THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18.' 1915. 3-FOLD REASON FOR MAX HONORED AT SAX FRANCISCO EXPOSITION AS OREGON'S TRADE IS HUGE FOREMOST CITIZEN. . HPHESE are the very newest Fall suits I am showing at special prices. Fabrics and models that exhibit the best skill of weaver and tailor; weights suitable for early Fall wear along the Pacific Coast. Lumberman Says Compensa British Expert on Credit Ex plains Abnormal Exchange and Offers Remedy. tion Laws, Waste and Un truthful Publicity Hurt. UNSALABLE STOCK BURNED GOODS STILL IN DEMAND AMERICA'S BALANCE r i i --aaawaaiasaawsa' Z' - ' ' DEPRESSION GIVEN Smaller Mill Drclarrd lo Lck F- cllltW for rtllUlnjc Low-Grmde .Material Su.tcrM.ona for. Improvrmrnt Offered. BAN FRANCISCO. Auf. 17. Work- ains romptnMtton laws, failure to wte mat rial and "untruthful publicity" riordinf the destruction of forf-ts, with consequent appeal to peo- pta to u substitutes for wood, were riven by L A Slfrldxe. Jr of W. lets. Cat. today as con trlbu tine fc tors in the lumber Industry's depres sion. Mr. rlfrtdce s president of a larirs lumber company. l appeared before the Federal Trade Commission In It Pttwn session here. Waxes, ha satd had not lnrrad operating mul. but the Insurance laws had caused an In ere of from rents to II on each t of payroil. which ouxht to be met In some manner "Inability of the small m;lls to work profitably low -trade material Into re- fined products l responsible for strady suptlT of fuel f r I bu riv er V Mr. s-tfrtdr said. I oaalahl Maraed. "So-- h now burned for lack of market could bo sold return at iea.t a port to of rnanufarturtn . unu Knued and efficient selling or a nida tion. iiiAtioninc by members of the com- arld'M-el statements that th rvd wood lurrber Industry had not de oCd atfcnCton to f.ndma new bees for wood and that tnorarre of trade cnHition often rauoi maU milts to rnk ridiculous" prices. lvprMton tr the Industry. atd from the immediate effects of the Eu ropean 4f. was charvd larcely to v r:r;i .r . u- THRONGS IN attendance wae slven as one reason for redwood IS OBSERVED Honors Heaped on Mr. Benson at San Francisco. lumberman's ba awardns la orjtants tnc for trade betterment. Haifrstleas for lassteweeaaewf W The. three sixe.ttons for ment uf conditions were offsred by Mr "Aarwements permittlnc ovantsatlon f Umc onct for esx-h Industry "Maintenance of a uniform fretsrht rate on fret prod arts to permit thr cloeeet utiliattoni of raw materials a Kir the itump a. po.tre. "lMii fiatitn f ehtpptnc and aavl ftati-m law to permit the ue of f-r- of the entire state and Nation. Jo the ein bottom under American recta olden times, when people met as we tr In trttercontat trade and to meet do today, royalty presented a patent of competition ir th worlds trade" nooiuiy. In our democracy w can only Amonc the plan suKestd fr re-I tTe to Simon Deneon with royal iccod Itevtns: th situation wa one by eorce I wiefies and noble thoucbts this medal X. Wrn.lUns. of tUn rranrtjtro. w bo I commemorative of splendid Ideals ajid tne pr cf lumber by the Trad Com- I Olorle of fjtpoltloa and Hospital- It of Many J I carta Combine to Make Climax of Oregon Week Memorable. lOoatlneed From First fff. nt.i4n fmm the ntttl to the consumer, a fowinc profit 1-j the retailer, but erminattns the wholesaler and the brnhr. I NEXT TO BEST NAVY URGED rtrran of I orr t sn W ara Adpt Krolntln fr lefene. IKTIiOIT. Aur K. The. Veterans of I wrrun Uars of the t'ntted States, as-s-niMel : National ronventtta here, tntiy adapted resol'ittons fsvorlnc a ay second only to that of tirat Hrlt au. a rsular Arm of men: a irnc iir of J !.. to meet In vamp anruialfv. and tne applntment of a Natinal l-cilatie romrr.tMinn which d)I-1 ro-op-rate with ail patriotic so- c i-ite. in the plans for adequate de- f n c. ptirtrvc th di uion of the report