VOL. LIV. XO. 17,072. a vnwastx.. xw. : i 1 a 1 a m m a ALLIES MAKE BIG III TURKEY Area Held by One Line Is Trebled. . 50,000 UNO AT NEW POINT British Commander Reports Victory in Hard Battle. CASUALTIES ARE HEAVY French Battleship Silence Five of Six Can In Asiatic Battery Ot toman Minister Sara Enemy Needs More Reinforcement. ' tOXDON. Auf. 11. General Sir Ian Hamilton report from the Dardanelles that th area held by th entent allies In tha Ansae son on theGalllpoll Pe ninsula baa been nearly trebled. Flv ut of six runs In the Turkish Asiatic batteries are reported to bar been put eut of action by the French battleship St. Lou La. The. announcements r made In an official statement given out tonight which read: Tha latest report from Sir Ian Hamilton says that sever fla-htlng con tinued yesterday In the Gall! poll Pe ninsula, mainly In the Ansae none and In that to the north. Tha positions oc cupied were slightly varied In places, but the general result Is that the area fc.ld at Ansae has been nearly trebled wine chiefly to tha gallantry and dash f the Australian and New Zealand army corps. "While to the north no further progress has yet been made, the troops bar Inflicted heavy looses on the enemy, and the French battleship Ft. Louis Is reported to bars put out of action Are out of sis guns In the Asiatic batteries." CONSTANTINOPLE, via London. A ug. 11. The following; official communica tion was Issued today: On August we again repulsed an attack by tha enemy north of Arl Burnu. Inflicting heary losses on them. "More to the north we drove the nemy bark by a rigorous attack, mak ing prisoners of four officers and SO men and capturing two machine guns, a quantity of arms and heliographle and telegraphic apparatus. "Near Arl Burnu. on our left wing, we captured by a bayonet attack part of our trenches, which of late had been occupied by the enemy. "At Seddul-Bahr. w occupied on the left wing the greater part of a trench situated In an Isolated position' be tween ourselves and the enemy." XEff INVADERS NOT FEARED Turkish Minister of War Confident of Cheeking; Allien. CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. J. via Ber lin Aug. 11. by wireless to Sayvlllo. X. T. Enver Pasha, the Turkish Minister of War. declared today that according to his Information, the entente allies In their latest operation at tha Dardan elles had landed three divisions of troops, composing about tO.OOO men. The losses among them, however, he asserted, already had been heavy. Enver Pasha's statement was made In an interview with a correspondent of the Associated Press. The Turkish War Minister said: "I am fully confident that we shall be able to keep the allies In check In tha Galtlpoll Peninsula, even If other ' large reinforcements are coming. Wa knew that the allies action of two day sco waa due and wa prepared for It. with the result that w were not caught napping. "According to my Information, tha allies landed three divisions, about 60. 009 men. No doubt part of them no longer count, considering tha heary losses they sustained In attacks Inci dent to the new offensive. The allied losses have been heavy so fsr In this new attempt to force the Dardanelles." Enver Pasha, reviewing the events at Seddul Bahr during tha last two days, says: "Tha allies experienced bard resist ance la their attempts to fore the Turkish positions at Seddul Bahr. Two regiments attacking our center there were annihilated, with the exception of about CO men. who were captured. The British also attacked at Arl Bur nu In the nighttime, while tha landing was proceeding: near by to the north. The British for a short time held one of our tranche there, but were driven out." Enver Pasha reviewed briefly the circumstance of the landing of the new expeditionary force of tha entente powers and said that under cover of heavy fir from tha fleet tha new troops early today bad unsuccessfully attempted to take tha rang of bills north of Salt Lake." Tha ail lea yesterday, h said, were busr Joining their new forces with the Art Burnu contingent. He described tha terrain now occupied by the In vading force aa running from near Arl Burnu to tha north shore of Salt Lake. We have tha numerical superiority n the peninsula." said the War Min ister, "and It will tak many mora al lied reinforcement to deprive us of that. We are wholly convinced that we )Ceaciad4 ea Pale Z. Cotaul i.Jt ADVANCE I nnnTT ivn nnrnn Tnnnsni V A ITflTTST 12! 