Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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ottooxus miraosn,
Kaneping Editor Jlm J"J "
taoda' Editor i"! i
Adnriium IMPWUUI ...2aeiaT;0, A aw-
CitT Clrcu.atloi. Mala
('mtwm-iwa J".; A eos
iluuuwl Baildlng ...Main 1 07 u. A aw
Bieata. un bea4 and TeadaiUle.
PA NT AGE (AKS.r at B dw "
P. M-
XMPHKdS f Broadsray and tar Venda
,... IJDk I. aad
abacrlba tk following aaaata.
. a deliver at Tk
aoaiaa. OU retea. aakeeripUona by
mall an payable la adveacet
Bar Vara- . F. Jacks
Bar CM. Or K. 1 Marcaa
W. a.
Brlsataa. Or
W. A. aVrva
Waa - B.
Mia! ml aarta Balal
Mra. X. K.
Ec-ja. Or - W. Craaa
t-m tt. C. K11M
Cutart. Or Jara. M. ft- Klliatt
U, p.ara M- atraahal
Lake Lftla. Prmma MlUar
riaaa muss
K. J. KAraall
wtr or LaaJa Cm
N-Araclav, Weak -A.
-- rw O ft.
Ocaa. rark t . .-
Ocaa Laka Park O. t. C Maek
Mackaa-a aVaacfc aak
ltaak ltlllar
Or Caw wn-
Wa Or...
Waaalar. Or
. .rrmak MUt
...J. ft. Laeaae
m. H. Cat
.r. w.
haaded la Tae oncaaiaa iwk eRlee "
elatk aataroa, sate.
Va...... U . u a an i
Ah Soon, a Chinese, began to wash bt
hands and faca at the public drinking
fountain at Third and Yamhill atreeta
yesterday at f:J. Patrolman Bewley
enterea a aenoue uujqcuoa mi prw
ceedlnir. The Chinese Insisted, that bis
hands needed washing- and that the
fountain was a convenient place, upon
which he was placed under -arrest. A
charge of disorderly conduct was
lodged against him. i
Christian E.xdato ExocRstos To
kioht. The fourth annual moonlight
excursion of the Young People's Chris
tian Endeavor of the Orst German Con.
gregatlonal Churcn, oi wnicn mi.
Wlllmin U rector, will take place
aboard the steamer Joseph Kellogg to
night. The boat will leave the foot
of Washington street at o'clock and
return near midnight. The committee
In charge will serve refreshments.
Auiir FiR Ijufkctxd. An Inspec
tion of the recent Are in the Allsky
block was conducted by Fire Chief
Dowall yesterday for the benefit of his
semi-weekly "class" composed of Ore
...lain .nil ltautaflanta of the city.
There were ti that made the inspec
tion yesieroay. ino primim
studied, the sweep of fire shown, and
the best methods of combatting It
pointed out.
Crrr Pats PocwoiiASTgR's Attornxt.
Boyd R. Welch, city poundmaster.
was recompensed in the sum 01 i dj
the City Council yesterday, that being
the amount which he paid out for at
tnrnar'a fee. when tried recently on a
charge of cruelty to animals. He was
arrested at mat time ny 1a v. riiu,
humane officer, but was found not
guilty of the charge.
Maps, showing the barometric condl-
I n r Ik. wlrwl. will ha nt to
rangers throughout the National forests
lo aid 4a tneir coraoating ioresi urea.
That a close study of these barometric
sheets will greatly assist In the pre
vention And control of Ores Is the aa
sertlon of the weather bureau offl-i
streets, yesterday. The fire was quick
ly subdued. The Building is oetng con
I he was ushered into a taxi in front of
the Morgan Duticing ana introduces. 10
John row.ll died April J. "
state was Bled for probate only yes
t,rdy. He left property
! ;. according to the petition Bled
In County Clerk Coftey's office by At
torney John IL Hall. Three sons, two
daaxhters and one grandson mr,.nl'
aa bla hetra. Moat of the estate con
sists of a farm In Eastern Multnomah
County. Title to this remained "
hands of the widow until she died a
Ir,T.'.h. heTrs now have Probated the the pastorate of Pilgrim Congregational
title the heirs now na y I church of this city. He will begin his
wiu t.. I unrlcA aa uaator SeDtamoer 1
O.PIW1?"..".. SrKOAT Exctra.o 11 to
ly suoauea. m duuqihb ia doiiik cvm-i---- . " . .
