15 OHEGOXTAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST ' 24, 1915. AZTEC C0MIN6 HERE Grace & Co. to Ship Cargo of . Wheat to Australia. TIME CHARTER IS SECURED VrK-l KrloDf to r.clflc MH FWt and W Taken .nr Going Out of Nersr 1or r cittc Trade. Grace Col wltl kaw tha teamer . . v ... s.tirilir tnornlnr to work a fall -aro of wheat. Ml 4 to a-re-.t. .". tot Australia. The 'es se, was r?enitr chartered br that firm an was plaeed ,B lBm tsre.n fan rnnrlKO and Nanairao. She r.aru.d the nolle.. Gata Friday cn bar . ... .. . t ham ind as rirst trip ' - - - seen a th. coal la d!tlita atia u to prc?.d aere. The Astee b.o to tra Pacific Mall fte.1 and until ordered out of rec :r erlre had rn r that lln.. hit was built in !' t Howd.n. I.na land. and is I4.J fe.t lona. beam of J f..t ,rH depth of hold of :.. - I of i3 too t retlr. It t rl.rstoo-1 that tha r.raca Interests have her nader tlma charter for a Jon p.rtct. anj tnat aha la to ba ' in. I'acifte trad.. mostly betareea tba Oast aad Australia. Tha t.aoir Coluaa. of the raauiar Cra.:a float left b-ra Juoa :i for J-rd-a.y and fram there w.nl to Port Hr'.a. Imm h.r. aha salted Auau.t 11 1 for F.ton. Th. r.r.u-. of tha aam. Tl follow ad tn. rur h.ro and wa di P.irh.d for Svdn.ir July rearMne there Auau.t I. Another of th. char Wei -! belna operate br tia Ore., tina th. steam. r folumbia la na Put Sound and la to coma here f ir a part cara. of luraJ'f destined for alialboa. Orders of lumber rrmainlna for d.lv.rr to tha canal port for tha ts. f tha fioMiwMUt acr-at about .w.i.) f..t. and It la supposed aha will bandlathnt F.prter aar there should ba a da m.n.l la Australia for cereal until tha now crop there la ready. In nec.mber. and tre prer-t ara that mora a-rain will moa In t-at direction from Port land. From Sn Khb'Iko quantities of -re!n and h.jr haa been forwarded to tha Anttpd ainca early In tha ,aar. and ama hay haa prone from here. Tha ahortaa. of tha Auatrallan crop op.nad an anua for Northwaat .iport-a to aiapoaa o. tnv.. fo-ith Africa. rt;a frm abroad yratarday did not . . . k - t " 1 1 4 yport nfiaitinnoi n t in tvr v . - a -. i . p n . ihnuffh n.ao. tiationa ara aald to ba ondr way for vnt i' t - tonnaxa on th. way la of greater pro- . . . .k.. I ma 1 a a f . a P hut n r mma id us. i n mvum w i purtmn tiian at thia tim Uat year, b tn. aerfinnu i! ihit k " -" ll.ahKiirv a 1 T t rat-.IV. t ha remainder of her t'nlted Klnadom rarKo locay or mmorru.. . n. .in . . .- ina laa. trmar u i. Kuropean water, with Krain for a ahort tlma. Tha llack.naaca arrlred In the river yeaterday from San Kranrlaco to load lumber, and steamed for St. Helens ta receive her rarfo. which la to ba Cicarea lur s.ni-.nu. C.WAL fXKtT LF-im IKE Tbrre htrimrn Cut In Two In Order to Move Tbetn to AlUntk. Conrrnin th tranfr of four trnir that are to b opratd through lh CiDal to Tortlmnd. accordmc to re ports rra-'hin-; hrre. th New York lAritlm iitt?r ha the follo-rlns to iAy oC tur movmcDl from tb Great leaves to the toant: tk. rri- R!tro4 flA tiT of Ma boat. th n.fi the Kiott V. PnnU. ihe t.Ef, 1;rJ Sf.lr'lt"C t'ompanjr over a mntttt acx Tr M-'u;i..un waa th on. rM mblm f pa t&ruuaih k of Ch :!n-i ni. a4 II haa arrtvtxS at Moa rl itf. Hi o-hn f lh tern pilJ a lh eft ;-... Th -.? . ba-n cut In two in ary a I. at fluff. o an1 bu.kriaa.i ant t aa ray h i--i In iw pr t Qitw. Tn Hrntn!! od Hlnhmia tN m irr B at iiutrio ana o :ml'aart cut In two an-i i l th coast. It t rac4 tt pina f.r ira ai-ratioo t. in- tra.nfr M tiaaa. oa a4 the Ui trn Traait mpati . ba-e ,n ubrnltt4 tHrwa inkle ehlpnuiMtnc cn--m t-r pI Tha I it--a. Miluli ana M- -:w lat of in trV'atra Trnit I'-m peny f:t. ara b--maatiri r tirm;n IX tby caa P tiarouita tne W t:nj t anal. J ILL AT IXCK I TO START Aboot 1500 Yard or hrnnd and ra.rl (.ur Ilrnrath arrloa. fitter a eontrart lth tha Braytoo Kni nartnc i'omranr the Mamoni O Lj n w.Il tcln t;:e i-liT-rr tomorrow of 4i,w cubic yarJa of mt4 aand and gravel taken from the td of the Wll lamette Kivrr. t b uc4 tn rUltnx on tha ite of waff'iouM li. In the rear of T'.ie Hra ion Knstneartn-r Company irfftipc ih ntrvriouM for the Com trtiica rt Public I hv k n om ma tr)al wil. ba rrtiirei before t.le foun iiflon I nn.ijt In r.lltnc to the proper . r--. Mle ftreeLn? la b Inc rarr-M on In a ttp at the north f nil af the io-ti. In or!rr Id ln-re.e t.ia dw-ptiv of thai berth, the material tnere to b m.tr4 with boul- ra. n- an4 4rrvrt mat render It a.n..teMe tor 1. 1 Una. The t'tamond l ina will d. tirf .le drvUinct f rm tfie urrr rter to hoppara on the ! It and fame will batl tne maicrtal where aiel. tie Clt heme made wet o tt W;U att.e rapid-r. WIKI l !S MEX IV IUa51D Coirrnnt4nt Prrrr for Vmj of iCadto Srrk- on Trader. 1b evMr t bxr men araltabte f-r the operation of wtreieaa planta to be lrw.ta.1 4 on l:Mhun tenders alor tao C't the b urt4ii of ltnthouee Iia a r nr.ci fr timinMor to be held jief tn;ier 22. Hobart arrack. l-tptor of the .Seventeenth I.kMhou I'tt'.ruL wa Inform from Wtuhms ton yaaterdir ttt in all probabiltty tao m rto p4rrt ouI4 be dtcibie for p;tt'r a o?r:ori on temlera In th fi:h L-ehthou I(tatrtct. bead quart'M at - !timre, the M-Chteenth ljtithou tnatru-t, he uartara at ma KrenciaV-o, and the Jventeervth Uf &thi I'ietrict, headq jarters at IVrt. and. A wtraieea t for tbe tender Mart ian. t u -td t ba on the way here. nrjTors to be orpuikd 3fank-ir- nJ tr- Ilarraa Aatliorl Clet Oo Oirr Watrrfront liatrk-t. T ae-ertetn where n'Tete ftreatora are ta bo pla.et a:or tha West Side, a rommi:teo recent, t named br the ,'ItT fottfi-1l. eonetjattrttf of O. H Koa-ardt. 