Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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tii'nj at Port la a4. Or. Peaiofflce A
tbscris-tioa Jtaiee laaartakl U asseaeaji
(By Mail.
Ti1jf. Suadar Iseluded. J oar
I-Otlif. lua4aV IBrlu4l. e,A BOBthe . .... .
l-aii. Sunday isxliaii. IBrea alk -
1-auy. aunaa iac;uoa. eae aau
vltuQul uaa. tw ....
X-eiy. suaoit ao. sis bbobibb
X ei:. altaotfi ut4u. lorve mooloe
ra; y. aiiBout uU,M uul ......
w, ealy. eae jaar ' T
nair, oaa )ear J-
riflUi lad Hku. M lu ..........
lr Carrier.)
yallr. Stwdar tnc:uded. oaa yanr ....
Xaiy. Suaaer lBeia44'. ee saoata
Hot la Basalt Mad Paaiafftr meaay ar.
4Vr. t jprfw erd-r ar araal eaaca aa your
loril Un'. Btamp, coin ar rurraory ara at
e-eU-r a rwk. iie poeiutflca atareaa la luai.
tucliadlaa rouaty aa4 aisle.
IMan Walra U la l puK I rral: 1
to r4' I cciu. 3 ta !a cents;
t av pacta, a canta; i la to pas-a. a
n i vj pnw, casta, soraisn
aoatasa. aeubla raiea.
La-itrra Baalaaaa Offices Varee Cobs
Ha. br'inK t tuliim. Ma lark; araa
a Cook. in. ater bu.ldln. Chlcaao: ran
Francisco ratajwuuia, H. J. ailoaeil. IU
farlal street.
mr. .RtT rioMciAx or track.
' The Federal Trade Commission is
conducting series of inquiries into
' bu!nM in the Pacific Northwest
which has quieted many -fears that
; were awakened by It creation.
; Throusbout the anti-trust agitation we
l-.aTe heard such a commission de-
' scribed as aa anti-trust commission.
Uu.-lne-w men had consequently come
. to regard it as a body that would go
Dp and down the land seeking viola-
. tioni of the anti-trust laws and drag
,ging the accused before the courts.
They were in trepidation lest they
should In some manner have violated
the law. and their activity was limited
by a trembling fear of prosecution.
. The commlasion. however, has come
' Among u-4 as a friend of the business
- man. who U rather seeking how he
may help business. The commission
' ha the roil of chastisement and is
read) to use It upon evildoers, but
keeps it in reserve In the closet, while
endeavoring to learn what is the roat
- tcr with business. Hence It Is hailed
as the great phsiclan. In the benefi
cent part It plays we see the fulfill
- vnent of President Wilson's desire for
reconciliation and co-operation be
' twten the Government and business.
By listening to pleas on behalf of
trade co-operation, the commlasion
' ha shown Itaelf to have an open mind
and not to be ready to condemn any
a trade organization merely because It
ia a combination. At its ripokane ses
. sion the danger signal against such
I combinations was hauled down, when
Mr. Rrand. Director of the markets
division of the Agricultural Depart-
' menu acknowledged that he had erred
and that the Krutt growers' Council
I was ler-iX, Chairman Davles sounded
, the keynote at Spokane when he said
Congress had Intended the commission be "an agency for the more easy
' accommodation of business process of
the country to the requirements of
' government." He added:
It aa rharire.1 with the date of protect.
' In lh Ir.taraata at tha eeaeral pabue
. taa iliualion, walCB. of e-urae. la Ita Ileal
I KT. foeslateat with thai attitude IIM
emm!sa.oit la aeelroos of doing- ail that It
" caa to ai-1 haaiBaaa intoraata.
Lumbermen, fruitgrowers, flsher
! linen and men of other industries were
- encouraged by this declaration to tell
their troubles to the commission and show how combinations for the gen
eral good ef their trade would serve
the public Interest. Lumbermen told
ef overproduction caused by baste of
ttmbermen to rea.'Ue and by sales of
National forest timber stimulating
erection of small mills, while Canadian
competition and discrimination, adop
tion of substitutes for lumber at home
and scarcity of ships to carry it abroad
. cause nnder-consumption. They plead
Z ed for the right to curtail production
and" to establish selling agenciea un-
der Government supervision. It was
shown how wide of the mark were
- Girrrd Plnchot'a predictions of a tlm
" ber famine and how. as the fruit of his
"theories. we now have the sawmill
-Channel of liquidation."
" fruitgrowers told of great and year.
. Ty Inc-rra.aing crops which could not
preach market and of orchards which
-were being grubbed up. The result Is
.thst "the consumer Is paying too much
and the groaer Is not getting a fair
price." They desire legal power to or
'.gantze in such a way that they can
market the entire crop and reduce the
. "too wide margin between growers
receipts and consumers' prices." As
; one of them pnt It: "Our problem is
I to grt our product .to the consumer at
a fair price, and yet one that will yield
- a fair profit to the grower." Surely
r. such an organisation would benefit the
public as well as the grower. The
commission also had a reminder of
president WUson's boast that a tariff
commission was unnecessary, as he had
Induced Conrress to endow the Fed
eral Trade Commission with author
ity to Investigate the tariffs effect on
foreign and domestic trade and to rec
ommend changes. A creosote manu
facturer said that his Industry could
be expanded and could expand the
tropical market for rreosoted lumber
If the producers of creosote were pro
tected by the tariff from the flood of
Oermsn competition which is expected
to follow the war. CS per rent of the
J American consumption being Impor
- td. Drug manufacturers any the
'. chemical Industry needs protection for
; the same reason, and that. If It were
grant!, the by-products which are
. wasted In two-thirds of the coke ovens
swould be saved. The anomaly la pre
. an ted of German chemicals bring pro.
