkaa of mrcSaii waianma i pund or pr rant of which ara matlabla br parcl pot at than tha propoaad ipr rata. Tbo lrtartata Cornmorr Commllon araniaj a barlB to tha axprr-aa rem paniaa. atlrb IntrodwcaJ aamaroua Mbit horln for tha laat ear nndar tha ol4 rataa aal tha firt yaar under tha aaw rataa tho oparatlona and flnaa risl condition) of ih rompaniaa. and d.-notv.tr.trd that tha patltionara' mr ni from transportation attar demand f rra prlTtlaaa draa4 from trt.:.:i.?. a . l.7.u- In napaa4 rlraa r.aplala4. OpratiB aipansaa dnnna; tha pama . a r...rrf from i;.l l.iii ll a , Ji.J.i. with tho pat oraratlnai ranoa 4r-ra4 from JI.SiJ.J.M. In lt. to 4flcit of l.j:.tl.J4 In Aftr a yaar trial tha aipraaa com pn' mad a wln that thair nrt or rnn rloficit for tha year I :.j". .:. and It tu aatlmated that A to do approximately tho .mo biine. f-r lli aa for tha nrevinua aar. tha ln-reaa lo their r. rayemia UBtr tha new rate would ha $.'..a:.J.l. or aomethina le than 1 1. . net reyenua aftar paitnc oraratina ripen. RAGE RIOTING ENO !3 AIM T4 MiiTTi umiioimoi:ii Acmaaao. to Sappty hlla TAorkcra Pwriaa Itaaa af Heaaaa la U pre4 to Bo Jippr4. ril.iurll Wah- Aue - ISpa- nal. l;a. a rtir at Blaira. Ana crtr and oter point ar Uelline . I e i bam. d'e lo the mploymeni i . re- t .ultrd in muoh disorder raeently will be iixir.l under an tttrrm-nl that iifii labor AceBt Kdaard n. 1'iaon I workina out between tho canneries and leadere of tho while cannery m- plotea, t arnerlea romrUln thev cao not ob tain eaouah wtuto lahor at rush tim-a when the fish ara runnirur od and lie pUnta hae lo operaio K-.r l-ommtsloner tlson has I Mr,el to suprly tha w Mte labor needed at the limes, and It t believed can. nrrws will consent to tha " "It" will also bo necear.- say the rmmlliintr. "to assure cannartea that woen ontra.ts for wwrkmeo at a .ivea pr-e aro made they will ba tfb er4. so that 4unns; a heay run of fish employer will not hae a strike on ihe.r hand. Tho eipertenoe of soma of the rannerles baa been list men will strike In th trrornln. net the ralsa Ira pay ashed. CO back to w,,rk at .tn. arvt oraanise another trta for a still areatrr ral.a in 10 af lernoon." WATER DELEGATES NAMED ra Mrilcw Krprcntallvr lo Portland MTtlnT Annonticrd. f ALIH. r. Ace - (Special) Oovern.w Withvcomba today received a letter Irom William C. Molonald. Gov ernor of New letco. announcing th appoietment of the rMlowIn delecatea trom .New M.liro lo th water power conference to be held In l'ort!an4 In bertn-ber: . N. R l-auKh'-ln. Santa Fe; E. . Tobon. Albuqueruue. C. M. Ba) ne. Ra ton. Joern ajill. f armn. t.nhe-rnatnrtal Candidate on Tour. fi a-i ilJS Wash. Aua Opa- .i . iiMni A. l.ee. of Spokane, who e..M.ts for th nomination for . the rtepublican stale tt. ket, wa In rhahall yesterday meet . . - fwl lead ma- Bepub- l, r of th city la tba Intarest of hi &bru fen l--.,.. --"7 r ? Z.i: u . jyv ,-.'; 4vi y4'J - r FOLK OF RAIL PIGNIG Southern Pacific Workers Hear National Safety First Flea. GOVERNOR TALKS TO 2000 .WMinl to Cenrral Muarr In Addrr- . Frriclcncy Pland ard of I OO Per Out Kaawhcd. Itoad Suj porta 23,000 lrrt. SAU-.M. Or- Ail'. IS. 1 Special.) Speaking at tha plcnle of Southern Taclflr employe, attended oy railroad worhera at tha flate fair Ground today. Governor Wlthycombe developed a new and blccer meaoln; for tho phraa -yareiy rirai. wnivu .. it,, thema of all tha addreaaea. Safety flmt for tha Nation, before all el. waa Ma contention, and to ooutin It tha Nation mut b prepared to maintain Ita peac.tul aafely axalnat poaalble asreion. Todir tha motto of the Individual and tha corporation I 'Safety Flrat," aal4 tho trovemor. -ana mere i" -hapa no bolter watchword. Tho matter i t k. further: the tiloaian houtd ba made to Include the Nation aa well aa tha Individual ana ine com mercial orcanliatlon. We should lay . 