9 THE 3IORXIXO OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1915. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oKrx.oM.u itureojiia. Editor . - ":- A TT' :.i . ' r af . a J '; . I i'fl.';r-ii.4l na . . . . . - u . a TOM '. Maia T':T. A .apariBtenlal P t-'f AK1 JgT. . ..,,. .a.l a . -ia U Aagal.e e.ra.aw.1. I I-. M. an.nta. toavcarl Mai M 4.IJ - - . M.jtBiH.nM aula. I vtaliuKI . " W . .. a..,- vVaae'a- r m. OUOOMU AT aUESOT. i.nM in. ruatng agests t ,wr tmvr reeoM. -' ' rr!n. " rst.e. u!rntlB mall sr, ,: lb, ., . r. J iw wj. o r- r- w . - J-1' H(m. or - -- .- r-rt . i " Mine-rat lpttas Hel tela r laata. tw U W- "" WM - O. M. n. D.r - """ lava. I,. '" rnk U" J. R " task Ca .. J- - . o. r. .-JTVm .- . r. tww. -a. ,w K. II. MJ r. w. 1 nicd iw rot r.rttc- ,.,,, tn .r of prtl lmi!. fc- hAln bn cut of work in. rt Wint.r n .itoc r- ...r.J from hr.t.My InoiiivMl P' n4 It i hoPd br th. mAtroa of tbt In.i.tutxm tht tu. nr.a.r of th. pur., will b. fuxH r" M,n VV ih.t tt. n.on.. badly nl0. bia b. ror4 lo ownr. Hroo Work r-wuc. n.plr la tn. Hurn..ld brll. pror. l lb tat. of tK"Jt Zi f'.t ish not In'rrfcr. niAi.rtally with n- rl trHU. Th. rplr con.l.t ol f.nom Ait th. o-" lo lb. kroa .oJ r.pUcmc t with rw l.n.b.r. And wOWJ-blovk,. It '""! in.t th. timtr h b.com. b.Jly ! .Inc. iny wcr ren.wtd lht .r, & TO. nt bridx. to b. r. p.tr.4 in tfi. un manner will b tn lU.tnoru. but probAbly this will Pot fe. doo. unok n.it jar. Orn t B Euaift-Off irr f th. Mount H-otl Woman'. ChrlatUo )'.ruprm-. I nion will b. lrtd to jT at a rntin in th. Lnt Krl-nd Cliur.h. ilr. Nettle DunUar'. term nll oe ber d-p.rtur for her n.w born. In I'AhtorniA and Mi. J. Jomm-r-p.M hja b-n a tin a pr.sld.nl. Mn ef in. mmbr dir th. lan.r .taction a prl.!.nl for the .n.ulns y.ar. Today' a.ion will be for bul- and no refrr.nmenta will b. Mrfd. ieral Important r.i-ort. r. riwrtxl. and plana for the .naulng .ir will b conald.red. Ma'. Outu Knix Bratro. Fu rral aer.ie.a ol Mra. OIWlA Knudon. ho dird Aucui : at her bom.. :il llast ahmton tret. wrr rondu. tl j-.t.rrUr by Martri aurltnat.m fhap t.r No. 14 rAtero J-tar. from lun inV Chapel. l rU.t Aider lrrt. Interment waji In llivervlew lem.tery. lr. Knu-1-'n waa SI yr old- he wa th. wif. of Trteodor. Knudaon. and uutner ef ilr. T. . Klllinic. Tbeo elore. Krift-. KU'd Kuth And ilyrlle Knudaoo. waa A member of A!le Ik.pler. fUal.tn itAr. of l-hlta. Ill IMjTo KlIT I WOJC. JU.IK tVoieertoti .trday a. a dcll"n In Jaor of AmaKamated iuar fom- pAny fr 9l ilnunry. in An Imc-ft. lion r.a broucht br that company In in. rvd.ral I'ourt aainat p.raona a--uae. of dtt.rttna: th. water, of 'Athartr. ir. In I'nton i'ounte. lo t. detrtmant of th. rria of the tjftr eomranr In addition to th. IliveiBi'c of !'.' damasea. Ih caae reC.rred to th. atat. water board f r lurtltrr hearina". Th. trai t lnidd la th. caa. compriac. about jA acr.a. Brta to I'tMB. Th. Kotary lub wilt me.t trniht at a dinn.r At in Ilaneon Mol.l from 1 to InatAAd of bojdtr. th. regular luncbaon. Th. moitnc will b for mambera only and artoue tool'-, of elub policy will d Kuw.l C I. Hers al l be chalr rrvAn. and trt. ap.ak'r. laadirvc In lb. arioua diauaor. atll be l. K WaterA T're-I jipri, '. f. K ". Ja'-ob O rebel, .". h'X and J. It. I'ur.dor.. l. . F. rrrci.D KitxiD i auwiKH. M si. IUnel.1. fith.r of Chad. I'.afaM. of I'ortland. waa a iled In an omoMI. .'-tdnl at Santa Ana. mile, from Lo. Anaelea. accordtnar to word rea.