, terted In the I'nlted States by patent.
while their American competitors have
Inadequate protection or none at all.
On Puget Sound the commission Is
Informed by all Interests that the great
' reed Is ships. Europe makes an enor
' nous demand for lumber, but It ran-
not be supplied because thrre are not
', enough ships, rates are exorbitant
; and orders cannot be delivered, for
: ships are no sooner chartered than
.they are requisitioned for war service.
; Seattle has equipped Itself to handle
4 a large foreign trade, but the ships do
! not come and the city has more for-
etgn orders for flour than cargo space
' to put them in. The Asiatic and South
American trade Is paralysed for lack
ef ships. Those nations on which we
have relied to carry our goods are
using their ship in war. and our own
laws prevent building of American
ships, since the present emergency
would no sooner be passed than they
would be driven from the ocean by
the high coat of operation which those
law Impose.
A plea was also made for permission
to banks to combine for the establish
ment of foreign banks In the Interest
ef foreign trade.
Thus the commission's Inquiry has
broadened to cover the whole scope
of business relations. It is asked also
to discriminate between harmful and
beneficial combinations and to indicate
How lumbermen and fruitgrowers may
lawfully combine. It is called upon
to recommend tariff changes which
will revive stricken Industries and
give birth to new ones. The necessity
of removing the barriers to construe'
Lion of a merchant marine Is Im
pressed upon It. The need of amend
ment In the Federal reserve law to
permit Joint ownership by American
banks of foreign branches is brought
forward. The great physician finds
the business body afflicted with
complication of ailments and is asked
to prescribe for all of them. All Its
thought and care and skill will be
required to And the right remedies.
It la disheartening to note that
President Wilson. In his new negotia
tions with Mexico, appears willing to
emphasise the fact that "forcible In
tervention Is not meant." The great
Pan-American movement to solve the
Mexican problem seems to have twist
ed itself Into another fine scheme of
moral suasion. We are to appeal to
the Mexicans as men and brethren to
behave themselves, and we are to
give our "active moral support" to any
practicable plan of constitutional gov
ernment, and to a new President.
Then we shall settle down hopefully
and prayerfully to a new siege of
watchful waiting. That is all.
Our warships are on their way to
Mexico. But so tender Is the President
of Mexican feelings and so solicitous
of the acquiescence of the South
American republics, that the assur
ance la sent in advance that they are
going to Vera Crux merely "to protect
foreign cltlxens." It is all a humlllat
Ing and unnecessary confession to
Mexico that our Mexican gun is not
The mournful truth about the Pres
ident's entire Mexican policy, or series
of changing policies. Is that he has at
times employed the language of force
only to descend to mere vocal evaalona
when confronted by the alternative ot
using the Instrumentalities Of force.
There is no opinion In Mexico that
Mexico will be required to do what we
demand that Mexico do. Carranxa is
even now defiant and Insulting, and
Villa Is apparently compliant because
he Is heading a losing cause. The In
fection of outlawry has extended
across the Mexican line and the whole
Texas borderland Is a seething caul
dron of terrorism and revolution.
Mexico la not a theory, to be dis
cussed with fine phrases and academic
loftiness. It is a horrible fact, and
our equlrmtngs and dodgings and our
comforting self-assurances that Mex
ico Is not our business, do not help us
to do our duty.
Alcohol In Its relation to long or
short life is more than an academic
problem. It Is real to a great many
people. The life Insurance companies
have made a deep study of the ques
tion, based on a great array of facts.
and the health publications have a lot
to say about It,
The New York Health Bulletin re
ports that the Insurance companies
have collated the facts in two groups,
as folloms: (a) Men who drink two
glasses of beer or a glass of whisky, or
their equivalent, a day; (b) men who
drink more, but are not considered by
the companies to drink to excess. The
mortality of the second group is said
to be SO per cent above that of the
first group.
Not long ago there was widely print,
ed a statement, said to have been
based on exhaustive Investigation, that
men who take two drinks a day sub
ject themselves to real physical In
Jury. Now we hear that moderate im
bibers who take more than two glasses
of beer or a single glass of whisky die
off much more rapidly than compara
tive teetotalers. For we should call a
man who takes only a single glass of
whisky a day a near-teetotaler. We
doubt If he exists. In a literal sense
but there are men who do not aver
age more than one dally drink. They
are occasional, and not regular, drink,
It would seem that the danger line,
from a physical standpoint, is passed
when a man exceeds two glasses ot
beer or a glass of whisky a day. There
ought to be a feeling of real comfort
in Oregon over this great discovery.
