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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1915)
nrLomtxt ir AHmcT 1. n c i Ttn4 as., eaau. e aasimMI aaa. -m (HTtfi, ar Mcbb.c! ue are to rn tl t mi i t ibe ta.irsl eeere tars Tae miim of tb dapeMiOeel f- a.1 .l.arm Te aea-saeeaeere. MAMrkl. t laa..- aliASI . par a a tne ear. lee a ae e- fir aaataer f ... rtrc. mad a rafaad f re aaaaaaa a.e f.a if Huiwri,4 a. M C A. VTJr.'LI KBUOL fALL TEiiM ulM iii-T. I eum-etmiT,i.a- d-vat a?oe enro..ia.el. ba..jre ti.e. .late Aa and .! a.asart t Boa I. r.ja.r.a. .-.-": a-ie SMAriae ...i.aa. for., -a:.-... ea.aar. dn.. :.. .tc . I. ma u. a!il aare paea ! x:il i at C A. .u- la ' r y ; oat ei'. a4 SBada at".:-. SI FAt.t. CtT. M.n. taae taa e - r?' Ta. a,........ -: eal l ."",? ...r aaa. eu.l - Lsl-sre 1. ami -.a er i.Ti. J.axi Lumm Ore.ea : 4. AN aa4. res w C.etrai AT.eAT, "-nam la ! e.Arse '' moat Je eoa. iU :. a-em te g.-ie-a, ran:-. 'i'P! duceAT IT U" m t t" t 4 " : al4 a-.ep tie : Mum .a:a. AV : l'fiB in. I'.' nh ir-Aa t l.-a..i fv m 4 t t.1 r-'Ultr-V. p-r-ln- tl r.Olr-a. .- ..-. .1 a:4-.r.m.nt t . ee ... I. mot afr.d of hard ' . . n4. mot e-r - m.m'lr drm.4. I l t-l p-r-n. r. C. .mr.l- llott- n;. !- iH H "-i;3 tt. mx;uL'l C-A'ito b4 ijrt m cnm !: mJ4 f" '" .. 't : . ,At l ili.E T! 1AI. P.V. ll tC A' TO '..IS t.N'il.NB tt' mil J' 'r-n m tnt-ii t . t ! M'' Irml- im -.. fr. p-iiiom 4rnt 1. rM .rm o -4. mr r i tir4oi. inrT ot.-J ! U lm:tl-a, .... .. . ( rr r ?'; Ur. v -v. .r .ra -rr .a. 1. Hla Viaait t t A. i I.rr.... f.r- !. .,y-f.r.a nf n.l mil . .J. .a .--! M-iwaa ') v..- .'av Wa4 Iftina T.a Ca v r . Hixr Hitrn irxu t V if . i i uc.'i s'.'io. .p.r-.-a.i ' n-.t a.-."'. tf'nrr; 'M. t tl 4 , t ;f r.-r I .rt'.-a .' a 1 .ta a.. anM-fa-a a-.'-r W-n.l-f-f .. a : r "i ' :m men a - a . X'a : ..r..-. r4.4iXk n i w W ant 1 . . s3.iria .raeamt ; I j' aaj!Ji .-. vi.""' !'''.a. r". V S NTa tfi.rwa r. mf ta a"" !.....,, aaJ ta.. "-''".'"" a..l i.u. a ta a.vra. AP J. V"a- ' t", t . jfc . ; :i. u a.n.4i rn '-r . .: jx. ranwa rir4. A4.lraa aa lo.i.'.Ja ii . ' 4 r . r-rnr S 'i V a t . k- aavL a am.a fo ra a ..n.. fr-..trt Catbamj. a. a l--ia. IfJ aa.i.aiaa a. ... att.r I mona &Vat an.:. r?aaa : 1 a .. , r?. .ua Jtta ".. !.! at. ..fV I a.i:A t. u-. i't .ua T r.-"". aar. 4 a""A- V n ; . L. -i.i a''' mrn ir4Mii , : flnmaa ) : i J .. .. :U' ' -. . " It.. a. 4 Al'ii. . . t- : ..n $i lA.-a J-T s ; n...'1'j..l a--i a '-r . '-a . ,.:...,. i.ii at N . N-ria 4tf at. T..a JTriL a.-tUK.U iTvC .!; ta" it't'r"'' anilafa. . . . ..-.Flora l. 4 -i n . LVI ak ll.rmar t- aaasa ' - r: '.'..v. r.".:..'. ;"' r."' 1 ;ilN.i tn ill an.l" I a" ft CtUt iba.- bit t"ta. T"K , -..t .:t ia muaa wr at taa n.V '.;- t r:.-at at. liK' a. t 4m:h-. ai.e n-.r rata Ml t. rn9.i a..i v.. . - - . " t." rA-;.4" t- a"-t 6-. -taaarn. . I JXl.. tn . .n l fi at- l ! U.lal BtAa- a.a . .(.ni.a lta. to- trwm. Krm.i. 7. -ll iwi-.r-i It-Ufa. AuM ..if A M. - T3"'Y ..(.- Kr'.''. l-n ! mt. -'.' r '. !:- lW.J.l4--- a-4 t Wt.L or . Cat i f'- A4 nl la4Tt-aA4M fJi f ft J' a n, m 4 i4 fc ft f-nt v r4 I a:- '. -f '.;'-". r-- tr t f .C j . frfft- l-i f r . -"J - 6a- !-om. AW K. ' 2. ,jaj,i : -p. -i-r 4r vr : i-. ii-vr fr ifi.oi J:tr . I. i. It. I N l rr-!. .r-r- .r -.. B J f rr l-v e 1 p-rt-r.--4 M is J-X t.i M bo? a pA.:i. JTV .NT--r- iTT.s.--.-.--t Pa-a. a an.. .,. i. t ::o- it i K;y a- t"wi-hi ar..l t am. t ..H-ni' IM rf.-T.Tr... " tmaiBi A uc ftl Uft r4. C ft pvJ..l'-( M J CltBIt ana.tloa; raara Im ran: wu.a t . . a t4.uoa aal c -' - ITr tTloa WATBI tX- Al-E fwaarVaar. aaa m4armpiaTm. 5aoaa for u j ton'trti or twa aaa a a ar ao.l t an4 up M ra t.r: A Mr-aa t -4. W; M'i UlI ?f..-a arlt mor.a ffa:n I l a. pa'-iMa'a from tn S. rf.-"r. R It. ifrt.ta ALT K HAT I. NS. atrUam 4ar. ar tl.rl l;;.l pr day. W ToJ.aarn lJ-1. FA.-HIjNKl.a; (trum.kltt. '!oni?,-h--.. or rt.r 3.'l I: :f Ma'h f-..- arri-l-ll .mr draa.a aaaUa la oma dJ at jour fcorpa. Tmmor .41. rilKiJuiK I.Ni; l:M j-f 4JI. 6at:a.aetlua 4arat4. Ttwr 4.4 WANT. PC-VTr by da I : moe.t hotna df-wmaa.r; rrn.-a Main Uactwrm" raJaraaca. Ma m a MT v aith air! II a"4 eabr 14 Tmra. ar.ta ti-a'ti-r'T for co-.p.r am'Ta. I "'" a:;ia:l a a-ra, raiafaaa. .a.l .r A I coa I'nona Mar- MIi.Dl.E-A.jtI l-i I? 'J'T-Il rttr aa hou--:r ar f"K. Mar. 4.4. or MixaltataavtM. aTiv-1;i ap.rlrnr4 ro.oraj womaa. : i . 12 WATrl--T tk cr- of lM tn.a -.r o: M ci'r' rmr. tiO p-r in Mt r.)Il':-A--.r.l wm - ni tUy wort.. C ' ' l-T t-N r R.rrJ -mn nl icr.rfti . . o - or -nif' h; Main -- La'K rurtnu" hrf Uur .red; aU work K-arftat4. of Marjaall 34. CXrERItErFfl Iain.-. fncr war. 7 ir r tk bom. tt Rrnr. ."ri ia'.ad-TfiT n. mM.-.t. lror..r. -r T a ' " riro H. :art.l- UiU.U,.i) ot..a -nt da- ork gr -n- "1 ANTE f TO HI NT. mot.. o,.ra tutu .tU b'jri"'" '! bow ia o-4 r -I4 o rtut tci Irom rr-- W-r ot l-i .-a:r-t-ir. rr.t - rf cr of p.-'. ITV ,-r txi ef !? an! t I i,f r a. I rt li'--.Lif -ft-fta. , WANTrr T- fnl vrwr.itb. prtr i me rm h i 'r n t. V n .w.tir 4:r.ct. Jkli..'.. I'awaa -al T.-ni. . V A f ti T r-ot m"lr-. .. or t-n I .a.--tin. AK St. r'eiatt. WAXTEJ M ttniifiUw. 4.H- rr prlatft ftraili-t.ou-. L itrf -ntn. .. HAMf; In ptiftt h -! or p-rtmai. r f.,r vr n.a. pr-I.r b--!.- vftor iar ft' ft oeh-r rwm ra ib-1 M I a ff from fta ftl ;f..J-a. Aiv ' ntaa. Vtj A N t la i. - A lr ffwftt r- l'T ft nana- it srtmt 13-1 tft airta.Di .ji. ct -tor laaft i u.inut a.a rBa M-lr mfran f arj turoa-. ravcE. ro:. Uai ror-.vea; tMa (..-!. -aart.r.g K W. yrttn-agL i a -N T iT r arii U A r or-i en Nob H.;i. .r firtitv -. Or-la. ION KfS,NT. u.a i It HOTKU VtRN'iS a bocjM of r.k aaa io.i..'tft. I hn ana .tr. .lr. t-r-j:a. ."? ar I at .I bu;. p'c.o I. r.-r. c.-o n.l ..-. -ut. r....e !;. . r.jr. )ou i. b-.i-r tor I'M (.c. . tiUOjJ hl'llK.Ui. -. fcaOaJX- la ! pr. .! it c.;. i - m li la . 1 1 ft fir ?rto: aaoa-r 4at-, .orj minj ai i u ftftk -u-.. am a UakMl Olwft. M I- -W W W a- OtS.ft. ITth ao4 lftOT in.. i. iltft Library; lr. a; ( r -m, trt ft-i $-.. -..n ..