Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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simple rlrllsh costume, topped with a
trim black straw sailor bat. It was a
dress and hat that could have been
worn by a woman of any atatlon In
life. It was In perfect taste and quite
unmumtnf In it simplicity, but the
personality of the wearer rave the
Newport the Charming
Ocean and Bay Resort
hat and (own an air ox distinction
that belongs only to a few.
"I never srlve Interviews, you know,
tut I am having; such a lovely trip:
that's about all I can think of." she
Slid. he waa interested in hearing;
Visiting ex-Senalor of Ohio
Discusses National Ques
tions With Portland Folk.
about her father's visit here, and in
the detail of that strenuous, typi
Beavers Seem Doomed to Be
cally Roosevelt reception of 20 mlnu
Fourth or Fifth, With
Pitchers B!ame,d.
You will be fortunate to spend your vacation in the restful
atmosphere of Newport.
tes that was held here recently when
the ex-President passed through Port
fomf TAatrrwajs ImproTrnirni !"-
cUrH Unjastlj lleeommended
Saffrarlst Seek Ind
meat t Amendment.
This people who ar entertaining
hop that Tneodore E. Burton. x
Banator. wltt gain th Republican nomi
nation for President next y'
greatly fncouri"l by
th utterance
f the htoan wtli
a Portland
it,, dominant not wa aa xpre
ion of confidence In popular to"ni
"rlli h did not co Into ectal of
delight over th initiative and
-J never could t enthusiastic over
tha Initiative and referendum." he de
clare! "because I r could e great
arm or loed In them.
i. ... k t utterances, however,
F-r t ,r Burton referred earcastlralty
to lb demand of puonc "'"' ".
wiit. h call fr unreasonable and llle
Ktt mate appropriation of public funds.
) acpliel tbl rfrnc particularly
to thoM communities leaking appropri
ation for rlr and harbor Improve
Area Kaalaeera Crtt
ie criticised Army engineer wh
rv-ommend improvement of rtvers or
harbor that cannot carry enough traf
fic ! Justify th Minnauuti
eery to make them navigable.
-The cnrtnwr' recommendation fre
afiilr are .upplemented with thJ?
port taal "public entlront demand
certain Improvement." explained the
senator. "If public enument mean
the of a few comrountt le and
ti ambition of om grasping con
tra tor. I don't be.lev la catering to
luMit nt lent." i
While b described the Columbia
River Improvement a worthy and
lea-lttmal. ha told hi Portland audi
. that be did not prop. '"
favor from ttiom on account ef the
part that h ha had In securing ap
aroorUtion for local waterway a.
proprlation for
Lawai I ate reels la
Ma told yesterday of aa eperlcnc
witb oma of hla fellow townsmen at
The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce
bad aent formidable dleuon of men to Washington . ur
aa appropriation of J.e for im
provement on Cleveland b.rbor. The
the promise of every member
f the House committee to report favor
ably on the project -provided IUpre
aeatatlva Burton favora It."
ties Msraw Oppswed.
-When that Cleveland detection
ae to me.- he said. "I told them
promptly that 1 opposed their scheme.
-i waa jut wait. us tor aomebody to
aay mtaing. 1 .nould hav asked
them whether they wanted to hava a
... a Washington woo
tot hi Interest at home or on
aoaatti the weiiare hi i.
Nation at
rut restmres Oefeated.
On reiuet of some of tho at the
Chamber ef Commote luncheon. Mr.
p.rtoa etpiamed his part la the famous
filibuster la the Senats last session
k nrevsnied tarn adoptl-n of the
' .... bill crr ins liJ.tee.eee.
. f which was -pork " He
.-.i. t.rf his now famous filibuster
-i,,,.i,.1i -talked the bill to
death " As a result mo.t of the -pork
harrcl" Item were eliminated.
(..wi'i BUI Ueaaaaced.
c.f.r Biirnn acain nounr.I the
amn bill passed by the I,
gress. and the Mp-P'ircti
. . K - I'rnutfnt Wilson.
at Con.
bill fa-
I ..omoany wiin represenlatlvee of
the Oh am per ef Commerce. Senator H'ir
tea nl on a hiseein trip. Last
rht ha received a d'leattlon of
aurfrscist at the I'ortiand !-
te who so'iel his nnoreementof tSe
isan H. Antnony amennmei"-
.natcr Burton will leave on th
reamer Northern Tacitlc today for n
franc licfc
Crowded Hooc lirret Procniation
of Urmin 111m at llclll;.
