Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 13, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 TTTE MOIiyiNG- OREGOyiAy. FRIDAY. AUGUST IS. 1915. -
1 : . I u, v,v..u .iiirviTllH ' I IrtSl AND FOUND. T FLNANCLVU
- . . l wevai wmwv9 I - 1IK KU 1. I a... I I - -.
. : I
COMPETENT Bursa weal work la
r out of Pari land. ! . Al 'I'-V
earea 411 tCAUTcul block. Mil .UvL
a hit.
K 1.1 ABLE !& want practical nor.lni.
I good at p:am sea. in. MiKkratt
cnni' Al ref.ran.e Ma.ii 7 ' 1. A 1M
XcrK b!I position takine case of m
va.l.l or cn.Mran. ACi. UrnwiM.
4m.'D practical Burs, doctor reference
Wen 4i7. .
Tit 4.1NKD ihfm want, ease at once, reaaon-
e-;a teritia. Main .Tn.
IDDl.E-4,'iD lert with grown son and
daughter eat elderly partner ' mau
ritel or boar-'inr-houe or m ran. h, airs.
TH-ejd. itn V. w. C. A.
POSITION w.oted by raflued. espeneoead
XMa womaa l care for invalid or In
tent and B'iP about the torn. Country
preferred. T 1. oree.mlan.
REFINED woman, p-amoa bou keeper lor
I man or duo of man. city or vuntry.
Fairy competent U Uvae (Un. E4. Ore
gon tea.
jVfMl adv. :- d-Slres poatloa l" J"!;
g-vd boiiokrr P .cook. li
x . : i. i-a. ,-.-
A7E-fwti.i as hoaaekaeper by tp
laMr 1: hMcikm eacbaaaed. AV Ail.
HIl't'LKA'li.1 w-vmn wants housekeeplns
la city or country for widower. 4U torn
mere iI bo. Main 7o.-l, A lali.
CAl'AUI.E. r-Lit. oma wanta xotlday
d aaara to pr-pr and anio. i'." Hour.
A I r-farcnt-a. Jtm ToiU A 1-1..
vkK 7.nt4 by S-.di.h ";,'"'
houaaaork. ood rook, aatfaa J. aatap
h m. 3a J.
Jt.Rr"'".l VN" girl aanta i.nrj. ttouaaaora.
l tacrllaaroaa.
WA.VTt H a soman. poa.Ua aa
in, companlB or cr.:a-r for artu.t or
hii :ra on r:g from rrvn to Xa ora.
r-.-.iic tn.r. b r,pt-mtr
.i,rl, rr-rn-.-. K Orra'OBiaa.
jtXLlAHl.E ro.iaj woma. aom ht Uma
lt do-o not ,ntr:. ra at aU aiitk h.r
Ll.KiU-V -omaa. partially !'-
and ra:iab... work a In
fa-ruiy: !' moBtk.
j. Tv. A Tl?
,-.rll.:.M f:r. r4?an oo aan.a
ar h.r or If, or will cotaidr (ioua"-P-irr
or rut Boua- mtui'L . bona P31
.'H. rf.nd. cmpatrt rura-ry
l.'r f. irin
A lliUvl.l.t BpartaB.-4 mao anta
.irk by tb. day or bor. l ho Uroad-
a. J "
. ,-i I M aoai a.i d aairaa hniurantk. amail
lariti.y: bjat. cooa Ba. raonao.a
CTOD Uundr-w wanta .aablns. Uoauaf
a.y. MraBall :VJ. room
U-AkU: . maa aar.t w.. day or bolT.
;-.B.Ir. H-a-l-ay It.
....!t:-:r ary nd of day .ork.
f4rialaar a.
rc.LoKtU woman w.aa y ork ar .ark
moot 1-t.ona Et .
...oi.tTrr lanrvlr.aa lna aork for
Krufay an'l Satuflay.
Cl--Kl. and o.
rta: ra'-racca. TJ-r ol.
T"t vi W'ovTkN. ltk lB bouaa.
.H ,aa. Tah"r J.
Ji.k.!.l Bl,K lrl wi:l o to baarh: aaaift
Buaork r faj;:yoXJrJ;nlaa.
riilKJv'Kl Uurt'lra. no otjaclioo to
rj.ioinc PBina Kaat oi:t.
TOI X'i WOMAN want bouaa.or In faaUdT,r. 4. Htb at. r). E.
WATK1 Ta rant unfirnlabd i-roo
movlrra btinrnlow or cottaca witn lp!n
porcp or larro porch, not otr U; lr
mt Ionlan.
TfVTEr P raliabla party, to maka a
horn: a atrlctly modern houaa. 1 or 1
rnorna. moat bo Bico lo--atKa; rclrrrncea
If r.q ilrad. i . Oraoaua.
V ANTHO Nlcaly furnlahad a-room fiat,
witb .train baat. within .alklnc dta
tajtc. Phono Main in.
'h M BBd ateepintT prch n Eaal Slda by
nnil. (cntiaiaan. atata prlca. Al a. Or.
Hana aad Rawed.
BlllINKSil lady would llko board and room
or fumwhad houaekarpln liana in prl
vata (anuiy. J a. oraoaian.
arBabrd Jtaooaa.
ptsro th cir liacaa baan raraovaj
ur cornar ia ouiaiaat la lbs downtown
aactloa. Lrniy oca p..d corner room, wlin
ba.b. ramaaita uutak.n. Wo baa aovaral
auoico. fraaniy kai.onumrd outaldo ruoroa.
sub or without bath, all! b"t wntar at
nil hour. wtvpLoao and aary cudi.d
t.aca. at l. and aorua for laaa. Thcra U
a piana la tba parlor and a bomalika at
motph.r. In tha houa-. Cla and da
cant day and aicbt. fcaaaior notil mid
nianr. Luaa. a. V. cornar .-"Ui and
Jv. d Kli-Ttrt. liatinc acrl hundrad
la all parta of tbo citj. al V. at O A-j
aiat ttioa It tno aaavciattoa firaproot
bui.dius. with abowrr tatha. aatniniing
pool, a ,mna..i4m. Ittrary. readme rooiua
at t par t double, wun
Individual bo V or t-v i- M(
waeH ainlo.
f 1. i ' S Cxi UT.
It'k and ltn:li. l.ii'.n. Library.
Larca. attracti.o oui.ido ron. prlaata
and puMto tub and anower batha. taia
phon and running water In a.ary room,
aia.aior aarvica. oon.ranlr n4F4jjafnL
$.;- trt per waaa. Main ftl'X
Etocenth, bataeeo M.'inim and Tin
JitiL laarablo downtoan location. He
ap -tBl to and . 1 rvrt y mmlcr. Room
rat-a i par da. II par week. With in.
a' b-ii al o' per nay. per wean.
i ,i r r tit li V Ti l
Corner lUU and tark. a.' week and Bp:
la.a-or. b-t and ce,id water, alram beat,
taiepkor Tonneciiow In each room; ao
a-itra charyo rr two la a r.mi; room and
aatn 1 oayi transient tniiriiea
w-.t'i ta.hinion at. Seect l.-ae.n: a'l
it.iela. ronl. clean, qul-t. wall-torn. ahad
Tonrna; runnltta w tier, phanea. puMtc or
tni. f.'lll ; V np e day But
hot f.u ron ix
w a.blnKtoo.
ramlty hatei; b-t and ceM ' and
phtn In aeery room; roe a without bato.
1 1 with taih. $TS np.
Horc:. o. k.i:t.
ar.moa at., at ! iVntral location :
T.J.I ! V.O KATl:.. 5" rar da up; waaa.
. up. neat ream, runnln water,
freo phn .nH bafha. .team le-.t.
THi: WIIJ.AI'.1.
Tafk and lrrrl"n; atrlcttr m-!rn.
lare. alrr rFena. U CBter cpaclally to
permanent; rat a 9 "o week rp; lara
i-t rom.. rr
Mlrrs" vrrrx .i.ilora ran find arerr
Belmmot,' trial ana note! can atva
at HvTEt. Vi;r." i:ta and Jitirk. for
l. far icaa. t'leaa and decant day and
W.t, I2TH T.
