Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 13, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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German Prisoners. Under Di
rection of French. Trans
form Towns in Tropics.
Construction or Highways Also
MaLrs Fertile Country Accessible;.
Native Take Irld la Own
Part In Conflict.
of the
July IS.
bono of contention between European
(overt, but loil to stht now In the
general war, appear not to uner irorn
the ncclect of diplomat. Lorlnir the
ihirk of the conflict s'rench rule Is
deveioDlne- Its aim wttb rapidity.
Casablanca la buiWllnr with the pare
of a mushroom town of the West. In
two years It baa become a modern,
model town, with sewers, water. gas.
electric llaht. new quays, wharves and
piers. This sudden growth r what in
these parts Is a town of skyscrapers
h and dominates the Uoor. who
watchea It from his low irourbl. or tent.
a though. It were witchcraft.
Neat Town Is UI4 Oat.
Where the vegetation of the West
African Coast grew a foot high there
are broad avenues stretching far from
the seashore. The natives lined up on
either We look on lazily, marveling at
the seal of the German prtsoners-ot-
war putting the finishing touches to the
pavements, and wondering for what
it Is all Intended. Tomorrow more
hotels, stores and villas will rise there,
and as fast as the lots are taken up
more avenuea will be built. The town
aa now laid out would easily accommo
date Inhabitants In addition to
Its regular population of 10.000,
The smoking chimneys of a big
cement works, erected to facilitate
building, add on more to the many
marvels that have worked on the minds
of the Moors. So many of these marvels
of French colonisation have they seen
that the departure of a considerable
portion of the French troops haa not
In the least diminished French prestige.
On the contrary, the participation of
a considerable contingent of Moroccan
native troops In the tight so far away
haa made It In a way "their war." while
the v0v Germans brought here In cap
tivity are looked on with a sort of local
prtde aa "our prisoners."
Other title Developed.
Rabat. Kenltra, Marrakech, as well
as Casablanca, are developing accord
ing to plana previously prepared In
France, and with the same method
although with less activity. While
Casablanra la the metropolis of Mor
rocco. Rabat haa the honor of being
the capital, temporarily at least. The
- new provisional government buildings
are completed and new streets laid out
In the form of an amphitheater on the
bill beside the Arab town.
During the first year of the war
11 miles of railroad have been added
to the line that by way of Marrakech
and Rabat will ultimately unite Casa
blanca and Fes. It was supposed that
the construction of this line would re
quire five or six years; It will have
been completed In less than two. and
when the line from uujda to Tasa has
been prolonged to Fe. the French will
have uninterrupted communication by
rati from their Algerian possessions
across Morocco to the Atlantic.
Hallways aad Highway. BallC
These lines are narrow gauge mill
tary roads, easily convertible later, as
circumstances may Justify, Into com
mercial lines.
In addition to the railway lines, fine
highroads have been built all along the
coast from Casablanca to Kenltra, a
comparatively new port, which by rea
son of Its accessibility to Fes and the
rich surrounding region Is bound to
have an Important development.
Anotner road on which German prison
ers of war are working, from Casa
blanca t Maaaghan. win be completed
before the rainy season sets In. as well
as the branch road to Mecbla ben Abou.
making servlcable routes along mors
than I'0 miles of fertile productive
country that were theretofore Impos
sible la the rainy season.
Keatr. Colon for Vancouver. Ill miles
north nf tfta rranelseo-
atlnneeetan. 6ealtle for Honolulu, love
mlls southwest at Flattery. August 11. S
Turataa. Honolulu for Fan Francisco, WO
mllrfl from Honolulu, august 1 1. a r. m.
Senator. Nome for Seattle. S7 miles west
AT Vr!i-r AufUlI II. a f Js.
wiinrlmlne, Honolulu for haa Francisco,
ISM mile from Can Francisco, august 1L
s p w
Topeka. Baa Francisco for Eureka, S4
I!m north of Point KIM.
Mill. e'an Pedro tor Seattle, 333 miles
from San Pedro.
Coronsdo, Pan Pedro for Tea Francisco.
air Pledraa Hlaneaa.
Arolln. San Pedro for fan Francisco. II
bbUm Boris or pteura tsiaocaa.
I maul la. Kan Francisco for Seattle. 2S
mllea north of Fan Francisco.
I.j - Lnrarnbarn. r.w Tors; tor aa
Frsnrlero, loo miles sooth of Baa Francisco.
Illlonisr. san Francisco lor Seattle,
mil south of Point Arena.
I.ueas. Point weiia tor Bienmoio, nve
mlira from roiat v ens.
El Heaunao. juenmona lor Seattle, on
Rare Rocks.
cut or Seattle, ekagwar tor Seattle, on
Speace Island.
Salem Service Out Down Owing to
Lour Stage of Upper Rlrcr.
As the Willamette River at Salem
has fallen to a stare of nine-tenth
of a foot below sero. the Tellow Stack
Una announced yesterday that the
steamer Pomona would make ber last
trip there today, which meana that the
dally service from Portland will be
decreased to three trips a week, made
by the steamer Oregona. The Pomona
Press Morocco, one of the biggest or Grahamona will bo operated to Day
"Were It not for the excellent con
dltlon of the channel between Portland
and Salem the Oregona would not be
able to make the Capital City," said
Captain A. B. Graham, of the company,
yesterday. "It la not the lowest stage
the Vpper Willamette haa reached, but
marks the least water available this
year. In past seasons we would have
been compelled weeks ago to depend
on only such a light-draft vessel as
the Oregona, but ateady work haa pro
vided a good channel aa compared, with
what It was a few years ego.
Radio Examination Is Monday.
Benjamin Wolf, radio Inspector for
the Northwest district, headquarters a
Seattle, baa arranged to hold examine
Hons at Portland Monday to ascertain
the qualifications of applicants for
licenses aa radio operators. The
examinations are to bo held at th
Custom-House. room 110. beginning a
o clock In the morning.
Parr-McCormick Steamers to
Make Portland.