'M-f enatreer of the Com imeeton of Pubtl rtra Marahai JaT Site en. (ltr Knctnar Philip Iter and Jamea MrCun. aecretary of the KTJitaMa Hatlna Huraau, made an npe-tor eeterday. accompanied by Ftre iaf I'oaelL The entire Wet rtda dutnrt whero there are condi tion rewarded a danaroue from a firo lndrotnt. In which etop micht pro a prtH-ton. wae cone over. Taa commit tea will lajiect tHa luaat Side tha latter Part of tha weak. It Is then expected that recommendation win be made to tha Council as to wnare tha topa ehould ba placed. Tha pro poaaj for flreetope originated with the Comm ulon of Public iocaa a-- air. Keaardt had delved Into tbe eubject before It waa referred to tha Council, Liner Cor .Ashore ar SeatUe. SEATTLE. tVeeh-. Au. 2 J. The Osa ka Shojten Kaisha liner Panama Mara went at Three Tree Point, eoulh nf ? 'ly today while bound from S :iia. i?h waa pulled off at l ..t.arentiy unatsu.co, Marine Notes. Lambor lada f jr PoShera Callfoma the rteam.r P'.-doin aaid taat Blht from Ht. Halana. The Paataaw aa cleared for Fee rraaclaca eatrday wtth ao.0ua feat of Itun aor aad l30.eo boa akaoka. Tna at aam r taia. M-b amed yaaiardar with lonm trf car a r-rH alia O0.0O fet of iamtv-r thai will loaded et Helena Ueatprt and KnfPa fr tha MrCormlrit ln:.ret. The rt-mr Santa Barbara waa -., rd f iba Kidan Gate yaatarday wlta h).ooo fret of lumwr that ane will lafte oa at St. Hetoa aad Rainier. ja OW of tha steamer Sharer, tha drede Loa An !. whtca amed la the rlr rtTdae frm baa Francisco, left op fr Vancouver. Wash-, vbere aba will wora fo a time. t'tiit-d Statt-a Inapectora Edwards ana ritr e ta Infp-t the bolter of the Port of rort.a-id tfi Waltaia. racntly Inatalied. todar snd will loepavt the imoIIq achoooar re;r Taarsdey. Captain B:sh. of the Amerlraa-Heaallen ttaar ohaa. aent a alreieea maaaaea X tarday th-t bis veaaL which la lad -a witb ;aw Trk rarso. would arrlra here about I o cWfc today. fta far as la knows, tha steamer Navajo, whi-h la brincinc a New Trk carso for tha iire-e will not ba oal4 for the ra- tara here, aha la due In about a wek. Aa tha st.amr T. A. Kilbom. amvln taat alst frm aa rranclaco. baa ao murn o o handle la dlacharetn that imm avauth and Ia lint aftipm-nta awaitlof b-ra. bar departura haa bea st fr vrt-k tomorrow nicnu ina iicanow - nx W. Hdar will la aa Francisco an arbadu.e Ibia we-k ao the lfu.r w-aaij aaevica aa far south aa Ilco will raaumed a weak frm tomorrow. juan- mtiiim tha lt:bum and Santa riera are ma w ronnactlona at tbe Goidea Oata tor au L.a.iforala porta. niacin at the Oraaoa rite Locke to elaar ha aica of a ctar-ate dlvidin wall bavin bra fiatshed. tha 0nim'in draiKa tham arwe waa towed throw en the harbor y-ate law on br way to tna liwrnmtni tna. ta go out of commiaaion ior aa prmm- afta dlarharalB a careo af salmon a' aa rranciaro. which iti carriea irom k is.ki s rhoABtr Ror Som-re ta to pro- ad baro and take aa a 1 -unbar carco iur AastraUaa da.leerr. w JYoru Orcsoji rorta. iiroRii Or Aojf. 53. (. la I The in iiatrru.ao. with a Pnjon Lumber Com pan s loa raft In tow. aallad todav for .aa rafMr Tha ret ft MinlalP.1 atKKJt a00.- r ft or logs an I carria a n-.-nt-'. of cdr polea ft will be the third an4 laet vt tha tarts to a aun inn '"""V The drawee I-oa Aneia. thia mornic fnm baa Franneco in iw af ihe tu ia Rower, was toned ta aa-coaa-er by the steamer Shaver. The tank et-emer Atlas, with hart a o- Pl a tow. amvad this momtp from cau- Aeala lfh rartoM of fu-l Oil f-r Port- laod. The veaael was delayed outalda for aear:y 2 hoars by the aenae m. The Britlah steamr Hars.nack arrived this mrninc from lun rrancic-a end went tr it Helens to load lumber for the L'niieu T.a ateamer T. F. Kllthum arrlred this morntne from Saa Franotai-o ia Coo B with fribt and pasaasgara for Astoria and rortlaod. . With th dredaa le Are:ee In lw. the to Sa Rivtr arrived this morntna from Saa Franeiaco. The dredse Is to be used m a V.neouror Tha ttam scbooner Xa!r arrlvad darin tNe btsht from San Francaace with freigUt for Aatoria and rortland. Af-ar diaoharrln ful oil. the tank steam er oleum sailed early this moraine for California , . Hrtneinc frelht fr Astoria and Pertlaad. tha steam schooner Willamette arrived tbu moraine from aa Francisco, COOet BAT. Or. Au. JX (Special.) Th rseoiine achovner At.aa, or tne uaruiner win Company, was brousbt Into tha bay today and will replace tha launch taaseo, which has baaa transport. n the stsce passencers an Cooa Bay for lo ara. Tha ataamshiD Santa Clara srrlved from PertUnd thia morn in at a and sailed for ji-ta Francis. and Eureka at 2.29 tuis altar noon. Movement of VesseU. Ft"RTI.ANT. Aug. -3 Arrived SteaTtiers n.ur nd Willamette, from an eranciaco: I. A. KMMffl. from San Frsnciaco r's way ports- Breakwater, from Ooos Bay: Hrltieh steamer Hachaueark. from San Francisco, hal.ed Steamers Bowdotn. for San Pedro and R'dondo; IaUy. for San Francisco via hi. He. ana. Astoria. A a. 53. Arrived dutinc the alxht- iu Sa Itover ana dreie ixa An ;;. from San Francisco. Amvad at 4 and laft up at :40 A. M.. steamer Breakwater, from Cooa Bar. Arrived at a and laft up at a A. M . staanvr Willamette, from San Kranrifro. Sl!d at T A. M-. etaamer O.eum. f.r Port San Uuia Arrived at and Irft up at 11.4 A. M BrltUh staamer tiscansaca, from San Francisco. Arrtvrd St 11 and left no at noon, stcsmer F. A. Kllburn. from Saa Franc.st-o via way porta Arrtrcd at ll:-0 A. M. and I ft up. atoamer Atlas and barge No. i. from San Francisco. r-aira at . p. M . .ug Kercuaea. towing log raft, for San ines-o. San Francisco. Aug. tX Salted St 11 A. .W1-. aamr Cetlla. at 1 P. M.. steamer ir. from n Pedro for Portland. Arrivad -itamar W. r . Hcrrin, trom fortlana. Auauat -l ballad it 1 A. M.. ateamer J. H. Statoa : at a A. f .. steamer cnioan, for 'ort;an-1 Arr;d at T P. M.. stamer Ne- vadan, from Portland tor M lark via way aur ta. Coo Bar. Au. SI. Arrived Steamer Santa Clara, from PortUnd for Eureka and San Francisco. Aetori. Au. Z2. Arrived st 3:30 and lft P at P. M.. steamer Patsy, from San Franc;aco. Arrived do a a at ft: SO P. Htiur cum, Sa;i!e. U ." . Aur. ST Arrlred Steam mrm A'lmiral t arvl Kl Scundo, from a KTaori.