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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1915)
13 TTIE srORNINO OHEGOXIA??. FRIDAY, AUGUST-20, 1915. BEAVERS CHALK UP VICTORY OVER BEESiHI i H Bill sixth en triple by DotDt and Baylea. Score Oablaad I T r ti o a r. Tnbtn.r. . 2 1 2 a Radee.J. Marvan.2. 3 3 4 t oane.l. BHOAE 4 3 13 1 S 1 S 0 HVArrfle. IrT-Mnn.p. UHU.'.. Higginbotham Pitches Gilt- Edge Ball Until Ninth. Fit tery Finishing Game. SPEAS HITS THREE SAFE Frror by Salt Uit'l rtnt Bucmii I Kraponaiblo for Ileaall Cr llte'a Doable Contribute-. Xe-w Male-rial Pa Soon. FartfW fa4 Lmim tMaarflaare. w ? s-t W. I. rV . ?Va1 144 nakn4 4". ? .41 Sa rea. . 74 a: .-i-'l P-Pt .. 71 .' .rwa 4i 44 -4 L iaso... aw Al MB rraaxlece i4 eTaaeiBaae 14. La t moaco rwcirr. After rs'as runl 4Vral ram fr a total of 2 laalsg Portland look JiaaUfa of as arror r First (u- Big Brief ta lb fifth Inning yeeter- 4 ItUliur... J 1 ov 3 1 lllc um.p 3 1 1 Tote's. .31 114 llll Totals. . .54 10 2t 1 Ik4tt4l or Frough la ninth. Oakland O 4 O 4 Hit HI 1 ml Vernon 00210 Hit, 2012123 lo ii ran. fievleaa. tvilholt. Th hi. i 4 IM4J14. tait-ea. T4-bIM alia. UtvfeL al.ta-. ia,rrifl-e hlta, Dnane. Ctelc-a- (TTBRM KrAd. .... Wlltloll- Itirt.iL jUIt. MrarK oat. b ITwih . Deeaanlera 4- b44ii ea ball. 4ff Ltaaontvra a. Kuni r- Donalb: for. Proush 1. louM4 plara. Jlar. 14 r.4fdrtr. li.B!r&mun anaat4t,d fa la Brv-r la t ; i-lehmana. L m ptrra. rianr and lie'nrw. Time. 1.4U. KKAPP SHCTS OCT CHICAGO I'ormrr Portland Twlrler Allow I'rd Opponents Only 6 Hit. FfFKALO. Aug. 1. Buffalo open-d lha aerie with Chicago today by abut tine than out t to . Flv of tb ID bita eft Prendergaat wars ma da In tba savsnlh Inning, and theee. with fast work on tba base, netted four ran a. Chicago cat a man pat aacond only ica during tha same, Score: R. 1L L.I R. H. E. rhleaso.... 1 Buffalo. .. 19 1 Battertaa Prenderrast and Flchr: Krapp and lUalr. Newark 5, Plttabarg 0. NEWARK. N. J, Aug. Newark naad flttsburg aa a alrpplns-atona to Aral plar taiday. ahultlns tham out a to t. Kd Kaulbarh. tha local twlrlcr. waa In Una form, wblla neither Frank Allen nor Cy Iiarser could atop New Ituncbed hi La wart reaponalbla for R. IL I-i R.RE. Plttabars.. INe4rk.... ( 1 Hattertra narcer. Allen and O'Con nor; Itaulbath and Karideu. Baavara ta dafeat Salt Laba br a mora f S to 1- Ire Micctabotban and foothpaw littery ettcttad sttt-adsad ball tba air difference beleo tbetn belac that llla-e waa not al'oarwd to ftnlah. Walt XcCradia ant tba aklda under ln In tfta nrntb aftar ba permitted Hymn to double and walked IMeon. roelehte waa aaratn pant out In tba piacb. and. altbouca tua iaher bumped lata aaoe&er wobblr Innlruc. one run II the beat tbe Been could muater. la lid nana la tm Wtmm.' rinar'a mimJ ball anaMed Rran to so to third baaa. and Buddy acored on I Rattertra Cullop and Kaaterly; Jobn ttie Portland backaiop'a wild iieaee Into I eon and Jackluach. eaatar field I UK endeavor to eaten Kanxas City , Italiiroore I. RALTIMOKK. Aus. ! Cullop waa too much for Baltimore thla afternoon. and aa a reault Keneaa City woa tb opealns same of tbe eerlaa 4 to 1. Tbe tlaltore bunched tbelr hue to aa advaa taae. and ware never In denser of be- Ins beaded, sirora: R. II. 11 R. II. Kan. City.. 13 Dialttmore. . 1 t DESPITESPEED LOSS MATTY HOLDS HOPE Giants' Twirter Terms Season "Off" and Thinks He Is Good for Few Years Yet. POOR ARM LAID TO INJURY Gad eon. Coeeleekte than proceeded ta fan Re-ither. a plnch-bltter. Ten nan t. another pinch leilimis. (rotuided out ta Ralea. The battlns of Sreaa and Illsaln bothani and a doable plar atarted by Ootfteider Carliale featured tbe mat Inee. Sfu bit eafely tnree timea and Hiaclnbolham drove la tba firat Port land ran In tbe fifth with a double iiiiiMt the risht-aeld fence after Brief 4 boot on a crounrier. Carlisle a unuaoal double kllllns cropped us In tne elKbtn. Qulnlan. firat up. drew a walk, and on a e.nal from Mhlna tor hit-and-run. atarted toward aacond baee on the dead run. Cari'.ale pulled down Khlnn'a liner after a hard run. threw to fitumpf and tba latter relayed to Derrick In time to fr-a Qulnlan. Tula play cut ronalderable flsura In iaa same. It afterwarda developed. I'Wbee KeaWaaa Mlaaaelf. Portland aecoad tally waa reentered la tba alitb ea a two-bacser by Speaa and a alnitle to left by tiua Ftaber. - TMi pinch hit and a coupla of sreat atopo on wild pitcbea made np for Uua