Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Multnomah Athletes Score
Points in Championship
- Events at Exposition. '
Times Made Not Allowed to Count
as orric-Ul, Dae to Wind Fee
Is Close Behind Winner
In Javelin Throw."
cial.) The greatest track and field
; meet aver held west of the Hocky noun-
talna vu staged here thl afternoon on
the exposition track, when the Olympic
Club, of Sao Francisco, captured first
honors In the Junior National track and
Held championships of the Amateur
Athletic Union. Excitement was of the
highest order, and It was not until the
final race waa completed that the locals
won with 2$ points.
third, H. Johnston, Young Men's Crmnssium
Clnb. N.w Orlwu; fourth, K. B. Foot.,
Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. Distance,
I fret 1 W Inches.
Former Junior record. 4 rest incnes;
unallowed, wind.
Throwing 34-poond weight Won br T
Dutton. Young Men's Gymnasium Clan, New
Orleans. All other entries disqualified, har
ms woo In other areata
One-mile walk Woo by H. w. Fltspat-
rlclv, Touor Men's Gymnasium Club, New
Orleans; Hcond. H. Brown. Los Angeles
Athletle Club: third. Fred Watklns. I
Angeles Athletle Club. Only three entries.
Time, a mlnstes 1 3-8 seconds.
Javelin throw won br J. C. Lincoln. New
York Athletle Club: second. V. C. Fee. Moil
aoinah Athletle Club, Portland: third. Ches
ter cannon, unattached; fourth. W. M. Cole.
Illinois Athletic Club. Distance. 1M feet
3V Inches.
Tbls breaks former Junior recora or io
feet 2 Inchee: unaliowed. wind.
Pole vault Won br P. Orabera. Chicago
Athletic Association; second, 8. Landers.
Chicago Athletle Association: third. Max
Hole. Cnleaco Athletle Associstion: rourtn.
Fred Watklns. Los Anceles Athletle Cluo.
Height. IX feet.
220-yard hurdles Won by w. Burse. New
rasa Athletle Association; third. J. K. A.
H. 8. Whltcomb, Cincinnati Chamber or I urew in Lcniurj. neiiy m saw xiigu
Commerce. Time. 14 1-S. I
uoraies, i-e in JSTeiia inrow
and Bellah In Pole Vault
Hare Chances to Win.
land of the kangaroo and claims the
llght-heavywelght title.
D. O. Balch Beats M. J. Loeb for
Western Junior Championship.
CHICAGO. Aug-. . Dewltt C Balch
of the Cincinnati Country Club, a Yale
sophomore, today won the Junior ama
teur championship of the Western Golf
Pnict 14 ic ITrtrta in IT I eoct I Association by defeating Morits J. Loeb, i-uyt m " """"" of the Idlewild Club. Chicago, a Cornell
Four of Senior Amateur
Championship Events. -
Today is the blr day for the track
athletes. At San Francisco the best of
the Amateur Athletic Union athletes
sophomore. 1 tip and 1 to play, in the
final round
The match waa played over the Mid
lothian Club course. In the final of
the second flight T. B. Davis, Jr, Rock
Island, defeated J. Crowdus Wheaton,
1 up, in 19 holes.
Chicago "C" 8, Billings 1.
BILLINGS. Mont.. Aug. 6. Chicago
University beat a Billings team here
tbla afternoon by a score of S to 1, in
a game that waa anybody's up to the
last inning, when the visitors made six
runs. Score:
R. H. E.I R.H.E.
Chicago... C llBIUlngs... lit
Batteries George. Page and Cole
Llese, Harmon and O'DonnelL
Canadian Henley Regatta On.
ST. CATHERINE. Ont, Aug. . The
Canadian Royal Henley regatta opened
here today with the rowing of a num
ber of trial heats. The entry of crews
irom. uetroit, pniiaaeipnia ana uunaio
gave the regatta an international as
pect, although the majority of the
entrants represented the rowing clubs
of Eastern Canada. -
A. E. Barshdaff sua J. I. Caldwell Are and the choicest collegians will corn-
Other Winers a Flaal Event ,n the aenlor National track and
Ineiu cnampionempa, ana n win w w iuo
most notable gathering of athletea this
I Nation has ever assembled. Never be'
fore has the country been scoured for
W. C. Block caotured four first places I the best-material, for heretofore the
In the fir and bait casting tournament I National competitions have been re-
Second honors went to the Chicago I Thursday staged at the Oaks by the strlcted largely to teams from tnat sec-
Athletic Association Just one point be- I Multnomah Anglers' Club. Walter F. tlon or the country In which the meet
kln ft.- 1..-.1 a. r. lha T A n . I .. - Alh. I w . with thrk. flrit I Mr.. klf
leUc Club waa 'next with, 24. and the places. A. E. Burghduff and J. X, Cald- This year all three distinct sections PIERCE HAS BETTER OF PITCHING
Toung Men's Gym Club, of New Or- I well finished first In one event each. I of the country the East. Middle West 1 DUEL, WITH RUDOLPH.
leans, finished next In line with 2LI The results of the tournament, which land Pacific Coast will be there with
The other Institutions and their oolnls will likely be the last before the big bells, and the one discouraging note of
follow: I meet at Tacoma August 14. 17, 28 and the day is that records, if any, may not I Victory by 2 to 0 Second Consecutive
New Torn Athletic Club, 14; Unlver- I roiiow: lb. allowed because of the wind aweep
1ty of Notre Dame. 11: Caledonian Club. I AeraracT Bait Casting. One Wslf Ouace. I Ing In over the bay.
rercenci just now tne tnree sections win com
I w. c. Block -; pare la largely conjectural. The Pa
le. C Harris. vf lil.i. r-. aa tnriuiti
E. C. Mcrariana....... ........... en iw-ie - nv.timj w . .. ...
I A. E. Burgduft vs 4-ls I In the Middle Western tryouts the ath
I J. I. Caldwell............ w ij-i j
III. A. 1'olloca a -!.
of San Fraaclaco, 10: Cincinnati Cham
ber of Commerce, 10: Denver Athletic
Clan. I; Brlgbam Toung University. I
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, of
Portland. : University of Chicago, t;
Maiem CTeacent tlub. of New Tork, i
Rock Island High School. S: Illinois
One for Chicago Over Champs.
Five Hits Helsi Scoring.
CHICAGO. Aug. 6. Pierce shut out
I the Rnltnn Rrav.f I tn (1 tojsv In a
letea made a trifle better showing than pitchers' duel with Rudolph, Chicago
those In the extreme East.
AtbJetlo Club. 4; MlUros. Athletic Club. Aecanac, Bait Ca-lag. OM-Oa
ZZJi.V''l-S-S.-ii S?,?;j There are 1 eventa on the pro-
Plttsburg Athletle Club. 3. and Mia
aisslppl Agrtcaltural Collage, 1
Beeorda Are 8 as ashed.
