Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Bvtkkrrn anal MeaMarrapae
EXPERIENCED nomhr desire per position, wi.l acnl aublllut of
pi-ce w.,rk. Main 4'H.
tXl tkli.V-'tU stenographer deauree posi
tron. I'hon East 774.
1 1KT-C'LA--." lailoaews aad dressmaker by
day homa, MtrdilJ :. Mra, emu
raera JVAeHlONAKL; dremasing reasonable,
hem or day. SH Bacnenaa. Main
Summer dreaa mads In ona Gaj
at yowr home. Tabor 424.
rMMI'.AL nu : l" ' -
any kind of nursing; moderate was:. Ap
ply SI XarUi l'.t .. Mam :i3i.
tl ANTED t'oaltl-xa aa aura girl and assist
' wltn L11 kowoora, bwedlaa; relereaeea
ruriiiana. r
uiMil.cir.KIl urartlcal nuraa wanta
work . beat of retenncea. Main 7051. A
KI'RjE for maternity cae. reasonable, ref
erencea write or can "'n-
VKIVATE roorr.a. sleeping ponbea, trained
aur: rer tiw x-'a-
O.m.1. prerrlcaj aura-, doctor' reference.
Mail 6!3l.
REFINED woman, fully competent, wishes
p-ajlllon, n - " .-- --
or club of men. nil t k." m .... j . .
COOK or housekeeper: competent awl con
scientious young American would like per
manent poet Ion in country: kind treat
ment neceaeary. A.N . Oregonlan.
a I Ll'l.r.-A' r. ."
keeper, old rJiipie or geotlemsn; no oo-
jtloa to cnlidrvn. rstcaeimw. v.
RELIABLE ttilddie-aed woman wanta
aeneral boueeworn In email family: la
good practical aurae: S-M month, ilatn
I ,.!. J ,..
JIIDDLE-AO.ED u" wlhr position
u h'lwkwr for elderly couple; beat ol
X,tY aione enu 'l like position aa houe
kee9er f r bachelor or widower. K. Pil.
Ore g ift tan t
b"kFINEL el'lne with a-rl wlahea houee
keeplns. aooJ Cook. waea lli. AB bOO.
allllH.l!;-A'iKI) woman wuta.huukeein
tn email family wlir e tuere are no cnll
dren: ) ayn cok. jlaln ".l. A i.i.
TTiI'N'" Uio. Willi one child, like piel:in
ae hue. per; referentea cnaaa-d. e-l
K l.''tl -
FrlONE TalHr tor expert bouaeaeeper.
1 r .: hour en-aemenl.
COePETEXT woman aanta houaework by
week or m-inth; reaaonab.a. J'bone
Broadway Jl- .
0"Cr girl wiariea general houaework piain
femlly rlaht away, wacea a week. T
!as. oreaj-mlan.
CvxK and ae-ond lrl want work toaetber.
Ail if rnnlan.
llEKIN'rO youna lady educated In r-aet.
awhea position aa companion to jounaj or
et'Ierly laily : experienced In trmyehns. At
7". treonlan.
TOI.VJ woman, etperieuced In euerl or-fi.-e
work nol atee.oarapneri. tleelrea
work; beet of referencea. J4am Tool. A
1.11 .
Lk.K. hotel, camp, aeaaide reeort. "";
Mum. fine at paairtee and all-round; fooil
ii reulretl. daughter helper If neo-
.r. Main .1ltf. "- Pnrk at.
. na.-T-Ol-Asji Hur.aarian cook wanta poal
. Hon in ho-'! or raatauxnut; woman. TeL
Mararau .w.
POelTIu.N deaired aa waltrrea or econu
maid; emperienced and beat referencea.
M. Oregonlan.
JulXil g-irL wltn Al referencea aa to ability,
deairea niuatc pupila; tc per leaaun. ri
l.v.I or Main i"ol.
IXEKlSNCtU woman wanta cleanlu.
laundry or cooklnj. ;t)c per hour, l iioua
Tti'itr 5 T -o.
H. l.lilUE woman rnual baa work, any
kin.!. Fhone Woocltaen room T
CuLuKEl) woman wiabva day work or work
by the month. Phone Kjal
Oc L laundneaa: wahln. ironlna; FrL.
t. alarahall rom a.
Cchk KimixttDl. where tither htlp la
k'pt. fhone A lJ. Wane ti.-.
Cr HwAN lady wanta houaework by tha day.
fhone Kat
.VH:HH:VCI'.I1. reliable woman wajita d.ijr
work; At reiereoc:ee. win o ......
IMirsTRJOl'.-i a-h.oiairl w.iuld like home
a lib gool fmi:y. Al . Oreitonlan.
KXPKKIENCKO younc musician wanta
pl.-e In pn ture houee. 8 p-. rearonlar.
UK. HOI SS OWNCt: W can rent your
bouee. We do not depend on rental a. ana
In yotae varant wlndowa to brlna; reaulta
We hav the people and set result, our
huncea la bouee renta Interstate Title at
loan Co.. Hi twimaer bid. Alain JU
T3i Nl couple without children want to rent
modern unilw aim carafe or apaie
for portable carae. are noklnK lor
p:are where we n.ay he permanently eat
fled. V yT. r-Koiitaii
aNT to rent house with beilroema, moil
em. near e h-i. liefer Mount Tabor dl
tri. t. male lowest rent for year lease
witb option for additional year. Address
a:e E- Couch St.
eAXTtD, to rent, completely furnished
modern suburban hour, no leva thnn five
rooms, with 1 to 4 acres land. M Mia.
vTXvrKl' House und i-.rj-. montlil)
on lease. Rose City Turk preferred; young
couple, no chiltlren, referencea glveiu Ad
Ire -t'Vi flaat 4th St. Nortrt.
eANTED t- lease. weil-furntbei bouse, re
strkted dlstrl t; family of three; refer
encea. AV . Oregonlan.
rL'RM--HEl rottane by r-jp malb.e buai
aeea niAt. permanent. Address AP VI ?.
OR i-ro.m house. Mount scott. permanent,
AK bl. Oregonlan.
t'arnletlecl Kowuta.
lltk and iamni.1. oppoaita Library.
Lara, attractive ouls'de roont private
and public tub and aaower baths, tele
phone aad running water in every room,
e evator service, ownerablp management.
Ii la 1 per week. Main aoJ.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Tarn
MIL Ueauabla doentuwn location. lie
epcfat:e and etrlrtly modern. Room
rates al per day. al per ween. With prl
a'e bath tl.oo per way. o per week
HultL W.ArK.-TO.NK.
Corner lltb and Mark. 4i week and vp;
e.eator. hot nad co;d water, ateam heat,
tephoae connection In each room; no
estra charge for two In a rooraireosn and
bath al day; tranatenf aollcltcd.
M.'TEI. BKl-mU
IDg'e rooma 1- 01 and up. wiln private
Win aa..1 and up. IndivMUAl tlphona;
reepectahle transient solicited.
lOtk at. at I,1 liond. quiet place, down
town, strictly modern, fireproof building,
e-evator, large lobby, room e-1 per week
en 1 up. wltn private t-arh yv per week.
UIH Waamcgtoa at. e.ect location: all
utaide. ceoL civan, cjulet. well-f urntthed
rooma: running water, phenee, public or
prvate baths. IJ.&o week up. tOc day up.
iyTci. roRa
lie Viaablnglao.
yanlljr hotel; hot and cold water and
lVhoa in every room: rooma without bain.
