Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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iiuiirt uuLuiimii iu
Distributing Unlawful Litera
ture Charged Against
Anarchist Speaker.
Fpewkrr Taken From Hill Just After
She Had IWn Introduced by .
Colonel C. E. S. Wood and
Had Bernn to Speak.
Emma Goldman. tba anarchist
speaker, was arrested at olock last
nia-ht while (Making; In tha Turn
Kali at Fourth and Tamhlll etreet.
tk arrut wu mad on a warrant
rhirrini Mia Goldman and Dr. Ben
nitmn hr buatnesa manager, with
nrrihtiiinr literature on birth con
Mlaa Goldman had iuat begun bar ad
dreaa on the subject of "Birth Control
How and Why Small Families Are
Best." She was Introduced by Colonel
C. E- & Wood, her attorney.
ft-rcelv had she concluded ' her
opening remarks when I'atrolmai
Martin. In plain clothes, walked up th
ita la th stare followed by M
Keltman. Miss Goldman had already
warned the audlenra that her arrest
had been threatened.
Here cornea an officer to arrest me
now" cried Miss Goldman.
Th audience, which crowded the
lower floor of the hall, waited
hushed espectancy. The officer pro
duced a warrant, which Colonel Wood
Insisted that the policeman read him
"Yea. read ft! Read ll." shouted the
The policeman, much embarrassed by
th publicity, began lr a low voice.
and waa erected with cries 4t "louder
Colonel Wood rose on th stage and
held un his hand for alienee.
-This officer is only obeying- his
orders." Colonel Wood said. "Let us
. be courteous to him!
Th crowd broke Into cheers, which
continued whil Miss Goldman de
scended from th stage.
The arrest was threatened yesterday
afternoon, and was the result of
letter and circular mailed to Mayor
Albee yesterday.- The circular U said
to have been devoted to birth control.
The Mayor submitted th question to
Cltv Attorney LaRoche. who held that
the Information In th circular was
such that Its distribution violated the
cltr ordinances.
Police Chief Clark summoned Mr.
Reltman. and warned him that Miss
Goldmsn would be arrested if she at
tempted to speak. A conference be
tween th attorneys followed, and th
city authorities decided to bas their
charge on the alleged distribution of
Improper literature.
The complaint to th authorities waa
made by Mrs. Josephine d Vara John-
sun, ill Orrgonlan building.
Mini Goldman was released on 1500
rash ball, negotiated by Colonel Wood.
Mr. Reltman was unable to rail that
sum. and was still In prison at a lata
hour. After her release Miss Goldman
announced that she would attempt to
speak again on th same subject to
Walter L Eck. pastor of fit. Paul's
English Lutheran Church, performing
the ceremony.
Th brides-room was Peter Herman
Kelson. 45. who bas a family of Ave
boys, th eldest being 17. He has
lived her for the past seven years. The
bride waa Mrs. Louise Berg, mother of
four boys, the youngest helng 2 years
old. Leo Nelson attended Mr. Kelson,
and Miss mma Metcall was brides
After a bountiful supper, a reception
waa held and later a grand old-time
serenade was enjoyed and refreshments
were served to all comers.
Vancouver Woman Asks Damages
for Fall on KIde-vralk.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. (.(Spe
cial.) Soapsuds on a sidewalk In the
city formed the basis of a suit for
11060 against the City of Vancouver,
when Richard N. Bridges, of 1601 Rail
road avenue, died a claim with Robert
Brady, City Clerk, today.'
Mr. Bridges alleges In the complaint
that bis wife was returning to her
home, July C. when she slipped and
fell on th sidewalk In front of thai
Celtic Glen Takes 192 Days
for Queenstown Run.
In order and proposed titles may come
up for consideration Thursday. xne
dredge is a, 10-inch type, the same as
tn Columbia ana Willamette. nuiwim
turbine engine, and Improvements
have 'been made In other parts of. the
plant, so she is rated the latest and
best equipped of her kind In the coun
try. The Port will use the three
larger dredges for harbor work, having
the Portland available for certain Jobs
that she can handle to better advantage
than her big sisters.
Dock Man's Funeral Halts Work on
Steamer Rose City. .