Records la Just half of the acore of
events held were smashed, but not even
the Held event marks will bo allowed,
eta to the unbecoming behavior of the
Of three Multnomah Club athletea of
"Portland, who competed, two came
through with points. Waiter Hummel
was beaten out by inches by A. F. Moun
ter. of the Olympic Club. In the 440'
yard hurdles, but In so doing the win
ner bettered the world's record for the
event by three-fifths of a second.
Chester Fee wss the only other
Northerner to figure In the points and
Tie took second in the Javelin. The
University of Oregon boy was not per
mitted to use his own Javelin, through
some technicality, and with a strange
Instrument he put It out 14j feet ilk
Inches, a little less than three feet from
tn winning mark, lie has been slight'
ly nnder tha weather for the last couple! W. r. Backus.
of days, but Coach Hayward expects tol "
A. E. BureUuff.
K. C Mcr'erlaad..
C. C Harris.......
J. L Caldwell
Warren Cornell. VJll-lo
Cliff Dooner
J. T. Ureonan 1 ls-U
Charles Ifemmler su
Distance Bait Casting, One-Half Ounce,
J. I. CallwelL 1" 4-5
K. E. Hurcdurr l-"
E. C. MrFarland li 1-3
W. P. Backus 113 2-i
t T I)r.nn,n .......114
If. A. Pollock
V. C. Block ICO
r f UmrriM ..... Z
Charles Demmler 1 -
Durtaaco Bait Casting, Oae-Quarter Onace.
r e.t.
A. E. Durxduff 1-fj -
W. C. 1-a 1-9
E. c. McFarlsnd 12
V. F. Backus 1-3
J. I. Caldwell s 4-S
W. CorneU 4
Kelle 43
Charles Demmler U 1-S
Uaht Tackle, Dry IV Deucaey, Accuracy
'..." s I gramme, and those In which the Pa-
,. 4-isicinc uoast ougnt to nave tne eage on
1 -,'?! their rivals are the 100-yard dash, with
Howard Drew, the negro title holder.
making It two straight from the cham
pions. Pierce, although generous with
his passes, pitched air-tight ball in the
pinches. Only three scattered hits were
made off him and only one man reached
third base.
Chicago gathered five,- hits off
IS (Great Old Remedy
Fr Slain Diseases
Lush Is Not Exactly Right and
Mishaps Figure in. Bea
ver Defeat, 2-5.
S. S. S. Clears Skin of
Eruptions, Drives Poi
son From the System.
Perrltt Goes to Mound In Fifth
and Stops Portland Onslaught.
Rube Ellis Scores Final
Tallies "With Single. .
Get it fixed In your mlhd that skin
eruptions. Scrofula, Eczema, burning
Itching skin, and all skin diseases
are due entirely to impure and infected
blood. If the trouble was on the out
side of the skin, by simply washing
and keeping it clean you could obtain
relief not even ointments, lotions, and
salves would be necessary. - Agree with
us in this belief, and your trouble can
be relieved you can be entirely re
stored to health. S. 8. S. is a purely
vegetable treatment that you can se
cure from your own druggist it is a
blood tonlo that will purify your blood
and cause a most decided abatement of
your trouble, and finally make you
entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S.
was discovered and given to suffering
.mankind. During this period it has
proven Its remarkable curative prop
erties as a blood purifier and tonic,
and has relieved thousands of cases
of disease caused by poor or impure
blood, and chronic or inherited blood
diseases. Tou can be relieved, but
you must take 8. S. 8. Take it if only
pimples appear, for they denote bad
blood, and may be followed by the
sufferings from torturing skin, erup
tions. Therefore be sure. Don't take
chances, don't use lotions. Get S. S. S.
from your druggist. If yours is a spe
cial case, write for expert medical ad
vice to S. S. 8. Co, Atlanta, Ga.
Pacific Coast Lea rue Standings.
W. L. Pct.l W. L. pet.
J. Francisco. SO Ti6 .B52Portland ....5T62.479
Imm Anceles. TO 57 .551 Vernon o e .472
Oakland , . .62 66 .484Salt Lake.. . .66 66 .459
Yesterday's Results. ,
At Los Anceles Los Ansjeles 5, Portland 2.
At Ran Vrunrlt rn it a If 1 n n rl 2. V.mon 0.
At Salt Lake Salt Lake 7, San Fran- BEAVERS
Cisco 0
retired from Interscholastic football
coaching work, James F. Kwlng, prin
cipal of the Portland Academy, an
nounced yesterday that the popular
veteran would again guide the Acad
emy eleven on the practice field next
'Spec" captained the Multnomah
Club football team three years ago
and since that has turned out, some
great teams for Portland Academy,
considering the material on hand.
LOS ANGELES. CaL. Aug. 6. (Spe
cial.) The Angels - made It four
straight from the Beavers today and
climbed to within less than one point
of the top. The score was 5 to 2
Lush waa not exactly right. While
he only walked one man, he hit two
others, and all three mishaps were
We'll Finish last," Again Says
Manager, Recounting Defeats. .
LOS ANGELES, Cal, Aug. 6. (Spe
cial.) Bitter disgust over the kind of
baseball played by his team in the
last five days was expressed today
turned Into runs, which Just make. "hi 1' "Ef "J "" h's
at 3-5 aeco'nds: the 110-yard high Rudolph. One in the second. foUowed
hurdles, with Fred Kelly, record holder,
In the harness; the javelin throw, with
Chet Fee, of the Multnomah Club, as
its sponsor, and the pole vault, with
Sam Bellah, of Multnomah, and Berg
strom, of Los Angeles, tn the Held. Fee
threw the spear 179 feet 1 Inches In
the Northwest championships and has I Flts rlck.2 4 10 OiFisher.s. .. 2 1
done over ISO several times in nractlce. Ecsn.r... ail OOSchultsa.l. 8 0
by an infield, out and a wild pitch,
scored a run and two more in the third
inning "scored another tally. Wilbur
Good was credited with three of the
locals' hits. The score:
Boston I Chicago
B H O A El B H O A
Moran.r. .. 4 0 2 0 UGood.r. ... 4 3 8 0 0
1 40
10 0
He placed second In the Juniors vaster- ,? SSlg.!??.'.0?. f I ? 2 !!
day. but perhaps foxy Bill Hayward is smlth.3.'.. 4 0 0 a.u;McLarry.-L 8 0 10 00
planning a surprise party for someone. I Manvtlle,a 3 0 4 1 01 Archer. c. . S 0 1 00
K r'l chief rival in the hlsrh timber wwujr.c. eve vii-ueian,. . o w i . v
Is expected to be Robert Simpson, of
Missouri. Kelly beat him in the Penn
sylvania relays lat April In IS S-S".