rf tU resolution lomnttttee Itice . Hear. f lnf r. the -ha i r ma n sa I d -'I'relirr in.try to the adoption tf plans f.r a larger Army an. ay the n-P'irarv- cntpantee of te I'ntted States ehuld be 14 ih( or compelled by law pt to ! tcr im i r.ate a sain t the man w ho enlist for National dfrne. Many barriers w M-h now dt-ourace men with fmilte from enlisting must be sept astd.' OREGCN DIRECTOR RETURNS II. 1. HrOrl Krport. on A:rk-alt unil l.irn.ion Contention. nRCi! AORti'tXTfRAt- rot. ort:i. .a. i iicii. Ji. I: MvtJt. dtrt-tor of th. nrvKoo Acrl'ulturl l.Utf"- Kltrn. ton S.rct r.turni liv from CaL. tt hr fc h bn ttnl:n ih crn tvntion of th. KiUn.)on s't-tln of tho rT-ri.An .OvHuuon of AcrUuitural tt.iotf rh.irm.a of th. Convention. I'lrrvtor ll-tst a tn cIim tourtk wltb the pro'r.t: n . An. I report, that th reniiiin w or K of th. orf.on Auri rulrurl C"tIJ favorably itk that in other t.t. oooi. oeeua. ana nope h. will receive II Kith equal aatiaractloo wtb arblcb I confer II on him." Mr. Uenaon 4 the medal amidst loud apUa. and reeponded br'.tf.j but apprupriateljr. He eald In part: Mr. t.h.trir.aa aa4 tl.ntl.m.a : urtioi 1. r.4 ... and m lh. r-r tilecn.. n4 and it la u; r..-.ntl? tbel of lb r..i etat. B to convinc. )ou .no ha. ours..d to tt fh: m'rv.iou. r.a Fraa. eo.tloa ttec . ..-a . part aaS a.rv.l l ta. t'nii.d ataiea. Oeecaa Train HMwk. Tauh irreeoa la ifiowtii b manv to be a Ira. ...M i.drae vu III im.mb.r thai I..... aad t:.rk. In tti. tlmu..lrd bp l'r..Mat Thuma. Jtffitioa, a ... from t:ia Atljiiitu to in. I'ac.t.c by ear ef Uftl-I Tt. Uarine ptoa.ra ar.k tua tne Itnc f l..t mttiiDt fuilo.l a fee vrara later and canvd out what .aa .ad i. kno.n a. tn. lr.oa Tra;l tiaie.l by trtound. a.ltmc tne a.w i.i I'oritr.ry I. a.n.t.l blt.f .e are tun. lieu.. tne aooa .orb by a I'nrtrt. earnret n.tar lo d.eUp u; nalurai tf.iurc and Be state ha. nrounra, by a..bin ecv.!bi.. rhla .. ara do. Inc tartiitti tha tnelium cf aMd r..:. Tn. .ria of vrc.n ta 49 ei)uare mit.a aad ha. a popu. alio, of only M.o-u. why. c.n t.rm.n. many of aur rouotttt .Sired In ar.a many of tne etat.e from .bM:b fey n..L To construct Mchwaja to tap this Irs penal domaia ta nt tn. work o( a day. yt .. ara not tasctna behind the bVa.t. the sl.doi. West, ir.e 'uln .r our enterprising Dr;Mor of the I'aiinr 4.a.I. I r.nt.y too a jaunt of oei muca through 1? yrr son twinitri. and la .ry one of thrm I (.und a dp. enlhustastic In th. road pram Ktcry.n.r. Ifiis form of de- -..rrnnl seemS uypcrmwsl la peoples real lllfh.ay I. Be tasaeeL Wa ppie of cireeen Invite you all to visit us a.. I far ae Oreson la concerned he ha picked th rock a out of the 'Rocky road to Dublin'; he has brought the farmlne; community and th city to- Kether. evening- up th opportunities: and he has don It so nobly and simply as to Inapor th chief executive of our stat to com down her by th beloved old title, plain Dr. Wlthy- combe. to do him greater honor. "What Simon Benaon has done I suKKestlv to other rich men. who. by following his lead, would do much to diminish discontent between labor and capital. II Inspires th feeling that rl h men have aomethlnc better to do than make wills for sons to fight over and give Jobs to men of my profes sion. JI has caused to be ouui a roaa equal In magnificence to the chaam mad by God Almighty when ne caused th Columbia Klver to flow from the mountain to th sea a road un equalled anywhere on th glob today. pattern In road making. TVIcsrraana Cans by Scares. Mr. Logan then read a few of Mr. Benson's telegrams which poured in from J. C. Hoyt. Portland Ad Club: John Pearson Lang, Julius L. Meier, Hy Ellera and his entire executive sales oraanlxatlon. Bend Commercial Club, progressive Buelnens Men's Club, A. M. Shannon, H. C Bowers, josepn x. Ilealr. A. H. Albert. O. H. Johnson. Mayor of Ashland: Leslie and Truman