The Oregon law Is designed to shut off
the supply wholly to the public drink
er, while the man who must have it
can get enough whisky or enough beer
In a month two quarts of whisky and
twenty-four of beer to indulge his
appetite, yet keep within reasonable
distance of the danger line.
The recent series of German vic
tories over Russia Is attributed to lack
of aeroplanes by Henry Woodhouse,
editor of Flying, the publication of the
Aero Club of America. Contrary to
the general supposition, he assumes
that the Russians had the numerical
superiority, for he speaks of the Ger
mans having with 1.200.000 men
forced the Russian army, which has
more than twice as many men. to re
treat. The Russian failure, he says.
was due to these causes:
Failure, ob tha part ef tb Ttuietan army
rxiafa ic rtcosoisa tha poaaibiiitiaa ef am
ploytns arrnp.araa tat gxl advantage for
rarannoitartns. directing artltlrry lira;
operating; In tha work of catairy and In
faatry; asd In protraMtrg tha Ruaslaa lines
from tha prying e?ea or tha eftiriant 6r.
man air aeauia. who. tmenaUc-nsed. not only
mapped, pat securax oaiailao pneiograpnie
plana of I ha Ruulta positions ana dis
tribution of forcaa.
Kailura on tha part of I So Ruaalan army
rhtara lo recognise tha necaeatty of ahiftlng
of f-ont Bad of making atralaglral moves
lo otfart tha 'advaniaara gained by the enemy
throuch having mare and superior aero-
plana and aviators.
The email number of Roaalnn aviators and
Iheir lack ef eipertence. due to not having
Biananvaraat with tha troops befora tha war.
Lark of narup'.aoaa ta eo-operata with
Roaeiaa artltlrry In directing sua flra.
t-ack of aurrielaat numbara or aeropianee
aad eqatpma-al at tha dlaaaaal of tha Rua-J
aian aviator, wnicn wouio navaa rnaoiaa
tbam to operate with maximum efficiency.
Russia went to war with S00 aero
planes to Germany's 1000. but Ger
many had 1000 trained aviators to
Russia's 400. and most of the latter
had no military training. Ruasla'a
machines were of different types, and
men who could operate one could nor
operate another. Mr. Woodhouse
Roaatia aviators, lacking experience, want
oat only occaatonatly. and saw little: tha
I'trrmaa ariaiara mainta:ned a roost at mr
patrol, and Brought back drtslled accounts
and photograph ef tha Ruaalaa poeltieaa.
When the Austro-German rein
forcements were assembled for the at
tack on the Dunajec line, they were
cleverly concealed from the Russian
scouts and aviators. The Russian
lines were already known to the Ger
mans, whose aviators had taken hun
dreds of photographs giving an almost
unbroken perspective of the entire
Russian front from the mouth of the
Dunajec to the Dukla Pass. The line
had been little changed for months
and the Austro-Germans were able to
place their artillery to great advan
Russia lost by using old-fashioned
scouts and by undervaluing aircraft.
Germany made the same mistake in
Belgium, where the few Belgian air
scouts enabled their army to delay the
German advance. On the western
front the allies have claimed suprem
acy in the air and have kept the
enemy at a standstill. Germany has
been working up to an equality with
them In the west, and Russia is now
working up to an equality with Ger
many in the east. Russia Is building
large armored -biplanes, earning a
machine gun and bombs, with a speed
of eighty miles an hour, and is order
ing flying boats In this country.
Russian backwardness In aviation
explaina failure of the Cxar's Generals
to eliminate the element of surprise
from the war.' Except for the out
flanking of Von Kluck in France, the
only surprises of any importance In
this war have been sprung on the
Russians, and they account In consid
erable degree for the two expulsions
from East Prussia and for the series
of reverses which began In Galicia
and which still. continue In Poland.
Sometimes there are men who ad
vance the idea, and seek to live up to
It, that their duty to themselves is su
perior to their obligations to their
family. It is the doctrine of selfish
ness, but it is not new nor strange.
and in one form or another it is seen
or heard every day.
Not long since, a New York man
who had acquired a fortune, sought a
divorce from a wife who had borne
him eleven children. The woman in
her own behalf set up that the real
complaint of her husband was that
she was "old-fashioned and out oi
date." and that he had passed her
socially and Intellectually and. he
wanted to be free to seek more con
genial companions. It is likely enough
true that the more congenial society
was another woman who had not suf
fered in body or mind from the bur
dens of heavy family duties during a
great many years.
The court decided with the woman.
Naturally enough. There is a sound
moral reason for requiring a man to
do his duty to his family rather than
to himself, and no court, convinced of
the facts that a man was trylnr to get
rid of a good wife and her numerous
children merely because he was tired
of her. would think of severing the
marital tie. It is a common expert
ence that one domestic partner, in the
long race for a livelihood, distances
the other, but no decent man or good
woman would on that account ask to
be set free, if the other was not obvi
ously to blame for the discrepancy.
