T 13 THE MORNING OHEGOXIAN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 7, 1915. PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AMTUCTS AND TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE al reaaonekle price. Fav.f'.o Till TrtttCa,I Ch. of Com. ACCORDION flJATlXC. Ik. STEPHAX. herrt.icMn. BcaHoping. ac cord .id pleat, boitona eov.rad, .000 nuc4: aum ardera, 10 Pule block. V. till. fi'Uiw. n.ra.tltchiac plcottlng braiding. Eaat.r Nov.ity Co, tv Ha. Bdw'y 30u. AMttEM AND ANALYSTS. MONT A.N A A-aAY OFFICE. 141 Id. Gold. tlv.r ana p.atlnam Pom D 1- ATTORX EYS-AT-LA W. i. s. nelhon, lawyer. i tittock wl consultation free, bd-t hi. CARPET MUVLKA n.t iT mad Rao ruga. w rata front eld ingrain. Brae!, SfflvrnL iialuur emu: cirHt dm- Inc. raUtlatf. re.lsing; country erd.r prompt atteatiea. Soad tor boo a. el. vt ra Flurt Hue ca, 14-14 L'awa ave, Nona. P-mne Ea.t tilt. B Hi. )OATU'EiT Rl'J CO. from aid car pet., rac rata it nn. wm parow. CELLILOID Bl'TTONS, B A DOES. II! Washington . Mala 111 and A 1184. CHIROPODISTS. Wl.:i.-a. Eat.U aad William. Jr.. Dev.ay. in alr .claatifie ehlropoa.sla la tne eity. Parlor lot Oarltng.r hide, 8. W. aara.f Id aad A.d.r. phono 1111. CHIROPODT k! podlearln. Mm. M. XX Mill. C-ffv ruttfoir b.dg. Mala 341s. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. bR. M'MAHON. tixth Tar. Chronic eu lokmg l'n, n ir.aim.nta. . 1-. hi .tn - tr. Pouieon. epoelaJl.t la paraly.te, B.rvoue. rhrsBlo diaea. -o fitter elk. nay CLJ-ANLNO AND PRESSING. ,R---k SUITS for rent. W pree one cult mc. for 91.50 a month. IMQtl TAILORINO CO.. I Stark .. bet. 1th and 4th. Mala SI 4. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of ny d.acrlptloa collected ea p.r eeotage aarwh.ra; h:h.t cl.M refer .ace. Th Hard. a M.rraatll. Agency, 43 Henry b'.dg. phono Marshall 4ig yCTH A CO, WsrcMt.r bMe. Mala 1T4 N collect-,, a charge. Unt,nhl It. DANCING. liA.STHUTIR Dancing Academy, list Ith at, bat. Stark and Oak; .p'l Summer ratea, a private Uaaoaa. S3; moralna. aft.raooa. .nine, all latMt dancM luaraatMd. ClaM Thara. Bat. aratcca. M l Chlldr.a-. elimH Bat.. 1 . c. Broadway ll. II PATH'S BC H "0 1 Lmtmona dally; alaaa PrL ik Aadimnam Hail. Sua M at. paar Taylor. Mala WHOLESALE AND AC TO AND BtOGY TOPS. tTrlWriLJ-E BlUOT TtP CO.. ll Id at. B-AUiiAUR CHECKED AT HOME. I A omnlbu Tran.t.r. Park A DaTO. BKKAJ BAKXBY. FmiI Bak.ry A Cent.. Inc. Ilia udKmMt URKUERi AND BOTTLE.'. HENRY mil.NHAHU. Ilia and Buraaid. "dry (.(huh oToN, riBNWHWtti ri.KISi'H .Nt R.M A YfcH A CO.. IQl A.b C LLTJlTRltAL HLPPLIEA. Ptubb K.x-tnral Co.. tn od Pin f. OR MS MERCHANT. Aleor Bro Itilun ta, r root and MaraaaU, II. M. IIOfHER. Board of Trade Bid-. GROCCRIF. WADHAM c o. I-; Foartk at. IT AND CAPS.. THASHACHEK HAT CO.. &4-&S Front at. HIDES. HUUL, CA.-4CARA BAKU. XAH.N BKOS.. Ill Front at. IRON WORK. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND, OREOO.N. STRUCTURAL STKEU PLANT. FOUNDRY. HOP Ml K IIAJiT, U-VEFT BUOS.. 2J4-ii I'Ktork block. Mala SSI. rsoeea, Broadway lieu. ChPlu.ll Woman at Kcst. CH EH ALUS. Waah Ant. . (Sp- elai.) The funeral or Air, aiary i. Iw. wife of A. M- Lcmt. was heW 7trdY. lled Monday from paraljai. fiha was bom at Kalo. Wah October . Hl. Threw aona. Orrlll. ri, J ease and Archie, aad three danshtera. ilr. Mar Alannlner. Haael A. and Alt Lowe. urle- Two broth er. William Bremea. ot Chehalta. aod Albert H-. of Lorinc Alaska, and a Plater. Mr. Cycthla ilaxkl. of Tacoma, alao survive. 1 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally Per Una. IM atl.e llaw.... I.e ltwa. . f M ola or Mti i.oa.rwti.o tii - k ralM aawlr to adrert i,r Today" and all etkat elaonXKav. mm nrrv tb follow lot I Mtaattowe aatew Val. Mtaatlwae Waated traiale f o. Meat. Rooa Pri.ato Faaalllea. Hr mmd 11 mm prliato taasillo. i intm um .wi. Prt.ato taailUoa. Itata oa M aao.o ilallliali.a. a 1 .oat. Ow aii" adtl.iaaia rb.nn wtu be bnd oa tho aomboe of Itaoa .prta ra tBw awaor. rrsardlo of law auaabcr of war. 4 mmett li. Mhaimoa. cbwao. In llaoo, Tbo oiowloa will rot rl.iilftow aoV nnwatni o.w lb llrptn.. pxo.Mod b aw.ortlwrr b a ..rrtbn 10 oltawr paiowo. wrwo wtll bo aiawtow over the awoae. bwl bill WIU bo roavdorod tbo follow mm . Wbotbr owooowaowl ad.ortlo.un ata will oa wrcoe.d mrr law pbiw. wrand. BJWi two pfwmxww of awyaaoat of tWpboa. adw IKwnli. Mtaattoaw Wealed aad P.r.aal j 1 -1 - wlU aod aw a.pd oror Ibe triiil.n. Order, for owe UMerttea) ealy WIU bo mrrv for -Faraltare foe bale." -Doo-m 1 v porta. II -Rnal.-lli.." aad waolod to . , drrtlwira. to rororo wwnrl rlalfu AMrSEMENTa. SEATS NOW SE1XINO- IHEILIG Brw- al Taylor itAlin 7NK1HTS BK1.1NNINO Tomorrow SPECIAL PRICK MATS WED. SAT. N. Y. WIXTSR GARDEN CO PTaaaata the biapoadooa Moaical R.wa 'DMCING AROUND' With the Bounoor of the Btaaa AL JOLSON in COMPANY lea. Eoea. Floor. 1J row II. S at ILftdL Bal . LSI. U Tic. .a oaX. t.e. Botn MBta Floor. 11 row II.M, t St L llaL. tl. lie. ic OaL. See. THE KH.UrOW GIRL Bad Bla Moll.p.fltaa Cowipaay. A.awi.otod On'hootra, andor per l.a.l dlroilla of Mho Marvo.rrt Wbllaey. A OTHtR mi-Tin: ACTS a IUim, lrt How Balcoo. Soat by pbowo Mala U. A ZtlK Uhe OAKS PwrtblBd-. oreal lawilrt larm. Bta free let., lacludiaa bow moo caiewmod. Bad ta protty stria. Daaw la. Miatlac. Hwn.aalB( aad Park Altrectloaw. Cbildroa'a day every Wrdaooway. tblldrow aadwr IS a- mll I'd fro. Admlaotoa to park, le. a.pf ..a ear, t lrt aod A loo Laaarhea. Merrleaw Hrldoa. Fraternal Brotherhood PICNIC Council Crest Saturday, Aug. 7 Dancing and Special Display of Fireworks DETECT1T AGENCIES. PLNKERTON CO., U.S.DETECTIVK AGCI, cmb iidm ov.r years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Inv..tlgatioo and r.porta mad. oa lodt viau.. nywnr. iouukiikib n.a. buh 354 PlttocK Slock, mon prpagway , EYK. EAR, OtB AND THROAT. Tiatmntt br sorclalls:: Iliim fitted. Dr. T. P. Canaday. 