t-itkr math and more. leepite the two penaatlonal 19 samea that preceded, fewer than '" fana were aul owlnc to tbe beat. Manasar il-Credle announced Jut before tbe same that Lea Uoocb. youns outfielder, waa cemlns from Cleveland to join tha Peavera. Gooch la from I fie Savannah club, of the fouth Atlantic Leacue. Wynn Noyea and Herb llurp.iy. of tba Spokane club, will alao Join the team aa aoon a tbe Spokane vluo clinchea Ita pennant In t.a North weetern l.eanue. Cleveland offered Pitcher Inie Walker to Portland, but II ark turned him down. Covel4ekie will twirl for Portland to- ear. oppoein . Kiiiuar. Heulher or i.rearory. Itt-her peteraon. of tbe Ta ennva club, la alo adorains the Jleca' b4nch and poeaibly may work today, ao aa to slve Biankenahtp a chance to look htm over before pavtn out sood roilroad fare on him. Petereoa tried out with the Portland Co: la a couple of ltare aru. JVore; Sl Loots 4. Brooklyn, . r.lUX)KLTN. Aus. 1- St. Loula de feated the Brooklyn Federala In a llet laaa same today, a feature of wblc waa a runnlns catch of Korea' Ions fly by Kauff In tbe eevenm Innlns- Myera rut four blta out of four umea up. and Urake three out of four attempta. Score IL.ll. K l R.M.E. ?t Jouta... 4 I Jllrooklrn... 3 11 itatterie rtank and Hartley: Seaton, Lpbam and It. Smith. TACOLl TllXS IHOM GIANTS Mall Ulltl and lilt Hard and I lie ilevctl by Mclvor. SCATTIE. Waah.. Aus. !. MaJU waa wild today and waa bit hard, al lowlns bit and 7 run before bales supplanted by Mclvor In tb sixth. Ta coma won. 7 to 1. Score: R. IL K.I R. IL E. Tacoma... 7 S 4, Seattle... . 1 Batterlr Melkl and Hoffman XI ai .4, ilclvor and Cad man. Vanoouwr 5, Spokane 4. SPOKAXK. Wash.. Aug. 1. By bunchtns hit off Callahan In tba third fram4 today Vancouvar piled up enoush run to win from t-pokajie by a score of i to 4. Callahan pitched sea bal; after bi bombardment while tb Indian went after Smllb In tha filth and sixth, but failed to tie tha same up. A sensational catch by Frisk In tha eighth and another one by Urlnker In tbe ninth cut oft run for Spokane. Score: R. H.E. R. II. E. Vancouver t i Spokane... 4 11 Batterlea Smith and Brottcm; Cal laban and Brenesan. east Lab. n w a r. 1 J 1 e w.-artlare.L - $ eeLa.r. .. I II l'JlJ l'iinra.a liriel.'l.'ll K eeul ..:. B'r.a li....n'e.l llinnll, 11 1 r.r p . i;-(l.r. Tea Wl" i e I 4 I 4 1 e rVrtlaad B it O A K 4 4 3 14 4 3 3 1 4 14 1 131 lit 4 4 umef.a.. a ..-..r..-. . I 4 in . H na 1 a i rn.-a i . I 4 Mara ead.3 7 a .a. .. "i.'u. .kie.p e IlKKKEUnr AIIR.I.VGKS GAMES Washlnston Gridiron Will lie Scene of One Content Arranged. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Berkeley, Aus- 1- tSpeclaL) Two football same have been arranged with the L'niveraity of Waahlnxton asalnst the I ntveraity or California, one at Berkeley and the other In Seat tle. Coach Jlmmle Scbaeffer la settins line on his material already, and will lead a faat bunch Into tbe old same, aa e le a I California baa svcn up Ruttby. I II 1 I 4 , e , Ti'ala J. T H l T.tala. !, I : I H. t.l fje ll inaa In alntk. kaiied vie iianc.i la elul aa Lake 11 ' e I 1 3 3 I I r."-a4 . .........a a e e i l e e 4 I 3 1 3 I 4 li'ine. Rraa. H.b. llarnmmd. tme .ul. Bll.ry 4. iiif.rnuinBi, 4. trM(.l , iaa-e aa 114 ,t. w'f lltt-", J. M mg naorna.n r l4H Iiia nirhara . .'. ll.f. Bj'l ...e Ka:. ik-". s-avs. Man- B41 1 . -a. rxter, . H.-iioaa t. Itn.f. i'i.ia t. "imir; t- ler.-.. a 9:o;.a ba.. I .".i- H . v.r.l, i;tn l'i,el I4.L Ti.ri.r. I nil pt-l)a. b II 4T4T. "!' hern Saa. nil, ii h:'m I. at Sat i IWna rMflB.B.i r.-. rill.-. I. 1111 .i.-ior 1. li.aaia a'a-a. X mm. 1 JX. L'mplrea. Tmaa aad AW.UJi' PITCIUJW ItAMMKRFJi he-aU Oct IS lilt and I Baa? Off IVrrltt and llnshre. OAKUNIV Cat.. Aus. 1 Perritt and Ituahea. the I.oa Antreiee pitchers, were bit bard throut"ioul today came with Ma l rn- i-o. w hirh reeulted In a vic tory for the Seala ! to a. The Ansel ptti-hera save the Seal 11 bit and l ba.ea on ball. Score: Lee lll'lt- -4 lBllw- H II o at: HMO Aft w-re.rf m 41 t nurilif 3 1 4 v M U -a 1 4 14 I Uwh4:.4t.l 3 14 H mil .O.i 4 I I I V- ll 1., 3 VII 44 k.rar.l. 3 1I 3 Hed...ns. 3 3 3 b: . i 4 3 1 iin:.. 4 3 13 4 T.rrts... 4 3 3 lnl... 3 1 1 34 Fir 4 1134 .. 3113 But-.r J.3 I 4 1 -imiJt.e. 3 114 C-rr. -;.-.. 3 14 I I H-.-n. p. 3 14 3 4 Bu.l.a. I lillMLi... 3 3 3 14 Tta 4. li St It it T.t:,.. 12 13 3T 13 Ie Aaye'ea 3 1 I 4 Hia I 3 e I Ur r'reat-lece 1 3 1 3 4 3 14 II : 3 3 3 3 3 U ttuBia Ell a 3. Trry. Hreieka. Purer. Arhal ler 3. M.