Between S o'clock Thursday morn
Iftr anrl nVlrwtr that m ftfr
Average Sailing Time From . PorU I Hercuies 42 milea and. arrived
in the river. She was passed off Cap
Mears by the steamer Rose City at
land Is ISO Days, WWIe Steam
ers Go by Way of Panama
Canal In 40 Pays.
A. M.. and at 3:30 P. M. North Head
reported the tug and tow heading In.
The dredge is to work on the Astoria
Captain Rankin, of the Rose City,
said that other than the Lonr Beach
Making the slowest voyage of any ba nad not. sighted anything out of the
of the grain fleet from Portland since I ordinary on the way. The sea was
1910 the British ship Celtic Olen. absolutely smooth, h said, and while
which left the Columbia January 22.
Csasalaataa f Orvgea ass Waal
tea WUI Meet la Pertlaad
Aasast IS.
OLTMP1A. Wash . Aug. . (Special.)
Oregon and Washington Public Serv
Ice Commissions will meet In Portland
August 10 to consider a petition of the
express companies to raise rates for
intrastate business In th two statea
The companies say the desired raise
will Increase their revenues 1 II per
cent. The rates asked are th same
as those which the Interstate Com
merce Commission recently made ef
fective In Interstate business. Com
panies making this request control 5
per cent or the business.
The new rates would b a t per cent
advance for packagea from on to five
ponnds. 4 cents advance for packages
from sis to 2i pounds. 3 cents advance
39 to 49 pounds. 3 cents advance 10 to
79 pounds. 1 cent advance 71 to 99
pounds, no advance In shipments over
loO pounds. These ar first-class rates.
Increases asked on second-class rates,
which Include practically all food prod
ucts, ar 73 per cent of above.
The new Interstate Commerce Com
mlsslun order is In reality supplemental
to th original order of last February,
which was adopted by 49 states for
Intrastate shipments. At that time the
express companies agreed to effect all
possibl economies and endeavor to de
velop traffic, keeping a strict record
for on year to see if th revenue ob
tained would enab'. furnishing of
wleqjata and satisfactory service.
It Is expected the two Commissions
will grant th raU requested. "Be
cause of th inadequacy of th present
rates and In an effort toward uniform
ity, th various states are asked to
consider a new schedule. say the
Washington Commission in announcing
the Portland meeting.
Jury at Oregon City Finds Woman
Killed Was Too Near Track.
OREGON CITY. Or, Aug. . 'Spe
cial.) A Coroner's Jury today exoner
ated th car crew from blam for th
death of Mrs. Davldella Clarke, who was
hit and Instantly killed at Glen Oak.
on the Willamette Valley Southern, late
Wednesday night.
Tne Jury found that Mrs. Clark
earn to her death "by being s trues:
by a passenger train on the Willamette
Valley Southern by standing too cloe
to the track. Th Jury also exoner
ates the railroad from any negligence
on their part. Th Jury waa out half
aa hour.
R. A. Hoag. motorman. Gerald War
ner, brakernan. and Superintendent
etacar testified that the train whistled
several times. Mrs. Clarke Is survived
by 13 children.
lather of t Weds Motber or 4
mt Va noo aver.
VANCOUVER, Ws.h- Aug. I. (Spe
cial.) A family of II was united by a
marriage performed last night at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Metcalf.
lot East Thirty-ninth street. Rsv.
r :.: i
. i- ' .' '
' !r j
there was fog it was Intermittent and
at times light, ao not objectionable. The
vessel had close to 200 cabin passen
gers and more than 30 in the steerage.
In the way of cargo a fair load was
Out of respect to th memory of w.
Moore, receiving clerk on Alnsworth
dock, whose funeral waa held at
o'clock Thursday, the work of dls
charging the steamer will not be start
ed until this morning. Pallbearers for
the funeral were Charles Johnson, Jerry
Hurley and John Hayman, representing
the longshoremen, with Arthur John
son, J. Carnaby and H. F. Ruger, of
the dock family. Th body was cre
Brother V. Andrew. P. S. C
Brother George, F. S. C
The entire faculty or th Christian Bros.' Business College, all hut
two of whom are new members, reached Portland on the steamship
Great Northern from San Francisco On Wednesday. Brothers Fabian
and Alvan are last year's instructors who remain, while new mem
bers are Brother George, who succeeds Brother Andrew as president
of th college; Brother Charles, who succeeds Brother Sebastian;
Brother Clement, succeeding Brother Placldus. and Brother Daniel,
who succeeds Brother Peter.