Crowded house greeted tha presen
n Port. and of the official lier-
. . ni..fnrM. which wer suown at
k. ileitis- theater at four perform-
w.t.rdai. The film will h
shown for four more d.o. the firt
pcrormam-e berfinnlna- at Itli.
Wild erthmiaera jreetrd soma of the
etew. Teuton!.- sentiment beinc. m the
av endant. Kaiser W tlhetm riewlnK
hi troor wa at onte th riaaai tor
great applause, which. If anjrthire. was
ceed m the rpl"e for general
von llmdnbur. the Idol of Germany.
Mobillration scne were followed hy
scenes elorur t';a route Into H'lsium.
The ruined c.tlea of Lle and Uuvain
were shown.
.--eaea taken of charee on th out
kirts of Antwerp were tt hel rl--turea
of trc-r m action that were
-To iho the German td of the
war and to make a powerful plea for
world peace." wa th" purpose of the
picture. a.cord!n to Count Martin
v-aha. the lecturer who accompanied
farmer Hans lllmwrlf.
ROe'KBr'Rll. Or. Au. 1 (Special
Apparently suffer. r- from the ef
feet of a sunstroke sustained several
j .are aco. C T. Bloom, a L-'.i'.a
t-emty frullrowr and Rtrderer. 1st
to.!ar committed -ilcMe by fcanair.s
Mmself in bl barn. A wit and lit-e-ml
children urvtv. He was it er
old and at n time wa emriojed a
cardeaer by the eoothern Pacii'.c Con-
Teaua lost In 1rv?.
vrflTBERu. Or. An. t (.r.ctl
In a fire e outk'.rt of .vw
v.. isdar. Melvin Hoffaar. n well-
ditar. lost a apan ef horae f 'r wm-S
he had refused esly
few dr
sr: a ITS nrvss.
all It coolants, with ij lnuran. . The
mi arigta U a mystery.
T Acxr-d of Prinking on Car.
rTCV CTTT. sic. is t!pe-!t.
-Jack Randolph. b ajs h U a
rrtljd stravt r'or. and H. W.
White are) ts th Ciackm County
Jail toatafct ebarssd who drtnkir.
liquor a trtcar. Tost war taken
(arar Jaaue) K..e SI U.Iwaukl.
na i a f a i 11 a I a ifm"m! n ' i I .
m a aaa fci Ursa l:3ut caaas-
f,i w ... l.l,ll , I IKHSII l.'H J" '" " ' ' " " 1
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t- V f S '' . v X
I J. '
, -:: ra' .
I.- -k-; . -
1 - ---. . . . i :
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With Husband, Nicholas Long
worth, She Sees Portland.
llcprcscntallvc. However, Indicates
He llaa Devidrd Vinra on Need
of rrr pa redness, but Itcfnsed
to Itrvcal Opinions Vrt.
This position of being; the son-in-law
and the daushter of an ex-Prealdeat
has It disadvantages as well as lis
compensatinn. think Mr. and sir.
Nichols LeoKworth. who wer In Port
land yesterday.
-I know that interest In me is only
reflected." commented Mrs. Lon r worth,
who. as the daughter of President
Roosevelt, waa a notable figure In the
While House a decade ago.
-Why. we are only on a little vaca
tion trip, and I don't think the public
care tnucn about what w do." es
pial nrd Mr. l.on worth, with a wave of
his hand a If tnat dismissed th whole
-ul a a member of Congress the
people may be interested la you." be
was totd.
-Well. I am only on member, and
Ju.t now 1 am trying to forget even
Ilepresentattve I-ongworth explained,
however. Ibat he hd given considerable
thonchl to the question of National
preparedness, which doubtless will at
tract a larce hr of attention from
the net Consres.
reeJitaa Taken bat Met Revealed.
-I virtually uava my mind mad up
on the position that I'll take on that
question. ' he assertetd emphatically.
He continued, thoush. that he didn't
want to tsk anyone intn hla confidence
on the suble t with the possible ex
ception of his wife.
And If Mrs. 1-oneworth la consulted.