. . .... , u - I Lh. bride-elect.
limcm , . ..-.u... v- ..M Tnnnliinn "after
we get the license you've got to And
us a Presbyterian minister. Mother
wouldn't be happy if she knew a
Presbyterian minister didn't marry us.'
XT- Hrnnlrlnir. fnnnH Rmr T-vi .Tnhn
son. the hour of 8:30 was set and the
Knot Ilea ana in noneymoon trip is
to the fair and home by the southern
Associated Chiropractors of the State
of Oregon hew tneir ---
ig I Locks and return: leaves t A. M-. re-
. I. c.r li r . . t ii
nt I
?! "7" ."ir.rv Thurar nlghv turn. :4S P. steamer Bailey
at m . - - . - . n. In...... T.ln IU A III! XA
The Male uartet enteriaineo . i .
F. O. Lehman, presiaem " ,lj ,
lion, spoae. " -
.-j T.r r. H Slater gave
violin ir - - - ... ,
Mlinz. Ir. T- '" "-T
-Health and Happiness. Dr.
Jones on "The Wonders of the Pre
Century." Tr. C ,vl
T Grover were soioisia au i avtio.- tv ivluat auie iiit,.i
Quartet aang the closing "ber. ru, R( II , A.XgWERKD.
. . Wf nttllia FIXAHWEO. 1
tw,iin.nca protdtnir for a total out-
extension and wiaerung . ,
east from Sandy boulevard were passed
by the City Council yesterday. Of that
. i t v.. in make a settlement
..h H R Hansen for certain property
lb. question or tne purcn-.- ,Mk Hllton to ,-. - .20.000
which has been in me ton" ""'.I . 1 7 ... . i
I promissory note given by the Central
Christian Church, li- -A. Heppner at to.
and L. W. Heppner seek to recover
from the church more than IC000 in
their answers and cross-complaints
which were hied In County Clerk Cof
fey's office yesterday.
The larger note, according to the
Heppner answers, was originally given
. r I UnM.vnmA r. a trull., and
one of the most Influential men of the
church. He turnea ine noie over id , - r v
Mr. Hilton and the suit resulted. H. A. I vjl j"
Heppner at Co. declare it suppuea lur
nltura to the church and took In ex
li.. mnfimtnti to appea
the case to tne jsuprame -the
eompromlae was reached.
. . T m m - m KrMCDrlJED. Th
euxenic test at Sellwood Park today
promises to be largely aiienoe.
. . r,m ii until 6 and will
take place in large tents to be erected
for that purpose, ine omr
the midsummer festival are also arous-
a I.l.ra.l Since It
t. a family day. for all to participate
in. and giving ine parema kk--tunlty
to see their children's play
ground activities. Events will begin
at 1 and will continue all day.
. v will hava a hearing
Pltvvj, .-.s. -
In Municipal Court next week on the
charge of obtaining money unuer
pretenses, postponement of a week
. . ul v..t.riliff. Ha la ac-
Wall. ,
cused of passing worthless checks to
the amount or iss on roruino m.r--1.
. n . - u. waa arrested at VatV
rouvrr by Petectlves Mallett and Price
Tuesday. McCoy formerly maintained
cfflces In the Teon building.
Miustl Puix Hike. The Maxamas
will begin their regular Fall schedule
of local outings Sunday by a trip to
Tanner Creek and Falls, near Bonne
ville The party will leave town on
the 0.-W. R. at N. at 7:6t A. M. and
go to Bonneville. The tramp and climb
up the canyon will Involve visits not
only to the first or main falls but to
three other fslls farther back. The
return to town will be by the after
noon locaL
Hot Dscumas is Our. About
4 members of the Boys' Drum and
Fife Corps of the Spanish-American
war veterans are ramped at Oak Grove
for an outing. The boy are living on
Army rations, prepared by an Army
cook. The menu consists of beans,
stew, bread, batter, mush and coffee.
The lads went into encampment Wed
nesday and expect to return Sunday.
Father Cafistrah Transferred.
Father Caplstraix of the Order of Fran
ciscan Monks, who baa bean In charge
of St. Clare's parish at Capitol Hill
for the past two years and has been
successful In enlarging the church and
Its work, has been transferred to Santa
Barbara. CaL Ia his new location
Father Caplstran will be engaged In
teaching in the Catholic college.