-.;. ..,..-. a-l rjt n ri :r ia r j " ro-. .fttr avf 1... $; i lo 14 pf ... iAUi.., UUT . aA. lie Kiotb. bi- M-.ruwo aad T--bUh. i4if uaia iacai.oft . tL. tad Ut mtu. Ktft t. ft-r :). f - WHh pr "llOTCi. ir-Wl.A.N .Nl ANNEX IAKVM-. Willi I'H.'A.a A.ATH tl PKR IA. y i iua ru-t.. a.:! )W4X ria lr th ntr. a - i i uij f ,.am anJ fit atf. ' HO-iKL HUCKiTONE- Cor-tr li-ft r4 tr. M aad up. ti.ttv h-t ft- c.a ft.r. aivftia bt. t4,:.-p.we caM.n;to ia rMm; fto tr c r l-r t-a r--m. rwoftft ftad l ..41. ircti.l lK-'a. 7, v t.ttia. ia. r utw h.. -t -J c-.l4 a:r and j.-:j.. la - m . rvo . itbtt( bft 1 .. - v 1LLAKI). VTb ftaas rf t ( r icl 1 v mo4nTl, U'r.. . . rtN.i.. . C.r c' pru.:.r' HO.t-L, ix K-iaV. MTrtrtn ina ftntrml Iwcftilo.; Rtl l v LD KATK. ' P. j p. . fu-JO., fuBOiai aiX. tr paja c mt It'TTU li-azk:- :i rr-. hic,loO at. A maJJ-n ilry.-t tiUi. rtffii- lca I ..t al aa- f'''. n-Jt r-.ft. p-i-iu and na; bfttr. r-ft P. a.nU i:IH ITt ifi rwxmi . w fta4 up; ith piivftt ta I Li aa4 bp. !ft4Juiu. ipftvfta. rTitr iJ.t iiotuBi ftcit. "ktmkltov hotelT" V 3rn- By !! r- aj.ilona -o ftT! rrtoin. jkirtbt e-rnr r aft a4 IJth M4rft ..4 rooma, J aa4 op. liOTCI- HA--- jftt.i-U lt,itJ, haft all at-'- r-i-A ftii bot ao4 e.4 atr la a'B rva Ki rafto&ft-.ft. 4ft - UOTEU laD'A All t orat-4 aad X. pal M&l Ktwmj $lt matblf. . tip tb prt-atft tv -a . .r. p.nt lob-jr. Cftia iivl l- ,0. tWA. I t eHrWtilf mirn pr'tm aa auii ruvov 14 , - rartr. rl J up M. lT7Tiu"T;KAXT 4it W'.ln-ta:0. Mo a. . r-"T a! r'n.wa i'- . I" J UOT-t- 'Ri-i-. A.4a-r. r-ms. Hi pr r-k up. H fur-ibd fvma ti rau matb, "r-ft Atr.y at Itnikikrt W"- la ramHy. 4jjV T t ..v'B t . i-f rr.ia4 fr nt rrt. ittr; -r t r : r. r '''' r-t. u alcft. ros i. 41 ap; hem- Ni. ..Y fr":4a4 fo- room , hi. bth. f i't;ec 4 '!. rftt-TiS T Mr;ta Aft t : rR ."'. Wo and King IT?. A C'T; I" VTZ f -.rt.hM r-- r. !a ro t- ! r t .-;;&( tM.'4. r &. .a. Mr- Nl- 'Iti T ls-r. .! rwA mara raja.n ' k-n rat:a- try rftofti.a. 404 Bar -b ' vm- r a tU- r -'--. 4 la baa-ffal binia. Waniff ft:ar. ft-ar t-ah 4:i E-r-ti. LAKOK HvXM. nMMr-, ftr UotaJ Camp- b:i. AK 1. Or-wntB. !..n;-i. l r'a-ti. -ttk r lm. it ward jr. r rfcn -7 : I'j-r-'. 14TH er Jff!r.'o rvoai, a kin " . P . Mala r'. RVKCD rara M par ak p. a;c ftiA4 ft ftk i Wftfti atrft-' at. ;i HMN i-jtiii JtU lj !. i i-oB V A.ri.N Z irtilr . c.nln. 'C. l-roftd- t ... r-u I. -- ! r"frTJ tt i'v MOBS HOME-LIKE TUA.N HOTtL-UkJi THU UlLU Waab.nstoa at :3d A char-atrc f-niily and trftnalftnt notai of tba tiKbl ordrr. a.-lint ca.-ina, p-ara-. to.s: tiutmtir rer.D.a rate; on a .ti vt? ice Main T-.H, A "3 J. HOTEL CAMFBi-U- A -aodara, FIREPROOF raaidaac hotal. Arnvrtcaa piaa; oa ca.-an; ltf mlnuiM fro i buir.tii ccoter . pnea la accord wtt vnral bUlnM cocuit.on. id and Hoyt l. Maranftll HI. ALEXANDRA COURT. ii EL.L.A STREET. Aa American K--Jnc HotaL Buitt. bli.aa reoiiaft Lict.leni tb!a. A -'11- Main 4411. THE VIRGINIA UI.-U 14in and JalTciaoo 1st. Aa axe. .ant r-:unt.4 botai; attrmctlr ra:a t J trtna.eau or pcrinftaeftl itiMia. l-h-na Matn A t:i. A GOOt J'LACE TO LlVib. Tha VMthfti:. .i 6ixtb it, baa fin a lab. bor4. niodvrn room, aua parlor, ft rt hotua. rpa0. rfttaa. STRYKER. Cou-h Chotcft room and bo r4. raaaoiaabla rtea. Konmt ' If b Board ta Prtratft l amil- ii r; Ti L. lar room. nwiy f urnlahad ; iwr ar.d co;d -mter. at ram ht, I in ir,l. 2 (r""ra, every c-nvnlenc-. ol t. mifaut' wailt to ptofica. Vain -"M. .'-1 i:mn. Hth K.mM with ba;h In attractlva horn: c-:nt brd ; rtv.rahi location: (tnla rian only; wlkiu daitftnca; reoaab.a. nl Vai Park. LLK'.ANTUV furntahad moJtrn front room. sih ho.uo-rokad m:.. 7 wak : f raa and p:n-. SO N. 17th. near Wiih iif.on i. lliriha.l 1 "ELY funiiabad room, with board, ex-r..-iil hoina cooktnc 4J.- Jailcraon -Malnj0744. , FOR bua.ftaa gU-l or atudanta. M waak up An I. Jw liaai, .10 F.ftndarft eu MDEH.V room and horaa-cookad maalm. u N. iTth U Phona Marsbftit lOvi RtJM6.fcwl:? bord, wa;k!r.jt Mtnca, irod ra. '12 KlfnJTt, Mftio 1013". d'oarVidiI room In srlvata f-mllr. newly f irntieJ. f-5. 43" . lay at, Maraliall a.J.'l. Iart.if.brd Apartturnla, TKR WHEEL DO M AN.VS.X. lOtb aad M.H.OB Sift. ! qulat, fin ad. clean, aafe. pop u ar U known and of tha b:ntt atDd;&. Not ta oat ft hfu 41! qaa.:iy. comfort aad aarr- Moa:h. Weak. Day. :room...fu ia JO up I.' v up l-rnom... ft to 45 14 up I M) up 4rom... a- to bi 0 up w up Kooma... 1 ad up a up Lu up TU. CHU-WELL lih and Columbia sta S via. wftk Co A i-rank atora. Bica iurrout.itui; Juat tha tninc to' .m(ntr, moni 3 ftnd aroom farrvj.ifd ftpta,. .l ouidft. u.ib fc ranch doo.i asd b4Con.a bar W ak Month Raw raaaoaab'.a. Mrh.i oll. VILLA ST. CLARA, lit and Iftylor. Mt modara aparinMDta oa tba Pftoifle C4t fwrnd .omp.aia. Roof aaruaa i& uwuaactloa Wa kit. Mii. Kfarnceft TELWYN APTi?. Of thft bicaauit au n.l.u. cftntly ; aiapti-ft porcha. rai- w rrr.c raiu..---4. . o.-aar Cr ftud v Marahall l lo. THE AVALO.N. Fumiabad or uni-ruf..a4 I -room P" mania, l.tian. a.arr. pri.ftia pboaa and t-t-. a.-rpt. porca, nrrl la Lbioo Uvp.t ot xt.4Ml .-a apaxiruaotft cr" a. ..jca4U4lnaK 'J it. Uit 1.2. "V j .T o par tnoaia or Ii to par k. coiup.ata.y f-ria-ai.4 b--aakap.n two-roou apt, inc.-a.i. alao.r.c laftnta. hat. b-t waiar. baitv pr.a:a paoa-a. naw brwft 01 1- Oatt ytaft trxjtu k' J. UOW' Ap;a.- 4a anJ Lia-o.B- Ma.a ll '.Ail. WSIlTroNKANlJ 2 and J-roo- fur n..ti.4 tf.iv. a. - par monift up. Hot aad a-,,:. ..:rr br n4 bfttn fuiniJ.4. Ona M rat t.-ra wnb ( rn ia tJ.tncr Ori.d a, ftud w a- lrtfiD r. -. WAHLOT1 V COURT. E.aratl ftnd I.tb .w mo-arn. lutm bau pruaia bauia, l.tJfy. coupl-ia furuin4 I ftnd -rMru ya It f run. b--tnaa raater; v .cxlra . It.u mo-crat.. nHfifiCM. u 1 oIEKYApia.