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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1915)
TITC MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915. 10 JAPANESE DUE SOOll f.l. H. Houser Charters Vesse for Grain to War Zone. 45 ARE BOOKED FOR FALL Tokal Mara to Be First of Large Fieri to Take) on Carjrors Here tor Great Britain and Other Koropean Points. fader charter to M. IT. Hooser to load grata here. the Japanese steamer Tokal Mara left San Francisco foatur day night (or Portland. tShe should arrive here Tuesday nlsht or Wednes day raornlnsj. The charter of the Tokal Mara was announced last Wednesday. The vessel was taken with optlona for United Kingdom ports. Mediterranean ports. Australia. South Africa and the west coast of Australia. The Tokal Is a Teasel of S2i9 tons register and can handle about 6000 tona dead weight, cine will be the first of ara-e number of vessels now en route to this port to take on a-rain cara-o. Forty-flTe grain -vessels. Including" both steamers and sailing craft, have been hooked for Fall loading-. They represent a total tonnage of .404. Twelve ships are now on the way to this port for grain loading, and some of them should arrive now In a short time. A few, however, are out from European ports, arm It la difficult .to estimate the time for their arrival. Grain vessels now on the way here follow: The Swedish bark Svithrod. 1STC tons, out from East London under charter to M. II. Houser; French bark Duplets. 1J3J tons, out from Bahla Blanc a. under charter to Balfour-Guth rle Company: French bark Cornll Bart. 199$ tons, out from Dublin, under char ter to Balfour -Guthrie Company; French ship Marietta! Castries. 1741 tons, out from Liverpool, under char ter to M. H. Houser: French bark joe ml. 195 tons, from San Francisco. booked by Balfour-Guthrie Company; British bark Gala-ate. 2221 tons, from Portlshead. booked by M. II. Houser Norwegian bark Undfleld. 2142 tons. from Algoa Bay. L H. Houser; Brit 1sh bark Klllarney. 1JS( tons, from Montevideo. M. H. Houser: British ship tViscombe Park. 1074 tons, from Algoa Bay. M. H. Houser: AorweftUn ship Kordsee. lilT tons, from Santos. Strauss V r; British bark Dolbadam Castle. 1140 tons, from Port NataL M. H. Hous er: Norwegian bark SouveraJn. 2315 tons, from Liverpool. M. H. Houser. Army Engineer- to Collect Data. WALLA WALLA. Wash, Aug. . (Special.) Army engineers are to In estlaate the Snake River's poesiblll ties for wharfage, water terminals and public water-fronts as well as public highway conditions and railroad con nections. Information to this effect was received by the commercial club yesterday from Fred C. Schubert, en gineer in chars-s of the work. 'rrs From Oregon Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Aac. . (ftpctal. The r-mm schooner RAotnon Sanaa zor- osa VnnrUi-o with lumber tram W-etport. Th itmn schooner itaat Barbara, that bis beea loading lumber at Rainier, salted lor ttoqulam la cempieto nor win, Wltb fr.tsht f r Portland. tne Btei -h oo-r Juhaa Poulssa ni4 rem ea 'r'Anctoeo. Iirinicinf freight and passengers for As- tana and Port land, tno stoamer Haata Clara am.r-1 from baa Francisco, via .ur.aa aaa Cm Hay. wit a full eooiplrtnant ef passengers aad a hwT frvisht cargo, the st.aro.hip Groat ortnera arrive from baa rraaclsco. -oos BAT. Aug. . (Special ) The xiID Breakwater sailed (or Portlsqd wito frvisht ana passengers at IV o clocn tril mvra'ing. The dsuilne schooner Rustler. which called bore ea route to Rogue Hiver. toeet oa irvtenl and sailed soata lhas momini al a e'eiota. MARINE IS TEXLI GEX CE. Steamer Seised ale. - ZCB TO ARRIVE. Kama From Date, ftoao i'lty. ...... .Las Angeles. la port ;reat Northern., ha a K ran r loco. .... J a port Mni4ClerB....B Kriaciice. .. In port kireaawater....A'eoa Bar ...Aug, H.or Loo Anseles. Aug. Iw Northers Pertfle. lao Kraacisco..... Aug. 11 A- unburn.... saa Francisco. .... Aug. 14 Oeo. W. Elder.... baa Diego ....Aug. o Bav.r. Loe Angelas. Aug. 1$ jtoanoke. ....... tljg. ........ Aug. 2J DCS TO DEPART. Kama. For Data. Tale A r. MUA Aug. 0 4aata Clara. ....ia Praaclseo. .... Aug. 2v Oroat Nortaera. . baa Fraaeisce..-. Aug. IV feata ParLexa. .aa llogo. Aug. ltt RoooCtty. ...... .Los Ane.ea. ...... Aug. Is Harvard... Ji. F. to L. A. ......Aug. 11 Pecifle.gaa Francisco..... Aag. 12 Brahater......i ooe Bay .....Aug. 12 F. A. KUDura. ... ben Francisco..... Aug. 14 2mmr Los Angelas. ...... Aug. 13 Waperaa.. baa I'l.go. Aug. li Tone mite...... ..Baa Diego.... ... Aug. ll Ce llo ....aa Diego. ........ Aug. laata Monlea....en franclsco...... Auc. 27 tieo. w. LUder...Ja Dl'ge. ........ Aug. Is Tamalpela. .. Faa Krmnclsce..... Aug. le f Dtso. .. Aug. lu 2-.r .....Los Angelas....... Aug. IrO 1 IllaiBetta...... baa llso. ....... .Aug. 34 Xiaoaath. ........ aa Diego. ........ Aug. So Roaaoae. ....... ilia Diego......... Aug. 2i real iaod-Atlantic Servsca. DLK TO AHRiVBV Kama From Data Kevadaa. Jteoj York. Aug. 16 banta Croa...... Jiee Tork. ........ Aug. IS lblooa. Now Tork. Aug. : aiaoo.-........iew lerk. ........ Aug. so DUB TO DEPART. Kama. For Data. Keeedaa. ....... Jfew Tork......... Aug. 1 banta Crag...... New Tork......... Aug. 22 Oftloan. ......... New York......... Aug. 31 Kootaaaa. New Tork. bept. le Dekotaa. ........ New Tork.. feVpt. 33 lionolauka....... New Tork......... Oct. 4 losaa. ......... .New Tork......... Oct. 22 lanamaa.. New Tctg. ........ Nov. 3fovrment of Vessel. POttTLASn. Aug. a. Arrived Rteamera Jbaa PouUn. from Fan Francisco; oanta Clara, f rim, baa Franclei-a. via oraka and Coo Pay. Aatorta. Aus. ailed at midnight, steement 8hohone. Saginaw. Daley. Putnam ml banta Barbara, for baa Franrlaco, Ar rived at ".I F. it., steamer Oreat North ern. Iron baa Francisco. Arrived at Boon ant left np at J P. M.. stesmer Jobaa poui m, from baa Francteco. Arrived at 1 aad l-ft up at - 3 p. steamer banta Clara, from San Francisco, via way porta. ben Francisco. Aus. T. Called at P. S.. steamer Geo. VT. KtUer. from Portland, for bera lHec: Japanese steamer Tokal slara. lor Portland. Tides at Astwria Stsaday. ICtgh. Ijw. 45 r. M t fet S A. M....