EaruoTHXTrr IsiiDlI Cmaroxd.
Complaint has been made to the police
that a number of men have been
swindled by an employment agency,
that had promised them work In a rail
road camp In North Dakota, and had
collected 11 each from the men. The
men say that no provisions have been
made for sending them to the work.
Special services will be conducted In
the Salvation Army Hall at XOT Salmon
street, by Adjutant Frank Gauge, of
Spokane, tonight and all day on Sun
day. On Sunday night a memorial
service for the late Start Captain Gale
will be held
Three Seek Divorces. Three
divorce suits were filed In County
Clerk Coffey's office yesterday: Lewis
Perry against Lucy A. I'vry. cruelty;
Millie Murphy against John P. Murphy.
Intoxication: Edwina .M. Godfrey
against ionn - uvimr;, iii. I --- - . .
A l.vrEaEsno Seocel. To the few minutes after the patrol had ar
sermon series Just closed at the First rived. The pulmotor waa usea lor near
... .... . i I In a. n hBUF.
MetllOdlst' . nurcn AO urnvrmn
Preacher's View of the War." Hear
Dr. Loveland on this topic Sunday
night. Come early If you desire a seat.
West. Graduate lady assistant. Phone
Main 171. Adv.
Steamer Bailet Gatxsrt to Cascade
lcka and return Sunday excursion, tj.
leaves A. M . Alder-st. dock. Main
14. A Mil Adv.
Fireworks Permit Oivei. C. A.
Flnley. manager of Council Crest
by the City Council yesterday to give
exhibitions of fireworks the night of
August T and 14. The permit waa given
subject to the approval of the Ore chief.
Council. Authorises 1150 roa Injurt.
The City Council yesterday authorised
the payment of fUO to E. W. Hankln
who was Injured by a fall resulting
from a defective sidewalk. The ordi
nance providing for the payment was
Introduced by Mayor Albee.
Ret. JV. C. Kaktksr Accepts Cau.
Rev. W. C Kantner, D. D-, for five
. t n i i P..I. r.nM
gregatlonal Church, has been called to
These far Saapljlas Psraltsre.
Lfer BaJIdlag.
Named as defendants In a suit filed
Gearg TaaaUoa Takes Mlaa Otla W.
Hasaler. of Paanee City. Bride.
Fair to Be Vlalted.
Rnahlns- west on the pretense of
hn.iiu... flMrn McGreEor Tunnlson.
a prominent attorney of Omaha, Neb,
Wednesday night Joined the peneaicis
v..n v.. mx-ploil fl ntla Wi Hassler.
of Paunee City, Neb, who came here
two weeks ago to visit mends or Jet
r.rinii fir.
- - --, - -
The romance had its Inception at the
University of Nebraska When the two
young people were siuaems mere aim
whi.k Inatltuflnn hoth arraduated
In the class of 1908. Immediately
after the ceremony at the First Pres
UJICIIMI V.11U1 " " -
nanlad hv tha other members of the
bridsl party, Mrs. Graham Mitchell,
wife of Professor Graham Mitchell, of
. i i l pntl... anil
UlCfllill Asn..uui.i v. . . o .
Eugene Brookings, a fraternity brother
of Mr. Tunnlson s at nanraiKi, weni iu
DnMinml 1 7 n f a 1 wh.rfl a weddlns:
.ti.... waa crlv.n hv Mr. Tlroflklnei.
Air. lunnison ia a ihcihu.i v.
Delta Upsilon fraternity and Miss
H.nlrr la a member of the Kapp
AlDha Theta sorority. Mrs. Mitchell
also is a Kappa.
When Mr. Tunnlson arrived In Port-
Iani4 Wadnendav ha looked UD Mr
Brookings Immediately, said "hello"
and said he would see him about I
o'clock as he "had an Important, en
gagement Willi pmer iriciiua.
Tha annAlnfaii tfma pama and Mr.