! up: with bath. 9la up.
Morrison t.. at l"tr central location;
RtL'l CKL) RATE.S. c per day op; week
lv. J As up: neat rooms, running water,
free phone and hatha: e;eern heat.
' ' THEtVIl.UA.Kr
rsrk and alorrison. atrtctly mottaia.
large, airy roonw.. v eator eepeclally to
permanent, rntes j ; wk. up; large
front rem. prtate batb. fi wk.
Modem: special rvductloc on all rooms ;
per week acd up. Marshall ITU
C1.EAN. comfortaMy furnished room, elec
tric light, running water, bath, etc., Sl'Ta
a week and up. Tracelccl, Regent Hotel.
l."l S H-oadw it. I mlcr new management-
HilTKL TliEVEri.
Noe'heast corner rtt.trk and 11th.
Modern outside rooms. .t weekly And a p.
tart sreounl-f 'oor lobby.
huTiiL HDWABPi flrand ave. and K. tlel
mont Rooms el monthly tio op with
firtvate bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe
n conne-tlon. I hapa Eaat tit.
tooL comfortable. airy roms, free
phone, bat.l. SJ weeg, i montn nnq up.
U.1TEU L'tlROOVA. 11th St. Strictly
modern: private baths en aulta; rooma Al
p Main A ;i.
31F1KN 2 an X-to-n-i sritg., I, to ill per
n.onn. 14 iirann ave.
Htxwn.l, Had. rn: 14th; strictly modem:
uss of parlor: real horne; H up. M.Ili.
JlOTEl,-XORRI. 5-im Alder. Modern out-
BOTilL. liKAVT, HIS Washington. Mod
ern, dean rooms, ail ouaver. lencea; I5.J9 ua
H.lTkl. VEiLSuN.
On a quiet comer in the heart of the
rlly. 54 bl. cheerful rnumi, la roouis with
private batha; hot water and te.cphoue
la all room, elevator service until mid
night: piano In tha parlor; everything
homeliks mm possible and rataa very rea-
utit la. coma early onij m iw aaav.
s. w. cor. l.'tb and stars.
Huvll REGISTER. Iiatlng several hundred
in ail parta ol the city II T. M C A.i
also tboaa In the aaocialloo fireproof
bundles, arlth shower oath a, iwimmlsl
puoU grmnasluol. library, reading room
at $!.& to t2-7 per weak douttis. with
Individual beds, or u $l.0 per week
at r.g la.
KornUued Kooma In frlvala taiuuy.
LAKiili fine. Iront room and klU'hcn. fur
nuh.d lor H. K. ; bras bod; gas range and
p.'ione. gas, light, aatcr, 1- monta. bo I
r.. Morrison.
LA In: a. airy, convenient fmut room, very
reasonable: biard If deaired, walking dis
tance, oe 1 i ii e i . .101 1 ii. mi
iJil WEST 1'ARK. NICEL-Y furnished front
room, alcove, a.eepiug porch, walking dia-
tance. aultable lor one or two.
NICELY furnished rooma. L.oO to tl.SO per
week: good locatiou; all conveniences, ewe
bterell at. alaranalt a.
KiNE sleeping-porch. - beds, with setting-
room; tnoarrn. v . ferlt. Jliir. 10.
HliiH-CLA&n rooms, walking distance., 10;
s:rsra heat. 4t liroailaai. Mar. o-uc
Lir-AL 1 1KI L.L.V furnubed rooms In good
home: reference. Noo Hill. To3 Johnson.
FRONT suite or single room. ' good location.
modern. Marshall . nuyt.
NI ELY furnished room, single. douEla,
mod., reasonable. M Taylor. Msln boo.
Kooeaa With Hoard.
Washington at -od at.
A charming fatuity aud transient hotel
of the higbeet order: eace.teut cuisine, aep-
arate extremely reasonable rates
worth Investigating. Main oA4. A ioo.
A modem, FIREPROOir residence hotel.
American plan; on carline; lu mlnutea
from buslneas cenwr; price In accord
wltn genrtal busineaa conditions.
:ld anl laoyt sta. Marnall 11U
An l'ian Hca.drnca HoteL
Suite. biugie rooms. kUcellent tabla.
A .1L alain 4ll.
Tha Whitehall, at tth St., baa a fine
faale board, modern room, aua paxior, a
real home: reasonable rataa.
EXCELLENT table foard. with room, walk
lug uie'.ance. 01 Trinity Place.
Kooma With Board In -Prlrste Family.
ILE tSANT nicely furnished steam nealcd
ro imi snd esccllent meals for -J or a young
ladica or young men; thoroughly modern
homelike P ace. West bide, eaay walking
Jin-area: . to S-;.0 week. Marshall Ji.lP.
NICELY furnished home, with good board,
by widow with no children, a--1 Jeffer
son. Main ct.-ld.
FOR business girls or students. I week up.
"AB3 Lewia" Hall, 4it Flanders st.
IIOAKD and room In private Ltinlly, newly
furnished, l-li. 4-7 Clay si. Marshall oUlet.
iTeaLTIKL'U" lurxe room, with bo.ird.S
tit. Main 6.111. 1AM Harrison, near 14th st.
RoOM and board near Eaat J -lb and Mar
ket. Lold'f Addition. 1'lione Laist 4o4i.
PLACE for children to board; good subur
ban home. Tabor 06T0.
Furnished Apartment.
lout and fralmua ala.
Is quiet, refined, clean, safe, pop
ular, well known and of the higuast
eiandlng. Not the cheapest but a.
house of Quality, comfort and serv
ice. Month. Week. Day.
1-roora. ,.Uu to iii (10 up f:.uwup
e-room... 4 to i 1 up up
4-room... ge to si .u up 3.1m up
Rooma.... la and up ft up Lull up
tth and Columbia Sis.
t mln. walk 10 Meier at Frank stqrs;
nlca surroundings; Just tha thing for
bummer: strtctiy mouern 2 and 1-roora
furnished apla., all outside, with French
doors and baicumea.
Day Week Month
Rates reasonable. Marshall slOS
l.tb and laylur.
Moat modern aparlmentg on ilea Pacific
Coast, furnished complete.
Roof garden In cuunectlon.
Walking distance. References.
Furnished or unfurnished 1-rootn apart
ments; liuc-n, allverware. private puone and
bath, alocping porch; nearest the L'nion
DeKt of East riido apartments. -Si cor
ner Clackamas and Ros at. La 11 1
ONLT $1J to-per month or to to 17 per
week, comp.etely furnished uousckeepiug
two-room apis.. Including electric lights,
beat, hot waivr. bath, private phone, new
brick bldg.. 16 miuutea from 1. O. Lincoln
Apt.. 4tn anJ Lincoln. Main 11W. A 416-.
WAMIIINi.TO.V GRAND - and J-room fur
mi.d apla.. tl-1 per month up. Hot and
cold watT( heat, light anil bain furnished.
One weeks reut tree wllb first month's
rent In advance. Grand ave and E. Wash
ing! n. E, 4441K
CAIll.OTTA COLHT. rlveretl and lith
New. modern; tleam heal, private baths,
laundry, completely furuished 2 aud -room
apts.. 1U mln. from business center;
save crfere: rules moderate; refcrnces.