1T Uekum bide- 3d W n. LNSLRA-VCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, im'l Inauraae.; fir, manna, aula, lit and til C h am. of Com. MEVtE.NCCB SEKV1CK. Hasty mesbenOER CO. Matorerclaa aad bicycl.a. J bon. Mam bi. a in. MCSICAU Emit Thl.lnsra. violin taach.r: pupil S.rclk. 0T rndo.r bM. A ! Mar. nan itzw. urroaETiuoTs Ann vriitiAA A nht oa hlah prlcaa. Why ay to .iw ir iim iB.a I caa fit your aye. n rmt - n 1 1 1 . I V i.ov. aald-flllad framn aa lear aa .l.T C. t. Ooodmao, 3u Morrlaoa. MaU ard.ra prompt ly fnwd. Writ for particular. Mam 1114. PATENT attorneys. r c Wrlabt II y.ara practlca U. 8. aad for.ln pafnia. ! Pkum bide PIPC PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and onic s.ar l.ta ana tori tin. jaia .. STOK-GK AND TRAX6FEB. ALWAYS -PICK THE BEST" Houaohold Oooda Spaclali.ia. Storas. pack.nc. Snip- pine aad Ma.ui. Uoih or Auta van fcpclal fr.!M rat, to all point ' O PIl K TBANSrEK A STOKAGE CO, Id aad Pin Bit. Broadway t. A !- OR EOO N TRANSFER CO.. 414 OlUaa au. corner llta. T.l.phon Mtn l or A 114. Wa oara aad oparat twa lar. claa A warahooM and t.rmlnal track. Lot lnurnc rf la city. MOVING. PACXI.Vta, 6HIPPI.NO. STORAOal. Rlueaa lrlnt rata, to an 1"' 1" ' MANNING Warhou Tranat.r Co.. Main 70. th aad Hoyt. A 1314. MADIaOX-ST. DOCK ANDWAJIEHOUb Offloa ll Madlaoa. Oan.ral m.rrhand: ad lorw.rain bi rnono jiain VETERINARY. fcCMOOLM. S. P. VETtRi.NARY rOLLEOB baclna Spu I. prorMaioa c 11 ar. Mjuai viimi"i. Calalocit fro. C K.a. pr.. 111 Mar ket V-. hu rranciaco. WOOD. ETnTTTiiunii fir. 14.10 : dl.tan d..lTrr. f.la. .National aim v, - and Oreroa. .ai mi. GKtEX and dry lbwood, blockwood. Fan am nj vo. atam owv. mnwm. MANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND HIIBB TRAPK SCPPUES. CM Aa. U MASTICK CO.. 14 Front; Leath.r of .ry d.Mrlption; tap, an. tmciin. urva and WOMEN'S KECKnUS. COLLMB1A Neckwear Mrs. Co.. II .ta at. HI1X1VEET. BRADSIIAW Bkud , Morrlaoa aad Tth . ata. nnvmlVTII. IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wir A Iron Wki. Id A Columbia. PAINTS AND LCBRICATINO OIL. P. FULLER A CO.. lltb and Dsvl. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. B APMX'SH&N A CO.. W and Taylor atreeta. PIPE PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVKS. M L. KLINE, lt-1 Front t PUMBINO AN I STEAM SCPPLLK. M. U KLINE. 44-14 Front at. PRINTERS AND PC BUS II ERS. T. BALTES CO.. let aad Oak ata PRODl'CB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERUlXu A FAKRELL.14t Front. ROPEAND BIXDYNu TWINE. Portland Cordaa Co.. lth and Northrnp. SASH. DOORS AND (1LASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. lita anil Uarla. WALL PAPER. MOROANT WALL PAPER CO.. II Id aL ratlwa tnet Ve la The Oregon I offlr be- U rtora at aiaoi. firrpt Mturoa.r Cloalna bowr foe The h..d.r Orrcoalaa will b It. o'clock Sataraajr slab I. Ike of lire will bo .pi a aalll le o'clocti P. M.. aa noal. aad all ad ro.el.ed too late for nmprr rlaw4firattow win bo ma aaaer in. ocaoin' T.lrphon. Mala ni. A ao. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS AX8VTERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRk ENTING YOL'R CHECKS AT THE ORE UuNIAN: A POI. pas. 7, 0.7, PTJ, pea. B 112, Poo. ii. aoj), gjj. a S3. .. fro, V4. SWi. V1. SWV C duT. PiJ, mil. PIS. PT9, PM. n t mo. mu. , ssu. . 094. E PA4. P7U. F P4 . POH. PUT. T, T. OTP, CS4. OOT. ti IU, P4. P4. pan. PTI. PHI. h ui. t.o, ttt. ;, 7j. ;i. ti. ' J pi 4. it .-.i. ., IU. til. tTI, H. IT. L 134. SIX WI. ". WS. P13. P7T. PS M PI 2. PeS. :;, PM1. BM. PUS, PW4. VSJ. N P4. Uit, KlL HOU, PI 4. ! Poll. 34. 5, po O w4. o4. PSO. SAJ. PS4. p8. 90S, MS. PVS. 9(a. r r. T. T. ttt. ttt. R U PCI. P4. P7 4. P4. P. PCS. K 814. Pii. P4X PTS. p;n. PM. T P-H. rl, U4. tr.Hl nT. V HOT. put. ptd, PT, PI. OPS. w :.. BIZ. Pi. -S. P4. X TP1. . P&4. kA Vol. J. PTO. PTI. Ti. SIX VST. PoS. PPL T lull. AB alS. fted. ti. , PTO. 974. 97 . PV3, AC P4S. P5L !. P7S. 9T, PS!. 9S3, AD Pit. PSS. PJS. PTI. Pie, PTO. es. AC Mi 94. PIS. PUS. P4j, PTS. PT. AK PIN Pal. PH. pan. PTI. PTJ. V74. PIT. AG x act. 90S, aj. Poo. p4. pes. 97. .. i'P. phS. 9PS. AH om, vi. 91. paa. Pa, 9-.15. A 941. P4-4, .l. PT. 4. VPS. PT. AK IMP. PM. P4S. Pea. V9S. PVdL AL !. M. P4, Bos. POP. PPT. AM III. ;. T T4. III. PIS. III. AN C'V Hi phu. 971. P74. PPI. UPd. AO P&. POT. S0. P4. 9T. PdS. PoS. WPS. Bar. uok aue. AP Ml ft. P3. Pod. MS. SSL AR 9i7. HI. til. IT. Ill B IM1. VTI. 97?. PT4. ST3. nft PS4. 99. PT. PTS p-, ps p7. ppp. BP PTI. PTS. PI4. 9TS. 9 IP, . 99. PVK. P. If .bor. aaswor r sot call.d for within rln f?... ..in. will b. d-.troyd. MEETING NOTICLS. X F. AND A. M. dtai.d com- mnnication ini (saturaayi av.n Ing at S o'clock. P. O. M. W. T. Williamson will deilvsr n ddroo oa the aubjoct. "Tb. Mlailoa of Monry." Visiting brethren eov diaiiy Invited. By order of the w. M. LIKLIS a. PAlla.a.H, nee. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4. A. F. AND A. M. Sporlai commanKstlon thl. teaturdayl rv.nina. April 7. Ea.t bth ana Burnaid. .t... at 7 o'clock. K. A. d.ar.a. Visitor, welcome. By d.r w. M. J. ft. Kn.tt.onu. . ttru Pom kiatn l.w.la Special deeigns la ambi.nl Jewelry. Jaeger Hroa. DIED. JOHNSON At hi lt residence, near O.- wego. or, Aaguot o. Jonn r . jonnson. atod 77 eore. The funeral aervtco h.ve beoa poatponod lnd.ftntt.ly. The remain, are at tho residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A lon. Montgomery at Fifth. HAAS John Haas, of 1733 E. 11th at aged 17 year. Komalna at the new resi dence fuaorml parlor, of Walter C. Ken wortby. 1511-31 E. 13th at, 8. II wood. Faaaral poUco later. MILLER At her late residence. IIS K. 11th c. J.nni. 1 Allll.r. gea years. no main at P. L. Larch und.rtaklng parlors. E. 11th and Clay ata. Funeral notice later. 1TNERAI. KOTlCKs, JENKINS la thl. city. Augn.t S, Lizsle Jenkins. ...a u yoare. wu. ei a. r. veo kln. of 611 E. Mala .t. Tu. fun.r.l tarv Ire. will be h.lu funds y. August 8. at 4 o'clock P. M. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Flnley A bon. Montgomery at 3th. Friends Invited. Private Inter ment In Lone Fir Cemetery on Monday, August P. at 4 o'clock P. M. KINO The funeral ervic of th tat May W. King win oe ennaacura today 1 Satur day i. at 3 o'clock P. M , in the mortuary r ha ue I of A. D. K.nwortby Aj Co.. an-'J and f44 PI vt. A. E, In Lenta. Fiiond. in vited. Interment Multnomah Com.tery. . PARRBI.L Th funeral service, of th. late Mrs, Entner rarr:i win o neia rrom in. Church of the Red.mptloni.t Father.. Sll Portland boolevord. ac P A. M. Saturday morning. August 7. Friend invited. In tenneat Roaa City Cemetery. EfKTOf At the realdrnre of her parents. oA Eaat Market at.. Aug. S. Ada bl.wart F-kton. ateel IS year. Funeral serrl.e. win bo held at the above rttnlmce to day tsatarda)). at 3 P. M. Frl.nda In-vlt.d. rrNFRAL DrRECTORS. The only rc.ld.nce andertakms eotabUsh m.nt la Portland with private arlv.w.. Main V, 'A 1A. T. P. FIN LET A SON. Moptiomiry at. Finn. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the loading funaial uiroctur. 220 laird auoct, turner ba.raon. Lady aaaULant. A 1311. Mala sVI. F. S. DUNNING, INC. Ea.t Sid Funeral Dlrclora. 414 Eaat Al d.r .Qt. Em !2. M ItSS. MILLER oi TKACET, lndpndut funeral dlrKtora. Funeral, aa low a J0. 4. IttU. Wa.hintton and Ella at. Mm 34IL A 7183. A R. ZELLER CO, 11 WILLIAMS AVE. Lui 1U3&. C 100. Lady aiiaudauu Lia nd night aervica. DUNNING A M'ENTEE, funeral director.. Broadway and Plaa. Phono Main 4JU. A 4ioS. Lady .Attendant. P. 1 LERCli. Eaat 11th aad Clay atraata. Lady aaelitant. Eaat tL tk-EKES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. d and Clay. Main till. A 2JJL Lady att.ndant. K. T. BYRNES. William v.. aad KnetL Ea.t llli. C 1K4J. Lady att.ndant. HKKKZfc: A SNOOK, bunny.lde Parlor.: auto liearM. 1U24 Bolmont. Tab. liiS. B 12S1. FLOKIKT'J, MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florin., S17 Waab- Intton. Main ion. a l-o". r lowers lor au ocra.ion. artlatlrally arrantedU CLARKE BROS., florlota. 2T Morrlaon C Alain or A ini'a. nne iiowera ue .iww deltna No branch .tore. SUN'NYSIDE greenbouse. Freeh flowar. Phono B 152a. IS. Iu ana layior. MAX M. SMITH. Main III. A S12L B.lllng. MONCME.NT8. PORTLAND Marble Work. Zee Ith t. opposlt City nail, butia.ra or aimonm OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY B74 BELMONT ST. Phoaea Eaat leUU. B 2313. Open Dap aad AUtkt. Ronort all case of crueltr to this of' flee. Lthal chamber for small anlmala. Horse ambulance for alck or diaabled anlmala at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring- a pet may communicate with ua. HEW TODAY. STOP AT U3 Newly re furnished, p a d a r a d 4th aad Aide a n H rmniKm vated nlarerea ioddf ail moaern oon venience. Itooms. with private bath, f 1 per dap up: without, 75c up. Because the rate ara low. don't think the serv ice la poor. Special rate by week or month. Several room with wall bed. making; thorn practically suites. WI WILL BUILD AND W I If A K O B HOMES Flat and Apartment! in any part of tfas city o o s 1 1 n g from 2o00 to (20,(100; pap. menta like rant. Call and tea ua. hL BOWMAN CO, too as 1. Cosawtrrrlal Clab BalldlaR. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improvrtl city and rarm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privilege. Loans quickly closed. Call today. rtf i.Aitr;K Lniit ox iO bisi.p:ss propkrtif.s D0 A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21S Kairthweatera Bank BaUdlac. aiarabail ail. A eiin. MORTGAGE LOANS vr ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES Retldence Loins and 7 Per Cent, Ac cord l n g to Location, plenty ot .Money, ROBERTSON & EWLNG 307-8 Norlhweatem Rank Bids'. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Owa Moarr at Cvrrenf Ratee. MLMCIPAI. AND CORPORATION llONDS. PA KM AND CITY LOANS. SO p'aartlt S- Beard of Trade Bldr. AVAAW0-iSntJ0lS H ttJa-lia Ufl-W lflHII4-nfth4 -3rWllW :':i Oa City and Farm Ptrnwrtlee ta Aar AmtiuDt at Oirreat Mate HAaTstAg-TkOlCrtOir. Bankar Oarnor Poarth aad bcark bluol., REAL KSTATK DKALER9, PALMER-JONES Wilcox bldg. CO, U. P, 404-401- 40 BENEDICT BROS., 110 Hawthorne ave. REAL KSTATK. For Halo Lot. FOR ULK et a aarrlflc. two lot.. SflxlOS ooch, located on Ea.t S4th at. and Steele ave.. near lleoU Institute; must be sold to sett.e an estate; no reasonable offer re fused. Addru. E. K. Beard.ley. 1007 Sdlh .t . Drooklyn. N. Y. WE CAN Sl'PPLY YOU CHOirE LOTS IN ANY FIRST-CLASS DISTRICT. AND WILL FINANCE AND BUILD YOU A HOUE. T.rm. ...y. Th. Oregon Home Rulldert, MM N. W. Hank bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTH EXCLUSIVELY. Have avverai downright aacriric.a, both In lots nd house; make an off.r. M.r.h.M 4S27. UROOKE. A tt 4 LOTS in Wellington; make offer. Owner, lot Commercial biook. Mar.ball 1141. BTLENDID lot. choice location. Irvington; everything paid for. $17,111. Ea.t 173. BUILDING LOANS AND HOME BL'ILD lNO. CURTlS.llTu4OAJ. THREE 50x100 lots "in Oretory Heights dis trict for $4o0. X 971. Oregonian. For Hale Honaoo. ROSE CITY PARK S-room bungalow, h.rd wood floors, full (Cement basement, fire place. Dutch kitchen, fine fixtures; price tlrtuo: term. Phone T.bor 373. DON'T worry about a home. 1 will furnlah yon a lot and build you a home oa a .mall pay m.nt down. P' Bkrnekoff, with the Brong Co., Inc.. 267 M Oak at. HERE i. your chance to get a crackerjack 7-room modern home for $2oOu less than actual value; can only be appreciated by being seen. Call Tabor Stdti. term.. ROSE CITY PARK S-room bungalow. Come tn 403 E. 42d at. N.. between 2 and 4 to day. If you want a real bargain. Main Mil. PORTLAND HEIGHTS car. S-roora modern, view of Mt. Hood and valley. Sacriflc at ....K. AL 7.1d. Oregonian. FOR bALE New, modern l-atory bunga lnw in Irvington; complete in every de tail: price ll.'xio. Phone K. 4.i4t. S-ROOM house, modern. In Funny.lde, for SIS: a ttargaln: alao one In Richmond, on a corner; cheap. AG 987. Oregonian. A-nnnM r.;dence. Roe. city Park, coat l.liioo. will take S280U cash. Owner, i: pso, Oretonlan. SACRIFICE 4-ioom modern Holgate home ITTi; term Owner. ,401 Commercial block. Marshall 13IS. BARGA1V Moilem Bungaloa, S rooms, full lot. 21To. lrm. 10B1 E. vrtt. I -aWiLJ 1 K4'tyw.tjga 1S& - - - " LaVl M REAL ESTATE. 1- or bale Hon THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TL'KN A BURDEN INTO INCOME! WE WILL. FURNISH X. 1 linKEV. BUILD APARTMENTS. TIESI riB-vi-K nu iVYTHlxfi: PLANS FREE W'B ARK RESPONSIHLE: WE KNOW HOW: TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK: WILL. GIVE MONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. S21 ABIXGTON BLUU, lsuu GOOD 8-room realdenco, fir.t-claa. M.nrflflnn nn Kast Ankenv street, close In. pood neighborhood, lot SO by about 00 feet: hard-.urface street and" cement .lao txk liald for In full: l.llA will handle this bartuln; offered now at about ot Durcn.se price four year .go; Investltat this. No phono Information or agent. Farrlsri. Watkin A Co.. lu laic. HAVE YOJ A LOT? ARE YOU PAYING RENT T LET IjS BUILD YOU A HOME. MATERIALS AND LABOR ARE 15 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN AT ANY OTHER TIME. WE WILL FINANCE. PLAN AND BUILD IT FOR YOU. MONTHLY PAY MENTS LIKE RENT. The Oregon Horn! Builders. 