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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1915)
TTTE MOItXiyO OREGOXIAy. FRIDAY, AUGUSTSO. 19I5-. a. a OFFICE RAGE IS OH 15 Candidates in Spokane Are Out for City Commisioner. A THREE ARE TO BE ELECTED Forma! riling to Open September S3. Wlwn) Several New Nm At Eiprctrd Withdrawals Considered Unllkrly. Rules During This . . s"-- I SPOKANE. Wash- Au. 1. (Spe cial.) la spit of a r.mewhat general Impression to the contrary, a fairly complete tui of tulMiM for City Commiatoar at the comma- elty elec tioa does not bulk lanra at la prtwnl time. Kor the three places to be filled there ara Boar 11 men who ara practi cally certain to file whan tha City Clark's Itat on on September 31. tteaiiies tha three Incumbents Mayor C M. I'aasett and Commiuionen e- A. Kraft and Samuel Ulajrow tha otnera ho have announced themeelvea. or ho wltt do o In tha near future, ara Oeorce W. t.lell. realty oarner: State Fran A. Chase. County fcn ameer J. W. ttaca. former Mayor C. II. Moore, Mopertntendent IL W. Collins, of tha street department; D. C. Coates. farmer City t'oim;ui'r: Leonard V. 'unk. former Councilman, and third man at tha laat election; J. C. AraalL firmer City purchasiaaT Aent; Oeor W. torn mere, who headed tha prohibi tion committee durtnaT tha city cem paica for tha atate-wida law laat Kali: T. It. Camble. previously candidate for Commissioner and County Auditor; Carl It Kvans. former member of tha City Civil ner irlca Commission, and M. t!he, pioneer cabman. The Hat iirta includes all of thoae wba nave directly conceded a decision to enter and who rave greater or leaaer eampaisne under way. Thera may ba noma withdrawal from tna Hat. but fiat la not likely, and thera will ba several nddittona. TWO CONSOLS ACCUSED hoti IE 23 experienced shoe salesmen. Apply store, Fourth and Alder, Today, 9:30 A. M. nnni"" Jmbsl 330 1 'swh factory h 1 I.I m T M I r 1111 I I saa. . tmT' T I M ."-..- I I aaa nyp u I I ei".ii ' I I .11 IV laaa ' a j a. I ill a ai i- -, Leaswsas mm t I I WANTED lairsr16: iOc r- ' r Men's Rubber -Heels, all sizes, per pair. . . em aid nmrro ii to II R IOtTl:D ClTltL-TV. ylaeal alay Bieoaaakla a ad to Reerall H far Maae. SAN rRAXC!S-rx Auc. 1 Alleia tlona that tha Imperial German Con aulate and A. Caraacia lioa. Hrttuh Cooaul at ao Kranclaco. lurolabed a aaarter of a million) dollar, directly and Indirectly, to mea now under In ejietaaeat for vlolatlona of tha neutral ity ef tha I'nlt-d !! ara made la Indirtmenta made public lody by Joha V I'reatoa. L'nlled Ktalea Luatrlct At torney. it la altered la tha Indictments, which were returned July . that tha tiermaa Consulate placed to the credit of Joaepb L. Bley and II. Kautmaa, who cuneeyed tha aarce amount to C. I. Hunker at Cp, of san I'ranrlKO. In September. Ill. C U. Hunker and the Ilrm or C t. Bunker 4, Co. were Indicted la connection with tha alieced d'lliery of auppltea by tna steamer Ktrramento to German w.rehlpe o:f Valrrlo. Chile, lata In lilt. It la alled alao that la North ern Southern Meamehlp Company, ef wbl-b aome of the Indicted men were filcera. bouzht tha eteamer Jiac ramento. formerly tha Alexandria, pay Ina HJj.KK for her to tha Jlambur Jamerlcaa Una. A. Carnexio Koaa. Frilled Consul bare la altered In Indictments re turned acainat I'.alph K. Blair and others, charainc them with recrulline anen for foreian aerelee. to bare paid li:i.i to Hiair. Hlair la allrced to kaa paid oat principally for tranaportation. to Thomas Cook at tSoa and tha southern faotie Company. BULGARIA IS COMMENDED Altlan Ullor t'ourwle Krlara of Macrtlonla and Warn Crew. XtlJN. via Pari. Au(. 