Modern: ape--lar rilm'tlurt on BTI rearmB;
t? per week an- a? Varariall JT'.
tlwh at. at rak i;o.l. i et plara. down
town, atrtct'y Bimirra, nrepremf butlriinr.
e'e.a'ror. Urf. tibi'T. II per we.k
and np. witr privare bath f.' per week.
ln' roorna t.'.frv an t up: with private
patn ali and up: Indict-lita! taiephonea:
rripert.ei.t tranjent aoltcited.
J(, TE1 II A ZEI. Tenenentlc tocated. hai
all outaiiia room a. with hot and roid
water In eai:h room, llatra r.aannabta. ivi
3d at.
Korthea.t corner i;ark and 11th.
Modern outaldo room. $l weekly and op.
rarro rrn'ipq-fl'Hif oy.
Iri'iTEL. tDiVAr.T. r.rnrd aia. and E. pel
mml r.ooma 10 monthlr. .-n up with
pnea'a bath: larre. pl-aant lobby, eafa
In ee,nneron. Flora Kan a?S.
" JTAXriSH H'"T in
Coeil. c imf-rtlMr Btry liwmt ffroo
Th nea. bath, tl week. mon'h and np.
HI-.TFU CORDOVA. ? H'h atrlctly
mode: pnafo ba-a n aulta; room a j
up. Main ..-. a i.-i.
VAXWELI. Hall t"T Hlh; P'-lctly modem:
tio of parlor, real bwii: ft up 11M.
iTrvrifl. riKAVT t'lu VTaaMnrtoo Mod
ern, clean room all e ren eneea: 1 Ti up
MOTEL S'iRPI". S'JS Alder. Moilera oot-
eida room a. t- per week up.
, aihed Kowiwa In Prl.ale Family.
vrivrLT fumtahed r.m.'r.t.
. I ter week. , ITth N M.
A.HIN or claanjn waatad by ood
woman. Pnona -7Jo.
I'liVlXilTOV Reautlfnl ro.m. paw home.
1L.b'a to I or R car. near chin. K-iat 41!
Nli'ELT fornlahej room. aiitabia for 3; If
pant atoadX 4uJ Waal i axk.
riraMbH Roerwe Is Private Faily.
ILEA.V. a.w.r furnistacd front room. rea-a.m-ic.1-.
Han licit. 50 Taylor at-
furnished front bedroom, walking
Olatance. 1I.5Q a wee. 4-1 etn at.
PLKAANT room for young snaa or lady.
employed. Tide, Johnson.
Kooeaa With Hoard.
Washington at 234 at.
A charming tanai.y and tranaleot hotel
f th highest ordr. excellent cuulat, sep
arate fabiea. extremeiy rtftaouui. ratoa,
worth luveatigatlag. Main 70s. A i93a.
A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel
American plan, oa carilna; lt aatoute
froos business enwr, price la accord
with fatra4 buam condition.
JJd and lloyt aia. MarahaU 111.
aUXanuka roinr,
An Amaricaa plan RvaidmcB HotaL
Fnitca. aUaa rouaka. Jtxcallant tabla.
A .!. Mala ttlL
14.a and Jefleraoa bla.
A a excellent rceldenilal hotel; attraetlra
ratea to transient or permanent sucata.
I hore Main u.-J. A etio.
Tba Wnit. nail, lit tn at., baa a flaa
tablo board, modern room, aua parlor, a
real borne; reaaopabla rauea
Hot RO and room. Caaa Atoaa. 3vO Jaf far
Boa atraot; l.i and up.
BowmaWltb Bowrd la 1'ritata Family.
ri.SAS.VNT. nicely furniartcd aleam-hcafd
rooma and eAcclicnl mca.a for 3 or 2 uuif or youn( man, tt.orouchly roodarn.
himeiike place. Weal s.da. eaay waikinc
dLanca: lo to 14. JO wwca. SaarahaU atja.
iTiVlSGToN HOilr, auito of "a f urnU.led
rooina. aith or altnout mrala. suitable, for
a fllilcmiD ur buelbraa ladiea. 1'aotio East
C6 I.
Si UTH ST. Attract), e home for buai
naaa people; lance, beautiful. y furnlaaad
rivom. tao mrM. pli-nty of hot water.
ci-j.ln. Weal 1'hoce Main T.'nO.
ilKAC'TlFL'L furoiahed rooma In modern
home, excallaat board; raaaoBatdal ilar-
a.l lo:.
Kt.'a and board In private famll. home
pnttleaee. wall'ina' tii.tauca. Eaat 444U.
-.:V llaaaalo at.
LAK'iK. attracts r'im, bam Eticbcd. ax
cat. eat home board. wa.ktnff diatanee; 2
Itent.arnen. reaaonab. 1 Weat 1'ark.
WANTEl -A child lo tare for aa own in
my home.!e; reference. Call
a-'im ajd at. a. t; t- n.ou car.
afA. wif and eng. nil a rooms, food horn
rooaliir. atrii tly pri.ate. piano, iiv 1'ara.
Hi: mnn.L
.Niiw L.V lurtileh.d front roum for tant. wna
t ard 7 1 ..M at. r.
lii.iAKD and room In private faml.y. newly
furnished. iX 427 Clay aC Maranall oWlet.
FtH bua.Baaa sTtria or atudaata. 14 weak up.
"Aana Lewi'" Hail, olo r iandera aC
br.Ai.Ti KL L. Inrxe rooma. with board, ti
up. alsln C-1NI. 1 Harrlaon. pear 14th su
aitriKtiN rooma and horr.e-co.iked meaia.
SO N. !7th at. 1'none jlax.nall liHia
teiH'i toar'l. pleasant room, bath, easy
wa.klr dV.taiice. a Week. East 4J4S,
Mi ruf furnl.brd r.rn la a modern aparl-
n-.crt. Mir.l4:i ai.1.
k ar nielied Apartmeata.
lata and aaimoa St.
Is quler refined, clean, safe, pop
ular, well knowa and of tba blabast
standing. Not tba cbrapeet but a
houaa of quality, oo fort and aarv
Ica. atoath. Week. Day.
l-ree ...Io to a0 lis up ll.uonp
-room... 44 to aa 14 up S.40 up
4-room... 44 to o 10 up vo up
Hu.. II and up ft up 1.04 up
Ith and Columbia 8ta
I rain, ails to A Frank store;
Bice eurroundinaa; Juat the tkintl for
furamrr; atnctl modern s and 1-room
furaianed apta. all .ita Franca
aoora and pa.coniea.
Uay Week Month
Rates reasooabla. Marshall Hit.
lain and laylor.
Mnet modern apartment on tba Pacific
Coaat; furnished complete.
Roof saidea iu connection.
Wa:kin d.aiance. Mefereacea
F'lftn and Coilace.
Clean. coa. three aud iour-room fur
fiished aparunenta; rent roaaonaoie.
A ..o bacner apartmcnta
Heat, water, pause and janitor service
Farnlshed or uriXurniahed 1-room apart
meuta. linen, ail.erware. private poaas and
bath, aiewpina porca. naareat tue L'moo
Liepot ol cleat bide apartmenta i0& cor
ner Clatkamae aud it oaa at. a st 31ta.
ONLVIll'lo per month or 15 to $7 per
week, comp.atelj furuislied housekeeping
two-room apta. Including elactrio tignta.
beat, hot waiar. bath, private pnone. new
brick b,ug la miuutea from P. O. iiacoin
Apia., 4tn and Lincoln. Main 13 W. A 41a-.
W A.-IIINti TON OKANiJ 3 and e-room fur
atahad apta, 113 per moma up. Hot and
co.d water, beat, iignt sail beta furnished.
One weak a rent free with first month a
reat iu advance. Grand a.e and Waan-in.-iin.
E. 444.
ilia; arLLvvYN. tui.MiH sr. claik
W Anil INvi I ON.
Hiffh-rlasa, laamonabie apartment hotel:
tour .aia can scura lurniau ad apartments
for short stops in tlU ; rcivia.icee nrviulred.
M aranall SnaU.
CAi;i.uITA tutKT. Everett and 17th
Nee, modern, steam beat, private baths,
laundry, completely furnished 3 and e
toom apta. lo into, from buameaa center;
save carfare; rates moderate; reference.
MoNTuuMEHV Apta. cor. Sd ' and Mont
gomery ate.; str.ctiy modern, ail ouuude.
luruielied 2 -room apta. electric elevator,
be.t service, close ia; $. to e-a; Ires
lights. Main Use.
bEKKELEY APTS 3U Trially Place; I
ano a-rocm apta; light and pleasant;
be, contra, cenuai; Ili.aO to alar,
snail io0.