133l N. W. Bank bldg. LIST OP DESIRABLE HOMES. Befor buying bo sure to look at oir list of brand n.w. xaul.lto home. In LAL HELHl'KST, the addition of beautiful home., .ranting from 12500 up. Laur.1 burst Co.. Tuu, stark St.. or at tract of flee In Latirelhurst. B. SUth and Gllsan sts. FOR SALE fi-room bungalow, with sleep' Ing porch and storerooms ana sun parior, all In Dlata glass: all built-in conven iences; cor. iith and Thompson, Koto City Park. FOR SALE 7-room house; you must hav. flooo ca.n; any t.rma on balance; ana li you want a home, when 1 tell you th. prlc you will buy. 1. oregonian. 7-KOOM house, large aleeplng-porch. a good place ana wortn consiaeraoiy more tnan 1 a.k tor It: can bo had on moat any terni. rl PiS. oregonian. AM forced to sell my modern 8-room Ir- vington noma; a real bargain, owner, au fSJ. oregonian. NEW, modern borne, for .ale or renu Irvington ana Laureinurst. Last no-. habaroaa Rome Property. AN Weal homa, 25 mln. from town, modern bungalow; lull casement, xirepiace, xur nace, largo porcho. flower, fruit trees, lawnt. nice chicken park. 2tt lot (cheap); price flUoO, teraia. 1040 Fowler ave. Phone Columbia eiv. i-rana at. v ara. own.r. FINEST 21-acre .ubvlrbaa home, adjoining Portland on section iiu to. a. gooa buna ing Hull Run water. 6 acre, all kinds fruit and berries, fin lawn, shrubbery. etc. Sell all or part. Iv.sie nros., ei Henry bldg. alBSON HALF ACRES. Rood soIL wood water, close to carllne easy terms; v.111 build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 13o or Beuwooa eio. JOHN alUSON. OWNER. For bale Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. N.sr Portland. Gre.ham district; n.ar elSotrlo station; 175 to $2ot par acre; easy terms; test soil, free woo a. Farms for sate, all sixes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, S0 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. IWKSTiniTC THIS BEFORE YOU BUY 13 acrea, n.ar Ornco; boat blade loam aotl. all cultivated: t--i per acre: win di vide and give ea.y terms if desired. See Mr. Handy, owner, 2u5 Stock Kxcliange bldg. Marshall 2vZ. in ireRs. Small 1iou.e -D.rtlv cleared and fenced on county r?ad. finest soil, S miles from Cape Horn, Wash. Cheap for quick sale. part cash. O WW. Oregunlan. ON K or two aorea. Willamette River front age, near Ulsley station, 11600 an acre, slso acreage overlooking the river. H. G. Starkweather, Klsiey station. HOW. much will you give for IfiOO equity in zy. acrea pears at f orgo urcnuros, sisr Ing next year? Y W. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL 2-.ere tract. S-cent fare; make offer. Box 120, Lent. P. O. SNAP 97x2.14. near carllne. 1800; terms. O. O. Sletten, Main 1517. Home. tods. FOR RALE w. Homestead relinauishment, Government irrigation project, water paid 9 year. In advance. Ask particular. prices. AV 003, oregonian. For Sole Farms. inftn-APRR what and .fork ranch. 370 a. plowed and under cultivation, balance pasture and open range Joining, lota of water, creek running through place, thl year crop of hay goe with the place If taken In time and lease on 5W a. with it until April 1. Price I14O00. o0o0 down, balance to assume, I23O0 for live years time, balance on time to suit. C. R. Peterson, S-Mlle, Or., owner. 110 ACRES. 8 mile from Vancouver, near Paelflo H l.hw.v. fine tock or dairy ranch. I120O. half cash, balance to ault purchaeer: 1.1000 equipment; come and a.a ihia If vou are lnoklna for a real bargain. Call or address Box 73. St. Elmo Hotel. Vancouver, vvasn. FOR SALE 820 acres, 24 miles east Terre bonne, crook -co, no acres oroae up, nairiv ail fenced: small house and barn. c.llar: part trad., part cash, balance on time; Xoooo. J. rt. coe. raimer. yjr. 40 ACRES. Small house, tiartlv cleared and fenced. en county road, finest soil; S miles from Cape Horn, wasn. cneap tor quid saie. part cash, o t'WO. oregonian. -.-Al-Ht: ranch. 13 a. rei Improved tldeland, 10 acr of hill, four miles irom Astoria, seven miles rrom Fiavei. Miss it. di. Raamu.een. S09 Crant St. FOR SALE Cowlilx County stump lands, 510 per acre up: goon aou, wen waterea. . R. Sharp. 40 Plttcck Llock. Portland. niR bai.f. 10 or 80 acres Irrigated land, all In cultivation, easy terms. .tn St., Portland. WANTED 87000 on 323-acre improved, ir ritated ranch near i;.amona, or. aj 97H. Oregonian. 10 ACRES, S230O. 7 orchard; house, well. 2" miles to ine uaues; auto aa part payment: no junk. :.'" S Jefferson. lo ACRIw? of land on columtia HUhway, Improvea. ill miles rrom tounnouii. cheap. Phono Main 68 WANTED REAL KSTATE. WANTED H or 7-room house. Rose City or Laureinurst preterrea, aoout .dooo. WIU give good lot as first payment, bal ance monthly. V 90S. Oregonian. OWNERS Wanted: bungalow bargain: Roaa City; give price, term, location. AG i. oregonian. WANTED To buy small home on easy terms; nothing down; good nelghborhooo. X vou. oregonian. HOUSE wanted. 1.1000 to liOOO; I will ax rbange lot. for it. Main l loo. . FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. COLUMBIA RIVER LOGGING CHANCE ooo.ooo.ooo. orr.red ror satisfactory logg.r with sufficient capital; no iiftereet or taxes: g.ttlng ready for future business. BP 991, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. McCRAKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG, WANTED TO BEST FARMS. WANTED Farm, with everything furnished, on snarea. cy experiencea termer; nave good Job a teamster In city, but prefer fanning: can give references. BC PtiO, Or.gonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 16OO0 EQUITY IN 110 ACRES. 2fe mile. rrom Eugene, tor clear property in or near Portland, 1100 per acre; lOuoo runs t yean: 20 A. cultivated. 80 A. pasture. 60 A. timber; wood more than 'paya tor place; fenced, springs, 2 small houses, good barn Owner. 