Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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toe arcmyixo oregoxtax. Wednesday, august is. iots.
Swan Tract in Willamette May
Be Purchased by Port Com
mission for S3C0,0CO.
Jlrmbrn llrhnc Land Could lie
I M-d far Pry Pork. lnctnrrlor
and Warrhoawi When tilled
by KlveT Irrdjlni-
T- purr&iM Swan Island, containing
about IT: una. for about 1-Ol.eee. la a
proposal that baa Ncd mad to the
Tort of Portland Commission. The
ruittr was considered briefly at yes
terday m-suna. and U wn agreed
to lt( the matlir rot until too Jp
t-mbr s'saiora. The prtre la said to
fee t.xl.M n-d-r kil the property
was bsid at Dot mora tban a year
Tt. Island purchase I arced lame
ly l obtain a dumping around close
Xn tha Dum harbor, whtn sucb a
iara amount of dr-drin has been
Mrukra and bi, tt is aaid. mora
anl ba re-mirsd annually. Wbila there J
la lowland In tba vicinity It wa aaid
yesterday that vvntri devllned to per
irnt material to t deposil-d tbrra as
it oiiabt Interfere with futura 1m
la talking otr tha subject pester
day the Comroisldn-ra thought tbal
whan tb Island la tilled to a reason
aula height, twins: no longer available
for depositing dredging, tt ictgnt ba
aaad for tha public drydock. aa In
rmeralor. ducks and warehouse should
-a a general scheme ba adopted.
In connection witb harbor dredging
It brought out that tha dredge
Portland baa about Brushed with ber
cr near tba Portland flour mill and
aa soon aa ready to shirt sbe will ba
erdret to North I'ortland harbor to
rlralg" tha channel there, ctearlna
away sediment deposited by high water
so mat a .-fooi channel will ba
tool Maw Waal II a a a era.
Those Interested In tha proposed es-
tabl'sbiuent of coal bunkers thera base
written tha fort that they will begin
the delivery of coal to eteamera any
where on tha river as soon as the chan
ne is ready. While the bunkers may
nt ba finished than, they have ar
ranged to usa tha dock of tba Mon
arch Lumber Company for tba storage
f coal and It will ba handled on
barges, ao vessels loading; or discharg
ing at do-k can nil their bunkers at
trie same lima
At tba Instance of E. W. Wright
nianager of tha Port, tt was Toted to
arrange with contractors engaged In
e-feuiWing the wings of tha live pon
toons of the public dry.tvk for tba usa
f ail of them at any tiraa a vessel
here require to b lifted before the
rnntract is cumpleted. Mr. Wright said
tnere were prospects that ona or two
vessels would b drydoaked and If
deiav to repairs on the wings resulted
lit mut ba understood that the corv
tractor ba allowed tha same numbel
st tliri adatitiamal In whica to terml
aare h worn.
Mr. Wright said that because of tba
Furxpeaa war. which bad created an
bnnrcetirntd demand for latbea and
siruiUr ma-hinea. be bad bee n unable
la purchase a new latbe for a dredge
now under construction, all spara ones
sera having been shipped Ka.t. where
shrapn-l and other war munitions are
being turned out. lie was authorised
to purchase two sccoml-hand niachlnea.
t to ba placed on the dreeige and
tne other adiied to the dryock iuip-
' d. which la tha rata at which th
steamer I'rsula was taken by that firm
yesterday to load on Puget found. Tha
vessel wil be In northern waters for
ber cargo In October.
In comparing t.-.e rata with that ba
Ing paid on grain freights Mr. Comyn
said it waa about tba same as sis 2d
for wheat and that Us d. paid las
week for the British steamer Lady Car
rtngton to load wheat bars for the
I'nited Kingdom, w as equivalent to
l.s td for lumber. On parcel ship
mrnta of lumbar to the I'nited King
dom Mr. Comyn says 200 to Sli shil
lings Is being paid.
Ocrrnrrre Pots One From Brest on
Way tor Cereal Load.
Completing a run from the Columbia
Ft ver in 147 days, the itusalaa shin
SamotM passed LI sard Sunday, says
message to the Merchants' Exchange.
Tha vessel waa a member of the March
lumber Beet and left tha river March XI
Tba French ship Berenger. under
charter to load hero, sailed August 10
from Brest, news of her departure hav
oc reached the Merchants" Exchange
Lumbermen say that there a-e no
sailing vessels Doing offered for carry-
ng lumber to the Inited Kingdom and
here is virtually no change In the sit-CaL
Congressional Committee Will
Reach Portland Today.
Senators and Jlrprtwnt&ttT en
able to Spend Day In Ilopne Val
ley, and Impart Front Grants
P Soon After Arrlral.
Portland, eight mil, north of San FraneUco.
Govern or. San Francisco foe Seattle. iU
m.:ea n ore ft or Potnt Arena.
iaurllna. Sao FraneUco tor Honolulu, an
chored in the, bav.
Great N'orjhern, San FraneUco for FlaTel, I
off !anu Reef. I
Lsuca. Kiehmond for Vancouver. 261 miles I
aonn or Ktci-mond. I
Adeline Smith. San Francisco for Coos I
-. norm of isaa Francisco.
urake, towinr barite Richmond for
t:. miles north of San Francisco. I
Hc-rrln. Port Costa for Llnntan Tu miles I
uvr.n oi roar lofta.
Wapama. Columbia River for San Fran
cisco, off Cape Araia
. V. Luci enbsch. Pan Felro for San I
rTanclsco. U7 mi:?a north of San Pedro. I
GeO rate W V:gr Fn TUrm fn Can PasH m I
'ni'.m soutn oi Mn i-eoro.
;-, Mejtllones for San FraneUco.
32u mi s.uth of Mn Francisco.