liutlcr. of Hood Klver; Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County; Portland Itoiary Club. Ira r . Powers. Mark A. Mayer. It. K. Scott, or Hood Klver Commercial Club: K. P. Horan. A. If. Blrrell. Kred J. Johnson. Dean Vincent. W. B. Warren, C. C. Colt, of the Portland Chamber o." Commerce committee on the official dedication of th Columbia River Highway; J. C Alnsworth. John K. Carroll. K. L. Thompson. Frank E. Smith. P. K. A I bee. A. C. IHcklnson. l outs Lang, Frederick A. Krlbs. C. B. Waters. Slg Slchel, J. W. Stapleton and A. J. Hill. Preeltlent Moore e luncheon, which followed, was a delightfully intimate affair. In which touches of humor snd bits of pathos kept the tears and the laughter close neighbors. Vice-President Crocker was toastmaster. Men f te at Luacbeen. Every on of th speeches was sparkingly brilliant, aa would be ex pected from such men as Charles Crocker, vice-president of th exposi tion: Judge William Bailey Umir, Carke Howell, of th Atlanta Consti tution: Samuel Hill, Arthur Arlett, Cyrus II. McCormlck. of the Interna tional Harvester Company. Chicago; President Kerr, of the Oregon Agricul tural College: Commissioner Logan. Mr. Jones, vice-president of th St. Louis i Exposition, snd t rank Branch r.iley. who covered himself with glory, mak ing easily the great speech of the hour. After each of these had poured forth a veritable avalanche of oratory In ap- preciatton of Mr. Benson, the great mo ment cam when our first citixen rose to his feet, with sincere pleasure in his Curtailment of Tourist Travel Im portant Factor Nation Must Have Credit If They Continue to Make Purchases. LONDON. Aug.17 Sir George Palsh, editor of th London Statist, gave to the Associated Press today a statement concerning the present abnormal rate of exchange and the proposals for rec tifying the situation by establishing a large credit in the United States. Sir George Is a recognized authority on in ternational credit operations. Concern ing the present situation he said: "The fall in American exchange on London to a discount of about 4 per cent is due simply to the great pur chases of American products by the peoples of earth. In normal years Eu rope paya the United States for goods purchased largely by means of sums spent In Europe by American tourists. This year there have been naturally few tourists visiting Europe from the United States. Asaerleaa Exports Iaereaaed. "Moreover, Europe this year is buy ing from the United States much great er quantities of goods than normally American exports to all the world in June having been not less than 70 per cent greater than normally, while her Imports from the rest of the world were smaller than usual. Thus the trad balance In favor of the United States is quite exceptional. "For the six months ending with June, America's imports were reduced some 1115.000.000. Her exports ex panded (6S4.O0O.O00. Her tourist ex penditures, which normally are at least $200,000,000 a year, were practically nothing. "Last year, however, she was bor rowing money from Britain and Eu rope, whereas this year she has been buying securities back from Europe. After allowing for all outgoings the trade balance in favor of the American people in the first half of 1915 was nearly 1700.000.000, and they took pay ment of this vast sum in about $120. 