1 i ni.na. lut aa we plan In- duttrtally. o that our operallona may b (urrouodrd wltn aaiety. i no of the Nation people la Ita Rrcateet responsibility. -To obtatn and maintain that safety, wo mii-t be prepjre4 to protect. Any aderiuate protection means military and naval preparedneaa. All of ua should be- w ililnsr to encouraae our representa tlvea to work for such an end. MUitarlaaa Mat We ate. "We do not want, and tha American people never will permit, anything even approachlns; militarism, but wa do want, and wo ara entitled to have a military equipment which will at least tvo u a reasonable assurance of safely. In the face or tha present world situation, such a move for National safety should come first In our National .isltive proeramme." l J. fian.-r. sllant to the sieneral numctr of the railroad. In summlns Up aceinertis in ier, ii r i ... itj th, r troj.l made 13.1 p.rc-ntac ' . .,. ?i of efficiency aa .S. In 1JI. IJ.ja cmcienry test were made an l the pereentae of rfflrlency wa l. In IMS. JS.J.i tel wete made, and the percentaae of efficiency wa .. In !1S w made J; test with home slcnal. distant Knal and train order slcnal without a sincte mistake. Has iiappa'rfa :raa la llresaa. Mr. flancy said tt-at JJ.' residents of Orrcrn mere aupported by the Southern Pacific Company an4 that Its oistrlbutes annually for labor In Ihe slal. ILJi.". I' payroll In Port land, be said. Including the Brooklyn hop, contain more than 4'o names .mnnnli anntl 1 Iv I n 111 000. In Salem its payroll sustains H3 famillea with an annual disbursement of more than lisa.o. The payroll In Rosebura; la IJJi)i). and ID Ashland, illt.ooo. annually. Tha baseball team or the Hrooaiyn hops defeated that of the Beaverton -HAn- kv a score of to 2 There were numerous otiefl athletic event and the picnicker d'l not nave me icrounu until almost dark. givx n.n ;ivkx ricMCKiaw Sc-lal Tralna tarry Southern Pa rifle Folk to Salem. cia tiit.m Inwn woka nn In a!ea and ent her band out yesterday to add to the merry Uy that brou;tit Into ber midst the Southern Taclfic Company's econd annual picnic. a anM-ai tram in chart of Trans portation Manager Lowe, left Portland at o'clock we.l laden and with com pany dtanitanea aooaro. inciuuina: n. J. Clancy, assistant to the general man ager ai San Kranclsco. Another well filled train from Euitene arrived un der the supervision of K. Ituissen. Ar rivtr la Salem about :4S the guests were welcomed by the Salem Street Railway Emploea" band. r O. Ieckebach. of the Salem Com mercial Club. pok on th efficiency of modern railroad, and welcomed th party to Salem. Soma war at lunch and some wer . . - s Top Merer tiro-p of f-''"L J rreu. Krara lft a Klafcti R. w.a Keaetli Haatly aad Hla Baby a i .K.. the around about noon time when the call of IH bat pipe, pl.yed by M. Or.y lured the merrymaker m i "''" x? Scotch dances hy dainty -Miss V. Mathews. Besides th picnic luncheon there was another feature to make the event a happy one corea of pretty, healthy, hilarious kiddle having Ihe time of their young live. In swing, at games and gleeful baby individual rollicking on the green. Perhaps the happleat for the SO little boy, and the funniest for the crowd at large waa tha watermelon-entlng con teat for lada under 10. won by T. Dagonstlne. with V. Manassan. second. The greased pig proved another ex tremely humorous arena, a-a. i"" raptured him. Th special tug-o'-war between the BrooMy and Dallas boys waa won by Dallas. Other rnca results were: Boy foot race. C. Carlton; potato rare for girl under 1. Uera Cavarader: boys three legged race. Tom Becker and I. J. Hanna: girls" race. Margaret Mathews; sack race. W. Tlaboon: ball -throwing contest. Mrs. W. A. Spence: 100-yard dash for men. W. R. Willis: girls' race. II years or under. Kva Schulu: consola tion foot race. C. Johnston; women's yard dash. Mrs. Katherlno Knecht and Mis lieorgla Sullivan: broad Jump, A. O. Habsden. . Superlnlendent F. U Burckbalter. R. J Clancy and Assistant Superintendent C. W. Martyn acted aa field Judges. J. i Km- ...i.tknt tn the auDerintendent. wa chairman and had charge