Brother V. Andrew, former head of the college, has been named
master of discipline at St. Mary's College in Oakland, Cel.. which is
th largest boarding college of the Christian Bros, on the Pacific
Coast. II cam to Portland eight years ago, and It was under his
direction that the present college was built. He is credited with hav
ing brought the institution up to a high standard, and during his
tenure of office as president S3 students have been graduated.
Brother George. F. 8. C. new president of the college, comes to Port
land from the Christian Bros.' College at Sacramento, of which be was
president. He. however, has passed 13 years in Oregon and bas many
friends and former pupils here who will welcome him back.
residence of Walter Webb. It Is al
leged th fall was caused by soapsuds
bavins; been poured over the sidewalk,
making It slippery, and that the city
did not give proper car to the streets.
The matter will com before the
Council at the next meeting.
Rancher Accused of Killing Neigh
bor Freed on Second Trial.
SALEM. Or, Aug. . (Special.)
Clarence O. Bursel. a rancher living
near Sllverton, was acquitted tonight
of th killing of his neighbor, Charles
Zimmerman. The Jury was out about
four hours.
Buraell. who was represented by
Carson and Brown, pleaded self-defense.
He said that Zimmerman fre
quently threatened to kill him and
that the day of the homicide Zim
merman started at him with a scythe.
He shot first with a rifle he had used
to kill gophera and retreated. Zlm
merman followed and ha ahot with I
nlstoL ha testified.
At a recent trial in jury aisagreea,
the report being that seven were for
Party of Masamaa to Scale Mounts
Hood and Jefferson on Trip.
One of th most difficult trips yet
ttempted by the Masamaa In Oregon
mountain climbing will b taken by a
scout party, which, under the leader
ship of Francis W: Benflel, will leave
for Mount Hood today. The ascent of
Mount Jefferson by an entirely ne
rout will be attempted and the climb
ers expect to make Lake Permella
their base.
From Mount Hood they win go dl
recti y down a Cascade range and then
p Mount Jefferson. Th members of
party ar A. F. Parker. J. Iv.
Parker. Arthur D. Piatt. George H.
Young. J. W. Benflel. Charles A- Bens
and Francis Benflel. Th trip will take
tinday Fishers Are Fined.
ASTORIA. Or, Aug. . (Special.)
Peter Carlson and HJalmar Johnson,
wo flshtrap owners, wer found guilty
In the Justice Court today on a charge
of fishing during th Sunday closed
period and wer fined ISO and f5 costs
SANDERS To sir. and Mr. Fred R San
er. a--.ll Fortjr-Iourm street ttouineast.
ulj tu. a sun.
MAtllltr. IO mt. ana jars, jnnn vv.
suire. 11 railing street. August J, a
daughter. ....
uHAHA 1 o sir. sna mtu. jarae m.
stare. Tie Kast cigntn street Korta. Juyr
30. a daughter.
BRAUiuKI-to Mr. ana sir. -William si.
Bradford. M Resents drive, July z. a
niTHEK TO xr. sna jars,- ainaniei
Wither. Independence, Or., July 2ft. m son.
HEATTV To nr. ana Jra. ueorne j.
Beany. 14! Flfijr-sUih street 8outneau
It XV. a daugater.
PAGL'K To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A.
Pacue. S-SVj North Seventeenth street.
August P. a daughter.
M'NEIL To nr. and Mrs. Barnard K.
McNeil. MS Thurmsa street. August 4. a
JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. James John
son. Range. Or.. July 22. a daughter.
KRIHuN To Mr. and Mrs. Halaar Flison,
10TI Kast Eleventh street North, July SO, a
COX To Mr. and Mrs Wslter O. Cox.
s?s Overton street- July 17. a son.
BARKHARD6T To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
K. Barnhardat. 661 Tacoma avenue.- July
21. a eon. e
MAriDEV To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Madden. llO East Market street. 'August ,
eon. .
BTKWATtT To Mr. end Mrs. Fred a.
Steesrt. Kelve, Wsah.. July 13. a son.
WHITE To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. White,
Lenta. r . Julr II. a daughter.
CAMERON'-To Mr. and Mr. William H.
Cameron. 440 Brown street. July XT, a son.