1015. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BITE BUBBLE TO BE SAFE AT FOUNTAIN GOVERNMENT GIVES HEALTH inT FOR WATER DRINKERS. Contact or Lip With 3IetaI Ball, a Many Person Permit, De clared to Create Menace. WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. (Special.) -Bite tha bubble" Is tha latest -. i . k kii" Cram tha United States i,,mio alth and Marine Hospital Barvlca. An expert for the Marin Hospital Service aays: "if lmnronerlr constructed or lm properly used, the bubbling drinking fountain may be a greater menace to health than tha common drinking cup. "The other day an Inspector of the Public Health Service took a seat beside a bubbling drinking . fountain in a railway station and watched tbe way It was used. Forty-seven differ ent persona. 11 men. tt women and 14 children used the bubbling foun tain. In almost every case tha Hps wn nlafad almost completely around the metal bail from which the water spurted. "Several men obviously were chew ing tobacco. In using tha bubbling fountain tbe rule abould ba to bit tha bubble, lip not touching any part of the fountain." POLES ADVOCATE KINGDOM Faction In Austrian Parliament Would Extend Hapsbar Rule. VIENNA via London. Aug. 11. The Polish faction In tha Austrian Parlia ment has Issued a manifesto calling for tha organisation of a kingdom of Po land with its caplttal at Warsaw as an Integral part of the Hapsburg mon archy. Tha Polish National committee. In dorsing tbe manifesto. Issued a call to the people of th Polish territory now free from Russian domination, to send delegates to a general National con vention designed to perfect an organ isation Intended to work for a re united nation. PROSPECTORS SET FIRES Watershed . Forest Threatened by Efforts to Burn Off Brnsh. SAN BERNARDINO. CaU Aug. 1L Fire again broke out today In the brush covering th Lytle Creek canyon water shed, and A. P. Meyer, forest ranger, reported to Superintendent Jeken her that prospectors who wanted to clear th ridges and mountain sldea to facili tate th search for gold were respon sible. Gold waa found In the canyon aome time ago. Sine then forest rangers have found evidence that two previous nres were started to make easier the search. MARITZ IS AGAIN CAPTURED South African Rebel Arrested by Portuguese at Angola. PRETORIA. .Aug. 10. via London. Aug. 11. Lieutenant-Colonel S. G. Mer its, a leader In the Union of South Africa rebellion, who was arrested late in February and Imprisoned at Wind hoek. Cape Colony, but escaped a month later, haa been arrested by the Portu guese authorities at Angola. West Africa. He waa accompanied by a few of .hi followers, according to an official state ment Issued here today telling of his capture. INDUSTRIAL BAROMETER UP Prosperity Line Above That of 1909, Kays Secretary of Labor. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 11. William B. Wilson, secretary of th Department of Labor, said today that Industrial con ditions throughout th country were good. "Moreover." he added, "they are Im proving. There is a difference of only 1 per cent between depression and prosperity at any time. The down curving line of depression reached Its lowest point last year. There Is 'again an upward sweep, and th line now la above th point representing tha pros perity of th country la 1901." STORM HITS MARTINIQUE Fort de France and Kingston Ship ping Badly Damaged. FORT DE FRANCE. Martinique. Aug. 11. Considerable damage wss done along the water front here by a violent storm with a heavy wind from the west which broke last night. The sea rose high and docks were flooded and merchandise destroyed. News from the interior regarding th effect of the storm Is lacking as th telephone line are down. A simi lar storm prevailed at Kingston haw bor. where several lighters were de stroyed or damaged. SCIENCE CALLED TO WAR Lloyd George Organizes Munition Invention Branch. LONDON. April 11. David Lloyd1 George. Minister of Munitions, has formed a "munition Inventions branch" of his department. It was announced today. In this department he will be assisted by IS scientists and engineering ex perts, who will assist the department with regard to taking advantage of the latest discoveries In appliances for the manufacture of munition of war. SIX INDICTED