'Brookings, ne criea as ne rusnea
3,13. j X3I UUK1IIKB, 1117 Ul.ll ii. . ubiivu
New Schooi, Has 1400 Fire. Fire ot
. ...j j . - .a I ha Courthouse with me right away. I m
unanowa origin uku .miHa .ai - j .. n . .
amount of about 14.0 at the new Shat- rolnj to be marr ut Brooking.
tuck School. Seventh -uid Aioniomery i , 771
m a ul Ihi wna ushered into a. tmzl in front of
Special Train to Carry Large Party
to Bonneville for Picnic.
A special train of blind persons
will leava the Union denot this morn
ing at 7:30 o'clock for Bonneville for
a day In the woods. The excursion
has been made possible oy the O.-W.
l a. arrii.1.1. vkn hava avtendeif
the use of their park and given the
Aa the chief feature or tne airair
a an at a In m anr nna
been planned. .Refreshments donated
by various merchants, confectioners
and manufacturers of Portland, will
be served and the noon luncheon win
be a picnic affair. J. F. Myers, head
of the Portland School for the Blind,
haa charge of arrangements and all
the blind persons of . the city have
been Invited. The party will leave
Bonneville at B and return to Port
land about 7 o'clock.
a . esBBaraa-a
Ite-v. O. A. Llggtt, of Springfield, to
Preach Here Tomorcpw.
Rev. George Armstrong Liggett will
speak tomorrow morning at 10:30
o'clock in the Westminster Fresby-
i.ri.n Church. Dr. Liggett la pastor
of the Presbyterian Church of Spring
field, r. J., ana is gn oi inn icum
i Ha p...kvt.rlnn Church of the
East. On August IS he will occupy the
nulDlt of tne nrsi rraujwrwu
na T .luE.aM'a lnm Ins- to Westminster
Church at this time Is of particular
nlture to the church and took In ex- " , ...- Dr. Henrv Mar
cJftZ. ro.M.'-.Vn.'.: cotte. ,h. pastor, who has been offered
v.. I an Important otrice in mo nnuoiiiu
they allege. U W. Heppner. also .named '? 'm.p" , extension work, has con-
as a d-renaam in tne nion suit, says - retain his pastorate only for
he holds a note against the church and n
Mr uoniromerf xor i '
Mrs. Sharp Advise Tliat Vnem
plojred Cuhlrato Vacant Ixl.
In a communication to George L.
Baker .Commissioner of Public Affairs.
.-.'.i-.. xtrm Jminhlna R. Sharp,
president of the Alberta Woman's Club.
suggested tnat. as a ii
ment for the relief of the unemployed
situation, a survey of the old empty
houses and snacs in ine nij
In an' effort to have them donated to
needy families during the coming W ln-
T'a ri. . .iwi aiirffreated that Ta-
cant lots be obtained for those willing
to cultivate tnero.
a. careful survey should be made or
the down and outs." she said, "to de
termine their ability to handle their
own wages. For Instance, tne. momer
of a family which has been receiving
regular help from relief organisations
only recently traoea ner oia -cw...s
machine for a new one, thus contract-
. . - im Bui-h nMinla should he
adjudged Incompetent, and their chil
dren placed in nomea. nu !
these children should be put to work
and their earnings spent for the ke-p
of their children. This also would
cheek the birth rate among such peo
ple." Mrs. Sharp suggests that the float
era" be put to work on the streets or
cleaning vacant lota.
John Haa, Inexperienced Swimmer,
rosea i. fe Xcar Golf Clnb.
I.).. u-aa- trA ii 1753 Enst Elev
enth street, employed at the Waverley
Golf Club, was drowned In the Willam
ette a few yards beyow tne ciuonouse.
while In swimming yesterday morning.
He was not an experienced swimmer,
anit unk when ha tried to reach a log
to feet from the bank.
The Portland harbor patrol was sum
moned and rushed to the scene with a
pulmotor. Grappler Brady recovered
ha hndv at the first drag, witnin a
11 1 1 11 u-i riuviiuu " I ---
Adv. gratitude to all who sympathised with
DR. Ft-E-rcHER. chiropodist! formerly us In thoughts, words ana deeds In the
In the Allsky bldg- will open Tuesdsy unexpected passing of our son and
" . ... 2 mj. i.a .i.. brother. Victor: also for the love ex-
in sune si., -.".a-.. .a -.. . fh, h,.,1fui fior.i nfferln.