-. t'insrs frtru San I'lo t, faa r ran-laco. ictoria. rrn .Nome M ,uthviwtrrn A'aokta; K-thu Thompson. frm S-i a A la-ha la Vanconvar. tSan Frafic.a o. At- 2 k ArrlvM Staam era Imat a an1 ;.ern ir. from Sa'tla; Avalon. from Wt 'apa: Tnvo Mini iJapa- frtu HaMC-rc: VI.It-m F. HiTtn. t f..m AK rU. Macbaor i !Titlh. fmm ;;. I'.iroaa from ;raa llarbor: H-rnnln. frtn Sw-JUt!; rhonmr C. A. rriar ad t-aartt twrt. from Brtto Ba. a; :d icamera Bar and Celllo, for Port land. Tkra at A aria Taesday. Migh. Low. a te a. M...-nfot P. M f-t P. feet otamaw Rivaw jbvar Report. N RTlt UFA l. A u 73 Con . 1 1 Ion of bar J r. M . Mr. moth. .Barometrr. afi. W.n l, s-u'h t ur mle. Marconi Wlrrios Itrporia. ( rt fMliiaa.a n parted at P. M.. Aaxaat ZX, aaOaaa aalierwl ladlroiedl I uufi. fan paatf frr pan Francisco, seven mi t f II Unr-Tt. U apoma. Hh A rr.a tn tow. Pan reiro fr iaa l'rni-ie'v mi.-a aorta of Point Firm in. 1 Santa iaf. " Py f -r Eureka, 10 &.. north -f t.ura , I4itn Mmtt.i. saa FraBclf-o ror Fv ni a firi cf aa Franc-r-o. NiVtiom.H. ort n.l f4.r Haa Francisco. 41 m I : n -rfl -f llin!i Itaef Mc. iitftn jib ior zaa r rancisco, aw 1 a cut. A w "I i:i:Trta-. M ,;o t San Francisco, iJ ml -s u'.. Aueu-t n rtaJ'. .niu.u ror saa Francisco, mi.es aut. Aum I - I.ur.ina. San r-aiv-lsco fr Honoluln, rnra out. AiM -i haaaUr. aaa rranctsc for HoaoluJa liao Bl! out. uait vanM. lion.-.u.tt tor san Francisco, i ml out M:;s. soa'tie f'e aaa Lute Obupo, ST mlla aou'h f Ktni Suf xartn'snd. Eert T-e rt rranrtsca, iv t e nortt ft S Francu-. Itarrin. port luiu for LJ union. tM miles ff-n Prt l i-ota. Gotaraor. saa Fanta'-o for San Pedro, II mill artuth i..f lirc. point. r.irt-as-to. Ab-Td-o f-T Saa Pedro, three aai:k aont of pleaoa Po.nt. faa Franciso fr Portland, five mi .-a sou'.h of I'olr.t Arena. fiar. san Frsnciwco fr jort'.aad. la miles aorh cf paint Ataxia. Admtra? K.ana, aWattla for Valckoff. oft Capo MuJft. t trak. i.'-ln bare Ta. Saat'le for Rlcb mon1. miles frro R'chmond. a-anta rvi. port Anil tor San Fraa ciaaro ITJl nua sooth of a pa Flau"Tr. A ao ret n. iJit-o -a for Hlrbmond. 51 T sit's north of Ki hmcifi'l. Iii, vtBfiv-r fr Richmond. es mi m north of Richrcond. Portar. M.nar fr Everett. 431 miles a.-rh of San Frnnctaca, Kaotra, Seait for San Francisco, 13 sAiaea SNaHiib ei Cap Fttary. WHEAT IS DROPPING Though No Local Sales Are Made, Quotations Closer. FRANCE AND ITALY BUYING Advance Shown In BicU for Oats. Pay's Receipts for Grains. Flour and Hajr Reported .Normal by Merchant EUchange. A tendency oa the part of buyer and sell er to get together oa a common price 1 the feature of the wheat market. This was shown by the activities at tbe Merchant Exchnse eaterday. Although no sales were made, the general trend of prices ssked was downward. Off ara were th same aa Saturday, with the single exception of that for bluestem. which wss a cent lower. Club was bid M cent and forty-fold V0 cents. These grades of wheat, however. were held at Uo cents snd PS cents, re speottvely. la the case of bluestem. the bay era and sailers came nearer getting to gether. $1 being asked snd V oents bid. Iealers are of tbe opinion that tner is little possibility for an aaance In wheat prices at the present time. To substantiate this belief tby point out the unusually blgh freight rsies for shipping the grain snd also the fact that England currency Is be low par. England la said to be buying very little wheat at the preeent time, according to some dealers. France and Italy ara now the prin cipal factors la the market for thst cereal. A telegrsm received by one prominent buyr yesterday declaied thst It was lmposslMe to ell wheat at any price In England at the present time. Another dealer, discussing the situation yesterday, said that Kn gland was still in the market for wheat, llo said mat it waa not tba inability to sell In foreign countries aa much aa the tnebtllty to purchase hare which he found to be the principal factor In pre venting more rsptd movement of wheel. A prominent buyer pointed out that de aplte the seemingly low quotations for wheat they were mucn better then for the same tlma 'at yar. He said that wheat was on th a erase about li cent higher than last yesr at the same data. "in addition. he said, -we neve to pay sbout 40 cents more to ship to Europe than did last year, which means that much more adUed to the prica of grain when It reach, Its destination." Bids for future on wheat at the Mer chants Eicharr aversged sbout 3 cents iorr tbsa on Saturday. Thcra waa an edan.e la the offerings for oats, that cerral going up about CO cants In tha bidding and closing at J4 iO. Bran ana aborts want down cents compared wiin Saturday s quotations. Th dajr'a receipts were reported to be normal for a heat, barley, eats, flour and bay. Shippers' F Protect shipments during tle next 48 hours as far north as Seattle sgsinst maximum temperature of about 75 degree; northeast to Spokane. 92 degrees; southeast to Boise, itt degree; south to Ashland. R". degrees Msnmum temperatora at Portland today sbout SO degrees. Poultry Receipts Averase. Average receipts of poultry and dressed meat ware reported on Front street yester day. No change of a radical nature In the market situation were reported and desler srs of the opinion thst this will be another week with a good volume of business. Banana Shipment Ielayed. A train load of bananas arrived yesterdey from the South, Tbe trais wss delayed 8 hours on the trip and some of tbe fruit was a little ripe, Choice Cantaloupes Vp. Cantaloupes showed a slight advenes on Front street yesterday for choice. This deal ers said was owing to tha receipt of ship ments of unuiually good stock rather than to sny decrease In the supply. Fruit Becrtpts Heavy. Receipts of fruit snd vegetables were heavy on Front street yesterday and dealers reported a good volume of business. Predic tions were that the week would show an unusually heavy trade. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Hour, l'ed. Etc. Merchants Exchange, boon session. 