FOR EASTLAND TRAGEDY Manslaughter and Neg ligence Charged. VESSEL HELD UNSEAWQRTHY Company Officials Accused of Guilty Knowledge. BALLAST NOT UNDERSTOOD Federal Grand Jury Finds All Con nected With Design, Operation and Inspection of Boat In competent or Careless. CHICAGO. Aug. 1L Indictments charging manslaughter and criminal carelessness were returned before Judge Kersten In th criminal court today In connection with the Eastland disaster. The captain and engineer and four officers of th St. Joseph-Chicago Steamship Company, owners of the boat, were named. Those Indicted were: George T. Arnold, president of tha company: William H. Hull, vice president and general manager W. C Steele, secretary-treasurer; Ray W. Pa vis. assistant secretary-treasurer;. Harry Pedersen, captain; Joseph M. Erlckson. engineer. Bonds were fixed at $30,000 each for the company officials and 110.000 each for Pedersen and Erlckson. The two last named are charged with criminal carelessness, and the official with manslaughter. Officials Jointly tdlcted. Separate bills were returned against tha captain and the engineer, while the four officials were named In a joint Indictment. Th bill against the officials contained five counts, charg ing: 1. That they knew th Eastland was unseaworthy and had no stability. 2. That they permitted .2500 pas sengers aboard the-vessel, which I more than .Its carrying capacity. 3. That they were negligent In hir ing an Incompetent engineer, who. be cause of his lack of skill, was unable to control the boat properly. 4. ' That the crew did not number enough hands to manage and control the Eastland properly. . That the ballast tanks were al lowed to be out of repair and not filled with water. Captain Charged With Neglect. - Against Captain Pedersen these charges were brought: 1. That he permitted aboard th boat a larger number of passengers than she could safely carry. 2. That he neglected to warn the passengers to leave the Eastland when It became apparent to him that she was about to turn over. 3. That he waa negligent In not see ing that the ballast tanks were prop erly filled and In good repair. 4. That he was negligent in not see- Concluded on Page 3. column 8.) j TODAY J ! IIcolumbiaI "SC- river iTIxPi e$&5? "v. jii a lr I I , HIGHWAY J$BM& ' ft Y ifd TO THE OCEAWlj . , XTW' PL R vN? ISaT8 I i . :: ......i- L ., I INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. WE.TBRDArS Maximum temperature, 78 decrees; minimum, 6 decrees. TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly wind. War. AUIs: treble area held by one line at Dar danelles. Pace 1. Submarines renew activity: wheat vessels from Portland imoci victims. Psse 1. Bic shipment of British cold reaches New York aafely. Paa s. . Mexico. Cltlsens of Texas border under arm. In fear of attempt by Mexicans to seise territory. Pace 1. Domestic. Few rate advances granted Western rail roads; substantial features of petition de nied. Pace 3. Drinkers at public fountains advised to bite bubbles aa aanitury measure. Pace 1. Eastland tracedy Indictments issued. Page 1. Sports. Pacific Coast Leacus results: Vernon S. Port land 0; Lo Ancelee 5. Oakland 1; Salt Lak . San Francisco 8 UO InnlncaJ. Pace 14. Mrs. Kortbup and Mortimer Brown lose Insies events at Seattle tennla tourney. Pace 14. Red Sox Increase lead In American League race. Pace 14. Pacific Northwest. Federal Trade Commission' hears proposal for lumber combination. Pace S. Co-operation In forest fire flghtlnc proposed by Fish snd Osme Commission. Page 6. Cmmercla and Marine. Lack of funds for Coast survey declaVed re sponsible for marine losses in Alaskan waters. Pace 11. Flurry in Pacific Coast barley markets . Pace 13. Heavy buying of flour by French govern ment advances wheat at Chicago. Page 15. Stork prices lowered by foreign liquidation. Psce 15. Fir export increase expected with visit of Honolulu lumbermen. Pace 11. Portland and Vicinity. Buyers' week attendance" records broken and purchases mount up wbils proc- cramme continues. Pace lO. Able lawyers engsrred In battle of wits, one ss prorecntor snd other as witness, at Cashier Company trial. Pace 9. 