S THE MORNING OREGON! AN. THURSDAY, - AUGUST 5. 1915. HAPPY CHILDREN, SOME POOR, SOME RICH, SOME WAIFS, WHO DISPORTED AT THE OAKS YES. TERDAY AND SOME OF THE PROMINENT WOMEN WHO WATCHED OVER THEM. 11,417 TOTS AT BUSINESS HOURS. STORE OPEN W EEK DATS. 8 A. M. TO 11 P. M. SUNDAYS 8 A. M. TO 1 P. M., 6 P. M. TO 10 P. M. HOME A 1333 PHONE MAR. 2000 Manager Cordray's Guests at Park Have Big Outing. 3 HfeM; Exclusive Agents for Red Feather Toilet Preparations BROADWAY AT WASHINGTON STREET EXCURSION TRAINS FILLED Owl Theatrical Cold Cream For ordinary toilet use "Owl" Theatrical Cold Cream Is a preparation we can highly recom ment whitens the skin, removes sunburn, tan; prevents the numerous skin afflictions from which children so frequently suf fer. Never gets rancid. Cf. Bathing Caps Look over our complete stock. All popular shades and designs. All styles represented. Diving Caps, boudoir caps, plain and fancy; skull caps for men, popu larly priced 25 to $1.00 Krr Rldea Given Toanptrn, Gidn Flayed, I lace Course lid Oat nd Storlf Told by Women and Some Hike Far for Fun. One-pound tins. asvri Gee! I n going; to stay until they REMEMBER TO WATCH FOR THE OWL'S FRIDAY SPECIALS THEY MEAN SAVINGS KS - . : J !)A : J i i a- r- i '.Hr .. -v a . rJ w rSbv w ! Aa little towhead number on buret through lb gates of The Oaks at t:10 o'clock yesterday morning, ha Bounced bla determination forcibly. Ha was the advance truant of pre cisely 11.41T children who were enter tained by John F. Cord ray at The Oaks. It was not nntll mid-afternoon that i the full 11.000 trot under way. Bat they made op for lost time. Shrieking, yell Ins;, screaming, laughing, they tore from one and of the trail to the other. In solid phalanxes, hundreds strong, they stormed the mystic river, where It was also part of the day's plan to take the tota on a rlda without charge. Half a down hot. perspiring men loaded children Into the big boats by the bushel and shot them off for the terrors and thrills of tba half-mile water ride. Catldroa'e Mefc Calls Oat Cars. The rush started at First and AMer. where at 11 o'clock the streets were Jammed. I'anlc-atrtckcn. the ticket men In charge sent In a hurry call to the Portland Hallway. Light Power Company dispatcher. The rush waa al most unprecedented and for the hour unexpected. Soon big trailer cars war rushing the kiddlea out to the amuse ment park. A rathetic touch to the day waa furnished by the man In charge of the auto road sale who reported that lit erallr scorea of kiddles had tramped the long way out to the park from the center of the city. An adult waa almost a rarity. There fore, the fact that not a mishap of any kind waa reported spoke wonders for the care with which the youngster were handled. Wasaea Calde Child Play. A group of well-known Portland women. Including Mrs. D. C Burns, Miss Mary Burns. Mrs. E. K. Coovert. Mra Oeorge H. Thomas. Miss Vella Winner. Mri Horace D. Thomas, Mrs. Waller Guild. Mrs. U Therkelsen. Jr. Mrs. B. tl Haney and a number of others aaslsted In helping the children have tha best of a good time. Miss Nan Lyall waa a veritable power of strength, 8he not only conducted a game contest, told stories, but acted as general manager of the fun squad. By the time the performance in tha auditorium began the big building, which seats 40u adults, possibly COuO children, was packed from roof to floor. Cheering, laughing, clapping, tha kiddies were an Ideal audience. George Burton sang a number of spe cial Juvenile songs. Race Coatcata TarlUlaar. Tba conteatanta for tha races stretched la lines right across the park. Mtsa Lyall. Mrs. Horace 1. Thomas. Mrs. Guild. Mra Therkelsen and Mra. Haney hand their hands full policing the course and picking; out tba winners. Imagine selecting a winner when 200 contestants are dashing: to a mark at one timet The winners: Gwyn Weber, boys under 10: Dalebert Hayes, boys