WOOPWAKr To Mr. sad Mr. Clarence
Woodward. Itvi Williams avenue. July at,
a dtmehter. .
STEWART To Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
ewart. Jr.. 541 East - Fourteenth street
North. July S. a son.
- Marriage Llrseses.
KESLA FLOWERS Norvllle Kdward
Rea'.a, . 12 North Twentieth street, aad
Lottie flowers. 10. same address.
TOaT-CJtBACH George J. Yost, SI. TTB
Kast Thirteenth street, aad Anna B. TJr
keck. 10, in East Fourteenth street North.
has 'arrived out at Queenstown after
a passage of 12 days. The longest
time registered by a square-rigger to
sail from Portland to the United King
dom was 194 days, credited to the
Italian ship Nlnfa in 1S10. She carried
a lumber cargo.
The French bark General de Bois
deffre has been on the way from Puget
Sound 183 days and the French bark
Admiral Courbet sailed from the north
ern harbor 161 days ago. One vessel
of the February fleet,. the Italian ship
Loch Garve. from Portland, is yet to
report. She got out of th river Feb
ruary II.
Last year the British bark Falkirk
waa 173 days making her way home
from the river, and In 1913 the British
bark Philadelphia was 174 days, but
th latter was delayed because her
crew mutinied after leaving th Co
lumbia and she put Into the Golden
Gate. In 11I the Lydgate waa 166
days on the way, so the trip of th
Celtic Glen is the slow record for five
The 'average passage for a sailing
vessel from the river to Queenstown
Is about 130 days and ateamera going
by way of the Panama Canal ar 40
days en route. From Puget Sound the
average sailing time Is 145 days, and
by way of the Canal steamers from
there are 45 daya en route, though In
many cases the difference In the
steamer time between Portland and
Puget Sound Is not so great.
In spite of talk of additional char
tering yesterday one cable from abroad
reported tho cargo market quiet and
that there had been no vessels fixed.
The British steamer
early yesterday and
Eastern 4 Western mill to be lined
for grain. She comes In the fleet to
be handled by Kerr. Gifford A Co..
and Is expected to be dispatched for
Australia. -
Th Japanese steamer Asama Maru,
fixed several weeks ago and reported
for Portland loading. Is said to have
been diverted to Puget Sound, and If
such is the case Jt will make only
two or three carriers actually engaged
for northern grain loading so far.
It is thought the French bark Le
Pacific Coast Passenger Association
Meets Monday at Flavcl.
Aboard the palatial liner Northern
Pacific, lying at Flavel, where she Is
due tomorrow, members of the Pacific
Coast Passenger Association will hold
a business session Monday, and the
programme includes' luncheon aboard.
In the afternoon routine matters will
be discussed and the party will be taken
for a complete tour of the ship
The Great Northern, due to sail today
from Flavel. had 574 passengers booked
at the close of business last night, and
her- cargo will amount to about 250
tons. The Northern Pacific leaves San
Francisco at 11 o'clock this morning
with a large crowd of travelers, and
during the coming week the liners are
largely booked from the south.
Assertions of Captain Tcnfjord Are
. Borne Out by Associates.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Aug. 6. (Spe
clal.) Captain E. Tenfjord. of the
gasoline schooner GJoa, who was yes
terday advertised by rumor as being
suspected of smuggling opium and Chi
nese from Mexico, In conjunction witn
connection through San Francisco,
said today that he had been with the
Gjoa for two years and had never been
below Rogue River. The rumors here
Implied the GJoa had visited San Fran
cisco and there obtained the contraband
The stories were not given much
' credence here and those who have been
associated with Captain Tenfjord since
he came to Coos Bay to handle the
Seaborg business between here and
Wedderburn, say he has never been
away from the run since arriving sev
eral months ago.
Dalles-Colnmbla Interests to Hurry
Work on Disabled Vessel.
According to word received a start
was made at San Francisco yesterday
on a new shaft for the steamer State
of Washington, of The Dalles-Columbia
line, which is laid up owing to her
shaft having been cracked, and it may
be shipped In 10 daya There will be
a force employed immediately on the
arrival of the shaft to hasten Its In
stallation, as It is aimed to have the
vessel returned to service with
despatch. '
Meanwhile the steamer J. N. Teal
Is operating between Portland and The
Dallea and Big Eddy, handling regu
lar freight as well as that destined for
Upper Columbia points above Celllo.
and limited capacity has resulted In a
big increase in shipments on Taylor
street dock. The new shaft for the
Hiwhh..r. .rViw.d 8tte to b brought to Portland on
berthed' martr'I. h""''!?'' th N P"lflc
Sailor's Inquest Set for Monday.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 6 (Special.)