1P22 Willamette at, Eu gene, Or. HAVE YOU PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE? WE HANDI.al NOTHING ' BUT FIRST CLASS PROPOSITIONS. SEE OUR LISTS, AND LIST YOUR HOLDINGS WITH US. Th. Oregon Home Builders, 1830 N. W. Bank bldg. SAN DIEGC New. modern. five-room bouse, value 93oO0, to exchange for Oregon farm land either Improved or unimproved. J. B. Hook.r, 2828 Franklin ave, ban Diego. C.I. IF YOU HAVE ANY GOOD PROPERTY FOR EXCHANOK VVECAN MATCH YOU. WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AYEItS A SMITH CO.. SOI NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 72. WILL trad, my S-room bungalow and 4 lota, Mt. scott ai.trict, against corawooa. Hawthorne Fuel Co., E. Pth aad Haw thorne. Phone East 813. EXCHANGE 3-room house, with bath, toil et, street improvements; price ajaou, saou mortgage; tor grocery or acreage. O 979, Oregonian. - HAVE H aectlon in Kansas, of good land and equity in iv acre, in taano. xor notei or what have you? George Bockhold, 32V E. Dav:s at- N. 120 A. OLD-GROWTH fir timber to trade for moaem nome in rortiana; o or t rooms preferred. Address AV 301, Ore- gonian. CLEAN, modern home. Ashland. Or, for clear apartment or two .man nomes: as sume some it income warrants. Stone, Sherwood. Or, R. 4. WANT to remodel hou... will give unin cumbered lot. euxi.li teet o in, aa pay ment. Call Tabor 1516. 13 ACRES. Yamhill County. 12l0; will take umncumnerea lot or acre up to .uuo. oai. 1 1 oo year. S3 E. 11th. LAND or city property, small town, for Bay Ocean property. p am. ureymisn. WE handle good property anywhere la ex cuse KS. o. xitauv. .vu jav,xw oiu. FOB SALE, Horaea, Vehicle.. Harness, Etc. GRAY GELDING weighing 1150 lbs.. 8 yrs. old. well city broke, single or double, and a good saddle burse; ir.e of biemisnes, 7o. Bay mare weighing 100O lbs, 6ntie, works single or double, and sound. oO. Alao eight head of draft horse wigh lu. from 130 to 1000 lb. Will oell v.ry reasonable. Model Stables, Cth and Davis, TEAM of bay geldings, weighing lOuO lbs. apiece; sound, good workers, 8 year oia, SsS. Blue roan horse, weight 1300, 3. Lapple gray gelding, weight 1000 pounds, ?S0; Bay gelding with harness. 2o. lrv ngton Stablea. East 6th and Schuyler. FOR SALE; Good pack horse, pack saddle and bags, hobbles and rope; fine for out ing trip. 133 It taken today. Phone Main blol, Mr. Myert FOR SALE: Good horse, perfectly sound, suitable for delivery or expreaa wagon. Harris Trunk Co. 130 th l CAPITAL STABLES. 287 Front St. Nice pair chunky mares, young and sound, wt x-too; any ren.oiio.uio wt A NICE cluster diamond ring or fine lady s fur coat to exchange for good drlvllng out fit. lit.'7 East 34th st. GOOD saddle horse cheap or will exchange for good wagon horse. 1029 Eaat lamUM street. CHEAP farm, will exchange for hay or cord wood- 1029 E.at i allium. WAGONS and horses by day, 11.23. I Cohen, Sol Water at. Main gfoo. Main oj. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tr. e yvooaiawn u. rwnsuu xveuweus .w. PASTURE for atock near Portland. 1410. Main FOR SALE CHEAP, one saddle horse, drive alngle or double. Main m. Pianos, Organ and Musical In.trumeata. t-T ntiv.i nl'T Til FIRST CALLER. 8100 BRADBURY pianos for 30citsh. 5400 CHlCKt.KliSt piauo lot 73 CHASE BROS, upright, 10. ,400 VAU-tY GEM upright, alas cash I . . ... .i.T,-, nil Kit t.l,v,r SHO Cash. 730 KIMBALL baby grand, 1343 caah. SECURITY ST'lRAGfll CO.. 109 tn St. . . , . v. .j . 1. 1 - , . ,,i n usually for cash, fcchwan mat' Co.. in t ...k ..tu 'rimihi. rsMiit for 110 when de liverlna a 1430 now piano for 12U3, So monthly, without interest, aaving S30.SI total saving to you 41.lfi.3B buying now. 1123 CASH buy a new 32a Kenyon ma- nocany uprignt tomuiio,. - age Co, 109 Fourth St. 10, SIS AND 123 buys ,i"o. iij a..o. Orrlll. P-m ' p.w.np . 73c MONTHLY stores piano. Security 6tor age Co, l u . um' sisiu l'OUR old piano taken In full payment of talking macnine. in rourm av. WJLL' pay cash for your old upright or aauare piano. Ill Fourth at. FOR 8ALE Piano check. Call Main UL room 2tm. PIANO check of 170 for tele. Call Main 2351 Dogs. Birds, Pet Stock. TWO English setter dog pups, past 5 month uonn.c.ma Dan and Gladstone strain; none better. Address box 11. Beaverton, Or. A . t c. xAirTA Boston terrier puppy, XV"- V . , . aj.t nail 1.1 for fine epeciman. Alain a apartment ?un. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOG A " . nf; J i- V K F I 5 KSTACADA. OR. 1 , u l . n... . Furniture for Sale. rm vtTtTHIE for S-room house lor aai cheap. 81 k. nn .i- i. IJrestock. IF you hav. good beef cattle for sale. st.ers. cows or mi, w " nAIRY cows for ai: terms. Bruce, Union Stockyards. fnone voom.wn Automobiles. WE HAVE the following car left from our aacriiica saie, wuiuu . " ,JC i rl " 1100 to 13O0 les than any other place In portiana inn I'uir.vKRt 4-nassenter coupe. 1013 CHALMERS. 8-cyl, 7-paasenger. ,i-f ru a f UKU!! R-nasaencer. 1913 8TEARN8-KN1GHT. 4-cyl, 5-pata. 191J WIMUfl. I -pdMcuBU' . 1U11 W1NTON. -pa.engr. THE WIN TON CO. 23d and Washington Sts. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL 3-poas, 6-cyl, Al condl- tlCOilMEkCB delivery, ISOO-lb. capacity, panel body, brand new. Ii30. Several others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS ST AVER CO, East 1st and East Morrison Sts. Eaat 7272. B 1216.' DELIVERY ear, trucks, touring car, road sters fuirtama - - . 1913, 1014, 1013 MODELS. ALWAYS THE- BEST BARGAINS. J. W. LEAVITT A CO, Broadway and Davit St. mi rinn.I.AO 1912 Electric starter and lighta. f ine mechan ical uotidltlon, gooa tiivs, .tw. fcVrUDEBAKER "20" ROADSTER $200 Alio many other makes of cars in first claa condition at bargain prices. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO, 21st and Washington. TWO lulo. "Ur.SiSlh??: una Jz'm On. lUli! IIUV. HOAIJ6T1SB, 1330. On OVlinLAND, 4UV. DliLMAGK 1AMANLEY AUTO CO, UU 46-48 North 20 th St. NEW AND USED FORD AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. BENJAMIN E. BOONE m CO, KURD AGENTS. 614 Alder St, Main 8966. WE HAVE for sale a numoer oi i " ana aenvery c- Terms given. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Couuh. Phones Broadway bi7 and A 40..0. ti k- 1V TV 1TSED AUTOS. Large slock. Prices 3o0 to io0. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Studebak.r Bldg, Comer Chapman and Alder. r. ..vi rvnirn Ktudbaker. 7-Dassenter. elec- O- . . i,u. V. ...... nnrivm In tni. nantir. UKiiia m.,, " ... .. ... wv aroud condition, extra tlrea Ittso: Nu real estate. Box 244. White Salmon, Wash. gXraGES erected complete 130 up; reauy cut or portable house, $125 up. TAKE DOWN liro. CO, MS Water st, near Harrison. Main 1167. vi IM1NATE gasoline trouble by installing i arttr gravity v. H. . johns-Manvllle Co, 69 Broadway, phone Broadway 688. FORD DELIVERY In good shape, covered boay. win sen fc ... - . reasonable payment down and balance by tho month. Call 631 Washington st. PASSENGER automobile, recently over hauled newly painted, fully equlppea; must aell: snap for someone. 443 Haw thorne ave. BUIChT. roadster, 1015 model, c 36; bought . -n,h. man' ahanlntalv Tirf.-ct ' cash. No dealer. J. Itter, room 701 con gress Hotel. 400 5-PASS 30-horsepower foredoor auto mobile with starter, good condition. Call 310 Lewis bldg. fnone jiain xuai. 1913 6-PASSENGER Cadlllac, run only 0000 miles, lor uuv. ' i " ' Wasco st, for demonrtratlon. NEED MONEY 1012 40 h. p. roadster; no reasonable otter reiuseo. akj woo, uteiu nlsn. FOR SALE Roadster, classiest rebuilt car In city; izdu; term, in 1 hvm. mwa. Call after 4 P. M. . REO 1113, 10-horaepower, 1-passenger. in good running .nape, tor Mia iuv v 11 lid ave. S. E Portland. FOR SALE Practically new 1914 5-passen- a-er caolliac, compictwiy -i.w,tcvu. en quire 65 Front St. 1918 OVERLAND. D-paasenger. electric lipht. etc.; overnauieu a-nt miMuucu. Call Mr. Hemphill. Broadway 887. -PASSENGER Cadillac, In fine running order, oo, l"r quii-K nio. ai a,. Hemphill, Broadway 887. 1812 BU1CK roadster, fully equipped; bar gain. Call mr. Jicmyiuii, i' i uu . WILL-help you select a good car; expert advice; mall fee. P. O. Box 1088. city. $180 CASH: two-pascnger runabout In flrst- r IB KB COIIUll-'OM. WJmwi, GARAGE for rent. Irvington. East 3547. Automobile v anted. PAINT your auto, better than ' new, for $8.23. particulars maueo. nee, suio faint A Varnish Co., 407 Main at, Portland. WANT used Ford; small payment down; state description aou teriua. urego nlan. WANTED Light 6-pasaenger car, y, cash. time or traae on D&iance. -reier a rora. Thomas, Ea8t 4685, FORD runabout preferred; will pay $50 casn sua ov per uiviiui. am vi,, ui. gonian. WANT GOOD 5-pasa. late model car must be a bargain lor casii. East 7060. S55 E. YamhllL $2.10 FOR an automobile; must be in good con a itiou. i" .. v. -"...-.. WANTED Late model Hudson, light six. AJ 077. oregonian. WANTED Best late model 3 -pass. Ford cash will ouy. ft! yuo. vreoma.n. OR SALE Lot. 30x137, or will trade for Ford. Call mornings, ..a a. iiuu FOB SALJk. Automobile. Wanted. RESPONSIBLE party in City during Augu.t wants to rent ti or i-psweutisr auto mobile for the month; good ariver and be.t reference; will only consider good machine In flrat-claas condition ; give make of car and r.ntal wanted. AB 9., Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade as first pnymen: on a jio-acre larm wun iv acre, ui u,t flam lanrl nn it? Pr.far a aood BtCOnd hand automobile. Address Jess Merwin, R. r . L. No. 0. box 9J, Balem, or. WANTED A second-hand Ford in exchange for x lota in Lakeview and a mortgage o 1-U0 on real estate. Dr. Howard, Main 1030. 263 Broadway. 1 OR 1-paesenger car, late model; electrie lights and seif-starler; pay cash. Address u an. oregonian. XrtilO CLKM fnr Int.. mndel. n-nasenser C.ir, electric llents ana starter. What have au? H bill, Oregonian. Motorcjcin FOR SALE Harlev-Davidson 11114. twin cylinder, 2-speed mutorcycle, good coual tion, very cheap; reason have new auto' moDiie. Auureii a v .ui, vm.uom,.. 1913 TWIN Excelsior motorcycle, equipped Just overhauled. rnon East Olio. Automobile, for Hire. CADILLAC Show your visiting friends th city una coiuniDia mgnway oy auto, uo it now wnue tne weainer it laeai. van Tabor 3002 or C 1719. FOR HIRE Cheap. 1915 Hudson car careful, competent driver Main 337S. Type writers. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 8 month, for 13 and up; 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, bo jroaaway, fortianu, or. wk sava vou from 50 to 73 per cent on ail makes of typewriters; sena for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE Tlrl-VYnllrirl CO, 6-1 w asn. .u TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to o3. The riortnwest lypewriter co, xra ntark su Main r&2. STANDARD vislblb typewriters rented three months for $4, delivered. Call at 244 stark st, or pnone Main ozio. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. p. c, 231 utark st. Main mu. Launches and Boats. SPEEDY motorboat, eauiDDed with 4-cyl- inder, 4-cycle motor, to trade lor twin motorcycle. Call Marshall 3020. Miscellaneous, ALL statistic show Sioux city, Iowa, to b in tne Heart of the most prosperous so lion of the United States. The Sioux City. Tribune is Issued each evening to -reader approximating 240,000 ana covers eioux city, inuriawesteru lows. Northeastern Nebraska and Southern South Dakota thoroughly. The Tribune haa more circulation tnan any other evening or morning newspaper published In the State ot lowa. Tbo "Great Trl-State Want Ad Medium' will carry your message to the homes of this big territory at a cost of only one cent a word each day, fiend your advertise ment toaay. THE SIOUX CITY TRIBUNAL SIOUX CITY. IOWA, MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed, H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 1st. N. Phone Broadway M3i). ONE H. P. Fairbanks Morse engine for sale cneaD for aulck aula- Inniilrn building in rear of 1282 Belmont au after 7 f. M, or 1231 E. Salmon st. WANTED to sell at once, washer, extractor, motor, steam cylinder, benzine stills, sew ing macnine anu wagons. inquire .lo unsan st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand. saie or rent, an up. Bewing Machine Em- pcrlum. lbO 3d st, near Taylor. Main 9431. A 3626. BILLIARDS -New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The brungwick-BalHe-CollenUer Co, 46-48 3tn. CASH REGISTERS, large stock on hand; we save you 4u to ou per cent; an registers guaranteed, c&sn Register axenauge, 3o2y. TV BSlllIlglOn .1. HOCIIFELD'S Camera Exchange. 