-hiBX h a atn teaterdar. Mr. i;anel. wa ar, old And leave a widow arvl f.ir children. II. Iied In Portlan.1 for tnre. and n-hAlf ?ear. but ha been In retirem.nl In 1 Anlrle fr ..ver.I year. MtaaNAL Baii.i. .ttloitD Lljo rruniM Deputy I'nlt-d Slatea Marshal . IC JacAaort brvunt Into I'ortland eat.rday Jrn tlraham. of P"ort Ktamath. and Art Kisr. of Klamath Kail a. i r-areJ with cuir liquor to th. rd. n. Th.y wer. committed by the K.deral fommiastoner at KUmalh .!'. And wtl! be hld f'-r th. oetf J'edral srarvl Jury. J Jame V. xtirraon yeat.rday filed dieorc. u!t In founty flerk i'dSit'i eTi. aainat l.illian If i-tlmaon. II. alleAed that em rettirnina from work era ntiM h. found 1 empty bee r bot tle, and two .mpty whiaky bottl.. 'altered aEoit th. houae. 11. ac ruae hi wife ef necltodnc their children. Rstvr fr FpaerrT Bosr. Axcn. jj.ii en to recover liK) bond forfaited throjjl the failure of Willie ro to a r pear for trial on chArarwe of wb;t. iaarr. wa fled y.at.rd.y by hi bnndam.ri. lit mine; th. motion they rontended that they had p.!d the coaia ef br'.natr; llroa back from N.w Or leans to forl'and And IhAI th. other amount ahould be r.turn.d to them. Hirt.-XEA N'IPr Two hundr.d nor. peran are ned.J 10 picle brp In the n liUm'tt Valley, report tn. Immigration orTice. 4 Railway ft chant, buiidtna. Tortland. Or No fee are charged for re'terln. Th. work will last tw( or three week, the pu-k.r. eto furniah ter wa t.nta TVase ar 1 renta a bv-. I1J1. S.rr Tkiai. 5T. Th ault of h Federal Oovernment acalrat Wll lard N. Jone for '.!.. ha been et lor trial th. aec.nd Monday In Jan uary. Thi 't la tor damace to th. eitant of the amount ef land Involved I. a criminal c. dealing with th. obtaining; ef old oldier as damray ntrm.n In filet reservation land. Tsu Darreie, glass.. Vwetlaad bid. .-Adv. r r. K. Mch. osteopath, r.tumed. t'AJ'.-x at Council Citat toolihu Adv. s ..amoaaoe; a aa T-a. SHaoaaaa. IIM I Pocialis-t Ct-ra to Mr. ST. Th. In terrollesiat. oclaUt Club will meet tonight At I o'clock in th. Central Li brary. -Karl Marx and HI Times will be the subject .tudled. Th. -cuulon will be led by K. P. Anderson and II. C t'thoff. VloDKsi.aj 7 -room houae for rent or ra. for term of year. Hardwood floor. One) garden garage. Weet Sid., within eix minutea walk of Hotel Port land: rent, li". MAin 17 Adv. SANDY CROPS ARE LARGE Considerable Road Work In I'rogr ad Nirrl Deint Pacd. ANDr. Or.. Aug. IJ. (Special.) Farmer near this place and at George. Dover and Flrwood are harvesting", and th crops of ost. wheat and barley will be larger than ever before and the yield to the acre greater, accord ing lo the reporta received. The yield of bay alao la large. K. C Head, near therryvtlle. has a field of beardless barley that Is .setting comment. H. mill sav. seed for future crop, of th. same sort. Murb road work I. In progress, and crushed rork la b.tnc used extensively on all th roada near this plare. andy baa let th. contract for lb. improve ment of t enter street. OWN FUNERAL ARRANGED J, A. 0ard lrlak Acid Aflrr I1 plnc of Trsrrtj, hat I.lvr. After writing letters naming the pall bearers he desired, forbidding hi sec ond wife lo attend bis luneral and will ing Ms property lo hi first wife. J. A. rrard. aged O. a resident of 1-eni. drark carbolic acid In hi room at the llan-lolph Hotel. TPird and Columbia streeta. at an early hour yesterday morning. He wa taken lo the t;o.l .