We have become familiar with the
pectacle of frequent divorce, but It
has Its compensations. It Is not often
that the circle of a real home is in
vaded by Its disrupting meddling: and
I no rra home is intentionally without
For several years the prices asked
for dairy cows in the Northwest have
looked apparently prohibitive, yet the
supply was usually below the demand
For several months the prices of raw
milk have been falling for the reason
that demand has decreased. The
Underwood law., according to an Ore
gon milk manufacturer, has caused
United States markets to be flooded
with condensed milk from foreign
countries, while our own manufac
tories ere either pursuing a hand-to-mouth
policy or storing their output In
warehouses, hoping the prices may go
up with the return of prosperous
The price of milk has fallen off at
least 25 cents a hundred pounds at
the condensers, and even at that they
are taking on no new customers. Hence
the slump in the demand for dairy
cows. But the dairymen ana land
owners who have places adapted to
dairying who now . go into th.e
market and buy good cows at the re
duced prices will be the winners.
There is a shortage of both meat and
milk cattle In this country, and the
shortage Is dally increasing. We have
10.000,000 fewer cattle In the United
States than we 'had ten years ago. yet
we have perhaps fully 10.000,000 more
people than we had In 1906. It cer
tainly looks safe for the landowner to
Invest at the present prices in cattle
of any sort, but the prices of dairy
cows are particularly attractive.
There are always people who argue
that the dairy business is Just as liable
to be overdone as any other business.
But facts do not seem to bear that
statement out. It was not overdoing
the business that caused the present
slump. It came from an unequal com
petitionunfair competition. Imported
skimmed "milk filled with over
60 per cent sugar has been dumped
Into the country by the shipload and
placed In competition with American
whole milk without sugar. If the
American condenser put up this kind
of milk he would have to pay the duty
on the sugar content: it comes In duty
free In condensed milk. But tnese
things will be righted and the dairy
business will soon be on the up-grade.
The old rule of buying when prices
are low and selling when they are
high should now be taken advantage
of by all who can handle more milk
stock. In the light of facts and ot
history this looks like a safe rule now
to follow.
The methodical manner In which
the German government set about
preserving the food supply at the be
ginning of the war forms a sharp con
trast lo the haphazard waste which is
still practiced .In Britain. An investi
gation of the subject was begun
shortly after the war began by a com
mission composed ot three physiolo
gists, a housewife and experts on eco
nomics, statistics, agricultural and do
mestic science. After four months
this commission reported. Its work
was described by Professor Olaf Ham-
marsten in a lecture before the Uni
versity of Upaala, Sweden.
Assuming that Germany was entire
ly cut off from outside sources of sup
ply, the commission calculated how
many calories would be needed to reed
the population for one year. Allowing
3000 a day for a man. 10 to Si per cent
of that amount for a woman, 20 to 30
per cent for a young child and 10 per
cent for a child of 14, the commission
found that the food needed would
equal SO. 'SO billion calories. It was
found that, allowing 80 grams a day
for an adult, the population would
consume 1.005.000 tons of slbumen in
a year. Consumption before the war
had been excessive, being 90,420 bil
lion calorics and 2,307,000 tons of al
bumen. ,
The conclusion was then reached
that at the outbreak of war Germany
had on hand food equal to 67,860 bil
lion calories and 1.543,000 tons of al
bumen. This showed that there was
an actual deficiency of albumen, which
had been Increased by wasteful con
sumption while the inquiry was In
Immediately the government took
measures to stop waste, to regulate
consumption and to Increase produc
tion of food. Prisoners were worked
on farms, motor plows and oxen re
placed horses and artificial fertilizers
were used. The supply of nitrate, of
which Germany used 625.000 tons In
1913, being cut off, manure was used.
It being estimated that nitrogen worth
600,000.000 marks a year was wasted
by storing manure in the open air, this
loss, which equals the consumption of
artificial fertilizer, was stopped. As
twice as many men can be fed on the
food given a pig as on the meat and
fat It yields, slaughter of 6.600.000 out
of the empire's 25,500,000 pigs was
ordered. A million of the 10.500,000
cattle went the same way. This made
a saving of 2878 billion calories and
217.300 tons of albumen in the shape
of grain, potatoes and other things
. Waste In the household was next at.
tacked. Peeling of potatoes wasted
2,000.000 tons a year, so that was for
bidden. Examination of drain pipes
showed that a fourth to a fifth of the
dally consumption of grease was wast
ed through the sink. Many nutritive
units were added by making less but
ter and using more skim milk. Ira
proper storage df potatoes wastes
4,000,000 tons a year, hence drying
Rnd other processes were adopted
(Use of grain In making alcohol was
forbidden, fruit and vegetables were
preserved and making of wheat starch
was prohibited.
All these economies resulted in the
following showing of food supply:
Albumrn Calorlea
In 1K)0 in
tons. btlllona.
nwiulrrmrnta lrtoi . ."Vtl.TftU
Ooruiumptlon before tha war. 2T7
Stock on hand "0-2 8
In order to make this supply of food
suffice It was necessary to change rad
Ically the diet of the people, to turn
them from meat to vegetables, and
to reduce the consumption of the
many who had been eating too much.
Even under the pressure of war and
the impulse of patriotism, this must
have caused much grumbling, for the
Germans are big eaters, but apparent
ly they have submitted.