-iaa. Bod.e. txna 3 Jonea 3. 1 or l.,a. b-k. ''a runa. fc:a atr Perrttt. 1 at ai. l4k.a eut la fifia, 1 ea, aone ill. C?ca e.tett ta fftulaa baaee. IV m. Jh4.r. 'ltj-ra:4. . Hedie. De.aa fwhaa - H.4k. llr.-i4B. kiTa K:ia. H wo. . Ilitt:r. T'eek. Taa-Daae hlta. Ha e r-.eaa. Jr..a a..-rtfu-e hl'm. p4e eii.ler. I'B'.nn, ii;b H twa. PKl!e. Mr rifiea f T. iHiana lint bbb ea a:!,, elf 4. erT lraa 1. et Hunea 4. etruck eut. by IWar. 1. Ifs aa . 4V Lee Aa-4-... !4r4 lra n .-iara 1 1. Kiaie rMpon.iN.a !.r. Permit 4. ia a. Huaae J. Time. 40. tmpirea. H . I H-.4r.ear. PROIGH -lKEXS IX FOniTn e Two lilt. Error and Slcal Give Vrr- aoa Vktory Over Oakland. lXft AN' Aus- I Frouch weakened In the fourth Innlns. when two hit, aa error and a ateal netted two run a aad save Vernon a lead re eolttns m a victory over Oakland today I la . Tb Tsr aecoad run came la the The l'niveraity of Nevada also ba returned to the American same and will oppose Berkeley l'realdent Wheeler, of California, doe not oppose the cbanae, thinklns tbe old same-quite Improved. He ha left tb matter In th etudents banda. , Anwer to Query. Q. Whew did C. Williams Join th Sacramento tram? When did b make hi first Portland appearance? A BASKBALX. FAN. A. Williams Joined the team In Port land on June 4. 1 1 4. and pitched here on June 7. three days later. Beball Statistic ITUMNM Or THE TEAMS. r-MLedel. rlrial)a. ttoatna. . U-trtlt. . '.'ft rml. . . W. I. Pr :.a .'-4 .4j io 4 .4"1 :i i .4 el &S .444 SI M .m 4? 47 .J4 41 4 .. 34 73 .IIS ta SI .51! :i j ,4ni it 41 .4 u;ii It Si .511 il 41 .4 4 43 .441 43 11 M 64 34 .5'X t7 tlj .47w ,a A .4-i W. I. I-- i 4 . Ilnainn . . . . 3 .iu . York.. v'rit.'aaw. .. 11 i l .i. Uu:i... nuaurt;.. M U OKtnii4ii.. Aaaeeleea leasee. JT .CI New Ifl. 71 X lavrlanU.. 4.4 43 .i-4 .-t. .aula... Waaaiast a M &1 .J.l-ttt.aa.l. . . I'rderal Leattee. plttabur.. 0 44 .5'.4l. Loula... ,4.1... 41 4 .iii llufL.o ... M4ih... 4L 4? .-j triM4lB.. ka. City.. 41 M .iov ljttowre. . Aawrlraa AaawrUllea. .4t. Paul... Tt 4T .2 Kan- City., ltianeep... 44 M U.iea-ikee. Icdiaaaa.. a4 4 C.ti4mt. L' e i4 -.Columciua. . vteateew I aaaa. Pee Maine 44 . siaum City.. Lener.... 44 44 mBlll LiBice.O. . . . 3? 44 .33 V ,t h Ha. . . . Tapeka.... W M nl. Jf.. 41 NertnwewlerB Leaurae. fpekana.. 73 JWTmMin . . . . l 41 .312 aaatiia.... 44 o .tfia aacouv.r..-a el .4J Yeelerday'a Reaalla. Anrrlrii Ae.-elatien Milwaukee 4, In. tt! 4. Iltnnrapotta &, t'olumbia 3: ile e and L Paul . LoalaiiIla 3-1. K 43- aa 4 ity Wctera I.eaene Omaha 3. Tnpeka 1: tea Itlnra 7. tlDcila 4. No othera plajed. Hew the Sevtea Kcaad. ra-Te raaet I-eacue alt Ijike 3 ramra. P-rti4 1 same. Loa Aiclea 3 same tiaa Kranciaca 1 same; Vernon 3 sainee. Oakland 1 came. Where the TeanM I-tay Teday. Padfle Coast Learu Fait Lake at Port land. Loa Anxelea al Saa Francisco. Oak land at Varaoa. Beater Batllac Averasea. AR. n Ave I AR. H.Ave F'aer... l .-! rvmck . o i.-s .;.sn Patea... .'4 1M J- K-ra-.a. ... 13 .:.n 4-umpf.. 3-4 lAJ .31-Cariite.. 31 l'JO .r.tli pee .. 4-1 1-a ..t 4 Krauaa... 1 19 ."U -a-al... 314 4.1 .r1 I.utM aa 14 .M; rla-n'ead 1 - '-.-akla 41 B.13I . . 4i M.rranire. . p 1 .141 Htii4rd : M.xiiuiir... a .lis Da.'a. 334 43 .Zli, Sprlns Training-. Trip lo Texas Blamed but Erpectatlon Is to Show Power In Game This Tear and "Come Back" Next. BT CHBISTT atATHEWSO.V. NEW YORK. Aus. ! (SpeclaL) Fana are enoush Interested In me to writ and ask wnelbar I think I am at tha end of my day as a pitcher. Of course all bis laasuera ar optimist wbn It comes to a question of as And they ar mora sensitive about tin than an unmarried woman raor than 3i. But I don't think this will be mi last season In th big league "span Slea." Can't a man. who baa been work ins at It for IS year, have an off Sum mrr one In a while? My arm ba not been rtxht since Injured It on the Sprlns training trip at Alarlln. Tex. I . . hurt It playlns - w . handball and a form .. ; 4 v. -n of rbeumatiam t- " tied In It and In tha ' S tnu4rl4 o r narvea V e"V of my neck. Re- I"' u' :" I ently I have had f . J ome relief In the - j . j rm by a treatment . J f bolllns It out "i 1 .- UK i. Pasea on balls. Faber z. Foster 1, Ruth I 1. Hlta off Fnater. 