under 10; Ruth Relther. girls over 10; Frieda Gleaek, girls under 10. Nat Oae Child Cries. Tba first child to cry hsa yet to be recorded. Tbe agea ranged from 1 years to well, tha limit waa supposed to be 15 years. Klddom had a frolic for a day. The nest children's day was an nounced for next Wednesday by Mr. Cordray. when another amusement will bo operated free, in addition to there being no charge at the gates. Mrs. Burns Is anxious to arrange a special day at The Oaks for the chil dren of the various institutions, and Mr. Cordray promised his co-operation aa she congratulated him on the suc cess of yesterday'a undertaking. . s--v : y l i-wv- -'.VtWe.-i,. ayI.i i j iVaaWi'V. 7 jmmsi Vaper Ift Oi tbe -lilae- Btreakk. Isrer Hlght ( Let t io HlahtlMlao Mary Uorna, Mra. O. C. Bursa, Mra. E. E. Coovert aad George H. Thoaaaa. Proaalaeat W.an Uk. Cared for the Children. Center (HlBt) "Joe." the Moakey. aad a New-Keued Frlead. Below Oae Groo Seelag the Sights W 1th Harry Riley. Chief of Police, of Tha Oaka. DEMOCRATS SPLIT AGAIN PATRONAGE FIGHT RENEWED IX STATE OF WASHIXGTON. E LA GRA.NOE P1A.XO STCDEXT SATS AMERICANS ARE DISLIKED, Jaly Rala DUaellcd Geraaaa Harvest CIoobb, Resorts Oreaoa Jaat Retaraed. Waa LA GRANDE. Or, Aug. 4. (Special.) Except that women run streetcars, work In factories and In every con ceivable way have stepped Into men's shoes. Berlin Is no different today than a year ago. explains Miss Harriet Young, of this city, who haa returned from a three years' course In piano under Egon Petri. Ehe left Berlin July 1. juat when a prolonged rain waa saving the cropa for the women to harvest after a long drouth that bad tha Germane gloomy. She says that at Llpslc and Dresden tha feeling ag&lns'. Americans and KniclUh la more bitter than In Berlin. It la the English tongue and people, more than American Individuals, tba Germans despise, and It would be dis astrous to apeak an English word on a streetcar or In a public place, aha say a. German resources as to men seem to bo hardly called upon yet. Tba peace faction of the socialists are in the great minority, she says. "Peace with out victory can never be." aha affirma to be the keynote of German feeling. Tha Kaiaer la revered and worshiped, and General von lllndenburg la the national hero. Aa to the Lusltanla ainklng. MUa Toung says that the rank and file In Germany deem It a part of war. Ger man papers gave few details of tha incident, and of American papers she nothing. MINING CLAIM IS SAVED Contest in Baker Ends in Favor of Original Holder of Trust. BAKER. Or.. Aog. 4. (Special.) Efforts of William Penhall. George Ep pmger. J. C Wilson, Andrew Hickey, J. A. Still. Peter Derla and C E. Price to gain possession of rich mining claims in this vicinity, conservatively valued at Ili.OOO. were put at naught here today when Circuit Judge Ander son handed down a decision in favor of the plaintiff. John W. Flick, who is leasing tbe mines for the Huntington Mining Company. The defendants filed on the claims In January and testified that tha prop erty baa been abandoned. Tha conten tion of - the plaintiff, however, that tlO0 worth of work haa been done an nually on tha property, was given cre dence by tbe court, and a permanent Injunction given in bis favor. Coilectorahla of Custom of Paget ' Soaad Caoaea Rnptare af Dill Wallace Relations. cmv ist Wash. Aur. 4. (Special.) A re-openlng of the Democratic pat ronage tights, or wun a r-ns"- . . b. i- nn nor of Husrh Wallace, of Tacoraa. against Represen tative C. C. Dill, la conceded now by Washington politicians and admitted In a atatement today from Mr. DilL The collectorshlp of customs at Puget Sound, a $0t)0 place for which Mr. Dill . i - v umnA tt RnnkanB. la )Bl U " - " the point which led to open rupture. Judge w. w. xiiacK. oi r-Toreii. dem ocratic senatorial candidate and also w . .nii.tArhln arrived In Spokane today, and