Both have done IB flat.
If George Horlne, of the Olympic
Club, Is in shape, he stands a good
chance to win the high Jump. Horlne
once cleared the bar at feet 7 and.
established a world's record, later
I. . hin. 1 1 . . i .A 1 . v. - 1 I " . Cornell..
Julii broken by Eddie Beeson. another Call
title tomorrow afternoon on tha aame u- V nI" """""I""" VH 10-Li tornian. xseeson is noi compeung tnu
field. Dick Grant, the other Oregon boy. I Mr. Row. vs
wa. maiiH -,. th. rlrar v. A . , ne ihl UOSrKI lwmmirr .... ...a. ....... v.
flaw. ai " . nwv.
.Xcarw Ber la Seaaatloa. . W. r. Packua W
R. Moras, a colored lad wearing the V.,i "i::"::::"":"" b
colors of tha Salem Crescent Athletic I j. ' T. Drennan
Club, of New York, proved the aensa-1 ;narlea D-ramlir Ji
tion or the meeting, taking the can- j . i ; ... To
tury dash In -S seconds. (Mr. Kelir ."III"!"!.'""!!..".
Frank Sloman. of the Olympic Club, I Mr" Ktnser 64
is soma auarter-mller. He went tha 44a I Mr. Kowe A
year. It is understood.
Bellaa'a Chance Goad.
Bellah once tied for a National cbam
pionshlp in pole vaulting, and this
looks like his year. Bellah won the
Far Western gamea last week at 12
feet ( inches.
Another Pacific Coast athlete who
has a chance to win his event Is Harry
Cole, of Multnomah Club, in the dis
Rudolph.p S 0 0 8 0.flerce,p.. 8 0 0 30
Totals. 29 8 24 12 01 Totals.. 27 S 27 11 0
Boston .0 0 0 00 0 0 t
Chlcaso ..'...0 110 4 0 0 0 x 2
Runs. Good. Zimmerman. Two-bsse hits.
Pltsoatrlck. Fisher. Resan. Stolen base.
Good. Esrned runs, chlcaso 2. Double
play. Fisher to Zimmerman to MoLarry.
Bsse on balls, off Pierce 6. Struck out,
Rudoloh 4. Pierce L Umpires. Byron and
Easoa. -
Cincinnati 3, New York 2.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 6. Cincinnati
took the third game of the series from
the New York Giants today 3 to 2 in
ninth-inning rally. . The locals took
an early lead of two runs on a base on
balls, an error, a single and a wild
pitch in the third Inning. New York
scored one In the fourth and tied the
score in the sixth on a double, a single
and a sacrifice fly. In the ninth
Accuracy lly. Heaty Rod.
yards In 47 seconds thereby equaling
the mark made by Jlaxey Long on a
straight track.
While competition waa keen. It Is go
ing to be even more so tomorrow after
jioon. when the senior titles will be
fought out among the greatest a ma
teura In tha Cnlted States today.
A special 440-yard race for Ted Mere
dith will bo arranged for next Tuesday
morning. If the wind la blowing during
the race tomorrow. .The big Kaaterner I Dr. Rrock
waata to establish a mark in the ouar-l Halt Casting. Oae-aaU-Ouace Sla
ter that will go down into history. butw r Block " ..
from the way the xephyrs are coming I a." eT Burirfurf!. "!!!!!!!!!"!!. -.1
across the Golden Gate it looks aslJ. I. Caldwell...
though he will have to change his date.
Alvah Richards will compete under
protest. It Is suspected he la represent'
Ing a section of the country that he Is
not a resident of. Tha athletic com
mittee will decide his case later.
Following la tha summary of today's
Rmss liimv Woa bv 8. Rutlee Rnrv Is
land. I1L. H!h School; second. Clinton I won its fourth consecutive game from
Young. Brisham Toans fnlveralty. Proro.
I tan: third. Kraeat
Men's Urmnasl'nm. Mew Orleana Distance. I Johnson blanked the visitors In the
u feet. 11 inches. I opener until the eighth, when six hits.
MO-jrartl run Won br E. W. Eby. CM-1 a pass and two errors resulted In alx
Athletle Assocltion: seoottd. H. J I runs Washington duplicated mis per-
thlrd. T.
XV. c. Block...
W. F. Bsrkus.
I r n r n n n
a. el Hursuurr. ........ VI
C. C. HairU J-iJ
Dr. B rue It e-i
Olstancw fly. Heavy Bad.
VT. F. Rsckns 5
W. Corn.:!
J. T. lrennaa. ............. ....... ed
W. llloct
Tha event. In which tha T-t .,.m Griffith doubled, going to third on
Percent, to figure strongest are the 400-yard Wingo's aacrlfice, Wlngo being safe on
l. U a t I . I . . . . . . a . . . n. .. . . I Dafvltfa arnt Taa. vr no e.
."S !'."? dash, with Kd Meredith, of Philadel-
... mi-w -hu. th. mil with T.h., A
7 s-iai ' '"" rv , ' '
ton. ana aitisl ot rew lorx: tne
half mile, with Meredith and Taber;
Perritt's error. Perrltt purposely passed
Williams, filling the bases. Clarke was
then sent to bat for Mollwlts and
singled to left, scoring Griffith with
New Tork I
, a a u am
the flve-ralle. with Kohlemalnen, of the winning run. The score:
New York; the three-mile walk, with
Rens. of New York; the 440 hurdles.
with Meanlx, of Boston: the hammer
throw, with Ryan, of New York: the
shot put. with Lawler, of Boston, and
McDonald, or mew lorK. and the 6S-
pound weight.
difference in the score. Then again
he let the Angels get to him In
bunches and this Is really what beat
Scogglns hoisted the distress flag
In the fifth when the Beavers were
tied up the score, and Pol Perrltt went th,is. I eTuess. -
. It. a,a r in ,, "I get ball players and pitchers from
too soon either, but managed to stop "f major leagues and they can't even
th.. nMltnirht win out in tha think. I lost that ball game yester-
Lush forced In the Angels first run
recent statement here that Portland
would finish in last place this year.
They ve lost the last five games for
me, said IMcCredie with a cynical
laugh. "It doesn't worry me, though.
for I'm not only .accustomed to it, but
expect it. Well finish in last place
Russell and Tyler Will Contest
for Championship.
Young- Victor in Oregon Tourney
Vanquished In Spectacular Play.
Mrs. Northrup and Miss Liv
ingston Are Finalists.
In the third frame when he - was
touched for three infield singles and
then hit Buemiller In the hack. Wol
ter followed with a long fly to Car
lisle on which Scoegins -scored,
In the fifth Derrick singled and
Lush walked. Carisch shoved them
up a peg. Hammond did nothing, but
Speas singled to center, scoring both
men and sending Scogglns to the dug- SADIE
This is the way it ran along until
the eighth, when Lush hit Maggert on
the leg. Wolter singled and Koerner
was walked, filling the bags. Then
along came Rube Ellis with a single.