" Trili FLoI.ENCK. W UTH ST.
1-4 room apta.. tburouably modern and
Clean; roof garden, sand Uosca for can
oeik. tJo up. Conducted by owner.
lltb st-. corner iiail; eiegantly furnished
aparuneaia; private pnone, tvaitt aad aa..
Cony porches. H and up. .
Cor. park and Tay.or.
Handsomely furnished 3. 3 and 4-room
suites, beat location in city; rseaoPabia.
W S.LL-F L HN loll bU beat arranged 4-room
apt. for rent la Portland, etevated Bile,
southern espoaure; separate entrance; ee
lect neighooioood. Main leu. A 314s.
uHANLVTA. East stark and Oraml sis
v.iceat furnished three-room apta. private
phone and bath, wa.king daisce; pricea
Biocicrate. Phone Kaat 3UL
" M A 111 SON- PaIiK APTA '
1 ar k St., at Mad Leon.
Mo-lera -. 3 and 4-rooiu furnished apart
menta clc.eluby week or month,
UIlAiPiiALL, cor. avast 4th and Hie
tnerne. 3 and 1-room apta.; private oaths
avid phone, aieo sn;gie rooms; well fur
r. sned. IU so MP- In one East HI.
CUATIIXL ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay.
Two rooms, l.giit. pleasant and well fur
Biased; wa.amg dcaa ce; .4 lo .i.4.
14tn and Co.umbia.
1 and J -room apartments, furelshed.
first-caas, reasonable ratea. Maia 733 1.
t'JO monm up; modern 3 aud 4-room
apartmcnta completely lurnisbed. Islt N.
la. cor. Kearney. Marshall JPta.
mV 1-roorn fumlehed apartment, two to four
weeks, two bails, piano, sewing machine,
phoi.e. ilt and gas Included. .o
m.Tih. Maranall r.'-n.
2.reVa' AiAKT Automauo elevator, pbouea.
ilgnis. linen. (A but watar aiwaya !3.ovi
to eoiO week. KiiV. id. nr. Mor. 4th floor.
i'llli CliELTENHAil beautiful furnisned
3 aud e-ruoiu apartmeols; lowest rata
in city, turnir N. luth and Nortuxup.
tat 14th st. near 1aior. Marshall 1134.
3. 4 and 1-room lurniaiied ana uaiur. apta.
" FAlHMoL'NT APTrk. liTkL
Modern furnabed two-room aparuasat.
til io up, oo in. Mam Sisi.
ru. .oj BiurmuiiL all outaida rooma ,..1-4
.aia path. Pacilie phones; 4.3 up. Taaur
U 1011;
Modern. 3 rooms, special rate for July
and Aueust. 17:p and Marshall. Mar. 4143.
COMFORT 4.BLT furnished
apta. (U.M up. includini
3 aad 3-room
ni. iir.ev up. wciwiini aw ana coca
water, llgnla and pbone. lit Mill at.
NEW furnl.hed nparuaenta; concrete block;
llti and Hi- 1144 v Union are. N.
AHUMAT TEllRACE. 33 1STH First-class
la every reaped; attractive ratea.
CAM AH. 744 Lovejoy Modern brick build
It.; 3. 1-room sps.. lto le.llarll!.
W ELLINGTON AN NEX, loth and Eesrett
Two rooma newly furnMiied. hardwood
floors, wa.king distance; :i iO. Main 1143.
I'rifnrnlalircl Aparlmenla.
THE MAKLUOROL'OH. Xlst and Flanders.
Una. light. I. t-r. reaa M ;lt. A 347.
THE AMHR1CAN. list and Johnson. S. 4,
loom, raeaoaabla. Mar. UiA. A, alio.
Cnfumlxucd Apartmcnta. A COURT,
en Lncreua l, Aud feet norm of 23d and
V aanmsion. moat beautifully located blftl, to a rooua. all Lara
oulaiUe fimiua, a apiirunenta uawly fur
niauad; pri.a reaaouabia; rcferencea re
quired, oea tbein oaiora locauu. alan
aar. jfaranall lo!3.t "
VKHY attractive apartment; . livliis-room.
dlninx - room, one bedroom, aunroom,
kiti ben and batn, all uut.ido wiudowa,
baruwood f looia. wnua woodwork, four
clotiiea cioaela. Will leaao tnre monlha
or louccr to rciponeiDle partlea; rent, od,
lni.-luuea beau not water, telephone and
janitor aervicca. K. k,b, OrcBonlan.
"" 705 OAVI3 8T.
Head of nana Bt.
Most rnodoia aud laarnooaol apart
maut. bouaa ia Poruaaa; abaolutaly fira
piov'f. . bra Lo 1-rooiat unluxiuanau apart
maxiLa. STtvtNS APT.. iaraa outaida rooma, front
and pack. prWaia porctioa and a.aapinf
porca, beat, iioi watar aud puona. Hi
.Nurttirup, near attn. '
li luTll oT, near Clay i large rooma. oak
(loora, trout Terauda, aicoplns porch,
ran a a. ratrijtorator, neat, but wawr. to Lr ici
ly ni'edern. juat completed.
4-ltuoM apt., all outaida rooms, fireplace,
pomn, nice ard; uae u party room,
.loou.aan It la.
lUKLiUAM APl'a, 1 iO Ford at. a rooma,
hardwood tioora, oaa luiiau. tlio bato,
yuivate balcony and piiouo. 3o.
Hoau FKlt-MU, coruer liroad.ay and Jet
feison cieaaut uniurnisued aparunenta;
firat-cinas acrvioa; private phono; raf.
OfiiCE" APAKTENTS, -1th and NortUrup
-routu uuiuiuiaucd apartruout; ail luud
era cuuvameutt:. JaiiraiUiU Itii'li.
Foil lln'XT Two room, strictly modern
upartiiiviils, walking- (.ulance. West Siiu;
rui only als a raoulli. o.i. Chapman il AMi, 14ib and Clay aia. .So. u
me iim to aecura nao-araoe permanent
a jartnienta. rolereneea. M ar. aiiee.
a.i.i.Cai APIi. aoih and Korilituie o out
aida rooms, bora wood iloore. veranda,
bcautiiuny locaied, raf. Jaarahau iu
k umialicd or L niuruiahrd Apartaacata.
MuUliAN. KLlEi.Na.K A liol'Cih.
li-t;l Moisau AaldK.
F'nrniabad aud uaiutaiauau aparunaata
la a.1 pari, of the cuj . araat variety of
iocaticna, aiaca and prices. Our tree auto
mobile at our aaxvl.a in viaiuna iay of
our apartmcnta
sun .ola. A Ilia.
lilt: iiAKh.tK, corner of 31st and Irving
F'urnied and unfuraiaiied aparuneaia la
2. 3 and 4 rucua, lour-slory prick, elec
tric automatic eiavator. disappearing beds,
buut-ia Bullets and writing oeska plenty
of x.oecl room. v acuuui ciaaii.r Xrsa
i'hone MarsVa.! ;6L
KI.NUSUL'liy APIV. lad lata iv, off
v uanititftoa a l.. 3 and 4 rooma, uof ur
niahcd. by month; 1 furniahvd 3-room;
will rent oy day, week or montli ; private
bah-ouy, higb-claaa uchborbood; maii
aged oy owuera; reaauvule rent.
THE HOTAL AKMS. "llth and Lovejoy
The newest and most up-to-date apia la
Portland; hardwood floora ba.conles, eta.;
a. I ran la moderate; 1 3-room. 111. II; 3
3-room. tiU. Marshall I31L
bUENA Vista,
lain and Harrlaon,
Finest apariuieni-nouee on Pacific Coast;
beaullfu. location, strlctiy modern, .Bik
ing distance, ivfcrsucea A3, IwSL al. loea.
ltE.NFELl"AT"To.14in and Eaat ttlark
Avrick blag, and strictly modern; 3 and
e-room apia. large rooma private phone
lo each apt.; reasonable tent; rolorencoa
TUE LsRlCKhTON, 443 11 Id.