. . w a vaa-iatered from
7. :.. .1 1 k..iii.r VIrtor: also for the love ex- rnerponv --.-";----
In suite oran oiui.-. w . Ka..i..i t i nrf.rinr. I K'.w York at tne aiuitnoman. xuc,
most modern chiropodist parlors In th( '""o; Nn MRS c j OSTERUAHU in accompanied by their two daugh-
CKl.IA ostfkpahu Iters. . '
ElitiA U.MbnUAnU
A JL t 1 1 AQT. I ..a wish iv ui.ii. " " ' iii.hj
-. c.... haa rainraeA from I for their kindneos and floral offerings
' . . .. . I durinr the sickness and death or our
aunnK ina ii v n obku uci
t. . . a j ie a. t ... tTa
J. H. O'Malley, of Seattle. Is at the
a. 8. Koshaba, of Boise, Is at the
Oregon. '
D. H. Welch, of Astoria, is at the
Mrs. Hellle Hinges, of Salem, is at
the Eaton.
W. J. Myers, of San Francisco, Is at
the Perkins. -
j. W. Holey, Jr..- of Madison, W Is, Is
at the Eaton.
Louis A. Sutton, of Pendleton. Is at
the Cornelius. "
C C Laothicum, of Chicago,- is at
the Portland.
A. M. McComb, of San Francisco, is
at the Oregon.
Dr. Charles A. Ault, of Enterprise, is
at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barry, of St. Paul,
are at the Benson.
Fred Leslie, of London, England, is
at the Multnomah.
A. L. Rogers, of Jacksonville, Fla-,
is at the' Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Byers, of Pendle
ton, are at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Hickman, of Ta
coraa. are at the Portland.
Pat Foley, a hotel proprietor of La
Grande, ia at the Imperial.
Governor Wlthycombe Is registered
at the Imperial from Salem.
R. E. Smith, a real estate broker of
Roseburg. is at the Seward.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Smith are at the
Seward, registered from Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Currle. of Fay
ettevllle, N. C. are at the Benson.
P. H. Estes and Mrs. Estes are regls
terd at the Perkins from New York.
Pr. G. N. Bussey and family are reg
istered at the Seward from Chicago.
G. W. Byers and Mrs. Byers are reg
istered at the Oregon from Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. McKee. of
Vancouver, Wash., are at the Cornelius.
W. E. Wadsworth. superintendent of
the Chemawa .Indian School, la at the
Mrs. Asa P. Chllds and.W. S. Chllds
are registered at the Benson from
... i u.. M TT Carmodv. of
Grand Rapids. Mich., are registered at
the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jolson. of New Tork.
are registered at the Multnomah. Other
members of the Jolson company are
also registered.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lv Satteriee. son-in-
i . ..rf iairhter of Mr. and airs. J
It Is to Laugh
and laugh, and laugh, and laugh. She falls in love
with the blacksmith a big, strong and handsome
chap, but very uncouth. His crude manners spoil
pretty Mae Marsh's romance in
Robert Harron is the blacksmith, and his clever
acting helps lo make this a master picture of com
edy, the like of which is seldom filmed. It's differ
ent ' YpuU fully realize this. "Her Shattered
ldoT' comes lo the
"All-ways a
Good Show"
dl the
tomorrow and will remain for four days. See it,
by all means. J x .
She Bids Goodbye Today
x does the famous little dramatic star
Valli Valli '
who has been holding the attention of hundreds and
hundreds of people for the past two days. She is
appearing in thai sensational drama,
"The High Road."
The play and players will linger long in the
memory of those who are fortunate in seeing them.
CHICAGO. Aug. 6. (Special.) The
fniinwinr from Oregon are registered
at Chicago hotels:
From Portland Mrs. u. r. tanoorn.
nr their klndnene and iiorai oiiermgsi . the Congress,
urine the sicknesa and death of our corvallli
Conaell Adopta Mr. Baker's Resolution
to Seek Advice ef Public la
Outlay Estimates.
A committee of seven Portland cltl
sens will be, asked by the City Council
tn assist it in the preparation of the
city budget providing for revenues and
expenditures ror tne nscai year uesiu
ninir December 1. 1915. This was de
cided upon at the regular meeting of
the City Council yesterday, a resolu
tion to that effect introduced by Com
missioner Baker being adopted unani-mnuMlv-
Mr. Baker said In his reso
lution that the purpose was to guard
against any unnecessary expense.