Belief Is San Francisco Vessels
.AVI 11 Carry Northbound Cargo
and More Lumber (south
tor Owners.
Was. rrea Data
Bear ... La Anelee. ...... la port
nreat Noetaevmv.. Saa rraarfcsr. .... Asa. 1
r A. kiim.. Irujcac. ... . Ana. u
. W. aW....Ma Dteee. ........ Alt. 14
' La Aa. I. ...... A. la
hrMkatl law Kir ....Aug. 13 raclfla.a r'raaciaeo..... Auc. 11
seats Clara..... -a Praacieee. .... Aug. I
Iim. Oir Us Aft.a. Aug. J
steaaoA. ....... au ffteso... ...... Aue. J
". ee beta
Harvard. , . .
urtai .sort
r. A. Uial
Hear ..,
1 .samite,..
W apeus...
. r ul a.....
V. to L- A .
. rea r'raac:are,.
- aa I raiaee. .,
.. Loe Aseaiaa. ...
mi tis. ...
.. taa lt. ge. . . . ..
ran Liiaea.
Kartb.ra rUle.a Fraartac.
seats Moatra.... raiace.
Oa. w. aU4r....Kea Di.(o.....
Tama: pa la. ... 'raa-lare.
siat:iara 9aa Francises).
hraaktstar J aoa Bar....,,
I'.aaer. .. ..
Yl Ij .amatte.
faaia Hartara..
.. Aug.
... Aa.
... Aug.
... Alt
.. Aug.
.. AU.
... Aug.
... At
.uxmw. jv
. Sa ita. ........ Aug. Z
. llf. sua 2
. aal.aa At x
Saa LHaxa. ........ Aus. Sa
lasiMMS. Aui.
rerttaad-AilsjMIe Sinlsst
Kama Proea taia
Put t'ra Y. ork. ........ Aug. 14
N .v.daa. ....... .ar Yara. ........ aua. e
OOiaaa. ......... .N. York......... Aug. a.
Navajo.... ...... New lork. ........ Aug. Sv
Kasae. ear Data.
x4aa New Tor ......... A ua. Is
taeta Craa. .. Tr a.. ....... Aug. so
oalaaa. ......... . lor. ........ Aug. 4i
Uoeranaa....... Sw tar. a. 1
raetaa. .... m T or a. ........ ta
Haalaaa. ...... N-ar York Oct. 4
loa aa .......... .N.w York. ........ oc. 22
riHirn ...... To.. ....... Nov.
Marconi Wlrelc lU'iiorta.
Seattle Sea Captain Is Dead.
SEATTLE. Aur- 12. Captain George
Roberts, one of the founders of the
Alaska Steamship Company and the
Puget Sound Navigation Company, died
last night at Solduo Springs, aged 4
years. He had commanded many ves
sels on Puget Sound and in the Alaska
Xcws From Oregon Forts.
COOS BAT. Or.. Aug. 12. (Special.) Th
steamship Baata Clara arrived from Port-
lano today ana sailea lor ins soutn at
Th llghthoo tender atansantta was In
port to d.llv.r suppite to th Arago light'
nous and l.av oil for th rang lights In
the upper Oar.
The tearohlp r. A. Kllbnra arrived from
Pan Francisco and Eureka and was de
laved until a o'clock, wh.a h sailed for
Th C. A. P-mlth Company announced the
team schooner Han Pedro- haa been char-
ered tor transnortatlon of company turn
bar aad will leave Han Francisco for Coo
Hay on batorday. carrying freight aad pa-
Th ateamar opeefiweii sailed for 6aa
Francisco and Ban Pedro with passenrers.
lumber tun ilea, crosaing in oar t z t. St.
Th aaaolln schooner Roamer sailed thu
forenoon with frelcht and supplies tor the
Wedderbura Trading Company oa Kogu
The steam schooner T.llowstons la dua
from ran Franclaco.
Th tara schooner westerner also 1 due.
Fog In ch lower bay obscured vision so a
team rhooner. which cam In this ev.nlne
could not be Identified after proceeding past
ail toe iBrormauoa points.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 12. (Special.) Til.
tank steamer Catania arrived today from
(.slirornia who a cargo or ruei oil.
The steam schooner Celllo arrived dur-
1 Ins Lh. nlxht and went to 8t. Helena to
load lumbar.
The tank steamer Oleum and William T.
Henia arrived during th night from Cali
fornia with cargo or fuel oil tor Portland.
Th steamer Breakwater sailed tonight
for Coo Bay with, freight and passengers
irora rorcisna ana Asiori.
Th steam schooner Wapama arrived to
day from Han Francisco, bringing freight
lor A(uri ana rornaaa.
To .team schooner Necnlcum finished
loading lumber t th Hammond mill today
nil Sanaa innnni tor ran t'edro.
Tbe schooner Uxal Vane sailed today for
th Hwlln Laiands with a cargo of S00.0OS
feet or lumber, loaded at vlestport.
The steam schooner Temple K. Dorr sailed
for Graya Harbor, wber sh la to load
Th French bark Noeml arrived during
the nlxht. 14 days from san Francisco, and
la under charter to !'ed grata at Portland.
Hh reparte seeing a loaded bark last Tue-
The seeamw orthem Pactrie sailed lat
today for aaa Frairisco with mar than
paaaengers and a heavy freight, includ
ing a shipment of grata from lb Interior.
The eehooner W, It. Smith haa flaiabed
loading lumbar at Waataort and wlu.oroa-
ablr go to aaa tomorrow.
Tbe t asm acbooner Da lav Oadaby and
Toeamll. arrived from San Kra n-la-o wua
freight for Astoria aad Portland.
Movements of Veasela.
rOBTUvri. Aug. II Arrlvad Steamers
Oleum, t'e.llo, v.. f. Herrta and Hapama.
from Haa Franclaco; French bark .orml.
from a Franclaco. railed Steamer
Breeawai.r. for i'oo Uay; Oivmpic. for ban
teire. isaoeia. lor v cat coast ia Knapp-laa.