Utlllsm 0'Brin. Puret 8ound for New I
Tork. miles south of Cape Flattery. j
Northern pacific. F.avel for 6an Fran-1
cisco. south of the Columbia I
Kiver. f
-csnta Crnx. Astoria for Seattle. 70 mites I
di .-on j iw n iDa. i
Northland, i'ortland for Seattle. 10 miles I
sjt of Tatoosh Island. I
Mills, an Pedro for Seattle, off Dung-eneas I
Awarded medal of honor at the '
i Panama - Pacific Exposition. fs?3
5 xlgunos fuman g
pero sin sacar rfg
M mas placer que 5
S3 hacer erandes fi
iacer eran
"He smokes but tol
make great clouds. "J
UMA.VTS PASS. Or Aur. 17. f Una.
cl- Tha Joint Congressional com
mittee on rivers and harbors, escorted I ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS TO BEH
or me Oregon Senators and
man v
business men of Grants Pass, arrived
nere late tonight from Crescent City.
uation along the Coast, all available I
ailing vassals on this side having been I
laterest Ceatrrs la Play Kesrlval
Be Held at Colombia Park
aa A Dgust 28.
Cow 1 11a Kivrr to IH Drrdsrd.
Championships In the various athletic
enure party made the trio br
automobile, leaving Crescent City this
tne commlttaa has v.-. n i. . I
the proposed vrurk t ra-..t -i . .. I
CKXTRAUA. Wash. Aug. 17. Soe- nd Prepared to act at tha on.nlni activities of tha Portland nubile nlav-
lal.) The Cowing luver will be I c,n" - Congress. grounds either have been completed or
reageo rrora Kelso to Toledo aa soon l - " nm were cnanaed toHav nn win oe decided br tha enri of this wee.
a tba dredrs Unn r kr-.l 1 m.kM fh I account Of lack Of Km t n .n.nt I Interest Is 'halnv on th. nl.v
SV I K V.r rnannatl n.ia.hl. f n Ww iMl UUf HIT T n. th DI.... ITMt Vt r iimh 1'. rlr Audita V W
land and La Center, according: to the I valley. The party left on tonight's I under the direction of J. Lee Thomp-
ian or government engineers In '"r omana. Many of the mem-1 son. superintendent of tne roruand
barge of the work. The dredging of I orr or party spoke favorably 0flPub'lc playgrounds.
the Cowllts will give Toledo water l,n Proposed work visited and all mere I Una of the features will be the rain-I
rajiaportatloa the year around, where- I ""ghted with the scenery ud the I bow wand dance, with more than 1000
uu. iiu across tne mountains. I cnuoren representing tne playgrounds.
i ne rose drill win be held by 330
Although tha i-hamr... r.t rm.. )ounBter.
has made thorough preparations for I The Playground baseball champion-1
the reception and entertainment th. ship will be settled this afternoon. The
committee of rivers and harbors on I --fot e-inch girls of Lents will play
their arrival In Portland today, thetns Brla of Peninsula Park at Kenll-I
exact arrangements made at the other I worm i-arx at J o clock tnis arternoon.
end of the line for their coming are I ln ectl B. of the Volley Ball League,
not yet known. The nartv la du. to I among- the boys Lincoln. Kenllworth
arrive at 7:23 this morning. land Brooklyn are tied for the leader-
The Chamber requested Senators I nP. and as soon as they settle the I
Lane and Chamberlain to telairrsnh supremacy. Columbia Park will battle
1 Immediately what plans had been de
termines on ror the visit, when the
two Senators left to go to meet the
as under present conditions the steamer
Kellogg cannot make the trip in low
marine: intelligence.
Steamer Scbedale.
Frees Data
Lea Aaselea. ... In port
..cooe l ay port I
.ea rranclace.
orMtwlltr. .. ,
tireat Nortbera
-aoia Clara. .. .
ll'ev:Ut. ..
Noitb.a facifle.aa Kraa.-Uca.
koaaukv ...-iaB Umo. ...
r. A. Kllbura . haa Irmorlss - n
Hear ta Aaaelaa .1 - aua.
a. W. Elder. ...Haa Ll.o ...A via
ls I
the winner for the title of the city.
t Inal results ln some of the leagues
just completed are as follows: Lents
visitors, but last night no response I --foot 10-Inch boys defeated Washlng:-
aaa Deen received. 1 ton r-ara, ia to s, on me Deiiwooa
It is certain that Representatives I grounds, with Instructor baton Loucks
Humphreys and Johnson, of Washing-1 a referee; Washing-ton Park boys de
ton, will be ln Portland tomorrow. anH 'eated Lincoln Park. 14 to 9. for the
It Is expected that Chairman s. m. I basketball title. J. Lee Thompson.
Sparkman. of the rivers and harbors I superintendent of the playgrounds, was
committee, with several other mem- r"ee n game was played on
land some time todav accomDanled bv
t-enaiors Lane and Chamberlain and
representative Hawley.
1'endlng Information as to the time
to be devoted to Portland, the Cham
ber will hold Itself in readiness. an
when Information Is received will
make ready to provide the best pos
sible entertainment under the circum
The 4-foot 10-inch girls of Columbia
Park won from Lents. SO to 27. at
Brooklyn, with Instructor Henry tie win
as referee. The volley ball champion- I
ship among the girls was won from
Peninsula Park.
Kajna. ref
Harvard r. tel. a. Au
Ur-at Nortbera.. !aa Kranclsco. .... Aug.
Clara saa FraneUco..... As.
tireaaaat.r .1 o tt.. ..
M..taonaa....s.a Kieso Aug. 2v I bers of the committee, will reach Port-I tne Brooklyn Park court.
Yale. a w m I - a -.
Marthera Pactna. oaa Kr.nclaco. .. . . Aug.
VI Utanietle. ..... aa lilsst Aug.
f. A. Kllbuxa.... Faa Kranclaeo Aua.