MONTGOMERY Apts, cor. 3d and Mont
gomery sta; str.clly modern, ail outside,
furnOshed 2-rooin apta. electric elevator,
best service, ciosa in; tlm to $!; free
likiits. Main stbil.
ONr and -riM.m. tlioroughly modern house
keeping apartmenta. front vu.eU up: also
3-rooin II. K. bsaement apt., free for Jan
itor service. 414 Jefferson. Keystone
Apt. Marshall -TIU.
HI.-l.nH HALL cor. East Clh and Haw
thorn. - and I-room apts.; private baths
ami phone; also eing.e rooma; well lur
n sised. 1J ae up. 1'hone Eaat S4i.
BERKELEY Al'TS .10 Trlny" Place; 1
arid J-reom ap'a; light and pleasant;
balconies, central; S17.eO to fZe.u. Mar
snail loi.
TMK I'Ulllli.VCK. SH 11TH ST.
B-4 room apta.. thoroughly modern and
clean; roof garden, eand boxes for ckll
cren. I cp. Conducted by owner.
11th at, corner Hall; eiegantly furnished
apartments; prtvsle phone, bath and bal
cony porches: gls and up. .
Cor. Park and Taylor.
Handsoiiaely furntsned 3. t and 4-room
SMites. best location In city ; reasonable.
WEI.L-FLRNIji HKD. best-arranged 4-room
apt. for rent In 1'ortland: eievated sue;
southern esposure; separate entrancve; se
lect neighborhood. Main -. A 114.
GRAN IiE.i TA. East Stark and Grand ave
Nicest furnts.iecl three-room apla, private
phone and bath. we. king dtelancc; prlcea
tiioOrate. Phone Eaat 2tS.
2m month up: modern 3 and 4-room
apartments, complete!) 1 furnished, las N.
; J'l. corner Kearney. Marshall Isle.
l ark St., at Madison. '
MolerTi ' 3 and 4-room furnished
meuts. t lese lu. by week or month.
Cll Everett, bet. iutti and Ella sta ; fur
blsned 3-rootn apta, with or without alevp
Ir.g porch; modern.
CLAY POOL "ANNEX. Eleventh and Clay.
Two rooms: light, plessant and well fur
niahed; wa.king distance, le to I34.00.
Main sTei.
14th and Columbia,
f and 3-rootn apartments, furnished.
first-ciai.a. reasonable rates. Mam llil.
NICELY furnished 1 and I-room apta,. steam
beat, .-lee trie l.gliL etc; rates Hi to il.
321 eth.
THE CHELTENHAM Heauliful furnished
2. t and 4-room apartments: lowest rata
In rity. Corner X. lrth aad Nurthrup.
;o l'th at. nesr Tsylor. Marshall 1314.
2. 4 and t-room fumfheal and unfur. apts.
Modern furnished two-room apartments,
S2Z io up. close in. Msin :ig.
w"eI.L1n"'JTON ANNEX Lllh and Everett
Two room, newly furnished: hardwood
floors, walking distance; Ul.;0Maln l;ti.
UAMMERSLY COI KT, ZiO 12th at. By the
da), week or month: modern, close to P.
O ; reasonable: ref. Marshall tail.
2 HOOM apartment, all ontalde rooms, pri
vate bath. 1'aclflc pbonca; tie up. Tabor
to. B uan.
NOKJMIS apartment.
Modern. U rooms, special rale for July
snd Aneust. 17th and Mirshall. Mar. 40111.
CuMKOKTABLT furnished 2 and 2-roorn
apta. 2 1 3 oO up. Including hot and cold
water, lignte and phone. 33 aftll at.
CAMAItT"704 Lovejoy Modem brick build
ing: :. I-room apts.. 3 to 210. Mar. Hi 7
$ r.oOMri and bath, stem heated, finely
furnubed. I"T 11th. Marshall 4 ill.
JACKrloN Ul'NilALOW" o-room nioaern
flat. heat, walking ellatence. 4.4 11th.
AKtiMAY TERRACE. Ill UTH Firwt-claas
In every rewnect. attractive rate a
NEW furnished apartments; concrete block;
10 and SIS. 1114 ia Union ave. N.
on Lncretla at., loo feet north of 23d and
Washington, most beauufuliy located high
class apartmcma. 11 to o rooma. all large
ouiaida rooma. -1 apartments newly fur
nished; prices reasonable; referencea re
quired. See them beforelocating. Han
Brer, Mara rial I 1.M3.
.ii DAVIS bT.
Head of King bt
Mast modern and laablonable a part -mont-bouae
In Portland, absolutely f Ira
proof. Three to i-room unfurnished apart
ments. STEVENS APT.. large outalda rooms, front
and back, private porches aad sleeping
porch, heat, hot water and phone. aal
Northtup, near 24th.
-KOOM APARTMENT All outride rooms;
Cot) Flanders. Maryland Apartments; large
buck and front porches; Nob Hill district.
Gall Main alia I.
Jj; loTH bT.. near Clsy Z iare rooms, oaJc
tloora. front veranda, sleeping porch,
range, refrigerator, beat, hut water. Strict
ly modern, just completed,
FOKDHAM APTS., 170 Ford at. 8 rooms.
Itarowood floors, oak finish, tll batb,
private balcony and phone. 3o.
ROSE F'itl END, corner Broadway and Jef
ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments;
first-class aervioe; private phone; ref.
KEELEU APTS.. 14th aud Clay sta. Now 1
the time to secure higu-graae permanent
apartmente, rulerence. Mar, aiaa.
UKLCE APTS., ioth and Northrup Ii out
side rooms, baruwooa tioora, verauuaa
beau tlfully located; ret. aiarsnau .ji-
thu kiKLnGKUL'uU. 21st and Flanders.
1-arge, lighc, &. t-r. reaa. M. tilt. A 347a.
THE AMERICAN, lilet and Johnson. 3, .
rooms, reusonaoie. at a r ooov. a -01 v.
Furnlidied or luf urulidied Apartments.
111-1121 Morgan Bidg.
Furnlahed and unfurnished apartments
In all parta of the city; great variety of
locaiiona, sises and prices. Our free auto
mobile at your aervlca tn visiting any of
our apartments.
Main 20 it. A I01S.
THE BARKER, corner of 31st and Irving
FurnAhed and unfurnished mpartmenla In
2. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec
tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds,
built-in buffeta and writing desks, plenty
of - closet room, vacuum cleaner free.
phono Marshall 2L
Largest, most homelike, high-class apta.
In city, furnished and unfurnished.
bleeping porches. Walking distance.
THE ROYAL ARMS, lith and Lovejoy
The neweet and most up-to-date apts. la
Portland; hardwood floors, balconies, ate;
all rents moderate: 1 1-rootn. S17.n0;
I-room, end. Marshall tlL
KINGSBllRO APT., it Vista ave., off
Washington ac. 3 and i rooms, unfur
nished, by month; 1 furnished I-room;
win rent by day, week or month; private
balcony, high-class neighborhood; man
aged by owners; reasonable rent.
l:th and Harrison.
Finest apartinent-bouae on Pacific Coast;
beautiful location, strictly modern, walk
ing distance, references. M. 101. at. 1U63.