Just as ho did yesterday at the pay
etiological moment, and scored Maggert
and Wolter. Speas also helped some
by dropping Terry's fly and "Koerner
scored, but after this Lush got set
tied and stopped the run-getting.
The Beavers only made one error,
that by Speas, while the Angels
day because my pitcher didn't do as he
was told. He knew the weakness of
the Angel batsmen and yet he lost
the game with two men down.
Colorado Range Easy Winner of 2:12
Trot and Flaxy B. Takes 2 ill
Race Oa Grand Circuit Card.
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Aug.s 6. Al
though the track was muddy from the
rains which had caused three post
ponements of the grand circuit races
chalked up two. neither of which mat- this week, three events were run off
tered. in tne score, wnicn puts tne this afternoon.
lucky piece on the side or tne Angels. One of these, the three-year-old
bcore. I trot wan casv for Colorado Ran CP
Portland I Los Anielea - who won similar raca in Detroit
Carlisle. 1..
Ham nd.z
Fpeas,r. ..
Bates.3. ..
Carisch. c.
Derr ck.1
Lush. p. .. .
Kisner-. .
Lober". ..
4 o S OOlMaftcertm 3 2 0 0 1 last week, but the other two were
8 2 2 8 0)Bu'eiller,2 2 1 4 2 o well contested, the winners finishing
? 1 1 o t; wouer.r. .. s is u u in . a Close drive a malorltv of the
a nin ill
n n l ucais.
10 1 OiKoerner.l..
0 2 40IE11IS.1....
2 4 1 0Terry.s. ...
0 1 0 0'Brooks.c. .
Ill 0 (XButIer.3. ..
JPerrltt.p. .
0 0 10
0 O 0 0
0 0 0fi
Totals. 31 7 24 10 1
Los Anceles
Runs. Derrick,
Koerner, Butler,
Totals.. 29 8 27 14 2
00002000 0 2
1 1 0 1 3 1 i 0 0 7
00200003 1-
1 0321002 x U
Lush. Maeeert. Wolter.
Scoggins. Two-base hit. I
Burns, 1... 4
8nodsr'as.r S
Doyle.2... 4
Fletchers. 8
M.rkle.m. 3
Lobert.3.. 3
Brainard.l 4
Uooln.c... 4
Perrltt.p.. 8
E. C McKsrUml.
Double Victory Gives Fourth Con-
seen tire Game to Washington.
WASHINGTON. Aug. ( Washington
in raiversity. Proro, Chicago, taking both ends of a doubla-
tl Vciata A?Jnn, header, 8 to C and to J.
tn. T. Oaken. Tonne ' wi .i.. -.i. . i h.
Baltimore Uses Three Pitchers, but
Is Defeated, 1 to 5.
BALTIMORE, Aug. ( St. Louis won
today's game. 5 to 1. Suggs started
1 0 liGroh.8.... 4 1 2' 8 0
5 U U,Hersos.s. . 4 13 4b
2 1 V VYagner.2.. 4 114 0
1 u.Killlfer.m. 4 1 3 o 0
Z O O tirlfllth.r.. 4 2 110
1 4 0,Wlno.c... 8 1 8 OU
0 U,WIUIams.l. 2 0 2 00
3 0UMolllts,L 3 0 12 10
0 Hiloney.p... 3 1 8 10
tClarke... 1 1 0 00
Totals.' 31 8z'-'4 12 2 Totals.. 32 27 14 0
s None out when winning run made.
Batted for Mollwlth In ninth.
New Tork 0 0 O 1 O 1 0 0 0 i
Cincinnati 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 t
Runs. Snodgraas, Doyle. Wlngo, Mollwlts.
Toney. Two-base hits. Herzog. Doyle, Wag-
f.ut 5i3,iimire-but r" rlltz2 ,H.?Mi..TFVerchVrM WrZrt&fsx
the third. Bailey was also touched uplyork'2i Cincinnati 2. Double plsy, Lobert
formance In its half. Doundlnc Wolf-
s Clnb. Ban Francisco: SK mmi Faber for six hits, which, to
;.Ji"JulLAV.'cuUurai Uether with Eddie Collins- error, netted
six runs and brought Washington's
total up to eight.
The second game was a free-blttlng
contest. In which Ayers outpitched
Russell. Score:
Firet game:
Chicago I Waehlngto
Wrafrj S
K ColllnaS 4
Kournler.l 2
Fulsch.ra. 4
Leibold.l. 4
Kchalk.c. 8
niackb'n.3 4
Hens.p.... 2
Wnirng.p 0
Faber. d. .. 0
J. Collins 1
Ptegemaa. University of Chicago
M. Cramer. Olymple Clnb,
fourth. M- D. bcutt,
College. Time. 1 minute. .H seeenda
- InA-ywrd dash Won br R Morsx Bale:
Crescent Athletic Club. N'ew York; second,
R. E. Metnde. Denver Athletle Club: third
A. E. Ward. Chicago Athletic Club; fourth.
K. Nolan. Olymple Club, Ban Francisco.
Time. 4-3.
Breaks National Amateur Athletle Union
Junior retold of 10 seconds, but waa not
allowed, owing to wind favoring runners.
2-Jrt-yard dash Won by R. E. HeBrtde.
Iener Athletic Club: second. Daa Jenkins.
unattached; third. A. B. Booth. Chicago
.Athletic Association; fourth. R. Nolan.
Olympic Club, fan Francisco. Time, 21 fiat.
Thta breaaa worlds recora off :i 1-4, la.
a.Uvwed, wind.
1 Vpound shot put Woa by R. Bagnard.
Li. AifiiM Atnietie Club: second, c. W
jiaenraan. ot r. Dame t niversity: third, I Roth
w. as. t oie. .uinois Atnietie Club. Only
tnree entriea instance, . reet a inchea
40-yard dash Won by F. 8. i-nmm-tl.
mpie lino. San Francls-o; second. Kred
maimer. Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce;
tnira. j. w. xireatnaa. iniveralty or Chl-
np; fourth, c. A. Hoenlarh. Caledonian
Club. San Francisco. Tim.. 47.
TMs time eauala llaxey Long's world
teeord. bat naailowea, owing to wind fa
vortng rnnnera.
44J-rard hurdles Woa by A. F. Maenter.
I v m p c t tuD, mb JTinrltro; ejod. w
Hummel. Multnomah Athletle Club. Port.
land: third. Mertdlth House. Los Angelea
Athletic luo: fourth. K. Da lea. Clncln
tts'I Chamber of Commerce. Time. 84 flat.