-04 foot 11 1 P. M at feet r. M.....31 feet reJasatals Klver Bate Report. NORTH rtKAD, Aag. A Coadltlrm of the bar at & P. aL: Sea. smooth; wind, aorta mtU It mllea TyTarvirttrr Salesman Plenrrpcars. ' WAI.UA WALU. Wash, Aug. t. (Special.) R. E. Wright, a typewriter salesman, disappeared three weeks sgo and f.-lends are becoming anxious since Inquiries at bis home In Oreat Falls. Mont, revealed that he bad not returned there. One night three week ago he received: a call to meet an auto at the O.-W. R. A X. depot. From that time on no trace haa been found. He left his grip and personal effects at the hotel and his accounts are straight Creealuim Me-rvltanlA Flan for Trade. r.r.r-SHAM Or, Ant. . (ftpectaL) Commencing next faturday a free show will be run all the afternoon In the moving; picture theater here. Tbe mer chants have made the arrangements for tbe show and admission will be only PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS AND TITLES. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prleaa. Pac.fie Tltia A Trust Caw ' CU. of Com. ACCOKDIOX PUiATlSa. i. STilFHAX, henutitcblng. scalloping, ac cords aide pleat, buttons covered, goods spoased; nuul orders. 2U Fittock block. M. till. Pirating, hemetltcblng. plcottlog braiding. Eaetern Novelty CoSSv, Ha. Mdw'y IQuo. AavIlsT. WATER tOLOlts. CUXNA FALNTLNl.. JEANNE at. bTEWART. U Plttock block. ASSAVKM AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 141 3L Oold. eilver snd p.atlnum DougtiL. ATTOItN EYS-AT-LA W. J. S. NELSON. LAWYER, til PITTOCK BLK CONSULTATION FREE. BD'Y il-i. CARPET VI EA VERS. FLUFF P.UOo RAO RUGS. New rugs from old ingrain, Brussels, fmyrna. Aimlnsier carpets; carpet clean ing refuting, restxjng: country orders prompt attention, bend for booklet. W eet ern Fluff Rug Co, 44-64 Union an. North. Phone Eeat !. a Hit NcaftTH WEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car pets, rag ruga. Ill E. 1th. Both phones. CEIXl LOII Bt TTONS. BADOEI4. TUB IHWIX-HOPSON COM P AS T, III Waahlngtoo St. Main til and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and William. Jr., Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In tba city. Parlors to: Oeriinger bldg.. 8. W. corner Id and Alder. Fauna Main 1101. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs.M, D. HI1L Office Flledner bldg. Main 14il. CHIROPRACTIC NERVE SPECIALIST. DR. A U. BKIGOS. ZOi Swetland bldg. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. U'MAHONi sixth rear. Chronlo cases tak Ing time, II treatments. sijl i " CLK.ANINO AND PRESSING. DHESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit osrh week for tl.oo a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. I Of Etark st.. bet. 1th and th. Main 614. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywnerw; mgnesi ciua r.r encea. The Harden Mercantile Agency. 424 Henry bldg. Phone Msrslisll HO. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Mem 17 No collection, no cnarga. maauinta ir. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. PLXKERTON CO.. U.S. DETECTIVE AGCT. retaaiianea ovr jf yoora. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations snd reports made on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suits S54 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 471. DANCING. MANCHESTER Canclng Academy. Hn Sth sc. bet. Stark sndlak;spi nummer rais. t private lessons. 12: morning, afternoon, evening, all lateet dances gusranteed. Class Tburs.. KaL evenings, 7-1:30. Children's classes Est, t to 1. iic Brosdwar 1140. HEATH'S SCHOOL Leeeona dally; class Fn. eve. Auditorium nail, wo)s near Taylor. Main 3822. EYE. EAR. NOSE ASP THROAT. Treatment be speclsllet: glasses fitted Dr. F. F. CSSsaosyf oil ueaum puis. m m. INSCRANCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, gen'l Insurance; fire. marine, auto. i ano e tntm. oi lohl WHOLESALE AND ACTO AND Bl'UGX TOPS. DCBRriLLJi BUGGY TOP CO.. 300 Id St. muiillR fllRf-slKia AT 1IOMC Bsggage a Omnibus Transfer. Park e Davis. Hkutn RAkKKT. ReysJ Bakery at Conf.. Inc. 11th and ETerett. BKEVVERS AND BOTTLEJIS. HENRI WEI.NHARD. lltn and Burnslda. DRY I.OOII1. NOTIONS. FCRNISHINGS. FLtlSCHNEH. MAYER A CO, 307 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etobbe E.ectrcal Co, 4tb and Pins sta. i u . t w w a- atr'ia a VTA Albers Bros. Muling Co.. Front and Marshall. H. M. llOUbfatt, ooerq bi ' "'"a- GROCERIES. WADHAMS CO.. ;-. Sourth sc II ATA AND CAPS. THANHACSLR HAT CO.. o4-o8 Front St. ltlDES. WOOL. CASCAKA 11A&1C, KAHN BK03- ltl Front St. IRON WORKS. FAC1HC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRT. HOP MERCHANTS. M-VFFT BROA. i-4--i Pitlocg block. Mala ssi. i-noau. Broadway 1140. by tickets, which will be ariven by the merchant a The plan hag been tried in other cities and It Is hoped that It will draw people to the city on Saturday afternoons. Aria Minor Hallway Work Poshed. BEr.LJN. July 12. (Correspondence ot Associated Press.) The railway de velopment of Asia Minor la oeins; pushed forward tepidly. The latest Issue of the Official cjaette t tantinople publishes a decree granting the minister of war a credit of $7,500. 000 for work on four main and two kn.rii lines, all under military control. The nrlnclnal line is from Angora to x...,.m Another runs from Krcerum m ,int n the Black Sea. a third tnm Mnrallv to Kodoeto and a f6urth from a nolnt on the tnerura railway o the Black Sen. AMUSEMENTS. BtVAY at TAYIX)R heilig m -UN 1. A 1IM. TONIGHT. B-.IS AM. THIS W t.f- SPSCIAI. Pttli-E VATS WKD. A SAT. THE MIS1CAL REVUE -DANCING AROUND" With the Boaacer ef the Blues AL JOLSON lOo PEOPLB 10 Eve's. $S to c; both mats, tl.30 to 60c. IMrVXlKEC PiUTf 230 THE ROYAL ITALIAN SEXTETTE. Mare of the I -amberdl Grand Opera C OTHER BMi-TlME ACTS . Raiea. Flrt Row Balconv Seata Reserved by phone. Main 4bj. A Sti. Ue OAKS Portland e t.reat Amneemrat lark. sale free snow, laciuatag w niM cmTeeaaeelr sod te pretty girls. Dsna- lag. Skatlag. Swimming ana rara Attraetioaw. Children's day every Wednesday. Children under li mm tnilted free. Admixalon te park. Iwe. Eipreee cars. 1-lrst and Alder streets laaarsjea. Marrbaa Brltlg. AUCTION BALES TODAY. Ford A action Boose, Ml 1st. mrallure carpsta. eta. Sale al I P. at At WUsea's Auction House, at 10 A at. rarnlture. lee-s virac sc. ME CTl NO NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. K. AND A. M. Kiated com munication this 1 Monday ) eve, st 7:3d o'clock. Members srs re quested to attend, Vieltlng breth ren welcome. W. M. DE LIN, See. MARTHA WASHINGTON- CHAP- meet- At Ooodnoagh building. 