-amarltan Hospital, where It wa lir announced as Improbable that he would eurveed In hi attempt lo kill hlmaelf. In on. I.tter he advocAte the Ap pointment of a patrolman on a I.ent beat to the poaltmn of Chief of Tollce. ao that "you will have a gentleman on th police force." MARION ESTATE IN COURT Sail llmaglil In San nclro for Mr. W. M. A. Mrf l'roiM-rty. Marlon lounir iruierj - - - about ITiO.ftOe la Involved In a caa. which will be aruua-i eariy i"- i iwri in Sjn r ren in ine niiTa -- - - Cisco. The suit Is broucht by f . t- . . . . 1. 1 m nt I r I S V. Biiminiviraiui ' ' ... i . 1 1 ki.wa.Hr Smart and airs. ana ' 1 " ' ( charges conaidracy on Hie part of Mrs. . . xi i f 1 1 1 i- and MUiri I moinii. ia. . - of J. O. Hayr.iA. of Han Jos. ll. to secure deeds to the land In question. In the ult It Is alleged that Mil Miller was AntAj:onltic to both of the husbands of her daughter, from on of which she became divorced, and finally oerauadrd her to remain with the moth er until the lime of her death. SHERIDAN CITY HALL RISES Acrrc-mrnt Itrat-hrd on I-ltlnjr Con trad Aflcr Several Monlli. SHERIDAN. Or, Aug. ti. Special ) Construction work on the new ISoOO . . t . .f.ii haiin tndav as Ihe re sult of an agreement between the Couti- Mwa i.tttnir ihe coutract after several month of waiting. The bond wer voted In April. Tnre. member of th. Council wer. for 1L I. Crowe, of rortland. and three wer. for Hainsla i BiUer. of Sheri dan. An arbitration favored In. fh.rldan contractors. Th. council look immediale A'-tlon and parsed the a. i.Miiiff ihn ronlrii L The hall alii be cement and brick and will have special arrangement for the nre oe partm.nt. MOOSE HOME SOON TO RISE New I-odsc II u I Id lux to Ho Occupied Wllliin Year, U Annonm-emcnl. It. H Toumans. deputy supreme Ulc- ...... .. ik. Ini.l (rrl.r of Mooso lor Oregon, announces thsi the proposed new eix-story Moose ouiinins on n. northwrat corner of Fourth and Taylor street will be completed and occupied within the year. In general the plans provide for a n-itator lura and gymnasium In the base ment, store on the ground floor nd .i ..... tn. - railwav station and waltln-room. Ufflc. rooroa will be provided on some or tne noora. iu remaining upper floor being fitted out for club and lodge room. CITY STILLHAS WOODPILE Willi n" Solicitors Oat. Only Abonl 100 Cord Are Sold. l.o with reduced price th. city Is noi a great success aa a wood l1,r With live solicitors In the field for .t.. K.ni li)tl cords more man a we-. vm? - - ,.,.. of wood have been sold out of l. . K . n rl frflnl cords wmcn tne cny n last winter unem.'M-. The wood Is being delivered a fat a order, can b. obia.n.d. The price I. Ill a cord, will an additional charge of 1 cent, for each half mile of haul beyond the first half mile from Tweniy-sev.nth end KAleigh street, wher. part of the supply Is stored. PASTOR ON WAY TO FAIRS r. I. other II. Ioll and ramllj Lease Klamath FU. KLA MATH FAU. Or. Aug. U (!iecial Dr. I.uther R. Pyott. pastor of lb. First Congreuatlonsl Churcn oi rortland. arrived tn this city Saturday with hi fAmi.y. alter passm - - -.k. i rt 1 1 r 1 1 orezon. Th party report a delightful trip with no trouble experienced eo far. Th party I. ri J " Iroro there will probably go on to tn. exposition In California. Clot (makers' StriUe Ends. CHICAOO. Aug. Jl Th strike oX ..tv. .i...m.L.n and urment work - ivvir r wa ttled today when employes voted to accept the new schedule of wage and working hour submitted by cem la which the strike centered. The Pink.r will return to wor tomorrow, according to th. icretment a' Kn ght Shoe Co.. Morrison tr.t- rear Broadway. 