- cur. ad ftbd Mont- Iuruia.iad 2 -room aula., a.actrte a.avfttor. Wat ia. 1 lo .ta. Ma.o u v,rv4M.i. At'Tti.. 41i ith at. at.ataot y furt. iuBa. ar unfurni-hca and 4 room prtu.a?iii. vrry rfwb: mil. fib up. M-ara jionin; atavator; w a. kins di Uti.v. Will U-r H:apviioa. .ist rcitV. lMl wta ftva.. aar rtaaain loo ftt, Ua.i-furuUuaU -roui, oat cou. a.b(4 luciuB, ocU aa.vica, rat t Pftt.a. , bilEKr 1ELL APTS., -J Broadway South; 1-ioom apu. J-0, on 4-ioom apt., a.i vuta.da rootita , fica -ew u c.ty ftud Muut lloou. :J. Mftla -04. A 31l. OLfcN LUlHT APAHIMENXa Cor I'ark and Tft4or. HftaUaointjiy (urntaitad 1 aad 4 room u.wa. ai twcii.uujn ci: ; reaaunab.. liit V NICEST A." Eat stftrft and Orftud ava. Ki furu.i.'ia- thrT-rouoi ftpia.. pruata tuu a-U Dtn. M-k:n .Uatai., prtcaa ua Eaat i- MAUldO.N I'AKK APTdi iaxft at., ftt Madiaof.. Modem . i uo 4-iooiu (ui&iahad apart tmi.LR, c.ota in. D waak of mo-tb. feAHO.N APAKTME.NTa. itb aaa Lotumu. J and J-room apaxiuui' furnlicad, t L;.tca; raftaouao.a rta. Mala a .. CLAYPOOL A.VNEX, E.avaatb aad c;y. Imu roouta. plabi and wall iur- o-aDaU. wft.k.ift diiuce. .w lo Ma. a i'it. li..kLt.V APTS. J' Trtniiy Piaca; J aua :-rooru apt-; I'Shi ua p4C4taant. U.cjatf. ,n.r. a..-u to uo. a...: 10. THE FLOKE.NCK. IS9 UTll'ST. 1-4-ioota apt., t..orouiiiiiy moderu and c.aa. iwof ram, at.4 uoa-a lor caii- dran, $. Up. Cui.ducit-4 b owner. UAUUON HALL 11th at., coruwr It. I. a.cj.-utly furnlahad aprim.ita. priaia pnocc. bfttb aud o (Jj uyf.brtlU ftnd up. Ft-it lOI.Nr M'u-rn 3-rooin parimciit fui- m N.oa at. ii . ti-nt. 9k fo ai.-LOF HALL. cor. luaat tth ftnd Haw liaoiaa, 1 aad S-rootu apta. ; b-tna aad pbone. io at.:. toorni. wail fur J ov u?. i'-ooa Eaat Mat. fiOAANTA APART MENTH. f nor lb up. inoucra J and 4-rotn apAtmaata. complata.y furcuue... Im N. ..4. cor. Ktray. MruiiJiw43w uZtZuLsl APTd.. lu.n nd Hail 2 ftcd J m.ra-.r. ! ot. lufuiauaU aprimota. T ii E IE-ENLORr'. Jft lt at- urar laor. MarahftU IJ14. I, 4 aad ft-room lurniaaad ftu ublur. apta, THE UltSt KSTON APTS 44ft Hth u, c.ran. tool. 'i. ' J rm. a.-d. fk,.- tjut'-f. . kood aen-ca. HaT. 47. A os. iiJELLA.VD APAKTME.NTi. iClb ftnd Love- JO ft fci'd 4-rooui luruuau i-.a, ia: l-a .owaat, 1 ii CH ELTENHAM Heautl.'ul furnUhad A. S i.d 4-rou partii.. loii rata UAMMEULY Cot KT. Zi i:tb at. By tha . ( Of aZaOaat... . (UWU-IU. (..(. . v reautaoa. r . Aiara.ja.i .w Hr:. a-iornfttic a.a.fttor. l-:-rra., baih. I. to ., ft, P-oia. lu.ita. -?.a frea 1.0 .d. 4. a fir. ar. . " TaIKMOLNT APT a).. 3 J1TU- Modern tarnnavl two-roou. avaiimoait. :o -s clo.a .a. Mala llli. T kooK aprtment J outs.da rooma pri vate oat... PacU.. puonea. ili up. Isoct 4.aa.ltl'e. tT!K"aUvADIA. 7o F.;' n-ar 2:d at : ..... B. c..-. .-. .- f..a. -Q up. siiia.e fcK.tiiA " APARTMENT. Modern. 1 tooma .;cia; rata for July s.W furnhed gpartmerta. concrete block; , tie aro '" -l-"'Y" 1 7ki,ilAl TERRACE. Its HTH Klrst-claaa ; la eery re.ict. attractl.a rate. I clvaAAit. 7u4 leJ- u,.. lo" l-l-.I'''.'Ja to ;i0. Mar.-.'1I. t RtKM. ard bat!. nicely furnlahad. $2T. A-.n y frer.ager. TJ Kearney st OKA! GAI'tr-a. J x-.a at A ruuua. w tarsniaae4 Aparlaaew ta. the'oRMON'DE. I -room ants . unfurclahad. Sob Hlit M- 26a. UKAc-E APARTMENT. 4th and Northrup 4-rocm ur.furnj.led apartment ; all mou ara C'jnveaiancea Marshall 187 8. f .IE "maKLUoKOLGH. list and F'.andera l?Li'"' -r M A ": TriB AMERICAN. :l.t mad Jofinson 1. 4. $ woa 1 aonao.e. Mar. 1144, A 17. an Lncrati at loO faat north of Sd and Waib.cfttoa. moat baautlfu.iy located blh claaa apartmaaLa. I to ft room a. all larga ouuida rooin. i apartmeuta nawly fur-Buthe-, pricaa ra-aaonabia; rafaraacaa ra ouired Saa them balora locaUBft. Ma, Marahall 1-lt- MAT APARTMEfNTS. " Hitx ftud Taylor. Modern 2 and 3 room r.atea reasonable. Main 10. 1STH ANI KLA.N.-KS bTS. pautiiul o and 6-roi ai-arttnents; all outside roome; Ideal location; aea the bIora lova'aiiatf tor tua wiutar; prlcea raa aonabia. , 70S DAVIS ST. Heftd of KUnft Moat moct.'Q and fb.onablo ftpart-mant-Lou la Portland, abaolutaly fira proof Thro to 7 -room uofun itabd apart mcDii. i .til ii.ti.w. Mf!ern r.d o-room unfurnished apart innta; all outside- room, verandas, phone, private tatha, garase; " a-room. fur-m.-.i-d until Oct. 1. Marshall -74S. STEVENS APT.. Iftrsa outside rooms, front and back; privata porcbe and a.aepinc porch. htaL hot waiar aad phona. 71 r . . . t. .-uruiruy. .-. -. S5 UiTH tT.. mar Clay 5 large rooms, oak f'.oors. front veranda, aireplng porcn. rafn.rator heat-, hot wftter: airlct- ly modern, just 'compicted. BKL'CE APTd.. -oth ftnd Northrup. ftmldit I'ort.and a selact realdancoa; tt outalua rooms; vers no a. bare wood floora; mouaxn s e r v ice; uttitM--'-- tvl-NOULKY APTS.. 1S8 Vlatm mv Waah.ntion: Ursa J-rooo. 2 bada. balcony. aitht: locllon. good aarvlc.. remaonab.a. Kib; r'RIK.ND. cora.r Broadway and Jef faraom tKant unfurnlaad apartment.: llral-claa. aart c.privat. piiona. rat C'ROOM apartment, all ouuida rooms, 60fl Flar.Uera. Mar:and Apta.; large back ana r-OlJjHAM APTS. 170 Ford at. S room a. hmrUwood tioora. oak fio:ah. til. bato. prl- Kibla APIS.. J4tn ana tiay at. .-vow ia th. llm. to aacure h.ab-Rr.ue permaneot apartments; raferencea. Max. ;. ROOSEVELT T0 Kearney at.. S rooma. .i and fHI. AlbacUveiy arraned. " FurnlJictl or fplunnaliej Apart enta. IIUIICAN KLJEDNmiR BOICaV bll-S:i Morgan Bide Fnrnlahcd aad unfurnished mpmrtraentf In mil parte of the city; great variety ot locations, eisaa and pricaa. our fr auto mom:, at a-tr aarvlca la vlsittnc uy of tur ap.rtmta Main zolS. A Mil. THE BAKKfcK. corner of J 1st and Irving Furninaa aud unfurntanad Lparlmenta la t k and 4 room.. Cour-aiory brick; elec tric automatic eievator. diamppaar;ng bads. bullt-ln Dutiata auu .ii..a u-. "--' of c.oaat room. vacuum ciaaaer free. pbone aranail lilt. THE HOTAL AKMS. Ulb and Lovejoy Tna oaweat and moat up-to-aat. apta. In Portland, hardaooa floura, Daiconlaa, .tc; all rants moderate; 1 3 -room. ali.iO; 1 J -room. tZO. Marai.aa llll HoeOr'fcl-D AfTi. 14tb and fcast Stark llrtrk bid. and atncliy modarn; I ana a-room apis, lant e rooms, privata pbone In each at.; reaaonab.a rant: reference. HL't.NA VISTA. 