1ms m wool warehouse fire Is 1105.300. Page 1. Loving cup given Roadmsster Teon In ap preciation of work. Pags 16. Hundreds of lawyers expected at Joint bar meeting. Page T. Highway Is named "Tbe Great North Road." Page 8. Southern Pacific explains Inability to build Natron-Klamath line. Page II. Skamania County hlehway to be called "The Great North Road." Page . Counci' takes Greeley street extension action over protest. Page Is. Bayers near Portlands arrive. Pace 10. Weather report, data and forecast. Psce 18. CLINTON, IA., IS FLOODED Cloudburst Leaves Business District Vnder Four Feet of Water. CLINTON. Ia., Aug. 11. A cloud burst struck this city, late today. Ten square blocks, Including the business district, are under four feet of water. Streetcar service ha been suspended. Tbe big tents of a circus playing her were swept away.. The property loss entailed by the flood will be heavy. Bridges and cul verts were washed away by the on rush of waters. Streets became rivers and hundreds were Imprisoned In upper floors of houses and buildings. Eight thousand spectators escaped from the wreckage of a huge circus tent by dis carding shoes and stockings and wad ing In water above their knees. Men carried women and children to safety. Many who came to the city to attend the circus are unable to leave tonight Witness Stricken; Dies. TACOMA, Aug. 11. While testifying against her husband in a divorce case today, Marian Elizabeth Hutchins. aged 60. was stricken with paralysis and died in a few moments. Her husband had alleged that some paralysis, his wife had left him to suf fer alone. She was denying this when stricken. LOSS $105,5001 WAREHOUSE BLAZE 2 Firemen Pinned Un der Falling Wall. WOOL AND MOHAIR DESTROYE Fire Fighters Badly Bruised and Cut by Debris. ENTIRE BLOCK THREATENED Thniinri Rpmlicim & Co. Wool "Warehouse Is Virtually Total Loss Other Buildings Nearby Are Damaged by names. Theodore Bernhelm & Co., loss $100,- 000; insurance. $83.00. O.-W. R. & N. Company, loss $3000 covered by insurance. Dement Bros- flour, loss $2000; cov ered by insurance. Trussed Concrete & Steel Company, loss $500; covered by insurance. Total loss, $105,500. 'Fire loss totaling more than $100, 000 resulted yesterday afternoon when the bic wool warenouse of Theodore Bernheim & Co.. at the southwest cor. ner of Twelfth and Kearney streets. was swept by flames, and two fire men -were injured by a falling wall. The oriKln of the fire Is not known. Two alarms were turned in. More than half a million pounds of wool and mohair were stored In the warehouse and may be a total loss. All the wool was in the grease and there may be some salvage If that which' Is only water damaged can be scoured at once. Wall Fall on Firemen. A 20-foot section of wall on the Kearney side of the structure fell while the spectacular fire was at Its heie-ht. burying? Fireman Karl Gun- ster. of Engine 26, and Fireman K. T. Dills, of Engine 17, in the debris. They were dragged 'from under burn ing strands of wool by their comrades --.4 w.;Aum n thA' Emersrencv hos pital. Neither was seriously injured. but both were baaly bruised and cut Fireman Dills' chest was crushed and there are possible Internal injuries. The first alarm was turned In about 1:30, and by the time the apparatus arrived on the scene the flames were bursting through the windows of the frame warehouse. The Are had too much headway to make, possible the saving of much of the wool, and while several lines were directed at the big Are and a second alarm turned In, much attention was eiven to the work of saving surrounding property. Nearby Buildings Damaged. The warehouse building, covering 100x100 feet, which was a total loss, was the property of the O.-W. K. & N. Company, and valued at $3000, covered bv insurance. Flames burst in the west through the windows of the Trussed Concrete & Steel Company and caught (Contlnued on Pagell.Column4.) Wednesdays War Moves WHG the Russians are fighting desperately to extricate them selves from the cordon of Austro-Ger-man troops which is steadily pressing them more closely In Poland, their allies are working feverishly and with considerable succes-to open the Dar danelles throw' -:h they hope to pour Into y " h-needed muni tions of .VJ gi-'-'C" fnlght. when fresh .5" oV'vvere landed on the Gal- '.vT-l - ,sula there haa been almost flo-Vitlnir nn t i TCrithia. road. V-aV - " ' : these operations the Australians and New Zealanders in the "Ansae" region, a name taken from the initial letters of the words "Australian-New Zealand Army Corps," have c-operated