When we contemplate the Immense
waste of food In America, the possibll
lty of the economy which could be ef
fected by application of German meth
ods here is staggering. But the roar
of protest which would go up would
be so loud that no man would dare
suggest it. A time may come, how
ever, when we shall have to learn our
The egg problem presented by Mr.
Baker, of Eugene, brought a number
of answers to The Oregonian, One has
been published and as the others are
practically the same, it is not deemed
necessary to print them. Mr. Lund-
berg, whose solution . was published,
was the first one to submit an answer.
Company-Officials have been indicted
for the Eastland disaster, but nothing
is done to the Federal inspectors who
allowed the overloading, except to rec
ommend giving the service to the
Navy Department Some grand juries
see a criminal ainerence Deiween
greed and Inefficiency.
The munitions invention -branch of
the German army has been working
overtime since long before the war,
but John Bull has only just established
his, though scientists have been offer
ing their services to the government
for months.
There is one drawback about being
limited to the submarine for naval
war Germany could not have carried
away that cargo of British gold If it
had been captured, though it would
have been most welcome sinews of
Does anybody believe there Is a
medical trust here? There is evidence
to the contrary In the case tried yes
terday wherein a surgeon wanted 1200
for an operation and two medical
brethren testified 850 was enough.
Baleful heredity is exemplified in
the County Jail, where father and son
are held on charges preferred by
young women. Yet there are people
who decry the preventive remedy as
When a man has the habit bad
enough to smoke In bed and, falling
asleep, sets fire to the bedding. It Is
time he acquired a manager to put
dope in his coffee and effect a cure.
Freaks receive summary -treatment
In Portland. A man with three legs
was run In the other day for the sole
reason that the odd limb was In a
suitcase and seemed suspicious.
It Is easy to predict the ultimate
fate of the villain who stole 35 an
there was from the trousers pocket
of the Centralia clergyman while he
was in swimming.
If General Sam Houston were alive.
Texas would make short work of the
Mexican raiders without asking the
aid of Uncle Sam.
A little of the Industrial prosperity
that foments strikes in the East
would be welcome out this way, with
out the strikes.
If Carranza continues to "sass" Un
cle Sam in this outrageous manner, it
will certainly be necessary to trim his
The Blue Mountain campers who
fled before yellow jackets would find
mosquitoes "real neighborly by com
parison. The Kaiser may eat Christmas din
ner in Pctrograd and change its name
back if the slaying is good enough.
Spain Is likely to profit by the trou
bles of her neighbors, for she may get
the few tourists who venture abroad.
The Western railroads must be
thankful for small favors from the
Interstate Commerce Commission.
The cruiser Goeben has as many
lives as a cat. She has been torpedoed
again, but she is not dead yet.
An outbreak by Mexicans this side
of the line may be the spark needed
to touch off the works.
Italians are - leaving Turkey now,
but will not leave much by and by.
The peach season is on and sugar is
recovering In 10-cent rises.
Russia is getting a little satisfaction
by chasing the Turk.
The season of fires with Heavy losses
is again at hand.
Mr. Geer Recalls Details ot Mr. Har
rison's Visit la 1801.
PORTLAND. Aug. 11. (To the Edl
tor.) In common with all Oregonlans,
especially the old-timers. I greatly
enjoy the "OreKon, in Retrospect" fea
ture of The Sunday Oregonian. It not
only serves to awaken -many partially
dormant recollections but is-' instructive
to our newer citizens in the way of fur
nishing an Idea of the development
which many men still living have seen
in tha Northwest,
But you will pardon me for ventur
Ing to make two corrections In your
reference to the visit of President Har
rison to Hood River in Slay, 1891. It
is said that "it was a red-letter day
in Hood River when it entertained
President Harrison, who was . ac
companied by Vice - President Levi P.
Morton, Secretary Rusk and Postmas
ter-General Wanamaker." It Is further
stated that they were welcomed in a
speech by Hon. E. L. Smith, "who was
at that time Speaker of the Oregon
House of Representatives.
The facts are that Vice - President
Morton was not a member of President
Harrison's party at that time, and Mr.
Smitn was speaker of the House In. 1889,
two years previous to the presidential
Durlnir the Legislative session of
January. 1891, it was known that the
President would visit Oresron in the
Spring and before adjournment a reso
lution was passed providing for the ap
pointment of a Joint committee to meet
him and party at the state line. The
resolution provided that the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House should be members of the com
mittee and that the former should ap
point two members of the Senate and
the latter four members of the House
for that purpose. Accordingly, the com
mittee consisted of President Simon,
Senators Fullerton of Douglas, and
Rakin of Lane, and Speaker Oeer. with
Representatives Butler of Polk, Paquet
of Clackamas, Story of Multnomah, and
Miller of Josephine.
The committee, together with several
Invited guests, met the presidential
train at Ashland on the late afternoon
of Monday, May 4, 1891, and the re
ception in Portland was held on Tues
day night in the old Exposition build
ing, a furious rainstorm prevailing in
cessantly from the time the party
crossed the state line on the south
until it finally got into Idaho three
days later. T. T. GEER.