GRACE-APARTMENT. 24th and Northrup;
a large unfurnished rooms, sleeping porch
and all modern conveniences: one J -room
furnished spartmentMariaall 107S.
lHVIN"GTON-t03 and 4tnE. lrtth'sL N,
cor Hancock at-, ft rooms and sleeping
porch. Lvvn and flowers. Convenient
and comfortable. Jsnltor service.
ROENFELD APTS.. 14th and Eaat Stark
Brick bldg. and strictly modern; 3 and
4-room apta. large rooms, private phone
In each apt.: reasonable rent; references.
Nice, clean, cool, airy 2 nd 2-room
aats.. strictly modern ; 1I0 to 23. Elevator,
eiceleant service. Marshall 57. A 40.
SHEFFIeTTd Apartment. 170 Broadway (
blocks to business center; best location In
Portland: ! urn -a hod and unfurnished; ail
rent, reduced. Main 2o0. A 214.
THE ORMONDE; i-room apts.. furnished
and unfurnished. 0 Flanders. Nob HILL
XL 3iL
eg 2 FLANDERS, modern I-room spt.. sleep
ing porch, low rent; also 4-room. cum
f,.,i.niv lur. apL. tnu mo.; Nob HllL
4 AND 5-room apta wllh bleeping porches.
lai E. lath, near Tamhlll SL
THE WINDSOR 3. 2 and 4 beautiful rooms,
furnished or not- E. 14thsndYamhllL
KING-DAVIS APTS., 64 King St. 2 and 4
rooms; class; referencea Main l6g-
MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apta, very rea
sonable. 711 Wash., opp. 3Jd. Main 7134.
utx ARMS 13lh and E. Morrison; 2 and
5 rooms; reaaonnble; modern service.
W ESTONIA New 2 and 3-room apartinenta
tl'titl Giuan si.. Msln SS44.
BARGAIN In flat, centrally located, near
Broadway bridge; 4 rooma and Lath, wa
ter carnage fr; S'- Inquire iio Cher
ry street
FOR RENT Two-room flat. 21 Vi Last 8th.
corner K Burnslds. Also I-room cottage,
447 Eaat Burnalde. Keya Woodward. ll4
3tl St. ;
312 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close
to school and carline; desirable location
Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodiawn 202.
a'ts. WITH water, neat 5-room lower, fur
nace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc. East
into, near Iravl. Phone Tabor 33g.
jjod'kITn. 0 rooms, hot water heat, NoB
HllL Call "7li Kenrueyj
STEAM-HEATED flat. 5 rooms, good loca
tion, very central, adults, fi'14 Couch st.
5-ROOM lower modern flaL 630 Mar-
'ahall. corner 3Uth.
MOD URN 5 and n-'rooin flat, very reasonable.
corner luth and Everett.
MOD.N (-room flat; also 4-room house.
Inquire 17& liith st
FLAT of rooma and bath. 7113 Hoyt St.
Inquire 110 tth st. Phono Main 117.
MODERN 4 and rooms, near City Park;
reasonable. Main 38111. A 2674.
WEST SIDE 21'Hh, J4th, near Taylor; o-
room moaem na. cam -00
jlri 4-RoOM lower flat, walking distance.
4..0 Rodney ave. n.aai ijhu.
FurnUlird Flala.
501 TAYLOR ST.. near 17th. 6-roum fur
nished Ilkt. CirCinii aamui auu iiiui.u
oaa furniture, upholstered In Epantah
lekther. piano; $3.'i.
4-ROtiM upper flat, nicely furnished, clean
and cheerrut: piano, pnone auu water, eao.
No. A East 11th St. N.
S18 THI.EB rvoms, new, modem, clesn.
compiet.iy lurnisneo. 010 jm. n
NEW, modern. 4 -snom flat, sleeping porch,
walking distance, mit Market St.
Nli'K.LY furnished 4-room Vwer flat. Ss
rarllre. Tabor l.O'w. It'rii priinuiii.
Housekeeping liooma.
SI TO SZ.SU week, clean furnished house
keeping rooms, suitaoie tor a or ,
free heat, laundry, bath. yard. Eaat ol.
411C Vancouver, 103 Stanton. 'X'" car.
41 E A FT M ORRIS ON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping apts.; tveaaonabia.
OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and Alder Furnished
housekeeping rooms cnesp: it a weea up.
THE ELMS. 1U1 Uth st. 2 rooms, clean.
bath, phone, lights. S14 up.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap,
Csmbrldge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison.
Housekeeping; Room In Private? Family.
TWO ground-floor rooms, electric lights.
stove, sink. gft. closet ana toiler, not nnu
cold water; fine bachelor quartern, close
In: price 410. 11 11th st. Main tij.u.
474 ALDER, southeast corner 14th. clesn.
airy rooms, one lamr room iin in-im,.-ette;
aleo 2 and 3-room suites; very cen-
1 r 1
LA in. K. light, slry attic room for light
housekeepinir. 7 month; also other H. K.
rooms. 403 W. Hark.
1 X refined modern home. 3 lurge furnished
housekeeping rooms with bath: entire up-
per flat: very reasonable. 4.11 8d.
TWO large H. K. suites, clean, good ven
tilation, electric light, cooking gas. every
thing free; rent reasonable. 8tn 14th.
SI 2 TWO comfortably furnished housekeep
ing rooms, free heat, electricity and phone,
adjoin bath, walking distance. East 4438.
StO TWO comfortably, all furnished, large
housekeeping rooms, bath, hot and cold
water. I41 East Hoyt "st.
2-ROOM housekeeping suites, furnished. S3
snd SIO; sleeping-porch. East 5438.
S-ROOM h. k. suite, cool, clean, cosy, walk
ing distance. East 1129. 13 Esst 7th St.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. SO
Eaat th North: large yard and phone.
LARGE room completely furnished for light
housekeeping: no children. 2t 12th.
LR VINGTON 2 furnished housekeeping
rooma gaa. electricity. Call East 480a.
1, 2 AND 3 modern, light, clean housekeep
ing rooms, first floor. 429 Main.
LARUE, light, airy attic room for house
keeping. 37 per month. 405 W. Park.
Sl MONTH Completely furnished. 2 rooms.
lawn, roses, bath, lights. Main 3672.
THREE fur. H. K. rooms, phone, light, bath.
314. 4S1 West Park St.
PLEASANT lleht housekeeping, ail new and
mxlern: rensonahle. SMI Taylor. Main HH34.
TWO large housekeeping rooms. 534 John
son st. Mtiln 7539. ;
VERY pleasant S-roorn suite, with kitchets
ettei moi.eni conveniences, goli 11th.
LIGHT, clean, unfurnished H. K. rooms with
bath. Fbona Marshall 1044. 83 N. 18th.
7:30 o'clock Saturday evening
'and 9 o'clock other evenings ia
the closing hour for accepting
Classified Ads, for proper classi
fications for the next day's issue.
Classified advertisements ac
cepted after these hours will be
run under the heading
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
N1CELT furnished rooms and housekeeping
rooms 4711 Alder.
2-ROOM apu for Janitor service. 14 Grand
ave. N.
See us befora you rent a place to live
In. Five) minutes In our office under our
new avetem equals a month of personal
aearching. Wa will show you any prop
erty you wish to see. Sea Baby.
Sift Oerlinger bldg. Main 180L
5-ROOM cottage, close to new Shartuck
School and Portland Academy: has bath,
electricity, gas for cooking, cement basement-
fine location and central. 413 11th.