the assumption is that he wouio line to go mm i.w II- l-wil in . strsio-ht-out flirht. Mr. Wallace succeeded In controlling the Democratic patronage of the state after the election of President Wilson and practically displaced me party or ganisations. Democratic belief has been that the election of a Congressional representa tive would settle the dispute, but Mr. W'ailace. aaslsted by Dr. Mark A. Mat thews, of Seattle, has transferred his opposition to the organisation to Dr. Dill and the eomng test of strength Is being awaited with the greatest In terest. . Ultimatums have thus been served by both sides, and while Secretary of tha Treasury McAdoo Is the man who would normally decide tha appoint ment. It la probable that the fight will go to President Wilson. Judge Blark's candidacy Is more or warn tiijoMrii"". v --- lace haa refused to indorse him. There Is a chance. In the case ot a aeauioca, that he might be na.med. TRESPASS CASE IS TRANSFERRED TO GOLD BEACH. Of Mae Mem Cited la Connection With Dea tract inn of Property Five Appear at Marahflcld. MARSH flELD, Or, Aug. 4. (Spe cial.) Tha order of Judge John a Coke, citing nine Kogue River fisher men to appear at Coqullle today and give cause why they should not be fined for contempt of court for tres passing on the Macleay estate in con nection with destruction of property, was vacated today. The action fol lowed a motion made by the defense which was argued for an hour. Judge Coke postponed and transferred the casa to Gold Beach for August 23 be fore Judge F. 8. Benson holding tbe Curry County annual term of court. Of the nine men cited. William Hun ter, Charles Wilson, Alexander McLeod. W. P. Spencer and Frank Hoge were present. The defense had witnesses on hand to prove the tidelands on Rogue River had become common property through user rights for- the past 60 years. A lengthy petition was presented to Judge John 8. Coke signed by the Curry .County Court, Sheriff. Treasurer. Superintendent of Schools and resi dents, protesting against the action being brought in Coos County, to the expense and Inconvenience of the fish ermen. Tha order against Charles Wilson, one of the men accused, was modified, as he Is a fire warden and It was shown that he had not trespassed other than to extinguish a fire on the Macleay estate. Tired Worker Entertained on Farm. GASTON, Or, Aug-. 4. (Special.) Through an arrangement with the Portland Associated Charities, Mra. Keith Abraham, of Fair Meadows farm. Is giving an outing In the coun try to two of the beneficiaries of that organisation. - a tired working mother, convalescing from a recent illness, and her little 3-year-old girl. They are to be Mrs. Abraham's guests for two weeks. . Keith Abraham is a son of V. 8. Abraham, who recently -purchased the B. F. Purdy farm on the Patton Valley road, and is associated with his father In the operation of Fair Mead ows farm. SNAKES IMPERIL CATTLE Pomeroy ' Harvesters Find Rattlers in. Hay Shocks " POMBROT, Wash., Aug". . 4 (Spe cial.) Numerous reports have come into Pomeroy from the ranchers thai cattle on the range have been bitten by rattlesnakes, which are numerous this year. Two ranchers, Jeff Bently and L. A. McXaught. while looking after cattle recently on a fork of Curamings Creek, killed a rattler about three feet long. Mr. McNaught is authority for the statement that there is a den of rep tiles in Miebel Gulch, on the Tucannon. Many of the farmers report that rattlers have been found coiled in shocks of bay and are causing the har vesters considerable trouble. SPAN WORK PROGRESSES INTERSTATE BRIDGE STEEL TO BE ASSEMBLED ON DOCKS. Application - Made to Have Steamers Slow Ip ao Waves Will Not In terfere With Construction. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 4. (Spe cial.) Twenty-one-million pounds of steel will be used on the Columbia River Interstate Bridge. Already enough has been turned out by the factory at Gary, Ind., to complete five truss spans. Twenty-eight cars have arrived. The steel will be assembled on docks of piling built for the purpose, and when completed the spans will be towed into place. Then the scows will be sunk gradually and the huge spans, some 275 feet In length, will slip Into place. ' The adoption of a lower rate last Spring by the railroad companies will effect a saving of approximately 40, 000 on tbe freight bill. The method of construction will eliminate all false work. In the bridge proper will be 14 truss spans. Ten of these, on the Oregon side, will bo 265 feet in length, and three on the Wash in gonsldewnibe2J5feetlojigw2th STATIONERY Cascade Linen A box of stationery containing 48 sheets of paper and 48 envelopes. This Is the best value In corre spondence paper ever offered to the public, per box 254 Correspondence Cards An attractive box containing two sizes of corre spondence cards, with envelopes to match. Twelve of each size. Box ,. S5c Scenic Postcards lc Each ' -7 Silk Elastic Goods for men, women and children for the relief of varicose veins, lame Joints, weak or sprained ankles, leg swelling and weak .knees. Anklets. 2.25Knee cap 82.23 Garter I.eKKlttK.2.25 Wristlet 7C Garter Stocklng.$3.00 1 Knee stocklnga to order Abdominal Supporters Silk elastic 2.50 Linen elastic... . SZ.OO This Strop Only 98 S Shaving Supplies Berset Shaving- Cream, price, tube 20? Colgate's Shavine; Stick, price 20e Colgate's Shaving Soap, price, cake... 5e Colgate's Shaving Powder, price 20c Colgate's Shaving Cream, price, tube..20S Johnson & Johnson Shaving Cream. price, per tube. 20 Lloyd Euxesis, price, per tube 45 Mermen's Shaving Cream 20C Pear's Shaving Soap, price, per stick.. 20c Rexall Shaving Cream 20d Williams' Barber Bar Shaving Soap.. 54 Williams' Luxury Shaving Soap, cake..20c Williams' Shaving Soap (holder topl.S Williams' Shaving Soap (sticks) 20c I l'-;-I-.-.':7.- aar Cases for picnics; shopping; in fact, for most any purpose. Made .i& of Pegmon fiber 9x13 inches, metal fastenings, reinforced cor ners 57. Write for the "Owl's" new illustrated mall order catalogue. It's free. Mall orders filled the same day as received at our regular cut prices, Just as though you were at the store. Gloves cleaned in one day. Leave your gloves to be cleaned at 6:30 one day; they will be ready at 5:30 the next day. Charges 10c for short white gloves, 15c for long white gloves. Satisfaction guaranteed. 25c Tooth Brushes 25c We import all our tooth brushes and are one of the heaviest buyers In the United States. We carry every conceivable style in all textures and variety of handles. We have tooth brushes for old people, for young people and for people with false teeth. Your Feet Hurt You? Are you troubled with a corn? Or bunion? Then try "Owl" corn paint, I5c bottle. HERB ARB OTHER GOOD OXKSl nA REXAI.l. FOOT TIZ for sore feet GETS IT for REXALL FOOT POWDER 20c 25c TABLETS ..... JOHNSON'S FOOT SOAP... OWL FOOT COMFORT .... 20c 20c 25c KODAKS All outdoors invites your Kodak. While on your va cation keep a record of every incident with an Au tographic Kodak. $6.00 to $03.00. one much shorter. There will be 11 spans, without trusses, over the Ore gon Slough, and lour or uio same iyuc over the Columbia Slough. The lift span will permit a ship to pass under, at extreme high water, having a mast 1SS feet high. It Is settled that the fare will be 10 hAt-nraAn v.tirniiTr and Portland. which Is 5 cents cheaper than the pres ent rate. The tracas win ue uum both wide and narrow gauge. Several piers have already been com pleted The contractors are having a little trouble with the wash of the ...... rr.m rtsRsinor steamers. The waves rock the caissons which are be ing filled with concrete ana nave a tendency to- break it up as it is setting. ii.iinn haa hcAn made to the Fed- eral authorities to have the steamers. when passing througn Vancouver nur bor, reduce their speed to six miles an hour. Walla Walla Beds May Go Abroad. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.) Dr. J. W. Summers, of this city, who Invented a hospital bed in use here and at otner nospiiais, re ceived a telegraph inquiry yesterday . t r i .... .-,1 2. ri nf Kw York. irom xi. .i imiui w ww., - asking for quotations on large quanti ties of the beds and the date when they could be deuverea ior use oy me belligerent nations. $4000 PRIZES OFFERED PREMIUM AWARDS BY COUNTY AN NOUNCED BY FAIR BOARD, 'Industrial and Stock Exhibits to Be Made at Gresham and Racing Contract Taken. GRESHAM. Or., Aug. 4. (Special.) At the meeting of the Multnomah County Fair Board Monday President H. A. Lewis announced that $4000 had been obtained from the county to be used for premium awards at the com ing fair. One thousand dollars comes from the state fund and the rest was appropriated by the county budget committee in December. An industrial and stock exhibit will be made. It is planned to use all the stock barns for cattle and cows and provide a huge tent for the poultry exhibit. A contract has been signed with the racing association for races on the last three days of the fair. The con tract provides that the racing associa tion put up all the money for prizes and collect all entrance and entry fees. Admission to the fairgrounds will no( Include the races. Two evening attractions Intended es pecially for the benefit of the people in the country have been obtained. The -contract was given for an elaborate display of fireworks. Space was granted to Postmistress McColl for a parcel post demonstration to educate the public. Authority to take a display to the State Fair, at his own expense, was granted to President Lewis. It is likely that seven granges will have exhibits this year. The Port land school display, which did not come iast year, will be there. Canal Earnings Still Growing. PANAMA, Aug. 4. The tolls col lected for use ot the Panama Canal during July were the largest since the waterway has been In operation. Tho total was $57S,3C5, as compared with the March tolls of 560,7S4, the pre vious record. Goiters, Tumors and Rheumatism. Latest and best methods. No Operations, no Medicine. Consultation and Examination Free. 312 Swetland Bldg. Phone Main 5574. INFORMATION FO R TOURISTS Mountain, River and Beach Resorts , Where to Take a Short Trip Out of Portland Herewith is a list of short trips in and about Portland. If you are m doubt about P you have heard about is not mentioned here, call at the Information Bureau of the haniber of Commerce or phone them-Bell Phone, Broadway 440 or Automatic A 6091. . Information wJl g adly be given Literature of interesting points furnished -Time Cards Beach and Mountain Resort ; 1 erature The Oregonian asks the names and addresses of tourists for publication. Enclose your business card with name of your party to Summer Resort Dept., The Oregonian, Portland. - Pealafeala Park Snakes Gardeae A city park and well worth a trip. Take St- Johns or Kenton car. The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant Washlasloa at. a Tcatk. Best Food Served at Lowest Possible Cost Amid Homelike Surroundings - BEATING CAPACITT 430. MOUNT HOOD RESORTS. Claud Cap Iaa Is a delightful re treat. 000 feet above sea level, on a sheltered spur of the very mountain Itself, and Is located Just at the upper edge of the timber line. The trip to the Inn usually Is mad by ra:i to Hood River and thenco by stage. Tho round-trip rate, includ ing all traveling expenses. Is $12.50. Service begins July 1 and continues to September- IS. Electric carlloo to Boring. 