Xlce. clean, cool, airy 2 and 3-room
apt., strictiy modern: ju to f Jo. elevator.
eace.MUt service. Marsnall bi. A S40a
bTTtii FIELD Aparunent. 3io Broadway 4
blocks lo businwss cemer; Beat locauoa la
Purliaad. lurnisued and unfurnished. aW
rents rod need. Main Zivi. A 314k.
FL'KNlsilEU suite of 1, 1 and 4 rooms at
344 Vs aU.linaaaorth ave,; low real, close
to cara Phone Woodiawn lv7.
ssi r'laANDEiid. modern s-room apt., sleep
ing . porcu. low rent; aieo 4-room, cwm
lo.tkuiy lur. apt, 4iO mo.; .Nob UUL
a ANU e-room apt, with Bleeping porchea
Ji E. lath, near lamhlli su
Xii eT IN l7aoii-3, 3 and 4 beautiful room,
furniaucd ornoL E. nth ndlahiu.
aUNO-lA'T5 APT3, ftl hang St. 3 and 4
rooms, high class; references. Mam 3us.
MEHEUITil 3 and 4-room apis., very rea
sonsbie. .13 Wsab,. opp. ld. Main 11a 4.
itc.v A Kilo 13th and E. Morrison, 3 and
3 roouis. reasonable; aorvics.
WK.-TuMa New 3 and 3-room aparimsnia
boti Ollsan St.. Main 8o44.
WEST SlUh; Very desirable ti-room flats,
fine uclkhliorliuotl, every conveuicuce, lire
piacv. lurniice with hot wider coil, atu
tiouary tuna, etc. 733 and 7-3 Kearney
' st, near -d. J7 .'o and 3-o. F'or further
particulars call East oil- uiorninga aud
even i u g m
lj a MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close
to scpool and caruue; desirable locauoa.
Ogdan. 17 biiaver. Woodlawa 303.
UP lo date 3, 4. rooma, flats, furnished or
unfurnished, slccpius porcucs; walkiug
distance; rate. East 373T.
FOK KENT 6-roora flat, ol n East bill, cor.
. Hurualdc. Also ti-ivom coltuge. 447 E.
iluruaicHi. blcya Woodwurd. lo-i -d at.
CLtiAN, i-room. modern, sleeping porch, gas
range, water heater, iiieptace, furnace;
Laud Aidltiun. -Jo E. 31at at. East OioU.
i'lh. "wlTll water, neat It-room lower, fur
nace fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc East
luth pear Davla. Phone Tabor 333.
ITT't'Elt i-room flat. Bttlc, B ranue. gas
H.K-r beater, Uno.euin. aacklns; tiistance.
21a E. Inth. cor. slniotl at. r.asl tia40.
MolilKN o und ti-roon. f:at, painted and
limed, reasonable. Ti-ll Everett at.
McifillKN i-ruum fiat, lti. cltf Cornell sc. at
;-jlj. Matn .ni' I.
FLAT of rooma and batb. 7a3 iloyt at.
I do Hire 13 tin st. i-noie Main 3i).
MOUEHN 4 and I rooms, near City Park,
reasonable. Main 3S33. A 3474.
M'Jl'KKN a-room, f.sL Inquire 17a 14lh st.
oiiiin i am iim.
Furnished flats
EKY clcau, nicely liimlshed four-room
flat; tao car lines, beat Jitney service,
walking distance: batb, gits stove and
tsmra. 773 K. Taylor. East o.'oo.
Wc.-'T r-llili completely furnished, five
room, moJt-rn. lower flnt; piano. Main
il''Di:itN ft or 0-room furnished flau a Last
l;ih st. Mar. 71)7, A 7131.
lo 4-l.c-oM Inaer flat, wa.king diiiaaca
4io Rodney ave. East 4ltki.
FlKNl?iHEl .''-room with porch and
lawn. !!;M and mi fornlshod. t:s7 ;iian.
Iloawkrrpins Kouroe.
II TO 32.&0 .eek. clean furn.ahed house
keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; tit
free laundry, bath, yard- East 1.39.
404 Vancouver, 201 Stafhtun. "V" car.
11.7, WKKh. I'p rilnale furnished hous.--kreplnc
rooms, absolutely clean, hot vvaier,
balhs. etc.. free, riave carfare. The Cedilla-,
ad. near Jefferson.
13 HOlUKIvEKPINit rooms; will sell very
cheap lo settle estate. eea owner, room 8,
73c, cth.
OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished
housekeeping rooms cheap; 11 50 wee up.
THE ELMS. 1P1 14th s'.. i rooiur. clean,
bath, pnone, lights; 114 PP.
PlRNIHED housekeeping rooms, cheap.
CtmvriJit. bldg. Id. cor aforrtson.
iioi'KHN 3 sml 3-roora apt, IS to 114 per
month; li Orand ave. ,v
4ol EAST MORRISON Furnlslieil one nnd
two-room houseke,-ilng apts.: reaaoiiahle.
llousekreping Itoeme la Private! 1 amily.
THrtBE rooms and kiti hem-lie. ground floor.
also amine room, an nicely lurnianen and
riean. fine location, close In. reasonable.
"il4 ColnniMa.
N'ICE aultes of furnished housekeeping
rooms, running water. I'J week. 3ti7 Knott,
near Williams.
LARGE, lieht. airv. nttic r-iom. furnlshe!
for l.rhl bousckra-plng, 17 motitli. too
W. Park.
FRONT suite or alnl room; modern; de
slmhiw location, 71a llojt sl Marshall
Ttt'.i large, fine looms, well fiimlsliej for
H. K.; r-ve llcht. water, phone; i: per
month. .;! K. lU'irrison.
FRONT suite of housekeeping rooms with
sleeping porch; Hi per month. 405 V.
Pat -
CO.MPLETKLT furnished, with all conven
iences; 3 and 4 rooms. Main colli, at's
College, beteeen oth nnd tith sts.
ONE lared. fron room, hot and cold water
in room: li. iv, rooms, i. -t anu s..ou a
week. lolh.
nil N. 1TH til. 118. Larse. airy S-rm.
H. K. suites; modern; nicely furnished:
very reasonable
TWO modern front H. K. suites, free phone,
batha. lti lavwnsdnta. Marshall L'1H7.
TWO iarce house-keeping room, nice yard,
soft Johnson sr. Main 739.
2-ROOM housekeeping suites. fuminhedT IS
and 110; Biccplng-porc-h. East olote
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 3o
EAet 8th North; Isrse rd and phone.
ONK and two large rooms, nicest In city
for the money. 4-'ff Main.
3 NEAT rooms, all on main floor, light. 5o4
Ivon. Sell wood U'JJ. v
IRVINliTON Three furnished housertrepllig
looms, sis, electricity. Call East loos.
TTnnaekeeotne Roaaaa In Private Family.
NICELY' furnished iousekeeplng room. Free
phone, light and water; walking distance.
5S4 East ath st. Sell.ood llos. Also nice
cheap basement rooms for bonest working
iTnI'i'CALLY pleasant front room, best of
board, easy walking distance, very pleas
ant surroundings; reasonable terms. Main
COMFORTABLY' furnished, clean. houe
kcrpinc suite, all conveniences, phone E it
44o8. "
110 I rooms. 413 4Ulh. ave. S. E.: W-W
car to Howe Station.
13.o0 6 rooms, modern, 1KI1 Commer
rtul sl.. corner Blandena, near Jefferson
HiKh School.
415 ti-room bungalow. 1448 Garfield
ave, near Dekum: Woodiawn car.
113 7 rooms, large yard. 42a E. Burn
side sc. near E. 7th,
I17..V) 7 rooms. 780 E. Ash st, near
E. IMlh.
IIS 0 rooms, 000 Overton L, corner
t-'O 6 rooms, modern, 771 E. Everett,
near E. loth st. Hose City Park car.
430 lo rooms, 144 N. 16th st, near
too 0 rooms, Tfin Hoyt St.. near 23d.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Main tsbOO. A -tio2.
10th Floor. Temporary Annex.
Complete and reliable list of vacant
houses, flats, apartment and bungalows
In the city. Make use of this service .hen
you desire. This doe not obligate you In
any manner to this store. You .ill find
us ready and willing at all time to heip
you in locating. Newcomer in Portland
will find this service especially valuable.
Real estate men and owners of private
property are Invited to list their unoc
cupied apartments, flats and houses at
Meier & Frank s Free Rental Bureau.