5 3d st. cameras, Koaaits ana lenses bougnt, sola sua exenangeu. v e sell tn. lea camera. DIAMOND housii paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, 11. 7u. Portland rami Co., 23Q prune St. Marshall 100. SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co, 264 stark St. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. piara-uavis Co.. 212 3a St. Main i7. "UK sale Auto and vacuum carpet i-icRiier comDiueu. nione n.ast Bun, TWO electric fans, shoa cases, coffee mill, cheese cutter, cheap. 212 First, FOR SALE CHEAP Complete Edlnon mov. ing picture outtit. Main 44H.1, 212 First HOTEL-SUCE vacuum cleaner for $23. Call too .viurvsy diubt. main fo-i. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND - HAND CLOTHES, We pay highest cash price for ladles' and gents' castoff clothing, bicycles and everything In merchandise. Call ua up. ,v v une'i it onu win pay lor it. GLOBE STORE, 285 First St Main 2UB0. Alain 2080. GEVURT7. FURNITURE CO, 1S3 FIRST ST. BUYS SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE FOR OUR BUYER. MAR 5081. 184 1st. M1SH FURNITURE CO. 1S4 1st! rays tne nignest prices lor used furni ture; you will not lose anything by calling - . . .. jm .u .en luuifl lurniture. rnuue muin 0109. 'OR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or aell household goods or anything In the hardware line, call the Levin. Hardware oc Furniture Co, 121 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9072. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 207 1st, St, 207 1st at. We pay the highest prices for your furniture, carpet, stoves. Phone Mar shall 587. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. JIK1KH, THE TAILOR. PAYS REST PRICES. SHOES BOUGHT. CALL MAIN 7373. 229 MADISON ST. WANTED Office desk; must be good con- oir ion; siate price, six ana description, BC 973, Onegonlan. WANTED 100 small poles. 2 ft to & & inches in diameter; cedar-preferred u. W. F. Scott, tsruon nqiei, city. HIGHEST cash price paid for phonograph aoo. iBVurus. jriiuuogr.ua JXCntDKe, 212 First. Main 440,1. KLINES BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE FURNITURE; BEST PRICES PA 111. 314 HAWTHORNE AVE. EAST 7169. TWIN motorcycle motor; must be very cheap; any condition; cash. A 905, Ore gonian. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 8332. A 2367 WANT $10,000 used furniture; pay good prices; starting new store. Sellwood 1682. WANTED National cash register. Main bug. 3JiJ,i wasnmeton st,. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Pariors. 400 Dekum bldg. GASOLINE engine and centrifugal pump ... ' WICgUHlHIl. ROLL TOP PESK; give description and low- eat cash price. AR 908. Oregonian. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your lurniiure. -u 1st sr. main 4627. HELP WANTEDMALE. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teacn you th. barber trad, in 8 weeks; tool, fnee; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 232 2d, near Main. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get; my free booklet, K-296, tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Wash ington. D. C. WANTED Pupils, young man , will teach English to ioreignera at reasonable prices. Call Tabor 8446, between S and 9 P. M. WANTED Good salesman, solicitor ana collector; permanent; salary, mnger sew ing Macnine Co, 402 Washington st. MOLER Barber College wants men to learn the trade, tuition reauceu; paid while learning; send for catalogue. 48 N. Second. WANTED Good salesman to aell tombs in new mausoleum, fortiana Mausoleum Co, 912 Spauldlng bldg. WILL exchange furnished room for Jan itor service, .usomnrn, uno, Washing ton st. WANTED Party who can do collecting and bookkeeping; $40 per month. Y 984, Oregonian. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for firemen, brakemen, 100-$120 monthly. Railway As sociatlon. Oregonian. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Barony Studio. Royal bldg. OLD man for janitor, hotel, $25 and room. AG 986, Oregonian WANTED Painter. 25c per hour. Scott, Carlton Hotel, city, 9 A. M. W. F. FIRST-CLASS sash and door layout man. Call at 803 Oregonian bldg. MAN to run small dairy farm. Call East 2353 or l-iiVs Rodney ave. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Y. M. C. A. Young men aeeking employment in com, mercial. clerical or technical lines are in vited to consult the employment .ecre tary. The .ervlce ot this department ia free to all members. To non-ni.mb.ra, a special membership Is issued, costing $ per annum, giving the service ot the de partment for a year two months' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee is satislactory employment ia uot cured. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. SPECIAL SHORT COURSR REDUCED RATES TO OCT. I. Unusual opportunity. For particular call at educational olTlce Y. M. C A. In cluded In tuition costs It full Association membership to October 1. SPECIAL TODAY. Twenty-five loggers for McCloud River Lumber Co, McCloud, CaL PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO, 232 and 224 Couch St, THIS WEEK ONLY. Tuition fee ONE-HALF regular prices full course, automobile driving, repairing, gas engineering. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. 266 Eleventh and Jefferson Sts. MIDDLE-AGED, and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit atock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co, Toppenish, Wash. SINGLE young man who Is not afraid ot work, to travel in Oregon for established Eastern line. Call 10 to 12 today only. 512 Royal bldg, Morrison and Broadway. WANTED Young man with 6x7 or 8x10 outfit for photograph work. Salary or commission. Apply Graham. 40. E. . Burnside. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A first-class stenographer, ac customed to meeting people in pleasant manner and capable of acting aa stenog rapher and cashier for large concern; per manent position and good salary to on. properly qualified; state age. experience and references. R 983. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS wanted. Government, month; Portland examinations Oct. 15; sample question, free. Franklin Institute, Dept 703 F. Rochester. N. Y. TEACHERS wauled for rural schools. Wash ington, Oregon, Loano, Montana, Airs. Schwarts. Hours 16-12, 2-1. 723 ,'bamber of Commerce. NURSE, practical, for hoe pile I and private; State age, neiKnt, weigui. rxteiieiiea uu other details about yuumelf In answer. AV 405, Oregonian. WANTED Young girl to acslst with general housework and care or cnuo; must nave some experience in both; 2 adulta family. East 2053. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. via vi company, Plttock block. 8S5 Washington at. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 502 Em press bldg; individual instructions; posi tions when capable. WANTED A schoolgirl about 10 tb assist maid with housework few hours a any, Phone East 0421. WANTED AT ONCE 2 men to learn autu- mobile repairing ana driving. can at Hawthorne Garage, 443 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply at once. 270 Glenn ave, near llaw. thorne. WANTED Competent maid for fieneral housework. Apply loos Kaioign st. line W car to 29th st. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shortnanu, Typewriting, $5 mo. 269 I4tn. rn. ji. obi-q. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Sanitary Parlor. 414 Dekum bldg. STRONG girl to assist in housework, for eign preferred. Call mornim;.. Main iuui. TWO waitresses. out. $30; other help. 35, 270 "j Washington St. Howes Agency. WANTED Homeless woman to make homo with email lamlly. 473 E. r.verett at. FIRST-CLASS ladies' cuiter wanted; no other need apply. AN v.w, oregonian. GIRL for general housework: German pre ferred, l'none seuwooo i.o. WANTED Wnllrcss who speajts Italian and Enj-Iisn. 2u2 4in. Main iw. WANTED Woman for general housework: wages $25. Apply sa3 aiarn st. MOLER Barber College wants ladles to leara the trade; special rates. 4a r-i. oecoim. WANTED Girl to assist ill kitchen. Call from 2 to .(. 7M vv. 1'urn. HELP WANTED MALE O ft FEMALE. WANTED After Sept. 1. in the neighbor hood of 21st anu unsau, a cook icau oe tween 4:30 to 6 P. M. and 7:3U to 8 P. M. 1 to get the dinner and wash up afterwards, for a family of lour; reply, giving ref erences, residence aud wages expected. X 8, oregonian. OREGON" Barhar College wants men and women to learn tne earner tnui m 3 weeks; tools free; paid while learning; earn from $18 to $28 week; new course for Summer; t-itlon reduced. 233 Madison. WANTED -xperlenced. Independent, high- class mi.aicai vaiiaevnie acior. ui an kinds. Empress Theater, Spokane, Wash, HF1.P WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GOVERNMENT clerks, $90 month, pull un necessary; common euucanou auin.o.... vacations, short hours, rapid promotion. Write immediately for free list of position, now obtainable. ranklin Institute, dept. R, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks, P. O. Clerks, car riers exam, soon; parcel poet many more clerks; act at onco. Stato School. McKay bldg, city. Paulfio WANTED Names of men 18 or over wish ing Government joo, o ipui. f-" necesary AV 330. Oregonian. SITUATIONS W ANTED -MALE. Bookkeepers .and Clerk. YOUNG man. thoroughly competent ac thoroughly countant ana ortice man, -,"i H with progreuslve firm as accountant, of fice marmger or confidential capacity. Ad dress S 080, Oregonian. GENERAL office man wants position, cost. time, snipping, invoicm. a work- references; lumber experience, phoiM Woodlawu 162, 1207 Campbell st, Portland, Or. CLERK wishes position In hotel or rooming-house, in or out of city, or any other light work; can give bond. AG 9J1, ore- gonlaiu ARCHITECTURAL draftsman want, po- atllon, 1.1 year. i- ejiuei ie,.-, . Immaterial. A OSS. Oregulitaii. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. 23 jears 01 age, wnn liabltS, WlSneS posmou aa iii.ui.vu. , --- derstands cars thoroughly; willing to work part of the day; can furnish the very beat bt references. O 97S, Oregonian. COOK and waitress, first-class, man anu WlfO. Want position COOnlll ui anna v. men: would take boarding contract; eco nomical and reasonable; best references. Palmer. Marshall 8".. EXPERIENCED young man wants paint ing, papernanging " change for groceries, wood or coal, any amount; references. Main 7051, A 1.117. MARRIED man wants position in grocery or general store aa """', "". r licitor. Five years' experience; good ref erences. BU i'83. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man., with family, aaits that aomeone give mm greatlv in need; Al at figures. Main idol. A 15l"7. . CHEF, cook, long experience In best hotel. sober. renaDio ana expcii wio., -pqsltlon In city or good country hole- M 3 iv, oregouiau. MAN, with fumily who has seen better days. greatly in neeu oi woi, --. uerience in surveying and dratting, Al perience references, Main 7031. A 1517. MARRIED man, sober, wants a position t night watch, janitor, unvo auto truck or repair; good experience and reference. Call Main 324 S. YOUNG Swiss good milker, want, emolu ment on uairy or uit.in. ....... H, 201 Jefferson st YOUNG Japanese wants Job In nice family or oirioo worn, ii o- Everett t. iipivir.SE Free Employment Bureau. A 1470. Japanese Association of Oregon. 318 Henry bldg. TEACHER of French, Italian. Spanish and German wishes pupils; moderate 1 tortus ; Al references. Main C2io or A 1517. MAN and wife, child 4 years, want work on farm; both understand dairying, farming. 15114 E. Hoyt at EXPERIENCED shipper tn wholesale ware house wants wurk; Al references. Main 7051. A 1517. ; YOUNG msn. 20, warns position driving car or rep airing cart. 8 E. 0th st. CARPENTER will work reasonable day or contract. Sellwood 11. WANTED Excavating and team work, C 1477. Easi 4901. PAPER HANGING 20c a bolt; painting and tinting cheaply done. Tabor 6213. EXPERIENCED, reliable man wants day work; Al references. Main 70.11. A 1.117. CARPENTER, foreman, wants work; day, contract. 8014 ?th St. S. E. Sellwood 1339. ALL-ROUND Iran wants work of any kind. Call Davis. Woollan l.l'ilt. PAINTING and decorating, first-class work. IO i.rica. Broadway 4410. CARPENTER foreman want work: day conuact. 1014 4th st, S. U, Sellwood 1339. A