The inquest over the body of Thomas
Miles, the member of the crew of the
steamer Great Northern who was
drowned at Flavel yesterday morning.
win ne neia next Monday on the return
of the steamer from San Francisco.
Miles' head was badly cut and bruised.
out this might have been caused by
$1,516,608.60 Oil HAND
General . Assets Aamoant to 6275B,
WUle Improvement Sinking
Fig urea Are S4S 5,249.
The City of Portland had on hand in
the various funds at the close of bus!
ness July 31. 1915, the sum of 31,516,
608.60, according to the monthly report
of City Treasurer William Adams to
the Mayor and City Commissioners.
Of this amount by far the larger part
was in the general and the improve
ment bond sinking funds. The general
fund comprised 3627,681.76, and the im
provement bond sinking fund $455,-
249.42. The only other large item was
the water fund, consisting of J213,-
Other funds and the amounts follow:
Bonded indebted interest, (39.313,14
library, 39.54; park and bouleyard, 33172.56;
Broadway bridge. 36113.06: water bond.
Inking fund. 348.990.87; flreboat and fire
main, 3108.03: water fund bond account.
X-2.U5; bonded Indebtedness, sinking. 3824.74
special Bridge, 'i4.So3.oa; ponce and lira
department relief, 325.35; public auditorium,
314,672.12; redemption, 3811.57; extension
bond sinking fund, 31064.25; extension bond
Interest, 328.64: sinking fund. 318.447.68
police relief. 34430.71: special 1916 tax.
31961.16; Improvement bond sinking fund.
t. jonni; improvement Bond In
terest fund. St. Johns. 3317.27: City Hall
fund. St. John, 3150.07; Rica Interest fund.
at. Jonns, sinu: maintenance rund. Llnnton.
35.83; first extension fund, water, Llnnton,
36049.28; street Improvement fund. Llnn
ton, 326,780.48; sewer fund, 312,962.69; street
extension tuna, ."875.t7; street and sewer
interest fund. 3439.38: water main fund.
Steamer Schedule.
Name. From Data.
Rose City. , Los Angeles In port
Northern Pacific. San Francisco In port
Roanoke fan Diego ..Aug. 8
Great Northern.. San Francisco Aug. 8
Santa Clara. .... .San Francisco -Aug. &
Breakwater. ... .-.Coo Bay Aug. 9
Bear Los Angeles Auk. 10
F. A. Kllburn. ... San Francisco Auk. 13
Geo. W. Elder.. ..San Diego Aug. 15
Beaver Los Angeles Aug. 15
Name. For
Harvard S. F. to L. A
Northern Pacific. San Francisco...
Vale . F. to L. A.....
Santa Clara San Francisco. ..
Great Northern. . San Francisco. . .
..Aug. 7
. Aug.
. .Aug.
. Aug.
. . Aug.
. Aug.
. . Aug.
. Aug.
. Aug.
. . Aug.
i . Aug.
. . Aug.
. Aug.
. . Aug.
. Aug.
, . Aug,
Plller. now here for grain, will not be I Z:.. "1 .V "L;
drtoTnota1duVttCS;Dmhberr Tand" It clum-tace. howler 1. the tic thai
do not begin until September 1 and it ,. lh , , .v.-
i k.rb . ' . . iuc
Is Intended to load the French bark
N'oeroi first. The latter left San
Frsnclsco July ii for this harbor.
Both are under engagement to Bal
four. Guthrie A Co., the Noeml for
Australia and the Le Plller for the
United Kingdom and they get the same
rate. 65 shillings.
Colonel Wlnslow Here From Wash
ington on Tour of Defenses.
On a special trip to Inspect Paclfte
Coast fortificationa Colonel E. E. Wins-
low arrived from Washington yester
day, inspecting Puget Sound forta on
the way. and left for the mouth of
the Columbia to go over Forta Stevens,
Canby'and Columbia, In company with
Colonel Potter and Major Jewett, Corps
of Engineers, U. S. A., who are in
charge of river and harbor improve
ments In the second Portland district.