Many Buy Goods Out of State That
Could Be Had im Oreaoa.
PORTLAND. Ausr. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) I have been following the af
ferent letters in The Oregonian on the
question of trading at home and I
think Mr. Brown, or MtilsDoro. comes
as near hitting the nail on the head
anything I have ever reaa on tne
subject. As he says, you may go In
any of the stores that preacn tnis
buy-at-home talk and you win una
the majority of them buying goods
not only made away from their own
town but outside of the Btate en
tirely. They do not only patronize
outside free -labor factories but if it
could be knows you will find a lot of
them buying convict-made goods such
as 'shirts. pants, overalls, snoes,
brooms, brushes and other goods.
Why do they do tnis? Because in
price they might be a little cheaper.
In reality they are higher because tney
do not compare In quality with our
Oregon-made goods. Of course the
consumer does not get tne benetit or
the price, it Is the jobber that handles
the goods and the retailer that makes
the difference. Of course we rubes
that tbey are afraid will be robbed
by the mail order houses have to
stand for it. I wonder if these peo
ple buying goods away from home ever
stoo to consider what a difference it
would make to our Oregon payrolls if
mare of this money was Kept In Ore
iron. 1 think tnis win oe a gooa ween
to show the merchants that are in
Portland for "buyers" week what goods
are made in Oregon. , A RUBE.
Just why we miss the, things in life
wa mlTht have for the taking,
When for these things, we miss, each
day ouat, very hearts are break
" Ins: . . ";
Could you. my dear, or I. my dear, this
auestion answer trufy.
There would remain no question, then,
why life is so unruly.
But, though we travel every path, and
follow every winding.
We're searching, searching constantly,
but somehow never finding
Though you. my dear, and I, my dear
these verv roads are going.
We'll pass our heart's desire without
the privilege of knowing.
And when life's span draws to a close,
when duty's call is o cr.
A yearning still each heart will hold
keDt closed behind a door
Though you, my dear, and I, my dear,
shall climo itres steepest nin.
There shall remain a vacancy experi
ence cannot fill.
the ships which are out on the
ocean so blue
May or may not make port.
But 'twill not be the fault of the cap
tain or crew
If they are the elements' sport;
For. steady and sturdy, ready and true.
They stand by the rudder and helm.
Their tasks to perform, their duty to
That disaster may not overwhelm.
Our hopes which are out on the ocean
of life
May or not bear seed.
But 'twill not be our fault If, in bat
tle and strife.
They are choked by Hhistle and
If, always- and ever, breasting the
We stand by conviction and creed.
Though bthers may censure, our duty
We will win to some goal through
our need.
546 East Nineteenth street North.
Krw Language at Home.
Topeka Journal.
Mrs. Bacon I understand one can
learn different languages from the
phonograph? Mrs. Ebert Well, since
our neighbor got his, I know my hus
band has used language 1 never heard
him use before.
Built Oat of the Proats.
Boston Transcript. .
That's' a nice house you've built
there. Subbubs; but it is rather thrown
in the shsde by that new mansion next
door." "Yes; that s the contractor s
house, built out of the profits he made
on mine."
Eating and Living.
Houston (Tex.) Post.
This advertisement for a prepared
food says that if a man eats less meat
his back will stop hurting." "Of course
it will." "I should like to know why."
Because he won't have to work so hard
to earn a living."
Not Special Delivery.
You may also have observed that the
restaurant salt shaker Is no special
delivery Institution; it doesn't deliver
promptly. . .
Gersaan Role la Bruaaela.
London Mail.
Tramways in Brussels are now com
pelled to pay one-third of their tak
ings to the German authorities.
People Are Tired of Commisaloa Plan
ua Here Administered.
. PORTLAND, Aug. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) Everything Indicates that the
people are growing mighty weary of
the commission form of government
at least they are weary of it as admin
istered In Portland. We have inspectors
and deputy Inspectors, secretaries and
deputy secretaries; soft snaps for polit
ical friends and extravagance in almost
every department. When men like B.
Benson publlcally declare that they
can run the city on 31000 per day less,
the taxpayers begin to think.
Just now the motion picture censor
board is being heavily "shelled," and
hone too vigorously. I note that W. S.
Wessling has resigned from the board
because he no longer cared to be a
"figure-head." When a man as con
genial, elean-ent and business-like as
Walter Wessling is forced to quit in
dlBCUPt, there is something wrong. I
happen to be familiar with the moving
picture business, having formerly been
interested in two theaters and I want
to say that Walter Wessling is one of
the most popular and best-liked men
among exhibitors and theater patrons
that can be found in the city. Those
who know him as I do are confident
that he would be the last to oppose
clean and moral films. Mr. Wessling
knows every phase of the business.
Film exchanges are maintained here
at a big cost and local exhibitors rep
resent investments of hundreds of
thousands, all jeopardized by the in
terference of a few legalized meddlers.
Local conditions recently prevented the
Big Four producers from establishing
an exchange here instead of at Seattle.
The vital existence of exchange man
and exhibitors is being threatened,
while the patrons of movies are ac
quiring a strong disgust.