Aetorta. Aug. It. l-efl up at mldnlxht
steamer v . . iierrla balled at 4:at A.
at. rteamer Tempi K. lKrr. for tira
riaroor. AmiN at r-l aau left up
S I A. at. H'apajna. from
Francisco. Arrived dowa at 1:10 p. at.
Bteam.r Isabela. Arrived at 11.4 A. Ja. and
left up at 1 p. at. eii'amer Catania, from
Saa Fraartsco. Sailed at 1 P. 11. benooner
tussle ance. for KahuluL Left up at 1:14
r. 34. Fre.-o bark Noeml Balled at 1:0
P. at. sitearaer Nortnera Pacific, for
Kra n ciaca.
ran Kraaclsco, Aug. 1 2. Arrived at It
A. at steamer flosa City, from Portiaad.
fr ."an I'edra. Sailed at 11 A. It. Steamer
ureat Northern, for FlaveL Arrived pteam
er patvr. from Han Pedro for Portland
Geo. W. Klder. fom eaa Francisco, for 1'ort
laad. Aug. II. Mailed at IV P. at Steam
er ranta Crux, from New Turk for Port
baa Pedro. Aug. 1 Z. Arrived Steamer
San Jacinio, from Portland.
I'M liar. Aug. II- Arrived at (A. at.
and sailed at : I', at. Hteamer i'aata Clara.
from Portland fur ban Francisco via Eureka.
Arrived at IO A. M Swamer F. A. bill-
burn, from Han rraarlaco for Portland.
faliao. Aug. I. Arrived Scboonor
Forest Mom, from Portland.
Astoria. Aur 11. Arrived at and left
up at P. at Steamer oleum, from San
r'rancisco. Arrived at 1 P. M. Hteamer
V.'. F llerrm. from Han Franctsoo. Arrived
at tt:l and left up at 10:10 P. M. Steamer
I'eMo, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:14
P. 11. French bark .Noeml. from baa Fran-
. Ta latter was probably tbe Amulre
i the Columbia River.
Through the recent formation at San
Francisco of the Parr - McCormick
Steamship Una, the functions of which
are said to be the transportation of
general cargo from California ports to
points In Oregon and Washington, wltn
particular attention paid to the San
Francisco-Portland trade, an active
competitor Is said to have taken the
Held In seeking northbound business.
Fred D. Parr, long connected with
the management of the Dodge Steam
ship Company, la credited with being'
the predominating figure in the new
venture, and San Francisco advices are
that E. A. Chrlatenson, of the firm of
Sudden A Christenson, and S. 31. Haupt
man. of the Hicks-Hauptman Company,
are financially Interested.
The plan la said to be for the new
company to handle the movement of all
cargo northbound on the Dodge & Mc
Cormick vessels, though southbound
the steamers are to continue to-transport
lumber In the Interest of their
owners as In the past. The field open
north of the Golden Gate will Include
Eureka. Coos Bay, Columbia River
points and Portland. Wlllapa Harbor
and Uraya Harbor. It Is understood
that tbe change will be made by Sep
tember 1. but la S. Williams. Portland
agent for the Dodge fleet, declined to
discuss details of the new venture. -
Telegraphic notification was received
yesterday that the Dodge interests had
dian Pacific Ocean Services. Limited.
ith head offices In Montreal.
Although there have been some
changes in the personnel, the firm of
H. a O. Allan will continue to be the
traffic agents of the Allan Line, which
will operate as heretofore.
Through the Ocean Services, Limited,
the Allan Line will have financial back
ing to provide for contemplated en
largement and Improvement of Its
The operations of the new steam
ship company will not become effective
before October 16 or November L
Patrolman Crane when Van Colen had
been lodged in Jail.
Sure I did, and I haven't the nerve
to ask it back." responded the officer.
No Motive Found for Clarke j. f. Goode, 73, Was Ohio Native,
County Shooting.
and Served In Civil War.
MAIJJ 1. A 1123.
TONIGHT, 8:15 ,ToI
Big N. T. Musical Revue,
With the Bouncer of the Blues,
Eve's, $2 to 50c. Sat Mat. .LJ0 to SOe.
Soundings In Dredged Cut Show Im
proved Depth Continues.
With the completion of minor repairs Selt-Wounded Slayer-Husband Spoke
and the annual .overhauling- of the En
gineer Corps tuff Geo. H. Mendell, about
August 30, she will be ordered to the
entrance of the Columbia to carry a
party in making- the annual September
survey of the bar. The tugr is to come
here next week, and it is thought two
weeks will be required in which to
finish the work.
According to soundings made Tues
day under the supervision of Captain
Moreno, of the dredge Chinook, which
Is engaged In digging at the entrance,
the cut she has operated through
since April, when there was approxi
mately 26 feet of water, now shows a
depth of SS feet on the easterly edge
and St feet In the center and 88 feet
near the westerly edge. Soundings
made about July 20 gave a ruling
depth of S3 feet over the entire dredged
area, which is 1000 feet wide, with St
feet on the center llio. By the end of
Once to Ask if Wife Was Dead
and Request That His Own
Life Be Brought to End.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 12. (Special.)
James Flnley Goode, 73 years old, a
veteran of the Civil War, died at -his
home In this city late Wednesday night
after an Illness of eight weeks. He
was a native of Ohio. Mr. Goode served
for three years in the Nineteenth Iowa
imamry. I rriMinm nivrf om nir nil lift unvrDC!
He is survived by the following chil- UMlunv I1AIU C IU. in 1QL ruutu muiuu
dren: J. D. Goode San Francisco; Mrs. . . The Koyal Italmn Sestette.
t -nt ck. . y w -i.- , ... i starsor ine i-amosi-ai uiuna uprra t,umr'
Salem; Mrs. A. E. West, Vancouver,
Wash.; Mrs. John Steelhammer, Wood-
burn; Mrs. Frank Splitstone. Limes
ville. Three brothers are living Da
vid Goode, Aumsville; Peter Goode,
Walla Walla, and W. E. Goode. McDoel.
Cal. Mrs. Goode died seven years ago.