If yon are a renter, to drag your faml.y
around from pillar to post each Sprins
or Fall, looking up a new location, whan
you can buy a modern 5-room bungalow
with hardwood floora. flreplce and ail
built-in conveniences In a restricted dis
trict for VM0. 1100 cash and lS per
month. Call me up. Main 1S03, A 151s, I II
tall aitli auto and show you without 0011
gatlon. F. M. BushonsT.
7-room house, with 3 or 4 bedrooms, on
sndv blvd.; 1U0 for six months If taken
at once. Room 41-. Ore. Holel.
FOR RENT 7-room modern house, with
yard. PS East Ysmhlll st, one block from
carline. I.i. Phone Main 60.I day. Ta
bor 1H09 after 7 P. M.
FOR RENT Mi-room . house In flrsl-class
condition. No. 4H E. 03d st. North, Rose
1 tly Para: rent lT..n per montn. x-uouo
M. ci:;o. 53- Railway
NEAT 7-room home, Weat Side, walking dis
tance; basement, furnace, small yard;
rem 4..00. jaain a.iio. 0.0 " -
WEST SIDE, modern. 6-room house, sleep
ing' porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built
in conveniences. atWJ North 3oth. '
MODERN 1 1-room house, 10S1 K. Alder st,
for rent at 130 per month. For particulars
call Mala 41 3a.
MODERN 7-room bouse on Belmont sr.;
reasonable to right party. Inquire Tabor
lsll or address N. Kehrlt. Hlilsdale, Or.
1 FER month rent for 3-room coicage, lo
cated near Kennedy School. 103U Y'eon
MODERN b-room house, furnace, electricity,
gas, cement basement. 101) East Main,
cor. J4tn. East looo.
133 50 a-room modern dwelling, fireplace,
furnace, gas and electricity. 329 Broad
way West, Fred 8. Williams, 1)3 , 1st st.
FOR RENT Modern o-room houses, 304
and 30O Wbltaker st.; rent 114 and 113.
Key at S3l rront au
4-ROuM roooern house. 713 Lovejoy. aaal
. , 1 i.A ath U.l. SS7S
,:u. cnnun - - - - - -
MODKR.S 6-room house. 33 Ln Aiafael su;
desirable, close In. Ernst labs.
Nl'ELY' located modern 5-room cottage,
n'lca lawn. 111 Call Sellwood 708. t
47 EVERETT room; gas, electricity,
furnace; walking distance. Phone Eaat a.
f ROOMd" fireplace, furnace, ga range,
water heater, nice yard. 734 L. Main.
FOR RENT Modern ti-room house, tl E.
loth at. N, between Davis and Everett.
MODERN six-room house. 733 Multnomah,
phone Eat 1333.
FOR KENT 8-room house. 16a Hoyt st,
.... .. . 1 , . , irn
near ju. ji.m w,-.
TrJKEE modern cottages, cheap, by owner.
Mitln 0U7. A 4.i6l
7-KOOM. fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch.
garage. :i-u r,. 01. nr. nawmorne. r.ast o.
3-STORY, ID-room, modern bouse for 13 a
... . I. ninhh af Hourk. IE01 H ell re hid if.
CCSY 5-room bungalow, gas. electric, fine
C- c-,( ,o,U llnn. nrf
.1.1 U. I f-? .aet gy.. p.. vj., ...
LAI KELHl'RST House, six rooms, sleep
ing porch. 1-ia K. Flanders, near 41st,
Furni idled Housea,
00.1 TAYLOR ST. Six rooms furnished In
Clr.-asaliiu walnut and fumed oak, uphol
stered in Spanish leather; piano, loo.OO.
Also one four-room nicely furnished. 135.
BEAUTIFULLY' furnished 0-room bouse with
garage on Broadway ami lrvington car in
irvliiaton. reasonahie renL Call No. 41o
E North.
PORTLAND HE1UHTS 7 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished. modern. very larjre
grounds, grove, wood for fireplace. Mar
shall 4M.
UOINtJ away, will lease nice 5-rm. fur
nished buoKalow. piano. VERY REASON
AIM. E to right party; you'll like thia.
Sellwood 603.
5-ROOM rr.odtrn bungalow, well furnished,
Westmoreland, hear Reed College, IU0 per
mo. A. er!hani, Sellwood 1-t."3.
5-ROiM furnished house, modern, electric
llj;hts. etc, close in, lt. 30a E. Uth South.
East .".I'lt.V
7-ItOOM modern house, furnished, in Irv
itiston. for rent: reasonable rent to re.
liable party. Call East 3011.
MY 4-room bungalow, new, strictly modern,
completely furnished; grand piano; Rich
mond district. Seilwood 1077.
J077 K. :th su N., furnished 3-room house.
JjEA v T 1 FL'L new 7-room furnished house,
lrvlngtun- Call East 7011.
PRIVATE 5-room home, on carline; modern,
rl-sn. ressonable. R 4, Oregonian
FINE 7-room furnished home. F.ast Side.
I'.arugc. Reference. N 0. oregonian.
0-ROO.M furnished cottage 18 per mo.
SS carline. Tabor .iooU.
0-ROijM modern house, a ith garage. 1-0.
...e ij ....K U'fwiii...-n !7xlt.
Summer Keaorf i.
COM1LETELY" furbished 3 and .I-room cot-
1i;cs; also tentnousea at r-acinc view,
.;.50 lo .7 per week; fishing, clamming,
'neates. For further Information call S14
Stock Exchange.
modern lmprovementa and comforts of a
home. For rate .ire or writa Sea Vie.,
NICE couple wanted for room and board
In prlvnte rarnil. r'-ioiue, mouern c-oi-taci-.
Main a'i7J. anil Y'eon bldg.
FOR RENT or sale, furnished cottage. 0
rooms, on ridge at Long Beach. Address
j jr. Slsck, Walla Walla, or phone l5ti
LONd BEACH, partly furnished 1-room
hoose cheap for balance of season. East
SEASIDE Modern cottage, completely lur
nisued, cholrelocatlon Main 37411.
NEWPORT Light, sunny. H. K. rooma fur
msbrd. 13 perweek. Box 466, Newport.
TWO furnished cottages for rest of season
at Oceanlake. Tompsett. Twin Rocks. Or.
SEASIDE House for rent, cheap: water,
boat, electric light. Woodiawn . 10113.
U.VRT of store. im. for manicurist, dress
maker, hairdresser or shoe cobbler. 330
tilisan for particular.
SHOP, 4fxi:r, 140; north light: Hawthorne
ave . near brluge. H. N. Burpee. Main
FOR RENT Old Louvre restaurant, 4th and
Alder: best location in the city. 301 Mc
Kay bldg. .
STORE, 10x70: fine location, business street,
next to comer drugstore; low renL Owner,
M A. T, 1040 E. 23d N.
Of flora.
OFFICES 110 up: furnished office and desk
room; free phone: very reasonable; Port
land busiest corner. 303 Swetland bide
FIRST-CLASS dental suite to let, share one
half reception-room with established M.
D : central location In business district;
reasonable rental. K 887. Oregonlan.
WELL-FURNISHED private "off Ice. also desk
room. ! and 7. 733 Chamber of Com
merce. Miscellaneous.
FOR RENT Star Sand Co. barn. Ith and
East Flanders, stable room for 100 horse.
loox:oo ft. Inquire 310 Board of Trade.
SMALL cash business want a partner who
will be satisfied to make lis to 1-0 week;
very little money la required. Call room
3'J9 Morsan bldg
HOME bakery, reatanrant; no competition,
,-.-,! 1; will .trade. H 5. Oregonian.
FOK S.i.LE Good-paying transfer business,
11400. term. PUoue East 1533.
Hotel of 28 room, cloee-ln. furnished,
30 boarders la house, rent and furniture
only 3ft per month. I must take an
other hotel first if the montn; man and
wife can handle this. Pay me 1133 for
Stock on hand and you have a good pay
ing business; look tiii up. Phone i st
AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop, fully
equipped for repairing, vulcanizing and
welding; large storage capacity, low rent;
have opening for active man a partner.
Books open lor full investigation and win
show profit of 1400 to 1-itMi a month. Re
quire investment of 1700. Particular
at 317 Railway Exchange.