1 In : Ruth 1 In 3. "truck out. Faber a. Foater 3. Umplraa. ttmni and Chill. and the hot weather ' ha helped It. too. bat the neck (till : bother me. "You didn't have much apeed last sea son, but that fasirhrlafy Mathewaoa. ball of yours wouldn't break a pane of Class or a Federal League contract now." Kvera shouted at me one day. It waa then I realised I had no fast ball, or practically no faat one which was effective, and I becan to study t see wby. The reason dodsed me, an o I bare been trying to win ball same by control and pitching at th known weaknesa of a baiter. llaadlrB Felt Wltbewt Speed. But a twlrler goes Into that box un der a big handicap when he does no carry speed. beci.u,e ha baa no change of par,-, and th hitter know he will get curves or slow ones or even slowe all the time. Tben I began to see something. In- consclously. because of the pain tha jumpel through try neck. I had begun to take off on my step when I delivered tbe ball. Thla step ha a great deal to do with the speed of a pitcher and I had now discovered the reason why I had entirely lost my fast one. It waa not due to my arm. but to th length of my stride. All pitchers who have tremendous speed take a long step when delivering the balL Even when young I did not have an unusual ly fast ball compared to that of some boxmen. Speed In not so much a question of slxe or weight or height or strength or the power of the arm. although they all count, especially helghL For this reason McGraw hs always favored tall pitcher? But there have been some short twlrltrs who have shown a vast amount of steam. "Joe" Wood, ol Boston. Is not tall, but he has plenty of speed. Some American Leaguers have told me they believe Wood's fast ball Is faster than Walter Johnaon's rhen "Smokey Joe" Is working right. Bullet Joe" Bunli. of the Athletics. Is another pitcher who In not so aixey. but w ho has a wicked fast one. Advlee Kxtended ta Other. It Is my opinion that I can keep on traveling the big league pace for few aea4ons more by lengthening that step In the box. I hope to show good game soon, which will convince me that my theory Is correct and not ust a lifebelt of hope. I believe If sev eral pltchera who are short on speed now w ill try taking that long step they will find they can develop a much bet ter fast ball. It has much to do with It and all Ilia great speed pitchers take hat big one. The loe of -"Bill" James to the Bos. ton pitching staff for the rest of the season la seriously going to affect Stalllnes' chance of winning the championship. The big pitcher did more than Ills share In carrying the Irave to a pennant and the world's hamplonshlp lent season and Stallings had been counting on James to repeat hi performance this year. George Stalling. the unsuppressed optimist of the big leagues, believes his club 111 win th National League cham plonahlp without James. Then: He 11 be fit to work In the world s championship series all rlghL" an1 werrd Stalling, the king of the optl mints. "What atarted his arm going bad? asked Stalllnga. "He is a big. young -How. It oughtn t to do thaL "Bill." began Stalling.. "wanted more dough after w had won the world'a championship. But he signed three-yesr contract at the beginning of last season, which still had two year to run. II desired Mr. Uaffney o tear up this and make a new agree ment on th basis of what he had down. Tbe president of the Boston club refused to do that and James be gan 10 flirt with the Feds. He didn't get far, however, because they quit as soon aa they found out he was under contract lo the Boston club. But 'Bill' sulked around and did not how up at the training camp In time o get Into good condition and work la arm at first out where It waa warm. f we hadn t won the World's Cham- ptonahip last year Bill would have been satisfied with what he waa getting and would have reported at the Spring camp in time to get Into shape. He would be pitching a good ball today aa he ever did." WHITE SOX WTX GUKAT GAME Eddie Collin . Plajs Superb Ball AgalnM lied Sox. CHICAGO. Aug.. !. The Chicago White Sox won a great fielding game from the Boston Red Sox, 2 to I. here today. The visitors were unable to athom Faber delivery. Collin walked In the sixth Inning, stole second, took hlrd on a wild pitch and scored the Inning run on Leibold' single to lefL Score: Boston I Chlcaso R H O AEI B H O A E K-per.r.. 4 on. a. . . 4 eaker.m 3 nnii-sel.1 3 IP. I... 4 en'kaen.l n ardner.S 3 4 Thomas. 3 Foster. p. m 3 utn.p .. 3 0 o 1 01 .. o e o oil V 'I Vurohr.r. S l.Weaver.a.. 0 O E.l olIlnaS 1 J. Colllns.1 0 I.elbold.l.. v Felach.ra.. u'Sr-nalk.c. . 