Mayor AlDee raised tne poini inai
the method of selecting the committee
should be included In the resolution.
Some discusssion of that 'point result,
ed in Commissioner Bker remarking
that he was sorry if he antagonised the
Mayor" by his resolution. The Mayor
finally voted for the resolution in the
original form.
In discussing the resolution Mr.
Baker said: "My idea of the committee
is that It will be benetlclal to the peo
ple to have a representative body to
work with the Commissioners in mak
ing up the budget. If the committee Is
In attendance when the budget Is made
up the members will have first-hand
knowledge of the needs and when any
outlay Is made they will be able to
see the necesssity for it, so that the
Commissioners need not be unjustly
'There is another point. Each of the
Commissioners Is trying naturally to
make good in his, department and
might be prone to try and get more
money than he- really needs. A com
mittee of citixens will have the inter
ests of the whole city at heart and will
consequently counterbalance that."
Commissioner Baker declared mat
the Council could not be too careful
with the public funds. "I believe." he
said, "that there are men In the com
munity who are capable or working
with us on the budget. Then the public
In general will know that everything
has been done that Is possible for the
keeping of expenses down to the mini
Commissioner Baker said that there
was no specino time for the preparing
of the budget, but that work would
have to be started in a short time.
rram Corvallta
-William H. Brown.
Trades School Classes Have Exhibit
of Handiwork for Visitors.
Whit, canned and In immaculate
aprons, the domestic soience girls from
tne school oi iraaes imiea auoui me
lrituhan nr tha nld Lincoln Hlfi-h Schoo'
yesterday to show visitors how they
have to cook in tne uiris cnooi oi
Trades. For them it waa regular class
work, but the millinery and dressmak
ing departments held their big exhibi
tion from 12 to- 1 o'clock, and many
guests were present.
rne six orwumaKinr clashes joinea
Eastman Films
Pike & Markham
in the exhibit. Four rooms specialized
in tailoring and the making of dresses.
while the other two showed dainty
lingerie creations. Summer suits of
silk-wool material and linen were fea
tured. Gingham and lawn dresses were
shown in Quantities.
Early Fall hate were in evidence at
the millinery "show." although the
most of the exhibit was made up of
gay Summer bonnets of remarkable
workmanship. The millinery classes
have been particularly popular, and two
large classes participated in the ex
The school has been, in session for
the Summer term of six Weeks and
more than, 300 students have attended.
One of the teachers said yesterday:
Never before have I found a 'more
ambitious and capable collection of
girls, and they have helped to make
this session more than a success.
Portland Members Are Hosts to
About 500 Brothers of Order,
iiiAiit Knn H.lpfi-ntAn returning from
the Knights of Columbus convention
i. citia tmasftA thrnnch Portland a v- Ritrhtspflnir trios through
the city were enjoyed, the local
knights being hosts. Eacn was pre
sented with a Portland booster button
and a bronze badge of the local order.
T.n.. a vi.-ihartv. of Philadelphia.
the newly elected supreme knight,
was a member or tne pariy. .
Others were: William J. McGlnley, TtV P. J. McGiV-
.a ohanlnin: M. H. Carmodv,
deputy supreme knight; Dr. E. W.
Buckley, supreme pnysicimi, "
Fox, supreme director; Joseph Pelle
.i.. ailvncnte. and J. H. Red-
L 1 1 , OUJi....o
din, supreme master of the fourth de
gree. ' ,
Washington Postmasters Appointed
ington. Aug. 6. The loiiowing p -.
i k.n onnnlnted: Alfred
E Collins, Dalkena. vice Jay E. Kusl,
resigned: Mrs. cnrisnnn . '
Meridian. vice Joseph E. tloyd, re
Powers Saturday Night Special
Three Big Values
$2.00 Large Leather Fiber
Suit or Beach Cases .......
Size HVix23lh
$2.00 5 -Piece Aluminum
Kitchen Sets for Only
Caks Tin. Pujajno Pan, Strainer,
Suite Pan and Bread Pan
$2.00 Star-Cut
7 -Piece. Water
Sets Only
99 c
On Sale
After 4 P. M.