1 Tom pi delJer TA heat Bid. Ak R.urstc.n $ .Vo $ 1.1H) Fnrtyfold .WS Club M lo Itrd fife So 4 Red Russian bo .1- No. l'ihlte feed 24.iO 2.UO Barley No 1 feed -3 SO LV7r lirr-wlog UO.ou 27. wo Bran i -'a U OU or LB ....................... 0. V' Futures Septamb-r bluestem .......... .P3 .99 October blurst-m .10 .19 September fort fold .......... .1" .e7 October fort fold -I'd Splvnibr ciu .............. H K lob-r club So .13 Spirmber fife &6 .VJ October fife .M .H Srptrmber Russian .S4 .'J I O-tober Kuss.an 4 a- srp;rubr oata S4.ol So.To October oats -4 vQ .o-oO Sa-p:mbT orly fd -!.-'' l!o oO t: lobar barley fd .i-o4 o-oo Sapt'-mb-r bran l-'.o i4 uu Ociobar br-n d 34. . ip:tmbr short S.oO o.ou October aborts OO 2o.OU 1-iAiL K Patents. j TO a barrel, atralguis. $i. whol wheau aoou; graham. A..3. lllLLrbe.l'Ai1'! pricea: reran, a.o par ton; shons. 2d. rolled barley, .9tiau. CORN Whole, toe per ton; ti acuta, - per ton. IIAi Kastern urion urooinr, i7i. rut. ay tlmothv. $l.oo13; alfalfa, l:.iv laou; cheat. aUWiv; oat ana etcn, 1101., iTwlts and Veaetablce) Xxv-sl Jobbing quotations: TlttrK"Ala e'Rl ITS oranges. Valcnclas. $a.;owoio per bos; lemons, 94 o v 4.tfO per bos; bausnaa. 5e per pound: grapefruit, Cai ifornts, S4ttl.oUi pineapples, 4g.l0 per pound. VEGETABLES Cucumber. Oregon, ZOc. artichokes, POc per doscn; tomilot. ; , aoc boa , cabKaa, le pr pound : had lettuce. 91 Pr crate; beans. SHjIc car nound: areen corn. tx-r di-in; garlic. lvtfl-; Per pound; poppers, 4 a c par pound, et plant. tbc par pound ; pumpkins. ISc pr pound. PIOK1.1NO Onions. 10 to 12ei ground eb"r; ca. 91 a b'1 - itHErCN FKl l Ta Osntaloupe. flats, aftc; P-T-ua. pTttll.. stsnuerda. 91. 10 w 1.&0 per rai. prftrnta. .wnoc pr p' . ni.njL ivlWc per pound; plums, uc0 91. - pr bos; new spplea, aatrachana. Toe o 91. graveastein, lioi per oog; peara. gt r 1 -o per bos; grapae. io per era. bucklebms. ev to per pouna; casabaa. 91 o i p r dosan, rTAToKS New. TO Q &On pr sack; awaits. IS-le pr pound. OMON6 vtf "o per sack. Isalrr aad Cavalry Produce. I.ocal joSblng quotations: tauS Oregon ranch, buying prlcee: No. 1. 5c; No. 2. S0c; Na. 9. ITc per dosan. JobMrg pric: So. t, l"c. POt LTRT Hns. 18 a 14c; Sprlnsa laffy 17c; turkeys. 1B1Pc; dscka, Btflc; geeae. airic. BUTTER City creamery cubes, extras. Me; firsts. g3e; seconds. I4c; prints sno cartons, extra, buttrrfat. No. 1. Jsc; sec ond grsda, 2c leas; country creamery cube. 22 i S .'sc. HEFe-tE Origon triplets. Jobbers baying price. TSVsjc lT ponnd f. o. b. dock. Port Inrtd; Toun Americsa 14 c per pound. VEAL rsncy. I-'CMlc par pound. rOKK Block. PttlQc per pound. S4pl Groceries. I-ocal Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia 5'tver l-poand tails. 2 -3d par doscn; t -pound fists. tl.&O; pound rets, 9-0; Alaska pink. 1-pouna tails, tl OA. MONEY Choice, 93 SS per case. t"TS Walnuts. loa24? per pound; Bra sll routs. 15c; filberts. l4d2o; almonds, IV g'c; peanuts, dc; eocoanuts. 91 per do.; pat-ans nQJdc: cheat nuts. inc. BEANS Small white, ftdftc; large white, jur: I.: ma, TiSc; bayou, 9 40c; pinks. 4.auc. tX"FF BE Roasted. In drums. 149 99c, 6L0A& "rult aad berry, d.9v; beet. a JK. ... aa C I.1K- ttnwillinMl. in barrels. 96.90; cubes, barrels. 87 03. SALT Granulated. 819.90 per ton: hair grounds, let's, 910 i3 per ton; 40a, ll-90 par ton: dairy. 914 per ton. RICE Southern head, ettre; broken, 4c per pound: Japan style, fii)ic. DRIED FRUITS Apples, fco par pound; sprlcota. lSly 15c; peaches, 8c; prunes. Hal lane. S?tc; raisins, loose Muscstels. be: un bleached Sultanaa. 7 He; seeded. 9c; dates, Persian. 10o per pound; fard, $1.66 per box; currants, 6 If 12c. Hope, Wool, Hides. Etc. HOPS 1913 contracts, nominal. 12H016C 1914 crop. 14c; olds, latcjlsc. HIDES Salted hides. 15Hc: salted kip, lie; salted calf, 18c; green bides, 14c; green kip. ide; green calf, lee; dry bides, .5c; dry calf. JTo. WOOL. Eastern Oregon, medium, Sf5y -Sc; Eastern Oregon, fine, 1891sc; Val ley. 2dac MOHAIR New clip, SO 81c per pound. CA.SCAUA BARK Old and new, 4o per pound. PELTS pry lonc-wooled pelts, ISHe; dry, short-woo'ed pelts, 11 He; dry shearlings, ftck 10 ij 15c; salted shearlings, each. 16 w 3; dry goat, long hair. each. ITc; dry goat, shesrltugs. each. lof20c; salted long wooled pelts. -Wsy. 9102 each. GRAIN BAGS la car lots, Tc; small lots, Womore. ProTlfdona. HAUS All Slsr choice. 20c: standard. Iftfec; skinned. 194 lc; picnics, 12c; cot tags ro:i, lc; poiiea. tiv.9c. XiACO.V Fsncy. 2 S 30c ; standard, 22 O 23c: rhoics. 17j2c DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 12H615ci sxports, l.tttloc: plates. JiBi.hc. LARD Tierce basis, ksttls rendered, 12c; standard. 11c: compound. 9c. BARREL GOOOri Mess beef, $24; plate beef. 9-3; brisket pnrk, 9.00; tripe, $1U.3U 0 11.90; tongues, gou. Oils. KEROSENE Wster white, drums, barrels or tsnk war on a. 10c; wood barrels, 14c; cases. 1 T H Q 20 S c OASOLINE Bulk. llHc; esses. ISHe; engine dlatlllste. drums, TWc; case, 14fec; nap tha. drums, 10 He; cases, 17 fee. LI.WEKD OIL Raw, barrels, 6e; raw. casa 7lc; boiled, barrels, Cac; teotlad, cases, Tov. TURPENTINE In tanks, 69c; In cases. 60c; 10-case lots. 1c less. WHEAT VISIBLE SUPPLY CHANGES Inerewse and Deere for. United States Miowa by Merchants Esrhang; Figure. Th weekly wheat statistics of the Mer chants Exchange show the following changes In tha American visible suppiy Bus he. a. Increase. August 23. 1A1K . .. T.U.M.lMiO .".To.OCvu August 24, 111 4 S3.027.0HV o.'.S.O'.H) August 2.V 1113 44.ofHl.0i-0 -Jtkl.CfOU August XO. l!12 S.ii3.0ir0 ulU.0K Aucust 2K. 1I1 1 4.24T.O"0 WS.O'H) August 19. 