4th flixr. upright Kimball nlano and rooms furniture, e.c Sale at 10 A- M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. EXTRA Past Masters Jewel. Special tfesigaa la erabem leweiry. Jaeger Bros. DIED. SET.I.WOOD In this city. Aug. K. Belle J. I-' Iviyxl. ssed years. 0 monthe. :s days. The remslns are at tbs home of ber son. Dr. John J. Hellwood. 14 East 13th aL Funeral notice later. x SWANSON In this city. Amuil . st tbe r.Menc. rea Fsrgo st.. Ousrava Swaneon. aged A years. Remains st Hitman's par tors. Funeral anaounceiaant later. N. TER. NO. 14. . E. S. Staled IA7 leg this (Uondsyl evening, c etn asr. iVi Hurnsld. st g o'clock. Degrees. V? By order W. M. r EEI.I.K RICHMOND. Sec JEWELRY, REPAIRING. II. J. ALSTOCK. 141 A. Broadway. I-ADIES' TA1LOB. A. DC BLANCHE. 408 Washington WIVIOTT BROS.. 412 Morrison. MEsSENGEK bERVlt'E. UASTT MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and blcycleg Phone Mem 61. A MILLINERY. ELIZABETH'!?. Orpheum Theater bldg. MUSICAL. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher: pupil Sevclk. IQT Flledner bldg. A 4144. Maranail OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. OnOf A fight on high prices. Why ay ad to iw aor ncn i can lit jrwu. itH firt . auallty lenses. OlA -Till mm, . . In. mm II IU " n.uiitmn "ill UapfIu. U 1 1 nrd.ri DtOIDPt ly filled. Write for particulars, slain 1184 GRACE ADAMS. 403 Swetland bldg. OSTRICH PKODICIS. wiMTl.ivn rriTUKR IVIC WORKS. tfUl and Washington. PA TK NT ATTORNEYS. R. C Wright 11 years' practics U. foreign patents. 401 pekum bldg. S. and rire. PORTLAND WOOD PLPE CO. Factory and office near 24th anaiorkats. stain SHEET MUSIC. Mack's Muelc Shop. Broadasy bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. KKDJCED FHEIOHT RATES TO AND FROM ALL POINTS a- . i. i . i .. .i . ..i .. n . .ntoe- etc vn nouMwu m """"i .. . . - - . Through carload service, guaxantcea handling. . Got our rates before shipping anywhere. We csn save ou money ana annoiaw. PACIFIC COAST POKWARD1.NO CO. tOI WILCOX BLDG. Phones. Marshall 2-itlT. Marshall 16-19. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" .Household Goods Specialists. Storage. Pscklng. hip Dlns and Moving. Horse or Auto vans. b'pecisl freight' rstes to all points. di.... . ktohaGE CO- ld and Pins Sis.. Broadway f4. A J OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan SL, corner 13th. Telephone Main 11 or A Ji ,1-. nn-rt. two larea class A warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING. STORAGE. Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse A Transfer Co . u.m 7n.t sth and Hoyt. - A 2214. t MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAKB.rluuoia OHico 141 Madison, wiwti mmriiiiK aienta. Phone Msln 7d1. btPUilLLOlS HAIR AND KEMOV ED. WABIS MLLE DE LONG. 604 Swetland Mdg. TA I LOHS TO MEN AND WOMEN. Huffman Grant. Broadway and Alder. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. n .. vptpuivi or rnLLEOB begins Sept. 1L No profession offers equal opportunity. , . . . . . i.' . n nres.. 1M12 Mar ket St., Ssn Francisco. MOOD. . a I 1- tA 14.10; distant -VSfTrraUon. i VusT CO, E. 3d and Oregon. East 1C4L GREEN and dry slabwood. blockw ama Fuel Co. Main 67:0. A sals. blockwood. Pan B1ANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. i:uu MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front; Leather of every description; taps, mfg. findings. wo. evn U'AllEVfl XECKWEAB- rvii.i:MRiA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. II Sth at. MIMJNtRl. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and Tth sta ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Whs, 3d A Columbia. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OIXS. W. P. FULLE R A CO, 12th and Davis. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMTJS3E.N st CO, Id and Taylor ot recta. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVKS. M. L. KLINE. 14-14 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 14-14 Front st, PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. BALTES A CO, 1st and Oak sta. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVb.KUl.VG A 1'AKKKLU 14 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portlsnd Cordage Co.. lath and Northrop. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER ay CO.. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN "WALL PAPER CO, St Id St. DIED. THRESHER In Stockton. Cel.. August 8, bsrsh A. Thresher, sister of Mrs. K. J ' Do Hart, of Ibis city. FUNERAL NOTICES. KROC.H In this city.- Ana. 7. A. William k-ra.h JI vears. lata of 41128 73d St. S. K, huehsnd of Nettle M. Krogh. Son of Mrs Mario Krofh snd brother of Fred J. Krosh. of Fsrgo. N. D.: snd Gertrude Krogh. V. 8. Vlce-'onul-Genersl of Rot' trrlam. Molland. The remains will be for warded by J. P. Flnley a Son to Fargo. v Ti tomorrow tTuesdayl. Aag. ltl, where services will be held and Interment made In the family plot. HAAS The funeral services of the lste lohit ll. of 17.13 Kaat 11th st,. will be held todsy (Monday). Aug. f. at 2:30 r m . from Kt JoieDh'a Cniecopal Churcb Kaet l.'.th sL snd Harney ave. Interment Mllaaukle Cemetery. Friends Invited. Thoae wlnhlne to view the remslns will plesse csll tx fore 12 noon at the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, loo? ana lit cast join st, oviiwwu. ANDERSON In this city. August Swan Anderson, sged 8S years, late of the Alma Hotel. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow Wrdneslsy. August 11. at 2:30 . p. m from Pearson's unaensmng parior.. Ruesell st. and Union are. Friends Invited. i.t., mn.. tnmm citv Park Cemetery. De ceased was a member of the Teamster"! Union and Conrt Scanaia. no. i, r. oi a. RANDALL The funeral services of the lste Jsmes Ksnaall win ce neia twy v "ul;- day). Aug. U. at ::io f. aa.. irom tne rw . ..- nf 1 p. Ktnlev A Son. Montaomerv. at 6th. Interment River View Cemeaery. Friends Invited. HARALDSON August 7. Alvlna Harsldeon, .