Klamalll.. . aa blMa Au.
ltaaoae Ii,MO Aua.
enca liarbara Iti.... iu.
t1 Cits. ....... 11 AbatUs Aui
Ilia j... Li,. . .
l-ar Us Aaxelea. ...... Ate
. apama. ....... has tn.go. ....... ..Aug.
- .. ..a tlttn. ........ aatiu
rectlaaai-Allaalle itervsra.
X m s. .
amat ras tort la. tmrt onirr- Iartr Is ExrH?cted From
Je lut la oert I
'- n i.r .ur . I'ortland This Jlornlnff,
.. .........N.w Ura ..AuaE. Si I
' .N.w York s.p. : PREOOS CITY. Or.. Aug. 17. ISDe-
J"'" - -;'""'; . - rial.) M. D. Ittourette. aecretary of
I have no words for you who sit binn
ing cigar after cigar, delighting in mere
volumes of 'smoke.
It is to a smaller circle that I address
myself you who have learned the de
lights of moderation. Between the puffs
ydu pause pause and meditate in pleas
ant camaraderie upon the friendly Van
Dyck which sits between your first and
second finger.
It is of Cuba's highest type of leaf;
you would not smoke less. Down on that
little sunny island, each tropical night
spends upon the earth her daily freight of
trade-wind fragrance. Down it seeps deep
into the rich chocolate-colored soil. The
sun arises and through the day is lifting
lifting up into the tips of those tender
leaves but have not better men than I
failed to describe the character of that
full aroma ?
We smoke our Van Dycks because we
will not accept any but the best of Ha-
vana leaf. And having no false pride,
we choose Van Dyck made in Tampa
by the highest type of Cuban workman
because it costs 15c instead of a quarter.
MAIN I. A lite.
Today-Tomorrow S :15, 8:45. 7:30, I.
.him hj. a n iirvr.-.
153 and Sac;.
"With Dally News Coupons, 10c and 20a
A Spectacular Reproduction.
Boxes, first Row Ralinnr Keata B-Mnaa
by pbune. Main 4636. A SOS.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Stall
AUGUST 17, IS, 19, ZO, 21. 23
Games Begin Weekdays at S P. BL
Sundays, 2i3Q P. 31.
Reserved box seats for sale at Rlche'i
Cigar Stand, Sixth and Washington St
Ladles' Days Wednesday and Friday!
The Round-Up
Fortlaml't Oreat Amusement Parte
Blc free thow, including: iile lctti
Loop and fl.viOK the flume. Austral
ian band aiid Vaudeville. lancinff.
hkatlug, Sn iiuininc and Park Attruc
tiona. Children' day every Wednes
day. Children under 15 admitted free.
Admission to park, 10c, lilxpreM cara.
First and Alder Btreeta. laimchw,
Morrison Briilse.
Havana all Havana Spanish made
Two for a quarter and up
. .. . ..N.a YurR. .,
.Near York
.....New Tork ,
....r lora. .......
K'.ttm. ......... .Near ) or.
-"larla. ...... -N . T Yora. .......
lakoiaa lrB..""I!
II osolu.aa. ...... Near Tark. ....... lift
laaaaaaa. ....... ora.. ......
'aaanaaa. .
Nvaadaa. ...
i-nta . rus.
.ucu 1
. ..N.
.Alt. 1
. S-pl.
. pf
.Oct. . tx-t
. .Ne.
Marine Sotr.
nt fur eatra work.
Ielae a. Make Ire.
'ers the near alretiare. which Is to
ke limtil Toalatln aa susfested yea-t-rdar
sr 'ommi.ionr It. I. In ma a.
Is ta service lt will n. aa Ice ma
eAtne abuard situ a vatarty of lie
runds a dAy so that Hie three other
and all steamers In taa fort's
I set can Be supplied. Mr. U riant
s iet that an . e plant of the site
could ea installed at a coat of !
and the annual espense- would tie sbul
ttis tor ammorUa. while last year the
Ice but tor a limited amount of tne
lonnas. m service reached lis.
Mb.a th iimmi of tne new dr. dr.
ram- ur t'ommiaaton.r l. i. trKcitii
auase.t-d that t b called t'lackamas.
linii,n.t W. It 1'attersnn wanted
It aam.d tlxethat. In honor of the
t aaama t'arval buld-r and It had been
au.aet.ed that it be known as Tur
bma. it being the Brst diaaer la the
fleet ! hae a turbine enslne. tin
t'airrml.sloner Inman selecting Tualatin
waa a-cund-d br tomani...n-..
lly. and a majo
ty toted for the
t K.
:" were aoene. for a pumpltva
.ant f..r tfie new d".l. as It h4
nainaiir b.n mtrn.i.d t. u tne
pumps and u.-a sear a hoar. I the aired are
.iumpta, cut on declaim to retain tne
' 1 sea-aic. ifit pur.htsa of addi
tional fra.-hin-rr was found Becessary.
mi. .ki rt nxu
Jaranrar In i'ort slla Tonlln and
lllshbnry eml ire-k
stramers reported yesterday
as koine be-n clart. r. l t load craln
kere recentiv. nt hertfore dirulsed.
-er. in. r i.a.-ion. t,r t.,-,. n.t
"'"" alalopv". lt.-. tons. Karon
i.n-at. jji; tons, and l;....!jn. jjs.jona
The Matoppn is said to hare been takea
st s.1. and the others at 1 shiilmca
llcattry A t'tv are named aa the char
t-r-rs vf the t-ttastoa.
The I liaalnn was Inst rep.artd as
saiiinc fMBi I i.a-n-s Ayre. June la for
landfn. mil the al tippo is to coma
fra-tn t'nl. n. hnns left !jdney July I
f-r the t'anal rort. The I aron Local
is listed from I'srirn and the lioeatyn
from t ar.lirl. The Japanese steamer
Tokat lru. loadt-c at Irvine dacl.