The funeral will be held at the home
Friday afternoon.
VANCOUVER, Waslu, Aug. 12. (Spe
cial.) After Investigating the murder
of Mrs. Christine Chandler by her bus-
band, Elvln Chandler, and his suicide
Immediately afterward, last night, at
Mount Pleasant, J. O. Blair. County At
torney, is still at aea as to the probable Eligible Pupils in Chelan County
Boxes. First Hoar Balconv Seats iteserved
by phone. Main 463D, A 2?36.
The Round-Up
"Let 'er Buck."
Apparently Chandler, a fisherman.
who was making good .wages, took
his wife unawares, and fired at ber
when her back was turned toward
him. She was fixing the bed where he
was to sleep. In a tent. The bullet
August it is probable there will be S8 p,erced her back came out under the
feet in the cut.
Vessel to Have Third Mast
Probably Auxiliary Power.
arm and lodged in the forearm. At
once he shot himself, the bullet going
over the heart. She died Immediately,
but he lived four hours and died in an
ambulance when being taken to Van
The house in which the Chandlers
had been living was in Clarke County,
When the brlcantine Geneva, now but he had been sleeDlna- In a tent a
rinmmng a lumber cargo at tne XNonn short distance away in Skamania County
Paclfio mill, dischargea at Sydi-ey her The two sisters of Mrs. Chandler were
hull Is to be sheathed and a mizzen- I visiting her at the time.
mast stepped, according to F. M. Stark, 1 After the shooting be asked if his
general manager of the California I wife was dead. He said that he
South Sea Navigation Company, own- wanted to die and asked the men to
tng the vessel, who is here from ban I put an end to his life.
Francisco. In the event , the instaiia- Her child, about 3 years old, by a
tlon of another stick does not interfere I former husband. Is beinsr cared for bv
with tne firenaral Qualities or ine snip. I rhp alatera In Waahnit I
been appointed agents at foruana ana 8he may be equipped with an auxiliary I Mr. and Mrs. Chandler had been
Astoria for the Marina Transport Serv- KaM engine, and is to be placed In the married about two years. He was 33
ice Company, wnicn recently acquired California-West roast trade. I .t,a .ha -urn. nriv -?. r cm
too iieainvn oinioauiifiuo. 4un " i Mr. stark savs the tieneva nas not
Cullough. Owego and George F.I been taken for a second voyage from ct,.v-ettj TrnrrinT rvutt irrn
inuitiit-n i a i vj-ci- i.. river to svanev. inousrn neaona-
atlon between the Atlantic seaboard tlons were on recently for such a trip,
and Pacinc Coast harbors by way of but the company desirea to place her
the canaL It Is believed here that the on tne new run without delay. They
Parr-McCormlck line eventually will orerate the steamers Fort Bragg
and Coaster. The Geneva is at present
the only brlgantlne on the Coast. For
merly she had a sister ship, the Pa
peete, but the latter was converted into
a "bald-headed" schooner.
Estimated at 4841.
WENATCHEE. Wash.. Aug. 1. (Spe
cial.) According- to tbe May census
Chelan County had within its boun
daries 4841 children between the ages
of 5 and 21 eligible to its schools. Of
this number 4128 took advantage of
the opportunity, a high percentage, ac
cording to Superintendent Guthrie.
The average attendance throughout
the school year 1914-15 was 3226. The
total number of days attendance
reached 633.062. For each day's attend
ance by a high school pupil the county
receives 24 cents from the state and for
a primary pupil from 14 to 16 cents.
There are 67 seats of learning In the
county, with aggregate seating capac
ity of 6486. Tbe total valuation of
the grounds and buildings Is ,503,765.
Portland's Great Amusement lark.
Big free show. Including new musl
carconiedy and SO pretty girls. iane
Ina;, Skating, Swimming and Para
Attractions. Children's day every
Wednesday, Children under 15 ad
mitted free. Admission to park, loc
Kxpreas cars. First and Alder streets.
Launches. Morrison Bridge.
take over those agencies as well as
represent tbe new line generally on
the Coast.
With Mr. Christenson Interested .n
the company, together with others
who have operated to Portland for
years, the corporation is regarded as
possessed of substantial backing. Be
sides general cargo. Immense quanti-
I Sister of Woman Murdered by Hus
band Says Xo Quarrel Occurred.
Coos Channel 8 Feet Deep.
WASHOUGAL. Wash, Aug. 12. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. P. H. Wlllett, a sister of
Mrs. Elvln Chandler, who was killed
by her husband ' at Mount Pleasant.
Wednesday evening, denies positively
that any quarrel took place between the simon. Portland, August 4. a'daughter.
Marriage Licenses. ,
RESWICK-PALO Albin Reswick. 22. As
toria. Or., and Lillian Palo, ID. Hotel Hoyt.
BURT-KELLOGG-r-W. C. Burt, legal, 126
Tmrteentn street, and Violet K. Kellogg,
legal, S7--'2 Thirty-sixth street Southeast, and
ftora i4laser, legal, same aaarees.
legal, Multnomah fetation, and Lulu u. 1. ta
mer, legal, came address.
KXXG-CAHiLtL- Walter H. King, legal.
Pendleton, Or., and, Marie A. Canlll, legal.
inox .notei.
HOLMAK To Mr. and Mrs. Warren J.
Holman. 480 East .Ninth street North, Aug
ust 2. a son.
SIMON To Mr. and Mrs. Edward K.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth St a.
AUGUST 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.. 15
Games Begin Weekdaya at 3 P. SI. I
Sundays, 2:30 P. SI.
Reserved box seats for sale at Riches
Cigar Stand. Sixth and Washington Sts.
Ldle- Days Wednesday and Friday.
Regular meeting this
(Friday) evening at 8
o'clock at the I. O. O.
K. Temple, let and
Alder ta. Initiatory
legree. Visitors wel
Noble Grand.
Recording Secretary.