-.H m beloved dsushter ot Mr. mnA xtra Anton Hsrsldson. of Aehland. Ur Remains st Dunning A McEntee's parlors, from where they will be shipped to Newnerg. or, touay t jiuiiu.j t, nvm. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ".;:AfSer I Th. rgiidsnca uoUertakinc astabiisa mcDt in Fort.nJ w.m privai urlvwtvy. Main . A lMtoLEt . BON- Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading fun.rai director. 220 Third street, corner fcaumoa. Lady assUtanL A 111L Mala oul. F. 8. DUNNINO, 1KC East Slds Funeral Directors, 414 Eaat Al der tract. East ai. B mMb. MILLER A TRACE f. Independent funeral directors. Funerals as low ss JU. feu, u. Washington and Ella sta Main 141. A Itii. A R. ZELLER CO, ltl WILLIAMS AVE. East loss, c lOba. Lady attendant. Day and night service. DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadwsy and Pins. Phone Main 430, A 1S4 Lady Attendant P. lm LERCH. Eaat 11th aad Clay streets. Lady aaalstant. East 781. BKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. d and Clay. Main 41M. A 221. Lady attendant. K. T. liYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. East IMS. C 1IXA Lady attsndant. BREEZE A SNOOK, bunnyslde Psrlors; SUto hearse. 1024 BelmonL Tab. lilig. B lo2. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists. SIT Wash ington. Main J H. A 126tf Flowers tor ell occasione artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 27 Morrison st sisin or A lbuS. Fins flowers and floral desirns. No branch stores. . Sl'NNYSIDE greeahouea. Fresh flowers. Phone B IS! E. Std snd Taylor. MAX M. SMITH. Mala 711a. A 213L Selling MONUMENTS. PORTLAND Msrbls Works, 2M 4th st. opposite City nail, buuasra of rasmariaia, . CLASSIFIED AD. RATES uii- a MnBftar Per Un. On time bune 4Bd tmm coa-awrutiTe tine. ....... bame td three DonecutiTe timei. &Qo baine i six or tveveit Umea. .Aite Ttae h-ve nice apply to m&vn-matM ooiier ew ToUmj" uiti eii etiaor Cw- Uoo except me luuowinii toUumtiuoe V-uitd Xlele, bitiiatltae emmle K-vr Kent, Kowttu 1'nvaieB Fepiillee. , Btwrd esod Huum - yrtvate laniiiJtce. 4.iiAswksL.Dr hLoom--i?Ttrut9 t Auiiiiee. Kate oo tlie eboTe cUeaifloUon le "J ceote as I ia sjauh in Mrtlon. On "charKe" ad vert Uem eats eJiarvee will be aed oa tne nuniD-er ox udm jpt riuK lb llio paper. rt&Wirtllcif of the number ol word la each line. Minimum vhar-e. two lines. Tbe Oregon ian will acvept claaaiifled ad ertUexuent ever -he telephone, provided tbe advertiser te a euoecrioer to eitner paone. No prlcr will be quoted over the phone hut will he rennertBd the following day. Hhether etaleaeciueat advertleemeata will te accepted over tbe phone depend upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tiawmtBi bituatlona Wanted and Feronal d vert men t ill not be accepted over the telephone, uraers lor one mr ion ontjr wiu be acoepted for rarnlture for hale' "Bi- eee upponuniuca.'- isuemiieii,ue an Wanted to A d vertlnementM to receive Dromot rlaeBlf!. si inn nuNi ho In The Oreaonian office be fore 9 o'clock at nlffbt. except Saturday. Closing hoar for The Sunday Oregon iaa will he lii9 oeiora oa.nraaj nusnt. oiikco will be open until 10 o'clock I. M., ae usual. and all ads received too late for proper claaslilcation win he run unoex tne bcwuhi "loo Late to Cla.lfy," Telephone Alain 707U. A eovtv. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH E74 BELMONT ST. Pboaea Bast 1423, H 2315. Opes Day ana i last. ReDort all cases ot cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring; a pet may communicate with us. NEW TODAY. FOR -SALE SIGHTLY RESIDENCE PROPERTY 100x200, north end of block and 100 by 100 northwest corner ot block, in restricted district. IMPROVEMENTS ALL IN AND PAID FOR. No Incumbrances. Property raised above street. Clean. Ready to re ceive building. Two blocks from Sandy boulevard. Cheap for cash, , or payments, or will exchange for modern house, six- to isht r6oms. and lot In good restricted district. Address 9 DR. A. E. TAMIESIE, Pendleton, Oregon, Boa A. STOP AT Newly re furnished, papered 4t and Aide anil rpnn. vntwrt nn in raren iodov ail maucrn cua venlences. Rooms, with private bath, 1 per day up; without. 75o up. Because the rates are low. don't think the serv ice Is poor. Special rates by week or month. Several rooms with wall beds. maklns; them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED Bl IStNKSft PROPERTIES Resldenca Ioaras 6 6 and 7 'Per Cent, Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBEHTSUJN & LWUNU 207-8 Kerthwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. CO! LARGE LOANS M fznf O JO Bt 5I.F.St PROPERTIES O C A. H. BIRRELL CO. :17-21 Northwestern Bank BalllaB. narahall 4114, A si is. Savings Deposits Put In Our first Mortgages Yield 8 Per Cent. Absolutely Sate. FEAR aft GRAY, 103 Fourth Street. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Onr Own Money at Current Rates. ML'MCII'AL AMI CORPORATION BONUS. FARM AM CITV LOANS. 80 Feorth St.. Hoard of Trade BldA. lun AMOUNT AT OIWBff HOB kJVsi. IstWMAW 9Q2SRMIHHeBUllDIN.) On Cltr and Farm Properties ua Any Amount at Current Rates RABTataJt-TEOsTPSOrT. Baakars Osrnsr s'oarth and Btark fitrssts. REAL ESTATE OKALEB9. PALMER-J ONES CO, O. P, 404-40S-404 Wilcox blda;. BENEDICT BROS., 30 Hawthorne ave. REAL, ESTATE. For bale Lota. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, two lots, 50x102 each, located on taat una St. ana Steele ave.. near Heed Institute; must be sold to setlie an estate; no reasonable offer re fusid. Address B. E. BearUaley. 10il 6'ilh t-. Brooklyn, K. T. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Have aeveral downriftrit eacritices, wuto In ots snd bouses; maKe an otter. Marshall 4S27. BROOKK. A 3K30. LOTS In Wellington; make offer. Owner. sol commercial diock. uaranaii Baes. BUILDING LOANS AND HOME BUILD ING. CURTIS. 141 Vs OAK. FOR SALE Southeast corner East Pine and 13th streets. Hargain. K !si, oregonian. For Sale Beach Property. EIGHT choice lots, Bayocean, $800; one at Neuhkanie. a-uu. ;u-t Worcester oiag. TWO lots at Del Rcy Beach. East 3987. 