Where there is so much smoke, there
must be fire and I believe it a public
duty to heed the exhibitors and de
mand that the clamp be put on those
responsible for one individual's abso
lute authority.
Arkaasas Important Officials Come
PORTLAND, Aug. 12. (To the Ed
Itor.) A short time ago the State
Arkansas had Ave Governors and five
United States Senators all within one
The retiring Governor, George W
Donaghey, and tha newly elected Gov
ernor, Joe T. Robinson, made two; and
by the death of the senior Senator
Je(T Davis, a vacancy was created
which called for the appointment and
election of another Senator, as Ho
Jeff Davis had been nominated accord
intr to the Oregon plan to succeed him
The new Governor. Joe T. Robinson
was elected by the State Legislature to
aerve the term that Jeff Davis had re
ceived the" nomination for. When M
Robinson resigned the office of Gov
ernor to take up his work as Sena to
Kile Oldham, the President of the State
Senate, became Governor by virtue
hi3 office; but owing to the fact tha
the Legislature was in session at th
time, it became necessary to elect an
other President of the Senate. J. M.
Futrell was elected President of th
Senate and upon the adjournment of
the Legislature he claimed he was Gov
ernor. according to"Iaw, and this con
tention was sustained by the Suprem
Court. A special election was called
and George W. Hays was elected and
sworn In as Governor, thus making
five Governors.
The death of Jeff Davis made it nee
essary for the Governor to appoin
someone to serve in his place. J.
Heiskell was appointed, and when th
Legislature met it elected W. M. Kava
naugh to serve out the balance of the
term. When Joe T. Robinson became
Senator the state had had four Senators
for this one office from December 11
1912, to and including March, 1913, and
the other Senator. James P. Clarke,
makes five Senators for the two Sen
atorial offices from the state.
Question of Title.
PORTLAND. Aug. 12. (To the Edl
tor.) A man buys some lots on time in
his own name, contracting with his
children to sell one or two lots each to
them on time and dying in the mean
time without a will. The property is
then turned over to his wife, with th
consent of the children, they then buy
Ing of her, signing the property over
to her, all children signing, lr in
future we want to sell, would there be
any cloud on the title? Is it necessary
to probate anything in this matter to
make it legal? J. TAYLOR.
455 East Ninth street North.
It is always best to probate an es
tate, whether it is necessary or not.
Some cloud to the title might develop
if this is not done. In this case, if the
father had a clear title to the property
and If all bhe children were of age
when they signed the property over to
their mother, you would have no trou
ble so long as you held the property,
but If an intending purchaser consulted
a lawyer, the latter would probably not
approve title because there is no public
record that the deceased left no un
paid creditors and that the heirs who
signed the transfer of property were
all the heirs.
Symphony Orchestra Is Asset
PORTLAND. Aug. 12-. (To the Ed
itor.) The writer, who has recently
come to Portland to live, was greeted
with the most pleasing information
that Portland has an excellent sym
phony orchestra, which has a policy
that is unique inasmuch as it has sev
eral directors taken from among Its
talented members.
The influences of such an organlza
tion cannot but be a vast help in the
propagation of culture and the love for
what is best in one of the greatest of
arts music. From time immemorial
music has been an inspiration and up
lift to all conditions of humanity and
its influence has never been felt
keenly as it is at the present time. It
has become a necessity as well as
comfort. The invitation extended to
the school children is indeed a splendid
thing for the children and the com
munlty. as it helps plant, the seed of
desire for good music and its renne
Portland is to be congratulated upon
this valuable and important institution
and the orchestra should have the best
support of the community.
Egg .Problem Again.
PORTLAND, Aug. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) The following, -I think, is a better
solution of the egg problem than that
which appeared In The Oregonian, as
it disposes of the eggs at an average
somewhere near market prices:
A has 10 eggs. He sells three for 2
cerlts and seven at 14 cents, netting 31.
B has 30 eggs. He sells 24 at three
for 2 cents and six at 14 cents, net
ting $1.
C has 50 eggs. He sells 45 at three
for 2 cents and five at 14 cents, net
ting 1.
The three received a total of i. or
40 cents a dozen for the eggs. I pre
sume the first lot were China eggs
and the second fresh Oregon eggs,
hence the difference in price.
289 First Street. L MEYER.
. Differences In Steaks.
London Tit-Bits.
Customers-Walter, this is the first
tender steak I've ever had in your shop.
Waiter My goodness! You must have
got the proprietor's.
Hotels on Rainy Days.
Hotel men say that on rainy days
their guests -are peevish and require
twice as much attention as usual.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
Krom The Oresonlan of August 13. 1S90.
Washington Superintendent Porter,
of the Census Bureau, has ordered a re
count of Portland and Salem. The re
count for Portland- includes Multno
mah County. John D. Lealand, under
whose supervision the recount will be
made, left last night for Portland.,
Major T. H. Handbury, United States
Engineer, returned yesterday from a
visit to Fort Stevens and the Jetty. He
says things are beginning to look a
little lonesome there, owing to tho
want of money to carry on the work.