COOS BAY. Or- Aug. 12. (Special.)
les of cement and asphalt are brought! The figures supplied by the Govern-
here, and especially is there a big gain I ment engineering office on the survey
lately Inathe movement of asphalt this I of the Coos Bay bar shows there is 28
way, due to the construction of new I feet of water from the ocean across tne
roads In Multnomah County and high- I bar and a mile Inland. The map of the
way Improvements elsewhere in this survey was finished today and- It shows
territory. The northbound movement I the dredge Colonel P. S. Mlchis has
couple before Chandler killed his wife
and wounded himself fatally.
"With my other sister. Miss Martha
Fah, I had been visiting the Chandlers
since last Saturday," she said last even
ing. "Mr. Chandler, our brother-in-
law, had been with us up to a few min
utes before the shooting. He positively
had no quarrel with his wife then, or,
GANTENBEIN" To Mr. and Mrs. tiustave
A. Qantenbeln, 655 East Sixty-fifth street
?orth, August 9, a daughter.
KRIP1,IN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Krlplln, 494 Rex avenue. August S, a daugh
FORKAN To Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Forkan. 566 Marshall street. August 7,
WOODRTJFT to Mr. and Mrs. Robert w.
Woodruff, 623 Frederick street, July 21,
o v. ' " -i j - ... , - lyv uuuruii.
Is sufnclent to load more vessels than I done very effective work since It was so iar aa we Know, ex. any otner time, daughter.
are Included in the regular Dodge and returned to Coos Bay under charge of tnat lea to ine snooting. TENNANT To Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ten
McCormlck fleets, and during the re- Junior Engineer James Polhemus. "The family believes Mr. Chandler nant. 16 East Eleventh street, August 2. a
malnder of the season brisk business There is not a sounding in the channel was mentally unbalanced when he com- 5- winiam n
s looked for.
California Meetings Will lie Attend
ed by Commission Head.
Portland will be represented at the
Los Angeles convention of the Amerl
too to sou reet. T. . V , : . l . a son.
nine ana Keeping quiei, which was not
his normal manner.
OF THE WORLD meets every Friday night
at W. O. W. Temple, 128 llth street. All
members welcome. Kum to Kimp irlday
night, A. I BAKOUK, uisra.
JQEO. ROSSMAN. Consul Commander.
and A M. Stated communication this (Fri
day) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Special en
tertainment and card. Visitors welcome.
By order or. w. M is. . iv ic, see.
EXTRA Past Master's ' Jewels. Special
designs In embiem Jewelry. Jaeger Bros.
PERKIXS To Mr., and Mrs. Philip Benson
Perkins, Matthews ana cooper bus., Auii
11, a daughter.
Commission's Session Postponed.
can Association of port authorities Sep- fnated later. Bids for machinery to
Owing to the absence of most of the held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
members of the Port of Portland uom- in Washougal.
mission from the city yesterday, the
August meeting was postponed until
the coming week, at a time to be de
The funeral of the Chandlers will be oiumoia rarK nas liana lonignu I rttter In this city. August 10.
ember 13, 14 and 15. by F. W. Mulkey.
charlman of the Commission of Public
Docks, who has also been named to
ttend the San. Francisco convention
of. Pacific Coast Port Authorities,
September 20 and 21. In the event Mr.
Mulkey cannot be present he will name
not her member of the Commission of
I i . 1 . 1 1 IWUa m Phl.
be Installed on a new dredge were to
have been opened and routine matters
are on the calendar for disposition.
Mia r Ine Xotcs.
Complaint was made at the office
folonol l'otter. Corps of Engineers. U.
A., yesterday by Harbormaster Speler. that
material being dredged from the slip at
Municipal Duck No. 1 was being deposited
v. . , . mar nnrrn n r ine
The appointment of a delegate was west silo or tbe St. Johns ferry. Materlsl
maae at a meeting or me commission
esterday, during Mr. Mulkey's absence.
aa he Is on vacation. Ben Selling -Is
lso away from the city, being on
our of the Hawaiian Islands. John
iiurgard was pressed to represent the
ommlsslon at the California meetings.
Portland Park Band, W. E. McElroy
conductor, is preparing a special pro
gramme for Sunday afternoon at Wash
ington Park. Tonight the band will
play at Columbia Park at 8 o'clock.
The programme follows:
March. "Whirlwind." (Carkeek); over
ture. "Orpheus" (Offenbach) : waltz, "La
Serenade" (Metra) ; scenes "On Broadway"
iLamoe): "Badinage" (Herbert): de-
scrlDtive selection Luders) ; intermezzo.
'The f lower uirr- iwenncnj; grana ian-
tasla. "Songs of Scotland" (Lampt); "SI
Spangled Banner."
A. Hitter, aged 56 years, late of 860 Mal
lory avenue, beloved husband of Etta Hit
ter, r rienas mvuea to anenu iunomi
services, which will be hell at Hoiman s
funeral parlors at 2:IW P. M. today (Fri
day), August 13. Interment Lone Fir
BOYD The funeral services or tne late
Andrew Gray Boyd win De neia irom i"
residence of his brother at 111 Ogden St.,
,nrf.. fiTf-Mnvl. Aueust 1.1. at '1 o'clock.
Interment Rose City Cemetery. Friends in
Mr. McMurray Think a Opinion of Cosj.
mlaaloa Jostiflee Stand Taken
by Hint I-ant Year.
was dumped there sometime sgo ana pan.
of it it said to have washed Into the river
during high water.
That the American-Hawaiian liner Neva-
dan sailed from San Pedro at 4:30 o'clock
yesterdhy. bound for Portland with 8100 tons
of v York cana. was Information tele
graphed to C. D. Kennedy. Portland agent. I cf jta history when It Wednesday au
That the Interstate Commerce Com
mission settled one of the most im
portant passenger rate controversies
Templars Plan Trip to Conclave.
ROSEBURG. Or., Aug. 12. (Special.)