1910 24.VP7.0OO t.r.S.'i.OoO August So. llt 9,3.1.00 -22 1,000 August 31. UHiS ln.2T.00i "042.0(KI August 2, 1X7 B0.:.3.0M l.fi2.0K August 2i. 1906 31.229.0W 720.OO0 Decrease, STOCKYARD RUN GREAT PRICKS or PRIME STEERS VP A LITTLE; LAMBS DROP. Elskt Mare C ara Received Tkaa Corre apvadiBK Oar Laat 'Week 71 Cara Are I'aloaded. Vnu.uallr heavjr recelpta featured activ ate at tha Union Stockyard je.terday. a total of 71 cars balny received. Thia waa elcht mora than tha number received laat Monday. Pricea on prima altera inow an advance of :1 cenu, and hora alao ahow a alight advance. Lamoa vrera aown. a drop of about 2 centa being recorded. Recelpta conalated of lolW cattle. calves, hora and 167 aheap a total of 71 cars. Khippera were: With cattle J. W. Chandler. Elgin, 3 cara; John Broaman, Heppner. 3 cara; J. D. Trench. Pilot Hock. cara; Belta A Beeney. A. He Weatrate and A. Gainer. Pilot Kock. 3 cara each; a. U Smith. Pilot Rock. S cara; Ed Rlcnman. Wallowa. 1 car; X. Hushea. Heppner. 2 cara; R. Caratner. H. U stanfleld and R. Wright. Heppner. 1 car each: 8. Thompaon, Mapleton, 1 car; M Taylor, Redmond. 3 cara; O. H. Not tlniter. Plymouth, Waeh., 1 car; R. H. booten, Redmond. - cara. With hoga Karl IMcklnaon. Welser, I cara; P. Brlce. Caldwell. Idaho. 1 car: W. H lloaa. Parma. Idaho, 1 car; W. D. Bren denburc. Shoshone. Idaho. 1 car; F. Bar tholomew, echo, 1 car; J. w. Chandler. Enterprise. 4 cara: Ed Colea, Haines. 1 car; A. Swageart. Athena, 1 car: W. H. Evana. Pilot Rock, cars; J. W. Wilson. KlondlK., 1 car; A. Coaton, Alderdale, Waeh., 1 car. Wl h aheep Smyth Broe., Haines, S cara; J. W. Creath, Sunny, 2 cara; W. Mlnton. Cottag. Grove. 1 car With mixed loads Grover Broe., New Plymouth, Idaho. 1 car cattle and hogs; D E. Myera. lmbler, 1 car: O. E. Goraelln. Joseph. I car; W. W. Trooper. Union Junc tion. 1 car; John Dysart, Condon. 1 car cattl.. calve and hoga The day a sale iouow: Wt. Price 1140 a .50 w t. rnce 4 steers.. 1023 13.73 i,''r 1". steers Unm 1 heifer- '! S3 steers.. 2 rows.... 7 3.O0 1 1t?2 S.teers... 1520 2.". Zi steer... i r.V-! 2" steers. . . 11.13 J Jco.s... 11.3 o.i 3ters... l?".l 6.3. 3 SO TO 30 1112 14 rows... 10.-2 S.;3 ..steers... 103O B..-,A (Steers.. 1M J;'! 23 steers.. . J0.-.2 23 cows... 122 .. 2 steers... 730 4 73 3 cows... !' 4...UI j.teers. .. l7f 7. on 1 steer... li"io 751 3 nf,r. . 6..m 23 steers.. 1112 T.0O 2 bul!s 1240 4 W losteers.. ll 7 steers... lortl B.23 J4 steers.. V'sn T.oo; -J steers... ,aas b.30 1 steer... 11'iO t.73 14 steers... 1000 6.10 II steers.. IK'S 6.2.V 1 Current prlcs at the local atockyarda of the raiioua classes of livestock, ara aa follows: cattle Rest ateera le...-.nr 7 no Good steers 6 0nj .25 Medium steers .in. ('hotel ateera 3.?-' ft 5 35 rhoic cowa R.2r..YX3 Good ffivl 3.tMl5.2.". Medium n 4.OTr3.M Helfera ,vnne..R. Hulls 3tars S.OtJS.UO MngS T.leM 7 404? 7.5-. Heavv .723 7.40 Sheep tVethers 4 73 3.0n r.i ... 3.001?4 1'3 lambs 4.73S6.33 Chicago Llvewtork Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 23. Hogs Receipts, SO. AAA J e hlgh.r than Saturday's average. Bulk lSt(72W; llaht. $7.1o f) 7.90; mind. a2.i7 13: heavy. g.i.loe7.20: rough. .lo .7 2": pica. IT.OOelOO Cattle Receipts. Sl.ono. steady to loc lower. Beevea $6.oor 10.20: towe and hair era. $3 23"l S.90-. Texaa steera. 16.40lr7.65: Western ateera. .75r&.10; calve. io.3u 12 23. 5he-p Tteeetpta. 7000. me hlrher. Xatlves, 13 75V6 23; Western, 3.g346.t0; yearling. lA30t7.25: lamba. native, 6.75tj S.tto; WMt.ro. 1683tW Omaha Livestock Market. OKAHA. Aug. 2S Cattle Recelpta. 000. slow Native steera, $i.751r .0; cows ana helfera 3 ISO 7.50; Western steer. 16.5US 8 341- Texaa ateers, 16.0007.30; eowa ana helfera. 1.VS097.IS: calVM. 17.O0610 0O. Hogs Receipts, 4300. higher. Heavy, !6 155; light. 70427:30; pigs. 15.73V 7 25: bulk. t.25(.6S. gneep R.c.ipts. 18.000. steady. Tearllngs. I5.r.n 6 25; wethers. 10. :0tJ 6 00; lamba la.i0t I.60. ttegar at New York. ycr.V? YORK. Aug. 23. Raw sugar, steady. Centrifugal. 4.7uc: molasses sugar. 3.V5C Refined, ateady; cut loaf. 6.6.3c; crushed. 50c: mould A, 6.15c: cube. S.IISc: XXXX powdered. 3.85c: powdered. B. 80c; fine gran ulated. 5.7oc; diamond A. 5.70c; confection ers' A.' aoc: No. 1. 3.41c Sugar future opt ned quieter early today and at noon were a shade eaalefon scat tered Wail-treet liquidation. 1 IITO III iSSriS:: iv;: icow-::: io..j, 3.ou .leers 1210 5.30 1 cow I-'IO 4-o 1. .,..r. . IlltiU S.73: lcow .0 a.. 0 17 steers.. J"',J " i-S I 0 4 steers.. 11 To 3.73 5e.es ... 4.0 2i.teer... 11:!4 . 1 -. -- 5 steers.. 111U 6. .3 5J hojs. . . . 200 7.40 2T. steers.. 10! ..-rO 7hoa.... 1,4 6.40 . - sz t m i5 : : v"? 1$ 13 cows ': iu 5. 7hoa... 2 7.S3 ? . 4 3 steers... 9.-.S odO llS.l 47 2T steers... 7. 5 40 Ihulf J'fV 14 steers... !"V 5.5" 14" 3 731 2 heifers.. 73 S.M 5hul "" 14V 4 'J Scowa... 14(I 4.50 1 bull. ... ., ....... jk,j 4.00 lf.4l.mba.. .0 6.24 $CCIZZ ... i3 O0 12 ewes... 1XO 4..'" fi" .A m f'-i T steers... 7f0 R.V J cows... 1143 s.j 4 3.0.1 SCOWS... ft.-M . . i AA STEEL TRADES DEAL Market Breaks at Opening, but Closes on Advance. WAR SHARES FALL AND RISE Administration's Foreign Attitude and Favorable Railway Show ins Cansts Kally In Stocks ..Iter Depression. KETV TORK. Aug. 23. Moderate Irregu larity, followed by general depression and a hasty and eomplet. recovery, marked tba successive stagea of today'a stock mar ket. These changes resulted In tha main from th. aggressions of the short Interest, which chose to place an unfavorable .con struction upon latast International d.velop menta, but rushed to cover when freo and confident buying caused a sharp rebound. United states Steel was again the out standing feature, the extent of the day's operations In that Mock exceeding any record of recent yeara. It opened with a sale of 13.000 shares at the minimum price of 70. or S under last weck'e close, but soon advanced to 71. only to fall back to 674 before midday. At that level aup- porting orders Boon effected a sharp re versal and thereafter the atock manifested greater strength, again rising to 71 H and closing with a net gain of "4 to 70 . Trading In steel aggregated 227.000 shares. or about 23 per cent of tbe total output of O1.000 ahare. While ateel was at Its worst, the war sharea beran to crumble, losses ranging from 4 to 7 points. The recovery In thee. stocks was even more thorough, however, not nnlv wloln. out most losses, but show ing actual advancea of on. to three points In th. final hour. This advantage was fortified In part Just before the close, wnen prices receded from their best, and Beth lehem Steel fell IK to 2fi0'4. The efforta of the bears to capitalist the Arable Incident proved abortive, con-erv.