"" late this art.rnnon and sails
lonirht for the. t nittd Kmcdom. The
tramp H cntury will not set away until
S'll week.
riaains rinint dtsslne at the lower en-
-ante l . in. Ta.nni l Kiaer loc.a the Caav
erntu-nl aj-dse X.athloma Is easased a.
J.nnins s liar. The la.t nf the ea she
in low tne dre:ae lbarnps to tne tloc
.rnm.rit moonnxs lo so gul ef mm !-
oaa lor the eaon. Tne altimonu alii
tii.o low a pi:.irt.r to Cola liar,
a vile dike, suv ee loas. U la be constructed
Mich- rurke chief enstoeer
'umn:t Ktaer Mcntvsel
on.iu.line pr.paratlar.a f.
the -111- Three" liner fleeter as
-an rfaarlKo. On his return he V. I, fee
lia-cr.rr.u lo t'rn.lillaa fleet llSHTBhlp
tt lr.1.- for th. Iitntliniaa
t-nd-r Vantar.lta hae teen sMpp.4 from
N - - Tors ui. t;. canal. a-eord.r.a 10 se-is
rretved te.t.rtiac he l;nort Warwick. In-
('. or of tne -.aeateenlh Ushlhouee Ills
tne Commercial Club, tonlirht com
pleted arrangements for entertaining
tne (. onrre-sional committee of rivers
end harbors tomorrow mornlnr. The
party Is expected to arrive here from
I'ortland by automobile bitween i and
9 30 o'clock and will leave In time
for dinner In Portland
After a brief reception at the Com
mercial Clubrooms. the party will jro
on board the ateamer llulh. of the
Willamette Navigation Company, and
leave for the locks, which will be ex
amined. They will bo by bost to Port
land and then to Vancouver, wash.
Ielrratlons from the Salem. Portland
snd Vancouver Commercial Clubs sre
expected to be with the Congressmen
when they visit here.
Mormrcnu of Veaocls.
Earl II. Sckalts Is Row bed to Portland I
aad to Hospital Boars of Keck
Tkoncht fractured.
M. A. Cunst & Co., Inc., Distributors tHjdI
of the I
Earl H. Sohultz, clerk in the mall
department of the main Postoffice
building. Injured himself seriously
terday when, ln attempting to dive
from a spring board at the Wlndemuth
swimming resort, his foot slipped and
he struck his head on a Portion of the
spring-board frame with such force
that his legs and arms were paralyzed.
The Injured man was taken to the
foot of Salmon street and from there
rushed by the Ambulance Service Com
pany to the Good Samaritan Hospital.
Dr. R. K. James, after a preliminary ex
amination, expressed the belief that
there had been a fracture of the bones
of the neck. The man's head was also
badly bruised.
Sheriffs party Is Search! n 10-Mile
Strip of Wooded Territory
Below Lanrlota.
Dollarhyde. 85 East Sixty-eighth street
North. August 7. a daughter.
NORDLIXG To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Xordling, 755 Tork street, August 6. a son.
ELLIS---To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ellis,
One Hundredth street and Sixth avenue.
July 31, a daughter.
HALL To Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hall,
One Hundred Third street, Lents. August 7.
a son.
FLYN'S To Mr. and Mrs. Justin Flynn,
503 Foster road. August 8, a son.
MARCT To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.
Marcy, S07 South Seneca street, August 2,
a son.
WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Leo J.
Wright, 410 South Willamette boulevard.
August 8, a son.
GILLCHREST To Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence R. Gillchrest Kerry. Or., August 11. a
POriTUNb. Aug. 17 Arrived Steamers
la the city I Datsr httnam anl .Nehalem, from Ban fr'ran-
jturnrr dd rtiru, Mrtincr l wseinite, lor da ana an ranciseo.
Astoria. Aui. 17. &ilrd at 2 A. M.
?ta-nir Wap:ns. for Ksdro and hn
Kran is-ro. n 3 .AJ A. M. aieamer
NorthiasnJ. f.r l'ucl Sound, balled at
M Mttfw-r nta Cru. for .Nr York
and way i-ria Arrived at i and left up Concert to He Given at Iaurel-iurst
To itnr 'ipttM its various sf atlvns
tl-i trntoa to bUoya tr
lit hfhts trlr tastrtr f( ths rtver
rci a jrvT J tt of iumbf, th hrigsa
tin m ls. i.sjn this (ifmrMn.
hr tls--. nation. i -n retuirHl to
fmp.t,s ber rrw r stgned on ester-
vrni' l oti4o rotrtibta Rvr ur aad
-- f-r'if. wlti m gas twuf id
a a iiry m nitn mil. rmnt.
n'rit f t. m-i :n at ; ton of x
T-rH rtffn f no -n (k f!nr N'maiUn. f the
mwu-n- nsosiijia lino, started ye
In far of the tur to-f fh 1r-1ro
rr-fr'n '.rT-ri-ir f p jft An Fran
. Tr Atuia o aif in mkin a fir
!! -n aaatr j there for t;-.e past
'rttXnm m fu'T rf turner an.t tnsnT
o r r m rr h stamr Torn.
Ti M-i'tn'XTAsti orrlv-rr. frorn the south
rJ sol's ffaiur-"
C Ui In Krrtl Will Join Staff of Tort
of Portland Sptrtnbrr I.
TOO p T. Or. Acr- IT.- tSpr!a!
CarfAin Jortrt la of tho Coa Hay
roiio oionei r. St. Mir h to. has ro
ain.l his posittan, wltn the trraft and
U bo mptortM by the Tort of .Pori-lan-i
on !eptm "-er I.