14 and II rump and Military Oxfords, all sit and widths. It . Hundreds of pairs, (mail sixes, tie th. pair Adv. CAKD OK THK, We wish to think the Uoyal Order of Vooee. the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and friends f-r their kind- irtnt of our on and brother; also for ,h. beautiru, Njji. Hf.--.;T AVO MRS. HANNAH EUaX Adv. AL 1AAULV. SCENERY FILM PLAN Mark Woodruff Proposed to Show State in Movies. DUTY TO TOURIST IS TOPIC Speakers at East Side Bulne Men I.arerheon lie 11 eve Day of Book let. Over and New Method Is Snsseled. "After careful consideration and study 1 hsve concluded that the best way to advertise Portland and Oregon la not throush booklet and pamphlets, but through moving picture that tell the story better and more ertec -lively than any other method. aald Mark Woodruff, who represented the rortland Chamber of Commerce at "Th Greater Oregon" luncheon held yester- . ... .. v... mj. Uualn.sa Men nil pa- in." c.it " Club at Red Men' Hall. George K. Hardy, the new manager, was to attend. , The purpose of the luncheon waa to bring out some way to secure more of the tourist travel now passing through Portland to the Panama Kxpositlon lr. Woodruff read a letter from Mr. Hardy expressing regret at not being able to be present, but the Chamber manager , . . - i . .hil-a avmnathv with SAIU " - - - All effort for th development ol Ore gon nd hoped he snouia " to meet Ihe cllixen of the East Side. Hlaa Tbeaahl M.r. KsTeellve. -IVople will not rend literature show ing th. resources of the country, but win throw it .side.- ! ilr. Wood ruff "but picture of the Columbia Highway, with the prominent men who have been out thr. other view of our . i . .(.mnnatrallillll of OUT arrnic j . 1 1 . . v. ......... prune, and of the lumber business from Ihe time the timoer siari. a.. . . .. . V. -r it la ran. toresi to me roan -- verted Into lumber, with lecture by men wno Know ni T j AOOill. are I ll c auvav . - - - - of telllnc about th attractions of Portland and Oregon. Ad. Ice le Avoid ICIy Reported. II. II. Hayne. who recently visited . . L'.ti .lllnn anntl 1111 Th. tne unaiiia - lilrsnger Within Our Gat." and pointed out mat now is uu opportunity to secure more of the tourist travel passing through Port land." Mr. Hayne told of a ticket agent on the Southern Tactile line who. he ald. . i a . wnmun nnt tn hu A a I DD- I .ill Bi' 1 " aa . " over ticket through Portlane, a h. COUid S.. All sn. WA1II.CU aaa v. in less than two hours. "If there Is a ticket agent In the whole Southern Paciflo ytm who . . . .... . . .. . 1.1. .nnia la made mil iiai.iuriii a.ia r cooked rlBht now. I hall get the ad- are OK mil woman ainu a. . o - I connected with our system he I not wanted." declared K. B. Euan, of tbe Southern Pad no Railroad. Mr. Kgan outlined In hi addre what the Southern Pacific 1 doing to secure tourut travel for Oregon. J. C. Rnrllsh. of Ihe Chamber of Commerce, outlined th "Dollar day" programme for September 21. and asked for the co-operation of the East Side llusiness lien's Club. L. 11. Lemper preided. FURS LOW, MERCURY UP rniCK Wll.l. BE DOWN, HOWEVER, Al.la WISa'TKIi. War la tasac aad Y..OK Wosaea W ho Have Kavled W ealfkler Slaters nay (.ratify Their Leaglasa. Ther.'a good In everything. ys. even In the war. " A a result of th present conflict fur will be cheaper than over If this I any conolsnion while the mercury Is soaring. Young women who have looked and longed for a blc. comfy. lres.y muff and a smart neck collar or stole but have hitherto sighed at the price will be able to gratify th longing that has made them envious of th.lr wealth ier sister. Kur will b. cheap. That Is. some of them will be. Black