-"a -v
e T .
J : a,
and if she shares th views or ner Representative Loncworth's po
t - I
IP 4 .
: "... M$
sition t very wni aennen.
Both Jfr. and Mr. Longworth wer
crratly Interested In Colonel Koo
lt' rvcrt trip through Portland.
Tb'-y had nt seen htm for some tint
previous to hi dcprtor for th West.
-oh. y. be t holding out very well."
commented Mr. Innc worth. whn oroe
on told him that th Colonel appears
to In rd health.
-What will th Colonel do neat year?"
someon wa tactl enough to ask
Tavwrl " Tsl Aved.
"Didn't h tll yon when h w
her questioned Mr. Long worth with
a lsuch. "Ton've seen him since I did.'
The question of Colonel Roosevelt's
future political status did not Invite
much discussion from either of them.
Both agreed that the Colonel is well
sble to lake rare of himself.
But when It came to the subject of
"favorite sons" for the Presidential
nomination next year Mr. Longworth
waa entirely disinterested. He waa re
minded that Senator Burton, who now
is In Portland, Is being put forward as
the probable choice among tne favor
ite sons" of Ohio.
"I didn't know anything about that,"
was his only comment, "in fact. I am
wholly Ignorant of politics."
Place Last Tei Year Regained.
Mr. Ixmgw-irth, who goes back to
Washington r.cxt year as the 'Represen
tative of the Cincinnati district after
an absence of two year, during which
time hi place wa filled by a Democrat,
lfuis; ha been prominent in Ohio poli
tico HI family waa among the pio
neers of Southern Ohio. He has served
five terms In the lower house, and has
been considered a possibility aa a Re
publican candidate for Governor of
Mr. and air. Long worth are on tneir
way to the Pan Kranclsco fair. They
Insist that they are traveling aa tour
ists and are-trying to avoid public at
tention. Representative '.ongworth waa
attired In a natty bummer suit of black
and white check. He still weara the
closely cropped mustache, which orig
inally was black, but which now Is
ahowlng tlngea of gray.
Colonel's Daughter Talks Onlj of
Wonders Seen on Trip.
Mrs. Longworth had Tery little to
-I am traveling for pleasure and
am enjoying the Pacific Northwest so
much." she said. "W'e are having a
good time, being Just ordinary tour
ists" When told that she looked well and
pretty a when she landed In San
Kranclsco after her trip to the Islands,
she smiled and appeared pleased. Her
smile Is glorious and her eyes are love
lier than ever when she smiles.
Those who say that Alice Roosevelt
longworth Is looking matronly are
wrong. Her figure la good, her com
plexion and hair ara pretty and her
hands are perhaps one of her most at
tractive possessions. They are elo
quent hand. but always one most
concede tha first honors to those big
expressiva eye.
Mrs. 1-ongworth wore a blue black
crepe silk gown open at the throat
wjth a wide white turn-back collar, a
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Heavy Catches Are Reported From
Astoria and Vicinity.
ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 1. (Special.)
There was quite an improvement in the
catch of salmon last night and today.
This was especially true in the section
of tha river opposite the 'city and
above Tongue Point, where several
gill-netters secured in the neighbor
hood of a ton each, and catches of 600
to (OS pounds were common. The up
river seines and traps also made good
In the lower harbor, however, the
catch was not so good. Indicating that
the school of fish which began to en
ter the river on Saturday hastened up-
Sunday fully 600 boats were outside
trolling, but met with only moderate
success. Today the trollera did better.
but made no big catches.
Large Symphony Orchestra to Be at
Hellis With Feature Film.
The Birth of a Nation." Grlclth's
masterplcture, will be in Portland Au
gust 21. announces Bart Bertelson, the
advance manager, who arrived yester
day. The picture is accompanied by
a large symphony orchestra and wlU
have a three-week run at the Heillg.
It will be remembered that "The
Birth of a Nation" had a five-week
run at Seattle and is now In Spokane,
where In IS days It has been seen by
10.000 people. Based on the story of
"The Clansman." it is the world's most
scenic and finished motion picture
work. More care and expense were
used in its filming than In any other
reel drama. Three hours is the length
of time taken to show the film, which
the best of critics hava called a "marve
loua production."
Tourist.", Thousands f Them, Ad
vertise Portland's Attractions.