This beata former Junior Athletic
Vntoo record or e 1 -. i aailowrtl. mind.
Fite-mlle run Won by O. Millard. Olym
pic Club. San Francisco; second. Charles
I'orea, Melrose Athletic Club, New York
third. Joe organ. Pitt .burg Athletle Aseo.
elation, fourth. H. Honahan. N.w 1 ork
Athletic Club. Time, 2 minutes and 33 see-
on da
One-mile run Won by Ediar Stout. Olrra
lle t'lutk. Kan Francisco; second. H. Hona-1 Marer.c.
nan. .w tors ainiectc tiuo; tnint. Marry I Schalk.e
l.udwlg. t aledoataa Club, fan Francisco; I Ruseell
foarth. Charlea Hunter, Caledonian Club,
Can Francisco. Timw4:4Z a-a.
Discus tbrew Won by C. W. Bachman.
1 alrersity or Aotra Dame, ind-: second. T.
Dutton. T. M. O. Club. New Orleans, third.
V. A. SheMaa. Olympic Club, San Francisco;
f tur-h. W. M. Cole. Illinois Athl.Uo Club.
ZMstasee. 131 feet 4 Inch.
This breaks former Junior American Ath..
letle Cnloa record of 12 feet 8 Inchea; anal-
loved account nigh wind.
Throwing It-pound he mm er Won hi J.
M. McKachem, Caledoniaa clnb. San Fraa-
rteeo: second, c w. ttaenmaa. inlvaevtty
ef Notre Dame. Ind. No other entries. Dis
tance. 132 feet a Inehe
rather lively, and Crandall twirled good
ball throughout, the majority of Baltl
more's hits coming with two out.
Chapman's homer was .a long drive
over the left field fence. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. Br
St Louis... S 13 2Baltimore.a 1 S 2
Batteries Crandall and Chapman
Suggs, Bailey, Leclalr and Owens, Russell.
Bnfaflo 4, Pittsburg 0.
B It O ATTMoeller.r. 3 1
3 11 1 0 Koster.2... S 8
BUFFALO, Aug. C. Buffalo won the
first game of the series from Pitts-
I . . 1 , a C 1 . . 1 L . I J . 1. . f
DurK LtfU BT, e IU w. ocuui. I16JU 1.110 via- I . , f i ,.i I rpv,
itori hltless for eight lnninga Their t?S!2-.f".hir "T'lf.-Z 'COre
3 0 0 only hit, in the ninth inning, was made I B H o At B H O At
to Fletcher to Bralnard. Bases on balls, oft
Perrltt 2. Toney 2.. struck out. by Perrltt
2, Toney Z. .umpires, ljutglcy ana .mslle-
Pblladelphla 5, Pltlfcburg 4.
PITTSBURG. Aug. 6. The Pittsburg
Pirates lost to Philadelphia today, S to
4. McQuillan was hit freely and had to
give way to Kantlehener. The home
team failed to get a bit until the
sixth Inning, when two singles and a
base on balls resulted In two runs. In
the ninth the locals rallied and had
two runs in and one needed to fie
when Mayer relieved Demaree and
1 3 0 Milan.m... 4 2 0 OO
5 2 1 Shanks.3.. '4 1 1 21
T SOT.sndlLl... 3 0 12 04
2 OOlAcoeta.l... 4 3 2 00
4 0e Alnsmlth.e 2x700
4 OOHenry.e... O 0 2 00
0 0 0,McBride.a
2" I by O'Connor, who drove a two-baggdr I Byrne.8... 4
over first base.
O 8 iijohnson.p.
0 Oonvilllam...
O 1 o
0 OO
0 OO
4 0 0 30
8 2 O 2 I
1 0 0 00
Totals.. 82 12 i!T 3
Totals. 33 24 13 1
Hsttd for Bens In eighth.
"Hatted for rnber in ninth.
fBatted for Alnamlth In eighth.
Chicago 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0
Washington O 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 a S
Runs. Murohv. Weaver. Felseh. . Sehatk-
HUrlihiini J I'ollln. Vnatie Milan fcl ti n W a
ndll. Acoeta . jonnien. Two-base I aevenin.
Effective Pitching of Callahan Re
sults In 4-0 Victory.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 6. Spokane
defeated Tacoma today, 4 to 0, through
the effective pitching of Callahan, who
kept the six hits secured against him
well scattered. Teterson pitched good p,t,.bur
ball, but tne ..nutans Duncned tneir
drives effectively tn the fourth and
Altman waa badly spiked In
hit.. Murohy. Johnson. Earned runs. Wash-1 the tHwht hand In tha third Inning.
t'V?ooii Ch,fif," J-- ST'vPi".T,'!VeSonV hen Stevens slid into him at third,
to f,andll. Iieft on bases. Washington 7. , . . . . , yd w i , , j .
rhlcsgo . Bases on balls, off Hens 2. and had to retire. Bobby Coltrin made
Johnson 2. Wolfgang 1. Faber L Ilita. off his first appearance on the Spokane
nens. o in i innings, a. none out teara ,ince he broke his ankle seven
In eighth: Faber. 3 In 1 Inning. Struck .
out. by Johnson T, Bens 1. Faber L Um
pires. aiun ana viz
peeona same:
MurphV. r.
E t olllnal
Felseh. m. .
J. Collins.
3 I 0 0 0 Moeller.r..
2 0 2 0 Kopp.r. . ..
O a 4 o P.ter.2. ..
2 12 1'Mllsn.m...
2 4 0 0 Shanks..!. .
2 1 OOCandlU...
0 1 4 0 Heni--.c...
2 3 OOMcBride.s.
1 0 A O Acosla.l.
3 o Ayres,p. . .
0 0
Washington -
weeks ago. Score:
R. H.E.I R.H. E.
Tiiomi 0 SSpokane. . .. 4 7 1
Batteries Peterson and Stevens: Cal
lahan and Brenegan.
2 1 1 1 Carey. 1. ... 4 0 3 10
Bancroft. a 3 8 2 8 OCollins.m.. 3 0 1 0U
Paskert.m 4 0 2 0 0 Johnston, 1. 4 1 7 0U
Cravath.r. 4 0 0 0 UjHInchm'n.r 8 1 0 0 u
Luderus.1. 4 2 14 UUHUMrj.. 3 0 2 81
Whltted.l. 4 1 1 UOVIox.2 4 0 8 20
Nleholt.2.. 4 12 V 0 Bilrd.8. . .. 3 0 130
Klllifer.c. 3 1 u.scnang.c. . 3 l to
Drmaree,p 4 10 0 O M Qulllen.p 1 0 0 2
Mayer.p.. 0 0 0 OO McCarthy' 1 1 o OO
ijv nil n r.p. o v i v
Murphy. 1 0 O 0 0
jC'nx'lra'n.p 0 0 0 1 u
Totals. 35 1127 13 11 Totals.. 30 4 27 U 1
Batted for McQulllen In sixth.