of the sport event. Joseph rTiriong waa re sponsible ror mo tiu , ,Z game, and t- J. an..uv- ... prise. . . Among tn prominent arrre D W Campoell, assistant. eM eral manager, and Mrs, Campbell. Mrs. K. llanason. of tugene. ana n. . alters. , . A danea contlrauea until too ended. RUSES LAID TO AGENCIES Drrior lo Violate WanhloRton Em ployment law Charged. ni.TMPlA. Wash. Aug. 25. (Spe- .i-i . l.' . i i.i,np Aaent Edward W. Olson report that private employment agents are practicing many inmsy or vices to defeat the law adopted last Fall prohibiting the collecting from workera of fees for furnishing them with employment. This la especially true in Spokane, it . . K.r. tha labor druartment haa learned that the feea prohibited by jaw are concciea oy i.v.tt charge made for meala and for play ing pool, the worker supposes to ob tain tha Job free. Some agents. It Is reported to the department, sell cheap lewvlry at big prices, the Jobs being furnished "free.- !33 gal; - who ffetoed to Wake the Kveat a loor. of a- Kraaelm,-, Aaal.t t . KMm. Aaatataat Mater Keaoeae. TE Reorganizing of Association in State Discussed. DR. H. D. SHELDON SPEAKER Address Before Clackamas Training School Outlines Propsal to Abol ila Tno-Dlvlslon Method. Kxhibit at Fair Lauded. auppjiv PITT fir Auar. 2S (Spe cial.) Plana to reorganize the Oregon Teachers' Association were discussed by Dr. H. D. Sheldon, head of the Depart ment of Education of the University of Oregon, today in an address before the Clackamas County Teacher' Training School. A meeting of delegates rrom every to oununer Tk oaks tna CJaaey Islaaast af ta axeaty Bvry forua of entartaJa- roent and accommooaUon tor tour Uta. Orchestral and band ooncarta, prima ctanna, aid musical cotvady compacy avary afternoon and nl-hl u. thS o pan-air tb eater, farforra ancaa fra. Admission to pax It eerata. Bchd by axpre Po"U Oaka train (fare casta), frona rtrat and Aklar: or by launch M ceaia). from Morrlon-trat Brldga. realaaaU Para: Saakea riaraeaa A city par: and well worth a trip. Tak BU John or Kanton car. The HtzeIwood Confectionery and Restaurant vaaahlastaa IU at 'I'caia, ' Best Food Served at Lowest Possible Cos, Amid Homelike Surrounding! IEATI.1G CAP AC ITT aSO, RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dally to atoont Hood rK)rt A- at. Kaand trip tii Gov. Camp tT.ir. epaclal rate for wMk-nd and ei:mb. In. pax ilea. Information, raaarvatloa and tl-kt no. ti-aets a . itorTi.K.rxiE eT.rm fxorai. Cas, U d M. klata a. A Ull. Or lrvtaaton tiara. East laa. ACHERSHEARPLAN No Dirt No Smell No Clinkers Cheapest Safest Cleanest With Diamond Coal Briquets your home heating will be economically and most satisfactorily solved. PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. 249 Washington St. Main 229 Phones A 2293 county i d. .v - Medford during the Christmas holidays. ... i tk. .t.f. win da neia at when the reorganization win oe iic.;i- . . v, will ha elected for en. vna every 100 teacher In a county, and one from every organized body of teachers. Clackamas will have four representa tive at the convention. Dr. Sheldon declared the principal change would be the abolishment of the two-division plan. The Eastern divi sion has few memDers. ne saia, ana in terest is lax. By combining the two sections, it Is expected that one strong body would be formed. Dr Sheldon recently returned from the convention of the National Educa tion Association at Oakland. Cal. He reported that Oregon was well repre sented in the attendance. The university man was loud In praise of Oregon's representation at the exposition. Th Oregon building is the most attractive on the ground, and the display one of the most complete made by any state exhibit. The standardization exhibit of Ore gon Is by far the best educational ex- i il i i .ua .vnABilinn and I attract ing Nation-wide attention among edu cators, he declared. The Idea is high ly approved by the thousands of teach- Dr. Sheldon studied the work