Thirty or more members of the I
Knights of Pythias Lodge, some accom- I
panied by their families, will leave
here Sunday for Crater Lake, where
they will attend the conclave to be
held there next week. The local dele
gation will be accompanied by the of- I
but pleaded that he bad arranged an "l "e VL-.. 7 thorized the Union Pacific Railroad to fleers of the Grand Lodge, Knights
automobile tour with his family that! .., anno tons of carao. principally flour noel' tnlnt throusrh nasseneer fares in Templars, who will arrive here Satur-
& Rio
prevented him shouldering the appoint
ments. I CISCO o coinpniH VT V'"0 I , I n-oo-ni Short
The monthly report of Chief Kngi- Charleston and New nork i ' """" ""7 i " aT of
eer Megardt snowed that i-Ul.07 was -hooner Forest Home r-ached Callao fues- Denver, was the declaration made yes-
William McMurray, general
gent of the O.-W. R. & N
, . k.. n th. St. Co.
tnhna iirvrin.-ic i o the me John McCraken. I Mr. McMurrav says tnat tne con
of the Port of Portland dredge tender iieet, i troversy is one which haa been on
ana sne is to oe in tne water again er.j Union Pacific In 1914 an
nounced its Intention to discontinue
and salmon, and she will call at San Fran- with thn Denver
Cisco to complete loading, then proceeding c,nne5Uon. ,,! . A"',
to Charleston and -New fork. Grande between points In Oregoi
Carrying a lumber cargo loaded here, the I Line territc
the revenue from public docks during I dav. saya a message to the Merchants' Ex- I terjay 'by V
July, and 5S63 tons of cargo were I change. The vessel sailed from the river I .
handled over docks No. 1 and No. 2. . Passenger as
day. The trip will be made In auto
mobiles, furnished by local lodge men.
An ordinance waa passed yesterday
uthorlxlng the Commission to enter
Into an agreement with the Southern
rifle for trackage connections at
dock No. 2 and with the sanction of
City Attorney La Koch the agree
ment win oe executed shortly.
The only residence undertaking establish
ment In 1'ortiand wim private anveway.
Main u. A ioVJ.
M on tLiQ'neiy at Fifth.
MR. EDIVARI) HOLMAN, the leading
funeral director, 220 Tliird street, corner
SmIiuou. ULdy asaialant. A. Ull, aiaiu oui. ...k . .. . : ... . no nil mums enuiuo aim kum to wont. K miNNlNU. INC
. . . .. nounced its inteniion 10 aisconunue u. i... ......i , ... ., r V i r.iii,.... xi-
n tow or ine exesmer n enaenfwn uiimci . .. ril0 " i.mut, . ... . . j t. . . . . iast oiua ruuci.i - -
Shaver fleet, the French bark Noeml. from me miercnanse wun jjcicr oc xvio Smith ura ho took a fancv to that kind der street. East 02. U Si.
Albany Barber Poes Tatting.
ALBANY. Or., Aug. 12. (Special.)
A man who does tatting for a pastime
is a rarity here, but C. M. Smith,
local barber, does. Whenever he has
some spare time at the shop he takes
up his tatting shuttle and goes to work.
He has made several very pretty pieces.
e9 fieooado.
Presideat. IS miles east of Point Co new p-
al S P. M- Aaa-a4
mm letetlratets. )
Pedro for baa Fraartsco,
M altaoeaah. Van Tedra for San Luis, eight
saliva wees ar rnmt t lacent.
Asuscioo. lOcnniaBa for Cordova. H2
snt:ee aorta or Kictimona.
trmke. lowing barge X Seattle for Rlcne
ssoad. dwl ml,ee Jrm Hknmoad.
Northern Pacific, flavvl f,- liaa Francisco,
1T mliea aovtn of the Columbia Rier
KIltMirm. Cooe Bay for portiaao. oaT iiece'.a
tveraor. Seattle for aa Fraaclaeo, five
tnlles aorta ot Arena.
aata Cnra. Saa Francisco for Portland, off
Capo atencoelaa.
Ceatrmiia. aUireka for Saa Fraaeiaeo. fire
miles aeota of Biaata Reef.
Orat Mortkera, Saa 1'raactaco for 1 la Tel.
ae? Petal Oorda
Aaa:rn sealta. Saa Francisco, for Coos
Pav. Jt MM aorta of Haa Fraaciar.
speedareil ( eoe Fay foe San Frandaee.
go ssUeo aorta of San Fraaclsrex
Saaaa Clara. Coosi Way (or Xareka, 110
sal -e aerie ef Koreas
Sesis analtn. saa rraanwe Tor T!
0 aalies aorta s saa t raaclaco.
!an FTJaelseo. Adl 1 - Arnveo nteam
ers ft Cli. from Portland; Kentucklaa.
from .New York. V. S A. T. I-ogan. from
Manila Sailed steamers I.llonlan. for oe
attlf; Oreat Northern, for Astoria; 1,, S. S.
Maor ham Rlngol-1. for Honolulu.
Ualboa. Aus. 11. Sailed Edison I.lgrt.
from New lork and Philadelphia, for t-
' Cristobal. Am. li Arrived Steamers
Tamplco. from Portland. tr.. for New York
i and proceeded!; Heekenham. from Phlia-d-lphla
and Norfolk, for Seattle. Sailed
yieamer sisklou. from Taroma. for Hlue
flelds; auaiiiarv schooner Victor and Ethan
from Seattl-, for Boston.
Hongkong. A. I" Arrived Shldsooka
Mara, from Keettte. Sailed August 11. Awa
yam. for Taconia.
Yokohama. Aa. II. Sailed 81 earner Bado
Mam. for Seattle.
Westport. N. 7... Aug. 1 1. Arrived CaJ
dararovei. from Taeoma.
r'eattie. Wash.. Aug. 12. Arrived Steam
era Coasreea. from San Diego via San Fran
cisco; George Haw:ey. New York via Belling
ham. Sailed Steamers city of PueMa. for
Saa Francisco via Victoria. B. C; Captain
A, F. Lacaa. for San rrncisco.
Ttdes at Aatarte Friday.
H'gh. . Low.
l:Si A. M t fvJt I A. M foot
t;t4 P. M....II feet 1:11 P. M....1.I feet
rejhambea River Bar iteooet.