000.000 In gold and the balance tn se curities and credits. Balance Ceatlnnea Grove. But In the June half of the year Amerlca'a exports were much smaller than they will be tn the December half of the year, and in the next six months to Christmas the balance of exports over imports in favor of the United States, after making allowance for all outgoings, for interest and service. probably will be one thousand million dollars: it conceivably may reach a still greater figure. "The amount or exports from tne United States in the current half-year depends upon the American people themselves. If they wish to sell their goods they will have no difficulty in doing so. Obviously it is quite' Impossible for Europe to buy upwards of two thou sand millions of dollars of goods from the United States In a single year nn- Shown here at prices: three attractive Special $14.85 Special $19.85 Special $23.50 Look at the men's new topcoats in knitted fabrics; extremely smart and stylish. t Main Floor BEN SELLING Morrison at Fourth less the American people are willing to do what the British people always have done take payments for goods in securities. American exports will be limited in the current half-year only by the ability of the European and other nations to pay for goods, first by shipment of their own products to the United States; second, by shipment of gold: third, by sale of securities, and, fourth, by means of credits. If the American people are dubious about giving credit, then it is obvious the amount of goods they sell must pe re duced to the amount for which the na tions can pay for by other means." . Fntnre Depends on America. Sir George says the question whether Great Britain will continue to buy or will enforce drastic econo mies at home depends on the United States. He adds: "As the American people are desir ous of extending the foreign trade and wish to make the United States a great international money market, I have no doubt they will, when they know what is needed, gladly provide all credit fa cilities necessary to enable European and other nations to buy their wheat, corn, cotton, fruits and many other products of agriculture and manufac ture, not only to a normal extent, but the abnormal and vast quantities es sential at this time of war. "None can question the present un paralleled opportunity for America to extend her trade and commerce, as well as tq add to her reputation as a great money market, and no one who knows the American people can doubt they will rise to the occasion and by grant-j tnsr necessary facilities sell greater' quantity of products than they ever expected to sell in foreign markets, and at the same time rectify the foreign exchanges." FARM SPECIALIST COMING Agricultural Department to Send Man for Oregon Survey. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis. Aug. 17. (Special.) Accord- DONT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. 7:30 o'clock Saturday even ings is the last minute at which' classified ads will be accepted for Sunday's Oregonian. Don't wait until this time, however. By bringing them in sooner you will avoid confusion, there will be less likelihood of errors and you will more than likely secure better position. Classified ad vertising forms close on other evenings at 9 o'clock. extension service of Oregon Agricultu ral College. This will place at the disposal of Oregon farmers a specialist who will work under the direction of the exten sion division of the college in making surveys of groups of farms throughout the state. H. F. Keyes has been trans ferred from Connecticut to Oregon for this purpose. BAR LICENSE DUE SEPT. 15 Lewis Treasurer Sends Statements to Saloonkcners in County. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) County Treasurer Raus:ht has mailed to the saloonkeepers of Lewis County statements that their taxes will be due and payable by September 15. His action is pursuant to an order of the State Board. It is planned to col lect 'all of the taxes of the county be fore the licenses expire, from time to time, prior to December 31. when the state will ero dry. ing to negotiations Just completed with the United States Department of Agri culture, a bureau of farm management demonstrations is being added to the CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th; Kind YonHava Always Bough Boars tha Signatwo of I'flo'nZ?.1 f j nd mlimg .weetly down the long. a few worda on hia vision of a con-! Uniioue Pacific Highway, then added: "I hope before many years you can I go from Mexico to Vancouver on the I high." I Vlce-rresident Crocker, the toast-1 master, said: "In all the exposition I affairs and I have attended many never have I heard such simple elo-1 qiience as we have had from Simon tnon trwley PENNSYLVANIA TO VISIT (iiirrmtr FtrumhnrsH ant Party of in -rnl Pay In lonlanl. c will f .