Batted for Kantlehner In eighth.
Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 5
.u u v v u u v x e
Runa Bancroft, Cravath, Luderua. ' Nlehoff.
Kllllfer. Collins. Johnaton. Halrd. Schang.
Two-base hits. Luderua 2. Kllllfer. Stolen
base, isiehoff. Double play. Carey to Wag
ner. Earned runs. Philadelphia 3, Pitts
burg 4. First baae on errors, Philadelphia
1. First base on balls, off Demaree H. Me-
Oulllen 2. Hits, off Demaree 4 In 8 Innings,
none nut in nintn: on saayer none in una
inning: off McQuillen T In 6 Innings; off
Kantlehner 2 In 2 Innings; off Conzeiman i
in 1 Inning. Struck out, by Demaree 3. by
McQuillen 5. by Kantlehner 2. Umpires.
Kigier ana ortn.
Seattle 6, Vancouver 0.
St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 3.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. . Brooklyn de
feated the St. Louis Cardinals 3 to 2
SEATTLE, Wash, Aug. 6. Malls, I here today and moved ahead of Boston
0 pitching for Seattle, shut out vancou- in the pennant race. With two out In
on ver to 0 here today. Incidentally I the eighth Inning. Wheat doubled and
1 00
Totals. 84 1:24 13 11 Totals. 14 12 27 10 1
Batted for Klepfer In nintn.
Chicago O ft 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3
Washington 03002100 a 0
Runs. Foamier. Felseh. LelhoM. Milan.
Shaaaa 2. 'iendll, MrBrttle, Acoeta. Two
base hits, Shanka, Lelhold. Three-base hits,
Acoeta. Stolen bases. Oandll X Kerned
runs. Washington a. Chicago 3. aacrlfice
hits. Lelhold. MrRrtde. Sacrifice fly. Rus
sell. Heses on .rrors, Washington 1. Bases
on halls, off Ayrea 2. Hits, off Russell. 10
In S Innings; off Klepfer, 2 In 3 lnninga
Struck out. by Russell 2, by Aires 4. U'ra-
12o-vard nigh hurdles Won by Hsrrr I i, mnA v. mi.
oed. H. S. Whlteamb. Cincinnati Athletic
Club; third. T. Osks, Toung Mea'e Qrmaa
alam Club. New Orl.ans; foarth. K. Thom
son. Lee Anselee Athletle Club. Time. 13 1-3.
Hlga Jump Woa by Clinton Larson. Brig,
fin Vo-mg rnreeraltr. Prove. I'tah; second.
T. OrtfMa. Teunt Men's Oymnaaiura Club.
New Orleans; third. R. Thomson, Loe An
getles Athletle Club: fourth. J. W. Johnson,
i aied-nlan nun, saa Francisco. Height. 3
" mcaea. lei tK. Reol.nde Hirh School In Kotilh.
Hep. step and jump woa by a tan dare, I ' J." J
Art I.uta Itedlands Coaeh.
Although Art Luts Is eligible for
one more year of football at the Ore
gon Agricultural College, the sensa
tional star of laat year's Aggie eleven
will not be) back next Fall. Luts has
been chosen to coach the athletio teams
C-hlrags Athletic Association; second. J.
Tracer. Jr. Caledonian Club, Saa Francisco;
era California. Kedlanda hss just
coma back to American football.
breaking the league record by winning Cutshaw singled, scoring Wheat with
his tweiitn siraigni game, score:
R.H.E.I R. H. E.
Vancouver. 0 S OjSeattle 15 2
Batteries Smith and Brottem; Malls
and Cadman.
Daubert.l. 4
W'heat.l... 8
Cutahsw.2 3
Portland lleavj weight Is Invited to I ftengei.r. 4
, Meet Terry Keller.
Frank Kendall,' the Portland heavy
weight, who has been signed to give
exhibitions of the manly art with Earl
Miebus at the Empress next week, has
received an offer to meet Terry Keller
at Boise, Idaho, yesterday.
Kendall la undecided whether or not
he will do battle In the Idaho capital.
However, he has telegraphed regarding
terms and If they are satisfactory the
two may hook up on August 21.
Keller halls from Kansas City and
Kendall saw him in action In thrt
city. He is a recent arrival from the
the winning run. coombs for Brooklyn.
was found for nine nits out Kept tnem
well scattered. The score:
Brooklyn I St. Louis
Myers.m.a 3 0 8 0 0 Bescher.!.. S 0 0 00
1 i su ttuggins.2. 2 u 1 2U
0 8 1 OiJ. Miller.L 4 211 0 0
2 4 OOlDolan.m... 2 1 1 00
2 e OlSnyder.p.. 4 8 7 10
10 0 O.Cunzales.s 0 O 1 0 0
3 3 4 1ILong.r 4 1 1 00
O. Mlller.c 2 1 3 2 0 Butler... . . 4 0 3 4 0
Coombl.p. 4 0 0 0 0, Betiel.K. . . 4 2 2 20 p.... 2 0 0 C 0
jHyatt... 1 0 0 00
Hoche.l... 1 0 0 0 0
Totals. .83 10 27 13 ll Totals.. 33 S 27 14 0
"Ran for Snyder In eighth. Batted for
Doak In ninth. sBatted for Huggina In ninth.
Brooklyn : 02000001 0 3
St. Louis 01000100 0 2
.... V. . C a.1 T -.rill...
flVilan. Two-base hits! Stengel, Dolan!
Wheat, J. Miller. Stolen bases, Betzel, O.
Miller. Earned runs, Brooklyn 3. St. Louis 2.
Sacrifice hlla O. Miller 2. Doak. Dolan.
Double play. Butler to Hugging. First base
on errors. St. Louis 1. Bases on bulls, off
Coombs 3. off Doak 5. struck out. by
Coombs 2, by Doak 3. Umpires, Idem and
4 13
4 1 4 of Lcttie Lee, who was considered the
! J a" pick of the field in the 2:11 trot,
? J o 1 o proved a disappointment and never
10 1 10 wis better than third. Sadie S,
finished sixth in the first heat, came
strong and took the next three.
Flaxy B. won the 2:11 pace, three
heats out cf four. She was fifth in
the second heat.
The 2:12 trot for three-year-olds
was a procession so far us the result
was concerned. the five starters
finishing each heat in the same order.
2:12 trot. Columbia Hotel purse S000
nrteu. two in three
Colorado Range, b. c. bv Colorado E,
(McDonald) i l
Rusticot, ch. c. (Andrews) 2 2
Deroche. ch. c. (Oeers) : 3 3
Also started: Henry Todd (L.asell. iNortn-
snur (tJoxl. Time. 2:12. 2:136.