The work of driving piles and extend
ing the jetty is still going on nnd the
brush contracted for is being used up
and a little stone is being put on it to
hold it down. Even this will have to
be stopped soon unless the rivers and
harbors bill gets through Congress.
The cable road extension down Fifth
street is a success, the cars running
smoothly from the turn loose. The com
pany seems to have a full supply of
cars, and they run them on schedule
time, and are very comfortable and ele
gant. The business of the road is in
creasing rapidly.
Astoria J. W. Hayes, manager of
the Pacific Postal Telegraph Company,
was in the city today consulting with
the directors of the South Coast in re
gard to putting a line up along the Sea
side division of the road. Mr. Hayes
wants to do the work at once, and
stated that his company will verv
shortly extend the line from Portland
to this city.
At a meeting of the board of officers
of the First Regiment at the Armory
last night there was a full discussion
of the question of encampment at the
Whitehouse grounds. It was found by
comparing reports or company com
manders that but 54 men could go into
camp in the daytime and 109 at night.
The notice was so short and so many
men were away on vacations or had
just returned that a better attendance
was not possible.
A novel team passed through Athena
last week. It consisted of two horses
and a yoke of cows, driven by an el
derly man with the woe-begone coun
tenance of a Kansas farmer. About a
dozen children, dirty-faced and ragged,
added to the attractiveness of the out
fit. Property owners on Tenth street,
who have been protesting ajrainst that
street being improved with gravel, will
watch with much interest the outcome
of the North Front street muddle. They
co:nplain that the gravel being put on
the street ia not such as is called for in
the specifications.
- -K.lwIadyHTHTHTaHT T R O A
Producer Sogsests Committee to Over
see Them as Well as Market.
PORTLAND, Aug. 12. (To the Edi
tor. ) The farmers and producers mid
their agents selling on the Carroll Pub
lic Market are resolved, "That tho
grocers in the City of Portland, in
general, and their representative body,
the Retail Grocers' Association, in par
ticular, need regulating."
They haven't yet decided how it is
to be done, nor when, but the fiat has
gone forth, and they, as well as tho
said Carroll Public Market are doomed.
Joking aside, both the retail gro
cers and the producers in the market
are human very human. Both are
susceptible to error, both liable to mis
take, even to misbehavior. Both need
regulating at times.
Seeing, however, that arbitration Is
the lesson of the day, whenever pos
sible, I suggest that a committee of five
be appointed, two by the grocers, two
by the producers, the chairman by the
Mayor, or the Chamber of Commerce,
or, say. Air. Bigelow. the duty of the
committee being to regulate both the
market and the grocers.
There are producers, or their agents.
on the public market who think the
regulations in some directions too
strict. There are some of them who
think that, to carry out their own
ideas and ideals of what a producer-
consumer market ought to be. they may
have to induce the market authorities
to see their points of view, or ulti
mately be compelled to go outside tha
Carroll Market. But they are not
spending time that could be better ap
plied, framing resolutions that lead to
A very high authority, who is neither
grocer nor a farmer, once said:
"Mankind is composed of producers and
parasites." Now, as the farmer Is a
producer, or claims to he. why the gro
cer certainly must be the parasite, but
a well behaved, well meaning parasite
sometimes. Cheer up. Mr. Grocer, you
are very useful no doubt, but don t
think you are indispensable.
Story ef Two Hats.
Stray Stories.
"I want you to distinctly understand.
Emil. that when your colleague's wife
has a new hat, I want one, too." "Calm
yourself, my dear. We've settled it
between us. You're neither of you
going to get one."
John C'ort'o Address.
PORTLAND, Aug. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) Kindly give the address of John
Cort, theatrical manager. Thanking
you. M. A. F.
Lonacre building. New York City.
Bacteria In Boston.
Boston Herald.
In the Boston City Hospital, where
the most rigid sanitary conditions pre
vail, bacteria are found in the air to
the number of 1352 to the cubic foot.
Srrr German Steamers.
London Tit Bits.
Last vear, 1914. Germany launched
six steamers of more than 10,000 tons,
the largest being about 56.000 tons
Bcaary at Home.
Houston (Tex.) Post.
Can you give me any ideas about
making my yard more beautiful?"
"Yes. Remain in the house.
It Iroi't Your Town; It's Yoo.
If you want to live In the kind of a town
That's tha knia or a town you nice.
You needn't slip your clothes In a grip
Ana start on a ions, ions niKs.
You'll find elsewhere what you left behind.
For there s nothlnr tnat a reauy new.
It's a knock at yourself when you knock
your town;
It isn't your town; It's you.
Real towns are not made by men afraid
l.-st somebody else aets ahead.
When everybody works and nobody shirks
You can raise a loan uom toe aeaa.
And if while you make your personal stake
Your neighbor can make one. too.
our town will be what you want to see.
It Isn t your town; it s you.
London (Va. Mirror.
The People's Guide
"Retail advertising is the people's
guide to everyday living," says J.
H. Appel. advertising director for
John Wanamaker.
It is as natural for people to turn
to the advertising columns of their
newspaper as it is to use the tele
Advertising and telephone both
signalize the modern Idea of service.
They perform that service so well
that they are a habit.
People no longer wonder at them
or think about them they just use