NORTH HEAD. Aos. 12. Condition of the
bar at P M. : Sea. smooth: barometer.
M.Ui wind, northwest. I miles.
Dredge Draws to Surface Numerous
Articles Lost in Karly Days.
What may be the remnants of the
first ox yoke used In Oregon were un
earthed from the bed of the Willam
ette River K feet below water surface
yesterday by the Port of Portland
dredge n lllamette. engaged at the
lower end ot the harbor. Tbe yoke, or
rather what remains of it, was taken
to the Port's launch-house at the foot
of ink street.
Besides wire pennants lost from
ships, all kinds of lines, parts of
hawsers and a mass of other waste and
gear, that accidentally found Its way
San Franclaco. left up from Astoria yester-
dav afternoon and will be at LJnnton to -The Denver & Rio Grande." said
.llechsrge ballast eariy this morning B" Mr. McMurray. "contended that as these
r' ' .. . T 'n of the rare-o ratea had been In effect about 18 years.
may he new-crop grain. The bark Le Pillar. I they should not be canceled. The
now here. Is to tske on old-crop wheat as I Union Pacinc stood upon what Is
soon as ti-e Noeml is resdy for sea. regarded as its legal right to retire
xowen r.y ma port or t-omnna tug 1 from n arrangement which
i?J,n" .r".i.V t-. for KvA: hauled its own lines and contended that
The cargo la being dispatched by the Amerl-I it was entitled to the long haul oil pas
rsn Trading Company. I Sanger' traffic to and from territory
H. E. Jones was kigned as mate aboard I served by the Oregon Short Line, a
the brlsantlne Geneva yeeterdav the form. t f t Unon paciflc system,
rr.ln? "The principal reason assigned was
tom-hous... the large expenditure made by the
Frank nollam, Portlsnd agent for the Pa-1 Union Pacific In the construction of
rifle Navigation Company, received a sele- I branch lines, particularly to Yellowstone
gram yesterday that the steamer Tsle, one p k ,n 0reKon short Line terrl-
of work and learned 'the art of tatting
from books.
Theft of Automobile Reported.
Mrs. T. C. Depue, 1068 Vernon ave
nue, renorted to the nolice yesterday
short Khat her automobile, Oregon license
number 132?2. engine number 36662.
model 79 TE, was stolen from Fifth and
Taylor streets on Wednesday.
of the soeedv turblners operating between
Han Francisco and San Diego, would be re
turned to service Monday after having un
dergone repalra and overnauung. g
Shlftlnr from the Eastern western
mill last night, the Japsneee steamer Tokal
Into the stream, have been dredged out. ?,ro wrnt ,rv,in ,oc,i whrS.,.,h'e1f!rjf fiPa
Tl. .-. i. j , k . I loading grain this morning. The British Ura
The Port is deepening the harbor to ,,,,; Highbury Is to start her grain cargo vest
30 feet at low water, and with the at Montgomery dock thla morning as well. terr
gauge registering C. feet above aero I Carrrlnr a full lumber cargo the steamer
yesterday there is abundant water inl'vnipl- Wt down yesterday afternoon for
thai rut rhrl hlne Kpnn .k , t-I San I'edro.
u k . j . l. T . I Rarae No. 2 Is to leave down thla morn-
i":r. 'Z.r ' J .v . Ing in tow of th- steamer Henderson after
" "" nave lain having discharged an oil cargo, and tni
there to ba covered from year to year tanker Atlas Is to get away at S o'clock on
by sediment carried downstream by the I her -return to San Francisco.
tory. The testimony indicated that in
recent years 8109,000.000 was expended
by that line in the construction of
branches to serve Idaho and adjacent
territory, while the Denver & Rto
nde on the other hand had not in
vested a dollar In Oregon Short Line
annual freshets.
Great Xortliern Has 822 Passengers
and Sister Ship 603.
The fast time msde by the twin tur-
hlners, Ureat Northern and Northern
Pacific, between Flavel and San Fran
cisco Is a factor In the delivery of
sugar here. .The Great Northern, north- I for the retnrn
bound, waa delayed In getting away
from San Francisco yesterday morning,
partly due to the consignment of sugar
rushed aboard the vessel for Portland.
Tbe fluctuations In sugar rendered
quick dispatch essential. The Great
Northern la bringing a miscellaneous
cargo and Z2 passengers.
The Northern Pacific sailed yesterday
afternoon with a list of COS passengers,
and in her cargo was a carload of
pears from North Yakima for the Cal
ifornia market. There was consider-
In ballast from San Francisco, the Mc
Cormick rteamer Celllo reached St. Helens
yeeterday to load lumber for Southern Cali
fornia. The Wapama. of the same fleet,
arrived here last night. The Yosemlts la
due today with 000 tons ot cargo.
Cantaln McGraw. of the steamer Hssaslo.
which Is out of service temporarily, baa been
aeatgne! to the steamer T. J. Potter aa pilot,
while Pilot Wagner shifted to the Harvest
Queen as mste.
On the Oraee liner Santa Cms, due In tne
river tomorrow Is considerable New Torn
cargo, an.l she Is to load &."n.ioo feet of lum
ber, llou tons of saimon ana general cere-'
New System Found to Catch
Jitney Speeder.
Officers In Plain Clothe Take Ride,
Watch Speedometer and Take
Driver to Jail.
HT waste gasoline in the pursuit
of a speeding Jitney driver, who
will swear on oath in court later that
his speedometer showed but five miles
an hour and that he couldn't drive his
tub faster than 15 miles? There is
better way, and Motorcycle Patrolman
Crane found It yesterday.
In company with Patrolman Davis,
both in plain clothes, Officer Crane
FIRE BLAMED ON CHILDREN hoarded vd-1'r1 n Ayert
Play With Matches Results in Loss
of Km st Side Houses.