.corner Hall St.; rent S20. Parrlsb, W'at
klns A Co.. ion 2d st.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful modern
residence. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooma, 3
sleeping porches, 2 fireplacea; In perfect
condition; fine city view; best close-in
district, rent $75.
Marshall 427. Brooke. a
ONE of most attractive homes, Irvington;
beautiful lawn, garage, S rooms, strictly
modern. Ideal locution; rent reasonable
rigllt parties, ah i, vicsq'"..'
fto MODERN 6-room, with garage, fur
nace, gas stove and water heater, acreened
sleeping porch, Inwn, roses, berries. b9
Halsey St. Inquire M5.
24 rooms, cor. 13th and famhlll; renovated
throughout- Call b to 6 o'clock.
Also V-room house next door.
T-ROOM. modern house Eastmoreland. nearly
new. two fireplaces, full concrete base
ment, laundry, electricity and gas; rent
very low to right party. Phone M. 70bi.
S-RODM house, 434 East 15th sL North,
near Tillamook: rent 127.50. Fhone East
I's.'ll for Information. Parrlsh, Watkins oi
Co.. l'HI -'! st.
LOWER floor, nice private residence, four
looms. Including bath and pantry, reason
able to good tenants, till N. 16tb. Mar
shall 1044.
ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, flre-lla-e,
sleeping porch; referencea Tabor
3137, afternoon.
MODERN s-room house, furnace, electricity,
gas. cement basement. 70 East Main,
cor. --tin. .ast iwm
i32 51) 9. room modern dwelling, fireplace,
T . . .1 .!..!... 'inn UmBil.
turnace. t uo j -
way West. Fred S. Williams, 91iira 1st at.
NKAT 7-rooin home on West Side, walk
ing distance; cement basement, furnace,
small yard: rent S21.'.50. fhone Main 4olD.
COTTAGE. l-i North 17tli st.. near Ullsan.
or f03 Ullsan, near 17th, cheap rent; key
at owner, ss North loth.
235 8-ROOM house. 1S9 13th at., thorough
ly renovated, lnuuire 671 Lovejoy. ilar-
shall3i5S. .
BEAUTIFUL Laurclhurst home, six rooms
and sleeping-porch. Call lUl'J E. Flanders,
near 41st.
3,14 EAST Hth and Sandy blvd.; 4-room
modern cottage. Earn 23l'l.
S-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near
Slid. Inquire 138 th. Main 8278.
MODERN S-room houae, 722 Multnomah,
phone E. 3133
NEW modern. S-room houae. sleeping porch,
corner lfth and E. Washington sts.; S30.
MODERN 6-room house. 302 Sun Rafael st. ;
desirable, close in. Eaat 16bu.
0U7 KVERET 0 rooms: gas, electricity,
furnitce: walking distance. Phone Eait K.
MODERN 5-room cottage. 892 Gantenbein
ave., near jaason. r-none moaaway laai.
MODERN K-room house, price S15. Fhone
Tsl-or 3iVl.
8-ROOM HOUSE, electricity, sleeping-porch
and garage. 3S3 12th at,
WEST SIDE, modern, H-room house, yard.
362 14th St.. near Montgomery.
3- ROOM huuse near- new Kennedy school. S5
per mo. 1020 Yeon bldg.
NICELY located modern 5-room cottage,
nice lawn, 312. Call Sellwood Tivp.
HOI SE for rent on liith si. Inquire at 305
loth. Marshall 3424.
5-ROOM cottane. large gnrden, 069 HoyL
near lth. Coll Main S2ti1.
Furninhrd Housew.
S20 MODERN 5-room flat. neatly fur
nished, newly painted and tinted. 24 "a
Margin: fronting on river: only ten min
utes' walk from Union Depot. Beautiful
FURNISHED 5-room house, modern," elec
tric lights and wster furnished, close in.
3! k. Oth st. South. East 5235.
MODERN furnished five-room cottage, also
amall private lower flat, 3 rooms. Sell
wood 2, 514 E. gist. "WH" car.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room cottage,
clean, coxv, close-In. reasonable. Tabor
f.12 3-IKXIM well furnished houpe: neat, at
tractive, cooti nngnnornoon: iota 01 goou
shade. Main ?oo..
SIX rooms, completely furnished, one block
from carline. first-class condition, mod
ern. six months or longer. Tabor 6093.
ROSE CITY PARK, good neighborhood
Welt furnished bungalow; referencea
Tabor 31H7. afternoons.
NICELY' furnished 7-room house, sleeping
porch and garage. S73 E. Oak at., near E.
2Mb. M V car.
653 TAYLOR ST., S rooms, furnished In Cir
cassian walnut and fumed oak. upholstered
in Spanish leather: piano; Sua-
Fl'HNISHED bungalow flat; carline, garace,
sleeping-porch. fireplace, lawn. Tabor
IRVINGTON Modem 8 -room house for sev
eral weeks: sleeping porch and shade; ref
erences. East .ins".
MODERN 2-room cottage, nestly furnished.
In good condition. 1067 E. 25th; take Al
berta car: S12.50. Including water. E. 3612.
IRVINGTON Part of furnished house on
carline. 5 rooms on ground floor; adults.
East 43S4.
THREE nicely furnished rooms and sleep
ing porch, yard, phone, water, garbage,
etc. Sun all day. Sn7 E. Wash, and 2Mh.
PART 7-room furnished bungalow, cheap
to good people. 637 E. 7th St. N.
NICELY furnished 6-room cottage, reason
able. 309 Knott st.
MODERN home. Irvington: vegetables. fruiL
sleeping-porch: very cheap. East 3157.
5-ROOM furnished cottuge; SS carline.
Tabor .1350.
Hummer Resorts.
SEASIDE Cottage, on board walk, 8 rooms,
strictly- modern. completely furnished
Phone East O20.
NEW ccttage on ridge at Gearhart, from
September 1. Completely furnished. East
Hhis or c 2805.
GEARHART "Stewart Apts.," furnished
complete. ba'h. toilet electricity. 310
week. Main 1962.
TENT housea or ahack near Mt. Hood, very
reasonable. East r:;29. Main 6120.
NYE BEACH Furnished cottage, 35.25 per
week. Lewis bldg. cigar stand.
JOY cottage. Long Beach, waah balance of
seasom 315. Broadway 514.
GEARHART 3-room cottage for rent: nlce
ly situated: well furnished. Main 4SBS.
FOR RENT Furnished 3-room tent house.
Seaside. Or. Call Columbia 683.
TIOOA. Wash. Comfortably furnished house
to rant by tha week or month. Main 1554.
Summer Resorts.
FOR RENT Attractive new bungalow, overlooking-
Oswego Lake; large veranda,
sleeping porch, fireplace, kitchen rsnae,
beautiful view, excellent train service. AK
95, Oregonlan.
COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room cot
tages; also tenthouses at Pacific View,
$3 50 to S7 per week; fishing, clamming,
agates: for further information call 614
itock Exchange.
GEARHART Completely furnished. 8-room
house. Cottage ave.; bath, fireplace, sleep
ing porch, .all modem; reasonable rent for
August. A. H. B1RRELL, 217 Northwest
ern Btnk bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118.
Seaside. Or.
GEARHART For rent lor August or Aug
ust and September; modern, completely
furnished cottage on ocean ridsc. Main
FURXISHED house tents, cottages at beach,
J2.5i week up; make reservations now.