12ib and Hamaon. Finest apartment-houae on Faelflo Coast; beautiful location, strictly modern. .! V! dlatanicereferenccs. M. lutl. M. "7 clTaIR APTS- J and S-room apartuaent, Vurni.nad or unturnlabed. tO and up; ai lcudid loCAtlon. Ut Kl. Ciair at., near aaninsion. I'bona almrshall 4iJ. liVi.SirY 1'LACE AfAKIHiaU THE HuUSE OF TONE. 4, .it mi ii -i - -VANAGcR PUPAE aiAKariALL llttl 11 Er'lfci.D Apartnrent, ttt U roadway I b ocas to bus.aeea center; beat locaUoa la Po-t.aad. lu.nui.ied and unlurniaaad; a Jan.a reduced. Main 85a. A 114. TUB OKMUMiC a-room apta.. furnlsned and unturniened. 6- r'landeta. Nun ni.L M 2il- CHF.TOPA APTS lSth and Flanders. 2-S and 4-rrn. lurn-.scn and unturnneu; ref. erencie rtqu;rra. o-. ,CB HILI Mouern s-room apt., aleep ina porcn. loa rent: also a-room, com fortably fur apt 4-0 mo bo s'.aodara. a'L i.Nltlil;l aults of 1. 2 and 4 rooma at : KllHns.Aorth ave.; low rent, close to curs. Paona WootLawn llMJi. 4 aM a-rootn sola, witb sleeping porcnaa. ll'l E ljtb. near Vam&lll at, TH EV IN VHO H 1. I and 4 beautiful rooms, forn.rd or not. E. Hih and Vamblll. tvlSli-UAVlt.-At'Tti . it King St. 2 and 4 room., n.un claaa; reterancea. Main 2vit. MKKEPITM and 4-raom apta.. vary raa- oi.aoi :t au..opp, H-o- Msla Hit. iTex. AKili 1 1th and E. Morrison: 2 and 1 rovirna, reasonable, modern sarvicA WKaTO.NI A -Near 2 and 3 -room apartmeuta. ... ti.iaau at- M.n So44. CLEAN, comforiahie. desirable. East 7th and VamhllL Lambrook, Plata. WEST S1UE Very deelrable flatA fi.-.e neighborhood, every convenience, fire place. :urnace with bot water coll. stm tioaary tubs. ale. 7JIa and 72S Kearney st near .-d- -'7ou and $-i For further particulars ca.l Eaal 14 11 mornings and a.enlnga NEVV FLATS WF.s't SIDE CLOSE IN. Two modern fia'.s of 5 and 8 rooms. ai-h. 141S and 14g on Hist St., between Ilovt and Irvin;t. I'rlce $.'o per mo. Kej st 147. or call Main o'JCu. M' E 4-rooin flat, sieeiilng porch, also larse Iront porch: heat and hot water; ua! larige and wall beds, $23. Call 3(13 hast -1st. Hawthorne car, or phona Main tiuJ. PKETTY corner flat delightfully located, strictly m.Klern, accessible to churches ana business center, open for Inspection. Rent free until Scpterubvr L 6C N. Una. New and modern .-room flat, 2.10 Dixon s'treel. near eaat approacn isroadway bridge; walking distance, reaaonapje rent. ill A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, cloae to school and carline; desirable location. 'Kien. lu" Shaver. Woodiawn 202. a-IiOOM upnT flat, all outside rooms, fire place s.eeping porch, cor. E. 17th and Madison. Phoi.e East 234. FLAT of f rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt at Ii.qj1i 12U atr-. St Phon. Main S27i. MODEKn".4 and ( room., ne.r City Park; Ma n al3. A l7a. MoDEKN -room flat Inquire 17, lSth at, corner Yamhll.. COMFORTABLE fiat of t room, and bath, easy w alking cHatance. 144 A, Montgomery. IKvTniTtON. 5 room upper, comer flat adlilla only. East 4111. IP" Tillamook at sUToiahed Flatsu FOrn-T'.Oi M !nrre. clean, well-furnished fiat, pli-asant and comfortable, good quiet r.e.Khb jrhoo.l. 2 carinus and walking ala; -as. bath, gas stove. 772 E. Taylor. E oJ'jO. . g 4 NEW modern, 4-room flat, sleeping porch, u block from I-J-Chapman car. Market si. . TWO n'co fists, 3S2 Vancouver ave.. 118 and $1..: near In. rooms, 226-, Cook, near Ganlenbeln, $12. NICELY furnished" lower 3-room fiat, va csnt Sept. 1, walking distance. 421 Tilla mook. Eart 4137. r""""a and 4-rom flats. JurnUhed or un- " f urj s.u d. East 17111. 6G4 Williams ave.'tlY-furnished, l-'U; stoam heat p!:or.. wuter lit N. 25d. Marshall :!4j. Ilouakepiig Kooma. tl to u.zi week, clean furnished house, keeping rooms, suitable for 1 or 4; gas. free heat, laundry Oath. yard. East aula 4o Vancouver. 201 Slaatoo. "lcar. , cJlf VN" working man-, housekeeping $na mulo rooms, your own price. 14 Shar- man street UiLMAV H07EI. 1st and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 11.50 week up. THE-ELMS. 11 nib at 1 rooms, clean. bain, inn". . .. Fl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. CamDri-ige, .u. v. . EAST MvJttKlso.s rtrnianea one n ro-ro.m h"oe'Plng apta.; reasonable Houaekeeping Uooma m Hrlvte Family, FP.ONT h. k. room and kitchenette; also ..-... e n. a. roo.... -'-- - - ia: ti st n TTrH Lurge. airy 1 and 2-room " tioueekeplng aparimenls. first f.oor. mod ern, scry reasoiiab;. Tivolarire housekeeping rooms, nice -yard Si4 Joiituosjl- Main"53. i' .v , - v: fu rni.hed H. K. rooma Phone, I bath, electricity. ol E. Morrtsott viNGVON Thre. furnished housekeeping r-on... gas. cieciriClty;v.a.i.aaiaoa. ... ioNTH 2-room suites; nice location: s.l f-irnnhed. Main 3o72. Tfon bids. t . ii i-. C r.mnL completely farnlshe" for light i-o.u. keeping. No children. ;6 12th. Hou--a. "j- 6-HOOM modern. clen, near achool and iark. S.l ooOl.1T. jj- fii'i 8-room -tuIle. corner Eaat Idth and MA.;:.icn ku Phone Eaa: j-- vf AH Ir nittn Park new inooi, d- ruoiu t:ottce. owner. lOl'O Yeon bldc. i'-R'WM "cottace. '.arse ard en; 569 Hoyt r t lV i. Ci 1I ?. .... l- ii PER Mnem 6-room bous-, waik- Mum Co. Mar. 4M. '01 ( ottasje. r''d condUion. Inquire Kj . bmaftTj- Si-, -. . IT TtlRRKI.I. CO. - irving TON. nice to -room modern home, fine district. 5:15. EAST SIDE 5-roo . cottage, E. SOtb St.. $12..". , ., IKV1VGTON Fin. .7-room house, close In, n-alklnc distance, low rent, J- FLATS Thoroughly modern 3 and a room flats, EASt and West Side, at $15 to $J5 per month. See our rental list. AH BIKKELl. CO.. 217 Northwestern BankbldsMarahal411,Allls. MODERN, up-to-oate a- om buntralovs, with bullt-ln beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats and coolers. self-lighUns gas rsnces. wnter heaters, linoleum in kitchens and bathrooms, fine lawns, walks, clotheslines and poles; it you want some thing fine, see these on Sumner St.. near E. 14th.