.art a In t.a ha h-en tth the
! -r :n-o in wont Into rommiMton
1 Ult and axont t -m humrr.-r on iVo
l-ar. lie was with tu tt. hie at
Kureka and In f- i,amM River dur
ing her trial tet tst Winter.
iiigiit iiMnn. nur. paid
ComrB. MrkAlt A t o. Take Tramp
for raltrd Klnrdora. at It la id.
Comyn. Markar A Co, hao po.'4 the
worM rerorl f-e e-t rare fr a lum-
r cArgt t U I'c.ceM KiCjjiooj, !-
Xnrti lYnm Orrtoa Porta.
ATORtA. Cr . Ant IT I Ttis
m o.-hwT'r N h n srirs toaty from
wn rrsn--tsrew Ofnif fr-lht fr Asturls
sn4 rt aet o wi.l !o4 lumber at the
tiATimoad mrl J.r a rf um r
W-tr si the ryopimotliii..r.t mn boarrf
i-r hT thsa T r-r an 4 a
It? ! -t of ffots'-t. Incltitnc a npm-nt of
srin ton the im-i tho ! mr orih
ffn la-ff c Oa.i:-ii for Sn Pinriro
B!Mrt!nc fr-ifM for A:nria to.) i'ort rand
ho ictrn h'-anaor Delay I'lintm arrtvod
J--n frsBflarii.
MAiTif iou riot or cnno-i salmon
h" f-e Swwr Tofa. tho Ortt lino stsmor
nta ros ' for ino At'antlc Soaboord
Vis I'acot lot4Dd.
Tho fmmrn e--hoor Wsparna sat'od fnr
"n Fnioco with lumNr from Hi
The stosm ofHKnp Xrth;.iad sai:d far
CrT llsrfror to Ij.J UmW.
f ! errom erhoons-r Vt:tnomh BPrlrod
from Kraactevo wltti frotsht for Astorta
aad Ivrt:aa4.
de HAT. Or, A us IT iSpoe:: ) The
rtiniMp ar.ta C ra arrtvod from -aa
Vz Tt - snd E !. a ln-!y aad leave
fr ori:sfl ta tho mnrnr.
Tho saoilne o-hoonr i ; 'o aertvwrt ram
ftcuo Ut-r 3 c-so-e of salmon from
t Urf t'mr.rf. The O,'o w;:i rotum
Rucuo Kiver mt'h fr sht on W1n-sa!sv
Tho stom fhoonor ran P1--o. frum mn
rraacta-a, rrTvs with (rolsht and pto
srm. -ho mm carry iurnrxr to aa I'edre
sn.i rsa io.
The ; ino shoonoe Reamer arrived from
K.-uo HJver. Drinsmg vooi and canned
M. .ndrrw Named Acent
Southern Pa-rlflc at Seattle.
"- M. Andrews, of Portland, wa ap
pointed district freight and paener
agent for the southern I'aciflc Company
at eattio yesterday to succeed C. u.
t'hishn'm. who has relgned to encage
In private business. Tho appointment
U effective September 1.
Mr. Andrews was traveling freight
agent for the Southern Pacific at Seat
tle until a few months ago. when he
waa appointed traveling freight agont
In Portland. H formerly waa agent
for th Southern Pacific at Co rv all. a
In hi new position ho will have Juris
diction over the Southern Pacific busi
ness at T a co ma and other ruget Sound
Point. aa.u aa at tieattia.
Francisco a-- I led . 1 j I. M -to learner
NortNera racKtc. for eaa Frsnrlst n. Ar
rld at 3 1 j end lft up at 3 45 P. M.
MMfiKf Nuiinomih. frotu San Francisco.
Ooo Ii . Aug. 1?. Armed at 4 I.
ton)r Mnu Clara, from ISaa Francisco,
fr I'ortland.
i?an Frao-to, Aug- 17. Arrived at A.
M. Hi earner Hoar, from I'ortland for baa
fvdro. Arrived at lu A. it. M-smsrs Jo
han Pou:on. from Portland ; Ce.l.o, from
I'ortland for faa Pedro Sailed st It A- M.
!tnmrr Orvoi Northern tor FlavoL Ar
rtTot at S P. H. t earner liose City, from
fan I'otlro for Portland. Ssllvd Steamer
C-ii:o. from Portland for Pan Pedro. Aug. I
1- Arrhol Stamer Atlas and Barge No.
I. from Portland. 'Failed at & p. M.
Irdjf. L- Anfois la tow of tug Sea Hover,
f'-r Aatorta. ild at S P. M. tesmers
v. Herrtn and Santa Harbara fur Port
land lusard. Aug. 13. rssd Russian ship
Sa-n-ona. from Portland for laondon.
Hrr-st. Aur. 11 balled French ship Ber
ersore fr Poniard.
hn pedto. Aut. I Palled Rtesmers
Rom ri for Portland via San Francisco;
tie, w. Klior I rum ean Kranclsco (or &ao
Hon Pedro. Aut. IT Arrived Ptosmors
O'ymple and Nwanlrum, from Portland.
r.urwka. Anc I T. Arrt od at a A w
trm-r K. A. Kilburn. from Portland f of j
."an Krancteco.
A-iori Au t Arrived at and left ua
t U P V Steamer Dalny Putnam, from
San Vtb no! -' ,
SAX mSCtrft Am. IT. Arrived
'amors t'rrss Ilr!t!ihl. from ttoskl: tu
Tto-h and bsrse Arapulrn, from Ninalmo;
Te;roT-ito-ie. from foos Kav: Wllhelmins.
from Honolulu: Johan Poulsen and Cehlo,
from Aitora. Pst'ed Steamers Phos-nla. for
ltnlon ; ire-tt Northern, for Astorts: Oov
emor. for besttle; J. A. Chanslor. for Hono
lulu. fM-artlo. Wain., Aug. 17. Arrived Sfoam
or Nume "lt. Jan Francisco; ttrmlaton.
r-stieu i-reein-nt. ban Tk via
Sin Vnfirnr; r.e.tordo. Southsstrrn Alas
ka : M"ntn-ii. 1. Ivor pool is Panama
I'srdiT. Aus i Arrivod sn)u Maru.
rrom ie.tinnam. la .Newport -ews.