McDonald, 402 Swetland bldg.
FOR RENT or sale, furnished cottage. 6
. rooma on ridge at Long Beach. Address
J. F. Slack, Walla Walia, or phono 195rt.
SEASIDE Furnished complete, choice lo
cation; city conveniences. Main 3i4M.
SHOP. 45x125; 310; north light; Hawthorne
ave., near bridge. H. N. Burpee. Main
FOR RENT Old Louvre restaurant, 4th and
Alder; best location in the city. 308 Mc-
Kay bldg.
FIRST-CLASS dental auite to let, share one
half reoeptlon-room with established M.
. D. ; central location in business district;
ressonable rental. K. 887, Oregonlan.
A DESIRABLE private office (or desk
room) with telephone and stenograph-er at
a very low rent. Room 4 Empteta Theater
bldg., opp. Imperial.
WELL7FURN1SHED private office, also desk
room. Jo and 37. 722 chamber of Com
merce. TWO well-furnished offices, best light and
' service; also desk room. Stock Exchange
OFFICES S-10 up; furnished offices and desk
room; free phone; very reasonable; Port
land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldk.
OFFICE space, desk and chairs, free phonal;
$8 per month. 233 Morgan bldg.
MJecell an eon.
FOR RENT Star Sand Co. barn. 9th and
East Flanders. Stable room for 100 horses.
luoxgOO ft. Inquire 210 Board of Trade.
FOR RENT or lease, 1 to 3 lots, close in;
terminal trackage. AV 486, Oregonlan.
AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop for
sale. Full equipment for lathe work,
drilling, brazing, vulcanizing, etc. Estab
lished 5 years. Piolits S2O0 a month.
Price. 3200O cash. Call 317 Railway Ex
change. TRANSFER - STORAGE Old established
business desires an active partner. This Is
a line opportunity for a capable man. Price
-2iioo. cash or terms. Big profits. Call
317 Railway Exchange.
WANTED A partner to keep plain accounts
and look after cash in an old-established
business; salary SH'O month, also profits:
requires a small investment. Particulars,
room 329 Morgan bldg.
FIVE-ACRE tract, finely improved; want
income or vacant that will return Income
when improved; might assume or pay cash
difference. R. F. Bryan, 509 Cham, of
-l."i UMOBILE repair business for sale; one
of best locations In city. This don't re
quire much capital; chance to make big
money. Call 24.SH Stark sL
sale cheap, in good country town,
easy terms. Call on or phone Bennett,
ill-l Vamhin mt Mtifn 1104.:
FOR SALE Commercial hotel, staple town,
Montana, 56 sleeping-rooms, bar, cafe,
good moneymaker; for particulars write
C. O. Vowell. Benton. Mont.
PARTNER wanted to take charge of office
In a very profitable business; references
given and required. Active man able to
invest 225 Call 24SH Stark St.
HOME bakery and confectionery, genteel
residence section. Owner sick, must sell.
Price 2300. $123 cash. bat. easy terms.
Call 315 Lumber Exchange.
AUTO garage with repair shop: want
steady man as partner: chance to make
good wages and share profits. 3300. Call
::n3 Lumber Exchange.
PARTNER for house cleaning, city of 6000.
I have a good thing for experienced man.
Small amount needed. See me. 335 Alder
POOLROOM, fine location, doing paying
business, low rent: 'fine stpek of cigars
and tobacco. $350 cash. bal. easy terms.
Call 313 Lumber Exchange.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS- Fine large view lot.
close In. 3 blocks of car; sacrifice might
take cheap car as part payment. Owner,
3HH Cham, of Com.
POULTRY" business, rare opening for e
getic man, pood pay and duties are e
learned; $275 required. Call room
Morgan bldg.
BAKERY-goods, lunches, etc.; a nice store
for S2S0; can mak a good living and save,
a little money besides. Call room 329.
Morgan bldg.
STOCK interest for sale in established mnn
ufacturinc concern, capital required $10.
00O. References. Wm. Whitfield. C om
merclal Club bldg.. Portland. Or.
UNUSUAL opportunity for enorgetlc man
wltn $12,000 to $20,000, Interest In suc
cessful growing business; Investigation
will , satisfy you. Lockbox 1052. Portland.
FOR SAlS cheap, restaurant, good busi
ness; owner going away. 242 Salmon.
Marshall 822.
COUNTY scat newspaper, making good
money, for sale; $25i'0 cash required. Ad
dress The Call. Montesano. Wash.
WANTED Partner with $i00; unusual op
portunity for good business man. D 975.
Oregon lam
SMALL candv kitchen in good town, fine
location, good business. AC 982. Orego
nian. COFFEE HOUSE for sale; good place for
man and wife to clear S100 per month.
Apply owner. 889H E. Alder.
"-CHAIR barber shop eheap, good location.
0 easy terms, owners taking up other husl-
nes4. lll-ls Difiiimm pi., ruiiiqiiu, 01.
GPOCERY. delicatessen and confectionery, 2
living rooms: for sale cheap, account ill
health. Hv owner. 343 Russell at.
BIO grocery snap, clean stock, good apt.
house trade. Rent $10. A sacrifice at
$300 Call 303 Lumber Exchange.
SOLID cash business, carrying position; be
your own boss; good business guaranteed;
SI 25. Call 315 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE The best butcher, packing and
produce business in Oregon for the price.
AV 4S7. Oregonlan.
WANTED A partner, lady . or gentleman.
232 Monroe st.
nry goods, furnishings, notions, at wholesale.
. t n Ch.rllwV hlHv eonm 1 If
1.. Linarilc' v-.. o . .ww... ....
AUTO repair shon for rent cheap: well ea-
. 1 - - Wlw.etee at Phone C, r 90..0
tUDll aneu. o - ...w.. - -
HALF or all of a profitable, flrst-clasa gar
age, close in. AhT 9S2, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Most desirable hardware and
implement business In Willamette Valley
- town of 15.000; McCormlck and other
choice agency lines;, stock will invoice
abcut S25.OO0; owner-haa other business;
woujd consider part trade for good wheat
or stJck ranch at cash value. This ia an
opportunity on the threshold of the best
business the country has known. If in
terested address owner, AV 485, Oregonian.
Store, stock, fixtures, 4-room residence,
all in fine condition, for $1250, Sloo cash,
bal. $10 per month.
301 Henry Bldg
CAPABLE auto repairman wanted to take
the"Tepair end of a large automobile con
cern handling the agency for several popu
lar touring cars, also auto trucks. Re
quires investment of $600 and good refer
ences. Particulars at 317 Railway Ex
change. CONFECTIONERY' and ice cream parlor,
fine location, 2 fountains and other excel
lent fixtures. Owners must sell, account
sickness. Fixtures alone worth twice the
money asked. Price $350. Call 313 Lum
ber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
AGOOD. clean lot of new and second-hand
furniture, crockery,, wall paper, window
glass, stoves, ranges, house lurnishing
goods, ; good location and a money
maker for the-right man. 106 Main st-.
Before closing deal for so-called Interest
in established real estate business get ad
vice of Portland Roaity Board.
816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
ALWAYS deal with the owners. This res
taurant is- tl:e best-paying proposition of
its size on the market today for the price
and is well worth your keenest Investiga
tion as well as your money. See it be
fore it Is tor late. AN OSS, Oregonian.