of the Training School and highly approved i. u Via wnniri iirce the adoDtion 1 L. no (m.u J . i v. a nYt Tcrlslature to compel teacher to attend part of the annual Training bcnooi. SALOON PLAINTS ARE MADE Idaho Governor Asks Information on Closing Law Violations. BOISE. Idaho, Aug. 23. (Special.) Persistent complaints that the law of the state are not being enforced brought a request from Governor Alex- a. ..tarnv tn. Proctor K. Perkins, Prosecuting Attorney for Blaine County, at Hailey. and he is aireciea to repui to the chief executive at hi earliest opportunity what information, com plaints or other knowledge of law vio lation are in his possession. The chief executive saye. in part: "Complaint has been-made that saloons In Ketchum operate 24 hours a day. seven days in the week, in violation of th laws of Idaho. MORTON FACULTY CHOSEN School 9 Open Lavbor Day but Xo Session Will Be Held. MORTON. Wash., Aug. 25. (Special.) F. S. Thompson, supervisor of consol idated school district No. 214. has an- Information Mountain, River and Beach Resorts Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt Jout an y point or the trio you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information bureau of thl SaXr of Commerce or phone them -Bell Phone, Broadway 440 or f Automatic, A 6091 Information will gladly be given. Literature of interesting points i furnished QaBToxmXn Relort Uterature. The Oregonian asks the names arid addresseVof ttSor publication. .Enclose your business card with name of your party - T- a. T aV T'V. . AitnrrArllQri RfaF f Ion1 r.esoir j-'epu, mc wicw"! LATOlKtLL FAJ.I.S VIEW HOTKL. Dining-room in full view of th nearest great falls to Portland. Only 27 mile. Columbia Hifha-ay or 0.-W.. R. N. Well-fumUhed tenthouse. a week for alL Single Meals. sOc. 75c, S1.00. Auto servlc from Portland If dealred. special rates for parties. One mil hard-aurtace pavement in front of fall. Phone War ner corbett Bxchanse, or Marshall 5100. 1 All, ADDRESS. LATOL K.I.L, UK. Parka Washington Park, bead ot Washington street, with small soo and aviary. Taka any car west on Washington atreet excepting Six teen th; far cent. Celebrated statue. -Coming of th Whit Mai," also "Sacajawea.- Kxceilant view f th city. Wdch'a. Kaadodeadroa aad Taer mej'm ara located on tb south aid t the mountain. Automobile from Portland to autner reaort. round tnph eacb S. Oregonian on aal at the resort. NORTH BEACH fVnrre Cool Sea Breeaea Blow" A Justly popular salt water resort near the mouth of th Columbia; is miles of smooth, sandy beach; many attractive beach towns; good hotels and lodges; all the Qualities necessary to healtniui recreation. Make no mistake about your sea-shore vacation go to North Beach. Served by; Steamers "T. J. Potter." ' Undine and "Harvest Queen"; convenient schedule. Tickets and Keserva- 1 1 o n s at O-w . H. & V ll'ninn C1TV TICKET nrvirlL naihlnrlas at Third St- Be fore StSO P. M.i After xnai Knii. m i Aah. Street Dock. T.l.nliOMI Broadway a,MKI A ei-'i PER TON IN THREE-TON LOTS Delivered Recent City Test made them the choice for one - city fuel for use in the Public Schools the coming aiiiawiia i nounced this term's faculty. Five are from Tacoma, two from Chehalis, two from Centralla and one from Seattle. School begins September S, but there will be no session that day, Labor day. The list of teachers and the schools at which they will teach follow: Anna Gr?en. Twin Firs; Frances U Mann. Lewis; Amelia Slaudt. Cora: Victor Howe, Owens; Allie Jordan. Mountain View; rto- wena Carmlchael, Vance; J. R. Logan. Alary Manny, Elao Oosseline. Elisabeth Konkel. all at Randlo; Goldle Flowers. Koher; Mr, .