1-er bale -HUUMV. DON'T worry about a home I will furnish you a lot and ouiiu you a nome on email payment down. See Barnekoff, wltb the Brong Co., Inc., 267 Vi Oak su lir VOLT would like to commence the build ing ot a new nome tnis montn ana nave It tinnncea. come in ana tais it over, vur- tls. 287 1 oak St. S-KOOM strictly modern home, garage, Ross City rara, on canine, corner 101, W.J tirma; take Beaumont car. 517 E. 42d su North. . SACRIFICE t-roora modern Uolgate home $1775; terms, uwner. eus commercial block. Marshall 5545. BEAUTIFUL 10-room home with garage In lrvlngton tor sale. il cast 4iJ be tween w and 12 A. M. UK SALE New, modern 1 S -story bunga low in lrvlngton; complete in every de tail; price $4500. Phone E. 4545. FOR SALE A bargain; e-room house. close in, near in'on ave. uwner. wood lawn 2997. . 25 DOWN. $15 per mo. and Int.. to respon sible party, a-room cottage, a.ouu. & w-a, Oregonian. BARGAIN Modern Bungalow, & rooms, lull lot. 4-175. terms 1561 E. Everett. KW, modern homes for sale or rent. In lrvlngton and Laurelhurst. East 2432. SACRIFICE. $250 down, fur fine Lents home. 60 Fentoa Diag., uroaaway via. mm lrr REAL ESTATE. For Hale tiousra. RT5ATTTI5TTL. HOME. Owner has placed in our hands for sals his handsome lrvlngton homo; the house is worth lil.000. but he'll sell it for 18,500. The house is strictly modern and really a fine home, well arranged, big rooms, high-class wall coverings, best plumbing, shower rooms, in addition to 2 baths. 4 lavatories. 4 toilets, 2 fire places, double electrical system, one lor lighting and one tor cooking and heating by electricity; underground entrance, big grounds, plenty of shrubbery, flowers and natlvo trees. On corner or one ox lrvlngton's widest and best streets and where there are penty of other good homes. Terms If you want them or wonld take some trade. . We have the photographs ot the Interior and exterior at our office. S. D. VINCENT & CO., ' 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW HOME AT SACRIFICE. CHANGE IN BUSINESS MAKES ME MOVE. ., W1H have to sell my new home, built by day labor, close In, good district; 3 rooms, reception hall, sleeping porch, par tially finished; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in writing desk, fine buffet, French doors Inside and also onto big porch; mirror doors, large closets, extra large windows, garage, fine decorations and ele gant electric light fixtures; porch around front and side of house; this is a home at better price than the houses built to sell; linoleum and a lot of other things go with it. Call Tabor S9S3. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH '1 E MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE: W! ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE MONDS. L R. BAILEY A CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS, S21 ABINGTON BLDG. IRVINGTON STRICTLY MODERN LOVELY HOME, - MUST SELL. LEAVING un, LARGE ROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS, TWO BATHROOMS, TWO FIREPLACES, FURNACE, FINISHED ATTIC, SLEEPING PORCH; WILL SELL- S0OO BELOW COST. DUBOIS, 723 CHAMBER COM- MERCE. MAIN E1H9. ROSE CITY PARK. fjl4 4TH NORTH. Classy 7 -Room Residence. New, ' btrictly modern, large rooms, white enamel finish, steam heat, Turkish and shower baths, garage; will take good lot. Call owner. Tabor b308. and make appointment- LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. Before buying be sure to look at o-tr list of brand new. exquisite homes In LAU RELHURST, the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from .2500 up. Laurel hurst Co., 270 Stark st., or at tract of fice In Laurelhurst. E. 3th and GUsan sta. WE will build you a 4 or 5-room house on lot 50x100 ft.. In a live subdivision. Cost from J1350 to 11800. on easy monthly pay ments, same as rent. The Brong Co., Inc., 267 Vj Oak st. ' . GOOD 6-room house, lot 60x100; a sacrifice to you; will take a payment and some trade; fine location, good flowers, fruit. .Phono Tabor 143. E. H. Carse. 037 East 'Stark. FOR SALE 7-room house; you must nave .1000 caeh; any terms on oaiance, u you want a home, when I tell you the price you will buy. K 73, Oregonian. 7-ROOM house, large sleeping-porch, a good place and worth considerably more than I ask for it: can be had on most any terms. H 978. Oregonian. MODERN bungalow, right - up to date, on beautiful corner in nest pan oi noso Park. Terms if required. Call owner, la bor 8505. I WILL build you a 4 or 6-room house, lot 60xlOO. on easy terms. Cost S1400 to 1800. Barnekoff, 2tf E. Russell st. Phone Wdln. 4006. 6-ROOM residence, - Rose City Park, cost 13900, will take azsau cssu. uwiiw, a. bSO. Oregonian , For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE New store building, rented, at 1 1 .1-ii 1. 1- W m Andflrmn. 32 131.. tl p iVJUOU, V. -' , - ' E. 7th at- Portland. Suburban Home Property. EAST MULTNOMAH. Do you know a hard-surface scenic highway Is being built through the entire length of Eastern Multnomah? Do you not want a home near such a road ? SYLVESTER E. EVANS, Corbett. Or. AN ideal home, 25 min. from town, modern bungalow: lull Dasemcm, luciiiai.c, . nace large porches, flowers, fruit trees, lawns, nice chicken park. 2ft lots (cheap); price $3250, terms. 1640 Fowler ave. phone Columbia 479. Frank M. Ward, owner. FINEST 21-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland on section im. muu, s"" ings. Bull Run water. 6 acres all kinds fruit and berries, fine lawn, snruDoery, etc. Sell all or part nasis cr, Henry bldg. 618 GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to canine; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. For (Sale Acreage. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, Gresham district; near electric station; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. T.-Q rm i, for sale all sizes. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO., :19 veon dius., rmiioiiu, v.. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU aux: 15 acres, near ureutu, ,,, j. soli, all cultivated; $225 per acre; will di vide and give easy terms if desired bee Mr. Hand", owner, 205 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. - BARGAIN 6-room house, 1 acre, all in garden ana iruit, near en limn... fare: owner leaving, will sacrifice for $1500, terms. Call 614 Stock Exchange bldg.. Main 6765. ' ONE or two acres, Willamette rtiver ironi- ase. near ttiaiey stanon, iiwv mu also acreage overlooking the river. H. O. Starkweather, Rlsley station ACRE, new, modern, j-room nouso, iui sale or i ' i 1 L . " , ,, agents. Phone Main 4u96. HOW much will you'give for $000 equity In 2 acres pears at rargo uruitwu inr next year? Y 985, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract. 5-cent fare; make offer. Box 120. Lents v. v. Romes tends. FOR SALE Homestead relinquisnment. Government irriKaiion i""J"- " " t 5 years in advance. Ask particulars, prices. AV 503, Oregonian. LEAVE for my homestead this evening, can locate few, good cnance. oca me at Muller 6th st Call for Bengtson. Phone Broadway 2330. For Sale Farms. cu att. nnnT ln TT On RANCH. Almost adjoining railway depot and ereamerv. about 80 acres, new house, 3 .T mrm o v nwK 'IS brood cows. 50 dIks. regis tered boar, plenty of feed, barn full of hay, running stream through place, good fishing, beautiful home, complete for $7&00 $2500 cash, balance $1000 per year t t oer cent: no exenange. uwucr, v. Sanderson, Nashville. Or. nn ACHES. 8 miles from Vancouver, near l .. , r 1 1. 1 , 1 1' n 1 n nut; nu rv ui urn, j ranch. $12,000, half cash, balance to suit purchaser: $3000 equipment; come and see tnis u you -: Cail or aooress xux iu. ot. " Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE or trade, 4 miles from Nyssa, si tan mrmm .11 I nflRT CHIT I V Ji HI II . 1 1 1 II I - class soil, good paid-up water right. Will consider trade up to $12,000 for Willamette Valley or coast property. Very easy terms on balance. Price $150 per acre. Addreaa AV 5Q4. Oregonian FOR SALE 820 acres, 2 4 miles east Terre bonne. t-TOOK. V. ,., 1 Bi ' .ii r.nrid: small house and barn, cellar; pari trade, part cash, balance on time; fcts.i'.'U. j. n. ram, 1000 ACRES, tiOO wheat. 60 alfalfa land, 30 In alfalta" creea, ouciiot, irra wmii, buildings, orchards; going for $10 an acre. M. Fttzmaurlce. Condon, Or. FOR SALE! Cowlitz County stump lands, cm merm. ud: eood soil, well watered. I Ft. FharD. 430 Plttcck block, Portland. FOR SALE 10 or 80 acres irrigated land, all In cultivation, easy terms. 592 & 4th st.. Portlana. in ArRKi f land on Columbia Highway, imDroved. 16 miles from Courthouse. chfap Phone Main A8Q2. FOR SALE 680-acre- stork ranch ; consider house ana lot or arrraisa as pi yj Telephone Tabor 6298. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 6 or 7-room house, Roso City o- Laurelhurst preferred, about .3000. Will give good lot as first payment, bal ance monthly. V 998, Oregonian. HOUSE wanted. $3000 to $5000; I will ex change lots for It. Main 1166. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. McCRAKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. C. J. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE for Portland Income; Improved dairy farm. Willamette Valley, elegant soil, fine location. P. O. Box 244, Al bany. Or WANT to remodel honse, will give unin cumbered lot. 40x137 feet 6 In., as pay ment. Call Tabor 1516. 4 ACRE. 7-room house. In Lents, to trade for 10 acresnear Portland." T 981. Orego nian WE handle good property anywhere in ex change. See Brace. 606 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. X6DOO EQUITY IN 110 ACRES. -"A miles from Eugene, for clear property In or near portlana. Slim per acre; .ovuv runs yean; 20 A. cultivated, 80 A pasture. 60 A. Umber; wood more than pays tor Slace; fenced, springs, 2 small houses, good ,. . ' - lO") Wi a m.f I a at Ku. gene. Or. 160 ACRES free and clear ot debt, less than 4 miles from railroad at Durkee, Baker County, Oregon. Will exchange for equity In good home or for good vacant lots, Laurelhurst nreferred. Will assume oi pay cash difference. Describe fully as to location, price and amount of mortgage. it any. L yss, oregonian. SAN DIEGO New, modern, five-room house, value $3500, to exchange tor Oregon farm land either Improved or unimproved. J. B. Hooker. 2828 Franklin ave, San JJIego. CaL IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE WE CAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AYERS & SMITH CO.. 601 NORTH WEST BLDG. MAIN 7286. $2500 EQUITY In $4000 home to exchange for general merchandise or other busi ness In good country town. What have you? aj yi, oregonian. WILL take clear Irvlnirton or West Side lot for my equity in nice Rose City Park house on fine corner. J. Hartog, 269 Stark, near 4th. owner. EQUITY in modem East SldA home to ex change for automobile in good condition. This is an unusual opportunity to make a good traae. am tftis, oregonian. TWO lots In Tacpma, Wash., trade for player piano; win pay difference m cash, x voo. Oregonian. FINELY Improved five-acre tract for city property. R. F. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. HORSES FOR SALE. All sizes and kinds. Will now mention some of our prices, to show you that we mean business and must sell: One 3i lumber wagon with good double dox, wltn farm narness, good as new. One roan horse, age 8 years. One rrav horse, ace 10 vears. Seventy souhd and good pullers, singls or double, weignt zouu. 1140 buys entire outfit; trial allowed. 8250-Dound bay team, aares 7 and block? built and rood workers, look much alike and have always been worked to e-ether: Drice $250. trial allowed. 1 S-vear-old. handsome bav horse, clean of blemishes, weight 1350; works single and double; gentle for women .and chil dren to handle; price $100; trial allowed. 15o0-pound sorrel horse, works single and double, age 11 years; price $85; trial al lowed. 1150-pound lamily horse; this horse will do any kind ot farm work and will make a good family animal; he is 8 years old anu a veiy uauusuiuo uai, .w, allowed inoo-nmmd ehunkv roan horse, age 7 years; works single and double and true to pull any place; price $35; trial allowed. Also several more horses and mares that we have not mentioned, also buggies, wagon and harnesses; anyone buying a horse from this stable, we want them to try them unyi perfectly satisfactory; we said trial allowed and we mean trial al lowed. AH of these horses that we have advertised are severely sound and some are sound. They are a nice bunch. When you see them you will say they are cheaper than any horses in the city. Come and look this stock over before buying else where for it will be worth your while. Remember, trial allowed on each and every tinra. All hnrspj guaranteed as reDresent- ed. 460 12th and Flanders. Nobby stablea, MY KINGDOM FOR A HORSE NO MORE IT'S NOW MY HORSK FOR A FEDERAL TRUCK' So we have horses and more horses for sale and can save you money. See us for bargains In horses. GERLINGER MOTOR . CAR COMPANY, . 