- Owners. BLANCH A KD CI.EMSON. 702-3 Selling BUlg. FOR RENT Comfortable 7-room house, fur r.see. pantry, wash tubs, roses, flowers, lawn. Hi rent. 3 blocks to cara. 1067 B roadway. Call Tabor 4470. aTodEKN- S-room bouse, newly renovated, ail light rooms, walking distance, large basement. Porches, yard, Ulu Iorthrup street. FOR KENT Modern '-room house in good carline. . Phone leigliborhood. one oiocit iroiu yard, avuh or without earage. -o ltn 6t!45. WEST SIliE. walking -distance, neat 7-room home, cement basement, hot water fur nace. 01U Market, near lllh at. ll-ln 4.110 WEST SIDE, modern 8-room house, sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, built- in conveniences, -w jlj ARTISTIC, modern 5-r. bungalow, near Penisula Park; one-half block to car. Owner, 10H0 Yeon bldg. MODERN 6-room flat with 3 rooms and at tic, suitable lor tow roomers, lnnuire aBis 6th at $32 50 l-roora modern dwelling; fireplace, furnace, gas and electricity. 329 Broad way West Fred S. Williams. 2"A 1st st FOR RENT Modern 6-room bouses, 204 and 20i Whltaker st; rent 114 aud $11. ixey at sir riou. .c PLEASANT 7-room name in xjwumuu. furnished or unfurnished: onrner leaving ' town; references. C 15. Oregonlan. E TrlP.E lower floor of nlc. private rejii "dence. 4 lifiht. clean rooms, reasonaole to Rooa lenaiic. u ... COTTAGE. 12 North 17th or 3r.3 Glisan. near new Couch and Catholic schools. Key at owners, too xsortn aom. ALMOST new. modern, 6-room house, ceri trally located, good neighborhood. oJS Hth. Call from z tin o MODERN 8-room house, furnaca, electricity, gas, cement basement 750 East Main. cor. 24in. r-ast noo. 110 8-ROOM house, hardwood floors. Yard 100x100; trees, walking distance Reed Col lege. Phone Sellwood 52 MODERN" home. Nob-Hill. 10 rooms, lease to responsible party; walkins distance. Af Zi, COTTAGE. 5 rooma, gaa, electricity, ran $12 10o3 East balmou. For key. Tabor 1811. 4-ROOM modern' house. E. 18th St. close In- month. Owner. $05 Commercial FOR RENT 2 modern 8-room houses or, llh and Marshall; reasonable rent In- quire ut n. v. A.iAci. ... . 3-ROOM cottage, bath, electricity and gas, cement basement, lovely yard, near Al- . inr IT.., 7th Vrtrth DCrra car, .v. . N1C up-to-dat. 7-room home at 344 Wasc at ' walking dlatanoe. Geo. D. Schalk. Sir t.tarkst Main A 2391; FOR RENT Modern G-foom house, 73 E. loth N-, bet. Davis and Everett 724 E. MAIN, T rooms, fireplace, furnaca, .... -.n-e. water hiateri.very desirable. DECIRABLE houses and flata In all parts . .. c.A... invHtmi ut (!o. "tain 61- ' CI -J - q.ww. - B7 BVSRETT Six rooms, a. electricity, furna .; walkins distance, P lone goat 8. TWO modern cottages, walking distance . A.n.V Main li'.tTtf. A .:3til. j.Kooi fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, ' . JT - J ... E ;rrh. nr. Hawthorne. Easts. I-ROOM modern house 712 Lovejoy. near 22d7 inquire 110 6th. Main 6278. DE"-I""1AELE 6-room house. 3S9 San Rafael, near Union, close In. cheap rent. East lcso. -ROOM house. 26S 14th at. near Jefferson. aio SIX rooms, walking distance. 523 Clay i, ...... r..i riiiv. Farpisbed Houaem. FOR KEN 1 Attractive mooem pletely furnished; 7 rooms, sleeping-porch, garage. West Side, near In. good view;, only responsible people need apply. Call aiain :ioj iiioi mui. ... u.i-t.viciir-ii tinn-aiow. a rooms. 2 sleep- tnj i,.ri.h. auf.Diano. Lardwood floors. liavlland china, aewlng machine, vacuum cleaner. luii Vaughn st, Willamette Kelchts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 1 block east from .nrf of 16th and Davenport at. 6-room eottaee. furnace, gas. $Ju; 3 bedrooms. sleeping porch. Marshall 2449. FfRVISHED house of 7 rooms, modern, fli yard, good surroundings, reasonable r..nt 1U57 E. 10th st N. cor. 10th and Alberta. rrr.i im rTRT.V furnished 7-room modern .' p. at . near Main. .i0 key at326 Board of Trade bldg. Main 4oI 5S3 TAYLOR ST. Six rooms, furnished In Circassian walnut and fumed oak. nPho'- stered In spanisn learner, uiauo, Also one tour-room nicely furnished. 2o UI'PER bungalow, 3 rooms, sleeping-porch, den, attic, urepiHce, a A' ' private entrance. M7 X Wash., cor. 2jth, FOR RENT Five-room furnished house, piano. 112. Call before : 4 P. II. today. Fl'RNISHED house to rent 8 rooms 3 sleeping porches, all furnishings included. jl.- Council Crest Drive. Phone Mar. 4ibl. WELL-FURNISHED house of 0 rooms to lease to responsible people for a year or more, inquire in muiume. iv. MODERX C-room furnished house; nice i.wn roses and fruit Will lease. 87 East Ash. Inquire Main S001. room 430. NFATLY furnished small house, clean, $12 SO. 7U2 E. 2th st. W-W. car. FURNISHED 5-room modern house "allth nice yarq anu nun .ic v"" .-"y MODERN 3-room bouse furnished. 1077 E. 21tn st iv. 1077 E. ISTH ST. N... furnished 3-room house; modern. 5-ROOM bungalow at 1013 Arnold, bear 14th. call Mam aw. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, 6 rooms. Phone Aiaraiian ooo.. FI'P.NIPHED modem 7-room house, located E. ilorrison anu . SIX rooms, modern, piano. 60ol 4.-U ave. in- b.-T 21(2J. reasonable. c..; ;t ROOMS, modern, large lot electricity, -n-.T-. aim Veon bldtr. oatii. " 6-ROOM furnished house, with piano. 738 IsortnwicA. at. Summer Resorts. FURNISHED 2 and 3-room cottages, also tent-housea. $3.50 to $7 per week, at Pa cific view ancu, i. ..... ....... . . . -. . agatea For reservation call 1114 Stock Exch. bldg- Main oiuo. . , . ri.-.lth.A anart ments. reduced rates for September. Phone Msrsnail i4Q. or whip oo TWO nice people can get room and board at Feaside until September 1 In private family. Main 3672. 