3 0i Rlackb'n.S 3 UKat-ar.p... a u 4 - 4 1 3 0 3 0 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 S 3 0i 3 4 0 Washington 11, Cleveland . CLEVELAND, Aug. 13. Washington hit two Cleveland pitchers- hard and won 11 to 4. Gandil made two singles and two triples in flva times at baL Score: VBahlnrlMi-. I Cleveland o H O A K BHOAE Moeller.l.. 3 3 0 OuWIlle.m... 3 3 4 01 Foater I-- S 2 10 0 OTumer.3. . 2 3 O 40 MUan.c... S 1 1 0 O.Cbapman,a 3 1 3 5 0 Shanka.S. 3 14 1 j4.-un.r.. S3 1 0 0 Gandll.l.. 6 4 1 1 Kirk,,!... 6 1 la O Aena(a.r.. 3 1 O U U Smllh.l. . . i O II Barber.r.. 1 0 0 0 0 V. "Kanaa.2. 4 12 Henrr.c 3 3 4 4 2 O NellLc. . 3 0 4 McHrtde.a 4 0 0 k HiaorlM 3 O 2 boehllnc.p 2 10 UJonea.p... 0 O 0 iH'fr-man.p 0 0 0 icoumhe.p. 1 0-0 Paechel... 10 0 lEvao.".. 1 1 0 vol Totals. .37 IS '.'7 34 t Totals. .34 11 27 14 1 Batted for Harerman In (lftb. Batted for loumbe In ninth. Cleveland '.... 1010002 2 6 Waahinston 4l0U4Uiu 1 u Hun. Uoallar. Foater. Milan. Shanks. Gon dii k. iMit, Harber. Uenrv. BoahllnK. Wills 3. Turner. 4jhapman 2. Evans. Two- baa, nits. Henry 3. Tftree-baee oil, aioei lar. Milan. Gandil 2. Double plays. Henry to Ehankk to McBiide to bhank4i McBrlde to Foster to Gandil: McBrlde to Shanks to Foater. Hits, off Jones 4 In 1; Hagermaa 4 In 4; Coumbe 3 In 4. Base on ball,. Hager- man 2. Coumbe 1. Boehllne 7. Struck out. Ilufimn 3; Coumbe 2; Boehltng 4. plrea. Hildebrand and O Lougalin. Detroit 6, Philadelphia I DETROIT. Aus. 19. Detroit ham mered Wyckoff bard and often today and, aided by Coveleskie'a superb pitch Ins, defeated Philadelphia to 1. The gam waa a merry struggle until the eighth, when tha Tigers massed five bits for four runs. Cobb stole second In tbe third Inning while McAvoy waa holding th ball and took third when th catchers throw went to center. Score: Philadelphia I Detroit BHOAE BHOAE Kopf.s... 41 I 0 Vial 3 3 t 40 L.Li.v'ajn 3 4 1 OOHuah.s.... 4 1110 Utrunk.l- 4 1 13 SSCobb.m... 3 1 0 04 lJiJol,.i.. 4 3 3 4 4 Crawfrd.r 4 134 TVal.h.r.. 41 OOVeach.l... 3 1 1 00 O.drlns.L. 4 0 1 OSBurns.1... 4 111 10 Maione.L. 3 0 1 IOTouns.3... 3 14 31 Mcavov.o 2311 Stanaze.c. 4 3 4 1 0 VVjck If.p 10 4 l.Cov'lak e.p O 0 10 Total 11 I 24 14 II Totals. II 11 IT II Philadelphia 0 O 4 0 1 0 1 Detroit 3 0 0 0 4 0 4 Huna Rtrunk. Vltt. Bush, Cobb. Crawford. Veach. Burns. Stolen baae. Cobb. Tao-baaa hit. Vltt. Double plays. Lajole to Strunk: Vltt to Touna to Bums: Wyckoff to Kopf to Htrunk. Baaea on bane, w yckort 4. iove leakle 1. Struck out, Wyckoff 1. coveleakla Lmplras, Connolly ana v aiiace. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 19. St. Louis-New Tork two games postponed; rain. Dou ble-header Friday. WESTERN BOY LOSER William Johnston Bested by National Chaitipion. YOUTH VICTOR IN DOUBLES V 1 0 2 0 00 o o 00 o o 110 McLoughJIn Beats Johnson, of Philadelphia, and Griffin Puts Irving Wright Out of Play In Newport Tournament. . U'NAUARA WINS. TITLE BOSTON MAX TAKES OPEX GOLF CIIAStPIO.SHIP OF WEST. Brady Awarded Special Prise for Ea tabllahlag Reeord of 70 Strokes fea, 039-Yard Conine. Good.r Murray. Klaher.s. Schulte.t. zim an.2 f-aler.l. Wil'ms.m, ZabelV Kniaeiy.ra rhelaa.3. Archer.c. 1-av'der.p. M'liarry" waa second with 306: George Sargent. Bres h'n.x. third with 307, CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Tom McNamara. of Boston, today won the Western open golf championship at the Glen Oak Country Club, with a acore of 304 for 72 boles. A. Cunningham, of Wheeling, Vl. Vs., NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 19. R. Norrls Williams, of Philadelphia, National champion, defeated William M. John ston, of San Francisco, three seta to one in the fourth round of the single here today. Maurice E. McLoughlln, of Califor nia, vanquished Wallace Johnson, ot Philadelphia, three sets to one, 'and C. 1'. Griffin, of California, eliminated Irv ing Wright, of Boston, in straight sets. singles, fourth round C. J. orinin, ban Francisco, beat L C Wright, Boston, T-o, 2. 0-4. B. Norrls Williams XL Philadelphia, beat William r. Johnston, . San Francisco. 8-8. 10-4. -L 6-3. M. . McLouahlin. San Francisco, beat Wallace F. Johnson. Philadelphia, 5-7. 8-4. 8-8, 8-2. N. W. Mies. Boston, beat a. C Johnson, Boston. 6-1, 4-8. 6-3. 8-4. Caalno cup doubles, third round (J. J. Griffin and w. M. Johnston, San Francisco, defeated I. C. Wright and W. F. Johnson. Boaton and Philadelphia, 6-4, 6-3. R. Norrls Williams 11 and W. M. Wash burn, Philadelphia and New Tork, defeated T. K. Feu ana r . u. inmu, .New 1 or, 0-. 