Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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South Holds Its Candidate
Is Strengthened by Action
Taken by California.
Ore rod .dix alor Adrian Mrnbrn
o Tnrh n,m'le, Or
iun4 Do. and Naja tund
ard Mt Fl Advanced.
fKt-Axr. Cat. Am. it. roiiii-i
v-titty la tn lntrt cf th to can-dKtat-a
for tha praaUincy of tha Na
tional K4ii-ation A.aoclatlon raautttd
n44 lf Tra lAntl alignment of
fort-. oprwrtin Iail B. Johnson. of Vlnlhrt Normal an4 In
dustrial rlta at ftuckhlll. C and
opooani, Mi.a Ornr 14. tra-han.
al jitrt-t sarrintnf!nc of chooia of
itrouklya. .X. T
iiuoaortara of Mr Johnson aartd
thai id action of th alitorma oaia
nation In adiptlrta- rolull"na last
aisht dlihinc t " their nf:unra
a d-l4m farlor In tba l.-tlon
mad th alacti"n of thair randldata
carlaln. Thay asaart.4 mat tha
rn dal'Cstion wouirl totv "tillT for
kin and that tha l'arl(l- Inul mam
fcara nul't almoat unanimous for
trim, a ka tlBir. laat -ar and
In ad. r.rtain tha of It. PaTtd
trr Jordan, chanoaltor of Stanford
U alvaraity. tha
-Dark Mara-- fta IW.l--n
far tha "dark borw" candidacy
f Vra. JrKim i ITmiod. aurarln
tandanl of public Inalroction for Waah
Insron. feaa not d.opal. Tha actlea
of tha atifrnra dltto aa
rranntal tr tia d-'Uratton of Wlaa
tr.-haa lat n ou. r.rry tha ficht
for tha pr..i'l.n-T to th. ronrenlton If d.fat.t lf commute.
Tha aia.-ti.-n will ba held at tha pan.
ral t.ion TftqriJiT. .
A rla.a for aonormallr brlaht rhll
atr.n. aa well aa for the eubaurmal
rnrtl.. km ado-taU tolay by L-rt
M. Ttrman. aao-tata rtrof.saor of .du
ration at ffanfor.l fnnr.rsttr. ha (ore
the depart irrnt on achool hyai.n.
"It l the only way are can d Justlr
fa lhea rhlldr.n of BmiiiO I'rofeaaor
Tlrmi raid. "Tha a-.n.ral belief that
children of cenlua ar sIf-wtlld. oa
twul. a.rvou and parrrrtrd. la no
true. rdlnarr rl.aa in achool bold back
tudanta of veniu becauae they are
kept trier In ac-cordaac artth their
f hyrlral and nt mental ace."
Teawaera Tald t Track Taeaaelea.
Teachers were to teach tham alone the p:an of tlerman edu
cator!. In an addrrsa by lr. II. 1. Sliel
don. of the I'nKeraity of Orecon. be
fore the Laaaua of T'achera' Associa
tion actuated wlttt the National K4u
catton Association.
-Wo American taarhar ara wanting
to b le.-tura.l by aomeona elae." It.
frh.ldon aald. "We should do that our
elvea and not call In peopl who know
nothina; about our buatneea. . W must
ralae tha teachtne; profeaalnn In the
etimation of tha public, imr public
opinion la notortooaly laiy. but oma
tim Intclllcent.
"la ery larca Oar-man city teach
ers haa a laraa bulldln for thern
aeUe. where they live, work and
atudv. Thee eatabiuh walbtnc rluba.
athletic oraanltattona. lactur rouraea
and do ecr thine In tha way of edu
catlnc thamelea. inr American teach
er ar sadly In need of self-education
-A waare at present, wa ar ettlr
bow here. We ar ta a state of d.eor
(niMiinri. with tha result that pupils
and teachers both suffer.
for Instance. In rural district of
anme state alrts are permitted to teach
after beins: rraduated from the elahth
.!.!. The salaries ar smell, tha alrls
Incompetent, and aa a result two-thirds
of the rural schools chanfa teachers
ry car '
tha followln children: Mrs. Cora
Hlaarh flower. Newberit: Mra. Emma
Cooper. McMlnnriit: Addlaon klaaacy.
Tayton: Mrs. Lola Wilson. Portland:
Ira Vlaasay Dayton, and Harlay Maaaay.
Jurj Trial In necordr'a Court I
Proposed at Orrron City.