3('l) Yeon bldg. SEASIDE Or.', fine modern 4-room cottage, furnished complete, very rvasonabte lor montn OI pepeiuoe. . iwm. FOR RENT l-room Seaside cottage, com- i . ... ....ik.a n K1A pieteiy aui " -- btorrs. FOR RENT. BRICK CORNER STORE on K.llllr.gswonn i... floor space 5uxS; will divide to suit tenant; it you muw w-. cation or entering lutu iubiwiuliic neas. see this fine, modern, up-to-date corner wun " - , , . leat ot oiav. . . ... k . . . .. - - BLANCH ARD ft CLEMSON, 7( 2-3 Selling Bldg. VCR RENT Old Louvre restaurant 4th and Ald.r; pest tocauva mi - ... . Kay Ping OLD-ESTABLISHED meat market (Bechlila Bros. I tor rent a-o A"a'w.y. ' Office. FIRST-CLASS dental suite to let share oce- r. a.i recepnuu-rocAA " " -. - T. . central location In business district, ' . , . -. T e SS7 OreDonian. rBMOUAMW " - ' WE-L-FCRNISHED private otlice. also desk room. $6 ana . ' v.u.u.o. u. OFFICES $Uup: furnished offices and desk eoon-; tree 1 ' l" " J . ' : , ', " , land's busiest corner. 103 towetland bidg. I . C rt - -".-,., " ..ii.,. low ...-..-. -T:Trr nrripHnirf. auuioueu or rent. noon. . o i w-. nr stvF.dS OPPORTUNITIES. OPPORTUNITY for energetic person with ui-ro.Ac. .,.- , -..ire big money quickly; exptrience .unnecessary ; ownei ii'on: siwt Apply room 321 l.amapu Hotel. Washington st FOR SALe. -ew ..oca u.j and cents' furnishing, shoes; good town . i r, .. t-.r-. 9.MM non : Invoice alraut no trades; investlgata AV os, vireguuAAAi. Bl-STNESS OPTORTTXniES, mu w . , c- .-. ..... nr th. death of the owner, we will make an aiiraci... k..; for quick sale, on a clean, up-to-date stocit of dry goods, shoes and luniisaings. tti good North Idaho town: must be so.d at one ). Address AV uresum.u- OR SALE BY OWNER. H INTtREaT lN W30DSAW. 1200. AO0 DOWN, BAi-ANt-t. TERMS. WELL-PAYING. ESrAKLlHfc.p BUSINESS; WILL PAY YOU TO IV ts T1GATE. GIVE TELEPHONE. H -3. OREGONIAN. . CAUTION. BCTEltS Before closing deal for so-called lnteres. In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWU1LL. Sec'ty. 116 Chamoer of Commerce Bldg. WASHINGTON mill for sale. 50-bbL flour, lug mill In good order; good wheat coun try. One of the beat valleys tn state, abun dance of water year rouud. AV old, Ore gomun. ; OLD ESTABLISHED, best located general mdse. store. Value $12,000. Would con sider trade for unincumbered Portland .a I tu,A rtu.n.p. anlv liiv. narticulars lu first letter. Address AV 547. uresouian. J I WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE YOLK BUSINESS. FARM. ACREAGE OR Htsl; DENCE. R. W. CAR1C. b-'O BLDG. ' . FURNITURE of a 50-room modern brick hotel, centrally located, cheap for cash, or will trade for a good home In Portland. AM 12. Oregonian. A RELIABLE and old-establlsnea confec tionery, clKars ana magazine score ur owner, $1300. Theater building. 41.3 Mor rison. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, well equipped; - . , k... cfanH. In W.tiAniett. Valley; crackerjack trade. AV 553, Ore gonian. WANTED Parties to invest $2000 to $10. 000 la good manufacturing business. 50 to luO per cent piofit on goods; investi gate. Address R 21. Oregonian. FULLY equipped physician's office for sale at once, by order of court Including large stock of drugs; no agenta ned apply. AP 14, Oregonian. F0r"aLE Commercial hotel, staple town. Montana; 54 sleeping rooms, bar. cafe; good moneymaker. For partlcuiars write C. O. Vowell. Benton. Mont - FO RS ALE, cheap, light grocery and deli catessen, cheap rent 2 living-rooms: owner ill. Call 342 Russell st RESTAURANT, good location, old-established, rent S3o per month, $400. P o-, Oregonian ONE HALF interest in restaurant doing good business; prefer lady partner experi enced in the business. P 31, Oregonian. ATOR SALE, OR TRADE Meat market slaughter-house, 80 acres land. Eastern Oregon. Address AV 648. Oregonian. FUEL business, good Valley town of 6000. fully equipped, for sale reasonable. P. O. box 244. Albany, Or. WILL sell on account of sickness good pay ing gasoline limns statiun. with small store. East 1141. i vi-lLL. .ell or trade a fine paying res-.auranl on Washington st. low rent for aloou. Br.tregonl5: FOR SALE Old established cash grocery; pays; 1 am leaving; will sell for $550. Call or write 658 William, ave. FOR SALE Confectionery, candy kitchen, Invoice price. Cor. E. 13th and liarney ave., Sellwood. WANTED 13 to 40 room unfurnished, suit able lor private boaralng-house. X. uuto, Oregonian. GOOD transfer end storage business tor sale. Aiv ll. vyJ.r.c.M-A.-. Dry goods, furnishings, notions, at wholesaler L. Dmkelspiel Co.. Sherlock blag., room 112 SMALL hardware store at a bargalu; $joo cash necessary. M 1 1, oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS M. E. LENT. Leading Hoiel-Apanmenl-House Age'lt Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 508-8 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. ' LOST AND FOUND. LOST On Broadway and Salmon car. go ing east, one largo envelope containing - small envelope with church collection. Please phono C 2250 or Tabor 2044. Re ward. LIBERAL reward for doctor's black bag, containing stehtoscope, etc. 1204 Steveni. bldg. LOST Silver mesh bag with small black purse and watch. Call o06 Montgomery st. or phone Main or A 3136. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal. Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the District of Oregon. au vuo iuai.c. w. . ....... . Co, oankrupt Notice of sale by auction. I, r. L. Sauin. trustee in bankruptcy in the above entitled matter, pursuant to an or dr of the above entitled court made this 21st day of August, 1K15. will offer for sale lor cash at auction to the highest binder the following property of the Pulfer Mercantile Co, bankrupt, now ait ua'ed in th-a store formerly occupied by said bankrupt at Gresham, or, at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. August 2o, 1910 said auction to be held at my office. No. 740-47 Morgan building. Portland. Or. Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise situated in the store room formerly occupied by said bankrupt at Gresham, Or., coil- sistlng principally of groceries, glassware, graniteware, crock ery, paints, etc, of the inven- toned value of .