with new forces to the north. Following the successes of the troops on the Krithia road and those to the north of the "Anzac" zone. the. Australians and New Zealanders took the offensive Fri day and succeeded in trebling the area formerly held by them. The comrades to the north, who assisted them, made no further progress, however. Simultaneously, the French battle ship St Louis attacked the Turkish batteries on the Asiatic side of the straits, which had. been bombarding the allies' position on the peninsula, and put five guns out of commission. These actions are believed to be pre liminary to a more ambitious attempt which has been planned by the Anglo French commanders to . sweep the Turks before them. Heavy losses, al ready inflicted on the Turks, have had a discouraging effect upon the Otto man troops, according to reports from Greece. ' On the eastern front, Kovno is the danger point of the Russian line. The armies of Grand Duke Nicholas ap parently have arrested the German of fensive against Riga and Dvinsk, hut are being hard pressed on the Kovno front, which the Germans are attack ing with guns of all caliber, includ ing the famous 16-inch cannon, which no fortress hitherto has been able to withstand. On the western front little has hap pened beyond the usual artillery en gagements. German submarines have renewed their activity, and during the last three days have sunk IS vessels, 10 of which were British trawlers and four of which belonged to neutral countries. The British patrol-boat Ramsey also has been sunk by the German auxiliary cruiser Meteor in the North Sea. The commander of the Meteor, realizing that escape from pursuing British ves sels was impossible, abandoned his ship and blew her up. The Meteor appar ently was the Hamburg-American Com pany steamer of that t.ame, a vessel of 3016 tons. There have, been frequent reports of firing heard off Heligoland, but no explanation has been forthcom lng. ' Negotiations with the Balkan states in an effort to bring them into the war were continued, but without any fur ther developments. LIQUOR REVENUE FAILS Spokane License Fees Fair Away Below Expectations. SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. , 11. (Spe clal.) Severe disappointment with regard to the amount of revenues to be derived by the city from saloon licenses is in prospect for the, City Commls sioners. Although it was estimated that about $153,000 would be paid into the City Treasury this year by the liquor deal ers. it was learned today that the revenues up to June 30 had come to only $44,000. The belief was expressed that not to exceed $30,000 more would be collected. ' NORTHWEST BUSINESS BIG Bank Examiners Report Activity and Exceptional Crop Prospects. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Aug. 11. Reports received by Comptroller of the Currency from bank examiners In the Northwest on business conditions in that section are digested as follows by the Comptroller: - "There is unusual activity in Alaska trade. The livestock, agriculture, fruit, dairying and salmon industries are also active. The lumber and building trades alone are reported as being depressed. The cereal crop will be unusually good." ' COAL SHORTAGE IS FEARED Pennsylvania Railroad Stores Sup ply; Miners Go to Front. ALTOONA. Pa.. Aug. 11. Anticipat ing a shortage of coal this rail ana Winter, the Pennsylvania Railroad is taking steps to protect itself by stor ing thousands of tons at convenient points along the system. Two big stor age stations have been established here. Since the start of the European war many miners have responded to calls to the colors. As a result, coal companies have been obliged to advertise for min ers. HORNETS BREAK UP CAMPS Forestry Official Announces jiariy Closing Because of Pest. WALLA. WALLA. Wash., Aug. 11. (Special.) Countless yellow jackets are so active in me uiue mountains that Summer camps will be closed weeks earlier than usual, according to Martin Unser. of the Forestry office, who returned yesterday from the Wen aha Reserve. In the Mill Creek Canyon, on the Wsila Walla River, the Tukannon and Umatilla the hornets are making life miserable, E TO RESIST RAIDERS Plot to Seize Territory Is Rumored MEXICAN NEIGHBORS FEARED Massacre of Americans Said to Have Been Planned. OUTLAWS CROSS BOUNDARY With Arrival of Troops, Bandits Shift to