WANTED Moving picture machine, films
and gas making outfit; state all first let
ter, with lowest cash price. Dr. J. C.
Yager. Wheeler. Wash.
FOR SALE Machine tools and garage, 5
year lease on class A building that will
store 100 cars; 6uu0-lb. elevator; cheap for
cash sale; no agenta AN 972, Oregonian.
WANTED Stock of gen. mdse. or hardware-
and bldg. m good, live town; value
up to $15,0uo or $20,000; will exchange
Boise and Southern Idaho Income property.
Address BD ObO, Oregonian.
$2500 EQUITY in $4000 huuse; rooming
house or grocery wunted. A H 9b0. ore
gonian. WANTED to lease a fully equipped cream
ery In a live town. AV 4S9, Oregonlan.
Leading Hotel-Apartment-House AgenL
Both Buyer and Seller Protected.
Oldest Reliable Agency in City.
S08-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. bill aud Morrison.
FOLLOWING articles were found in the
. card of the Portland Railway, Light ac
Power Company, and owners thereof may
claim name at the First and Alder-street
station, Marshall 5100, A 0131 :
August 51 beauty pin, 2 " purses, 1
envelope, 1 scythe stone, 1 basket and
contents, 1 suck and contents, 1 suitcase,
1 book of pictures, 4 packages, 1 pocket
knife, 1 bucket lime, 1 roll of paper, 1
cuff link, 1 pair of glasses and case. 1
medal, 1 hand saw, 1 lunch box, 2 pairs
of gloves, 1 package clothing, 1 pair of
spectacles. 1 pearl eardrop.
FOLLOWING articles were found on the
cars of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co., and owners thereof may claim
same at the First and Alder St. Station:
Marshall 5100. A 6131:
. August o Two lunch boxes, 1 picture,
2 pkgs. -clothing. 2 umbrellas, 1 pipe and
case, 1 pr. cotton gloves, 1 piece pipe, 1
book. 1 pkg. Y'. W. C. A. tickets, 3 pkgs,
1 child's sweater, 1 shawl.
LOST Brindle bulldog, screw tall, bat ears
and very much undershod; answers to
name of Caesar; letl home without collar
and license; reward offered. Call B 4708
or at 47 4 N. Oth St.
LOST Monday, amethyst gold bracelet,
YV. Liberty-Denver ave. or Portland blvd.
Reward. Phone Woodiawn 3185. Address
143 W. Liberty st.
LOST Rimless bow glasses, in case, at
Laurelhurst Park Thursday. Finder please
phone Tabor 3545. Reward.
WILL the man who picked up Battenberg
doily 3d and Alder about 5 o'clock last
afternoon return to 200 Emerson ut.
LOST Aug. 5, B. A. Y. charm, shield de
sign, downtown or Rose city car; finder
please call Tabor 2973.
LOST Probably from an automobile, a
child's bluo balmacaan coat; size about
12 years. Main 1)475. ,
LOST Lady's Kebekah pin. Initials on back;
finder write Mra E. .B. Kellogg, Carlton.
LOST On Fifth and Salmon, an abstract;
return to 921 Northwestern Bank bldg,
LOST Crocheted purse containing book car
tickets and money. Finder phone Tabor
FOUND Bracelet near S., P. & S. shops.
Call EaBt 2001.
LOST Gold scarf pin with emerald set
ting. Call East GU29.
Proposals Invited.
SEALED BIDS will be received for machines
and equipment for school use in the Boys'
Trade School. 10th and Couch sts.. Port
land, Or., at the office of It. H. Thomas,
School Clerk, 401 Courthouse, Portland,
Or., until 4 P. M.. August 19, 1015; and
will be opened by the board .of directors
at a meeting to be held at 4 P. M., August
19, 1915. in room 304, Courthouse. Specifi
cations may bo obtained at the oflice of
the undersigned.
A certified check, payable to K. H.
Thomas. School Clerk, for 5 per cont of
the amiuut of the bid must accompany
each bid. The Board of Directors reserves
the right to reject any and all bids, or
divide the award.
It. ii. THOMAS, School Clerk.
' Dated Aug. 6, 1915.
TO WHOM it may concern: The bar, mir
rors, counters, each register, etc., in No. 75
N. Oth st., and lot baggage in Hotel llaus
ton, Oth and Davis sts., held for room
rent, will be sold for storage If not called
for in 10' davs. Harrington Estate, phono
C 2H21.
WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes.
cO 4lh St.. Board of Trade Bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers'
interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or
Wash. II. E. Noble. Lumpermens bldg.
WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Dob
ertson & Ewlng, 207-S N. W. Bunk bldg.
MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mlgs.
purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg.
Muney to Loan on Real Estate.
I2IKIO PRIVATE money at 8 per cent on
Portland improved property, Irvington pre
205-07 Board of Trade bidg.
MONEY to loan at to 7 per cent. Port
land business and residence property.
Farm loans at 7 to 8 per cent.
104 2d St., near StarlL
WE c:in tinunee your home In any first-class
district. Also plan and construct your
home to suit. Easy terms and simple
interest. 7 per cent. The Oregon Home
Builders. 13i;o X. W. Bank bldg.
TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS.
J50O. $1000 and upward on improved real
estate: favorable terms; no delays; no
brokerage. John Bain.' 507 Spaiding bldg.
1025-1029 YEON BLDG.
Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Y'amhiil.
SEE us today for loans on improved city
property, 0 to 8 per cent: $200 and up.
Cellars-Murton Co.. S23 Yeon bldg.
3200 000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build
ing loans; lowest rate W. G. Beck, 314
310. Failing bldg.
5 TO per cent moneys on business prop-
erty, apartments, dwellings, farms. R. H.
Blossom. 1123 Northwestern Bank bldg.
6 7 AND 8 per cent private funds to loan
'from $500 to $10,000. Vanduyn & Walton.
' 515 Chamber of Commerce.
MONEY on hand for mortgage loans, mort
gages bought. Fred S. Williams, 92 hi 1st st.
A. H. HAnin.Mj. ttio IM.V..VI. KJe ll.rl.
.-.,-Te AT.ri"iv . fiv son OAW ST
Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com.
MONEY, any amount. 6 to S per cent. W. H.
Seitz & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg.
$200 $350, $600. $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W.
German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce.
$10 000 OR any part. 7 per cent. Improved
property. X 953. Oregonian.
PRIVATE money. $1000 to $4o00 to loan on
real estate. B 402, Oregonian.
BUILDING loans direct to owners, reason
able conditions. Curtis. 267- Oak.
MONEY loaned, city and farm lands, 6115
Chamber of Commerce.
PRIVATE monev, $Kto0 to S4KV) to loan on
real estate. B ifi'i, Oregonlan,
Money to Loan on Real Estate.
Improved business property, to I per
"mproved residence property. I la I per
Improved farm property, 7 to 8 percent.
711 Pittock Block. .
Prompt service. Reasonable terms.
uriwv TO LOAN
uuniuAui. -
Any amount, low rates, promptly closed.
Attractive repayment privileges.
517 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Marshall 4114. A 4118.
Lowest Rates. No delay.
017 Corbett Bulg.
LOANS CITY, 0-8 ,c ; FARM. 7-8
DORR E. KEASEY CO.. 272 Stark at.
.Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries.