1. Com- ananttna; on tha Halkaa situation tba fcacolo a : -Tha only war to prevent tha threat aaed Aaatro-tlerman Invasion throucb berMa and Flulcarta. with the consent of tbo latter, who thus would be en abled to conquer by forco tha terrt- tortea aha claims, la to return Aiace- stoma to tha Huljtartan. Bulcaria has behaved wall In not aun-mentlna: her pretenaion. although ana hold In her hand the key to the lordaaellea. lines ehould ba aatla (lad. inasmuch aa Kuleari clalma less thai was (ranted to her after tha first Halkaa war. but If Greece still restate, tho quadruple entente cannot protect bar la this aaainat her wilt They Bust abandon her to Iiulcartan attack. ITALY MENACES TURKEY kmr !wiUroa) Krady to Strike If .abjrt Are Xot ltrlra-etl. TARXTV Italy. AW. 1. via Tart. AuS. i A atrona" squadron of fast eruiaer Is betn held In rradiaesa to steara from here at a moment's notice. It la evpecte.l that Ine warahlpa will be s-nl aavin.t T-irhev If that country de.1 n- to ..:'..! Ita.jr s dmands for tne rrleaae of Ita.ian subjects held In the tttomaej empire H ft 1 l 'l.-!. i . . ti m. m )la army corps concentrated at Apulia hae been erJ-r,t to ba prepared to i nt far an unknown dsstlnat.on. WEDDING LICENSE REFUSED j Mea at tinker Wltboal Cuttsrot of rarrnt of t.lrl. 15. PKi:K. ir. An. l 4?peclaL rfr.rta of James K. Ilarrla to marry Neaaon. leae than half his ase. I without Ilia rurwnl of the Ktrls parents, were fruitless today. Harris t It years o.d sn-i the lrl la li. Mar- rta apearea b-f ore the County C'-rk wito'it trie :rl vr her rrenta who live at Mintir.stoR and tr.ed to Induce V- i'orrtba t la-ie trie license, but this waa refused In trie absence of the writ tan csuanl of trie parents. ! fonvkte to Pall Ilai. AUE'. Auat. t (Special.) Abaut l4 renvtet vi:l be eer.t to llaston. WaWiniloa Coun'y. tomorrow to PH I acrea ef f.a. The men wt.l bo seat on a srertal trim, and it will reguiro abo'it four daje to complete tB work. It la planned for thorn to camp at nlaht la trie fla field. A barbed w Ira fence will be built around tsa field in prevent any of tha man aecneineT. Tho f'.av crop cf this coun ty ha been pulled, and mora than Z'- ions of flax ara stored at tha pent teatiary. . . The Most Colossal Sale the West Ever Knew! CAUTION KllfflT'S Corner Fourth and Alder Streets ? The greatest sacrifice in the history of a decade. Never before have the people of Portland seen such a sale as this. It is the slaughtering of over 25,000 pairs of standard makes of shoes. An Absolute Sale of every pair of shoes in this big store at the lowest prices ever known. Look over these prices. Have you ever seen or have you ever heard of any sale that compares with this? Out Go the Shoes at One-Third to One-Half Regular Prices! And Hundreds of Pairs at Less Than the Cost of the Raw Leather All on Tables So That You Can Help Yourselves ale Opens Today at aiLO The World's Best Makes of Men's Shoes .Are Here .All Are on Sale A. & Nettlfttm, W. L. Douglas, Regal. Ralston, Burt & Packard, Crossctt'a, Walk-Over. August 20tlii Be at the Head of the Line at Fourth and Alder When the Doors Open The World's Best Makes of Ladies' Shoes Are Here All Are on Sale J. & T. Cousins, Emery, Marshall, Meldona, Coon, Sherwood, Green Wheeler, Regals, Thompson-Crookers. Women's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords 59c Pair Several hundred pairs of ladies' and children's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps will be sold at. this astounding; low price, commencing this morning;. Shoes In this lot worth up to S3.50. All styles and leathers. Take your choice, while they laat, CQ. Ub per pair, only. LiUd; iuuu iau ui Women's and Misses' Shoes 25c The Saoat aenaatloaal barejaln ever pat ia piiat. For the purpose of advertls Iss thta aale we will place at your atlspoeaL, promptly when the doors nlni open thla moralnsr, three fcreat lota at wonfs'i aad BilasM Sheea and Oxfords, amoanllnr in all to more than lOOO palra. All leathera are repre seated. We reserve the right to place a llanlt oa theae Shoea to a cue- Of . . . ae