I'STta. Aie. 1". Arrived -Caddo, from
!Un r r-.nrisco.
fthsnehsi. Auc 17. Arrived Aara Mara.
rroni n t rannoro.
Hongkonr. Aus. 17. Sailed Bessie Hollar.
Not T-ra. Aua 1 7 eillsMl Sleomer
Tamra for Portland. Or.; Texan, for San
f rr.f.seo.
KlrkoslL Aur IS. Arrived Jutlandla.
f rotn ban Frnci--o ; K ronprlnacssln M ar-
sarlia. from ban ranrlo.
a.paraiM, Aug. l.. Arrived -Steamer
F-iss It. ance. from San Kranclsco.
Halhoa. Auc 17 Arrived Mesmrrs Art
son an. Hinnlu.i for Ie;osr- break vster
.-at ta Ce-r-iiia. Portland. ir.. for New York
land t-ot h pf oreeceo .
Mstobai. Aic. I Arrivod Steamers
Na ). New l org for Tacoma tsnd rm
e-oled balled Strsmers Monotulan. Port.
land, or., for Now York; Kroonland, San
r rancisco ior -ew i r
With Madame Jomelli as Vocalist
The programme has been arranged
for the City Park band concert to
morrow night at 8 o'clock at Laur$I
hurst Park, at which Madame Jeanne
Jomelli will alnar a number of vocal
solo. W. E. McElroy, conductor of
the municipal band, will direct the
concert. The complete programme follows:
25,000 SHOES
On aale at Rive-away prlcea Friday I
Angiiat xu, at
Psrt 1 "Tha Triumph of Glory" (Our I siderablo extent. The distance from
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Aug. 17. (Spe
cial.) The Sheriff's posse -which has
been threshing: the brush in the vicinity
of Elk and Sixes River for the past
three days has not sighted R. B. Neff,
supposed murderer of J. Wittmann. of
Lakeport. The men In the party came
across N'effs tracKs several times yes
terday and today. Numerous reports
reached the Sheriff that the man bad
been seen at various places, but inves
tigation ln every Instance proved there
was no truth In the reports.
Sheriff Charles Bailey, with his force
of six deputies is now working on
systematic plan of covering the district
as well as possible with the forces at
his command.
Langlols reported late today the Sher
11 uaau laaiu lie. aytaaiaca wa. h..cviiib i . .
the district, which, however, is of con- LLAbb'IrlED AD- RATES
Ford Auction House, 211 1st, .Purclturaa
earpeta, ate. Sale at 2 P. a,
At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A, ots
furniture, leS-S First at.
I OHLER August 17, at 542 Rodney avenue.
Leonard E. Ohler, age ti3 years, beloved
husband of Mrs. Sarah Ohler, father o
Mabel, Edith and George Ohler. The re
mains will be taken lo Astoria on the
:30 P. M. train today. Services will h
held at Astoria. Remains are at A. R
.Seller's parlor, 592 Williams avenue.
I ALI-EN In this city, August 14, J. IT.
Allen, aged 59 years. Kemalna at the
Conservatory Chapel of F. S. Dunning,
Incq 414 East Alder st. Funeral notice
in a later issue. Boise City, Idaho, papers
please copy.
SPRINGER Michael Springer, aged 81 years
and 7 months, beloved father of Mrs,
Louis Sommers, of this city, and Mrs. Mo in
ris Sommers, of Welser, Idaho. Funeral
notice later.
BASHAW Sarah L. Bashaw, age 65 years,
died at her home, 1178 Alblna ave-, Sun
day, Aug. 15. She Is survived by hei
husband, John W. Bashaw, two sons.
William A. and Charles E., of Portland;
one daughter, Mrs. Henrietta Gale, oi
Baker City. The funeral services will be
conducted at the chapel of Chambers
Undertaking Co., corner Killingswortii
ave. and Kerby st., at 2 P. M., Wednes
day, Aug. 18. Friends invited. Inter
ment Rose City Cemetery.
SPRINGER At the residence of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Louis Sommer, 1(14 North -1st
St., Aug. 10th. Michael Springer, age SI
years 6 months. Father of Mrs. Louis
Sommer and Mrs. Morris Sommer. Friends
Invited to attend funeral services, which
will be held at the above residence at
2 :30 P. M. today ( Wednesday). Aug. 18.
Interment Beth Israel Cemetery.
ELL.IOTT In this city, August 16. John Mil.
ton Elliott, age 47 years. .Remains at the
funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy
Co., 5S02-58O4 Ninety-second street. S.
in Lents. The funeral postponed indefi
nitely. Announcement later.
GERBER In ' this city. August 16, Mrs.
Emma L. Gerber, aged 24 years. Funeral
services will be held Thursday, August
19, at 2 P. M., from Ericson'a chapel, cor
ner of Twelfth and Morrison streets. In
terment Mount Scott Park Cemetery.
COUVER At the residence, 762 1st t
Emma Couver, ace years. Funeral serv
ices will be held Thursday, Aug. 19, a
3 P. M., at parlors of Miller & Tracy,
Interment Mount Scott Cemetery.
WORK WANTED Day or hour, washing,
ironing, cleaning, Wednesday. Thursday.
Main 431.
WANTED An experienced organist.
reupiea i neater.
Apply I
a.. rcSwrt&MSK
President's March) Pror); overture, WIU-
lam Tell" (Kossinl); vocal solo. "Eilsabeins
"Entrance" from "Tannhauser" (Wagner).