-lv. wall Street falilnr In line with Washington's receptive attitude. Another factor of rejoicing waa the placing of large orders with steel and Iron companies, and several excellent .railway returns. Including that of the Southern Pacific Company, which showed a net gain for July of it aoo ooo. For the first time In several weeks. Lon Ann Kntieht nn balance in this market, al- thnn.h elaslnr nrlcea abroad were from on. to one-half polnta under last Saturday In the International list. Exchange on Lrftnrion waa heavy, and no developmenta of Importance were reported In this con nection with the pending credit negotla- tlona. ii 1 - au mt the outset, partic ularly convertible Issues, but made partial recovery later, toibi saies, p.r amounted to 13.260.000. United States 2s declined per cent and th. 4a 1 per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. 1 .000 High. tiOij 78 Low. 32 f.7t 78Vi bid. Alaska Gold. .. Am fleet Sugar 3214 B0 50 4 77 10514 10714 3 21 14 220 68 14 300 34 s, 4054 84 & 209 73 1314 347 H 424 s.aoo American Can.. 48.500 Am Sm ft Rerg. .ouu do pra Am Sug Refg.. Am Tel Tel.. Amer Tobacco.. Anaconda Mln.. nno 400 ' 2.200 2 BOO log 122 "An!." ' 100 3.-.N 30 0 S4 4 J 764 lv, 14i 43 'i 4.1 11 81 10714 123 '-T4 100 3014 4S 78-4 S3 14 20 70 13i 14BH 41 S 42 S 11 8014 "454 37 '5' ' 2114 Atchison Allla-Chalmera Am Locomotiv. Bait A Ohio... Br Rap Transit l.0rt 3.000 5.200 5.1 0O Beth Fteel 2.300 Baldwin Loco. 12,100 t'ai Petroleum.. Canad Pacific. Cent Leather... Che. A Ohio. . .. Chi Or Western. Chi M A St P.. Chi A N W Chlno Copper. .. Colo F A Iron.. Colo A South... KOO R.T00 7.700 1,300 40O 2.300 ' b'.ioo 5.000 IIS 8114 125 43'4 39 ? 25 (.714 2214 4 23 H 2H14 170 117 4014 61 209 101 74 3254 103 25 T4 141 11214 7914 25 7 3 494 118 60 14 884 2 10314 10514 311i 291, 308 4, 157 2114 14j 3914 14 14 3 88 15- 50 1"8 4 128 j 81 Vt 7014 11014 64 6914 11114 44 i 39 "71 24 Crucible Meel C R I A P 30.100 38,000 D A R G do pfd nist Securities.. 4.100 Erie 7.000 2',i 2j 171 117 40 61 204 301 73 S3H 10314 2fl 14114 112 so "7 314 24 '4 24 171 316 3'i 59 14 105 101 7414 3114 101 2414 140 11114. 7714 2514 7 2 "o" ' - 14 88 61 10414 1044 2914 Gen Electric 2.800 Gr North pfd. . . I.000 Gr Nor Ore ctfs. 15.000 Gucgenhelm Ex. 3.900 General Motor.. Illinois Cent. ... :,2oo 300 300 Inter-Met pfd... Inspiration Cop. Inter Harvester. K C South Lehigh Valley.. 14.H00 4110 l.BOrt 1.P00 soo 12.500 11.100 200 Lul & isasn.. Mex Petroleum Miami Copper. . M K T Mo Pacific Montana Power. Nafl Biscuit.... Nat'l Lead Nevada Copper. . N Y Central N Y, N H A H. Nor A West Vnr PsrlfiC... l.soo 1.100 1.300 l.t'.MO 1.200 poo 1.600 61 H 80 2 lo.-,4 105 31 Pacific Mall 11.500 Poc Tel A Tel , Pennsylvania .. 1.100 103 108 Pull Pal Car Ray Cons Cop.. 4. 900 21 m 14"4 41'. 21 144 '4 1414 4714 137 12S94 R7H 110 6314 Heading Rep Ir A Steel 10.100 13.000 Aorlt 1st o.... do pfd StI.ASF 2d pfd. South Pacific... South Ry Tennessee Cop.. Texaa Company. Union Pacific... 12.500 2 500 22.100 500 19.900 15 MS 139 12S do pid U P Steel 228. SOO do pfd I.IOO 71 S 11014 65 "9'4" Utah Copper. ... 5.700 waoasn pra Western Union.. 1.100 Wecr ITlectrlc 63. 300 109 Total sales lor tne aay. uiu.uuu snares. BONDS. r S ref 2a reg.. 97 INorth Pac 3e... 624 U S ref 2s coup. !T Pac T A T 5s.. 9714 U S .".s reg 100UPenn con 4s. ...102 U s 5s coupon. .no!4,south Pac ref 4s 8:;t4 V S 4. reg 109 do cv 5s 9S V S 4s coupon.. no ll'nlon Pac cv a. 89 y Y C g deb 6s. 103 U S Steel 5s 10214 North Pac 4s... 8914! f a - Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Aug. 23. Closing prlceo: Allouex 524'Nlpisslnc Mines. 3 Am Z, L A Sm ouportn nutte Arlsona Com... 8 (Old Dominion... 50 Calumet A Arlg. 0 losceol 9 Cal A Ttecla. tulncy . Centennial 18 Shannon 7 2514 2 'J Cop Rge Con... 524 Superior East Butte. 14iSuo A Bos. Franklin 84 Tamarack Granby Con. 7714U S Sm. Ref A M 39 Greene cananea 37 I do preferred... 4614 Isle Roy (Cop). Envi't'tah Con 1114 Kerr Iike. ... 1 X nrnAng Ijlc Conoer.. 13 wolverine .-.a u Mohawk 63 4!Butte Sup.... 60!. Mnnee Fvehalirs. T".tc NEW YORK. Aug. 2J. Mercantile paper. s tt . per v.". Sterling,' 60-day bllla 14. t2; demand, $4.4575; cables. $4.6550. Bar silver, 471.C Mexican dollars. 87c Government bonds heavy: railroads weak. Time loans firmer; 40 daya. tit (1 214 per cent; 90 daya, 34 433 per cent; six month. 314 per cent. Call money steady; high, 1 per cent; low, 14 per oent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan. 3 per cent; closing bid, 114 per cent; offered at 2 per cent SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. Mexican dol lars 4"c; drafts, eight 2c, telegraph 4c Sterling on London, 40 days, $4.614. de mand. $4.6414: cable. $4.6714. LONDON. Aug. 2S. Bar .liver, 22 a d per ounce. Money. f1 ecu. Discount rates, short bills 4 13-16?4T4 per nt; three months. 4 H-1ffT4 per cent. Money. . per cent. cant Coffee Fatnree. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. There waa a re newal of September liquidation In the mar ket for coffoe futures today, and after open ing at- a decline of 1 to 6 points, active months eold about 8 to 12 points under Sat urday's closing figures, with September touching 614 and December 621. Nervousness over International conditions and favorable Braxllian weather advicea may have con tributed to the deelln., but business was chiefly in th way of awltchlng, and prices rallied during the afternoon on covering and a little bull support. The close waa 2 to 6 polnta net lower. Salea 40.250 bags. August j..c. September. 6.23c: October. 6.27c: No vember, 4.83c; December. 