OREOOV CITT. Or, Aut. 17. (Spa
clL) Charter amendment, ai'lnc
tha rlht of a trial by Jury In tha Re
corder a Court and maklnc tba offices
of City Enlner and City Recorder
elective, ar beln prepared by Will
iam Stone. The amendments will ba
referred to the votere at tha December
city election. Mr. Mono aald.
Durtna- the proeecutlona following
the ctean-up earlier In th year, the
majority of defendants filed a motion
for a Jury trial, which was denied In
every case. Mr. Stones action Is
larsely an outrrowth of feeling- de
veloped at that time.
lcre Afoot for Pay In Honor of
Mra- Kta Emery Dje.
o'rE'IOX CITT. Or.. Au. 17. f!pa
clal Mr. Ka Emery Dye. author
of -Mcluahlln and Old Orea-nn." and
other books which bare sained Na
tional circulation, will leave for Kan
Francisco on th steamer Or eat North,
ern. Aucust J. and probably return to
bar home here about th middle of
neat month.
A movement has bean started at Ban
Francisco, accord in to word rclvd
her, to hold a Dy day or an Emery
day at tha ePsltlon hr bonor.
Tie Emeries ram to thla country In
I1S and th :itn anniversary of their
arrival will be celebrated this year.
Widow of Notrd Single Tax Worker
to Speak In Portland.
Mrs. Joaeph Kela. widow of the prom
inent etnele las worker, will arrlv In
Portland at Z 1 today to make sav
ers! addresses.
Mra. fr Is will speak Thursday nlaht
In the ball at th Central Ubrary. I'r.
J. W. Maushter. of London, will b
another speaker. Mra. Eels will ad
dress women's organisations at I
o'clock rVlday.
lln Kela la the widow of Joseph
Fe Is. who waa the creator of th Eels
find, which donsles to th elnsl tax
cause a sum eoual to all tha money
raised from other aources for that pur
pose. In Mr. Fala" party ara: Daniel Kief
er. chairman of the fund commission,
and Dr. flauchter.
Tree Kill Timber Kallcr.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or- Auai. 17.
typectaLI C A. Wood, a timber. faller
employed at camp No. S. of the Pelican
ly Lumber Company, near Marrlman
Lode, north of this city, waa atruck
by a falllnc tree and killed yesterday
morn mar. Wood waa 1 yeara of ae
and came here about a month a so from
Rutte Kalle. wbere he leaves a wife
and flv children. He aleo leaves s
brother. J. K. Wood, at Medford. wher
b will' b burled.
Marhfleld noalneiw Man Die,
MARWHFIELD. Or, Auit. 17. ISpe-
rlal Nets Kasmusaen. for year a
businesa man or thla city, out retires
for the paat elsht years, died today at
the Mercy lloepllal. aa-ed about 9
v.srs. He leave a widow and one eon.
iurdnn Kaamussan. who waa prominent
In Urtcoa Aarlcuiturai t.ouea;e sl.i-
leltra for several years
Man Given Lift in Auto to
Gold Hill Not Identified
as Jailbreaker Sought.
Cache 40 Milea JVora Grants Pass
Announced and Character of
Country Is Thouirtit to Pre
clude Early Recaptnre.
GRANTS PASS. Or, Aug. !" (Ppa-
clal.) John Austin Hooper, th Ken tie-
man outlaw and Jail-breaker, nas
dropped from sight. Nothing has been
heard from him since R. E. Kron ana
nsrtv left him atandlng In the middle
of the road at Rogue River, nine miles
south of here, to which place Hooper
had been taken by Kroh In an auto
late Sunday night, at th point of a
Th Ion pedestrian who wa given
a rid to Uold Hill that night by a
passing auto cannot be connected with
At Roaru River Hooper Is in weu-
known territory, having passed several
months In that vicinity Isst Winter. It
is hillv country and well adapted to
any escape. It Is believed that Hooper's
farewell statement to me nmu vmi.?.
I have a 40-mll wain aneaa oi me
tonlahu" was not mads to tnrow tne
officers off th track.
Questioning Jo Collgne. tne itauan
who aaalsted Hooper to escape, brought
out th fact that they were to meet
i.i mil south of here, where Hooper
declared he had a cache of supplies and
money, and from there they were to go
over the Siskiyou Mountains Into tha
Klamath River country Into Northern
California, and. according to Collgne.
If they failed to meet at th place des
ignated by a rough eneicn given mm
by Hooper. Collgne was to go on over
the mountains to the Klamath River
and Inquire for Jim Fine, a friend of
Hooper, who would care for Collgne
until Hooper appeared.