Children playing with matches are
said to have started a fire that resulted
In. damage of $2000 at the corner of
Beech street and Mississippi avenue
able grain, one Item being 250 tona of yesterday afternoon. The blaze started
oats. I In a small storage-house at the rear
of 109 Beech street, where the young-
had been sent in to police headquarters
about a red machine that speeded out
the Alberta line, with open muffler.
Motorcycle Patrolman Bales had been
out in the morning looking for the
man but did not And him.
They had boarded the right machine.
In a few minutes, the chauffeur, Joe
Van Colen. "stepped on 'er" and the
machine speeded up. The officer's eye
was on the speedometer and he said he
saw It creep over 25 miles' in the con-
)lKGEK FIXAXCKS ALLAN I.IXE sters were playing, and spread to the gested district- There was also an oc
"Canadian Pacific Ocean Services
Name of New Company.
MONTREAL, Quebec. Aug. 1. (Spe-
home of Mrs. Ida Gullckson, at 109
Beech street, a vacant house In the rear
ind a barn. Property owned by
Maurice Christensen was also damaged,
and sparks set fire to the roof of a
store at T75H Mississippi avenue.
clal ) The new steamship company or- owned by Mrs. Paul Labbe. The Gulick-
aanized to acauire the Atlantic and I son noma was naaiy damaged, tne va-
Paclfic fleets of the Canadian Pacific cant house and barn were destroyed.
Railway Company aa well as th Allan I The loss was partially covered by In-
Line fleet, will be known as the Ca-1 surance.
casional raucous scream from the muf
fler cut-out siren.
As tbe machine came to Oak street.
Officer Crane nudged the driver.
"Drive us around to the police sta
tion on Second street, old man."
"Wotell?" queried the driver, and
looked around at a flashing star on
the breast of the "speed cop." "Aw
allx ud ttundBjr.
ler line.
One time , 1
Same ad two ooueaitiT time
Mow ad three consecutive times 4M
banie al u or evea couspvvuiis umw. .000
Xae ijuve rue app-y 10 avuveriiMmeBw
as der "ISew lodaj" and ail outer claasiiaca
Uon except tbe follow
bituatioDe wanted AiMle,
hiiuatiooft Wanted J-einale
or Kent, Koomi sfrlvaie Families.
Ks-aflrd and Koome -aVri-f ate lamillee. i
liiMuvekeeLitDc Uounik 1'r.vat i-auiilAea.
Kate on (tie above clauiIicaUoae u 1 ceol
i.n Mfh inMrtion.
Oa cnarice" advertisement charges will ttm
based oa the number of lines appearing- ia
the paper, regard. et of the number of wuro
In eiii'il line. aiuiuuuiH vubiv, .wo uuos,
Th nranisui vtlll accent classified a
vertlsemeots over the telephone, provided
the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone.
o prices v iii oe quoiea over ine puooe. nut
i.iii urill be .rendered the follow in sr dav.
Whether subsequent advertisements will be
accepted over tbe phone depends upon tne
promptness 01 payment vi icicuuuuo ruvct
Mtiiatlans Wanted and fersonal
advertisements will not be accepted over tbe
telephone. Oraere lor one insertion amy wiu
he accepted for "rumltura lor bale," "tsuai-
aeae Opportunities," "Uooming-Huusee" aad
"HMtril ta Kest.
AdvertlM-mcntn to receive prompt classifi
cation must be In The Oregonlan office be
fore S o'clock at niaht, except baturdar.
Cloalna- hour for The Sunday Oreaonian will
be ISO o'clock Saturday niaht, Tbe office
will be open until 10 o'clock 1'. Ja., aa usual.
and all aoa received too late for proper
classification will be run unuer tne neauuig
loo Late to Classify,"
Telephone Main IV: (I A 609S.
LOST Motorcycle cushion on E. Stark be
tween 20th and 4th to E. Ankeny. Re
ward. 707 !4 E. Stark.
WANTED Girl waitress for coffee-house;
wages 48 week. At 35 North 5th St.
Ford Auction House, 211 1st. 1'urauura
carpets, etc. Sal. at 3 P. at.
At WUsod's Auction House, at 10 A. u..
furniture. 166-8 First at.
Phones Kaat 1423, H 251S. Open Dav
aad Makt.
Report all cases of cruelty to this of
fice. Lethal chamber for small animals
Horse ambulance for sick or disabled
Dnimgl, at u mnment'e nntlna Anvone
Didje pay your fare?" was asked of desiring a pet may communicate with us, I
MILLEH & TRACE V. independent fuueral
directors. Funerals as low as Ju, ebu.
Waaliinston and Klla sts. Alain iwi. a iooj.
Kaat loss. C. lu!S. Lady attendant Cay
and night service.
iiiTKNINfi A M' EN TEE. funeriil directors.
Broadway and Pine, phone Main 40, A 4oob.
Lady attendant.
P. L. LEKCH. East llth and Clay streets.
Lady asslblant. East iSl.
and Clay. Main 11.'.2. A 221. Lady attendant.
K T. BYRNES, Williams ave. and KuoiU
East 1115. C 1U Lady attendant.
rpi.7i--.zk: a fiXOOK. Su)nside Parlors;
auto iiearae. 1026 Belmont. Tab. d2o8. B 1252.
MARTIN ft FORBES CO., Ilorlsls, 317 Wh-
lngton. Main 0:1, a j-t. riDi w
occasions artistically arranged.
CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison st.
Main or A 1SUO. Fine liowera auu iiui.
dejlfns. No branch stores.
SUNNYS1DE greenhouse. i-resn liowers,
rhone B 1522. E. 33-1 and Taylor.
MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Selling.
PORTLAND Marble Works, 268 4th at.,
opposite City Hall, buildera of memorials.
on iniprovc-i city and farm property at
current rates. Attractive repayment
privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call
S17-21U Northwestern Bank Building.
Marshall 4114, A 4118.
Residence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent, Ac
cording to Location. Plenty of Money.
207-8 Northvreatem Bank Bids;.
Western Bond &
Mortgage Co.
Onr Own Monev at Current Hatea.
80 Fourth St., Beard of Trade Bids;.