Madame Jomelli; "Dance of the Hours" from
"La Uloconda" (Ponrhlelll). Intermission.
Part 2- rand American fantasia on Na
tional songs, arranged by Lamp ; vocal sol 9,
ai a firicci urn.) - (iim jacons Jt-iona),
t b "Home Swret -tome' Sir Henry
HlBhop), Madame Jomelli; "Triumphal
Marrh" from "Columbus' suite F. W.
Goodrich); character la tic, "Whispering Flow
ers" 4 Von lUon); sextet from "Lucla"
4tonlsettl. Messrs. McElroy. Cook. Talt,
fowell. CloiTl and Schlebe; vocal solo, "Tn
Ftar-9pangle1 Kannt-r" i Francis Scott Key),,
Madame Jomelli. 1
L-anglots to the Sixes River is 13 miles.
and half of the distance the county
-.- runs K rall C7-K has W timhr. T.nlfO- I Oil Time .
tmrr ho th. ,ha.A -tftrtoc, la m 4 w consecutive times...
' , . I ame ad in
Daily and Sunday.
Per line.
ree consecutive times 30c
four miles southwest of Langlois. The I Same ad six or seven consecutive 'tl'mes! -6c
brush Drairie vicinity Euard was heav
ily reinforced late today with men, and
the entire district again will be gone
over carefully.
LA XG LOIS. Or.. Aue. 17. (Special.)
R. D. Neff, who is hiding in the wilds
of Curry County and who is being
hunted for the murder of A. J. Witt
mann, was seen by a girl, and his
tracks were found in two places this
morning, once behind an isolated home-
The above rates apply to advertisements
under "New Today' and all otber classifica
tion except the following:
riiuations v amea .uaie.
Situations Wanted Female.
For Rent, Rooms Private Families.
Board and Rooms Private Families.
Housekeeping Room a Private Families.
Rate on the above classification is ? cents
line each insertion.
On "charc-e" advertisements charsres will he
based on the number of lines appearing ln
the naper. regardless of the number of words
hi each line. Minimum charge, two lines.
The Oregoniaa will a4-cept classified ad-
The only residence undertaking establlalM
meat la Portland with, private driveway.
Main a. A 15W.
J. P. F IiS LEY & SOX.
Montgomery at Fifth.
MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. tha leading
funeral director, 220 Third street, corns
Salmon. .Lady assistant. A 101JU Main &uZ
East Side Funeral .Directory 414 East Alt
der street. East 52. B 1525.
MILaLEK & TKACfii. independent funeral
directors. Funerals as iow as $2u, $4U, tiO,
Washington and Ella sta. Main zoai. A 7 baa,
A. R. y-wi J.f.w CO.. 5l2 WILLIAMS AV12.
East 100. C. 10ba Lady attendant. Day.
and night service.
Y. M. C. A. TOURISTS LEAVE ead occupied " old marand later ,1 2t?taVlh froidwaf .V"" aJX wotoM,
leading from Floras Lake.
No prirrs wlU be quoted over Ihe phone, but L-tdy attendanu
I..far r. tvAm tt ci..u i fneriiT rsauey ami vepuiy itusseu dim wm oe rennrea me loiiowuig aay.
Parly, Made Ip rrom 36 Slates, En I ,th a ,arKe ar. .UI,prosecutlnK Whether subsequent advertisement. Snii be
1 a - r-, . . , i urr mo iiuuup ururuuit upon me i
tcrtalnod on Way to Fairs. the search. The Coose Bay blood- promptness of payment of telephone adver-
nounas win not oe orougni in as i linemen is. ruuaiions .tantea and rertonai
Sheriff Bailey believes thev could be of adertiemenls will not be accepted over the
Fifty-five T. M. O. A. boys.from as- I little service in the almost impassable DV7ch""d70'
ciauonas m as slates, arrived In Fort- underbrush. I nr.. Opportunities." "Itoonianc-llouses" and
P. 1 LKca East 11th aad Clav atresia
Ltdy assistant. East 781.
and Clay. Main 152. A .3.1. Lady attendant.
R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott.
East 111a. C ltt43. Lady attendant.
Tls at Astoria WedDadar.
HISB. Iaw.
A. VI S f-t 0 45 A. il S rest
24 P. . I-I1IH A. M X4 feet
ratomlala River Bar Keport.
sniTH H K AT. Aug. 17. l-onrlltlnn of
ne rar ac a -. m.: ea Ptnivtb: btuomster.
. . w.i.u. . i .1 m rm t . i . mites.
Moirmmu of Veio-rls
111 poahlcaaa raaat-at st f, M. Aatrost
1? aaleake aat hr i it la alar sard.)
Tesnuelra. Nsarastie for Saa rranrlaM
1.7 nit' from ban rrancisco. Ausust is.
Mats.nla 9an rranclso for Hoaolnla lfns
ml.aa out. Aucuat 1. S p. !.
v)un. aa I'ad for ."an Franelaca, five
lis south of I'olnt Uonurk.
1'snn.ylvanla. t'orlnto fnr San Pranrtai-n
15 mli souin of tisn rranr:sco.
El tWsundo. Point Walls for Hlehmond
7 mllai from Richmond.
r.lilo. Fan 1 ranclxo for 8an Psdro. oil
riron Point.
i'hna;w. San Frsnelsro for Honolulu. T
ml n from San Kra !".
aUaa. is a ut tar.a u 1. fiicamsnd (or
Ross Wittmann. brother of the man
killed, took up the. hunt today.
French Woman Goes as Xurse.
Mrs. Jeanne Susini. said to be the
land late Monday night and left yes
terday on their way to the California
expositions and the Panama Canal.
While In the city the lads were enter
tained by the Portland association, and
were taken for an automobile ride yes
terday mornlnir.