It Is about '4u miles from where
Hooper waa left by Kroh over to the
California line. A few miles over the
hills to the Applegate River and once
In th mountain beyond tha Applegate,
purauit would be folly. It la a wholly
uninhabited, wild, mountainoua country
for milea. but easily traveled by a man
acquainted with that section. This Is
In the "Oregon cavea country." the
place selected last. Summer by "Joe
Knowles" for his "nature stunt." last
ing to days without clothing or assist
ance from man. Knowle styled this
section as "the wildest, roughest,
grandest country on the Psclflc Coast."
If John Austin Hooper has headed that
way. as seems highly probable, he Is
thought to be safe for a time at least.
ETangellf to Speak Tonight.
Evangelist M. H. St. John, will lec
ture tonight at P. M. at tha tent tab
ernacle. Thirteenth and Morrison
street, on th subject. "Will Rome Rule
America? a Htble Prophecy. jnepuo
lie I Invited
aajkw. j-fc ' tftMJ
The Greatest in the History of Portland
Something for Every Man
" ar
Thousands of dollars of Hart Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats,
Manhattan and Arrow shirts. Stetson and Trimble hats, fine neckwear,
belts, gloves, hosiery and other things too numerous to mention at al
most nothing. Hundreds of people are taking advantage of this economy
buying fire sale.
Be With the Crowd Today. Many
New Surprises in Store for You
Sale at 9 A. M.
Northwest Corner 3rd and Morrison
EACH OK $ 1 50,000 PROPERTY.
Merchants or Eugene Adopt Reso
lutions of Condolence I-aud-Ing
Iao S. II. Friendly.
EUGENE. Or.. Aug. IT. (Special.)--The
three daughter of the late S. H.
Friendly are bequesthed $5000 each and
the balance of a $150,000 estate is given
to his widow. Mrs. Mathilda Friendly,
to be held during her lifetime, accord
ing to the will of the former Eugene
merchant and university regent, whose
unexpected death last Friday came a
he was about to leave for a trip to the
The will provides that at the death of
the wife the property is to be divided
between the three daughters Mr. Car
rie Friendly Harris, of Los Angeles:
Mrs Theresa Friendly Wachenheimer,
of New York City, snd Mr. Rosalie
Friendly Hay, of Eugene.
Dean Hay will be appointed admin
istrator of hi father-in-law's estate.
Mr. Hav will continue in tne capa-
city of manager of the Friendly store
in Eugene. Mr. Hays Is a graduate of
the University of Oregon, well known
over the state, and the store is one of
the oldest and largest In the Willam
ette Valley. His parents reside in Port
land. Resolutions of condolence adopted
last night by the merchants of the
county were in part:
"An all-wise Providence has recently
seen nt to remove from our midst one
of his noblemen. Samson H. Friendly,
a man beloved by all who knew him
and one whose place can never be filled
in the hearts of the people of Eugene
and Lane County."
Morson Company Asks Extension.
SALEM Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
Announcing that it has been unable to
complete the work because ot ine
financial depression i-auocu , -
European War. the Morson Land Com
pany today asked the State Desert Land
Board to apply to the Secretary of the
Interior for a three-year extension of
Hunters Find Deer Scarce.
GASTON. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.)
Forty of the best hunters of this sec
tion went out after deer Sunday and
came back empty handed and with
little ostentation. The only authentic
report of a killing comes from Jack
Williams. WnO COI M 1 " '
Commerce Commission Smju Millions
Were Lost In Various Exchanges
of Stocks and In Discounts.
WASHINGTON. Augr. 17. The Inter
state Commerce Commission's report on
Rock Island Railroad financial affairs,
made public here today, says the com
mission's investlgation ftas demonstrat
ed the need of legal limitation of rail
road security issues and has empha
sized the need of a law to fix respon
sibility for dissipation of corporate
The report declares' "that the prop
erty of the railroad company will be
called on for many years to make up
the drain on its resources resulting
from transactions outside the proper
sphere in which stockholders had a
right to suppose their monies were in
vested. "This record," it adds, "emphasizes
the need of railway directors who actu
ally direct. There are top many pas-
sive directors who acquiesce in what
is being done without knowledge and
without investigation."
The report says it appears to be the
idea of those in control of the Rock
Island that it was no concern of the
public what became of the corporate
funds bo long as rates were reason
able. The losses found to have been
sustained by the railway company in
connection with the transactions re
specting exchanges of stocks in con
nection with the St. Louis & San Fran
cisco, Chicago-Northern Consolidated
Indiana Coal Company and Rock Island
Improvement companies and others
were $20,000,000, besides payments by
the railroad prior to June 30, 1914, to
financial institutions in connection
with the issuance of bonds of commis
sions aggregating more than $1,600,000
and suffering discounts of more than
A woman enjoys beiiic a martyr if it
doesn't cut into her afternoons too much.