Their duties include any new work
t the forts, when ordered.
Colonel Wlnslow is assistant to
General Kingman, chief of the corps
of engineers, and he is In direct
charge of the military section. He
will take In The Dalles-Celilo Canal
today with Major Williams, of the
rirst Portland district.-though that Is
Incidental to the real purpose of his
trip. After going over stations - at
San Francisco Bav he will proceed'
south and about August 15 will sit
as a member of a board on river and
harbor projects In connection with a
question up at San Pedro harbor.
Port of Portland to Pass on Figures
, at Next Meeting;.
Bids received by the Port of Port
land Commission for certain machinery
parts required to complete a new steel
dredge under construction at the dry-
dock have been received, but are not
to be opened until the regular meet
ing Thursday. There was to have
been a special sessslon called to con
sider the tenders, but as some mem
bers were absent, the gathering waa
A name for the new dlggger has not
been adopted, though suggeatlons are
river three of the pockets In the man's
clothing were turned wrong side out.
Miles was about 35 years old, and his
home is said to have been in Phlla
Third Benson Raft Ordered.
ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. C (Special.)
The Hammond Lumber Company's raft
o f piling which left for San Francisco
this morning Is the only raft which
that company will send south this
Summer. The Benson Lumber Com
pany has, however, sent two rafts of
logs to San Diego this year and the
third one wiH be towed down the coast
within the next two weeks. Two of
the latter rafts carry deckloads of
cedar poles.
Marine Notes. -
Captain Otbson. president and general
manager of the International Stevedoring
Company, on Puget Sound, ha arrived to
assumo management for a short time of
the affairs of the' Oregon Stevedoring Com
pany bare, while captain Genereaux. real-
dent manager. Is st San Frsnclsco.
Bringing shipments from Oregon 'coast
port, the gasoline schooner Patsy srrived
last night and Is to sail on the return to
night. Three snag were removed yesterday from
near the north end of Ross Island by the
steamer Diamond O and a -derrick barge.
The snns were lifted from deep water and
deposited on the island, so they are removed
from the path of navigation. A fourth
snag was found by the harbor patrol force
off the lower end of Swan Island, and It
waa towea to. th Port or Portland drydock
at St. John to be disposed of.
. Members of the First German Congregs
tlonal Church are to be aboard the steamer
Joseph Kellogg tonight for a moonlight ex
cursion down stream and Into the Columbia
The steamer Undine has been chartered to
carry members of the Foresters of America
from Camas to Bonneville.
Lumber laden for the south, the steamer
San Jacinto left down from lnman-Poulsen's
yesterday. The steamer Shoshone Is to sail
from St. Helens today.
Wheat laden from Portland, th Norwe
gian ship Lika arrived at Avonmouth Tues
day, says a message to the Merchants Ex
change. The vessel recently reported at
Queenatown for ordera She left the river
VtarcB 18.
' W. R. Grace A Co.. which firm ha th
temer. Solano under time charter and in
tended having her at Portland a month ago
to load lumber, expect the vessel to be her
Tuesday, to load lumber for Balboa. A sim
ilar cargo was d lap totted recently ea the
steamer O. M. Clark.
Santa Barbara. ..San Dleso.
Rose City Los Angeles
Roanoke -San Diego
Breakwater. .....Coos Bay
F. A. Kllburn.... San Francisco
Bear Los Angeles. ......
Waparaa San Diego .,
YoBemlLe San Diecrn
Celllo an Diego. :
Santa Monica. ... San Francisco
Geo. W. Elder. ...San Diego
Tamalpal San Francisco
Multnomah ...... San Diego .........
Beaver Los Angeles
Willamette. ..... San Diego
Klamath. ....... San Diego
Portland-Atlantic Service.
From Data
Nevadan. ....... New York .. . Aur. Is
Santa Crux. . . -New York. ....... . Aug. 18
Ohioan New York... Aug. 24
Navajo New York Aug. 30
Name. For Date,
evadan. New York. ....... . Aug. 19
Santa Crux New York.... ..... Aug. 22
Ohioan. ......... New York. ........ Aug. 2?