Store Thinly Popnlated Sections Large Numbers Said to Bo Involved. BROWNSVILLE. Tex Aug. 11. Practically every American citizen In the three' southernmost counties of Texas Cameron, Hidalgo and Starr is under arms tonight in fear that the overwhelming Mexican population of the section may break out in a racial fight. Disturbances, attributed to Mexicans on the international border, spread rap idly today. .Rumors of trouble came from widely separated localities, some of them even from Laredo, on the bor der. 200 miles distant from Browns ville. A feature of the day's develop ments was the circulation of a rumor in many quarters that the disturbance was an effort on the part of untutored Mexicans to turn back a portion of Texas to Mexican control. Doth Sides of the Border Involved. This scheme, it was rumored, was backed by ignorant Mexicans living on the American side of the Rio Grande, assisted by escaped convicts and fugi tives from justice and also, according to the report, by a considerable number of irresponsible Mexicans, both soldiers and civilians, who were said to have crossed the American border from Mexico. Impetus was given the movement, it is believed in many quarters, by border political conditions. Rangers in Hidalgo County, pursulng some of the gang which killed an American trooper near Mercedes last night, today were reported to have cap. tured a flag bearing the words in Span ish: "Army of liberation for Mexicans in Texas." Previous Attempt Kipped. They took some literature urging Mexicans to revolt and some telegrams, one dated Monterey. Army and Federal investigators de clared tonight the alleged organizers of the disturbance are working under the so-called plan of San Diego. Federal ofifcials last Winter believed they nipped one attempt to put a revo lution into effect when they arrested a Mexican on charges of sedition. De tails of the so-called plan of San Diego, which were published at the time, were said to have been found in his pos session. Americana Doomed to Death. The plan as published calls for the death of every American male over IS years old, in communities along the Rio Grande and also along the border of New Mexico, Arizona and California. Major-General Frederick Funston said tonight it had been reported that more than 3000 Mexicans are pledged to a revolutionary organization already. Authorities tonight are guarding the Rio Grande at a point below Browns ville, where it was reported several hundred armed Mexicans had gathered, intending to cross the river under cover of darkness. A Mexican rancher in Hidalgo County, about 50 miles up the river from Brownsville, today appealed for aid, asserting that 80 armed Mexi cans were in hiding on his ranch. He said they threatened to kill him if h told of their presence. Official Connivance Rumored. It was rumored today that officials or the Mexican side of the river, which is under Carranza control, are responsi ble for some of the troubles on the American side, either by Jaxness of dis cipline or by direct connivance. How ever, there is no evidence that any or. the higher Mexican authorities are in volved. Officials here have reported that 1700 former Carranza soldiers have crossed the river along a zone 120 miles wide, from a point below Brownsville to Rio Grande CUy up the river. At least 30 different parties are said to have crossed. Most of this river bank winds through brush and woods far from any roads, so that a small army of troops would have difficulty in guarding it. Cavalry Presses Baudlts. The arrival today of troops appears to have causea me oanuns n shift rapidly westward Into the less DODUlated sections. Telephone mes sages tonight from the portions of Cam eron County, north of here, wnere fighting has been going on for two weeks, indicated that the outlaws had either left or were in hiding. About Mercedes, a few miles north west of here, rangers and cavalrymen pressed the bandits so hard today that some of them fled across the river. Cavalrymen captured 35 horses from one band near Mercedes after a long chase, in which so far as could be learned, no one was wounded. Reports that politicians on the Amer ican side were responsible for the up risings, aroused much resentment here. At San Benito a mass meeting of pro test was held. Speakers declared that tConcludod on page 3, Column i.) BQRD RTEXAHSARM f