14 miles; automobile to Welch's, Rho dodendron and Tawney, round trip from Portland. I7.7S. Same aa above with horse stage all the way. I5.7S. Welch's, Rhododeadroa aad Taw . aer's are located on the south side of the mountain. Automobile from Portland to either resort, round trip, each $6. Oregonian on sale at these resorts. t MT. HOOD AUTO STAGES Dallr to Mount Hood reaorts 8 A M. Round trip $5; Gov. Camp S7.50. Speciul rates for week-end and climb ing pirtlea Information, reservation and ticket at KOrTI-KDOE SEED FLORA!. Cu IS d St. Mala 6966, A SSIU Or Irvlngton Uarace, Sast 136. Stockyarda aad Pacltlaa Plaat . Largest plant west of the Missis sippi River. Located on Columbia Slough within 40 minutes' ride of Broadway and Washington streets. Take Kenton cara on Washington street at Fifth. Sixth, and Broadway streets to Kenton. Fare cents. Take Kenton Traction Company cars at Kenton to Packing Plant and Stockyards. Faro 6 cents. Visitors admitted dally except Sundays. SWASTIKA AVTO SERVICE Stage to Mt. Hood Resorts Jas. 11. M. Kibben. Prop. Leaves Travel Bureau. 8d and Waeh inxton Bto.. at S A. M. Passengers called for and delivered at their homes. Rapid, safe and courteous service. Phone reservations in advance. Tabor 3794. StTXDAY SPECIAL leaves Journal bids, at 4 A. M. Returning leaves at 8 P. M. The Oaka (the Coney Island of the West) Every form of entertain ment and accommodation for tour ists. Orchestral and band concerta, prima donna and musical comedy company every afternoon and night in tho open-air theater. Perform ances free. Admission to park 10 cents. Reached by express special Oaks train (fare 6 cents), from First and Alder; or by launch (10 cents), from Morrison-street Bridge. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAT A scenic drive of rare beauty, built along the south shore of the Columbia River, a distance of more than 40 miles from Portland. A series of remarkable waterfalls, rugged peaka and deep canyona are among the attractions. ii ytoi""' t t-f s , Windemuth ON THE WILLAMETTE. Open River and Tank Bathing. Take fast launch foot of Salmon street every half-hour, commencing- 1:30 P. M . fare 5 cents, or Brooklyn car to Woodward ave.; free launches connecting. SAFETY FIRST. Yellowstone Park Tear S36.30 Complete satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. You can pay more but cannot get better serv ice Buy tickets at Salt Lake, Ogden, Pocatello or Yellowstone OLD FAITHFUL PERMANENT CAMPS. SOL DUC HOT SPRINGS AND SANATORIUM the greatest health and pleasure resort on the Paclflo Coast, in the heart of the Olymplo Mountains, open for the season. For full information address Tho Maaaa-er. Sol Dae. Wash. The Shelburjie ff?i ,wwan tjuw na.nu bHELBUKXB STATION. North All modern Improvements. One ot the largest hotels on North Beach. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable ratea Spe cial rates by tha week for families Phone In hotel Buy tickets to Shelbume Statloa. Trains atop right at door. Address Baa view. Wash. T. i. HOAKC Pcea. ?,i.Tn.TJiat.iiii..i.ir.n An Ideal Place for Your Knmmri HMt ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET PRES. C W. J. Beckers. White Salmoa. Safety at All Times Mt. Hood Auto Line calls and delivers to any part of city, day or night, to Mount Hood resorts. Round trip, fa; Govern ment Camp, $7.60. Pboaea, Main 381, or A 3331. ANDERSON BROS. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ING TENTS ONLY $1 PER DAY Electrlo lights and -water In nearly every tent; go surf bathing or hunt for crabs and clama; tent city la under direction of Bar View Hotel; many entertaining features; no liquors allowed sold; rates by week $5 and up; sleeping tents ana board at hotel 2 per day up. Write W. A. Wise, Bar View, Tillamook Co., Or., or 210 Falling bldg, Portland. Or. SPLENDID RIVER TRIP O.-W. R. & N. Steamer HasIoM To Metier and return In on jJ. 200-MILE RIDE $2.00 Leave Ash-street Dock 8:30 A. M. Mondays to Fridays. Inclusive. Tickets at the Dock or City Ticket Office, Washington at Third. A 12L Broadway 4500.