Montanan. ...... New York. ....... Sept. 10
Dakotan New York Sept. 22
Honolulan. New York. Oct, 4
Iowan New York Oct. 22
Panatnan. ...... .New York. ........ Nov. V
' Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Aug. 6. Arrived Steamer
Santa Barbara, from San Francisco. Sailed
Steamer San Jacinto and Argyll, for San
Astoria, Aug. 6. Sailed at T A. M., steam
Asuncion, for San Francisco; at 9:30
A. M., steamar W. F. Herrln, for Sn Fran-
lco: sailed at 9 A. tug Hercules, tow
ns log raft, for San Diego. Arrived At
1:45 A. M steamer XNormern racuic, xrora
San Franciaco.
San Francisco. Aug. 6. Arrived Steamer
Atlas, from Portland; Great Northern, from
Flavel Sailed steamer Roanoke, from san
Diego, for Portland. August 5 Sailed at 4
P. M.. ateamer Patsy, for Portland; at, 7
P. M-, steamer Johan Poulsen, for Portland.
Arrived Steamer Iowan, from Portland, for
New Tork, via way port.
"Pride of the Pacific"
Calls you for over
SUNDAY Round trip only
(Union Pacific System)
Leave SATURDAY (from Ash-Street Dock)
Steamer "HASSALO" 1:00 P. M.
Steamer "HARVEST QUEEN"... 8:00 P. M.
Steamer "T. J. POTTER". ...... .10:00 P. M.
Return Sunday night. Leave Long Beach 7:50 P. M., Megler 9 P. M.;
arrive .Portland 5 o clocK Monday
A pleasant river trip; a full day at
a delightful, resort where cool sea
nreezes blow. Tickets, information,
etc., on application at O-W. R. & N.
Washington at Third Street
Broadway 4500 . A 6121
Make reservations at City
Ticket Office before 6:30 P. M.;
after that hour at Ash-st. dock.
Coos Bay. Aug. 6. Arrived At 9 A. M.,
ateamer Breakwater,, from Portland.
Eureka Aug. 6. Arrived At 9 A. M.
steamer F. A. Kllburn, from Portland, lor
San Francisco.
Bellincham. Aug. 6. Arrived Steamer
George Hawley, from Portland, lor New
lork, via way porta
Avonmouth. Aug. 8 Arrived Norwegian
hip Like, from Portland-
Astoria. Aug. 6. Arrived At 4 and left
np at 6:50 P. M., ateamer banta Barbara,
from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 6. Arrived Steam
era Congress, from Seattle; Atlas, from As.
toria; barge 91, from Gray Harbor. Sailed
8teamer Adeline Smith, for Coos Bay;
Colonel K. L. Drake, barge 93, for Seattle.
Hongkong. Aus:. 6. Arrived Steamer Ko
rea, from San Francisco.
Balboa. Aug. 6. Arrived Steamer Tarn
pico, from Portland, Or., for New York, and
Seattle. Aus. 6. Arrived Steamers Ad
miral Schley, from San Francisco; Yokohama
Maru. from HonjtkonK via way Dorts. Sailed
Steamers Minnesota, for Vladivostok; Marl-
nosa. southwest via southeast Alaska: Cor
dova, for Southeastern Alaska; President, for
San Diego via San 'Francisco; Canada Maru,
for Hongkong; Alkl and Paralso, for South
eastern Alaska
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All positions reported at 8 I. M. August
6 tiniest otherwise indicated.)
El. Segundo, Point Wells for Richmond,
610 miles north of San Francisco.
Willamette, Bellingham for San Fran
cisco. 670 miles north of San Francisco.
Herrln, Llnnton for San Francisco. 10
miles south of the Columbia River.
Asuncion. Portland for Richmond, 400
miles north of Richmond.
Umatilla. Seattle for San Francisco, 60
miles south of Tatoosh Island.
crown of Seville. Seattle for San Fran
cisco and London, 506 miles from San Fran
Minnesota, Seattle for tbe Orient, 73 miles
from Seattle.
Santa Crux. New York for San Pedro,
625 miles south of San Pedro ' August 5 8
P. M.
Bear, - San Pedro for San Franciaco, 7
miles east of Point Concepclon.'
Celllo, San Diego for San Pedro, 18 miles
west of Point Loma.
Santa Cecilia. San Francisco for New
York, 331. miles south of San Francisco.
Moffett. Richmond for Balboa. 784 miles
1 south of San Francisco.
Queen, San Pedro for San Francisco, off
Point Concepclon.