6.$7c; January. 4 4-c February, 6 47c; March, 6.81c: April, a'sir' May. 6.6c: June, 6.64c; July, 6.68c yp.Jl quiet. Rio 7a. tc to 7c; Santoa 4s. It? sC Cost and freight offer were reported eaaier with quotation ranging horn about S40 to about 170 for Santos 4a, English credit Rio exchange on London was 1-lJd lower, with milrei prices unchanged. SAX FRANCISCO ' PRODPCK MARKET Pricea Current tn Bay City an Fruits, Vege tables, Feedstnffs, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. Butter Freh, extra. 2Sc; prime first. 26c; fresh firsts, 23c. Eggs Fresh extras. 30c; pullet. 2614c. Cheese New. 8101c; California Ched dars, 14c: Young Americas. 1114 4fl4e; Ore gons. 13H01414C Vegetablea Summer squash. 35tfoue, string beans. l2c. wax, 10 2c; Lima. 2 3c; green corn. 75cC11.25; tomatoes. 35f 65c: cucumbers, 20&30c; bell peppers. 2S 30c Onion Yellow, 30060c Feedstuffs Middling. 132. 00 33.00: bran, $27.50tj2S .30: shorts. $2S.30 29.50 ; rolled barley, $27.00S8.00: cracked corn, $42.V0tH 42.50: alfalfa meal, $15.0016.00. Receipts Flour, 13,160 quarter sack; barley, 34.490 centals; beans, 1500 sacks; hav, 935 tons; potatoes. 4460 sacks. Fruits Lemons. J2.75tT3.25; offgrades. 73c 11.50; oranges, $3.50Cci 3.75 ; offgrades. $2.50 SV3.00; grapefruit. $2.758.30: banana. Ha waiian, 75c$1.30; plneapplea, Hawaiian, $1.002.00; apples, 50c $1.00. Deciduous fruits, per crate, Grapes, seed less. 5070c; tokay. 75c$l 00; plums, 75c; peaches, 8050c; pears, $1.00& 1.25. Potatoes Delta. 60cS$1.00; sallnas, early grades, 90CI811.15: sweets. 21463c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. The Metal Ex change quotes lead offered at $4.50. Spelter not quoted. Copper, nominal; electrolytic 36.503? 17.50c. Iron, steady; No. 1 Northern. $15.5016: No. 2, 115.25&15.75; No. 1 Southern, 113W 13.50; NO. 2, $14.75615.25. Metal Excbang. quotes tin steady, 33.35 33.75c Naval Store. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Aug. 23. Turpentine firm. 3714; salea, 464: receipts, 115; ship ment 33; stock. 18,659. Rosin, firm; sales. 12S3; receipts 571; ship ments, 300; stock, 64.545. Quote: B. 12. 85; C, D, 12.90; E, $2.900.4.95; F, $2.9563; G. $3B3.u5: H. I. $3.05; K. 13.80P3.40; M. M. 14.03; N, $4.704.75; WG, $3.35; WW, $5.70. WHEAT AT LOWER PRICE WAR INFLUENCES CAUSE FURTHER BREAK SINCE SATURDAY. Canadian Front Cause. Small Upturn. Corn Salea Improve, and Pro vision. Are Helped. CHTCAGO, Aug. 23. The European war situation was the main influence today In sending wheat down. The close was weak. 114c to 2, ft2'c lower than Saturday's close, with September at $1.0014 and De cember, at 974 97c. Corn closed at 14c to 4c net loss. Oats were off 4c to ?4lc, and provisions were unchanged to 10c higher. Light frosts in the Canadian Northwest had caused a small upturn earlier In toe day, this market being Influenced by the bulge there, but the Impetus it gave waa not great and did QOt last long. Though corn was comparatively weak. It held ita own a. little better than other grains because of a forecast of cooler veather. There wa fair buying among commission houses. Oats followed the weakness In wheat, and though there was some buying near the close by shorts, the undertone was easy. Provisions were helped upward by a Jump of 10c in hog prices and by active oov erlng by shorts. Lard, weak at the start, gained a little later, and held steady to the close Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.0014 $1.0014 Sept. . Dec. . ..$1.02 $1.024 .87 .974 CORN. .. .74 .74 .. .6314 -633 OATS. .. .3814 .3814 .. .37 .3714 MESS PORK- Sept. .744 6314 .7414 .6314 Sept. Dec .374 .87 .37 .3714 S.pt. Oct. . .13.73 13.77 ..13.S5 13.90 LARD. 1S.75 13.83 IS. 75 13.90 Sept. Oct. .. 8.07 .. 8.17 8 12 8.22 8.0 7 8.17 8.11 8.22 SHORT RIBS. Sept. 8.75 " 8.7S 8.70 8.70 Oct 8.82 8.85 8.73 8.S5 Cash pricea were: Wheat No. 2 red, $1.08 14 1.10 14 : No. 3 hard. $1.101.1214. Corn No. 2 yellow, Sl814c; others nominal. Rye NO. 2. $1.03 01.04. Barley -5165c. Timothy $3. 50 (6.75. Clover $S.50iai3.28. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23. Barley, new. 32ff63c; old. 57 a 67c. Flax, $1.624 fi 1.644. Wheat Setember, 9560; December, 9414o: No. 1 hard. $1.1614; No. 1 Northern, new, $1.1054 6 1.15H. Puget Sound Grain Market. SEATTLE, Aug. 23. Wheat Bluestem, 98c; turkey red, 93c; fortyfold, 93c; club, 92c; fife, 91c; red Russian, 90c. Barley, $114.50 per ton. Yesterday' car receipts Wheat, 41; barley, 1; hay, 11; flour, 10. TACOMA. Aug. 23. Wheat Bluestem. $1; fortyfold. 95o; club, 94c; red fife, 9293c; red Russian. 90c. Car receipt Wneat, 18; oats, z; nay, a San Francisco Grain Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23. Call board Wheat easy, no trading. Barley weak. December, 11.19a, $1.17b. Wheat Shipping 11.2714 1.3214. Barley Feed. $1. 203:1.25; shipping and brew ng. ll.Zdttl.Z7Va. Oats Red, $1.2714 1.3714 ; off grades, lower, ILaOgl.szis R jf. 8TANF1ELD niSPOSES OF CATTLE Eaetern Oregon Shipper Markets Stock at Kanaae City Yards. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 23. R. N. Stan field had six loads of cattle here today from Weiser, Idaho, which he disposed of as. follows: Wfft. Pr. Wgt. Pr. 93 steers ..1240 $7.P017 cows. half. 947 $6.63 lz cows ... .1031 6.Z0 Foggy Weather Hurt Fibbing. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 23. (Special.) Thick, fosgy weather that prevailed in all sections of the river last nl ht and today Interfered materially with fishing operations and the catch was not so large a waa ex pected. The few trollers who ventured out side, however, met with excellent success and one boat came in with 92 fine Chinook salmon. The season will close at noon on Wednesday and after that the fresh mar kets will be supplied by the trollers. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 28. Butter Lower; re ceipts. 18.301 tubs; creamery extras, zc; extra firsts. 235234e; firsts. 