fox. skunk, seal and lynx will b quit correct and decidedly reasonable In prli e. "uf course, white and bin fox will be expensive." said X. M. Unr yester day In dtacuealna; th outlook for th Pall and Wint.r. In spit of - hot weather maids and matrons ar. clam oring for hint regarding the fur fash ions and many are now ordering. So much whit, fox haa been worn thia Summer that th. real thing is becoming scare. nmarl and dashing will be ermines and seals. Domestic furs will all b lower, but the Husslan sables, th broadtail and all good brown furs will be expensive and hard to obtain. Th.r. will be a wide range of scarfs to choose from, but Ihe "Chin Cliln' collar will hold sway for many mouth to com.. Th muffs ar In melon and barrel shap. with th standard pillow. Ilk styl as th biggest favorite. ROBBERY LIST GAINS 2 II. ti. IIA0., MASTKIl BIRULAR, A ll NOE IV CLEARING CRIME, j Mack of Loot Hecoa-ered Yet I I ai de. II fled Da-eda laaleacd Are 1 Mu.hor.ly Admitted. Keeping up the record of the week her ore. Detective Laalle and Leon ard began till week by finding two more burglaries that could be traced to H. G. Hanson, th master burglar who was arrested on August IS. rais ing the total number of crimes at tributed to this man to it. The day Hanson was arrested l burglaries in which he was the leader or sole oper ator were cleared up and much loot recovered. Th rest hv been discov ered since as articles In his houseboat were identified bv owners stolen. rlMTOItN! H0TW.. E3 HOTEL TURPIN 17 POWELL ST. AT MARKET IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Eafopan Plan $'-50 and Upward EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT SAN FRANCISCO rRce Anto Bo Meets Train A Steamers 33 lot noma 01 aaiaa . j ..... . . ... Market atreet. waa robbed on April 4. 191S. of much Jewelry. Of the thlnga taken from her home, she yesterday identified among- the Hanson loot, a clock that waa ker property. A pocketbook. some Jewelry, a ell and some ChrUtmas boxes were Identi fied yesterday by Mrs. A. B. Low. of . Insley avenue; aa stolen from her residence on December I". lla. These articles were amonVr. those recovered from the burglar's houseboat. Property stolen from the launch of C J Johnson at the foot of Nebraska street on December 2S. 1914. was Identi fied Sunday. The motorboat had been stripped from bow to stern. Many launch seats, cushions, whistles, etc.. remain among; the plunder recov ered by officers, and are at police head quarters awaiting Identification. Thus far the police have proved by recovered loot that Hanson has robbed 32 resi dence, on business house and small river craft. Much property thougrlit to have been stolen from Portland homes remalna unidentified. Hanson Is held In the County Jail awaiting action by the irrand Jury, hav ing waived a preliminary examination. Th burglar remains stubborn and will not assist the officers in clearing up his crimes, though admitting; the commission of those definitely fastened on him. Saturday be was at police headquarters most of the afternoon with City Detectives La Salle and Leonard, picking out what he said was his own property from that taken from the houseboat- Of the hundreds of ar ticles, those Hanson maintained were hia own scarcely filled a small trunk. FARM IS RATED FIRST SE.VTll l I.I.IVA.N- FINDS SCE.MC HIGIIWAV WOXDERPl U Miaaes.la Legislator Predict Big Fa tare (or City aad Gr.wtk la CoauBerclal Imparlance. The. agricultural resource' are the greatest resources that the state of Oregon possesses," said J. J. Sullivan, a prominent attorney, and State At torney for Stillwater, Minn., yesterday at the Portland Hotel.' Mr. tSulllvan has been the guest of George C. Ober. of the Portland Hotel, for the past three days. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Ober took Mr. Sullivan and G. H. Atwood, a director of the First National Bank of eit. Paul, for a trip up the Columbia Highway and around the city, and both men came back praising scenic Oregon In the most superlative terms. "I see for Portland the greatest future ofany city on the Pacific Coast. It has the geographical location, the commercial advantages and natural re sources that will some day make it the city of the Coast. The greatest In Importance of the resources and the one that will Insure Its growth is Its contiguity to so much productive soil," said Mr. Sullivan. "In Minnesota we have discovered that the agricultural Industries and particularly dairying keeps the stat In a better financial condition than th lumber Industry ever could. We hear absolutely nothing of hard times In Minnesota. "As soon as the people of Oregon see that th greatest asset they have Is th cow then there will not be the slightest possibility that a financial depression will ever occur in your state." BAR CLOSED; ASK REFUND Use of Name Xot His Om Is Held Against Request of ex-Saloonman. Through John Ditchburn. attorney, Ned McDonald, a former saloonkeeper, has asked for a refund of the amount paid for a saloon license for the rest of this year. The license, after Mr. Mc Donald signed up and paid his 1100 fee. was found to belong properly to George Wood. The license therefor waa re voked. City Attorney LaRoche recommends against refunding any part of tbe li cense. He says Mr. McDonald in tak ing out a license In the name of an other person was fraudulent and for that reason no refund should be al lowed. 92 ISuslicIs Barley to Acre Reported. GENESEE, Idaho. Aug. 23. (Spe cial.) The largest yield to the acre Is reported by John Nisbet with S3 bushels of barley on his place east of Genesee, consisting of SO acres. The Policy of This Bank l r...... A to sound banking principles. This has won for it the confidence and patronage of the public, as shown by the steady growth of deposits. Our superior facilities are at your command and your account will be cordially welcomed. lumbermens National Bank Fifth and Stark For Business and Household Needs Remember You Can Do Better on Third Street ' for Less 0 aWaiststtts EFFICIENCY LAW UP New Measure Casts Aside the Keeping of Merit Records. FLAW IN PLAN IS FOUND Provision for Promotion of Employes of City Depends on Feature Not Included In Act Submitted by Commisloner Daly. Merits, demerit and the record-keeping features of the city's so-called ef ficiency system will be cst Into the wastebasket If the City Council adopts the ordinance prepared by Commission er Daly. The measure will be con sidered at tomorrow's Council meeting. starting In the middle of the elabo rate "efHclency system" Introduced a year and a half ago by the New York Bureau of Municipal Research. Commis sioner Daly has chopped it in He leaves In his proposed new ordi nance all the parts regarding the "tandardlxation of po-lUon. mjji ries and haa whacked out all the pro vl.Ton. about keeping efficiency rec ords. He haa cut out the parts that provide for merit, for T"ius dis plays of efficiency and demerits lor violation of rule, or inefficient work. Promotion Provlaloa Retained. There is retained In the-Br0P8C,1,neW draft provisions for promotion