Francis Hanlfy, with Mills in tow for San
Pedro. 68 miles south of San Pedro.
Wapama, San Diego for San Pedro, 16
miles west of Point Loma.
Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, 70S
miles out, 8 P. M. August o. -
Hyadea, Seattle for Honolulu, 1107 miles
from Cape Flattery, 8 P. M. August 8.
Lurline, Honolulu for San Francisco, 146t
miles out, S P. M. August 5.
Enterprise. San Franciaco for Hilo, 1275
miles out. S P. M. Aufeust 5.
Manchuria. San Francisco for Orient, 1863
mile out. 8 P. M. August 6.
Centralia, San Francisco for Eureka. 80
miles north of Point Reyes.
Drake, towing barge No. 93. Richmond for
Seattle. 75 mile from Richmond.
Geo. W. Elder, Portland for San Francisco,
off Point Arena.
Multnomah, Seattle for San Francisco, 18
miles north of Point Arena.
Congress, San Francisco for San Pedro, 10
miles south of Pigeon Point.
Topeka, Eureka for San Francisco, four
miles north of Point Arena.
Northland. San Pedro for San Francisco,
1155 miles south of San Francisco.
Adeline Smith, Kan Franrlsco for Coos
Bay. 67 miles north of San Francisco.
Thomas, San Francisco for Manila, 3S1
miles out.
Beaver. Portland for San Francisco, 30
miles south of Blunts Reef.
Santa Clara. Eureka for Coos Bay, 26 mile
north of Eureka.
Speedwell, San Francisco for Coos Bay,
via Bandon, 222 miles north of San Fran
cisco. Coronado, Aberdeen for San Francisco, 52
miles south of Blunts Reef.
Norwood, Grays Harbor for San Francisco,
off Cape Arago. '
Pueblo. San Francisco for Seattle, off
Northwest Seal Rocks.
("hanslor. Llnnton for Monterey, 332 miles
south of Columbia River.
Xews From Oregon Ports.
ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) After
discharging cargoes of fuel oil, the tank
steamers Asuncion and Wm. F. Herrln sailed
for California
Towing one of the Hammond Lumber Com
pany' rafts, containing about 7,000,000 feet
of piling, the tug Hercules sailed for San
Francisco. The tug will return in aoout two
weeks to tow a Benson raft to San Diego.
Th-a steamer Northern Pacific, from San
Francisco, brought 643 passengers and about
40O tons of freight.
Carrvlna- a canto of lumber from St. Helens
and Knappton. the steam schooner Tamal
pals sailed today lor San Francisco.
COOS BAY, Or., Aug. 6. (Special.) The
steamship Breakwater arrived from Port
land with passengers and general freight.
Arriving this morning, the steam schooner
Tiverton will ship a lumber cargo at the
Porter mill.
The steamship Santa Clara is due frora
San Francisco and Eureka tomorrow and will
sail for Portland.
Missing Fireman Heard From.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 6. (Special.)
A letter was received today showing;
that Kdward W, Pastaw, fireman on the
steamer Nahcotta, who mysteriously
disappeared a few days afro, was not
drowned, but was knocked senseless
while on his way to the steamer and
kidnaped. He is believed to be on his
way to hla former home In Russia.
When the letter was written the young;
man did not know his exact where
abouts, but It is believed he was in
Vancouver, B. C
Since their discovery, in 1S70, the dia
mond mines at Kimberley have yielded an
average return of 420,000,000 per annum.
Gee, I never tasted any
Flakes like these
They re absolutely )
V V "SkV V. . V
made by a new fr-s-- X VsV
that brings WIOV . VsT
the true corn r- rjC .. U 4 X
and that keeps Vr
flakes firm and sSlT ffiv
even after cream " JKlai
Bemadded. ' JK i
New Post Toasties are V- ' g0$$P)k
made of the hearts of selected xgr. Jp jhv ftiv! 3
white Indian Com, cooked, v-K Jh
seasoned and toasted; and wSlw vk ivM H r-
they come to you FRESH- v tvJvv fi 1 1 ? if
SEALED as sweet and appe- ikH ll W
tizing as when they leave the . v-bvil 3i I V !1
or mi
The little puffs on each flake are characteristic of the
New Post Toasties
Your grocer has them now get a package and give your
appetite a treat.