Do you need a 6-coL. folio cylinder press,
nearly new? Speed 1000 per hour. Also
have brand new la-inch paper cutter for
sale. Easy terms to responsible parties.
Address L. K. Harlan, Heppner. Or.
CREDITORS forcing me to close up a barber
shop that is paying, but not enough ts
take up toe bills 1 owed; will take almost
nothing and let you have this good busl
ness. See my agent, J. A. Williams, car
Edward Co, 6th and Oak. .
CP-TO-DATE. established drugstore. West
ern Washington, splendid corner locauoa,
clean stock; thorough investigation in
vited; liberal discount for all cash. For
inventory and. full details call 400 Com-
mercial block, Jortlanq. or.
CONFECTIONERY', poolroom, monopoly 10
that class of business in neighborhood,
supported by large payroll; tobacco bill
over lodO for last month; a living plus a
little bark account to be made there. Call
313 Lumber Exchange, 3d and Stark.
Before closing deal for so-called Interest
In established real estate business get ad
vice of Portland Realty Board.
PAUL A. COWG1LL. Sec'ty,
111 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
SALOON and cigar stand next to Victoria
Theater, opposite new Labor Council Bldg
and Association Club. Best bargain in
S. P.; '30O0 will handle sale; best cash
offer accepted. Al. Young, 3U6o loth st,
San Francisco, Cal.
EXCHANGE or sale. Jewelry store stock
and fixtures. 13U00. making money; want
to take charge of another store; trade for
good house In good district, clear of inc.
H 1. Oregonlan.
ROOMING-HOUSE, quiet neighborhood, but
close ti business section. West Side, 10
rooms, all rented, owner put in 40O worth
of stuff. Sell for !3uo. Call 315 Lumber
HAULING contract and good auto truck
with a year's contract ahead is offered
for sale on easy terms. Good man can
clear 300 a month. Investigate this. Call
317 Railway Exchange.
1250 CASH will buy small paint and wall
paper store in country town; stock in
voices l.'50; tools and full equipment, 3
extension ladders, tails, roof jacks, etc,
etc. AV 520. Oregonlan.
GENTRY The funeral services of the late
John.W. Gentry will be held at P. L.
Lerch Undertaking Parlors. East Eleventh
and day streets, Friday, August 13, at
-':3U p. M. Friends Invited.
SIGN PAINTING business, hare opening for
practical man; owner tired of depending
on hired help and wants interested part
ner. $350 required. Cail 317 Railway Ex
change. CASH grocery. East Side a day's business
pays the rent for a month. Investigation
will prove that this store will make you
a nice living; I600. Call 315 Lumber Ex
change. PAYING meat markeL average dairy sales
50; 80 per cent cash; rent 115; well
equipped; price 1S50; no agents; .ill
pay no commission; can try business out
for week if Interested. K 979, Oregonlan.
CONFECTIONERY Good West Side loca
tion, doing 15 daily. low rent, 2 living
rooms, very classy place. Price, 400.
Cal! 317 Railway Exchange.
GOOD clean stock of dry goods, shoes, men's,
women's and children's furnishings; good
location.- Will trade for city property and
some cash. 327 Pittock block.
A RELIABLE and old-established confec
tionery, cigars and magazine store, by
owner. 11400; other business takes me
away before August 20. 423 Morrison.
GROCERY One of the finest on the Enst
SI le. food cash trade, about $:10 daily
sali. very close In; rent 120; price 11100.
Call 303 Lumber Exchange.
M ANUFACTURF.R wants active man to as
sist him as partner; don't require much
money; very profitable line. Call IMata
stark st.
CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream, clears: If
you want to make a living; and some
money, investigate: must sell. Owner;
som e terms. V 3, Oregonlan.
CLASSY confectionery, clear and fruit store:
fine location, clean, attractive place, low
rent, close to school; a dandy for 1000.
310 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE or rent, new store and five living-rooms,
three large lots, no store within
one mile. Evergreen station, Oregon City
BARGAIN in confectionery in choice loca
tion; has fine local trade, all cash, full
Investigation solicited. Call 24s'- Stark
cKOCERY, confectionery and school sup
piles; close -to large school, clean stock,
new fixtures., 3 li--ing-rooms. fine for man
and wife. 319 Lumber Exchange.
BUTTER, eggs, etc, a small business that
will pay you S0 to 1100 month-; can try
It before you buy. Room ,20, Morgan
PARTY with few thousand dollars to Join
me In good general merchandise busi
ness; country town; an exceptional chance.
XX 900, Oregonlan.
WANTED A steady, sober man to be
cashier anil work behind th counter In
a restaurant as partner, requires only 2Ti0.
Call room .!2. Morgan- bldg.
FOR SALE Commercial hotel, staple town,
Montana; 64 sleeping rooms, bar. cafe:
good moneymaker. For particulars write
C. O. Vowell. Benton. Mont.
WEST SIDE pTocery; fine location, big
apartme.nt-house custom, no close compe
tition, fine livlnc-rooms. invoice propo
sition, terms. 3111 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Movine: - picture partner to
travel. I have auto and outfit; no ex
perience necessary; 1200 required. C 4,
Oregonlan. 1
SOLID business Partner wanted to tend of
fice, check goods, etc.; good pay. Call
room H'.'O Morgan bide.
ENGLISHWOMAN starting a poultry farm
near Columbia River wishes another as
partner. AR .1. Orerronlan.
GOOD paylnjf chicken business, and only
275 required: rare chance for energetic
mun. Call room 12., Morgan bldg.
AI'TO repair shop for sale, one of the best,
1600 required, which Is secured; can make
120 month, call 24Sy stark st.
FOR SALE The best butcher, packing and
produce business In Oregon for the price.
AV 4S7, Oregonlan.
7S-ROOM hotel, centrally located, cheap
rent for sale at a bargain or will take
partner. Call 25 North eth St.
Dry goods, furnishings, notions, at wholesale.
L. Dinkeispiei co, fiiermc. Plug, room III
OSWEGO ratchet-lover binder at 273 3d St.
Orders taken.
AUTO repair shop for rent cheap; well es
tablished. 355 Wheelrst, Phone East 2948.
MERCANTILE business wanted from tlo.uoo
to 135.000 for all or half interest in close
in West Side Income property, with net
yearly Income of 12200: no cash needed:
will give time for any difference In price:
could take over some bills payable fot
you. Victor Johnson. 307 11th.
WILL INVEST 15000 TO 15.000
With working Interest In bank or any
good manufacturing concern; experience
in both. R 994. Oregonlan.
ROOMING-HOUSE snaps: West Side, close
In; all clean H. K. rooms:
11 rooms, $250 cash required.
14 rooms. $250 cash will handle.
In rooms, only $200 down. 319 Lumber
Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent.
Both Buyer and Seller Protected.
Oldest Reliable Agency In City.
608-4 N. W. Bank bldg, eth and Morrison.
FOR SALE Nice 8-room boarding-house,
strictly first-class, rooms all occupied,
good location, reasonable price asked;
retiring. Phone morninge. Main 1014.
28-ROOM working man's hotel in manufac
turing district, completely furnished; a
bargain for $200. J. L. Robinson, 505 Cor-
bett bldg
19 S.YEL1. furnished rooms, close In, west
Broadway, steam heat; rent $50; $800.
Call 3o3 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Small hotel or boarding-house
from 18 to 40 rooms; close in. L 998,
BIGGEST snap In city. 18 rooms for W
than half. 392 Columbia st.
LOST Airedale dog; had collar, no license;
answers to name Caesar; reward. Call A
3523 or Main 7477.
IOST Lady's gold watch and pin. on Mor
rison or 10th. Initial R on watch and pin.
Photo In back. Liberal reward. Main 91S.
LOST Gold-mounted eik tooth cuff button.
Reward. Flelschnel, Mayer & Co.
LOST Part of broken transmission coll with
hearings. Howard Cook ft Gill.
LOST Automobile licence la.-. No. 10527:
rewarn. r-none in.iu .v-ox.
LOST Rosary, gold, on Washington ft,
near Broadway; return to 31 North 161b,
FOLLOWING articles were found on the
cars of the Portland Railway. Light &
Power Company, and owners thereof may
claim same at the First and Alder-street
station. Marshall 5100, A 6131:
August 11 1 grip. 1 bdl. of boards. 1
varnish can, 1 sack of bottles. 2 purses.