from ono rank to another on mlnt'n: and promotion from one radt .an other on recommendation of the Com missioner In charge. . City employe who have considered the proposed new measure are at a loss to know -how they are to receive any promotion from one grace to an other because the proposed ordinance provides that the Commissioner in charge shall not recommend for pro motion unless "the efficiency record of the employe shall first have been ap proved by the Civil Service B"d. which approval shall not be glvn i if the efficiency record of the employe Is not entirely satisfactory. There s no provision in the measure for effi ciency records, sjl that part having been cut out. Mr. Daly's Plans Defeated Once. Commissioner Daly tried once be fore to have the efficiency system abolished altogether, but the Council turned him down. The new plan Is to cut the record keeping, which Is the part of the measure Involving ex- PeWhen the aystem first was adopted, the salaries of the employes were chopped automatically about $30,000 a year. Some increases offset this total '"Employes are not entirely satisfied with the new plan because there if re tained only the part which caused their salary reductions, while the part aimed to enable them, through efficiency rec ords, to climb back to their original positions and salaries Is being done away with. The efficiency system has had a rugged career. Some departments have adhered to It strictly, while others have Ignored It. 5-CENT FARE IS SECURED Linnton Street Railway Franchise Granted by County. ' Iinnton will have a 5-cent passenger car service. This was assured yester day morning when the County Commis sioners granted a franchise over the eld United Railways line to O. M. ClarR. Richard Shcpard and J. R. Holbrook. Another franchise, for an exclusive freight service between Portland and Ollton over the same road, was granted to the United Railways Company Sat urday. ...nrlatap, reDre- ...ted at yesterday morning . .eSsl by Ricnara w. us". a-- r fcI - . -v.. ...,.nr service within esiaDiisn ma ... -.- - as short a time as possible. For the privilege they wm pay . cPo"mon-user clause Is contained in both franchises. ,r, - UA Aai inherence- Vl"aa.4OT '-J tL Pur. Italia, typ. n.w " 41" " E' P'B Did You Hear Madame Jomelli Sing "HOME, SWEET HOME" IN LAURELHURST? Can YOU sing it and mean it? Have YOU secured that home yet? Wouldn't YOU like a real home near beautiful LAURELHURST PARK, where you could enjoy God'a own fresh air, the fragrant smell of fir trees and the perfume of flowers? IT'S NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH It would be so easy right now for you to procure one of our de lightful cozy bungalow creations with their full richness of soft colors and sweet simplicity. YOUR RENT MONEY WILL PRACTICALLY PAY FOR YOUR HOME. THRIFT IN LAURELHURST is proverbial. It does not mean a pinchy miserliness or the hardship of great self-deniaL It means a lessening of extravagance and useless expenditure and a cultivation of the saving habit. There is no object for which a whole family can save with so much zest as for a home. Money paid on a home is an ever-present pro tection. There's no rent day for the man who owns his own home and no landlord to say "go." Won't you let us help you into a home of your own? Come in at 270H Stark St, Main 1503, A 1515, and talk it over with us and let us show you LAURELHURST in our autos, without any obligation. PAUL C. MURPHY Sales Agent for COOL, GAY Gearhart and Seaside Sixth Annual Gearhart Park Golf Tour ney, August 23 to 28, Will Be the Cen ter of Much Interest Fine Matches Every Day; Many. Handsome Prizes. Clatsop Beach Air Will Blow Away Dull Care Manifold Attractions' and Amusements at Seaside. Daily Round Trip $4. Week-End $3. Daily Trains at 8:30 A. M. and 6:30 P. M., Saturday Special 2 P. M. NORTH BANK STATION 10th and Hoyt EDUCATION Ala. elmont School (For Boys) 21 miles south of Sui Frsnclsc Wa tnuur ttat artve to mr bora J" tteaurbttul parent, artab. Onr radutaa antar. 