$2,861.11 Fixtures pertaining to the same of the inventoried value ot 1,168.00 Tottl '. 14.029.11 Certified check, at least $224.07, must be deposited with me prior to partici pating in said auction. Sale to be subject to the approval of thTheUinventory of the property may be seen at my office and the stock Inspected on the premises, where an inventory may also be seen. K. L. SAm-v. z-t-a ptfrm ASTER'S OFFICE. Portland. Q Oregon Seated Tproposai, In triplicate will be received here until II o clock A. M, pacific time, September 22, 101o, for fur nisliing at Port.and. Oregon, or other Sromnenr railroad points. 8000 tons oa Fav and 7"U0 tons of oats. Information furnished on application Quartermaster, r- s Army. Portland. Or. stiALED proposals .will be received at the offica of the Lighthouse Inspector. Port land" Oregon, until 2 o'clock P. M. Sep tember 20. 1015, and then opened, for furnishing oil engines and compressors for Slip Point Light Station. Blank pro posal, and partlcuiars may be obtained by addresssing the above office. Miscellaneous. " NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby given that on Monday. September 13. 1915. the Board of Equal livtion of Multnomah County will attend St the office of ti:e County Assessor, at the courthouse, in Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1S15 and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lota or other property assessed by the ' County Assessorf And It shall be the duty of per sons interested to appear at the , ti me and n ace kDDoinieu. such Board of Equalization that there are . i-..- - nrhxr nrooertv as sessed twice or incorrectly assessed as to .,nn(riT o n n in th name ,T rson" oT peVson. oti Ihe owner f ,inrii -i r hovond the actual full cash value thereof, said board mav make. proper correction of the same. lr it sliall appear to such board that any land lots or other property assessable by the Assessor are not assessed such board shall assess the same at the lull -uaii value thereof. HENRY E. REED, County Assessor. Portland, or, Aug. h. iu. tht.- Incoming proprietor, Lee Sing Coon, wtll not be responsible for any debts which The fo-mer owners of Hong Kong cafe. 10714 6th st. have contracted op to tne t me of taking possession, which will be epiemoeriA rwnV'T te responsible from this on Xr in? bill. llrs. Mary Mascottru,. FINANCIAL. ti - to i-v mortgage bonds and notea EWESTEa?5 BOND MORTGAGE CO gU 4tO St.. PJ-A- vA a iriRfiT and iecond mortgageft Also aellera' Main. ro. a.. 1 .oi.aGAOE loans, 6. 7. e per cent R H GATE WOOD & CO, ; 6 5 ia 4th, corner Morrison b t w,r , Buv seller', interest In Installment laniract.' signed by reliable purchaser .-'"""f.' mafgin. 401 Mckay bid. M. 1242. MORTGAGE ioau.. notea. contracta rntga purchased. Lean " c, ,t..a bonds and mortgages. Rob- ,.rt"on & go ing. 2U7-8 N. VY Eankbldg. Money to Loan on JRHlEstate. 5bo $1000 and upward on Improved real estafe; favorable terms: no delays: no "okerage John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. M OREGON INV & MORTGAGE CO.. INC. sto.-k Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhl.L TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. an TH ST- BOARD OF TRADE BLDG cv-F us today for loans on Improved city nrooerty. 0 to per cent; $200 and up Cellars-Murton Co, S25 -.eon toiqg. NOW H. L. Morton has money to T.,: 217 H Osk t- Mam 1743. "mOSEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT Hammond ltg. Co, 424 Cham, of Com. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property. 3 Mi to par cent Improved' resldenca property. S to T par oont Improved farm property. 7 to 8 par cent WH1TMER-KKLLY CO. Ill Pittock A). oca. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount low rates, promptly dosed. Attractive roiiainMut privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 117 Northweatern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. PORTLAND TRUST SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. ; Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST 4 SAVINGS BANK. 6TH AND MORRISON STS. - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE l'OR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEXI BLE cOSi-BacTS. -NO CO-MiilSSlONi COLUMBIA LIFE Ai TRUST CO- 8-10 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY to loan At IVi to 1 per cent Port land business aud residence property. Farm loans at 7 to 8 per cent MALL & VON BoRMEL. . 104 2d at. near Stark. DO YOU neeil monev to build home? See t, and get plan of financing on monthly lernis. The Oregon Homo Builders. 1330 N W. Bank bldg. ' tltvAOJS at rlONEYMAN MORTGAGE CO. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1025-1029 YEON BLDG. 6, 7 AND 8 per cent private funds to loaa from $500 to $10,000. Vanduyo at Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 5V TO e' on city aud farm property. Mort gages and contracta purchased. R. H. Blossom. 1123 Northwestern Bank bids. $200 000 TO LOAN In sums to suit, build leg loan.; lowest rates. W. (a.. Back, 314, 315 Failing blag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6- and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALMON 4 CO.. 100 OAK ST. "FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. HARDING. 31.1 CHAM. OF COM. MORTGAGE loan, on Improved real aetata Fred S. Williams, 192 y, 1st st MONEY, any amount to 8 per cent W. H. Seitx & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $200 (350, 1600, $100. $1200. 1SOO Fred W. German Co, 732 Chamber of Commerce. $10.t-oo OR any part 7 per cent Improved property. X 953. Oregonian. MONEY loaned, city and farm lands. 