-r didn't realize that Oregon waa a
great roue-growing state. The rosea
are beautiful now, aitnougn judo is u
aeasotk for them."
Thla was tbe text of a postal card
mailed to Massachusetts by a tourist
i . . .. v. iAplnnH nnil la anlv
passing; mi UUB" . ... -
one of thousands of laudatory messages
being sent out dally by tourists who
have stopped in the Rose City an
tauen in love who ii.
. .. . " Krli. another to
xcsi ii if jc.
friends in Chicago. "Good party, cool
weather, fruits, flowers, trees, moun
tains. Entertained all the time, nun
you were all with me. aa words cannot
tell what I have seen."
Mount Hood and the Columbia High
way come in for their aharo of praise.
Polk Prone Yield Normal.
MONMOUTH. Or, Aug. 1 Spe-
t.l.) Prune trees In the hills about
-M ... u.ntnniiih Ds-lla and Airlle
r eais , , .
are expected to yield normally this
. r.nnri a favorable
season for fruit development and claim
only in a few Instances the esrly frosts
the fruit. While not as
large as last year, th slxe of the
prunea will rank well up with the past
few years, according to the growers.
Many new orchard will bear this Fall.
Oregon City Orders Paving.
OREGON CITT. Aug. (Special.)
Hard surface for fieeenth and Tenth
streets from Main street to the rail
road was ordered at special meeting of
the Council tonight. It is planned to
lay W'orswlck asphaltlc concrete which
Is now beirlg put down on Main street.
Bids will be received early next month.
ssm-5? P'VT I i.
to Summer
Th Oak tn Cey Island ml tha
vea4) ivry form of entertain
ment and accommodation for tour
ists. Orchestral and band concert,
prima donna and musical comedy
company vrr afternoon and night
in the open-air theater. Porform
aseai free. Admission to park It
cents. Beached by express speolal
Oaks train (far cents). n
First and Alder; or by launch . l
cents), from Morrison-street Bridge.
Katacada, Casadere, Bull Ram ears
leave First and Alder every four
hour dally and Sunday, every hour
as far as Oreanasa. Good points for
baakat picnic.
Xlectrlo carllne to Boring. 14
snUea: automobile to Welch's. Rho
dodendron and Tawney".- round trip
from Portland. I.Ti. Sam aa above
with horse stage all the way, -7.
The Hazelwood
and Restaurant
Vk aakJaatsa SC at Teat.
Best Food Served at
Lowest Possible Cos,
Amid Homelike Surroundings
KATixa cap a err r s
rt wzj i-.:i
Portland Boxmen, Last Year Rated
as Best in League, Fail Utterly.
Speaa Picks San Francisco
to Capture Pennant.
All three leaders in the Pacific Coast
League race widened tbe margin sep
arating them from the second dlvislon
ers last week. Los Angeles won five
of seven from the Oaks: San Francisco
atoned for its reverse the week pre
vious by drubbing Salt Lake five in
aeven. and Vernon administered a flve-in-six
beating to Portland.
That San Francisco and Los Angeles
are the class of tbe field is now an
assured fact. Vernon may bid a little
later on, but most of the experts fig
ure White's team a little shy on the
class displayed by he two leaders.
Speaa Pick Seals to Win.
Bill Speas. captain of the Portland
club, thinks San Francisco has the
best team and he picks the Seals to
win the pennant. Others are of the
opinion that the Angels will either win
the flag or else drop back to third
if fourth. Dillon's team has a fac
ulty of going like Dan Patch for a
while and then slowing up to a "mud-
der's" pace.
For two or three year ma Angeis
were off ahead by long margins at
various stages of the race, only, to
fizzle' and drop behind.
The peregrinations of the Portland
club are Just now furnishing the mys
tery stuff of the campaign. Ealt 1-ane
is tha one real morsel for the Beavers,
and possibly they may get a new start
on the Bees this week commencing
this afternoon at 3 o ociok.
Beavers Apparently Doomed.
Tha chances are. howeve-. that the
Portland club is doomed for a fourth of
fifth nosition and through no fault
of the management, either. Walter Mc
Credie has fully as strong a club as
ast year's champions, barring pitch
ers. And tne piicners gugai m i".