-.laud Anderson, Darls 1-ake; Paul J- Orr (principal), Mary Slmonson, janene Hlaudt. Martha Huvll. Mlra Jlcbeoa, iiaoei Welrlnger. all at Morton; -Mrs. im. vr. Wood. Hlehlsnd Valley; Faith Bartlctt, Bremer: Maude Arnold. IJndbers: Q- B. Wrlarht. Mineral: Bess Brown. Mineral. rasetroauai iitiiaiiiVlV- - Men! Get a Fall Suit for 214 .75 Read how I can do it. Post yourself, then investigate. I pay a low rental. (There is a big dif ference between $55 a month and $1000 a month). I buy for cash and sell for i 1 f L. .1 a,.M,nre or Casn no losses nvm uu heavy office expenses no expensive windows to trim and light no cut-price sales requiring an extra profit at the beginning of the season. My prices are the same, today, tomorrow and always. All these ex penses and many more, cut from the profits of ground-floor stores. I HAVE HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS SWEAR BY MY UPSTAIRS SYSTEM. &Of HIGH-GRADE - A 7 PJ Ready-Made Suits rZpXdb. J JIMMY DUNN The Upstairs Clothier 315-1C-17 Oregonian Bldg. Open Saturday Evenings. siian tii mniaiai.iM.wi.iLuiaaiawuusiniiiia); iiiiiuii.hu; -ausan naai iiji i ' "i for Tourists iiutia- MOtlNT HOOD KESORT9. Clsoal Can law la a delightful re treat. SOOO teat above ea level, on a sheltered spur of the very mountain ltaelf. and Is located jast at U upper edge of tha timber line. Tb trip to tha Inn usually is made by rail to Hood River and thence by stage. The round-trip rate. Includ ing all traveling expenses. 1 $U.S. Servlc begin July 1 and continue to September 1. , COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. A acenlo drive of rare beauty, built aiorag th south hor of th Columbia. River, a distance ot mora than 0 miles from Portland. A arte of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peak and deep canyon ara among th attraction. toekyarda aad Packing nat Largest plant west of tb Missis sippi River. Located on Columbia tslough within 40 minute" rid ot Broadway and. Washington atreeLa. Take Kenton car on Washington treet at Fifth. bUth and Broadway street to Kenton. Fare cents. Take Kenton Traction Company car at Kenton to Packing Plant and Stockyards. Far 6 oente. Visitor admitted dally except Sunday. SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM aha rraaiait health and pleasure resort on the Pacific Coast. In th beart of the Olympie Mountain, ooen lor tne season. For f lata Information address Xhe Manager. Sol Due. Waaa. f'tniaaa'uoror Bummer Rest. m ILLUSTRATED BOOKIJET rUF.K. 1 C W. Keekers, White balmoa, Wa. fi For Furnace Heater, Grate or Range half the Winter. Florestlno LaChareUe. Mineral: Margaret Wernltch. Pleasant Valley: Mario r rn. Flynn; Nellie Hershey. Riverside. Arbitrators AdTlse Cut In Wages. VANCOUVER, B. C, Aug. 25. Ar bitrators appointed by the government today presented a report recommend ing a reduction in wages of employes of the British Columbia Electric Rail way, affecting virtually all of the tram way workmen In Vancouver, New Westminster and Victoria and lnter urban lines. The highest wages paid are 35 cents an. hour to motormen and conductors who have been working five vears. This scale Is reduced 8', per cent. Other grades of labor are reduced from 5 to 28 per cent. asm roar $20 New Electric car line to Borlns. ' mile; automobile to Welch', Rho dodendron and Tawney'. round trip trom Portland. $7.7. Sam a abov with horse stag all the way. f.7i. Eatacada. Caaadero. Ball ana cars leave First and Alder every four tours, dally and Sunday, every hour aa far as Qresham. Good points for basket picnic. i 4?- " -Q i --Sf. 6.:' f 'wa. rrWiW Ci "Ea- . ' -l I tri-m BAR VIEW HOTEL Located at Bar View, Tillamook Co., Or. Train stops at our door. Only 200 feet from high tide. Plank drive to beautiful beach. Eat bathing, comfortable beds. All the clams, crab and chicken you eaa tat. Rate $1 per day and up. For par ticular write or call on WISK DEXTAL CO. Booms 211-12 Falling Bidg.. d at Wash Portland. Or. Phon A or M ZD. nar' View. Tillamook Co.. Oregoa. Dane Every Night. Pool. Billiard and Bowling, corf Ua thing: be llshlng. Safety a All Time Mt. Hood Auto Line call and dellvera to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Round trip, : Govern ment Camp. I7.S0. Pbenes. Main SSI, or A 2381. r candidacy,