633 Chamber of Commerce. PRIV ATE money. $1000 to $4000 to loan oa real estate B 462. Oregonian. Mouey to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JtiWELRI AT EASTERN RATES. W'e have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loan department l. conducted In connection with same, mak ing, business SIR1CTLY CONFlDivNTlAL: absolutely no sisn designating ioan busi ness alsplayed in front of our store. Ail merchandise pledged la .held lor period of 12 months, whether or not Interest as Eaid when due. We are licensed and have een established siuce 18S0. No connection with any other loan cslaolisbraent in this "a! 4 M DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, .,. 324 Washington tit STATE SECURITY CO LICENSED. Oldest established salary loan company in Oregon. Reliable. Satisfactory terme. Business strictly confldentiaL Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during the past Is our best reference. . STAT5 SECURITY CO, LICENSED, 80S Failing BIdt MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. ' at legal rates, on Diamonds. Autos. Pianos, Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. w Pay back $5 per month or mora Interest 3 per cent OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO, LICENSED, all Dekura bldg., 3d and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST. Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical lnstrumenta All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladies. ELBY COMPANY (Llcensedl, 820 Lumber Ex, Bidg, 2d and Stark Sta -MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; Ksutblished since 1SSS. Dan Marx. 74 3d st Loan!, w antea. $4500 AT 7 V- per cent for 3 years on Port- . land business properly, highly improved and producing revenue of S40 per year! security moro than double the loan, call r-h.a K Lenon. attorney. Main oOia, rooms 114-35 Lafayette blag. SOUTH PORTLAND, lisuo, 8 per cent It room, modern 2-famlly dwelling; street improvements all paid, owners value $0000. Fred W German Co., 732 Cham, o Com. - $400 WANTED for six months at 10 per cent aud expenses; security $1200. good chattels and good signer. AF 24, Ore, gonlan. WANTED $4000 or $.1000 at 7 per cent on good wheat land, assessed at S'JOOO. 36J East Morrison St. WANTED $4000 or $M00 at 7 per cent on good wheat land, assessed at $9000. 503 .U3l JAOiimo. WANT loan of $1400. 8 per cent, on East Side properly. See owner. 510 Lewis bldg. FIRST mortgages for sale, new homes, pri vate parties. Tlie Oregon Home Build ers. 1330 i. W. Bank bidg. 2ou0 WANTED for three years st 8 per cent- security $7000: well Improved real estaie. AF 25, Oregonian. . 1-ERSONAIa WE SELL HAIR, HAIR. HAIR. 6-inca real f irsl-quality switches. .14.85 26-incu real first-quality giay 4.a BRING THIS AD Good lor 50 on Faoa massage. .20c Shampoo 25a Manicure 25c Halrareas ........2oo Superfluous hair remuvea by electricity. Guatanteed. Cut hair, any shade Switches anv long til. Prloo half. Sanitary Beauty Parloia? 4UO-412 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington. jiai.".h LOWERED vitality causes chrome disease.; my improved aiugleas method raises your vitality and nature restores your bealtn in iheumallsm. indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, insomnia, coughs, paraiysis and niany other forms ot chronlo ailment Get my special offer. TlRtA. PHILLIPS. 605 Oregonian bldg. r BEB VET & HANEBUT, Leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock human hairgoods; switches from 85c up. ha.Tdress.ui4. manicuring lace and scalp treatment, combings mad. up to order. 147 Braaway, nar Morrison. Main 546. CHRONIC Diseases. f.eadaches. Rheuma tism Goitre, Tumor., Skin Troubles, Etc No Medicine. No Operations, k inest Mod ern Equipped Offices. Electricity. Manipu lation and Baths. Consultation Free. 311 if. 317 Swetland bldg. Dr VV. E. Mallory. Tks STEVENS, 22 yeas Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant; author of "palmistry Made Easy"; asst. by Dr. Etta Hume divine healer and spiritual adviser; Temple open daily. 375 Taylor st. : " B C SANATORIUM Balmy, sunny sheltered, Contra Costa Co. auccesslui method . it Dr. S. P. Blumenberg for il Xsunate and - wasting conditions Par pi.l v lSOo fautter, s. 1, cai. LOUISE iS-ETZEL, trained nurse and maa IJuae Elves treatments for rheumatism, lumbag. neuralgia, etc.; tub bams, mas iaiTe and electric blankets. Lady assistant lllh st-Mar.haIl 5033. anpHiE B SEIP Mental and splrlrual scientist. 720 Dekum bldg. Question meal. ma Wed, Fri. b P. M!Hours,10too. ci-Ai v fa 'e and body massage given at your home oV expert ma'sseuse, ladle, and call qren only. Main 6572. Ci-IHNTIFIC masseuse, genuine tub baths,' alcoholic, electric treatments, chiropoaiar,. man.cuWst2ul Macleaybldg, 2. asiw onyKN'A TAYLOR, D. A. T, therapeutics. K magnetic mliage; reasonable. . ltil lltlt. 'Maiehall 9S2. ft fctric VIBRATOR, for rheumatism, nluraliia. face and scalp treatment Formeflv Mar. 20. now Main 83ol). vi l-.-tkiC VIBRATOR for rheumatism, neuralgia. lace and scalp treatment 'me???' Mar. 20. now Main 8350. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price Circle Tuesday 2 Wed. and sun. S P. M. ; read lueeaay -. e . .i,trhnii zn lugs uaiiy. .u. FmhrELLAS, all colors and styles; largest ,,ock re-covering, new handle, put on. Meredlth's.329Washlngton st MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Swliches 85c. curls and puffs 76c Sani tary Beauty Parlors, AOOJJekumJlldg; MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mil 4L D Hill. 4- Fliedner bidg.Vain 34 1 3. TjtHOPRACtlCS explained, painless adjust- BALM OF FlGS COMPOUND . Royal Tonl. Tablet no aja... . 7. . vii -u RING andeleotrlc treatment Ethel M-".''r. ia Lafayette bldg. rr-isONiS in phrenology and card readinga 25 M TstPhone Main 7548. rrS ETHEL A. SACRY. painless chiropodist Room 307. 08 Grand ave East 4,85. rr-N'TLEM-EN" Manicure shampoo face G n.alsaf ?Sic. 707 Roth-.hlld. 2b7 Wash t GRADUATE masseuse; scalp massage nud Gcnl?opod70TAs,'th J'.oor. apt. U. MADAME MUNZELLA. Instructor of palmtt ttf. iad caiuJ. 122V4 Morriion, 4J. OT-mr J.