6-3. R. D. Little and F. D. Alexander, New Tork. defeated F. C. Dixon and Crals Blddle. Philadelphia. 6-3, 6-2. BKOOKLYX CLI3IBLNG HIGHER Chicago Defeated, 6 to 5, in Excit ing Battle in East. BROOKLYN', Aug. 19. The Brooklyn advanced within two points of the Phil Ilea today, when they beat Chicago. to 6, in an exciting battle. The vis itors overcame a four-run lead, finally tieing the score in the eighth, only to have Cheney send in the winning run with a wild pilch In the Dodgers' half of the same inning. Four pitchers were used. Lavender and Pfeffer being taken out because of heavy bitting. Two players were severely injured. Otto Miller was hit over tbe right eye with a batted ball during practice and was taken to the Midwood Sanitarium. Cy Williams was hit by a pitched ball In the eighth Inning. Score: Chicago I Brooklyn a ti u a c i ii n u a i. 3 2 1 0 0 .Myers, m... 4 1 1 00 1 0 0 0:O'Mara.B.. 4 0 0 30 1 0 2 llDaubert.1.. 4 0 8 10 1, S 0 o wneat,l. .. 4 10 1 0 Cutshaw.2.. 4 8 1 liStengel.r.. 3 3 0 OiMetz.3.... 4 u u Ui.M uarty.c. 3 lOil'feffer.p.. 2 Kucker.p.. 1 '''''' - MIBI 'si. f : lifer St' - eapsfimepwas beaufv and bpainsTiave found delight irv 1666 Times change and styles change, but the fundamentally good things of this world change neither in themselves nor in popular esteem. For 29 years Coca-Cola has held and increased its popularity. That' s because it is fundamentally delicious, refreshing and wholesome. Demand tha aenuine bv full name nicknames enooursgo substitution. of Washington, D. C, while fourth and fifth money waa di vided between M. J. Brady, of Wollas- ton. Mass.. and Walter Hagen, of Roch ester. N. W former national open champion, both scoring 309. Totals. .37 12 24 IS 21 Totals. .33 10 27 9 0 Run lor Williams In eixhth- ".Batted for Lavender In fourth. xBatted for Cheney in ninth. Cblcaso 01021001 0 5 Brooklyn 04100001 6 Runs, Good, Zimmerman, Saier 2. Fhelan, Two-base bit. Good. Three-base hit. Gets. noma run, ba:er. oioien Dases. uooa. juur- Saler. ZabeL Uyera, w heat 2. Earned runs. Chicago S, Brooklyn 4. Double play, Knlsely to Archer. Bases on errors, Brook lyn 2. Bases on balls. Lavender 1, Rucker 1. Hits, off Lavender 6 in 3 innings, off Chenev 4 In S Innings, off Pfeffer 8 in 4 1-3 Innings. off Rucker 4 In 4 2-3 Innings. Hit by pitcher. by Rucker, W llllama. struck out, by Laven der 2. by Cheney 1, by rTerier 2. empires, Klgler and Cocklll. St. Louis 4, Boston 1. Brady today broke the- course record I Wheat 2. Cutshaw, Stengel, sietx, McCarthy. of 73 holes lor tne J-yara imaa. ith a splendid 3a-3a-7o, and won s pedal prize for the best 18 holes. Gilbert Mchols. or Wilmington, mi., Metropolitan champion, finished Just outsid the money, with 311. CITV IE.Gl"E GAME CHAXCED ' Plcdmont-East Side Contest to Be yi i i r,.. 4".d Mm( a.-,cu .44,. . BOSTON". Aug. 19. Ames pitched At a meeting of the Portland City I well today and St. Louis won from Inina officials vesterday It wa de- I Boston. 4 to L The Cardinals hit both cided to play the Piedmont-East Side I Ragan and Tyler for scores, assisted by ame Sunday afternoon alter tne oan the formers passes. tieacner naa Lake-Portland contest. It was orig-1 big day at the bat. Score .,ii. in Bet the game lor I St. Loula I Boston i. i P.ri hull BHOAE BHOAE a. the crowds do not turn out to morn- g'; ; ' f 0,".""'.".".' ng games, ana it win oe imni ti" i Beichtr.1. B tier tbe Coast League contest, tne luoian.m.. J i ... ,i I w nsoo.r. . a """e-" ... .. Mlller.l... .4 Both clubs are tied lor iirsi piace KetIt.i .3. . 4 the league and have been battling snyder.c. 4 -ir .nil neck all through the season. Ames.p. . . 4 9 ' f THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ca. Vi jcI'? ' ? Whenever you aeo an Arrow, think of Coca-Cola Herzog.s.. Willlams,l Kllllfer.m Grlffith,r. Wingo.c. . Wagner.2. Rodgers,2. MOHWltZ.l Oalner Tntsla 31 T 14 113i Total. 