Here are three great specials for after 4:00 Saturday all 12 values
for cents -the biggest offering for Saturday we have ever present
ed Yrcice of a five-piece ilumlnum set, a suitcase or a seven
oiece crystal gss water et at one price all worth double the price
L'f y There is quality In every number. Each item Is necessary
Tor home comforVand The pricis so low -ILSJ:
aura to brina- hundreds here Saturday. Remember, this is tne oiggest
afternoon spSclal w" have ever planned. The values are most un
usuai I Buy one at least or the entire combination if you choose.
frcWRgj - M
Phones: Marshall 1; Home, A 6281
A selected lot of choice light LAMBS. They are the
"JONES' QUALITY" and you know that means THE
Legs of Lamb at, lb. ... :
Loins of Lamb at, lb.
Racks of Lamb at," lb.
Shoulders of Lamb at, lb
Breast of Lamb at, lb
Pot Roasts (all cuts from best Steer Beef) at, lb. . .14 v
Hambiyrg (made from best Steer Beef) at, lb 12 Vi C
Veal Loaf at, lb 1 .... rl5c
Veal Sausage at, lb 15c
Here you will always find a large assortment of Choice
Meats at actual saving prices for those who do their own
Nowhere can be found Milder or Sweeter Smoked
Meats than our own brand, Jones Sugar-Cured "Pride of
Hams half or whole, at. lb
Bacon, half or whole strip, at, lb 20
Bacon Backs (Tenderloins), half or whole strip, lb.
Cottage Hams at, lb
Picnic Hams at, lb
Special Bacon at, lb
No. 3 Pure Lard 45c
No. 5 Pure Lard 63c
No. 10 Pure Lard S1.20
No. 5 Crown Brand
No. 10 Crown Brand
Convenient Banking
This bank is easily reached.
Right at the heart of retail
business. Close to all car lines.
Our officers are always ac
cessible and always glad to
give counsel where helpful
service is sought.
We want to serve you. Call
and see us. ' -
National Bank
Fifth and Stark
aaaa, -aaaaaaaa-aaaaaa
Hotel Cornelius
The House of Welcome
Park and Alder Streets
Portland, Or.
In the theater and shopping district, one block from
any carline. Rates $1 per day and up. With bath,
$1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus.
C. W. Cornelius, President H. E. Fletcher, Manager
t 1 l rV-i A TEx . J
Ask the
what they think about Port
land Academy. Write to Heed,
to the University of Oregon,
to any of the California uni
versities. Ask them how they
rate Portland Academy. They
will say it is the ideal day
and hoarding school for boys
and girls; an admirable pre
paratory school for college
or business life. Why not
give your boy or girl this
life opportunity?
EnKlneerlnn .
Writ for Cata
logue to
Thirteenth and
Portland. Or. .
Office Hours
10 to 12 Daily.
St. Margaret's Hall
A school, for girls. Oood climate,
low altitude; beautiful buildings.
Terms moderate. College prepara
tory and general courses. Music,
art, domestic science and physical
culture. Under the Episcopal Church,
but open to all. Rt. Hev. J. B.
Funsten, Bishop of Idaho, president.
For catalogue address
Principal, St. IMaricaret'a Hall,
Boiae. Idaho.
Mount Tamalpais Military Academy
The moat thoroughly organized and com
pletely equipped military school well of th
Hocky Mountains Cavalry. Infantry. Mount
ed Artillery Sixteen miles north of Saa
Francleco. D. S. Army officer detailed by
War Department; accredited by tha unlver
lty. Stanford and other colleges. Twenty
sixth year begins August 24th. 1U19. Address
Accredited lo CoIIcbcs. Urammnr and 1'nmary
Brde. Fourteenth year. Catalngue upon ap
plioation. Address Miss H&rlcer. Palo Alto, CaL
Deposited to Your Credit
Mr. Retailer, when the manufac
turer of a standard article adver
tises his goods in this newspaper
he is making a deposit to your
He is depositing trade (something;
more important than money).
Trade means present sales and
future customers.
You draw on this deposit in the
ratio of the Intelligence you use In
co-operating with the manufac
turer's newspaper advertising:. ,
If you show the goods and push
them while the advertising Is cre
ating Interest you reap the In
creased sales.
You gain new friends for your
store and also assist in making the
manufacturer's advertising successful.
tna tut a n w i -
pa. D. H. Rard haa returned. Adv.
Deinv4Mi aaunnirr genu gi-ieii
at the Majestic.