2:11 trot. nicKman rtotei purse s.'uvu,
three In flvt
Sadie S.. b. m by Archdale
Sensational Catches by Quinlan and Todd Tempieib." g.'isnowi .''!"!. l 7 o
Laramie Laa, n. g jirioitaia i . . o -
A. ISO started: The uulde (tieersl. iuettle
Lee (White), Fair Virginia (Cox), June
Red (McMahon). Baby Doll (Quinn). Time,
2:lVi. 2:lllt. s:i2tt. 2:i-'4.
2:11 pace, purse eiono, three in. itvt
f laxv ti.. b. m.i oy uuaKer IV
(snow) i a i l
Budd Klliott. br. g. (Geers) 2 13 6
Clara Walker, b. m. (Cox) 4 2 3
Also started: Bill Hurst (Nethaway)
Dustless McKinney (Murphy), Fleeta Dillon
(L. Sbuler). Time, 2:11, 2:14, 2:14tt
Cerlech. Stolen bases. Carisch. Wolter. Sac-I
rifice hits. Wolter. Carlisle. Buemiller. I
Struck out. Scoggins 2. Lush 4. 'Perrltt 2.
Rases on balls. Scogglns 3. Lush 1. Perrltt I
2. Runs responsible for. Lush 4, Scoggfna I
2. Six hits, 2 runs, is at oat. orr scogglns
In 4 2-3 innings. Credit victory to Perrltt.
Double playa. Buemiller to Terry to Koer
ner; Stump! to Hammond to Derrick. Hit I
by pitcher, Buemiller, Maggert. Umpires,
Held and Brashear. .
Brief Prevent Scoring.
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 6. Sensa
tional catches by Quinlan and Brief
saved Hull from being scored on, and
Salt Lake defeated San Francisco to
day, 7 to 0. The hits were evenly di
vided but the locals showed speed on
the bases. In the third. Salt Lake stole
six bases. Brief- and Lynn scoring on
double steals. Schaller was banished in
the eighth for disputing a decision.
Ran Francisco I Salt Lake
B H U At a H O A Hi
1 ljQulnlan.m.
i u:sninn,r. . ..
0 U, Brief. 3....
0 URyan.l. ...
0 UOedeon.2..
1 UiOrr.s
0 lTennant.l.
2 OjLynn.c. ...
5 0,HaU.p
8 00
1 0 0
3 3 1
6 U 0
2 20
12 0
8 0 0
4 8 1
0 0U
1 0 0 1U
Tha Port of New York In 1014 handled 46
.....a 1110 112 1 8 1 per cent of the entire export trade of the
a. . a. . A .. . - I 1-1 . a,., , ). l. ,A,a M 1 GOTlOO III II I
uuiieu niaic own 1,1 m i i "i
of forelg:. trade, export and import, which
passed througn tne port waa larger man
that of all the other American ports combined.
Bodle.m. .
Leard.l. ...
Jones.3. .
Smith. p.
Brown, p.
Totals. S3 8 24 14 2) Totals.. 81 8 27 10 2
San Francisco 0 0 0 0 0 o d o 0 o
Salt Lake 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 2 7
Hits o a a a i v u a 5
Runs, Quinlan, Shlnn, Brief 2, Ryan, Orr,
T.vnn. Two-base hits. Bodie. orr. Kyan 2.
Sacrifice fly. Gedeon. Stolen bases, Quin
lan. Shlnn. Gedeon. Lynn 2. Bases on balls,
off Smith 3. Hall 2. Struck out, by Smith
8. Hall 4. Five runs, 7 hits and 2D at bat
off Smith In 7 lnninga; 2 runs. 1 hit and 0
at bat off Brown In 1 Inning. Runa respon
sible for. Smith 6, Brown 1. Charge defeat
to Smith. Left on bases. San Francisco e.
Salt Lake 4. Bases on errors, San Francisco
9 Salt Lake 2. Double plays. Lynn to
Tennant; Brief to Gedeon. Time, 1:45. Um
pires. Phyle and Toman.
Spencer, Tiger Catcher, Itesponsible
for Team's Shut Out.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. Spencer,
the Vernon catcher, was primarily re
sponsible for Oakland's victory in to
day's game. Z to 0. With Tobln and
Johnston on bases trying to work a
double steal. Spencer threw- high to
third in an effort to catch Tobln. This
scored Tobln and Johnston went home
on a passed balL Score:
Vernon Oakland
McXamara Wins In Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 6. Thomas
McXamara, the Boston professional,
with a total of 296 strokes for the 72
holes, today won the open golf cham
pionship of Philadelphia, taking 73 for
the morning round and 75 In the after
noon, a total of 148 for 36 holes. Mc
Namara duplicated his score of yester
day, when the first half of the tourna
ment was played.
Baieball Statistics
Chicago.. . .
Boston. .
Doane.l. ..
Os V. land. .
Hits. .. .
0 2 llMarcan.2..
0 4 0OTobIn,l. ...
14 0 ljjohns'n,m.
1 1 0JNf,l
1 1 8 OIGardner.r.
110 1 0 Lltschl.3..
1 0 8 0Kuhn.c...
1 4 0 1 Guest.s....
0 0 2 O Prulett.p..
1 0 0 00)
s. 30" 24 10 31
0 14 0
2 0 0 0
110 0
1 17 2 0
0 0 0 0
10 4 0
1 5 00
0 2 3 0
0 12 0
National League.
W. L. Pct.l
52 42 .5.-i3!New York...
4!l 45 ..v.-H Pittsburg. . .
50 47 ..M.VSt. Louis. . . .
50 48 .SlolClncinnatL..
American League.
50 34 .B34INew York. .
51) 3S .0SiSt. Louis
Ml 40 .r.OWCleveland. .
Washington 53 40 .5H5iPhIladel
Federal League.
Kansas City 37 40 .58SlSt Louis. . ..
Chicago 55 43 .56i;BuffaJo
Pittsburg. . 52 44 .544 Brooklyn . . .
Newark 52 44 .544iBaltlmore. .
American Association.
St. Paul 62 43 .5Bnil.oulsville. ..
Indianapolis 54 4(5 .540ISIilwaukee..
Kansas City 55 4S .534Cleveland. ..
Minneapolis 55 41) .52UiColumbus. . .
Western Leaffue.
Des Moines. S3 37 .6S0Topeka
Denver 60 3 .OOWOmaha. . . . .
Sioux Clty. 54 51 .51 4! Wichita. ...
W. U Pet.
41 47 .505
48 40 .4!)5
47 53 .470
42 55 .433
47 47 .500
38 50 ,:U2
K7 57 .3!)4
33 64 .340
53 46 .535
40. 57 .447
45 55 .450
34 05 .oa
52 50 .510
47 53 .470
45 55 .450
39 65 .301
51 50 .503
48 52 .480
42 57 .4J4
3s 62 .oS0
TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 6. (Special.)