6!I4 Washington St PHE1P VOR OTTICK SALE. Two work horses. 1100 lbs. and 1350 lbs. each. Call at barn by wood yard. East 8th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Good horse, perfectly sound, suitable for delivery or express wagon. Harris Trunk Co.. 130 6th st. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 Front st Nice pair chunky mares, young and sound, ' 2400; any reasonable offer accepted. WAGONS and horses by day. $1.25. I Cohen. 381 Water st. Main 2208, Main 6J5. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree, Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. PASTURE for stock near Portland. 1410. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day- or night, Tabor 4203. FOR SALE CHEAP, one saddle horse, drives single or double. Main 93. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT TO FIRST CALLER. flOO BRADBURY pianos for $50 cash. 4U0 CH1CKERING piano for $ii5 cash. $375 CHASE BROS, upright, $00. $100 VALLEY GEM upright, $135 cash. $S50 AUTO PIANO player, $290 cash. $750 KIMBALL baby grand, $345 cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 4th at. PIANOS in this column are usually for cash. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St.. terms $5 - cash with douhle credit for $10 when de livering a $350 new piano for $205, $6 monthly, without interest, saving- sju.dB. total saving to you $135.38 buying now. REDUCED prices on slightly used or dis continued styles talking machines, easy terms. Ill Fourth. $15 BUYS $100 parlor orjran tomorrow at security storage co. iu em ei. 75c MONTHLY' stores piano. Security Stor age Co., 109 4th. Main 5328. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Ill Fourth st. FOR SALE Good 3087. piano, $95 cash. East Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE- At a sacrifice, Circassian wal nut bedroom set, brass bed, chairs and odd pieces of furniture; must dispose of them at once. Call Monday and Tuesday evenings, after 4 P. M.. 316 E. 18th St.. corner Clayoburne; Sellwood car. Mar shall 6S3. For" SALE Almost new, up-to-date furni ture for living room, dining-room and bed room, also three rugs, very reasonable. Ad dress S 097. Oregonian.- Bogs. Birds, Pet Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. LADDIX KENNELS, ESTACAPA. OR. IJvestocat. 20 HEAD of fullblooded high-grade Hol stein cows and 20 fullblooded high-grade Holstein heifers from 8 months to 2 years old. Inquire or address Theodore Vllliger, Route 1. Oswego, Or. Phone A 3979. DAIRY cows for eale; terms. Bruce, Union Stockyards. Phone Woodlawn 2400. Automobiles. WE HAVE the following ears left from our sacrifice sale, which you can buy from $100 to $500 less than any other place in Portland: 1913 CHALMERS, 4-passenger coupe. J913 CHALMERS, 6-cyl., 7-passenger. 1913 CHALMERS. 5-passenger. 1913 STEARNS-KNIGHT, 4-cyl.. 6-Pass. 1912 WINTON, 7-passenger. 1914 WINTON, 6-passenger. THE WINTON CO., 23d and Washington Sts. TWO 1915 HUPMOBILES. One 1914 HUPMOB1LE. One 1914 Michigan, $650. One 1912 HUP. ROADSTER, $330. One OVERLAND. $400. One NATIONAL. BULMAGE & MANLET AUTO CO., 46-48 North 20th St. BARGAIN'S IN USED AUTOS. Large stock. Prices $300 to $700. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. .rvl.l'DER studebaker, 7-passenger, elec trie starter, lights and horn, modern in .v.n wav. good condition, extra tires 1650. No real estate. Box 244. White Salmon. Wash. ELIMINATE gasoline trouble by Installing Carter gravity tank. For Information see H W Johns-Manville Co., 69 Broadway. I?V - i ... ACQ Phone croauwj mo. FORD DELIVERY In g6od shape, covered body. Will sell to responsible parties for reasonable payment down and balance by the month. Call 694 Washington st. 7 PASSENGER automobile, recently over hauled, newly pslnted, fully equipped; must sell; snap lor someone. 445 Haw thorne ave. VISIT our used car dept. for bargains in 4, 5 and 7-pass. autos: also light de livery cars. Terms given. Northwest Auto Company, Broadway and Couch st. FORD roadster, stripped for speedy driving. Gasoline tank on rear, bucket seats, newly overhauled and rebuilt. A SNAP, car at C,!i4 Washington St. GARAGES erected complete $30 up; ready cut or portable house, $125 up. TAKE DOWN MFG. CO.. 54g Water St., near Harrison, Main 1187. FOR SALE Practically new 1914 5-passen- geP tjaiin--, vityiKtj ouiyiiou. in quire 65 Front st. 4525 OVERLAND, i!U4, elec. starter and lignis. new - - Thompson. 1913 6-PASSENGER Cadillac, run only 50UO , . . , , i nil -oil . r -., i , mlieS, 1M1 ' m ..o. uu Wasco St., for demonstration. ' REBUILT 2-pass. speedster, 40-h.p., com pletely overhauled and repainted. Bar aain. Call Mr. Hemphill. Broadway 887 I WILL help you select a good car; expert advice; bmmi iw. - .-. xu iuod, city. FORDS, .' runabouts and touring. .good. cheap, rteynoias. ffEiiwooa uza. A SNAP 5-ton truck, little money required, easy terms, uan oj nasamgtoa BU FOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. $600 CASH for late model. 6-pasjenger c.j-. electric lights and starter. What . have you? B 091. Oregonian. . WE will pay cash for used Ford cars. BEN J. E. BOONE A CO.. Ford Agts., 514 Alder St. PAINT your auto, better than new, foe $8 "5 Particulars mailed free. Auto Paint 4 'Varnish Co.. 40T Main st, Portland.. FORD runabout preferred; will pay $50 cash arm $50 per month. AG 0i2, Ore- gonian. K-ROOM -new. dull oak luraiun ir o Passenge? dr. Ford preferred. CaU at HOT East Taylor st. WANTED Best late model 6-pass. Ford cash will buy. M 998. Oregonian. Automobiles for Hire. CADILLAC Show your visiting friends the city and Columbia Highway by auto. Do i, rtir while the weatner is u... CaU Tabor 3002 or c ltxv. -frTnklin-all-day TRIPS at railroad rates. Lanicia. Motorcycles. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson 1914. twin cylinder 2-speed n"0- ?'? "SS? tion vary cheap; reason, have new auto Blla Address' AV 497. Oregonian. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE 26-foot raised deck cruiser 12 h. p.. Gray motor; boat and engine tri i good condition; storage battery electric llfht in cabin; any reasonable offer will not be refused. Inquire C, Chambers. Oregon City. Or. Main 324. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 8 months for t3 and up; 6 months' rent spplled on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com tiany. 86 Broadway, Portland, or. WE save you from 50 to 76 per cent on alt makes of typewriters: sentf for our 11 us trated folder. Retail department "VV HOLii EAT.K TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 262 Btark su Main 50-io. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. p. I. c. Zttl Biam et.. ai.m Miscellan eons. I ALL statistics show Eloux City. Iowa, to b in the heart of the most prosperous a no tion of the United Statee. The Sioux City Tribune Is Issued each evening to readers approximating 240.000 and covera Sioux City. Northwestern Iowa, Northeastern Nebraska and Southern Soutb. Dakota thoroughly. The Tribune has mors circulation than any other evening or morning newspaper published In the State The "Great TrI-State Want Ad Medium" will carry your message to the homes of this big territory at a cost of only one cent a word each day. Send jour advertiser """tHbTsIOUX CITY TRIBUNE. S10UX CITY. IOWA i MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H M. H. Electric Co.. 31 lal St. N. Phone Broadway 939. . WANTED to sell at once, washer, extractor, motor, steam cylinder, benzine stills, sew lnrr machine and wagons. Inquire 44 Glisan st- . SEW ING MACHINES, new and second-hand, sale or rent. $2 up. tewing Machine Em porium, 190- 3d st., near Taylor. Main 6431. A 8626. . BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling aileys and accessories; easy payments. Tne Brunswick-Balke-t'ollender Co.. 46-48 otb. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand; we save you 40 to 60 per cent; all registers guaranteed. Cash Register Exchange, 352 v Washington St. HOCHFELD'S Camera Exchange, 85 8d st.- Cameras, kodaks and lenses bought, sola and exchanged. We sell the lea cameras. YOU can rent a visible typewriter three months for $4.00; convenient at home. 244, Stark street. Main 0273. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; mads in Oreeon: Der gallon. $1.75. Portland paint Co., z.u r roiiiiu Marshall 1U0. FOR SALE A $285 National cash register, slightly used, and will sacrifice same foe $175. Box 455, Forest Grove, Or SAFES. SAFES. Th e Mosler Safe Co., 264 St ark bt. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. FOR SALE CHEAP Complete Edison mov ing picture outfit. Main 4495. 212 First. 800 OPERA chairs like new, cheap. 226 Sec ond St.. Portland. NEW stenotpye for sale reasonable. S 99&, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED SECOND -HAND CLOTHES. We pay highest cash price for ladles and gents- castoff clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE. 285 First St. Main 2080. Main 2080. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 FIRST ST. BUTS SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE FOR OUR BUYER. MAR. 6981. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A il74. Main 9072. ' . GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 207 1st. St. 207 1st st. We pay the highest prices for your furniture, carpets, stoves. Phone Mar shall 587. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THIS JAliiOn, r-Aio ocoi. PRICES. SHOES BOUGHT. CALL MAIM 7573. 220 MADISON ST. HIGHEST cash price paid for phonograph and records. Phonograph Exchange, 21U hirst. Main 449j. KLINES BUY. SELL AND EXCHANUH FURNITURE: KKl' rKILM 1-A1U. an HAWTHORNE AVE. EAST 7109; WILL PAY CASH FOR " SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. WANT $10,000 used furniture; pay gooa Drlces: starting new eiure. oeii.uuu TYPE wanted, several fonts, good-sized Marshall 4553. type, also some cases. WANTED National cash register. 606. 351 wasningtou Bt. CASH paid for hair combings. sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4uu ueKum oiag. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. 204 1st st. Main 401. HELP WANTED MALE. V. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. SPECIAL SHORT COURSE. REDUCED RATES TO OCT. 1. Unusual opportunity. For particulars call at educational office Y. M. C. A. In-. eluded In tuition costs is full Association membership to October I. HOUSE furnishings buyer; wanted, for one of the Western department siurra, a uujcr and manager for the furniture, carpets and furnishing drapery departments. Only thewe who have filled similar positions considered. Apply in first Instance to Box AV Bu6. Oregonian, giving full particulars as to age. past experience and salary ex- pected. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenls'n. Wash. TWO DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PACIFIC AUTO & GAS ENGINE SCHOOL, 20G 11th and Jefferson Sts. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade In 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 232 2d, near Main. WANTED AT ONCE 2 men to learn auto mobile repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. WANTED TTailor, pants and vestmaker; steady Job. D. I. Peters, 14 W. Main St., Wall a Walla. Wash. MOLER Barber College wants men to learn the trade, tuition reduced; paid while learning; send for catalogue. 48 N. Second. NEWS agents wanted; security required. GRAYS NEWS CO., 131 North Sth at. COUNTRY" agents, to sell Fall specialty lines; 100 per cent commission. Write or call 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Good salesman to sell tombs in new mausoleum. Portland Mausoleum Co., 912 Spaulding bldg. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen. $100-$120 monthly. Railway As sociatlon. Oregonian. PHOTO agentn. something new; extra com- mission pain, aarony studio, rtoyai oiag. BAKER'S helper, $10 per week. Inquire St. iNlcnoias uaieiena. 2-ROOM apt. for Janitor service. ave. N. SINGLE man, porter -work. 355 E. Burnslds street. PHOTOGRAPH coupon thnt will sell; new studio, uaguerre. 14 r-lttock uiock. WANTED First-class pantryman; Mevesr Restaurant,