Krause, Hlgglnbotham, Lush and Evans
were tbe boys who bore the brunt of
the work last year on Mack's pennant
crew, and to these McCredie has added
Kahler. of Cleveland, and uoveiesKie,
the Spokane spitball star, and yet he
hasn't a consistent pitcher in tne wnoie
Wa hava on our desk a letter irom
a fan who pours out his wrath against
Walter McCredie. He blames the Port
land manager, and not his pitchers.
This is all bunk. Walter McCredie
was wise enough to win four pennants
for Portland in five years 1910. 1911.
191J and 1914 and he has not forgot
ten all his baseball now.
Statistic Show Pltehlag Weakness.
Cold statistics do not lie; and the
efficiency record of Coart League
pitchers show exactly why the Beavers
have not been winning. Not one of
tho Portland flingers ranks anywhere
near the top in the "runs responsible
for" tabulation. Portland has to aver
age over three runs a game to win.
It Is not plain how any team can win
half of its games when there isn't a
pitcher on the staff able to hold the
opposition to an average of fewer than
three runs a game.
Vernon has six pitchers ranking
above the best Portland pitcher; San
Francisco has four; Los Angeles has
five; Salt Lake one. and Oakland two.
Even on the dilapidated second division
club of 1912 two local slab artists
Higginbotham and Klawitter ranked
far ahead of their club in winning per
centages. This year there isn't one on
the horizon. They are all dragging
and blowing up either in the first in
ning or the last.
Luck. too. seems to be breaking bad-
Mountain, River and Beach Resorts
Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland
Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are in doubt about any point,
or he trip yo" have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau
of th! ChaXr of Commerce or phone them -Bell Phone, Broadway 440 or Automatic,
A 6091. Information will gladly be given. Literature of interesting points furnished
Time Cards, Beach and Mountain Resort literature. The Oregonian asks the names and
addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with name of your party
Resort Dept., The Oregonian,
Stackyards mm Packing Plaat
Largest plant west of tbe Missis
sippi River. Located on Columbia
Slough within 4 minutes' rid of
Broadway and Washington street.
Take Kenton ear on Washington
street at Fifth. Sixth and Broadway
streets to Kenton. Fare a centa
Taka Kenton Traction Company cars
at Kenton to Packing Plant and
Etockyarda Fare 6 cent. Visitor
admitted dally except Sundaya
A scenic drive of rare beauty,
built along the south shore of the
Columbia River, a distance of more
than 40 mile from Portland. A
series of remarkable waterfall
rugged peaks and deep canyons are
among the attractions.
Why Not Visit
Above the Clouds on Mount Hood.
Commanding th Most Glorious
Scenery of Any Mountain Re
sort in the Paclflo Northwest.
For tickets and reservations address
DORSET B. SMITH, filanager
Travel Bureaa,
llf Third treet, Portland, Oregon.
Marshall 187.
l Satatr at All Tlaaea
ML Hood Auto Line
calls and delivers to any part of
city, day or night, to Mount Hood
resort. Round trip, ; Govern
ment Camp. 17.60.
FhOBe, Mala STt, ar A Z3SL.
You May Hare:
Amusement among the gay and care-free throng.
Tou may roam unhindered in the forests.
.You may match your wit and skill with myriads
of fish uncaught.
Tou may rejuvenate In many other ways.
Double Daily Train Service .- -
$6.25 round-trip season ticket.
J4.00 round-trip week-end ticket.
From Portland, with corresponding low fares
from all other points in the Northwest.
Through tourist sleeping-car from Portland every
Friday night, returning every Sunday night.
80 Sixth St, cor. Oak.
Phones Broadway 3790, A To4. .
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
ly. at least in the matter of Injuries.
Prior to the Davis injury the team
was just getting started for a pennant
fight. Everybody thought it was going
to be another 1913 and 1914 comeback.
And then Davis wrenched his knee and.
with the utility man. Reed, also on a
sick bed. the club was up against it
for sure.