2 S27 10 2 Bailed for Thomaa In ninth. otnn - ..0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 01 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 l) X 2 Runs. Sreaker. J. CoTllns. Leibold. Two- baae hit. Murphy. Thraa-baM hit. Gardner. olen baae. J. Conlna. Earned run,. Chl- 3. Doable plays. Scott to Hoblltsei Each club has won and lost on game to the other. Manager Grayson, of the ledmont team, will use either -rtuay Kalllo or Emery Webb on the mound. htlo Dave Gerrlck, the young Beaver recruit, will work for the Last bide Reds. The other City League contest will be played In the afternoon at bell- wood or at East Twelfth and Davis treets. . ORMOND WINS IX QUEBEC Valentine Entry Takes $5000 Pac ing Stakes at Donval. MONTREAL, Aug. 19. Grand Circuit racing was inaugurated In the Province of Quebec at Donval track today. The ueen Mary stakea for z:ub pacers, witn purse of SSOuO. waa won. by Judge Ormonde, C. A. Valentine's black stal lion, driven by the owner. Judge Or monde won the third and fourth heats nd rintshed second in the second heat. udge Ormonde'a time waa 2:04ft In the bird heat, this being the best time made during the afternoon on a track hat waa very fast. Hal 8- winner of the 2:13 pace, the opening event, won hi first heat In 07 1. and repeated In the next beat. his third and final heat time being 2:08. Todd Temple, with Snow up, won the 14 trot after de Roche, Mrlven by Ed eers, had won the second and third eata. DOX JOHNS TO RACE HERE Speedy Motorcyclist Will Appear in Portland Sunday. Don Johns, who won third place at the Tacoma race meet, will appear here at the Rose City speedway Sunday. Ar rangement have been completed to have thla fast rider and bis eight-valve machine compete in the race. He la conceded by practically all the author! - iea of the motorcycle world the fast- t rider on a dirt track. The flight of Aviator Louis Barin over the city last Saturday was suc cessful from every standpoint, and he succeeded In distributing over 300 com plimentary ticket. Erwin J. Baker, ho recently broke the coast-to-coast record and rode four relay of the trans continental relay race staged by the War Department, will have charge of the Indian pita at the track. AME REPORTED PLENTIFUL Nearly All Hunters Around Pomeroy . Fill Bags. POMEROY, Wash, Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) As many a 30 cars with hunt ers are reported to have gone into the hills and mountains Sunday In quest of grouse. Despite tbe fact that the woods were full ot hunters. In all but three cases (he hunting parties cam back with glme. i All the hunter report seeing flocks of game, but in only two cases waa the limit of five grouse reported. 4 4 4 2 OulCompt'n.m 3 0 1 OOjMagee.t... 4 1 1 0 USchmldt.L 4 0 12 0 0 Smith. 3... 2 0 1 6 0Ma'nvil!eji 3 0 6 lOjGowdy.c. 2 0 0 3 0 Whaling. c. 0 IFltzpafk 1 iRagan.p... 1 (Connolly" 1 iiugnes,p.. o t yier.p. .. s : jt 3 8 27 18 01 0 00 4 11 3 00 6 10 1 u 3 0 1 1 1 0 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 4 27 8 2 Totals. 83 8 27 18 0) Totals.. 31 Batted for Whaling In ninth. Batted for Ragan in fifth. St. Louis 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 I Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Runs. Huggins 2. Butler. Beacher, Magee. Tao-basa hit, Magee. Three-base hit, Bescher. Double play, Gowdy to Smith. Base on error. St. Loula 1. Basea on ball. Ames 6. Rngan 3, Tyler 1. Hlta, off Ragan 3 In 5: Bughes none In 2; Tyler 3 in 2. Struck out. Ames 1, Ragan 4, Tyler 2. Umpires, Klem and Emslle. Cincinnati 6, New York I. NEW YORK. " Aug. 19. Cincinnati continued its spurt today, defeating New York for the second time. The W4W larta! score was 8 to L Cincinnati has won eight of its last nine games. McKenery pitched a brilliant game for Cincinnati, and was ably supported. Williams led in Cincinnati's batting. drawing a three-base, a double and two singles In five times, at bat. Score: Cincinnati I New York B H O A El B H O A Ei Groh.S... 4 2 0 OOlBums.l 4 0 110 3 1 3 2 0 Kob'on,r.. 4 2 1 OO 6 4 1 0 0 Doyle.2... 4 2 4 40 4 1 2 0 0i Fletcher.,. 4 0 120 4 2 1 OO.Merkle.m.. 4 0 110 4 1 S 1 OiKelly.l.... 3 010 TO 3 0 0 2 0lLobert,3. . 3 1 2 '1 0 10 1 2 0'Meyers.c.." 3 0 100 3 1 16 OOlStroud.p... 0 0 0 00 McKen'y.p 3 0 0 2 OIGrant 1 0 0 00 ISchauer.r. 1 0 0 3 1 IBran'd.. 1 0 0 00 (Schuppj).. 0 0 0 10 Totsls. .34 12 27 15 ol Totals. .32 6 27 17 1 Batted for Stroud in third. Batted for Schauer In eighth. Cincinnati 03100100 1 8 New Tork 10000000 0 1 Runs, Groh 2, Herzog, Griffith. Rodgers. Mollwltz. Doyle. Two-base hits. Doyle, lirll- fiths. Williams. Three-base hits. Griffiths. Williams. Home run. Doyle. fetolen base, Alollwltz. Ijaa. on Da la. stroua 1. Hits. off Stroud 8 in 3 Innings, off Schauer 2 In o Innings, off Schupp 2 In 1 inning. Struck out. by Stroud 2. by Schauer 4. by McKenry 2. umpires, uyron and Kason. Pittsburg 8, Philadelphia 3. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 19. Pitts burg again hit Philadelphia pitchers hard today and won the game, 8 to 3. Demaree was knocked off the rubber in the third, and the visitors also got after Tincup in this session and in the sixth. Hartley was effective and was given fine support. Hinchman led in the hitting with three singles and a sacrifice in five times at the plate. Score: - Philadelphia B H O AE 4 0 110 Pittsburg B H O A Costello.l. S 1 1 0 0 Colllns.m. 4 2 4 Johnst'n.l 6 H'chman.r 4 Wagner.s. 4 Viox.2 4 Balrd.3... 3 Gibson, c. 3 Harmon.p. 4 1 10 3 2 2 4 2 0 2 1 1 5 1 0 Totals. 38 15 27 9 1 Byrne.3. . .. Bancroft.s. Paskert.m. Cravath.r.. L.uderus.1. Whltted.l.. Niehoff,2.. Klllifer.c. Adams.c. .. Demaree.p. l incup.p. . Becker... Stock t 2 2 3 12 10 0 2 10 2 11 0 0 0 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 10 1 0 00 00 Totals.. 35 8 27 17 2 Batted for Adams In nlnrn. t Batted for Tincup in ninth. Pittsburg .3 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 8 Philadelphia ,0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 Runs, Costello, Collins 2, Johnston, Hinch man. Wagner, Gibson, Harmon, Bancroft, Luderus, Killifer. Two-base hits, Luderus. Niehoff. Three-base hit, Harmon. Home run, Gibson. Stolen bases, Wagner, Vlox, Baird. Double play, Niehoff to Bancroft to Luderus. Bases on balls, Harmon 2, De maree 1, Tincup 2. Hits, off Demafee 7 in 2 1-3 innings. Tincup 8 in 6 2-3 innings. Struck out, Harmon 3 Tincup 3. Umpires, O'Day and Stockdale. PITCHER TRADE SOUGHT VERNON MANAGER SAYS M'CREDIE WANTS BILL FIERCY. Offer of Auy Portland Twlrler Except Coveleskie Is Reported to Have Been Refusfd. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 19. (Spe-. cial.) That tne Portland club had of fered any pitcher on its payroll for Bill Piercy, the young Vernon righthander, was the report made, here today ty "Doc" White, manager of Vernon, to Edward Maier of the club. According to White, Walter McCre dle, Portland manager, dramatically pointed to his bench, where the Port land pitchers were sitting, and said: "Look them over and take your pick. You can have any man on that bench except Coveleskie, if you will give me Piercy." White refused the offer, as he did not think any Portland pitcher could take Piercy's place with the Tigers. TEAM TRYOUTS ANNOUNCED Portland Golf Club to Select Eight for Waverley Match. Tryouts for the Portland Golf Club eight-man team to compete against Waverley Country Club next month In an interclub tourney have been an nounced for Saturday and Sunday at the club, near Firlock and Raleigh sta tions. Those competing will be required to make two rounds of the nine-holo course, ana tne eignt lowest gross scores will qualify for the team. BALL PLAYER IS ENJOINED Kansas City Deputies Stop Samuel. Mayer's Play at Brooklyn. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Tdo Deputy Sheriffs from Kansas Citv Mo., served an i injunction notice in Brooklyn to day on Samuel Mayer, first baseman of the Brooklyn Federal League club, who recently jumped from the Kansas City club to the American club. Mayer was restrained from playing with the Brooklyn's pending a hearing of the case in Kansas City next Tuesday. Is your cigarette sensible? AH w say is this mak nr 1 your toady cigsrett is aeo aibs, whether it is rauma or sotn other one. Is it coo' and friendly to your throat and tongue t Do it leave you feeling O. K. aftar a long day of smoking 1 Fatimaa certainly make good on these two point. Tha only question is wiH -they just suit your indi vidual taste? They may or they may not. But it seams reasonable that they aiioucf, tor they outsell any other cigar u costing over 5c So yon ought to try them. Do that today. The Tnrkifai Blend Ggaiette g 20 for K$ - 4 wwS: 1 . ' GOLFERS, ATTENTION! The 18-hole course at HAYDEN LAKE is one of the best in the West. Fall Tournament August 27, 28, 29 Splendid accommodations and cuisine at B0ZANTA TAVERN Beautifully situated on HAYDEN LAKE, a gem in the mountains of Northern Idaho. Fine bathing;, fishing;, tennis courts and walks. Reached via 4 t If 3 to Spokane, thence Limited Electric trains of the SPOKANE & INLAND EMPIRE RAILWAY For descriptive literature, particulars of fares, train schedules, etc., call on or address ' H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A, 348 Washington St, Portland.