Ninth Annual Factory Shoe
Sale, Friday, Aug. 20.
Mr Hav will rontlnua In thr capa- William, wno wax - I
M imiiiii iiewiw awsasw i mmmmmm
.M'L'"lll""l",J 'JImi'iis""ii'i 7' - "" U" saai.l jiii I mill mi s . '' 7'.'."".'J - ' - nil,
MITO al c K :..!: .T K-lil-to
d mni
y.a mm Da.kt tra Aaw Dn.
pats Trsra ta Haa) la Trara.
la M I'allla.
tT.VO Fs:CM. Cl. An. IT Foar
l.roo. r. ktltd lata loiir ah. a
a Scnl fair uiomihi'. ati.mptad 10
cro ! irar-aa ct lh Salt l. Koala
Ka'foad In Irnnl ot a an l'-l rrt Iratn.
T lad ara Mr. Harry Wilan
man 1 ! I.s Jad Wa.lrnman. I.
y.r ismtrtt'r M-a. M J. MulllhiU. .
ar 1 . K llilinc.. Jt
II. A alr cf th aulomo
fet!. was Injur!.
"Tha rt-U an.1 lrur4 ar all Tl
trnta of Ix-na- Pa.-I.
. Aootl.r woman who la bllal lo
a o in tr. ma.-Mna hn !
oUtsln H-currei oral Injury.
Ac-orJin la ..aritn.s. iba front
hl of Ida auiomo&lla struck tha
ma:i whaala of fia o.-moti aa tt
automoMI drlr attrmptaj to turn
s car in th sm 4irsvttn aa t :a
lxomoilTt to -m a collision.
Utt- I'H-slr to lUr lolUrd To
day by t-iltt!rra' Online.
Ta th r.l srk!r rhtldr.n Say will
l. lrata at taa toilar whan
alt caii.lrn un.lrr li will ba adiuit
fraa to ta amus.mant para. Th
tAfousat. or tnrr -eo-roortd. will b
trio attraction opratl Irr for tba
ban.f.t cf the ountcra.
Hapttst iy a claratJ at T!ia
Okk. .trrtav. tha rr.rmb.ra of Is
liat'tlst cftur-n.a of Portland Jotntna In
a puntr. wMv-ii waa aponsoraj by th
womat rn.m r.rr of tha White Tam
p a. About nimr.r of th dif-
frrvat chur hra J.n4 In a ba.bat pic
ic and lotUL aanaJ at o'clavk.
W. P. Mwrr 'am to Lain t'oonty.
Orrron, In
SALKM. tr. .o IT. iSpactal )
Th furwral of Wiliiaro I" Maaaay. born
In Missouri In 1. HI ba bld at
tna boma li viutnaby at 1 3 oclock
Thursday morninit. Rt. J. Boweraox.
f rortlanl. will conduct th aarrlcaa
Int.rtnant will ba In Clatt Ccma-
'jJr. Massay cro.d tha plains In 1155
wita hia paranta. a.ttlin; In Lna
Coorty. Th sno4 to yulnaby mrr.
ral ar lat.r. lir I urrivd by his
wm.w Mra, Oil Wilson Masacy. and
at a
ee mew
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
Morrison Street at Broadway, Portland, Or.
riease send catalogues and full information re
trardinjj Victor Victrolas and your easy payment plan
(Sign here) .
Victrola XVin
Victrola XVIII electric $350
Victrola XVI electric $250
Daily demonstrations any Victor dealer
will gladly play your favorite music. Other
styles of the Victor and Victrola $10 to
Victor Talking Machine Co Camden, N. J.
Always ffoinff forward, advancing daily more nearly to the very highest
ideals, the Victrola stands today at tha highest attainable point in musical re
production that the world has yet known. More beautiful, more perfect in
design and finish are the newer designs than any that have preceded. You will
greatly enioy the wondrous beauty of their tone and the exquisite taste
shown in their design.
Our particular pride is that the service we offer in our VICTROLA DE
PARTMENT has made ours the most popular Victor Stores in the West
II mm I
Victrola XVIII, $300
Matched mahogany cabinet with
paneled moulding, swell front and
aides. '
Morrison Street at Broadway Portland
SAN FRANCISCO 1 217-225 Sutter
OAKLAND 1209 Washington Street
SAN JOSE 117 South First Street
LOS ANGELES 416 South Broadway