-. rsiav U t roil from ti minus f th t'olumb-st H.gtfr to A -tn r to miifi ovr a bu.rd .' 4 I. tu th niiimun grad of t pr cnt por.Uoil hwr ;ttir ran t.icim i an ! K'm'ilorn.m or th Paclf.e H .i f.v. or ue lb Highway la tin' ri Cn.umbia. 'f luurif .u tlt want lo make a tr: orr trial cr. vt m l cnlo tliorauch- mrw, .-. ,urnt a Hlcftway. TM l-.rn or l n onjffni rva4 ha b-n apra4 far and m ir..! JujCt lrnatf-n tantl.n abw tria m e"t v i nluub a Hi r aar.jr ! f t a t uc np mi t th mu h a Krc fo m4 ft cl'ff i to In fr-t Ma. anS ... ro m.. hr th Wll U:r'".f h:po ;. th -URi of thta Sat ira. imJM", if vuu raa. a m of i m; ova-r a hH-fur faced rd ft !4 th mno-fl hating a raJ.u of ? fsat at? 4 a mi 'm u t trit- of 4 pr r nl. Ii-oni.t -swDUrrral grgm aitn It , tn K amath f.ani a mad mMn t ti .ncth Pirf B'd oul oi ruta. Tht r"4 la P' f th h!ha lcattr. ta matt;a v-w nic on.lT. trair Lake, an f I fa Bu:il ait tsit It. v a t itoru r-; rcnitutt that this frm of umr 1 at trari hm- lhrt, and rltfTn'flJ to prrirl trtm attn a. i th tnrir at our com- mild A k.nd VrtJiJ -.- na fd ut wi h fa'' tra' a .and rplt IM stManit;a aad aiai ttb fT ad iflARKFN RRAY " " a m tj HAIR EASY, SAFE Artbur Artlt. raprrarnttnc th Gov- amor of i'altfornta. atd "It la happin" to n jronmtiT " . wM.-y...- -t im m hirnnrfi to no jronaiir . wxth a rrt f mon and J f tVTwnt th- tiovrttor of California woman. tit ra in TortUn4 t- Urr t(Ha-. I have a broth-r In rrt lm r . r-turnmc from a i.t to tb Ub4 x 0n m ranrb near Klamath I'.n.mA.iVific HM--.ttion- Hi rrtv K an( i9itt ,tata on my m tho itjr frnrn I orl.a I. XI. to i . mi.ini.tPti. TH i'nrniuMt sWiriy ha aarr ( 7 . . i that you of Oroaon. f ormot Um mr of tho i t t t ntfu lh J tUtlnr J A i'urrov. ratarr of tha lnnva tan a ttv. artll bt chairmjta of tha rtfan i.4t )! a vtmmittro. WOMAN'S BDY IS FOUND )lr- . II. Knllrdcr Dm AIoih In .Ipartmnl anl nlory Ortlrrrd. Mrs W. II. IWM.)t t-teir'l strt. tl.-t a wnUm am tim. ,i S-m$v aa fon4 m I North Tan- l.n la her apart nie maht. The ' 3 oclor-fc last tua-.t cv frasa. ai'I'wr. manager of th- arartmants. lr. liutfr.). M la a horo btwer. raa ba ab.r.t from t cltr about tn da. Mrs. ICutUfiaa nss last sen a al I oriers Mon !ar o'cht. As s.stant City I'hys.rtart Law (oa r levra dsstn was 4 so f aatural eaqa Aa utpv will b hetd to ift.rmis the aitmsst st:cs caused dratn. honetmoon- This Is eno-tgh to rapitalise ail Oroo for me. There la a deep sisntf liinc. In this day and In the fact In the ga llon In governmental matiere. i mm .m all of ua ta. notes, have named aa your foremoat ritisen. as represent ing jour niafteet Id 'as. a man who has ner held public office, but who romee aa an axpreaaton of tha quiet life of tr'o sorns Oregonian-" D. O. lively then Introduced Gov ernor Withycorobe aa "one of the most Iot1 of men. -Wo do not hvnor a man beca'iea he has imal millions." said Mr. Wlthy romoe. "We honor and admira hlra t-ausa he la a man. rrpre-entlng the h:ansst tpe of cittsens'.tp. On thel part of the people of Oreaon I want! to emrreas our appreciation of the great j tribute yo are paying the man we j iovo to honor. wan of aMnar Trne Honors 4. Commlsaloner lcan was next Intro dared. II said: "Ve t today to do; honor to a man representing a sin-1 g :lar type, to rich man coming back; to t-ia own people and placing Ma f or-j Itune gamed br tha frarnest or