2 bundles. 1 canoe seat, 1 jug buttermilk.
2 umbrellas, 1 handbag with some cash, -packages,
1 nrooch, box of tools.
LOSTOrTcar between Vancouver and Port
land, gentleman's purse; 130 In gold and
Panama-Pacific souvenir coin; liberal re
ward. AC 1, Oregonlan
LOST Leather purse last Saturday con
taining money; reward. Mean 4obl. ojo
W. Park. .
GENTLEMAN'S gold watch, hunting case,
6-12. Sunday evening, possibly on Broad
way and Union ave. Beward. East 2.i.i".
LOST Nugget watch fob. Phone Sell. 2364.
Proposals InvitecL
Rtivtea for tha niatrict of Orefron In the
matter of Puifer Merc. Co, bankrupt
Request lor bids.
I will receive sealed bids for the fol
lowing property of the above named bank
rupt, situated In the store formerly oc
cupied by said bankrupt at Gresham, Or,
n aa l1n,n Q.-rn a XT on Monday.
August 16. 1S15, at my office, 740-4T
Morgan oiag, fomana, cir.:
Stock of goods, wares and marchandtse,
oojsisting of groceries, glassware, granlte
waie, crockery, paints, etc, of the in
ventoried value of 12881.11. Fixtures per
taining; to the same of the inventoried
c-a'ne of C.11KR
Certified check for 10 per cent of the
amount orrered must accompany eacii um.
Sale subject to the approval of the
Inventory of the property may be seen
at my office and the property inspected
upon the premises.
R. L. SABIN. TrUStee.
I WILL receive sealed bids at my office,
740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock
noon of Friday. August 20, 1915. for a
stock of merchandise, consisting .prin
cipally of men's furnishings, dry goods,
notions, etc, of an inventoried value of
I15S2.56, together with fixtures of 1145. 60,
located at 1431 Union avenue, Portland,
Or. Also a stock of merchandise con
sisting principally of crockery, glassware,
tinwane. graniteware, hardware, etc, in
ventoried at 1H1S.5H. together with fix
tures of 1255.50. located at 369 East Mor
rison street. Portland, Or. Terms cash.
faerifieH check for 10 ner cent of amount
offered must accompany each bid. Right
is reserved, to reject any ana an 010s. m
v.ntnriA mav be seen at my office and
stocks inspected on application. Bids for
combined stocks or separate uiua mi oac
stock will be considered.
Bated at Portland, Or, Aug. 12, 1?1
States for the District of Oregon In the
matter of Harvey GiistafsoD, bankrupt
Request for bids
I will receive sealed bids for the fol
lowing property of the bankrupt stock
above named, located In the store, 781
Mississippi ave, Portland, Or, up to and
until 10 o'clock A. M. on Monday, Aurrust
16, 1915, at my office, 740-47 Morgan
building, Portland:
Stock of goods, wares and merchandise,
consisting principally of groceries, etc,
of the inventoried value of I393.3L Fix
tures pertaining to the same of the in
ventoried value of $104.85. Total 1408.10.
Certified check of 10 per cent of the
amount offered must accompany each bid.
Sale subject to the approval of the
court. .
Inventory of the property may be seen
at my office and the property inspected
unon aDotntment. R. L. SABIN.
"tjpnc-TviTD'a till.R
Under order of Hon. J. A. Eakln, Cir
cuit Judge, I am offering for sale for the
best price obtainable stock of boots and
shoes, also fixtures and good will, inven
torying 17250. Cause of sale, partnership
disagreement and dissolution; fine chance
to purchase a business of this kind In a
live town: stock can be inspected at any
time Sealed bids preferred, same to be
opened in presence of bidders on Monday.
August 23, 1915. at the hour of 2 o clock
P M at place of business, Astoria, Or.
Bids 'must be accompanied by certified
check for 10 per cent, of amount of bid.
-, t ..iovc'V n.piv.r
r. a. i..i i - l. . -
I WILL receive sealed bids at my office.
740 Morgan building, up to 12 oclock
noon of Thursday. August Ifl llo. for
a stock of merchandise located at Hepp
ner. Or, consisting principally of shoes
, and rubbers, 115.13; doming. $884.35.
gents' furnishings, $1516.75; drygoods an,
ladies' furnishings, STo.:l2, making totai
inventoried value J4829.42. together with
fixtures of 163.81. Terms cash. Certi
fied check for 10 per cent of amount
offered must accompany each bid. Right
is reserved to reject any and all bids.
Inventory may be seen at my office and
stock inspected at Heppner JgABij
Dated Portland. Or, August 10, 1B15.
I WILL receive sealed bids at my office,
740 Morgan building, up to 12 o clock
noon of Thursday. August 19. 191o. for a
stock of merchandise located at Condon.
Or consisting principally of drygoods and
ladies' furnishings. $1464.64; men's fur
nishings. $1384.33; shoe and rubbers.
$1611.37 clothing. 945. making total n
ventoried value of $-.305.39. together with
fixtures of $190. Terms cash. Certified
check for 10 per cent of amount ottered
must accompany each bid. Right is re
served to reject any and all bids. In
ventory may be seen at my office and
stock Inspected at Condon Or. gBIN
Dated Portland. Or, August 10. 1915.
OOUU UUriwa c r ,. cv.
Want to let contract for hauling all or
portion., auto trucks or teams, or both.
Must be responsible party. Level lands,
seasoned wood. AM 3, Oregonlan.
' Miscellaneous.
. . , . . . , J- , I.. TI-W 111
Notice Is hereby given that on this date
and hereafter 1 will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by my wi.e.
Emily E. Richardson, she having left my
lied and board.
Dated August 12. R,CHARpsoK.
BARGES for rent; 400 tons capacity. Main
WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes.
0 4th St., jjoara 01 inmc cmg.
FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers
interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or
wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermena bldg.
MORTGAGE loans, 6. 7, 8 per cenu
16514 4th. corner Morrison SL
WILL buy aeller'K. interest in installment
c-jntracts; signed by reliable purchaser
with safe margin. 401 Mckay bid. M. 1212.
ia-rr nuv notea bonds and mortgages. Dob-
W C ouy ', v- 11 n . 1, 1, 1,1
ertSOn & Cnlllg, aoi-o vi. """"
MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, im.
purchased. Lewis at Co.. 4 Lewis bldg.
Storks and Bonds.
will buv Coin Machine Manufactuering Co.
stock if price Is right. Address AV o33,
Money to Ioan on Real Estate.
SOUTH I'UrTLA-Nd7"$1S00, S per cenL !
room modern 2-family dwelling; street
Improvements all paid. owners' value
imioo. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of
Com. -
Oo vol; wish to finance home? We'll sup
ply lot nr build on yours. Pay us like
rent' learn of our guaranteed home plan.
The Oregon Homo Builders. 1330 N. W.
Bank Pius
207 & OAK.
1025-1029 YEON BLDG.
i 7 AND S per cent private funds to loan
'from $500 to $10,000. Vanduyn & Walton.
515 Chamber of Commerce.
ie TO Se on city and farm property. Mort
' gages and contracts purchased. R. H.
Blossom Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Stoci. Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill.
TO LOAN $10,000 OR LESS.
$100. $200. $2000, $2300
On Real Estate.
SEE us today for loans on Improved city
property. 0 to 8 per cent; $200 and up
Cellars-Murton Co, S25 Y'eon bldg.
MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, W. H.
Seitx & Co.. 310 Spalding; bldg.
15oo to 130,0011 to loan on improved city
property. Room 20a Washington bldg.
$300 TO BE LOANED on good real estate.
Full particulars 512 Piatt bldg.
A. K- HILL. 419 Henry Bldg.
$'00 35, $S00. $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W.
Ge'rman Co, 732 Chamber of Commerce.
110 000 OR any 'part, 7 per cent, improved
',,hv x 953 Oreeonian,
,j - .
PRIVATE money, $1000 to $4000 to loan on
real estate B 462. Oregonlan.
$1000 to loan on A-l property. 1 or a years.
AO 4. Oregonian.
MONEY loaned, city and farm lands. 635
Chamber of Commerce.
Hammond Mtg. Co, 424 Cham, of Com.
MORTGAGE loan on Improved real estate.
yred S Williams, 193 1st St.