This Jinx is still pursuing the Mack
men, apparently, for Fred -jrisch is
laid up now with a split finger. Should
Fisher get hurt this week against the
Bees. Bobby Davis would have to go
In and attempt to catch. McCredie
says he intends to make Davis over
into & backstop for next year. Suiting
his words, he has had his injured short
patcher out warming up with the bat
terymen the last few dayst
Hammond, at second, is also wearing
a cauliflowered thumb and this will
bother him this week. The little col
lege lad started for Portland like a
madman, but he didn't show much last
week. Carlisle is another who got ofl
Yes; S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable
Nature's Safe Blood Treatment
Known for 50 Years as the Best
. Remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Scrofula, Skin Diseases.
Scientist have dlacorered that the
forest and the field, are abundantly
supplied with vegetation of various
kinds, that furnish the ingredients
for making a remedy, for practically
every ill and ailment of mankind.
Medicines made from roots, herbs, and
barks which Nature haa placed at the
disposal of man, are better than
strong mineral mlxtnrea and concoc
tions. Mineral medicines work dan
gerously on the delicate parts of the
system, especially the stomach and
bowels, by eating out the lining mem
brane, producing chronic dyspepsia'
for Tourists
dead Cap la is a delightful re
treat. (000 feet above sea level, on a
sheltered spur of th very mountain
itself, and la located lust at. tha
tipper edge of the timber Una
The trip to the Inn usually Is made
by rail to Hood River and thence by,
stage. The round-trip rate. Includ
ing all traveling expenses. Is f 11.M.
Service begins July 1 and continues
to September lb.
Welch's, Rkedodeadrea aai law
aey's are located on th south aid
of the mountain. Automobile from
the greatest health and pleasure
resort on the Paclflo Coast, in the
Deart of the Olympic Mountains,
open for the season. Vot full
information address
The Stan a a er. Sol One, Wirt.
Dally to Mount Hood resort S A. M.
Bound trip S6; Gov. Camp $T.M.
Special rata for week-end and climb.
Ing parties. Information, reservation
od ticket at
1W td St. Mam SSeO, A MIL
Or Irvlnston Uarasa, East 13.
Aa Ideal Place for Tour
fiummars Rest.
C. W. J. Keekers, Whit (Salmon. Wa.
badly on his first week at home in a
Portland uniform.
Mill Employes Choose Own Manager.
ASHFORD, Wash, Aug. 18. (Spe
cial.) The employes of the Leitch
Lumber Company, who recently made
a deal with the owners to operate the
mill themselves, have named John L.
Brady as manager. The employes will
take what lumber there is on the dock,
all of the standing timber left and all
money and invoices belonging to the
company as payment in full of back
V. W. Russell to Succeed Sullivan.
sell, former Minister to the Dominican
republic, was selected today by Presi
dent Wilson for appointment to the
same position. He will succeed James
M. Sullivan, who resigned as the re
sult of charges
and often entirely ruining the health.
S. S. S. is guaranteed to be a purely
vegetable remedy. It is made en
tirely of gentle-acting, healing, puri
fying roots, herbs and barks, possess
ing properties that build up all parts
of the system. In addition to remov
ing all impurities and poisons from the
blood. S. 9. S. Is a safe treatment for
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, and all disorders of the
blood. It cleanses the entire system
and it's permanent. . Oet 8. S. S. at
any drug store. 8. S. S. is a standard
remedy recognized everywhere as the
greatest blood antidote ever discov
ered. If yours is a peculiar case, write
to S. s. S. Cs, Atlanta, Ga.
Portland to either resort, round trip,
each ?S. Oregonian on sale at thes
Pemlasul Para; luakea Garden
A city park and well worth a trip.
Take St. John or Kenton car.
Parks Washington Park, head of
Washington street, with small soo
and aviary. Take any car west on
Washington street excepting Six
teenth; fare S cents. Celebrated
statue, "Coming of the White Man."
also "Sacajawea." Excellent view
of the city.
XK1 Kt "St ' MM mi
Located at
Bar View, Tillamook Co., Or.
Train stops at our door. Only 200 feet
from hlsh tide. Plank drive to beautiful
beach. Sax bathing, comfortable bed.
All tb clams, crab ad chicken yon eaa
eat. Rates XI per day and up. For par
ticulars writ or call on WISH DENTAL
CO- Rooms 211-12 Falling Bid.. Sd at
Wash.. Portland. Or. Phone A or M 2029.
or Bar View. Tillamook Co., Oresoa.
Due Every Might. Pool. Billiards and
Bowling. Surf Bathing: 'Sea Pishing.
flit "SS