autolli again with his state dividing It. Asj New Treatment Not a Dye. H armies Turn Gray Hair Dark and Lustrous. If our hair Is (ray. streaked with gray, prematurely or just turning gray: If your balr is falling: If you have dandruff and your head Itches, stmpty shampoo your scr.l. and hair a few times with W-Kan Hair Color ! Itcsiorer. Nothing e:ae required. In a day or so all your gray hair will turn to Its natural youthful dark shade. Kntire head of balr will become clean, fresh, lustrous, -ravy, thick, soft, full of life, dark and handsome. Q-Ban is harmless, la not a dye. but acts on the roots, making hair and scalp healthy, so tha gray hair naturally turns beau tifully dark, so evenly tha' no one can tall It has been used. Also imri Itch Ir.g scalp and dandruff. Uet a big 7-os. bottle for only it cents. Apply aa di rected on bottle. If Q-Ban doean't darken your gray hair, tt cents re funded. Call or write Huntley's Drug Store, Fourth and Washington sts.. lortiand. or. Out-of-town folks sup plied by parrel post. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, la taso ajr of ar Aaaaal Factory ta-aa a a la, alwaya tbo aeaaatloa of to year. WRIGHT'S roa. rot'RTH ad Atnr.n t-. - 2.-- ft riO' PJJ 71 I STt 1 It .1 -Information for Tourists Mountain, River and Beach Resorts Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point, or the trip you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce or phone them Bell Phone, Broadway 440, or Automatic, A 6091. Information will gladly be given. Literature of interesting points furnished Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Resort literature. The Oregonian asks the names and addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with name of your party to Summer Resort Dept., The Oregonian, Portland. The Oaks ( ta Coney Island of tha We; Every form of entertain--cent and accommodation for tour Ista. Orcheatral and band concerts, prima dnna and musical comedy company every afternoon and night It, th open-air theater. Perform ances free. Admission to pare 19 cents. Reached by express special Oaks train (far h cents), from First and Aider: or by launch 1 cents), from Morrlaon-atreet rlda af I The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant Mssklsslss IL. at leaia. Eest Food Served at Lowest Possible Cos. Btoekyarda aad Packing riant Largest plant west of tho Missis sippi River. Located on Columbia blougb within 48 minutes' rid of Broadway and Washington streets Take Kenton cars on Washington street at Fifth. Sixth and Broadway streets) to Kenton, fare a cents. Take Kenton Traction Company car at Kenton to Packing Plant and btockyarda. Kara a cents. Visitors admitted dally except Sundays. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY - A ecenlo drive of rax beauty, bout along the south, shore of the Columbia Klver. a distance of more than 40 miles from Portland. A series of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peaks and deep canyona are among the attraction-. Electric carllne to Boring. It milea; automobile to Welch's. Rho dodendron and Tswney'-, round trip from Portland. 17. 7S. Same aa above with horse stage all the way, 14.75. Peninsula Para Sunken Garden A city park and well worth a trip. Take St. Johns or Kenton car. Amid Homelike Siirroandings cap a err- sa. j t CLA1 SUr BEACH Is the Nearest to Portland of Any Coast Resorts a Four-Hoar Trip Along the Lower Columbia, River. CLATSOP BBACH RESORT. GblKHIHT A.ND SKLASIUsS. JI A V UK IITLD IN OSK UA V, Hul.uiKir, Kuux ruuTLa.M) WELCH'S HOTEL Oldest resort In the Mount Hood district. Cood water, airy bunga lows, excellent cuisine, hunting, fishing; horseback riding, etc. Rates 12 per day. $10 per week. " W. B. WELCH. Pro. Weleh'a P. Om Oregon. MOUNT HOOD RESORTS. Cloud Cnp Inn Is a delightful re treat, 6000 feet above aea level, on