W. E. Lucia, assistant boys' secre
tary, and J. W. Palmer, office sec re- left this city Friday for France, where
tary. took charge of the party on Its I she will take up the work of a nurse
arrival and turned the association tank in one of the army hospitals. She will
over to them after tbelr sight-seeing go to Marseilles and from there to the
tour. theater of war. She planned to seek
Each of the boys had earned his own for her only brother, who is serving
money for the trip, which included a I In the French army. Her father and
BP.EEZS & SNOOK. Sunnysida Parlors(
auto jearae. 1026 Belmont. Tab. 1258. B 1.6,
and all ads received too late ior Drotter
first French woman from Portland to rlawifiration will be run under the beading
enter the hospital service in Europe, TJo. M n .
ness Opportunities;
wanted to Kent."
Advertisements to receive DromDt classifi
cation must be in The Orearonian offirat he-
fore 9 oVIock at nljrht, except Saturday. I FLORISTS.
tTlSS oturd'av' TihXta .IBS U?LR f,SES .c-4 w-'S
tour across the country from New
York, a trip through the canal and the
return up the east roast. Ivan B. Flood
was in charge of the excursion.
two cousins have already fallen.
Marrlace Licensee.
ille McCafferty. lefral. 66 North .Nineteenth
street, and May Beatrice Dlnneen, legal, ttoi
Northnip street.
RKID-BRT'CKMAN Edwin "W. Raid. !1.
2t5 Eaat Third street North, and Grace Arlie
liruckman. 21. Clinton street.
MARTIN'-GARRATT David A. Martin.
Georire W. Vail err, receiver for the I lKU Bay city. Or., and Rosalia Lillian
A. V. Hunter and C. V. Vallery In
City on Way to Kalr. -
Garratt, legal. 135 Eaat Twenty-fourth street
TREW-LA BRIE Arthur S. Trew. legal,
410 Harrison atreet. and Grace LaBrle, le
gal. Maaison nn apartments.
ANOELO-LA PORTA Adams Anarelo. 27.
012 Second street, and Rosina XaPorta, 17.
same address.
th. principal owner of the Llttl. Jonny i'llJ"lj.St.
property at Loadville. which Is one of son. 5 " a
Colorado Midland Railroad, and A v.
Hunter, a prominent banker of Denver!
and Leadvllle. Colo., arrived In Portland
late yesterday on the private car Cas
cade. They are on their tit to the
ban Francisco Fair.
Mr. Hunter Is one of the most prom
inent mining men In Colorado. He is I
the richest high-grade producers In the I
state. He also Is president of the Car
bonate National Bank, at Leadvllle, and
until recently was president of the
First ational Fank of Denver.
The demand for copper due to the
war hss Improved the mining situa
tion, say u t-oioraaoana.
BROOKS To Mr. and Mrs. Lawratnr T
Brooka. 3S1S Kevatnty-flrst street Southeast,
Auauii , aa .uu.
VEDINO To Mr. and Mrs. Berarer H
Vedlng-. 3sl Sixty-eighth street. August (,
a daughter.
WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Wright. 18-7 Foster street. August 4. a
UOLiJLRHICE To Air. and Mxa. Ira X.
give a complimentary picnic
at Crystal Lake Park. Satur
day, August 21, 1913, to all
Shrlners and their families
and their sweethearts. All
cars will issue transfers to
Crystal Lake Park. Mllwau
kle. Admission to grounds
will be by membership sard,
or by tag. For tags and other
lniormatlon see or nhone anv
member of the committee: J. E. Martin, 8.1
First street; C. B. Turlay, 213 Pittock block;
W. W. Downard. at Union Meat Comnanv:
S. M. Strohecker, Kenton Bank building, or
A. B. Gottschaik, 9211 Union ave. X.
Colfee and cream furnished free. Take vour
own cups ana luncnes. wear your fez.
R. A. M. A stated convocation of
Portland chapter. No. S, will be
ueia in tneir nan, Masonic Tem
ple, this (Wednesday) evening,
August 18. 1913, at S o'clock. Vls-
itin,r Companions Will baa u.!rnm.
AAUKta, f.. i-i. b.
J. A- ALLEN'. Sec
.-fit inn. TIE GUL A R MEETING. TH
'S551? (Wednesday) evening. East Bth
iiu aa-iutr streets, v tsltors cor-
j7aai aiauy invited.
BAMAK1TAN LOMR V(l t ra r w
"cut"r. ineeting tnis (wednesdayl even
ing at S V. M. at I. O O V Tmm. iri .
,.u mut-i aiicTia. important Duemess. vis
itors always welcome. R. OSVOLD. Sec.
EXTRA PaSi art a. it-'.
dtaigns la exnbaem jewalry. Jaegax JUroa.
lngton. Main 2M, A lzttu. Flowers tor all
occasions arusucaiiy arranged.
CLAHKE BROS., llorists, 2S7 Morrison sta
Main or A lsufi. Fine flowers and floral
designs. No branch stores.
EUNNYSIDE greenhouse. Fresh flowers.
Phone B E. 33d and Taylor.
MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Sellin.
PORTLAND Marble Works. 266 4th sti
opposite City Hall, builders of memorlaia.
Wilcox bldg.
il. P. 404-4O5-4O
W. P.
BENEDICT BROS., B.O Hawthorne ava
Phones Eaat 14X3. B 2515. Opea Day
and KlKht.
Report all cases of cruelty to this of
fice. Lethal chamber for small animals.
Horse ambulance for sick or disabled
animals st a moment's notice. Anyone
desiring- a pet may communicate with us.
- ; T t j j.miv.ssm
On City and Farm Properties In
Any Amount at Current Itatea
Oornsr Fourth and Stark StnetSa
902 SFAuuHj evuoim