22tT 2214c: sec onds. 20V42lc; packing stocK. la z 'ff iu 14 o. Eggs Higher: receipts, ot,--'z cases, at mark, cases inciunea, jitizic: oruinary firsts. 19gl9!4c: firsts, 201,i&21c. Cheese steady. Daisies, 13'S i;tc; twin. 12Krl3c: Americans. 33i it 13Vc; long- horus. 1314 1314c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 13. Evaporated apples quiet. Fancy, 14 6 c: choice, 714 flSc; prime, 714 6 714c Prunes stesriy. California. 4Vt-4311V4c; Onegons. 7410c Peaches quiet. Choice. 44 S3c; extra choice. 6g514c; fancy, 54 ?6c London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 23. American securtles on the stock market were affected by th. weak ness In Wall street Saturday and the Arabic situation. Prices opened below parity and gradually eased off. United Statea Stel and Union Pacific were frequently sold. The closing was a shade over the lowest. Hops. Etc, at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Hops steady. State common' to choioa, 1914, 913c; Pacific Coast. 1314. l!c to 14c; 1S13, So to 11c Hides steady. Bogota, SOSlc; Central America. 2c Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. 111., Aug 28. Butter Tw.o hun dred tubs sold at 24c Dulath Linseed Market. DIT.TTH, Aug. 23. Linseed, cash. SI. 5914; September. $1.584 ; December. $1.374. Lice Damage Hops at Harrlsburg. HARRISBL'RG. Or.. Aug. 23. (Special.) Harrlsburg hopgrowers report considerable damage to their crop from the eariy. ats- FACTS Forty acres of lnnd on Base Line road offered for sale for two years for $8000 with no takers owing: to inaccessibility. This tract was sold Aug. 19 for $12,000. The increase in value and sale was due te hard surfacing the road with B BITULITI1IC tivity of lice. Nearly one-third of all crops ha been destroyed. Mew York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Spot cotton, quiet; middling uplands. $9.20; sales, none. Masked Men Rob Oklahoma Bank. VINITA. Okla, Aug. 33. Three masked men robbed the First State Bank of Bernice, Okla., of $1500 late today and escaped toward the Spavtnaw hills, pursued by several posses. R. D. Mode, cashier of the bank, cave the alarm after he had been held at bay by one of the heavily armed men, while others took all the currency In reach. Bernice is a email town IS miles east of Vinlta. TRAVELERS" GUIDR. San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Change En Route) The Biff. Clean. Com fort able Elegantly Appointed. SctiXoJnff Steamnhlp A.S. S. ROSE CITY Sail. Prom Alnawortn Dock S A, M., AlOVST 25. 100 Golden Mllea oa Columbia River. All Katea Include Berths and Meala. Table and Servica Unexcelled, The San Francisco A Portland 9. S. Co.. Third and Washington Streets (with O.-W. 11. A N. Co.). 'lei. 11 road way 45U0. A Mil. I FRENCH LINE Compasnie G en era I u Transatlantlque rOSTAX SHV1CK. Sailings From NEW YORK to BORDEAUX ESPAGN'E Sept. 4, 3 P. Al. CHICAGO Sept 11, 3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU Sept. 18, 3 P. M. LA TOURALNE Sept. 25, 3 P. M. FOR INFORMATION APPLY C. W. Stinger, 80 6th St.: A. l. Charlton. 255 MorriMia St.; . K. Garrison, C. M. ft bt. P. Ry.; tloney O. binith. 118 Ud St.; K. V. Balrd. 100 3d St.; H. Dirkson, S48 Wash ington st.t North Uank Hoad. fith and stark its.; F. S. Met'arland, lid and Waxiiiagtoa su.s K. is. Uulty, 1.4 Sd at.. 1-ortlsjui. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Fast, Luxurious. Twin Ships, Great Northern Northern Pacific Everv - Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday for SAN FRANCISCO Only 26 hours at sea. Fare Include meals and berths. Make early reservation Stmr. train from North Bank depot U'30 A. af. Arrive Wed., FrL. Sun. 4:115 P. M. NORTH BANK TICKET OFFICE. Etb and Stark Phones liditj. B0. A 671. COOS BAY EUREKA AND SAN i'RA CI3CO S. S. KILBURN SAILS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 86, P. M. NOKTU PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Ticket Office I FrelKht Office 112A Sd SU Foot Northrup St Main 131. A 131 1 B'dwy D-tOo, A SiiUJ Freight and Passenger STEAM kits TO THE DALLES anti War. Landings. "BAILEY GATZERT" Leave Portland dally at 7 A, M. except Sunday and Monday. Sunday excursion to Cascade Locks leave A. M. "DALLES CITY" Leaves Portland Tuesday, 'A hu radar and Sunday at 8:30 A, M. gunuay Cascade Locks Excursion $X. Fare to The Ualles and Krturu $2. ALDER-M. I0K, PORTfsANa Phones Main tI4. A 51.12. USTRALIA Honolulu and South Seas Shortest Ll.e (19 dij.) Qnles..t TIm. "VENTURA" "SONOMA" "SIERRA" 10.100-ton it KtCAK Steamers (Rated Llojds 100 Al) $130 Honolulu g3t!5 Pji-tR $337 F T Honolulu Au. 31. Sept. tt. Oct tt. For Sidney Aug. 31. Sept 28. Oct. It. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. ? Market SU. San Francisco. BARBADOS. BAHIA. RIO DEJANEIR0.SAKTO3. TAMPOyfTsHOlT LIHE Krsouent saillnas Irom New York bj new and fast (12,500 ton) passenger steamers. -tfj BCSK llSIKLSes.AsU.,SBrss.wsy,Sr-.w y Dotwer B. Smith, Sd a -rT fiJg i D Waablnston Mt.. or -r-f J I H3 4 1 at, act, iooa aatTj - COOS BAY LINE iSteamer Breakwater . . - . . . a ; . e U ltAL - w-1 Intnl. sniiH rruui v i - -"'" every Tliursday ut t A. JU. t'rcitflit and Ticket uiiice, Ainiwvrui mw "- .11 a IB JUUVi A faata. "- -------w KU Oih M. I'konei Mamhail 4r.0, A GkliU ... ....... a m.-T. a. --s-k k tC A V fc. . I.IXIt run i ija: vf sk mm, u. -- Str. GEORGIANA Harkins Transportation Co. Leaves Daily (fcxeept Jlontiays) ut 1 A. M. buuday, J.u A. M. lor ASTORIA and way landings. Iteturnlnir, leaves Astoria at 2 k". M arriving Portland ! P. Jl. Lavndioe toot ol Washington street. Main 14'-'. A 4122. NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA Via HONOLULU aad SUVA Palatial Passenaer Steamers -N1AGAHA," 20.UOU ton dlsplnccment -ktAKUKA?' 13,000 tona displaoeuvent Balllua every 28 days from Vancouver. II. C. Apply Canadian Pacitlo Hallway Co.. 64 Id Bt Portland. Or., or to tbe Canadian Aue tralasian Royal Mall Una -baymour fib. Vancouver, B. C. A i stun s i i pi n a-."- 1