$500 TO J-OAN on realty. Main 1955,
Monej to Loan 00 Beal Estate.
$60,04 TO LOAN $60,000. '
Can divide in sum of $20,006.
267 Oak Su Room 2, Alnsworth Bldg.
1 '
Improved business property. SVa to 6 per
, cent. . .
Improved residence property. I to 7 per
improved farrt property, 7 to 8 per cenL
711 Pxtock Block,
Prompt service. Reasonable terms.
Any amount, low rates, promptly dosed.
Attractive repayment privileges.
217 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Marshall 4114, A 4118.
MONEY 10 loan at tij 10 7 per cent, Port
land business ana residence property.
Farm loans at 7 to 8 per cent.
ii)4 3d St., near Stark.
$200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build
ing loans; lowest iatcs. W. G. Beck. 314,
310 Failing bldg.
$500. $1000 and upward on Improved real
estate; favorable terms; no delays; no
. brokerage. John Barn, 507 spaiumg bios.
LOANS City, 6-87. ; FARM, 7-8.
DORK E. K-EASE'i ic CO, .1. Stark St.
Alotiey to Loan Chatteia and baiai'iea,
ialiil'.iliAiC LOANS "
UN Dl.ci10.NU0 AND Jn.vvE.LKY
We have one ot ue fiueat retail Jewelry
store lu the city. A loaa department is
conducted in connection with aaiue, mak
lUt; bualiiess SiKiC'li.1 CONFIDENTIAL;
aosoiutely no siu designating loan busi-ue-ia
displayed in front of our store. All
iUBiciiandUM pledged is held tor, period of
13 moufhs, whether or not interest is
paid when due. We are licensed and have
been estauiisued since lboii. No connectiou
with any other loan establishment in this
324 Washington SC
Oldest established salary loan company
In uregon. Reliable, Satisfactory term.
Business strictly confidential.
Our well-known reputation for square
dealing and courteous treatment during
the past is our best reference.
808 Failing Bldg.
at legal rate,
on Diamonds, Autos, Pianos.
Furniture. Livestock or
Pay back $5 per inoath or more.
Interest 3 per cent.
311 Dekum bldg, 3d and Washington.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical lnsurumenta
All Pledges Held One Year.
Separate Department for Ladles.
ELBY COMPANY (Licensedi,
320 Lumber Ex Bldg, 2d and Stark St,
MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry at
legal rates; all articles held one year.
Esiap.islied since loto. pan Marx. 74 3 1 tt.
Loan VI anted.
$3000 WANTED from private party for 3
to 5 years at 8 per cent security; two
tirst mortgages, aggregating $0500. Farm
property or will give mortgage on real
estate. Money will oe used to purchase ad
ditional land. Moral risk excellent. AM
5, Oregonian
PRIVATE loaa of 1250O at 7 per cenL on
closo lu, well located and desirable 2-story
Portland home; property in very best coh--dltion.
AR 4, Oregomau.
YVANT to sell first mortgage, $4000, bearing
7 per cent interest security. Well-improved
small farm noar Tigardviile. AM 1, ore
go niau.
WANTED Financial backing to manufac
ture patented pleasure powerboat, new;
bona tide; liberal Inducements. C. O. .
Cracrofl, 626 S. Pine st, Hoseburg, Or.
HAVE first mortgage on splendid new home,
13-joo, pays 7 per cent; only private money
considered. The Oregou Home Builders,
1330 N. w. Bank bldg.
WANTED $600 on 15-acre farm, 14 miles
. from Portlaud, value 11S0O: will pay s
per cent. Call 417 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED building loan for $2250 at 7 per
cent, 50 per cent valuation. Phone Tabor
WANTED $1000, one to three years, Tb
first-class farm security. 418 Lumber 1.x
OON1AN. WANTED 12500; will pay 7 per cent, call
Tabor 3015 alter o p. si.
WILL discount 10 per cent, $SO0 first mtg.
on vacant acreage. AD 2, Oregonlan. -
$40001 to 3 years, at 8 per cent, on $2l,uoo
improved real estate. 418 Lumber Exeh.
WE charge only for restoring health, not for
treatments nor practice. A lady came here
as a last re-sort; friends never expected to
see her alive again and told her o; cured
in three months. Ulcerated stomach, six
years' standing, cured with 23 treatments.
Lady completely paralyzed on one side and
speechless, able to do household work
in 50 dajs. All theso aud other cases may
be Investigated.
6ui Oregonian bldg.
we sellThirThair, HAIR.
26-inch real first-quality switches. .$4. S3
26-Inch real f irst-qualliy gray 4.o5
BRING THIS AD God for 5o on
Face massage. . 25c Shampoo ......25c
Manicure 25o Hairdroas 2oc
Superlluous hair removed by electricity.
Guaranteed. Cut hair, any shade. Switches
uny length. Price half. Sanitary Beauty
Parlors, 4UO-112 Dekum bldg. Third aud
..... 1-1 . xi, . Wall 17fl-'
vvivvniiisivu. j - - . .
t JiiSVl 0C il A.v coci a.
Leading wig and toupe mak-ars; finest stock
human hairgoods; switches from Sac up,
bairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp
treatment, combings made, up to order.
o .1 ... near Mnrri.nn Main
A t I piuaunaj, - '
CHRONIC Diseases, Headaches, F.hemna
tism. Goitre. Tumors. Skin Troubles, Etc.
No medicine. No Operations, Finest Mod
ern Equipped Offices, Electricity. Manipu
lation and Baths. Consultation Free. 512
to 317 Swetland bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory.
MRS STEVENS, 22 years Portland s re
nowned palmist and clairvoyant. Author 01
Palmistry Made Easy"; asst. by Dr. Etta
Hume divine healer and spiritual adviser.
Templeupeh daily. 375 TaylorsL
1 m-isK NETZEL, trained nurse and mil
seuse gis treatments for rheumatism.
W-ago. neuraligia. etc; tub batlis mas
sage and electric blankets Lady assistant.
256 1 1th St. Jam."."
SCALP face and body massage giveu at your
in.e hv expert niass. use. ladies and chil
dren only. Main ti'n-.
iTi FCTKIG VIBRATOR for rheumatism,
neuralgia, facial and scalp treatment.
;.iur? 7 Mar. 20. now Main 8359.
nnzEA TAYLOR, D. A T. : therapeutics,
magnetic- massage, reasonable 167 Uth.
Marshall bsi.
SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circle
"'""i. ?, ic.J ,,J Son l P M : eeari-
ini, dally? 603 5th st. Marshall 3960.
UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest
v ,.. ...I... n,. hnnrlleH nut on.
StOCK; 11: 1 i.., 1 - .
, ii,v,a 3-i Washington St.
in cii""" , - - -
.. . t.- 7 it. -vr-iT-o pnnrvi:s
aAuc wi- . . - - - , ; '
Switches 95c, curls and puffs 7oc. sani
tary Beauty Parlors, 40 Dekum bldg.
NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseusi.
electric blanket treatment; hours 10 A M.
.. .i, 1. 1A .1 room anH
tO S i".
SCIENTIFIC masseuse, genuine tub baths.
alcoholic, electric treatments, cniropoau-i.
manicurlsLJ'g4Macleay bldg. 286 Wash.
DR ETHEL A. SACK Y. painless chiropodistl
S0S panama bldg. Phone Main 9068.
MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M.
D. Hill, I - riicuner pms. juato ei i .
CH1ROPRACT1CS explained ; painless ad just-
.iiilnr: 21 treatments S15. 121 4th.
!,, itu n,l, at Phfin. Main 9303
I aoiec. o-i.
WILL Mrs. T. R. S. call at postoffice Let
ter for her there. T. R. B.
GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face
massage 35c. 707 Rothchild. 257 H Wash BL
LESSONS in phrenology and card readings.
235 6th st. Phone Main 7548.
GRADUATE masseuse; scalp massage and
chiropody. 170 2d st, 4th n, apt. 9.
MANICURING Ladles and gentlemen.
Room 6, 853 j Yamhill st-
GRADUATE masseuse; scalp massage and
chiropody. 170 2d st, 4th fl apt.
MANICURING and electric treatment. Ethel
Burke, 19 Lafayette bldg.
USE Bassetl's Native Herbs for rheumatism.
69 tablet for 25c AU druggist.