w w tomer. Price, per pair. EXTRA Men's and Boys' Shoes and Oxfords, Including Walk-Overs 50c Pair For the purpose of advertising the supreme bar eains in the men's and boys' departments, we will place upon sale promptly when the doors swing open this morning over 750 pairs of mens and boys' Shoes at this most phenomenal price. All leathers In Oxfords, all styles. Did you ever hear of any bargain to equal this? We reserve (-q the right to limit quantities. Per pair today-'" - Women's and Misses' Shoes and Slippers Now Selling at 79c Pair This bis; lot of women's, misses' and children's Shoes will literally melt away before the great masses of people. Different styles and leath ers in Shoes and Slippers at this sstoundlng bargain price. Choose from this great lot during this ealo at the exceedingly low price, 7Q par pair f i7C Ladies', Misses' and Boys' Fine Dress Shoes Now at $1.48 Pair This la a grand lot of fin Shoes for ladles, misses and boys. Patent, tans, gunmetal: button styles or the near English last. This lot also in cludes tha popular Baby Doll Shoea. All else Shoes In this lot. worth up to now on sale J e. jo at only, tho pair 9 1 HO STANDARD MAKES OF MEN'S SHOES LESS THAN HALF PRICE All Have Factory Name and Price Stamped on Soles. Men's G. G. Snow's fine union made Shoes, pair $2.48 Nettleton $6.00 and $6.50 Dress Shoes at, pair. .$3.98 Walker & Whitman $5.00 and $6.00 Dress Shoes $2.98 F. F. H. $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords now only, pair $1.98 Men's $4.00 Walk-Over Oxfords now, the pair. .$1.98 Men's $3.00 Victor Shoes and Oxfords, the pair $1.48 09 OQ See the great lot of men's High d9 QO $L.yO Cuts and Outing Shoes, pair ytt.VO 01 OQ FOR BOYS' HIGH CUTS, Black 01 QQ 1..70 and tans with buckles...: pi.a70 98 Men's and Women's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes Go Now for c Pair INCIXDIXG WAIK-OVERS, TAN . AND BLACK OXFORDS. We have grouped one great and grand lot of men's, women's and boys' Shoes. Oxfords and 'Slippers from which you can take . your choice at this price getting a style Shoe that one might expect from a lot selling for four times this amount. All the different leathers are represented, either lace or but ton, and a wide assortment of lasts and patterns are shown. Every man, woman and child In Portland, if they only realized the meaning of this stupendous offer, would be here when the doors open today. Come, take your choice from this grand assortment at this price, so low it seems almost unbelievable; and take our tip, come prepared to buy sev eral pairs, for never again will such an offer be placed before no you. Choice, per pair n It U 4 ! 'if This Sale Will Prove a Sensation-Twill Be the Talk of the Town 7& People will coma from miles around and the stock will so with llsrhtnlns-llke ra pidity. Tell your neiahbora of tba ale speak of tha prices, make a little party and all coma together. Plan to boy sev eral pairs, for never again will Shoes sell ao cheap. Ref. 25c Rubber HeU at 10 Pair Men's and ladles' Rubber Heels. f any else, now on sale, per ptlriUC Ref. $2.00 Arch Supports at 701 Pr. Too should hare a pair. Buy here now at lesa than HALF PRICE. 10c Cork Insoles Now at 2 Pair GEEENTIELD, o iorwn FREE! A Thousand 50c Pennants. Please Afk For Them. i Y i 1 miS VleLJ I -se- - - - ' stilling. RUKLI COME Provisions are made to handle thousands. The largest selling space of any Shoe Store In the Northwest. Enter at corner entrance, exit through Alder street door. Reg. 10c Polish, AH Kinds, Now 30 Ail 10c Polish will be sold during this sale, while they last, we limit O quantities, at only Jl $1.50 House Slippers at 790 a Pair Men's $1.75 to 11.50 House Slippers, buy thera now for winter at, 7Q choice .'-.. Reg. 25c to 35c Infants' Shoes at 90 ) Corner Fourth and Alder Sts. FREE! Five Hundred Cook Books. Please Ask For Them.