a sheltered spur of the very mountain itself, and Is located Just at tne upper edge Of the timber line. The trip to the Inn usually Is made by rail to Hood River and thence by stage. The round-trip rate. Includ ing aU traveling expenses, is 11S.M. Service begins July 1 and continues to September 1. Welch's, Rhododendron aad Taw ney's are located on the south aide of the mountain. Automobile from Eataeada, Cnaadero, Bull Run cars leave First and Alder every four hours, dally and Sunday, every hour as far as Gresham. Good points for basket picnic Portland to either resort, round trip, each $5. Oregonian on sale at these resorts. e sol. jjuu tivi srKiiNus AND SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on the Paciflo Coast, in the heart of the Olympic Mountains, open for the season. For fuil Inf urmatlon address t The Manager. Sol Dae, Waah. Parka Washington Park, head of Washington street, with small soo and aviary. Take any car west on Washington street excepting Six teenth; fare t cents. Celebrated statue, "Coming of the White Man," also "Sacaiawea." Excellent view of the city. TROLLEY TRIPS FOR TOURISTS PORTLAND AND VICINITY Ask the Man at First and Alder Marshall 5100. A 6131 PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT & POWER CO. EAsHOIIG LIMITED.. II ftvi IAL. .SiS A. M. .Zioe p. M. Stow over en Route to or From California ivspoaltlona Observation Parlor Car Seats, Tlcketa and In formation at Fifth and tiiarg Streets. TAWKEV'S MOUNTAIN HOME. Faraserly Maoldlac'a HeteL Ideal spot Hunting, fishing, camp ing privileges, saddle horses, home cooking, etc. ti per day. 18 per week. Sunday chicken dinner. 7ac Large independent bungalowa for inoso who prefer them. F. H-Tawney. Propw voich'e P. O.. or. ""--R HODODEXDOIIJI HOTEL 47 Milea an Meant Hood A a to Road. Tba finest mountain resort In Ore gon. Dally ratee $3. weekly S12.SO'and up. Special rates to famlltee (or tba Summer moniha. Saddle borses, lawa tennla, croquet, finest flailing and bunting grounda. Our own dairy, poul try and sardea truck, glee trio flsbt. telephone. For dally auto stasaa, phone Main ov&e. East 123 or K. 843. LsnU tra-setti. Prop.. Koara. Ore-eav RELIANCE MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dally to Mount Hood resorts SAM. Reund trip 18; Oov. Camp T.uO. Special rates for week-end and ei. mb. In a partlea Information, reservations snd tickets at KOfTLEIHiE SEED FLORAL OtX. IS xd St. Main , A SS1L Or Irvlnaton Garaaa. fiaat 13A. THE WARREN CAJfKOJI BEACa Th only hotael on th tMAeh froau Good flahlDB. hunt Ins and mrf batli ing ; unsurpavued tabl. - axcslieat uvervlco: larva alrr rooms and bunca iowm Auto tav- metu ail train P. coia Or. H. & Warren. Prop. HOTEL MOORE Seaside. Clataap Beach. Oresoa The Pacific Coast's most popular ocean resort. Directly overlook ing the ocean. European plan, rates $1.60 and up. special week ly rates. Dining-room service a la carte from 6:30 A. M- to 8 P. AL Grill and evening enter tainment. Hot ealt water baths, surf-bathing; natatorium for in door swimming canoeing on the Necanicum River: good . auto roads. Automobiles leave Hotel Moore for Klk Creek and Can non Beach. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. Hotel Moure &ealde Or Tba iHixbtfal Bawb Hiai. TUB KLJIUKB. At EliBort Park. Bui-opeaa only. Larv. comfort). rooms amidst homw-llk surrounainca Broad r andaa. sun porctoss, overlooking tha oeuo Kata It pr day (on or two psrsona xcUnt dlnlnv aenrice. a la cart, la oonnoctloa. Maka raa rvaiiocs by pboo or mail. THE lOMOKf. Hoc aa way. Ors. SHIPHERD'S HOT SPRINGS The Ideal Health and Sacraatlca Resort. Cot tag-, end Ca CAEaOM. WASH. t aievr a au iudn Ml Hood Auto Line calls and delivers to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Round trip. ti Govern ment Camp, 17.60. Ffeenes, Main 331, or A 233L AKDSKSON BROa V.