Two veterans of the Pacific North
west tennis courts, men who have
played with and against each other
for years, will meet here tomorrow for
the men's championship of the Pacific
Northwest. The players are 6am L.
Russell, of Seattle, and Joe C. Tyler,
of Spokane. In the semi-finals, played
today, each eliminated one of the two
remaining California players.
Russell won his way into the finals
through a victory over Van Dyke Johns,
the sensational young Californian, who
last season won the Pacific North
western championship, and Is fresh
from his second victory In the contest
for the state championship of Oregon.
As in his match with Kelleher, Russell
outgamed his younger opponent. Al
though he lost the first set, he came
back ' and won the second decisively
6-3. The third was a long and arduous
battle. Time and again Russell broke
through Johns' service for the ad
vantage, but the young Californian
would come back gamely and put the
match to deuce.
Johns Becomes Less Sure.
As the match continued, Johns be
came less sure in his placements arid
was frequently in the net. Russell,
however, played the same careful
game, although several smashes for
game points set him back when he
The finish of the match was its most
spectacular feature. After being
thrice within point, set and match dis
tance, each time to get returned to
deuce through a clever play by Johns.
Russell shot a side line drive that
Johns could not handle. The next ser
vice saw a brilliant rally. Russell
shot a low. ball that Just touched the
net Johns saw It come over, but too
late. He made a desperate effort, fell
headlong, but arose to shake the vic
tor by the hand in congratulation.
Russell won the match 6-8, 6.-3, 9-7.
The elimination of William Marcus,
of California, by Joe Tyler, the Spo
kane veteran, was a two-set match,
but no less spectacular than that which
saw Russell triumph over Jones.
High Loha Beat Marcus.
Tyler won through his ability to feed
Marcus with a succession of high lobs
until he was forced to play upon tha
base line. and shooting cleverly, placed
sideline shots that he could not handle.
Marcus tried smashing the Jobs for a
while, but netted so many or went out
side that he finally changed his tactics.
The two Tacoma girls- who reached
the semi-finals were eliminated in the
women's Binaries, the championship now
being between Miss Sarah Livingston,
of Seattle, and Mrs. W. I. Northup,
of Portland. The match between Miss
Livingston and Miss Burrill eaw the
Seattle player win . decisively in
straight sets. 6-2. 6-0.
The result of the match Between j.irs.
Northup and Miss Frazler, the ioi-al
champion, was odd in its result. Mrs.
Northup won a love set at the begin
ning of the match, and Tacoma fol
lowers of the match declared Miss
Frazler had little chance.
Tacoma Champion Rallies.
Rallying brilliantly, the local cham
pion captured the second match, 6-0.
The third set saw Mrs. Northup stiffen
her game and win the set and
match, 6-2.
Finals in the doubles matches will be
played off tomorrow. The finalists in
the men's events will be Tyler and Kel-
eher and Marcus and Johnson.
In today s play Tyler ana lieucncr
defeated Pringle and Lyons after a
slashing game, 7-5, 6-4. Marcus and
Johns won from Graham and Scott
6-1, 6-2.
Tn th wnmen'a inuhles. the flinallsts
will be Miss McDonald and Mrs. Brag-
on vs. Miss Livingston and Miss
Green, all of Seattle.
The finals have not been reached In
the mixed doubles, two matches being
carried over until tomorrow.
Totala. 2 0 27 17 0
00000000 0 0
02110101 0 S
20000000 x 2
Risberg batted for Decannier In ninth.
Runs. Tobln. Johnston. ' Sacrifice hits.
Glelchmann, Prulett. Purtell. Bases on balls.
off Decanniere 1, orr prulett 4. struck out.
by Decanniere a, by pruiett a. Hit oy pucn.
Herger. nayiess. isuuuie piaat. oes lo
Guest; Berger to Purtell to Glelchmann.
Stolen bases. Tobln. Johnston. Passed balls.
Spencer. Left on baaes, Vernon 11, Oak
land 5. Time of game, 1:45. Lmplres.
Finney and Guthrie
Veteran ' Again to Direct Portland
Prep School Football Team.
Although it was given out some
weeks ago that Ralph J. Hurlburt had
50 4S .510St. Joseph
Northwestern League.
Spokane. . .. 65 43 .602'Reattle 5S 53 .823
Tacoma.... 61 51 .54uj Vancouver... 51 57.472
Yesterday's Result.
American Association Indianapolis 2, St.
Paul 0: Kansas City 7, Columbus 3; Minne
apolis 11, Cleveland 0; Milwaukee's. Louis
ville 7.
Western League Denver 2, Omaha 1; Des
Moines 1, Lincoln 0; Wichita 8. St. Joseph 5.
Where the Teams Play Today.
Paclfio Coast League Portland at 1-rOn
Angeles. Vernon vs. Oakland at San Fran
cisco, San Francisco at Salt Lake.
How the Series Stand.
Pacific Coast League Los Angeles 4
games. Portland no game; Salt Lake 8
games, San Francisco 2 games; Vernon 2
games, Oakland 2 games.
Beaver Batting Averages.
Ab. H. Ave. . Ab. H. Ave.
Hammond 33 18 .457 Carlisle. .. 452 115.253
Bates 348 116 .333 Lush 64 16.250
Fisher.... 276 91 .32!Derrlck. .. 465 113.243
Stumpf... 484 153 .316 Evans 47 11 .23
Carisch... 1H8 50 .2!:Krause. . . 74 16.184
Speas 375 110 .2'.t3 McArdle... 76 14.15a
Hlllyard.. 288 0 .277 Kahler 31 4.I2S
Lober....- 343 4 .274 Hlgg OS 12.127
Davis.... 330 S7 .litJo.Coveleskls S3 8.113
What the Box Scores. Show
About Players You Know.
AVE BANCROFT, ex-Beaver, made
one of the Phillies' five runs in
their 6-to-4 victory over Pittsburg.
Bancroft also got three hits in five
times at bat, made two putouts and
five assists without an error.
Ham Hyatt, ex-Northwestern Leaguer,
was sent in by the St. Louis Cardinals
as a pinch hitter in the ninth Inning of
the game, with Brooklyn, but he failed
to deliver.
Letter Carriers to Play Clerk.
At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning the
letter carriers and clerks of the Port
land postoffice will hook up in a base
ball game at Recreation Park. Keen
rivalry exists between the teams, and
a gory battle should be the result.
There will be no charge to see the contest.
We still have a few of them
left, and they're free. Tell
you where to go fishing and
what to use. Come and get
one. We are also ready to
supply anything you may need
in the line of good tackle.
23 !-lorri son Street, Bpt (2nd SU