5Trmm-noaxioii. inatitotlooa that admit on wtuicat and on examination aae pace M ol SSSioVSe) S Harvard, Tha kUaiSmMtta IStSutTot TeebnoloCT. and Ya' -boa. ad irnaalon requirement, jre morero. Sand tor faaaiitlrnllv illutrated eataiotroe. wnioh arlTea JotonlT.reryiood Id.aof th. wlrlt JW SUof the echool. bat of I ta J" attract! a ecnooi noma. '";- y "V qui aataMMiepiaca - W. tuon. Haul MMaT.Bo M. Belmont, Cl. St-Margaret'sHall BOISE, IDAHO, a nchriol for Kirls. Good climate, lo w JltiS; beautiful buildings. Terms moderate. College Prepara tory and general courses. Music, art. domestic science and Pjyslca,1 Culture. Under the Episcopal Church, but open to all. Rt. Rev. J. B. Funsten. Bishop of Idaho, presldent For catalogue address Principal, St. Margaret's Hall, Boise, IdabOa SCHOOL OF THE Portland Art Association Day Evening and Saturday Classes. Drawing. Painting, Composition. Designs and Crafts. Seventh Year "Begins October 4. 1915. Museum of Art, Fifth and Taylor Sts. Mount Tamalpais Military Academy A Ar-U tAUlOKMi, Th most thoroughly orjanlied and con nlaialy aouipped mllltarr school west of tbe Sock iiouxitilna Cavalry. Infantry. Mount- VrtiTier Sixteen mllea north of bu Franclaeo. U. 8. Army officer detailed bj war Department; accredited by the unlTsr altv Stanford and other collegea. Twanty liitn year begins Ausu.t 2ath. lais. Addrea. BEV. AKTHCB CBQ8BT. A. M.. 1. P. r" trinolpal' "arT L Loeaay. A. 8. . PALO ALTO, CALIF -' ' ...I-,. in aaMr; "The Addition of Beautiful Homes" TICKETS and Parlor Car Seats 5th and Stark SL Mary's Academy and College Conducted for Girls by Urn SISTERS OF THIS HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MART CfJMPXETE GRACE, ACADEMIC and C01 LEOB COURSES CommerciaL Domsstie Salence and ElocuUon Dep'a. MUSIC Piano. Voles. Violin. Vlollncello, Harp Harmony, a RT -Water Color. Oil Painting. Chin Painting. Designing. History of Art. R' din? and Day Studenta Addreas Sister Su perior. St. Mary's Academy. Portland. Or. St. Helens Hall Boarding and Day School for Girls. Academic, Elementary and Wontessorl Kindergarten Departments. The forty-seventh year begins beptem ber 15th. Apply Sister Superior. Phone Main 2539. MUSIC KDUCATIOX SCHOOI. 715 Everett Street Corner Twenty-second Elementary School for Boys and Girls English. Mathematics, Music Man ual Arts, Gardening, French and German. Third Tear Opens Tuesday, Septem ber 14. Telephone Main 339. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Accredited lo Colleges. Grammar sno rrimary grades, fourteenth year. Catalogue upon ap plication. Address Mias Hsrker. Palo Alto. Cat. SEWARD HOTEL GRILL Reopened by Seward Hotel Co. After four years under separate management the Seward Hotel Diningr-Koom is again under the management of the Seward Hotel Co. Hereafter an excellent cuisine will be maintained at moderate prices. We serve an excellent popular priced business men's lunch from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. Try it. Sunday Table d'Hote dinner 5 to 8:30 P. M., $1.00. W. M. Seward. Manager.