Wo have one of the finest retail Jewelry
stores in the city. A loan department is
conducted iu connection with same, mak
absolutely no sign designating loan busl
ne.t3 displayed m front of our store. All
merchandise pledged is held for period of
12 months, whether or not interest is
paid when due. We are licensed and have
been established since 1SS9, No connection
with any other loan establishment in this
324 Washinpton St.
Oldest established salary loan company
In Oregon. Reliable. Satisfactory terma
Business strictly confidential.
Our well-known reputation for square
dealing and courteous treatment during
the past is our best reference.
308 Falling Bldg.
at legal rates,
011 Diamonds, Autos. Pianos,
Furniture. Livestock or
Pay baclc $5 per month or more.
Interest 3 per cent.
311 Dekum bide, 3d and vrashington.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Musical Instruments.
All Pledges Held One. Year.
Separate Department for Ladles.
ELBY COMPANY 1 Licensed).
320 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2d and Stark St.
MONEY" to loan on diamonds and Jewelry at
legal rites; ali articles held one year.
Established since ISSS, pan Mai-x. 74 3d st.
Loans M'nntctl.
S300O, 8 per cent, beautiful residential
property, Willamette boulevard, safe,
sound, sure Investment. Henry A. Miller.
311 I'lfock bldg.
WANT $2500 at 8 per cent on highly im
proved 80-acre farm under cultivation,
good buildings. Located 214 miles north
of Cresvvell. Mr. Rittflr. 207 Hoard of
Trade bldg. Marshall 6140. A 1 125,
WANTED $4000 on 40 acres, located rlKlit
at Gresham: this place worth $12,ooo;
might consider $3500. but prefer $4000;
will pay fair rate of interest and attor
ney's fees. AG 4. Oregonian.
$4u00 WANTED frcm private party for 3
years on ten lots and larisa house. South
Portland: will pay reasonable rate of in
terest. AE 962, Oregonlan.
WANTED $1500 for 3 years at R per cent
on 8 lots and house on East Side, value
$5fl00. Call 320 Board of Trade. Main
WE'LL finance and build your home. Pay
on rental terms. Simple Interrst. 7 per
cent on deferred payments. The Oregon
Home Builders, 13.10 N. W. Bank bids.
$1600 WANTED at S per cent, Rose City
Park propertv, value $11500.
-424 Chamber of Commerce.
17500 OR $SO00 wanted on 4 lots, 100x200,
with 8 buildings; want loan for 3 years
from private party: will pay fair rate of
interest. Alii I'd, ore.gtiniun.
WANTED To borrow $10,00" for 6 months:
pay 8 per cent and bonus of $200; security
$18,000 firt mtge. on $50,000 property
value. AB 90S. Oregonlan.
WANT private loan $1500 on hew residence,
value $4500. Rose City Park district; no
commission paid. Al' t'TO. oregonian.
WANTED to borrow. $40,000 for 3 years on
a-5000 acre, well-Improved wheat farm;
will pay 8 per cent. AN 9711. Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $4500 for 1 year; will
pay S (tt-r cent, bonus S20, secured by 3
times amount wanted. AH HM. Oregonian.
WANT loan7"$4uors per cent. 3 years, 240
acres raw land, Columbia County, ht
97N, Oregonian.
illlOil LOAN wanted on ij-room house, near
Hawthorne ave.; security valued at $.1000.
V VS1. Oregonlan.
WNT 1700 on new house, valued $4000;
Hawthorne district. A 970. Oregonlan.
WANTED $1000. one to three years. 011
first-class farm security. 418 Lumber Ex.
$1000 77r, 3 years, on my Irvington home,
worth $6000. P 983, Oregonian.
WE cnarge only for restoring health, not t"r
treatments nor practice. A lady came here
as a last resort; friends never expected to
. see her alive again and told her so; cure.,
in three months. Ulcerated stomach, s.x
years' standing, cured with 23 treatments.
Lady completely paralyzed on one side unit
speechless, ablo to do household worn
In 50 dajs. All these and other cases may
be investigated. .....
505 oregonian bldg.
26-lnch real first-quality switches $4.s..
20-inch real flrst-quaiiiy gray. .. a 4.85
BRING THIS AD Hood for 5o on
Face massage 25o Shampoo 2-jo
Manicure 250 Hairdiess
Superfluous hair removed by electricity.
Guaranteed. Cut hair, any shade, switches
any length. Price half. Sanitary Beauty
parlors, 4IKI-41 2 Dekum bldg.. Third and
Washington Marshall 1702. -
Leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock
human liair-uod-. switches from S5c up:
halt-dressing, manicuring, face and scalp
treatment, combings made up to onier.
147 Broadway, near .Morrison, jiam .'"
CHRONIC Diseases Headaches. Rheuma
tism Goitre, Tumors, skin Troubles, Etc.
No Medicine. No Operations, Finest MoJ
a?rn Equipped Offices. Electricity. Manipu-
UltlOn ailU XJrtLua. i uu.iit....-" - -. i,
to ?17 Swetland blrig. Dr. W. E. Mallory.
. ...r-.,. it. - Id t-j Port land's re -
oicvc.-.!?, .... -
nnwncd palmist and clairvoyant. Author or
Palmistry Made Easy"; asst. by Dr. Etta
Hume divine healer and spiritual adviser.
Temple open dally, mo ia?""
LOl'lSB NETZEI. tr. tined nurse and maa
seuse gives treatments for rheumatism,
lumbago, neuralgia, ere; tub baths, mas
sane and electric blankets. Lady assistant.
2TM 11th st. Marshall 503.1.
,7,n"Vvl1.L ho paid for name and proven
address of a tall, alender widow lady that
?,Tld ranch year or two ago; payment
guaranteed by this office. AE 901. Ore-
iTOi'.ENA TAYLOR. D. A. T.; therapeutics,
magnetic massage, reasonable, lbi 11th.
Marshall flS2
SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary. A. Price, circle
Tuesday 2, Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. : read
ings dally. QUil otn SL .viarsnaii
LM".IIELLAS. nil colors and styles; largest
stock; re-covering; new handles put on.
Meredith's, 32 Washington st.
ELECTRIC VIBRATOR for rheumatism,
neuralgia, facial and scalp treatment
Formerly Mar. 20. now Main 83.18.
Switches 95c. curls and puffs 75c. Sani
tary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
j?Xir at 'Frisco: gentleman with best ref-
" erences will conduct party, one or more,
for own expenses. E 1-02, Oregonian.
NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse,
"electric blanket treatment, hours 10 A. M.
to 8 P. M. 20Si 3d St., rooms 2 and q.
ill ETHEL A. SACRY". painless chiropodist.
506 Faiia
tiama bUlg. Phone Main 90 OS.
MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M
D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473.
CHIROPRACTIC'S explained; painless adjust
ments pleasing: 31 treatments $15. 1214th.
Tablet. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2:103.
CHIROPODY' and electric treatments. Room
215, 350 Morrison st.
MANICURING and electric treatment. Ethel
Burke. 10 Lafayette bldg.
LESSONS In phrenology and card readings.
235 nth St. Fhone Mam ir.41.
USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism.
50 table's for 25c All druggists.
MANICURING T.ndiis and gentlemen. Room-
5. 8-".3'A Yamhill at.
GRADUATE nmseie: scalp massage and
chiropody. IToVj 2il st.,4th fl.', apL 9.
GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face
massage, 35c, 707 Rothchild, 2i7Vs Wasu-st